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Vll Narración Corta modalidad "Miedo y Terror"Vll de Poesía

Vlll de Narración Corta en Inglés modalidad "Miedo y Terro/'I de Dibujo modalidad "Miedo y Terro/'


l.E.S. "Santiago Apóstol"


BibliotecaDepartamento de Lengua Castellana y literaturaDepartamento de Educación Plástica y Msual

Departamento de InglésDepartamento de Orientación

Departamento de Actividades Extraescolares

APti$I0' "

Page 3: Concurso literario



Et misterio de las grutas sagradas, de YoLANDA RODRíCUrZ DIESTRO (3o ESO-D.)

VII DE POESíAPrimer Premio

La panadería, de SHEILA Díp¿ MUÑOZ (3o ESO-D)


The punishment, de JAIME SALGADO CHACÓN (2o E)A monster from the forest, de ISABEL CORRALIZA GORJÓN (2oE)

Primer Premio 20 Ciclo de ESOThe metallic voice, de AMANDA GARCíA PÉREZ (3o D)A fear story, de ANTONIO. MARTíN n¡nnríNEz (3o D)

Primer Premio Bachillerato / Ciclos FormativosBenhid, de EVA HERNÁNDEZ DONOSO (1o BT)


DANIEL GIL FRíAS (4o ESO-C), Técnica'. tápiz de grafito

Mención 10 de ESOLARA ESCOBAR GALLARDO, Técnica: Témpera y rotulador

Menciones 2o de ESOISABEL CORRALIZA GORJÓN, Técnica: Lápiz de color, rotuladores y ceras

ROSA MARíA GUILLÉN PACHÓN, Técnica: Lápiz de colo¡ rotuladores y ceras

Mención 30 de ESO:ANTO N I O J OS É MARTíN MARTíN E Z, T écnica: col |age

Menciones 40 de ESOSOL JAIME CABEZA DE VACA, Técnica: Acuarela

LUCíA MERCHÁN. Técnica: Acrílico

Mención 1o de BachilleratoJAVIER CÓnneZ PÉREZ, Técnica: Lápiz de Grafito


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Yolanda Rodríguez Diestro


Natalia era veterinaria, especializada enmamíferos voladores, es decir, murciélagos. Habíasido encomendada a una misión en las llamadas"Grutas Sagradas" en Transílvania. Se llamaban asíporque se decía que había una iglesia dentro, con unagran campana, la cualsonaba a medianoche acompa-ñada de la salida de los murciélagos en busca de san-gre.

La mísión de Natalia consistía en hacerle unarevisión completa a unos de los murciélagos de "LasGrutas Sagradas", para averiguar si se alimentabande sangre como la gente decía o, sieran, como era lonormal, insectívoros. Después debía llevar los resulta-dos al Laboratorio Científico de Medicina Animal deMadrid, en España, su país.

Pero Natalia no iba sola, ella iba acompañadade un cazatesoros estadounidense llamado Jack, yque dominaba el español como su lengua natal. Lamisión de Jack consistía en encontrar la iglesia ocultay averiguar el misterio de "Las Grutas Sagradas".

Llegaron a Transilvania un caluroso día deMayo, y no tardaron en instalarse en un pequeñohotel. Tenían reservadas dos habitaciones seguidaspara cualquier urgencia. Por la tarde, descansaronpara estar en forma al día siguiente pero a mediano-che escucharon sonar la campana y sintieron queestaban muy cerca de su objetivo.

A la mañana siguiente, se levantaron tempra-no y prepararon todas sus cosas: Natalia cogió unapequeña jaula y un cazamariposas, mientras que Jackcogió una cámara de fotos y una mochila con provisio-nes para los dos, aparte de algunos utensilios.

El misteriode

"Las Grutas Sagra das"Bob, un anciano que vivía allí, les guió hasta las pro-fundas "Grutas Sagradas" y les dijo que nadie habíaconseguido salir vivo de allí, pero ninguno de los dosle hizo caso, pues el hombre ya eft mayor.

