Page 1: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba




( I.B.E.R.S.O.M.)

Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


en collaboration avec






GonEltT Il. POPE (LondolJ)



Page 2: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba

IMPRIMERIE HAYEZ, s.p.r.1. 112, rue de Louvain, 112, Bruxelles 1 Géra.nt: M. Hayez. :LV. de l'Horizon, 39

Bruxelles 15



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Page 3: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


en collaboration avec


Fascicule 25






1 am greatly indebted ta the authurities of the Institut des Parcs Natio­naux du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi, fol' Lheir kindness in allowing me to study lhe Colydiidae col1eclec1 by NI. H. DE SA EGER and his collabol'ators in the Parc National de la Garumba,

The collection assembled by Lhese workel's arnuLtnLecl La 939 specimens l'efel'able la 35 species disl1'ibuted among 20 genel'a. Fl'Om the position and size of the Parc, lhiswould appeal' la l'epl'e, ent Cl most lhorough sampling of the fauna. In lhe whole of Aft'ica the Colydiid fauna as known at present consisls of 162 species assigned ta '16 genem. A majOl'ity of lhese s[lecies are found in lhe foresls of west Ah'icu und the Congo basin, 108 species being sa far recorded hom the Cungo as a \\1hole. rfhe Parc Nationul de la Gal'llmba, bordel'ing as il does on the southern Sudan and being in large part savannu-type countl'y, would not be expected la harboul' such a lal'ge number of species as doe' the vast, for'ested area of cenlral Congo.

ln view of the interesling geographical loculion of Lhe Parc and the excellent matel'ial at my disl:oS;ll, 1 have thought it beller to give much more U1an a simple list and descriplions of nevv pecies and genem wher0 necessary. In order ta relute the fauna of the] Ul'C la that of Ah'icu as a whole and so determine, as far as possible, its affinities, 1 have provided al the outset a key ta the Aff'ican tribes of Colydiidae. \iVhere a tl'ibe is

(') Manuscript cleposited on i\lay 20, 1061

Page 4: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


represented among the faunu of the Parc, a key to al! African genera within that tribe is given. Similarly, when a genus in that tribe is recorded from the Parc, a key to ail its African species has been added.

Tribes not known fmm the Parc are recorcIed in the key with their distribution. Likewise, species not yet found in the Parc, but inclucIed within genera recorded therefrom, are contained in the key to species. Species colJeGted by M. H. DE SAEGER and his helpers are aU described, or' redescribed, and aIJ the genera to which they belong are diagnosed. The other species assigned ta these genet'a are recorded in the present paper; a reference is given to lheir original description and a summary of theit' distribution as ü is knovvn at present is provicIed. \tVhere ü is thought that ü might pmve useful, a few notes on lhe appearance of the non-parc species are given. Genus

In this way it is hoped 10 show how lhe Parc species compare in cre

number, appearance and distribution with the l'est and to make easy the identification of any othet' known African species which may, at ,'[ foii

laler date, be found within the Garamba Parc area. iTf/,}Groups and species not yet found \,vithin the Parc National de la

Garamba are recorded within [ ].



This work has involved the study of much olher material, aparl from that collected by M. DE SAEGER and his colleagues. A major portion is in GelLus the British Museum (Nat. l-Iist.) , London and without facilities for its

mil examination, this analysis would not have been possible.

Many other institutions and individuals have been most helpful in GellUS

supplying material, including certain types, and my grateful thanks are ofr

again due. These other sOUl'ces ar'e: The South African Museum, Cape­town; the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; the Zoologisches Museum mil

zu Humboldt-Universitiit Berlin; the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, l3erlin-Dahlem; the G. Frey Museum, Munich; the Zoologisches Sammlung Genus der Bayerischen Staates; the NatUl'historiska Riksmuseum, stockholm: the spc Zoologiska Institution, Lunds Universitets, Lund; the Califol'nia Academy of Sôences, U.S.A.; the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren; the Institut Royal des Sciences natmelles de Belgique, Brussels; the Commission d'Étude des Bois Congolais, Boitsfort and the Museu do Dundo, Angola. Gemis

Figures fl and 5 were drawn for me by Mrs. C. A. O'BRIEN and figUl'e 5 ale

is reproduced by kincI permission of the authorHies of the Lund Dniver itels Zoologiska Institu tion.



Page 5: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba





Genus Synchila I-IELLWIG, 5 species.

crenicoLlis WOLLASTO~ : Cape Verde Is., Tanganyika l'erritory, Congo (Barumbu, Garamba).

fai:rmaiTci GROUVf.LLE: Zanzibar, Tanganyika l'erritory, Call1eroons, S. nhodesia, Congo (Niol,a, Tshikapa, Garamba).

impTcssa "VOLUSTü\': Cape Verde Is., Tanganyika l'erritory, Cnmeroons, Ghana, Congo (Luki, Eala, }(asai, Llisabethville, Yangambi, Ga[·nml1a).

linealosquamosa GnOl,,:vELLE: Spanish Guinea, Tanganyika TelTitory, Congo (Yangambi, Kunungu, Garamba).

saege'ri n. sp.: Congo (Garamba).

(;l~IlUS Pubala GHOUVELLE, 1 species.

squamifeTa GHOUVEI.LE: Tanganyil,a Territol'Y, uganda, Ghana, Congo (Kasenyi, Mayidi, l'shela, Dumbi, f:lisabethville, Albertville, Haut-Uele: Moto, Gal'amba).

Genus Srrssalca gen. n., 1 species.

minoT n. sp. : Congo ('IEala, Uokala, Garallll1a).

Genus Cicones CURTIS, 2 species.

africanus GROUVELLE: Spanish Guinea, Senegal, Congo (Hmi, Madyu, Luld, Yangambi, Garamba).

minoT PO:'E: Angoln, Ghana, Con~'o (Luki, Bas-Vele: Koteli, Yangambi, lVlwelm, Garamba).

Gemis Colobicus LATnE!LLE, 2 species.

s]Jccialis GnouvELLE: Spanish Cuinea, l'anganyilm Territory, Cameroons, Togo. Congo (Mayidi, Léopoldville, Eala, Yangambi, Bena-LeI,a (Demba). Luld. Gandajika, Bitale-T(ivu, Mweka, Gal'amba).

minulu.s POPE: Angola. Carneroons, Spanish Guinea, Congo (Garamba).

Genus S]JTecodes gen. n., 1 species.

aler (GRouvELLE) : Congo (Lingunda, Haut-Vele, l(amaiembi : Luebo, 'Vatsa à Niangara, Huri: Medje, Sanhlru: Lodja, Kunungu, Bquateur: Botende­Yolombo, Flandria, Yangambi, l'emvo, Gandajil,a, Mweka, Niol,a, Garamba)

Germs Pabula CARTER, 1 species.

al'ricanus n. sp. . Tanganyika Territory, Zanzibar, Congo (N. Lal,e Kivu, Garamba).

Page 6: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Gen us MicroJJ1'iuS FA 1111> LI 1nE, 2 species. GenLls "

conIlIsas GnouvELLE: Tangan~ril,a TcrriLol'Y, S. Rhodesia, Cape Province, Angola, ornai Ug::iIl, cl a, I<enyn-, Cameroons, Siena Leone, :\igel'ia, San Thorn6, Congo (Eala, o " Kasellyi, Kamaiernbi, Luebo, l'Iayidi, 13oma, Haut-Uele : \Valsa. Bol,alll, Lulua :

Genus DLllnene, KUllungu, CcJllateur : F1andria, .\lbel'tville, Kinshasa, La i\[ to : l'Iadyu, !Luri, Haut-Uele : Moto, Lal\e Leopold Il, Mongende, I(alanga: I(alompe, inter Ganda-Sundi, Yangambi, ;\ioka, Ganùaji1,a, T he1a, Parc :\at. de ]' pemlJa,

Genus JJGaramba). an!J!1([ceOUt/us n. sp. : COIlg'O (Garantba).

'1 Genus Biloma IIERBsr. 1 species. C

lyctiformis \VOLL.ISto~ : Tanganyika Territory, Angola, l\igel'ia, Call1eroons, Sierra occio Leone, Principe, Zanzibêlr, .·\byssinie, Capc Verùe Is., Spani~h Guinea, Congo C fYanganlbi, Lubelunge. i\llllungu, 1::lisabetlwille, Beni, 1llll'i Foresl, :\lo]<:J,

IlitHc L0opoldville, LLlCbo. Haut-Ucle: i\loto. Makuba, l'Iwana n'Del,e, Bitale, Kivu,



tCSSIl Genu~ Meccdanllm Enlcl-[so~, 1 spccie .

nu/Jert'i (fAIR.IIAIHE): Sierra Leüne, Ghana, Cameroon", gonda, Angola, !\igeria, Genn5 0 Tanganyika TCl'l'ilory, Congo (Belli Forest, Yallgamhi, '.'wel,a, nulongo, .'tllli i'i'Gaze, l'/al\Uba, T.llhl. Ollg'olm, i\layidi, Ganclajiku, C;aramIJa). 1



Genus l'Genlis 1'c)'cdolacnlllS Sri \HI', 2 species. conf!im]J)'cs.<ircnnis 'IEI:\ZE : CameroOlls, Tanganyika 'l'enilol')', Congo (Yullgarnbi,

Kasai: \"gollil'lL', l'lol;cha, Lueho. i\ïoka, [-Jrwt-L'elc': l'lolo, Sôlnl<l1rll, Kasai: l'

LMalwmhi, liulld:tjil,a, Hl.llongo, Mweka, Bena I,pl\a, Gal'anlba). 1\

jl/'o/i[('maticus Il. sp.: COllgo «;aramha).

GenLl~ 1'credomOJ,J/lHs HEI;'\lE, 1 speci ~.

),ufilJCS (1<8\/17,) : Togo, Camf'ruolis, (;!I,lna, COllgO, YangamlJi, Luki, Valley near BunyaLdvi, I::quilteur: lnollgo, r:qllaleur: Flanrll'ia, i\'longende, Barumbu, 0('IIUS il

nul~lllll'Il. \laYLllnbe, Haul-Uele : l'lolo, Ganrln.jilm, Gal'anJ1Ja). con)',



Genus SOSlfl", J ICCH'iO" 2 species.

bistTin/lIs FA1RIIAlllE : Gabooll. (;Iwna, Cameroons, Tangunyilm Tel'I'ilnr.\', Uganda, Congo (Yallg-allJ1li, f1PIllIJe·Uitale, .'I01.I'ieli, l\ïolm, Iweka, «iIlClu, Ilaut-Uele: l'loto, Haul-UcJe : "Valsa, Bas-Cele, Sandoa, Eala, Sanl\Uru, l3umhllli, l'Iayufllbe : TsllCla. GanrlajiJ,n, Garambn). 1. An

ofcon meU i. (G HOUVr.LU:) : r:ameroons, Congo ('l'a ngamhi, j::qnateul' 13ocnde, Cal'ambaj,



(;ellu~ .1 nlibol/l'I'lIS 3H.II\;', 2 species. anl

angusUo1' II. ,p. Tanganyika Tel'l'ilül'Y (L'l\ul'ell'e Jù.), COllgo (Garamba). An'elongaLlLS n, SI'. : Tallgrl.liyil,a Tenilol''y (lî,ere\\'e ICI), COIlgO (rtwallkwi, Luebo,

Gal'amba). co~

Page 7: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Genus Shc!,;arus gen. II., 1 ,pecies.

ornatus n. sp. : Ghana, i\igel'ia, Tanganyilm Territory (Ukenve Icl.), Congo (Yan· gambi, Albertville, Haut-Vele: Moto. Garamba).

Genus Dastan;us \VALhEn, 1 species.

interruptus (fAtInIMHE) : Zanzihar, Hhodesia, Congo (Garamba).

Genlls illachlotcs PASCOL 3 species.

angustalus (;noUVELl.I' : Camel'oons, Ghana, 'iigeria, Angola, Uganda, T::\Ilganyil,a Territol'Y (L;l,el'ewe Id.), Congo (YlayiJi, Ba--I~cle : Koleli. Haut-Uele : Moto, Congo da Lcml)a, 18 miles S. ·W. Clisabelhville. Gal'amba).

oaillent.alis MALKIN : SielTa Leol1e, Call1eI'OOlis. Tanganyil,a TelTîtory ( l,el'c\\'e Ifl.), Congo (Uele: Pawa, Gararnba).

hinloni i\LILKI\': Uganda, :ongo (Moto: Kilmli·ltul'i, Haut-Cele: i\loto, i\lwel\l1, Gn.nlmba).

Genu5 1'ribodC1'lls GnouvELLE, 1 species.

tes 1twnni (;no VELLE: Spanislt Gninea, Congo (I::qualeul' Boende, GUl·amM.).

Genus Ogmocleres GII~GLIJ,\UEn, 1 specie·.

sClltlJlicolli.~ (THO~I.·OX) : (;al.oon. Oh.l Calabar, 'iigel'ia, Ghana, Siena l.eon8, Ugandôl, Tilngallyilm Tel'riLOI'Y (Ckerewe Id.), SUrfUII. Congo (Yangambi. I\amango FOl'e~l, Parc 'ia.lional .-\Ibert, Pm'c 'ialionai de r 'pemba, Guramba, etc.).

Genus PselU.lo(lOll17'ideres GnouvELL!':. :2 species.

confossieollis (FAlluIAlnE~ : Ah\ssinia, Spanish Guinen., I\enya, Tanganyika Teni­101':1'. 'i. nhodesia, S. Hhodp:;iu, Congo (.\lberlville, tlisal)elhvillc, nuillcli, LOlllami-lülniallla, 300 1"11 Cronl I\illdll. C ng-o-Zambezi \\'alerslted, Parc 'ialional Alber!, Garall1ba).

conradsi POPE: Tallganyi!;a. Terrilory ( I,erewe Icl.), i\yasaland, Kenya, 'i. W. nhodesia, S. nhode ·ia., Zulularld, Congo (Garamba).

GeilUs AseetocLeres gell. n., 2 species.

conT(lclsi n. sp. : Tallganyika TelTilory (Ul,el'ewe Id.), Congo (Yangaml)i, (~aral11ba~.

wolsanus n. sp. : Congo (Garal11ba. Haut·Uele : Walsa).

KEY '1'0 AFRlCAN 'l'RiBES.

1. Antennal insertions concealed when viewed from above by extensions of fron (fig. 21) (2)

Anlennal insertions completely exposed when viewed from above... (7)

2. Anterior libiae. \vith non-al'ti.culaLe, extemal a.pical spms (fiO'. 5). nnterior coxal cavilies closed posteri.orly (3)

Anlerior libiae without non-urliculuLed external apical purs; unLeriol' coxal cavilies open or closed po leriorly (4)

Page 8: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


3. Body very elongnte (4,5 : 1 or more), cylindrical; prosternum behind 8. In anter-ior coxae a t least as long as coxal diametel'; intercoxal pracess of ar fir-st abdominal seo'ment nanow, aeuminate antel"iorly; antet'ior coxae th nanowly sepamted; basal tarsal segment usually much longer than second segment; anLennal Club, if present, of th1'ee or mOl'e segments ... ln

Gempylodini SHARP, p. 46. gi Body less elongate (up to 3,5 : 1), subdcpl'essed; pl'osternum behind 1)1'

anterior coxae at most as long as coxal diarnetel'; anterior coxae separated by almost twice the diameter of a coxa; intercoxal pl'ocess 9. [E of fir-st abdominal segment bl'oad, tl'Uncate antel'iody; basal tarsal PI segment no longer than second segment; antennal club always distinct, AJ two-segmented, sometimeswith the two segments of the club almost completely fusecl [Pycnomerini ERICI-ISON. Cosmopolitan]. 10. In

ar 4. Apical segment of maxillary palpi flattened, asyrnrnetrically narrowed

to apex (fig. 9); insects blind; body glabl'Ous, wings absent .. In [Anopidiini JEANNEL and PAULIAN. Ah·ica]. b11

Apical segment of maxillary palpi barrel-shaped or fusiform, not asym­ th metl'ically narl'owed to apex; inseets ,"vith Ol' without eyes; body glabrous or setiferous; wings present Ol' absent (5)

5. Middle coxal cavibes nUl'l'o\vly closed by s\e1'na (fig. 37); body glabrous, shining. (AnteriOl' coxal cavitJes almost closecl posteriorly; intercoxal process of fir-st abdominal segment nal"l'OW, acuminate.) .

rAglenini GANGLBA'CER. Emope, Aff'lca, Asia, America]. 1. In

Middle coxal cavities brandly closecl by sterna (fig. 38); body setiferous fil or squamiferous (G)


G. Mentum proclucecl anterio1'ly on either sicle of labium so as parUy to as

enclose maxillaf'Y palpi (fig. 22); antel'ior coxae prominent although 2. Inoverlain by pl'ostel'11al pf'ocess; hind coxne separ-aled by about one

il]'fomth of total width of first abdominal segment; basal taf' al segment ofdistinctly shadel' than second segment .. sh[Rhopalocerini RElTTER. Europe, E. Africa]. IIIMentum not produced anLeriorly as in figmE' 22, 01' if slightly produced, nEincapable of obscuring maxillal'Y palpi when viewed from beneath;

without the remaining chal'acters in combinatlOll .. ve

Synchitini EHICr-rSON, p. 9.

3. H 7. Trochanters large, obvious (8) al

Trochanters small, almost ol' quite concealed within excavations in \II

proximal ends of femora (101

Page 9: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


8. Intercoxal process of fit'st abdominal segment nanow, acuminate antcl'iody; antel'ior coxal cavit,ies opon postel'iorly or, if closee! then the intcl'coxal process does not pïOject bohine! the antol'ior coxae ...

Teredini SEIDLITZ, p. 51.

Intel'coxul pl'ocess of fil'st abdominal segment bl'oêld, tl'uncated or emal' ginale antel'iorly; antel'iol' coxal caviLies closed po Lel'iol'ly, intercoxal pl'ocess widened into a lobe bohind coxne "" ... " ..... ".""."."." .. ,," (D)

9. [Euxestini VAN EMDEN. CosmopoliLan. - Gycloxenini JEANNEL and PAULIAN. India, Africa. - Tachyoryctidiini JEANNEL and PAULIAN.

Arrica] .

10. Intel'coxal pl'ocess of first abdominal segment bl'oadly l'ounded antel'iorly; basal tarsal seO'ment ]ongel' than second segment ""." ... "

Derataphrini HORN, p. G2.

Intercoxal pl'ocess of first abdominal segment tl'uncated antel'iorly; basal tarsal segment usually (except Ogmoderes GANGLBAUER) not longer than socond segment """ ... ""........... Bothriderini ERICHSOi'/, p. 43.



1. Insects apteeous; melasternum not or scal'cely 10ngCl' in midline thun fil'st abdominal segment .. " ..... "................................................. (2)

InsecLs winged; melastel'l1um al least one thil'd as long again in rnidline as first abdominal segment "....... (4)

2. Intel'coxal pl'ocess of fil'st ubdominal segment nHl'l'OVi, acumina',e apically, or if not, then much less than one lenth of t.he total width of the fil'st abdominal segment; antennal gl'ooves on undel'sicle of hend short 0[' long; latel'al mal'gins of l'l'onotum broa Ily explanale ...... (3)

Intercoxal pl'ocess of fil'st abdominal segment bl'oadly l'ounded apically, nevel' loss than one tenth as \Vid as the segment; antennal grooves very bl'ief; later'al mal'gins of pl"onolul11 al mosl nal'l'owly explanato ...

[Afrorthocerus POPE. S. Africal.

3. Hypomef'a wilh deep, 'well-markecl cavities for the l'eception of the antonnae; antennal gl'ooves beneath head vel'y brief; unclerside of body with deep cavities fol' the l'ecepLion of tho legs .

[Mamakius gen. n.J, p. 12.

Page 10: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Hypomera without antcnnal caviLics; antennal gl'ooves beneath head 11. Pr long, reaching to level of hind bOl'ders of eyes; underside of body Pl' without caviLies to l'eccive legs [Sallachius POPE. S. Africa].

12. \r4. Antennae iO-segmented, last segment alone expanded to fonTI a club ... of(5) ex

Antennae 11-segmented, club always consisLing of two 01' three segments Aralthough sometimes ,vith the last segment much l'educed (fig. 12)... (9) mi

5. Form cylindrical; elytra at least twice as long as their gl'eatest combined breadth; pronotum usually without explanate laternl margins ...... (6) 13. La Form elongate-elliptical, moderatelly convex to subdepressed; elytra les, Vl(

than Lwice as long as Lheir gl'6aLest combined breadlh; pronoLum wilh th lateral margins usually explanate, if only nano,"vly so .. t"ï) tOi

ex t5. Anterior pronotal border angulaLc medially; eyes lal'ger, more coarsely tul

facetLed, minimum sepal,üion beneaLh head about one and one third LuLimes the longitudinal diameter of an eye , ,..

r.Asprotera PASCOE. S. Africa]. co:

Anterior border of pronotum arcuate mcdially; oyes smaller, finely 14. i\Jfacetted, minimum soparation beneath head mOro than one and one

1erhaH Limes the 10ngiLudinai diameter of an cye .. ArPubala GROUVELLE, p. 13. l'ee

Î. Intel'coxHl JJl'ocess of fil'st abdorninal segnlent acuI11inate apically... (8)

Intercoxal process of fjrst audominal segmont broadly l'ouncted apically .. ,......... ,.... .. ..... ,....... ,... Cicones CURTIS, p. 16. 15. Ar

se! 8. AnLennal gl'ooves beneath hrad long, reaching pO:'Lel'iorly to level of so

hind borders of eye:; lateral mm'gins of pronotum ql1ite hroaclly paexplanate Sassaka gen. n., p. 19.

AI Antennal gl'OOVCS bcneath brief; lateral marg'ins of pt'onotum wiLh a sh very natTOW cxplanate bordel' ,....... Synchita HELLWIG, p. 22. e,

inD. Antennal club composed of three segments; ànterior coxal cavities closed

postel'iorly ,....... (10) Hi. Be

Antennal club of two segments; anterior coxal cavities open Ol' closed d i~

posteriorly ........ , (Ii) Be

10. Head expanderl and bl'oaclest in front of cy s; cyes vertically elongate tir and emarginate antel'iorly; pl'onotum bl'oadly C'xplanalo lateraIly; elyli'a ah tuberculate, tu ber'cles somoti mes elongate , , ..

[Rechodes ERICHSON. S. Afl'ica]. 17. Tl Head not expanded in front of eyes; eyes cil'cular with lheil' antel'ior g!'

mat'gins entire; pl'onoturn not bl'Oadly explanate laterally; elytl'a 1'0,

longitudinally carinatc fLasconotus ERICH SON, E. Africa and Congo]. co

Page 11: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


11. Pronolum and elytra "vith prominent longitudinal carinae (12)

Pronotum and elytra without longitudinal carinae ... ....... (13)

12. Antennal grooves on underside of hoad long, exlencling to behind level of poslerior borclers of eye'; pf'ùnotum with lateral margins broaclly explanale Microprius FAIRMAIRE, p. 28.

Anlennal groovcs brief, not exlencling bchind midline of eyes; lateral mal'gins of pranotum not bl'Oadly explanate ... Bitoma I-JERBsT, p. 34.

13. Laleral borclers of elytra ~hal'ply sinuate at level of hincl coxae when viewed frOlTl the sicle. (Antennal grooves boneath !Jeacl very long; third antennal segment sholter than the foudh and firth segmenl, togethhel'; eyes pl'ominent; prûnotum \Vith lateral margins broadly explanate and (iisc usnally b"al'ing t\o\'o well-clcfined admedian tubercles.) ...... [Trachypholis ERICHSON. E., W., S. Africa, Congo].

Lateral borders of elytm not sharllly sinuate al level of hind coxae (ili)

14. Anlerior coxal cilvilies open po t riorly; antennill grooves of varying length or absent .. (15)

Anterioe coxal cavities close!! posteriorIy; antennal grooves long, reaching to level of hind borders of eycs .

[Lascotrichus gen. n.], p. 3'7.

15. Antennal .g-l'ooves absent fl'om J oneat.h hc'ad; antennae with lenlh segment onJy slighlly wider than ninth o:eg-ment; antellnae inserlcd at some distance in front of 0 cs; olytral seLae somet,imes arrangeJ in patches [Xylolaemus REDTEi\BACHER. E. Africa, S. Congo].

Antennal grooves always present beneath helld although sometirnes short; tenlh antennal segmenl always al least twice as broad as ninth segment; antennae insertecl close to eyes; elytral setae nevet' aLTangecl in patehes (16)

16. Body oblong-elliptical, subdepre sed; tarsi with lhr'ee basal segrnents clistinct and subequal .. (li)

Body cylindrical, sll'ongly convex; tarsi either with basal segment dis­tinctly smnller' lhan the one following Ol' with segments one and two almosl completely fu eel (18)

17. Third antennal segment liUle longer thun fomth segment; antennal gTooves bencath hond bl'ief, slrongly convergent posteriol'ly, not l'eaching level oÏ pastel'ior border' of eyes; lateral bordel's of pronotut1'1 coal'sely denlale . Sprecodes gen. n., p. 39.

Page 12: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Third antcnnal segment longer than the two following segments Gnou\

togeLher; antennal grooves long, l'eaching at least lo level of hind distinct f

b01'del's of eyes; lateral borders of pronotul11 finely denticulate the llndel

Colobicus LATl1EILLE, p. 112. mably he GROU VELl

Hl. Eleventh antennal segment freely al'ticulated; thi1'd segment little is congen longer than fou1'th segment; antennal grooves long; basal tarsal segment modated shol'ter than the one following .. species h

[Neotrichus SHAHP. E. Africa, S. Afl'ica, Congo]. are stron Eleventh antennal segmerü very closely applied to tenth segmenL lated clu (fig. 12), third segment at leasL as long as foudh and fiflh segmenLs beLween togeLher; antennal grooves v8ryhort; basal tarsal segment almosl completely fllsed ta second segment (fig. 6)... Pabula CARTER, p. 44.

HndophlclMAMAKIUS gen. n.]

This:T Y P e s P e cie s: Endo]Jhlocus conradti GHOUVELLE. Lhrollgho

Angola.Body shodly oblong-oval; pronolum and elytru broadly explanate lctte­it ta be p('ally. He ad strongly transverse, expanded in front of eyes, strongly

mised above antennal insertions; anteriol' bordel' of head bidentate latemlly; frons tuberculate between eyes which are doubly emarginate antel'iol'1y and elongate verLically; antennae with u well-murked two-segmented club; first and second segments strongly elongaLe, but broader than segments three lo eight which are quadrale to slightJy tran verse; underside of head without

Pubala (antennal gmoves; genae expanded La l'each anterio1' borcle1's of eyes. Pro n 0 tu m strongly transverse, ·trongly nurrovved toward ante1'io1' angles which are produced ta enclose latera! bOl'ders of heacl; laterul bOl'de1's den­taLe; hind bordel' almost truncale; dise strüngly and regularly tuberculate.

ElongEly t r il. with disc conv€x, !aterul margin' broadly explanate; ulmost border bparallel-sided fol' basal two thirds, then venly and slightly acuminately nulose; urOllnded 10 apicosutural angles; di c very cüarsely striate-punctate, alternate Pronolinlervals between striae strongly luberculnt8: elylral epiplel1l'ae broad to convex; ( il.pices, hiding femora when viewed fl'om above, shal'ply sinuate at lcvel of punclllLehind coxae ,,,,hen viewed fl'om one sine. Pl'oslernum bearing strongly l'aised posLel'iol'l'idges in the shape of an « lVl. ,,; anlcrior coxal caviLies open postel'iol'ly; process c inlel'coxal process wilh a median longitudinal l'nised ridge. Nlesoslernum separate<bearing a pair of large, deep, feeG!y ova! foveae. MetasLernum excavat8 and togelalerally to receive mid-iarsi, hollowed behind middle coxil.l cavities. Fifst

abdominal segment excavate lalcmlly Lo l'eceive hind lm'si and apical haH J)UbŒof each hind tibia and with a deep, tl'lll1sveL'se median fovea. Le g s with

similarLibiae not expancled lowal'cl apices; tal'si with basal segment slightly longer Both thElhan second segment, fiL'st lhree segments logether shorter than fourth almost csegment.

Page 13: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


GRO VELLE, "vhen describing Endophloeus cOnradli, noLed that iL was distinct from aIl othef' species of Endophloeus by virtue of the cavities on the undef'side which receive the antennae und legs when l'etracted. Presu­mably he referf'ed ta the other African species kno\vn ta him, E. peringueyi GROU VELLE and E. minulisS'inws GROUVELLE. !either of these two species is congeneric with E. conl'adli and none of the three can rightly be accom­modated in Endophloeus ERICHSON which is a fully-winged genus, its species bearing eleven-segmenteel antennae the last two segments of which al'e strongly expandeel and, wi th the ninth segmen t, form a loosely articu­lated club. On the oLher hand there is a minked ,uperficial resemblance between Endophloeus and i'vlama/cius.

[Mamakius conradti (GRouvELLE).]

J~'ndophloeus conradli GROUVELLE, 19111, Ann. Soc. EnI. Fr., 83 : 148.

This species, describ d ol'iginally from the Cameroons, is widespread throughout west AiL'ica, Congo and is also kno\vn from eilst Afr'ica and Angola. IL woulel seem unlikely that fmther collecting woulel not show it ta be present also within the confines of the Pal'c National de la Garumba.


Pubala GROUVELLE, 1902, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 46 : 185.

T YP e s P e cie s: Pubala squamifera GROUVELLE.

Elongate, cylindrical, squamifef'ous. I-I e a d transverse; anterior clypeal border briefly emarginate meelial1y, labrum exposeel; surface of heucl gn't­nulose; antennae with thil'cl segment scarcely longer than fOUl'th segment. Pro n 0 t u m convex; almosL 11arallel-sided; granulose. Ely t r a very convex; cylindrical; at least twice as long as Lhei1' combineel \weadLh; st1'iato­punctate; granulose beLween striaI puncLures. Antel'io1' coxal cavities open posteriorly, prosternai ]1rOcess inflected behind anteriOl' coxae, Intercoxal pf'ocess of fit"st abdominal segment acuminate apically, hind coxae narrowly sepaf'ated. Le g s with the tarsi having the thl'ee basnl segments subequal and togethef' about as long as fomth segment.

J)ubala is closely 1'eluted to the south African genus AsproLera and is similal' in general appeal'ance Lo IVeotrichus SHARP anel Pabula CARTER. Both these genem occur outsiele the African continent, whel'eas Pubalais almost certainly restricted to troI ical Africa.

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1. Pronotum usual!y longer than brond; pl'osLel'l1um and hypomera sep:l­rated by a nal'l'OW gr-oove, the one conlinuing in the same plane as the other (2)

Pronolum quadrnle to Lransverse; pl'osternum and hypomera sepm'aled by a bl'oud, deep sulcus becoming bronder and deepel' basally, planes of hypomerü and proslernum ubruptly diffel'ent on eilhel' side of sulcus (3)

2. Disc of pronotum more spal'soly gl'élnulose than margins; setae on elytral stl'iae scar'cely squamiform, if aL ail ..

squamifera GhOLiVI:;LLE, p. 14.

Disc of pronotum as closely gl'ûnulose as elsevvhere; setae along elyLral sLl'iae disLinctly squamifonn, aHhough smaller Lhan Lhose along inLervals between striae "......................... [cylindrica POPE], p. 15.

3. AnLerior pronoLal mm'gin separaLecl from disc by an impunctaLe band; denn uSllally urownish-l'ecl; lateral margins of pl'onotum somewhat explanate .. "....................................... [granulosa POPE], p. 15.

Anteriol' mal'gin of pronolum noL separaLed from disc by an impuncLate band; derm llsually black, 0[' almosL sa; lateral margins of pronotum not explanate [ornatula POPE], p. 16.

Pubala squamifera Gnou VELLE.

Pubala squl.lmitera GROLiVELLE, 1902, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 46 : 185. Pubala angusta GnouvELLE, 1908, Rev. d'lEnt. Caen, 27 : Hl (syn. nov.).

Lenglh 2,5-4,25 mm. BreadLh 0,G-1 mm.

Denn piceous black, fainLly shining. JI e a d transverse; gl'anulose, granules separated by about thei\' own c1iameter, each with an apical punc­lme beal'ing a sf'Juamifo1'm seta; inlervals between granules punctûle, punc­tmes of a similar diameler 10 granules. Pl'O n 0 t u rn elongale (6: 5);

slighlly narrowed to postel'ior angles; anterior angles acnle, pl'oduced; antef'iol' border ül'cuate mediul:y; poste1'ior border nalTowly raised, feebly arcuate; impunclate band separuting unlel'ior margin from disc nUI'l'OWAI' luterally than across middle; disc \Vüh granules slightly bl'ouder than those of head, sepal'alecl by more 01' less one c1iameler, by slighlly mOre anteJ'o­medially, each with a dorsal punctme bearing a squamifol'Ill sela as on heud; intervals between punctures with scattered punctuJ'es almost as large as granules; laierai borders denLiculate, c!enticles each wilh a punclul'e on anterior face bearing a stiff, squamifo1't1l seta. Ely t l' a two ano one

haH timE unLil evel Ll'ansvers allernaLe slighLly ] striaI pu which be tUl'ed, pu seLa simi l'aised ne impunetü

Holo Kinshasa

Dis L

2 ex. : SUI' des b savane he lIlle/S. 3. \

Pubala c Zoo!.,

Lengl This

by the cl

Ho 10


Dis t Congo (I Nepoko,

Pubala l Sci. 2


This ~

median i


Page 15: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


haH times as long as their greatest combined breadth, almost parallel-sided until evenly rounded to apieosutuntl angles; striaI punetures com'se, slightly transverse, separated longitudinally by about one longi tudinal diameler; altemate intervals bet\veen striae as wide as a str'ial punetme, even interva1s slightly less wide than altel'l1ate intervals; longitudinal intervals between striaI punetures each with a flat-topped granule having a dorsal punetme which bearing a minute, scarcely squamiform seta; altel'l1ate inlervals ]mne­tUf'ed, punctures with slightly raised bOfders and eaeh bear'ing a squamiform seta similaf to those of pronotum; thifd, firth und seventh intervals slightly l'1lised near bases of elytra giving a subcarinate appearance; even intervals impunctate. Squamiform setae on underside nanower than pl'Onotal setae.

fi 010 t YP e : In the Institut royal des t:·ciences naturelles, Brussels. Kinshasa, Congo (Waelbfoek).

