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March 2012

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Cover Story: Young Turks ……………………………………....8

Aami Shotti Bolchi ……………………………………………..16

Industry Insights: GPI ………………………………………...20

Technology Shift Towards ERP..Is It Required..?? ………………..22

Inter– State Competition..The Only Way Forward..?? ……….……23

To Shine– Just For Her ………………………………………..24

Meet The Jain’s …...…………………………………………..26

Life After FMB-God Of Small Things ……………..………...31

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French Connection ……………..…………………………...40

Professors Speak ….………………...……………..………...39

Current Batch Speak…………….………………..………...43

Timeline ……………..………………………………….......34

Achiever's Club……...…………………………………….46

Meet the Batch Of 2010-12 ………………………………….52

Inspirus 2011 ………………………………………. ……..66

Happenings Of 2010-12 …………………………………….48

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I, as Dean of School of Business Management

(SBM), take immense pride in the students of

MBA-Entrepreneurship and Family Business as

they continue the legacy of Envisage, their mag-

azine and yearbook, which was launched at In-

spirus 2011.

Dr. Debashish Sanyal


Management’s Foreword

I congratulate the students of MBA-

Entrepreneurship and Family Business for

coming out with the 2nd

edition of Envisage.

It is good to see the students work towards a

common objective, understanding the im-

portance of team work and gaining leader-

ship skills in the process. It will nurture them

into well rounded entrepreneurs. In a coun-

try where SME’s contribute immensely in the

nation’s economic growth, a strong academ-

ic guidance was always needed. NMIMS as an

institution has been entrepreneurial and in-

novative and has identified the requirements

in this field. This is reflected by several academic initiatives taken by this

institution, one of which is the two years full time programme for MBA -

Entrepreneurship and Family Business. The programme’s contribution has

been widely recognized by the business owners as also by the academi-

cians. I wish “Inspirus” and “Envisage 2012” a huge success.

Dr. Rajan Saxena

Vice Chancellor

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The level of talent at our school is remarkable. In

MBA- Entrepreneurship and Family Business Pro-

gram, we admit some of the best and brightest stu-

dents from different parts of India and around

the world. As the Director of this program, it is my

privilege to work with the talented people that

walk the halls of the School of Business Manage-

ment. It is my responsibility to nurture this talent

in a way that maintains and extends NMIMS’s

stature as one of the most prominent business

schools in the world. We are very proud of our

Alumni(500+) who are doing great work and

showcasing their Entrepreneurial traits, leading towards success.

Expect to see even greater accomplishments for our family business team in

the future. I wish my each and every student good luck for their Annual

Corporate-Cultural fest “Inspirus” and “Envisage”. Here’s hoping for a

grand success. Once again, three cheers for the family of Family Business.

Seema Mahajan

Director, Centre of Family Business

& Entrepreneurship

The theme of the magazine revolves around how one makes way for his

own destiny and I couldn’t agree more to this. SMEs have played a pivotal

role in the development of this country. I am confident that these wonder-

ful students are going to take their ventures to the next level. I really wish

them good luck in their endeavours and really hope Inspirus and Envisage

a huge success.

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Carl Louis Ward Hamza Puthawala

Mitalee Mehta Taruna Gupta

Harsha Haridas Khushboo Doshi

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From the editor’s desk-

It gives us immense pleasure in presenting to you Envisage 2012. The vision which was developed last year has been nurtured and has paved way for a bet-ter path ahead.

This year’s edition includes more of you. Your journey and experiences are the highlights. It has been a life altering experience for each one of you at NMIMS and its essence has been well captured in the magazine. It is a wonderful compilation of entrepreneurial stories, industry related articles, life experiences, fun and entertainment. We have made sure there is some-thing for everyone. Our efforts were mainly focussed towards encapsulating every moment you have cherished in the past one year so that you take away unforgettable memories for life.

We hope Envisage 2012 truly captures your heart.

Team Envisage

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Passion, dedication, commitment and hard work are synonymous with an entrepreneur’s

journey. As budding entrepreneurs, we look out for inspiration from everyone. Through-

out the journey from a student to a business owner, we learn certain life-changing les-

sons. During such a phase, we came across 3 young men, all of them coming from dif-

ferent walks of life but with an extraordinary ride towards entrepreneurship.

Meet Our Young Turks

Sony Joy

Nikunj Bubna

Mudit Agarwal

These young men are all a part of the Enterprising India. With their fearless attitude and

never say die spirit, they are leading the band wagon for entrepreneurs. They have gone

through so many phases, from failure to success in their entrepreneurial ventures.

Let’s have a look at their amazing journeys.

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Sony Joy- The Tech Entrepreneur

It’s quite rare to hear entrepreneurs emerging

from “God's Own Country”. Yes I’m speaking

about Kerala. It’s even more surprising when the

concerned person is a tech entrepreneur. Meet

Sony Joy, the CEO of MobME, who represents the

care-free, passionate, unconventional and risk

taking generation.

The beginning

But where did it all start? Of course, in the arche-

typical ‘garage’. Or in Sony’s case, the college was

his garage.

Sony Joy hails from a middle class family in Kera-

la which imparted in him, the conventional val-

ues of working hard and getting a ‘good job’. Like

any average middle class Indian boy, Sony joined

the College of Engineering in Trivandram for his

B.Tech in Electronics & Telecommunications.

Back then, Sony was just a regular guy who en-

joyed college life. Everything was flowing along

fine, until he entered the 2nd Sem. It was then

that he started getting weary of it all. He was ab-

solutely bored with his humdrum life. He realised

this is not his cup of tea and life had to have a

different meaning, a different purpose. Fortunate-

ly, he had like-minded engineering buddies who

always wanted to do something that would pro-

vide them with a different kind of ‘kick’.

Opportunity well identified

Circa 2005, the Mobile revolution in India was

well and truly gaining momentum. The mot-

ley bunch decided to capitalize on this trend.

They approached BPL with a unique business

idea of selling customized SIM card plans to

students. And surprise surprise! BPL actually

agreed. The group managed to sell 500 SIM

cards within a week’s time with their unique

viral marketing techniques. The company was

surprised and asked them to expand their

reach to other colleges.

Experiencing the sweet taste of success

What started out as a “earn extra pocket mon-

ey-cum-get rid of college boredom” initiative,

became a roaring success. They sold the cus-

tomized SIM cards in about 84 engineering

colleges across Kerala. Ultimately, they man-

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14000 connections in a mere 3 months and

were rewarded with Rs.10,00,000 for their con-

tributions. That’s truly a huge amount to earn

for anyone still in the initial stages of college

life. Sony and his friends toasted their collec-

tive success. They partied like there was no to-


Time to get serious

But now, BPL wanted something more stable

and concrete. The company threw them a new

challenge. They asked them to build a voice

server. With no knowledge of what BPL actual-

ly meant, Sony and his friends quickly agreed

to deliver the same within a week’s time. The

real test had now started. They went back,

gathered all of their tech buddies, read as many

tech blogs as possible and finally managed to

build the voice server in a week’s time. They

had well and truly pulled it off. This was noth-

ing short of a miracle as BPL itself didn’t expect

them to get it done so quickly. They didn’t re-

alize it initially, but BPL knew that they had in

front of them the future “golden boys” of their

success. The wheels were now truly in motion

for something bigger.

Diversifiying into other mediums

It was also the time when mobile content com-

panies like Hungama were enjoying their bit of

success. Sony realized that there was no con-

tent available in the local Malayalam language

for consumers. He started visiting various mov-

ie sets across Kerala, and networking with all

the leading actors. One such interaction with

Mammootty, the superstar of Malayalam cine-

ma, paved the way for their major break-

through. He not only connected them to an

NRI investor which resulted in their first round of

funding, but also gave them promotional rights

for his film “Rajamanikyam” through mobile.

Around the same time, Sony and his friends reg-

istered a partnership firm called Torque and in-

cubated it at Technopark, Trivandrum (India’s

first IT Park). They were the first incubated IT

student start-up in the whole of Kerala!


Come 2006, and the group officially launched

“MobME Solutions Pvt. Ltd. They soon set up

offices in Cochin, Mumbai, Chennai and Gurga-

on. Today, MobME is a young and vibrant Mobile

Media & Entertainment Company focused on

Value Added Services for Mobile Phone users and

Carrier Grade Solutions for Network Operators.

They are a team of over 100 people with the aver-

age age being just 24. MobME has also ventured

into M-Governance, working closely with the

Kerala and Goa government. They are also work-

ing on powering MVNOs on Open Source Archi-

tecture, a first time initiative in India. Their cli-

ents’ today range from Airtel, Aircel, Vodafone,

CCD, Mid Day, and many more. It

is one the most innovative and successful firms in

the telecom domain with numerous awards and

recognitions to its credit.

Awards and Recognitions

They have been bestowed with the prestigious

Nasscom Innovation Awards in 2008,2009,2011.

They were also one of the top 100 IT Innovators

in 2007. Wall Street Journal conferred them with

the title of one of the 10 best start-ups to watch

for in India in 2008. They were also invited by

none other than Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam for a per-

sonal meeting.

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Importance of team

He treasures and values his employees and

team members like his own family. In his

words, “A great team is the main ingredient for

a start up.” Rightly so, no company would be a

successful one without the right mix of people.

True Inspiration

His journey is truly inspiring and an encourag-

ing one. Coming from Kerala, which is not tra-

ditionally known for entrepreneurial ventures

and establishing himself as a technology entre-

preneur, Sony has come a long way indeed. Be-

ing at the right place, at the right time and

grasping every opportunity coming their way

helped Sony and his friends lay a strong path

for their success. He doesn’t deny that there

weren’t struggles. Their major hindrance was

their age. People wouldn’t take them too seri-

ously at the beginning as they were young. But

their underneath their youthful faces, lay a

fierce passion and determination to work hard,

which knocked off every single hurdle coming

their way & opened their doors for success. But

in real sense, his journey portrays the true spir-

it of an entrepreneur. He is truly a Young Turk!

We often

hear that



are born en-


They are ex-

pected to

join their

family busi-

ness or start


on their own. Our friend, Nikunj decided to

pursue the latter.

A BMS Graduate from Mumbai University,

Nikunj worked in a startup as well as in a large

corporate before taking the plunge into busi-

ness. Today, he is the CEO of UNIQ Consumer

Services Pvt. Ltd. that handles two brands-

‘Power Circle’ and ‘Purple Swarms’. The compa-

ny encourages consumers to contact them any-

time for anything they require and get addition-

al discounts while purchasing almost everything

ranging from electronics, real estate, cars, ap-

parels, watches, restaurants, entertainment, etc.

They have correctly distinguished both their

brands. ‘Power Circle’ caters to the needs of up-

per middle class citizens whereas they demon-

strate a rather unique concept of 'Purchase

Managers for Select Individuals' via their luxury

brand, 'Purple Swarms'. Purple Swarm is one-of-

a-kind brand that is entirely dedicated to the

needs and purchase requirements of HNI Cli-

ents. A person, once registered as their member,

can contact his ‘purchase manager’ through

phone or online and post his requirement or

send an enquiry which is then shared with their

select local vendor partners. They work together

with the vendor in ensuring that the member’s

requirement is fulfilled as per the pre-negotiated

extra discount and to the member’s satisfaction.

Nikunj – Born Entrepreneur

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The aim is to provide outstanding service to

high income consumers by constantly maxim-

izing value delivered and enriching their buy-

ing experience.

The Journey

It all started when Nikunj entered the 15th year

of his life, when he was interning at a lawyer’s

office. He picked up crucial knowledge on legal

aspects and implications at a very young age.

Still in college, he started off his first venture in

printing where he made canvasses for a print-

ing press. Later on, he worked in a start-up

( This helped him gain

immense knowledge about the working as well

as complexities a business faces during the ini-

tial stage of setting up. After Nikunj graduated,

he joined Edelweiss, the home-grown invest-

ment bank where he was posted in the Institu-

tional Equities division. Soon, he got shifted to

the Wealth Management division where he

dealt with a horde of HNIs. The first seeds for

the idea of Purple Swarms were planted at this

stage. Nikunj was clearly gaining crucial expo-

sure to the mindset & consumer patterns of


A Blessing in Disguise

During July 2009, Nikunj suffered some major

health issues and went under the surgeon’s

knife which further incapacitated him for

about 3 months. It was at this time when he

was recuperating that Nikunj gave a serious

thought to his idea. He focussed all his ener-

gies towards this and the final result was Pur-

ple Swarms. He created a buying community

for the privileged.