Entraron en la cueva, y nada más entrar, a laderecha, Natalia iluminó con su linterna unos símbolosmuy raros que traducidos decían:

Todos los murciélagos de esta cueva adoranla gran campana, ya que ésta desaparecerá con elnacimiento del rey vampiro llamado TEVA, en la nocheen que elsol y la luna se hagan uno solo. Será el reyde todos los murciélagos y vampiros de "Las GrutasSagradas ", pues será todopoderoso mordiendo acuatro mujeres, cada una de ellas nacidas en unaestación distinta según el Gírculo del Zodiaco, y elconjunto de las iniciales de sus signos coincidirá conel nombre del rey vampiro.

La chica se asustó un poco, pero Jack yaestaba acostumbrado a estas especies de leyendasque, después, nunca eran ciertas. Se adentraron en lacueva y empezaron a ver un montón de murciélagosdormidos boca abajo. Natalia intentó coger uno con elcazamariposas, pero éste la escuchó y se fue volan-do, avisando a sus hermanos.

De repente, sonó una ffimpana y Jack salió acorrer siguiendo el sonido. Estuvieron corriendodurante unos diez minutos cuando, alfinal, vieron unaiglesia con una gran campana sonando. Jack tomó unpar de fotos, pero, a la tercera, la campana ya no esta-ba. Los dos se quedaron atónítos y miraron alcielo poruna gran grieta que había en el techo ¡había eclipsede sol, de manera que la leyenda era ciertal

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Pero lo peor no había empezado, ya que,cuando la luna y el sol se alinearon, un gran rayo desol iluminó lo que antes era la campana y, de repente,apareció un gran vampiro, con túnica roja y tralenegro, una horripilante cara y ojos rojos, manos pun-tiagudas y unos colmillos gigantes capaces de desga-rrar la came de una ballena. Ese vampiro era TEVA, elvampiro de la leyenda.

Natalia y Jack salieron a coner y, por casuali-dad, un murciélago se quedó atrapado en el cazama-riposas. Ella lo entró en la jaula. Lograron salir de "LasGrutas Sagradas" y llegar al hotel sanos y salvos, peroTEVA les había seguido. La intrépida veterinaria cogiósu equipo de medicina y empezó a hacerle la revisiónal murciélago. Era un ejemplar grande y gris, con unoscolmillos semejantes a los de un vampiro. A la mediahofa, obtuvo los resultados; los murciélagos de "LasGrutas Sagradas" se alimentaban de sangre humana,sin la cual, no podían vivir.

Esto empezaba a ponerse mal. Decidieron ir ala mañana siguiente a investigar a "Las GrutasSagradas", pero debían volver antes de medianoche yel sol ya no estuviera, ya que a los vampiros les hacedaño la luz solar. Cenaron puertas y ventanas, pero,aún así no lograron conciliar el sueño.

A la mañana siguiente, se fueron a hacer unestudio a fondo. No lograban averiguar nada sobreTEVA y tampoco sobre las cuatro mujeres, hasta que,sobre las ocho de la tarde. Natalia dio en el clavo:-Mira, Jack -dijo ella-, si descomponemos el Círculodel Zodiaco en estas estaciones, según dice aquí, yhacemos coincidir las iniciales de los signos con elnombre de TEVA, tal y como dice la leyenda, una delas mujeres debe ser Tauro, otra Escorpión, otra Virgoy la última Acuario, como yo. ¡TEVA me podría mordera mí, ¡Jack! ¿Jack?

Natalia miró a su alrededor y no vio a Jack.Había silencio. Eldedo la invadió y echó a correr, perola cueva estaba cerrada, algo realmente extraño. Miróel reloj, eran las nueve menos cuarto. Natalia se

escondió en un rincón, rezando para que Jack apare-ciera y TEVA no la encontrara. Pero como vio que allíno hacía nada, fue en busca de Jack, más o menos, alas diez menos cuarto.

Estuvo dando muchas vueltas, hasta queencontró la iglesia, algo iluminada por los últimosrayos solares. Natalia se tranquilizó un poco porquetodavía era de día. No había ninguna campana, perosí había un ataúd, y al lado del ataúd estaba Jack,atado. Éste gritó:-Huye Natalia, a TEVA no le afecta la luz del sol y estáescondido, es una trampa, vete.Natalia corrió y conió, TEVA la seguía, diciendo:-Sé donde os refugiáis, sé que naciste bajo el poder deAcuario, y que tu sangre me dará mucho poder. Nopuedes huir.