Distribution. - Seecatalogue (p. 5).

Il: examples. 2 ex. : lI/gdj.'>, 28.IV.l!J:J2, H. DE SAEGER, no 3:384, savane herbeuse à ligneux rares,

sur des branches l1Iortes sur pied; 1 ex. : I1/gd/4, 26.V.l!J:J2, H. DE SAEGEH, JlO 351!J, savane herJJeuse h ligneux suffrutescents, dans des branches mortes sur pied; 1 ex. : II/le/S, '3. V.l!J52, H. DE SAEGEH, no 3419, tête de source boisée, clans les arbres morts.

[Pubala cylindrica POPE.]

Pubala cylindrica POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus Congo Belge, sér. in-So, Sei. Zool., 19 : 17.

Length 3-4 mm. Breadlh 0,75-1 mm. This spe~ies is scareely distinguishnble ffom B. squamifera other than

by the eharuetefs given in the key to speeies.

Holotype: In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo, VIII-XI. 1950 (C. DO~IS) (C.E.b.C.).

Dis tri but ion. - Tanganyika Tefl'itol'Y (Ukefewe, Id.), Ghana, Congo (Haut-Uele: Moto, Luebo, lturi: Medje, SankUf'u: Lodja, Uele; Nepoko, Mweka).

[Pubala granulosa POPE.]

Pubala granulosa POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-So, Sei. Zoo!., 19 : 15.

Length 3,5 mm. Bl'eadth 1,2 mm. This species is char-actel'ised by ils quadl'ate pl'onotum with well-mal'ked

median and lateral foveae (more obvÎous than in P. ornalula) and wjthou] punctures between granules.


Page 16: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Holotype: In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Nationat

Yangambi, Congo, VIII. 1951 (C. DONIS) (C.E.b.C.). below sh( l'l'am theDis tri but ion. Congo (Yangambi, Haut-Uele : Malo).

[Pubala ornatu la POPE. J

Pubala mnalula POPE, 1957, Bulletin I.F.A.N., Sel'. f\, 19 : 19G. 1. Large

Length 3,9-5,25 mm. Breadlh 1-1,5 mm. LargE thanThis species is similar in appearance to 1'. !]l'anulosa, but differs by

the characters given in the key, by those referred ta under lhat species and 2. Pron(by its sligh tly more elongate from.


Holotype : Tn British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Ukerewe, Td., striai about

Pronl Dis tri but ion. - Tanganyika Tenilory (UI<erewe, Id.), Ghana,

Tanganyika Territory (CON:jlADS).

olytn Cameroons, Congo (Beni Forest, Mayidi, Albertville, Mayumbe: Kikamba, twice Bas-Congo: Sand a, Mongende, Lueho, Léopoldville, Haut-Uele: Moto, Yangambi, Gandajika).


Cicones CURTIS, 1827, Brit. Ent., 2 : expl. rr, 1119. Lengll

This ~ T YP e s pee i 8 S : Cicones car]Jini CURTIS = Cicones variegalus (HELL\VIG). by ils vu

pronotalSmall; elongate-ovnl; modemtely convex. He il d wilh anterior border more deeemarginate medially lo expose labl'llm; eyes not very prominent; nnlennae

with segments three to nine progressively decreüsing in length, third segment Holo about one and one hall' times as long as broad; antennal grooves belleath (RAFFRAY:head long, reaching lo level of hind borders of eyes; neck narl'owed behind eyes. Pro n 0 t II m bl'Oüd; Interal mm'gins explanate; anterior angles more Dis t or' Jess produced. r~ 1y t l'a wilh lateral margins usually explanate (scaI'­ Po, Chili cely so in C. minm POPE, p. 19); di sc striatopuncLate; interval beLween Haut-Del, striae also with a row of punctures; both striaI and inLersLrial punctures bearing recumbent or subr'ecumbent, squamifol'm setae. Proslernum with anterior coxal cavities open posteriorly, prosternai process emürginate api­cally and somewhnt inflectecl behind nnteriOf' coxae. Le g swith the three Cicones basal tarsal segments subequal and together shorter than fOUl·th segment.

Leng Five species frorn Africa have been placed in this genus. Of these, two

Derl11 are known today l'rom Lheir' descriptions alone and it is doubtful, even l'rom

anteriorlhis rneagre evidence whether they are correctly assigned. Two of the

frontoclyremaining lhree species are repl'8senLed in the fauna of the Garamba



Page 17: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


National Park as far as it is known at presenL. rl'he key to species given below shows how these two species are relaLed and how they Ul'e separated from the third known Africun s13ecies of the benus.


1. Lat'ger 13ronotal and elytral setue ail of one colom, usually white (2) Larger 13l'Onotal and elytml seLae of t,vo colours, one distincLly dm'ker than the othcr [squamosus GROUVELLE1, p. 17.

2. Pronotal disc set ,"vith shallow, punctate granules, joined to one another in many instances by ridges giving a reticulate a13pearance; striai punctures of elytra relatively coal'ser, intcl'vals between str'iae about as broad as a striai puncture minor POPE, p. 19.

Pronotal disc not granuliferous, intervals between punctuees mooth; elytral punctuees relatively smaller, in te l'vals between striae about twice as broad as a skiai punctut'e '''''' africanus GnouvELLE, p. 17.

[Cicones squamosus GRO VELLE.]

Cicones squl7mosus GnouvELLE, 1896, Bull. Soc. Ent. 1"1'., p. 187.

Length 2-4,5 mm. Breadth 0,9-1,6 mm.

This species is scarcely distinguishable from (;. a/ricanus oLher thGn by ils vcU'iably-coloUl'ed selae and by its more broadly explanale lateral 13ronolal borders. In C. squ(/moslIs the apex of the pros lel'l1a 1 13rocess is more deep ly emarginale them iL is in C. a/ricanus.

Ho lot Yp e : In the Muséum d'HisLoire Naturelle, Paris. Abyssinia (RAFFHAY).

Dis tri but ion. - Abyssinia, Spauish Guinea, Cameroons, Fernando Po, Ghana, Zanzibur', Natnl, Congo (Nioka, Yungambi, Kasai: Makumbi, Haut-Uele: Moto, KwamouLh).

Cicones africanus GROUVELLE.

Cicones a/ricanus GnouvELLE, 1905, Mem. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat., 1 : 246.

LengLh 2,8-3,8 mm. Dreadth 1-1,5 mm.

Derm piceous-black, shining. He a d transverse (3 : 4); slightly convex; anterior' clypeal border emarginate meclially, strongly rounded laterally, frontoclypeal junctioft lightly impressed above antennul insertions, frontoclypeal suture not visible medially; clypeal punctures of varying sizes,

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- - --.....-~~- .~~~~-~~~ .-~--~------ ...... ....._--...,............--....----~------ .. -~~-~-


abatt.u. ViVlwith very slightly raised rims, more not.iceably so posteriol'!y and toward no 2130. sa

1aleral margins of head, punctures separated by more lhan one diameter avec no 21 medially, but by about one cliameter or 1ess toward anterior and lateral vide 2130; 1 mm'gins, bearing moderately long, squamiform setae - except along anterior utilisés pOL

margin where there is a row of smallcr, non-squamiform bristles; frontal H. DE SAEG

laxiflorlls);pL~nctures similar to those of clypeus, but more strong!y mised, rims some­

expansiontimes confluent, punetmes bearing squamiform setae similal' 1.0 those of

1-1. DE SAEG c1ypeus. Pro n 01. u m transverse (65 : 53), somewhat convex transversely, 1/0/2, 2.XU almost flat longitudinally; nnterior bordel' s!ightly arcuate medially, sinuate capensis); ~

latenlily toward produced anterior angles; lateral borders evenly arcuate, brûlées, eI1l

pronotum widest slightly be[ore middle; lateral mar'gins nal'f'owly explanate 1-1. DE SAEGE

(Voaeanga- about one twenlieth of tota~ pronotal width; posterior border arcuate marécage

medially, broadly sinuate lutera!:y, sepilrated from disc by il nalTOW sulcus, H. DE SAEGI ol'l1amented by a single f'OW of punctures with raised, laterally confluent mortes SUl'

rims; disc set. with punctures of vLlrying shape and size, generally lm'ger, dans un al' herbeuse ilc10ser and umbilicate laterally, intervals between umbilicate punctures set Ir. DE SAEGIwith smaller punctures beuring subl'ecumbent, squamiform setae, a fevv arborescent

non squamiform setae also present; laterul borders with squamiform setae dans les br slightly smaller than those of disc; basal border with punctures bearing squamifonn setae similar to those of lateral borders. Ely t r a about. twice as long as their greatest combined breadth; convex; slightly emèlrginate basally; lateral borders slightly arcuate; subacuminate to apicosutural

Cicanes n,angles; strièle grooved, punctures of striae small, transverse, mther shallow, sepamted by from two to three longitudinal diameters; intervals between Length st.rial punctures each with a shallowly raised, elongate-elliptical, flat-topped C. min tuberc1e having a dorsal puncture bearing a small, inconspicuous seta; bu~ it. ma interva!s between striae about twice as br'ûad ilS Cl striaI puncture, slightly above. A convex, each set with il more or less regular rOw of punctures, numerically species is equal to striai punctures, having raised rims and beal'ing squamiform setae inslead of similar to lilrger pronotal setae. Prosterna! process angulate-emarginate apically, nalTowed in front of coxae, vel'y slighUy nal'l'Owed [rom level of Holo coxae 1.0 apex. Metasternum flattened and very finely punctured medially Luki, Cor and basally, longitudinal median sulcus reaching almost to anterior border.

Disll' Holotype : In the lnstituto de Entomologia, Madrid. Diaff'O Cabo, San 1 ex. :

Juan, Spanish Guinea.

Distribution. See l:atalogue (p. 5).

60 examples. '1' y p e 18 ex. : II/gd/4, l.IX.1\152, H. DE SAEGEn, no ·\007, savane herbeuse, dans les branches

mortes des ligneux suffrutescents; 1 ex. : II/id/8, 17.XI.1951, H. DE SAEGER. no 2763, This Il tête de source, sous les écorces et arbres en clé omposition, quelques arbres reliques it princi1 (MUragyna); 2 ex. : PpK/::>l/g/!J, 2.IV.1!J52, 1-1. DE SAEGER. no 3276, galerie forestière, Chilracler au demier stade de dégradation. dans les arbres morts debout et sur le sol; 1 ex. : applies e Il/del/9. 1.II.1!J52, I-l. DE SAEGEH, no 3082, galerie forestière, sous l'écorœ cl'un arbre

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abattu, vivant, \'allon encaissé, abords brûJc~s; 1 ex. : I1/Ce/!., 2!•. VII.l!l51, H. DE SAEGEIl, no 2130, savane herbeuse, brûlre, dans le hais d'un Ficus marI, récolte à comparer avec no 2132; 1 ex. : I1/fd/17, 24.VII.l!l;>I, Il. DE SAEGEH, no 2132, galerie forestière, vide 2130; 1 ex. : Ir/gd/Camp, 8.VII.l!l51, Il. DE SAEGEI1, no 2228, bambous introduits. utilisés pour la con truction des toits en paille, Ob5. 216; 1 ex. : II/gd/!., 7.VIII.1!l51. H. DE SAEGEH, no 2208, savane herbeuse bl'lHée, dan une tige morte (Lonchocarpus laxi[lonls); 1 ex. : II/ge!H, 5.X.l!1:Jl. II. DE AEGW, no 2517, expansion marécageuse, expansion avec vestiges de galerie forestière, Obs. :2 2; 1 ex. : II/gdf!., !l.X.l!l51, H. DE SAEGER, no 2562, savane herbe1lse, 'ur les fleurs (Crntalaria striata); 1 ex. : 1/0/2, 2.XI.1!l50, H. DE SAEGEn, no !l2S, galerie fore fière. volaut sur fruits mûrs (FiCllS capensis); 2 ex. : Garamba/4, 3.1U!!51, .1. VWSCHUREX, no 12l1t, gralllinées courtes non brûlées, entre la savane brûlée depuis un nIais et la rivière; 1 ex. : li/ge/S, 22.II.1fJ51. H. DE SAEGEH, no 1281, tète de source boisée, écorce en grande partie (lêta 'Me, Ol)s. 60 (Jloacanga oblusa mort sur pied); 1 ex. : II/fc/15, lIt.IlU951, H. DE SAEGEn, no 13S6, marécage il Papyrus, strate inférieure très hum ide; l ex.: II/gd/4, 26. V.I!l52, H. DE AEGEH, no 3.Hf), savane hel'hense ;\ ligneux su[[ruteseents, dans les branches mortes sur pied; 4 ex. : i\'delele/3, IS.VI.1~152, II. DE .·AEGEH, 11° :-l6!.9, ébouli-' rocheux, dans un arbre mort sur pied; 1 ex. : H/gd/4, 9tUV.1952, 1-1. DE S.\EGEH, no 3381., avarie l1erbeuse il ligneux rares, sur des branche' mortes sur pied; 5 ex. : Ppl\/1/6, 30.VIII.I!l52, II. DE SAEGEH, no 39!l2, sa\'ane herbeuse, de la. . trate herbacée enlre marais et savane arborescente; 12 ex.: bO/2/3, 12.VI.19:>2, H. DE SAEGEn, no 3622. savane arbore-eente, dans les branches et ous les écorces des arbuste,;.

Cicones minor 1 OPE.

Cicones minOT POPE, 1964, Publ. Cult. Ciao Diamant. Angola, No. 23 : 112.

Length 2,4-2,9 mm. Breadth 0,9-1 mm. C. minOT is very closely related to bath C. sq1lamos1Is, und C. a/ricantls,

but it may be distinguished from them us indicateci in the key ta species ubove. A further slight diffel'ence betvnen (J. minOT and the other two species is that in it the prosternai intercoxal [lrucess is longitudinally sulcate instead of flat.

Holotype: In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tel'vuren. Luki, Congo.

Dislribution. - See calalogue (p. 5). 1 ex. : Parc l'ialiol/al de la Garal1lha, Cal/go, l!)!.!)-]O:>Z, H. DE SAEGEn.

SASSAKA gen. n.

T YP e s pee i es: Cicones 1Jwrs/w1Ii GROCVELLE.

rrhis gerlUS 1S closely related la Syncltilrt HELL\\'lG (p. 22), differing from it principally as shawn in the key ta genera above and in the more minor characlers listed below. The diagnosis of • yucltila given on page 22 applies equally ta Sassaka except fol' these points.

Page 20: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



In Sassa/ca the head togelher with Lhe eyesis broader lhan the neck and the nntennal gTooves beneath the head are distinctly longer thün they are in Synchi/a. The ]J7'OTWl'll1n ha more strongly produced anterior angles than is Lhe case with most specie3 of the latter genus.

This new g nus is ereeted to cont[Lin three species; the type species and two others, described below as new. IL is very probable lhat Cicanes Zalns GROUVELLE (19Hl, Mittl. Zoo!. Mus. Berlin, 9 : 208) ought ülso ta be included in Sassa/ca, but the material upon which lhis species WilS based is lost and il is not possible to identify it with cerlainty from the original description.


1. Elytra with lateml borders noticeably explanate; elytl'al del'lTI uni­colorous castaneous; surface of pronotal di~c reticulate ..

[marshalli (GRouvELLE)], p, 20.

Elytm without explanate lateral borders; pronotal dise granulose... (2)

2. Setae along elytml stl'iae l'ecumbent, non-squamifonn; setae of head and pronotum of bvo kinds, some squamifol'm and el'ect, othel's non­sCjuarniform and l'ecumbent; apex of proslemal process with a median prolî"lineneo [somereni n. sp.l, p. 21.

Ail setae of head, pronotum and olytra subet'ect and squamiform; apex of pl'ostemal process without a median prominence ..

minor n. sp., p. 21.

[8assaka marshalli (GROCVELLE).l

Cicanes mal'shaLli GROUVELLE, 1914, Ann. Soc. Enl. Fr., 83 : 151.

Length 2,2 mm. Dreadth 0,9 mm.

This species is readily distinguished from olhel' members of the genus as indicated in the key ta species. Other points of differ'ence are the obviously explanate Lateral mm'gin of the pronotum and the shol'tel' and broader squarniform setae bome hy Ihe pronotal and elylral punclul'es.

Ho lot Yp e: In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Umkomaas river, Nata!.

The holotype of this species is unique.

Length ~

S. samer ring from i and also by

The pro] is paltemec on the apici Also the al


III : 191,2.

Leng-th :

Derm t, bordel' sha lose punetu by slighlly erec L, sq Ulll

very 'Iighl vergent La behind anl angles proc not clearly shallower towilrd un hind bord. less than a fOl'rn sela sculptme indicated 1

less than sidecl, eve punctures ttltematinl bearing a between s each set similul' ta medially; of upper

Page 21: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[Sassaka somereni n. Sp.]

Length 2-2,5 mm. Breadth 0,8-0,9 mm.

S. somereni is closely relnled 10 :i. minOT n. sp" described below, diffe­ring from it principally in lhe chal'aclers l'eferred to in lhe key to species and also by lhe following :

The pronotal granulalion is mueh less strcng-:y raised; lhe elytl'al derm is pallemed by a large, triangulaI' basal light palch, u shared light palch on the apical declivilies and by a separale subapical patch on each elytl'on. Also the apical anlennaJ segment is dislinctly elongale.

Ho lot Yp e: In British Museum (Nat. HisL), London. Ngong, Kenya, III : i9l12.

Sassaka minor n, sp,

Length 2,4-2,55 mm. Breadth 0,8-0,85 mm.

Derm lestaceous, malI. He ad strongly transverse; anterior clypeal border shalloyvly emarginule medially; c1ypeus set wilh very fainlly granu­lose'punctures Lowal'd posteriOl' mürgin; frons gn1l1ulose, gmnules separaled by slightly less Lhan one diameler, each wilh il dorsal puneLure bearing an erect, squami form seta; intel'vals between granules impunclale. PI' 0 n 0 t LI m very slightly tI'ansvel'se, bl'oadest near unlerior bordel'; laleral borders con­vergent to anlerior angles, slightJy and evenly convergent from a lilUe behind anlerior angles 10 hind bordel'; anterior bordel' arcuale, anlerior angles produced, acute; posterior angles almosl righlangled; anterior margin not clearly separated from disc by a trans',lerse sulcus, but indicaled by shallowel' and closer granulation medially, dislinction burely notieeable lowftrd anterior angles; hind mm'gin wiLh ft nurl'ow, il'l'egularly formeu hind bOl"der; dise with slighLly lm'ger granules than head, separuted by less th e1l1 one diametel' as ft rule, eacll bearing a rnclre or less erecl, squami­form seta in a dorsal punclme; interva!s belween granules impunclate; sculpture toward laterai borders similal' 10 that of disc except fol' a feebl}' indieated fovea on either side shol'lly hehind middle. Ely t r a somewhat less lhan twice as long as lheir greatest combined breadth (7 : 4), parellel­sided, evenly rounded to apieosulurill angles; slriae coarsely punctured, punctures separated 10ngiludinally by slighlly less than one diameter and allemating wilh elongale lubercles, each of whieh has a dors,tl puneturc bearing a subereet, sqarniform seta srnal1er than those of pronoturn; inlervais between str'iae slighlly narTower than the diameler of a striaI puneture, each set wilh a 1'0W of gmnulose punctures bem'ing squarniforrn setae sirnililr to those of pronotum. Apex of prosternaI pt'ocess not prorninent medially; squarniforrn selae of underside recurnbent, nalTower than thOSè of upper sudaces.

Page 22: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Holo t y P e: In the Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et clu Ruanda-Urundi, Brussels.

Ppl(/8/d/8, 8.11.1952, H. DE SAEGER, 11° 3102, tète de ource, assez densément boisée, 1. Ely tri clans des troncs d·1.rbres morts en voie cie cléGomposition (Gemba). bordE

ntona Par a t y P es: i ex. : \\' i th same data as holotype. [1 ex. : ? Eala, Congo.

Squn1917 (R. MAYNÉ). 1 ex. : Bokala, Congo (MEUS).] feebl: later~


Synehita HELL\CV1G, in SCHNEIDER, 1792, Neusst. Mag. Ent., 1 (4) : 401. as ifll

SqU1~T YP e s P e cie s : Synehita juglandis HELLWIG = Lye/us humeralis alterlFABRICIUS. in fil

(;;'.mall, elongate-elliptical, convex or subdepressed. He a d transverse; 3. Prollclypeus short, exposing labrum; eyes not pf'Ominent; neck as broad as

La w,head with eyes; antennae with third segment quadrate or elongate, segments anglEfoU\' ta nine inclusive quadrate ta transverse, becoming more transverse

apicad, tenth segment expanded into a flattened, button-like club, fringed squal

round distal rl1tll'gin \\Tith a white pubescence; antennal gr'ooves on under­side of head brief, not reaching to level of hind borders of eyes. Pro n 0 ­ Pron tu m quadrate or transverse; basal mar'gin narr'owly bordered; disc some­ broa! times flattened; anterior' angles sometimes produced. Ely t r a less than elyt1" twice as long as their greatest combined breadth; subdepressed on disc; basal bordet's slightly emarginate; almost rarellel-sided, very slightly broa­ li. Pran dened to ,~vithin one fifth from apices, evenly rounded thence to apicosu­ denti tural angles, striate-punctate, interva!s between striaI punctures each with gran il. small granulose puncture beat'ing il fine seUr; intervals between striae Peon punctate, punctures bearing coarser selae Lhan those of striae. Prostemum

fromwith anterior coxal cavities open posteriorly, prosternaI process inflecled apically. Le g s with tibiae slightly expanded toward and obliquely truncate al apices; femora expanded; tar'si with the three basal segments subequal and together shorter than the fourth segment.

Originally erected for a European species, this genus has had species assigned ta it from ail parts of the world. It seems very pl"Obable that most Synehita of the neotropical species should be transfelTed ta other genera, but the

LengtAfrican species differ comparatively litUe fwm the European fOl' ms and may b8 retained within the scope of Hellwig's genus. The

the even other 1111

ta the n vestiturc

Page 23: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



1. Elytra with very short, brond, squamiform setae; anteriul' pronutal bOl'der clearly differentiated l'rom disc, much bl"Oadened medially; setae along lateral borders of pronotum not confined to denticulations (:2)

SquamiJonTI selae of elytra IléllTUW, elongate; anteriOl' [Jronotal margin l'eebly demarcated, scarcely broadened lowal'd middle; selae along lateral borders of pronotum distriLlUted on apices of denticulations... (4)

2. Squarniform elytral seLac much more clos ly sel on alternaLe Lhan on even elytral inLervals; squamiform selae on pt'onoLum fOl'ming fasciae as in figure 14 lineatosquamosa GROUVELLE, p. 23.

Squarniform elyLntl setae more 01' less equally spaced on even and alternate intel'vals; pronoLal squamiform setae noL forrning fasciae as in figure FI .. ,.. (3)

3. Pl'onotum wiLh lateral borders slrongly convergent from bl'oadest point to within a short distance of base, then tlbruptly sinuate 0 Lhat hind angles are rectangular (fig. 1); setae along elyL['al stl'iae sma]], but squamifol'lTI; firth and sixt.h elyLral intervals arcuate on di c .

saegeri n. sp., p. 24.

Pl"Onotul11 with lateral borders very slightly and evenly arcuate from broadest point to base, not sinuate before hind angles; fifLh and sixth elytral intervals straight along disc impressa VVOLLASTON, p, 26,

4. Pronotum 1110['e nalTowed to base, lateral border's more sparsely denticulate near base Lhan elsewhere (fi;.;. 15); pronoLal disc dislincLly granulose crenicollis VVOLLASTON, p. 27.

Pronotum less naLTowed to base, lateral bOl'det's evenly denticulate fl"Om base to apex; pronotal dis!,; distinctly reticulaLe ,

fairmairei GHOUVELLE, p. 28.

Synchita lineatosquamosa GHOUVELLE.

(Fig. H, 38.)

Synchita linealosquam.OSfl GHOUVELLE,19i9, Mittl. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 9 : 210,

Length 2,4-3,1 mm. Breadth 1-1,25 mm.

The fasciae of the ]Jronotum and the marked differentiation between the even and alternate elytral intervnls set Lhis species apart fl"O:11 ail the othe1' members of the gemls descl'ibed fl'om Afl'ica. In ouLline il is closest lo the new species clescl'ibecl below, but differs in the pronotal and elytntl ve titure and in the basal sinuation of the lüteml bordel's of the [lronolum,

Page 24: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



Ho lot Yp e : Apparently missing from the collections of the Zoologisches bearing a Museum, Berlin. Spunish Guinea ('l'ESSMANN). intervals t

similar to Distribution. - See catulogue (p. 5). longitud ini

and secanc 111 examples. of pasteriL

;, ex. : lIfdd/!J, 7.VlI.19:'>2, H. DE SAEGER, 11° 37V., galerie forestière dégradce, dans les branches d'arbres morts (El'ythl'ophloe1l111 , Chlorophom); 2 ex. : II/gel/!., 28.V.1952, JI. DE SAEGER, no 3:18>, :5avane herbeuse ù ligneux l'are:5, SIII.' les branche.' mortes sur piecl; 1 ex. : Il/gd/4, 7.\'II.1%2, Il. DE SAEGEfl, n" 3757, savalle herbeuse, arbre mon sur pied, pus encore dcconlpo. c; 1 ex. : Il.'gclf!., 1.IX.l!J52., II. DE SAEGER, no !.007, savane herbeuse, dans les brallches mortes des ligneux suffrutescents; 1 ex. : II/fd/17, 15.V.1951, H. DE SAEGEfl, no 177u, galerie forestière, détritu., seime et terreau à la base d'un ar])re crellx; 1 ex. : Ppl</5:1/g/V, ".IV.1952, Il. DE SAEGEH, 110 32,6, galerie forestière au demier stade de la dégraclatiolI, clans les al'lJl'es morts clel)olll et sur le sol; 3 ex. : Parc Natiollnl cie la Garamba, Congo, 1!WJ-l%2, II. DE SAEi:En.

Synchita saegeri n. sp. (Fig. 1.)

Length 1,76-1,88 mm. nf'eadth 0,75-0,85 mm,

Derm piceous-black, shining. He a d tmnsvel'se, almost flat; frontocly­peal suture not visible; anterior border of ctypeus emarginate medially; frons set with small, punctate tubercles about as lurge as eye facets, separated hy one diameter Or Iess und euch bearing a small, white, broad, squami­form seta; lateral borders of head shallowly emürginate. Pro n 0 tu m tr'unsverse (25: 31); anterior bOf'der shallowly arcuate medially, strongly sinuate laterally to acute, produced anterior angles; anterior mm'gin indis­tinctly separated from disc by a narrow, dark, transverse line; lateral border's arcuately divergent from anteriOl' angles to broudest point at about anterior fourth, strongly convergent thence posteriorly until ubruptly sinuate about one firth from almost rightnngled jJostel'iol' angles; lateral border3 very finely crenu!ate and set with very short, white, squamiform setae; of sevent disc and margins set with slightly raised, umbilicate punctmes, véll'iably "'ithin li: separated by from much less than to more them their diametel'; each pune­ scvenLh i ture bearing il short, broild, \vhite, squamiform setn similar to those on wilhin th head; hind margin with a single row of umbilicate, setifel'ous punctures; one thil'd disc of pronotum more Or les flat, the arrangement of the setae usually giving the impression that it is shallowly bi-foveate toward the base; lateral Ho 10 margins of pronotum transverse]y convex. lE! Ytr a slighUy less Lhan one Ruanda-l and a haH times as long as thelr greatest combined breüdth (55: 37); broadest behind middle, feebly nal'l'owed thence in shoulders, subacuminately t\deleli nal'l'owed from broadest point to apicosuturûl angles; punctmes of striae sur pied. deep, separated lungitudinally on disc by slightly mOre than their diameter, ench longitudinal interval equipped with a very shüllow, elongate tubercle Pilt' a

Page 25: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


beuring Cl minute, white, squamiforrn seta srnallel' than those of pronoturn; intervals between striae each with il ingle row oi tuberculute ]mnctul'es, similar to those of ['n'onotum and bearing similar setae; punctUf'es sepantted 10ngitudinally by slightly more than their outer diametel'; striae of sutural une: second intel'vals stnüght, thosc of intel'vals tlH'ee, four and five arcuate of posteriol' palot of disc (fig, 1); striae of second intervals joined to those

; I~"" : ~ ~ 1 "i \ ~ ~ f : l , ,

1 I,

l 1 1 Il :~.',',Il 11 il

1 rI

1 l " : : : : : 1 ~ 1 1 • 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 ~: \ 1 1

: .. 1 " : l,: " 1 1 1 ~",

; : : 1 1 1. 1 1 : i 1 ': ~ " 1 :

,1: : :" :};; , • l , ,1: '" J

, ~ \ : 1 ': ""'. l' , , l 'III

'. ~ r J : :, 1: "" '-, : 1 !, 1: ,.

,,! 1 1 : 1 : t.' 1 1 1 J, ....

1 :":! 1

FIG, 1. - S!Jnchila saeyeri n. sp

OuLline of pronotLlIll and elyt.ra.

of seventh intervals near apices, striae of thite! interva!s ending free!y l'.,-ithin the conjoined api,~es of striae two and seven; striae of fOUl'th and sevenLh intervals joined near npices, sLriae of fifthinlel'vals ending free!y within Lheil' conjoined apices; sLl'iae of ixlh intel'va!s disconlinuons aL abouL one third l'rom bases of elytra.

Ho lot Yp e: In the InstituL des Parcs ationaux clu Congo et du Ruanda-Ul'LlIld i, Brussel:::.

'delele/3, 18.\'1.19:J2, H. DE ~AEGEH, IlU 3(j!,!l, él)oulis roclwLlx, dans LIli url,re mort SUl" pied.

P al' il t Y P es: 1 ex. wi lh sarne datu as holotype.

Page 26: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[ ex. : II/dd/o, 7.VI1.1oj2, II. Dr. SAEGEIl. no 37H, galerie forestière dégracIee, dans les branches d'arl1res morts (El'ythTO]JhloCUlII, ClJ/o'l'O'[JJwra); 2 ex. : II/gd/.. , 2 .IV.1952. H. DE SAEGEn, no 338.. , savane herbeuse ;J, ligneux l'ares, sur des branches mortes sur pied.

Synchila c This species, with its small size and squamiform setae of two sizes on

LengLhthe elytra appei.u's ta be very simitar ta S. flavicornis GROUVELLE (1905, Mem. Soc. l%pan. lEst. Nat., 1 : 248), known ta me fl'om its description Derl11 t, alone. The lattel' species was descl'ibed from material collected in Spanish a visible f Guinea, but il might be that the species has a wide distl'ibution. If this having l'ai is sa, the species described above may prove ta be flavicornis and not a wiLhin bo new one, but 1 feel that it is better ta risk the possible creation of a white, ou synonym than ta apply GROUVELLE'S name ta the mate rial from Garamba broaclest 1 Parkwithout mOl'e evidence than is given by the original description of J'l'oclucecl S. flavicOl'nis. separaLecl

lal8l'al ho Synchita impressa 'VOLLASTON. ûngles th;

leaving alSynchita imlJrCSSa VVOLLASTON, 1867, ColeopLera Hesper-iclum, p. 61. disc depl'l

Length 1,9-2,5 mm. Dreadlh 0,8-1 mm. one diam

S. impressa is closely related to S. linealosquanwsa, differing from il as but more

indicated in the key to species above and by the following charaeters. The of disc al

pro n a tu m is more depl'essed on the dise ûnd i ts punctu l'es are often bor'c1er w

sepanüed by more than one diameter "vhel'eas they are usually sepaf'ated than twic

by less in linerltosquamo a. Aiso the setae along the lateml bOl'del's of the emargina

elytl'a, although squamifonn, ar-e elongate and more or less outstanding. for basal disc some

Holotype : ln the British MuseulTl ( at. Hist.), London. S. Ingo, hy sorne Cape Verde Is. puncture~

ils posler Dis t r j b li lia n. - See catalogue (p. 5). striai VUI

sepal'alecl22 examples.

il subreel 2 ex. : II/ge/S, 22.11.10.'>1, H. Dt; SAEGER, n° l:llo, tête de source I)oisée, clétritus

d'écorce et de sciure à la. base d'arbres morts; 1 ex.: Moruùia./o, 12.III.lfl52, Halo H. DE SAEGER, no :'1186, galerie forestière rjl,;gradée, dD ns des arbres morts, stade de Cape Ve! clécomposition encore peu avancé; 1 ex. : PpK/51/gjo, 21V.1052, H. DE SAEGER, no :'1276, galerie forestière au dernier qacle cIe clégl'ndation, dans les arbrf's morts, clebont ct Di s L SUI' le sol; 1 ex. : Il/gel!!" 26.V.l!J52., H. DE SAEGER, no :15:10, savane herbeuse à ligneux sufl'rutescents, clans les br'anches mort,es sur piecl; 7 ex.: lI/fd/17, 3. V1.19:>2 ,

51 eXI[-I. DE SAEGER, no 356:1, galerie fOf'estière clall'e, dans les ])ra.nches mortes; 1 ex. : I1/cld/fl, 7.VU.1052, I-I. DE SAEGEH, no 37/>4, galerie forestière clégr'adée, clans les branches l ex. : cl'arbres morts (Erylhrophloeum, ChloTophora); 1 ex.: PpK/1/6, 30.VIl1.l952, 26.XI.l%l, H. DE S.~EGER, no 3092, savnne herbEuse de la strate herbacée (entre marais et savane le sol; 7 e arbor'escente); 5 ex. : Il/gdlj, l.lX.1952, H. DE SAEGEH, no 4007, savane herbeuse, dans stade cle les I1mnches mortes des ligneux suffrutescents; 3 ex. : Parc National de la Garflml)B., 2S.IV.Io52, Congo, lo!,o-1!J52, H. DE SAr.GU1. modes su

Page 27: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Synchita crenicollis VVOLLASTON.

