
PowerPoint Presentation



Marshall McLuhanAll media are extensions of some human facultyWe shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape usCycle of change

Science Fiction becomes Science Fact

The future of new media technologyEmpowerment - Raymond KurzweilLoss of identity - Paul Virillio


Wat betekentdit voor mijn ontwerperschap?3


Wilson Miner When We Build (

Filmpje op 08.00 11.00 minuten:

All media are extensions of some human faculty psychic or physical. The wheel is an extension of the foot. The book is an extension of the eye. Clothing, an extension of the skin. Electric circuitry, an extension of the central nervous system.

Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act the way we perceive the world. When these ratios change, men change.- McLuhan, The medium is the Message6

faculty -> functie6




BCI: Brain Computer Interaction DARPA RE-NET: 9

All media are extensions of some human faculty psychic or physical. The wheel is an extension of the foot. The book is an extension of the eye. Clothing, an extension of the skin. Electric circuitry, an extension of the central nervous system.

Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act the way we perceive the world. When these ratios change, men change.- Mcluhan, The medium is the Message10

We shape our tools,and thereafterour tools shape us.

Fr. John Culkin(Marshall McLuhan)11

De dingen die we maken, televisie, radio, internet, die dingen maken een nieuwe omgeving. Als je een nieuw medium introduceert verandert deze onze kijk op de wereld, politiek, oorlog De auto heeft de hele inrichting van de maatschappij veranderd.. 11

We shape our tools,and thereafterour tools shape us.

Fr. John Culkin(Marshall McLuhan)


Nicholas Carr: At both a personal and an institutional level, we have come to assume that efficiency and convenience are always good, and maximising those things is always a worthy goal. And it does seem to me that this is a naive approach to take when thinking about technology in all its forms: in particular when thinking about computer automation, but also when thinking about our own desires and experience of life and of the world.

So thats one part of it. But then the other part is to go even farther and say, human beings are so fundamentally flawed that we need to give them as small a role as possible, and look to computers to do everything possible that we can make computers do. Its not only about trying to remedy human beings flaws, its also about saying, if we can just get humans out of the picture and let the computers do things, we will be much better off.

I think that gets to a fundamental point, which is that the question isnt, should we automate these sophisticated tasks?, its how should we use automation, how should we use the computer to complement human expertise, to offset the weaknesses and flaws in human thinking and behaviour, and also to ensure that we get the most out of our expertise by pushing ourselves to ever higher levels?

We dont want to become so dependent on software that we turn ourselves into watchers of computer monitors and fillers-out of checklists. Computers can play a very important role, here, because we are flawed; we do fall victim to biases or we overlook important information. But the danger is that you jump from that to saying, just let the computer do everything, which I think is the wrong course.


We shape our tools,and thereafterour tools shape us.

Fr. John Culkin(Marshall McLuhan)


Nicholas Carr: At both a personal and an institutional level, we have come to assume that efficiency and convenience are always good, and maximising those things is always a worthy goal. And it does seem to me that this is a naive approach to take when thinking about technology in all its forms: in particular when thinking about computer automation, but also when thinking about our own desires and experience of life and of the world.

So thats one part of it. But then the other part is to go even farther and say, human beings are so fundamentally flawed that we need to give them as small a role as possible, and look to computers to do everything possible that we can make computers do. Its not only about trying to remedy human beings flaws, its also about saying, if we can just get humans out of the picture and let the computers do things, we will be much better off.

I think that gets to a fundamental point, which is that the question isnt, should we automate these sophisticated tasks?, its how should we use automation, how should we use the computer to complement human expertise, to offset the weaknesses and flaws in human thinking and behaviour, and also to ensure that we get the most out of our expertise by pushing ourselves to ever higher levels?

We dont want to become so dependent on software that we turn ourselves into watchers of computer monitors and fillers-out of checklists. Computers can play a very important role, here, because we are flawed; we do fall victim to biases or we overlook important information. But the danger is that you jump from that to saying, just let the computer do everything, which I think is the wrong course.


We shape our tools,and thereafterour tools shape us.

Fr. John Culkin(Marshall McLuhan)


Map vs country14

We shape our tools,and thereafterour tools shape us.

