
Dr. Jose Angel Gutierrez POLS 2312 Mid Term Exam Preparation Questions 40 on test set for Nov. 6, 2014 at class time.

1. The process that involves conflict by groups seeking to influence public policy, is referred to asa.politics.

b.public policy.



2. A public institution that is authorized to allocate values in a society definesa.politics.

b.public policy.



3. According to Karen OConner, the process by which policy decisions are made includesa.legislative actions.

b.court proceedings.

c.lobbying activities.

d.All of the above are true.

4. Which statement defines the concept of public policy?a.It is set in motion by the media.

b.It rarely involves conflict.

c.It is of no importance to most citizens.

d.It often involves governmental and nongovernmental groups.

5.When the Texas legislature increases the tax on cigarettes, it is implementinga.public policy.

b.a federal mandate.


d.regulatory authority.

6. The values, attitudes, traditions, habits, and general behavioral patterns that develop over time and shape the politics of a particular region, is referred to asa.political culture.

b.political socialization.

c.political economics.

d.political geography.

7. According to Professor Daniel Elazar, the political culture of Texas isa.individualistic.

b.individualistic and traditionalistic.

c.moralistic and traditionalistic.

d.moralistic and individualistic.

8. Cotton production in the Texas Panhandle and South Plains is possible because ofa.a substantial increase in rainfall there since 1950.

b.the development of hybrid strains that require minimal water.

c.the Ogallala Aquifer.

d.water brought from the Gulf of Mexico.

9. The origin of the name of the State of Texas comes froma.the Native American Caddo word tejas, which means friendly.

b.the Anglo settler movement.

c.the ideas of manifest destiny.

d.the Comanche word tejas, which means Texas.

10. According to Fortunes 2010 listing, three of the four largest private corporations in Texas related. related.

c.cotton related.

d.manufacturing related.

11.The collapse of Enron occurred because ofa.a glut of electricity.

b.the fall in grain prices.

c.a major pipeline disaster on its network.

d.improper accounting and business practices.

12.The process of mixing chemicals with sand and water and injecting them into the ground to force out oil and gas from the shale below, is referred to asa.pumping.




13. Which is a true statement regarding agriculture in Texas?a.It is hampered by poor rail, road, and harbor facilities.

b.It sells most of its output in Texas grocery stores.

c.It produces commodities that are largely processed outside the state.

d.It is characterized by an increasing number of farms with small acreages.

14. The service industry in Texasa.pays lower wages and salaries than manufacturing firms. one of the slowest growing economic sectors in Texas.

c.created genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

d.employs over one-half of all Texas workers.

15. The two sources for the powers of the Texas government to govern are thea.U.S. Bill of Rights and the United Nations Charter.

b.Texas Constitution and Texass membership in the federal Union.

c.Texas Constitution and the United Nations Charter.

d.North American Free Trade Agreement and the U.S. Constitution.

16. Which of the following is a false statement about the Texas Constitution?a.It limits actions of the national government.

b.It outlines the structure of Texass state government.

c.It authorizes the creation of cities and counties.

d.It establishes basic rules for state governance.

17. Understanding the difference between state government and federal government involvesa.knowing that state constitutions are more powerful than the U.S. Constitution.

b.understanding that the federal constitution is weaker than state constitutions.

c.understanding that state constitutions are subject to the U.S. Constitution.

d.understanding that the Supremacy Clause does not apply to most of the states.

18. A system of government in which power is divided between a general government and associated regional governments is a(n)a.unitary system.

b.confederate system.

c.federal system.

d.autocratic system.

19. The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitutiona.denies all powers to the states except for those specifically granted to them.

b.makes no mention of the state governments.

c.grants all undesignated powers to the federal government.

d.reserves to the states those powers not delegated to the federal government.

20. All powers not specifically delegated to the national government, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people. This statement is part ofa.Article IV of the U.S. Constitution.

b.the Declaration of Independence.

c.the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

d.the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

21. The national supremacy clause is found in which article of the U.S. Constitution?a.Article I

b.Article V

c.Article VI

d.Article X

22. According to the national supremacy clause,a.state laws take precedence over federal laws.

b.federal laws enacted under the U.S. Constitution take precedence over state laws.

c.state constitutions are supreme over the national constitution. passed by Congress take precedence over the U.S. constitution.