(fig. 15.)

Synchita crenicollis WOLLASTON, 1867, Coleoptera Hesperidum, p. 62.

Length 2,2-2,9 mm. Breadth 0,75-1 mm.

Derm testaeeous, SOITlc\·vhat shlning. He a d transverse; clypeuswithout a visible frontoclypeal suture, iJ"1·egularly puncturecl; ft·ons with punctures having raised borclers which are interconneeted hy raisecl ridges, punctures within borclers separated by more thün one c1iameter as il rllle, bearing white, outstanding squarnifol"rn setae. Pro n 0 t u m transverse (35 : 42;, broilclest before rniddle; ilnterior bordel" trunCilte medially, Sinllilte toward produced anteriOL" angles; anterior margin not separated from dise rnedially, separa Led toward anterior angles Ily a fainUy indicated transverse sulcus; lateral borders cu·cuRte, denticulate, teeth slightly smaller near anterior angles thanelsewhere, missing fram each side next to posterior angles leaving an ernarginaLe gap; teeth hearing setae similar- to those on hend. disc depressed, hearing punctures with raised borders separated by about one diameLer; punctures along laLeral margins similar to those of disc, but more closely seL and sometimes with interconneeting ridges; puncLures of dise and latera1 margins bea ring seLae simi lar Lo lhose of head; hi nd bordel' wiLh a single row of setiferous puncLures. Ely t ra slighLly less than twice as long as Lheir gl'8aLest combined breadLh (30 : 17); very slightly emarginaLe basally, slighLly narrowed to shoulders, almost parallel-sided fol' basal two thirds, rounded apieally to slightly aeute apicosutural angles; dise somewhaL depressed, sLt·iae transversely pllnctllred, punctures separaLed by somewhat more Lhan one transverse diarneLer, intervals bebNeen punctures each with a shallow, elongate lubercle having a punctme near ils posLerior border; inLervals between striüe about twice the width of a striül punclure, faintly convex, each set with a ro\-v of granulose punctlll'eS separated longitudinally by from Lhree to five diameLers and ench bear-ing il subr·ecumbent, sqllarnifol'm seta similar to those of pranoLum.

Holo t YP e: ln the British Museum (Nat. 1-list.), London. S. Iago, Cape Verde 1s.

Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 5).

51 examples.

1 ex. : II/gd/!;. 25. IlI.19:i1 , I-I. DE SAEGEH, no H53, à la lampe; 1 ex. : II/fd/17, 26.XI.195I, H. DE SAEGER, no 28';1, galerie forest.ière claire, ex fruit.s mûrs t.ombés SUI"

le sol; 7 ex. : PpK/51/g/9, 2.IV.1!1;)2, H. DE SAEGEn, no 3276, galerie forestière au dernier st.ade de dégradat.ion. dans les arbres morts debout et sur le sol; 9 ex. : 1I/gd/4, 28.IV.1%2, H. DE SAEGEH, no :3:'8!., savane herbeuse à ligneux rares, sur des branches mortes sur piecl; 8 ex. : lI/gd/I;, 26.V.1952., H. DE SAEGER, no 3519, savane herbeuse à

Page 28: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


ligneux suffnltescents, clans des branches mOl·tes sur pied; 17 ex. : Il/cld/0, 7.VII.l(JS2, H. DE SAEGEl1, no :17',1" galerie rorestière dégr'ad0e, dans les hmnches d'arbres morts (ErU1hmphloell-nl, ChlOfnp!wm); 4 ex. : li/gd/l" 7.V11.1952, H. DE SAEGEH, IlO :1757, savane herbeuse, arbre mort sur piecl, pas encore décomposé; l, ex. : Parc \"ational de la Garamr)a, Congo, 1!},0-1%2, H. OF. SAEGEH.

Synchita fairmairei GROl:VELLE.

5ynchita tairmairei GROUVELLE, 1899, Ann. Soc. EnL. Fr., 68 : 164.

LengLh 2,1-3 mm. BreudLh 0,8-1 mm.

In generul facies Lhis species is vel'y closely relaLed to S. crenicollis WOLL., buL iL is distinguishable as indicaLed in Lhe key Lo species and differs also in LhaL Lhe elytral sculpture is slighlly coarser and the punc.tures along Lhe eJyLral intervals ,He mOre c10sely seL.

HoloLype: In Lhe Muséum d'HisLoire NaLurelle, Paris. Zanzibar (RAFFRAY).

D i sir i b li t ion. - See caLalogue (p. 5).

7 examples.

3 ex. : lI/gd/4, 7.VII.HJ52, H. DE SAEGEH, no 3757, S;Wilne herbeuse, arl)re mort sur pied, pas encore décomposé; 3 ex, : Il!dd/!J, 7.Vll.l!h2, H. DE SAEGEI1, no 3741" galerie forestière dégradée, dans les branches d'al'\)res morts (ErUlhrophloetlm, Chlorophora); 1 ex. : 11/gcl/4, 26.V.1%2, Il. DE SAEGEn, no :l51'1, savane hel'beuse il ligneux sllrrrutescents, cla.ns des bra.nches mortes sur pied.


Micl'0p'rius FAIRMAlllE, 1868, Ann. Soc. BnL. Fr., (4), 8 : 779.

T YP e s pee i e s Micl'opri1.lS terrel/IIS FAlHMAIRE.

Small; elongaLe; subclepressecl; feebly shining; spal'sely pubescent. 1-1 e a d transvel'se, obliquely nal'rowed shorLly in fronL of pl'ominenl eyes; ünLennae wi Lh segmen ls fom lu n ine CI uad rate to Lransverse, Len Lh and eleventh segments about lhree Limes as broad as ninLh segment; anlennal grooves on undef'side of head long, l'eaching to behind level of hind borders of eyes. Pro n a t u m recLangular, often somewhat Lransverse; anlel"ior angles prod ucecl; an Lel'iof' harder Lruncale rnedially, 01' sligh Lly ema rgi nalo; la leml borders den licu laie, more 01' less conver'gen 1 fol' an lerior Lhircl; posLerior horder al'cuilte medially, silluilLe lowarcl posteriol' angles; luLeral margins explanate; disc characterislically ol"l1amented with six carinae. Ely L]' a elongaLe and more 01' less pal'altel-sided, l'Ounded LogeLher Lo

apicosu LUl'il beLween pu aL should8J apices of c, presenL bel cavi lies OP!

cüxae. InLe abdominal fourLh segl obliquely II basnJ segrm

So far il

Lo Asia ane them being

1. Granule 01' anil

Frontal a paLtm

2. Mesos!l ('idge al l1ledian depl'ess carinüe

MesosLE noL fov, with 0


:3. AnLel'io junctio


4. ApicoSI fig. 27: prono!L anteriol

Page 29: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



npicosuLuntl angles for apical third; disc depeessed, n1Lernate inlerval' between pllnctnLe slriae shal'!']Y ci1I'inate; eighth intervals briefly carinaLe nt shouldel's, ninth inLervals wilh carinae stopping basally nt level of apices of car-inae on eighth intervals; a double row of coarse punctlll'es present between each pair of cnrinae. Proslernum with ilnterior coxal cavibes open posteriorly, prosternaI J1I'oeess somewhat inflecled behind eoxae. In Lereoxn 1 proeess of first abdominal segment ücuminate apienlly; abdominal segments more 01' less distinctly transversely foveate, especially fomth segrnenL. Le g s w-j[h li biae very liLt1e eXJ1ilndee! toware! ane! obliquely tnmcate at apiees; fernorn expanded mee!ially; léll'si wiLh three basal segmenls sllbequal and togelher about as long as fomLh segment.

So far as is known at present, iVlicroprius is restricLee! in distrihulion lo Asia and Afl'iea. Five speeies have been reeorded fl'om Ah'iea, one of them being described as new in the present pape!'.


1. Gi'ünules on hons either separaled by at least one diamelel' and shallow, or ananged in a definile pattern (2)

Fronlal granules separated by less lhan one diameter ane! not fOl'ming a pattern confusus GROUVELLE, p. 30.

2. iVIesostCrDllrn with a median longiludinal ridge joince! to a transverse l'idge at anterior bordel'; meta tel'l111m deeply foveolate on either side of median, longitudinal sulcus, foveae bridgccI anteriorly by a t.ransverse depression; first abdominal segment \vithout vesliginl posLcoxal rie!ges; carinae on pronotum and elytl'tl more stl'onglymisee! .

[donisi POPE], p. 30.

lVIesostemum wiLhout a longitudinal median ruised redge; rneLastel'num not foveolate on eilher sicle of mediûn suleus; fil'st abdominal segment \vilh or without rue!imentilry posteoxal ridges; pronolal ilncl elyLnd eé1rinae less stl'Ongly l'aised (3)

~i. Anterior bordel' of clypeus wilh a projecling loolh on either side nenr junetion with fl'ons .(fig. 21) (l,)

Anterior clypeal bordel' without projeeting leolh .. [terrenus FAInMAJHE], p. 32.

lI. Apieosutural angles of olylra eaeh produced to fOl'm a short spine fig. 27); head expandedin front of eyes (fig. 21); laternl borders of pl'onolum more or less pamllel-sicled, sometimes slightly convergent antel'iorly decoratus n. sp., p. 33.

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Apicosulmal angles of elylra nol produeed lo form spines; head not expanded in front of eyes; lateral bOl'del's of pronolum dislinctly eon­vergenl fol' anlel'iol' third carinicollis GROUVELLE, p. 32.

[Microprius donisi POPE. J

Microprius donisi POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. ilus. Congo Belge, ér. in 8", Sei. ZooJ., 19 : 20.

Length 2,3-2,5 mITl. JJreadlh 0,77-0,9 mrn.

This speeies is close!y relaled ta M. Icrrcnus, but may be distinguished by ils genera!ly smnller size and by the characters mentianed in the key to species. Olhel' poinls of differenee lie in the gmnules of the head which are mOl'e slrongly l'uised and alTunged in a more definite pattern than they are in M. tcrrcmts and in lhe pro ternum which is concave in front of the anlerior coxac.

Holotypr.: In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Cenll'ale, Tel'vUt'en. Yangambi, Congo.

Dis tri but ion. - Congo (Yangambi, Kamaiembi : Luebo).

Microprius confusus GROLVELLE.

il1icroprius contusus GI10 VELLE, 190 , Rev. ct'EnL Caen, 27 : lOi, 15L..

fJitoma opaca GRO 'VELLE, 1892, An n. Soc. En l. 61 : 296. ilficro]Jrius ullfrayi GHOl;VELLE, 1908, Hev. d'Enl. Caen, '27 : 1.53 (syn. nov.).

Length 2,5-3,2 mm. Dreadth 0))-1 mm.

M. contuslls is the most widespread and eOl1lmon ·of the Ah'iean membcrs of the genus. Il is most l'eadily distinguished from ils relatives by the closely ancl evenly granu]ose fl'ons. Th he ad is almost quadrate; the pl'O no t u m slighUy transverse (8: 9); the el y t l' a are slighl1y more than lwice as long as theil' greatest combined bl'eadth and the cûrinae along the a!ternate intervals al! end freely b fore l'eaehing the apical border's.

Holotype: In the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Amani, Tan­ganyika Territory.

Distribution. - See ealalogue (p. 6).

211 examples.

7 ex. : II/Id!17, 3.V1.l9j2, II. Dr: SAEGEn, no 3563, galerie forestière claire, dalls les branches mortes; 4 ex. : 1;;0/11,3, 12.\'1.1%2, H. DE SAEGER, no 3622, savane arl orescellte, dans les branches et sou les écorces ries arbustes; 2 ex.: lI/gd/4, l!).V1.1'J52, H. DE SAEGER, no 3671, ~avane herbeuse, dalls du; petits troncs d'arbres llJort~ cour'hé:,

sur le sol; 4 inondées, dn Il. DE SAEGE

'inffmtescenl lign eu x su [fi H. DE SAEGER

28.1 V.1!)j2, H. mones sm 1 sèche, Sllr lE Il/el)/!). 13.[11 morts de S ( fore. lière Iril :lrhres en . H. DE SAEGEn

I1Jje/ , ];:>.X.: des arbres e Il° 1436, gale) II. DE S.\EGEF

(!('ig eliŒ aell! aégruclée, dn 26. VI 1.1%2, Il abatlu récen: galerie forest Il° 3305, sa"a galerie fores\ savane i1rbo: 3.11.19:il, .1. ' brùlée depni~

galerie fores peu avancé; Il u 12()·. en ( 11 0 3276, gale et Sllr le sol: ombrage, bOl II. DE SAEGEn

1'11 pai \le: 2 avec vesl ige: 1I/fej10, n dans rIes bra 1 ex. : Il/fd pignon musi 1 ex. : Il/gd cll'posés SUI' Congo, 1949·J

Page 31: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


sur [e sol; 46 ex. : [I/Icfl8, 1•. \'11.1952, H. DE SAEGER, no 3738, berges sablonneuses inondées, dans un arbre mort sur pied (frvingia smithii); 8 ex. : ll/gd/4, 1.1X.1952, II. DE SAEGEH, no 1.007, savane 11erlJeuse, dans les branches mortes des liglleux suffl'lltescenLs; 56 ex. : JI/gd/ I., 26.V.1:l~)2, H. DE SAEGER, 1I 0 35El, savane hel'1Jeuse à ligneux suffrutescents, dans des branclles nlortes sur pied; 1 ex. : 1I/le/8, 3.V.1952, H. DE SAEGER, no 341:l, tête de source boisée, dans les arbres morts; 11 ex. : II/gd/4, 2.8. :V.1952, H. DE SAEGER, no 3384, savane herbellse à ligneux rares, dans des I)rallches mortes sur pied; 1 ex. : lIlfd/17, 3.lV.1!J52, H. DE SAEGER, no 3281, galerie forestière sèche, SUl' le sol couvert de feuilles sèches et de feuilles en décomposition; 1 ex. : II/eb/9, 13. II 1.1952, II. DE SAEGER, nu 32:35, galerie for·' ·tière d;gradée, da.ns des troncs morts de !\eoboul.onia; 1 ex. : lIflld/9, 18.VIll.1a52, H. DE SAEGEn, no 3%0, galerie forestière très dégradt!e, ramassage SalIS les é(;orces et dans les IJranches mortes des arbres en voie de dispuriLion (Jloacanga obtusa); 3 ex.: II/id/a, 11.VIl.1a52, H. DE SAEGER, no 377'" ruisseau il galerie très dégraclée, da.ns les arbres mans; 6 ex. : IIfje/8, 15.X.1!J51, 11. DE SAEGEn. no 2601, tête cie source à boisenlent dégradé, dans des arbres et bra..l1ches mOItes sur le sol; 1 ex. : ll/ed/lO, 20.III.1951, H. DE SAEGEn, II ° H36, galel'ie fores! ière, ex carpophores (Fomes lignos1ls); 1 ex. : 1Jlgd l 8, 12. VII .la51, H. DE SAEGER, no 2060, tête de source faiblement arborée, sous écorce el'arbre mort (Kigetia aethiopica); 7 ex. : PpK/8/9, 15.V11.1952, H. DE SAEGEG, no 3787, galerie forestière dégruelée, elans les arbres morls sur piert (Voacanga oblusa); 7 ex.: Utukuru/9, 26.V11.1%2, 1-1. DE SAEGER, no 3823, galerie forestière, arbre mort (Sponrlianlhus preussii) abattu récemment par la foudre; /. ex.' II/id/9, 16.VII.1a:;2, II. DE SAEGW, no 379!J, galerie foresl ière dégrudl:e nauwotfia vomUoria; 1 ex. : lI/gd/!., 6.1V.1!J52, H. DE SAEGW, 110 3305, savane herbense il. ligneux nU'es; 5 ex. : 1/0/2, 2.Xl.1950, H. DE SAEGER, no a2.8, galerie forestière, volant SUI' ir-uits mOrs; 10 ex. : 1/0/1, 2U.Xl.1a50, H. DE 'AEGER, no 98:;, savane arborescente, récollé sou les écorces d'arbres morts; 1 ex. : Garamba//" 3.11.1951, .1. VWSCHUREN, no 121-1-, graminées courtes non brùlées, enlre la savane brOlée depuis un mois et la rivière; 1 ex. : iVlorubia/:l, 12.111.1952, H. DE SAEGEn, no 3186, galerie forestière cIégr-aclée, dans cles arbres mOl'I , stade cie décompo il ion enCOl'e peu avancé; 1 ex.: Garamba, entre Kiliwa et i\'aworoliO. 3.lll%l, ,1. VEHSCllUnE~,

nO 1202, en dessous d'écorces d'frllingia; Il ex. : Pp1\:/51jg/9, 2..lV.1!152, 1-1, DE SAEGER, nO 3276. galerie forestière, ,lIl cIerniel' stade de la dérrmcIation, dans les arbres maris et sur' le sol; 1 ex. : Ilfld/17, 19.VI1.19jl, H. DE SAEGEH, no 2115, galerie forestière saLIs omlJrage, bois en décomposition, milieu très humide; 1 ex. : Il/gel/Camp, 8.VIII.1951, H. DE SAEGER, no 2228, bumbons introduits, utilisés pour la construction des toits en en paille; 2 ex. : II/gcfl1, :J.X.1951, H. DE SAEGEH, no 2:i17, expansion nlarécageuse, avec vestiges cie galerie forestière, dans des bois morts en décomposition; 1 ex. : 1Il fe/lO, 23. VIII .1a::>l, 1-1, DE SAEGEn. no 2::l12. vestiges de galerie forestière ancienne, dans des branches et troncs morts tombés SUI' le sol, premier stade de décomposilioll; 1 ex. : ll/rd/17, 23.VII1.1:l52., 1-1. DE SAEGEH, lI" 2301, galerie forestière, dans un chum­pignon musciforme se développant dans la pluie d'un E'rythro]Jhtoeum guineensis; 1 ex. : lI/gd/!., 15.VII.l!J52, ]-l. DE SAEGER, n" 3779, savane herbeuse, viscères de buffle déposés SUI' le sol dans la savane il graminées; 5 ex. : Parc National de la GaramlJa, Congo, 1949-1952, H. DE SAEGEn.


Page 32: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[M icroprius terrenus FAIRMAIRE.]

Microprius terrenus FAIRMAŒE, 18G8, Ann. SOC. Ent. Fr., (4), 8 : 779. Microprius reticulatus GHOUVELLE, 1908, Rev. d'Ent. Caen, 27: 151 (syn.


Length 2,4-3,5 mm. Breadth 0,8-1 mm.

This species is very similar in general appearance to NI. contusus, but is distinguished by the frontal granules which are more widely separated and interconnected in such a way a 10 produce three rather vague rings which are themselves interconnected by ridges. The elytral carinae of M. terrenus af'e slightly more strongly raised than they are in the case of M. contusus.

Holotype : ? In the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Simon's Gay, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Province.

Distribution. - Cape Pl'ovince, Natnl, Southern Rhodesia.

The synonymy given above is based upon the examination of a cotype of M. rf'liculatus Gll0UVELLE. There is no doubt that it is the same species as thal described by FAIRMAŒE.

[Microprius carinicollis GROUVELLE.]

Microprius carinicollis GIWUVELLE, 1919, Mem. Ent., 2 : 54.

Length 3,2-4 mm. BreadLh 1-1,3 mm.

The clypeal leeth of this species relate it 10 the new species described below, but it is separable by the chanwters mentioned in the key to species. Il is the largest of lhe African Microprius so far discovered.

Although it is found in S. Rhodesia, it is really a central African species as its distribution shows.

. Ho lot Y p e: In the South Aff'ican Museum, Capelown. Sebakwf,

South Rhodesia.

Distribution. - Southern Rhodesia, Congo (18 rniles S.W. of Élisa­bethville, Kaswabilenga, Katanga : Katompè, Kasai : Makurnbe, Léopold­ville, Kundelungu, Mayidi).

Lenglh 2,

Derm USl

later'al bord( Head in fl'l supra-anlenn ercles, euch boms by one arises a mir frons, bul IT

diamelers, a bearing seLÛI (35 : 45); anl then produc borders part angles; laLe blunLly sen carinae shal ut leasL miel udmedian tubercles b( slighLly mal briefly and lhirds, arcu angles; SUlL lhan carina slrongly ra of fifthinl bases, bul ( carinae of enlire lo bu and ending beginning and fOl'mil sepal'aled meeliully.

Holot: Urundi, BI

II/gd/ .,'des branche:


Page 33: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Microprius decoratus n, sp, (Fig, 21, 27,)

Length 2,4-a,1 mm. Breadth 0,85-1,05 mm.

Detm usually datk fuscous \vith anLerior margin of heacl, explanate lateral borclers of pronoLum, legs and antcnnae more or less lestaceous. He a d in front of eyes in oulline as in figure 21; juncLion of clypeus with supra-anLennal exLensions of frons impressed; clypeus set with hallow tub­ercles, each slightly smaller Lhan an eye face t, separated from ils neigh­bours by one diameter or mOl'e, having a small, dorsal puncture from which arises a minule sela; granules of frons of a sirnilar diametel' to those of frons, but much taller, separated by distances vatying frorn one to sevel'al diameters, arranged in a vague paLLern involving inLerconnected polygons, hearing seLae sirnilal' Lo Lhose of clypeal lubercles. Pl'O n 0 tu m transverse (35 : l15); anLerior bordel' briefly emarginaLe medially, rounded laterully and then pl'oduced to acuLe an Leriol' angles; posterior angles rightangled; latel'al botders pawllel-sidecl for mosL or Lheil' length, briefly convergent to anLerior angles; luterai margins bt:ondly explanaLe; laterul bOf'ders broadly and blunLly serraLe, selTaLions minuLely crenulate; discal and lateral pt'onotal carinae sha l'l', sLf'Ongly l'aised, par'amed ia n carinae ex tending from base Lo at least midway along pronoLum, usually in front of middle, before joining admedian carinae; intervals between carinae with shallow, close-set Lubel'eles beaxing small, fine etae. Ely t l' a as broad as pronotum; very slightly more than twice as long as their greaLest combined breadth (21 : 10); briefly and slightly narf'Owed Lo shoulders, parallel-sided for' basal t\\'o­Lhirds, arcuaLely narrowed thence posleriorly to acute, produced apicosutural angles; sutural cal'inae enLire, divergent near scutellum, less sLrongly l'aised Lhan carinae of othel' a1ternate intervals; C:ll'jnae of third shar]), strongly l'üised from bases to explanate' apical mal'gins of elytra; caf'inae of firth intel'vals as slrongly raised as Lhose of Lhird intervaJs, entjl'e to bases, but ending apically shodly before reaching explanate apical mm'gins; carinae of sevenLh intel' similarly rilised to those of firth intervals, enLire Lo bases but becoming less stl'ongly rai 'ed along apical thil'd of elytra and ending at about one sixth fl'om apical borders; cm'inae of ninth intel'vals beginning just behind shoulders, in prominence toward apices itnd forming explanate apical mal'gins of elytra; striaI puncLures coa.rse, sepal'ated by almost one diameter. 1VIetastemum protuberant antero­medially, Fil'st abdominal segment with divergent postcoxal ridges.

Hol 0 t YP e : In the Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et du Ruanda.­Urundi, Brussels.

II/gd/ I., 281V,l052., IL DE SAEGEn, no 338/., savane herbeuse il ligneux rares, SUl'

des branches mortes SUi' pied,

Page 34: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Para types :

7 ex. : with sarne data as holotype. 2 ex. : ll/gd;!., 26.V.1%2, IL DE S,\EGEl1, no :1::;1'), savane herbeuse ~, ligneux suffrutescents, clans des branches mortes sur pircl; 2 ex. : Iso/H/3, 12.V1.1Ü52, H. DE S,\EGEH, no 3622, saVilne arborescente, dans les branches ct sous les ecorces des arbustes; 1 ex. : Il/hd/l, 7.IV.1\)::;2, H. DE S,\EGER, no 3296, savane herbeuse, clans les tiges sèches de NrlUclell lulifolia, mortes ~, la suite du passage du feu en janvier.

The strongly l'ilised ]1I'onotnl and elylrnl cal'inae are l'eminisceni of M. donisi, but the undel'side chal'ilclel's l'eferl'ed to in lhe key to species will at once sepal'ate the latter fl'om M, dec01'alus,


Hit01na HEREST, 1793, Natmsystem der Insekten : Küfer, 5 : 25.

T YP e s P e cie s : Tritoma crenala FAI3HICms.

This genus is very closelyrelaled Lo il1ieroprius FAffiMAffiE and diffel's fl'Om il. principnlly in lhe rrwnnerindicaled in the key to generü above. ln general lhe facies is such that lhe sculpture and fOrm is that. of a feebly murked species of Microprius. Biloma lacks t.he explanate lateml rnargins to the and the basal admedian cal'inae on Lhe disc are very feebly mal'ked, or absenl. The carinae of the first, third, firth, sevenLh and ninth elytral intel'vals al'e enLire lo lhe apices of the elylrn and the first three abdominal segments al'e not foveolale.

According to lhe Coleoptel'ol'Um Cüt.alogus, Bifoma includes species from many parts of Lhe worlel, As is the case ,-vilh Synchita HELLWIG (p, 22), Bitoma proves lo have been something of a dumping gronnd Hnd several species should be transfened t.o oLher gener'a.


1. Eyes markedly convex; admedian longitudinal pronotal carinae bifurcate anteriol'!y and postel'iol'1y; lateral l11argins of pronotum somewhat explanate [brevicollis GnouvELLE], p. 35.

Eyes much less stwngly convex; admedian longitudinal pwnotal cal'inae not bifurcale; lateral mar'gins of pr'onoturn very nal'l'owly explanate at most Iyctiformis VVOLLASTON, p, 35.

Bitoma brem

Length 2,'

n. brcvic ErcHELBAUi\\ specimen is descriplion a indeed be il prOcess of tI grooves bene that these cl n. brevieoll1 il! icroprius, broadly exp


!Jüorna {yell RilonUl clan Bitoma ruli Xut h'ia gran

LengLh ~

Del'l11 te~

lransverse ( rounded h insertions, facet.s, sepa sed wilhin J

medially b~

sepuruted t Lhe dorsal Cjuadl'ale; q

medially, angles; lale sa towal'd enLire lale slighLly rai luleral paÎ

Page 35: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



)f li


[Bitoma brevicollis GHOUVELLE.]

Bitoma brevicollis GHOUVELLE, 1908, Rev. d'Bnt. Caen, 27 : 11.

LengLh 2,7 mm.

B. brcvicollis was described fmm a single specimen collected by ErcHELBAUM and deposited in the museum al. HambLll'g, Germany. The specimen is lost and so the species is known tü Lhe pl'esent authof' fï'Om its description alone. It is cleady an unusual member of Lhe gel1l1S and may indeed be impr'operly assigned. RegretLably the shape of Lhe intercoxal process of the first abdominal segment and the condiLion of the antennal gï'Ooves beneath the head wel'e not recol'ded by GHOUVELLE. If il. is assumed that these characters are as in BitOl1W, Lhen the species keys out as above. B. breV1:collis would appear to bear a 'Ll'ong l'esemblance to a species of Microprius, but hel'e the antennal gmove are long and the pl'onotal margins bl'oadly explanate.

Holotype : ? Amani, Tanganyika Tel'ritol'Y (ous les écorces).

Bitoma Iyctiformis WOLLASTON.

/Ji/orna lyctilormis yVOLLASTON, 1867, Coleoptera Hesperidum, p. 63. Ritoma clongata GROUVELLE, 1892, Ann. Soc. Bnt. Fr., 59 : 296 (syn. nov.). /litoma TUlipes KOL13E, 1898, Deutsch. Ost-Afr., 4, Küf., p. 111 (syn. nov.). Xuthia granosa GROUVELLE, 1914, Rev. Zoo1. Afr., 4 : 135 (syn. nov.).

Length 2,25-3,75 mm. Bl'eadth 0,7-1 mill.

Denn testaceous to black, moderaLely shining. I-I e a d including eyes transvef'se (5 : 7); anterior cl,vpeal horder shallowly emarginate medially, rounded IateraIly; clypeus obliquely impres. ed laterally over antennal insertions, clypeal surface convex, punclill , l,uncLures smnller than eye facets, separated by one diarnetel' as a rute, intel'val::; smooth; fl'ons impres­sed within raisedlatel'al bordel's,impl'essed at fl'onLocl~'penl junction, convex medially between eyes, shallawly granulo e, gl'anules lm'ger than eye facets, separated by much less than one diameLer', each with a small puncLLll'ein the dorsal surface bem'ing a. minute, appl'essed eta. Pl'O n 0 1. u rn almast quadrate; convex, subdepressed on dise; anLerior harder l'aised, emal'ginal:e medially, arcuaLe laterally, sLl'ongly sinuate close 1.0 producecl nnterior angles; lateral borders slightly convel'gent anteriol'Iy and posteriorly, mOl'e so toward weakly obtuse posterior angles; dise wilh six l'aised carinae, two entil'B laLeral Cilrinae on eiLher side of fi pail' of aclrnedian, ill-defined, very slightIy l'üisecl carinae which are confined tü anterior fourLh of pronotum; lateral pairs of carinae convergent posleriorly, outer entire carinae more

Page 36: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


sharply rnarked Lhan inner compleLe curinae; intervals beLween cm'inue granulose, granules very feebly raised, alma t flat-topped, very closely set, separaLed by less than a quarLer of one dialtleter in many insLances; ert<.;h granule wiLh a minute puncLure beufing an inconspicuous, decumbent setn similar' Lo those on hend; ba.ct! bordel' urcuate, raised beLween each pail' of lateml carinüe, scarcely raised rnedially. Ely t r a From L\N'o to two and one third times ilS long as Lheir combined breadth; convex, cylindricaI, evenly rounded apically, emar'ginale ba ully, shoulders briefly rounded; alterntüe intervals between striae completely, but rather feebIy cül'inate; punctur'es of striae coarse, sepilraled Iongitudinally by abouL one chameter; intervals between striae and inlervaIs beL,,"een striiLi puncLures rwruIaf'ly set with minute punctures simi!ul' lo Lhu'e on pronotnl gmnules and similarly setifel'ous. Undef'side coursely punctured, not granuIose.

Holotype: In lhe British Museum (Nat. His!.), London. S. Ingo, Cape Verde Is.

Distribution. - See catulogue (p. 6).

4811 exarnples.

112 ex. : PpK/8/9, 15.VIl.1Ci52, H. DE SiIEGEn. 11" :nS7, galel'ie forestière dégradL'e, dans les arbres morts SUI" pied (Vnacanqa obtuset); 11!J ex.: Il/fc/18, 4.VII.1!J52. 1-1. DE SAEGEH, no 3ï38, berges .. ablonneuses inondees, dans un arbre mort sur pied (ITvingia smithii); 122 ex. : Il/fd/17, 3.VI.1Ci:'l2, [-r. DE • AEGEH, nO :1563, galerie forestière claire, dans les branches mortes; 3 ex. : 1I/fd/17, 13.VII.10J2. H. DE SAEGEH, no 2062, galerie Jorestièl'e très claire, fLrbre n1'1['t, sous écorce et da ns le boi.- imprégné d'humidité en partie décomposé; 6 ex.: Illgd/S, 12.VII.1Ci51, H. DE S,IEGEI1, no 2060, tète de sou rce faiblernen t arborée, sous écorce' d'un arbre mOlt (1\ igeUa aetlliopica); 1 ex. : 1I/gel/17, 15. VI.1Ci:Jl, H. DE SAEGEH, no 1!J,~2, go lerie forestière elense, !, dm3 bois en décomposit.ion (SaTcocephalus sp.), "Zululwnelu »; J ex.: I1/fd/18, 26.Vl.19:Jl, H. DE SAEGEH, no lCi72, savane herbeuse, SUI' aelos de sal)les alluvionnaires (Crypto­game); 1 ex. : lI/fd/8, 9.V.ICJ51, II. DE SAEGEn, no 1700, tète de source arl)orée, de la strate llerl)ac6e; 1 ex. : lI/ee/H, 26.IV.l951, J. VERSCHUr:E~, no 1612, sous écorce, dans des arbres abattus en décomposition (Sida awta); lCi ex.: Il/ed/16, 20.IlI.1Ci:'ll, H. DE SAEGER, 11° H36. galerie foreslifore, ex carpophores (Fomes lignosus); 3 ex. ; lI/gc/8, 22.11.1051, H. DE SAEGEI1, no 12Rl, tète de source boisée, Voacanga obtusa mort sur pied, écorce en grande pari ie elétachée (vég' tation arborescente clégradée, milieu se conservanl assez humide malgré l'absence d'un couvert dense); 1 ex. : lI/meN. 21.XI.1951, H. DE SAEGEH, nO 27/.6, coms d'eau à boisement dégradé, sous les écorces; 4 ex. : PpI</5J/g/!J, 2.IV.1052, H. DE SAEGi::H, no 3276, galerie forestière au demier staele de dégradation, dans les arbres morts debout et SUl' le sol; ~l ex. : II/gel r'., l.IX.1Cij2, H. DE SAEGEH, no /.007. savane herbeuse, clans les branches Illories eles Iigllellx su[[rut.escents; 2 ex. : lI/le/8, R.lX.1fJ52. 1-1. DE SAEGEH, no /,O:J3, lète de source l)oisèe, clans le bois mOtt,; 10 ex. : lI/fd/17, 1!J.\'II.lCJ51, 1-1. DE SAEGEH, no 2115, galerie forestière sous ombrage, bots en flécomposilion, très 11LJll1irle; n ex.: lI/fe/10. 23. VII1.Hl5'l, H. DE SAEGEn, no 2312, vestiges cie galerip. forestière ancienne, dan.. des troncs ct branches morts tombés SUI' le sol, prellli8l' stade de décomposition; 1 ex. : II/fel/li, 23.VIll.1951, H. DE SAEGER. no 2:101, galerie forestière, cha.mpignon Illuscil'orme se développant dans la plaie d'un ET)jlhrnjJhlocHm guineen.lis; 1 ex. : II/fel/17, !dX.l\lj1.