Due to his previous association with HNI cli-

ents, he had a ground ready and waiting for

test marketing. Some of the HNI’s were even

interested in funding his project. Slowly, busi-

ness started picking up and the concept started

showing results. Soon, the same model was in-

troduced for the regular customers in the form

of ‘Power Circle’. Similar concepts in the form of

couponing (Snap Deal) are gaining momentum

in the country. But their major point of differen-

tiation is the personalized service they are

providing to both set of consumers. What sets

Nikunj’s venture apart is the “wow” factor in the

whole buying experience. To enhance the expe-

rience, the company has invested massively in

IT to obtain a reliable technology platform/

partner as technology is probably a key determi-

nant in the success or failure of a venture of this


The company employs around 70 employees

which is expected to increase to 1500 in the next

2 years. The company is all set to get its second

round of funding from some angel investors. It

is also planning to go international soon.

Sometimes, one experience leads to opportuni-

ties. Nikunj identified them and followed them

passionately. His various experiences are a great

source of learning for budding entrepreneurs

like us. He is truly a ‘young turk’!

-Harsha Haridas

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Young India needs entrepreneurs to ideate,

explore, generate and create…and at NMIMS -

The Family Business Management programme

caters to just this need of the hour. One such

young entrepreneur is Mudit Agarwal, based in

Goa, India, whose personality and interests in-

dicate a bright future, not just as an entrepre-

neur, but also as a global citizen.

Having grown up in a family with a business

background, Mudit was constantly influenced

by the typical dining table conversations that

one might expect in a Marwari household! He

had his first taste of business when he was

merely 10. As a young boy he loved reading

comics, and couldn't have enough of them. So,

when he asked for new ones he was told by his

mother that he could only buy new ones when

he started earning. He took the words of his

mother very seriously and literally. Having re-

alized that his classmates loved comics as well,

and they would often read them in their free

classes or the recess, he started a mini library

of his own, where he would lend books to his

class mates and simultaneously earn enough

money to buy himself new comics. He had to

put an end to this venture of his when his

mother realized the source of all the newly

found comic book stacks in his room!

In 2005, Mudit’s family business went through

a separation and the business entrusted upon

his father was suffering from losses. At this cru-

cial juncture, he decided to join his family

business and

within a period of

10 months the fa-

ther-son duo got

the trailing busi-

ness back on

track, and it has

steadily been

growing since


Somewhere in the

final year of his

graduation, Mudit

was intrigued by the rich cultural heritage that

he belonged to. Having grown up in a very con-

ducive atmosphere for spiritual pursuits, he at-

tended the Youth Empowerment Programme

conducted by Chinmaya Mission and studied

the various texts from the scriptures. The course

helped him to widen his vision and think be-

yond the conventional means of doing work.

These texts helped him in his business and out-

look towards finance, economics, strategic man-

agement etc. He studied the wisdom of the an-

cient Rishis, the great sages and philosophers,

whose theories to him, were not merely theo-

ries, but knowledge worth imbibing in his life.

For instance, he finds “Vibhishana Geeta” as one

of the best books on leadership and manage-

ment that he has come across. With this back-

ground, he joined the Family Business Manage-

ment programme of NMIMS University which

was one of the turning points in his life. This

course gave him two very important elements:

exposure and knowledge.

Mudit Agarwal

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Both are equally important and they helped

him in restructuring his business accordingly.

The most important aspect of this intensive

course was, that it helped him direct his think-

ing as an entrepreneur and have a greater vi-


During his journey through the MBA he was

beginning to realize the importance and ad-

vantages of Branding and Marketing. So, some-

where in the middle of his course he had start-

ed thinking of a new name for his venture that

could give him a pan India presence and help

create an identity in the market. He wanted to

create an “Umbrella Brand” that would cover

all his future endeavours. Thus the name had

to be striking and something that would create

curiosity at the same time. Also he wanted to

add a touch of spirituality in the name so that

it would be a constant source of inspiration for

everyone associated with it. That’s when the

name “Advaitaa” came to him. “Advaitaa” is a

Sanskrit word, which literally means “The

One”. He consulted a few of his professors re-

garding this, but they asked him to find a bet-

ter name as it was too long and difficult to pro-

nounce. But somehow he just couldn’t give up

this name and stuck by it. So he began working

with a logo designer on the name and tried ap-

plying all that he had learnt so far in MBA, for

example, subconscious branding, color

schemes etc.

By February 2011, Advaitaa Enterprises had

been launched as a Partnership Firm, dealing

with supplies of capital equipment to mining,

pharmaceutical, hotel, power and process in

dustries, in and around Goa. After the comple-

tion of his MBA, Mudit started working on the

marketing of his new brand. Within a period of

one year, “Advaitaa Enterprises” has created its

own brand identity in the market. Now, he is

looking at new opportunities to expand the

business at a national scale.

He is currently working on a Joint Venture with

a company from Singapore under the name,

“Advaitaa Green Energies Pvt. Ltd.” This venture

deals with waste management and power gener-

ation. When asked what made you think of en-

tering into this business, Mudit says, “Where

there is man, there is bound to be waste! But on

a more serious note, as of now there is no proper

system of managing waste in India and it is

simply dumped into a landfill”. So he plans to

install a fully automated MSW separator system

which would separate out all the waste materials

like paper, plastic, metal and organics. The or-

ganic waste will then be harnessed to produce

high amounts of electricity and heat energy, e.g.

a 40,000 ton plant would produce around 6700

MW of power annually. At the same time the

compost that would come out would be in the

form of a rich organic fertilizer, thus making it a

complete “wealth out of waste” project.

He aims at creating an umbrella branding for

Advaitaa and diversifying into various segments

in the market. He also aims at creating a com-

plete eco-city, which would be self sustaining

and designed using recycled material.

As mentioned earlier, a dynamic and vibrant

persona with multiple interests; Mudit is also a

master healer and Vastu expert. His areas of

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expertise cover a wide range healing like Karu-

na Reiki, Cosmic Healing, Prarthana Dhyan

etc. He also conducts workshops on interesting

and relevant topics such as Discovering your

True Potential, Know your Mind and its Poten-

tial, Be a Leader, Strategic Management, Power

of Thought etc. for corporates and youth. His

other interests include Photography, and Ad-

venture Sports such as River Rafting, Bungee

Jumping, and Trekking.

For him, the vision of Advaitaa Enterprises, per-

vades not only business, but every thought and

action. This is the eternal message, given in the

one of the most renowned management manu-

als, for every individual who wishes to succeed…

“Where there is vision and acumen along with

readiness to act with conviction, there would be

fortune, victory, power and virtue”

- Bhagvad Gita

For more details please visit

-Tanika Naik

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aami shOtti bOlchi..

Having secured a place in one of the top B-

schools of the country, the Kolkatan inside

me wasn’t exactly ecstatic about how I was

being hailed by my peers and friends. I

could recognize in their eyes that now-that-


will-finally-get-your-due look. Flattery,

though invariably gratifying, now seemed to

demand a tradeoff of my loyalty for my be-

loved hometown – the place where I was

born and where I’d love to breathe my last.

During my stay in Mumbai, I often used to

wonder which dream they were referring to

when they’d named it the ‘City of Dreams’.

Back here during my year-break, I bore

witness to two incidents which moved me to

the point of breaking the cantilever beam

that connected the cords of my heart to the

Rabindra Setu.

I returned on possibly the most eventful

30th March in Indian history. And if the Han-

uman-Chalisa-muttering lady beside me

was anything to go by, even the gods were

watching [apart from the one who was

playing for India, of course]. The pilot was

continually providing us with the India vs.

Pakistan semi-final updates, each time re-

peating the phrase “For those interested in

cricket”: more of a truism in a nation like

India. Post touching base, the Netaji Sub-

hash Chandra Bose International Airport

was its usual messy self. Methinks the rea-

son why the award for “The shabbiest air-

port in the world” had never been institut-

ed was because there is just one contend-

er, nominee and hands-down winner for it.

The common sight of running

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out of cabs in the Pre-paid taxi counter was

preceded by the rarer sight of people pick-

ing up their baggage and heading straight

for the seating arena where the nail-biter

was being telecast. And as if our neighbors

weren’t springing enough surprises al-

ready, a cat suddenly sprang into sight

from nowhere. Finding reassurance from

the airport officials alias PETA endorsers, it

strolled around majestically akin to the

head of the feline family. And in the most

Charlie Sheen way possible, I quipped:

“Welcome to Calcutta!”

On Wednesday nights, as Bandish ironical-

ly broke the shackles of the Someplace

Else doors to fill my ears with nostalgia, I’d

drive through the once-so-glorious

Park Street. And every time I’ve stepped

out of my house during the fortnight of my

stay, I’ve wondered what major transfor-

mation Calcutta has undergone in the past

two decades apart from a blasphemous re-

christening, something which gives IIM-C a

run for its identity. Here is a city whose leg-

acy includes the remains of a Nandan the-

atre – a hotbed for lovers to give vent to

their carnal desires; an overcrowded Metro

train – which has been aced by the city that

has rightfully succeeded Calcutta as the

capital of India; corporate Calcutta’s apple-

of-the-eye Flury’s - flanked by a charred

Stephen’s Court – and an Usha Uthup

who’s trying a little too hard to reignite the

Trincas/Moulin Rouge magic a la Parinee-

ta. As I read the dailies submerged in re-

gionalism and feel the winds of change in

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change in the political theatre of West Ben-

gal, I wonder what metamorphosis can pos-

sibly occur in a place which is caught be-

tween the devil and the deep blue sea.

A sentimental Bengali often retorts that in

today’s time, it is one of the safest cities in

the world. This may very well be the case

but could it also be because Calcutta is also

the most un-happening city in the

world? May be it has not been fortuitous in

escaping terrorists’ attention but been pur-

posely ignored as irrelevant. Ask a celebrity

what they love about the city and all you’d

hear is the stereotyped "warmth", "K.C.

Das’ roshogolla" and "Tewari’s samosa". The

same old celebrated names: L.N. Mittal,

Bipasha Basu, Amartya Sen, Arundhati Roy,

Sourav Ganguly, et al. Here’s a city which

makes you wonder whether it deserves the

Metropolitan tag. Our cinema reeks of pla-

giarism and melodrama, we have merely St.

Xaviers’ as the sole custodian of good col-

lege education; Sabyasachi Mukherjee

seems to be the lone flag-bearer of fashion

in the international arena. We’ve gladly cho-

sen mediocrity over development in a bid to

retain a fast-waning culture and yet prefer

Pink Floyd to Tagore. And apart from all the

similitude with erstwhile East Pakistan, an

analogy that comes to mind is that of the

Gentlemen’s Game. Calcutta – a lost lega-

cy to take heart from – resembles the Bang-

ladesh Cricket Team: we all know it has po-

tential; we all know it has a positive slope;

but we also know deep down that it will

never make it beyond the quarters in

a World Cup.

Recently, I saw the Kolkata episode of CNN

IBN’s special edition on different cities.

Much to my surprise, it also featured a sen-

ior from my college representing the fates

of millions of fresh graduates for whom be-

ing held back in Kolkata was a euphemism

for being trapped. The PWCs and Wipros of

Sector 5 being the only glimmers of hope

of industrialization, Kolkata is more like the

Jama Masjid: splendid yet ancient. Apart

from an overstated IPL franchise – glamor-

ous on account of ownership rather

than performance, a bad customer service

department astride of the city and a sizea-

ble number of Facebook users, the modern

Bengali has little to rejoice about and even

little to choose from barring medi-

cine, engineering, journalism and now

modeling as a career.

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And now for the last nail in

the coffin. Having not had

enough of lady-long-legs

combo-pack Bips & Deeps

in Sippy Jr.’s latest whodun-

it, I stepped out of Saltlake

City Centre’s Inox to find

that it was drizzling. My rev-

erie of the Shovabazar

lounge ghat waters swelling

was interrupted by the

sound of water dripping.

As I stirred out humming the

soulful “Jiyein Kyun”, I saw

in the middle of the mall

two soiled buckets juxta-

posed to prevent spillage of

water that was dripping

from the top-floor ceiling.

That; in one of the premier

malls of the city.

This was like taking water

preservation to a whole new

level. As I stormed out vigor-

ously nodding my head in

disillusionment, my Mumbai

friend’s innocuous ques-

tion sounded more sarcas-

tic to me than funny: “So

what does your Kolkata


P.S.: Recently a close friend of mine was dumped by his girlfriend and the reason she

gave him was that he was “all heart and no brains”. For once, I was scared for my dear,

dear city, Kolkata!

