

“A naturalist’s life would be a

happy one if he had only to

observe and never to write”

Charles Darwin


Adi Utarini

Program Pra-Doktor

FK UGM, 22-24 April 2014

Perjalanan panjang telah dimulai…

Perjalanan panjang telah dimulai…

Perjalanan panjang telah dimulai…

Tujuan Sesi

• Meningkatkan kepedulianterhadap masalah research misconduct

• Memahami panduan untukmencegah research misconduct

Academic Integrity:Prinsip-prinsip moral yang diterapkan

dalam lingkungan akademik, terutama

yang terkait dengan kebenaran,

keadilan, kejujuran


Do different reasons call for different responses?

Ignorance → appropriate response?Fear/panic → appropriate response?Desire to succeed at any cost → appropriate

response?Egocentrism/indifference → appropriate

response?Immoral behaviour → appropriate response?

Should we be treating a bad person differently from a frightened or confused person?

Why does it occur?


• Poor supervision

• Too much work

• Lack of time

• Lack of training

• Lack of interest

• Incentives

• Fame and fortune

• Prove a held theory

• Cut corners

Jenis Academic Misconduct

Plagiarisme Kecurangan Kolusi

Falsifikasi/fabrikasi Deceit

Definisi research misconduct

"Research Misconduct" means fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scholarly community for proposing, conducting, publishing or otherwise reporting research. It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data.

Definisi research misconduct (Office of Research Integrity, US DHHS)

• Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in: ▫ proposing,

▫ performing, or

▫ reviewing research, or

▫ in reporting research results.

• Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion.


• is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.


• is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.


• is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.


Definisi Plagiarisme

• Taking over the ideas, methods, or written words of another, without acknowledgment and with the intention that they be taken as the work of the deceiver (American Association of University Professors; 1989, cited from Roig M)

• Appropriating an idea (eg explanation, a theory, a conclusion, a hypothesis, a metaphod) in whole or in part, or with superficial modifications without giving credit to its originator

• … including self-plagiarism

Example of Fabrication

Examples of improper image manipulations

(JCB: 166 11-15, 2004)

Manipulated images (left)- cut individual band and paste it to a new image -revealed by contrast adjustment (right)

NCB 5: 320-329, 2003/Corrigendum in NCB 6: 373, 2004

Contoh Plagiarisme

• Original text: “Minor league baseball historically is as American as drive-in movies and Fourth of July parades. It is still small-town U.S.A., in feel if not in fact” (Rielly 206).

• Plagiarized version: Baseball’s minor leagues are historically as American as drive-in movies and Fourth of July parades seen in small-town USA.

Source: Rielly, Edward J. Baseball: An Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2000. Print.


• Original text:

▫ One of the most important issues that remain controversial is whether 6 months of treatment with regiments that include rifampin can effectively and safey treat HIV-related tuberculosis (El-Sadr et al., 2001)

Contoh baik :

• Original text:▫ One of the most important issues that remain

controversial is whether 6 months of treatment with regiments that include rifampin can effectively and safey treat HIV-related tuberculosis (El-Sadr et al., 2001)

• Parafrase dengan sitasi:▫ There remains debate as to where HIV-related

tuberculosis can be treated with short course regimens that include rifampin (El-Sadr et al., 2001)

Contoh plagiarisme:

• Original text:▫ One of the most important issues that remain

controversial is whether 6 months of treatment with regiments that include rifampin can effectively and safey treat HIV-related tuberculosis (El-Sadr et al., 2001)

• Parafrase tanpa sitasi:▫ One of the most important issues that remain

controversial is whether 6 months of treatment with regimens that include rifampin can effectively treat HIV-related TB


Types of plagiarism

CLONE: exactly the same

CTRL-C: significant portions

of text

FIND-REPLACE: changing key-words

and phrases

REMIX: paraphrases from multiple sources

RECYCLE: borrow generously from author’s previous


HYBRID: combines perfectly cited sources with copied pasaggeswithout citation

MASHUP: mixes copied material from multiple


404ERROR: Inaccurate

information of sources

AGGREGATOR: Proper citation but no original


RE-TWEET: Proper citation, relies heavily on

text’s original work

How often?

1.97% 14.12%


Non Self-reported

Publikasi tentang Misconduct & Plagiarisme

Chamon W, 2013, Editorial

Who commits Research Misconduct?

A. Gawrylewski (2009) The Scientist 23:67.

Types of Research Misconduct Reported

A. Gawrylewski (2009) The Scientist 23:67. 33


Surveyed 4,298 researchers, 2,212 responded (51%), primarily biomedical

Titus, et al. Nature 2008; 453:980.

• observed or had direct evidence of misconduct over the previous 3 years


• fabrication or falsification60%

• plagiarism36%

• were not reported37%

Rank of those suspected

• Professor or senior scientist: 22%

• Associate professor 14%

• Assistant professor 17%

• Graduate student 14%

(Guterman, 2006-Chronicle of Higher Education)

Implikasi Research Misconduct

• Biaya 17 kasus research misconduct 2000-2005: US$ 116,160-US$2,192,620 per kasus yang dilaporkan oleh ORI (Gammon and Ranzini, 2013)

• Sanksi:▫ Artikel, dana penelitian dibatalkan▫ Status sebagai PI, peneliti, mahasiswa dicabut▫ Gelar dibatalkan..