23. Powers specifically stated in the U.S. Constitution are referred to asa.delegated powers.

b.implied powers.

c.inherent powers.

d.reserved powers.

24. Governor Rick Perry, in opposing federal stimulus funds from the Obama Administration hinted ata.withdrawing from the Confederacy.

b.having Texas secede from the Union.

c.joining the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.

d.the possibility of opposing Obama for president.

25. How many amendments to the Texas Constitution were adopted between 1876 and 2012?a.27




26. The principal historic event surrounding the Texas Constitution of 1869 wasa.joining the southern Confederacy.

b.meeting the demands of Reconstruction.


d.Jacksonian democracy.

27. The Reconstruction governor of Texas who was unpopular with former slave owners wasa.Oran Milo Roberts.

b.Richard Coke.

c.Oxcart John M. Ireland.

d.Edmond J. Davis.

28. According to Patrick G. Williams and Barry A. Crouch, the negativity against E.J. Davis was the resultofa.reactions by former slave owners toward the freedom of black slaves.

b.the defeat of Texicans at the Alamo.

c.T.R. Fehrenbachs negative characterization of slaves.

d.Governor Daviss support of slavery and the Confederacy.

29. In Texas, local government comes in different forms, which includesa.municipal governments, townships, and special districts.

b.county governments, boroughs, and special districts.

c.county government, villages, and cities.

d.special districts, counties, and cities.

30. Approximately how many incorporated municipalities are there in Texas?a.254




31. Which of the following views of local government power dictates that local government should only have those powers expressly granted by the state?a.Dillons Rule

b.Ogdens Rule

c.Cooleys Rule

d.Perrys Rule

32. Texass local governments are like those of other states in that theya.are on the bottom rung of the governmental ladder.

b.make laws that are binding on the state legislature.

c.exist independent of state government authority.

d.have no governmental authority.

33. A typical percentage of voter turnout in a Texas municipal election isa.75 percent.

b.50 percent.

c.never less than 25 percent.

d.10 percent or less.

34. The minimum population requirement in Texas for becoming a city isa.100.




35. In Texas, all of following are unique to home-rule cities, excepta.popular elections.




36. A proposed law arising from a citizen petition is called a(n)a.initiative.




37. Historically, at-large elections in Texas cities have resulted ina.a greater diversity of representation.

b.more voters to participate.

c.less frequent elections.

d.less diversity of representation.

38. Municipal governments in Texas home-rule cities are likely to operatea.parks, police, and education services.

b.roads, welfare, and education services.

c.police, trash collection, and water services.

d.public assistance, education, and police services.

39. The two largest tax sources for Texas municipalities area.sales tax and property tax.

b.income tax and excise tax.

c.tariffs and sales tax. tax and income tax.

40. Which county official has both administrative and judicial responsibilities?a.County clerk

b.County court of law judge

c.County judge

d.County sheriff

41. A unit of local government performing a single function for a particular group of people in a designated geographic area is aa.council of government.

b.municipal government.

c.county government.

d.special-district government.

42. The public education function in the state of Texas is provided directly bya.the federal government.

b.local school districts. government.

d.county government.

43. An organization that consists of individuals interested in controlling government by winning elections is referred to as a(n)a.interest group.

b.political party.

c.political movement.


44. In Texas, the two leading political parties are thea.Democratic and Republican.

b.Republican and Libertarian.

c.Republican and Green.

d.Democratic and Green.

45. A general election is held ina.March of odd-numbered years.

b.November of even-numbered years.

c.November of odd-numbered years.

d.March of even-numbered years.

46. In Texas, a candidate may only win an office in a general election if he/she receivesa.a majority of the vote.

b.two-thirds of the vote.

c.a plurality of the vote.

d.three-quarters of the vote.

47. The hierarchical levels of American political parties is known as aa.stratarchy.


c.corporate hierarchy.

d.level system.

48. The American political party system consists ofa.national, county, city, and state levels.

b.national, state, county, and precinct levels.

c.county, state, local, and national levels.

d.national, precinct, county, and city levels.

