Page 1: 캐나다BC주와알버타주현지특별취재 A figure of fragrant … diaphragm action in the roof. The design






동반한다. 새롭게자신의시야에




한기억의흔적으로물들인다. 나



게된캐나다2012 미션은하늘

길과산길, 해안길등의다양한












고거대한산과호수, 강의신비로


람들의신뢰, 강인한정신력를더




게된다. 인간의편의와이기심에



게되는것임을너무나도잘알고있는우리들이다. 이러한흐름에서지켜볼때캐나다인들은거대한

자연에기대어살고그흐름을해치지않으려하며, 최소한의개발을통해자연과공존하려는건축정


캐나다산림업계를대표하는비영리단체인캐나다우드(Canada Wood)가주최하고캐나다브리티

시컬럼비아주정부와알버타주정부의초청으로진행된이번2012 캐나다미션행사는캐나다에드먼

튼, 밴프, 밴쿠버, 휘슬러등지의우수한목조건축현장을둘러보고캐나다의수려한자연환경을만끽

할수있었던유익한목조건축투어프로그램으로기억된다. 올캐나다미션에는국내의건축사사무소

대표, 건설/ 개발업체임원, 언론관계자총28명이참석하여8박9일간의일정으로캐나다의주요목

조건축의생생한현장을둘러보았다. 캐나다미션의운영은해외에서캐나다산목재제품을대표하고

수출시장의개척과발전을위해캐나다연방정부와주정부, 임산업협회로구성된캐나다우드

(Canada Wood Group/ Paul Newman 회장)와한국목조건축산업의발전을위해노력하는캐

나다우드한국사무소(소장정태욱)가맡아진행되었다. 세부적인프로그램의운영은캐나다우드그룹

의Wayne Iversen, Tamara Byrnes-Ma, 김미선, 최재철, 홍민정, Christina Lee 등이맡아

현장투어와안내등을진행하였다. 참가자들은첫날밴쿠버에도착하여리치몬드의바이스로이프리

패브주택공장(Viceroy Prefabricated House)을견학하였다. 바이스로이홈즈는설립된지50


패키지를출하하고있다. 바이스로이홈즈의Bob Hammell은“출하하는부재하나하나까지에도바

코드가부착된패키지주택의설명서가부착되어목제품의등급, 품질등의정보를손쉽게알수있으

며, 자동화된생산라인을통해소비자들의원하는어떤건자재도가능하다”고밝혔다.


튼으로부터시작한다. 365일축제가끊이지않는매력적인도시에드먼튼은캐나다에서두번째로큰

면적을지닌도시로, 알버타의자연과역사를엿볼수있는로열알버타뮤지엄(Royal Alberta

Museum), 파리미드모양의온실로유명한뮤타트식물원(Muttart Conservatory), 살아있는역

사를만끽할수있는포트에드먼튼파크(Fort Edmonton Park), 복합휴양명소인에드먼튼리버크

리리조트(Edmonton River Cree Resort), 800개이상의상점과110개가넘는레스토랑과9개

의테마형놀이공원, 2개의호텔등이자리한웨스트에드먼튼몰(West Edmonton Mall), 풀장과

광장이잘조화된에드먼튼시청, 과거요새가있던곳에서있는유서깊은돔형건물의알버타주의사





과지속가능한목조건축의사례에대한프레젠테이션을들었다. 이후

Spruceland 제재소, 에드먼튼한인장로교회, Southwinds콘도와

웨스트에드먼튼몰을방문하였다. 알버타주의산림(Alberta’s

Forests) 현황에대해Keith Murray (Director, Forestry and

Environment Alberta Forest Products Association) 발표자

는 지속가능하고 재생산이 가능한 자원(A Sustainable,

Renewable Natural Resource)에대한발표를가졌다. 알버타주의산림면적은35,189,909헥타

르에달하며이중국유림은4백만헥타르, 수확없는산림은9백만헥타르에달한다. 그중82%인1800

만헥타르가산림경영청인증산림으로모두가캐나다표준협회, 지속가능적산림협회의인증을준수하

고있다. 알버타주산림은재조림이입법화된지이미30년


조림되는것이특징적이다. 또한한그루수확시2그루나무

를심는것을원칙으로하고있으며, 200년후산림계획은

고려하여운영되고있다. Keith Murray는“알버타주의





력이탁월하고재생과재활용이가능하며, 유기질, 공기정

화, 수질정화, 산소공급, 미생물분해성등의탁월한능력

을함유하고있다. 또한견고하고가벼우며신축성이높고,


성을지닌다. 특히목재는빨대를수만수천개모아놓은


적이다. 또한목재는천연의공기정화기로이산화탄소를격리시키는자연적으로완벽한건자재로평가되고있다. 뿐만아니라

목재건축은심리적으로따뜻함을제공함으로써사용자들에게긍정적영향을끼치고있다. 독일심리학자에리히프롬이명명한

생명애(Biophilia)처럼인간과다른생명조직사이에존재하는본능적인유대를일컫듯목재는따뜻함과부드러움, 긍정적인

분위기를조성해주는천연자재인셈이다. 이에대해캐나다우드의웨인아이버슨부장은“연구결과나무로만든학교에서공부

하는학생들이콘크리트로만든학교에비해월등히EQ측정치가높았다”고덧붙였다. 알버타주

의목조건축에대해발표를가진Rory Koska는“북미에서제조되는모든산업원료의47%에

목제품이차지하지만산업원료제조에사용되는총에너지의단4%만소모한다”며, “사용가능

한완제품1톤을생산하기위해콘크리트는목제품의5배, 유리는14배, 철근은24배의에너지를소모한다”는점을지적하였다.