Estuvieron coniendo largo rato, hasta queNatalia lo despistó o, al menos, eso crefa, porquecuando se giró, TEVA apareció de repente, la cogiópor la cintura y le mordió en el cuello. Natalia murió alinstante. TEVA ya tenía el poder suficiente como paratransformarse en Natalia y, de esa forma, hacer creera Jack que él había muerto, ir a España, donde abun-dan las mujeres jóvenes que le darían mucho poder.

TEVA, transformado, volvió a la iglesia y libe-ró a Jack:

-¿Le has matado?- preguntó Jack, asombra-do.

-Sí -dijo el enmascarado- le he clavado unaestaca en el corazón y ha desaparecido. Deberíamosvolver, con los resultados a España, cuanto antes, yolvidar todo lo sucedido.

-Tienes razón dijo Jack y abrazó a la que élcreía que era Natalia.

Se pusieron en camino y sonó la campanadesaparecida, otra de las cosas extrañas y, en ese ins-tante, un brillo de maldad apareció en los ojos rojos dela falsa Natalia.


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Daniel GiI Frlas


Técnica .Lápiz de grafito

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Daniel GiI FríasTécnica: Lápiz de Grafito

Daniel Gil FríasTécnica Lápiz de grafito

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Sheila Diaz Muñoz

3O ESO. D "La Panaderia"

La señora Marfa,elabora sus pasteles todos los dfas.Yo voy a comprar a su panaderfa:pasteles, roscas, úartas, donetes...¡y todos ellos están de rechupetelTodas las tardes compro donetes

y por un euro ¡me llevo un paquetelMi madre compra allí las tartas

y la señora Marla le enseña la carta:fresa, nata, chocolate, limón...

¡y todas ellas me gustan un montónl

Un dfa yo iba a la panadería,todas las tardes a las seis abría.

Ese dla no abrió,se lo dije a mi madre y a su casa llamó.lsolda, su sirvienta, el teléfono cogió,

y nos dijo que María sin saber por qué murió.Cuando paso por la panadería,

me acuerdo de María,y me echo a llorar,

porque ella nunca volverá.La panaderÍa se subastó,

y como nadie la compraba,la policfa la cerró.

Echo de manos todos sus pasteles,pero todas las semanas le llevo claveles.

9 r


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Rosa María Guillén Pachón


Técnica: Lápiz de color, rotuladores y ceras

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Eva Hernández Donoso

Lo Bachillerato

(Primer Fremio Bachillerato / Gclos Fonnativo)

The bell resounded in the old, big, rambling uselike a strange animal's scream. Armand was wai-ting his aunt to open the door, while he was wat-ching the beautiful and impressive landscapewhich surrounded the house and nearly made itdisappear between trees and plants.

It was a dark and foggy day, and although itwas summer, a cold breeze blew around thatplace lost in the Pyrenees. The branches of thetrees were hitting the big windows, the crickets...all was as usual, as last summers, when the tee-nager had spent his holidays there, with his funnyaunt, who was astronomer.

She was taking a long time.Suddenly he heard the noise of footsteps. He

turned round thinking it was the woman, butnobody was there. There was only the darker anddarker vegetation of the forest and the cold fog.

Armand scanned the shade patiently, with theintelligent sparkle which characterized his eyes. Hisaunt loved joking hiding herself. He took a stepforward, to the suspicious place, but a noisebehind his back made him to startle.

The door was open, The teenager was discon-certed, but he took his suitcase, went into thehouse and closed it.

He didn't notice that, behind him, the fog see-med to be concentrated in a strange figure, andslowly it moved forward, arrived to the door andwent through it.



Firstly he went to his bedroom and left his suit-case. His steps resounded around the conidor oftall ceiling, on the second floor, while he was wal-king to his aunt's study.

But he didn't find her there. However, somethingattracted his attention. All was in a mess, and thiswas really strange, because the woman was incre-dibly tidy. The desk was full of papers, photos,pens and books, and in one of them, opened, hecould read : <<Existence of other ways of life inthis solar system or another one. How can youcontact them? >> This question was underlined.What was his aunt working in?

