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떠오름과 상전이Emergence and Phase Transitions


서울대학교 물리천문학부

2010. 4. 이화여자대학교

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· 물리학과 통계역학

· 대칭성과 질서

· 상전이와 임계현상

· BKT 전이

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자연현상의 실체: 물질 (대상계)


그들 사이의 상호작용

· 물리학의 방법

동역학: 고전역학과 양자역학, 비상대론과 상대론, 입자와 파동(마당)

통계역학: 뭇알갱이계, 거시적 기술 (엔트로피와 정보)

· 물리학의 분야: 물질의 구성 단계와 대상에 따른 분류

입자물리, 원자핵물리, 원자분자물리, 응집물질물리

광학, 플라스마 및 유체물리, 천체물리, 생물물리, 화학물리, …

통계물리 (방법: 통계역학)

물리주의 physicalism

→ 모든 현상

물리학과 통계역학

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Matter in our daily life (incl. biological systems)

macroscopic, many constituents many-particle system

e.g., air in this classroom (N ~ 1025 molecules)

microscopic description: dynamics (classical or quantum)

(micro) state 6N (micro) variables

macroscopic description: statistical mechanics

(macro) state a few macro variables

macro variables: collective degrees of freedom

external parameters + (internal) energy

ii pq ,


Social system: individual states vs societal variables (area, living level, technology, organization,…)

Can’t specifyin practicein principle!

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Energy transfer bet. two (macro) systems: work + heat

What are these?

에너지, 일, 열 Energy, Work and Heat

Energy levels depends on external parameters

(mean) energy : prob. for (micro) state n


n∑= np

Change of energy E

via change of (i.e., of ) : work donevia change of : heat absorbed

nE αy EW y∆−≡np EQ ∆≡

WQE −≡∆ (heat absorbed – work done) by the system

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To a given macro state many micro states correspond e.g. 윷놀이

accessible states

엔트로피 Entropy

number of accessible states ),( αyEΩ

probability for the system in (macro) statepostulate of equal a priori probability ( , ) ( , )p E y E yα α∝ Ω

),( αyE

),( αyE

1Ω > missing information “entropy”

macro state i (Ωi small) → macro state f (Ωf large)irreversibility

e.g. 강의실 안의 공기: 앞에만 있는 상태 vs 고르게 퍼진 상태

2510( / 2) 2 2 0N

Ni iN

f f

p Vp V

− −Ω= = = ≈


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temperature energy ES

T ∂∂

≡1 ),( αyTEE =

entropy (Boltzmann) function of (macro) statelogS k≡ Ω

irreversibility: initial state → equilibrium state (S maximum)

i.e., S → max or ΔS ≥ 0

heat dQ absorbed via a quasi-static process:

dS = dQ/T (can be negative)

Clausius’ definition, but S?, holonomy, T?, very limited

isolated system

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1st law of thermodynamics1st law of thermodynamics

WEQ +∆=

infinitesimal change: dQ TdS dE X dyα αα

= = + ∑

definition of heat⇒ energy conservation

2nd law of thermodynamics2nd law of thermodynamics

0S∆ ≥ Spontaneous change in an isolatedsystem is non-decreasing.




∂≡ −

∂generalized force

How can life survive the 2nd law?

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Thermodynamic potentials

single-component fluid:

E(S, V) ( dE = TdS – pdV)

F(T, V) = E – TS ( dF = – SdT – pdV)

H(S, p) = E + pV ( dH = TdS + Vdp)

G(T, p) = F + pV = E – TS + pV ( dG = – SdT + Vdp)

; Vy =α pX =α

2nd law of thermodynamics

• isolated system: S → max

• system in contact with a heat reservoir: F → min• system in contact with a heat reservoir at constant pressure:

G → min

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Prob. for system A in state r with energy Er

environment A’

E′system A

E energyexchange

(0)( ) ( )r rp E E E′ ′ ′∝ Ω = Ω −


(0) (0)ln ( ) ln ( ) ln ( )r r rE

E E E E E C EE∂′ ′ ′Ω − = Ω − Ω = − β

System in contact with a heat reservoir A’ at temp. T

(0)E E E′+ =

1 or r rE Er rp e p e

Z−β −β∝ =

canonical distribution

Tr r rE E

rZ e e−β −β≡ =∑ partition function


β ≡

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Connection to thermodynamicsfree energy

1ln or lnFF E TS kT Z f ZNkT N

β= − = − ≡ = −

mean (internal) energy and heat capacity2


1 = ln and or ( )rEr r r

r r

E CE p E e E Z C c k fZ T N

β β ββ β

− ∂ ∂ ∂≡ = − ≡ ≡ = −

∂ ∂ ∂∑ ∑

magnetization and susceptibility

pressure and compressibility11 2


1 1 1= and F f V p fpV v V p v v v v

κ−− ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ = − − ≡ − = − = ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂


2 and f m fmH H H

χ ∂ ∂ ∂

= − ≡ = − ∂ ∂ ∂

0 0,

1 1,i i i j i ji i i j

F F MH F H s m s s s s sN NkT

χ = − = − ⇒ = = − ∑ ∑ ∑

fluctuation-dissipation thm

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T → ∞

T → 0

noninteracting system (ideal) gas

What is in between? phase transition

ground state (solid crystal)



