  • ◎X BRAND

    2016 2017


    We get more beauty with each passing year.We give proactive help to women who want to be beautiful.



    ◎美魔女 Blog

    ウェブサイトを一新し、スマートフォンへの最適化も実装しました。誌面タイアップ転載のほか、誌面と連動しての美魔女ブログ施策なども実施しています。公式フェイスブックやインスタグラムもあります。We have completely redesigned our website, also optimizing it for smartphones. In addition to tie-up contents from the pages of our magazine, we also feature related contents such as Bimajo blogs. We have o�cial facebook and Instagram accounts as well.



    When we use the word “Bimajo” (meaning “Beautiful Witch”) we aren’t talking about a scary person. Instead, it’s someone who embodies the true beauty of fortysomethings!We created the term “Bimajo” and it was nominated as buzzword of the year. Since the word has became so popular and taken on a life of its own, many people might hear it and think of a “witch” who will stop at nothing for beauty, like a character in a fable. But what we mean is li�le di�erent. �e correct origin of the word is a “woman so lovely, it’s as if she is under a spell of beauty.” It’s true that when we launched our magazine seven years ago, our key phrases were “aim to take 10 years o� your age” and “plunge ahead,” celebrating ambitious and gorgeous women. But as time goes by, I think the meaning of those words have also changed a li�le. Now there are more and more ladies, the kind who you’d see in your neighborhood or walking down the street, women who are age appropriate but brimming with their own dazzling beauty. �ere are so many women in their forties who have the potential to be more beautiful. We’ve just encouraged those women a li�le bit. A woman said “Even as a regular homemaker, the place I can shine is here!” �at is right. “Bimajo” are all regular fortysomething women. Since it’s as if they are under the spell of beauty, they are in the process of encouraging the women of their same generation: “I can do something too” and “Starting tomorrow, I’m going to try my best.” Not only being under the spell themselves, but also casting a spell of beauty on others. We found this new meaning in the word “Bimajo” and realized that the term itself has more potential to grow. From this point on, we want to keep giving fortysomething women con�dence and awareness of their potential.

    ◎美ST facebook


    月刊 毎月17日発売Monthly, 17th of every month

    定価820円(税込み)Price 820 yen (tax incl.)

    A4変型判 無線とじA4 variant unsewn binding

    発行部数 91,150部(印刷証明付部数 マガジンデータ2016より)Circulation 91,150

    2009年 8月創刊First published in August 2009

    〒112-8011 東京都文京区音羽 1-16-6

    広 告 局


    TEL. 03・5395・8120-8124TEL. 03・5395・8609TEL. 03・5395・8129TEL. 03・5395・8143

    FAX. 03・3942・2175FAX. 03・5395・0755FAX. 03・5395・8226FAX. 03・5395・8226

    h t tp: / / w w w 3.kobunsha .c om/ad /


    Tomoaki Inoue BE-ST Chief Editor












  • 美的 50.5% VOCE 42.6%MAQUIA 49.9%

    BE-ST 51.5%BITEKI 50.5% / VOCE 42.6% / MAQUIA 49.9%

    美的 51.1% VOCE 44.1%MAQUIA 49.5%

    BE-ST 65.3%BITEKI 51.1% / VOCE 44.1% / MAQUIA 49.5%


    �e writers, who are from the “BE-ST” generation,o�en also appear in the magazine contents. �eir own beauty methods are covered in the articles.



    年齢を感じさせない外見と内面の美しさを兼ね備えた女性として、本誌が提唱してきた「美魔女」。活動収益の一部がユニセフに寄付されるなど社会貢献にも積極的。本誌創刊から7年、美魔女たちもナチュラル派が主流になりました。“Bimajo” (meaning“Beautiful Witch”)is the name we have given women who possess both an ageless appearance and a beautiful mind. �ey are also actively involved in philanthropic activities, such as giving part of their income to UNICEF. It’s been seven years since we launched our magazine,and most of our Bimajo are becoming fond of a more natural appearance.

    竹中友紀子第2回グランプリ 山田佳子 第3回グランプリ 門馬礼子

    We present an impressive lineup of models. In addition to the familiar faces who have been active from our sister magazine, “STORY”, we have promising new faces to give the magazine elegance and glamour.

