  • 華語文能力測驗 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language



    Chinese/English Version



    2013 年定期正式考試報考簡章


    TOCFL Guidelines for 2013


  • 目錄 壹、華語文能力測驗 / 1

    一、測驗簡介 / 1

    二、適用對象 / 1

    三、測驗用途 / 1

    四、測驗題型 / 2

    五、能力說明 / 3

    貳、報名須知 / 5

    一、測驗方式 / 5

    二、測驗費用 / 5

    三、測驗時間 / 5

    四、測驗地點 / 6

    五、報名流程 / 6

    六、成績公布 / 7

    七、成績單、證書寄送 / 7

    八、成績單與證書授予辦法 / 7

    附錄一、2013 年「華語文能力測驗」正式考試日程表 / 20

    附錄二、郵局劃撥單 / 22

    附錄三、華語文能力測驗報名費匯款收據傳真表 / 23

    附錄四、華語文能力測驗歷年等級名稱對照表 / 24 ※ 本簡章之各項公告如有變更一律以官方網站公佈為準,不另行個別通知。

  • Contents ● Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language / 9

    I. Introduction / 9

    II. Target / 9

    III. Purposes / 10

    IV. Test Format / 10

    V. Proficiency Descriptor / 12

    ● Registration / 15

    I. Test Format / 15

    II. Test Fee / 15

    III. Test Dates/ 15

    IV. Locations of Test Venues / 16

    V. Registration Procedures / 16

    VI. Test Score Inquiries / 17

    VII. Printed Score Report and Certificate / 18

    VIII. The 2013 regulations of issuing the TOCFL score report and TOCFL certificate/ 18

    ● Appendix 1. The Annual Schedule for the 2013 TOCFL Tests / 20

    ● Appendix 2. Postal Giro Deposit Slips / 22

    ● Appendix 3. Form for Test Fee Payment / 23

    ● Appendix 4. TOCFL Level Conversion Table / 24 ※ The Guideline content is subject to change without further notice.

    Please check our website for the latest information and updates.

  • 壹、 華語文能力測驗

    一、 測驗簡介 「華語文能力測驗」是專為母語非華語者所研發,為一套標準化的語言能力測驗,從 2001 年

    8 月開始籌劃,由國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心、華語文教學研究所與心理教育測驗中心三個研

    究團隊共同研發。2003 年 12 月華語文能力測驗正式對外開辦考試,至今考生國籍遍布全球六十


    華測會於 2008 年積極著手研擬「新版華語文能力測驗」,並於 2013 年正式推出。






    二、 適用對象 華語文能力測驗專為母語非華語之人士研發,適用對象相當廣泛,不管是想要瞭解自己華語程



    測驗等級 建議學時

    (在說華語地區) 建議詞彙量

    入門基礎級 入門級 120-240 小時 500

    基礎級 240-360 小時 1000

    進階高階級 進階級 360-480 小時 2500

    高階級 480-960 小時 5000

    流利精通級 流利級 960 小時以上

    8000 精通級 1920 小時以上


    在使用華語地區為 240-360 個小時,相當於在非華語使用地區學習 480-720 個小時。

    三、 測驗用途 通過華語文能力測驗等級標準者將取得證書,此證書可作為:

