


Enter the username and password for a

user with administrative

privileges. COOPTRACKER ���

Once you have logged into COOP

TRACKER as an administrative user change the URL to

access ADMIN USER setup functionality.

FROM this:

TO: this:

To create a new Admin user that can setup and manage

multiple campaigns for multiple companies

select “Add”.

TIP: Only “Admin” users can create

new users.

Complete the data entry form and select “Save” to

create a user with administrative


To create an “Owner” of

potentially many different

campaigns, select the Owners tab.

Select “Save” when you are done.

TIP: Owners are typically the

companies that are ultimately

responsible for the campaign.

You can Edit, Delete or make specific owners


After you have created an

“Owner” or company, click on the User tab to setup a person

that can create a campaign.

Select from the list of all the different owners that

have been setup and “save” when you are done



Go to the COOP

TRACKER site and enter your username and

password. COOPTRACKER ���

Enter all data necessary to describe your

campaign. Including an image of the ad

material. Select CREATE when you

are done.

Once a campaign has been set up, you can setup another, view

campaign details or log out of the COOP TRACKER tool.

Selecting the “All Campaigns” button will take you to this screen where you can select the “Search” button to list all the campaigns

that meet your search criteria.

Selecting the “Export” button will export all applicable data for a campaign into Excel.

An email will be sent to you upon successful creation of a campaign. You can then distribute

the signup URL and Campaign code as you

like. If you do not receive your email – make sure it was not considered “spam”.



+ THIS IS WHERE IT STARTS. Go to the URL provided by the person responsible for the campaign and get directly to the AdWest COOP TRACKER.

TIP: copy and paste the

campaign code to make filling in the form easier

This is information from the

person that setup the campaign.

This is information that you need to fill in. Select the NEXT button when you are


TIP: The information contained in the Postal Code field will be used to

determine where you are located.

STEP 1… get some basic info

STEP 2… locate and authorize

Based on the information you entered in the postal code field, this is

where we think you are located. TIP: If the location

is not correct, you can navigate around the map and click

on the right location.

STEP 2… locate and authorize This is where you enter the specific code

that was sent to you by the

person setting up the


Select the NEXT button when you

are done and want to see what the ad looks like.

STEP 3… check out and revise the details

This is what your ad looks like and what size it will


This info was taken from Step

1 – not quite right? Revise it.

Select the NEXT button when you are done and want find

the right newspapers to use.

STEP 4… get costs and select papers


STEP 4… get costs and select papers

In this example, your location does not fall within the circulation area of any newspaper.

Change the way newspapers are

selected and see if there are any

others that may work for you. The

list will automatically be


TIP: Costs are not calculated until you select which week

you would like your ad to appear.

STEP 4… get costs and select papers

STEP 4… get costs and select papers

Select the run weeks you want for each paper.

For papers you do not want leave

them as “Do not run”.

STEP 4… get costs and select papers

Interested in the costs of a colour compared to a black and white ad? Select the “radio

button” here.

STEP 4… get costs and select papers

Costs will be automatically


STEP 4… get costs and select papers

Quickly see the cost impact if you remove a specific


STEP 4… get costs and select papers

Wondering where a newspaper

delivers to? Click the icon associated with the one you are interested in.

STEP 4… get costs and select papers

This is the report that will be

generated when you click the icon for details about a specific newspaper.

STEP 5… review and submit!

That’s it! Review the details and press “SUBMIT” your information for

approval. You will receive an email

providing the campaign details.

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