    第1回グランプリ 草間淑江


    We have more than 100 enrolled Bimajo members who can participate your questionnaires or interviews for your marketing research.

    第5回グランプリ 箕輪玖美 第6回グランプリ 小宮山順子第4回グランプリ 西村真弓 吉村ミキ 塚本まり子松田樹里

    「美のネットワーク」が美ST誌面を支えています!“Beauty network” supports the “BE-ST” magazine!


    美STモデルBE-ST Model

    美STライター BE-ST Writer

    Readers Model読者モデル

    Mr. SingleMr.シングル

    Beauty Journalist 美容ジャーナリスト


    Beauty Doctor(BE-JYO Doctor)




    Dr. Usako





    I purchase cosmetics that have special features or e�ects.

    さらなる「美のコンテンツ」も多く抱えていますWe have many additional “beauty contents” to present.

    美ST ¥5,479

    美的 ¥4,470VOCE ¥3,936MAQUIA ¥4,262

    BE-ST 5,479 yenBITEKI 4,470yen / VOCE 3,936yen / MAQUIA 4,262yen

    化粧水・ローション 美容液 ファンデーション

    美ST ¥7,115

    美的 ¥6,118VOCE ¥5,013MAQUIA ¥5,703

    BE-ST 7,115 yenBITEKI 6,118yen / VOCE 5,013yen / MAQUIA 5,703yen

    美ST ¥4,819

    美的 ¥4,417VOCE ¥3,819MAQUIA ¥3,716

    BE-ST 4,819 yenBITEKI 4,417yen / VOCE 3,819yen / MAQUIA 3,716yen

    Amount of moneyI can spend on .



    MAGASCENE/ex 2015.4-6より Results from MAGASCENE/ex 2015.4-6

    化粧品・美容への関心About COSMETICS AND BEAUTY

    美ST 51.5%




    Region Grouping

    Average Age39.8 years old

    Occupational Grouping

    Marital Status

    Age Grouping

    Household Income Grouping How much spending money do you haveeach month?

    Monthly spending on skin care products Monthly spending on make-up products



    I choose cosmetics that have fewer additives.

    美ST 65.3% 食品の安全性に注意している(%)

    I’m careful about the safety of food products.

    美ST 80.6%

    美的 69.1% VOCE 61.4%MAQUIA 71.0%

    BE-ST 80.6%BITEKI 69.1% / VOCE 61.4% / MAQUIA 71.0%

    美的 22.7% VOCE 8.8%MAQUIA 20.6%

    BE-ST 27.7%BITEKI 22.7% / VOCE 8.8% / MAQUIA 20.6%

    美的 25.5% VOCE 23.9%MAQUIA 26.7%

    BE-ST 33.1%BITEKI 25.5% / VOCE 23.9% / MAQUIA 26.7%


    I try trendy meals and diets.

    美ST 27.7% 定期的にスポーツをしている(%)

    I play sports on a regular basis.

    美ST 33.1% 無農薬・有機野菜を買う(%)

    I buy pesticide-free , organic vegetables

    美ST 41.7%

    美的 30.6% VOCE 30.7%MAQUIA 29.8%

    BE-ST 41.7%BITEKI 30.6% / VOCE 30.7% / MAQUIA 29.8%


    I o�en use nutritional supplements.

    美ST 29.4%

    美的 22.1% VOCE 18.7%MAQUIA 14.9%

    BE-ST 29.4%BITEKI 22.1% / VOCE 18.7% / MAQUIA 14.9%


    I am likely to get information about cosmetics from (which magazine)

    美ST 53.7%

    美的 51.9% VOCE 42.6%MAQUIA 45.2%

    BE-ST 53.7%BITEKI 51.9% / VOCE 42.6% / MAQUIA 45.2%

  • ■ カネボウ化粧品|トワニー■ スリムビューティハウス|美魔女コース

    ■ 日本ロレアル|ランコム ■ アルビオン|アンフィネス



    Ms. Yoshiko Yamada, who won the Client Award at the “BIMAJO” women contest, received a sub-prize of the chance to appear on a TV commercial. Stepping out of the magazine itself, “BIMAJO” women have appeared before the general public.