    1. 「臺灣獎學金」申請之參考標準

    2. 「海外聯招會」中文科目採計之參考標準

    3. 臺灣大專院校招收外籍學生之華語能力參考標準

    4. 求職所需的華語能力證明





  • 四、 測驗題型

    (一) 華語文聽力測驗 入門基礎級聽力測驗分為三個部分:看圖回答、問答理解與對話理解,共有 50 題單選題,考

    試時間約 60 分鐘。

    進階高階級及流利精通級則分為二個部分:對話與段落,共 50 個四選一的單選題,考試時間

    約 60 分鐘。


    等級 看圖回答 對話

    段落 測驗時間 問答理解 對話理解


    50 題 25 15 10 -- 約 60 分鐘


    50 題 -- 30 20 約 60 分鐘


    50 題 -- 25 25 約 60 分鐘

    (二) 華語文閱讀測驗 入門基礎級閱讀測驗分為四個部分:單句理解、看圖釋義、選詞填空與完成段落,共 45 個三

    選一的單選題及 5 個配合題,考試時間為 60 分鐘。

    進階高階級及流利精通級則分為二個部分:選詞填空與閱讀理解,共 50 個四選一的單選題,

    考試時間為 60 分鐘。


    等級 單句理解 看圖釋義 完成段落 選詞填空 閱讀理解 測驗時間


    50 題 20 15 5 10 -- 60 分鐘


    50 題 -- -- -- 15 35 60 分鐘


    50 題 -- -- -- 15 35 60 分鐘

    (三) 華語文口語測驗 口語測驗採整體式評分,評分重點包含內容組織、表達能力、語言運用。計分方式採級分制。


    進階高階級題型,請參見下表: 測驗等級 部分 考試內容 題數 準備時間 回答時間 / 題


    1 熱身題 2 無 40 秒


    經驗描述 2 50 秒 1 分 40 秒

    圖片描述 1 50 秒 1 分 40 秒

    陳述意見 3 1 分鐘 2 分鐘


  • (四) 華語文寫作測驗 華語文寫作測驗之計分方式為級分制,分為 0-5 級分。採分析式評分法,主要評量項目包括情




    測驗等級 題型 字數 時間

    進階高階級 書信類 250-350 40 分鐘

    書面報告類 500-600 60 分鐘

    五、 能力說明

    (一) 華語文聽力測驗


    等級 能力說明

    入門級 在對方說話緩慢且清晰,並隨時準備提供協助的前提下,能聽懂基本短語或常用詞。

    基礎級 當言語清楚且緩慢的情況下,對於簡短的言談,能理解內容與掌握重點。


    等級 能力說明

    進階級 當談話內容為與工作、學習、娛樂相關的熟悉話題,且講話人的口齒清晰、語音標準時,


    高階級 對於具有一定篇幅且以標準語表達的談話內容,包括專攻領域的技術性討論,不論內容



    等級 能力說明

    流利級 能聽懂各種抽象或複雜主題的話語內容,即使話語結構或關聯性可能不夠清楚、明確;



  • (二) 華語文閱讀測驗


    等級 能力說明

    入門級 在有視覺協助及可重複閱讀的情況下,能掌握基本數字、詞彙及簡單的短語並能大致理


    基礎級 能理解用日常生活詞彙或工作常用詞彙寫成的簡短文章。


    等級 能力說明

    進階級 能讀懂個人感興趣的主題或與專攻領域相關的文章;前提是文章以淺白、平鋪直敘的方


    高階級 在閱讀時具有相當大的自主性,能因應不同的文本及目的,採用不同的閱讀策略和速



    等級 能力說明

    流利級 在有機會重新閱讀困難部分的情況下,不論主題是否與個人專攻領域相關,都能讀懂長


    (三) 華語文口語測驗

    測驗等級 證書等級 華語文口語能力指標












    (四) 華語文寫作測驗

    測驗等級 證書等級 寫作能力指標


    進階級 能寫出詳細的私人信件,藉由描述經驗、情感、事件等,傳達切身相


    高階級 能統整不同論點,並針對論點評析優劣,提出支持或反對的理由。


  • 貳、 報名須知

    一、測驗方式 各類測驗(聽力、閱讀、口語、寫作)皆採「電腦測驗」。


    二、 測驗費用

    測驗類型 報名費用

    聽力測驗+閱讀測驗 每一等均為新臺幣 1600 元

    寫作測驗 每一等均為新臺幣 1200 元

    口語測驗 每一等均為新臺幣 1200 元

    三、測驗時間 (一) 2013 年 5 月正式考試

    5 月 4 日(六)

    測驗時間 測驗等級

    09:00-10:10 聽力測驗-進階高階級

    11:00-12:10 閱讀測驗-進階高階級

    13:30-14:40 聽力測驗-入門基礎級


    15:30-16:40 閱讀測驗-入門基礎級


    (二)2013 年 11 月正式考試

    11 月 2 日(六) 11 月 3 日(日)

