Page 1: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi

akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa,

hubaatii fi miidhaa quunnamtii

saalaa irraan qaqqabu


Barruu salphatti dubbifamu

kan ragaa calalamaa

Maxxansa 1ffaa

Page 2: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Maaltu gabaasa kana keessa jira?

1. Eenyu nuti?

2. Eegumsi maali?

3. Dhukkuboota daddarboo fi of


4. Akkammitti of eegannoo goona

yeroo COVID-19 itti

Page 3: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Maaltu gabaasa kana keessa jira?

Nuti waajjira qabeenya

odeeffannoo(madda) fi


Nuti sektara gargaarsaatiif

gargaarsa kennina, Caalmaatti

ummatni akka Eeggamuuf

Sektarri gargaarsaa kun ummata

naannawaa idil-adunyaa maratti

hojjattu kan hawaasa harka

qalleeyyii ykn hiyyeessa


Dhaabbatni maddaa fi

gargaarsaa karaa neetwoorkitiiin

(Intarneetiitiin) odeeffannoo

kafaltii malee kenna.

Waajiraalee biyyoota

Awurooppaa fi Afrikaa keessatti






Page 4: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Barruun kun damee

1ffaaRagaa calalamaa handhuura

maddaa fi deeggarsaati, Maaloo

gabaasa guutuu ilaalaa, kan

galmeewwan qabsiiftuu ykn

odeeffannoo dabalataatiif.

Page 5: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Eegumsi maali?

Eegumsa jechuun akka namni dhiibbaa

qunamtii saalaa, hubaatii fi

miidhaan saalaa isaan hin

qaqqabne ykn hin mudanne

eegumsa karaa irra caalaan

hamma danda'ametti godhuufi


Yeroo tokko tokko namoonni

qunnamtii saalaatiif namoota

birootti fayyadamuu danda'u. Kun

Kan ta'uu danda'u:

• Humna aangoo fayyadamuun

qunnamtii dhiibbaa saalaa

namoota waliin gochuu,

fakkeenyaaf maallaqa kennuu

ykn gumaata deebisuuf- Kuni

Miidhaa saalaati.

Page 6: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

• Dirqamaan qunnamttii saalaa

gochuu- kunis Hubaatii saalaa

irraan gahuudha

• Tuttuqqaa ykn yaadawwan

qunnamtii saalaarratti yeroo

barbaachisaa hin ta'initti

kennuu- kun dhiibbaa saalaati

Page 7: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Dhukkuboota daddarboo fi of

eeggannoo Yeroo dhukkubni namoota

heddutti daddarbuu eegalu

Eegumsi akka hin godhamne ni


Qajeelfamaa fi ergaawwan

hanga tokko fakenyaaf "mana

keessa turuu " dhaamsa jedhu

namootatti himuun haalota

badaa (rakkisaa) tahe uumuu ni


Ragaan hedduun hin jiru, hangam

dhukkuboonni gurguddaan, akka

dhiibbaa saalaa, hubaatii fi

miidhaa saalaa fiduu danda'an.

Garuu ragaan tokko tokko akka

mullisutti yeroo dhukkubni

daddarboon jiran, kanneen


Page 8: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

kanaa gadiitti nu geessuu

danda'a: -

• Gareewwanii fi neetworkiiwwan

ummata gargaaran haala

laafaa taheen hojjetu

• Qabeenya xinnootu jiraata,

fakenyaaf Maallaqa, Nyaata fi

bishaan nannootti argaman

• Tajaajila fayyaa, barnootaa,

hojii, suuqii argachuun

namootatti ni jabaata

• Namoonni maallaqa xinnoo

qabaatu yoo hojii idilee isaanii

hojjechuu baatan

• Namonni lubbuun jiraachuuf

gargaarsa dabalataa


Page 9: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Kanneen hundi namootni akka

caalaatti dhiibbaa saalaa,

hubaatii fi miidhaa saalaatiif

saaxilama godhu.

Kana dura yeroo weerarri

dhukkubaa tamsa'eetti, namoonni

garii tajaajila fayyatiifi nyaata

kennuuf quunnamtii saalaa akka

gaafatan, ragaan ni jira

Iddoo tokko tokkotti poolisiin fi

raayyaan ittisa biyyaa dhiibbaa

qunnamtii saalaa geessisaniiru,

yeroo namoonni mana keessa

akka turan dirqamni itti


Shamarran kanneen mana

barnoota akkuma baratameetti

deeman irra hubaatiin quunnamtii

saalaa isaan qaqqaba;

akkasumas ulfa baayyeetu

shamaran xixinnoo iirratti uumama


Page 10: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Yeroo ammaa vaayrasiin COVID-

19 jedhamuutu daddarbaa jira.

Barumsa dhukkuboota

daddarbaa yeroo dabran irraa

fudhachuun barbaachisaadha

COVID-19 irratti caalaatti


Maaloo ragaa guutuu ilaalaa,

ragalee tokko tokko bal'inaan


Page 11: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Akkamitti COVID-19 irraa of

eegannoo goona

Kanaan dura Dhukkuboota

hamaa hatattamaan namootatti

faffaca'an irraa waan baay'ee


Namoonni seektara gargaarsaa

keessa dalagan wantoonni isaan

gochuu qaban ni jiru.

