Page 1: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 2: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 3: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 4: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 10: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

rrtiit � - - _- l .- O �I-_-L.r_rg92 &#39; &#39; .� &#39; -92 , &#39; �";�{�; D.�

4,; -1-Merigarmi.-mm -i U_NITED srxrai it-!VERNLzi1?.__192TT1_�_�.&#39;:_;�_;ii Director, FBI -�Mn� --�P14-1 13-: 1959 - j"};

--..u- ;.»_ &#39; &#39;3&#39; -5 L " . , _ _ _ _ 92-31°" 4, 8lC,Tu m-x - . _ » - :*-.�-4-?;.._-.M 1 1/ &#39; - . -.-&#39;�;-17»¬*.�.?-*-=

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&#39; "&#39; " .. &#39;92-" &#39; There is enclosed a letter directed to the President oft}: J_�__&#39;. &#39; ." -

mission of Scienti�c Investigation of the United States of North America i= ~2-�§&#39;a , -&#39;- &#39;:..&#39;.-0- .;.&#39;-&#39;, �-� which was received at this office on April &#39;7, 1950. This letter is dated at -Veracruz, larch 19, 1950, and is from a fhere is .-"

._. �attaehed to this letter an English translation, together with a newspaper &#39; &#39; _&#39;;&#39;_if?,_5�i_;_-5&#39;1&#39; clipping in the Spanish language and four hand-drawn designs. Because of the J�:

y_,_. technical language used, 1: is rather difficult to detemine thether the in-_&#39;.;7_�, _-{&#39;t_-;r:&#39;_.- formation is authentic or whether the author of this material is either &#39; - 3-1" 9;," psychotic or neurotic. &#39; - - * &#39; .� ~ � " 5&#39;.�~T_�~5�>�-T�3 ~-.|

r _ . .. . _�- &#39; 1 � � &#39; 5 &#39; " -_ .,uI_eI- ._ &#39; - - &#39; - - - ,,_-.p -- -r.

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-.. --.1� -&#39;_�nIt is suggested that �the Bureau may desire to have _the_sncloesdp _ -examined by some Government agency familiar with the language appearing therein 7-�*.-�Q-,_;f.&#39;.�_

-as--&#39; "&#39;"1&#39;or its ultimate dissemination. . - . &#39; >~ 3" �:1 _�g a "1-,1 -

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Page 11: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 12: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 18: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 20: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 23: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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� - Reour THX AJACI-3-3 subject reported radar sight - ~u M over Oakridge, additional info indicates radar cpelitor ~

� experienced and radar set has been modified so as to cast

doubt on reliability of reading. Chief Tenneocee N11 Dist I_ recommends cxpcditious action be taLon to determine whether ~"*7 an unknown object has reappeared over Oakricgc iw the past _

- few days. Chief Security Div at Oalcrioge requested ini�o 3as to channels of communication with Air Force in connecticn

�-1 1} &#39; with radar sightings. _ .&#39;-&#39;92


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Page 25: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 26: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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C6 Memorandum -_ 5- UNITED STATES GQVERNMEQTT-l&#39;_"?�""_ � &#39; ,--1: .._&#39;no _ . -..-1-. �_ �- � L� 1. _

I L� �=-_.-m.,4.m1! »- ~ . . . _. > arm 1 larch 6_,";950 2-,,_- -&#39;-.11 "; _ &#39; /z .-. _" &#39; 9 . &#39;"&#39; """""*&#39;

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� _ -Q ~ " � ,&#39; 92&#39; k,� __-1 _ V , - . - _,, _ b.

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&#39; .3.� M Reference 1a_ made to nylnemorandum of larch 3, 1950,/!%f1§c§k1g__-_-M &#39;-vi;- �Q: &#39; rm 5.1.9 B.ebe;&#39;,- er l.Lm&#39;_I_1:v*_lle,~i.r.=._t192..e_= above-egty.-19¢ salt-t-=1"; -;r_é;,§-3*;-;&#39;<*§-I5-;;3;;_$.,¢g;j;_;

&#39;- -. . -- - - ,- -. * o-ii:-:=

. 5&#39; -.1 "on the morning of larch 6, 1950, I 6,811-.ed sac Robey to ascertain� &#39;__mo found out concerning cm: latter. �no Woo a uo1or.ypo"mo boenaonteflecting um. there was aomequaatiou or reliability and �knowledge on

�F_:-mar theory; that cI_c and cs: their interest :11 tho matter; .7;--.;_the Qlljoalmician trqn; Washington bad not an-r1.nd.&#39;r�¢ -- _~ -.5-. :.&#39;_-.§;".*}»&.*&#39;"f, _�-*"�"�E

I--all ?=~- * " &#39; --*&#39;92 1 " - "A - -. .*.=;., 4

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Page 27: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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%~%.�;._a&#39;Is||-a:||IlII|�.Il V . i} _ � V _ __ M_ &#39;-, 1 &#39;~~&#39; - , G -_ .,,-.: -. _ .

�§.,O_�ice Menzorlvlzdum - _ om-zoo sT1i�...s~ oomoooto_ � " » &#39; _ :_ _ _ I?�or -.- - - - ;_ - F

Y In�: IR. D. H. �LAD I 1�, . &#39; H l ol.ra-,0-f,�,-:-_rnon -=§1n1.1Z n. smtom * _b_"_1¢*;" _ . J � _-1 �""&#39; :1;

� _ _ _ . . .= &#39; &#39; &#39;1&#39;-7&#39; ". -1 &#39; 4M1»! . !�:*J§�""&#39;-*&#39;-.-&#39;"t� "II &#39; uuruom owner ovnr OAK nxmn mrnosssn &#39; " "--st�-_;&#39;92 =:-_ 1 . t , . , mnca 1,_1950;. 1 : &#39;-_ _fl,-.,_ s&#39;_ + cwmumr; VITAL FACILITIES; nimnrni ,"f- - "

1 Q ._ _. .r -- . .. _ . " -. .- I" » _&#39; &#39;I;-=--.é.:;i;:¬�:&#39;:-@§;.1?.;o....�- -1-

� *7� -&#39; at 9155 1.1;. �today SAC �obey of Knoxville �mi... ttotiffiowner and operator , had ooiiooug ....._��....__3;

e oxrille Office at 11: PJI. on larch 1 is a radio ham "� G-":~~=-is-= ,I K?� �I; .-.3 &#39;1,� _13 rator and has aet up in his home in Knoxville an Army Surplus LPN-7 - _#___1_"_&#39;_ , is

radar set. �advised that he had picked up on this set a "pip!- _ dioating that an object we circling at an altitude or about 40,000 test" ,1:1 &#39;1&#39; 0* �QM q=totoo that he omtomarily had tollosed the oomoot_ ;~i

-_ _£ airplanes through is set and he was sure this item was not athunder -1. . �-�&#39; blond. Ir. �advised that the Knoxville orrioo mo immediately notited. &#39;

mo Beourity Section £�o1lo1d.nguthe_ receipt of to. oall :1-to mlo 1;!" .. . . 1. , t �..

-_ if? "� at 5:30 mi. on Iaroh 2, Ir �lagoon oallsd tosay that&#39;he ma_.-j-;;;*;**£ijagainpioked up an obgeot at 11:15 l.ll. on larch 2 about I_l,p_Q,OO0 1�ee_�_t_�up and ofii_about 18 miles from his hone in Knoxville which would place th&#39;o"�6o3oot over onk__;._-Q?--_; 5* &#39;?Ridge. llnladvieed that GIG agents had been given the information oo:d.n.g &#39;*&#39; ;;p__f}<:=-to the Knoxville orrioo, as a result or which cxc agents too cs: :-opoooootttivot;_}";§;1;f;%�_--assent out last night and looked over Ir. is set. They did use In -vbdwt�.§�oo&#39;tno screen about 11:00 or 12:00 P.u. last night. rnoy reported this 1n1&#39;_o!f_-&#39;;,;_i-{Z-fj_*;;i_=-.f;;92,i,&#39;f;_�j=,lontioo to the third army. an-.ioos or the opinion that the air Force 1 + ;",:;;qr;§�:-f._.~@�prohably has sent the intonation to Iashington also. 1rwpCIC has now ,;. that C11 is going to send a technician down from Iashington to examine the aet.f,�i?;{g<&#39;,-2�-f&_;&urn-�Tibia no information as to hon on had jurisdiction. Ir. _adv.i.sed ~ -_ t5,_-3,;-- that the Anny is also oontsmplating sending a nan up trom Atlanta iiih1l 2:5,.-PZradar eet to check�-into this situation. In addition, the Naval Reserve has a . 1* -_&#39;_Iaet 1ooa1ly_and_ia putting it into operation morning in an 1;

l§&#39;g3é"&#39;:&#39; . 5� 81:2� advised that am the Lmed Ibroes&#39; representatives gjFscmsahat concerned about this matter and he muted the Bureau -_.�1 1-&#39;_-"- ~ or ~ Q:&#39;�k;�w�above intornation_1.n ease there were inquiries. , 1 _. _. . i__&#39;__,_.,_-it _ ~- Kt

- . I ,- .»;- ii� - _ -;._&#39;--1-&#39;-&#39; -&#39;:.~.� t-�Q =1"-ax� --." �#1 &#39; -r =- -- 1 - A -< - &#39; &#39;- &#39;-- =~:rt1r!V$"=7�-if�?1 ." &#39; &#39; _. "" 9 - . - "__ _..,. � ._ -,4 &#39; _._ Q -- _&#39; � � K-r~ 1:. _:;&#39;:&#39;_ _ _t "I&#39;M -: -- 1&#39;-"P -» I .- 1 - V s >i,»¥=+{7w:&#39;o>¬o?.-*=<=;:@t

. - &#39; 1" � T � .i~ F»-u.&#39;.-~+ ~"�i;--1} : - 1 oat-1...: Ir._ to keep in touch with the situation M1 ut -as ~&#39;.&#39;-W. _t-_ff_»}1-�_n�g5§i;_6&#39; 1cno1r�1nmediate1y of any developments and as to any intormtion picked up hyi�n_§o};¢ �,1Armed Forces or the BIA representative. I also requested that he ascertain not * h~,�§~{"�/� 41¢

tgths CIA representative is and what action he took upon his arrival. ��y&#39; was advised that-no investigation should be oonduoted by the moxville

;;::*tt:< �° �éf ~_:;�5&#39;?AI?i926/195$ gvoii� *¥F*t~"; 1»

J .~ " �

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. I� Jar-rt. .&#39;. 2 _",.:_ __ - . _- _ I: ,- �arr.� "Ill

§92{&#39;~»~* *5 Hr� 0 *4" 1 . In =" tiff"4-.92 » ..== 92- ,-- - ___ -92 < .. .~.. 1.:--=~"~ .-,,�-f, H _ �_� � "I ~ � &#39;� . - i,7&#39;** :_ . ___ . ._~ ..__&#39; _ &#39; &#39;;;:_; &#39; _ 2 _ -Ii W -

-4- T-g-ii.-92--�q¢ o ~ _ . ___ _ 0| �_. �I� _q,._-yh�ya. IV-I - �y.]4_A 1gvq_=&#39;92",� Jr,�-&#39;§,._&#39; �- � . 1:.� &#39; -Os .m-..- -an - -.-"�i92.-FI92sf92-§.92.A~|.-"D .-_92., * ___ �- _;~ . ¢-i .-_.,, ..,, ,=|*l¢*~F, "92iHu-a"&#39;�__1 -

Page 28: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 29: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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r 5Jb/ &#39; - &#39; &#39; &#39; &#39; &#39; .7

mecrcn, FBI . " &#39; . mm mu-eh31,t1950_ -;.<�f. ;�- . w. -.9-_&#39;, --,- -"7 "� __ _ -_; &#39; � &#39; _ --,:�*>_}I_I:� �Q &#39;- e&#39;92f""1"&#39;-1&#39;4! �&#39;92&#39;.92,-:,-.::F�:&#39;92&#39;.~-,�

n ¢»_=&#39;!lz=1__;m1.sa_r92e -t -.--= _92 . .. - " - :=&#39;;--&#39;*~¢-.->-:=:- .4. Q -4- - ||_ ~. . &#39;1�, W. - --�J 4-_�-.I.__ - I-92-ti�? -�L = &#39; &#39;.&#39;.; .92.?.:_.&#39;nr: 241-�F7s&#39; 4, "" nu1 * H� - e ¢-.-&#39;... ;-u-*.92 1:-1*. .. . - &#39;=.». e I . -an arr:--e-4s--=E3;.:�r..r --- - - . -&#39;- .. � �- -. -. . I -&#39; �--jig -&#39; II{�¢,~;,.�g*"p&#39;Lfn;Qt&#39;DI5c5-:.. &#39; Y1� F&#39;~u:.4~1- ;-73 6� - ~ -.92~."� &#39;~ I�, 1"�-�P ?�F%-:�f- 7!"�~&#39;f*|&#39;l� &#39; - H5: . 1"" .; - ; � _ __r-. &#39; ~&#39; .; -. - 1-.e,.,v. 1,- &#39;1. em;!? �Pi -" i,-�LI-._&#39;f&#39;� J ff� &#39;4--&#39;3� &#39;-&#39;vI &#39; 1? 3&#39; ""3-=-I�-�GL -� -&#39; �-I I"92&#39;_�"--""�$&#39;-&#39; "&#39;§�r&#39; &#39;$"">&#39;¥&#39;92�-",-F�.-.v-. {L -_,..- -H-_ - _ . &#39; . : ---4|� &#39;- &#39; - _¢, j_&#39; , ,1. &#39;7-. - ~.j--- ." -.H v A,&#39; �_ $12,�. Q_ �- I ,�_ -&#39;i-- _*.-, I - _ .. ..~_�..,_ -Q .."._ . &#39;- -1&#39; _f - _�-&#39;*4� f._ "&#39;1-{#1, �Z-_.,&#39; . - &#39;7&#39; ; �-. - &#39;,� .-T, &#39; -_" .. u �-�J--¢. _ §_~_. .:",,:¬&#39;-."_92&#39;a+�A- f ,__r-"92 ,n?§a.m§. "! ___

g� , -j. ,w �0&#39;~&#39;92: &#39;94,,� &#39;§�=-|-iv, _ 1 ~-, . &#39;-n...-~o-V. .". 2+7,"-_3�-I--. 1- 92 I 4 -92- - 92- . .. -. .. -. 11",... v|92- ~I _ - - I .�i&#39; L &#39;.-ea " .4Q Mi� _.¢. --f-;, 1-,� - &#39;. ¢=; :t,.,~ 1�: . -__.�~_ "*3 _ - _- , -41-.,.,_,, �C � ._¢- , ea 3-_,, -._ 92��_I,&#39;-r � �!&#39;_I �L� _�,�:.92._-_ A 3 . - _. vl_.___; :"___J:_¢ 1�: 3F�_,92_."_ U -H