1-1. DE SAEGEIl, 1

le sol; 3 ex. : 1 herbeuse, non 1 galerie foresl ièr Ii/gd/!" Ci.X.la5: striata); 2 ex. : nauwol.fin VOIn

humide, SUI' le no !12S, galerie. 20.Xl.1Ci50, H. 0 morts; 11 ex. : suf[rutescents, H. DE SAEGErl,

2S.IV.l%2, 1-[, [

mortes SUl' pie dans un a l'bre herbeuse, arbre II/ge/8, 30.IV.1~

arbres morts e galerie fore'lié décom position; ment elégmdc, galerie foresti Chlol'opllOra); dégrad' e, SOl15

rition (Voncal fores1 ière SOU!

1 ex. : lI/gd/' Illélange de gr la Garamba, (

The syno specimens 01 of B. efongû very long se tha t ull fou

T Y Pe s

Cylindrit ginute tow3 two-segmen on undersid of eyes. P borders iWC enllre, urci

Page 37: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


H. DE SAEGER, no 2362, galerie foresLil~re, arbres et branches morl s non tombés sur le sol; 3 ex. : Il/ge/lI, 5.X.1951, H. DE SAEGEn, no 2517, expansion marécageuse, strate herbeuse, non paludicole uux abords; 1 ex. : 1I/I,ei9, n.X.1951, H. DE SAEGŒ, no 25:11, galerie forestière très clégradee, dans les branches toml)ées, en décomposition; 1 ex, : 1I/gdj4, 9.X,1951, H. DE SAEGEH, no 25œ, savane herbeuse, sur les fleurs (Crolalaria sll"iala); 9 ex. : II/id/!:}, 16.VIl.1952, H. DE SAEGEll, no 37~Y), galerie forestière dégradée, nauwol{ia vomi/oria; 1 ex. : 1/0/2, 1~).V,1950, H, DE SAEGEn, no 519, galerie forestière humide, SUI' le sol, fl'oncs et feuilles ùécompo,'és; 2 ex. : 1/0/2" 2,X'Ll!)50, H, DE SAEGER,

no 92S, galerie forestière, volant SUI' fruits mùr de Pictes capensis; 2 ex. : I/oll, 20.XI.1950, H. DE SAEGŒ, no 085, savane arl)orescente, récolté sous les écorces d'arbres morts; 11 ex. : 1I/gd/4, 26.V.1952, H, DE SAEGEH, no 3::;19, savane herbeuse à ligneux suffrutescents, dans eles branches l1Iol'tes ~ur pieel; 1 ex.: IIlle/8, 3.V.l!)52, H. DE SAEGŒ, no 3!;l!), tête de soul'ce bois()e, dans les arbres morts; 3 ex. : Il/gdj-1, 28.IV.1952, H. DE SAEGER, nO 3381, savane herheuse à ligneux rares, 'ur des branches mortes sur pied; 1 ex, : :\clelele'3, 18. VI.l!)::;2, H. DE SAEGER, no 36 ',!), éboulis rocheux, dans un arbre mon sur pied; 1 ex. : II/gel/.'" 7,VlI.1!l52, H. DE SAEGER, no 3757, savane herbeuse, arbre mort SUI' pied, pas encore cl('compose (Parinn.ri cliralelli{oUa); 5 ex, : II/gc/S, 30,IV.1952, (-1. DE SAEGER, no ~IW5, tète ùe source fail)Jenlf'llL boisée, dans des arbres mons en décomposition: 6 ex. : PpI</5l/g/!), 2.1V.1952, H. ilE SAEGER, no 3295, gulerie forestière, an dernier stade cie dégmùation, bois mort (1 Ull ~illde avancé cie décomposition; 1 ex. : lI/hc/S, 0.1I.1952, H, DE SAEGEH, no 3115, tète cie source il boise­rnent dégradé, dtlns les arbres morts; 1 ex. : lI/clclN, 7.VII.1%2, H. ilE SAEGER, no 37/.4, ga.lerie forestière légmdée, dans les J)l'all 'hes d'arbres morls (l:'rU1h1'O/11JIoeum, Chlprop/lOTa); 1 ex. : l1/hdj!J, 1S.VIII.l!)j2, 1-1. DE ::'AEGEH, no 3!J50, glilerie forestière très dégradée, sous les ecùrces et dans les branches Illorles des arbres en voie cIe dispa­rition (Voacanga oblusa); 1 ex, : lI/dd!!), 1,1I,1!J52, H. DE SAEGER, no 3082, galerie forestièr'e sous l'écorce d'un arbre abaltu, vivant, vallon encaisse, al)orcls brùlés; 1 ex. : II/gd/ I., S.V.1!J52, 1-1. DE SAEGEn, JI °3·;,l!), S,Hane herbeuse, bords de piste : mélange cie gra.minée:· et el'!'lCrbacées llasses, sans ombrage; 12 ex, : Parc National de la Garamba, Congo, 1:H\l-1052, H. DE SAEGI::n.

The synonymy given a.bove is based upon an examina Lion of the type specimens of n. lyctilorrnis, B. rulipes and X1lthia granosfl and un exa.mple of B. elongala named by GnüuvELLE. This, together with Lhe sLudy of a very long series of examples from tropical Africa has led to the conclusion thaL a]] four names apply to a single, wides[l1'ead species.


T YP e s P e cie s Neotrichus eichelbaumi (GRüuvELLE).

Cylindrical; convex; very elongate. He il d Lransverse, angulate-ema1'­ginate toward anLe1'io1' angles; eyes noL very prominent; antennae with a two-segmented club abouL three times as bl'oad as funicle, antennal grooves on underside of head well-mal'ked, reaching Lo about level of hind borders of eyes. Pro TI 0 tu m with anter'ior angles produced; anLeriol' and posteriol' borders arcuale; la ternI margins explanale; laLeral bOl'ders narrowly raised, entire, arcuate, dise strongly gl'anulose. Ely t r Cl convex, cylindrieal,

Page 38: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



about t'Nice as long as their combined gl'eatest breadlh; evenly rounded to apices; very coarsely striaLe-punctate; interva1.s between puncLures set "vith strongJy raised, setiferous granules. Undel'side of thorax und abdomen granulose. Le g s with tibiae not expanded toward apices; basal tarsal segment at least as long as Lhe one following.

This genus is erccted Lü include Lwo known species, one refened la Lascolonus by GROUVELLE in 1908 and later (1941) transfened ta Neolrichus SHAllP by HL'lTON, and anolher species placed in Ncolric/ws by I-IINTON when he described it in 19H,

LasCOLrichus i5 l'elaLed lo both Neotrichus and Lascolomls GROUVELLE, differing from the former as indicated by the key Lo genera and fl'om Lhe laLLer in having a two-segmenLed club La the antennae instead of one composed of Lhree joints.

Sa far as is known at "[Jresellt, the range of Lhis genus does not include Garamba NaLional Par!" buL one of the species was described from Amani, Tanganyika and has since been collected at Mombasa and on the Nyama­kubi Nlts., Kivu.


1. Pl'onotUITl with lateral explanaLe margins bl'oadel', not narrowed to posteriol' angles; pl'onotal dj~c wiLh a bl'oad, shallow fovea; third antennal segment almosL Lwice as long as bl'oad ..

[cheops (HINTÜN)], p. 38.

Pl'onotum explanate lateral mal'gins nanower, narrowed tü posterior angles; dise of pronotum depressed, but not foveate; third anlennal segment haH as long again as bl'oad .

[eichelbaumi (GRouvELLE)], p. 39.

[Lascotrichus cheops (H INTON).]

Neolrichus cheops HINTON, 19ld, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (H), 7 : 149.

Length 4,5 mm. BreadLh 1,37 mm.

Ho 10 ty p e : In the British ./Iuseum (Nat. I-list.), London. Jem-Jem Forest, Abyssinia.

Distribution. - As for holotype.

LascolOI1?lS Neolrichus

(H), 7 : j

LengLh :


oO"anvika Te v



Oblong­quadrate, 1

pl'ominent lwo-segrnel on undersi no 1u 111 Cl

anLeriol" Il

liüel'ail y, Ely 1r a CI

declivüies; vel'Y nalTC mal'gins s feebly rai~

beal'ing sh caviLies bl Legs will closely aI fil'sl segm

GnoU\ PASCOE. iL (1906), Caprodes.

Neühe new genl genus hai l'eminiscE

Page 39: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[Lascotrichus eichelbaumi (GHOlIVELLE),]

Lasc%nus eichelvaumi GROUVELLE, 1908, Rev. d'Enl. Caen, 27 : 110. Neolrichus eichelbawni (GROUVELLE) HINTON, 19H, Ann. Mag. Nnl. I-1ist.,

(11), 7 : 151.

Length 3,5-li mm. Breadth 1,3 mm.

Ho 10 ty P e : In the Muséum d'Histoire Natmelle, Paris. Amuni, Tan­ganyika Terri tory.

Distribution. -- Tanganyikil Terri tory, Kivu, Congo, Kenya.


T YP e s P e cie s Caprodes aler GROUVELLE.

Oblong-elliptical; somewhaL convex; moderately shining. He a d almost qUildrate, narrowed from a litUe in front of eyes to antel'ior border; eyes prominent or moderately prorninent; antennae with il loosely articulilted, two-segmenled club, eleventh segment as large as Lenlh; anlennal grooves on underside of head short, scarcely l'each ing to midline of eyes, PI' o­no t u m convex; lateral mal'gins moderately explanale, coarsely denliclliaie; anlerior mal'gin separated t'rom dise by a transverse sulcus, obvious lalerally, but evanescent medially; poslerior margin narrowly bordered. Ely t r a. convex, slightly broadened frmn shOllldel's to beginning of apical declivities; subacuminately rounded to apicosulural angles; lateral margins very narrowly explanale, not explanale near apicosutural angles; disc and margins striale-punctate; intel'vals behveen puncLures wiLh short, narrow, feebly raised longitudinal caxinae; punctur-es of head, pronolum and elylm bearing shorl, subel'ect, squamiform selae. Prosternum wilh anterior coxal cavities broadly open posteriorly, pl'ostel'Dal process almosl par-allel-sided. Le g s with tibiae scarcely expanded loward apices; till'si with basal segmen t closely applied lo smaller second segment, thil'd segment as large as fil'st segment.

GnOUVELLE assigned Sprecodes aler, wiLh l'esel'vuLions, lo Caprodes PASCOE. After describing Diploloma lransvaalica (1895) he later transferred iL (1906), expressing his doubls as lo lhe cOlTectness of such a move, la Caprodes,

Neither of lhese L,vo species in fact belong to CIlIJrorfes PASCOE and the ne,v genus described abüve has been erected tü include them. PASCOE'S

genus has a Lwo-segmented anLennal club of very closely applied segments, l'eminiscent of sorne species of Teredolaemus SHMW (p. 53). The anlennal

Page 40: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



grooves beneath the head are very long, reaehing to weIl behind the level of the posle1'ior borders of the eyes; lhe ereet setae borne by the puneLures in Caprodes are fine and non-sCjuamiform and the second segment of the tarsi is as long as Lhe basal segmenL


1. Head less narrowed antel'iorly, eyes less prominent (fig. 25); laleral pronolal denticles more numerous and more closely set; vronotum distinctly nanowed 10 anterior angles; discal pronotal sculpture of annulate punctmes ralher than shallow granules .

[transvaalicus (GnouvELLE)J, p. 41.

Head more nalTowed anle1'iorly and eyes more p1'ominent (fig. 2!1); lateral pronotal denlicles less numerous and more sparsely set; p1'onotum not, or sCMcely narrowed to anterior angles; discal sculptme of prono­tUtTI of broad, shallow, closely-set granules... ater (GRO 'VELLE), p. !10.

Sprecodes ater (GRouvELLE). (Fig. 24.)

Caprodes aler Gnou VELLE, 19011, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 48 : 181. Caprodes aler GROUVELLE, KOLBE, 1919, Mill!. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 9 : 202.

Length 2,3-2,75 mm. Breadth 0,8-0,95 mm. Derm piceous-black, rather faintly shining. He a d "vith anterior clypeal

bordel' feebly erniLrginate; clypeus finely and sparsely punctate, moderately impressed laterally at fronLoclypeal junetion, puncLllres bearing na1TO\\I, ouLstanding, dark, -quamiform setae; frons wiLh shaIlowly-raised, very closely set granules, ahoul Lwice the diameLer of an eye-facet, granules each with a puncture near unterior end bearing an erect seta as on clypeus. Pro n 0 t II m transverse (3 : 4), granulose, granules on disc very shallowly l'aised, sepaf'tlled by mueh less thtln haH of one dinmeler medially, by more Loward allteriOl' margin; granules lowal'd and alorlg laterûl margins more strongly raised Lhan Lhose of dise, separatecl byincl'easing dislances Lo"varcl la lel'èl l borders and more parliculal'1y Lowilrd anlel'iol' angles, granules each wilh an outstanding, squamiform sela in an apical puncLme simi!llr to those of head; anleriol' mcl/'gin wilh smallèl' granules than disc, granules ulso seLiferous; antel'iol' angles slighlly produced, almost l'ightangled; lateral bordel's almost parallel, each clenticle \Vilh an ouLstanding seLn. as on disc; posLel'iol' bordel' 'lightly broadened media]]y, bearing a single l'OW of seLifel'ous granules slightly smallel' than those of disc; posLerior angles n.lmosl rightangled. ScuLellum flat 01' slightly concave, almost cil'cular, basal bmder slighLly flaLLened. Ely t r iL twice as long as theil' combined

bread th; Stl 1ittle more as a striaI joining eig the enclosu beforerenc and !'even lt skongly so 10 those ( Metnslerllu Setae of u



Dis tri

'10 eXiln l, ex. : 1

clans un arb no 3;j1~), snvi 1. ex. : Il' le mor!.s; 1 ex. d'eau coula I-T. DE SAEGE

lil pl,.Lie ll'U

galerie rOI'c

Dipl%'ll/o (;aprodcs


S. Irm ils slighLI


Dis t l Id.), Con;

r\ S CclI S. all'r. in distrir

Page 41: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


bl'eadth; striaI puncLmes sepaL'ated by about one diameteL' on disc, by a litLIe more towal'd latera! mm'gins; inLervals beLween sl.rin.e about as '.vide as a stL'ial puncLme; fiL'sl. and second striae enLi l'e Lo ilpices, Lhil'd sLL'inc joining eighLh sil'iae shol'L!y befOl'e l'enching apicosutul'lll angles, within Lhe enclosure Lhus fOL'med the fomth and fifth sLL'iae are joined ShOl't!y befare l'eaching the juncLion of the third and eighLh striae and the sixlh and seventh stL'iae aL'e similal'1y unil.ed; laLentl bOL'deL's finely sel'rnted, mOL'e sLrongly so towal'd hases, selTalions each wilh an outstanding seLa similaL' Lo Lhose of dise. PL'osternurrt and hypomeL'n transversely l'ugulose. lVIetasLernum. wil.h longitudinal mediun sulcus confined Lo apical half. SeLae of undel'side fine, shoL'L, non-sljuamifonTI.

Hol 0 t}; p e : In Lhe InsLiluL royal des Sciences naturelles, Brussels. Lingunda, Congo.

DisLl'ibution. - See catalogue (p. 5).

10 examples. !. ex. : Il/fcIlS, 4.\iIl.19'\2, J-t. DE SAEGEH, 11° 373S, j1el'ges salJlonneuses inondées,

dans un arbre mort sur pied n1uingia smilhiL): 2 ex. : II/geli l " 26.V.19;)2, H. DE St-EGER,

no 3519, ·savane Ilerl1euse il. li;,;neux suffrutescellts, dans des branciles mortes sur pied; 1 ex. : I1j1e,lS, 3.V.19;',2, II. DE SAEGEn, llO :H19, tête de source I)oisée, dans les arl)res mor[s; 1 ex. : lIlle/S, ;1.V.1952, H. DE SAEGEfl. no 3420, tête cie SOLllce boisée, retits filets d'eau coulant entre un peuplement de MarCLnLochloa; l ex.: lI/lcl/17, 23.VIIl.1%2, 1-1. DE SAlGEfl, no 23ül, galerie forestiêre, cil::ImpigIJon musl'iforme se ch~velopp:1ll1 dalls la plaie d'un Er[JLhrophlocuni r;Uil1ccnsc; 1 ex. : 1/0/2, 15.V.1%0, If. DE SAEGEn, Il'' ,œJ, galerie forestiêre humide, sur le sol, t l'On es et feuilles d0eorIJ[Josés.

[Sprecodes transvaalicus (GnouvELLE).] (Fig. 25.)

Diplotoma /Tansvaalica GHOUVELLE, 1895, Ann. Soc. EnL. Fr., 64 : 163. Caprodes transvaalicus (GRouvELLE), GROUVELLE, J9C6, 1. c., 75 : JOIL

Length 3,J-3,2 mm. Breadth J,J mm.

S. transvaalicus is scarcely dislinguishable l'rom S. rller other than by its llll"gel' size and by Lhe charncters given in Lhe key La species.

HoloLype : (Localion unknuwn). IVlakapan, Transvaal.

Dis tri b II 1. ion. _. Natal, Transvaal, Tünganyika Terrïtül'Y (Ukerewe Id.), Congo (Kundelungu, and 18 miles S.\V. of BliséLbeLhville).

As can be seen, this species appeal's lo be the southem counlel'part of S. a/er. \VheLher furLher collecling will c1iscover a grealer degree of overlup in disLribution cannot. beprophesiecl at [1l'esenL.

Page 42: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



Colobicus LATREILLE, 1804, Gen. CrusL Ins., 2 : 9.

T YP e s JI e cie s : Co{obicus margina[us LATREILLE,

Small; oblong; not very convex, subdepressed on disc; selil'el'ous. He il d transverse, liltle convex, llrcuately nal'rowed in front of eyes; al tetiol' horder emarginate medially; eycs moderately prominent; antennae wilh third segment as long as the three following together; antennal grooves long, convergent posteriody,l'eaching level of hind borders of e,yes, Pl'O no tu rn with lateral mm'gins more or less explanate; antel'ior angles produced; disc rnuderate]y convex or distinctly flattened. Ely t r a nt most niu'r'owly explanilte along lateral margins, almost pamllel-sided for' basal two thirds, then evenly l'Ounded to apicosutural angles; disc and mar'gins striate-puncLate, ,'triae fcebly tuhercu]ate between [1unctures, tubercles bearing recumbent seLae. Prostemum with anterior coxal caviLies open posteriody, prosterna] pl'ocess only feebly inflected hehind antel'ior coxae, l'ounded apically. ln lercoxiJ 1 ]lI'ocess of fi l'st i.l bdomi nal segrnen trou nded apicaJly. Legs with nal.TOW Libine which are obhlJuely truncated apicnIly; femora expanded medially; larsi wiLh three basal segments subequal and together shorLer than fourth segment.

In facies, Colobicus is most closely relilled to Cicones CURTlS (p. 16), but l'aIls in Cl differ'ent section of the key to genem on account of its eleven­segmenled antennae with a two-segmented club. Il closesl African relative is Sp1'ecodes (p. 39), l'rom which il differs asindicated in the key to species. Another difference bet,veen the Iwo genera lies in the elytral setne; in Sprecodes they are more or less erect, whereas in species of Colobiclts they are l'ecu mbeo t.

Four species of rolobicus have been described from African material. One of these, C. seria/us KOLBE (1897), is almost certainly inconectly placee! in the genus, but is impossible ta l'eassess in the absence of materiaJ. Another, C. amplia[us FAfRMAERE (1882) is apparently cOl'rectly placed in, but the descl'iptionis bl'ief and lacks the details which are necessary for specific identification. The remaining species are disLinguished in Lhe key below. C. speciahs GROllVELLE is very closely l'elaLed to C. parilis PAscm~ of tropical Asia. C. rninl.l[Us POPE is very distinct and may, vvhen more is known of the fnrnily, prove 10 be more happily accornrnodaled in il new genus.

1. Appl'oxi each wi not exp

At leas declivOl cxplana

Colobicus 1

p. 112.


The smi its pronolul The pronot tum are n]

Holot: gallery for!

Dis tri

1 exall

1 ex. : II

écorces d'al'



Dm'rn ~

and brief sions evel convex, Il recumben convex, ] each bear some aln antel'ior angles; 1

Page 43: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



1. Approximately 2 mm long; pl'Onotum with lateral declivities steep, each with two longitudinal, serrulate carinae; lateeal margins of elytra not explanate minutus POPE, p. 43.

At least 3 mm long; pl'Onotum with lateral margins not steeply declivous, without longitudinal cat'inae; lateral margins of elytra explanate specialis GHOUVELLE, p. 43.

Colobicus minutus POPE.

Colobicus rninulus POPE, 195flc, Pub!. Cult. Ciao Diamant. Angola, N°. 23, p. 112.

Length 2,2-2,5 mm.

The small size of this species, togethel' with the unusual construction of its pl'Onotum, will at once distinguish it ft'om aIl other members of the gemls. The pronotal disc is slrongly flattened and the poster'ior angles of the prono­tum are almost rightanglec\ .

Rolo t YP e: ln the British Museum (Nat. Rist.), London. Luachimo gallery forst, Dundo, Angola.

Dis t l' i but ion. - See catalogue (p. 5).

t examplc.

1 ex. : 1/0/1, 20.x1.1030, H. DE SAEGI:'R, no as;:" avane arborescente, récolté sous le;; écorces d'arbres morts.

Colobicus specialis GnOUVELLE.

Colobicus specialis GnouvELLE, 1905, Mem. Soc. IEspan. Hist. Nat., 1 : 248.

Lenglh 4,4-4,85 mm. Br'eadth 1,75-2 mm.

Derm almost black, shining. He a d with [lnteriol' clypeal borc\el' füintly and brief!y emarginate mec\ially, latNal borc\ers anc\ those of frontal exten­sions evenly rounded, lightly nolched nt frontoclypeal junction; clypeus convex, punctures smüll, sepamted by seveml diametel's, each bearing a recumbent, squamifonn seLa; frontoclypeal suture not marked; fl'ons slightly convex, punctmes set on bread, shallow, closely ananged granules and each beal'ing a seLa as on clypeus; setae of fl'ons and clypeus of two coloUf's, sorne almost white, others broyvn. Pro n ù t li m tl'ansvet'se (Ca. 2 : 3); antel'ior horder ürcuale medially, strongly sinuate to produced anterior angles; latel'al margins rather narrowly explanate, stl'Ongly arcuate; prono­

Page 44: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



tum rnOf'e strongly nal'rowed to anteriol' than to posterior angles; hind rnargin narrovvly separated from disc by a clearly-marked sulcus; discal sculpture of bl'oad, vel'Y shallo"v, flat-topped gmnules, each sUl'rounded by a sulcus and each with a small punctur bearing a seta sirnilal' to those of head; gl'anules sepamted by less than one diameter as a rule; anterior margin set with similaf', although smaller granules. Ely t ra less than twice as long as their gf'eatest cornbined bl'eadth (Ca.. 50: 35); convex; parallel-sided fol' basnl three fiflhs, subacuminately nUl"I'owed Lhence tu apicosutural angles; lateral margins nill"l'owly expanate; punctures of striae coarse, separated longitudinally by about one c1iarnetel'; longitudinal intel'­vals between punctures convex, each with 11 shallowly-raised, elongate­elliplical tubercle bearingin an apical puncLme a squamifonn setae, either bl'own 01' alrr.ost white, sirnilar to, although slighLly larger than those of pronotum; striae separated by about Lwice Lhe diameter of a slrial punctul'e.

Ho lot Yp e: In the Instituto Espanol de Entomologia, Madrid. Biafro­Cabo, San Juan, Spanish Guinea.

Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 5).

i example. 1 ex : TI 'qd!-~. Î, VI 1.1')::>9. }-1. DE SAFroEl1. n" :J7~)7. ~avilne herheuse. arbre mort slIr

pied. pas ellcore décomposé.


Pabula CAHTER, 1937, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W., 62 : 193.

T YP e s P e cie s : Bupala perforatrt BLAC !ŒlJTIN ,

This genus, established by CARTER to include JJupala perfmata BLACï{­[lURN is represented in Africa by the single species descl'ibed below. The diagnostic fe;tlu!'cS of the group are well covered in the key to genera above and little can be added here except Lo state Lhat head (fig. 26) has a very characteristic outline and the brisLle on the pronotum and elytra are stiff and ouLstancling. The laleral borders of the pl'onotum are stl'ongly dentate. The tibiae are not expanded Loward their apices.

The African species differs fl'om P. per/orata in lhat the eleventh antenna.l segment is very closely applied to the tenth segment nnc1 seems almost to be fused thereto.

Length 2

Derrn fe granulation an apical Il il temple al between eYI segments to by setaC' 0

transverse bordel' arCL

cate npical punctüte, Il other by sn flaLtened h long as lhei apical fom . utural an~

humeraI ca sI ightly tnl inter'vals et ben\' se\'a ' as striai p tubercles \ setae large borders of the diame teeth beari teeth lal'gE

1-10 lot Id., Tangt


[3 ex.: III ,1951 (.1. arborescent

Page 45: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Pabula africana n. sp. (fig. 6, 12, 26.)

Length 2,9-3,95 mm. Breadth 1-1,2 mm.

Derm fenugineous to piceous-black, moderately shining. Head \\-'ith granulation increasing in size and height poster'iody, granules each with an <lpical puncture beat'ing a fine, yellow sela; eyes prominent, without Cl temple at posterior bordel'; head narrowed behind eye , feebly convex between eyes; antennüe wilh third segment as long as the following three segments logelher, eleventh segment small, button-like, mOre or less hidden by setac of lenth segment (fig. 12). Pro n 0 tu m trapezoidal, slighLly transverse (4: 11,7); convex; nnlel'ior mm'gin bordered, nrcuute; postel"ior border arcuate; lateral bOl'clers sLrongly dentate, each tooth obliquely trun­cate apically and bearing an outstanding seta; disc granutose, granules punetate, punctures bearing fine setae as on head, gmnules joined to each other by small ridges lower than their heighL. Scutetlum small, transverse, f1attened basally, nrcuate npically. Ely t l' a slightly more than twice as long a their combined breadth (42 : 19); paral1el-sided for basalthreo fourths, apical fomth ncuminately nUlTowed to wiLhin n short distance of npico­sutural angles, then obtusely rounded to sutme; basal border emarginate; humeraI calli well-rnarked, shoulders briefly rounded; sLrial punctUl'es deep, slightly transverse, sepnrated longitudinally by about one diameter, these intervals each with a shallow, elongate tubercle bem'ing a very short, recum­bent seta in n minute punclure; inlervals between striae about as broad as striai punctures, nlternate intervals each with ü single l'OW of minute tubercles which bem' a stiff, outstanding seta in Cl small, apical puncture; setae larger than Lhose of pronotal disc, but similar to tho e along laterai borders of pronotum; tubercles separated longitudinally by about twice the diameter of a striaI punctUl'e; lateral border of elytra denticulate, teeth bearing outstanding setae similar to tho e of n1ternate elytral intervals, teeth hU'ger toward shoulders of elylra.

Holotype: In the British Museum (NaL. Hi L.), London. [Ukere\ve, Id., Tanganyika Tenitory (CONRADS)].

Paratypes :

[3 ex,: wilr, sallie (lulu as 111.1951 (.1. V. I.EROY)]. 1 ex.: urborescente. dans les branches

hololype, 1 ex.: 1\. In.c I<ivu: 1\ wan 1", l (Congo), IsO/II/3, 12.VI.1932, H. [E SAEGEn, 11° 3622, sn.vane et sous les écorces des al'I)ustes.

~ "

Page 46: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba




L AnLennal gl'Ooves presen~ on underside of head; pl'Os~ernal process expanded benealh unLerior coxae (fig. 31); body glabrous; an~ennae

wi~hou~ an apical club . [Aprostoma G ÉHIN. E. and \V. Afr., Congoj.

An~ennal grooves absent; prosternaI process no~ expanded benea~h

anterior coxae (fig. 30); body glabrous 01' pubescent; anlennae with or wi~hout an apical club.................................... "... (2)

2. Basal tarsal segment dis~inctly longù!' ~han the one following; antennae wi~h a club of ~hree 01' more segmen~s, club sometimes very indistinct; pl'Os~ernal pl'Ocess be~wcen antel'iol' coxae nalTow, convex ..

Mecedanum EHIc/ISON, p. 46.

Basal Larsal segrnen~ not or scarcely longer ~han ~he one following; antennae with a distinc~, two-segmen~ed club; pl'ostemal process be~ween an~eriol' coxae with raisee! la~eral borde l'S, no~ convex

[Endestes PASCOE. Congo].


Mecedanwn ERICH SON, 1845, NalUl'g. fns. Deulschl., 3 : 274.

Type species : Mecedanwn é'1'icltsoni SHARP.

Pubescen~ 01' glabrolls; usually no~ s~rongly shining; very elongaLe. li e a d wi~h eyes not very pl'orninen~; anLennae either having a dis~inct

tluee-segmenled club or a very indistinct club composed of more Lhan ~hree segments; frons usually elevated laterally, often sharply carina~e along lateral borders, some~irnes wi Lh il. longi Lud inal median carina. Pro n 0 tu rn strongly elongale; disc with a ]ongüudinal median sulcus; laLeral margins with a narrow border; discal punctures usually coal'se and of one size. Ely tr a cylindrical, almost parallel-sided fOl' basal four~h, slighLly sinuate thence to broadly rounded poslerior borders; apical ends of sutural borders obliquely angled or emarginate; alLernaLe intervals between striae carinaLe or subcarinate, carinae sometirnes very weakly raised on disc; even inter'vals each with il double 1'0"" of coarse punctures. Anlerior coxae very narrowly separated by a very thin, lamelliform intercoxa] process. PosLerior bordel' of proslernum wilh a membraneous hine! eclge. Melaslernum with a distinct longitudinal median sulcus. Le g s wilh all tibiae bearing a stf'Ongly formed exlernal apical spur; tm'si with basal segment on middle

und hind ]eg haH as lung ]ongel' Lhun

The disLri [wd the Sey(

,~L Frons iudinal,

Frons '1 ]ongiLud di c by

2. An~enna

a media

Anlenna in fl'ont towal'd

3. Body wi carina n slrungly

Body gl prolube l'aised

4. Punctul diamcL dechvit:

]'unclu lh,w q al'cuaLe

5, Longit~


of C]~I~


Longitl of fim joined

Page 47: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


and hind legs distineLly longel' thein the one following, but not mol' than haH as long as Libiae; basal segment of anteriol' tarsi slighLly 01' distincLly longer th an Lhe one following.

The distribution of Ihi genus includes east and "vest Africa, Madagascar and the Seychelles.


1. Frons wi Lhout a longitudinal median carina; pl'onotumwi Lh longi­tudinal, paramedian clll'inae scm'cely inclicated, if aL all (i:!)

Frons with a disLinct 10ngiLudinal median carina; pl'onoLurn wilh longiLudi na l pal'ümedian Ciuinae d ifferen tiated from Lhe l'est of the disc by sculpLure even if not strongly l'lliscd (3)

2. Antennae with a thl'ee-segrnented club; head not declivous in front of a median angulation; fl'ons with latel'al bOl'del's shal'ply carinate '"

auberti (FAIRMAIRE), p. 48.

Antennae with segments thl'ee ta ten of similar vvidth; head declivous in' front of mcdian angulation; hons obliquel,)' anel shallowly ntisecl towal'd latel'al borders [antennatum (KHAATZ)], p. Ile\).

3. Body \vith dense, cIo 'e, velvety pubescence; median longitudinal fl'ontal carina nanow, sLl'ongly ruisecl llostel'iorly; pal'tlmecliün 1)1'Onotal carinn!:: strongly raised (4;

Body glabrous 01' wiLh a few spal'se, ouLstanding sdae; median frontal protuberance val'iable; pararnedian pl'onotul carinae not strongly l'aised ,.............................................. (5)

Ij. Punctul'es along even elytral intel'vals sepal'ated by about theil' own diametel'; cal'inae of thil'd intel'vals mal'kedly al'cuatc along apical declivity of elytra [tomentosum l-lIi'iTON], p. 49.

Punctures along even clytral inLel'vals epal'ated by considel'ably less than their own dimneter; cill'inae of l.hil'd elytl'al interviLls t'eebl,) al'cuate along apical declivity [pilosum POPE], p. 50.

5. Longitudinal median frontal carina br'oad, flat-topped Ol' concave dOl'::ally; carinae of fifth elytl'al mtcl'vals almost always l'eaching apices of elytl'a and frequently joincd befol'e apices by cal'inae of eventh intel'vals [giganteum (KRMTZ)l, p. 50.

Longitudinal l11eJian fronlal cal'ina narl'O,V, convex dOl'sally; cal'inac of firth elylml intervals never reaching apicû.l bOl'del's of elytra, not joined by lhose of seventh intel'vals ... ......... [sexualis POPE], p. 50.

Page 48: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Mecedanum auberti (FAlRiVlAIRE).

Aprosloma auber/i FAIRMAIRE, 1882, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., p. 30. ColydiU'ln laevi/Tons KBAATZ, 1895, DLsch. enL. Z., p. 157. lI1ecedanum /ilU'ln HINTOi\, 19118, Novit. Zoo1., 42 : 1~19 (syn. nov.).