Gareen Idil-adunyaa kan (Inter-

Agency Standing Committee) Intar

ejensii staanding koomiteen

yaamaman qajeelfamawwan

hordofaman qabu ni qaban:_

• Yoo namoonni gochaawwan

dogoggoraa godhan, akka

dogoggora isaanii wajjin

deeman hin godhin

Page 12: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

• Namootni gochoota

dogoggoraa eessaafi akkamitti

akka gabaasan beekumsa

qabaachuusaanii bari

• Namootni dhiibbaan

quunnamtii saalaa, hubaatii fi

miidhaan saalaa irra qaqqabe

namoota eegumsa isaaniif

kennaniif dubachuu akka

danda'an bari

• Hojjottoota hundaaf, akkamitti

namoonni aangoo isaanii haala

hin taaneen fayyadaman leenjii

kennuun hubachiisi

• Hubachiisa kana akka

Dubartoonni keessa jiran

qulqulleeffadhu, gareewwan

gargaarsa itti gaafatamaa

duraa (deebi kennaa) keessaa


Page 13: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

• Karaawwan oonlaayinidhaan

(Intarneetiin) balaa tasaatiif

deebii kennan yoo jiraatan ilaali

• Yeroo balaan tasaa kan akka weerara

dhukkubaa mudatu, Shamarran fi

dubartoonni hojii deebii kennu keesaatti akka

hirmaataa jiran qulqulleeffadhu.

Page 14: Dhukkuboota daddarbaaniifi akkamitti dhiibbaa saalaa

Nu quunnamaa

Yoo nutti dubbachuu feete

imeela kanatti nuu ergi

[email protected]

ykn Lakkoofsa kanaan nuu bilbili



odeeffannoo mirgi kooppii fi

maxansuu © LYPFT

Surraawwan galmee kanaaf itti

fayyadamne kan fudhatame

Baankii Suuraa kan Dursi Ummata

(Self Advocacy) irraahi

Barreeffamni guutuun galmee


Ragaa calalamaa jedhamee


Maxxansa 1, Caamsaa (May)

2020, RSH

As jira

Evidence Digest | Evidence Digest | May 2020 1

The impact of epidemics on sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment This evidence digest draws on evidence from

past infectious disease epidemics to explore

how the risks of sexual exploitation, abuse and

sexual harassment (SEAH) increase during

these outbreaks, and some good practice

examples of how the aid sector has addressed

these issues. The digest is arranged in two

sections - the first section reviews selected

evidence on the increased risks of SEAH,

whilst the second section highlights guidance

and resources on preventing and responding

to SEAH during COVID-19.

A large number of the reports reviewed relate

to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreaks,

particularly in West Africa. Very little evidence

was found relating to other infectious disease

outbreaks, namely Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome (SARS) or Middle East Respiratory

Syndrome (MERS). Whilst much of the material

reviewed discusses broader issues of child

protection and gender-based violence (GBV),

in particular domestic and intimate partner

violence, this digest seeks to draw out the

specific findings that relate directly to SEAH

(see Summary box opposite).


Epidemics may increase the risks of SEAH

as a result of measures designed to prevent

their spread such as quarantine, curfews,

school closures, and increased hygiene

practices. Addition factors such as

widespread unemployment and escalating

poverty levels also exacerbate risks of SEAH,

especially against women and girls. Several

reports featured below highlight the sexual

abuse and exploitation of girls by response

workers during the disease outbreaks. Many

of these risk factors will play out in relation to

SEAH within the COVID-19 pandemic, and it

is valuable to ensure lessons learnt during

previous infectious disease epidemics will

inform the global response.

A number of recommendations for the aid

sector emerge from the guidance including:

• ensuring organisations adhere to the

Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

global guidelines;

• adopting a zero-tolerance approach

to perpetrators;

• providing training and values clarification

work for all responders to ensure they

understand issues of power and


• increasing the number of female first


• considering options for online or virtual

reporting and response services ; and

• ensuring the meaningful engagement

of women and girls throughout any

response planning, implementation,

monitoring and evaluation.

Issue 1 | May 2020

Evidence Digest | Evidence Digest | May 2020 1

The impact of epidemics on sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment This evidence digest draws on evidence from

past infectious disease epidemics to explore

how the risks of sexual exploitation, abuse and

sexual harassment (SEAH) increase during

these outbreaks, and some good practice

examples of how the aid sector has addressed

these issues. The digest is arranged in two

sections - the first section reviews selected

evidence on the increased risks of SEAH,

whilst the second section highlights guidance

and resources on preventing and responding

to SEAH during COVID-19.

A large number of the reports reviewed relate

to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreaks,

particularly in West Africa. Very little evidence

was found relating to other infectious disease

outbreaks, namely Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome (SARS) or Middle East Respiratory

Syndrome (MERS). Whilst much of the material

reviewed discusses broader issues of child

protection and gender-based violence (GBV),

in particular domestic and intimate partner

violence, this digest seeks to draw out the

specific findings that relate directly to SEAH

(see Summary box opposite).


Epidemics may increase the risks of SEAH

as a result of measures designed to prevent

their spread such as quarantine, curfews,

school closures, and increased hygiene

practices. Addition factors such as

widespread unemployment and escalating

poverty levels also exacerbate risks of SEAH,

especially against women and girls. Several

reports featured below highlight the sexual

abuse and exploitation of girls by response

workers during the disease outbreaks. Many

of these risk factors will play out in relation to

SEAH within the COVID-19 pandemic, and it

is valuable to ensure lessons learnt during

previous infectious disease epidemics will

inform the global response.

A number of recommendations for the aid

sector emerge from the guidance including:

• ensuring organisations adhere to the

Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

global guidelines;

• adopting a zero-tolerance approach

to perpetrators;

• providing training and values clarification

work for all responders to ensure they

understand issues of power and


• increasing the number of female first


• considering options for online or virtual

reporting and response services ; and

• ensuring the meaningful engagement

of women and girls throughout any

response planning, implementation,

monitoring and evaluation.

Issue 1 | May 2020

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