49. Primary elections in Texas are usually November of odd-numbered years. February of even-numbered years. March of even-numbered years. June of even-numbered years.

50. The lowest level of the temporary party organizations in Texas are thea.state conventions.

b.county conventions.

c.district conventions.

d.precinct conventions.

51. Which of the following tasks is performed every two years at the state party convention?a.Selection of delegates to the national convention

b.Conducting primary elections

c.Election of state legislators

d.Adoption of a party platform

52. Which of the following happens at the party state convention during presidential election years only?a.Adoption of state party platform

b.Selection of potential presidential electors

c.Selection of members of the state executive committee

d.Certification to Secretary of State the names of party members nominated to run for office

53. The number of electoral voters each state receives is equal to thea.number of seats each state has in Congress.

b.number of seats each state has in its state legislature.

c.number of voters who voted in the previous general election.

d.number of delegates the state had at the national party convention.

54. How many electoral voters will Texas have in the presidential election of 2016?a.181




55. In 2008, one reason why Obama won in Harris, Travis, Bexar, and Dallas counties was because ofa.strong Republican support.

b.strong conservative Tea Party support.

c.solid support from independents and right-wing Republicans.

d.solid support from Latino and African American voters.

56. In the 2010 Texas gubernatorial race, Kay Bailey Hutchison was defeated most likely due to hera.being a woman.

b.lack of political experience.

c.status as a Democrat.

d.being portrayed as a Washington insider.

57. In which case did the Supreme Court overturn a ban on unlimited independent expenditures made by corporations, unions, and nonprofit organizations in federal elections?a.Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

b.McConnell v. FEC (2003)

c.Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)

d.Bush v. Gore (2000)

58. Which of the following does not describe Texas campaign finance regulations for state offices?a.There are no dollar limits on contributions.

b.There are no disclosure requirements by candidates.

c.Some contributions must be made through PACs.

d.The Texas Ethics Commission is responsible for enforcing state laws.

59. As a percentage, Texass Latino population isa.less than half of the white population.

b.more than twice the white population.

c.more than half of the states total population.

d.about the same as the Anglo population.

60. The Raza Unida Party was founded by several Latino leaders includinga.Tony Sanchez.

b.Jos ngel Gutirrez.

c.Ruben Bonilla.

d.Mario Cantu.

61. Which of the following is the most likely reason that Raza Unida did not continue to be politically effective?a.Third parties are not legally allowed to participate in Texas politics.

b.The Texas Democratic Party has adopted issues appealing to Hispanic voters.

c.The Republican Party has pushed all other parties out of existence.

d.The Hispanic population in Texas has declined since the 1970s.

62. The Latino community showed its political strength in May of 2010 bya.holding a support rally for the Arizona Immigration law.

b.contributing millions of dollars to the Republican Party.

c.organizing the new Raza Unida Party.

d.having 28,000 protesters in Dallas opposing the Arizona immigration law.

63. Texas employed which of the following methods at one time or another during the twentieth century to deny the vote to large groups of individuals?a.Literacy tests, good character tests, and poll taxes.

b.Literacy tests, poll taxes, and white primaries

c.Supremacy clause, white primaries, and poll taxes.

d.Minimum voting age of 35, literacy tests, and good character tests.

64. The case of Smith v. Allwright overturned thea.Plessey v. Ferguson decision.

b.Arizona Immigration law (SB 1070).

c.white-only primary elections in Texas.

d.1923 Texas law that allowed blacks to vote.

65. Manipulating legislative district lines to favor a political party or group is referred to asa.grandfathering.


c.cracking and packing.


66. In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court disallow racial gerrymandering?a.Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

b.Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

c.U.S. v. Jones (2012)

d.Shaw v. Reno (1993)

67. The case of Shaw v. Reno (1993) prohibiteda.the poll tax or voter registration fee.

b.racial gerrymandering to favor ethnic minorities. election districts for state legislatures.

d.the requirement that voters register more than once every five years.

68. Low voter turnout in Texas is attributed to all of the following, excepta.voter fatigue from too many elections.

b.negative campaigning by candidates.

c.lack of information about candidates.

d.the repeal of laws that expanded suffrage.

