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Pitch DeckThe iBid Auction Game Date System

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Pick City

city to date

menu in the

mobile app

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Home Dates

● Person’s name and image● Number of bidders● Reserve percentage

When Reserve reaches 100%, a notification is sent to all players and the auction game begins.

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The Last Stand Auction Dating Game

the last standing player with the final bid

wins a date at a nice restaurant for just $1

Pitch Deck

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Dates Profile

Tamara Burton

I like men who are open minded. I like sports, and love to go snowboarding in my free

time. I’m an easygoing girl.

Click on a person’s profile to see his or her pictures and bio.from Facebook profile

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Reserve Tab

One person can place as many bids as they want, and when the reserve reaches 100%, the auction will begin. The reserve % is dependent upon how high the player sets the date price to be.

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Login FB

Hi, I’m iBid Cupid and I will guide you to

real dates to find your true love!

Bid in social auctions towin dates with other people

you want to know.

Cupid will greet you in iBidMyDate’s Tutorial.

You will then log into your Facebook account to play.

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Bidding auctionWhen the Reserve reaches 100%, you go to this screen:

● You have the actual price that increases with each bid.

● In the bid panel you have the time left, the BID button and number of committed bids remaining

● If the Bid button if red, you are losing.

● If the Bid button is green, you are winning.

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Intro Tab

This is the world's firstInteractive Auction™

for iOS through Facebook login where you can bid for real dates

with real people.

The software is built and ready to Launch.

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iBid Tokens

You need Tokens to play in Virtual Auctions and win more Tokens. Then you can convert

your Tokens into Credits to play for real auctions.

If you need more Tokens, you need to invite friends to help you

with a 5,000 Tokens gift.

Cupid explains the difference between Tokens and Credits.

Tokens can only be used to ‘Practice Flirt’ in a virtual auction where the prize is only more tokens.

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iBid Credits

You need Credits to play in real Auctions to win real items. You can buy Credits with your credit card or get more Tokens to convert them

to credits.

10,000 Tokens = 1 Credit

Credits are used for Real Auctions where you can play to win a Real Date.

10,000 Tokens = 1 Credit

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Convert Tokens

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Buy iBid Credits

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invite Friends

You can select which friends you want to invite, then click INVITE. Invite your friends to win Tokens!

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User ProfileOn your homepage, you will see:

● Your available tokens (free) and credits (must buy or convert tokens)

● Dates Planned are the you dates won and Dates bidding are the dates you want to play

● Button to invite friends (you earn free tokens for inviting your Facebook friends)

● Share allows you to share with your Facebook friends

● Button to Buy Credits for USD● Button to convert Tokens to


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Won TokensWhen you win 10,000 Tokens you can exchange it for 10 credits to play for Real Dates.

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Won DateWhen you win Date for iBidCredit you can pay one dollar to get it.

iBidmydate will email arrange and will pay for it.

if your date don’t show up you get the gift certificate and choose the non profit where we donate cash prize.

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Marketing Strategy

● Market in Facebook and Twitter as the

Featured Suggested App

● Capitalize on the powerful Facebook Effect

● 20% conversion rate based on past beta test

● Diversify with Pandora marketing

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Media Marketing

70% 20% 10%

90% of the capital raise will be strictly allocated to the media buy

Strong Opportunity for Investors● Software has been built from the

ground up● Business model has been beta

tested in Facebook● Scale the business into mobile

iOS and Android

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71% 34% 25%

Features / version Tinder Match




Dating auction reward system

Social Live Chat per auction

Users / Month 10K (beta) 50M 3M 300k

Gross Revenue $30K (beta) $2B $60M $3M

Market Competitors

Source: Advertising estimate of profits for non-public corporations’ internet traffic via 2016

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Success in raising media marketing capital plus execution is the key

71% 34%

Competitors Seed Series A Series B Public Exit

6 Months First Year Second Year

Supercell $5M $750M $1.5B

King $5M $20M $30M $1.2B

Zynga $10M $20M $68M $900M

Big Fish $5M $20M $500M

Double Down IGT $1M $500M $500M

iBidGames $500K

Market Competitors Mobile App Games

Source: Advertising estimate of profits for non-public corporations via and 2016

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Our Focus: Get iBidGames to the Top Ten Grossing Apps

Competitive Advantages

US and International Copyrights ● Protects our intellectual property from competitors

Individual Chat function per auction● Key element● Provides transparency and user confidence

Pre-Capitalization (aka crowdfunded "Reserve") ● Locks in our costs and profit margins before the

auction game even begins ● Minimizes any risk of inventory loss

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Financial ProjectionsFor Year One, based on marketing expenditures from FB Metrics

$100M $270M $380M $580MQ1 / +$10Mgross revenue

Q2 / +$27Mgross revenue

Q3 / +$38Mgross revenue

Q4 / +$58Mgross revenue

Based on $5M paid marketing

campaigns in Quarter 1

Based on $10M paid marketing

campaigns in Quarter 2

Based on $20M paid marketing

campaigns in Quarter 3

Based on $38M paid marketing

campaigns in Quarter 4

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Crowdfunding the reserve ante protects our profit margin

How it Works

01Crowdfund 3x the retail price of each item (aka the “reserve” or “ante”).


03Once an auction game begins, no new bids or new players can enter the game.

Every auction game begins only after the crowdfunding is complete.

Reserve: $3000

BidsPlayer 1:

6 Bids

Player 2:

3 Bids

Player 3:

5 Bids

Player 4:

5 Bids


800 bids

Player 5:

20 Bids

Player 6:

7 Bids

Meeting the bidding “reserve" for an Date ($1000 retail price)

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The iBidGames dream team

Management Team

JoAnn Corso Martino Vincent Ignacio Gomez Wuelfhis Asuaje

V.P. of Business Relations Chief Technology Officer& Founder

Chief Designer Lead Developer

20 + years experience in Business

Development, Marketing, PR &

Investor Relations.

20 years experience in

software development •

Hardware infrastructure & scalability •

Formerly with Dell, UBS Bank

Lead graphic designer of iBidGames

• Fluent in Spanish and English

Chief Hacker •

Expert in Python Django

and Facebook Developers’


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The iBidGames dream team Advisory Team

Marcus Yoder Alan Khedari Yung Seoul Kim Diego Veca

Business Advisory Managing Director & First Angel Investor

President Business Relations

Network Engineer

Former VP of Business Development

at IGT • Current President of Business

Development at Gamblit Games

Expert Business Developer • Managed

several millions of dollars in capital for

financial and real estate groups

Columbia University • Former media

exec at Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp •

PR & Communications Strategy •

Double Master’s degrees (MA, MFA) in

Creative Writing & English Literature

Expert in Network and

Infrastructure at Facebook, Inc.

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Thank you please feel free to contact us

[email protected]

This document reflects confidential information of iBidGames and Associates © 2016

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