Suddenly it began to rain heavily. lt was gettingdark. He had always hated that subject, the pos-sibility of existence of something more intelligentthan the human being, out there, lying in wait was terrifying, or even that they could beright there, next to him, watching him, who was-n't aware of it... he preferred to think it wasn't pos-sible.

Then he felt a presence behind him, and witha shiver he turned back, wishing to see his aunt.

There was not anybody. That wretched book hadgot on his nerves.

He took a deep breath, left the study and hea-ded for his aunt's bedroom. Although there wasn'tany open window, a kind of white eddy messedthe contents of the desk up, throwing some thingson the ground.

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He knocked at the door. He only heard thenoise of the exterior storm, and it began to smellof wet soil in there. He knocked again.

Silence.Something strange was happening. His aunt

couldn't be sleeping, she knew he was going toarrive that night. She had to be waiting for him.

He called her, as he had done in the conidorseveral times. He didn't get an answer. A terribleidea crossed his mind. Something drove him torush towards the door. but however much he tur-ned the door-handle, it continued closed.

He stopped dead. He had just rememberedsomething...his aunt didn't have any bolt in herbedroom. What was happening? The silence wasgetting on his nerves.

He regretted having thought that. Suddenlysomething had whispered... in his ears? Behind hisback? Perhaps... from the ceiling?

He looked around, trembling with fear and withhis heart beating faster and faster. He still couldhear it, it seemed to be in all the places at thesame time. he didn't understand what ít wassaying... but was it saying anything? Were thosewords? At least... was that a voice?

A light and cold breeze blew from the ceiling.He looked upwards again, startled.

Nothing,He noticed the corrídor was involved in... fog?

He tried to open the door again, because hecouldn't move the feet. He was paralysed.

Then he heard it. lt was a kind of blood-cur-dling shriek, totally unknown, which came from theend of the corridor. He was gripped by fear.

He still took some seconds to turn his headand look at there. And what he saw, firstly paraly-sed him completely, during a moment, andsecondly, gave him a new and enormous strength,to pounce on the door, with kicks and punches.

That door was the best exit to escape from thatbeing, which was getting closer to him, floating onthe air, involved in the cold fog.

It looked incredibly like himself, it had adoptedhis image, although it had its eyes totally white,it didn't have any hair and in its dry lips he couldsee a tenifying smile.

At last and when he perceived the breath of'that' in his nape, the door opened and crashedinto the wall. Armand tripped while he was goinginside and fell on the ground, in the dark, andachieved to close the door behind him.

There was a strange silence in there, but itsmelt of wet soil too, that made him to have ano-ther shiver. His inability to see anything and hisfear of the unknown clouded his mind too. He feltlike a blind in the broad sense of the term, andextremely vulnerable. He didn't want to think aboutwhat he had seen behind his back. He was sca-red.

Trying not to crash into the bed, he felt aroundfor the window. But in the attempt he ran intosomething, lying on the ground. He didn't want tocrouch down and touch it. but he couldn't resistthe urge to do it.

It was a body.

Horrified, he sprang to his feet and avoided it,feeling drops of a hot liquid falling of his hands.

Breathing falteringly, and with his heart in hismouth, he found the window at last. The moonlightwould be enough to see the interior. He had neverthought that he could be so sorry because hisaunt hadn't wanted to have electric light.

He opened the window, and tumed round.Vvhen he saw his aunt lying on the ground, life-

less and bleeding, and next to her, on her kneesand with her head towards him, a 'woman' iden-tical to her, looking at him with the spakle of thedeath in her tiny black pupils, and shouting in asupernatural way, he knew it was his end.


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|avier Gómez Pérez

1o de Bachillerato

Técnica: Lápiz de Grafito

,7 , ,



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GANADORvrrr pREMro coNcuRsoDE REDAccIóN sN INclÉs


Antonio fosé Martín Martínez


(Primer Premio 2" Ciclo)

It was a dark and storm night, and Joe waslost in the Old North Forest, known like the HorrorForest. Nobody knew how he arrived there, but manypeople thought that he was in a trip with some friends.The Old North Forest was near a little village knownlike Forestown, in North Scotland. People said that inthis forest died many persons in strains circumstancesand they said that here lived many unknowns creatu-res at that moment.