잘설명해준다. 특히경골목조건물은6층높이로시공가능하며대규모지진에도최소한의손상을보여준다. 공학목제품은복합재

료를형성하기위해스트랜드, 작은조각, 섬유질혹은접착제로접합한목재로효율적인목재섬유질(Milled 40%, PSL 64%,

LVL 52%, LSL 76%)을활용하고있는제품으로손꼽힌다. 그중가장널리구입이용이한공학목재보인LVL은대부분공급사가취급하며길이가무한대이며

일관된디자인특성을지닌다. 강도감소의결함을제거한PSL은일관성과안정성을장점으로가진다. 최대섬유를사용하는LSL은섬유질을효과적으로활용함

으로써비교적저렴한가격으로계단난간, 창문개구부등에사용되며, 조립공학목재인장선은중량대비강도기높이며폐기물이적고설치가용이하다는장점을

지닌다. 집성재인글루램은긴경간구조를가지며특정응용용도에따라제작할수있고, 방부처리가된다는장점을지닌다. 글루램을활용한리치몬드올림픽경


“Our practice is committed to architecture as a fine art. Using the highest standards of professionalism, we strive to produce significant and lasting works

of art. I am fascinated by creativity, by the spiritual, mental and physical energy required to do the work of an architect. I am pursued by the idea of

mathematical order, but desperately dream the most romantic of shapes. I seek simultaneously both the most rational and arbitrary of architectural forms.

I believe in looking, listening and drawing as sources of creativity. I believe that the most mechanical of drafting and the most freehand of sketching help

our understanding of buildings. I believe in walking sites, listening to people and drawing all the time. I believe in the need to visualize, to develop the

meditative state necessary to see the project before it is built. I am committed to an appropriate and authentic Canadian architecture and urbanism, born

not of nationalism but of the sheer power and possibilities of our land.”<Brian Allsopp>

에드먼튼한인장로교회(Edmonton Central

Korean Presbyterian Church)의건축가인

Brian Allsopp은“교회를디자인을하면서나무


였으며, 캐나다의자연환경에어우러지는지속가

능한환경적인건축을시도하였다”고밝혔다. 한



다. 예배당은북쪽이많이기울어진비대칭형구조로지붕상부에는스카이라이트


“The building program was initially 12,000sf(1115㎡) spread over two stories,

but budget constraints prompted a return to first principles. Restricting the

building to a single story eliminated the meed for stairs and elevators, saving

both money and space; while reducing the overall area to less than 10,000sf(930㎡) eliminated the need for sprinklers. Architecturally, a single story solu-

tion also increased the opportunity to give the sanctuary a strong formal expression in contrast to the low, flat roofed support spaces. As built, the program

includes a 4000sf(372㎡) worship space accessed from a glazed entrance lobby or narthex, with the remainder of the 9600sf floor area taken up by ancil-

lary spaces that include offices, education rooms, kitchen facilities and washrooms. The worship space is designed to be visually warm and welcoming,

with both the structure and finishes entirely of wood and concrete. Windows on the east and west walls, together with a skylight on the north slope of the

roof, let in abundant natural light. Great care was taken to ensure that the glulam roof structure and exposed wood roof decking are clean and uncluttered.

To this end, artificial lighting takes the form of uplighters mounted on the concrete buttresses that support the roof structure. Externally, the building is

clad in a combination of pre-finished, corrugated metal sheet and an

exterior insulation finishing system(EIFS), secured to non-load bearing

2×6 wood frame walls that in-fill between the steel columns of the

ancillary spaces. While the church has no steeple in the traditional

sense, a small tower adjacent to the glazed entrance lobby is extended

by a vertical trellis of painted spruce boards, upon which is mounted a

cross of clear finished cedar. The church complex employs two distinct

forms of construction: a conventional light steel frame and I-joist sys-

tem in the flat roofed portion of the building where the structure is con-

cealed; and a system of glulam arches

and purlins with wood decking in the

sanctuary area where the structure is

exposed. The worship space is and

80ft×50ft(26m×16m) rectangle,

whose cross section is a composite of

a Tudor arch and an A-frame. This

creates a dramatic interior space that

is functional and cost effective. The

shallower slope on the south side of

the south side of the sanctuary helps

reduce snow accumulation on the

adjacent flat roofed area, while the

steep slope of the north roof, extend-

ing down almost to ground level,

eliminates the need for a wall on that

side of the building. On the north side,

the inclined glulam beams spring from

8ft high concrete buttresses, while on

the south side the Tudor arch elements

are supported on concrete columns.

Wood was and extremely cost effec-

tive solution for the high volume of

the worship space. Initially estimated

by the construction manager at a cost

of $165,000, the final cost came in at

$150,000 - a savings of 10%. The pri-

mary Douglas fir glulam purlins run-

ning between them at 6ft 8in(2.03m)

centres. This spacing permitted the

use of solid 2×6 SPF tongue and

groove decking (rather than the more

expensive 3×6 thick material com-

monly used for this purpose). A layer

of plywoods is added to the decking to

achieve diaphragm action in the roof.

The design team worked with the glu-

lam fabricator to devise elegant and

efficient exposed plate connection

details where the glulam elements

spring from their concrete supports,

and concealed knife plate connections

at the apex of the roof.”


winds 콘도는현재시공중인다세대아

파트 시공 현장이다. 현장에서 만난

Jerry Calara는“총98세대가입주한





를반영하고있다”고밝혔다. 아파트가

위치한Lake Summerside에는열린

녹지공간, 오솔길시스템, 놀이터와32

에이커의민물호수, 전용클럽하우스시


같은 날 찾은 Spruceland 제재소

(Spruceland Sawmills, Acheson,



2012 Korea Mission to Canada by Canada Wood

A figure of fragrant wooden architecture meet with at natural courses

Key Benefits of Reforesting Burned/Harvested Areas. Increases the carbonstock of our forests. Will help Albertaincrease carbon sequestration and producevaluable carbon credits as part of meetingKyoto Protocol requirements.

