Page 1: CS3 Japanese Advanced J Final - NGL...CCS3 Japanese Advanced J Final.indd 585S3 Japanese Advanced J Final.indd 585 115/10/07 20:15:445/10/07 20:15:44 job 586 joke A J economy. 国際投資家はその国の経済に対して神経過敏になった.

jet lag jittery585


engines are used for most modern aircraft. ジェットエンジン➞ see flightjet lag n-uncount 不可算名詞 If you are suffering from jet lag, you feel tired and slightly confused after a long trip by airplane, especially after traveling between places that have a time difference of several hours. 時差ぼけ ❑ … the best way to avoid jet lag. 時差ぼけを防ぐ最善法

Jet Ski (Jet Skis) also jet ski or jet-ski n-count 可算名詞 商標 A Jet Ski is a small machine like a motorcycle that is powered by a jet engine and can travel on the surface of water. ジェットスキー [trademark] ❑ I watched as they got on the jet ski. 私は,彼らがジェットスキーに乗るのを見ていた. ● jet ski|ing n-uncount 不可算名詞 ジェットスキーをすること ❑ I like jet skiing, being out on boats, doing stuff like that. 私はジェットスキーをしたり,ボートで出かけたりというようなことが好きだ.

jet|ti|son /d�εtisən, -zən/ (jettisons, jettisoning, jettisoned) � v-t 他動詞 If you jettison something, such as an idea or a plan, you deliberately reject it or decide not to use it. 放棄する ❑ The governor seems to have jettisoned the plan. 知事はその計画を放棄したようだ.� v-t 他動詞 To jettison something that is not needed or wanted means to throw it away or get rid of it. 投げ捨てる ❑ The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made an emergency landing. 乗務員は余分な燃料を投下し,緊急着陸をしました.

jet|ty /d�εti/ (jetties) � n-count 可算名詞 A jetty is a wide stone wall or wooden platform where boats stop to let people get on or off, or to load or unload goods. 桟橋, 波止場 � n-count 可算名詞 A jetty is a structure that is built at the edge of a shore in order to protect a harbor or to reduce the force of currents and waves. 防波堤

Jew /d�u/ (Jews) n-count 可算名詞 A Jew is a person who believes in and practices the religion of Judaism. ユダヤ教徒, ユダヤ人

jew|el /d�uəl/ (jewels) � n-count 可算名詞 A jewel is a precious stone used to decorate valuable things that you wear, such as rings or necklaces. 宝石 ❑ … a golden box containing precious jewels. 貴重な宝石が入った金の箱 � n-count 可算名詞 If you describe something or someone as a jewel, you mean that they are better, more beautiful, or more special than other similar things or than other people. 大切な人, 大切なもの ❑ … a small jewel of a theater. 大切な劇場 � phrase 句 If you refer to an achievement or thing as the jewel in someone’s crown, you mean that it is considered to be their greatest achievement or the thing they can be most proud of. 輝かしいもの ❑ His achievement is astonishing and this book is the jewel in his crown. 彼の功績は素晴らしく,この本は彼の最高傑作だ.

jew|el|er /d�uələr/ (jewelers) � n-count 可算名詞 A jeweler is a person who makes, sells, and repairs jewelry and watches. 宝石商, 宝石職人 � n-count 可算名詞 A jeweler is a store where jewelry and watches are made, sold, and repaired. 宝石店 ❑ … a jeweler on Fifth Avenue that sells Rolex. ロレックスを販売している五番街の宝石店➞ see diamondjew|el|ry /d�uəlri/ n-uncount 不可算名詞 Jewelry is ornaments that people wear, such as rings, bracelets, and necklaces. It is often made of a valuable metal such as gold, and sometimes decorated with precious stones. 宝石類, アクセサリー ❑ Discover a full selection of fine watches and jewelry at these two Upper

Manhattan stores. アッパーマンハッタンにあるこの2軒の宝石店で素敵な時計や宝石類のセレクションを見つけよう.➞ see Picture Dictionary: jewelryJew|ish /d�uiʃ/ adj 形容詞 Jewish means belonging or relating to the religion of Judaism, or to Jews as an ethnic group. ユダヤ教徒の, ユダヤ人の ❑ … the Jewish festival of Passover. ユダヤ教の過ぎ越しの祭り➞ see religionjibe /d�aib/ (jibes, jibing, jibed)

The spelling gibe is also used for meanings � and �.