    測驗時間 測驗等級 測驗時間 測驗等級

    10:00-12:10 聽力測驗+閱讀測驗

    進階高階級 08:30-09:30 口語-進階高階級

    13:00-15:10 聽力測驗+閱讀測驗


    10:20-12:10 寫作-進階高階級

    ※有關於 2013 年華語文能力測驗正式考試日程表,請見附錄一。


  • 四、測驗地點 為服務廣大之考生,本會在北、中、南三區皆設有考場,以便考生能夠就近赴考。


    五、報名流程 「註冊流程」、「繳費方式」請以「報名系統最新公告」為主。


    1. 報名方式:網路報名

    2. 報名網址:線上報名系統

    3. 報名系統注意事項:

    (1) 如果是第一次使用本會報名系統報名的考生,請先「註冊新帳號」。之後到所登記



    (2) 報名結束後,請到個人電子信箱確認有沒有收到「報名成功通知信」,收到者請於三



    1. 繳費注意事項:

    (1) 確定網路報名成功後,請於三天內完成繳費,以完成報名程序。若未於三天內完成


    (2) 在報名期間,因未在三天內完成繳費而被本會取消線上報名資料的考生,得需重新


    2. 繳費方式:

    (1) 到考試中心、推廣中心繳交現金。


    (2) 到各地郵局填寫劃撥單匯款。(請見附錄二)


    通訊欄:TOCFL TEST

    收款帳號:19811726 收款戶名:國立臺灣師範大學



  • 步驟三:填寫/傳真匯款收據表格

    1. 到考試中心、推廣中心繳交現金者,不用傳真「匯款收據傳真表」。

    2. 到郵局劃撥者,在完成繳費後必須傳真「匯款收據傳真表」。(請見附錄三)

    (1) 請到官網下載「匯款收據傳真表」,依照表格內容填好個人資訊,並把劃撥收據貼在


    (2) 將表格傳真至華測會,以便核對帳款。傳真電話:02-33432413


    1. 經款項核對無誤後,本會將寄出「繳費成功通知信」到考生在報名系統註冊之電子信箱,


    2. 報名費的收據將於考試當天交給考生。


    1. 本測驗不會寄發准考證予考生,有關於測驗時間及考試地點,請記得於考試前三天到個


    2. 測驗日期、時間、地點,以考試通知信所載為主,應試者不得要求場次異動及取消考試


    六、成績公布 參加聽力測驗、閱讀測驗者,在測驗後可立即得知測驗結果,考試後 20 日可連結報名系統


    參加口語測驗或寫作測驗者,在考試後 7 週可連結報名系統查詢個人成績。


    1. 聽力測驗、閱讀測驗正式考試成績單將於考試後 25 日寄出,而口語測驗或寫作測驗正式

    考試成績單將於考試後 8 週寄出。凡通過測驗者,本會將一併寄上證書。(寄件地址以報


    2. 郵寄方式:國內外一律為掛號,若須快捷寄件,將另外加收郵資。

    八、成績單與證書授予辦法 2013 年正式考試成績單與證書授予辦法,說明如下:

    1. 華測成績單授予辦法:



    2. 教育部證書授予辦法:

    根據教育部規定,凡符合證書資格者,將於考後發給教育部所頒發的證書。2013 年華語

    文能力測驗 TOCFL「聽讀能力」證書核發規範說明如下:


  • 華語文能力測驗 TOCFL「聽讀能力」證書核發條件說明:

    1. 考生同時參加「聽力」及「閱讀」2 項測驗,測驗結果皆通過同等級,核發該等級「聽讀能力」證書乙紙。

    2. 考生同時參加「聽力」及「閱讀」2項測驗,測驗結果通過不同等級,核發較低等級「聽讀能力」證書乙紙。

    3. 考生同時參加「聽力」及「閱讀」2 項測驗,僅單項測驗結果通過,不予核發「聽讀能力」證書。

    4. 考生參加「聽力」或「閱讀」單項測驗,不予核發「聽讀能力」證書。

    表 1:聽力測驗、閱讀測驗各能力等級通過分數標準(滿分 80 分)

    測驗級別 入門級 基礎級

    入門基礎級 聽力 閱讀 聽力 閱讀

    41 42 60 60


    進階級 高階級

    聽力 閱讀 聽力 閱讀

    46 48 61 64

    流利精通級 流利級 精通級

    聽力 閱讀 聽力 閱讀 50 52 - -

    表 2:「聽讀能力」證書核發案例參考

    案例 聽力測驗 閱讀測驗 證書核發等級 考生 A 通過進階級 通過進階級 核發「進階級」證書 考生 B 通過進階級 通過基礎級 核發「基礎級」證書 考生 C 未通過 通過基礎級 不予核發證書 考生 D 通過進階級 未通過 不予核發證書


  • Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language

    I. Introduction

    The Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) is a standardized language proficiency test

    developed for non-native speakers of Chinese. It is the result of a joint project of the Mandarin

    Training Center, the Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, and the

    Psychological Testing Center of National Taiwan Normal University. This research project started

    in August 2001, and the TOCFL tests began in 2003. Currently, this project has served test

    takers from over 60 countries. The new version of TOCFL was developed in 2008, and became

    available in 2013.