-Ayush Agarwal

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The GPI has always been at the forefront of

drug discovery and has been responsible for

improving the quality of life in the last 100

years. This is vindicated in the fact that aver-

age life expectancy has almost doubled in

the last century, and diseases like small pox

and polio have been eradicated while diseas-

es like cancer and TB are being successfully

treated. Hence, the GPI clocked very high

growth rates and

profitability till

the nineties but in

the new millenni-

um it has sudden-

ly lost steam. In

the nineties the

GPI grew in

healthy double

digits but in new


growth has always

been in single digits with the last 3 years av-

erage growth being only 5%.

The current GPI stands at $850 billion sales

growing at 5%. North America accounts for

45% global market share followed by Europe

30%, Japan 12% and rest of the world 13%. A

consolidation is evident with the Top 10

firms accounting for over 50% of GPI sales

from less than 30% in 1995 due to a spate of

acquisitions which has blurred geographies,

Industry Insights: Global Pharmaceutical Industry (GPI)

led to extinction of well known firms, and created

behemoths who have lost the drive for innova-

tion, a key ingredient of pharmaceutical success

in the past.

Research shows that 4 key factors drive GPI

growth- new drugs, existing drugs, price increase

and new geographies.

Growth from new drugs- Lack of innovation

and stricter regulatory

scrutiny have ensured that

the number of new drugs

discovered has drastically

reduced from 30 per year

to 20 or less in the last

decade despite doubling of

R&D expenditure in the

same period. Patents of

major drugs worth $300

billion are slated to expire

in the period 2010-2015

thus causing a huge gap in sales unlikely to be

filled up by revenues from new drugs. Generic

drug players from emerging nations who enjoy

cost advantages have huge opportunity to play in

the void created by patent expiries. However

newer class of molecules like biologicals are driv-

ing growth in new products with their versatility

to address multiple indications like cancer, rheu-

matoid arthritis, psoriasis and hepatitis, and com-

mand premium prices.

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Growth from existing drugs- Existing drugs

yield growth from various stages of their

lifecycle as also by being approved for newer

indications and in newer markets. A recent

trend is observed towards combination of

drugs especially in cardiovascular (Caduet),

Diabetes (Janumet) and respiratory segments

(Advair) which can drive sales of existing mol-

ecules. Also, there has been a huge increase in

the number of drugs recalled due to safety

issues and side effects causing concern among

consumers and prescribers of such drugs, as

well as the regulatory authorities.

Growth from price increase- While there is

free market pricing in the US, there are strin-

gent price controls on drugs across EU, Japan

and India which results in erosion in the sales

value. However new drugs command premi-

um prices.

Growth from new geographies- The emerg-

ing markets (BRIC, South Africa, Mexico, Tur-

key, South Korea) account for less than 10% of

GPI sales but are responsible for 50% of GPI

growth as they grow at 3 to 4 times the GPI

growth. Key drivers include growing penetra-

tion of drugs due to increasing incomes, ac-

cess to markets and medical insurance. Better

nutrition, medical facilities and health infra-

structure are resulting in significant increase

in life expectancy which is exposing the senior

population to newer and rarer forms of can-

cer, as well as kidney, brain and ophthalmo-

logical diseases and disorders.

Dr Amit Rangnekar is an MBA and PhD from

NMIMS with 2 decades of pharmaceutical

industry experience and 1 decade of teach-

ing and research experience across India

and Europe. His PhD research was on the

business strategies of the world’s leading

pharmaceutical firms.

He can be contacted on amitrangne-

[email protected] or on his website

The younger generation, due to higher incomes,

affluent but stress filled lifestyles and westerni-

zation of food habits, are contracting serious

diseases like cardiac problems, diabetes, obesity

and depression. A significant increase in the

number of working women in urban areas is re-

sulting in an increase in cardiovascular disor-

ders, mental health issues and diabetes among


The future lies in strategic alliances with innova-

tors and quality conscious players from emerg-

ing markets, targeting new technologies, inten-

sifying research in unmet needs and under-

standing demographic changes and disease pat-

terns, to attain pole position.

-Dr Amit Rangnekar

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Technology shift towards ERP solutions-

Is it required. ..?!?!

Have you ever wondered why technology is so

important once you start own your business

and most of all which accounting system to

use? The answer would depend on your initial

investment budget. The best solution would be

to install SAP or one of ORACLE’s ERP system

would also work fine. Unfortunately these pack-

ages cost a bomb and aren’t exactly affordable

for every business. However, let there be no

doubt that once installed they will solve a major

technical requirement issue. There are a num-

ber of companies in India such as JILIT, In-

fosys, TCS and a lot of other software providers

that offer better deals but whom do you go to

remains a perplexing dilemma. It all depends

on your investment amount and specific re-


The lowest investment required for a decent

ERP system is around 1-2 lakhs that will pro-

vide you a whole lot of features. You could start

with one of the local players in the market who

has a good record in the ERP customization

business. It could also be the installation of a

Tally ERP system and then getting it custom-

ized by one of the private partners. So far, Tally

has focused on the small office and home of-

fice (SOHO) segment. Hence it is not surprising

that of the 250,000 companies using Tally

ERP, a majority of them fall in the SOHO cate-

gory, while the remaining are large enterprises.

If you are looking at a low budget good ac-

counting system along with other minor require-

ments then Tally ERP9 is the perfect choice.

I have a Student management system custom-

ized on my Tally ERP9 series and it has made

things a whole lot easier. It gives clear infor-

mation about everything from outstanding fees,

to library records, to student information, to

payrolls, etc and arranges it month-wise. It also

provides features like online integration &

online SMS.

The whole idea behind switching to an ERP

solution is to make things easy, but most im-

portantly it saves up so much of your valuable


The key towards investing in technology is to

know the areas of requirement which you un-

derstand once you have started your business.

Previously an entrepreneur would think of as-

pects such as land, labour etc. and only then

would he think about technology but nowadays

you have to think of technology at the same


In the United States, Microsoft has become the

ERP darling for SMB (small and midsize busi-

ness) organizations. Since 2000, Microsoft has

acquired Great Plains (which was previously

acquired by RealWorld and Solomon) and

Navision (who previously acquired Axapta). Ep-

icor and Infor are the middle market kings in

America while SAP and Oracle are the world

leaders in the ERP business.

-Carl Louis Ward

























E ??





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Inter-State Competition the only way forward...?

While visiting my father's factory

in New Delhi sometime back, I

observed something out of the

ordinary. The complex that was

usually bustling with factory work-

ers and labourers, working hard

to earn a living, was nowhere

close to what it had always been.

The sun was out but the machine

noises and sweaty workers were

gone. The eerie feeling brought

with it many thoughts, but I decid-

ed to settle my nerves by blaming

it on "Recession" and "Slowing

up of the Industry".

On coming back and giving it a

thought I tried exploring in my

head "What's going on?" Think-

ing over what had happened and

browsing through channels on

TV, I saw what was unfolding in

Gujarat and Bihar. The Tata

Nano project which was initially

planned in Singur, West Bengal,

was shifted to Gujarat by none

other than Mr. Narendra Modi. In

Bihar on the other side, Mr. Nitish

Kumar, Chief Minister of a state

most Indians had little hope from,

was rising like a phoenix from the


He had a very successful policy

for corruption in place, wherein if

assets could not be accounted

for by an official, they would be

seized by the state and then be

used for making a hospital or

school. More importantly he was

doing something that pulled back

Biharis spread all over India. He

was creating jobs! Real estate

development was in full swing

and MNC's were being invited to

take the state away from its dark


Both these men were doing great

service to their state, but how

was it all connected? Delhi pri-

marily depends on workers and

labourers from Bihar and facto-

ries like my father’s run because

of them. Now, due to home

grown job creation in their home

states, a major chunk of these

workers had fled back to their

hometown to earn their liveli-

hood. As a result, Delhi was get-

ting deprived of its primary

source of labour. Hence, compa-

nies were always on a lookout for

workers and wage demands had

gone up.

This maybe considered a sin by

some, but if you look at the big-

ger picture it was benefiting

somebody else. A loss of one

was the gain of another!

This competition that was hap-

pening between states clearly

shows that if every state com-

petes with every other state, In-

dia as a whole will pros-

per. Looking from an economic

point of view, if there are new

jobs, the purchasing power of

people increases, the state bene-

fits and the masses get uplifted.

Whatever was happening in Sin-

gur and whatever was the out-

come, one thing is for sure that a

whole lot of potential new jobs

were lost. The state will now

have to wait a while till it gets an-

other opportunity as lucrative as

the Tata Nano Project.

-Anshul Sood

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I was barely 18 when I got into college. I was the youngest in my family and had always heard

about college life from my elder brother and sister. Infact much to my sisters dissatisfaction and

dismay I had taken her to buy me a whole new wardrobe for the ‘ahem’ college days!

And I was the same 18 when my mother was diagnosed with cancer, a type of stomach cancer so

rare and aggressive that it could not be cured or reversed. Despite all this we hoped and were posi-

tive that it would go back. This had happened to the person I loved the most in this world, who

was there for me whenever I needed her and even when I wanted to be left alone. My mum was

my best friend.

College began and at the same time mums surgery took place. Despite all the pain and

trouble she was going through she smiled back and told me that “We are fighters and we

should shine -come what may.”

She began with her chemotherapy and radiation sessions all the while smiling and giving us

all this immense hope that all is going to be just fine. There were times when I would be deeply

distressed seeing her condition and she would tell me to be hopeful and carry on with my life as I

would otherwise. My first college exams came and she told me to not worry about her and give in

my full 100%. She told me to remember to shine. She asked me to get into all extra curricu-

la's that were in college which I did, to try being the class representative which I became, to com-

pete in all programmes of college in which I could and there too I did well.

To shine – just for her

(This article was published in March 2010 in Chicken Soup for Indian College Students)

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All because she was asking me to shine de-

spite what trouble there was at home. Post her

chemo and radiation she started to do a little

better, only for the demon to come back. And

this time there was nothing that could be

done. Not even chemo or radiation to post-

pone the spreading of the tumour. It came just

6 months before my sisters wedding. The doc-

tors advised us to prepone the wedding and

keep it a low key affair.

But my mum was determined that she shall do

the wedding as it was decided and she would

also see to it that it be just the way she had

planned her daughters wedding to be. Very

close to the wedding she had told me that it is

your sisters moment to shine and come what

may we will not take it away from her. We all

will shine with her.

The wedding came and it was beautiful. My

mum would rest the whole day and in the

evening during the ceremonies would come

out smiling despite her pain in her best

clothes and jewels. And together my whole

family would work to make my mums dream

come alive of a great wedding despite of what-

ever pain she was having. She would play the

perfect host-smiling, mingling and entertain-

ing. In the end it did go down as she had

planned it to be.

We lost mum just after 4 months of didi’s wed-

ding. Just when my exams were close at hand.

needless to say it was the most difficult time of

my life, but this time I had to prove some-

thing to my mum. Despite being the youngest

and the most spoilt I was going to prove to her

that I am her son and so I had to shine -come

what may.

I tried to put away all the pain that was in me

and gave in my energies to concentrate for my

exams. All the while remembering my mums

word to shine. This time I wanted to shine for

her –only her. The exams came and they went

well. Infact the results proved that they went

very well. I got a distinction and a rank to

match. I was awarded for many curricula's I

participated in that year.

Now 19 years of age, and I still give my best

shot for doing everything in my college days.(I

still have to again go buy my new wardrobe for

the years ahead in college!). I participate wher-

ever I can and try to keep shining so that she

can smile and shine from where she is and this

I shall continue for the rest of my life.

To shine- just for her!

Miss you always…

Hamza Puthawala

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Have you ever wondered what makes people think out of the box? What drives them so crazy about their work that they leave everything else aside and put their heart and soul in pursuing their dreams?

It is the passion that encompasses every other emotion in an entrepre-neur.

This is a story of two home-grown entrepreneurs who went ahead and pursued their dreams. One dared to think different by starting some-thing so unique of his own, while the other did things differently and took his family business to new heights.

So lets meet the dynamic duo - Nipun Jain & Mayank Jain and know

how it all started.

Meet The Jain’s

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Nipun much like his grandfather and father has done his civil engineering. He is on the verge of completing his masters in Family Business Management from NMIMS. Nipun has planned to follow his father’s footsteps and take on his 25 year old strong family busi-ness to give a new meaning and scale it up to greater horizons.

The Business

Jain Engineers Pvt. Ltd. are a well known group in the construction industry.

