Page 1: exonemo2009~ mixed media (personal computer,computer mouse, computer monitor, mirrorball, etc..) dimensions variable Shotgun Texting 2019 mixed media (Computer Keyboard, single channel


Page 2: exonemo2009~ mixed media (personal computer,computer mouse, computer monitor, mirrorball, etc..) dimensions variable Shotgun Texting 2019 mixed media (Computer Keyboard, single channel


exonemo, the artist unit formed in 1996 by Kensuke Sembo and Yae Akaiwa, have been

at the forefront of Internet Art for over twenty years. They have continued to produce

works that engage with the relationship between `technology’, such as the internet and

computers, and `analogue` which constitutes reality. exonemo’s point of focus reveals

perspectives that have gone unnoticed, giving expression to those perspectives in unique

and humorous ways. Digital media has now entered our lives as a given; and the unit

create works and develop projects that make us aware of the fundamental nature of,

and relationships pertaining to, such media. In 2006, exonemo received the Golden Nica

Award (grand prize) in the ‘Net Vision’ category of the Prix Ars Electronica, a competition

held by the global media arts festival, Ars Electronica. Since 2012, they have been

organizing the ‘Internet Yami-ichi’ (transl., internet black market) in Japan and abroad.

The unit moved to New York in 2015, where they are currently based.


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o by


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DISCODER1999digital files

Natural Process2004

Mixed media (acrylic paint on canvas, personal computer, web camera, website)

Collections Google LLC.

千房けん輔と赤岩やえが exonemoを結成したのは 1996年。1996年はウィンドウズ 95が発表された翌年であり、以降、パーソナルコンピューターやインターネットは、一般的に身近なツールになっていきます。現実の時間や空間を超えてインターネット上で繋がる感覚は、人々を驚かせました。exonemoの 2人もその点に魅了され、以来 20年以上にわたりインターネットなど情報(デジタル)世界と現実(リアル)世界のギャップに焦点を当てた作品を制作してきました。彼らの初期の作品で注目されたのは 1999年、資生堂のネットギャラリー CyGNetに発表された

DISCODERという作品です。キーボードから文字を打ち込むと、Webページを構築する HTMLにその文字が侵入し、バグが発生することでページが破壊されます。ネガティブなバグを、新しい価値が生まれるための契機としてポジティブに捉えるこの作品は、2000 年、世界最大のメディアアートの祭典、アルスエレクトロニカのネット・ヴィジョン部門で佳作となる栄誉賞を受賞しました。彼らが次に大きな注目を集めるのは、ネットの検索エンジン Googleのトップページをペインティングで

描き、その絵画を展示した会場をWeb中継した作品 Natural Processです。ネットで見慣れた Googleの初期画面を絵画化したこの作品は、本来次に検索結果の画面に移行すべき初期画面が固定化されることの違和感ともどかしさを、私たちの前にさらけ出しました。デジタルの情報が一度アナログを経由して、再度デジタルに戻っていく過程を作品にすることで、デジタルとリアルの間を軽々と行き来する面白さを体験できます。

Kensuke Sembo and Yae Akaiwa formed exonemo in 1996. This was the year following the release of

Windows 95; and from then, personal computers and the internet would grow to become familiar tools in

our everyday lives. At the time, the sensation of making connections beyond the confines of actual space

and time astounded people. exonemo were also drawn to this quality. Ever since, for over twenty years,

they have been creating works that focus on the gap between the world of information (the digital realm),

such as the internet, and the real world (the realm of reality).

DISCODER, which was released in 1999 on CyGNet, Shiseido's online gallery, was an early work that

received widespread attention. In this work, characters typed from the keyboard would enter the HTML

code of the website, creating a bug that made the webpage crash. For its positive interpretation of bugs (usually considered in a negative light) as an opportunity to create new value, this work was awarded The

Honorary Mention in the ‘NetVision’ of the Prix Ars Electronica, a competition organized by the biggest

media arts festival in the world.

The next work which drew widespread attention was Natural Process, a work that transformed the

familiar homepage of Google’s internet search engine into a painting and webcast the room in which the

painting was exhibited. The work exposed the discomfort and frustration of having a webpage stay frozen,

when it would normally be a starting page that would jump to the search results. The process of converting

digital to analogue and then having it return again to digital is made into an artwork, thereby enabling the

viewer to experience the fun of easily going back and forth between the digital and the real.