Keith Murray

Brian Allsopp


Jerry Calara

Wayne Iversen

Rory Koska





글루램(Cassie Campbell) PSL





글루램(Lawrence Grassi중학교) Lois Holl도서관글루램(Lawrence Grassi중학교)

알버타주 밴프보우강


<9면 계속>


Page 2: 캐나다BC주와알버타주현지특별취재 A figure of fragrant … diaphragm action in the roof. The design

산맥을따라호수와산, 빙하의공원으로야생동식물의안식처이자사계절하이킹이나승마, 크루즈, 온천, 아이스클

라이밍, 카누타기등으로각광을받고있는관광명소이다. 4인용곤돌라를통해손쉽게오를수있는해발2,285m 높

이의설퍼산에서바라보는파노라마식경관은여행자의머릿속을상쾌하게비워주기에충분하다. 보우강을따라나타

나는보우폭포(Bow Falls) 역시방문객들의무더위를시원스럽게만들어주는산책코스이다. 그밖에영혼의호수라는

스토니인디언말처럼그림같은풍경의미네완카계곡(Lake Minnewanka), 철도노동자들이처음온천을발견하고

밴프국립공원이만들어지기까지의역사를보여주는랜드마크케이브앤베이슨(Cave & Basin National Historic

Site), 스펙타클한장관으로하이킹코스로인기높은존스톤캐년(Johnston Canyon), 텐픽스계곡에위치하며빙하

에서녹아내린물로이루어진모레인레이크(Morain Lake), 빅토리아빙하를배경으로삼은레이크루이스(Lake

Louise) 등은밴프를소중한자연유산으로기억하게만드는명소들로꼽힌다.


경관을배경삼아한적하게자리잡은아담한도시이다. 밴프타운의안내를맡은Darren Enns(Banff Town Hall)는


으로사용하게함으로써다양한재료의건물디자인을엄격히제한하고있다”고설명한다. 밴프타운은국립공원내상

업공간은제한적이며거리의휴지통이나간판, 벤치등의공공시설물역시반드시목재를사용하는것을원칙으로하고

있다. 호텔의객실의빈방유무를알리는네온사인도제


밴프에서찾은Fenlands Banff Recreation Center

(Architect: GE C Architecture)는밴프시의유일한

실내빙상경기장이다.The fenlands에는두개의경기

장과네겹의컬링아이스, 라운지와바, 두개의회의실,


다. 경기장위쪽으로는하천이흐르고있고아기곰들의


도록공사시유념하였다. 또한건물은지속가능한건축


서자재를수급하여친환경적으로지어졌다. 베어낸나



글루램역시재활용한것이다. 건물은2011년LEED


“Glulam elements were used as the primary supports

for the roofs of the new curling rink and the new

hockey rink. The roofing system is comprised of:

prefinised aluminum roofing; air space with 241 mm

nylon thermal clips; 200mm fibrous batt insulation

with foil face vapour retarder; and steel z-girt

purlins. Alaskan yellow cedar columns were used to

support the glulam trusses for the new hockey arena

and the frame the main entrances. Glulam columns

were used to support the glulam arches in the curling

rink. The roof and structure of the original hockey

arena were retained, while the ice refrigeration system was replaced. The new curling rink roof is supported by glulam arches salvaged from the old curl-

ing rink. Salvaged glulam was also used for columns throughout the redeveloped complex. The roof of the new hockey rink is comprised of glulam arch-

es made from new material. The glulam for the concourse, meeting rooms and other areas was a combination of new and recycled glulam.”

“The Banff Recreation Center was designed for and is a LEED New Construction Silver candidate. The reuse of glulam members minimized waste,

reduced transportation energy, and reduced volatile organic compounds(VOCs) and toxic materials. Occupancy sensors are used to minimize lighting

energy. Low-emissivity ceilings in the rinks reduce the amount of energy required to maintain good ice by about 20%. High efficiency fans and pumps

with variable speed motors reduce process energy. Demand-controls mean that ventilation is driven by air quality. The site was developed to help rehabil-

itate the sensitive environment nearby. The new building was situated away from Forty Mile Creek; the riparian zone, previously occupied by the outdoor

ice and parking, was rehabilitated to facilitate a wildlife corridor. Bioswales were constructed to capture and treat storm water runoff form the parking lot,

which is used for flushing low-flow toilets in the Center. The melt water from the ice rink surfacing is also contained detrimental effects on Forty Mile

Greek. The building exceeds the Model National Energy Code for Buildings(MNECB) by about 50% compared to the 1997 version(about 25% com-

pared to the 2011 National Energy Code for Buildings(NECB)). The Center is sprinklered throughout. The majority of the overhangs extend more than

1,220mm out from the building and the concealed spaces within the overhangs are sprinkler protected in accordance with NFPA 13. The Banff

Recreation Center has a ground floor area of 8,533㎡, larger than the 4,800㎡ permitted of a One story, A-2 occupancy. A 2-hour firewall breaks the cen-


타주Acheson에위치한13만sq. ft.


1982년Ben Sawatzky 회장에의해


운영체제로경영되며최근에는20% 지

분을직원들에게돌려주기도하였다. 제

재소의Greg Schellenberg and josh


세계유통사와시장에데크, 내장마감등

의다양한SPF 목제품을생산공급하고

있으며, 최소1컨테이너까지주문이가

능하다”고밝혔다. Spruceland 제재소







기에충분하다. 캐나다의가장오래된대


ter into two building; the original hockey rink, news curling rink, concourse, and mezza-

nine(4,608㎡); and the news hockey rink, refrigeration plant and ice resurfacing room(3,925㎡).

The Center is located in a high-risk wildfire area and therefore it was decided to use fire-retar-

dant treated wood for siding, exterior trim and soffits. The Banff Recreation Center redevelop-

ment maximized utilization of the original hockey rink and salvaged and new materials to create

a revitalized facility truly fitting of its spectacular location. The wood structures’interior and

exterior finishing provide and architectural atmosphere that meets the Town of Banff’s design

criteria, maches the building heritage of the Canadian Rockies, and creates a pleasing environ-

ment for ice sport enthusiasts.”