Nipun’s primary business is of landing con-tracts from real estate developers for con-struction of residential colonies, commercial development and IT parks. They currently op-erate from Mumbai with a second office in Hyderabad and have plans to scale up in South and East India in the near future. All their major projects are in line to start soon.

Their second line of business is Real Es-tate Development, which is looked after by Nipun since its inception in 2009. He was involved in the business since his engi-neering days. He had already planned his future course of action right after complet-ing his Bachelors. He fulfilled his father’s dream of setting up the Real Estate Devel-opment division.

Nipun shares his experience with us.

Remembering the times of struggle he says, “At first, it was completely going hay-wire. I had a hundred myriad things planned, but I didn't know where to start. For days, I did nothing but sit and think on how to go about it and what should be the line of action. I’m sure every start-up and every individual who gets into business faces this in the initial stages. The chal-lenge at that point of time was how to go ahead and join all the different pieces to-gether. I struggled a lot initially as I was new to the business and the business was also new to me.

But I appreciate my dad for believing in my potential. He left me completely on my own, didn't help me when I was clueless and made me run around and find out things on my own which I think is a very important learning for every businessman. I even made mistakes that cost the com-pany financially but was never questioned in the family, was just made aware about them.”

This inevitable ‘journey’ is what every en-

trepreneur goes through - from being

clueless about everything to making










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errors, from taking responsibility of the mis-takes to rectifying them and finally achiev-ing success. It is very crucial for an entre-preneur to make a wise decision with mini-mal choices in hand. Likewise, it is very im-portant for an entrepreneur to work on the nitty gritties of the business to take it to the next level. He has to learn to explore things on his own. There’s one such experience that Nipun shared with us.

“My first real test came in 2010 when we were in talks with a developer who wanted to sell his land. But at the same time, my dad already had plans of going abroad. So I had to take up the work. We completed the initial rounds of negotiation and final-ized on the commercials. I, along with my solicitor, had to interpret the legal drafting of the documents that they had prepared, give our views and had to negotiate with them on many points. The whole process was extremely crucial because it was a big deal for us and a lot of money was in-volved; so even a little mistake here or there, could have had a negative impact on the deal. Fortunately, everything went smooth and perfect. That particular phase taught me a lot about legal implications of a business and how to effectively deal with it.”

It was the experiences that Nipun had dur-ing these crucial periods in business that compelled him to look for a good manage-ment education. Also, the major work that he had projected for the next 1-1.5 years involved legal work and liasoning, i.e clear-ing the land documents and getting various permissions for starting the project. He be-lieved he could manage this work along with his education.

He thus enquired about different courses in management and finally found that an MBA in Entrepreneurship & Family Business from NMIMS would meet his criterion. He be-lieved that the course would provided him with perspectives of different businesses that will help him differentiate and under-stand his business more efficiently. Not to mention, it opens up new avenues and pro-vides newer business ideas.

The Balancing act

Nipun says, “Since developing the Real Es-tate Division was my complete responsibil-ity, I had to manage work and education to-gether. It was difficult at first due to the hec-tic schedules that we had. But since we got the weeks’ schedule in advance, I planned my work accordingly. I tried to fit the working time in the empty slots that we had.”

Our Take

Sky is the limit if you really have a burning

desire to succeed in life. Failures and mis-

takes are an inevitable part of an entrepre-

neur’s journey but learning from them and

taking the responsibility are the signs of a

good entrepreneur. Don’t be afraid of com-

mitting mistakes as it teaches more than

what success ever can. It takes an extra mile

to reach the pinnacle of success.

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They spoke to family and friends in order to gauge their comfort level about donating online. They also contacted a few NGOs and realised that this idea would definitely work if executed well. “We started working on the website. Simultaneously, we started building a database of NGO’s and launched the website on May 15, 2011”, reveals Kosal. Mayank joined the operation as the third co-founder when the website was launched.

It is a portal that serves as an online plat-form for anyone who wishes to make some contribution towards the society. The portal acts as a bridge between the under-privileged and those willing to help them. If you have any item that could be of use to the needy, the website will provide you the means to reach them. The basic question for the trio was - ‘How do you find someone who needs exactly what you no longer need?’ People have lots of items lying around that they would

A regular guy from Lucknow who managed to carve a niche for himself. Mayank has done his Maths Honours from Hansraj College, Delhi Univer-sity. Post his graduation, he worked with Edelweiss Capital as an Investment Advisor & then with Aon Hewitt as an As-sociate. He is currently pursu-ing his MBA in Entrepreneur-ship at NMIMS. Mayank has always tried to stand out in whatever he does and one can always expect the unexpected from him. After a two year stint in the corpo-rate world, he was convinced that he was meant to do something more meaningful in life. A presentation which was meant to be on a management book took a wild turn when Mayank presented his version of ‘Madhushala’ in a completely “new avatar“. But what was so different about it? He de-rived management interpretations from the various verses of the magnum opus that was written by the legendary Harivanshrai Bacchan. Impressed by his work, Prof. Re-bello asked him to give lectures in various management colleges in Mumbai and Delhi. Despite pursuing an MBA, his life hardly re-volved around PowerPoint presentations. He was always involved with various activities like theatre, business events etc. He wanted to do something out of the league. He was lucky to meet like minded people like Deeksha and Kosal who were already work-












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never use in day-to-day life and they do not know what to do with it. At the same time, there are people who do not have the privi-lege and purchasing power to own such items. With e-daan, they have tried to fill the gap between the two. e-Daan allows people to donate with just one click on the website. As the portal is very convenient to use, people need not go out of their way to reach out to the needy. Since then, e-Daan has been receiving very good response from the youth across the country. “In fact, we are looking to partner with vari-ous schools and colleges to seek students’ involvement in donating as well as volun-teering”, says Deeksha. Elaborating on the inception of this unique venture, the trio says “The database was built by both online and offline resources. We contacted NGOs in various cities to understand their material requirements and get their ad-dress details. Also, we were in touch with a few NGOs even before we started operat-ing. Every time we get a request from a new location (based on the pin code), we identify an NGO in that location to whom we can donate the necessary items and then facilitate the transaction.” Charity crossing boundaries “e-Daan has made us realise the im-portance of meaningful charity – getting the right resources to the right people at the right time,” says Deeksha. Even a small step towards a meaningful charity can make a big difference.

-Khushboo Doshi

-Mitalee Mehta

-Harsha Haridas

One does not necessarily need to be working on the field or even be physically present somewhere to give back to socie-ty. With the technological advances in mod-ern times, it has become extremely easy to even operate via a mobile phone and do something for the underprivileged. Mayank works for 10-15 hours every week depending on the number of requests and also works towards new collaborations. Coordinating with prospective donors and NGos are all done over conferences and emails. With time, their area of operation has only expanded and e-daan will soon reach out to many more cities. This venture is a true example of an adage ‘Where there is a will – there is a way’. The-se three youngsters wanted to make a dif-ference and give back to society. With a few brainstorming sessions and the Inter-net, they have achieved what many of us can only dream of. So if you ever want to donate, you know where to go. Making a difference is just a click away.

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Life after FMB

The God of Small


Now that the death knell has been sounded off on

our academic voyages, we get ready for the cus-

tomary yet never-ending goodbyes. Nostalgia

seeps in slowly, numbing the senses a little...a

much-needed tranquilizer before being injected

by the “The-umbilical-cord-has-been-cut-off”


But before we resume with renewed fervour, a

word! Look back a little! So, in retrospect, who

won? On hindsight, was it really about winning? I

remember some of my ambitious batch-mates,

who’d ‘arrived’ at this premier B-school with the

burning desire to make it all count: the best

grades, the best jobs, the works! I’m all for ambi-

tion and winning spirit. May be it’s easier to com-

ment sitting at the fence, when the stakes aren’t

as high for you. That being said, guess who had

the last laugh? Ironically, the rhetorical question

gives us a lot of answers.

As you sit down to introspect in one of those Ar-

istotle poses that could give The Thinker a run

for its money, you realize that some who appear

lucky to you might have deserved it throughout;

some others who were always the frontrunners

might have taken their lead for granted, while

some dark horses had it coming all along but you

were too myopic to see it; maybe because you

never wanted to. And once the selfless human

practice of judging others before ourselves sub-

sides, you reach the Achilles heel that you’d been

dodging all along. The turn of events startles you.

You either start feeling short-changed and enter a

self-reassurance spree. You extract help from hy-

potheses one and/or two. 1. Life is fair (a pre-

sumption whose validity is highly subject to de-

bate). 2. God is on my side (this one’s for ‘the’ be-

lievers). In the wake of this (biased) logic, follows

the most clichéd girlfriend line that has ever been

devised: “There are better things in store for you.”

The other side to this escapist coin is the possibil-

ity of you having been lucky to bag a job which

your heart knows you were under-qualified for. In

such cases, you use either of the following falla-

cies for solace. 1. People have no clue how much

I’ve been through in the past. 2. Mom was right,

hard-work can indeed do miracles.

However, these rationalizations are just that: ra-

tionalizations; mere notions, which don’t change

facts. The fact is that in life it won’t matter even-

tually if you win or not. Because, newsflash - win-

ning is but a myth! A winner is one who has

something that stirs him to get up every morning;

one who still has something to live for. If you

have nothing that keeps you going, how does that

make you a winner? And if that’s true, by extrap-

olation, you can never really win, in absolute

terms. And yet we spend the lion’s share of our

lives thinking about winning; trying every trick in

the book to race ahead of the herd: which ironi-

cally makes us such an integral part of it...placing

the destination above everything else; even above

the journey that leads us to it. Being ungrateful,

nonetheless, isn’t all that new to humans, after

all.Remember your first few months post break-

up. What did you miss most: the inconsequential

good-night texts, the flirty wake-up calls, the

sweet nothings. Unless you’re a Gujrati or a

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Madwadi, you seldom miss the moolah that you

invested in buying a ring for her or the little cash

that you sneaked out of your dad’s wallet to buy

him a shirt. In fact, these are the things that you

pride yourself in. Ask any corporate hotshot, how

many times in a day he thinks of his profile or

remuneration. Except in bonus meetings or at

parties/weddings where every father is out to

prove that his ward turned out better than Shar-

maji and Guptaji's sons, designations provide lit-

tle comfort but for the fact that assigning num-

bers to posts would’ve made life difficult.

And the winner at such social dos has little to do

with his son’s actual credentials. More often than

not, it is a victory of the boaster’s convincing abil-

ity (yet again, GD skills come in handy). Once in

a while, when you bump into an old friend – who

had the same starting point as yours – or when

your chauffeur does the door for you, you derive

momentary satisfaction that you’ve persevered

your way above some other mortals. However,

most of the times, the thought that drives you

mad is why your secretary thinks your manner-

isms are gay-ish. The one that makes you cuddle

in your wife's arm for a little mommy love is:

“Why does Boss never greet me in the morning?”

Death or divorce, it’s always the little something's

that keep us ticking. Human beings are percep-

tive creatures: the trivia takes up a lot of our

mindshare. So what really counts? Euphemistical-

ly speaking, a pair! Being what you truly are. As a

great man (read: yours truly) once said, “I don’t

want to make everyone happy. I prefer being hon-

est!” Just because some douche bags, who’re inca-

pable of hard work, told you that networking

helps you jump rungs in the corporate ladder,

doesn’t make it true.

The relationships that spur growth are based on

mutual respect born out of sheer hard work and

time-tested trust. Why else would somebody, how-

ever close, put their own credibility at stake by re-

ferring you?

Although, now we judge the veracity of these

claims in our mad bid to succeed, one day we’d

agree that it was ok to be stupid. Goofing up was

absolutely normal; in fact innate to humans, but

we just needed someone else to tell us that. And

just like a value investor pays most of his attention

to the kinks of the yield curve, we’d remember on-

ly the silliness and the insanity. Akin to the remi-

niscence of childhood, we’d miss the innocuous

spontaneity the most, one that maturity would’ve

long devoured. And if you’re a true future CEO,

you’d have the foresight to peer through the mist

and sit atop the post-retirement armchair now,

when the dusk of life would be at hand and you’d

know that it was all so true. The E, at the centre of

CEO, is for execution, after all. I’m not really an LP

fan, “But, in the end. It doesn’t even matter!”

-Ayush Agarwal

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Year B K 2012

NMIMS E & FB Presents

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Class representative: People

thought only these two would

contest- a want to be popular

delhiite and an overly participa-

tive senior student. Who wins? A

jack-in-the-box with a fake ac-

cent who is atleast 30 minutes

late for class.


mic groups:


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“ Life is not the number of breaths

you take , but the moments that take your

breath away…!!!

