Page 1: Entrusted by Most Parents for 10 Consecutive Years · 最新臍帶血樣本品質檢測報告 利用幹細胞治療斯特格氏病 Latest Cord Blood Samples Quality Assurance Test

If undelivered, please return to: Unit 703-706, 7/F, Lakeside 2 West Wing, No.10 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong 如無法投遞,請退回:香港新界沙田香港科學園科技大道西10號浚湖樓西翼7樓703-706室 EP






Latest Cord Blood Samples Quality Assurance Test Report

Stem Cells for Stargardt's Disease


10 reasons pets are good for kids

2018 OCT 10 月號

Entrusted by Most Parents for 10 Consecutive YearsEntrusted by Most Parents for 10 Consecutive Years連續10年No.1全港最多父母信賴及選擇

Page 2: Entrusted by Most Parents for 10 Consecutive Years · 最新臍帶血樣本品質檢測報告 利用幹細胞治療斯特格氏病 Latest Cord Blood Samples Quality Assurance Test

HealthBaby Corner生寶的話

HealthBaby strives to provide you with below absolute advantages 生寶臍帶血庫為您提供以下的絕對優勢:

Remember, only the best quality storage and service could guarantee the stem cells' quality and viability when needed

in the future and HealthBaby is the only cord blood bank that will prevail in keeping your family safe.唯有最優質的儲存和服務才能保證幹細胞的質量和活性,供未來需要時取用,而生寶是唯一能夠保證你家人安全的臍帶血庫。

Recently HealthBaby was under attack in form of defamation by a local competitor, HealthBaby would like to stress that to be the guardian angel for your precious child’s stem cells is not merely by luck, but irreplaceable company strengths with top of the line service quality. Over the past 12 years, HealthBaby has become dominant market leader and guards the family future of more than 30,000 samples because we care and we act to provide our customers with the best service in Hong Kong. Those defamers misled you by saying we are in debt, attacking our Bio-Archive storage system’s reliability or even black mouth us by challenging the undisputed fact of us being the market leader. We have already seek legal advice and are currently in the process of taking legal action against those shameful defamers.

The only cord laboratory in Hong Kong equipped with state of art clean room.香港獨有高規格處理臍帶無菌無塵實驗室。

Exclusive patented umbilical cord technology.擁有獨家臍帶專利技術。

Sound financial stability with affiliation to Singapore listed mother company.財務穩健,附屬新加坡上市母公司。

The largest cord blood bank in Hong Kong occupying >10,000 sq. ft area香港最大的臍帶血庫,總面積超過 10,000 平方呎。

The only cord blood bank with the most successful transplant cases (4) in Hong Kong (2 in Queen Mary Hospital and 2 abroad).全港最多成功移植案例 (共 4 宗 )( 瑪麗醫院 2 宗,國外 2 宗 )。

Continuously to provide our customer the transparency of stem cells viability report in periodic Newsletter. 每年的會員通訊為客戶提供高透明度的臍帶血活性檢測報告。

The most O&G doctors recommended.全港最多婦產科醫生推薦。

The best processing system AXP harvest highest stem cells number up to 96.2%. AXP 處理系統的細胞採集率高達 96.2%。

Continuously 10 years market leader since 2009 with market share over 90% group wise. (survey conducted by individual 3rd party, lpsos).自 2009 年連續 10 年領導市場,集團市場總佔有率超過 90%。

( 獨立第三方 lpsos 調查報告 )。

The best storage system in town - Bio-Archive with zero infection and used by the largest public cord blood bank worldwide (The voluntary recall some defamers mentioned was solely regarding a safety label clarity and is unrelated to the system’s quality).全港最佳儲存設備 - Bio-Archive 零感染液態氮全自動糸統,全球最大公營臍帶血庫亦使用。

( 一些誹謗者所聲稱的召回僅涉及安全標籤的清晰度,與系統本身質量無關 )。

The only private cord blood bank in Hong Kong using liquid nitrogen as storage medium to guarantee prime storage condition (constant -196°C).香港唯一一間私營臍帶血庫使用液態氮作為儲存媒介,以保證最佳儲存環境 (-196°C 恆溫 )。




超過 30,000 個樣本,致力為客戶提供最佳的服務。那些誹謗者誤導你們說我們












Everyone knows Hong Kong is very competitive market and it’s sad that some competitor(s) has employed the tactic of defamation against others in order to gain market share. We, HealthBaby as market leader, inevitably become target of some. But we believe consumers are wise enough to tell the difference of truth and lie. We are confident to fence off all these attacks by providing the best quality service to our customers.