Length 4,5-0,9 mrn. Dreüdth 0,57-0,96 mm.

This species is reaclily clisLinguished from the other African members of the genus by the chal'acLers l'efened to in the key to species ubove. Although the pronolU'ln show, a reduction of the pa.ramedian longitudinal carinae similar to that seen in M. anlennalwn, the pronotal puncture of M. aubeTli ure of one size. The elylra are very sirnilar to those of M. giganteum and M. anlennalwn, but the intervals between Lhe coarse punctures lack the microscopic punctures present 'in these. The basal tarsal segmenL of all legs is as long as Lhe two following togeLhel' and di Linctly shorler t.han haH the length of the tibiae.

Ho lot Yp e : In the Muséum d'HisLoire NatUl'elle, Paris. Gaboon.

Dis tri but ion. - See caLalogue (p. 6).

10 examples.

1 ex.: 1/0/2, 2.XI.19:JO, H. DE SAEGErl, HO G28, galerie forestière, \"olant Ut' [ru Ils nlll!'S (ficus capcnsis); l, ex. ; lI/ rY e/8, 22.II.l'1;;1, H. DE 'AEGER, no 1281, tète de source jJoisée. écorce en. gmnde partie dUiachée (locangŒ OIJ1USŒ mort sur pied); 2 ex. : lf/fd/17, 7.\1.1\152, H. OF. SAEGEn, no 3H6. galerie foreslière (massif), dans les bois morts en décomposition avancée; 1 ex: lI/gc/8, 30.IV.1\r,Z, H. DE SAEGER, nO 31.05, lùte de source faiblement boisée. dalts des arl)l'e" mons en dÙC0l11J10sition; 1 ex.: LI/hc/S. a. l1.1952.. H. nE SAEGETI, no 3115, lÈ'le cie SOl1l'ce ;-( hoisernent dégrade, dans les èlrlJl'c:; mons; 1 ex. : II/ddf!J, 7.\111.1952, li. DE SAEGEf:, no :·j7.>1., galerie d,'gracl6e, dans les branches cl'arbres morts.

Ailer his descripLion of ApTosloma auberli, FALRMAIRE rernarked that it was distinct fl'om othe!' members of Lhe genus by il culpLure, the pronoLul11 being stl'ongly nLLlTo,ved lo lhe hind border, Lhe shotlcr anLennae wilh segmenLs nine and ten transverse and the eleventh briefly oval, and by the black colouring. In 1895 he sa.w KRf\ATZ'S species Colydittm laevi/rons ancl pronounced iL identical with Il. aubeTti. He fmLher sLatec1 that the pecies required Lhe erecLion of a new gemls. IL is qu'iLe cleal' from Lhe descrip­tions gi ven by FAIR\lAIRE and KRAATZ Lha L the i nsect they hacl befol'e lhem \Vas M ecedan1l1/1. /il7.l1n FfTNTüN.

Colydiwn anl/ 111ecedanum (,

75 : 107.

LengLh 0,5

This speci( are also unus striae lLre ver: The cürinae ( apical border

Holotyp Togo.

DisLrib Ghana, S. R'

Although widespread, IL would sei although the been capLmE


LengLh 8

Both Jl{.

fl'om oLhel' velveLy pub the el,)' lrul c and sevenU elytl'a, the cal'inae und us long as than the mi

Ho lol,}

Dis tri

Page 49: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[Mecedanum antennatum (KRAATZ~.]

Colydium anlcnnalum KHAATZ, 1895, Dtsch. enL Z., p. 158. Mecedanum anlennalum (KHAATZ), GnoUVELLE, 1906, Ann. Soc. Enl. Fr.,

75 : iD7.

Length 6,5-8,5 mm. Breadth 0,95-1,2 mm.

This species is very disLinct by the unusuul form of Lhe head. The elytnL are also unusual in thaL the carinae on the aJLel'l1ate intervals between the st6ae are very shallow1y l'll"ised, parLicula1'ly on the basal third of the elytra. rrhe curinae of the sevenLh inLervnls end fI'eely shorUy before reaching the apical border's of the elytra.

Ho 10 ty P e : ln the DeuLsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin-Dahlern Togo.

Dis tri but ion. - Ugundu, Tanganyika Territory (Ukerevve Id.), Ghana, S. Rhodesia, Congo (Yangambi).

Although apparenlly of l'are occurrence, this species is comparatively widespread, inc1uding within its l'ange as it does Togo and S. Rhodesia. H wou1d seem very like1y that Gammbais in fact part of ils Lerritory although the number present may be very low, sa low that it has Ilot yet been captured there.

[Mecedanum tomentosum HINTON.]

llleccdanwn lomenlosum HINTON, 19118, . ovil. Zoo!., 42 : 480.

Length 8,6-13 mm. Breadth 1/1-2,3 mm.

Bolh M. lomcnlosum and i11. pilosmn POPE are rendily distinguishable l'rom other ]mown species of the gel1l1S by the presence of a short, close, velvety pubescence ove1' the upper smfaees. Further salient features are the elytntl earinae, strongly nLised even on the dise, the earinae of Lhe fifLh and seventh intervals whieh end freely ShOl'L1y before the apiee of the elyLra, the narro\V, sti'ongly raised, longitudinal pa.ramedian pl'onotal ei1rinae and the basal segment of the middle and hind tarsi whieh is almosl cLS long as the second and third segments logether, but is mueh shortel' thelD Lhe middle and hind Libiae.

Halo t y pc: III [he British Museum (Nat. HisL.), London. Ghana.

Dis tri but ion. - Uganda, Congo (Yangambi).

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[Mecedanum pilosum POPE.]

lllecedanum pilosU'ln POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-8 n ,

Sei. Zoo!., 19 ; 9.

Length 5,5-10 mm. Breadth 0,75-1/1 mm.

Separable ft'om M. tomcntoswn as explained in the key ta speeies.

Holotype : ln the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo.

Dis tri but ion. - Ghana, Congo (Yangambi).

[Mecedanum giganteum (KRAATZ).]

(Fig. 30,)

CoLydium gigantewn KRAATZ, 1895, Dtseh. enL. Z., p. 159. Meccdanum gigantcum (KHAATZ), GRanvELLE, 1906, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.,

75 ; 107. Meccdanwn ccntTalis FIl:\ToN, 1948, NoviL. Zool., 42 : 1183. Jl1ecedanum centralis 1-11:\1'0" POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge,

sér. in-8°, Sei. Zoo!., 19 ; 12.

Length 8,5-13,5 mm. Bl'eaclth 1,3-2 mm.

This speciesis ehnl'aelel'ised by iLsl'eluLively lal'gel' size, the junetion of the Ci1l'inae of Lhe firth and sevellLh elyll'al intel'val. near the apiees of the elytm and by the fealmes l'efelTed ta in l'ho key La species.

Halo t y P e : In the Deutsches EnLomologisehes Institut, Derlin-Dahlem.

Dis tri but ion. - Uganda, Ghana, Angola, Canna (Brazzaville), Congo (Yangamt;, Gandajika, Kondue, 18 miles 8.\". of Éli. abethville).

[Mecedanum sexualis POPE,]

Mecedanwn sexualis POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sé", Sei. Zoo!., 19 : 10.

Length 6-10 mm. Breadlh 0,9-1,2 mm.

Stl'UctUl'ally closely J'elated ta M. tomentoswn and M. piLosun1, but laeking the close puhescence. The elytl'a have the eal'inae of the fiith and seventh intel'vals ending fl'eely shol'L1y in front of Lhe apical bOl'del's and the middle and hind tal' i have a basal segment which is almost half as long as their respective tibiae.

Holotyp Yangnmbi, C

Dis Ll' i h Bitale, Niol((l

L Prostcrll pl'oI1line

Pl'OS lc 1'11



1'ypc ~

SmaH; Hei1c1 ,,'iL lürge, ubc seg /Tl enLeri eylinol'ical; neill' base, alang exLn more {)l' le inlel'vals 1'(1

not l'eilehin api(;es, ilpl segmenL SI

Logelhel' al

Sa far Afl'ica. B bas iJeen c

Page 51: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Holotype : In t.he }'[usée Hoyal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo.

Dis tri but ion. - Ghana, Cameroons, Congo (Yangumbi, ;Vlusisi, Kivu, BitaIe, Nioka).



1. Prosternum with antel'iol' margin raiscd medially, fOl'ming an angled pl'ominence ................ Teredomorphus HEINZE, p. 51.

Pl'ostel'num with anteriol' mm'gin evenly convex, without a median prominencc ............. Teredolaemus SHARP, p. 53.


l'eredomorph,us HETNZE, 19l13, EnL. Dl., 39 : 10'1,

'r y p e s pcc i es: Terer/us gZrÛJ!.:7' KH.!lATZ.

Smnll; cylindrical; elongale; lJunclures bearing short, fine setae. H ,a d wiLh clypeus dislincLly nalTo,ver lhan head beLween eyes; e:fes large, subemarginüLe ünlel'iol'!y; anlennae f'lr~ven-segmented with a two­segmenLee! club, lasL segment longel' lh:ln Lhe one ]lrecerling. Pl'onoLum cylindrical; pawllel-sided; finely hordel'eei lilteritlly, bOl'ders hidden, except near base, vvhen viel.ved from above; hind mal'gill with a fine raised J'idge along exLreme posterior border. Ely t l' a elongale; convex; cylindricol; more 01' less l'egularly striaLe-puncLuaLe; apical declivities with sulural inlervals l'aised. Alllel'ior coxal cavitics open posLel'iorly, prosternaI proces, not reaching Lo behind anleriOl' coxne. Legs wilh Li\)iae expanded loward opices, apical bûrders each wilh a l'OW of shol't spines; tm'si with basal segment sCill'cely Jonger Lhan Lhe one foJJowing, basiLl thl'ee segments togeLher about as long as fourLh segment.

So far as is known at presenl, TeretLo17wr7i/wsis confined to tropical Africa. BoLh speeies seem to Ile corn mon in Lhe Congo alLhough only one has been capLured in the area now sLucliecl.


Page 52: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



1. Punctures of head disLincly largel' than those of pronoLal disc; sLrial puncture& of elytra not usually ananged in single rows; generally large)' insects (ll,5-5,7 mm long) [glaber (KRAATZ)], p. 52.

PunctUt'es on head sim ilar in size to those of pr-onotum; elytral striae composed of single rows of puncLures; generally smallel' insects (3,2-3,6 mm long) rufipes (KRAATZ), p. 52.

[Teredomorphus glaber (KRAATZ).l

l'erec!us glaber KHAATZ, .1896, DLsch. ent. Z., p. 159. Teredomorphus glabel' (I<RAATZ), HEINZE, 1943, EnL. Dl., 39 : 105.

Length 4,5-5,7 mm. Breadlh 1,3-1,5 mm.

Apart from ils generally IUl'ger size, Lhis species is very closely reluted lo T. TUjil)eS and is scarce Iy di sli nguishable hom i t other th an by the chilracters mentioned in the key.

SupplementlH'Y points of diffel'ence fl'om T. nljipes al'e : the pl'Onotal punctul'es are l'eLtl:ively smaJlel' and lhe elytra ure more elongate (55 : 23).

Ho lot Y p e : Heputed to be in Lhe Deutsches En tomologisches Institut, Det·lin-Da'hlern. Togo.

Dis tri but ion. - Ghana, Cnmeroons, Congo (Yungumbi, Hembe­Bitale, Luki, Luki-Boma, Nioka, Milyumbe).

Teredomorphus rufipes (KRAATZ).

Tel'edus Tulipes KRAATZ, 1895, Dtsch. enl. Z., ]'. 159. 1'eredomorplws rujipes (KHAATZ), HEINZE, i\V13 , Enl. BI., 39 : 105.

Length 3,2-3,6 mm. Bl'en.dLh 0,8-1,2 mm.

Del'lTI fel'rugineous Lo fuscous, shining; setae shot·t, ereet on apical declivities of elytra. Heu d with frontoclypeal sutul'e al'cuaLe; anterior clypeal bordel' shallowly elTli.l.rginate medially, anLeriol' angles l'OU nclecl , runctures of clypeus small, very sparse on dise, closer LowardlaLeral borders: fl'ons \vith punctures more closely sct Loward eyes than on disc, separated towarcl eyes by one din.metel', small81' than eye f(LceLs; punctures on occipuL about as large as eye facets; TlUnctUl'es of clypeus ilnd frons he:lring srnall, fine, golden, subrecumbent seLae. Pro n 0 tu m elongate (53 : ld.); vel'Y slightly nalTowed fl'om il lillie behind l'oundecl anterior angles to within

il short dislul" narrowly ho to\Vul'cl ullle sepa l'a Lecllly I11LLrgi ll, beu punclul'es w gl'calesl com ilTegulut' 1'0'

Lu 1110re Lha l'OW of very six dia melel J,elween stri rllong i.l.pica\

HoloLy Togo CL. C(

Dis tri l

1 examp

1 ex. : Il Kigcl.iet ete/Iii


Tcud()1 diilgnosis 1


The sel much as vllri11.111e, ~

laLel'f.ll bo almosl hi cyli ndl'iet! ]lrostel'Ou


Afl'iCll, th and New Afeican 1

Page 53: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



il hort di Lnnce of slighLly obtuse jJosLel'iol' ilngles; laLera! iLnd hind ITllLl'gins l1iLl'l'OvV!y hordered; unLeriol' j,orr/el' iLimosL Li'uncitled nlediall.y, arcunl.e Loward anleriol.' angle ';punclures of disc and rnargins small, u ual!y separatcclhy more Lhan Lhei l' clin m ler, ome, pal'licu lady along anLel'iol' mal'gin, bem'ing minuLe, yellow, recumbent etae; inLervals hetween "'1

puncLure, 'wiLh very fine micl'O::icu1Ilture. Ely Ll'a Lwice ilS long as thcir greatesL comllincd brearlLh; sLria! [luncLlll'es smnll, ilf'l'angecl in single, l'ather irregulal' l'OWS where rJUnclures are selJlII'è1lcd longiLudinal!y by from olle Lo more Lhan t'wo diamcters; inLervals beLween striae each wiLh a single rOw of vel'y spilrsely ill'l'angecl pu Ilctlll'es, ofLen seplLl'aLed by more than six diameters; inLel'Vill. beLween ]iuncllll'es smooLh, shininr"; some punctures lleLween sLriae I)eilring shol'l, stiff, upstanding setae, setae more numel'ous along apical dec1ivi Lies.

Holotype: In Lhe Deutsches EnLomologisches InsLitut, 13erlin-Dnhlem. Togo (L, CONItADT).

Distribution. - See caLalogue (p, G).

1 example. 1 ex. : 1I1ge13, 30. IlI.l 0jl, H. DE SAI::r;w, il" g'i!I, Siivane de vo,llée, ex fl'nits cie

!CigcUa aclll'iop'ica.


Tcredolaemus SHARP, 1885, JOUl'l1. Linn. Soc. London, 19 : 74.

'1' YP e s P e cie s : Teredus puli/us LE\\'Js.

Teredolaemus is very close!y l'el.aLeeL Lo Teredol1WTphus HEINZE aneL the c1ingnosis of the laLLer genus applies equally to Lhe formel' except for' Lhe following.

The seLae of the body are very val'iiLb!e in !engLh, someLimes being as much ilS haH as long as Lhe en Li "e !JoeLy. The last an Len nal segmen t is variable, somehrnes being much smilllel.' Lhiln Lhe preceding segment, The laleral borders of the pl'onoLum al'e arcuate in some species and iU' not almos!, hidden when vieweCi [rom ahove. The elytra are sometimes cylindl'ical, sometime elongaLe-eJlipLÎl;ul ilnCl Lhe anLel'iol' l11al'gin o[ Lhe pl'ostel'/lum is, as menLiolled in Lhe key Lo g81101':I, evenly convex.

TwenLy-Lwo species have beeo pluced in this gerlLls, elevcn of them l'l'om Africa, the othel's [l'om MaCiagasL:<Lr, lndia, Ceylon, Japan, the Philippines and New Bl'itain. ln the present report, il furlher species is added to the Afl'ical1 list.

Page 54: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba




L Pl'onolum and elyLm unicolorous, hlilcl< .. (2)

Ely tra parlicoloured al' hl'own, not U Il icolol'Ous hlack (6)

2. E1yLra without il bl'oar! impl'cssion at apices; sulu l'al slriae sorneLirnes impres cd along apical cieclivities ... (3)

Elyll'a \\'iLh Cl bl'oaCi apical impressioll (5)

3. Pl'onotum transverse; sorne elytral setae about half as long as body; elytl'a oval-elliptical, about t\vice as long as thoir greatest combined hl'eadth setipennis POPE, p. 55.

Pl'onotUITI elongiltc; elytl'ill setae iLlways mu Il less theln haH ilS long ilS body, if pl'esent at ail; clvLl'iL cylindl'ical, almost pilt'illlci-siclecl, at lea"t lwu and a haH Limes as long as theil' gl'8atest combined bl'eadth ... (~)

4. Elytnl almost three Limes as long as theil' combined bl~·i.Ldth; a.pical antennal segment at least as lal'ge as tenth segment; pf'Onotllm and elytl'a with shol't, el'cct, golden setae in punctures .

[elongatus POPE], p. 56.

ElyLl'a two and a hall times as long as theil' cornbincd bl'eadth; apical anl.ennill seglnent distinctly sma11er theUl tenLh segment (fig. 11); pronolum and elytra withollt noticeable except fol' a few minuto hail's on apical declivilies of elytra problematicus n. sp., p. 57.

5. Pronotum quadrate; elyh'a Lwice ilS Ions' as LheÎ1' gTeaLest combined bl"eadth, punctul'es of intel'vals betwcen striao beaf'ing shol't setae; pronota.l punctul'es finer than thase of head .

impressipennis HEINZE, p. 56.

Pl'onotul11 elongate (5: 11 \ elytra more than twice as long as theil' gTeatest combined bf'eadth, setae in punctul' s vel'Y long, esp ciaUy neal' shouldel's, bases puncLure of a similal' size ta thoso of head...

6. Elytra blacl< with brown apices; frontoclypeal pronoturn transverse ..

along elytl'al intef'vals and latel'ally; pl'onotal [pilosus HEli\ZE], p. 58.

suturo visible, arcuate; [pulcher HEI:'lzEl, p. 59.

EJyllïl bW\\îl or teslaceous, sometimes with Jongituclinal dnrl«~l'

stripes (7)

7. Pl'onotu III CjUêlclrille Ol' tril nsve l'se, sicles brondly l'OU ndecl (8)

Pronolurn elongate, sides itlmost paral1el (11)

8. Pronolum distinctly 11è11TO'\ver aL posLerioJ' Lhan rü anLeriol' angles, setLle in punctures fine, but distinct; anteriol' angles of pf'onotum more l'oundecl (fig. 3) [schedli POPE], p. 59.

Pronotulll nol nnl'rOwel' posLel'iol'1y Lhan antel'iorly, with or without setae in 1 unctures; anterior pronotnl angles more mêll'kecl (fig. 2).. (9)

9. InLerval jluncLllI'

Intel'val tl'anSVel midclle.

10. Lateral pronuta tudinal lateral

Lateral punclu apices: c1al'ker

11. Apical pronot elytl'H

Apical and el. elyLl'a

12. ElyLra. rowed

Elytra and p

'j'credolae séf'. in·


1'. scli other l,no extl'emel) with the punctul'e~

Holo Yangnml

Dis t \NalikalE

Page 55: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


9. Inlervals between striae of elytl"a each with a I"egular l"OW of 11uncluI"es (10)

Intervals between elytral "triae without a row of punctmes. (Pronotum transvel'se, lateral borders eaeh 'with a single, outstanding seta near middle.) [bicolor POPE], p. 59.

10. Lateral pronotal borders sot with stiff, outstanding setae; setae of pronotal and elytral punctmes readily visible; elytm each wiLh il longi­tudinal lighter band, bl'oadened toward apices so that it l'eaches the lateral borders of the elytra and almo t attains the sutme ..

[globicollis HEINZE], p. 60.

Lateral pronotal borders w ithout setae; setae of elytr'al and pronoLal punctures exceedingly minute, scarcely visible except loward elytrill apices; elytra unicolol'Ous testaceous except along sutme which is darker [seriatipennis POPEl, p. 6 L.

11. Apical anLennal segment much lm'ger than I:enth segmenl: (fig. 16); pronotum and elytl'a. with rather long, outstanding seta.e in punctures; elytra three times as long as br-oad [kraatzi HEINZE], p. 61.

."'pical anl:ennal segment sll1illler I:hiln I:enth segment (fig. 11); pl"UnOLUll1 ùnd elytra without visible setae in punctures except nenr elyLral ilJliees; elytra not more than two and a haH times as long as broad ....... (12)

12. Elytra two and il haH limes as tong as br-oad; pronotum slightly nal'­rowed from il liLtle bohind anlerior angles to hind angles (35 : 30) ...

problematicus n. sp., p. 57.

Elytr-a twice as long as broac!; pl"onoLum searcely narf"owed anteriorly and posleriorly [guineensis I-IEINZE], p. 61.

[Teredolaemus setipennis POPE.]

'J.'credolaemus selipen:nis POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-So, Sei. Zool., 19 : 34.

Lengl:h 2,6-3,6 mm. Brencll:h 1,1-1,3 mm.

1'. seLipennis is a very disLinclive species. IL 1S very differenL From the other known aU-black species which lack an apical elytral impression. The exLl'emely long setae are reudily visible Lo the nilked eye. These, Logether with the large puncLures from which Lhey arise, larger Lhan the striai punctures, will serve to separate the species from any other.

Ho lot Yp e : In the Musée Royal de l' \frique Cenlrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo.

DistribuLion. - Ghanu, Congo (Yangambi, Nioka, Bulongo, Mweka, vValil<üle (l'ives Loa), Kivu: ten. Masisi).

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PAne: i\ATlO:'iAL DE LA GAnA 1BA

[Teredolaemus elongatus POPE,]

TCTcdolacmus clongaL1.I8 POPE, 1955, Rev, Zoo!. Bot. Afr" 61 : 2119,

Length 11,4-4,9 mm, Bl'eadLh 1,1-1,2 mm,

The elongale, cylindrical f01'm of this species is rell1iniscent of TCTCdo­mOTp/ms spp, (p, 51). SalienL characlel's, Oth81' lhan lhose menLioned in lhe key Lo srJecies, are: the nillTOW laleral borders of the pronolum which are nol thiclcened towal'C] lhe allterior angles; the minute setae of lhe sLria] puncture' of the elylnL, smaller Lhan lhose of the punctures belween the sLriae and lhe marked a ymrnetry of lhe antennal club,

Ho lot Y Jl e : In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Cenlrale, rrel'VUl'C!l. Yüngambi, Congo,

DisLribulion, - Congo (Yangall1bi, Hembe-Bilalc, Valley nr, Bunyakivi),

Teredolaemus impressipennis HEINZE,

(Fig, 8,)

Tacdolacmm i'lllpl'cssipennis HEI\'ZE, 1943, En t. BI., 39 : 98,

Length 2,75-3,75 mm, Bl'eadth 0,8-1,2 mm,

D81'm shining; body cylindrical, slighLly nnrrovved before and behind, He a d evenly convex, fL'ontoclypeal suLure scm'cely visible; clypeus finely punctUl'ed, punclures usually separated by more than lhree diameLers, setiferous, selae longer toward lateral borders; frons \ViLh courser, buL variable punctul'es sepal'llled by from less than one Lo about two diamelers, lluncluL'es seLiferous, closer toward eyes, se~ae u ually ns on clypeus buL occasionally mueh longer and outslanding: antennae with club as in figure 8, Pro no tu m quad1'ale, convex; lalel'nl bOl'ders "veakly ill'CUiüe medially, convel'gen t ove1' .an terior fourth; anterior border shallowly a L'cuate rnedially, slighLly sinuaLe loward faüly 'Vell-l1l11l'ked antel'ioL' angles; posLerior angles rounded, ]1os1e1'ior margin evenly arcnate, b01'derecl; lale1'nl rnargins ,vith a natTOW nLised bOl'der, rnal'kedly thic1l:ened toward ilnLeriol' angles, less st1'ongly broadened toward posLeriol' ilngles; disc and 11 1ill'gi ns seL wiLh puncLu1'es smalle1' lhan those of frons, punclures Sel)aL'aleci b.v hom two to three c1iameteL' , setiferous, selae sirnillll' lo those of fron~,

sorne com'se!', much longel', sliff, oulsLanding eLae present along lalernl borde'l's, setae elsewhe1'e subl'ecumbenl. Ely Il' il very slighlly more lhan lwice as long as broad (17 : 8), almost parallel- ided for basal four fiflhs, slighlly narrowec1 to shoulders, nnl'l'owed in apical fifth to bl'oaclly l'oundecl apical bol'ders; apical declivi Lies bL'oadly im]1l'e "ed, su tmal in tervüls L'a isecl along cleclivily; disc and mal'gins striate-puncLale, punclures similarin size lo those of pL'onolal disc, sepal'ated longitudimdly by about 111l'ee dial1leters,

sleiae separi a row of Jlu six diamele puncLures 0

la lera l bOl'd selae sirnilD

Holol,) Cameroon

Dis lI' i

311 exan

6 ex, : Il

oblllsa lilort dégl'él.rléc, ni 2 ex, : lI!gr sous ['éco)'(" bambolls in fo)'tement cl, Ilam bous sel li/he 18, 0.JI arbres IlIOI'1

dernier bru IIlgdllf, 96.' dans ries hl'

ôboulh l'ocl

nO 37·'d·, gül( (;Il [orap/101'(

morL sm l1Xla~~, 11 sul'(rules('el



T, clvnqu selae on 1

of lhe 1 llUnclul'e: diameLel': punclul'e' anLennal Pranol nnlel'ior, mediully arcuaLe r

Page 57: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


sll'iûG separated by about six diarnelers; intervals between sLf'iae e,Lch with il rOw of puncture , similarin size to those of striae, but sepal'aled byabout six diameters; slrial punclures beal'ing s111a11 , fine, while, l'ecurllbent sellle, punctures of inlervals "'ilh ouLstanding, golden etae simili.ll' 10 those ,dong luleral bOl'ders of pronoLurn; basal bordel', ench with a row of oul--tnncling setne sirnilar to Lhose of intel'vals.

HoloLype: In lhe Deulsches EnLomologisches Inslitut, Berlin-Dahlem. Cûmeroons.

Dislribulion. - See calalogue (p, 6).

311 exarnples, 6 ex. : lI/gc/S, 22. l Ufl,'i"l, H. Os SAEGEn, no 128"1, lèle de som'ce boisée, l'onrangll. mort SUi' pied, l'coree en grnnlle part ie clé tachée, végétation arborescellte dégl'UcJee, milieu se conservant a;.;~ez humide malgré l'ai)sellce (l'un rouvert clen~e:

2 ex. : Il/gcl il" 10.111.1\)5"1, H. DE SAEGER, ]]0 J HO, savane herbeuse à. ligneux rares, sous J'écorce cl'arbres morts; 2 ex. : II/gdiCarlll', 8.VIlI.1fl51, IL DE SAEGEH, 11° 22'.'8, bambous introduits ULilisé~ pour la construclioll des loits C'1l paille, l'altaqLle s'est fortement clévelopp e penclant la ~ahon rIes pluies (!)amhOlls ahl'ités des pluies). des bambous servant cie mâts iL l'extérieur ne SOllt pas attaqués rn.('lllenanl/lera); 7 ex. : lI/hc/S, 9.11.1a52, H. DF. SAEGEH, no 31l:i, Lète de source iL hoi~e1l1ellt dégradé, dAns les arbres morls; l ex: Ppl<jJl/g!fl, 2,IV.!l52, H. ni': SAEGEH, no 3276, galerie forestière alL dernier grade de dégradatioll, dans ïes ilrbres 1110rts, debollt et SII(' le soL 2 ex. : II/gd/4., 26.V.lflj2, H. DE ,AEIOEH, HU :r)l~J, savane herbeuse à lignellx sllffl'Ilfescents, dans des bt'anclles mortes sur piclt; g ex. : \'delele{:1, 18.VI.1'152, H. DE SAEGER, no 36W, l:bOlllis rocheux, dans lin <lri)re mort sur pied; 1 ex. : II/del/'1,, Il. DE ' Arf,En,

no 37H, galerie fore ·til~re dt'gradee, rions les bt'anches d'arbt'es nlorts (Fr!JlIJl'07J!JIaewn, C/Jtol'o)Jl1ora): 2 ex. : lI/gd/l" 7.Vll.J'lo2, H. DE S.~Er.EH, Il U 3757, savane lJerbellse, arbre mOt't sur pierl, pas encore elécomposl', IPcl'rina-ri ctlrrttclli;oUa); 3 ex.: lI/gd/ f"

l.lX.la52, H. DE SAEGER, nO IOn?, savane Ilerbeuse, ilnlls les !)t'ullc!Ies mortcs eles ligneux ~llffrutescen1s.

Teredolaemus problematicus n. "p, (Fi". 11.)

Lenglh 2,9-3,1 mm. Breadlh 0,76-0,8 mm.

Derrn dark bl'own lo almost black, shining; fOl'rn very similar Lo T, elongalus POPE (p. 56), but a liLile less elongale and wiLhout noLiceallle setae on upper sUl'faces of prolhorax ilnd elytm except on al ical declivities of lhe latter. He il d evenly convex; clypt'u' very fillely punclmcd, punctures seliferous; J'l'ons with Im'ger ]1unclures separaled by about Iwo diameters, inlervuls belween punclures wilh microsculplure; fronlal punclures bem'ing small, l'ecumbenL selae more noliceable LO\.val'Cl eyes; nnlennal club very sirnilnr lo lhat of T. (Juineensis HEINZE (p. (1).

Pro no tu m elongaLe (22: 18); convex; slightly nmTowed l'rom nem' nnLeriOl' angles 10 bilse; anleriol' angles well-marked, iLIllerior borclGl' arcuale medially, sinuale toward anlel'iOl' angles; basiJ] border hnely mised, briefly arCUG te medi ally, broaclly si nuale Lo shi.l1'ply formed poslerior angles; lalel'G1

Page 58: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


bOl'del's thicl\ened from middle to anLeriol' angles, continued fol' a short distance along antel'ior border behind eyes; dise and margins set with punctures sirnilal' La those of fl'ons, sepal'ilted by fl'om one ta about three diameters, usually by more than one diameter: intervals between punctures showing a similar microsculpture to frontal surface although somewhat more faintly. Elytra approximately t",..o and a half Limes as long as bl'oad, nlmost parallel-sided for basal three firth, slightly nanowed thence to broadly rounded apex; puncl;ures of elytml stl'ine similar in size Lo those of pl"OnoLum, separaLed longitudinally by from two to three diameters; sLrine separated by rive or six puncLure diametel's; intervals bct'ween stl'iae each with a single row of puncl;ures, less regularly and somewhat more widely spaced than those of sLriae; punctures of boLh striae and intervals becOlning finer towarcls lateral borders of elytra; elytral surfaces between puncLmes smooLh, shining; each elytron with one or Lwo short, stiff, golden setae set along apical firths of lateral borders and along apical borders.

Hol 0 t YP e : In the Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et du Ruanda-Unmdi, Brussels.

PpK/8jCl, 15. VII.1952., J r. DE S.\EGEn, no :l'l8'7, galerie foresl ière d0gl'adée, dans les arhres morts SUl' pied (VU(/(;rll1ga nbtusa).


1 ex. : PpK!Sj'J, 15.VIl.1a52, II. DE SAEGEH, 11" 3787, galel'ie forestière Mgraclée, dans lcs arbres morts sur piecJ (Voacanga obtll.~a); 3 ex. : lI/hc/8, Cl. 1I.1!J52, li. Oc SAEGER,

no 3115, tête de source ;1 boisement dêgradé, dans les arbres morts; 1 ex. : PpK!8jdj8, 8.1I.1%2., H. DI': SACGEn, no :i102, tète de source aSse7- deIIS\'IIlE'rIJ hois,·'c. clallS des troncs d'at'bres morls en voie de d,:'composilion (" GellllJa »).

[Teredolaemus pi losus HEINZE.]

TeTedolaemus ]JifoS'Us HETNZE, 19lt3, Ent. Dl., 39 : 99.

Length 3-3,6 mm. Breadth 0,8-1 mm.

This species is so far known hom Lwo specimens only. The holotype is in lhe iVIuséum d'Histoire NaLurelle, Paris and there should be il paratype in the HEINZE colleclion in Germany. ILs position in the key to species above is estimated from the original description IJUblished by HEINZE.

Dis ll' i but ion. - South \byssinia.

From lhe description it appears that T. pilonts has very long hairs on lhe body artel' the fashion of 1'. setipennis, bul Lhe latter species is al once distinct from it as it has no apical impression on the elytra and does not have an elongate pronotum.



Derm s except for ferrugineo yellowish across the charactel'i~

formed of appronche

Halo t mill, Cano

Dis LI'



As inl T. schedl club en T. scheel/

Ho 10 YangarnJ

Dis l

[credola Sci. j


The ( beat'ing

Page 59: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



H't iLh ee [Teredolaemus pulcher HETNZE.l es

Teredolaemus pulchcl' HEThZE, 1943, Ent. Hl., 39 : lCO.wt

Length 3,8 mm. Breadth 1,4 mm.

Derm shining; hend, pronotum except fol' anteriol' mell'gin and elytru except fol' upices and Lwo humelïll areas fuscous, elsewhere testaeeous to ferrugineous. The latel'UI bOl'ders of the elytra beur a few outsLanding, yellowish setae more or less evenly distl'i buted throughout Lhei l' Jength and

~'e aeross the base of each elytron there is a pail' of similar seLae. The most Ils characleristie fealure of this species is the elytral strine, each of which is '11

formed of a double row of small punetures. The only othe!' species whieh Il

nppronehes sueh a puneLure formation is T. bicolO?' POPE (p. 59).