Induction day: new faces, new names, accommodation jugaads, some funny in-troductions, some totally absurd. some geeky students, some showy and some utterly bratty.

Some snippets of the longest vacation of our life….

Mumbai Yatra: primarily

targeted to acquaint out-

station students to Maya

nagari but it compelled the

localites to see tyanchi-

Mumbai in a new light.

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Statistics class:

Lecture timings - dreadful ( 10

minutes or locked doors)

Professor - brilliant

Student’s grades - awful

Before the class- practice sums kiya?

After the class - cheeky mimicry

Most heard dialogue - stats mein toh

lagi padi hai !!!

Corporate social responsibility:

This course was taken literally by

a bunch of students who wanted

to save the class from a bossy

professor. It was a 'Simon-go

back' of sorts with daredevils

walking out on the professor and

proudly labeling themselves as


“ Life is not the number of breaths

you take , but the moments that take your

breath away…!!!

Some snippets of the longest vacation of our life….

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Inspirus: the annual business fest saw

great level of commitment of each mem-

ber of the (actual) working committee.

Inspirus was a perfect blend of team-

work, sincerity, high voltage drama, fun,

mood swings, tantrums, opposition and fi-

nally a sense of triumph. It all began from

paisa nahi hai, speakers nahi hai, permis-

sions nahi hai to some great events

and seminars. Rule of thumb: everything

happens at the last moment!!!

Parties: the most vital part of a typical

family business student’s life. Freshers party, fare-

well party, luncheons, house parties - the list shall

never cease.

Catalyst: Alcohol and some more Alcohol

Complementing Element: Tobacco

Capacity: Tankers

Effects: a certain someone with a bro-

ken tooth, one with a lost cell phone,

shattered cocktail glasses, some got

kisses, some got bruises, some puked

through the night and some

laughed through the night.

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Parties: the most vital part of a typical

family business student’s life. Freshers party, fare-

well party, luncheons, house parties - the list shall

never cease.

Catalyst: Alcohol and some more Alcohol

Complementing Element: Tobacco

Capacity: Tankers

Effects: a certain someone with a bro-

ken tooth, one with a lost cell phone,

shattered cocktail glasses, some got

kisses, some got bruises, some puked

through the night and some

laughed through the night.

Outbound trips: The outbound trips at Karjat

and Neral were a welcome change. Perfectly or-

ganized tasks that challenged the body and the

mind saw immense involvement of the students.

But the one activity that saw emotions scaling

from complete reluctance to extreme excite-

ment was the mud obstacle task.

Key result- Adrenaline rush !

Examinations: Examinations were done to

death with them cropping up in every 45

days. Students spent more on photocop-

ies than books. And heck! Your grade de-

pended on the mugging parrots, the in-

betweeners and the block heads.

Not to forget, we remained a nightmare

for the invigilators. The exam hall was a

live circus and will always be cherished.

Interesting fact- nobody studied before

the impending night and nobody remem-

bered a thing after the exam.

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Presentations: It is easy to lose the count of

the number of presentations made. In most

probability, only one or maximum two mem-

bers in a group made the presentation

while the rest just jumped in. All presenta-

tions ended with an uproarious applause

which meant “Thank you for shutting up”.

Attendance: Proxies were the law of the land

and D* was a consolation prize. Attendance

sheet scrutiny earned itself the title of a RIT-

UAL. Physical attendance slumped during the 9

am class (thanks to the healthy habits of the

students) and gradually increased after lunch.

Mental attendance-Never mind!

It has been an eventful journey throughout, so event-

ful that all can’t be printed. But one thing that is

certain is that these two years will be cherished for-

ever and no matter what there will always be one day

when you would again want to be here.

Just here…!!!

-Urja Padwal

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Professors Speak...

Dr. Amit Rangnekar

I have been teaching the FMB students for six

years now and it has been an excellent experi-

ence. Many of the students are born entrepreneurs

raring to go, while others become 'business ready'

through the course. What is important in reaching

out to them is to convince them how your subject

would help them effectively manage and grow their

business. Once you win their confidence they put in their best efforts in every presenta-

tion and examination. Personally it is quite enriching as one gets an insight into various

businesses across industries- small, big, as well as old and new economy, which widens

my perspective.

Prof.Cajetan Dsouza

The course has been designed keeping the model

of family business in mind. I have been teaching this

course for the last 6 years and it has been a won-

derful experience for me. They have a laid back atti-

tude but they do absorb what is being taught to

them. Some of them have come to gain knowledge,

some to get a degree and some to learn from experience from the faculty here.

Their courses include Entrepreneurship, understanding business in changing global envi-

ronment, growing business in changing global environment, B2B Marketing, developing

business plans, CSR, besides the usual subjects of a MBA course.

(Visiting Faculty)

(Visiting Faculty)

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French Connection...!!!

What a wonderful city Marseille is! The first

few days of my visit to France were a combi-

nation of utterly exciting and equally terrify-

ing experiences. Often it is the little things

that surprises one the most. They are the

things you don't think about just before you

leave for some place new. Moreover, study-

ing in international settings is a whole new

experience. I honestly can't think of some-

thing better than this.

This entire experience has been challenging

as well as entertaining. It has also opened

my eyes to an incredible culture. It surprises

me that during the entire trip, never once did

I feel homesick!

Exploring every nook and cranny of Europe

was just marvellous and compelling.

People keep asking me what was the high-

light of my trip and I honestly am left unable

to answer. Isn’t this akin to asking a mother

of 3, who is her favourite child? I have so

many great memories to choose from, like

going skiing for the first time, skydiving, mil-

lions of funny conversations that resemble a

game of charades, going exploring with my

friends, studying in completely different

environs. If I could, I would like to go to

an exchange program like this again

and again.

Throughout my time in France, I have

learnt more about myself and the

world around me than I ever could

have done in a classroom and I have

no regrets whatsoever in regards to my

decision to go on an exchange pro-

gram. It’s important to be open to new

ways of doing things. You gain pre-

cious memories, friends and

knowledge that last a lifetime. The only

thing I can say is don’t enjoy yourself

so much that you forget to take photos!

-Jitenjal Kanti Sinha

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French Connection...!!!

First of all I would like to

thank NMIMS for giving

us the opportunity of stud-

ying one Trimester in

France. It was an amaz-

ing experience which not

only included study but

also gave us a chance to

visit several European

Countries. This foreign

exchange program is a

perfect package of Study,

Fun and Practical

exposure to different

People, Cultures, Prac-

tices, Infrastructure,

Languages and Disci-

pline. Those four

months gave me some

of the finest moments,

unforgettable memo-

ries and excellent learn-

ing opportunities.

-Yogesh Mandhani

I was a part of the Exchange

program to visit Rouen Busi-

ness School, France for a tri-

mester. It was indeed one of

the best learning experiences I

ever had. The inter-cultural ex-

changes along with world

class education helped me de-

velop my knowledge and per-

sonality. It gave me the chance

to explore different opportuni-

ties and understand business

on a larger scale.

This exchange program was

a booster for my self confi-

dence as well which helped

me broaden my perspective

towards the world at large. I

thank NMIMS for giving me

this wonderful opportunity to

be a part of this exchange

program to France.

-Ankita Jain

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My 4 months at EUROMED were one of the

best days I ever had in my academic career.

The first few days were really confusing and

tiring as I was not well versed with

French. But as the time passed by, I had ac-

quired enough skills to make myself clear to

the French, though not through words but

actions. This exchange programme not only

gave me an opportunity to study abroad but

also explore their culture and their beautiful

and scenic locations.

I had been there along with 9 other

friends from the course and can surely

say on behalf of all them that “We had

t h e t i m e o f o u r l i v e s ” .

Words merely cannot reflect my expe-

rience but to sum it up I would just say



—Tejas Jain

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Current batch


Piyush Ra


2 years! Wow, time surely does fly fast. When I came to Mumbai I was

not sure how I will stay away from my family, but right from the first

day at NMIMS, I had a new family and boy was it great! Right from walk-

ing out on teachers to playing all sorts of board games to studying every-

thing in the last second to coming to class just in time to get attendance

and all sorts of shenanigans in between.....we have done it all! Two years have left me with some

great memories and even greater friends.

Jigar Kabra

Nothing better than a two year MBA at NMIMS (Mumbai), where academic finesse coupled with the experience that this cosmopolitan city has to offer, turns one into an adroit adult.

Raghav Ra


First of all I would like to express my profound gratitude to all those

who have been instrumental in enriching my personality over the past

few years at NMIMS. "An Experience" is the catchword for anyone to

acquire knowledge, which I think has been accomplished successfully

during this course. "When you know where you are going, tell others, they might have directions

for getting there..." I am deeply grateful to all my friends and classmates for all the memorable

and cherishable experiences. This wonderful journey would have been incomplete without them.

Thank you to everyone for making the past two years worth living. Wishing you all the brightest

success in all your endeavours. Cheers!

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Kamesh Gupta

Exposure Exposure Exposure! That is what I came to Mumbai for and

have got to learn more than I thought I ever would. Choosing be-

tween colleges was always a difficult task but by joining NMIMS I

have no doubt that I made the right choice. These 2 years was great

fun. I got to know new people and within no time they became like a

second family

to me. There are two things I am taking back from this city and college….friends and professional-

ism. Seeing the spirit of people of Mumbai inspires me to never back down in life. There are lots of

memories to take home and I will miss this place a lot.

Anoop Agarwal

Coming to Mumbai for MBA was always exciting to me. It was only

NMIMS which made it possible. Last 2 years definitely were exciting

and filled with learning. MBA and my new found friends really taught me

pragmatism as well as professionalism. And above all, Mumbai gave me the

“way to live a life". It showed me the source of energy to face any unpre-

dictable challenges that may come in my life.

Jatin Goyal These 2 years is a phase of my life which transformed me from a stu-

dent to an Entrepreneur. They boosted my confidence and sense of be-

lief that yes, even I can do something big in life. Mumbai is the city

where people have no time for anything. The city is always running but

the people here make you realize that you are not alone. In a local train

where there is no space to stand but Mumbaikars always manage to find some space to adjust you along

-with them. Sitting outside the college having snacks with friends and the ensuing conversations packed

me with an altogether different type of energy. This white building of my beloved NMIMS always moti-

vated me. The funny fights to get inside the lift were another challenge as some professors would re-

fuse to mark you ‘present’ for the day if you are running late for your lectures. I will always proudly say

it, that I am part of NMIMS.

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Time & Tide …

Time and tide wait for none – why should it? But it is times like

these that I get my own answer. How I wish nature could stop its

clock for a moment, just a moment, so that we may relish these

last few days a little more. I had walked into this MBA program

knowing that the selection procedure would not be one that would

challenge the brainy ones but it wouldn’t be a cakewalk either –

especially if you don’t know what the US Sub-Prime crisis was –

that was the first serious question thrown to me by Dr. Sangita

Kamdar – one of the panelists!

Easy as it may sound, I got a call in 2 days time confirming my admission and although I was

happy, I was not elated. Had I made the right call? Was entrepreneurship really my passion or

was it an MBA degree I was in search of? Did an Industrial Engineering & Management gradu-

ate need to pursue an MBA? Or did it boil down to enjoying a 2-year paid vacation after my

‘long’ stint in the corporate world (10 months @Dell) ?

These questions were put to rest somehow, and holding my breath, looking at the NMIMS

stamp, I took the plunge – and man, what a moment that was!

Now when journey is near completion, there is happiness, excitement, hope, self-belief and

confidence. I am sure I made one of the greatest decisions of my life. Taking the risk was to-

tally worth it. There was a reason that I did not apply for a part-time MBA at another re-

nowned B-School and now looking back, that reason seems well justified.

It is definitely not the end, some would like to call this wishful thinking, but I’m sure the days

that will define your tomorrow are ahead of you and not ones that are past. So let the coming

days give all of us the mental strength and motivation to excel in our respective fields and

emerge if not bigger, but better individuals. Hail NMIMS !

Nikhil Adesara

Arpita Agarwal

Coming to Mumbai, to NMIMS was more than what I could have

dreamed off.. It was not only 2 years of education, but it was a

fun filled ride..which all of us don’t want to end. This course &

place has given us so many good friends & memories which will

stay alive in our hearts till eternity.

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Bunch of outstanding students who made it to the

Dean’s List. Congratulations!!!