Specifying wood in public procurement can help fulfill national and local climate change pro-

grammes. Encouraging the use of wood products can act ad a greener alternative to more fossil-

fuel intensive materials. Substituting a cubic meter fo wood for other construction

materials(concrete, masonry blocks or clay bricks) results in the significant average of 0.75 to 1

to CO2 savings.”

The VanDusen Visitor Center creates a harmo-

nious balance between architecture and landscape

from a visual and ecological perspective. Inspired

by the organic forms and natural systems of a

native orchid, the building is organized into undu-

lating green roof ‘petals’floating above rammed

earth and concrete walls. Designed to exceed

LEED Platinum status, the Visitor Center is pur-

suing the Living Building Challenge. The facility

uses on-site, renewable sources to achieve net-

zero energy on an annual basis; sequesters enough

carbon to achieve carbon neutrality; uses filtered

rainwater for the building’s grey water require-

ments; and treats 100% of black water in an on-

site bioreactor. Since construction would occur

primarily through the wet winter season, the deci-

sion was made to have the roof system manufac-

tured off-side in a controlled interior environment,

essentially creating two simultaneous construction

sites. The roof is comprised of more than 70 very

different panelized segments, each geometrically

distinct from the other. They were delivered to the

site complete with rough mechanical and electri-

cal installations already installed, as well as the

finished ceiling. There are 62 segments assembled

to represent six petals of the hybrid flower on

which the roof form is based; the remainder form

the oculus. The petal edges are superimposed but

at different elevations until they all join together at

the oculus. Clerestories bridge the vertical separa-

tions between the petals, the details for which

were resolved on-site. The majority of the roof is

finished as a green roof; one of the petals is a rain-

water catch-basin and another holds a solar hot

water tube array.

VanDusen Visitor Center

Owner City of Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

ArchitectsPerkins+Will Canada

Engineers Fast + Epp Structural Engineers

General Contractor Ledcor Construction Limited

Roof Fabricator/ ErectorStructure Craft Builders Inc.

시공비 1,440만캐나다달러

프로젝트예산 2,190만캐나다달러

프로그램면적 1,765입방미터 SD

목표 LEED-NC 플래티넘Living Building Challenge

Greg Schellenberg and josh sawatzky


The Richmond Olympic Oval was a signature

structure for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games

and is a precedent-setting example of

advanced wood engineering and design. The

design of the wood foof and its application in

a building of this size and significance marks

the entry of British Columbia’s wood design

and fabrication industry onto the world stage.

The design concept of flow, flight and fusion

was inspired by the water of the nearby Fraser

River, the wild birds that inhabit its estuary

and the careful meshing of forms—curved

and linear—where city and nature meet. The

building is arranged on three levels: an under-

ground parking garage; a ground-oriented

entry, circulation, service and amenity level;

and the breathtaking volume of the vaulted

sports hall on the top level. For the 2010

Olympic Winter Games, the oval housed a

400 meter speed skating track with temporary

capacity for approximately 8,000guests. After

the Games, the facility was converted to

multi-purpose sports use. The main sports hall

has become an indoor activity area divided

into three section: ice, court and track and

field. “The architectural design of the

Richmond Olympic Oval emanates from sev-

eral poetic images based in the cultural history

of the site and the surrounding geography. For

example, the articulation of the Oval roof

evolved from the image of the Heron being a

native bird in that community. The roof has a

gentle curve that peels off on the north side of

the facility, emulating the wing of a heron

with its individual feather tips extending

beyond the base wood truss structure. This

allows for the opening of the facility’s interior

to a view of the north shore mountains and the

Fraser River at the North Plaza.”The ice sec-

tion has two ice rinks. The court section is a

combination hardwood and rubber surface

playing area capable of hosting a wide variety

of sports, while the track and field section has

a rubberized turf surface that is home to and

indoor running track and other sports. The

space is convertible to different configurations

that allow the facility to be used for a combi-

nation of ice and dry sports ad demand war-

rants, including occasional reconfiguration for

major short track and long track speed skating


Richmond Olympic Oval

Client City of Richmond

Architect Cannon Design

Roof Structural Engineers Fast+EPP Structural


Project management MHPM Project Manager


Construction Manager Dominion Fairmile

Construction Ltd.

Woodwave Design-builder Structure Craft

Builders Inc.

해발2,285m의밴프설퍼산 대자연의도시밴프


Fenlands Banff Recreation Center



Harley Grusko

Howard Smythe

<10면 계속>

Page 3: 캐나다BC주와알버타주현지특별취재 A figure of fragrant … diaphragm action in the roof. The design



미션참가자들은밴프에서다시밴쿠버와휘슬러로이동하며밴두센식물원방문자센터, 올림픽오벌

경기장, Structure Craft사, Surrey Central City Hom Depot, Skytrain Stations 관련목

조시설, 휘슬러선수촌빌리지, 휘슬러도서관, 오스트리아패시브하우스, 핏츠몬즈고급주택단지, 스

쿼미쉬어드벤처센터, 넷제로에너지주택등을견학하며캐나다의목조건축현장을둘러보았다.

밴쿠버의밴두센식물원방문자센터(VanDusen Visitor Center)는밴쿠버중심에위치하며22헥

타르(55에이커) 크기의식물학정원에위치한방문객안내소이다. 건축설계는Perkins+Will에서

맡았으며Ledcor Construction사에의해시공되어2011년8월완공되었다. 2,190만캐나다달러

를예산으로지어진방문자센터는19,000sq.ft 규모로시각적으로나생태학적관점에서건축과조

경사이의조화로운균형을목표로디자인되었다. 밴두센방문자센터에서발표를가진Harley


하여, 생물의다양성과생태시스템을회복시키고자연과인간시스템이통합할수있도록설계하였다”