~92-... . &#39;;.&#39; � . - " - -: .»-&#39; . .- A Hd:"_£l�-r

Special Agent , of the New Orleans Division,� we¢._ brother, V _ of the advertising agency," � -_ . _,

1*» p p _ ,. ..;:.,f.>:&#39;;:�+&#39;::- 921°-__...T��°&#39;e¥&#39;,.__ ¥~:....._= we-*==hz§%e.;--is~~- -~- 17&#39; �- -=-r-vi �P &#39;-~ &#39;~"-"- , _92..¥.;_.y1;_;:,_;has been contacted by one -*"92;;;, ~

� 4:

eet,&lep}:1on0_gDa11ver, Colorado,;F _ __ _g� &#39; - t -* *2_~¢�. -j

&#39; 4 is Illegecl to have�told_-&#39;I-I1 January, so, um-. 1=e�--=�~*:&#39;~&#39;e-&#39;=-,&#39;i*.&#39;-._,1;�§-1. .1 ix.� �Q�,

A -A - as a :1-par" 2:: ggnggigial 03222" &#39;43i�§2";" &#39; �- .---» - &#39; . . &#39; �."�-.-". .&#39;-�Q; on "��I!&#39;eTnrer, Colorado. Q15 claimng that he; leased__J.and_1n ;b£_;&#39;;_1�2+&#39;!__.- :22: eeegszznmmd �es-2 :5 me

*1-*»."~%::= ��1*."�,-.;�$;�;e""��." the �-9_.° BIT _ I15 �B68-I�. es o 0- in-e a ___o e _�_3__f-1-.g;_�_Yr_:_?exhibited yradio let _to_�{;>u.:-po:&#39;ted -to _be a *1-,--.&#39;.S_g_;=,_-:;-_ =pm--u===: L e e e &#39; . .A L .�:;¢i"--;�;-"§

_ . _ _ _. . -. §e&#39;§£|~AooordJng to �has been* of thin story o�� and -:,.;z:*.,<;,&#39;.1

�_j.�;1,§&#39;on for the three nomthfpm-iod prior to January, 1950, and is eaid to have �.&#39;-,�_-.1�.-�_. &#39;,i§-:~;no�t-1.f1ed_O1&#39; prior to.the publication of a~1&#39;1;-Lug"-d:.e_e.=:E.1&#39;_ _-�~15-:r=*~.-1-.@1<==+= "we-1=hed 1» &#39;*-1�*?f�1�!�*°�1�*E&#39;�.1{92°:1.&#39;=�1 we �=1-FB*NK7!=$UI-!I�P�Pl.1=hse1;-. ""}-f»&#39;jn_;thgIVar1ety-Ia &$;91.n�J&nn8.1&#39;y 1950. ic1gi.ned.�.toIl;ave_?&#39;,p3en&#39;.1=&#39; "-ff-~.f&#39;;-j» W" �*."1_=1**."1.~1=1 P@**�3Zm!°E»é+#*-hs=&#39;e 0*�-**= "&#39;*&#39;-i=1� 1" -"1? P~~"<¥*-�=i=1¥@¢+;-"@�;;:"&#39;:�. .&#39; -;- � P , . I T i�-I er-R. *1; :&#39;.�J&#39;-;-$�_V &#39;

-mm» data was mmuneawmz led been te]J.1ng�the�te1eprolifically in Denver that he claimed to have had telephone cello tram?�-5;,-R;-_&#39; *1~ { Washington, D. G. and from the Federal Bzreau of Investigation in which &#39;he-&#39;,;,_fi


&#39; was requested to keep the i.n.fomation to himself and-that, thereaf&#39;ber,~j-&#39;fF,~_~§g.__-he became mysterious about the entire matter. -- 7 Y -_�;t{§§;:"_8_&#39;3_�-�

" TL J_- ___L__§ l.L_J. ____-..I_1_�___92_�- ....__La.I _.I|l___ ______I_!__ _ LL __._ .I.I___ I___ 92_____:.!;.ls"!. 92_n L:J,� ll IIUTIBCI E1131: �FUD-5lQBI&#39;§&#39;DJ-U pumaclty rug-iLI�OJ.I1g �I-nw� UJJGB IE5 if :I§iw

� - �I.

. _ _. .;.$H1�&;&#39;_| *_&#39;l._!?,!u�,&#39;92&#39;,{¥

found in Denver and other ere. &#39;;} . .1 .; � J. =?�»1��.r~�,�.&#39;T _ &#39;. - I _ �f .-&#39; ,3. - -. � _� . �-,1; -"_ 3!? Ii.This infcn-mat$.on is b05..n.g $2-n:l|l1ed,&#39;ki;;e Bureau and the designated ottioee I�_,_;-J.

t 92_ for i.n.formaticne1purpoaee.e e .&#39;.-5.5" 1} M7 _:� 1} ___kt; 4�� I Jill�!-_ ,3-� .,1�.u .. - I-. 3;,� , - � ~ -W�/! I I , &#39; "_1_ r _-I !;r ,7 ,&#39; �P-_�i:�,a.-If�. -&#39;=_ ,. :_:;�.@-=&#39;:3-..__--n- . -&#39; -Q - � ~ ¢_ - - . _ -1 . .»¢. ;1.-;~- ~._»-I-92-T-ii.-t-_ .r.~r_..p _. ._ , .. _. /92 , . _ W, 1!. J.�

92I -&#39;92..&#39; � ; �&#39;9292§y " P � 5"&#39;�"t"� 7 ED"-&#39;"&#39; ""&#39;;�?»-".�*�§=P:!*?:.;=~�;k � 1i.z:vgf,&1§SJ -f�a.4n¥-kn, _.�!__,,,_;&#39;.?: _~ ~.z|&#39;_&#39; l1~ -- &#39; ! f= &#39; I: .&#39; 92 -&#39;1"-&#39;v &#39;-92 I � 3 _,.- , £5 -g I�

_ J e__ I "1: . ��zz: &#39; I�.�Jaw p W�

H ._-270 .-NW 1%= twp � &#39; - 1 -- Ye-_.&#39;=~,. g_;t£"&#39;$-.;_.;..g.Z�;;�5Ei925?&#39; 1: . itk�q 92_, �g, _ ,, ,~*~**:, ti i� � -�_ �� A�? � - &#39; I _ f_ ~e_&#39;___ .1.�-_-__ �-.

7&#39; &#39; 1 1" F " � .TL,;.;.t.-7&#39;7; 2-A Memk A - UNITED sTA{Lu. G0vBRNME1§1j_&#39;=&#39;f

Page 30: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

:�_-U}�C6T1&#39;v&#39;_Lc:r/wit:-/it!/ram ~ @-n.1r.0 b1&#39;A&#39;L1:S LrUVl;1u92.;»11;r~ai�-

e TO : The Director

T-nou = D. H. Ladd W _"Sub:-"-crgrrlwc saucers C_.-n---n

92 . ___| h.


�� l92IIl -1 5memo :3 to whether it is true or just shesIetc. think of them. e


_ Colonel J. V. Hearn of Air Force Intelligence. The&#39; their intelligence project_to determine what flying



1,; &#39;

Colonel Hearn pointed out that the Commanders of_ are charged with the security of those areas. Reports&#39; received at this time will be investivated b" the �r�&#39; C J a ea

submitted ts the Air Force Intelligence Division as an


or what they might happen to be.

._ &#39; " You will recall that the investigation of flying

;-:92 -

Reference is made to your inquiry on the attached routing slip:

_ "Just what are the facts re �flying saucers�? A short

DA. ;1hrch 28, 1950

..._......__-92 __.¬_-1


&#39; _ _..i..._-


v*�.v2�"-.3 »-¢&#39;-I

tr; �As!. cs -1-1» »==-i_.___ur. NH§&#39;,_�_,___.�X8! ha�!-Emu on-n;______________l__

Air Force

H In response to your inquiry, Special égent S. E. Reynolds obtained- _the following information today �/28/50! from Major Boggs and Lieutenant

&#39; Air Force discontinued &#39;

saucers are the latter _

. of last year. lhey publicly announced to the press in December, 1949, that &#39;" the project had been discontinued. They advised that the press release had

-_; _been concurred in by the Army and Navy. The reason for the discentinuance,� according to Major Boggs and Lieutenant Colonel Hearn, was that after two

.yeara of investigation over three-fourths of the incidents regarding flying_ saucers proved to be misidentifications of a Hide variety of conventional&#39;_items such as lighted weather balloons and other air-borne objects.

- s


the various areasconcerning flyingCommander and his

intelli1ence itcn



Eajor Boggs and Lieutenant Colonel Hearn made the observation that&#39;1 many of the reported sightings of flying saucers at this time appear to be an out-

_.- growth of recent magazine articles. They reiterated that the Air Force is&#39; conducting no active invvstigation to determine whether flying saucers exist -

saucers was discontinued

b" the Puree" in Qctober- l9L7. in order that the Air rorce could tche over

, |%»§�92 C - .-$.:~&#39;1e~§* -" �92lttdchmont - &#39; - /Pg; �-


-IZ: E; ¬?&#39;id?&#39;T;iE; ;1§&#39;392K 2corxss nizsrrioriao 1!� "

, 2.70 no�-1 isms

. &#39; 2- . .

I4 v -�Q� - 92,;§,�*&#39;¢* u - . v ,1 - . _. ..-.- .� .t ix �A Ir r4~;�#:.&#39;92 �en *5�. _-&#39;- ,l&#39;.;~ Q.-Q-_ K. -r ¢__&#39; L.fJ92 e-IL Mr-u92.&#39;4L � �;,&#39;_p,-&#39;.,&#39;r~Q_ %_. -_,J--1-».; �,1-�L "45 &#39; &#39; -A _ n. A .. - 7 � . ~ _ . ,�.,§....,.W ._ .

. L� etch. nvestigations. �5-83dé4�1&1-15¢! II I� _ � fr gwj ill *

41"!� . 92

». - -@%<»/it | 4.1-. »-1 - 9~/éll-B?m"1��?d&#39;,� &#39; / _�n�-*7!

. been .-1

Cw P 6*,�


- _ 1- " -.?:;�T§."_&#39;~-.,:-�"--&#39;f

- -&#39; - e �~. 92. 1 * � _ &#39; � &#39;_ lc, _ &#39; _ _ HA , -v-, - ., . � _ _ - __.92�92y92I �I . W. . >! 92 &#39; Y .. .4 ....~ _&#39;92 92_, ., ~ Jf =;.1v-?�-.*n�:;-;.~�qc-92/-&#39; .-"&#39; -a -�J, f

Page 31: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

4|-:f"3 -an uh;-r . 92_y92,.¢.--.....»....._ . ... ....._-_="|s;onyus Ag! E; &#39;. � - " _ PARTMENT OF THE ARMY

M S E * _.rA5F commuuucmons orrnce..-- . �g . _�,¢I""" _"


�ve nnman:mmL_ .iw¥ww~" &#39; I1lA|92un92J| -I» aw &#39; � -� =&#39;¢&#39;~_� �_.

.� . - "j�&#39;92&#39;-&#39; _ .- ..- ~. - .=.s vet?�. r &#39; &#39; &#39;j . ¢-_¥__ - . I _"� E &#39; . �-3 _ »_§*&#39;."&#39; -I 4 ._» From: COI»IGEI92IARI~T.£&#39;lEI~1REE rt McPherson Ga¬7a To:- Dept of Army for Dir of Intelligence ,7r" Hr: - AJACI 1~2 _ 2 N3? 50

r .�92 » Ielephone call received from Lt Col �unamnkor3, Tennessee Military District 1130, 2 I&#39;LL-".I�CI1. He stated

� &#39; A. There is a radar station near Knoxville which hasbeen in operation about 3 weeks. This radar station is being

1 &#39; operated by station �ROL,of Knoxville.� &#39; h lfi��if��y ��� DJ� &#39; kw»�A; - B. On 1 March at 2135 hours the station picked upM92��- an object 340 degrees and 18 miles fromk§noxvi11e altitudeii: #0,000 feet. Direction and distance pn§:the Object directlyS over Oak Ridge. AEC Security Division Chief at Oak Ridge5&5]: checked with Smyrna Air Ease Hashvilleiehich reported it had

no flight plan for any plane being in that vicinity and._ altitude.