インターネット、リアルが拡張する世界との出会い/ Encountering the internet, a realm where reality expands

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Spiritual Computing (series) Rumor / Pray / Avatar / / GOTISDEAD / Replay2009~mixed media (personal computer,computer mouse,computer monitor, mirrorball, etc..)dimensions variable

Shotgun Texting2019

mixed media (Computer Keyboard,single channel video computer keyboard)


PRAY (Spiritual Computing series) は、2つの光学マウスをぴったりと合わせている作品です。それはまるで手を合わせて祈るポーズのようです。2つのマウスの光学式センサが、“ 奇跡 ” の反応をしてパソコンに信号を出し、ディスプレイでカーソルが勝手に動きまわります。人が介在しないことである種の「神秘性」を出現させるかのようなこの作品は、いくつかのバリエーションが展開されました。マウスやキーボードは exonemoの作品でしばしば「受難」に遭います。DanmatsuMouseは、マウスが

破壊されたときのカーソルの動きをとらえた作品。Shotgun Textingではライフルで撃たれたキーボードが、まるで自らの墓標を刻むように最後の信号をパソコンに送ります。これが作品タイトルとしてキーボードの遺影に添えられるのです。このようにして、コンピューターと入力機器の間に人間が介在することや、しないことの不思議さ、面白さも exonemoは明らかにしています。

exonemo have also brought their perspective to bear on devices that mediate between the

informational realm and the real world, such as the keyboard, mouse, screen, and so on. They stand at

the threshold of both worlds. However, they have almost become extensions of our body, and the border

has become ambiguous. exonemo have cut to the heart of this contact point, freely moving across the

threshold, blending humor and irony along the way.

 PRAY (Spiritual Computing series) is a work that consists of two optical computer mice stuck

together, like two hands brought together in prayer. The light detector in each mouse reacts “miraculously”,

sending a signal to the computer so that the cursor on the monitor moves on its own. There are several

variations of these works, which manifest a kind of “mystic” quality by not being controlled by humans.

Again and again, computer mice and keyboards undergo a kind of “Passion” at the hands of

exonemo. DanmatsuMouse is a work that captures the movement of the cursor at the moment a

mouse is destroyed. In Shotgun Texting, a keyboard is shot, sending its final signals to a computer as if

carving its own headstone. Those signals are used as the work’s title on a plaque placed adjacent to the

keyboard’s remains. In this way, exonemo reveal the strangeness and the fun of humans interposed (or not

interposed) between computers.

拡張する身体性を浮き彫りにする/ Casting light on the extension of embodiment

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Body Paint (series)2014~mixed media(acrylic paint on LCD display, video imagery)

0 to 1 / 1 to 02019

digital files (html, javascript, video) work on web browserCommission work from Whitney Museum of American Art

exonemo の 2 人は、情報世界と現実世界の関係性をさらに追及していきます。Body Paint では、体をペイントされた人物が液晶ディスプレイに映し出されます。人物の周囲をその体と同色でペイントされたディスプレイは一瞬絵画作品のように見えます。しかし人物のみ映像だったことに気づくとき視覚は混乱し、人物とディスプレイ機器の境界の不確実性が露わになる作品です。


時間をトリガーにした作品が、0 to 1 / 1 to 0 です。毎日の日の出と日の入りのタイミングで、ニューヨーク・ホイットニー美術館の WEB ページはズームアウトし、背後にマンハッタンの朝日と夕日が現れます。まるで同館のサイトをジャックしたように見えるこの作品は世界を驚かせましたが、実はホイットニー美術館からの依頼で作成されたものです。夢中になってサイトを見ていた人は、ディスプレイ機器の枠組みを意識した途端、それが情報の世界であることにいやおうなく気づかされます。そして大きな自然の営みの一部である自己の存在を現実的に取り戻すのです。

The duo continued to investigate the relationship between the informational realm and the real world. In

Body Paint, a painted figure is displayed on an LCD monitor. The surrounding area of the monitor has been

painted in the same color, so that for a moment, it looks like a painting. There is a moment of visual confusion

as the viewer recognizes that the figure is in fact an image being displayed by the monitor. The work thus

reveals the uncertainty inherent in the figure and the display device.

The lifetime of the equipment itself becomes a critical issue in this type of media art. Extending the life

of the body seems to have become possible through digitalization; paint is a substance with a long life. The

coexistence of multiple axes of time is also what makes this work interesting is.

