

Comune di Genazzano

Giuliano Balestra

Compositore e Interprete Chitarra del M° Liutaio Agostino Quaresima

Genazzano - Castello Colonna - 21 Agosto 2014 ore 18.30

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Ingresso Libero (Fino esaurimento posti)

Per informazioni : Tel. 06/ 9807520 E - mail [email protected]


Giuliano Balestra played Anonymous dances gently, and joined his companions in a Concerte by Vivaldi from Which the slow movement for lute and harpsichord alone was a charmer.

The Times ( J.O.C.)

Los Angeles

Balestra played with impressive strength

and refinement subtly scaling his dynamics to the fluctuation emotional temperatures. Los Angeles Times ( Lewis Segal)


Il suono di Giuliano Balestra è come una

carezza del vento di primavera. Jie Fang ( J.A.) (Traduzione dal cinese )

Siviglia “ Magnifica” la composición del guitarrista Giuliano Balestra sobre un poema de G. Lorca. El Correo de Andalucia (F. M.)

New Delhi

Giuliano Balestra artiste With excellent technical skill a reflective approach and a capacity for projecting the sound so that every work becomes a miracle of exquisite understatement. The Statesman ( B. O.)

Hamburgo Wie Giuliano Balestra das Linienspiel eines Bachschen Präludiums nachzeichnete, das wies ihn als gitarristen von hohen Rang aus. Der Höhepunkt des stilistisch buntscheckigen Programms in der Musikhalle lag jedoch fraglos bei einer Komposition des Spaniers Isaac Albeniz, bei der Balestra mit bestechendem Raffinement geradezu betörende Klànge aus seinem Instrument zauberte. Hamburger Abendbatt ( C.W.)

Accademia Musicale

“Castello Colonna”

Centro Culturale

“Fernando Sor”

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