C. On 2 March at 1105 station picked up object at335 degrees and 18 miles from Knoxville altitude EO,GGO

1 feet. ABC Security Div Chief checked with Smgrna Air Ease. with negative reuulta.

- D. AEC Soc Div Chief is not certain as to.operational. efficiency of radar unit and requested Smyrna LB to send

qualified radar operator. Smyrna has no personnel so- qualified. Smyrna commander suggested Third Army send

. Q l&#39;92 Y .§92 92 * - "*1:

Q oua1ified.rador operator to che§étX¬b;iig-nt. �fl! l.E. Data from radar was 1imitod_to: 5T�;"I53 A_ q!�J!�.l~. .13 1.»

1 &#39;|&#39;;:_nu-.&#39; , A-1..a- -. ft .&#39;--1 1 -&#39; -&#39; #-1. nc~=1ng, oietance and e1.ituae on each ObJ¬Ct.

2. Third Army queried 14th Air Force to C1�OTHinHif 14th AF had tznining flights over tlq Knoxville area on- 1 and 2 March. Jlnot-rer was no. 4

. v - $7. - ;/- om IN 12036 J �I*Iar 50! ~" &#39;7 pf /H /I &#39;92.* 171

, 52APR1o§§so ~uucolull 3 §QPY NO- �I:5 nu nu _ � _ .__ II�

&#39; oov�muucr ra|M&#39;pm: crncs : 92949�o~a:|o-0:0

. - - --&#39;92&#39;="&#39; �--&#39; � .._... -=7 -92 .-.Z-4 -1.--Q .-- 9. � -1-4..�-�-»--..-,.~_--..,;._ ._ . _. ,,_ :____ __-1-~_ _ -_.&#39;-�:r. .1 --. .._-.- ._ "W, ___ _ ,_ . -u |. ,_ ,.-- �-_. 1 --,- .._~,&#39;,,_ -,_ >--- -~---._,_...__.,,.__,-. ,._�.

: e--�s-:31! &#39;-< i D D� _- �~- ��-- ----:..* --� ~_ _&#39;._ &#39; "" - 1-=il:l=92�I|-&#39;-I»-I

"1".-~.&#39; -"" Y-"�~~ -"

Page 32: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

, I &#39;-� - 0uupomuuc Aggf &#39;

"_ . .. . - &#39; DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY


.-�ivJ�.&#39; 2"?�1," L


Hr: mac: 1-2 _ Page 2._0;; 0 _ o

&#39; 3. Third Army has no radar operators.

4. Inquiry of Lt Col Hunamakor revealed thanChiof Security Div Oak Ridge is anxious to get qualifiedpersonnel check on the performance of the radar.


CM IN 19936 � Mar 50! DTO: 0220302 ml?/C-�I1-.�. �g

. a Riki-CF

-==="°*" GQNEam: mm 22"3 COPY NO&#39;� Ll. $_ GrOV¬RNIlENT PRINTIHGKTHCE . i949�O-830430

, _, _A - til?" ..:..-.-.:-&#39;5-:.~&#39;-�H:-.�.�.""-&#39;.�-"� �I i.!&#39;1=%1at:l;r:922-a..:.u&#39;- _~ i , _ . 7 V" ~"&#39;*>"?&#39;*9292"�-*.��.-C�¬" 3&#39;...-&#39;.-*3 "»-&#39;- �#3-&#39; ".~"-"30""""" �"&#39;-&#39;.-&#39;_" "_&#39;»_.""5""�-*"��<;&#39;-":3 ""92&#39;:92&#39;.&#39;3&#39;n�:&#39;�*".3�~&#39;3§» �i�l- "&#39;.."2." --» . , � »- . I v--. _1. - --" q,___ _-=. _.�,.,,.-,;_ .»&#39;,&#39;__01:-eg§~...Ff _1�_$ . _. _�+4_-.�__9:_~&#39;-_.,__.-�_x.n__;.,._,�_é__§__§�=;92_=.{._:__!_-.. .- �,,;~,<_?»�__¢.-.1 fr-_-;_;___f-,1-@.,.:___,;___,.&#39;.__ _,~._92,.k___�;. - _ 1. {_,. �,__� __ _ - " �J? Hi�-&#39; 4%--*&#39;~1�&#39;.. A &#39;-- "". � ~"- J�-......!I=-�up-;_1"§.-""--&#39;.�.&#39;1,~. .. �&#39;--1., .&#39;~�~ --1» -.. . - �~-I ;- - > "� -" 1-. �

Page 33: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

M 73- 33 3 1"� UL smrr CG?-KMUHICAJIQNS omcz

" -If .&#39;.1-

� :5 _.

7» -17 :


i I�__92

1 -�I-t

3- &#39;_" »- �ENuh

.-__&#39;. 1



.1. ~.1 .Pe,I�II9"?


.&#39; .92

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� .



..-� -."&#39; .

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. 92&#39;


SI; hi _ �L; ,

Q� .§§j», x é&#39;o . --a &#39;

�IL , K I I W I.

.cu xi:

_:;:�i" t L Z!�

&#39;51APR2219Qé92 , .<¢%1�*�71-7Ww~%/9%

&#39; K &#39; &#39;¬&#39;;? nL t PARAPHRASE nor REQUIRED .&#39; tr:,__&#39;3-.*~_-" Y 92 .. . �PR &#39; »�-&#39;-=-@511-"I=392=-1&#39;*<�&-f� .�.i�-&#39; ��¥�-F3?" rt-&#39; =

= :3:-&#39;-1;� =-.:"¢@.&#39;:.�e:=� � ":�~r-&#39;~s;,-iii?� .&#39; �iv-Q&#39;| &#39;.,=.,.=:I..1.-»-:~.¢-_-r,: _ _ ;_;_:»=~&#39;-=�

.» C0!-1:31$IU!.RI-Tr&#39;T?iREE Ft McPherson Ga: ; &#39; - &#39; -I L -aw.�--&#39;1�-=7 vi",

To &#39; : Dept of Anny for Dir of Intelligence ,1A __ 5�;-F13� .- - -


3. _z-M--:_-_.._...

nJACI�3-3 3206 . 3 Mar 5�@I¥§�

7 Reference our TEX AJACI-1-2, 2nd nor supplonentrrg I674 jreport follows: -

1. A! At 2130 hours on 2nd Mar zada" station I�picked up 2 obJccts 310 degrees, altitude 80000 fast, an»groximately 18 miles from Knoxville in general Giruction of

QR R1¢3°, moving in circular motion Qyt in opposite divan-tions. $92{

&#39; &#39; B! At 2230 hours 2nd Mar an§5a5a1n at D030 hcuzo3rd Mar station picked up object, mov}ng same direction.locality and altitude. ip - .

- G! Density of object simitur to DC-3 airplane, �speed not established but report as "terrific". -

2. CIA Radar Technician reportedly arrives knox"il1ctoday to check radar set and operation.

3. Arrangement reportedly made by FBI with Hava: 92ans Harine Reserve Unit �noxqille to set up-radar equ1pn=ntto verify reception of $�QL92padar Station. �

_ ___ _ ___.,,___...----_.-.-_.,________

&#39; U. All information on this subject this headquartershas been turned over to A-2 Fourteenth Air Force.

Rota: AJACI�1-2 13 CH IN 12035 � Mar 50! G-2

ncrzom a-2 %0R_0m. _ _ T, 46].. Z5 3?�:/.INFO : G-3 1,......- -4A &#39; ~ t»&.+..�.7 _&#39;_-}_,._

. . ¢* 1 4121%.»; � �ar 50?? = 031&#39;;-00.�. _§.-,-0

�~51-92.92vI�Ir92I�9292�r&#39;I&#39;9292� l I°l $¢°"°lI _. ~ - " " COPY no.22 3 L

Q� 2.--.

� r 1-92 .; �r_ r

_ - |,|_§_|.3�J&#39;.1_1~ulJ92TI&#39;IllIcYJ�92&#39; errata: usrago-91:1,"

_L&#39;T__-L&#39;:;P"&#39; __ _ D V *7 __ 7 __ 7_ ___ _ _ &#39; &#39;."&#39; &#39;-71§*3§?-:355*§1¢?#�=%2v::e:¢;w=:~==~-�w _. t - .e %

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Page 34: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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"In investigator for the Air Iereee eteted that three eo-ce.l.�I.ed 7. 1�ying eeucere had been reoovex-ed in lee Iexico. they Iere&#39; &#39; �tie . . 7&#39; -. _ 7". . _ ,

&#39;3&#39;-. -.:-92~ f_ &#39;..

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lately 50 feet in diameter. hch one In occupied by three bodies_ot human ehepe but only 3 teet tell, dressed in metallic eloth at _.;e very tine texture. Each body was bandaged in e nnner ei.n1.le.;:-,_;,_-..&#39;

k i &#39;

hoarding �to Ir-�1nforlent, the um�ggen found in In _f? due to the feet that the Govenamentjg e very high-powered.�


&#39;T ._&#39;4."&#39;:". W. 4&#39;.

� | llrs . . .�-6.1-. &#39; ". .

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�I.The foliowing hmfomation was furniihed to SA 1- - _&#39; V l A I; . *&#39; . �_ __- .&#39;

.-.._ 7_,-,"=e .&#39;r...*é_�

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Ato the blackout mu used by lpeud flyere endq:%et pcmm. FE�. �x,� . .

- . l.= -. �r: . &#39;

__ _; ��ll . _ _ I �__*136.. = - -reds: let-up in that ere: end it is believe! the rider :i.nter£eree .__,:.&#39;j-f_g;:._:_- -_

th the;lechnniea of the Ieueere. - _ -;�~:&#39;_ei,}::f,r_;._ e

further evaluation �Ill ettenpted by SA_-conbeming the iuri.-L�?� &#39;- �Ii ;

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Page 35: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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"_�_: �kl,-L92R� �:"�� "w:&#39;fUIf�0lf- "J-" " - vi-|i_:i�_-31-1.""!----. 5 =-��y� I cu.

IIQOII _&#39; 4- -&#39;1;-~ 1--&#39; .1.

W. MAR 8 1950&#39; -, COMM-Fur �e�- . H _ &#39;; " H t.


L H� , - -1: -&#39;bI&#39;;,;"&#39;;= L-52&#39;1"i&#39;*"" .K

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&#39;5 . r _ _-2&#39; . ... - �_�-- I

&#39;q&#39;- ~ 2&#39;. ti.�-.&#39;. =_}~_ �~71: 1

1 &#39;1;;-c1 . � &#39; , I k F92�£" &#39;

I� .J- .,_&#39;.- 92 *&#39; &#39;- &#39;.-¥�"f�.&#39;.|;! -e 3".� .- &#39;- - -1- &#39;5&#39; . .

"K ,,£� " --L &#39;1&#39; "� .1 �El-1 r- r;.:- �t"�- g

� &#39; . &#39; 1° - *1

�P.-III�.-_. _- _-7.�,-":.".l_ =i92§~�.;.i.-3.12 -_i

&#39;~&#39;?u-_..:.,-j =1 ¢ 3-�."-1 IOTI: Oorrespongent lengthlyxelatee her ebeerut� &#39; &#39; "1 concerning �ying eeucere end edvieed that &#39;ehe b�§_&#39;!.

x they are of Russia origin. It 1e noted that tn fir Mletter of February 14, ehe wrote to commend. lir.___ 1for hie eervicel ee Director of the 131- &#39; = ""-&#39;_

I .U. . _ _

- . I "" " "&#39; &#39; =�¢....- j..,;m,� »

lea; J I l x , 1 _ 1!, . L:--&#39;.:,,&#39;.. H _ ,- ljli �J-P &#39;31;-»%wed ""1 _.&#39;3&#39; I &#39; �Q "P ~""""" - &#39;: . 92 " 7 � . ~ - ~-

-ii ~&#39; .~ . .&#39;.~ 4 &#39; 1 � -"&#39; ""."- " -- �- .&#39; &#39; �-.&#39;£=.�- *.*"&#39;r1¥~&#39;-?" &#39;- .--- -Fi-i==92&#39;~ ~ - s =,;.-=�-_.-� _. i. ., _ L _ . � �_92 I �i _ _ z � _ . -_.___ , ,9! M - . ...


|- ~».

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.3,-_1=; ":,I?92_� .;_�,_h__ &#39;1, M-�____ k i : if .� _&#39;0 ¢"&#39;92 924 �

.3. . - _ - ..,._,..., ,�J - V - _� , . .

* .__ "S . _ .,�¢-�.1 ;.,_.-2. K� &#39;. f; 1 Tl� .__L&#39; .;&#39;-i�

Q,�.1;_.|- - .1 . &#39; K� »Q � . .!-&#39;_: �.-&#39; �L ~ 3 r k &#39; "

� .&#39;;- :"_-

.7 =..,-1-.r, : ,�._ �-

92..�. I "gl -_~.. &#39;-I-2"� -

.1» _ �.&#39; "W" "&#39;� "#-

&#39; gI&#39;!;.:.. �L; -.-:1-L_::_.*�-. ..-.-.. =.;:~. . "_~-";-.3--~"-1. -= .�- &#39;:.,= -=* 11 7"-"- ~ .&#39; - &#39; � - &#39;-; ; -~ - &#39; - =*.. .. K3 -1?�.-;1.»_":*�§.,p_:!-.-.!&#39;¢� 1;

.,-1-9 . &#39;. "3" ,"&#39; 1� M � &#39; " � &#39; .�_* . �r &#39;i- -T-. - l- -*&#39;~�~&#39;- ~&#39;f.;HE§ &#39; fin-en &#39;l&#39;.*19s0"�_- , . :�..:.~--"�~.=-:�*=~&#39;*"-&#39;**-tf-�+¥*~"~�I&#39;§&#39;"§- a . ,, - &#39;- ;;_ i- __ ._ o � , "m _ - 92. _ ;- - , -x- �H-.¢.