Tr Tr HH V


Z e e eββ β−− −

= +

≡ =

high-temp. limit: βV → 0 noninteracting system

low-temp. limit: βV → ∞ ground state

perturbation expansion: density exp. (no λ-exp.)

elementary excitations: collective modes


Partition function

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물리법칙의 대칭성: e.g. 뉴턴의 운동 법칙 a = F/m

대칭성 변환에 대한 불변성

나란히 옮김, 돌림, 시간 진행

전하켤레, 홀짝성, 시간되짚기



응집물질condensed matter: 대칭성이 절로 깨질 수 있음

spontaneous symmetry breaking

→ 정돈(질서) order

대칭성과 질서

시공간spcetime: homogeneous and isotropic

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질서와 무질서

· 자유도가 적은 계: 동역학(dynamics)

질서: 천체의 운동

무질서 (혼돈chaos): 주사위, 빵 반죽, 플라스마, 날씨

초기조건에 민감 → 예측 불가능, 결정론 붕괴

· 자유도가 많은 계 (뭇알갱이계): 통계역학(statistical mechanics)

무질서: 마구잡이(random) 기체

질서: 대칭성 깨짐 고체

집단성질의 떠오름(emergence) ( ← 구성원들의 협동성)

미시적 세부사항과 무관: 보편성(universality)

상전이, 생명, 사회 현상

부분의 합 ≠ 전체 → (인식론적) 환원주의 붕괴

cf. 존재론적 환원주의

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물 (대칭성 있음: 나란히옮김, 돌림) 무질서

상전이 (대칭성 깨짐)

얼음 (대칭성이 깨져 있음) 질서

broken symmetry

액체-고체, 자석, 초전도, 초기 우주, 기억 작용, DNA 풀어짐, 세포 분화, 피

의 산소운반, 효소 작용, 여론 형성, 지각 작용, 도시 형성, 경기 변동과 공황,

물과 얼음: H2O 분자들의 집단



많은 구성원(원자, 분자)들 사이의 협동현상 → 떠오르는 성질

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Order parameterHow to specify the broken-symmetry state?

→ order parameter

0 sym. state (disordered)0 unsym. state (ordered)


discrete sym.: ψ may be a scalar (real) variable. Ising modelcontinuous sym.: ψ has components, phase angle. XY model

Free energy expanded in powers of ψ Landau theory2 4



( )F F A BF

ψ ψ ψ= + + + ⋅⋅⋅

equil. (mean) order parameter ψ = ψ(T, …)

Goldstone mode, Mermin-Wagner theorem

Usually ψ: continuous at transition, i.e., ψ → 0 as T → Tc 2nd-order 1st-order (discontinuous) transition

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상전이와 임계현상Introduction

Critical exponentsSpin models and universalityIsing model

Classical TheoriesVan der Waals theoryMean-field theoryLandau-Ginzburg theory

Scaling and Renormalization GroupKadanoff scaling theoryRenormalization group transformationApplications

Numerical MethodsMolecular dynamicsMonte Carlo simulations

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Correlation length

2D Ising model

Divergence of correlation length at Tc→ scale invariance

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2D Superconducting Arrays

• Simulation of granular superconductors

• Study of low-dim. physics

• Related to a variety of systemse.g.

superconducting networkstight-binding electronshigh-Tc superconductorsquantum Hall system

superconducting islandsweakly coupled by

Josephson junctions



BKT 전이

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Ginzburg-Landau Description

GL free energy

∑∑ Ψ−Ψ+Ψ+Ψ=ji


ii EbaF,

242 )(

Two transition regions

T = TBCS : order-disorder transition ⇒ R ≠ 0(a = 0)

T = Tc : phase-locking transition ⇒ R → 0(≈ EJ )

φ=ΨΨ=Ψ φ

random : iii

iibae i


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2D XY ModelLower transition region: phase-only approximation

∑ φ−φ−=→ji


)cos( : 2D XY model

spin wave : Goldstone modevortex : topological defect


T < Tc : vortices as bound pairs

algebraic decay of correlations ~ r -η

T > Tc : dissociation of bound pairs → free vortices

exponential decay of correlations ~ e -r/ ξ

→ R ≠ 0 for 2D superconductors

BKT transition at T = Tc

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vortex at r = 0: φ(r) = θ(r)

energy of a single vortex

free energy change asso. with free vortex formation

T < Tc ≡ πEJ /2k: bound pairs → algebraic decayT > Tc : free vortices → exponential decayT = Tc : ionization of vortices → BKT transition

1 ˆr

φ∇ = θφ


r 2 2 22

1 1| | | | ( )2 Jc c E

rψ ψ φ∇ = ∇ =

2 2 21 2

1 1 1( ) ln2 2

Rv J J J

RE E d r E d r Er

φ πξ

→∞= ∇ = = →∞∫ ∫

ln ln ( 2 ) lnJ JR RF E T S E kT E kTπ πξ ξ

∆ = ∆ − ∆ = − Ω = −

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