It was raining, and Joe was cold and hungry.He had got nothing for eating and, how he was tired,he decided sleep a little and to try to find his friendsnext day. But two hours later, when Joe was dreaming,something moved in the underbrush. Joe awakensand looked about him and, behind him, there was a bigand very thin wolf-man, with dark hair, red and yelloweyes and with two horns like a bull (because it was aSpanish wollman).Suddenly, the wolf-man toke himand said:- Are you alone in this forest?-his voice wasvery grave, cold and scare. lt gave a lot of fear.- Yes, have you got any problem?-said Joe,serious.- No, I haven't got. I only was asking.- OK. And. . .?- And... GRRRRRRRRRRRRI!!- Growled thewolf-man.- \Mrat are you doing?-asked Joe smiling.- Ahh... I am the Wolf-Man and I have to killpeople like you!ll- \rvhy?-asked Joe, calm.- Eeee....because...because I am badl! And


Spanish! !-said the Wolf-Man, patriot.- This isn't truel-shouted Joe.- | know -said Wolf Man with a sad voice- butDaddy says that I have to kill people to be a good Wolf-Man.- Ohh... I know...-said Joe.- And he said if I don't kill someone this night...he didn't permit me go to see a bullfight with my friendsin Spain- told the Wolf-Man to Joe- because l'mSpanish, do you know? -Wolf-Man started to trembled.He was very sad...- Ohh... don't worry -said the man- my grandmo-ther is Spanish, too.It was twelve o'clock, and Joe was thinking about theWolf-Man problem during a long time whereas theWolf-Man dried his tears with a rose handkerchief thatJoe lends him (because he started to cry). Ten minu-tes later, it was ten past twelve. Soon, Joe said:- | have got an idea!!!- \ /hich one is it? -asked Wolf-Man hopelessly.- You can kill one of my friends and next youcan release me!- lt's a good ideal-said Wolf-Man-And... howcan we find their?-he asked.- I've got my mobile phonel lt's new, do youknow?- But, are you lost, or not?- Yes,- Ahhhh. . . .


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Joe phoned his friend Tom and he said:- Tom, I'm with a \Ablf-Man and you must comehere because he has to killyou, OK?- OK, there I will be- said Tom, happily.One hour late¡ it was ten past one, and Tom camethere:- Hi! l'm Tom.- Hello! I'm the Wolf-Man. I have to kill you, OK?- OK, but is it painful...?Tom couldn't finish his sentence. because \A/olf-Mansnatched away his head with a big nibble. Tom diedimmediately, very happy, it's true. Next, \AÁ¡lf-Manapproached to Joe and said:- Thank you, my friend.

- Oh, don't mention ¡t, He was a badfriend...But, what shallwe do now?-asked Joe.- Are you hungry?- Yes, a lot.

Tom and the Wolf-Man ate Tom's rests with a lot ofappetite. The Wolf-Man said Joe that he had to takeTom's head to his father, like proof of his crime. This hedid. Joe and the Wolf-Man were all night together.Next day, an odd friend's pair occupied his place in "laMonumental de Las Ventas". Jesulín de Ubrique wasone of the bullfighters.

The End


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Antonio José Martín Martínez

Técnica: Collage


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Amanda García Pérez



(Itimer Premio 2" Ciclo)

The telephone sounded. Luis woke up reluc-tantly and he looked at his watch. lt was seven o'clocka.m., the hour of wake up. He didn't get up, becausehis mother always takes the telephone. But he wassurprised because he didn't listen his mother get up,"she's sleeping, l'm sure" he thought, When he went tohis mothe/s bedroom, he was amazed because it wasempty. Vl/hen he was looking for her, the telephonedidn't sound more. "Well, -he said- l'm sure what thereis an emergency. I have to look after me on my own, Iam fifteen years old"

He was cooking his breakfast (some donutsand some coffee) when suddenly the telephone soun-ded again. "mum is phoning me, l'm sure", he said.Vtfrten he took the telephone, he didn't listen anything,but suddenly he listened a voice:

-Good morning, Luis, ¿Have you slept good? | see youseedy, you watch TV very late.It was a metallic, strange and attractive voice. Luisbecame paralysed.-You're surprised what I know that. Táke great care,Luis, l'm watching over you. I know more things whatyou believe.Luis didn't believe this.-Don't keep the guard down, boy -say the voice-,remember, don't underestimate anything what youdon't know, I have got something what you long for it.After that, the voice hung up the telephone. Luis wasscared, this was the sentence what his mother alwayssaid him.