; C4�;- &#39; - I . ti,-,"___�92&#39; -&#39;;~ .. _ .__._.:,r3_�l &#39;-&#39;.&#39;:&#39; �- ;

_ �__s=&#39;1-|-&#39;-__:&#39; 5 §.a-l-4* " &#39; _ 1; L�_ "&#39; .-P_<.~.f_,;.H;1__:..f"

- �- J!-nb~"&#39;fi _&#39;:_ "g;_&#39;4�_:--;}"�~. �____ I - 2 .2-&#39;__

,___,-&#39; ; 1 Lt |./- t92_,. I �T

, -. �V , 5&#39;2. _..1;-| &#39; 92 .

. � .P 1 - �.�,._� 92

Your letter/of February 38, 1950- ill-I 5&#39;" Y� � "&#39; received end I vent to thank you for making your eb- 4

Q} &#39; &#39; eerntiuu available to me. Your thoughtfulneee in _.

$_?t_.i._:_.!&#39;,_j~_*-&#39;L~}t.-_th1e 1!_I-1{1=§&#39;D9_§lf91- �-1.;_�1,v3,A5:§g¢;§f;_:?,;?.i

&#39;Ii.nee1-I17 7°Ilre&#39; 4� ~- "tr "3&#39;?�-"�*"1 - -51&#39;-

-"" �gm P°°"�&#39; &#39;~ * T&#39;§:.FT%; @1-.1-.__» .� &#39;1 5" - -_ . 1., . - -o. I. .

John Idger lower - � *._ U *-1�;D11-eater &#39;

F3 co


, . -" -e &#39; ~ r. -_.� -


., -&#39; &#39;�.,~&#39;92�.� 1.

¢~.1w_ -92~-.:

&#39; -7&#39;. - _::____._.-_-92- .. :-..n- ... -___

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_ .. _; . F .5 -1�: :h_i.&#39;r_&#39;;|",.;_-Q...�-1&#39;_. � &#39;-o .&#39; -,- �- . :1, r1.� &#39; &#39;- . &#39;5� !.&#39;-&#39;.~.."n§-7? ."}�I�E&#39;*"-3;-�."�:�L~.&#39;-"1""!-5":&#39;~.!�E;?.g-I - .. &#39; -

. -&#39;-- 1- .1 .-,-. "� - -> �. 1&#39;" -.» � &#39;&#39; "&#39; .

�HA, z��u-f-- 4&#39; a

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Page 36: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 37: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 38: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 47: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Page 48: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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HE. :

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Rml;-&#39;E1165� �Pick

�ago whilemi�-@er o

engineersCoultcr._a--1-_.: -|__{I-{:1-92-ELL HG

Arrlzozza. �o

�Flying S

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";PA_=c:�;:.;s or "21 Am �mmA, >-. � 9*�. i. h¥ .- - �- &#39;~ - * - - ~ - 1&#39;»-J &#39; I � , »z»1¢,_»;~.&#39;~&#39;.1*..&#39; =�&&#39;=&#39;;.&#39;5&#39;-, . . -._§-&#39;+7.~&#39;;~ &#39;-- - -. - - -- 1 _ �"l"_. »&#39; _ - -"F~;>1.~{~.� e � 0 Di I .5 ma

|� 1,;I;co;;I;&#39;c- CLA5;~sIFI3D zsssssos1 _ w " - . _v--, .*,?&#39;_92-.92&#39; 92 &#39; 3,1,; A _ &#39; I .&#39;».�1 . if-&#39;*.= -~,:; _::

..~?�-T . &#39; &#39; - - .-- .

_»_._!~¬_ 5 PP!-£13.. L . _ _ ;_,_:...---------.. . �q 92 I vr 6 - -14

. . 92---

so Lo&#39;.rr.Y AFB, com - Z31?! _ss KIRTLALFD A12, 1 "vac ���!.....J-- ¢-I-~-

� &#39; _. r . -

o - �6 January 1950


cs: sow 14 so. cm:-coax s»..m""-� ;:ssms!.

Ficl: sr*.;&#39;s �yiag saucers from Terms craze to er-rt�-1 TI; 3-C016-chi, 92-roll kncx-r.-_ Kansas City auto c�-.e:-lcr stojrped in Denver II �.-.-ceZ:sreturnizy; from Ogjien, Utah. At that tine he celled on the

f Ford A:_:eac;&#39;. Their conversation was interrupter; �by somearriving; for a nesting; one of when was a mm nrzneci &#39;

Coulter revealed some startling i;1i&#39;o1&#39;:.:ation. He GouJ.tcr!ECI-ashes the C-ate�-&#39; at e. re-ciar station near -£10111� Lierzicc and.

orders, and while there he saw 2 of the Zzigl-..�.;.&#39; secretaucc-rs-" Spot retort d.e&#39;ae.i1s�--time iris:-nation contain <1- c

herein 92-:.".s ;�1�rnF.s3#c0. from article which aj~pe:.rcc1 in the �.2�;-&#39;z*.r:r3-:~t�.eEcho nous;-aper, K.".l15.&#39;15 Cit;-,F1;&#39;in:_; onintact,

in diameter. A rinv 13 feet

Kansas, 6 Januar-_~; 19-50. Of the t-.--adamaged and the :tZ~.or alas st 1�.�c:�fe::t1j&#39;parts, a cockpit or c:Io�.n_:-.�o:~ut 6 footacross and. 2 feet tlziclc s&#39;.::;-ou_.:1&#39;eC.

uccrs one was &#39;n:~£.1;,&#39;&#39;1&#39;ne}&#39; consisterl of 2

the Cabin. Ems cabin was constructed of metal roscnblizzg; a3.u:;�.;&#39;.&#39;.1:.1,1111*. +.11n .-92r92&#39;|>.92-|n&#39;} me�-Q Q: +1-tn DQAH� 1.9- _1_.:u _.92 ____.__-:,,. ; _ .1� _&#39;lj. ~_ . Q-�- w..¢u u~92:vuA.-4. an-.92.D BA U-I.1I.1 LJUUILL Ill!-B L.B.,],EC. ;Il.,&#39;..l92 $]_s. &#39;_p°L_:_&#39;BeI&#39;

a. piece oz the metal in bis possession and gave it to �1&#39;.l;e To;-d man tosend. to the Iicarborne nlant for analysis. &#39;i�Z:5.s _..=.n&#39;"* Cc?-_;lte1�} .&#39;;I�.c&#39;.-.&#39;ed.@116 grow-P, iI1¢1921rT&#39;-in; Ficlz, a clock or a:-itematic calendar which t-1:�.taken fro

col endar



.1 one of the FJ.;;.&#39;in5 Saucers. �iis closl: or zntossatic°°�=i="7°@- 131&#39; 3 Pieces of metal togetlzer with ccae xmasu

W96 Of metal. 0:1 the face of 1 or 2 pieces oi� this :;o"I;al there1131121�-red an indentat

cycle eac

z�ggei 5Q of those, &#39;__ 92$§ates in a pa:-5.06. _. ,

__-&#39;;T--.= &#39;1-&#39;~1ro-"111 in Lou 1112::-10:. B-c_?; oi ma Errft 11:-:1 :1 crm-r oi� .&#39;:. =.»-._:_:=;= "* - in the d:&#39;.;.:.&#39;u;f<1 ski�: 92-ore chm-red. -�but the o�!~cr �1in&#39; c &#39;--~.!:�""-&#39; -.-

ion w�-zichmotate-cl arowui the dial: eon-~1eti:;; aAcccrclilxg to the; inforaation giver. &#39;Jo&#39;.*.lt:-r

1311�-5 saucers have -been --�sane the Erlit��1� 2 years. Of these, �$0 are in the �PPS "r- co-rel;

11 33 6.0;." 5,J�

- 11 11 we-f~<== "--we 0� pro"-¢_r>&#39;.-�Plan. -=-.1:1}<»u-J1 Geri. _ ---- - _ A43. fr1 . _� i� .. �F �Q! _ v1 11--_ 3 CC.&#39;._ -Jkw.; .&#39;Z&#39;.;�B

� � . &#39; &#39; Q? - /-3: "130 A �6 .1.-.~.n so! 1&#39;61-33ff;»¬;1§&#39;�1{&#39; . 3*":

>�rll--I� _ � &#39; &#39;_� .=�92:--0&#39;;

_ 0 nu -;_ H -� &#39;__|, ,;§_,0 &#39; _U &#39;-P 1 , 1 1 {J

Page 49: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

ex�! &#39;VJ- � .p_92 .

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Page 3

All were uniform hei;nt of 3 feet; blond, beardless and their- were completely free of fillings or cavities. They "ore no un

garments, but had their bodies taped and were dressed in n so;_. wire. A quantity of food in tablet form was found in ship.

Fick assumed that the reason behind the apparent lack of security was that

the Government wanted the information spread from unofficial sourcesuntil people are more or less familiar with the facts. Ir. Iick feels

- that the security deynrtncnt of the military fee: that the sudden shockof a surprise announcement that intorplanitary travel is possitle mightcause mass hysteria. Tick is well known locally and has e number offriends at the Kansas City Star. OSI District 13 will interview Pickand will make ndditionnl inquiries at the Kansas City Star. Goulternot otherwise identified, but can be reached through Ford agency inDenver. Action: Information copies furnished CSI Districts 14 and17 for action. The editor of the Kansas City Star stated that vhilethey were aware of this story they did not dare publish it in thepaper because it is too fantastic.


ACTIQ S1-°3CI.nL IlT�f3STIGA:TIu&#39;.TS

Izrzo : nos/0 11I1=::c&#39;::<:-P. or I:~n"nLLIe::.rcEncs/0 1112101102 or PLAZFS ea oP;:?nrIo;tsres/0 PQLICY DIVISTOHf�92�_�!"I&#39;T"!&#39;.�I t�."_Il 0 in wan92J4-J-4.4-� U-I a nuu,

on? nr: -7130 �6 Jen 50! nee: 16,/1.4302 - Q-._=-G/1._._.=

so so/161211


., __ Yx--u


Page 50: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis


&#39;I*. 92~ 5"







ACT I013 :

I110 :

GIG� I15:

13 OSI DIS: CI�l�L"&#39;TL 4&#39;*FB, OTAEA "LIB ASLA,

SS.=3.l", J~..:|I.T_&#39;.�G OLE 35CC .DP. __5JI-&#39; OSI IJIDT L0.v&#39;?.Y AFB, CuLC"&#39;§-DUCO DP. l&#39;?&#39;i�I CSI IJIQT KIPQLAID Al-&#39;3 11-BUQ,&#39;92J&#39;.1P Tl,DIST


OSI ll. 1&#39;? J&#39;92.m1.. 1&#39;!� P50

�zis -e c1s uO MIX. from l13tn CSI Dlswlct, ::.lT.&.~.l.Ta92. �L3,Omaha, 1Te&#39;or::c-::~., dated. L» January and snot l11tOlllQ&#39;3I1C8 re ortdated. 16 J:.1nuar;&#39;, :1: cc�: "�." Sencezs Fro..1 1811.13 uo&#39;*eEm-th." For youl 1.1.orr:ct1on both JX :1.-Lc. spot *e"101*�h are .@m-graded to Confiuentl

Re-::"crc11ce I2; 1s CA3�-I3.�-71,30, 17 J_;-,1 1&#39;0 031


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Page 51: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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_$__th. oamimdzttu �I ortiasb; lolladhzg umra:-;Lf1od information relating�_. * ._. hi-ah nrnis to this Bureau by n con�dential ¢; 1 .. *=;,~s-�.I ._�- &#39;-Hgqmco thou reliability is unknown and who bu requested thnfhia identity"z.--bo.rqv_u1_nd.* *.-- _-�;-a~ ;{-;,-.=&#39;-&#39;; -_=_+_,_f-&#39; .3 » .,;¢a_-;@£.�§-�ie:léf._.e;-��-£3?.�, � -I-i._92_G--. .__�_�~ Eb 92 &#39;1 V._ �F ,t__�-_ �E _:H, i. ._ _ /;__ - _ _� ___ _&#39; L; :3,-__§-_ J� Y �:5.� 1-__ f�:�1%�~ �:;�_�&#39;.;=§ff,*_,"_:�A_*.__: t" _¬_.|�.&#39;.f &#39;-:_,§�-4.."...._r;.*.�rb.. - _ ,_ _, &#39;" __ ,; ;_* ~;;;§;;¢£j_,§§.;;Z§_f§.h�y%f;.;§

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, "*&#39; .-:5-,.&#39; -" Biuntor bout l,"=:l.n the 1.11-gutpart &#39; &#39; ""7~*-"��*" &#39;

~.---1!-___"13 nb ed t., in hot. no about the llma shap0_,�?"..--

an - -" &#39; -- . &#39; , _.-. ". &#39;4 ."" � I-_&#39; 3��? =&#39; � &#39;- ;~&#39; s _ * . *&#39;-.+&#39; C5--20 ~. -~-5 bf? &#39; 9* "W .:@&#39;.:,.»--&#39;=*."-b"&#39;-_&#39;..&#39; - ~-rié�?-7

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Page 52: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

nu�? _&#39;. _ - . . . ... _ - . 1, . . . V � _

" " &#39;-.3-_. - _ &#39; &#39;_ T1" ?_>_.¬»&#39;-.&#39;,;v."&#39;_&#39;. I�! � 1.� �l - I -- 92. .._ -I;-1.� &#39; &#39;. _&#39; �Q1 7, _�..o-!-&#39;1.-r - .":&#39;-- , -. �Q:

-».-.1- ¢~.-1*. #l:&#39;r,g&#39;_-.-,. -_-.-".�_.V,;-,_ _ _ . .- 1 - 1

. -- -é»--=,~_ .&#39;.=-&#39; .-.. H; ,_,_ ._ A, ___|_ _.