    The new version of the TOCFL test is divided into four subtests: TOCFL Listening, TOCFL

    Reading, TOCFL Speaking, and TOCFL Writing. The new version of the TOCFL test also

    includes three proficiency bands: Band A, Band B, and Band C. Each band has two levels.

    Therefore, there are a total of six levels: Levels 1 to 6. Test takers can choose the test levels best

    suited to their Chinese language proficiency and learning background.

    II. Target

    TOCFL is a foreign language proficiency test for non-native speakers of Mandarin Chinese.

    Those who wish to know about their level of Mandarin Chinese proficiency, or those who want to

    study, work or do business in Chinese speaking countries are welcome to register for the test.

    The following table describes suitable test takers different levels.

    Level Suggested Learning Hours

    (in Mandarin Chinese-speaking area)


    Vocabulary Base

    Band A Level 1 120-240 hours 500

    Level 2 240-360 hours 1000

    Band B Level 3 360-480 hours 2500

    Level 4 480-960 hours 5000

    Band C Level 5 above 960 hours

    8000 Level 6 above 1920 hours

    Note that the total number of Mandarin Chinese course hours required for overseas test takers

    may need to be doubled. For example, the required Mandarin Chinese course hours for Level 2,

    is for test takers who take Mandarin Chinese courses in a Chinese-speaking country is 240-360

    hours. For those who take courses in countries speaking other languages, it would be 480-720



  • III. Purposes

    TOCFL test takers who reach specific level requirements will receive a certificate. The certificate

    can serve as a Mandarin Chinese proficiency credential for:

    1. Applying for the “Taiwan Scholarship.”

    2. Applying for academic programs at colleges or universities in Taiwan.

    3. Serving as a Chinese language reference document for University Entrance Committee

    for Overseas Chinese Students.

    4. Serving as a job-required proof of Mandarin Chinese language proficiency.

    Currently, there are a number of undergraduate and graduate programs in Taiwan that require

    the certificate of TOCFL, as the requirement for admission or as an evaluation of the applicant’s

    proficiency in Mandarin Chinese. In addition, many international businesses in Taiwan, such as LG, adopt TOCFL as a reference for their employee dispatch programs. Several overseas

    companies also refer to candidates’ TOCFL certificates when recruiting.

    IV. Test Format

    Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Listening

    The TOCFL Listening-Band A has three sections: Picture Description, Single-round Conversation

    and Multiple-round Conversation. There are 50 multiple-choice questions in total. The total

    testing time is approximately 60 minutes.

    The TOCFL Listening-Band B and Band C have two sections: Conversation and Monologue.

    There are 50 multiple-choice questions in total. The total testing time is approximately 60



    Section Picture


    Conversation Monologue Test time

    Single-round Multiple-round

    Band A

    (50 items) 25 15 10 --

    60 min.


    Band B

    (50 items) -- 30 20

    60 min.


    Band C

    (50 items) -- 25 25

    60 min.



  • Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Reading

    The TOCFL Reading-Band A has four sections: Sentence Comprehension, Picture Description,

    Gap Filling and Paragraph Completion. There are 45 multiple-choice questions and 5 matching

    questions in total. The total testing time is 60 minutes.

    The TOCFL Reading-Band B and Band C have two sections: Gap Filling and Reading

    Comprehension. There are 50 multiple-choice questions in total. The total testing time is 60













    Comprehension Test time

    Band A

    (50 items) 20 15 5 10 --



    Band B

    (50 items) -- -- -- 15 35



    Band C

    (50 items) -- -- -- 15 35



    Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Speaking

    TOCFL Speaking adopts the holistic scoring approach, taking into account the content, fluency,

    and language skills. The results are presented in the form of scale scores. The objective is

    mainly to assess the competence of the test taker to effectively accomplish the communication

    task verbally in different language contexts.