� n-count 可算名詞 A jibe is a rude or insulting remark about someone that is intended to make them look foolish. あざけり ❑ … a cheap jibe about his loss of hair. 彼の髪が薄くなったことについての意地悪なあざけり � v-t 他動詞 To jibe means to say something rude or insulting that is intended to make another person look foolish. あざける, からかう [written 書き言葉] ❑ “No doubt he’ll give me the chance to fight him again,” he jibed. 「間違いなく彼はまた闘うチャンスをくれるだろうよ.」と彼は愚ろうした.� v-recip 相互動詞 If numbers, statements, or events jibe, they are exactly the same as each other or they are consistent with each other. 一致する [mainly am 主に米国英語] ❑ The numbers don’t jibe. 数字が一致しない.

jig /d�i�/ (jigs, jigging, jigged) � n-count 可算名詞 A jig is a lively dance. ジグ ❑ She danced an Irish jig. 彼女はアイリッシュ・ジグを踊った.� v-i 自動詞 To jig means to dance or move energetically, especially bouncing up and down. 激しく踊る ❑ His son, Louis, laughed and jigged around to the music. 彼の息子のルイは笑い,音楽に合わせて激しくダンスした.

jig|saw /d�i�sɔ/ (jigsaws) � n-count 可算名詞 A jigsaw or jigsaw puzzle is a picture on cardboard or wood that has been cut up into odd shapes. You have to make the picture again by putting the pieces together correctly. ジグゾーパズル ❑ Both her children did jigsaw puzzles easily. 彼女の子供は2人ともジクソーパズルをたやすく終えた.� n-count 可算名詞 You can describe a complicated situation as a jigsaw. 複雑な状況 ❑ … the jigsaw of high-level diplomacy. 高レベルな外交の複雑な状況

jin|gle /d�iŋ�əl/ (jingles, jingling, jingled) � v-t/v-i 詞/自動詞 When something jingles or when you jingle it, it makes a gentle ringing noise, like small bells. チリンチリンと鳴る [自動詞], チリンチリンと鳴らす [他動詞] ❑ Brian put his hands in his pockets and jingled some change. ブライアンはポケットに手を入れて小銭をチャラチャラと鳴らした. ● n-sing 単数名詞 Jingle is also a noun. チャラチャラという音 ❑ … the jingle of money in a man’s pocket. 男のポケットのチャラチャラという小銭の音 � n-count 可算名詞 A jingle is a short, simple tune, often with words, that is used to advertise a product or program on radio or television. 短いコマーシャルソング ❑ … advertising jingles. 広告用のCMソング

jit|ters /d�itərz/ n-plural 複数名詞 If you have the jitters, you feel extremely nervous, for example because you have to do something important or because you are expecting important news. 緊張感 [informal くだけた] ❑ This only increased market jitters. これによって市場が不安定化した.

jit|tery /d�itəri/ adj 形容詞 If someone is jittery, they feel nervous or are behaving nervously. 緊張した [informal くだけた] ❑ International investors have become jittery about the country’s

Picture Dictionary jewelryengagement



class ring

identification bracelet charm bracelet


tie pin

broochtie bar




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jokejob 586



economy. 国際投資家はその国の経済に対して神経過敏になった.

job /d�ɒb/ (jobs) � n-count 可算名詞 A job is the work that someone does to earn money. 仕事, 職 ❑ Once I’m in Miami I can get a job. マイアミに行けば仕事のあてはあるんだ. ❑ Thousands have lost their jobs. 数千人が失業した.� n-count 可算名詞 A job is a particular task. 仕事, 作業 ❑ He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn’t take too much time. 速やかな連立政権の樹立を期待すると彼は述べた.� n-count 可算名詞 The job of a particular person or thing is their duty or function. 任務 ❑ Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness. 主な任務は,病気の治療というより健康の維持だ. ❑ His first job will be to try and get talks going between the two sides. 彼の最初の任務は,双方間の話し合いを進めるよう努めることだ.� n-sing 単数名詞 If you say that someone is doing a good job, you mean that they are doing something well. do a good jobで「うまくやる」 ❑ We could do a far better job of managing it than they have. それの管理においては,私共が担当したほうがよほどうまくいく.� n-sing 単数名詞 If you say that you have a job doing something, you are emphasizing how difficult it is. 大変なこと [emphasis 強調] ❑ He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors. 彼はたやすくはその根拠を投資家に納得させられないであろう.� phrase 句 If someone is on the job, they are actually doing a particular job or task. 仕事中で, 作業中で ❑ The top pay scale after five years on the job would reach $5.00 an hour. その仕事を5年勤続すると,最高賃金が時給5ドルまで上がります.� the job in hand ➞ see hand