69. Of the various socioeconomic factors that influence voter turnout, which is considered the strongest?a.Gender


c.Party affiliation


70. Some of the key factors that affect voter turnout include education, gender, history, and available credit.

b.sexual orientation, hair and eye color.

c.regular income, age, and ethnicity.

d.voter status and party affiliation.

71. An organization that works with government officials for the purpose of influencing public policy is referred to as a(n)a.political party.

b.interest group.

c.legislature. brigade.

72. Interest groups try to influence public policy bya.lobbying only one specific political party.

b.working only with a political partys leaders.

c.lobbying government officials regardless of party affiliation.

d.ignoring key decision makers in the political process.

73. An organization of individuals with similar views that tries to influence government to respond favorably to its views is called a(n)a.voluntary association.

b.benevolent society.

c.interest group.

d.political party.

74. The principal purpose of political party activity is toa.achieve changes through the constitutional amendment process.

b.gain control of government by winning elections and thus achieve party goals.

c.influence public officials who are already in office to respond to the partys goals.

d.obtain favorable treatment for party members in governmental activities.

75. Which of the following would not be a goal of an interest group?a.Getting its members elected to public office

b.Having government policies passed that benefit the group

c.Influencing government officials regarding legislation

d.Making policy preferences known to government officials

76. An interest group has as its primary objective thea.electioneering support of candidates for public office.

b.influencing of government to respond to the groups objectives.

c.achievement of success as a national organization.

d.growth of its membership.

77. The Texas Association of Businesses and Chambers of Commerce is an example ofa.a trade association.

b.a trade union. umbrella organization.

d.a public interest group.

78. Which of the following goals would a business organization be least likely to pursue?a.Lower state or federal taxes

b.Minimum government regulations

c.Fewer concessions to labor unions

d.Increased safety and environmental standards

79. Who would be most supportive of the Texas right-to-work law?a.Business groups

b.Labor groups

c.Illegal immigrants

d.Ethnic groups

80. Which of the following interest groups would be an example of a professional group in Texas?a.Teamsters

b.National Rifle Association

c.Texas Trial Lawyers Association

d.League of United Latin American Citizens

81. The definition of a lobbyist is an individual to get a candidate elected to office.

b.sits on a Congressional committee.

c.attempts to influence the decision-making of lawmakers.

d.issues rulings on major court cases.

82. In which of the following activities are interest groups most involved?a.Recruiting candidates

b.Writing party platforms

c.Providing an outlet for citizen activity


83. An individual seeking a favorable decision from government is most likely to succeed if he or through the Democratic party. with a group having similar goals.

c.attempts to reach his or her goals alone.

d.votes in the general election.

84. In recent years, registered lobbyists in Texas havea.not been influential.

b.become better regulated.

c.increased to over 1,800.

d.not caught the attention of the media.

85. Studies of lobbying in Texas indicate that the most commonly employed strategy of influencing legislation isa.personal argument with the legislator to persuade him.

b.providing the legislator with relevant information.

c.abandoning the legislature and lobbying the governor.

d.abandoning the legislative and executive branches and filing lawsuits.

86. The essence of representative government is havinga.the chief executive able to veto bills.

b.the courts overturn unconstitutional actions.

c.entrusting the enactment of laws to elected legislators.

d.administrative agencies to enact rules and regulations.

87. Functions of the Texas legislature include all of the following, excepta.enacting legislation.

b.proposing constitutional amendments.

c.appointing state judges.

d.removing executive and judicial officials.

88. The number of senators in the Texas legislature isa.31.




89. The only unicameral state legislature is that ofa.Ohio.




90. The Texas House of Representatives consists of __________ members.a.31.




91. Legislative redistricting for both houses in Texas routinely occursa.every even-numbered year.

b.every odd-numbered year.

c.the first odd-numbered year in a decade.

d.the first even-numbered years in a decade.

92. The terms of office for members of the Texas legislature area.Senate, four years; House of Representatives, two years; no term limits.

b.House of Representatives, four years; Senate, four years; two-term limit.

c.Senate, four years, two terms; House of Representatives, two years, four terms.

d.Senate, six years; House of Representatives, two years; no limit.