    The test item types of Band B are presented in the following table.


    Level Section Task Types

    Number of


    Time for


    Time for Responses

    / each item

    Band B

    1 Warm up 2 None 40 sec



    experiences 2 50 sec 1 min 40sec

    Describing a

    picture 1 50 sec 1 min 40sec


    opinions 3 1min 2 min


  • Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Writing

    The TOCFL Writing adopts a 0-5 scoring scale. Analytical scoring is done on primary and

    secondary criteria. The primary criteria assess the achievement of the writing objectives, i.e.

    whether the content is relevant to the scenario or task; is well-developed and well-organized, and

    demonstrates appropriate syntactic usage, word choice, and language variety. The secondary

    criteria assess the length of the writing and the frequency of errors on character writing and


    The test item types of Band B are presented in the following table.

    Level Tasks Length

    (Words) Time

    Band B Letters 250-350 40 min

    Reports 500-600 60 min

    V. Proficiency Descriptor

    Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Listening

    Band A

    Focus on the simple and basic communication ability in daily life.

    Level Descriptor

    1 Can understand basic phrases and familiar words provided that the other person talks

    slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

    2 Can understand expressions and catch the main point in a short conversation when it

    is conducted slowly and clearly.

    Band B

    Focus on the comprehensive and analytical abilities for understanding contexts.

    Level Descriptor

    3 Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly

    encountered in work, school, leisure, including short narratives.


    Can understand the main ideas of propositionally and linguistically complex speech on

    both concrete and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect, including technical

    discussions in his/her field of specialization.


  • Band C

    Focus on the vocabulary extent and language proficiency.

    Level Descriptor


    Can understand enough to follow extended speech on abstract and complex topics

    beyond his/her own field even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships

    are only implied and not signaled explicitly, though he/she may need to confirm

    occasional details, especially if the accent is unfamiliar.

    Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Reading

    Band A

    Focus on the simple and basic communication ability in daily life.

    Level Descriptor

    1 With the help of visual aids, is able to understand the most basic numerals, characters

    or phrases, and make a gist of a sentence.

    2 Can understand very short, simple texts with everyday or job-related vocabulary items.

    Band B

    Focus on the comprehensible and analytical abilities in understanding contexts.

    Level Descriptor

    3 Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest

    with a satisfactory level of comprehension.


    Can read with a large degree of independence, adaptive style and reading speed to

    different texts and purposes. Has a broad active reading vocabulary, but may

    experience some difficulty with low frequency idioms.

    Band C

    Focus on the vocabulary extent and language proficiency.

    Level Descriptor

    5 Can understand in detail lengthy, complex texts, whether or not they relate to his/her

    own area of specialty, provided he/she can reread difficult sections.


  • Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Speaking

    Test Level Certificate

    Levels Descriptor

    Band B

    Level 3

    1. Can give straightforward and coherent descriptions of personal

    experiences, feelings, dreams, hopes and real or imagined


    2. Can explain plans or events in sequence and, if necessary,

    provide brief reasons to support his/her opinions.

    Level 4

    1. Can give clear, detailed descriptions on topics of interest,

    experiences and events.

    2. Can provide personal points of view and give detailed reasons

    systematically concerning general or controversial issues.

    3. Can develop a clear argument, expanding and supporting

    his/her points of view with relevant examples.

    Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language:Writing

    Test Level Certificate

    Levels Descriptor

    Band B

    Level 3 Can write personal letters in relative detail to describe

    experiences, emotions, and events.

    Level 4 Can present pro/con arguments on an issue by synthesizing

    different points of view and analyzing the advantages and



  • Registration

    I. Test Format

    All TOCFL tests are computer-based.

    Note: The TOCFL Writing is a computer-based test. Mandarin Chinese-typing ability (ㄅㄆㄇㄈ or Microsoft Pinyin) is a requirement for all test takers.