    Unilever | POND’S


    LION | PlatiusWe ran a series of articles on the product in the magazine, and the contents of these articles expanded into various areas of advertisement, such as newspapers, websites, on display in stores, and live TV commercials. �e program was very well received by the client and we ran a sequel of this program.



    SLIM BEAUTY HOUSE | BIMAJO COURSEWe helped to develop a new esthetic treatment course, pu�ing the inputs from all “BIMAJO”. �e “BIMAJO” have made appearances on many advertising mediums such as web banner ad.

    ALBION | INFINESSEOur advertorials have received great reactions that have sometimes led to other tie-up projects. Advertorials themselves are of article-level remarkable quality that have brought countless responses.

    We collaborated with another beauty magazine, “VOCE” for the �rst time. We realized innovative and unprecedented programs with a rival magazine, such as tie-up articles in the magazines themselves and on their respective websites, and held an eventsupported by both magazines.



    �NEBO COSMETICS | TWANYWe are skilled at expanding pure advertisement on full C2 pages spread for tie-up projects. Our original impressionable “pure ad” will catch reader’s eyes.

    ◎2012年10月号での「たるみま10! 」編集企画



    ■ ライオン|プラチアス

    ■ 資生堂|リバイタル グラナス

    ■ ユニリーバ|ポンズ



    ◎新聞 ◎WEB|X BRAND

    ◎POND’S CM ◎2012年2月号~9月号一部掲載事例




    VOCEとの初コラボ!�e �rst ever collaboration

    with “VOCE”!


    両誌読者が集まった合同イベントJoint event,participated

    by the readers of both magazines

    メディアをまたいだ多角的な広告展開を実施Expansive advertising methods in various areas of media

    Developed into in-store displays



    タイアップ事例紹介誌面タイアップから広がりのある展開が好評ですWe are currently running a very popular tie-up program that helps to solve the problems of our readers.

    S h o w c a s e s

    クライアント賞に輝いた美魔女がCMに登場“BIMAJO” woman who received

    the Client Award appeared on a TV commercial.



    ・antenna・Glam 等

    タイアップを美ST ONLINEへ転載。キュレーションメディア「antenna」や、アドネットワーク「Glam」でのPV誘導施策をおこないました。





    A tie-up ad that was posted on our website. We achieved more page views by pulling in visitors from fashion websites “Glam” and “Antenna”.

  • 即効性も大切だが、継続こそ力なり。人気のボディ&ダイエット企画や、カラダの機能を高める運動&食、気分を大きく高める旅行特集や温泉企画など、全方位で美の習慣を取り上げています。

    We appreciate the immediate results; however, a journey of thousand miles start with one small step. We feature all-round beauty habits that include popular body and dieting projects, exercise and food to boost up women’s body functions,travel and onsen (hot spring) plans that enrich the reader’s emotional satisfaction.


    We o�er skin care solutions to combat the skin troubles that women in this age group o�en face. We call these skin troubles “SST”, which stands for: Shimi(blemishes),Shi-wa(wrinkles), and Tarumi(sagging). We present enhancing contents, such as make-up techniques, and answers to skin and hair care concerns that readers cannot �nd elsewhere.


    True beauty comes from within. �erefore, food and its nutrient composition is one of the major themes for us. We quickly respond to newly recognized nutrition,raw ingredients and how best to eat them, and cooking methods. We present this information using visuals with impact.

    Our magazine’s concept has always focused on “beauty”,”food”,and “customs” since the first issue.

    コンセプトは創刊からブレずに『 美 』『 食 』『 習 』


    Biannually,we run “SST Cosmetic Awards”.We announce the winner of makeup section in June or July,and basic skin care section in December;both announced in the pages of the magazine.

    SSTコスメ大賞SST Cosmetic Awards

    - Beauty - - Food -

    - Customs -


    We’ve even sold productspriced at 120,000 JPY!(about 1,200 USD)



    We o�er a catalog shopping project,linked with our sister magazine,“STO-RY”.Ten-thousand-yen-plus items,which we have introduced,sometimes make over ten million yen in sales.


    �e “BIMAJO contest” started in the year 2010.�is year,2016,marks the seventh time the event has been held. �e contest is an extremely e�ective advertising event,which many media,including some key TV stations,have coverd.

    美魔女コンテストBIMAJO Contest

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