93. Which of the following is a true statement regarding senators in the Texas legislature?a.There are two from each state senate district.

b.They are limited to no more than two four-year terms.

c.They are limited to a total of ten years in office.

d.They all stand for election the year following redistricting.

94. Which of the following statements is true regarding the Texas legislature?a.It does not recognize the party affiliation of its members.

b.It has no party organizationnot even informal caucuses.

c.It is dominated by the Democratic Party, with no Republican influence.

d.It has Democratic and Republican caucuses that are increasingly important.

95. The concerns of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus in the 1990s produceda.the creation of an indigent health care system.

b.increasing funding from the lottery and gambling.

c.larger appropriations for state universities in South Texas.

d.electing district judges from single-member districts.

96. The liberal response to the Conservative Caucus is thea.Legislative Black Caucus.

b.House and Senate Democratic caucuses.

c.Legislative Study Group.

d.Senate Hispanic Caucus.

97. The principal agent in making public policy in Texas is thea.governor of Texas.

b.state bureaucracy.

c.state legislature.

d.state judiciary.

98. House-Senate conference committees normally meet duringa.the last 80 days of a regular session.

b.called special legislative sessions only.

c.the first 30 days of the regular session.

d.the second 30 days of the regular session.

99. While the legislature is debating a bill, the governor can most readily stop that bill bya.encouraging a letter-writing campaign by the public.

b.threatening to kill it with a veto.

c.threatening to remove the lieutenant governor.

d.temporarily adjourning the legislature by executive decree.

100. A representative seeking help in drafting a bill would probably turn to thea.Legislative Budget Board.

b.Senate Research Center.

c.House Research Organization.

d.Texas Legislative Council.

101. Of the six women featured in Chicanas in Charge Part I which one was the first Chicana to run for state representative?a. Alicia Chaconb. Rosa Tijerinac. Virginia Muzquizd. Anita N. Martinez

102. Of the Chicanas in Part 2. which one became an appellate court judge? a. Maria Jimenezb. Rosie Castroc. Severita Larad. Alma Canalese. none of these

103. Of the Chicanas in Part 2. which one has a son serving as Secretary of HUD in 2014?a. Alma Canalesb. Rosie Castroc. Irma Mirelesd. Linda Reyna Yaneze. none of these

104. Which Chicana in Part 1. became the first woman elected to the Dallas City Council?a. Olga Ramos Penab. Anita N. Martinezc. Virginia Muzquizd. Alicia Chacone. Maria Escobar

105. Which Chicana in either Part 1 or 2 was a student walkout leader in her high school during the heyday of the Chicano Movement?a. Alicia Chaconb. Rosa Tijerinac. Linda Reyna Yanezd. Maria Jimeneze. Severita Lara

106. What is the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution?A. legalizes indenture servitudeB. provides a legal mechanic for Congress to enact legislation to establish an income tax systemC. prohibits slavery and involuntary servitudeD. provides African Americans the right to vote

107. What is the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution?A. Provided citizenship to those born on US soilB. Provided African Americans the right to voteC. Made US senators elected directly by the peopleD. Prohibited women from voting

108. What is the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution?A. Provided Native Americans the right to voteB. Provided all races the right to voteC. Provided women the right to voteD. Provided to US citizens who are at least 18 years of age the right to vote

109. What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965?A. Prohibits the poll taxB. Attempts to curb racial discrimination in votingC. Legalizes the poll taxD. Makes ballots all English-only texts

110. What is the 15th Amendment to the US Constitution?A. Provides women the right to voteB. Allows any US citizen of any color the right to voteC. Allows any US citizen 21 years of age or older the right to voteD. Prohibits former Confederate states from legalizing the poll tax and literacy tests

111. Who was the defendant in The Class Apart case?A. Pedro HernandezB. Jose HernandezC. Alexandro HernandezD. Jorge Hernandez

112. What main issue did A Class Apart address?A. Mexican-Americans were treated as a second class citizens, despite having American citizenship and racial classification as White.B. The role of African Americans during the Civil Rights eraC. The treatment of Asians post-Civil War particularly Japanese American internment.D. The treatment of Catholics during the post-Civil War era