    II. Test Fee

    Test Type Fee

    TOCFL Listening + TOCFL Reading NT$1600 / per band

    TOCFL Writing NT$1200 / per band

    TOCFL Speaking NT$1200 / per band

    III. Test Dates May 2013

    Saturday, May 4th

    Time Test Level

    09:00-10:10 TOCFL Listening

    Band B

    11:00-12:10 TOCFL Reading

    Band B

    13:30-14:40 TOCFL Listening

    Band A / Band C

    15:30-16:40 TOCFL Reading

    Band A / Band C

    November 2013

    Saturday, November 2nd Sunday, November 3rd

    Time Test Level Time Test Level


    TOCFL Listening +

    TOCFL Reading

    Band B

    08:30-09:30 TOCFL Speaking

    Band B


    TOCFL Listening +

    TOCFL Reading

    Band A / Band C

    10:20-12:10 TOCFL Writing

    Band B

    ※Please refer to Appendix 1 for detailed information about the TOCFL 2013 formal test



  • IV. Locations of Test Venues

    To provide better service for TOCFL test takers, SC-TOP will hold formal tests at the following

    testing centers located in northern, central, and the southern Taiwan. Select the testing center

    most convenient for you.

    ※Please refer to our “On-line Registration System” for the actual venue of each test.

    V. Registration Procedures

    Please refer to the TOCFL registration system website for the most up-to-date registration

    and payment method information. Step 1: On-line registration

    1. Website:

    2. Notice:

    (1) First-time users of our website need to apply for an account number. A

    confirmation message will be sent to the user’s e-mail account, then continue to

    complete the information section before beginning the on-line registration process.

    (2) A confirmation letter of successful registration will be sent to the user’s e-mail

    account. If a letter is not received, please re-try the on-line registration process.

    Step 2:Fee Payment

    1. Notice:

    (1) Please make your payment of the test fee(s) within three days after your

    registration confirmation letter has been received. Failure to do so may lead to

    cancelation of your registration without further notice.

    (2) In case a registration is canceled the applicant will need to proceed and complete

    the on-line registration again and make a payment.

    2. Fee Payment Location:

    (1) Test Fee Payments may be made in cash at any testing/promotion center.

    See location links at:

    (2) Remit fees at post offices. (please refer to Appendix 2)

    Account Number:19811726

    Account Name:National Taiwan Normal University



  • Step 3: Fill in / Fax the Form of Test Fee Payment

    1. There is no need to fax the Form of Test Fee Payment provided that payment is made

    at one of our Test Centers or Promotional Centers.

    2. Those who make their payments at a post office, please follow the following steps to

    fax the Form of Test Fee Payment to our office. (please refer to Appendix 3)

    (1) Download the Form of Test Fee Payment from our website, fill in the information,

    and attach the receipt on the form.

    (2) Fax the completed form, to our office at (02)33432413.

    Step4:Confirmation of payment receipt

    1. A confirmation of payment receipt will be sent to each test-taker’s e-mail account.

    Confirmation status can also be verified by checking the on-line registration system.

    2. A printed receipt of the test fee will be delivered to the test taker on the day of test.

    Step 5: Notice to take the test

    1. A notice to take the test will be sent to each test taker’s e-mail account three days prior

    to the date of test, including information on the time and venue of the test. There will

    be NO printed notice mailed to the test taker.

    2. The date, time, and venue of the test are arranged at the sole discretion of SC-TOP.

    The test taker may not demand any change of the date, time, and venue, and is NOT

    entitled to any refund for any refund(s) reasons.

    VI. Test Score Inquires

    Test scores for the TOCFL Listening and TOCFL Reading tests are made known immediately

    upon completion of the test. On-line test score inquiries for the TOCFL Listening and TOCFL

    Reading tests may be made 20 days after the test date by logging onto the registration system


    The scores for the TOCFL Speaking and TOCFL Writing tests are available for on-line inquiries

    seven weeks after the test date.


  • VII. Printed Score Report and Certificate

    1. Test takers will receive in the mail a printed test score report and certificate if they

    passed the test(s). These will be mailed to the test-taker’s address listed within the

    registration system. For the TOCFL Listening and TOCFL Reading tests, the

    documents will be mailed 25 days after the test date; for the TOCFL Speaking tests and

    TOCFL Writing tests, the documents will be mailed eight weeks after the test date.