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Ricken Gala

Represented NMIMS at

IIM-L, S.P. Jain & KJ

Somaya's in Football.

Stood 2nd in Football

at KJ Somaya's sports

festival-YUDH '12

Stood 2nd in Futsal at

IIM Lucknow's Var-


Nikhil Adesara

Represented NMIMS at IIM-L, S.P. Jain, KJ

Somaiya,VJTI in Cricket & Volleyball.

Represented NMIMS at IIM-L in Swimming

& Snooker. Won Silver in Swimming (Back

Stroke)& Snooker.

Won Gold in Volleyball in Arcadia


Kishan Jambur

Represented NMIMS at IIM-L,

S.P. Jain in Football.

Stood 2nd in Futsal at IIM Luck-

now's Varchasva'12

Keshav Lakhotia

Represented NMIMS

at IIM-L & S.P. Jain.

in Chess & Volleyball.

Won Gold in Volley-

ball in Arcadia Inter-


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Sr. no. Name Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

1 NIKHIL ADESARA United Engitech (P)

Ltd. Sheet Metal Fabrication

[email protected] 9431110436 0657-2757548/49 Jamshedpur Jharkhand

2 NIPPUN AGARWAL Balaji Filaments ltd. Textile Manufacturing [email protected] 9892281400 9892268889 022-66991014 Mumbai Maharashtra

3 NIKHIL AGARWAL Swastik Group Importers and Traders of Plas-tic raw material and Polymers

[email protected]

9999935599 011-22148010/20/30/40 Delhi

4 CHAHAT AGARWAL C.L. Aluminium Pvt.

Ltd. Manufacturing Steel and Alu-

minium [email protected]

9879406849, 07926760314

Ahmedabad Gujarat

5 ARPITA AGRAWAL Naval Calcutta Pvt.

Ltd. Craft paper & Board Manufac-

turing [email protected] 9833207969 Varanasi U.P.

6 ANOOP AGRAWAL KK Finecot Pvt. Ltd. Cotton ginning textile, Edible

oil [email protected] 7282235050 Indore

Madhya Pra-desh

7 PRANEET AGRAWAL Praneet Ispat Udyog

Private Limited Manufacturing of Steel

[email protected] 91-94713-00000 91-93344-44443 Ranchi Jharkhand

8 SHRAY ARORA Gopal Das & Sons Graders, processors & traders

of Tea [email protected] 9988014929 Amritsar Punjab

9 BAKUL CHOWDHARY Jaeco Distributor/Service Provider of

Automotive Parts [email protected] 8146485000 Chandigarh

10 SUJIT DAGA Interior Innovation (p)

ltd. Importers of flooring

[email protected] +91 9930793969 9823313579 Pune Maharashtra

11 SAMARTH DHAWAN Pawanjay Group of

Mines and Industries Mining, Manufacturing of Steel

Ingot, TMT bars [email protected]

09892949355, 06612401027

9437048140 6612400652 Rourkela Orissa

12 KHUSHBOO DOSHI Samrudh Health Care

Pvt. Ltd.

Manufacturing of Pharmaceuti-cal Bulk Drugs and Intermedi-

ates [email protected]

9892646277 022-28775151 Mumbai Maharashtra

13 AANCHAL GAJRA GG Automotive Gears

Ltd. Manufacturing Gears for Loco-

motives [email protected] 9893298170 Indore

Madhya Pra-desh

14 MAYANK GARG MB Exports Interna-

tional Manufacturing & Exports of

Leather Garments/Accessories [email protected] 9336707172 9919803122 0512-2216961 Kanpur U.P.

15 BHARAT GARG Anil Sharan Garg &

Bros Trading of Kerosene oil & Fur-

nace oil [email protected] 9415128701 9415128703 9415128703 Kanpur U.P.

16 GUNJAN GARODIA Barak Valley Cement

ltd. Manufacturing Cement

[email protected] 9892950292 9903616981 Kolkata West Bengal

18 KARAN GOMBAR Better Homes

Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9910024106 Delhi

20 JATIN GOYAL Shivam sales Pvt. Ltd. Retailing of Garments and

shoes [email protected] 9910228889 011-25220501 Delhi New Delhi

21 TARUNA GUPTA K.B. Ceramics Pvt. Ltd. Insulator Manufacturing,

Warehouses [email protected]


9001896606 9351200231 Bikaner Rajasthan

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Sr. no. Name Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

1 NIKHIL ADESARA United Engitech (P)

Ltd. Sheet Metal Fabrication

[email protected] 9431110436 0657-2757548/49 Jamshedpur Jharkhand

2 NIPPUN AGARWAL Balaji Filaments ltd. Textile Manufacturing [email protected] 9892281400 9892268889 022-66991014 Mumbai Maharashtra

3 NIKHIL AGARWAL Swastik Group Importers and Traders of Plas-tic raw material and Polymers

[email protected]

9999935599 011-22148010/20/30/40 Delhi

4 CHAHAT AGARWAL C.L. Aluminium Pvt.

Ltd. Manufacturing Steel and Alu-

minium [email protected]

9879406849, 07926760314

Ahmedabad Gujarat

5 ARPITA AGRAWAL Naval Calcutta Pvt.

Ltd. Craft paper & Board Manufac-

turing [email protected] 9833207969 Varanasi U.P.

6 ANOOP AGRAWAL KK Finecot Pvt. Ltd. Cotton ginning textile, Edible

oil [email protected] 7282235050 Indore

Madhya Pra-desh

7 PRANEET AGRAWAL Praneet Ispat Udyog

Private Limited Manufacturing of Steel

[email protected] 91-94713-00000 91-93344-44443 Ranchi Jharkhand

8 SHRAY ARORA Gopal Das & Sons Graders, processors & traders

of Tea [email protected] 9988014929 Amritsar Punjab

9 BAKUL CHOWDHARY Jaeco Distributor/Service Provider of

Automotive Parts [email protected] 8146485000 Chandigarh

10 SUJIT DAGA Interior Innovation (p)

ltd. Importers of flooring

[email protected] +91 9930793969 9823313579 Pune Maharashtra

11 SAMARTH DHAWAN Pawanjay Group of

Mines and Industries Mining, Manufacturing of Steel

Ingot, TMT bars [email protected]

09892949355, 06612401027

9437048140 6612400652 Rourkela Orissa

12 KHUSHBOO DOSHI Samrudh Health Care

Pvt. Ltd.

Manufacturing of Pharmaceuti-cal Bulk Drugs and Intermedi-

ates [email protected]

9892646277 022-28775151 Mumbai Maharashtra

13 AANCHAL GAJRA GG Automotive Gears

Ltd. Manufacturing Gears for Loco-

motives [email protected] 9893298170 Indore

Madhya Pra-desh

14 MAYANK GARG MB Exports Interna-

tional Manufacturing & Exports of

Leather Garments/Accessories [email protected] 9336707172 9919803122 0512-2216961 Kanpur U.P.

15 BHARAT GARG Anil Sharan Garg &

Bros Trading of Kerosene oil & Fur-

nace oil [email protected] 9415128701 9415128703 9415128703 Kanpur U.P.

16 GUNJAN GARODIA Barak Valley Cement

ltd. Manufacturing Cement

[email protected] 9892950292 9903616981 Kolkata West Bengal

18 KARAN GOMBAR Better Homes

Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9910024106 Delhi

20 JATIN GOYAL Shivam sales Pvt. Ltd. Retailing of Garments and

shoes [email protected] 9910228889 011-25220501 Delhi New Delhi

21 TARUNA GUPTA K.B. Ceramics Pvt. Ltd. Insulator Manufacturing,

Warehouses [email protected]


9001896606 9351200231 Bikaner Rajasthan

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Sr. no. Name Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

22 ANKIT GUPTA Sunehri Cars

CD Motors Pvt. Ltd.

Automobile Dealership(Sales,Services, Spares)

[email protected]

8003399100 Bikaner Rajasthan

23 KAMESH GUPTA RKG Autotech Pvt.

Ltd. Manufacturing Autocompo-

nents [email protected]

9878666664, 01614614564

Ludhiana Punjab

24 HARSHA HARIDAS Unitech Transformers

Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturing of Industrial

Transformers [email protected] 9867448320 Mumbai Maharashtra

25 RAHUL HAKANI Sangam Group Manufacturing and trading [email protected] 7620088219 Pune Maharashtra

26 SAURABH JAIN Sharu Industries Pvt.

Ltd. Manufacturing Autocompo-

nents [email protected] 9814520560 Ludhiana Punjab

27 NIPUN JAIN Jain Engineers Pvt.

Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9833397551 Mumbai Maharashtra

28 TEJAS JAIN Kotwala Realty Pvt.

Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9833338333 Mumbai Maharashtra

29 MAYANK JAIN BCMP Overseas Textile Manufacturing [email protected] 91 9619860398 05248-222496 Lucknow U.P.

30 BASANT JALAN Acumen (J) marketing

Pvt. Ltd. Retail and Distribution of Con-

sumer Electronics [email protected] 9836036021 Kolkata West Bengal

31 VATSAL JARIWALA Neelansh Exports,

MMJ & Co Zari manufacturing and Exports

[email protected] 9873077669 Delhi

32 RUCHIKA JINDAL J.T. Processors Textile Processing [email protected] 9910715666 9871338338 9910715666 Noida Delhi

34 MEGHA KABRA Madhusudan Miner-

als Pvt. Ltd. Marbels

[email protected]


Kishngarh, Udaipur, Hy-

derabad, Ban-galore

35 SHAILESH KALANTRY Kalantry Agro Indus-

tries Manufacturing and Processing

of Pulses [email protected] 9960670178 (02382)-244860 Latur Maharashtra

36 PUNIT KAMDAR Kamdar Plastic Pvt.


[email protected] 9920122232 Mumbai Maharashtra


DANI . Aristo & co.

Garments manufacturers and traders [email protected]

09884279389 044 25385753 /

25389431 Chennai Tamil Nadu


WAL Khandelwal Indus-

tries & Exports. Food Processing khandel-

[email protected] 7509084792 7344010777 Indore Madhya Pradesh

39 KESHAV LAKHOTIA Lakhotia's. Retail [email protected] 9004095733 Samastipur Bihar

40 MITALEE MEHTA Mebros, Mebro Foods Pvt. Ltd.

Poultry Feed Manufacturers and Traders, Food Procesing [email protected]

9819755587, 022-28362778

022-26834412 Mumbai Maharashtra

41 MANAL MOTA Le Rouge Trendz Pvt.

Ltd, Keeptrack Re-search Labs

Textile Retailing, Tracking and RFID

[email protected]

9920630640 Mumbai Maharashtra

42 URJA PADWAL Little Lacy Manufacturers of women's in-

timate apparel [email protected] 9819987605 022-40583333 Mumbai Maharashtra

45 AALAP PARIKH Sahas Realty & Infra-

structure Pvt. Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9377221403 9879531402 Vadodara Gujarat

Page 59: Envisage 2012 the yearbook_and_magazine_mba_e&fb_nmims


Sr. no. Name Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

22 ANKIT GUPTA Sunehri Cars

CD Motors Pvt. Ltd.

Automobile Dealership(Sales,Services, Spares)

[email protected]

8003399100 Bikaner Rajasthan

23 KAMESH GUPTA RKG Autotech Pvt.

Ltd. Manufacturing Autocompo-

nents [email protected]

9878666664, 01614614564

Ludhiana Punjab

24 HARSHA HARIDAS Unitech Transformers

Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturing of Industrial

Transformers [email protected] 9867448320 Mumbai Maharashtra

25 RAHUL HAKANI Sangam Group Manufacturing and trading [email protected] 7620088219 Pune Maharashtra

26 SAURABH JAIN Sharu Industries Pvt.

Ltd. Manufacturing Autocompo-

nents [email protected] 9814520560 Ludhiana Punjab

27 NIPUN JAIN Jain Engineers Pvt.

Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9833397551 Mumbai Maharashtra

28 TEJAS JAIN Kotwala Realty Pvt.

Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9833338333 Mumbai Maharashtra

29 MAYANK JAIN BCMP Overseas Textile Manufacturing [email protected] 91 9619860398 05248-222496 Lucknow U.P.

30 BASANT JALAN Acumen (J) marketing

Pvt. Ltd. Retail and Distribution of Con-

sumer Electronics [email protected] 9836036021 Kolkata West Bengal

31 VATSAL JARIWALA Neelansh Exports,

MMJ & Co Zari manufacturing and Exports

[email protected] 9873077669 Delhi

32 RUCHIKA JINDAL J.T. Processors Textile Processing [email protected] 9910715666 9871338338 9910715666 Noida Delhi

34 MEGHA KABRA Madhusudan Miner-

als Pvt. Ltd. Marbels

[email protected]


Kishngarh, Udaipur, Hy-

derabad, Ban-galore

35 SHAILESH KALANTRY Kalantry Agro Indus-

tries Manufacturing and Processing

of Pulses [email protected] 9960670178 (02382)-244860 Latur Maharashtra

36 PUNIT KAMDAR Kamdar Plastic Pvt.


[email protected] 9920122232 Mumbai Maharashtra


DANI . Aristo & co.