0 to 1 / 1 to 0 is a work that uses time as a trigger. Every day, at sunrise and sunset, the website of

the Whitney Museum in New York zooms out, and an image of sunrise (or sunset) in Manhattan appears in

the background. The work appeared to hijack the museum’s website, causing a stir, but was in fact

commissioned by the Whitney Museum. There is a moment of realization that comes, whether by will or no,

when the viewer who has been intently looking at the webpage is made aware of the structure or

framing that the display monitor provides. They realize that this is the informational realm and regain a sense

of their own existence as part of nature.

せめぎ合う情報世界と現実世界/ The opposition between the informational realm and the real world

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Kiss, or Dual Monitors2017mixed media (monitor, media player)dimensions variable


Kiss, or Dual Monitorsは、2つのディスプレイが合わさり、そこに映し出される人物がまるでキスをしているかのように向かい合っている作品です。しかし彼らは何の縁(ゆかり)もなく、また実際に話をすることもありません。そこにコミュニケーションが一切ないとわかっているにもかかわらず、私たちはそれを「キスしている」と錯覚してしまいます。同時にディスプレイのガラスにどうしても越えられない壁を感じ、コミュニケーションできそうでできないもどかしさを覚えるのです。この作品は 2017年にニューヨークで公開制作された後、2018年に水戸芸術館現代美術センターで展示され、また 2019年のあいちトリエンナーレでは、ディスプレイを巨大なスマホに見立て、3Dプリンターで制作された手に支えられる新作インスタレーション The

Kissとなって、多くの観客の心を揺さぶりました。体の一部になったかのようになったスマートフォン、しかしこの作品によって私たちはどこでも自由にコミュニケーションできるツールにさえ不自由さを見出してしまうかもしれません。 今後ますます複雑化し、新しい媒体が生まれようとも決して一体化することはないと思われるデジタル

とリアルな世界。exonemoは彼らの制作コンセプトとして新しく「宇宙= universe」をもち出しました。デジタルもリアルもなく元々ひとつだった世界を、これまでとは違う切り口でスライスすれば、新しい断面が見えてくるのではないか、そんな旅の出発点に立った exonemoが、次の冒険でどんな作品を見せてくれるのか、ますます期待が高まります。

The computer has given way to the smartphone main tool for information and communication. Our

smartphones make us happy or sad; it has created a situation in which we cannot take our eyes away from the


Kiss, or Dual Monitors is a work consisting of two monitors affixed together with the screens facing each

other, as if the people displayed in the monitors are kissing. However, these people are complete strangers, and

they do not talk to each other. There is absolutely no communication between them but even so, we fall under

the illusion that “they’re kissing”. At the same time, the screens seem like an insurmountable wall, we feel the

frustration of apparently but not actually being able to communicate. After being created in the presence of an

audience in New York in 2017, the work was exhibited at the art center of Art Tower Mito in 2018. At the Aichi

Triennale in 2019, the work was transformed into a new installation, The Kiss, in which the monitors were made

to look like enormous smartphones held by 3D-printed hands, sparking the imagination of many viewers. The

smartphone has become almost like an extension of our bodies. However, through this work, we might come

to see the inconvenience of even that tool we can use to freely communicate anywhere.

The worlds of the digital and of the real will likely never completely fuse, even though they may become

increasingly complex and new media may emerge. exonemo have introduced a new concept in their creations,

“the universe”. The world was originally one and did not distinguish between the digital and the real. By slicing

into it from a new angle perhaps a new cross-section can be discovered. exonemo stand at the starting point of

this new journey and anticipation grows about what they will show us on their next adventure.

コミュニケーションの自由さと不自由さ/ The freedom and constraints of communication

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exonemo0 to 1 / 1 to 0

2019Digital files (html, javascript, video) work on web browserCommission work from Whitney Museum of American Art | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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「0 to 1 / 1 to 0」は、夜から昼への変化を扱いながら、デジタルと自然環境の関係性を探る。毎日の日の出と日の入りのタイミングに、Whitney.orgのWebページはゆっくりとズームアウトし、その外側にラップトップが現れる。さらにその背後にマンハッタン越しの朝日と夕日が現れる。Web


In their project 0 to 1 / 1 to 0, the artist team exonemo uses the passage between night and

day to explore the digital and natural environments we inhabit. Every day at sunrise and sunset,

webpages viewed on slowly recede into the browser window to reveal a laptop screen,

and beyond that, the rising or setting sun over Manhattan. The webpage is still functional in its

minimized state, but the doubling of the screen draws attention to the hardware through which

users experience the website. In the natural world, the two- to three-minute change between night

and day marks a powerful yet gradual transition that has no equivalent in the digital space, where

the switch between the binary code of 0s and 1s is discontinuous. exonemo’s project turns these

daily moments into a transition between both the digital and natural environments, contrasting the

interconnectedness of the digital and natural world with their fundamental differences.