The most accredited cord blood bank in Hong Kong, including HOKLAS (since 2007), AABB (since 2011), CAP (since 2012).香港唯一擁有最多專業認證的臍帶血庫,包括 HOKLAS( 自 2007 年起 ),

AABB( 自 2011 年起),CAP(自 2012 年起 )。

002 HealthBaby 生寶樂 HealthBaby 生寶樂 003

Page 3: Entrusted by Most Parents for 10 Consecutive Years · 最新臍帶血樣本品質檢測報告 利用幹細胞治療斯特格氏病 Latest Cord Blood Samples Quality Assurance Test

A Remarkable Success in the 26th International Baby & Children Products Expo 2018


Latest Cord Blood Sample Quality Assurance Test Report (August 2018)2018年 8月最新臍帶血樣本品質檢測報告

No.1 – Entrusted by Most Parents for 10 Consecutive Years連續 10年 No.1全港最多父母選擇

HealthBaby had a remarkable success in the 26th International Baby & Children Products Expo.

Since 2012, we are the only cord blood bank capable to achieve HOKLAS and CAP accreditations. Both accreditations focus on the stringent testing quality and accuracy. We have demonstrated the outstanding quality of the administration, our professional staff team, state-of-art equipment and facilities, the modern laboratory setup, and comprehensive working protocols and guidelines. We insist on our core values in achieving the highest quality in umbilical cord blood and cord stem cells processing and cryopreservation.

HealthBaby routinely conducts annual quality assurance test to closely monitor the quality of stem cells stored. In August 2018, cord blood sample preserved in BioArchive® System has been thawed to evaluate the viability of stem cells. The result showed that the viability of the sample recovered is over 95%. It indicates that the BioArchive® System preserves the best viability of stem cells in a long-term storage which in-line with the international medical standard of transplantation.

According to Ipsos Healthcare 2018 Cord Blood Bank Survey, most parents chose HealthBaby to store their newborn’s cord blood and cord for 10 consecutive years. HealthBaby is the only private cord blood bank in Hong Kong adopted FDA approved BioArchive® System. This is the best automated system specially designed for stem cells cryopreservation, maintaining the highest viability for transplantation. The system provides >75% cord blood stem cells for transplants worldwide.


由 2012 年起,生寶是唯一同時考取香港實驗所認可計劃及美國病理學會認證





為嚴密監控臍帶血幹細胞的優良品質,生寶每年會進行一次品質檢測。今年 8 月,實驗室人員從 BioArchive® 全自動幹細胞儲

存槽中提取了儲存的臍帶血幹細胞樣本進行活性檢測,結果顯示樣本解凍後的存活能力超過 95%,充分證明 BioArchive® 全自


根據全球第三大市場調查公司 – Ipsos Healthcare 今年的市場調查結果顯示,

生寶連續 10 年成為全港最多父母選擇的

臍帶血庫。生寶是香港唯一採用美國 FDA認可的 BioArchive® 全自動儲存槽的私營


能保持最佳幹細胞活性,全球 75% 以上的

臍帶血幹細胞移植手術均由 BioArchive®


Source: Ipsos Healthcare 2009-2018 Cord Blood Bank Survey

004 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Latest News 最新消息 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Latest News 最新消息 005

Page 4: Entrusted by Most Parents for 10 Consecutive Years · 最新臍帶血樣本品質檢測報告 利用幹細胞治療斯特格氏病 Latest Cord Blood Samples Quality Assurance Test

In United States, there is a second-ever clinical trial of a therapy to treat Stargardt’s Disease involving the use of human embryonic stem cells. A total of 12 patients will be enrolled in the study at multiple clinical sites.

Stem Cells for Stargardt's Disease

Stargardt disease causes progressive vision loss, usually starting in children between 10 to 20 years of age. Eventually, blindness results from photoreceptor loss [i.e., cells that detect light, convert it into electrical signals, and relay those signals to the brain] associated with degeneration in the pigmented layer of the retina, called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).

"There is currently no treatment for Stargardt's disease," said Dr. Robert Lanza, ACT's Chief Scientific Officer. "Using stem cells, we can generate a virtually unlimited supply of healthy RPE cells, which are the first cells to die off in Stargardt's and other forms of macular degeneration.