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.. -.�-51&#39;.� X _ �Ho viable nuns of propulsion nah an progallcr, it ; j, .»*�2"�...» ~,1Iapor trail, canola or Ilhllllt-Q� - �_ - .~ - _l ~"-..-1:-&#39;1 _"--&#39; --.-*--=--�--- .1:g t�. !§___; _V a -- ___�_ 2. - _ "6?-�J-I-_,~¢-1;

-&#39; -- » -- &#39;- -.--F�-�I-" i 45;.-1*?!-7:" &#39;" ~ I - Inn front of the rocket was vary lharp with a noodlo Y� _" 7;�

"&#39; &#39; � non, the mndlo__1oo92ud about 6" ling and was 1-hU_l1IQ Q!� O .- &#39; é� &#39;1&#39;-_~.»1&#39; ----;§¢@;»~ lsui �n Q _. . - . -.. -@,@§ ._ &#39; . ._ F�: � _&#39; &#39;5,� _.__. ,5 _�__._ J�. .. -1-�J �,1 ._-. _&#39;;4>.._&#39; ;_ if VE1~�é-"&#39;£*§.¬~.<_ - ¢.~.~-;».~é-&#39;?*~-gai. -. -A -�T F " V!�-&#39;;*~;-3% "3"" 5 :"*~&#39;§§=»*":,.

-_ _ 1 . L - &#39;E&#39;;*:�.;"- &#39;_ r_|.�;&#39;,3." + :7 _ 1:7 &#39; . . . &#39;.V7 &#39; 2 " , - &#39;-&#39; &#39; .. ""3 ¬ _ �. = � _ V ,E.,&#39;!&#39;I&#39;ho rur_um_1.uu_.b1unt 11:11:: $0 the_..rnr and

. 1,;1- �F; t� _ 5 a &#39;

, _ _ _ -; - .-_&#39;=__*_&#39; &#39;.-1&#39;_;-_.-� ; -,__; _-- .=,»_. .; F r. _--.;_._»~£:*_!- 9.9 ��&#39;.&#39;?��!-r� 3&#39;*%.&#39;."-&#39;.."T&#39;i&#39;-3&#39;~*-Ff!�?�-&#39;:&#39;-.&#39;=*.:P�-i �W "~"~&#39;-r-"<&#39;~"**-�-" �~-§"%*.=&#39;i�*-�¢~.#�~.¢:.» .

.I�+ �HI .,_ &#39; I - 1_ ,} &#39;___ �;�_ -_ ._;"_ � �I1; _I I i� H�-�_&#39;~- L-"M .50 I15 &#39; &#39; P" - - _&#39; .*�"- -*1 -=T-&#39;. Hm:

_$3�_�?:g_:_._ af ___ I� �Flag Iflhiy 9.1-_l.hdA_Ill traveling a!_mut_ fff�-�;._,_

Page 53: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

i_�.t&#39;:- -gmnnlul-anal! &#39; -H . __ �A � 45 &#39; 92- &#39;-"� ..-_ _ 1 &#39; , � - . u-_- &#39;- ~ 92 &#39;-K� I? " I. rw56� ,Z92Z[61fZ_0l1&#39;au6gZz¢m l. _UNITED sTA&#39;I .u.O&#39;. coyznlonnnr

&#39;_= DIRECTOR. I51 &#39; m&#39;rn= October 2, ioeg ~ -.1--Ii�, g�. on &#39;1"�U.�r&#39;1u.&#39;oo.§-gn " t A � " �&#39; "._sunJn unnL _ "7"" � ~ ;~=--;-;§,_{"_. -. 011.111: msos, uxscnumroos .. .

.< .._§ . . _ _ .Z... =. . " &#39; �_&#39; =M- &#39; �, �- r ~ _-, . � . &#39; . &#39; -&#39;--" 7 -Gi-.?&#39;,-I &#39; - &#39; .,~.=_

. "F On September as, 1949. L. s. 0hnr1eeton,&#39;j" - --&#39;.�_-&#39;5� Ieet Virginie, appeared at the Charleston, Ieet Virginie, reeident egene and&#39;-"1~&#39;:"&#39;*- geve to Special Agent �the ettnched. letter. llr tntel - ,_

that he no written the letter folloving e pleeeure flight frono�lnrk l&#39;ield.,�-if &#39;7&#39;.7l3"_St. Albane, �eet Virginie, to Perkerehorg, Ieet Virginie, on September 4?-6,,�_ ;-,:&#39;*,.-,�7;_r_"§&#39;-_&#39;v-;"1949, llr, _eteted that after writing the letter, he did not knov " &#39;_f&#39;{.§ I1;-5&#39;.-whether it would be of en: inteo-eet to the 1&#39;31 end necided. that ineteed oi� &#39;;:-"&#39;W, .

,= -e nailing it directly to the Doreen nt Vnehington, he voolli content the 1ooe.1_ &#39;q_~=*_+&#39;.""":&#39;j"_"&#39;-.*.�*&#39; egent and turn it over to his if it were thought it would he of intereet to~ .-Lrthe Doreen. _ &#39; r .. V 1-"&#39;};_;~=%.~ �-. .5,-1 ~ - � �-_&-z-_ ..

-"-1. ef.

"-t,__-;l llr.-eteteni that he hee eet out the complete cieteile of thie"- �I-_h�_ -{Ef incident in hie letter and thet there ii nothing further that he cen mid. .He_! _- ,_;_,~__-&#39;=;_, <: &#39; further eteted thnt he ie eertnin thie vee not e nirege end -thet it ectuel1y__-;f_T3_*-1&#39;"-1&#39;-,&#39;;3� -eooou.:-red. *� &#39; ~ &#39; � &#39;-&#39;.;. �5&#39;5"?"�eI7�;&#39;-?*§;f&#39;lI3:

__ r Io further action ie being telzeniy thie office nn1eee.&#39;epeci£�iedlto&#39;*_;_~ do eo �by the Bureau. �_ " 1 &#39;-; 1&#39;,-3-_ 1,1�

>.4!&#39; . ; o _, _- ,"t . 5&#39; .&#39;�_ � _ _ 1 _&#39;_�- i_»_�_-&#39;. I-Ll I

-. A .,:~-..,__ _-- �. er�; ,.. :_ .-v__

� ., .i,_-".&#39;;_.;"..; ; __l|" &#39;. � � - . l> A K?!-- -. _ _. ,- -9. <1 1 ~__.

-._._&#39;»&#39; __--:1.�_ _ __. . __ __; _- _

3-&#39; ,�-- "»&#39; 2�.- 2 1 _ 4 -&#39;.,~g _q:,_-�_.-P"A",_.,_

, ~ e. . - . 5.3%. _-I_.,=,f". � _ V : j- V 1&#39; 7-.

, e- , ._92, .&#39; - -o-=1, 1&#39;,-=.: :2in *-&#39; -.. .&#39; l e i &#39;t�t3":8&#39;Z£;9~Q�1

wmm-:0 87 Y I hqéiggi;13 act 25 _.MB_ .13;

-1,.� I &#39; ; . "._ l _&#39; Q5, g , -¬> o it

2 °=� .

Ie.§.17"- &#39;-1 -_~. .- 4 .

" I�


�L� �--In &#39; - &#39;-481",-f�_ I -1"." i"I.. �I A» &#39;�&#39; .

&#39; &#39; - -. a-.&#39;-":._»&#39;92"

� .0. � -- - - _> &#39; -v .__ _ , _-�K-&#39;-.__ -. ! �I -,1 .. ""&#39;92-4&#39;" &#39; ¬""» -

Page 54: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

§:s2�7i_&#39;.. =_£Q 1 {__ &#39; ~ v &#39;3&#39; -Q 92, "&#39; n. , r-. - V -- . &#39; &#39;v"92 rt Jr 41;�; -&#39; ~ - - &#39;~ --� .-= __ ;.

�,1 . _ �� .._ I_ LI- :-."#-511.. i:.-&#39;¢s;.e--e..- _, &#39; -.- -~5-=!"Tr�_ :7 =_ ,_ . . �-1 _,, a 4&#39; &#39; &#39;

. . _- . " __."-L:-�;_-.--.111� ..|j.&#39;»_A,;¥�_�i|

i |~ .....-11.. , é_ . . , D _ _ Q rm 1 I fr q�;§§&#39;A,,-;-..&#39; -"1 5�; I ._ S." _ - _A I _-92 __ _� I. -_ .21 &#39; �ri arisen-I&#39;.LeDv ¥II Ya� _ &#39; � ,"&#39; &#39;!.&#39;1-.__H!"r:92&#39;�-|_ � - .&#39; �. _&#39;.Tb 4 -92&#39;-he &#39;.a a &#39; September 25 191;�!. -,� �.%*,?I" 2&#39;-R

_ _p Federal Bureau of Investigation i - . a. 1�;, &#39;;£u:&#39;.=~�; Washington D. G. &#39;-_&#39; . &#39; - &#39; " &#39; &#39;.._&".&#39;f�;&#39;T,;r_.r

ea s = s &#39; s .~ ~ &#39;c- �.9 � �°�5�°� . &#39; ,92er$1�% - i I-*�-$1�-., An incident happened this afternoon which after&#39;__oonsideration"&#39;;_

. _�f�I felt I should report. I most certainly do not "ivantsthis incident?-- "=3; 1*-,-disclosed, -as I do not -.-.-ant any publicity concerningfit".="§-i~&#39;*;&#39;?�

�regard it of&#39;no 8pec1_ill.&#39;interest_to the F.B_.I._pleasei_�d_.isr_egard_thi3,eorrespondenoe.� "&#39; &#39; - e - I Q-&#39;:�l----�.?�._-_.&#39;;--l I was flying from Cls_r1; F_�ield!to Parkersburg,&#39;W.�&Va. "1=111s*"�-="�>-?-__; .:afternoon and about four&#39;~&#39;miIes&#39; dirline, southweatof Parkersbuz-glc,-&#39;_§-&#39;I suddenly noticed arbright yellow object coming directly to92tards_:;&#39;_*-

_ me. It came at me with such epeed,a-dded to my 100 m.p.h. forward&#39;l-L414}speed that it startled me and_had passed by in a matter� of&#39;a&#39;~coup1e&#39;§of seconds, But it passed by about 100 feet under my ship" and i&#39;about~;50 feet to my right, -and �because of the dark green backgrom-1_dl--o11,thelforests below I was able "to get a very clear-routline of -thef=f,;,;1T§"§&#39;;�§_~~j_.§,

gobject, and whht I believe is �a very accurate description.&#39;.;1§f;"§&#39;;":§§,1*;�2;.&#39;;&#39;+_4,.__ &#39; !0o1or - bright canary yellow - - __ "-�~11 ¬§-_1;;a;~*�_&#39;; 1-� -a.&#39;Length- about 15 to 18 inches &#39; . ".&#39;_.-�a-_ �as 7;." *:{f:_i

"*r.;-Z_ _,�;�- a Diameter- About l|."*in the largest part ~ ;= j"-I-F;-§i_¢¥$_-r_ $;&#39;?=.*.""1&#39;- &#39;~ It resembled a rocket, in fact was about the same shape =a1&#39;1d.&#39;%&#39;§.&#39;i;~&#39;¬&#39;

?l4�l= n. Proportions as the fuselage of a Lockheed Air Force�!-90 � ""T&#39; ~�», *&#39;q&#39;.*___[ p_. _;-�~_-"-* No rings but vertical and horizontal ..fina»on rear__._;l_/3 7C§f=1i1;1_1§ ;.;=;;_,t-.1--,_

� -&#39;.&#39;--»_1�ocket. - 1-" &#39; &#39; - -&#39; . » &#39;- "+5 -�=~.:"~t&#39;f&#39;¥.&#39;.-.t*�3??_&#39;.3&#39; . . � �Z &#39; &#39;~:~&#39;;&#39;ii: . . . I _ . . __ _. &#39;

2*� "�- �D I -5 $1 &#39; &#39;4

_ _ _. V _ _ D -. _ ,_ ~ -. - -. ;- y



No visable means oi� propulsion such as propeller, vapor trailf� ..." smoke or exhaust *

The front of the rocket was very sharp with a needle nose; ea!�=needle looked about 6� long and was the size of a lead pencil.- *-�.-

The rear end was blunt similar to the rem end of a jet fuselap. . &#39; . � I �92 .- - ~ J:

I was flying my ship,�-�e.-BLuscombe BA,NC ll|l;.OK and was; trsve_ting-�E=�{- ,U ,_about 100 m.p.h. at the t . . - t &#39;_;"_1_;1=}92.+_*_&#39;~j~_=_&#39;l;&#39;fégyp