Halo t YP e. - In the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Eigon SClW

mill, Camp 2, Mt. Elgon, Kenya.

Dis tri but ion. - Kenya, Congo (Nioka).

[Teredolaemus schedli POPE.I (Fig. 3.)

Teredolac1nus schcdli POPE, 1955, H.ev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 61 : 251.

Length 3-3,3 mm. Breadth 1 mm.

As indieated in the key to specie, the outline of the pl'onotum 'in 1'. schedli is unusuaI. rfhis feature, together with the fonn of the antennal club serve ta separate the species fl'om its neal' relatives. Superfieially, T. schedli is similm' ta T. guineensis (p. 61).

Holotype : In the 'Musée H.oyal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tel'vuren. Yangambi, Congo.

Dis tri but ion. - Congo (Yangarnbi).

[Teredolaemus bicolor POPE.l

l'credolaclnus bicolor POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-S", Sei. ZooI., 19 : 36.

LengLh 2,8-3,15 mm. Breû.dth 1,1-1,3 mm.

The aval elliptieû.l fOl'm of T. bicolor, together with its testaeeous elytl'a bearing sLriae consisting of bands of puncLures rather them single l'OWS,

Page 60: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


erve lo disLinguish iL from any oLher Ah·ican pecies. T. }Julcher (p. 59). shows omewhat similar elyll'al sculplure, but may be dislinguished from bicolm by the charëlclers indicnled in lhe k y.

Halo t Y P e: In lhe NIu ée Royal de l' frique Centrale, Tel'vmen. Yangambi, Congo.

Dis lI' i but ion. - Congo (Yangambi, Nioka).

[Teredolaemus globicollis HEINZE.]

'l'ercdolaemus ,qlobicoll'is HEINZE, 19l13, Ent. nl., 39 : 102.

Length 3,6-3,9 mm. Breadlh 1,2-1,3 mm.

The broad longiludinal stripe of a dal'ker colour on each elytron is a most charëLcleri lic fealure of lhis species. The punctmes of the l ronolUl1l

TCTCdolflC))/ él'. ill-S'

Lenglh ; This S]1l

in the lçey elliptical el

Ho j 0 l: Yangnmbi,

Dis lI' i


Length As cun

elongale sJ the clylra The elyLl'11 and from

Halo L Cameroon~

2 3 Disll'

1,'1(•. 2. - Trr('(lolaelllus (/lIinCCllsis HEI\ZE.

l'fOllotal nllUille.

','lI •. :;, - Tercdolacl/l.1I.' scl/ctUi POPE.

Pronolal olillillè. TC1'cdoLIlf'

Lcngth The 01

and elylm bear mali, j'ecumbent, inconspicuous selae. Sa me of lhe punc­ consLruclï tures ülong the intervais are la l'gel' lhan otherS and beal' hart, erect, yellow­ is is usu' ish-white setae. more low

l he con Ho lot Y p e: In lhe Deutsches Entomolorrisches Institut, Ber;in-Dahlem.

HaloCameroons. Spanish 1

DislribuLion. - Cameroons, Congo (Yangambi, ?vlulungu Ki u), Dis l



Page 61: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[Teredolaemus seriatipennis POPE.]

Tcredolaemus scrialipennis POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Sél·. in-8°, Sci. Zool., 19 : 35.

Length 2,8-3,1 mm. Bl'eadth 1-1,1 mm. This species is closely related to T. globicollis, diffel'ing as explained

in the 1,ey to species, by the shape of it antennal club and by its less elliptical elytn11 outline.

Holotype: In the Musée Hoyal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo.

Di st l' i but i 0 11 . - Congo (Yangümbi, Nioka).

[Teredolaemus kraatzi I-fEINZE.]


TCTedolaemus /craalzi HEINZE, 1943, Bnt. BI., 39 : 103.

Length 3,8-4,5 mm. Dl'eadth 0,7-1 mm. As cun be seen from the dimensions l'ecol'ded above, this is a very

elongate species. The head and pronotum are pitchy-black in colom und the elytra are ferrugineous on the di c and apices, but da l'1, el' laterally. The elytra are also unusual in being lightly narrowed from the shoulders and from the beginning of the apical declivilies towilrd the middle.

Holotype: ln the Deutsches i':ntomologisches InstiLut, Bel'lin-Dah1em. Cameroons.

Dis tri but ion. - Cameroons, Cungo (Yangambi).

[Teredolaemus guineensis HEINZE.]

(Fig. 2.)

TeTcdolrlemus yuinccnsis IJEli'iZE, :1943, Ent. If!., 39 : :lOfl.

Length 3,2 mm. Breadth 0,9 mm. The onJy other species known to have an antennal club of a similar

construction to T ..quineensis is T. pToblemalicZ/s n. sp. (p. 57). I\S guineen­sis is usually unicolorous brown, und has a pronutum which does not nano\\! more toward the base lhrm toward the apex, T. guinecnsis is not likely lo be confused \vith this species.

Ho JoLy p e : In Lhe ZooJogisches Museum, Berlin. Nkolentangnn, Spanish Guinea.

Distribution. - Spanish Guinea, Congo (Ynngambi).

Page 62: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba




1. ElongaLe, eylindrical; prOnOlUl!l at base scal'eel .. ' nal'l'ower lhem elytra aL shoulders (fig. 18) Sosylus ERlcrrsoN, p. 62.

Elongate, fusiform; pronotum aL base distinctly narrowcr than elytr:l at shoulders (fig. 17) ... [Craspedophilus' HEINZE. W. Ah'iea, Congo].


Sasylus ERJCIISON, 1845, Nalmg. Ins. Deutschl. Col., 3 : 288.

T Y Il e s P e cie s : (;alydiwn Tulipes FABRIcms.

Smal1 Lo rnediurn size; convex; cylindri~ill: glu brous 01' wiLh seLLle confined Lo heud and elykal apiees. He Il d inflecLed, nUl'l'owed lo anlel'iur clypeal border; eyes usually not very eonvex; antennae eleven-segmenled with a L\vo-segmented club, third segment not 01' seal'cely longer than foudh segment, antennal gl'ooves well-marked, l'ea~hing to below level of lower hOl'ders of eyes. Pro no tu m convex; hordcl'ed latel'ally und posLel'iorly, unbordel'ed unLeriorly; elongate Lo transverse, usually Lra pezoi dal; a pa i l' of longi ludinal, basally convergent eill'inae presen t lieu l' mi ddle of basal border, usua11y confined to basal haH of pronotul11. Ely Ll'a parallel ­sic1ec1; elonga te; crtrinate; evenly l'OU nded or ,u bLru ncuLe in apical six th to upicusutul'al angles. J>l'osLel'l1um \vilh anierior coxal caviLies closcd posleriol'ly, anlerior coxae very narrowly sepal"uLed by prù. lel'l1rtl pl'ocess l"unning betvveen Ihem und beneaLh them, COXile of1en conLiguous posLeriolly, inLel'coxal proeess expllnded inLo a vat'iably-shilped lobe behind COXile. Inlercoxa1 process of fi l'st abdomi nal .-egmen L bl'oad Iy l'OU nded itpically. Legs wiLh tibine not mueh expanc1erl lüwul'd Hl'ices; antel'iol' a.nd middle tibille euch with a well-l11ul'ked exlernnl apical SPUI.'; hind ti\)it1e each with il very faintly-rnal'ked 'put' at mosl; ail tnl'si ,vith hil al segment elongule, L15uitlly longer than the l\vo [ol1owing segments togelhel' in midclle and hind tUI'si, apical segment usually dislinclly shol'lel' than the lhl'ee bnSid segments logether.

GROUVELLE (1906, Ann. Soc. EnL. Fr., 75 : 109) considel'ec1 that P!Jcllacc­phalus KRAATZ und l11elapiesles 1 ASCOE were synonyms of Sas!Jlus Er. HEl!\ZE (1948, Ent. El., 39 : 107) ilgreecl \Vilh Ihis. LECONTE (1863, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., lG7, New Species of North American Coleoptenl, p, 68) admiLLed Ihal

hi genus fi ARROW U9C9 fol' KRAATZ'S is set out b,

P!JC naccp/wl Plcuridi1.l1n

1 : 9t. M ('lapieslfS Cephalapyc'f<

;)usyfll'i i Asia, IL is ( but diffel's affiniLies \Vi sing lhe cio

Sexual d bul in gem less slrongl: antennae bE

L Cal'inae apices

Cal'inae apiee.

2. Even el and co LUl'ed, usuallJ

Even 1

pl'onot val'iab

3, Carina! punct ' ities t

Cal'iniJ of eve Lhan

Page 63: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


his genus Plcuridùtm (1861) \Vas a synonym of Sosylus. Cephalopycnus ARROW (19C9, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), 4 : 193) was simply a new name for KUAATZ'S genus and sa also fa Ils inlo the synonymy of Sosylus which is set out below.

Sosylus EmcHsoN, 1845.

Pycnoccp/wlus lillAATZ, nec SI-lAl1P, 1895, Dts<.;h. ent. Z., p. 169. Plemidium LECOi\TE, 1861, Smith on. Mi c. Coll., Class. Col. N. Amer.,

1 : 91. Metopiestes PASCOE, 18ti3, Jomn. Ent., '2 : 123. Cephalopycnus ARROYV, 1909, 1. c., p. 193.

Sùsylus is a widesjJlead genus, cccul'ing in lhe Americas, Afl'ica and Asia. IL is closely l'elated ta CraSped01Jhilus HEINZE (1943, 1<;nt. Dl., 39 : 115), but differs as explained in the key to genem. Il also shows distincl affiniLies with the Bothl'idel'ine genus ;lntibothrus SHARP (p. ~5), emphasi­sing lhe close l'elationship between the Uerrtlaphrini and the /Jolhriderini.

Sexual dimol'phism: the lwo s xes al'e usually very like each other, but in genel'al the males may be separuted by virtue of their having a legs strongly sculplured and legs noticeahly pubescent clypeus and by the antennae being equipped with shodel' setae.


1. Carinae of fifth ilnd seventh elytra! intel'vals joined at 01' befol'e l'eaching apices (2)

Caeinae of firth and seventh inlel'val on elytra not joined at or neal' apices (13.1

2. Even elytral intervals not costu:ale, Ol' if costulale, then on1y faintly so and costulae confined ta neal' bilses. PronoLum usually finely punc­tured, punctures often Sepill'ate l on dise hy several diametel's. Length usually in excess of four mm (3)

Even elytral interva1s distinctly costulate at least for basal third; pl'onotum usually mare closely p netul'ed, especially on disc; length variable (5)

3. Caeinae of firth and seventh elyLt'al intcl'vals not reaching apical bordel's; punctmes of even elytral intervals coarscr and cJoser on apical decliv­ities than elsewhel'e; pronotum more closely and coarsely punctured ...

[!ivadus POPE], p. 66.

Carinae of fifth and seventh elyll'al intervals reaching apices; punctures of even elytl'al intel'vals neithel' closer nor coal'sel' on apical declivities than elsewhere; pr-onotum more finely and spal'sely punctUl'ed... (4)



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/1. Much smaller, less than 4 mm long; castaneous; clypeus with a conspicuous yellow pubescence; convergent basal pl'Onotal carinae well-marked [angustior GBOUVELLE], p. 72.

Much larger, 7 to 8 mm long; piceous to black; clypeus glabrous in both sexes; conver'gent basal pronotal céwinae not clearly marked .

[validus (KRAATZ)], p. 60.

5. Carinae of thir'd elytral inlervnls stopping abmptly at beginning of very steep, concave apical declivities, each elytron with a conspieuous fovea near apicosuLural angles; head convex .

conradti (GHOUVELLE), p. 66.

Carinae of third elytml inlervals not ending abruptly at beginning of apical dec!ivities, or if slopping abl'Uptly, then dec:ivities mllch Shétl­lower (Jess than 45° from the horizon lai) and nol concave and head fiat or concave; elytra WithOllt. apical foveae (6)

6. Pronotum veey fine!y punctured later-ally, coarsely and closely punc­tured meclially; carinae of third elylral intervals convergent upon and ending abl'uptly about halfway down apical declivities; metasternum with longitudinal meclian impression deeply mal'ked for basal eighth ...

[filum GROUVELLE], p. 67.

Pronotum wiLh punctures along lateral margins very lilLle smal1el' or sparser lhan those of disc; carinae of thirc! elytnli intervals not con­vergent upon and not stopping abruplly haHway clown apical declivities; metaslernum with longitudinal impression, if marked, nol confined to basal eighth ('7)

'7. PronoLum wilh a medinn !ongiludinill carina as weil as a pair of convergent basal car'inae . (8;

Pronotum without a longitudinal median carina ........ (10)

8. Carinae of lhircl eJytral interva!s entire, or sllbentire .. . (9)

Carinae of third elytral intervals stopping at beginning of apical cleclivities [planifrons POPEl, p. 68.

9. Caeinae of third elytral intervals reaching apical borders; species much lar'gel', at !cast 7 mm long; clypeus glabrous in both sexes; elytra black to piceous; pronotum almost quadmte ...... [puncticollis POPE], p. 68.

Cal'inae of tbird elytral interva!s stopping shortly berme l'eacbing apices; species smaller, 3 mm long; clypells conspicuollsly pubescent; elytra castaneolls; pronotllm d isti nctly elongate .

[angustior GnouvELLE J, p. n.

10. Carinae c decli vitie~

carinae si incurvec\

Cal'inac 0

apical bo not stronl to apicos

11. Carinae elsewhel'l

Carinae ( etseyvhel'

12. Antel'ior and som elytra! Il

Antel'ior rated b) sinuaLc J

1~·1. PronoLUJ verse!y 1 clytral c\eclivitil

Pl'onota! eyes not apical cl

1.11. Carinae separ-ati


15. Carinae declivit smaller

Cal'inae declivit ba~es; !

Page 65: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


10. Carinae of third elytl'al intervals evanescent aftel' beginning of apical declivities, second intervals deeply excavate mcdially and sutural carinae strongly raised fol' median third; apical elytral borders feebly incurved to apicosutural angle,'3.......... ........ [alveatus POPE], p. 68.

Carinae of third elytral intervals stopping abruptly just before reaching apical borders, second intervals not deeply excavate and sutural carina.e not strongly raised fol' median third; apical elytral borders not incurved to apicosutural angles (11)

11. Carinae of third elytral intervals broader on apical declivities than elsewhere; ff'ontoclypeal suture invisible medially ..

[minutus POPE], p. 69.

Carinae of third elytral intervals not broader on elsewhere; frontoclypeal suture visible mediül1y

apical declivities than (12)

:12. Anterior pronotal angles well-marked, pronotal punctures coarse, close and somewhat confluent toward anteriof' mat'gin; carinae of seventh elytl'al intervals sinuate shortly before apices .

[intermedius POPE], p. 6\1.

Anteriol' pwnotal angles rounded; pf'onotal punctures finer, often sepa­mted by more than one diameter; carinae of seventh intervals not sinuate befol'e apices [maynei POPE], p. 70.

13. Pronotum with very closely-set, elongate punctures, sepamted trans­ver'sely by less than one tmnsver'se d1ameter; eyes extl'emely prominent; elytml carinae bearing outstanding, yellowish setae along apical declivities [variabilis POPE], p. 70.

Pronotal punctmes sepantled transversely by one diameter 01' more; eyes not very prorninent; elytral carinae without outstanding setne along apical declivüies (ili)

14. Cuinae of third elytml intervals intel'rupted shortly before apices, separating off in each case an elongate tubercle .

[spectabilis GROUVELLE], p. 70.

Carinae of third elytral intervals not intel'l'upted befOl'e their apices ... (15)

:15. Carinae of th ir'd elytml intef'vals more stwngly raised along declivities than elsewhere; even elytr-al intervals costulate neaf' smaller species, not more than 4,5 mm long

bistriatus FAIHiVlAlRE,

apical bases;

.. p. 71.

Carinae of third elytral intervals not mOf'e strongly raised along apical declivities than else\ovhere; even elytral intervals Dot costulate near ba~es; larger species, 6,5-7 mm long... [sjostedti GROUVELLE], p. 72.

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[Sosylus Iivadus POPE.l

Sosylus livadus POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-8", Sei. Zool., 19 : 23.

Length 4-6,3 mm. Breadth 1-1,8 mm.

Holotype : In Lhe M"usée noyai de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yétngarnbi, Congo.

Dis tri but ion. - Ghana, TLlnganyika TeniLol'Y (Ukerewe Id.), Kenya, Congo (Yangambi, Lulua, Kapanga, iVlayidi, Dassin Lukuga, HauL­Uele, Moto, Mongbwnlu, Dilale, Kivu, Nioka).

[Sosylus validus (KRAATZ~.]

Pycnocephalus validus KRAATZ, 1895, Dtsch. ent. Z., p. 160. Sosylus validus (KRAATZ), POPE, 1952 (195::1), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge,

sér. in-8°, Sci. Zoo!., 19 : 22 (key).

Lenglh 7-8 mm. BreadLh 1,8-2,2 mm.

Ho 10 ty P e : In the Deutsches Entomologisches InsLitut, Derlin-Dahlem. Togo.

Distribulion. - Togo, Congo (Yangal1lbi).

Sosylus conradti (GRouvELLE).

iVletupiesLes conradti GHOUVELLE, 1914, Ann. Soc. lEnt. Fr., 83 : 158.

Length 3,4- l1 mm. Breadth 0,75 mm.

Mal e : Derrn black, shining. 1-1 e a d convex; clypeus flatLened, allterior border biarcuüle, surface finely grunulo--e; "Télnules sepaeated by l'athel' less than their o\ovn diameLer as a mIe, shallowly ruised; fl'ontoclypeul suture not vvell-marked, e 'pecia Ily medial1y, lrol1gly ul'cuale; frons finely and ralher sparsely punclured, puncture srnilller than eye-facel and sepamted by from one and 11. half Lo more Ihall Lwo diametel's, inLel'vals hining; eyes not prominen t. Pro no lu 111 r.lol1gaLe (49 : 34), nal'l'owed posleriorly from very shortly behind obluse ünleriol' angles to about one firth from base, very faintly . inuale Lhence to base; po lel'ior angles briefly rounded; nnteriol' bordel' a.rcuale; dise with shal10w pundures, much Im'ger Ihan those of frons, separaled by fl'om one and a haH 10 two diameters, umbilicate; punctul'e: millier ünd more spal'sely ül'lïlnged tOWlll'd lateral and anLerior bOl'del's; inLel'vals between punclures very finely and faintly

reliculaLe; cal'inae fee long as lhe bordel's su declivi ties ( apices; LhiI' clll'inae sha ahl'uplly; ( sLl'ongly ra 'eventh am to cal'inae 1

from bases punctale, a inlel'val, longiludin a small, W

with Cl shol of lhil'd el; apices. P anlel'ior ca

Femal inslead of 1 and lhird 1

Hol 0 l,

Dis tr j

2 eXil!T\

1 ex. : 1 Voacanga ( H. DE SAEGEI

Sosylus lil


This is The prona and closel Lhe carina us menlio


Page 67: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


reticulate; disc without a longitudinal median carina; basal convergent cal'inae feebly marked, confined Lo lns:tl fifth. Ely t l' a three tirnes as long as their combined bl'eildth; very convex, almost pal'allel-sided; apical bordel's subtmncuLe, slighLly Jîl'oduced J'leal' apicosulural angles, apical decliviLies distinctly concave; suLural carinue shallowly nüsed from bases to api ces; third in tervals cari nate from bases to begin n ing of êlpical decliviLies, céll'inae shaJlowly ra.ised on disc, more sLrongly so toward declivities, ending abl'uptly; ca.l'inae of fifth intel'vuls very sh,tllowly nlised, slightly more strongly raised toward declivities, fOl'ming theil' la.teral bordel's; carinae of seventh and ninth intel'vals a.lso shilllowly l'aised and eeLch joined separately to carinae of firth intervals ulong apiCêtl declivities; even intel'Vals costulale ft'om bases to, or almost to apical declivities; cnl'inne very finely and spar'sely punctate, a douhle row of slighLly lUl'gel' puncLures present along each even intel'val, one ro\\' on eithel' side of costula, punctures sepa.rated 10ngiLudinally by several diamelel's; a.picul decliviLy of eucIl elytron with a snlall, wel1-mal'ked fovea ne:ll' apicosutmul a.ngle; suLuntl cal'inae each with il short row of yellow setae aL êLbouL middle of apiwl declivity; car'inae of thif'd elytl'al inlel'vals each with il turt of 10ngel', yellow setae at their apices. Pl'osLel'llum with inLel'coxill process ]'oughly cil'culal' behind anteriof' coxae, raised laterally.

Fern ale: Differs from the rn ale in LhaL the clypeus is setoso-punctate instead of granulose and thal lhel'e are no setne on the CUl'inae of the sutural and thi rd elytf'al in Lel'va ls.

Hol 0 Ly P e : In the Muséum d'Histoü'e Naturelle, Paris. Cameroons.

Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 6).

2 examples.

1 ex. : II/gd/S, 0.V1951, H. DE SAEGEll, no 1606, fête de source arborée, écorce de Voacanga oblusa mort, arbre de 10 à 15 m sur pied; 1 ex. : II/he/S, 0. 1I.1\)j2, (-I. DE SAI,GEH, no 3115, tête de source;}, boisement dégradé, dans les arbres morts.

[Sosylus filum GROUVELLE.]

SOSylllS jilwn GnOUVELLE, 1905, Mem. Soc. Espan. Rist. Nat.) 1 : 2!19.

Length 3,75-4 mm. Bl'eadth 0,75-0,8 mm.

This is a. most distinctive species wiLh its pl'onolum so variably punctul'ed. The pronotum is distinctly flattenec1 along the disc as "\vell as being coarse]y and closely j1unctmed. Another chal'aclel'isLic feature of the species is that the cûl'Înae of the third elytl'éll inLel'vals converge along lhe apica.l declivities, as mentioned in the key to species above.

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- -


Halo t y P e : In the Insliluto EspanoL de Entomologia, Madrid. Biafra Cabo, San Juan, Spanish Guinea.

Dis t l' i bu Lia n. - Spanisch Guinea, Congo (Yangambi, Ilwankvvi, Nioka, Bitale, Kivu).

[Sosylus puncticollis POPE.]

Sosylus puncticollis POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-Sa, SCl. Zoo!., 19 : 24.

LengLh 7,3-7,6 mm. Breadth 2,2 mm.

The closely and (~oarsely punctured pronotum with a well-marked longitudinal rnedian carina 'wi]], Logether the large size of the species, distinguish S. puncficollis fromits relatives.

Holotype : In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo.

Distribution. - Congo (Yangambi, Luki, Mweka, Bitale, Kivu).

[Sosylus planifrons POPE.l

Sosylus ]Jlanilrons POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-Sc, SCl. Zoo!., 19 : 26.

Length 3,5-4 mm. Breadth 0,S-1 mm.

H:o lot y pe : In the Musée Baya l de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo.

Distribution. _.- Ghana, Congo (Yangambi).

[Sosylus alveatus POPE.]

Sosylus alveotus POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-So, Sci. Zoo!., 19 : 27.

LengLh 3,7-3,9 mm. Breadlh O,S mm.

This species has the anterior pronotal bordel' strongly arcuate and thb disc rather sparsely puncLured. The elytra are similady curinate ta those of S. planitrons, but the carinae are much mor'e strongly raised and broader, especially on the disco The costulae of the even elytral intervals ure confined ta the basal Lhird of the elytra.

The ma sculpLure Cl

Halo ly vuren. YUI


Sosylus mil Zoo!., H

Length :

The me brouùening leris Lic fea punclured; the bases li

I-l010t: Yangambi,

Dis tri

Sosylus in, ~ci. Zac


The pre of S. p,me carina. T cosLulate f

Halo t Yangambi

Dis t r


Page 69: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


The mal e ha a glabrous, punctüte clypeus; Ihe f e m ü 1e has a clypeal sculpture composed of small granules ilnd the clypells is seLifel'Olls.

Halo t y P e : A mal e in Lhe Musée Royal de l' Afl'ique Cen traIe, Ter­VLu'en. Yangambi, Congo.

Disll'ibuLioll. - Congo (Yuncrambi).

[Sosylus minutus POPE.]

Sosylus minufus POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-So, Sei. Zoo!., 19 : 2S.

Length 3,6 mm. Breadlh 0,9 mm.

The mal eis the only sex of Lhe s[Jecies al presenL known. The broadening of the cnrinae of Ihe Lhü'd elylrül intervals i Lhe most charac­Lel'istic feaLme of Ihis small species. The elongaLe pl'onoLurn is closely punctured; the costulae of the even elytral intervals é\1'e well-marked fl'om the bases La lhe beginning of Lhe apical declivities.

Holotype : ln Lhc Musée Royal de l'Afl'ique Centl'ale, Tervmen. Yangambi, Congo.

Distribution. - Congo (Yangambi, Niol<a).

[Sosylus intermedius POPE.]

Sosylus intermedius POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-So, Sci. Zoo!., 19 : 30.

Length 5,2-5,5 mm. BreadLh 1,4-1,5 mm.

The pronoLum of this species is vel'Y characLeristic, being very like thill of S. puncticollis (p. 6S), but smaller and without a 10ngiLudinai median carina. The elyLl'u have Lhe seven inLel'vals clistincLly, Lhough shallowly cosLulaLe [rom Lheir bases la Hw lJeginning of the apical decliviLies.

I-Iolotype : In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, 'rervUI'en, Yangambi, Congo.

Dis tri b u Li on. - Uganda, Congo (Ynngambi, Ritale, Kivu).

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[Sosylus maynei POPE.]

Sosylus maynei POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sél'. in-So, Sci. Zoo!., 19 : 29.

Length 3 mm. Breadth 0,6 mm.

This is an unusually elongate species. The elytra ilrc similar Lo Lhose of S. minuLus (p. 69), but do not have Lhe ci:lrinae of lhe Lhird intervals broadened in the same way. The pronoLum is spm'sely punclured [lIld Lhe prosternaI process is transverse behinct Lhe anLerior coxae.

Holotype : A male in the Musée Royal de l'Afri(jue Centrale, Ter­vuren. Yangambi, Congo.

Distribution. - Congo (Yangambi, Bitale, Kivu).

[Sosylus variabilis POPE.]

S'osylus variabilis POPE, 1952 (1953), Ann. "Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-So, Sci. Zoo1., 19 : 31.

Length 5,5-5,7 mm. Breadlh 1,15-1,3 mm.

S. variabilis is at once distinct trom all oLher known African species of the genus in [hat H has the lateral bordel's of the head l'l1"ised to fonn a pair' of ridges and has prominent eyes. The pronotum is elongate (13 : 9) and has cornpletely rounded an tel'i01' angles. The mal e has the laIera] ridges on the head rnuch less strongly raised than they are in the f e mal e.

Ho lot Y p e : A mal e in the Musée Royal de l'Uri lue Centrale, Ter­vuren. Yangllrnbi, Congo.

Distri.bution. - Congo (Yangarnbi, Luki, Bassin Lulmga, Haul­Uele : Watsa).

[Sosylus spectabilis GROUVELLE.]

Sosylus specLabilis GROUVELLE, 1914, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 83 : 156.

Length 4,5-7 mm. BreadLh 1-2 mm.

A very common and widespread African species. The interruption of Lhe carinae of the Lhird elytral intervals ois very chal'aclel'isLic. In larger specimens the inlerruption is almosL alwnys compleLe, whe1'8as in sorne smaller exûmples the apical tubel'cles are only 1 artially separated from the main carinae.

Hol 0 t y P e : In the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Sierra Leone.

Distri Id.), Ruane Kapangn, Busegeren) Terrilory, de l'UpemJ

Sosylus où Pycnoccp/i Sosylus ci,



Derm 1: anleriol' pa Lnmcale, li

gmnules n or slightly al'cuale, s imilarly ~

COilrse, Ulll

ance, pune lowarcl oc' or Cjuacll'itl terior ang disc clearl: shallow p less elong, than lhoSE along laIe more thn slightly lE (Li : 4): pi arcuate al raisecl al from bas! raised to' ending a1 of third i of apical of firth il befol'e ap of elylra;,

Page 71: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Dis tri but ion. - Ghana, Uganda, Tanganyika Tenitory (Ukere\ve Id.), Ruanda, Congo (Yangambi, Niol<a, Haut-Uele : "Watsa, Moto, Lulua : Kapanga, Équateur : Flandria, Kongolo, Barnbesa, H-wankwi, Kivu : Busegerenye (Rutshuru), Kivu : Mulungu, DiLale, Mongbwalu, Lisaln Ter-rilory, Lukawe, Élisabethville, Mweka, Bassin Lulwga, Parc NaLional de l'Upemba).

Sosylus bistriatus FAIRMAIRE.

(Fig. 18.)

Sosylus liislTla/us FAIBMAUtE, 1891, Ann. Soc. EnL Fr., 60 : 235. Pycnocephalus angustus KRAATz, 1895, Dlsch. ent. Z., p. 161. cichclliuwni GnouvELLE, 1914, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 83 : 155 (syn.


Length 3,4-4,2 mm. Breadth 0,8-1 HlITl.

Derm black to piceons, very feebly shining. He a d wilh clypeus and anterior part of frons f1atLened, vertex convex; anLerior clypeal border almosL truncaLe, anlerior angles well-rnarked, obluse: surface very finely granulose, granule much smaller thiW eye facel;:; and separaLed by nbout one diameler 01' slightly less, inLervals shining; frontoclYI eal suLure scarcely visible, arcuule, sLrongly so Jaterally; [l'ons gran ulose anLeromedia lly, gran ules simiJarly spaced to Lhose of clypeus, eJsewhere with exlremely closely set, course, umhilicate, frequently confluent pnnctures giving a reticulate nppear­ance, punctures of u similar size, but progressively more widely separated toward occiput; eyes very 1itUe produced. Pl'O no t LI m slightly elongaLe or quadrate; convex; anterior bordel' ilrcuaLe, anLerior angles rounded, pos­terior angJes briefly rounded, slightly obtuse; basal convergent carinae on dise clearJy marked, confined to 1 nsal fourth; disc with elongate, urnbihcate, shallow punctures, separated by l'ather more Lhan one diarneter, punctures Jess elongaLe toward nnterior mm'gin, Lhose along margin distincLly smalJel' Lhan those on disc, separated by Lheil' diameter or shghtly more, [lunctures along lateral margins also srnaIJer than those of dise, serarated by slighlly more than their own diameter, intervals stf'ongly sericeons. Ely t r a slighLly less than three times as long as Lheir greatest combined breadth (11 : 4); parallel-sided, lateral bOl·ders evenly rounded a.picaJly to slighLly arcuate apical borders; sutmal carinae shallowly raisecl, entil'e, very feebly raised along apical declivities; carinae of third intervals slrongly raised ff'Om bases lo wiLhin ft short distance of apical bOl'ders, more strongly rHised Lowaf'd and pnrLicularly aIong apical decIivities tban elsewhel'e, ending abmptly; carinae of fifth interval less stl"OngJyraised than those of thirel inter·vals, enLire to bases, sLopping apically shOf'tly after beginning of il[lical declivities; carinae of sevenLh intervals similarJy l'aisecl to those of fiflh inLervaIs, entire from bases to apices, briefly sinuute irnmediately before apices; cm·inne of ninth inLervals entire and forming lateral borders of elytnl; even intervals very feebly cosLulaLe in basal third only; cnrinae

Page 72: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba

- -

- -


= = _'*""'" 40


of ulternate intel'vals very finely and parsely punetured; even intervals each with u double l'OW of very fine punetures, separuted longitudinally by up to four or five diamelel's. Pm ternal proce s very broadly triangulaI' behind anterior coxao and \Vith a small additional posteromedian lobe.

Ho l 0 l YP e : ? ln lhe Muséum d'Histoire alurelle, Paris. Cab on.

Dislribution. - See catalogue (p. G).

1 example.

1 ex. : II ;gclj.'f, 7. \"11.1 !i.)~, H. DE SAF.GEH, n v :~7;)7, savane herbeuse. arbre m rt ur piwl, p~ encore clécoll1(losé (Pm"inari curaleW[oUa.).

[Sosylus angustior GROuVELLE.]

SosyLus angusLior CRO VELLE, 1914, Ann. Soc. Ent. FI'., 83 : 153.

Length 3 mm.

This specie is I<;nown to the present author from ils description alone. Hs position in the key to species is based upon this description.

HoloLype: In the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, SielTa Leone.

[Sosylus sjostedti CRO VELLE.]

SosyLus sjosLedLi CROUVELLE, 1910, in Sjosledt's Kilimandjaro-Meru exped., 1 : 3211.

Length 6,5-7 mm. BI'eadth 2 mm.

This specie:> is -imilar in general appeanmce ta S. vrtlidus but appears in a different section of the key la species as lhe carinae of the firth and seventh intervals on the elylra are not joined apically. The pronolal punc­lUt'es are larger and more conspicuous in S. jdsledLi lhan in S. vfzildus and, as in S. bisLriatus, the postcoxal pOl'tion of lhe prosLel'l1al j'll'OCOSS benrs an additional po lemmedian labo.

Ho lot Yp e: ln the !atLll'hisloriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm. Kibo­noto, Kilimandjaro, Tanganyika Tel'l'ilory.

Dis lI' i but ion. - This species is known from the type localily only.