For the initial clinical trial, only a few thousand stem cells will be injected into one eye of each volunteer. Patients will be followed closely to gauge the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. In an interview with, Dr. Lanza noted that... the advantage, of course, is that we're talking about a very small number of cells going into a very local area. Also, with the eyes there are very objective tests for visual acuity, so we can measure performance gains very objectively. Dr. Lanza also stated that the company will soon apply for approval to test stem cell therapy in patients with age-related macular degeneration.

在美國,有研究人員正在進行一項利用人類胚胎幹細胞治療斯特格氏病 (Stargardt) 的第二

次臨床試驗,共有 12 名患者於多個臨床中心參與研究。

利用 幹細胞 治療斯特格氏病

斯特格氏病是一種眼睛的遺傳疾病,一般發病年齡為 10 至 20 歲左右,病情嚴重者可因眼睛

感光神經 ( 即負責探測光,將光轉換成電信號並傳遞到大腦的細胞 ) 受損而導致失明。此病

亦會導致視網膜色素上皮層 (RPE) 退化。

ACT 首席科學官 Robert Lanza 博士說:目前並沒有治療斯特格氏病的方法,研究人員透過幹

細胞增生健康的 RPE 細胞,因 RPE 細胞是斯特格氏病和其他黃斑點病變中首先死亡的細胞。


的安全性和有效性。Lanza 博士在接受 訪問時指出:試驗的優勢是能把小量的

幹細胞注入指定部份,而視力測試亦讓我們能非常客觀地量度研究成效。Lanza 博士還表示,



006 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Stem Cell Wikipedia 幹細胞百科 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Stem Cell Wikipedia 幹細胞百科 007

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Experts are researching ways to use stem cells to treat arthritis in the knee and other joints. Many doctors already use stem cell therapy to treat arthritis, but it is not considered standard practice. There is a lot of debate around stem cell treatment, and it is helpful for potential patients to understand what stem cells are and the issues surrounding their use in arthritis therapy.

Stem cells can be applied during a surgery (such as the surgical repair of a torn knee meniscus) or delivered through injections directly into the arthritis joint. When administering stem cell injections, many physicians use medical imaging, such as ultrasound, in order to deliver cells precisely to the site of cartilage damage.

There are no professional medical guidelines for who can and cannot receive stem cell therapy for arthritis. For now, the decision about who gets stem cell therapy is up to patients and doctors.

How Are Stem Cells Used to Treat Arthritis?

Who Can Get Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis?

Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis利用幹細胞治療關節炎




最常見用於治療關節炎的是間質幹細胞。間質幹細胞通常是從患者的脂肪組織,血液或骨髓 (或

在寶寶出生時從臍帶採集 )中採集。

幹細胞可以應用於手術 (例如半月板撕裂的修復手術)或直接注射到發炎的關節。當進行幹細胞注

射時,許多醫生會使用醫學影像作輔助,例如超聲波,以便將細胞更精確地注射到軟骨受損部位。 對於那些患者可以接受幹細胞治療關節炎,目前並沒有專業的醫療指引,這全是患者和醫生的決定。

1. 分裂和複製。

2. 發展成不同類型的細胞。幹細胞本身不會以任何方式為身體提供服務,但它可以發展成一個


• 在寶寶出生時從臍帶採集間質幹細胞。

• 透過手術或抽脂技術採集脂肪幹細胞。

• 從患者的血液採集周邊血幹細胞。

• 從患者的骨骼中採集骨髓幹細胞。









Stem cells are located throughout the body. What makes stem cells special is that they can:

The most common type of stem cells used for treating arthritis are mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are usually collected from the patient’s fat tissue, blood, or bone marrow (from umbilical cord if at birth).

Bone marrow is usually taken from the pelvic bone using a needle and syringe, a process called bone marrow aspiration. The patient is given a local anesthetic and may also be given a sedative before the procedure.

1. Divide and duplicate themselves, and 2. Develop into different types of cells. A stem cell itself does not serve the body in any way, but it can develop into a cell that does, such as a cartilage cell or a bone cell.

Advocates of stem cell treatments hypothesize that, when placed into a certain environment, stem cells can transform to accommodate a certain need. For example, stem cells that are placed near damaged cartilage are hypothesized to develop into cartilage tissue.

• Mesenchymal stem cells are harvested from the umbilical cord during birth.• Adipose (fat) stem cells are harvested using surgery or liposuction. • Peripheral blood stem cells, found in the bloodstream, are harvested by taking a blood sample from the patient.• Bone marrow stem cells are harvested from one of the patient’s bones.