• Social cost: kepercayaan masyarakat, reputasipeneliti, reputasi institusi

• Permendiknas 17 tahun 2010 ttg pencegahan danpenanggulangan plagiat di Perguruan Tinggi

Berakibat fatal…

What about honorary and ghost

authorship? (Wislar et al., 2011)

• Journals: Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA, Lancet, Nature Medicine, NEJM, and PLoSMedicine

• 70.3% corresponding authors responded (630/896)

• 21% articles with honorary authorship, ghost authorship, or both

• For original research reports:

▫ 25.0% articles had honorary authorship

▫ 11.9% articles had ghost authorship

BMJ 2011;343:d6128 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6128


Criteria of Honorary Authors

• Did not meet the 3 criteria

• An author did not “feel comfortable explaining the major conclusions” of the article

• An author performed “only one function, and nothing else” from a list of 17 activities

Criteria of Ghost Authors

• An individual who was not listed as an author made contributions that merited authorship

• An unnamed individual participated in writing the article.

Are PhD students

aware of the problem?

Evidence from Norway

and Sweden

Source: Nilstun et al., J Med Ethics 2010;36:315e318. doi:10.1136/jme.2009.033654 and Hofmann et al. BMC Medical Ethics 2013, 14:3

• Norwegian PhD students; 72.1% response rate

(189/262), 58% (134/230)

• Evidence and policy▫ 65% & 75% had not, during the last year, heard or read

about researchers who committed scientific dishonesty.

▫ 60% & 80% were uncertain of their department’s written


• Data and Analysis▫ 10% did not find it inappropriate to report experimental

data without having conducted the experiment

▫ 38% did not find it inappropriate to try a variety of

different methods of analysis to find a statistically

significant result.

• Publication:▫ 13% agreed that it is acceptable to selectively omit

contradictory results to expedite publication ▫ 10% found it acceptable to falsify or fabricate data to

expedite publication▫ 11% & 10% had experienced unethical pressure

concerning the order of authors during the last 12 months.

• Report:▫ 79% agreed that they would be willing to report

misconduct to a responsible official.

• Warning

• Written reminder

• Delay of student’s rights

• Cancellation of student’s mark

• Withdraw/No longer stated as a student

• “Withdraw from the status without respect”

• Withdraw of degrees/univsertificate

Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher

Education’s regulation no 17/2010 on Prevention and

Control of Plagiarism:


UGM Regulation no 711/P/SK/HT/2013

on Governing Student’s Behaviour

(Tata Perilaku Mahasiswa)

• The act of plagiarism is considered to receive moderate-severe sanction

• Moderate sanction: ▫ Written letters: 1st and 2nd notive▫ Cancellation of student’s final mark▫ Pembatalan of all student’s mark within 1

semester▫ Suspended for 1 semester or 2 consecutive


• Severe sanction: withdraw from being UGM student without respect

STAP-Stimulus Triggered Acquisition of


• RIKEN Institute (Tokyo):

▫ 100 years in 2017

▫ employs >3,000 scientists

▫ US$1.1 billion budget in 2012

▫ Achievements: including the discovery of element 113, the establishment of the SACLA X-ray Free Electron Laser and the K supercomputer, and the world’s first clinical trial using induced pluripotent stem cells.

Strategi Mencegah

If in doubt, don’t do it…

Hasil Cochrane review

• the effects of training in responsible conduct of research on reducing research misconduct are


• Low quality evidence indicates that training

about plagiarism, especially if it involves practical exercises and use of text-matching software, may reduce the

occurrence of plagiarism.

Tanggungjawab Peneliti

• Mencegah research misconduct

• Menjamin integritas penelitian

• Melaporkan research misconduct

• Melaporkan yang bersikap menentangterhadap pelaporan research misconduct

Singapore Statement of Research Integrity(World Congress of Research Integrity, 2010)

Four Principles

• Honesty in all aspects of research

• Accountability in the conduct of research

• Professional courtesy & fairness in working with others

• Good stewardship of research on behalf of others

27 Guidelines

• Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing (Roig M)

Key Guidelines (Roig M)

• Penulis yang etis selalu menyebutkankontribusi penulis lain dan sumber ide-idenyaG 1

• Penulis harus berusaha keras untukmemperoleh [membaca langsung] actual published paper

G 16

• Penetapan tim penulis dibahas sebelummelakukan kolaborasi riset dan mengacu padapanduan misalnya ICMJE

G 23

• Ghost author tidak etis, tidak dapatditerimaG 26

Key Guidelines: G2-4

• Any verbatim text taken from another author must be enclosed in quotation marks.

• Acknowledge every source that we use; whether we paraphrase it, summarize it, or enclose it quotations.

• When we summarize, we condense, in our own words, a substantial amount of material into a short paragraph or perhaps even into a sentence.

Key Guidelines: G5-7

• Whether we are paraphrasing or summarizing, always identify the source of our information.

• When paraphrasing and/or summarizing others’ work we must reproduce the exact meaning of the other author’s ideas or facts using our words and sentence structure.

• In order to make substantial modifications to the original text that result in a proper paraphrase, the author must have a thorough understanding of the ideas and terminology being used.

Key Guideline: G 8-9

• A responsible writer has an ethical responsibility to readers, and to the author/s from whom s/he is borrowing, to respect others’ ideas and words, to credit those from whom we borrow, and whenever possible, to use one’s own words when paraphrasing.

• When in doubt as to whether a concept or fact is common knowledge, provide a citation.

Deteksi Plagiarisme di UGM


• Academic integrity monitoring system

Revisi, revisi dan revisi…

Ide brilian vs Ketekunan?

‘Many people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are

wrong: it is character’

Albert Einstein

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