Garments manufacturers and traders [email protected]

09884279389 044 25385753 /

25389431 Chennai Tamil Nadu


WAL Khandelwal Indus-

tries & Exports. Food Processing khandel-

[email protected] 7509084792 7344010777 Indore Madhya Pradesh

39 KESHAV LAKHOTIA Lakhotia's. Retail [email protected] 9004095733 Samastipur Bihar

40 MITALEE MEHTA Mebros, Mebro Foods Pvt. Ltd.

Poultry Feed Manufacturers and Traders, Food Procesing [email protected]

9819755587, 022-28362778

022-26834412 Mumbai Maharashtra

41 MANAL MOTA Le Rouge Trendz Pvt.

Ltd, Keeptrack Re-search Labs

Textile Retailing, Tracking and RFID

[email protected]

9920630640 Mumbai Maharashtra

42 URJA PADWAL Little Lacy Manufacturers of women's in-

timate apparel [email protected] 9819987605 022-40583333 Mumbai Maharashtra

45 AALAP PARIKH Sahas Realty & Infra-

structure Pvt. Ltd. Construction

[email protected] 9377221403 9879531402 Vadodara Gujarat

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Sr. no. Name Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

46 PAULAMI PATEL Steel Projects (India )

Pvt Ltd Manufacturing Heavy Machin-

ery [email protected] 9930273577 Mumbai Maharashtra

47 PARTH PATEL Kirti Telnet Pvt. Ltd. [email protected] 7926562933 Ahmedabad Gujarat

48 ANKIT PATEL Alexo Chemicals, Ank

Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

[email protected]

9833717373 Thane Maharashtra

50 PIYUSH RATHI Rathi Brothers Sarees Manufacturing, Granite

Manufacturing [email protected] 080-32956732 080-22241548 Bangalore Karnataka

51 RAGHAV RATHI Rathi Creations Wholesale of Silk Sarees [email protected], [email protected]

09845170412, 08904689402

080-32956733 Bangalore Karnataka

52 APAR RUSTAGI Aargee contracts pvt

ltd Electrical consultants and con-

tractors [email protected] 9899416400 9899416400 Delhi

53 NITIN SARAWAGI Prithvi Group of In-

dustries Cultivation and Processing of Tea, Cement Manufacturing [email protected]

Kolkata West Bengal

54 TAPAN SHAH Akruti dyeing and

printing mills pvt ltd. Job work ( Saree Business )

[email protected]

9925707535 0261 2231261 Surat Gujarat

56 MANSI SHAH HEM Group Automobiles, Hotels, IT, Real

Estate [email protected] 9765202020 - 022-21020642

Mumbai, Pu-ne, Satara


57 PANKAJ SHARMA SKP Pipes (P) Ltd. Manufacturing of Ms Black

Pipes [email protected] 033-22315121 Kolkata West Bengal

58 AKANKSHA SHARMA Amar Tubes Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturing of MS steel

pipes [email protected] 9820334467 66545401 Mumbai Maharashtra

60 PARTHI VORA Zest Pharma Pharmaceutical Manufacturing [email protected]

09619827770, 09993146694

9827021834 0731-4047073 Indore Madhya Pradesh

61 HARDIK ADESARA Chhaganlal Dayaljee

Sons Retailing of Gold & Daimond

jewellery 9167337559 Jamshedpur Jharkhand


AGARWAL Agarwal & Co.

Solar Thermal Energy, Publica-tion

9415306641 0522-2623188 Lucknow U.P.

64 HARSH AGARWAL Harsh Electro Sys-

tems (P) Ltd Manufacturing Wires & Cables

and PVC Pipes & fittings [email protected],

[email protected] 9830169751


Kolkata West Bengal

65 ANKUSH AGGARWAL Aggarwal & Company Commision agents for agro

products and Financers [email protected] 9779743535 0164-2212939 Bathinda Punjab

67 AYUSH AGRAWAL Barbrik Project Lim-

ited Infrastucture, steel and power [email protected] 9039197775 7714032075 Raipur Chhattisgarh

68 LALIT AGRAWAL Natraj Foods Rice Processing [email protected] 919833241002 Katni Madhya Pradesh





[email protected]/[email protected]




Bhiwandi Maharashtra

71 SUSHAIN V ARORA R.S. Raj kumar & co. Manufacturing and marketing of textiles, Hotel,HB agri. farm.

[email protected] 9930356096 0183-

2546469,2546069 Amritsar Punjab

72 PRACHI BAGARIA Bawani Shankar Syn-

thetics Manufacturing of textiles [email protected] 9163288477 Kolkata West Bengal

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Sr. no. Name Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

46 PAULAMI PATEL Steel Projects (India )

Pvt Ltd Manufacturing Heavy Machin-

ery [email protected] 9930273577 Mumbai Maharashtra

47 PARTH PATEL Kirti Telnet Pvt. Ltd. [email protected] 7926562933 Ahmedabad Gujarat

48 ANKIT PATEL Alexo Chemicals, Ank

Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

[email protected]

9833717373 Thane Maharashtra

50 PIYUSH RATHI Rathi Brothers Sarees Manufacturing, Granite

Manufacturing [email protected] 080-32956732 080-22241548 Bangalore Karnataka

51 RAGHAV RATHI Rathi Creations Wholesale of Silk Sarees [email protected], [email protected]

09845170412, 08904689402

080-32956733 Bangalore Karnataka

52 APAR RUSTAGI Aargee contracts pvt

ltd Electrical consultants and con-

tractors [email protected] 9899416400 9899416400 Delhi

53 NITIN SARAWAGI Prithvi Group of In-

dustries Cultivation and Processing of Tea, Cement Manufacturing [email protected]

Kolkata West Bengal

54 TAPAN SHAH Akruti dyeing and

printing mills pvt ltd. Job work ( Saree Business )

[email protected]

9925707535 0261 2231261 Surat Gujarat

56 MANSI SHAH HEM Group Automobiles, Hotels, IT, Real

Estate [email protected] 9765202020 - 022-21020642

Mumbai, Pu-ne, Satara


57 PANKAJ SHARMA SKP Pipes (P) Ltd. Manufacturing of Ms Black

Pipes [email protected] 033-22315121 Kolkata West Bengal

58 AKANKSHA SHARMA Amar Tubes Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturing of MS steel

pipes [email protected] 9820334467 66545401 Mumbai Maharashtra

60 PARTHI VORA Zest Pharma Pharmaceutical Manufacturing [email protected]

09619827770, 09993146694

9827021834 0731-4047073 Indore Madhya Pradesh

61 HARDIK ADESARA Chhaganlal Dayaljee

Sons Retailing of Gold & Daimond

jewellery 9167337559 Jamshedpur Jharkhand


AGARWAL Agarwal & Co.

Solar Thermal Energy, Publica-tion

9415306641 0522-2623188 Lucknow U.P.

64 HARSH AGARWAL Harsh Electro Sys-

tems (P) Ltd Manufacturing Wires & Cables

and PVC Pipes & fittings [email protected],

[email protected] 9830169751


Kolkata West Bengal

65 ANKUSH AGGARWAL Aggarwal & Company Commision agents for agro

products and Financers [email protected] 9779743535 0164-2212939 Bathinda Punjab

67 AYUSH AGRAWAL Barbrik Project Lim-

ited Infrastucture, steel and power [email protected] 9039197775 7714032075 Raipur Chhattisgarh

68 LALIT AGRAWAL Natraj Foods Rice Processing [email protected] 919833241002 Katni Madhya Pradesh





[email protected]/[email protected]




Bhiwandi Maharashtra

71 SUSHAIN V ARORA R.S. Raj kumar & co. Manufacturing and marketing of textiles, Hotel,HB agri. farm.

[email protected] 9930356096 0183-

2546469,2546069 Amritsar Punjab

72 PRACHI BAGARIA Bawani Shankar Syn-

thetics Manufacturing of textiles [email protected] 9163288477 Kolkata West Bengal

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Sr. no. NAME Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

73 RUCHITA DOSHI Excel Paper Products manufacturing sticker(self-

adhesive)papers [email protected] 9833441886 2225673307 Mumbai Maharashtra

75 PRACHI GANERIWAL Mahavir Dying and Printing Mills Pvt.


Manufacturing of cotton tex-tiles

[email protected] 9820756194 Mumbai Maharashtra

76 PRATEEK GOLCHHA Golchha & Company Distribution and marketing of

medicines prateekgol-

[email protected] 9425241144 7744224058 Rajnandgaon Chhattisgarh

77 ROHIT GOYAL Shyam Overseas manufacturers and exporters

of home textile products [email protected] 9167094869 Panipat Haryana


Home Textile Manufacturing (carpets,shaggy,rugs,bathmats

,durries) & Dyeing Process house (raw yarn to dyed yarn)

[email protected] +91-



Panipat Haryana

80 ANKITA JAIN Jainson Group, Smart


Manufacturing of electrical accessories, Financial services & Investment, Infrastructure

[email protected] 9819854402 022-28802636 Mumbai Maharashtra

81 SHRAY JINDAL Jindal Capital Ltd. Finance & Investment [email protected] 9930005237 9810399222 Delhi

83 JIGAR KABRA Mahalaxmi Mill Store


Traders and Mfg. of Textile Machinery Spare Parts / Retail-ers of Swarovski, Mont Blanc &

watches(all brands)

[email protected] 9819068363 079-22132409 Ahmedabad Gujarat

84 RAHUL KASAT Topstyle Garments


Mfg.Of Apparel (Kidswear), Mfg & Trading Of Kniited Fab-

rics. [email protected] 9836053053 Kolkata West Bengal

85 MAUNIL KATBAMNA Khatri Jamnadas Be-


Manufacturing & retailing of bandhani sarees & bridal wear

for women [email protected] 9820477104 2222425711 Mumbai Maharashtra


WAL Delhi Trading Corp.

Iron and steel trading and manufacturing, real estate and

wind power generation [email protected] 9982221216 0141-2374335 Jaipur Rajasthan

88 KARAN KHANNA Alankar Jewellers Jewellry [email protected] 9831988183 Amritsar Punjab

90 YOGESH MANDHANI Shri Balaji Cotton Agro Industries

Cotton Ginning, Pressing and Allied Activities

[email protected]

9225507931 08752-231126 Bhainsa (dist

Adilabad) Andhra Pradesh



Salasar Steel&Power Ltd, Rotocast Indus-tries Ltd, Brijlal Ram-


Steel , Power , Textile , Build-ing Material

[email protected] 9830934511 033-22371720 Kolkata West Bengal

92 TRUPTI MOTA Tiki Tar Industries Manufacturing of bitumen

products [email protected] 9925100456 0265-2337992 Vadodara Gujarat

94 SHRIYA PHADTE Montana Confection-

ers Pvt.l td Manufacturing and retailing of

bakery products [email protected] 9822103417 0832- 3231422 Goa

95 PARESH RATHI Rathi Trading Com-


Eg. Distributors for Seeds,Fertilizers,Pesticides,Vid

eocon mobiles and D2H [email protected] 8149777711 7258228244 Akola Maharashtra

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Sr. no. NAME Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

73 RUCHITA DOSHI Excel Paper Products manufacturing sticker(self-

adhesive)papers [email protected] 9833441886 2225673307 Mumbai Maharashtra

75 PRACHI GANERIWAL Mahavir Dying and Printing Mills Pvt.


Manufacturing of cotton tex-tiles

[email protected] 9820756194 Mumbai Maharashtra

76 PRATEEK GOLCHHA Golchha & Company Distribution and marketing of

medicines prateekgol-

[email protected] 9425241144 7744224058 Rajnandgaon Chhattisgarh

77 ROHIT GOYAL Shyam Overseas manufacturers and exporters

of home textile products [email protected] 9167094869 Panipat Haryana


Home Textile Manufacturing (carpets,shaggy,rugs,bathmats

,durries) & Dyeing Process house (raw yarn to dyed yarn)

[email protected] +91-



Panipat Haryana

80 ANKITA JAIN Jainson Group, Smart


Manufacturing of electrical accessories, Financial services & Investment, Infrastructure

[email protected] 9819854402 022-28802636 Mumbai Maharashtra

81 SHRAY JINDAL Jindal Capital Ltd. Finance & Investment [email protected] 9930005237 9810399222 Delhi

83 JIGAR KABRA Mahalaxmi Mill Store


Traders and Mfg. of Textile Machinery Spare Parts / Retail-ers of Swarovski, Mont Blanc &

watches(all brands)

[email protected] 9819068363 079-22132409 Ahmedabad Gujarat

84 RAHUL KASAT Topstyle Garments


Mfg.Of Apparel (Kidswear), Mfg & Trading Of Kniited Fab-

rics. [email protected] 9836053053 Kolkata West Bengal

85 MAUNIL KATBAMNA Khatri Jamnadas Be-


Manufacturing & retailing of bandhani sarees & bridal wear

for women [email protected] 9820477104 2222425711 Mumbai Maharashtra


WAL Delhi Trading Corp.