고설명한다. 방문자센터는길에서도쉽게인지할수있도록앞뒤에웨이브를주어자연스럽게진입

하도록유도하였고, 식물원초입부에자리하여방문객들의자연에대한의식을고조시키기에충분하

다. 건물은유기적인형태와자연시스템에영감을받아디자인된리듬감있는녹색지붕의역동적인

형태를구현하고있다. 흡사아름다운꽃잎이만개하는장면을연상시키는방문자센터는Rhino와

Revit 소프트웨어에서개발한지붕은70개이상의다른사전제작된지붕패널로구성되어있으며패

널은특이한곡선의글루램보로구성되어있는것이특징적이다. 구조설계는Structure Craft사에

서맡았으며100개이상의글루램보를사용하여복잡한형태의지붕을완성하였다. FSC목재는현

지에서재사용된목재를이용하여브리지등에활용하였다. 하지만새로가지고온목재는산림인증

마크가있는목재만사용하였다. 중앙홀의상부에마련된원형창은태양열굴뚝과태양광선을순환

에너지로전환하는알루미늄열흡수원으로가동되며, 계절과시간에따라열리고닫힘으로써자연환

기가가능하다. 여름철에는시원하고겨울에는따뜻한공기를끌어들이도록도와주며채광에따라각

도를디자인하였다. 또한년간넷제로기준을달성하기위해현장에서재생가능한지열시굴공, 태양

광발전지판, 태양열온수관을사용하고있다. 넷제로에너지시스템을향한노력은건물곳곳의시설

에서잘나타나고있다. 400개의태양열온수튜브를통해에너지를공급하고있고지붕의빗물을모

아탱크에저장하고필터에걸러서식물원배수로사용하고있다. 급수시스템은넷제로급수로우수

를여과하여건물에필요한중수도용수로사용한다. 흑수(Black Water)의100%는현장의생물반



LEED 실버등급을획득한리

치몬드 올림픽 오벌 경기장

(Richmond Olympic Oval)



다. 900입방미터의선수개발

센터, 1500입방미터의스포츠

과학및연구실험시설, 스포츠

재활및의료센터, 실내패들링

센터, 단체운동을위한피트니

스센터, 조정및사이클링센터,


구비되어있다. 또한실내축구

경기장, 배드민턴, 농구장, 배

구장, 탁구장, 요가, 암벽등반,



있으며, 내부에는다채로운소




적이 2.6헥타르에 달하며


징적이다. 이러한혁신적인지

붕설계는집성재와독특한물결모양의곡선형지붕패널시스템으로구성된다. 경기장에사용된지붕


한것이다. Howard Smythe는“지붕의삼각형빔은스케이트날을상징하며내부에는물이나전기

시설을감추고있다”며, “경기장지붕에흐르는모든빗물은수로로떨어져연못으로모여수생식물을




Craft사를 찾았다. 안내를 맡은 Michael

Marshall (Ge-neral Manager)은“Struc-



고있다”며, “사전에컴퓨터로디자인을하고목

재, 강철, 유리또는기타건자재를이용하여복


설명한다.Fast+Epp Structural Engin-


Central City)는시원스럽게개방된공간과자



하였다. 구조기술사는복합트러스, 스페이스프



공간을창출하고있다. 이후휘슬러를방문한미

션참가자들은니타레이크롯지(Nita Lake

Lodge)에서“휘슬러의성공: 지속가능적인

가?”라는주제로Dan Wilson (Centre for

Sustainability Whistler)의발표를들었다.

Dan Wilson은세계적인리조트타운으로의성공시고려사항


고, 정부와리조트내파트너, 민간분야가공동으로협력해야

한다는점”을꼽았다. 또한한가지상품으로마케팅하는것이


시킬수있도록다양한볼거리를제공하여야하며, 변화하는시

장을반영하여야한다고강조한다. 효율적인통합마케팅, 각

단계비전을위한협력과서로의동일한비전을가지는것, 살고일하는사람을위한서비스,

다른리조트와의경쟁, 지역및주정부의지원, 긍정적인방문경험, 천연자원의보호, 근로자

를위한주택, 방문객들의재방문의갈망등을성공요인으로덧붙였다. 리조트가성공적이려

면리조트경험, 자연환경, 역사, 지역문화, 쇼핑, 건축, 예술과문화, 음식, 레크리에이션, 레

저, 로맨스및단체와가족경험의상호작용의중요성을이해해야한다는것이다. 그는또


“더짧은이동거리, 더에너지효율적인시설, 탄소중립, 보장된유기농, 공정거래, 쉐이드그

로운(Shade grown)”을휘슬러2020 지속가능성목표로두고최고의산악리조트커뮤니티

가될것이라고내다보았다. 밴쿠버에서북쪽으로두시간거리에위치한휘슬러는브리티시

컬럼비아주의코스트산맥에자리하며두개의산봉우리, 최상의스키환경, 4개의골프장,

200개가넘는상점들과90개가넘는레스토랑과바, 하이킹트레일, 집트렉, 최고의산악자


패시브하우스에대해발표를가진Lydia Durfeld는“2010 밴쿠버올림픽의모토가친환경



였다며, 패시브하우스의특

성은고주물의고단열, 3중


열손실을최소화, 열회수환


기, 에너지효율성이높은


결같은온도, 우수한소음

제어, 고품질의시공, 건강상의이익등이갖춰져야한다”는점을강조하였다. 강연후에찾은BC 패시브하우스는캐나다최초로제조공장에

서사전제작한패널시스템으로패시브하우스의표준을충족시키고있다. 패시브하우스는국제성능을토대로한건축물표준으로구조물의난방과냉방에사용된연간총에너지양, 주요에너지사용에대한

정의를내리고있다. BC 패시브하우스를통해차세대, 최첨단시공으로똑똑하고건강하며, 효율적이고안락한주택을만들고자한것이다.