_ &#39; _&#39;.&#39;� I&#39;was at 31.50 ft above sea level at the time. "&#39;"&#39; &#39;32�-;,,",�¢&#39;E&#39;&#39; &#39; &#39; �I was flying a compass course of 60 degrees, and the rocket-1&#39;.-;$_

&#39;17 was "traveling almost west at 214,0 degrees. , ~-if A _..~I_"&#39;;-_,."�-a_92<i,§§e;§i�§¢-if~ ~§.;,.~i-u.-~. It happened about 2:16 1>.u. on ea. above date. = - 4,;-�,;;.a_»;2_:.*

H� E 3" The visability was exceptionally good, about 30 miles. &#39; 1 >&#39; £4?-�- The yellow object looked very sharp and clearly outlined- *"" �

Ba &#39;- ~ becaus_§_g;_ the dark green background, F� - -"&#39; �_ - _�__&#39; _ If you will refer to the Huntington sectionalaerialsaap _¥L:._£ �&#39; "chi-. ébject was si,=;htedaover&#39;§e sery small to-en R¬e&#39;!�.692&#39;§,L1i�066k;�%"i1�i1�;&#39;;1;5r1-L13 _ his *-bout miles direct west of South Parkersburg. � Y &#39;""" """-�-~&#39; ""~"5"&#39;. _ _ ; alt appeared to have spent it&#39;s force and seemed to. be�1&#39;. �fr� droppinngalightly as it passed by," or had been fired or launched� ,

from a higher altitude than the altitude I-was flying. &#39;1�? - L- My wife was with me but she did not see the object, and I did Y

,;¬.�not�l;el1dJhor of-the incident untilmvge it a-.-Ad�d;,~1�92 &#39; n truly yo=.�1cf :�¥Y-&#39;7-D 37 I l~&#39; _:Ir1~ 5"-1&#39;"!._ H]-.4 = >1 &#39;, """"�"�

7 4I»i!i<ii at, ,__.___l---_-----

Page 55: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

. .4 _ _.. rA92_�AJ 1. ,.e .- ._ _.. _-.- _. . ..... mm...-._.. .._.-.._..._ _....l. _. _

351* _. _ L _ L.. -cor! g . - ~Q6». .


IQ .¢-1 .

#"�;&#39;,l"1&#39; &#39;-,,_ . . �ircleville, Ohio- __n .4-,0/�YO f92r92-�Also;-In Ql927"&#39;l7 UUUUUGI U_


11?�. J. Edgar HooverDirector &#39; _*

* federal Bureau of investigation _�Department of Justice .~,

1; .- pear Hr. Hoover: - ,-

. -Q�? It is requested that this letter be returned to the above

{Q AI]! is it true that the bovietleaders intend to use .the &#39;f&#39;

Iashington, D. C.� .�__.",,,-�,-_,&#39;__ --.

&#39; permanent address: � p 5+�-15.;De aware, Olgio 1",;�N 0 ..� l P

� 0.,&#39; s�. v�.. i




- 0»

&#39; I


- l&#39;~""1.I ._ L

v "

,_--H LI


.*.-r-�.=-. .&#39;-1-;92&#39;

I 1 I I� " I. . .. ..

�flying disk in an attempt to confuse and terrify the American�?

-$3?�-e.� address and no record of it kept in I331 files. - -_ ._ .. l§".&#39;;&#39;- | &#39;_

f>Tec>"";&#39;�e, Ehy should we not state to the United Nations that

L. ,-lg:-.

_.-- intoI."



to e

- i"-" over

_ eith

means of placing information at the disposal of citizens of a rter country via air; 1&#39; mention small balloons incapable h-q!�!�,&#39;@5§-lg

carrying more than afew pounds, or finned, cardboard disks

.. .

- .



- -:-as we believe this condition to exist and further request -per- 17-...7_"&#39;.~&#39; &#39;" mission from United Nations to fly American printed statements

-i the U553 in the interests of peace and better understandingbetween the two nations? To prevent the belief that such a *

od would be used, be either nation, to carry bombs ratherpaper, it should &#39;5&#39;? poin-ted out that it is not necessary-E.-._§_:}

mplq; airplanes for the purpose insofar as actually flyingenemy territory is concerned. There are several poesible&#39;,�-�<5.

7- 1..,- .�92-I

92- ... ..,_ iC.p,:&#39;_: .

. "5 &#39;- capable of drifting on wind currents for great distances afterrele

claim patent rights to the latter flyin news a er . -"92 .

L; "IR" i|, _ 1&#39;

, _..:" _ &#39; - lnalilvs._�&#39;F,g�>;&#39;-.- _ var U" |

flown in by the millions. Ofcouse there would be a penalty92�92"92 &#39; ._

in Russia for reading them if cought, -but curiosity being


..._. �Y..:1-&#39;

. "�-�j:--:-- - ase from several miles heigh I&#39;reserve the r�-light to__fI1¬;&#39; _ . ,~§..92*7"&#39; Inasmuch as we have been told that he Communist Partyis a

. -_-I-J� 0-.�.�s&#39;|.&#39;-. .&#39;...» ,...




. _



hr .....-.11 .,.¢.....-H-.. 1:.» +1.. rx<&#39;:cn_ 1+ in gggngggiblg to nrgggnt jg, .1.olllljjql BIIILII IUU III UIIU IJI-ll-Iii� -7&#39; �V J" I� . H� I_- &#39; &#39; information, arinted, from reaching many good people there i,fH.,�/

Q �ya.92curiosity, many would be read and remembered.� �nd melons� 1-_

n - reall be_liepestthat�ch-ilcgrlsgngglggd .i;�uP?&#39;*:_3?"W§" JF°"§__l_&#39;5*§*.*&#39;f*§ &#39; &#39;�*5 n n . -- " &#39; i~�, °. *5 I °° �vmzxt�-as RECORDLD -&#39;55 i..QZ-_Z§_7_é�7.; _i hall freedom of the press be defended in someII.°°l"*i£i¢8 .

- 5"�-I �. ost. in lives, -yet denied across nations, thr>;.hcq&#39;tjgg;§i;ging-�;--iontrary to United Nations principles? *&#39; _" "

i fours sincerely, . -.-;.;,&#39;f=~&#39;". .. _-__.&#39;. -1�. _ &#39; _"_-"- �..Q 1-� . 92? _ . _._�r-._;I �.3.92 =- -.:-.-.~-

. -e .~° -";&#39;:.&#39;.- &#39; - - a".._�-�r» &#39;.._ V» . _ ;� 4

wry . Q". - _ __ _ ,_ - _�, , I . 11.: _~r- .l _ ,, a


~ r=;~>

Page 56: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

&#39; .92" _&#39;. :. _- - 1,41%.� "-�92�.&#39;-"_.;"_ -1- &#39;- _ mt .&#39; "" " Y� Q, ""._ -11 -4&#39; .&#39;A J�; 92 gt -- 7 0 &#39;. E . &#39; &#39; ;- :§_1.?_,�1_&#39;__pu_~Q u u . ._ _ _ _ ,.,¢ ,� 0 &#39; &#39; _ I� �-.5: - -

I I 4-� ____.__---� � _- -...

_;-, up_ . - ..-. _ 5 -

-&#39;.�fr 9.191.. _ _,, �_ 2 ._- . irljy u �_. _ ._ .

&#39; v-ff� . _-.- " - "&#39; I f;&#39;B_"�-&#39;92&#39;&#39;.&#39;¢ £&#39;92,- nu I31"iI_-{Tu P�-�J,� &#39;F.� ..- "- -1 &#39; 1., - .1 92 I-Q

~" a

-pd .

_" P ;~ --W .&#39;___;::§. ;.;y&#39;=§ff#>- :_ 7. .- _ .___§-,1� "� .92 A:~-r, an-c1|vt;_10¢ Ohio , .- . -_ - . . _ =~§f;_�.-.._-_¢-._-,¢__ � __ »&#39;_:.|�_p_" �. � < .1." .&#39;92&#39;:&#39;-&#39;.�. ".*- 1-_ ..� 56% -§f+�,",.r � �,1_ .---->=~ ~- =-¢-.=- &#39; *¢».:?�-__, QQQOP ~; ,|_�;-A� &#39; q_}&#39;"92! -�Y &#39;F�&#39;_f§£� W &#39;§*-mgr. , 2?�!-J� -�r?" V _, ,, __�£:l.I.,I�._:__&#39;;_�¥¬�b_&#39; ¢-:- I� &#39;- - �_I r�I,�r�e_&#39;-�F-§"&#39;~&#39;?f*� �P-=_&#39;A71�7our -1ctur*do&#39;tcd idvtobap��, �1949,1_l0I_&#39;;fbl_!!}-.�l&#39;Zf.9.-:_§W� . � -= _.i :i=~":.?-*z.¢»".::&#39; if ..&#39;@&#39;*.1&#39;.=--i&#39;.?§.&#39;-.!r&#39;.&#39;!_.1=..;f &#39;:**.&#39;:£&#39;@??&#39; .51:5;�-14.?� &#39;_&#39; _. - .._- _ -9_ .. .__.. &#39;_ -." &#39;_ » f_l;_- = :;&#39;.-; &#39;7-f&#39;.;&#39;-&#39;~i"�--7 A 8 it �u urtadtctton of Htll&#39;-I8A�l"lQll;,-I-ff"

_"|lg|&#39;]&#39;:IC�l ¢={:§¢�:::- 157% Uggted Biate: its&#39;=_&#39;i_¢! - ,;t_j_Q jbanfqrc augpntcl _ a_�_ you lay lg I - 0 00!! &#39;" _,&#39;JI-�E?� find Iitvhton of_�1&#39;ntcrnq�ona1r,Prua and hb{toatt%?H»¢q££va_,� <-Public Affairs, United-Statu-Dcpartunt 0! §*°*&#39;;--_ 33,- ,.P!.!,.=. " �ma any-gialc 1vcmu,_�Ia|h in&#39;gion,&#39;_"D_.-0-!J>.P1¢P._"D=5!�4¢<"*¢ ii-.wé~..=_*.¢.". - &#39;#."".= *1�. Il¢&#39;!."£%: �.&#39;i�.&#39;.!"-L -"�=->=.i*-*-<:ri ..3~* &#39;3�.-, K- H"_&#39;.*-_&#39;~?_l_ �Z -_. - - -1&#39; = -. - if.-�*1 F a

H _;&#39;;iQ.-q� 1»;-it--_§,__..; _ �-.3.�-A--.t_: 5+-rr--. __ . . � gre-, - -1,: -=.|---. _ --. _-- _=-=~=!~ .-1. Q .

0-�.";-0" Ml-.� � -,@";|=:92.,,..-.=_-_.-_._-.....=,~.-&#39;_;v<_;.-.._ - .;..m» Edgar 8oavIf,£§i�i§i5&2:�»=-mi� "":=t~=:#i1-";�- . . . . .. 1:? r~.-=;=:~.".*r!:&#39;-!.@?&#39;~* 5 &#39;1�. p@�3&#39;i~�1¥?*�&#39; ~ "-&#39;-1¢92::?l-."� �Q:-i&#39;.. * &#39;-�=$""*�£i�-&#39;7*&#39;*&#39;-�3F3kE�§"&#39;�-�églt-"."� &#39;i"3*9""§k J&#39;-";"£;�?:� 3"�. " " 7&#39; � ". �&#39; � "&#39; " &#39; ?&#39; � �

v �E:-_;. �.;;§&#39; ,&#39;_;____|- _ . &#39;.::&#39;.,§~I&#39;?_!I:92--__&#39;5&#39;;3..3 �,1 Y 3.: .&#39;. 1.3 ,1�. 92; _,,-_&#39;,�..,92&#39;_" ,:,|.;,- V -- - - - "1;§.;- -.-:,�~.�.-=:*�?*-i%!=.&#39;~:*:=_~�~.=?i.-..%--=.=&#39;f.=-"" . . &#39;1=��¥¢.&r-._c- QT-2;"!-I-._&#39;}-:5-;..i�l�¬l%i...|_;�;� - - , r -.5. -1&#39;,}§_=�._.�;:~�.*.&#39;...&#39;_ --__"-&#39;..-. -1&#39;? .. » J�.