Iron and steel trading and manufacturing, real estate and

wind power generation [email protected] 9982221216 0141-2374335 Jaipur Rajasthan

88 KARAN KHANNA Alankar Jewellers Jewellry [email protected] 9831988183 Amritsar Punjab

90 YOGESH MANDHANI Shri Balaji Cotton Agro Industries

Cotton Ginning, Pressing and Allied Activities

[email protected]

9225507931 08752-231126 Bhainsa (dist

Adilabad) Andhra Pradesh



Salasar Steel&Power Ltd, Rotocast Indus-tries Ltd, Brijlal Ram-


Steel , Power , Textile , Build-ing Material

[email protected] 9830934511 033-22371720 Kolkata West Bengal

92 TRUPTI MOTA Tiki Tar Industries Manufacturing of bitumen

products [email protected] 9925100456 0265-2337992 Vadodara Gujarat

94 SHRIYA PHADTE Montana Confection-

ers Pvt.l td Manufacturing and retailing of

bakery products [email protected] 9822103417 0832- 3231422 Goa

95 PARESH RATHI Rathi Trading Com-


Eg. Distributors for Seeds,Fertilizers,Pesticides,Vid

eocon mobiles and D2H [email protected] 8149777711 7258228244 Akola Maharashtra

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Sr. no. NAME Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

96 HEMANT SARAF Vinayak Teleserv-ices,Saraf Yarn Fab

Textile yarn trading and mo-bile distribution

[email protected] 9769383365 Mumbai Maharashtra

98 BHAVIK S SHAH MeghMayur Builders

& Developers Construction & Real-Estate

[email protected], [email protected]

09925000530, 08898891112

9925200078 0261-2669714 Surat Gujarat

99 MAYANK SINGHAL Preet Remedies

Group Pharmaceutical manufacturing

and marketing [email protected] 7738280009 1724643936 Chandigarh

100 VATSALA SINGHANIA Indus Smelters Ltd. Iron and steel rolling Mill,

Manufacturing [email protected]

+91 9229195874

917712254189 Raipur Chhattisgarh

102 NISHANT SINGHVI Unity Traders & As-

sociates Supply chain managemnt and

Warehousing [email protected] 7666737781 Raipur Chhattisgarh


HA GSnIS Ordinance, Security [email protected]

09830470245, 9167296068

Kolkata West Bengal

104 MEGHA SOLANKI Yogeshwar Plaspax

Pvt.Ltd. Eg. Plastics , Packaging [email protected] 9819234870


9 Mumbai Maharashtra

106 SAHIL SUDHA Sudha Traders Trading of Fertilizers [email protected] 946600005 9215751665 Kurukshetra Haryana

107 NIKET SHAH Dhananjay Poly Pro-cessors, Raj Poly Fab


Imports & Trading of Plastic Granules

[email protected] 09022095180, 09825594144

02652644550/51 Vadodara Gujarat

109 SAHIL GARG Jyoti Sales Corpora-

tion Stainless steel Fabrication [email protected] 9004315163


Taraori, Kar-nal


110 PARTHA GOGOI KKG Enterprise Civil Construction [email protected] 9619559411 Dibrugarh Assam

111 VRINDA SINHAL Sinhal Harren India

Pvt. Ltd.

Manufacturing of Dairy Ma-chinery and FMCG products. E.g. Toothbrush, socks, hair-

brush, shaving brush etc

[email protected] 09820339580, 09873956155


27696969/70/71 Delhi

112 DIPESH SANKHALA Gurudeo Rice Mill,

Arunodaya Coal Agency

Manufacturing of raw and boiled rice and Mining contrac-

tor [email protected]

09167337544, 09893375444

0771-2293510 Raipur Chhattisgarh

Page 65: Envisage 2012 the yearbook_and_magazine_mba_e&fb_nmims


Sr. no. NAME Company Name Business Type Email Id Personal Mo-

bile Office Mobile Office No. City State

96 HEMANT SARAF Vinayak Teleserv-ices,Saraf Yarn Fab

Textile yarn trading and mo-bile distribution

[email protected] 9769383365 Mumbai Maharashtra

98 BHAVIK S SHAH MeghMayur Builders

& Developers Construction & Real-Estate

[email protected], [email protected]

09925000530, 08898891112

9925200078 0261-2669714 Surat Gujarat

99 MAYANK SINGHAL Preet Remedies

Group Pharmaceutical manufacturing

and marketing [email protected] 7738280009 1724643936 Chandigarh

100 VATSALA SINGHANIA Indus Smelters Ltd. Iron and steel rolling Mill,

Manufacturing [email protected]

+91 9229195874

917712254189 Raipur Chhattisgarh

102 NISHANT SINGHVI Unity Traders & As-

sociates Supply chain managemnt and

Warehousing [email protected] 7666737781 Raipur Chhattisgarh


HA GSnIS Ordinance, Security [email protected]

09830470245, 9167296068

Kolkata West Bengal

104 MEGHA SOLANKI Yogeshwar Plaspax

Pvt.Ltd. Eg. Plastics , Packaging [email protected] 9819234870


9 Mumbai Maharashtra

106 SAHIL SUDHA Sudha Traders Trading of Fertilizers [email protected] 946600005 9215751665 Kurukshetra Haryana

107 NIKET SHAH Dhananjay Poly Pro-cessors, Raj Poly Fab


Imports & Trading of Plastic Granules

[email protected] 09022095180, 09825594144

02652644550/51 Vadodara Gujarat

109 SAHIL GARG Jyoti Sales Corpora-

tion Stainless steel Fabrication [email protected] 9004315163


Taraori, Kar-nal


110 PARTHA GOGOI KKG Enterprise Civil Construction [email protected] 9619559411 Dibrugarh Assam

111 VRINDA SINHAL Sinhal Harren India

Pvt. Ltd.

Manufacturing of Dairy Ma-chinery and FMCG products. E.g. Toothbrush, socks, hair-

brush, shaving brush etc

[email protected] 09820339580, 09873956155


27696969/70/71 Delhi

112 DIPESH SANKHALA Gurudeo Rice Mill,

Arunodaya Coal Agency

Manufacturing of raw and boiled rice and Mining contrac-

tor [email protected]

09167337544, 09893375444

0771-2293510 Raipur Chhattisgarh

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Page 67: Envisage 2012 the yearbook_and_magazine_mba_e&fb_nmims


NMIMS celebrated the Spirit of Entrepreneurship with Inspirus’11.

The annual flagship event “INSPIRUS” of MBA (E&FB) was

held on the 10th and 11th March, 2011.

The event was a culmination of the determined efforts of the whole batch. Team Inspirus faced a zillion

hurdles in their way; however, they overcame all those and put up a great show which truly set a much

higher benchmark for the future.

“It” all started as a dream.

“It” involved instilling a picture of a national level Business fest in the minds of people.

“It” involved a few sleepless nights, mind boggling hard work, immense teamwork and dedication of each

and everyone involved in the making of Inspirus.

“It” involved selling of an Idea, a product that was non-existent till then.

“It” involved understanding each and every aspect of Management and using it in the most practical sense.

“Marketing & Advertising” the name Inspirus, “Brand Building” of the festival, designing the Logo keeping

in mind all the possible aspects, managing of the “Human Resources” – delivering the best with limited

resources, managing “Finance” aspects with the number of sponsors that we partnered with (approximately

30 in number)

“It” involved a million collective decisions at the same time motivating all the team members and giving

every individual a Vision of a two-day grand fiesta.

“It” involved “Strategic Management” at various levels.

“It” involved managing “Logistics” in the minimum possible cost and time.

“It” involved “Decision Analysis” in terms of managing the work in limited time and approaching the apt

potential sponsors for partnering with us.

“It” involved negotiation skills including highball, double agent, empty pockets and even apparent


Mostly “It” involved the never say die attitude of the team members of various teams and their grit and


to turn a

Dream into






Page 68: Envisage 2012 the yearbook_and_magazine_mba_e&fb_nmims


A brief of all the Teams that made “It” happen:

Sponsorship Team

This team was responsible for getting Inspirus associated with the potential sponsors from various

arenas and geographies. This was an extremely critical vertical and a backbone for the event. The

Title partner of the event was Noize Jeans and the team devised various Titles for all other partners:

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Event Management Team

The Event Management Team designed and

conducted various events that made In-

spirus2011 a staggering success. There were

some concepts that were unheard & some ways

of conducting events that not too many people

were aware of. The team faced major hurdles

and obstacles but eventually they put up a great

show that have raised the bar and set much high-

er standards than anyone had ever imagined.

Security & Permissions Team

This team was in charge of the security of all the

guests, celebrities & all the other events. They

indeed did a great job and the event was

conducted smoothly on both the days owning to

their impeccable and flawless job.

Creative Team

This team took up the responsibility of all the creative

aspects of Inspirus2011. They were at their creative

best throughout the making of Inspirus. The team de-

cided on the theme of the event-“Making the right

Moves” and designed the Logo of Inspirus 2011. They

worked on the designing of the teasers, posters, pam-

phlets, backdrop, drape etc. A sample of their unques-

tionable creativity is available on the web @

Media & Marketing Team

This team was responsible for handling the marketing

and advertising aspect of the event. They managed to

attract participation from various colleges and helped

the event to get a pan India reach. The team also coor-

dinated with the media agencies and got the event huge

coverage on a national scale. And the outcome was a

legendary Inspirus2011, with participation from over

70 Business Schools across the country including

IIM’S, IIFT, JBIMS and S.P. Jain, and coverage by the

media agencies including the Free Press Journal, Tele

Coverage by Bloomberg UTV and many more.

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Team Inspirus conducted a Summit where various big wigs showed up

to address a batch of 240

Mr. Nirmal Jain-Founder and Chairman of India Infoline Ltd, Mr. Carlton Pereira-

Managing Director of Tano Capital LLC, Mr. Hanmant Gaikwad- Chairman and M.D. of

BVG India and Mr. Mr. Rohit Nalwade the MD of Keeptrak Research Labs participated

in the Panel Discussion on “Making the Right moves” moderated by Mr. S. Venkatra-

man-Founder of Wealth Tree

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The Inaugural edition of the Annual Magazine-Envisage was also unveiled on

this auspicious occasion.

The panel discussion was followed by an interactive session with Mr. Pradeep

Kidwani-Co-founder, Beer Lounge and Mr. Kamal Khushlani-Co-founder, Mufti

Jeans on “What’s the Big Idea”.

Mr. Rohit Nair of Quizworks enthralled the audience with the final round of Busi-

ness quiz where the top 6 teams of India participated where the team of Symbiosis

Law College emerged victorious.

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One of the most sought after events “The Best Manager” attracted participants from

the best colleges in India. Survival of the fittest was the mantra of success. The con-

testants were put through various pressure tests through both the days. The winner

was awarded a trip to Bangkok by the title sponsor Noize Jeans.

B-Plan competition which was judged by experts from the industry attracted innova-

tive business plans.

Pseudo Sensex was a very unique exercise where contestants experienced trading in

an exciting and interesting format.

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Another major event was Treasure

Hunt where the contestants had

an amazing ride, cracking clues

and discovering Mumbai in an ad-

venturous way.

Ad making gave the participants an opportunity to unleash their whacky ideas

and embellish it with their creativity

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The event concluded with “Genreyard” – The War of the Bands which attracted

Rock Bands from across the country.

INSPIRUS’11 was indeed an affair to be remembered. The success of this event has raised

expectations for an even more spectacular INSPIRUS’12.

-Mayank Jain

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