    2. The above documents will be sent via domestic or international registered mail.

    Express delivery is available provided that the test taker is willing to pay for extra


    VIII. The 2013 regulations of issuing the TOCFL score report and TOCFL certificate

    The 2013 regulations of the issued TOCFL score report and TOCFL certificate are as


    1. TOCFL score report: For those who attend the test on the test date will be issued a TOCFL

    score report after the test. Your official examinee score report will indicate your test result

    and the level you obtained.

    2. TOCFL certificate issued by MOE: According to the MOE regulations, for those who meet

    the requirement listed below will receive the certificate issued by MOE.


  • TOCFL Issuance of Certificates Regulations 2013

    Issuance of TOCFL Listening and Reading Certificates Regulations:

    1. For those who take both TOCFL Listening and TOCFL Reading tests at the same level and pass both of the tests mentioned above will be issued a TOCFL Listening and Reading certificate.

    2. For those who take both TOCFL Listening and TOCFL Reading tests at different level and pass both of the tests mentioned above will be issued a TOCFL Listening and Reading certificate for the lower level.

    3. For those who take either the TOCFL Listening test or the TOCFL Reading test and pass the either one mentioned above will not be able to be issued a TOCFL Listening and Reading certificate.

    4. For those who take only one of the tests, either the TOCFL Listening test or the TOCFL Reading test, will not be able to be issued a TOCFL Listening and Reading certificate.

    Table 1:Passing Score of the TOCFL Listening test and the TOCFL Reading test (the full score is 80)

    Test Level Level 1 Level 2

    Band A Listening Reading Listening Reading

    41 42 60 60

    Band B Level 3 Level 4

    Listening Reading Listening Reading 46 48 61 64

    Band C Level 5 Level 6

    Listening Reading Listening Reading 50 52 - -

    Table 2:Examples of the Issuance of TOCFL Listening and Reading Certificates Listening Test Reading Test Requirement to get a certificate

    Test Taker A Obtain Level 3 Obtain Level 3 Issued a Level 3 certificate Test Taker B Obtain Level 3 Obtain Level 2 Issued a Level 2 certificate Test Taker C No pass Obtain Level 2 No certificate will be issued Test Taker D Obtain Level 3 No pass No certificate will be issued


  • 2013 年「華語文能力測驗」正式考試日程表 The Annual Schedule for the 2013 TOCFL Tests

    測驗類型 Test Type

    華語文聽力測驗/華語文閱讀測驗 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language:Listening/

    Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language:Reading

    測驗日期 Test Date

    5/4 (Sat) 11/2 (Sat)


    Test Level

    入門基礎級 (Band A )

    進階高階級 (Band B )

    流利精通級 (Band C) *

    入門基礎級 (Band A )

    進階高階級 (Band B )

    流利精通級 (Band C)*

    報名期間 Registration

    Period 3/11 (Mon)~3/27 (Wed) 9/16 (Mon)~10/2 (Wed)

    繳費截止日 Payment Deadline

    3/30 (Sat) 10/5 (Sat)


    Registration Cancellation


    4/6 (Sat) 10/12 (Sat)


    Date for on-line Test score inquiry

    5/24 (Fri) 11/22 (Fri)

    成績單、證書 寄發日

    Mailing date for the score report and certificate

    5/29 (Wed) 11/27 (Wed)


    Period for rescoring


    5/24 (Fri)~7/24 (Wed) 11/22 (Fri)~2014/1/22 (Wed)


    Appendix 1


  • 測驗類型 Test Type

    華語文寫作測驗/華語文口語測驗 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language:Writing/ Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language : Speaking

    測驗日期 Test Date

    11/3 (Sun)


    Test Level 進階高階級 (Band B )

    報名期間 Registration Period

    9/16 (Mon)~10/2 (Wed)

    繳費截止日 Payment Deadline

    10/5 (Sat)


    Registration Cancellation


    10/12 (Sat)


    Date for on-line Test score inquiry

    12/18 (Wed)

    成績單、證書 寄發日

    Mailing date for the score report and


    12/23 (Mon)


    Period for rescoring application

    12/18 (Wed)~2014/2/28 (Fri)

    ※ 「精通級」仍在研發階段,故「2013 年正式考試」聽力測驗、閱讀測驗的「流利精通級」


    Level 6 is undergoing development. Currently, Band C only includes Level 5 on the

    formal tests (TOCFL Listening + TOCFL Reading) in 2013. ※ 如果測驗當天遇到颱風等人力不能抗拒的情況,測驗日期會另再公佈於本會官網。

    In case of a typhoon or other unpredictable factors, test dates will be rescheduled and

    announced on our website.


