Page 1: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed

Page 2: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Neoplasia (6 of 6)

Page 3: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

فرز هرمون tumorوه عباره حوث ش بالجسم سببه ال Paraneoplastic syndromesف المحاضرة السابقة تحدثنا عن ال -على مستواه اصابع change in boneممكن عمل lung cancer:وأثر على عضو بعد وظهر اعراض على المرض مثلا

Clubbing of theعلى شكل change in nailواضا ممكن عمل hypertrophic osteoarthropathyالادن ومنشوف fingers واضا تسببhypercalcemiaواضاincrease antidiuretic hormone ل هو بالحالة الطبعة فرز من

(المانع لادرار البول الفازوبرن)هرمون hypothalamusال

ل pituitary glandل بالحالة الطبعة تفرزه ال adrenocorticotropic hormone ل هو ACTHواضا ممكن ان تفرزان Cushing syndromeوبصر tumorانه تفرز الكورتزول مما ودي الى ارتفاع نسبة وسبب حدوث adrenalبحفز ال

.وبتال زادة الكورتزول ACTHشاء الله نتحدث عنها بالمستقبل ولكن بشكل عام ه ورم بنشاه افراز المفرط بال

parathyroid hormone, serotonin, human chorionic gonadotropin, and other bioactive واضا افرازsubstances.

هاي مش increase turn over localوحدث فها metastatic boneل سببها hypercalcemia ال: ملاحظة -Paraneoplastic syndromes.

Page 4: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

.badاو good tumorاما : tumor behaviorل معنى سلوك تقدم المرض أو tumor prognosisهناك اش اسمه -

microscope (differentiation grading )ف اش على مستوى tumor behaviorهناك امور ممكن نستدل فها على ال -

mainly clinical or grossly (stage)وف على

high gradهه Anaplasticوالعكس صحح مثل low gradكل ما كان well differentiationطبعا كل ما كان -

اش فها تغرات او على مستوى ( (a- tibiaهو عباره عن شغلتن اما على مستوى الخلة microscopeالاش ل بشوفه على ال -.architecture

architecture.واضا a- tibia تشمل ال dysplasiaال -

stage : how the tumor are expansion -

stageاحسن ؟؟ progniosisمن ل بعكس ال -

Grading and staging •What is the difference? •What is TNM staging system

Page 5: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

This is the last lecture …so we will discuss:

• A low dose of “laboratory investigations in cancer”

• A low dose of information about germ cell tumors (just if you hear about(

• A note about stepwise carcinogenesis

multistepالى stepwiseهون الدكتور عدلها من -

• A low dose about amyloidosis (not of neoplasia topics)

… but you must be familiar with it generally in medicine

Page 6: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Laboratory investigations • For routine morphologic techniques:

… sampling methods: - excision or biopsy…for histopathologic examination - fine-needle aspiration, and cytologic smears … for cytopathologic examination

*Frozen section…a sample is quick-frozen and sectioned, permits histologic evaluation within minutes…e.g., to assess margins or sentinel lymph node status during surgery, and this is important for the surgeon to take decision on the patient while he is still in the operation room

H&Eل داما منستخدمها morphologic على رأس ال -Excision biopsy = true cut biopsy .

جهاز هدفة ان تم اخذ العنة من المرض ف العملة عشان قرر الجراح كمة الجزء ل بدو ستأصة وهذا -

Frozen sectionتم خلال دقائق

Page 7: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Fine needle aspiration هو عبارة عن سحب سائل بواسطة ابره

•Especially for breast, thyroid, lymph nodes, and salivary glands palpable lesions…can be ultrasound-guided

…can also be used for deeper structures, such as pancreas (through


-ultrasound-guided بساعد الطبب بالوصل لاخذ الخزعة

-Duodenoscopy تتم من خلال المنظار بمعنى اخر التنظر

Page 8: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear)

• Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic examination (which means for fluid samples, smears and FNAs)

• It is good in showing nuclear features

• Historically, this approach has been used widely for discovery of carcinoma of the cervix and its precancerous lesions … so it is common to call cervical smears: Pap


Robbins basic pathology 9th edition

Cervical cancer هاي نوع صبغة بالحققة ولكن سمة بذلك لانة تم اكتشافها بال - .فصاحبتها وممكن تصبغ كثر سرطانات مو محدد بس لسرطان عنق الرحم

nuclear features وتمتاز انه بتبن- surfacesل بتحدث على ال cancerوممكن اضا التغرات قبل حدوث ال

benign tumor negative for malignantالصوره عباره عن

Page 9: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic


PURPOSE : Detection of antigens لى certain antibodiesتوجيو حنا مش عارفين أ صله من tumor tissueموجودين على certain antigensإ إ

صعب نميز بش بو أ ي dysplastic or anaplastic بكون كتير ولمكان بعيد metastasisوين يا إما بكون عامل .tumorتكشف أ صل ىذإ إل antigensإلحيث أ ن ىذه … نس يج


…(prostate specific PSAadenocarcinoma is positive for prostate antigen )

…CKadenocarcinoma is positive for colon 20 (cytokeratin20) …thyroglobulinis positive for thyroid carcinoma

Page 10: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Flow cytometry

•lymphomasand leukemiasfor typing of Especially Technique used

…also depends on detection of antigens

…blood(mainly fluidsperformed on )

Page 11: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Tumor serum markers • May be enzymes, hormones , antigens (ex :CEA & CA19-9) or other proteins secreted by

the tumor >> their increase in blood indicate for certain type of tumor..

• We detect them by taking a blood sample from the patient and examining them.