113. Who represented the defendant in the case Hernandez v Texas?A. Pedro HernandezB. Joe EspinosaC. Gustavo Garcia D. Carlos Garcia

114. What was the United States Supreme Courts decision in Hernandez v Texas?A. Mexican Americans had equal protection under the 14th Amendment to the US ConstitutionB. Mexican Americans can be tried by an all-Anglo juryC. dismissed the case D. Mexican Americans had citizenship under the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, if born on US soil

115. What was the vote marginal vote among the United States Supreme Court justices in the Hernandez v Texas case?A. 5-4B. 6-3C. 9-0D. 8-1

116. What was the mission of the Border Bandits?A. To provide assistance to John McAllenB. To assist the Texas RangersC. To kill John McAllenD. To capture Pancho Villa

117. What was occurring in Mexico during the 1910s?A. Mexican RevolutionB. The overthrow of Santa Annas descendants from powerC. Negotiate peace with the other Central American countriesD. Split between the Conservatives and the Catholic Church

118. Who was the Captain of the Texas Rangers that tried to capture the Border Bandits?A. Thomas Tom ArthurB. Harry RansomC. David McAllenD. Sam Roster

119. According to the film, Border Bandits, Jesus Bazan killed by the Texas Rangers wasA. A border banditB. An innocent manC. an undocumented MexicanD. suspect in kidnapping the girl held by John McAllen at his ranch

120. When a woman claiming to be related to John McAllen tried to contact his descendants, what did they do?A. Embraced her into their familyB. Ignored her attempts to reach the McAllen descendantsC. Hung up on herD. advised her to hire a lawyer

121. What rank is the United States in the 2012 Gender Gap amongst the Top 20 countries?A. 3rdB. 9thC. 17thD. None of the above

122. When did white women first get the right to vote in Texas?A. 1918B. 1917C. 1919D. 1920

121. What political party do women typically tend to support more?A. Republican PartyB. Democratic PartyC. Green PartyD. Libertarian Party

122. What is a gender role?A. a set of biological traits that determines ones role based on their genderB. a set of social and behavioral norms that are generally considered appropriate for either a man or a woman in a social or interpersonal relationshipC. a set of social and behavioral norms that determines ones position in terms of class structure based on genderD. a set of psychological traits that determines one behavior based on their gender

123. Who was the first woman to serve as White House Press Secretary?A. Condoleezza RiceB. Madeline AlbrightC. Dee Dee MyersD. Janet Napolito

124. For every dollar a family earns in the bottom 90 percent earns, how many at the top .01 percent earns?A. 10B. 250C. 750D. 1000

125. Since 1980, the average real income of the top 1 percent has shot up by how much percentage points?A. 50%B. 75%C. 125%D.175%

126. Even as the incomes of the 1 percent have risen, their taxes haveA. stayed staticB. increasedC. decreasedD. abolish

127. Whites average income household is ____ percent larger than blacks.A. 23B. 56C. 38D. 45

128. What are the median assets of white families?A. $49000B. $68000C. $97000D. $113000

129. What is the percentage of total income that is controlled by the top 1 percent in 2012 America?A. 22B. 20C. 25D. 28

130. How many Hispanics resided in Los Angeles County, California?A. 5.1 millionB. 4.9 millionC. 3.8 millionD. 4.5 million

131. What is the U.S. Hispanic population as of September 2014?A. 59.1 millionB. 54.1 millionC. 49. 5 millionD. 57.3 million

132. What fraction of the U.S. Hispanic population are people of Mexican origin?A. 2/5B. 3/5C. 5/8D. 2/3

133. What is the median age of Latinos?A. 22B. 28C. 35D. 37

134. A majority of Latino adults (55%) are what?A. non-religiousB. Evangelical ProtestantsC. CatholicsD. Mainline Protestants

135. Who is William H. McRaven?A. President of the University of TexasB. Former President of the University of Texas at ArlingtonC. President of the University of Texas at DallasD. Chancellor-designate of the University of Texas System

136. What is the salary offered to William McRaven?A. $1.2 millionB. $1.5 millionC. $850,000D. $1.75 million

137. What was William H. McRavens previous position?A. National Security AdvisorB. Admiral, head of the U.S. Special Operations CommandC. U.S. Ambassador to the United NationsD. Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff

138. Who is McRaven replacing?A. Francisco CigarroaB. William Powers Jr.C. Vistasp KarbhariD. Janet Napolitano

139. What was the previous Chancellors salary?A. $750,000B. $1 millionC. $850,000D. $975,000

140. What is Gov. Rick Perry being criminally charged with?A. abuse of powerB. Austin-gateC. perjuryD. violating someones civil liberties

141. When was the last time a Governor of Texas was indicted?A. 1867B. 1903C. 1917D. 1948

142. What is the possible maximum sentence if Gov. Perry is found guilty?A. 15 yearsB. 10 yearsC. 25 yearsD. 109 years

143. Who is Rosemary Lehmberg?A. Nacogdoches County District AttorneyB. Tarrant County District AttorneyC. Travis County District AttorneyD. Harris County District Attorney

144. What is the political party of the judge who is assigned to Perrys case?A. DemocratB. RepublicanC. LibertarianD. Green

145. How much is the Koch Industries worth?A. $115 billion in annual revenueB. $95 billion in annual revenueC. $130 billion in annual revenueD. $70 billion in annual revenue

146. Who took care of the Koch brothers when they were young?A. Both their parentsB. Their motherC. Their fatherD. Their household help

147. What political party are the Koch brothers affiliated with?A. Republican PartyB. Democratic PartyC. Libertarian PartyD. Green Party

148. Some of the groups that the Koch brothers fund are associated with theA. Tea PartyB. Independence PartyC. Constitution PartyD. Peace and Freedom Party

149. When did the Texas Republican Party emerge?A. 1865B 1866C. 1867D. 1868

150. What did the Black Codes do?A. Allowed African Americans the right to hold officeB. Prohibited African Americans from votingC. Established literacy testsD. Allowed for greater representation for African-Americans in state government

151. What was the African-American/Anglo ratio when the Republican Party of Texas was first founded?A. 150/20B. 20/150C. 135/100D. 120/120

152. Who was the first President to appoint an African-American to an executive position in the White House staff?A. Franklin RooseveltB. Dwight EisenhowerC. Lyndon JohnsonD. Theodore Roosevelt

153. What was the election of Richard Coke to the governorship described as?A. equal rightsB. the restoration of white supremacy and Democratic ruleC. the consolidation of authority for the Republican Party and restore libertyD. combat the evils of the Republican Party

154. Federal Reserve System Chair Janet Yellen upped the white median net worth by 2% to $142,000 and dropped the minority net worth by -17% to what dollar amount? A. $20,000 B. $19,000 C. $18,000 d. $17,000 E. $16,000

155. The first SCOTUS case on lobbying had to do with the U.S. War on Mexico in 1846-48. A. True B. False

156. To lobby in Texas a person has to register with the Ethics Commission. A. true B. false

157. The top spender in 2013 in Texas as lobbyist was? A. AT &T B. Time Warner C. Texas Medical Association D. Oncor Electric

158. Which person developed the concept of a caretaker society? A. Stokely Carmichael B. Charles Hamilton C. Octavio Romano D. Lyle Brown

159. 10% of the agribusiness interests in Texas collected 78% of all the subsidy (1995-2013) making Texas rank what number of the 50 states? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

160. During which legislative session did the lobbyists spend more money? A. 2011 B. 2013

161. What interest group spent more money lobbying in 2013? A. Health B. Agriculture C. Energy D. Labor E. Finance

162. How much money or at least up to what amount did lobbyist spend on legislators in 2013? A. $155 million B. $278 million C. $305 million D. $328 million

163. Who was the #5 ranked lobbyist in Texas during the 2013 session? A. Lius Saenz B. Royce Poinsett C. Dean McWilliams D. Scott Gilmore E. Michael Toomey

164. Another word for the program used for purchasing food stamps is? A. TANF B. Lone Star C. SNAP D. FIXT E. Food Stamps

165. Of all the subsidies to agribusiness and farmers which one is becoming the most popular? A. conservation B. disaster C. crop insurance D. commodity E. depletion


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