미션참가자들이강연을들은휘슬러의니타레이크롯지(Nita Lake Lodge, IBI/HB Architects)는후면에아름다운리타호수를끌어들이고휘슬러마운틴기슭에자리한고급부티크호텔이다. 그밖에참

가자들은고성능지속가능적시설로건축되어Gold LEED (Leadership in Energy and Envi-ronment Design 에너지환경디자인) 인증을받은휘슬러의공공도서관(Hughes Condon Marler:

Architects), Howard Bingham Hill 건축사가디자인한총41세대의고급샬레형부착주택으로전통적인휘슬러의건자재이니목재와석조를사용한핏츠몬드워크를방문하였다. 밴쿠버로오는길에만

나게된스쿼미시어드벤처센터(Architectural and Structural : Iredale Group Architecture)는Iredale 설계그룹의Richard Iredal이디자인한독수리날개형의지붕선이눈길을끌었다. 883입

방미터(9500sq.ft) 규모의건물을짓는데고작1년미만이걸렸으며자재와노동력의85%를지역에서조달하였다. 건물의주기둥은Douglas-fir 수종이며300개가넘는독특한형태의강철연결장치로

고정되어있다. ½인치강화유리210개패널이비스듬하게바깥쪽으로기울어져있어2.2m에서7.9m에이르는적설하중의영향을감소시키고있다.

“In response to the Vancouver 2010 ‘Green’Olympic Games, five Austrian compa-

nies came together to form the Austrian Passive House Group(APG) with the purpose

of demonstrating Passive House construction to the world. Although this new building

science has gained popularity and acceptance as the next generation of energy efficient

construction in Europe, it has yet to successfully break into the North American mar-

ket. The APG planned to use the Austria Haus to showcase their talents, the technolo-

gy and the success that such buildings could have in Canada and other parts of the

world. Thus, leaving an Olympic Legacy that would contribute to the rise of sustain-

able housing in North America, implement the idea of Passive House in Canada and help to find joint venture agree-

ments or partnerships with Canadian Companies. And with that mandate they have succeeded. Our partnership with the

APG and work on the Austria Haus has convinced us that the Passive House concept not only makes sense but that it is

the future of construction in Canada. Durfeld Log Construction, now Durfeld Constructors, were the general contractor

and partner for the Austria Haus, have been inspired to make a number of changes to our company as a result of our

partnership with the APG on the Austria Haus project. We have committed to taking the Austria Haus from a one time

prototype to a viable building option for the average Canadian. Passive House design is compact and efficient with spe-

cial attention given to passive solar gain. The design is so efficient that your windows become your heaters in the winter

months. The key component to designing to the Passive House Standard is the Passive House Planning Package design software. The PHPP is a comprehensive calculation tool that allows

designers to accurately map and describe the thermal characteristics of their building. PH design has the most impact when applied to entire subdivisions, ensuring that every lot is laid out to

maximise solar gains. Airtightness of a building is measured using the blower door test. To achieve Passive House Standard you need to have an ACH rate less than 0.6. As you can see this

is well below the average score for a conventionally built home including the R2000 requirement. A more interesting and more tangible number that is also determined by the blower door

test is the equivalent size of hole that your house leaks air through. The blower door test that we had last week showed that we had the equivalent of a 6 inch by 6 inch hole in our house...

Our energy advisor compared this to the 8 foot by 8 foot hole that is standard in the average Canadian home. The building must be superinsulated with special attention given to eliminating

thermal bridging. Required insulation levels for individual buildings to achieve Passive House Standards is determined using the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) software and rele-

vant climate data. Depending on the location within Canada, a house being built to PH Standards will likely require 3 to 7 times better insulation performance than the current national and

provincial building codes. The envelope design must go through an engineering heat loss analysis to determine whether the envelope meets the strict thermal bridge criterion. Windows are

thermally the weakest point of the building envelope. It is therefore essential that the building use triple-pane insulated glazing with superinsulated, thermally broken window frames. Again,

the windows become the heaters for the buildings and are so efficient that the heat gains from the sun for unobstructed south-facing Passive House windows are, on average, greater than the

heat losses, even in mid-winter. Anytime that you have an airtight house you must have an HRV to introduce and circulate fresh air into the house. The incoming air can be passively pre-

heated or cooled using the stale air from the house and through a heat exchange with the soil via a geothermal exchange. HRV units for Passive Homes have a minimum heat recovery rate

of 80%. With the growing concern and knowledge over the environmental impacts of green-house gas emissions and over-consumption, the passive house system offers a construction solu-

tion that dramatically reduces building energy consumption. Passive Houses use 10-20% of the energy required to heat

and cool a conventionally built Canadian home and when you consider that the annual energy requirements for

heating/cooling of a building represent 75-85% of the total lifecycle environmental impact, these savings produce both

economic and environmental savings. But passive house construction is not just about energy savings. Passive homes

boast comfortable, consistent temperatures year-round, exceptional noise control, longevity and thanks to the constant

introduction and cycling of fresh, filtered air, health benefits for those with allergies and asthma as well as decreased

occurrences of sickness and increased concentration. Making constructing to the Passive House standard a great option

for schools, office buildings, public buildings and personal homes. As we touched on before, our work with the Austrian

Passive House Group has inspired us to take the Austria Haus from a one time proto-type to a viable building alternative,

available to the average Canadian. We spent a year and a half working with different Passive House experts in Europe as

well as Canadian designers and engineers, to design a pilot project, the Rainbow Passive House Duplex, and develop a

prefabricated engineered panelized system that will meet the Passive House Standard. Based out of Williams Lake, BC

Passive House will work with the consumer and their design team to develop a building that will meet the building’s

structural and design needs, whether that be a fully certified Passive House or simply a superinsulated, highly efficient

structure. We will then prefabricate the panels, deliver to site, assembly and test the building envelope. BC Passive House

will be Canada’s first manufacturer of a prefabricated system that meets the Passive House Standard.”<Lydia Durfeld>

Michal Marshall

Structure Craft사 Surrey central city

Dan Wilson




Lydia Durfeld



<11면 계속>

Page 4: 캐나다BC주와알버타주현지특별취재 A figure of fragrant … diaphragm action in the roof. The design


Austria Passive House, vancouver

The 2,700sf. house was constructed using ecologically sustainable materials, according to the

latest standards of passive house technology. The Austria House was designed by Treberspurg