- -. &#39;l&#39;0.&#39;I&#39;I&#39;: ?2&#39;hc cncl o|urc"il&#39; Inooitng 1ct_ta_r_b|ing �QM�. _ , ._ . . ,_ .;92.~..._i-;OOI.&#39;r_l_l_pqndOn�i at htqxrqquqat, _, ._ }�:.~¢ =

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. ;4_.R.uo -� _ � 1" !=-�m- &#39;.&#39; &#39; - :1 � .- _v&#39;»f&#39;h-" _� >1 E: F :5pl�... . . �.�_.&#39; .___ _,_: a! H _ _

.. &#39;->§,"_p*.-&#39;-*~&#39;-.&#39;--¢". .. :"92Y _.-&#39; =� -_.- ;&#39; ¢ .-1"73n-1-I-II-". &#39; � &#39; -:18! * I-.&#39; :£~".-"in ._. §:;.; ,-»1;§:§ = °P!*&#39;*F1"&#39;°5T!9?�§&#39;?-�°T."-�? p .% � � 1->&#39;~ b�awfi�i�-" ~+¢&#39;-~&#39;*&#39;-+&#39;- ~-�Y � ~i &#39;"MAlLED"|T" �&#39; l.+,&#39;..-=.. &- ; I

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.-~&#39;*9§.T-3?-�*9 95&#39;. --___:-.-- ~ - 1:-;-:_:..r.»<..1<...r=--A.;=¥.~.:4_.__ uu.1.,.�._= _- -.|4---T " &#39;""��""*"""""""" &#39; j u ; I 1+-; -. -- f j- .-: 1;1_?;Z ,2-.&#39;. � &#39;I.&#39;l.IlPll�l&#39;II1&#39;mY� _-&#39; _ � ;_�A?&#39;j:�1

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Page 57: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

. " .&#39; W;;- "

e ~ &#39;~&#39; R. o he » t=-1*-&#39;11},-;0l$C6 Mergzamndum o_- * UNITED sums G_QVBRNMEN:f{§§;¬

. ."1�&#39; &#39; . � &#39; . _"- &#39;- i P 7: :"_&#39;��* . §_-,"-e"&#39;_&#39;-�all?-5,5.i;-:23-o _ e _DI8EGl&#39;CR, rm -_ " Y � &#39; - __ I>a1&#39;l=5eptcnbe.1- 6,.191.9�_Ifj§�¢~&#39; � . _ --o; . r "" . -&#39; _ fl�-�I &#39;_ ��1&#39;~é_f&#39;~

a - - -- 0.3�.�--&#39; ,&#39;5 if" �J -.{__� J,-;,�_."¬F!T!_EN1>1mu=ous_ . _ .3-.1.»-.l-16?� - � �J

�a s g , I Y;-e&#39;|:":I92� . 0: :-&#39; SUI =q&#39;L!ING $a92UCEH5 -" -� . &#39; . "i;1_=_-I-5�.

4»T."_~__&#39;&#39;5-. sscunrn mm1&#39;. 1 13,,

v I � a-H1

M _ � E ._;i&#39;1&#39;.&#39;-cg2~o"5-t�-4 wLI


_,p -;? - " in osx, Benjamin Harrison�Base&#39;oeJ.l.sdx§¢,__ ,_ ~ fjf�-r st this office recently to ascertain if there was any current -&#39;;_ "J ; 2 _. iinformtion on �flying saucers". �He stat that he had been. ;=*_,;,�.@"&#39;§f_":&#39; structed recently to contact Dr.. of Decatur,�-._-.: 7 &#39; ,.&#39;.r-�§&#39;._�.3&#39; � .-� � Indians, saith reference to e fly-irg saucer e sllegedly observed * &#39;t1£-3&#39;-§*;§.,..____.,�_ �I &#39; _

~..i_,, -s s�-.111 the vicinity of 14.1-as of,the Ioods Canada on or about July; ,-_ _.. ,f~&#39;;;Y�?�;;;_ ;;*: 1915. In rs: Agent"by the name orb� oi�-coo-goon; office}, .;- ,a;*.&#39;.%�3s$_;q&#39;1�?-1&3�.-5;? &#39;5?!� alleged to have seen ithe same saucer, &#39; " .--f;=.§-f�?i*-xii;-�fir-,..;=�J _i�!1&#39;-:r;.&#39;8�:,r»#�T�=�.&#39;;"�. "1 ._% :2�, "A &#39; ,- � " " - � 31* �~:&#39; 3.;�*?"� p .&#39; i When �convened with moi the Dr. toldhin sf-�-~; ._-;

, um. Ihen he returned from Gensda, he found himelf in t1oo�1o1aoo_-�=;-¢.-oi-92¢o@Ef&#39;.?1.1. of s polio epidemic and that as s result he hsd reed as mch <§y=.-.---rliterature as possible with respect lio, its symptoms *-_:"-1-.~-"1". p_~,!-Iii�-§=&#39;:_ .=:� &#39; "1,1;-�Z diagnosis, etc. Dr.__toJ.d£thst in histhe eesee which were thought to be polio in the vicinity of ¢&#39;-&#39;.&#39;§}&#39;l- if-1�};?�;�f~"tr2;�

0 1 ._v Q�. .I-oi



&#39; ,

~ - __!&#39;§.Y~f- Decatur, Indians, were not polio, but possibly the result".of&#39;§1- ""&#39;.;§,..i.2�; : - .__.§;-. gilu�um poisoning sndthat he felt the presence of flying saucers £5:-_~l .__, __

o � »:;"_:_F§�§=;tum on the polio epidemic. �Dr. � pointed £7 _-_,?3*_.�?;.*-.�_. t that fly:|.ng saucers rere oberv-ed in the Carolina&#39;s in 19148341"? &#39;-T -*�£§. nd there was s polio epidemicin the vicinity at that ti.:ee,&#39;"&#39;;;�-�-Q: ,1

- .1~7};_"§,i_.&#39;.;booozoa he had consulted one of the physicians at �u_o�§-JP&#39;�$é§!§§&#39;--ff�Benjamin Harrison Air Base end had also checked the .record.s Ilith . H�

_ .-;=.&#39;.-.o_-r§5;"l;..¥&#39;f,-_.&#39;*.~.*-&#39;¢-?-*.1=* 12 &#39;.&#39;*.=.=21==>r¥1=*§&#39; *4» "PWi_i_Z,¢k _.;Fi,�-;*,&#39;-1-�law? .�P92?,&#39;_,_.�°"__.}g :F&#39;_11¢l__g-_.._<&#39;.&#39;-4-__.,,.. 51- _;.~ :--3;-11$;*-"_$-fl�. &#39;t"i§1t hss�slso cone-to"the¬attenticn of this office that-

Q�= ;-moo inquiry of the Indiana University lledioel Bchool, Indianapolis, &#39;-.-?§,_§~;}_.__&#39;-,;_-:_1;q1ioo, IhQ1�Q.U�lO t_loctors_._t_1-sated the entire _;m_tter-hss�§s1:-higijokgc-&#39;&. . ,-

�J1:_Ie&#39; , o � . - q �_.� -&#39;--T� --;"&#39; .- ; H; __-. :- also stated um. Dr. inc heard "emio.1o~coooao2¥-Q1 l. :92 " ._ . U�. &#39; IH "�J.92¢i" ii; that re had hem some rather strange events somewhere iniths "__

o r&#39;*i,-t&#39;§&#39;=¢;-. interior uith respect to finding that night �have been rems,ins:of.&#39; H . K .-

_ V _ _ _.,_. rsfermcs to allegations concerning the sighting of £_lyin.g_sauoer"&#39;-"o,�Z"&#39;=-;�_&#39;5Tsnd had doni s little reseerchuith respect to correlating the2� "1"�l;_�_3&#39;preeence of flying saucers and en; polio epidemic. "He further

II� . .-92_ _. -� o &#39; -1 . _ ~- I-&#39;n."l-. xi. _.l.iUs Q ;.&#39;$-3&#39; s - I1 &#39; ._ - ii" -e II &#39; �re�?-w - |-on-92&&#39;-, =1 H--u~,,;.&#39;1¬ .s , .1 _ a�,_�- A1 an? g

92 1�This effiee�is tskllnfino sgtionin the setter. o - fa I;-L 6. pg�-F �"-. - _4 .L. , . . . __ _ . _ . _ , _e. -_-_., E -f- 92-_., L-. - Mr.-_ &#39;5-c -1.�.-.2~* 2% = - &#39;92*-"-- - .1� �It *5: ~:&#39;; :&#39;- -_ &#39;7�; &#39; . é n -I- "*5 oT.3l&#39;-aazmR°Y°_&#39;-gf-�-h 2 &#39; &#39; :Ir~ *.;

1&#39; d .

3 1293*� -c-.

&#39;0.-... ..&#39;.- &#39; _ . - -.. .._4&#39;ra¢ /4::~~- ".-F "I Il92l¢I1&#39;l&#39;.�*t _ - . l. 1 . " of--�2r:&#39; &#39;=-A &#39; E� Z11�5 .i&#39;£_-lo 2-. _ &#39; ��g Y-..%� �=5.�-,H_� �L: _ I _ __ :0 . I: �Q ?92 e4-_- �l � E-I F� -- Le. _ _ . &#39; 92&#39;§ __ JI �F &#39;��,q;

-"-1* �Pr-15," - ..-» =- -o .»--~ .-.- --.--"*_ _. .~>r»">"_. _ ,.-L o .1; ; e foregoing is furnished fer the informtion;f_ t,he,,_3uresu.o,..&#39;.__ ;&#39;-&#39;.&#39;_...&#39;f:1§o .&#39; r &#39;.

<F �B I /-ff; &#39;e ¬EP 8.1949 .,l,.=a1.1&o-;a<&§;- ~.--i...-___ ,1-&#39;;§f,=:*.=_-"-1;" _ ;�t- $8 &#39; � &#39;1�F":&#39;.§&#39;-"*_�7&#39;T?~~:-&#39;7�"7-_51.�;5¬.8.».3_EP 215195�??? l " " . 7

Page 58: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

__ _ , ,_ _ _, . _, _ , . .- . . ._&#39;.-... ., _ . _,_-92 _, - _ _ _- |. � - , , -_ � r .- &#39;. - , &#39; _ ___,_-__&#39; _.4.5...._-.__.___ ,-- ------� - _&#39; &#39; * -numb .9U�.�l�U.U;�- ;1I&#39;dT15*&#39;l�1° -

j |_L- = �bi :ni_ajuvrns nn1=m1:m_rr_or_Ju51~fi K�-"&#39; �-7 . -

. &#39; &#39;=.-~�=.>.<-1,�--P -~11 ¢= --I -i - -3-:§j_:.¢3OllI§._I!l§CA&#39;1�IO!Z8 ncrzon.-1. ; V.�--i -- ; = _,_..-__-.-__,.¢. __t ._é __;*" "*-&#39;3� 92&#39;-""&#39; -- �..&#39;. &#39; . F" �ii &#39; � *T<."*i-$1�.-.&#39;";&#39;.&#39;.-&#39;1-;

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Page 60: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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Diroctor, rm _ lyucnliinl� _ 1¢ J. =..--,_- ,- .

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mcrrzcrmn or mu nsunurxozs - _ j V�gr _ _ , . _ . _ ,1}

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qe I on attaching; hereto a number of oopioo of roporto 1:-oin;.I&#39;oo¢iY04 E75 in 5:-out number: in this of�oo oonoorning tho oo-oo11oG__f_11!.__§g__�_;-_ "-53

disk: or unnatural phonomona boing froquontly oboe:-rod around ¢anpj;_-=&#39;*rr".::11,:9- �. :-Hood, tons. this lo, of ouuroo, a primary oonoorn of tho 111&#39; -L 1Corns. Consequently, thio ot�co 1o follooriag tho praotioo of _f 4- -1.* 1--

r roriowing thooo datoiand than dootroying than in tho ovont thoro Fappears to ho nothim: of FBI into:-oat thoroin. It 1o pointodont _�that the �ling or those would rosult in tho rapid accumulationof very �bulky fi1IIo _ &#39;

Unloso tho Buroau boliovoo thio to unorioo, this graotioo Ii_11 ,oontimo . 1 -, &#39;__ -_ _&#39; _ _, , _. ; - _ ..,.. &#39; I-�.. ~,-,

_ I . . &#39; _� A. -_ � . _ ._ 1.," _&#39;o.&#39; �-_ __ _ , _ _ �__ . ._ Q-�hi o .. ._- 1,;, ,_ _. , ..._. . _ , ,.,__.�. a .3 J-*.__.-2

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halo n I _*-- 7 � _;_&#39;a_.;_§=�~ � _ .

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Page 61: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis


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In-�a.-sac: UL��&2jllM.i!- 92 ID-uni-_m|-.1;-r-nnpnlxariansa-$|lI�.�.LI&#39;ZtIi!i...i Q Q 92 _ _ F_�~,_V{ --4, 1&#39;

-2* �=-§&#39;I- Ewluuru-..__._k}._$~= M- »- ;..=;--.M -=7-T

9,51-,5 &#39;g_m";.;*,1g,_1_1&#39;-xgng gin 3, - -gs-.,9n gr, &#39; "T FRI�. rnrl� OI�; F52� f E &#39; L [E1 -ivf I§ &&#39;i.&#39;-I5 .5�g;-1-=� &#39; =: --*-*3_ a-..~.- am-&#39;� .1-5-,:-q -1..-.�-�, v-�-1......� i-.*��92.w-.- _92--231; 22:5; I.-..1.&#39;.-2 Q-:,---""-*-*. i 1 :


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mu; tiring north in 1 3:25.-mt: pins sures, who 1n_h92U.end� mums, mar 6 03&#39; 1&#39; �flying diam� in sewzhem Oragcm 9? 11; 1913- �Idisc! are dc:-.c:&#39;i.b::1 as sLeng;:-ad 0153.5, pa:-Laps 201 1.1: lcngttz; thqr £1In 2 Iwaéy til: 2�nma%�:nn at uatuun 260 no 250 223; they appeared �nla-&#39;l..e Q! |m_.92=-min!-Q4 2!-2*-91; n_e__;g-2; 1! uh.4;=;§ gran; 93365039 &#39;1

gm-:s= !.�Nt�� .150-J. vsm In=:.1n!, Serial i� Lo: Angola, Bal�ozuia. H0 Ia: ccuissiengd E5 J&#39;;P 1951;. sewed at Ge�;-art�-h;&#39;!.|&#39;L£u 36 % �it}; 1:. Dallas Lu

.mnt!:| IRPJKDB. Fur:-1:1 S:;J*u 1�:&#39;1:n Barth Anulcan Cnzpuzy plsnti. 7:F1110! Gran, Pc:m.a;�1ru3.a tar 30 dq-I. Served at chaslwmtt bun-firaquamm. v:-:12! at Coluinu-0; uur-ml at Cnliutul a:-Sell August 1916. soHaas. I!-I with TRH3] at funin� Inland, G,-_:ir<a.*:|$.r., ram�: he beans 1pu-i�nnal oltiaer. as éiach-argul tau: the liar; �La Ju1;ar,7_19b6 as 1,1}