Where Do the Stem Cells Come From?Why Are Stem Cells Special?

008 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Stem Cell Wikipedia 幹細胞百科 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Stem Cell Wikipedia 幹細胞百科 009

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There are so many benefits that pets provide for kids! It's easy for kids to get wrapped up in the idea of owning a new pet, but it's up to their parents to make sure the experience is a positive one and that the pets receive the care they need for their entire lives. Kids tend to think of all the good, fun benefits of having a pet. Parents who are experienced, or even first-time pet owners, know there is a lot of patience, time and effort involved but that the payoff of sharing your home and life is the unconditional love a well-cared-for pet gives. It's well worth it. For those parents

sitting on the edge, here are several positive reasons you might not have thought of to bring a pet home for your kids:

Chi ldren who grow up in homes with pets have less risk of developing common

allergies and asthma.

























Kids with pets get outside more—to go for walks, run and play—and enjoy all the associated

health benefits.

Pet owners require fewer doctor's visits.

Emerging readers often feel more comfortable reading aloud to a pet.

Nurturing a pet is an acceptable way for boys to "parent play"—to practice being caregivers.

Feeding and caring for a pet encourages childhood


Children with pets display i m p r o v e d i m p u l s e control, social skills and


Sharing the love and care of a family pet forges an additional common bond

among siblings.

Cuddling a pet reduces stress, loneliness and

anxiety.Playing with dogs may help lower

blood pressure.




10 Reasons Pets Are Good for Kids讓孩子飼養寵物的十個好處


10 Reasons Pets Are Good for Kids讓孩子飼養寵物的十個好處







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010 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Baby Focus 育兒天地 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Baby Focus 育兒天地 011

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Family Hiking 郊遊好去處 IVHong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark




香港於 2016 年被列入《孤獨星球》「亞洲十大旅遊地」。地質公園位於香港新界東部及東北部,



香港和世界各地採集而來的岩石標本。到這裡來,您會了解到香港古火山及它們在過去 1 億


You don’t have to be a rock buff to enjoy the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark. Located in the East and Northeast New Territories, the park includes the Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region and the Northeast New Territories Sedimentary Rock Region and

showcases Hong Kong’s timeless and eerily beautiful landforms.

Hong Kong UNESCO Geopark Volcano Discovery Centre conveniently located at Sai Kung Waterfront Park offers comprehensive information to advise visitors the best way to explore the Geopark. Visitors can take a peek at rock specimens collected locally and from around the world, as well as a 1:1 scale exhibit of hexagonal rock columns produced by a series of violent volcanic eruptions in Sai Kung 140 million years ago.

How to get there 如何前往 :

From MTR Diamond Hill Station, Exit C2, take bus 92 to Sai Kung Bus Terminus then walk to the centre. 從港鐵鑽石山站 C2 出口,搭乘 92 號巴士至西貢市中心,然後步行前往展館。












The easiest location to view the park’s remarkable geological heritage is High Island. From here, the hexagonal volcanic columns are visible along the coast, as is the rock column wall near the East Dam of High Island Reservoir. You’ll also see other geological features such as twisted columns and dyke intrusions. To provide a safe environment for visitors to view the sea cave up close, the High Island Geo-trail is undergoing enhancements which include a wooden boardwalk and interpretation panels at the end of the trail. Also note the volcanic-rock coast of Tai Long Wan — voted by locals as one of ‘Hong Kong’s Top Ten Natural Attractions’.

The Ninepin Group is made up of South Ninepin Island, North Ninepin Island, and East Ninepin Island, along with several small rock islets. North Ninepin Island has the most eye-pleasing abrasion landforms with hexagonal rock columns overspread with joints formed by geological movements.

Volcano Discovery Centre 火山探知館

High Island 糧船灣 Ninepin Group 果洲群島

How to get there 如何前往 : MTR Diamond Hill Station Exit C2 and take bus 96R (service on Sundays and public holidays only) or bus 94 from Sai Kung town centre. Get off after Pak Tam Chung and walk along Tai Mong Tsai Road to the junction ahead. Turn into Man Yee Road of Sai Kung on the right and walk on for about 9 km for the High Island Reservoir East Dam.