& Partener Arhiteckten, Vienna Austria. The inspiration for its design comes from the tradition-

al buildings of Austria’s alpine regions. It is a compact south facing structure, covered with a

gable roof. Its monolithic appearance is amplified by the same black cement fiber shingles used

on its roof and on the exterior walls. The body of the house is constructed without any glues,

using solid double diagonally dowelled fir structures. On the main floor, a spiral structure dou-

bles as a bar and partition between the stairwell and the rest of the floor. On the upper floor, it

highlights the flexible homogeneity of the house, and potential modular use of its space. The

catering area and bar on the ground floor looks out to the southwards facing patio. From here

the fluidity of the house is apparent, along with the expansive seamless, triple pane window

wall, and the twinned inside and outside staircases, which lead to the top floor. At the top of the

stairwell is the studio for the Austrian Public broadcaster ORF, where it will produce and broad-

cast its daily programmes to Austria. The smooth transition from the stairs to the roof creates a

view of the Blackcomb and Whistler mountains, where the Olympic game will take place. This

view provides a fantastic blckdrop for the TV broadcasts. On the upper floor you can also find

the lounge and the VIP area. The two entrances on the top floor allow for separate access to

both the TV studio and the VIP area. The Building was developed in cooperation with the

Austrian Passive House Group and the Resort Municipality of Whistler. After the games, the

Austria House will be handed over to Whistler and become the home of the Whistler Nordic Ski

club and WORCA(Whistler Outdoor Recr-eational Cycling Association).

Nita Lake Lodge

Nita Lake Lodge is situated in the Resort

Municipality of Whistler, British Columbia, a

world-class ski destination in the heart of the

province’s Coast Mountains. In addition to 77

guest rooms, with related dinning, leisure,

meeting, retail and other facilities, the project

includes a new train station that was the point

of entry to the town for many visitors who

attended the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic

Winter Games. The location is both promi-

nent and sensitive-perched on the shore of

Nita Lake, situated on the axis of Lake Placid

Road and highly visible from the valley Trail

which parallels the lakeshore to the west. The

two main components of the building, the

train station and the lodge itself, are separately

expressed, and the mass of each is further bro-

ken down to reduce the apparent scale and help the lodge sit comfortably among its residential

neighbours. The architectural expression recalls that of early mountain lodges and train stations,

with multiple gables and balconies, and a portecochere. Many of these design elements are built

in heavy timber, or in a wood-steel composite construction. Many accents and details are also in

wood—those that are structural being in Douglas-fir, and those that are simply decorative being

in western red cedar.

Whistler Public Library

The resort municipality of whistler is nestled in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, about

125km north of Vancouver. The new building, completed in 2008, provides state-of-the-art

facilities and a news civic presence for Whistler’s only public library. Designed within the

framework of Whistler’s comprehensive sustainability plan, the form of the building responds

to solar orientation and the conditions of its site, mediating between the urban edge of Whistler’

s Village Stroll and the dramatic natural setting of the adjacent park and the mountains beyond.

In so doing, it provides a new interpretation of the municipality’s design guidelines, and a news

and more honest expression of what it means to build in an mountain environment. On its slop-

ing site, the L-shaped library sites atop an underground parking garage, bringing the main

entrance level with adjacent street. To improve site utilization, and eliminate removal costs, it

was decided to design the building to retain snow on its roof. This strategy had implications for

the structure design of the roof, but also supported the architect’s desire for a shallow shed roof

in response to site conditions. Low at the south side, facing the street, with overhangs to prevent

solar heat gain in summer, the roof rises to the north, bringing in the even light that is conducive

to a good reading environment and opening the building up to panoramic views of the park and

mountains. In addition to large areas of glass, the building exterior is clad in stone, western red

cedar siding and composite panels. The population of Whistler is divided into three groups of

residents: permanent, week-enders, and seasonal workers. For permanent residents, the library is

and affirmation of the community’s cultural life and provides and enriching environment for

research and reflection. Week-enders are offered a respite from the bustle of the commercial

center, while seasonal workers find a ‘community living room’that is a warm and welcoming

meeting place beyond the confines of their often cramped living quarters. A stone fireplace built

into the north wall and reclaimed living quarters. A stone fireplace built into the north wall and

reclaimed Douglas-fir millwork enhance the warm feeling of the interior.

Squamish Adventure Center

The Squamish Adventure Center is a combined visitor center, outdoor sports museum and eco-

nomic development office. On the outskirts of Squamish, British Columbia, the Outdoor

Recreation Capital of Canada, the Center beckons the 2 million visitors who travel the highway

each year between Vancouver and Whistler, which are the joint sites for the 2010 Olympic

Winter Games. Elliptical in plan, with wing-like roofs that hover above transparent walls, the

building was created to inspire visitors with the spirit of the coastal mountains. The project was

commissioned by the District of Squamish to catalyze its transformation from lumber town to

cultural center. The client group wanted a striking building, in local materials, that would set a

benchmark of quality for the upcoming redevelopment of the town’s waterfront on Howe

Sound. “This Project is an example of a new typology of the tourism visitor center, operating as

a combined cultural and historical venue. At its most ambitious—using organic forms and mate-

rials indigenous to the area—the design seeks to evoke and immediate awareness of landscape.”

