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Escola E. B. 2, 3 Inês de Castro + École Crécy-la-Chapelle (France)

Clube EuropeuProjeto eTwinning“Discover your City”

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My name is Daniela. I’m 13 years old. My hometown is Coimbra. I attend Inês de Castro School.I like cooking and reading. I also like surfing the net and watching TV. I love going to the cinema and watching Portuguese films.I would like to learn how to play badminton.I play the piano in the music lessons.I like pop and rock music. My favourite band is Imagine Dragons.I’m studying English because it’s a very important language all over the world. I need English to search for information, to get a good job in the future, to travel… I don’t travel a lot but I’d like to go to Paris.I would like to be a manager.

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Personal Information My name is Ângela Cachias. I´m 14 years old.My hometown is Coimbra. I like singing and dancing. I also like romantic and pop music. My favourite band is “Amor Eletro” (Electro love).I love going to the cinema and watching musical films.I would like to learn drama.I haven’t got any pet.I’m studying English because it’s a very important language all over the world. I need English to search for information, to get a good job in the future, to travel…I haven`t travelled a lot but I would like to go to Brazil.I would like to be a hairdresser.


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Carolina Cunha European Club


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About me My name is Carolina Cunha. I’m 14 years old and I live in Santa Clara,

Coimbra, Portugal. I study English because I like it - I learn very much in my classes. I need

English for studying and for any job in the future, for travelling… I don’t travel a lot but I would like to go to Africa in the future, to help

people who need the most. I don’t know what I want to be in the future, but one of my dreams is to

travel to other countries and be an archaeologist. I would like to practise tennis but I`m not doing it because I don’t have time

(my studies come in first place) and because it is expensive. My favourite food is pork and beans. I like pop music. I also like comedy/funny movies (I laugh a lot). In my free time, I like playing Minecraft with my cousin and I really learn

English with that. My favourite animal is the dog because it is the kindest animal I know.

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About me My name is Francisco Monteiro. I attend grade 8 in Inês de Castro School, in Coimbra. My hometown is Coimbra. I like watching comedy/funny films. Though I love painting, I prefer playing hockey. My favourite kind of music is rock. My favourite food is codfish with cream in the oven. I would like to be a Maths teacher in the future. I wouldn`t mind being a football coach... I study English because I like learning new languages and English is the language of communication in the world.

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Escola Básica de 2.º e 3.º Ciclos Inês de Castro


Welcome to



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My School and I… I love my School! The teachers are very helpful

and friendly. My classmates are also nice. It has an excellent library where we can find a

wide variety of books. It also has a stationary, a canteen, the

staffroom, an office, a playground… The caretakers are very supportive and nice, too.

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Some photos of some exhibitions in the school buffet.

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The playground: my favourite places in my school!

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Daniela Silva, nº5, Class 8B

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Tentúgal is a village near Coimbra. We visited a bakery and pastry house there, which is

called “Pousadinha”. It was very nice to see the confection of the most famous sweet in Tentúgal:

“Pastel de Tentúgal”, which is a traditional small cake with monastic origin - a confectionery recipe from convent of Our Lady of Carmo (in Tentúgal). Its confection was already known in the nineteenth century.

The popular features of “Pastel de Tentúgal” are the thin and flaky pastry filled with a cream made of egg yolks.

Only Portuguese bakeries in Tentúgal used to make this kind of little cakes. Now it is spread all over the country.

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Francisco MonteiroClass 8BInês de Castro School

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The students who attend the European Club, in Inês de Castro School, went on a school trip (on 26th November 2014 ) to visit a factory that makes delicious cakes, for example: the famous «Pastel de Tentúgal», which is a traditional conventual little cake. It’s made with a thin flake pastry and filled with a cream made with egg yolks. It’s delicious!

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Santa Clara-a-Velha Monastery

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The Monastery

• The ruins of Santa Clara-a-Velha (St Clare-the-Older) Monastery are located in the city of Coimbra, in Portugal.

• The Monastery was built in the 14th century, on the left bank of the Mondego River, but had to be abandoned in the 17th century due to frequent floods.

• The well-preserved Gothic ruins of the Monastery were excavated in the late 20th century, more than 300 years after being abandoned by the nuns.

In the Height of excavations

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• I hope you have enjoyed knowing more about the Monastery and about Coimbra!

Carolina CunhaCoimbra, Portugal

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“Santa Clara-a-Velha Monastery”

Francisco Monteiro, Nº6 – 8.B

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The History of “Santa Clara-a-Velha Monastery”The history of Santa Clara-a-Velha Monastery begins with the building of a Clares` House for Lady Mor Dias. On 13 April 1283, she had a license to build the Monestery on the left bank of Mondego River.The Monastery was rebuilt in 1314, by the Queen “Santa Isabel de Aragão”, wife of King D. Dinis.In the XVII century, the Clares had to build a second floor because of the river floods.In 1677, the Clares left the building.The Monastery was restored in the XX and XXI centuries.

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