Thesaurus job また次を参照 :

n. employment, occupation, profession, vocation; (ant.) work �

assignment, duty, obligation, task � �

job de|scrip|tion (job descriptions) n-count 可算名詞 A job description is a written account of all the duties and responsibilities involved in a particular job or position. 職務内容説明書 ❑ … the job description for the position of division general manager. 本部長職の職務内容説明書

job|less /d�ɒblis/ adj 形容詞 Someone who is jobless does not have a job, although they would like one. 失業中の ❑ He has turned his back on millions of jobless Americans. 彼は何百万人もの失業中のアメリカ人を見放した. ● n-plural 複数名詞 The jobless are people who are jobless. 失業者 ❑ They joined the ranks of the jobless. 彼らは失業者の仲間入りをした.

job share (job shares, job sharing, job shared) v-i 自動詞 If two people job share, they share the same job by working part-time, for example, one person working in the mornings and the other in the afternoons. ジョブシェアリングをする ❑ They both want to job share. 二人ともジョブシェアリングを希望しています.

jock|ey /d�ɒki/ (jockeys, jockeying, jockeyed) � n-count 可算名詞 A jockey is someone who rides a horse in a race. 騎手 � phrase 句 If you say that someone is jockeying for something, you mean that they are using whatever methods they can in order to get it or do it before their competitors can get it or do it. 〜のために画策する ❑ The rival political parties are already jockeying for power. 対抗する政治家どうしがすでに権力闘争をしている. ● phrase 句 If someone is jockeying for position, they are using whatever methods they can in order to get into a better position than their rivals. 有利な位置をとろうと画策する

jog /d�ɒ�/ (jogs, jogging, jogged) � v-i 自動詞 If you jog, you run slowly, often as a form of exercise. ジョギングする ❑ I got up early the next morning to jog. 私は翌朝ジョギングをするために早起きした. ● n-count 可算名詞 Jog is also a noun. ジョギング ❑ He went for another early morning jog. 彼はまた早朝のジョギングに出かけた.

● jog|ging n-uncount 不可算名詞 ジョギング ❑ It isn’t the walking and jogging that got his weight down. 彼の減量はウォーキングではなくてジョギングのおかげだ.� v-t 他動詞 If you jog something, you push or bump it slightly so that it moves. ちょっと突く ❑ Avoid jogging the camera. カメラを動かさないように.� phrase 句 If something or someone jogs your memory, they cause you to suddenly remember something that you had forgotten. 記憶を呼び覚ます ❑ Police have planned a reconstruction of the crime tomorrow in the hope that this will jog the memory of passersby. 通行人の記憶を呼び覚ますことを期待して,警察は明日事件の再現を予定している.

jog|ger /d�ɒ�ər/ (joggers) n-count 可算名詞 A jogger is a person who jogs as a form of exercise. ジョギングをする人

join /d�ɔin/ (joins, joining, joined) � v-t 他動詞 If one person joins another, they move or go to the same place, for example, so that both of them can do something together. 合流する, 加わる ❑ His wife and children moved to join him in their new home. 新しい家に妻と子供が引っ越して彼と一緒に住み始めた.� v-t 他動詞 If you join an organization, you become a member of it or start work as an employee of it. 入会する, 入社する ❑ He joined the Army five years ago. 彼は5年前,陸軍に入隊した.� v-t/v-i 他動詞/自動詞 If you join an activity that other people are doing, you take part in it or