從港鐵鑽石山站 C2 出口,搭乘 96R 號巴士(只在星期日及公眾假期行駛),或在西貢市中心搭乘 94 號巴士,於北

潭涌下車。下車後,沿大網仔路往前步行至分岔路,沿靠右方的西貢萬宜路繼續步行約 9公里,即達萬宜水庫東壩。


岩石由一座超級火山噴發出的火山物質和岩漿形成,已有逾 1.4億年歷史。在島的西端,還有一條連接橋咀洲與附近橋頭島的天然沙壩 — 連島沙洲。沙壩長約 250公尺,每逢退潮便露出水面,把兩座島連接起來,十分特別。

Sharp Island is an important relic of an ancient supervolcano that erupted more than 140 million years ago. The island is covered by rocks formed from volcanic fragments and magma. In the west of the island, you can see an interesting natural bridge — a tombolo — which forms an almost 250-metre-long sand bar connecting Sharp Island and the nearby Kiu Tau Island. At low tide, it emerges above the water, creating a temporary bridge between the two islands.

Sharp Island 橋咀洲

How to get there 如何前往 : MTR Choi Hung Station Exit C2, then take minibus 1A to Sai Kung Pier; or MTR Hang Hau Station, then take minibus 101M to Sai Kung Pier. From the pier, hire a village ferry (kaito) to Sharp Island.

先前往西貢碼頭:從港鐵彩虹站 C2 出口,搭乘 1A 號綠色小巴;或從港鐵坑口站,搭乘 101M 號綠色小







The Ung Kong Group consists of Bluff Island, Wang Chau and Basalt Island. The forces of sea and wind have helped develop numerous steep cliffs and sea arches on the southeast coast of the islands, including the 30-metre-high sea arch at Wang Chau, the 45-metre-high sea arch at Basalt Island, and the Tiu Chung Arch at Jin Island.

Ung Kong Group 甕缸群島

How to get there 如何前往 : MTR Choi Hung Station Exit C2, then take minibus 1A to Sai Kung Pier; or MTR Hang Hau Station, then take minibus 101M to Sai Kung Pier. From the pier, hire a boat to Ung Kong Group.先到西貢碼頭:從港鐵彩虹站 C2 出口,搭乘 1A 號綠色小巴;或從港

鐵坑口站,搭乘 101M 號綠色小巴前往。再從碼頭租船到甕缸群島。

How to get there 如何前往 : MTR Choi Hung Station Exit C2 and take minibus 1A to Sai Kung Pier; or MTR Hang Hau Station Exit A1 and take minibus 101M to Sai Kung Public Pier. From the pier, hire a boat to the Ung Kong Group.先到西貢碼頭:從港鐵彩虹站 C2 出口,搭乘 1A 號綠色小巴;或從港鐵坑口

站 A1 出口,搭乘 101M 號綠色小巴前往。再從碼頭租船到果洲群島。

The Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region includes 西貢火山岩園區包括:

012 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Family Fun 家庭樂 HealthBaby 生寶樂 | Family Fun 家庭樂 013

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Please present a vaild HealthBaby Membership Card to enjoy the offer 享用優惠時,請出示有效的生寶會員卡

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Terms and conditions :條款及細則 :

Privileges valid until 優惠期至 31/12/2018 Offer can only be used once per HealthBaby member 每名生寶會員只限使用優惠 1 次

In case of any disputes, Nippon Kendai R&D Ltd. reserves the right of final decision 如有任何爭議,日本健代營養研究開發有限公司將保留最終決定權。

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Steps for checking your points and gift redemption 查閱積分及換領禮品步驟


Go to the member webpage:登入生寶客戶專頁:

感謝各會員推薦親友選用生寶的臍帶血及臍帶儲存服務。會員積分有效期將於 2018年 12月 31日屆滿,

請從速登入生寶網站的會員專區查閱你的積分及換領禮品,以免向隅 !

Thank you for introducing your family and friends to bank their baby’s cord blood and umbilical cord stem cells at HealthBaby. The referral bonus points will expire on 31st December, 2018. Please visit the member webpage to check your points and redeem your gifts before it’s too late!

Login your account by entering your contract number and password. You may view your personal data and how many bonus points you have.

Press “Gift Redemption” to select your favorite gift and quantity required, then “Submit”.

You will receive an email notification. Confirmation of additional storage year or gift vouchers will be sent to you by post within 4-6 weeks.



你將會收到確認電郵,而禮券或加贈儲存年期通知書會於 4-6 星期內郵寄至府上。

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