0 to 1 / 1 to 0 (2019) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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2008Mixed media (clock, personal computer, computer and video monitors, metal junk, video camera) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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A chimeric timepiece including occasionally shifting detritus, samples of human voices, and

computer monitors presenting waveforms, all shot by a video camera. A shot of the installation is

shown on a video monitor attached to the wall which has processed the scene on a PC: the clock’s

movements, seemingly random in actual space, are unassailably correct in media space. Move-

ments of viewers caught by the camera are alternatively rendered incoherent.

DEF-RAG (2008) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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2016Mixed media (LCD display, video imagery, spoon, plate, motor, computer, acrylic paint) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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This kinetic work consists of: a video monitor showing a mouth ostensibly opening and chewing,

a feeding spoon mechanism, and a plate of blue paint. At regular intervals the spoon scoops the

paint, and carries it as though to feed the mouth before it, but the paint simply strikes the surface

of the monitor, and drips down. The two looped expressions of media “feed me” footage and the

spoon mechanism’s feeding attempts produce a parallel and perpetual symbiosis, and a collateral

mess of paint on the wall and the floor, in the yawning gap between actual space and media space.

Feed (2016) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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2014Single channel video (5'50"), LCD 43" display56.0 x 95.9 cmEdition of 5 | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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Fireplace is a video piece presenting scenes of burning computer mice and keyboards as so

much tinder in a fireplace. In the old days of “hearth and home”, the fireplace was the center of the

living room, of gathering. That was then replaced by TV. In some countries there are even channels

one can tune to which broadcast fireplaces. They’re popular. Since we are now entering a period

when each person carries their "smart" technology with them, we no longer need the PC. So how

about delivering new fireplaces to burn away yet another legacy, as we shift to our new world of

personal decentralized displays? The movie file can be downloaded from the project site.

Fireplace (2014) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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2007Mixed media (computer mouse, original software) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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Following the death throes of a computer mouse via the movement of it’s on-screen avatar

cursor in the act of being destroyed. As the PC replays the video of various mice being destroyed

in different ways, we witness the movements corresponding with their destruction via their avatar

cursor playback. The work can be described as dealing with the contrast between the death of ana-

logue objects, which gone once truly never will return to life again, and the seeming death throes of

their digital counterparts (which, in fact, can be resuscitated time and again) and the visceral sense

of embodiment within data which this communicates to the viewer, while the video breaks frame,

attempting to represent non-standard mouse activity = data inputs.

DanmatsuMouse (2007) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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exonemoNatural Process

2004Mixed media (acrylic paint on canvas, personal computer, web camera, website)Collections Google LLC. | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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当時のGoogle.comのトップページを「Webの風景画」として描いた絵画作品「A web page」と、それを展示風景ごとWeb中継するシステムが組み合わさったインスタレーション作品。元々、デジタルオブジェクトであるWeb画面を、アナログな絵画に変換して展示、それをまたWebへと中継してデジタルに戻すというプロセスを通じて「変化していく価値」をテーマに制作された。展覧会終了後Google社によって絵画は購入された。

Natural Process is an installation hack combining the painting A web page (a literal depiction of

the top page of that time) and a real-time video link to an exhibition of internet art fea-

turing the painting. It is a value transformation modem (modulation / demodulation): a web screen,

originally a “digital” object, converted once into an analogue painting to be transferred again into

the digital realm. The painting is now in the Google collection.

Natural Process (2004) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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exonemoThe Kiss

2019Mixed media (LCD monitors, 3D printed sculpture, wood, metal framework, media player)370.0 x 250.0 x 250.0 cmCollections Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

Cooperation: MagnaRecta, Inc., Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.Production cooperation: MagnaRecta, Inc., KLOKA co., ltd. | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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Over the past ten-odd years, it has become a natural habit of sorts that we hold smartphones

in our hands. Such devices have become objects that are so close to our bodies that they are now

almost parts of it. Never before have we been moved as strongly as by the flood of information that

spills over from their small screens, and that has introduced entirely new forms of meeting, passing

and parting with others. This work was inspired by the question what a monument would have to

be like to function as a symbol of our age. While the sculpture of large hands itself is reminiscent of

enlightening socialist monuments, the screens these hands hold up are facing each other to made

it look as if the faces shown on them were kissing. However one may also see them as two sepa-

rate photographs of people that just happened to have their eyes closed. The fact that the hand

sculpture is easy to copy, as that part was created by outputting data using a 3D printer, gives the

sculpture a sort of lightness that is yet different from that of enlightening monuments, and thereby

adds a notion of uncertainty to the things this work symbolizes.