become involved with it. 参加する ❑ The United States joined the war in April 1917. 合衆国は1917年4月に参戦した. ❑ The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer. その牧師は参列中の女性に一緒に祈りをするよう求めた. ❑ Nine Republicans joined in supporting the measure. 9名の共和党員がその法案の賛成派に加わった.� v-t 他動詞 If you join a line, you stand at the end of it so that you are part of it. 列に並ぶ ❑ It is advised that fans seeking autographs join the line before practice starts. サインを求めているファンは,練習が始まる前に列に並ぶように忠告された.� v-t 他動詞 To join two things means to attach or fasten them together. 連結する ❑ The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain. オープンリンクは2つの鎖をつなぐ環として使われる. ❑ … the conjunctiva, the skin which joins the eye to the lid. まぶたと眼球を覆う膜である結膜 � v-t 他動詞 If something such as a line or path joins two things, it connects them. つなげる ❑ … a global highway of cables joining all the continents together. 全ての大陸を結びつける世界的規模の高速回線 � v-recip 相互動詞 If two roads or rivers join, they meet or come together at a particular point. 合流する ❑ Do you know the highway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it. タルサへの幹線道路を知っていますか? 空港行きの道路がその道に合流します. join forces ➞ see forceÜ join in phrasal verb 句動詞 If you join in an activity, you take part in it or become involved in it. 参加する ❑ I hope everyone will join in the fun. 皆が参加して楽しむといいですね.Ü join up � phrasal verb 句動詞 If someone joins up, they become a member of the army, the navy, or the air force. 入隊する ❑ When hostilities broke out he joined up. 戦争が開始したとき,彼は入隊した.� phrasal verb 句動詞 If one person or organization joins up with another, they start doing something together. 提携する ❑ Dwight decided to withdraw from the committee and join up with the opposition. ドワイトは委員会から身を引いて,野党側に加わることを決心した.

joint /d�ɔint/ (joints) � adj 形容詞 Joint means shared by or belonging to two or more people. 共有の, 共同の [adj n] ❑ She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a joint account. 彼女とフランクは結局共同預金口座を開設できなかった. ● joint|ly adv 副詞 [adv with v] 共同で ❑ The Port Authority is an agency jointly run by New York and New Jersey. 湾岸管理委員会はニューヨーク州とニュージャージー州が共同で運営している機関です.� n-count 可算名詞 A joint is a part of your body such as your elbow or knee where two bones meet and are able to move together. 関節 ❑ Her joints ache if she exercises. 彼女が運動をすると関節が痛む.� n-count 可算名詞 A joint is the place where two things are fastened or joined together. 接合箇所, つなぎ目 ❑ … the joint between the inner and outer panels. 内外パネルの接合箇所 � n-count 可算名詞 You can refer to a cheap place where people go for some form of entertainment as a joint. 安酒場, たまり場 [informal くだけた] ❑ They had come to the world’s most famous pick-up joint. 彼らは世界でもっとも有名なナンパバーに来た.� n-count 可算名詞 A joint is a cigarette that contains cannabis or marijuana. マリファナ [informal くだけた] ❑ He’s smoking a joint. 彼はマリファナを吸っている.� phrase 句 If something puts someone’s nose out of joint, it upsets or offends them because it makes them feel less important or less valued. 鼻をあかす, 出し抜く [informal くだけた] ❑ Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy’s aloof sophistication. バリーはルーシーのお高くとまった態度に頭にきた.

Word Partnership joint は次の語句と使われる:

n. joint account, joint agreement, joint effort, joint resolution, joint statement �

joint-stock com|pany (joint-stock companies) n-count 可算名詞 A joint-stock company is a company that is owned by the people who have bought shares in that company and who are responsible for its debts. 共同出資会社 [business 実業]

joke /d�oυk/ (jokes, joking, joked) � n-count 可算名詞 A joke is something that is said or done to make you laugh, such as a funny story. 冗談, ジョーク ❑ No one told worse jokes than Claus. クローズほどひどいジョークを言った者はいない.� v-i 自動詞 If you joke, you tell funny stories or say amusing things. 冗談を言う ❑ She would joke about her appearance. 彼女は自分の外見について冗談だって言うだろう. ❑ Luanne was laughing and joking with Tritt. ルアンはトリットと笑って冗談を言っていた.� n-count 可算名詞 A joke is something untrue that you tell another person in order to amuse yourself. いたずら, 悪ふざけ, からかい ❑ It was probably just a joke to them, but it wasn’t funny to me. 彼らにとっては単なる悪ふざけだろうが,私にとってはおもしろくなかった.� v-i 自動詞 If you joke, you tell someone something that is not true in order to amuse yourself. からかう ❑ Don’t get defensive, Charlie. I was only joking. チャーリー,むきになるなよ.ただの冗談だよ.� n-sing 単数名詞 If you say that something or someone is a joke, you think they are ridiculous and do not deserve respect. 話にならない [informal くだけた, disapproval 不賛成] ❑ It’s ridiculous, it’s pathetic, it’s a joke. ばかげている,情けない,話にならないよ.� phrase 句 If you make a joke of something, you laugh at

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