He continued having breakfast and he triedcalm him: lt's a joke, a very bad joke", he said. By amoment, he believed he was calmed, but it wasn't true,because he had a sensation what something verystrange was beginning.

At school, all looked well. But Luis boy wasn'tcapable of concentrate, there was something whatdistracted him, but he didn't know what, so Luis forgotthe voice.

Afier P.E., the second last hour, he was to theWC. to wash him. He was washing his face when hismobile phone sounded. He was scared, becausesomeone phone him whit a very strange number witha lot of numbers. He decided take the mobile phone,he wanted stop the matte¡ it was very strange. \Mrenhe took the mobile phone, the metallic voice spoke:

-Hello again, Luis, still you don't know who am l, true?I follow watching over you and I can control you. I haveyour mothe¡ and she isn't very well... You are going tosuffer and pay all you did me.

Luis hung up the telephone and he ran. Hismobile phone behaved very strange, because it wassounded all the time and there some strange messa-ges. He took away the mobile's bank and his card andhe threw the telephone into the rubbish container. Afte¡that, he went out the school, he had to look for hismother... He went to all the places what his motherscould was in, but she didn't appear.

Very sad, Luis went back home. He was ope-ning the door when he saw her. His mother was on thefloor in the sitting room. She was dead. The boy shou-ted: "NO" and he cried. His head hurt and he listeneda voice: " did me damage and I avenged... youdid me damage and I avenged..."

Luis woke up sweating, I had a horrible night-mare. I was trembling and his heart beat. Suddenly,the telephone sounded.


The End

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Isabel Corraliza Gorión2o de ESO

Técnica: Lápiz de color, rotuladores y ceras


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GANADORAvrrr pREMro coNcuRSoDE REDAccróN BN lNclÉs


Isabel Corraliza Gorjón


(Itimer Premio 1' Ciclo)

It's a dark night, the forest is in silence. No ani-mal is moving. There is fear in the tree shadows.

Suddenly, a strong scream frightens the peo-ple of "Broken Tree", a village near the forest.

They know that it's full moon and they mustn'tleave their houses.

Tom is with his parents, his grandfather andhis sisterAnna in their house. He is the youngest in thefamily. He's seven years old.

He's a happy boy, but little bit fearful. He'sdark and short, he has got black short hair. His eyesare black, too.

He thinks that the monster wants to get in tothe house through the window and he wants to eathim. His sister says that the monster can't enter thehouse because he is very big. Tom doesn't like themonster. Once a month, when there is full moon, themonster is screaming angrily, but he never comes clo-ser to the village. But today he comes quite close.

Tom's grandfather and his parents are going toan important meeting. They want the monster to returnto the forest. Tom and his sister stay at home alone.


- | think the monster comes to the villagebecause he's looking for something - says Anna.

Anna is tall and thin. Her hair is long, straightand light brown. She's got green eyes. She is cleverand nice.

- Last night I met my friends, hear the ceme-tery we saw a light and we ran frightened to our hou-ses - says Tom.

- Follow me! We are going to find out what themonster wants.

-Are you mad? We mustn't leave the house!It's dangerous!

- lf we don't give an to he monster what hewants, he destroys the village - says Anna.

- Ok - says Tom.Tom and Anna leave their house and they go

to the cemetery. A black cat is looking at them.- Are you sure that it's here what we are loo-

king for? - Asks Tom nervously.- Sh! ListenlThe monster is hear, we can hear

his steps. Quick! \r1/e must hide in front of him.Anna and her brother hide themselves behind

the tomb stone, but... they don't see a hole in theground, and...

- Aaaahhhl - They fall into a tunnel.- Are you Ok? - Asks Anna.- Yes. but where are we?- ldon't know


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Suddenly they see two bright yellow lights,and a dark face and after that...