  • 郵局劃撥單

    Postal Giro Deposit Slips


    Appendix 2


  • 華語文能力測驗報名費匯款收據傳真表 Form for Test Fee Payment

    ◎請注意 Notice:

    1. 請至郵局填寫劃撥單繳費。Please fill out the postal transfer form at a post office. 匯款帳號 Account Number:19811726 戶名 Account Name:國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan NorUniversity

    2. 請在網路報名後三日內完成繳費及傳真,若未於三天內完成繳費及傳真者,華測會將有權取消您的報名資格。 After completing your on-line registration, please make sure that you pay the registration fee and fax the fwithin 3 days to complete/secure your registration status; otherwise, your registration will be void.

    3. 本會收到傳真後,需要 1 個工作天確認考生網路報名記錄及費用,經款項核對無誤後,會寄出「繳費成功通知信」到考生在報名系統註冊之電子信箱,考生也可至報名系統確認繳費狀態。

    After receiving the fax, it will take 1 working day to confirm test taker's registration record and test fee. After checking the payment, a confirmation of payment receipt will be sent to the test-taker’s e-mail account. Confirmation status can also be verified by checking the on-line registration system.

    4. 此收據傳真表格僅供本會核對報名費之用,考生不得以「收據傳真表」要求變更測驗等級、測驗地點,本會僅以您於「報名系統」勾選的報名資料核取報名費。

    Please note that the form cannot be used for any purpose other than test fee payment confirmation. 5. 到考試中心、推廣中心繳交現金者,不用傳真「匯款收據傳真表」。

    There is no need to fax the Form of Test Fee Payment provided that the payment is made at one of our Test Centers or Promotional Centers.

    中文姓名 Chinese Name 英文姓名 English Name

    護照號碼 Passport No. 聯絡電話 Phone No.

    電子信箱 E-mail


    Test Type



    □聽力測驗+閱讀測驗 TOCFL Listening + TOCFL Reading


    Test Level

    □入門基礎級(Band A: Level 1 & Level 2) □進階高階級(Band B: Level 3 & Level 4) □流利精通級(Band C: Level 5 & Level 6)

    □口語測驗 TOCFL Speaking


    Test Level □進階高階級(Band B: Level 3 & Level 4)

    □寫作測驗 TOCFL Writing


    Test Level □進階高階級(Band B: Level 3 & Level 4)


    Please paste the receipt of the postal registration remittance here.






    Transfer fee paymentat a post office


    "Fill" in the form of test fee payment

    4.「傳真」匯款收據傳真表"Fax" in the form of test fee 

    payment (FAX:02‐33432413)


    Confirmation of payment receipt

    (About 1 working day) 



    Send email of payment completion


    Appendix 3


  • 華語文能力測驗歷年等級名稱對照表 TOCFL Level Conversion Table

    2010 年

    以前 2011 年 2012 年 2013 年

    -- -- -- 入門基礎級

    Band A

    入門級 Level 1

    基礎 For Beginners

    基礎級 Beginner

    基礎級 Level 2

    基礎級 Level 2

    初等 Basic

    進階級 Learner

    進階級 Level 3


    Band B

    進階級 Level 3

    中等 Intermediate

    高階級 Superior

    高階級 Level 4

    高階級 Level 4

    高等 Advanced

    流利級 Master

    流利級 Level 5


    Band C

    流利級 Level 5

    -- -- -- 精通級 Level 6

    ※ 「精通級」仍在研發階段,故「2013 年正式考試」聽力測驗、閱讀測驗的「流利精通級」


    Level 6 is undergoing development. Currently, Band C only includes Level 5 on the

    formal tests (TOCFL Listening + TOCFL Reading) in 2013.


    Appendix 4


  • 教育部 Ministry of Education 網址 Website: 國家華語測驗推動工作委員會 Steering Committee for the Test of Proficiency-Huayu 地址:10649 臺北市大安區青田街 5 巷 6 號 5~6 樓 電話 Tel:886-2-7734-5638 傳真 Fax:886-2-3343-2413 電子信箱 E-mail:[email protected]

    網址 Website:

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