The Kiss (2019)

2017Mixed media (monitor,

media player)

exonemoKiss, or Dual Monitors | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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exonemoObject B / Object B VS

2006/2007Mixed media(PC, power tools etc., game) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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Object B / Object B VS is an installation hack combining a modified network game and a power

tool chimera. The power tools, controlled by a computer, move in an unpredictable manner, causing

them to strike the mice and keyboards, thereby moving the avatars within the game in unexpected

ways. There is additionally a console which viewers can participate through, to experience the ins-

tallation on-line.

Object B / Object B VS (2006/2007) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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exonemoBody Paint 49”/Male/White

2020Mixed media (acrylic on LCD 49" display, HD video imagery)111.3 x 64.7 cm | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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To we smart phone-affixed contemporaries, to connect to the Internet at all times and in all

places is to complete our person. This work uses body painting to examine our physical definitions,

our physicality, in a world of networked information devices.

Each work in this portrait series features a person, nude, shaved, and painted entirely in a single

shade of color, displayed on an LCD which has been entirely painted in the same color except for the

human subject on the screen. With these boundaries erased, the background and foreground being

a human body and an electronic display body, each covered in the same color of paint, the subject

can be said to become the sense of ambiguity and confusion, and a questioning of the definition of

whether the individual depicted is human being or representation.

Apart from these formalistic aspects, this work also deals with issues of “existence” within me-

dia. The human body has a fairly well understood longevity horizon, but the longevity horizon for

data, and paint, and art remains open to debate. The multiple time scales of body art, figurative

painting, and media art engage one another as the work seeks a common ground concerning the

present, and existence itself.

Body Paint (2020) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

Page 26: exonemo2009~ mixed media (personal computer,computer mouse, computer monitor, mirrorball, etc..) dimensions variable Shotgun Texting 2019 mixed media (Computer Keyboard, single channel


2020Mixed media (acrylic on LCD 55" display, 4K video image)124.7 x 73.0 cm /eachSigned and dated on the reverse | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

Page 27: exonemo2009~ mixed media (personal computer,computer mouse, computer monitor, mirrorball, etc..) dimensions variable Shotgun Texting 2019 mixed media (Computer Keyboard, single channel

映像を映したモニターに直接ペイントするという手法を確立させた、前作「Body Paint」から発展した作品。「Body Paint」で主題となっていた「Body =身体」を画面から排除し、ペイントに使用する「絵の具のボトル」そのものを被写体にすることで、よりメディアへの言及と抽象度を高めた。絵の具のボトルという一見してそれ自体には意味が無いものをモチーフにし、ボトルの中に詰められているのと同じ色で、それを映しているモニターを塗ることによって、映像とそのメタ的存在(そして物質)としてのモニターとの間に、意味的な循環構造を作り出している。そして映像の中に意図的に「手振れ」という身体性を残し、微妙にボトルが揺れることでペイントの固定された質感と呼応し、独特の立体的な視覚効果を生んでいる。映像のグレードを4Kへとアップグレードし、映像部分の質感も増したことで、ペイント部分との境界線がより強調され、絵画と映像、意味と無意味との間をさまよい、見ている人間が「何を見ているのか」ふと分からなくなる、そんな不思議な存在感のある作品になった。

HEAVY BODY PAINT follows Body Paint, a series in which exonemo paints directly onto monitors

projecting video footage. In this new work, the human body motifs are replaced by the paint jars

themselves. These works therefore more directly reference the issues of mediation and abstraction.

The video monitors are painted the same color as the subjects in the video footage, generating a

cyclical structure of signifiers between the footage and the monitor, material and metaphysical exis-

tence. Deliberately retaining the physicality of hand-held ‘camera shake’ in the footage, the bottle

subtly trembles in contrast to the fixed texture of the paint, creating a fascinating visual stereo

effect. Additionally, the footage in this series was shot and presented in 4K (3,840 x 2,160 pixels), a

quadrupling of resolution from the previous series, bringing a more visceral sense of texture in the

footage, and serving to further blur the border between the world in the monitor and world outside

of it. It is a work with a strange existence, wandering between painting and video, apparent signifi-

cance and insignificance in which viewers often lose a sense of what they are looking at.

HEAVY BODY PAINT (2020) | [email protected] Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001 | T. +81-(0)3-6434-7705

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