- A monsterl - Scream the children.Tom and Anna go backwards frightened they can'tstop looking at those big yellow eyes.

- That's the light I saw last night - says Tom.The children are looking at the monster's eyes

and...They see pictures there. They see a story it'sthe monstefs story. They see a small monster that iswith his mum in the forest. Later, the baby monsterescapes and he comes to the village. But when hecomes to the cemetery, he falls to the same tunnel likethe children.

The baby monster ask them for help.Anna has got an idea, she says to him to

stand under the hole that is in the ceiling and sheclimbs on the top of him.

At the end Tom climbs over the baby monsterand his sister and reaches the exit of the tunnel. Laterhe helps his sister to go out and they lift the babymonster.

The little monster is very happy and he callshis mum. Anna and Tom are scared when they see hercoming, but she's very thankful and hugs her son.

Tom and Anna ask the big monster to go backto the forest and that he never roars or comes close tothe village again. The mother monster agrees and thetwo monsters go away and they are very happy.

Anna and Tom come back home, their parentsand their grandfather anive later.

- The monster has retumed to the forest andhe doesn't roar more but we don't know why - says thefather.

Anna and Tom look at each other and smile.

The End


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Sol laime Cabeza de Vaca

4o de ESO

Técnica: Acuarela




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]aime Salgado Chacón


(Primer Premio t- Ciclo)

This is a history about one boy, Jimmy, whichliked to hit the animals. He lived in Scotland in a verypretty house with his parents and with one cat, Mickey.Jimmy liked to hit the cat and to make traps for it.Jimmy was very bad with the animals.

One day, Jimmy and his family went to thecountry to have a nice day.- Hey Jimmy! Your father and I are going to the lake,what about you? - said her mother.- No mum, I prefer to stay here - answered Jimmy.\Mren his parents went to the lake, the boy started tothrow stones to the birds and then, he run behind arabbit, until a man who was hidden between two treessaid:

- You mustn't maltreat the animals, this have seriousconsequences - exclaim the man.

Late¡ the man disappeared in a cloud ofsmoke. Jimmy didn't believe that.

\Mren his parents and he went home, the boywas thinking about the strange man.

The next day, Jimmy's parents went to thesupermarket. He wake up and went to have breaKast.He was drinking the milk when suddenly he scared.His hands had a lot of grey hairs. He went running tothe hall to see himself in the mirror.-Aaaaaahhhhl!!l - screamed Jimmy - My ears..., mynose... and I have a tai l l ! I 'm a l i t t le mouse.Noooooo!!l!


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Jimmy was very scared and nervous. He wal-ked thinking an idea, but he didn't find any solution.

And the worse of the situation was that behindJimmy was Mickey, the cat. The cat chased Jimmy byallthe house. Jimmy ran very fast but the cat ran morethan the 'mouse'. The little animal left the house, butthe boys of the street threw stones to the 'rabbit'.

Jimmy returned ínto the house. He wentacross a hollow on the wall and he ended up in thepipes.

- Oh no, this is honible! - said Jimmy.In this moment, a lot of spiders and rats appeared.

- Noooooo!!!! No more, please!! - shoutJimmy.

He ran a lot, until he escaped by an otherhollow He anived at a place really daft. He closed hiseyes and he squatted in the corner, because he wasfrightened.

Suddenly, his parents opened the wardrobe tohang the coats and they found Jimmy.

- What's the matter with you, Jimmy? - said hismother.

- | will be good with the animals, I don't hurtthem never again, I promise, but don't eat me, please- said Jimmy.

Jimmy didn'twas a mouse, hewas Jimmy, thenormalboy.

You know, don't play with the animals!!!!

The End

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Lucía Merchán Ramos

4" de ESO

Técnica: Acrílico


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Mención especial l' de ESOLara Escobar Gallardo

Técnica: Témpera y rotulador

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Arpfas, pueden reproducirse en el cerebro de las mentes supersticiosas... pero ya estabanuUi ¿"rdu mucho Írntes. Son meras transcripciones, tipos; los arquetipos están dentro denosotros y son eternos. De lo conffario, ¿cómo podrla llegar a afectarnos el relato de lo que

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