" � /_"~ �uarcp hold: Saul A&#39;": _Gur1d.!iat-n_, plus a mu111.1003: rating in tho Perry �Zing r.-1&#39; the Eanl Air &#39;l&#39;;;=&#39;~rt G-:::.-;n:;d-

"hold: a urn:m&#39;1:.!:.1 licaraa, lingle a.n.i u�ii-sngiaa, mi �ig&#39;92�= iz�r:�ratings. 5.1.: �ight tins hagan in 1935 and new totals crvsr 5-J00 but_I1::Lr.h than 136! Mun Ian tn the U.3Jlary- "Source rum-éd a pivat-1�in 1.935, n tnmport Ileana: in 1937» a u.~moz-c.�.a1 gin�: licsmd laand ¢ r6=-inn: o0n:u1~:&#39;.a1 ;:&3.ct&#39;a Ltcanlo in 19-�J #181,256!. Ira rm-

-ta Saptade-er 13$ ha In �ight Laatr-acts! for tbs Ari! M-1� lag» � nan plan� � ina&#39;::n.."¬or mi 641- F-.lJ&#39;O, uni �ciao baizaed bf iEm_i~i.nn 9-I bad£na* at Lmeuber, iialitnrnia!. Flii 3=pt-uubar 193 to January�:I_1fqg Q! Sapq�ur 01.1 WI 01� �mlitcraina ._ . @-

all ea� tr.-ks =%:-:�:5 2:: :..1.-as 1: pa: . �ct three a&-.:- an :1-:&#39;=:!92#_:,-; e

-.. __ _ . _ _ _ �I . . . _ A _ , . _ _ _ _. I &#39; . _ - , "_-»_ __ V. " - . Ag. ,.,~ -,-- .--;--Y1--e -,- --&#39;- -":1___r_ �. ._. . . - - - _

_ -_.-O!1&#39;tl1l:.|92l&#39;I.�J.Odl:ldl92l! thru child.-en; Bahia!-3. unitbs Urinrsit; at mam; Ga1i92ta-:_1Ls,&#39; I-on Lng.921u,"&#39;Cal_iI¢pa-lac! lat at tho Zfninz-city or _ 8at &#39;a.|o_;..bub_ ippaarr ta� ban 5 b&Gi�{,l&#39;0IIld at If;

In is b�l�ad ya tgg 3:-1511::-1:-_r:t._11_ro, _ab.oa1u1,!&#39;¢==a=&#39;-9_":- f A 1 =;_- - < ~- we

Gil- �Wm

Page 62: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis
Page 63: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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.-.<_.-__, q; _-W...-. _.- ,. -.~=». south, t�~.92»!;�;!�Ll;r l;?.1ai1e:< wade. .-..1-4 .*.�1:::~ cf *.-Z�.c- val�--1?� 3*� 51*--"1-_£G -L2-2�I -_ &#39;7 �e 5C-3&#39;1� 2�: _�-�-.:v:|t&#39;_-&#39;..-.. &#39;-32:: ss..rt- cit: ef &#39;:1:.- &#39;."..l;-&#39;~:&#39; is :&#39;.-&#39;:&#39;..�.n"&#39;1 &#39;:&#39;»&#39; Y-"*1

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Page 64: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis


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&#39;-Q1, gm 91-_=_eq, 27 Eh; 191.9, aaai-as 1:1 thing hi: -am .1!-3--type"_. ..;.i,;-cr:u�r. :1-an it .:i.&#39;.1ff, u..L.."�-fazirza to Sana, 61:30:, i �ii.aa¢i�ai 3i

� Hz lafb -1»; iL|{..&#39;;&#39; a�. 132? ?.E..&#39;I. ad acafif-ad at E�-I-1&#39;32 5�; I-#53 P-S-�L 92. ti.-an; 2. ms: Ru c1=s,&#39;:.<;.:}= Scars: 15.13:: aa B12".-.a tutti c1r=h-�E; tho�

, ." tmica, .:tn..h zauxun cirn. tn: r.�.r.u&ua. �Nana an Jr�-J�: 1:: ml uxia71; :-.?:- -_-22:, ;=.~.-.~.-.< =�-.1-a.-s..i.£tc~.r&#39;f.1s&#39;£" his plans -�m-..wa he md :uv.:2.u-ed 1Su.&#39;""l�92.u,,2_&#39; -"".-2:-.&#39; no �n�: ;-Lmc �:1 -_1-cut" 1:11;} -2:13 it ukea� arr92._&#39;1.d .� . J

., :....._.;_.�.-._.._ .4.__- ..a_ .__�:=; r-92..192.. ... Q-.1- r::-s.; 5- -92A- at": a~_.u _-A�-1 .......r.._- �T15 Kl-i Ha:-&#39;D-uI 92-§iL-&#39;-u UL; Ki-Lil IL-�I-�Iii ll� Li-LEI H KL} 3?�-CB� a-_"_;_;_~_.:.-r:r&#39;;&#39;.&#39;t�i1:I&#39;.t9= he had a tail ti-id of 15 to 13 EPA. "�3:"7#_�.-�:..:.*�.. . - - - ---"~ r

< - ~ At 152,; r.==-;.m Strndari Tina, $1-2.41;, 2&#39;: 1-la; liw, zam-:2 .-1_T.h&#39;.92 awn m&#39;1e.:::�.1g on .-cu aajoz.-t. or obiectu at a. -aoauiurablc u�-.92.a?.a:&#39;.eaa rm: 1::-lz.-�-.1: 1.-a the .=:~...".~&#39;:u.u-ck. Eta L2,�?-�;"A&#39;»i;LII v.-1?-at. U1: cc-11:3: �ak-1:

"!2!&#39;92_es!.�=;;g mzarisl -:~e_::@&#39;;�-.@ 1; 1.»: ::&#39;;=_L;:¢ 12$; c;:1&#39;:1;;i<::z-; -:4;-1as ti:-.1 111:�-ans: lc-szen.-ar; ta&#39;;1=>:aa hi.-:1 an: £21: o!:,3ect or chject-s. :2 H

,"l&#39;n¢!-ed thu Ian; bluttl fa.1::_wz92 on the B-vim: {Y-2}*u&#39;.c:1 Shari, 1" liwu�ain! &#39;1�-1:21 run 1&#39;o:.- n zu-J:-er 2:3 mile: along tho cut am: -:2 nom

7 lain; -��rap, ?1.:.g|-t::£&#39;, -7mpL d.1 and Si-.u:1: Corral Lakes! Em en, vi� ni single: :.aj:::t. Hm-6 run sov:.&#39;~a.1, nbich swan: to ha 31;-is; in 21

Q . V At this �ciat the l|§j&-¢§&#39;! applareé to I.-119 cinrgai thlir obi:_ --that they =01"; ;.-4:&#39;:.J.1s.�..2.n.g his ccsmo {asuttmra to his .1o.~l.he.nt! amL d

~�,&#39;4».�J-,!"92F�-&#39;- "�.,. ..{ &#39;.&#39;. -&#39;_&#39;.&#39;.&#39;-I�

- � -&#39;.&#39;-.r ---�I-_, .; ~r.- - : ;-

fcllmdng aha :=1¢r.-1~.&#39; rim at A1011�. zoom» 1560 rm. balm inure:-�£ u�;j at a �i�tarlzt wniet. he estimate: to ban bun 5}; 9-: 7}; _s=il¢&#39;:¢ s»-.m.~é curtain tint it mrld mt. have be-an u tar an 10 milca Ilia: the 21¢}!

~- ~ - --~�;;�? has t-hm 10 zlilac any -&#39;=nd_2:c 01:21.1 �I&#39;M;-a objqcta oatJ.§aa!_e;;a.1r-at.;L-,_- -- ,»._,_.="=.&#39;-t.�==� =-

¥ �;-.-f_r..:- -__.~:" H &#39; &#39; &#39;41 �

- -; ~--.-&.�---7

- - : . _-- &#39;--;; .._..1.&#39;s__.-,

;-;-,,-_§-- prcbably as 1.:m1"§-L" 1n_§Ti;th

E-*bi�urra&#39; &#39; ..&#39; .2. #1-;_&#39;.",I;�.;.&#39;._:f_:&#39;. :�,§&#39;,&#39;Z .".&#39;;f.Il&#39; -.-�kl.-&#39;-�kg-&#39; 7.-�+5-;�:�3:-IE.£T;-. $5-�&#39;Z��&#39;Tb&#39;:&#39;-&#39;-.� . _}_. .;. �_. &#39;- _,- . - =_--_&#39; - 92_-&#39;_f _7-- - &#39;-.._ _-.- .,i.- :&#39; �..&#39; Q� ,-_-3 "&#39;1&#39;-~g7&#39;_-§��_�&#39;W~ T�

""j�:.��_�*-&#39;T&#39;_"_* ho cbjscrtn that sures zzm are d:-n¢r"..brd by hia a: 50111111:� 5&#39; �_j _ $5; u1j__;.92_-.".c.�~ or-§n-t: Gr:cu.92!.denbI&#39;;r t4a:=.-. s !!,g!Jt&#39;;1&#39; 1:3,:

. . All of L50 saparatu _cbj acts a.;;::ar:._&#39;--tha-Ja:.uI..n11na.&#39;, * &#39;_ � -&#39;= ""&#39;_"&#39;1" - . .7,A . _A ¢.__ Q. .1� 4; . L92a_ . -.._&#39;

._-_-� _�_a_;�;¢_f.-;-&#39;;.- &#39;-..»._. ._ ;..§;a,=.e gt� �:-b�i~§iii Yratii Ia: up uraaI_ an us: uu"u.1r92a<. a-o=:.1_1:|- __,7=-_-"_-..0orL92$.a ha would h:-.7: rs-=<-gamed conventional-11:-craft. They had a 1:; -_1_;_-;-.313; �;-&#39;_-_ �eon£i,1unL*.:>n, and |.-..== gzra-at thiukrasa. nqy nae a1aaga£ud&#39; mil, �pi;-E.�,._,-___-_;_;,,_-_-_¢_; _j,92�.!:=l 1.:-.1-&#39;11:; s-1 1:;.ds,-and per}!-$1�-1 firs um; an L01; no-§£r.ieé*.

- ,-5 .-=3_;_;;.i__cut he _obsu-ma 1-he chgaeta troa an angln frgl ::b-070 and __¢p-31¢ no-1-. 9:!_-" b~%-.;;;:* thicinun; they @314! pnsibh hajn Bil; qr-o;!..|po&#39;=&#39;l, 1:

_ 1-&#39;.92&#39;x<-&#39;4 Ocm�vihb have bum ti.-I¢:L�L_v 0111.; -Q0 JA imm Ill mi&#39;::Lng7:tb-an-0-1;� mm ti:-:1; " 9.-92§;;,�4."�;L_,,�:";&#39;i?J-"¢-."- &#39;_- -§a__:<_n_c or -ie&#39;o:L.a Sqxrec lo cont:-ien-B {lb&#39;3&#39;:-.&#39;$�=F;:_:g4i?�.-i�u lint la amen�: an inn i� EH}. * S-sua ha!1: .-»*.~&#39;§


n¢m¢oo;¢:tir==:a:uu:m aw -am, _t;-aulizg amatzlamtklut, app-alto lo�-nuluwc .-

cuiatuig 2,14 1;»: of �u cbj0c�sl&#39;,&#39;ul1&#39;&r&1 n&#39;rtbi¥m..a1a-n-&_a¢. _ :~;-".�1&#39;v_r&#39;-!>g-:~i~:�¢_.-_".- "4L__ __&#39;--. .I _. Q- _-92.-_"_ _-_&#39;..-&#39; -_ ._.�._.;_&#39;92-.921--.-J-.

:-1s�;,1 ip-l_IIG&#39;.;KIn_§I W US_ �-1 _CIJGl�II VII�!-II DFEFTHIII &192l&#39; �EU LU-I¢_-_.-.--.___a .- - ~,,- -- .&#39;. "&#39;;5;f-Z�! - �H. � 5�__. *.,J__*. W�d�~»-d�:-.-&#39;1&#39;-I&#39;§-= -- -u-:-:3;

the tine at oblarrpti�n um. §l_9292H§:I.ll_§-&#39;n?O92 ;<.-nan: _$_--y<i_ 1.0510611; F35;-1 iiri §l_92.I1du1y_&#39;

and s1u=nr.�ram&#39;,1ot 1<1u|:I92&#39;.�.".;"Io 1-4;-n1~6r;_snp-&§ ~

Page 65: Documento oficial do FBI - Sobre Ovnis

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. ._:- ����tbn Texas Humid,� Luuisima, annrmrw�

� -1.. . £131-�B "�1° &#39; ;1g stated that £1-J�-U18 . _ __ ___my wmP@"�°�°°" 1�� 13 :92-nAl0xand.1"i-8: 1-=>&#39;~921&#39;*~&#39;" t

_3»" The above in mmilhed as 1 mttar of informtion

_ cc: New Orin!-B8-5

- 1!-1 I � have seen,.;,,._».. --young Ian�: Budineaa Club 0 er the nation Ih� 1-�"5-"5 � °°�"&#39;°u&#39;°n for persons from an gvantion was planned so that numb!!!-,.I5»-&#39;

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