• Examples: -PSA…prostate cancer

Immunohistochemistryغير انه بقدر اكشف عن وجودة في النسيج نفسه عن طريق ال PSAال prostateمثلا مرضى سرطان ال ...أيضا يكون مرتفع في الدم

-CEA (carcinoembryonic antigens): colon, pancreas, stomach cancer …etc. -Alpha fetoprotein…: liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma)

• Not enough for diagnosis but good in screening, assessment therapy, and detecting

recurrence ( فد ف المتابعة والمراقبة لوضع المرض ولس للتشخص)

Page 12: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Molecular pathology • Remember these 3 titles for the future:

-In situ hybridization…FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) and others for genetic abnormalities

Hybridization: hybrid genes result from translocation ex:(BCR-ABL( hybrid…


-Karyotyping: like that which is used to diagnose Down syndrome (trisomy21)…etc .

can be used to detect chromosome abnormalities in cancer نكشف عنها عن طرق ال .… monosomy , trisomy تغرات أو اختلالات كروموسومة تحصل على مستوى الخلاا السرطانة قد تكون


-Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): for genetic abnormalities

Page 13: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Germ cell tumors (Just if you hear about)

Page 14: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Germ cell tumors

Germ cell remnants :in adult or children NOT in embryo

• Typically occur in gonads (testis and ovary موجودين بشكل طبيعي في ال (

• May occur elsewhere where germ cells may be there as remnants from embryogenesis ...مثلا mediastinumحيث من الممكن انه يبقى بقايا منهم في أعضاء أخرى في ال , من المراحل الجنينية ( تكويني) وأيضا يتواجدوا طبيعيا في أماكن أخرى والسبب

• Germ cell tumors examples :

-Seminoma…malignant, in testis

-Dysgerminoma…malignant, in ovary

-Teratoma (benign) (have components from the 3 lines of differentiation ecto & endo & mesoderm )in testis & ovary)mainly) اوبالتال سوف نجد مكونات مختلطة مع بعضه

-Immature teratoma…malignant

-Yolk sac tumor…malignant

-Embryonal carcinoma…malignant


Page 15: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Multistep carcinogenesis: خاصة ف ال ... تم دراستها على الأورام الحمدة الت تتحول إلى خبثة بسبب تراكم لطفرات وتغرات مختلفة

colon (colonic adenoma>>>colonic adenocarcinoma)

•of genetic/epigenetic changes accumulationwe discussed before, As occur during cancer developmentسواء كان الورم حمد أو خبث

• mean abnormalities out of the DNE (in histone , methylation.. ) : epigenetic

•The best example of this concept is the adenoma-adenocarcinoma sequence seen in colon

This is a sporadic not familial example…but remember that also adenomas in FAP(familial) syndrome will accumulate mutations to become adenocarcinoma in a similar way

(ex of familial ) Colonic adenocarcinoma also occurs in a syndrome called: hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (Lynch syndrome)…by a mechanism different from FAP …the mechanism in Lynch syndrome is abnormality in some DNA repair genes)MSH &MLH…(

Page 16: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

multiple ( benign) growthsلأنه بكون عندهم إذا لم يستأصل القولون بصير عندهم سرطانات بأعمار صغيرة FAPمرضى ال(polyps) & (adenomas) in the colon >> they could transform to adenocarcinoma (malignant)..

ولا ينطبق على جميع السرطانات colonهذا تسلسل لمراحل التطور فقط في ال*

:(( التسلسل كامل يعني )حفظ كل مرحلة والخلل الحاصل فيها*

•Notes :

•APC ( adenomatous polyposis coli ):tumor suppressor gene.

•RAS :oncogene

Early adenoma : low grade

Intermediate adenoma : moderate grade

Late adenoma: high grade

NEOPLASIA ^^ نهاية موضوع ال

Page 17: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Amyloidosis (Just if you hear about) …not a neoplasia topic

صطلح مهم رح مر علكم كتر ف الباطن و بكل سستمم

Page 18: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

• Extracellular deposition of fibrillar (non soluble ) proteins are responsible for tissue damage and functional compromise …due to aggregation of misfolded proteins (which are soluble in their normal folded configuration) or protein fragments …different types of proteins according to the disease

… e.g., -AA protein in cases of chronic inflammations بسبب الالتهاب المستمر مع الزمن حصل romatoid arthritisمثلا مرضى ال autoimmune diseasesخاصة ال

amyloidosis بسبب تراكم بروتن اسمهAA - AL in case of multiple myeloma (malignant plasma cell neoplasm)

plasma cell (B lymphocyte ): secrete abnormal light chain immunoglobulin (antibody) AL : L mean light chain

- A beta in case of Alzheimer

Amyloidosis, cont’d

Page 19: DONE BY : Ghada abu sini & Buthainah Al-masaeed · 2020. 1. 22. · Papanicolaou smears (Pap smear) •Pap smear is a name of a stain )like H&E, Giemsa…etc.( that is used for cytopathologic

Amyloidosis, cont’d •The fibrillar deposits bind a wide variety of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans,

including heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, and plasma proteins, notably serum amyloid P component (SAP))

Special stain: Congo red stain…using polarized-light microscopy ونضعه تحت Congo redاسمها Special stainنصبغ النسج باستخدام .. فه amylodosisلدنا نسج معن نرد الكشف عن وجود

polarized light microscope ترتبط هذه الصبغة مع الfibrillar Amyloid proteins ونلاحظ إضاءة معنة من انكسارات الضوء positiveنستدل أن الفحص

:تعقيب مهم لملاحظة سابقة سقطت سهوا

heart : thrombus that happen in the Mural thrombus


best wishes…

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