Organic lines and glass curtain walls, of course, are not out of the ordinary in contemporary

buildings. What makes the Center remarkable is that its primary structure is made of Douglas-

fir. The heavy timber frame building form, with few, if any, right angles, was made possible

through the application of locally based, leading-edge design expertise and manufa-cturing tech-



마지막으로일정으로방문한넷제로에너지주택(Net-zero Energy Ready Home)은기존주택에


화의효과적인사례를보여주고있다. 넷제로는연간기준주택이사용하는에너지만큼재생가능한

자원을사용하여주택자체적으로그만큼의에너지를생산하는것을일컫는다. 넷제로주택설명을

가진Arthur Lo(Insightful Healthy Homes Inc.)는“1년기준으로생산된전력에너지를여름

에는팔고겨울에는되사는방식으로운영되며, 벽과지붕을두껍게만들고에너지를줄이고있다”며,

“고단열창과태양열을이용한온수공급, 집수시스템을이용하여빗물을모아정원가꾸는데이용하

고있다”고밝혔다. 또한열회수시스템을통해1층화장실에서사용한따뜻한물은공기를데워주도록

하며, 2층의고밀폐율은0.75로3시간에한번씩주택의모든공기를순환하도록하고있다. 이러한

프로젝트는밴쿠버시의친환경주택정책을잘보여주는것으로2012년2월개시된신규R2000 표준

에따라인증받는첫주택이된다. R 2000프로그램은캐나다주택시공자협회와캐나다천연자원부

에서함께관리운영하며, 새로운표준은최소50% 건축법보다높은성능을보이며2005년R2000





을미친다. 건물은총물소비량의20%,

총에너지사용량의25~40%, 총온실가

스방출량의30~40%, 총고형폐기물의

30~40%를차지한다. 최근환경과개발


블록, 벽돌같은건축자재를목재로대체할


소를감소시킬수있다고한다. 매년80억



간과지구전체를위협하고있다. 이러한




르고있다. 산림은그자체로탄소균형의


천으로작용한다. 나무의광합성으로이


나무가수확된후에도탄소는목재안에저장되어있다. 220㎡면적의목조주택은승용차5년이상

운전할때소모하는휘발유12,500리터의온실가스방출량에해당되는29톤의탄소를저장한다. 유


30%를방지할수있다고전망하고있다. 지속가능하게관리된산림을통해이산화탄소를제거하고



존재임을인식하게된다. 이렇듯자연이스스로재생하고인간이지속시킨다는개념으로캐나다의목


캐나다에는4억헥타르이상의산림과목초지가있으며전세계산림의10%를차지하고있다. 그중


성공적으로재식수된다. 캐나다산림의94%는공유림이며정부에의해엄격하게경영된다. 세계적


하게만드는중요한원동력이되고있다. 지속가능한친환경건축자재인목재를통해우리가살아가


더욱높아지게될것이다. “목재는형태의영감을자아내는깊이있는인간적인재료이다”라고말한


이거세지고있는것이다. 이러한흐름에서볼때, 이번캐나다미션은빙하와호수, 빼곡한산림으로



안정원·김용삼편집자사진AN news 자료Canada Wood Group, COFI

Participants Hongkil Kwak, Kwangman Lee, Dooho Choi, Wogjin Chai, Chiho Kim, Hoon Moon, Seunghyeon Shin, Jeonghoon

Lee, Jaehuk Yi, Donghee Kim, Miro Lee, Jaemyun Lee, Heejo Lee, Soonheung Jeong, Yonglag Ahn, Kyunhyun Back, Junsuk

Park, Hyomin Han, Byungjoon Jung, Jeongwon An, Yongsam Kim, Seonyoung Ku, Kyutae Wang, Jihye Wang, Bumjoon So,

Taiwook Jeong, Miseon Kim, Jaechoul Choi, Minjung Hong


저탄소, 저에너지의지속가능한건축의패러다임과캐나다목조건축의현주소를엿보는기회가되어

로키산맥의장엄함이시야에들어온다. 흰눈과빙하와검푸르스름한산맥의산림이끝없이펼쳐지는자연의웅대함이내게는또다른경험으로다가온다. 지난7월10일부터8박9일간의일정으로캐나다

우드한국사무소에서주관하는Media & Developer Mission to Canada에건축가, 건설사, 신문, 잡지사관련CEO, 기자등과함께동참하는기회가주어졌다. 콘크리트위주의회색빛도시와건축물

에서요즘회자되는땅콩주택, 전원목조주택등으로의관심과저탄소, 저에너지의지속가능한건축으로의패러다임의변화에캐나다목조건축물과목조산업의탐방에의미를부여할수있겠다.

캐나다는러시아, 브라질에이어산림면적3위로전세계산림의10%이며, 전체산림면적이국토면적의40%인4억200만헥타르로, 목재제품의생산과수출, 친환경적산림경영에있어세계최대임산업

국인동시에수출국이다. 주요목재제품제재목으로보드, 구조용재, 패널제품으로합판, OSB부가가치제품으로공학목재, 방부목, 몰딩, 창호, 주방, 가구, 바닥재등과공장제작주택등다양한형태의목

제품을생산해내고있다. 기후변화에대응하고, 건축물이총온실가스방출량의30~40%를차지하는것에대한해결책중에하나로전문가들은과거에가장선호되었던자재인목재를이용하여이문제

를해결하고있다. 단독주택에서부터, 밴쿠버동계올림픽때사용되었던올림픽선수촌단지, 올림픽오벌경기장과VandusenGarden Visitor Centre, 밴프Recreation Centre 등공공건축물에이르

기까지목재를사용한건축물, 목자재에대한생산, 품질관리및인증제도, 설계, 시공, 준공후유지관리와도시전체에대한도시관리측면에서도많은노력과제도를도입시행하고있다. 국립공원내에위

치한밴프시는연방정부에서도시경계및확산방지, 건축물의높이, 친환경적인롤모델(Roll Model) 등에대해, 시에서는도시의콘셉트를‘방문객이숲, 자연을만끽할수있는도시’로설정하여디자인

가이드라인(Design Guide Line)을운영하고있다한다. 「구조적으로인상적이고특징있는디자인, 주변환경과조화로운디자인」가이드라인을통해조닝계획, 방재계획, 건축물용도별층수, 마감재,

지붕형태, Street Furniture 등에이르기까지의도시관리에서친환경자재인목재와의관계를엿볼수있는기회가되었다. 돌아오는항공기에서바라보는우리한반도의국토를보며새삼감회에젖는

다. 우리의목재산업의현주소를되돌아보며, 미래에열어갈우리도시의밝은모습을그려본다.

최두호 (주)토문엔지니어링건축사사무소대표이사


Arthur Lo 넷제로에너지주택




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