1. \ n leri<


2. Apex ( coxae segmer

.-'\pex ( (fig. 3 basal,

3. Pronol l'idgc;

Prono med ia

4. Anlen on fit'

Anter abdor

5. Poste dinal

Posl longi

Ô. l\ntcl anLel

Ante (fig. puni prod

7. PrO! fove


Page 73: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba

- -

ais by luI'







-~ -~.-



1. 1\nle1'ior coxae nèll'l'owly sepa1'ated (fig. 3l l) ... (2)

AnLerio1' coxae more or less 1J1'Oadly separuled (fig. 35) (Id

2. \pex of prosternaI p1'ocess bl'oadly exprll1ded laLerally (fig. 32); ante1'io1' coxae usually le s pl'Ominent; pl'onotum Lrilpezoidal in ouUine; basal segment of hind tarsi not longer than second segment .. (3)

Apex of prosLernal p1'ocess expanded into a lobe behind antcrior coxae (fig. 3l1), someLimes nolehed êLJlically; anterio1' coxae more ]1rominent: basal segment of hind tm'si lightly longer than sccond segment

Antibothrus SIIAHP, p. 75.

3. Pronotum longitudinally carinate; head "viLh a rnedian longitudinal 1'idge; tibiae veey litLie expanded toward api ces .

rpseudososylus GnouvELLE. YV. and E. Arriea, Congo].

Pronoturn without longitudinal cal'ina.c; head 'vvjthout a longitudinal median 1'idge; tibiae markedly expanded toward apices .

Shekarus gen. n., p. 80.

lL Antennae less Lhan eleven-segmenLed; postcoxal ridges present at least on fiest abdomina.l segment and sometirnes on metastemum ......... (5)

Antennae eleven-segmented; postcoxal ridges present or absent on first abdominal segmen Land metusternum (7)

5. Postcoxal ridges on meLasternum almost entire; pronotum longitu­dinally carinate laterally [Roplyctus POPE. Congo1. Postcoxal ridges on melasLernum very brief or absent; pronotum without longitudinal carinae (6)

6. Antcnnae nine-segmented; even elytral intel'vals confusedly puntul'ed; antel'iol" angles of pl'onotum someLimes pl'oduced .

[Mabomus POPE. Congo] .

Antennac ten-segmented, last segment sometimes mueh reduced (fig. 7); even elyLral intervals, if noticeably punctmed, then with punctures ananged in longitudinal rows; anteriol' pr'onotal angles pr-oduced Triboderus GnouvELLE, p. 82.

7. Pl'onotum with distinct longitudinal carinae and with a deep, transverse fovea interrupting Lhe admedian pair of longitudinal cm'inae (8)

Pr-onoLum not longitudinally carinate (9)

. __.~ ~-.-;-"'------

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8. Anterior tibiae not expanded tovvard apices and with Cl feebly-murked external apical, spur; metasternum and fil'st abdominal segment with postcoxal l'idges; admedian pronotal carinae feebly raised; intel'mediato pair of pronotal ridges very strongly raised and broadly arcuate '"""","""

[Cosmothorax KRAATZ. VV. Ah'ica, N. W. Hhodesia, Congo].

Anterior tibiae expanded toward apices, with a well-marked eÀ1emai apical spur; metasternum and first abdominal segJnent \viLh 01' withaul postcoxal ridges; pl'onotum with admedian and intol'lnediale pairs of longitudinal carinae moro 01' loss equally prominont .. '"""."" ... "" ... '" .. '".

Machlotes PASCOE, p. 86.

9. Body sel with squamifol'lTI setae, somelirnes Lll'l'anged in lufts; inler­coxal process of prostenlum much broader thell1 coxal diameter """""""'

Dastarcus yVALlŒR, p. 94.

Body glabrous or with fine setne; prostel'l1al process nut bl'oader between untel'ior coxae than coxal diameter "_"""""""'"""""'""'"""". (10)

10" Pronutum hexagonal; small insects, less than 3 mm long" (11)

Pronotum conEfonn or trapezoidal; larger insects, more than 3 mm long - " ".. "., .. "., " , .. "."., .. , .. " , . ,., ,.. ," .".. ".. . (12)

11. Testaceous, matt; metasternum and fi l'st abdominal seglTlent without postcoxal ridges [Pseudantibothrus 1 OPE, S, Afl'ica, Congo].

Black or' lestaceous, but shining; motastel'l111m anù first abdominal segment with short postcoxal ridg s [Chinikus POPE, Congo].

12. Metaslernum and first abdominal segrnent with postcoxal ridges; basal tarsal scgment not longer than second segment ","""""""" '", ... '" ... '""". '"""""

Pseudobothrideres GROUVELLE, p, 97,

Metasternum and first abdominal segment without postcoxal l'idges: basal segment of at least middle and hind tarsi somewhat longer than second segmen t '" "'"' "" , "" ."' .... '" " .. '" (13)

13. Basal segment of hinrl tarsi n,s long as the two following togethel'; pronotum with l'aisec.l lateral borclers absent al' confined to posterior haU; oyes prominent; third elytl'al intervals as broad as second intervals, feebly carinate ' ...... '"" .. '" .... "........ ,.. Ogmoderes GANGLBA "EH, p. 101.

Basal segment of hind tal'si only slightly longer than the one following; lateral borders of pronotunl well-marl<ed, enti1'8; eyes not pl'ominent; third elylral interva!s much nürrOWCI' than second intervals, sharply carinate ... Ascetoderes gen, n., p, 104,

,1 nlibotftl'll

Type Sl

Smull,l or stl'ongly antennni g gonal in aL groove; la Elytra angles; de cLlrinate; ( process be libiae expi one follow

,1 nlibot is a genu: Deralll]J!ll'

prosternal lobe, the i cale apica

L Hume interv

HumE elytril

2. Antel biarc middl

Antel pl'on<

3. Sulu lasll of SI


Page 75: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



,lntibotltrus SI-IARP, 1885, .lourn. Linn. Soc., Lond., 19 : 124.

Type species : Antibothrus ca~inal'Iis SIIARP.

Small, moderaLely convex; malt Ol" shining. He a d with eye~ moderately Or strongly produced; ünlennae eleven-segmenled with a lwo-segmented club; anlennni grooves on underside of head well-rnarked. Pro no Lu m hexa­gonal in outline, mOl"B or less convex, sometimes \vith a longitudinal median groove; laleml mm'gins bordered; anterior angles sometimes produced. Ely Ll' a more Ol' less panlllei-sided, rounded or sinuate to apicosutm-al angles; declivous along apical lhird; alternate intervüls between striae carinate; even intervals plane Ol' concave, usually punctüte. Pro ternal process behind anterior coxae expünded into a simple lobe. Le g s wüh tibiae expanded towal'd al ices; tarsi with basal segment longer than the one following, sometimes as long as the lwo following togelher.

ri nl'ibotltrv " estahl ished for the single species, A.. carinatus from Ceylon, is é~ genu tending to bridge the gap between the Bothrùlerini and the DeralaplLTini. Although it has narrowly eparated nnterior coxae and the prosLernal process is expanded behind the anterior coxae to form a simple lobe, the intercoxal process of the first audominal segment is clearly tmn­cate apically and so the genus is included within the BOlhriderini.


1. Humerul facets of elytm bl'idging carinae of fiflh, seventh and ninth in tervals ,.. , ' ,. , ,. , ,. ' . ' .. ,. ,.. , ' ,.. , ' . ' , , ,. ' ' . . . (2)

Humeral facets of elytra not bridging cürinne of fifth, seventh and ninth elytml intervals ,......... (3)

2. Anterior bordel' or clypeus shanly incis cl rnedially (0') (fig. 23) or biarcuale (~); lateral borders of pl'onotum obtusely angled at about midcllc when vie\ovcd from above ......... clongatus n. sp" p. 76.

AnleriOl' border of clypeus bl'oadly and shallowly emal'ginate; lateral pronotal bordel's arcuate when viewed from above ,

[elegans POPE], p. 77.

3. Sutural elytral carinae bridged to cal'inae of thit'd intervals at bases; last antennal egment at least as lürO'e as lhe preceding segment; carinae of sevenlh elytral inlervals blunted al bases 10 mel'ge into humerai calli; body surface shining, at least in part black .

[clavatus POPE], p. 78.

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Sutural elytral carinae not bridgecl tü carinae of third intervals at bases; carinae of seventh elytral interva!s sharp to shoulders; last anLennal segment distinctly shorter than the one preceding; smface mainly sericeous (4)

4. Carinae of firth elytl'al inter'vals apPl'Oaching more closely Lo api ces than those of thir'd inLervals; aniel'ior pronotal angles stl'ongly, produced. (Punctur'es of even elytral intervals separated transversely on basal haH of elytra by consiclerably more than one diameLer. Length 3-3,2 mm) ...

[sulcicollis POPE], p. 78.

Cal'inae of third elyLml intervals appr'oaching more closely to apices Lhan Lhose of firth intervals; anterior angles of pronotum not, 01' slightly produced (5)

5. Head wiLh a shal'p median longitudinal carina bOl'dered laterally by broad sulci; eyes prominent; mediolateral angulation of pronotulYI well ­marked; carinae of third elytral intervals divergent along apical decli ­vities, interruptecl there to form tubercules... [propinquus POPE], p. 78.

Head wilh a feebly indicated longitudinal median carina near vertex, not bOI'c1el'ed laterally by sulci; mediolateral angulation of pronotum obsoloto; carinae of third olytral intervals not divergent along apical declivitios and not interrupted there to fot'fn tubercules ..

angustior Il. sp., p. 79.

Antibothrus elongatus n. Sp. (Fig. 1:1, "3.)

Length 3,5-4 mm. Breaclth 0,9-1 mm.

Male: Surface. testaceous Lo pic OLlS, shining. Head ,viLh a sharp longitudinal median ridge belween eyes; anteriol' clypeal bordel' excised medially; clypeLls and fl'ons depressed luLentl]y in front of eyes; antennae (fig. 13) eleven-segmented with penultimate segment larger Lhan elevenLh segment and having dista.l margin emul'ginate; puncture. of heüd smaller than eye fuceLs, separated by a IitLle more than one diameter. PI' 0 no tu m slighLly elongaLe; anteriOl' bordel' urcuate medially, sinuaLe Loward anterior angles; posterior bordel' arcuate rnedially, sinuaLe towal'd obLuse posterior angles; laLeral ma.l'gins narrowly borclered, angled very slightly in front of middle, sinuate behind angulaLion; surface less convex longitudinally than tra nversely, c1epressecl and concave an tel'ulaLerally; punctures of di (' considerably lal'ger than those on head, sepamLed by l'aLher rnore than one diameLer; a shallow rnedian SLl\CUS beginning at basal bordel' and extending forward fol' h~lsnl thil'd of pl'OnotLlm. Scutellum almost circuLu', flaLLened basally, convex, impunctate. Ely t l' U 2,6 times as long as their combineci greatesL breadLh; stl'ongly convex; almosl. pal'allel-sided fol' ba al three

fomLhs; ,lpi from bases shorLly bef( from bases in LenTa Is, 1 strongly ra raised for seventh int each wilh 1

more lhan

Fernal and fronLal



Parat; Congo, 21.

.1. V. LEHO'

'1 et; : "'d mort sur pi!



A.. ele~

distinguish punctUl'es ul'ranged L raised on

The m frontal fOI Lhe fovea

Hol a t Ukel'ewe ]

Dis t r Spanish G

Page 77: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



fourLhs; apicul declivities confinecl to apical fourth; sutural curinae compleLe from bases to apices; curinae of third intervals entire to bases, stopping shodly before reaching apices of elytm, progressively more strongly raisecl from bases ta apices; fifth intenTais with CLlrinne similar to those of thil'd intervals, but with carinae approuching less closely lo apices and less strongly raised in upical half; carinae of seventh intervals entire, feebly raised for basal two thircls; Cûrinae of ninth intel'vals similèll' to those of seventh intervals; even intervals faintly costulate, especially toward bases, each with a double l'OW of punctures separated longitudinally by sornevvhat more than one diûmeter, rows confused on apical declivities.

l' e mil 1e : Very similar to m Cl 1e but lhe head lacks a m dian ridge and frontal depl"essions and Lhe pl'onotum is not excavate rlntero-Iaterally.


I-Iolotype : \ male in the British Museum (Nat. Hi t.), London. [Ukerewe Id., Tanganyika Territol'Y (CO!'iHADs).l

Pal' a t y P es: [3 cf, 1 « with same data ilS hololype. 1 cf Luebo, Congo, 21.VIlI.1921 (H. SCIIOUTEDEN). 1 <;> Rwankwi, Congo, IlU951 . J. V. LEBOY).]

1 Ô : l'idelelej:3, 18.VI.195Z, H. DI:: SAEGEH, JI O :16I-!J, ebouJis rocheux, dans un arbre mort SUl' pied.

[Antibothrus elegans POPE.]

fi nlibolftms clcgans POPE, 1955, Expl. Parc Nat. de l'Upernba, fasc. 38(2) : 39.

LengLh 3,5-3,8 mm. Bl'eadlh 0,9-1 mm.

A. elegans is very closely reiated ta fi. elongalus, but may be clistingu ished by the characters refel'rerl ta in the key ta species. Aiso the punetul'es of the elytral sLriae are Llsually smallel' and more sparsely Llrranged than those of elongalus and the sutural carinae are less stl'ongly raised on the dise.

The mal e hils a well-milrked frolltoclypeal suture, a shallow rnedian frontal foveü and a meclian hasal frolltul protuberance. In the fernale the favea and peotuberance are absent and the sutul'e is feebly indicaLed.

Holotype : A male in the BriLish Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Ukerewe Id., Tanganyika Tel'l'itol'Y.

Dis tri but ion. - Tanganyika Tel'l'itol'Y (Uker'ewe Id.), Kenya, Ghana, Spanish Guinea, Congo (Parc National de l'Upemba).



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[Antibothrus clavatus POPE.]

f-lnlibol!Lrus clavalus POPE, 1953 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-8°, Sci. Zool., 19 : 39.

Lenglh 2,7-3,2 mm. Bren.dLh 0,9-1,1 mm.

AlLhough ,vilh a black eLncl shining clerm, lhis species has more thc facies of A. sulcicollis and A. propinquus (p. (8). The fOl'm is more flaLLened and less elongute than eiLher A. elongalus al' A. elegans and il also cliffeJ's fl'om lhese species as explainecl in lhe key ta species.

HoloLype : In the Nlusée Royal de l'Afrique CenLwle, Tervuren. M ulungu, Congo.

Di l r i b ul ion. - Congo (Mulungu).

[Antibothrus sulcicollis POPE.J

(Fig. ;!l.j

Anlibolhrus l.dcicollis POPE, 1952 (1953), \nn. Mu . Congo Belge, sér. in-8", Sei. Zoo!., 19 : H.

LengLh 3-3,2 mm. BreadLh 1-1,1 mm.

Derm leslaceous, rnoderntely shining. He a cl with il merlian longll­udinnl illlpression n frons. Pl' 0 n 0 1. U ln wi Lh vcry close, coa,]' e punclures, separaled by less lhell1 haH of olle diameLer. Ely t ra with carinae of lhird inlerval replaced on apical declivilies by a row of shaJlow Lubercles apical clecliviLies conrsely and confusedly punctured.

Hololype : In lhe Musée Royal de l'Afrique Cenlrale, Tervuren. Yangambi, Congo.

DisLribulion. - Congo (Yangarnbi, Nioka, Valley near Dunya­kivi).

[Antibothrus propinquus POPE.]

Antibolhrus propi'llquus POPE, 1951 (1953), Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, sér. in-8°, Sci. Zool., 19 : ,Vi.

Length 3 mm. Drendlh 1 mm.

This species is very clo.el.\" rehled la A. su/cico/lis, diffel'ing as indicn.l.ed in the key ta species.

Holot; Yangambi,

Dis Lr i


Oerm ( clypeal bOl' puncLul'es reLiculale; 1

elongaLe, • intervals Il

quadraLe; posteriOf' b mill'gins e. anterior bo lTlarked nei by u shallo separaled flallened 1 breadLh, a: apicosuturl to abouL a and fiflh apical bol" joined to LI elylral inLI second inl scalari fonT

HoloL' Id., Tanga

Para t

1 ex.: p. les arbres n Il° 3!,05, tèll

This SPi

types. Th are more /

Page 79: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Ho lot Yp e : In Lhe Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, TervUYen. Yangambi, Congo.

Dis tri but ion. - Congo (Yangambi).

Antibothrus angustior n. sp.

LengLh 3 mm. Br'eadth 0,95 mm.

Derm castaneous, faintly shining, sericeous. He a d with anlerior clypeal border truncate; frontoclypeal suture clearly visible, arcuaLe; clypeal punctures small, separaLed by about one diametel', intef'vals finely l'eticulaLe; ftons with a IlGlTOW, 10ngiLudinai median l'idge; frontal punctures elongate, separation var'iable, usually by about one narf'ower' diameter, intervals more shining thetn those of clypeus. Pl'O n 0 t u m hexagonal, quadrate; anterior border truncate, anteriol' angles slightly produced; posteriof' bor'der arcuate, faintly sinuate Loward obtuse hind angles; lateral margins entirely bordef'ed, theil' angulation about three sevenths ftom anLeriol' bordel'; disc with a bmad, longitudinal median sulcus, more deeply murked neaf' base and bordered there by lwo ridges each bounded externully by 1.1. shallow favea; pronotal punctures shallow, course, elongate, umbilicate, separated by much less than one diametel'. Scutellum almost circulaI', flu.tlened basally. Ely t r a twice us long as their greatest combined breadth, almost paral1el-sided for basal seven eighths, evenly rounded to apicosutmal angles; slighlly flaLtened on dise; apical declivities confined Lo abouL apical third; eUl'inae of sutuml interva!s entif'e; carinae of third and fiflh intervals en tire ta bases, but stopping shortly befof'e f'eaching npical bordef's; caf'inae of seventh intervals entire; carinae of ninth intervals joined to those of seventh intef'vals shOl,tly befme apices; second and four th elytr'al inLel'vals each with a double l'OiV of course punctures, those of second intervals coalescing transversely on apical declivities giving Il

scalarifOl'm appearance.

I-J al 0 LY P e : In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. [Ukel'ewe Id., Tanganyika Territory (CONRADS). J


1 ex. : PpK/S/~, 15.VI1.1952, H. DE SAEGER, no 3787, galerie forestière dégradée, dans les arbres morts sur pied (VoacanfJa obtusa); /, ex. : II/ge/S, 30.IV.1952, H. DE SAEGEH, no 3/,05, tête de source faiblement boisée, dans des arbres morts en décomposition.

This species is intermediate in form betwe311 the elongatus and sulcicollis types. The facies are those of the su'cicollis gmup, but the elytral carinae are more complete and the species is more elangate.


-, J

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puncLuresSHEKARUS gen. n. beal'ing m

twice as l(Type species : She/carus OTnatus n. sr>.

hincl coxae from basesSmall, elongule, convex, tapering anleriody and posteriorly; shining.

He a d with antennae eleven-segmenled, untennal club lwo-segmented; fron­toclypeal suture well-marked, arcuale,impressed; eyes not prominent; heacl not conslrictecl at neck. Pro n 0 t u m elongate, trnpezoiclal; anterior ungles acute, slightly producecl; lateml mm'gins clistinctly and entirely bordered; posterior angles well-defined, somewhal produced; posLerior margin unbor­dered; surface with a deep, median basal impl'ession, connecled lo hind edge by a groove bordered laterally by a pail' of shining, raised ridges; basal mar'gin briefly excavate outside shining ridges and irnmediately insiele posterior angles leaving a pair of jJeg-like prominences (fig. 11), Sculellum small, fIat, sunken, slighLIy transverse, Ely l r a convex; briefly narro,ved near shOllldel's yvhich are produced anteriorly; laleral borders very fainlly sinuate, rounded to apicoslltmal angles; allernate inLel'vals between sLriae of elytra carinate, even ù1Lervals punclale. Proslernal process nalTOW a.nd sharp beLween closely set anlel'ior coxae. Metaslernum and first abdominal segment withouL raised, posLcoxal ridges. Legs with tibiae expanded toward apices; basal three Larsal segmenls subeqllnl, fourlh segment about as long as the first three logether.

This genus belongs lo lhe gf"OUP wilhin the Both.riderini including Antibothrus (p. 75) and Erotylalh1'is SHARP. In the formel' the pronotum is typically hexagonal in ouLline and Lhe Libiae are relatively litLle broadened lo\Vard LheÜ' apices. Shc/carllS is l'eadily distinguished l'rom ErotylathTis ilS the laLter has prominenL poslcoxal rielges on the metasternum and first abdominal segment and has longitudinal carinac on Lhe pronoturn.

Shekarus ornatus n. sp. (Fig. 4. 32.)

Lenglh 2,3-3,75 mm. Breadlh 0,6-0,88 mm.

Derm tesLaceous Lo dark ferrugineous, shining. He a. d with anterior more LhllJi clypeal bOl'der tnmcaLe, anLeriol' angles hriefly rounded, lateral borders more shal oblique, abruptly convergent near antennal insertions; clypeal punctures bor'clers il coarse, separated by a litLle less lhan one diameler; l'l'on LaI puncLmes divergentconsiderably larger Lhan those of clypeus, furlller increasingin size towarci fmm nea~ occiput, punctures sepilraLed hy about half uf one diameter; eye facets 110L intenTais, large, eyes not promincnt; ilntennae with a 2-segmented club of broad, l'lat closel.\' Lhi segments, aplcal boreler of last segrnent strongly arcuate, fringed with golden 1'aisod Lo' setae, apical border of penuHirnate segment much less stwngly arcual,e. inLel'vals Pl'O n 0 l u m elongaLe (H : 9); puncLures of disc about as large as coarsesl thil'd and

Page 81: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


punclures of head, separated as a l'ule by less Lhun one dinmeLel' and bearing minuLe, golden se,Lae; intervals sericeous. Ely t ra more than twice as long us Lheil' combined breadth (7 : 3); narrowed fl'om level of hind coxae to acule apicosutural angles; suLural intervals broudly l'uised from bases to apices, each bearing a single rüw of punctures separated by


FIG. 1.. - Shcl,arus onwtus Il. sp.

mOl'e than one diameter and bearing minuLe setae; Lhird elylralinlervals more shurply cal'inale than suLural intervals, enLiI'e, junction \ViLh apical bOl'del's interrupting their curvature when viewed from above, carinae divergent on apical declivities; fifth and seventh inlervals sharply cal'inaLe from near apices lo bases, a little less sLrongly l'aised lhan cal'inae of third inLel'vals, carinae of sevenlh intervals appl'oaching apical bordel's more closely lhan Lhose of firth inlervals; cal'inae of ninLh intervals more sll'ongly ruised toward bases and apices than mediaJly, joining cUl'inae of thied inlel'vals shol'Lly befme apices, junclions lalerally protuberant; carinne of third and firth inLervals each with a double row of punclures, [hose of

Page 82: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


seventh and ninth intervals each wiLh a single l'OW; even intel'vals each with a double row of coal'se punclUf'es, larger Lhan those of aJternate inLervals and separated by slightly more th,m one diameter; apicosutUf'al angles each produced into a shOtt spine; elytral punctUf'es beal'ing short, golden seUle, somewhat longer neal' apices; intervals sel'iceous. Le g s wilh anterior and middlc tibiae each bearing two external teeLh as weIl as apical SpUl's. Pl'osternum closely and coarsely puncLured, punctul'es separated by much less Lhan one diametel'. MeLasLel'l1um and abdominal segments as coarsely, but slightly less closely punctured than prosternum, inLervals sericeous.

HoloLype : In the I3r'itish Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. [Ghana, 1949 (G. H. THOMPSON).]

Par a t y p es: [9 ex. with same data as holotype. 6 ex. : Yangambi, Congo, XI-XII. 1952 (C. DONIS) (C.lE.B.C.). 1 ex. : Yangambi, Congo, XI1.1952 (C. DONIS) (C.E.B.C.). 2 ex. ; Ghana, 11.194J3 (G. H. THOMSON). 2 ex. : Haut-Uele : Moto, Congo, IV.1922, VI-VII.1923 (BURCEON). 1 ex. ; Albert ­ville, Congo, I.1933 (I3URCEON). 1 ex. : Ogbomosho, Nigeria, IX.1948 (MALKù'l). 1 ex. : Il1ugun, Abekouta Province, Nigeria, II.1945 (Mf\LKIN). 2 ex. : Ukerewe Id., Tanganyika TeniLory (CONRADS).]

1 ex. : 1I/icl/9, ~l.X.l\J51, H. DE SAEGEf1, no 2692, galerie forestière dégraclée, troncs de Voacanga obtu"a morts; 3 ex. : lI/l1c/tl. \),11.1%2, H. DE SAEGEH, no 3115, tête cie source à boisement clégradé, dans les arl)1'es morts; 1 ex.: II/gc/S, 30.IV.l!)52, H. DE SAEGEH, no 340J, tHe cie soune faiblement boisée, dans cles arbres morts ell clécomposition; 1 ex. : i\'agero, 1O.V.1052, H. DE SAEGER, no 3502, galerie forestière cie la Dungu, dans des bois en décomposition li' s ilvancée; 2 ex. : II/gd/lI, 30.V!.1!):'>2, H. DE SAEGEH, no 3721, marais à MaralltaCCf'S, vcgetation clense, eau à courant faible, fond boueux, profondeur maximum 0,10 m; 2 ex. : lI/icl/9, 2.VII.1()5~, H. DE SAEGEH,

no 3722, galerie forestière il. ErVthl'op/JI.oClLnJ. clans lp,\ écorces cie « Gemba " sur piecl. écorces en cI(:'composition; 1 ex. : PpI</S/9, 15.VIl.l%2, H. DE SAEr.EH, Il'' ~7S7, galerie forestièl'e clégraclée, clans les arln'es rllol'ts sllr piecl (l'noCCl11gfl obtusa).


Tribodel'us GROlJVELLE, 1894, Ann. Soc. Ent. I3elg., 38 ; 463.

T JI p e s p e cie s : Triboderus andl'ewesi GnouvELLE.

Oblong or oblong-ova.l, convex or subdepressed, glabrous. He a d with eyes not very convex; antennae of ten segments, last segment sometimes mnch l'educed ('1'. nitidus POPE). Pro no tu lfl trapezo'idal; finely borclered lalemIly; anlerior angles moderately produced; posLerior angles obtuse; anlerior border sinuale toward anlerior angles; posterior border arcuate medially; di sc characteristically with Lwo impressions disposed along the midline, the anteriot' being the broader of the two. Ely t ra elongate,

parallel-sided apically; conv Cèll'inale. Pr( prosternaI lJl'1 first abdomiI broaclenecl to severa1 fi ne L, thEln second s segment.

With Lhe e gruup of spe l'ela.ted 10 the

1. Antennae and firth on disc

Antennae (fig. 10); at bases c

2. Second e along eac much les by less tt

Second e and OCcCl llsually r

3. PronoLal diamelcr, punch.lrel intervals

Pronolal diamelel' puncLur8 second il

4. Elytt'a s

Elytm SI

Page 83: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


parüllel-sided or somewhat elliplical, almosl evenly rounded together apically; convex 01' subdepressed on disc; sLriüle-puncLaLe, alll'rnale intervals carinaLe. ProsLernum with anteriOl' coxae more or less bl'Oadly sepüraLed; prosternaI process broüdly impl'essed beLween coxae. PosLcoxal ridges on firsL abdominal segmenL almosL entire, Le g s wiLh Libiae moderaLely broadened towürd apices; anterior Libiae l'ach \Vith an apical spur and several fine leeLh along external edge; tm'si with basal segment no longer LhelO second segment, basal Lhree segmenLs togeLher about as long as fourLh segment.

With the exception of T. nitidus POPE, Triboderus is a very homogenl'ous group of species, The type species, occUl'ring in India, is very closely related to the species l'oundin Africa,


1. Antonnae with segment much reduced in size; (fig. 7) carinae of third and fil' th elytral intervals joined at their bases, carinae feebly raised on disc [nitidus POPE], p, 84.

Antennae with tenLh segment relatively much larger than in T, nitidus (fig, 10); carinae of lhird and fifth elytrd intervals ending separately at bases of l'lylra, carinae more stf'Ongly l'nised on disc ........ .......... (2)

2. Second elytral intervals with four quite disLinct rows of punclures ülong each, the marginal rows liLLle smaller thell1 medial rows and nol much less regular; pronotal punclures usually closer, often sepuruted by less than haH of one diameLer (3)

Second elytral intervals with Iwo regular rows of punctures on eaeh and oeeasional, isolated punctures outside these; pronotal punetures usually more sparsely set, often separated by thei l' own diameter ..... ,

[capicola (PÉRINGUEY)], p. 85.

3. PronoLal puncLures separatcd loward middle of disc by about theil' own diamelef', in'lpunclate area between medial foveae brief, transverse; puncLUl'es on elyLral carinae of similal' size to marginal rows of second intervals tessmanni GnouvELLE, p, 84.

Pronotal puncLures separated on middle of disc by much less lhan one diameter, impunctaLe ürea between discal foveae distinctly elongaLl'; punctures along elytrul carinae much smaller them marginal rows of second intel'vals ('1)

4. Elytra strongly shining between punctures [kraatzi HETSCI-II<O], p. 86,

Elytra sef'iceous, feebly shining between punctul'8s .. [elicius (HINTON:l, p. 86,

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[Triboderus nitidus POPE. J (Fig. 7.)

Triboderus nilidus POPE, 1954, Pub!. Cult. Ciao Diamant. Angola, 23 : 114.

Length 2,5-2,63 mm. Breadlh 0,9 mm.

This species is unique among the members of the genus by vil'lue of iLs antennal structure and ils black, shining derm. It is also distinguished by ils broader, more elliptical form and by the extremely finely marked lateral bor'ders of the pronotum.

Ho lot Yp e : In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Villa Salazar, Angola.

Dis t l' i but ion. - Angola.

Triboderus tessmanni GROUVELLE.

Triboderus lessmanni GROUVELLE, 1919, Milt!. Zoo!. Mus. Berlin, 9 : 211.

Length 2-3,5 mm. Breadth 0,1-1,2 mm.

Derm testaceous, shining. He a d with clypeal punetures about as large as eye facets, separated by one diameLer; frontoclypeal suture almost straight, slightly impressed; frons \Vith lürger punetmes than clypeus separated by from much less than to about one diameLer; eyes moderately pl'ominent; anLennae "viLh first segmenL of club cupuliform, apical segmenL a liltlt: narrower than the one preceding. Pro n 0 t u m slighUy elongate (5 : 4), bl'oadest very shortly behind acute, produced antel'iol' angles; anterior bordel' straight medially, arcuate laterally, bl'iefly sinuate to anterior angles: lateral margins finely, but distincUy bordel'ed; posteriol' angles \\-ell-formed, slightly obtuse; posterior margin unbordered; disc with anterior fovea broad, occupying about one third of the total pronoLal breadth measmed across midline of fovea; posterior fovea sm aller, punctiform, occupyingt about one sixLh of toLét! pl'O notai breadth measmed acl'OSS middle of fovea; a depl'essed, impunctate band present beLween foveae; punctures of disc and mal'gins very large, up to about Lwice the diametel' of fronLal pundures, round or' slightly elongate, sepamted by about half a diameter toward margins, by more toward and parlicularly in anteromedian fovea; basal fovea connected to basal border of pronotum by a broacl, shallow sulcus. Ely t l' a about twice as long as their combined greatest breaclth, parallel-sicled, tapered for apical fOUl'th, obtusely rounded to apicosutmal angles; disc with sutural carinae distinctly rnised, entire; carinae of thil'd intel'vals l'aised from bases almost to apical bordel's; catinae of fifth intervals entire to bases, stopping apically a little less lhan halfway clown apical decliviLies; cal'inae of seventh intervals entire to bases and apices, joining

carinae of intervals a ted longitu present on t\Vo diamE and third lhan those other even of altemal to extema

Ho lot

Dis t l'

28 exa

!) cx. : utilise pou région; G c: un fcu lic ex fruit~ dl al'l)orcsccnl S.VlI1.1G51, constructio IronCs d'al savane her 1 ex. : Il/go dans clcs 1

Priol' T. IcsS1nr.

concernin they al'e phagous. by Dostri mote likf ancl prey

Hal/aide' Triboder


Havir of both

Page 85: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


carinae of ninth intervals at bases and shOl'tly before apical borders; second intervals almost flat, striai punctUf'es slightly largel' than eye facets, separa­teellongituelinally by more or less one diameter; two rows of striai punetures

14. present on each interval, separated ff'Om one anothel' by a litUe less than two eliameter's, between each l'OW of striaI punctures anel car'inae of first and third intervals there is a further row of punctmes, slightly smaller

of than those of striae, separated longitudinally by from one to three diametel's;ed other even intervals each with a double row of striaI punctures only; carinae

'ed of a1temate intervals each with a double row of punctures similar in size to extemal 1'ows of second intervals.

r, Ho lot Y p e : ln the Zoologisches Museum, Ber·lin. Spanish Guinea.

Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 7).

28 examples.

9 ex. : II/gd/Camp. 28. 1I.19:>1, H. D~ SAEGER. no 1301 (f.annea lierslin!Jii), bois utilise pour les construct ions du Camp, essence ligneuse <1ui n 'existe pas clans la région; 6 ex. : I/c/1, H.1.1950, H. DE SA~GEn, no 97, savane herlJeuse, ramassage (levant un feu cle brousse; 1 ex. : I1/gc/5, 30.III.FI5!, H. D~ SAEG~R, no H89, savane cle vallée, ex fruits de f('igeUa aelhiopica; 6 ex. : JI/gd/ I., ]0.TV.1051, H. DE SMiGER, no 1627, savane arborescente (hors Parc), obtenns cles mènlt's bois que le no 1301; 2 ex. : II/gcl/Camp,

"e 8.Vll1.1%1, H. DE SAEGER, no 2227, bois sec introcluit (Cassia s'iamea), utilisé pour les t, constructions; 1 ex. : II/fdf7, 5.IX.1rJ51, H. DE SAEG~R, no 236/., galerie forestière dense, 'y Ironcs d'arbres en décomposition; 2 ex. : JI/gd/',., 27.IX.1%1, H. DE SAEGER, no 2480, t; savane herbeuse à ligneux rares, SUI' feuilles et trollc (suffrutescent) (Yilex clon'iana);

le ] ex. : II/gd/I., 26 V.1932, H. DE SAEGEH. no 351!l. -'avane herl)euse il ligneux suffrutescents.

e clans des branches mortes sur piecl.