Fr. John Culkin(Marshall McLuhan)


Eli Schiff in The Fall of the designer, Flat design is gemaakt om designers uit te schakelen!! Squarespace, Tailor Brands, The Grid artikelen lezen15


Net met bovenste 3 bezig geweest, nu de onderste drie16


1921 Ford: De geschiedenis, dat is allemaal onzin. Allemaal traditie. Wij willen geen traditie. Wij willen leven in het nu. De enige geschiedenis die er ene moer toe doet, is de geschiedenis die we vandaag schrijven.17


The past is gone.The present lost as it arrives.There is only tomorrow.

Omni Magazine, Sep. 1980

En ook Sloterdijks: du mut dein Leben ndern uit 200918


With a new way of thinking we create new models of reality: SciFi FTW!19


New models of reality give rise to new inventions20


Total RecallThe AvengersPrometheusMinority ReportRed PlanetStar TrekIron ManBatman2001: Space Odyssey

Things To Come

Return from the Stars

Fahrenheit 451

Things to Come van HG. Wells,Return from the Stars van Stanislaw Lem,Fahrenheit 451 van Ray Bradbury21



Nick Bostrom Superintelligence, geeft een aantal scenarios22



Het lijkt mij waarschijnlijker dat AI er meer zo uit ziet 23


De vraag naar de ontwerper, hoe maak je een metgezel? Moet het humanoid zijn? Hoe humanoid?24


Betrekken op beroepenDaarna op designerschap.. Bestaan designers nog over 10 jaar?Squarespace en TheGrid, maar dat is geen AI maar een algoritme..25

IBM Watson bij Jeopardy26

Raymond Kurzweil27


Raymond Kurzweil Hybrid Thinking

Lineair vs. Exponentieel29

Lineair vs. Exponentieel30


32It is in the nature of exponential growth that events develop extremely slowly for extremely long periods of time, but as one glides through the knee of the curve, events erupt at an increasingly furious pace. And that is what we will experience as we enter the twenty-first century.

Before the next century is over, human beings will no longer be the most intelligent or capable type of entity on the planet.- The age of Spiritual Machines

Paul Virilio33




To invent something is to invent an accident. To invent the ship is to invent the shipwreck; the space shuttle, the explosion. And to invent the electronic superhighway or the Internet is to invent a major risk which is not easily spotted because it does not produce fatalities like a shipwreck or a mid-air explosion. The information accident is, sadly, not very visible. It is immaterial like the waves that carry information.- Cyberresistance Fighter 2005


Technology has given life the opportunity to flourish like never before or to self-destruct.

Where does that leave us? Robots zijn goed in herhaalbare taken, perfect uitvoeren, betrouwbaar, mensen zijn creatief, kritisch, nadenken.



BronnenBoeken:McLuhan; Understanding Media; London 2001, Taylor & Francis Ltd. McLuhan, Fiore; The Medium is the Massage; Corte Madera 1967, Ginko PressKurzweil; The singularity is near; London 2009, Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd.

Artikelen:Culkin; A schoolmans guide to Marshall McLuhan; Saturday Review (March 18, 1967), p. 51-53, 71-72.Schiff; Fall of the Designer part 1-5;, geraadpleegd op 17 mei 2015Miranda, e.a.; DARPA-funded efforts in the development of novel braincomputer interface technologies; Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 244, 15 April 2015, Pages 5267, via geraadpleegd op 17 mei 2015Chatfield ;Do computers make life too easy;, BBC Future, geraadpleegd op 17 mei 2015Brandon: How 8 scifi gadgets became reality: , Popular Mechanics, geraadpleegd op 24 mei 2015Cyberesistance Figher - An Interview with Paul Virilio:

Video:Miner; When we build:, geraadpleegd op 17 mei 2015Get ready for Hybrid thinking, Raymond Kurzweil: Identity and trajectivity, Paul Virilio:

Beeld:Dieselpunk Retrofuture: voor TV-wall: van een Motor-neuron: map door Mike Lee: en pauselijke aanstelling: Photoshop: Ford: Willem Sandberg Billboard: Library: http://tricorder.xprize.orgAva: 9000: Valley: Watson on jeopardy: Raymond Kurzweil: 6 epochs of evolution: Humanoid Robot: Paul Virilio: Highway long exposure: Towers: Hoverboard:



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