PriaI' ta this date, nothing has been recorded concel'lling the biology of o T. lessmani. On the other hand, what litt:e information there is available r concel'l1ing the biology of the Bothrider'ini as a whole would indicate that they al'e pl'edatory, pe1'haps even ectoparasitic in habit, certainly not xylo­phagous. The above record of the species boring in timber and preyed on by Bostrichidae woulel seem to be therefore a misinteq1l'etation. \Vhat is more likely is that T. lessmanni tives in the tunnels bored by the bostrichid and pl'eys on the lal'vae, 01' adults thereof.

[Triboderus capicola (PÉRINGUEY).] (fig. 10 33.)

BOlhrideres capicola PÉnrNGUEY, 1892, Trans. S. Afr. Phil. Soc., 6(2) : 11 L TribodeTus ajricanus GROUVELLE, 1908, Rev. d'Enl. Caen, 27 : 156 (syn. nov.).

Length 2,6-3,9 mm. Breadth 0,75-1,1 mm.

Having been affol'ded the opportunity of comparing the type specimens of both species, 1 have no doubt as to the synonymy recorded above.

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Like T. kraalZ'Ï and T. elicius, this species is very closely related to T. tessmanni, differing as explained in lhe key lo species.

Ho lot Yp e: ln lhe Soulh African Museum. No data.

Dis tri but ion. - Cape Province, Nalal, S. Rhodesia, N. "YV. Rhodesia, Tanganyika Terrilory (Ukerewe, Id.), Kenya, Abyssinia, Congo (Yangambi, Mayidi).

[Triboderus kraatzi (HETSCI-IKO).]

lJothrideres costalus KRAATZ (nec BLACKLlURN), 1895, Dtsch. ent. Z., p. 161. IJolhrideres kraalzi I-IETscHKo, 1930, Coleopterorurn Catalogus, pars 107,

p. 84 (nom. nov.).

Length fl mm. An exarnination of the Kmatz type specimen shows lhis species lo be

propedy placed in Triboderus and nol BOlhrideres. It scarcely diffe1's from T. elicius (p. 86) other than by the feature referred to in the key to species.

Holo t y p e. -Dahlem. Togo.

ln lhe Deulsches Enlol110logisches Institut, Berlin­

Dis lI' i h u t i 0 rI . - Ghanu, Congo (Mwekn, Sankuru : Komi).

[Triboderus elicius (HI"NTON).]

Bothrideres elicius HINTON, 1941, Ann. Mag. Nat. I-list., (11), 7 : 156.

Length 3,8 mm. Breadlh 1,31 mm. This species was founded upon a single example wilh the sericeous derm

referred to in lhe key to species. Apart f('Qm this character it is practically indislinguishable from an example of T. kraalzi.

Ho lot Y p e: ln lhe British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. .lem-Jem Forest, Abyssinia.

Dis tri b II 1ion. - Abyssinia.


Machloles PASCOE, 1863, Journ. Ent., 2 : 36.

T y" p e s p e cie s : Machloles porcalus PASCOE.

Small to moderate size; elongate, cylindl'ical or elliptical; usually \Vilh the body covered by a matt layer of a secretion like hêLl'clened gum. He ad

1 road; eye: above eyes carina; ter head close] medially, angles obll a more 01

carinae; in pair of c Elylra rounded, ilnd lalern lo aUel'l1a coarse, sc elytron en 01' vel'Y bl segment s side close] apices; lai basal segr

Maclth Auslralin.

1. Inlen puncl bases

Inler' puncl cal'in

2. Anlel usua] bordl

AnLe Lhil'd apicE

3. Pron third

Page 87: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


broud; eyes prominenL; ver Lex someLimes angled or longitudinally carinate above eyes; frons sometimes with a more or less distinct longitudinal median carina; tenLh antennal segment leu'ger Lhan eleventh segment; smface of head closely punctured. Pl'O n 0 tu m Lrapezoidal; anterior bordel' arcuate medially, sinuate laterally; anterior angles someLimes produeed; posterior angles obLuse; posterior' bordel' arcuate medial]y; ltlLeral borders eaeh \-vith a more or les well-developed median Looth; dise with six longitudinal eal'inae; intel'mediate pail' of carinae oflen arcuate in anter'iar half; admedian pail' of cal'inae interrupLed near ba e by a deep, transverse fovea. Ely t l'a elongate; lateml borders parallel or areuate; apical borders l'Ounded, aeuminate or sharply sinuate toward apicosuLural angles; dise and lateral margins with well-marked longitudinn.l cilrinae; carinae confined ta a1ternate intervals het\'\'een sLt-iae; sb'ial puncLures between carinae coarse, sometimes tl'ansversely confluent; three discal carinae on each elytwn ending freely at or neur bases of elyLl'a. Pl'OsLemum with il bl'oad 01' very bl'oad intel'coxal pr'ocess. Both meLustemum and first abdominal segment sometimes exhibiling irregularly-formed posteoxal ridges. Under­side closely and coal'sely punetured. Le g s with tibiae expanded toward Ilpices; tarsi with basal segment not longer than second segmenl, Lhe Lhree basal segmenLs Logether about as long as foul'lh segment.

Machlotes is a widespread genus, species occulTingin Asia, Afr'ica and Australia.


1. InLervals hetween elytml carinae each wi lh iL double l'ow of com'se punclures; carinae of third elyLral intervals not Luberculate at bases . ....................................... (2)

Intervals between elytral carinae eûch wilh a. ingle raw of transverse punclUl'es giving a scalarifol'm appeal'tlJ1ce; third elytral inter'vals with Cûrinae tuber'culale at bases (6)

2. AnteriOl' angles of pl'onotum acule, produeed; discal carinae of pranotum lisually blunt; earinae of third elytrûl inLervnls l'eaching apical bOL'ders (3)

AnteL'ior pronotnl üngles not produeed, very slightly Heule; eHrinae of l.hil'd elyLral inteL'vals stopping short,ly befol'e l'eaching elytrul apices (5)

3. Pronotum with sublateral and arlmedian ear'inae joined over basal third, the suleus between them quitc obliterated for basal third .........

angustatus GROUVELLE, p, 89.

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Pronolum "\vith sublutentl and adrnedian carinae separate excepl at base, the sulcus between them always distinct and concave alLhough sometirnes rather shallow fol' basal third of pronoturn (.~)

IL SlIblateral pronolal carinae reaching latentl borders very near anlerior angles, not interf'Upted al median dcntation of pronolum; species gener­aUy larger (4,9-5,4 mm long occidentalis MALlUN, p. 90.

SlIblateral pronolal ca rinae nol rcaching lateral bür'ders anter'iorly, ending freely at saille distance from antcrior angles, intelTlIpled at median denlation of pl'onolum; species generally smaller (less than 3 mm long [mayumbe MALKIN], p. 91.

5. Elytral apices markedly sinllatc; inter'vals belween pronotal carinae flat, brond; anterior libiae each \Vith two fine teeth on external edge in addition to apical spur [machadoi MALKIN], p. 92.

Elytml apices almosl evenly aCllminate; intervals belween pronotal carinae narrow, canaliculate; anterior tibiae without external teeth aparl from apical Splll'S [houkae MALlUN], p. 92.

G. Elitral apices more strongly sinuate (fig. 29); cill'inae of thircl elytral intervals less widely separaLed on apical cleclivities than elsewhere: anlerior pt"onoLal angles not, or scarcely j1rOclllCed (7)

Elylral apices less slrongly sinuale (fig. 28); carinae of third elytral intervals not less widely separated on apical declivities than elsewhere; anle601" pronotal angles marh:edly pr'oduced hintoni MALIUN, p. 92.

7. Carinae of third elylral intervals lhickened and sermled along apical declivitie, cal'inae of ninth intel'vals slrongly Serrate for apical lhird , (8)

Carinae of third elyll'al intel'vals nol sel'rated or thicl<ened along apical declivilies, cal'inae of ninlh inlel'vals not sel'eated along apical decli­vities [brunneus lVIAL1<IN], p. 93.

8. Il mm long; anterior tibiae each with a single s111all denticle on extel'nal edge about one third from apices; pronolum less than one and a half times as long as broad [obscurus MALKIN], p. 94.

Less than 3 mm long; anteriol' libiae without a denticle on external edge; pronotum twice as long as bl'Oad .... ........ [angolanus 'IALI<IN], p. 94.

Machlolc: !VI ac hlolc:

!l1achlolc: (syn. 1


illachlole. Angol,



Del'ITl alrnost II separated srnall, al irnpresse punctUl'e: diarneter behind e~

border a to postel' jecting te on carin, setae anc cunalicul intervals twice as sided [0

for apic feebly si carinale strongly carinue ( intervals, of seven of fifth i the api carinae 1

"vith a cl turn, sel rather' Il punclur'È alrnosl 0

ra\\' of ~

Page 89: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Machlotes angustatus GROUVELLE.

Machlotes ang1lstatus GROUVELLE, HH4, Rev. Zool. Afr., 4 : 136. Machlotes angllslatlls Gnouv., MALlON, 1953, Rev. Zool. Bot. \fr., 48 :151­Machlotes imperfectlls GHOUVELLE, 1919, Milt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 9 : 211

(syn. nov.). Machlotes imperfectus GROUV., MALK1N, 1953, !. C., p, 15f1. Machlotes impeTfcclUS GROUV., MAL1UN, 1952, Pub!. Gull. Gia. DiamanL.

Angola, No. 15 : 25. Machloles imperfeclus GROUVELLE, 1919, Mitll. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 9: 211

Length 2,6-4,4 mil!. Bl'eadLh 0,75-1,1 mm.

Derm rufopiceous, sel'iceous. He ad with anteriOl' clypeal border almost truncate, anterior angles ohLuse; dypeus convex, punctures small, sepal'ated by less than one diamelel', inLervals sericeous, punctures bem'ing smnll, appl'essed, yellow seLae; fronLoclypeal sutul'e fine, slighLly arcuate, impressed; frons wilh two broact, longitudinal, pilrameclian sulci; fronLal punctmes much coarser than those of clypeus, separntecl by less them one diameter and bearing setae as on clypeus, intervals sel'iceous; head swollen behind eyes, Pro n a t u m elongate (57 : 43); antel'ior bordel' arcuale; lateral borders almosl strnight, slighlly convergent for anlerior firth, slighlly sinuate to poslerior angles which are acute, each border with Cl well-mal'ked, pro­jecting tooth slightly behind middle; discal carinae faintly raised; punctures on cal'inae and elsewhere similar in size la those of frons, bearing similm' selae and sepamted by less Ihan theil' diameter; intervals between carinae canaliculale posteriorly fl'Om il little hefOl'e middle; median and admedian intervals markedly deepened at about middle. Ely t ra slightly more than lwice as long as their greatest combined bl'8adth; convex; almost parallel­sided for basal L"vo thir'ds, bl'iefly l'ounded ta shouldel's, narrowed for apical third to obtusely rounded apical b01'ders; lateral borders feebly sinuate a litUe in front of apical borders; sutural intervals feebly carinate from bases ta apices; carinae of lhird intervals sharply and more strongly raised than those of sutural intervals, entire from bases ta apices; Cilrinae of firth intervals slightly less strongly raised than Ihose of third intervals, entire from bases ta aboul halfway down apical declivities; carinae of sevenlh and ninth intervals sharp, almost as strongly l'aised as those of fifth inlervals, joined at bases and al about two lhirds of the way along the apical declivities, combined cal'inae l'eaching apical border., joining cal'inae of thir'd intel'vals very shol'tly before doing sa; even intervals ench with il double row of eoal'se punctures, distincly lm'gel' than those of pl'ono­tum, sepaeat.ed longitudinally by one diameter or more, kan vel'sely by rather less than one diametel'; sutural intervals each with a single 1'0W of punetures smallel' than those of pronotum, separated longitudinally by almost one diameter'; carinne of olher a!ternate intervals each with a double row of small punctures, sepamled on lhil'd intervals by slightly less than

Page 90: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


one diameter', on oLher intervals by somewhat more than one diametel', carinae ( punctures bem'ing small setae as on pl'onotulTI. frons, se

carinae Ho lot Yp e: In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Cenlmle, Tervuren. Ely Lra

Congo da Lemba (R. MAYNÉ). (45 : 21); acumina

Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 7). blunlly . l'I'om ba

Il examples. a litlle 1

1 ex. : II/id/a, 31.X.1a51, Il. DE SAEGER, no 26~2, galerie forestière dégradée, troncs ninth ir cie Voacanga oblusa morts; 1 ex. : lI/gcl/Il, 30.V1.1952, H. DE SAEGEI1, no 3721, marais combine ü Marantacées, végétation clense, eau ù courant faible, foncl !)oueux, profondeur inlerval~ maximum 0,10 m; 1 ex. : I1/gd.!', 7.VII.1952, H. DE SAEGEI1, no 3757, savalle herbeuse, arbre (Parinari cumlelli[olia) mort sur pied, pas encore décomposé; 1 ex. : PpK/8N, 15.VII.la52, H. DE SAEGEH, n° :\787, galerie forestière dégradée, dans les arbres morts sur pied (Voacan!Ja ob/usu).

punctUl'1 a srnall punctur diamete

MALKIN (1953) indicates lhat he has not sepn any examples of M. angus­ interval:

tatus, but implies that he has studied l'eliably named material of lo lhase

IV!. i'lnperteclus. devoid (

Through the kindness of L P. 13ASILEWSI<Y, the hololype of M. anglls­latus and a paraLype of M. basilewskyi have been macle ilvailable Lo me fol' study and a comparison of those with 111aLerial named as M. imperteclus by

H 01 (HiH'gre,

~IVIALKIN leaves no cloubt ilS to the synonymy of the three species. differences menlioned by MALKIN belween M. basilewskyi and

The libiill M. imper­ Di s

tcclus are shown by a series of examples to be inclividuill variation. 1 ex[

1 ex. Machlotes occidentalis MALION. des bran

Machlotes occidentalis MALIUN, 1953, Rev. Zoo1. 13ot. \fl·., 48 : 1952.

Length 4,5-5,4 mm. Breadth 1,3 mm.

Derm dark pitchy-red, sericeous. He a cl with clypeal punctUl'es about Machlo,

as large as eye-faceLs, sepal'ated by about half of one diameter or slighlly more, bearing minuLe, yellovvish-white setne; frontoclypeal suture fine, arcuate; frons wiLh two longitudinal, paramedian impressions on anteriol' Hol half; frontal punctures lurger lhan those of clypeus, separated by half n (Mayur diamete1' or less, bem'ing minule setae us on clypeus; eyes IH'ominent.. Pro no Lu 111 slightly elongale (22 : 19); anlel'ior border arcuate medially, Di:: sinuaLe toward acute, p1'oduced antel'iol' angles; latel'éll borders al'cuate, sinuaLe befor'e well-marked posterior angles, each wilh a blunt, projecting looth almost at middle, borders bluntly sen'ate for' anterior half; carinae not sharp, but clearly marked and separale, illtervals between pal'amerlian and admedian carinae canaliculate at least for basal two thil'ds, median intervals nanowly, udmedian inlervals broadIy canaliculate; puncLul'es on

Page 91: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


carinae coarse, larger than those of frons, bearing similar setae ta those of frons, separated by about half a diameter, punctures of intervals belween carinae more sparsely arranged, confined ta anterior third of pronotum. Ely t l' a li ttle more than twice as long as lheil' greutest combined breadth (45 : 21); rounded at shoulders, parallel-sided for basal two thirds, acuminately rounded ta apicosutural angles; sutural carinae shallowly and bluntly raised from bases ta apices; carinae of third intervals sharply l'aisee! from bases ta apices, those of firth intervals sharply raised from bases ta a little more than halfway down apical declivities; carinae of seventh and ninth intervals sharply raised, joined at bases and shortly before apices, combined carinae reaching apical borders, but joining carinae of third intel'vals shorUy before doing sa; even intervals with double rOws of punctures separated longitudinally by about one diameter, transversely by a smaller distance; sutural carinae each with a single row of smal1 punctures, slightly smaller than those of pronotum, separated by about one diameter and bear'ing minute, yellowish-white setae; other alternate intervals each with a double row of punctures similar in size and spacing lo those of sutural intervals and bem'ing similar setae. Legs with tibiae devoid of Leeth on their exlernal edges apart frolTl apical spurs.

Holotype : In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). Njala, Siena Leone (Hargreaves).

Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 7).

1 example .

1 ex. : II/fd/17. B.VI.1!J52. H. DE SAEGEn, no B56B, galerie forestière claire, dalls des branches mortes.

[Machlotes mayumbe MALI<IN.]

Machlotes mayumbe MALlUN, 1953, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 48 : 156.

Length 2,5-2,9 mm. Breadth 0,75-0,95 mm.

Halo t y p e : In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centt'ale, Tervuren. Luvu (Mayumbe), Congo (COLLART).

Distribution. - Congo (Haut-Uele: Watsa, Moto).

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[Machlotes machadoi MALKIN.]

JlIachlotes machadoi MALKIN, 1952, Publ. euH. Ciao Diamant. Angola, No. 15 : 23.

Length fl ,3 mm. Breadth 0,7 mm.

The very markedly sinuate apical ends of the lateral borders of the elytra will serve ta distinguish this species from ail others with double l'OWS of punetures between the elytral carinae.

Ho lot Yp e : In the Ivluséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Sena do Moco, Luimbale (200 30' S., 15° 10' E.), 2.000 m. Angola (A. DE BARROS MACHADO).

Distribution. - Angola, Congo (I·iv. Kamitulungu, aff!. g. Lusinga, Parc National de l'Upemba, Katanga).

[Machlotes houkae MALKIN.]

Machlotes hOllkae MALION, 1953, Rev. Zoo!. Bol. Afr., 48 : 15fL

Length 5,1 mm. Breadth 1,4 mm.

Halo t Y P e: In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Zi"vama. rranganyika Territory (MACARTHUR).

Dis tri but i U Il. - TanganyilHl Territory, Kenya.

Machlotes hintoni MALKIN. (Fig. 28.)

Machlotes hintoni MALKIN, 1953, Hev. Zoo!. Bot. Afr., 48 : 157.

Length 3,5- fl,3 mm. Breadth 1-1,2 mm.

Derm dark pitchy-red, feebly shining. He a d with anterior clypeal bordel' almost straight, anterior angles obtuse, lateral bore!ers oblique, emarginate; clypeal punctures small, separa.tee! by from one ta two dialneters, bearing minute, yellow setae; frontoclypeal suture ine!icatee! by a change in sculpture between clypeus ane! frons; frons \vith Iwo broae!, paramedian sulci; frontal pllnctures e!istinctly coarser than those of clypeus, separated by haH 11 e!iameter or less, sometimes confluent latera.lly, beal'ing small setae as on clypeus; eyes prominent. Pl'O n 0 tu 01 elongate (5 : fl ); antel'ior border feebly arcuate medially, strongly arcuate Ia.terally, sinuate to acute, [)roducee! anterior angles; lateral bore!ers almost evenly convergent from short!y beh ine! anterior angles to brief sin ua tion before [losterior angles, median tooth!, lateral borders broadly senate, less markee!ly so behind median tooth; carinae of disc and mm'gins ail narTOW, distinct;

intervals 1: than those bearing sel at anteriOl where. E breadth (2 then sinuil raised, ex( bases ta f

carinile of declivities cal'inae of by carina apical bo' punetures altemate i Lo those ( and prone between ( small den

Ho la Moto (Kil

1J i s t 1

3 exar

2 ex. ;

dans les ~


!H achloll'

Lengl Butfr

ne1.tS is v b:l( MALl\ in the tV' sely fash the chal'

Ho l Yangam

Dis 1

Page 93: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


intervals between carinae flat, not canaliculate; puncLLIl'es sCal'cely larger thnn those of head, separntecl by from one to less than haH of one diameter, bearing setae as on heacl; sublulerul cal'inae joined to lalerül borclers almost at anterior angles, less strongly 1'aisecl at level of median looth than else­where. Ely t l' a a little more than twice as long as their grealest combined breaclth (22 : 9); slighLly nar['owed from shoulders for basal six sevenths, then sinuate to short, broadly rounded apical borclel's; all carinae sharply l'aisecl, except sulural carinae which are bluntly and shallowly raisecl from bases lo apices; carinae of Lhird inlervals l urallel, or nearly so, entire; c<Lrinae of fiflh intervals entire from bases to about ha1fway clown apical cleclivities, slightly less slrongly raised lhan cürinae of third intervals; curinae of sevenLh intervals joined at shoulders, and shortiy before apices by carinae of ninth intervals, combinecl cal'inae fonning sinuate part of apical borclers; carinae of sutural inlervals each with a single row of punctmes, separated longiluclinally by about one diameter; carinae of othe,' alternale intervals eilch with a clouble row of punclures of similar separation lo those of sutural inlervals, punctures bem'ing yel/ow seLae as on head and pronolum; punclures bel\;veen carinae transverse, a single row occuring between each pair of carinae. Le g s with anlerior tibiae each having a small denlicle on external edge near apex well as an apical spur.

Holotype: ln the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, TervLll'en. 'Moto (Kibalt-Itul'i), Congo (BU11GEON).

DistribuLiün. - See catalogue (p. 7).

3 examples.

2 ex. : Il/hc/S, !J.Il.1052., l'l, DE S.\EGEIl, n° :111:;, tête cIe source il boisement degradè, dans les arbres morts; 1 ex.: PpK/8/!J, 15. VII.l%2, H. DE SAEGEH, no 3787, galerie forestière d6gradée, dans les arbres mol'l.s ~ul' pied (VoŒcangŒ oblvso).

[Machlotes brunneus MALI<IN.]

Maclilo/es brunneus MALJŒ\, 1953, Rev. Zoo1. Bot. Afr., 48 : 159.

Length 3-4 mm. Breadth 0,7-0,9 mm, But fol' the distinctive featmes mentioned in the key to species, M, brun­

neus is very like M. obscurus (below). Not wilhstnndln'g the remarks made b,j( MALKIN about the anlennne, lhe head i:lnd pronolum are alrnost identical in the two species, those of M. obscurus appearing Lo be slightly less coar­sely fashioned. The elytra are also very like those of M. ob curus but for lhe chi:lracters mentioned in the key.

Holotype: In the Musée Hoyal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Yangarnbi, Congo (DONIS) (C.E.b.C.).

Dis li' i bu t ion. - Congo (Ynngambi).

_. J

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[Machlotes obscurus lVIALKIN.] (Fig. 20.)

Machlotes obscurus lVIALl(JN, 1953, Rev. Zoo!. Bot. Afr., 48 : 159.

Length 3,4-4,5 mm. Breadth 0,7-1,1 mm. Derm piceous-black, scarcely shining. fI e a d as in M. hinloni (p. 92).

Pro n 0 tu m with anter'ior angles only slightly produced, carinae sharply raised, inler'vals between carinae not canaliculate. Ely t ra cha1'acterised by the featmes refened to in the key to species.

Holotype: In the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tel'vmen. Kunungu (Bolobo), Congo (SCHÜUTEDEN).

Dis tri but ion. - Spanish Guinea, Tanganyika Tenitory, Congo (Kunungu, Mayidi, Mongende).

[Machlotes angolanus IVIALKIN.l

M achloles angolanus MALKIN, 1952, Pub!. Cult. Ciao Diamant. Angola, No. 15 : 24.

Length 2,7 mm. Breadth 0,8 mm. This species characterised by ils very unusually elongate pronotum and

its small overall size. The elylra are very simi.lar to those of M. obscmus.

Ho lot Yp e : In the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, U.S.A. Villa Salazar, Angola (MALl<IN).

Dis tri but ion. - Angola.

l'hA holotype is unique.


Dastarcus WALKER, 1858, Ann. Mag. NaL. Hist., (3), 2 : 209.

T YP e s pee i es: Dastarcus porosus \TV ALKEH.

Of modera te size; elongale-ell ipUca.l; not sll'ongly convex; squamifel'ous. He a cl much l'etl'acted inLo pronolllm; eyes prominent, slightly highel' thrlH long; antennal club two-segmenLed; anLennal grooves benealh hend l'eaching Lo behind hind borders of eyes. Pl'O n 0 tu m bl'oad, flat; nalTowecl 10

pl'ominent anterior angles; hind mm'gin broaclly depi"essed towal'd hincl angles. Ely Lr a elongate; feeb:y convex; bl'Oadest aL shullldel's, nalTowed lo wilhin a short distance of apices lhen shar'ply sinuate and aImasL

truncated ifo1'm sela sepal'aled abdominal slighlly ex and hind t indications and togeLI1

Daslarc l'epr'esenLal

1. Pl'onol viewed

Pl'Onot viewed

Palhoderm J)aslarcus



Derm d broadly el emarginule antel'iol' In

fonned pu faintly indi than eye fi: bearing se disLinclly slighlly in( bor'del' sli~

produced antel'iol' bl angles; InL setae; a (;lt!


Page 95: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



truncaled to apicosuLural angles; deeply sLriaLe, pundures bearing squarll ­iform setae often ananged in tufts. ProsLernum ,;vith anLerior coxae separated by rlluch more than theil' diameler. MeLa Lemum and fil'st abdominal segmenl without postcoxal ridges. Le g s with anLerior Libiae slightly expanded lowal'd apices and wiLh an exLernal apical spm; middle and hind tibiae not Ol' scal'cely expanded LO'wal'd apices and with only faint indications of an exLemal apical spur; l)]sul Lhl'ee Lal'sal segments subequal and logether shorter than apical segmell L

Dastarcus, erecled original1y fol' a species frum Ceylon, now includes represenlatives from Africa, Asia and AusLralasiu.


1. PronoLum quadrate, laleral borders deeply sinuate at aboul middlc when viewed from one side; elytra with third inlervals noliceably carinaLe ...

interruptus (FAIRMAIRE), p. 95.

Pronotum dislinclly transverse, Ialeral bOl'ders almost sLraight when viewed from one side, elytra with Lh i rd intervals scal'cely l'aisecl ......

[fairmairei GROUVELLE], p. 97.

Dastarcus interruptus (FAIRMAIRE).

Palhodermus inle1'TUptus FAIRMAfRE, 1881, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., (6), 1 : 80. J)aslarcus inle1'TUpluS (FAIRM.),

Kilimandjaro-Meru, 1 : ;)26. GROUVELLE, 1910, \iViss. Ergebn. Expecl.

LengLh 9-10 mm. BreaciLh 3,6 mm.

Derm clark red-hrown, sericeuus. ]-1 e a cl with anteriol' clypeal bordel' broadly emarginnte, anleriol' angles obluse, lalerul borclel's obliquely emarginaLe, sharply convergent in posLerior half to unlennal insel'lions; anlel'ior margin of clypeus almost impuncLate, elsewhere \,vith, il'regularly formed puncLUI'es bearing pale, squamifonn selae; fr'onLoclypeal sulure fuintly indicaled; frons very closely and coarsely puncLured, puncLures lcu'ger than eye facets, separa Led in mos! instances by t'rom a hall' to one diameter, bearing setae bronder Lhan those on clypeus; anLennae with last segment disLinct1y nal'l'ower Ihan tenth, segments thl'ee to nine progressively, bul slighlly increasing in widLh Lowarcl club. Pl'O n 0 t u m quadrate; ani.erior bordel' sIightly emarginaLe mediul1y, strongly arcuate lalemlIy, sinuale to produced anterior angles; pronotum brondest al about one fourlh from anterior border, nal'l'owed thenc.:e posteriol'1y, fainLIy sinuate lo posterÎol' angles; laLeral borders ntised, but obscurecl by densely-set, squnmifonn setae; a carina preseni. on each laLeral margill running from posterior angles




Page 96: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


forward und slightly obliquely imvard to within about one fourth from anterior border; dise wiLh two well-marked, luLeral tllmuli shortly in ffOnt of middle, each set wilh setae similul' ta those along lutel'UI borders; two smaller, less strongly raised, paramedian tumuli present on basal third of pronoLum, set wilh similar setae ta those on lateral rnargins; dise a ne! margins irregularly puncLured, anter-ior' half with closely-set, setiferous puneLures along mat'gin and in two longitudinal, pcll'amedian bands, punctur-es elsewhere on unLerior haif al 0 seLiferous, but more spursely ananged; posteriOl' haH ralher simiJarly punctured, a pair of longitudinal, pan'tmedian bands present and sllbluleral l'idges each with a single row of puncLures, puneLures elsewhere on posteriol' haH spal'se, less closely set than punctures of anLerior half, setiferous, Ely t r a little less than Lwice a long as their greatest combined breadLh, rather feebly nanowed fl'om shoulders to wiLhin a shorL distance of apieal borders, then emarginately and stf'Ongly nUrTo\ved ta rounded apical borders; shoulders \vell-mürked, not rounded; sutural intervals broadly, bluntly and shallowly ntised from bases to apices; third intervals narrowly carinate from bases ta apices, broadened in places along their lengLh and thef'e set with tufts of ereel, squamiform setne as on pronotum; carinae of fifth intervals less strongly raised Lhan Lhose of thit'd intel'vals, enlire from bases to shof'tly before sllbapical elytral emürginüLion, also broadened in places along their lenglh and ther-e set with tufts of seLüe; cürinae of seventh and ninth intervals similarly raised to those of fiflh intervals, caf'inae of seventh inLervals stopping a little near-er Lo apices than Lhose of fifth intef'vals, broüdened in places and set. with Lufts of seLae, cur-inae of ninLh intervals almost evenly setifef'ous; even intervals plane, biseriate-pllnclaLe, punctures coarse, separ'ated longitudinally by from one Lo two diameters, latel'ally by about three diametel's, punctUl'es bea ring ef'eeL, squamifoï'l11 setae; fi r'st striae, next to suture, deeply grooved from bases to apices; inter'vals sel'iceous,

Hol 0 t YP e : Should be in the Muséum d'Histoire Natlll'elle, Pans, Zanzibar (RAFFRAY),

Distribution, - See catalogue (p. 7).

1 exümple.

1 ex, : Ndelelej3, 18,VI.Hl52, H, DE SAEGEn, no 3649, éboulis rocheux, dans un al'bl'e mort sur pied,


Length This sr

be distingl from the 1

rrhe h €

The p l'a has the tr; is more e' broader (5 more pron

Ho 10 L üngan, Sp

Dis t r­ambi).



Sma]]; 1

Head wi antennae , penultimal lowest levi zoidal wi slightly p by a mol' hind pal't a tllbel'cle on dise; al sutul'i11 an cal'inate, between c, out postco ['idges, L apical spc middle Ol" together l,

Page 97: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[Dastarcus fairmairei GROUVELLE.]

/)aslarcus lairmairei GnOUvELLE, 1919, Mill!. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 9 : 212.

Length 6,5-10 mm. Breadth ?-3,6 mm. This species is very similar in general facies 10 D. inlernlplus, but may

be distinguished therefrom as indicated in the key to species. It also differs fmm the latter species in the following respects.

The h e a d is more densely seloso-punctate élnd the eyes more prominent. The p [' 0 n 0 tu m is more strongly narrowed to the anterior angles and has the tumuli and bands of punetures less distinclly marked. The disc is mor'e evenly punetured. The el y t r a are proportionally shorter and broadel' (5: 3) and their interslrial carinae are bmader, with larger and more pronounced tufts of setae.

Ho lot Yp e: Missing fmm the Zoologisches Museum, Berlin. Nkolent­angan, Spanish Guinea (TESSMANN).

Dis tri but ion. - Spanish Guinea, Ghana, Ashanti, Congo (Yang­ambi).


Pseudobothrideres GROUVELLE, 1908, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 77 : 438.

T Y P e s P e cie s: Pseudobolhrideres negleclus GROU VELLE.

Small; elongale-elliptical; somewhat depressed; usually shining, glabrous. He a d with eyes nol very pl'ominent, nanowed toward undel'side of head; antennae with a two-segmented club, last segment distinctly smaller than penultimate segment; antennal grooves well-marked, extending at least to lowest level reached by eyes and often below this. Pro no t u m trape­zoidal with more or less sinuate lateral borders; anterior angles at least slightly produced; posterior angles shal'p; middle of hind border reached by a mor'e or less well-mat'ked longitudinal sulcus joining border with hind pal't of discal ornamentation; disc variously ornamented, usually with a tubel'cle enclosed by a wetl-marked sulcus. Ely t ra elongate; depressed on disc; apical bordel's usually slightly to rnoderately sinuate before apico­sutmal angles; alternate inter-vals beh·veen striae more or less mar'kedly cal'inate. Prosternum with a broad intercoxal pl'ocess, transvel'sely ridged between coxae and expanded into a « T " behind them. Metasternum with­out postcoxal rie!ges. Fil'st abdominal segment with well-mal'ked postcoxal l'idges. Le g s wit.h ail tibiae bearing a more or less well-mar'kee! external apical spm, anterioe tibiae more stl'ongly expane!ed toward apices thëm middle oe hine! tibiae; tarsi ,.vith the three basal segments subequal and together longer lhan the foudh segment.

Page 98: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


Originally erected for four new species from India, this genus now includes species [rom India, Lamt Island, the Philippines and Afr·ica. When a full revis ion of Bothrideres EBICHSON is undel'laken, it is very likely that several more Asiatic species will be transfefTed to Pseudobo­thrideres.


1. Carinae of third and firth elytral intervals joined ai bases (2)

Carinae of third and fifth elytral intel'vals not joined at bases...... (3)

2. Discal pronotal tubercle somewhat more than twice as long as broacl; mecliobasal pronoial sulcus parallel-sicled; fourth elytral interval~

rouncled basally; second elytral intervals very little broader than third intervals [evansi POPE], p. 98.

Discal pronotal tubercle slightly longer than broad; mediobasal pronotal sulcus strongly narrowed to base; fourth elyiral intervals acuminaie basally; second elytral intervals c1istinctly bl'oader on disc than third iniel'vals [weisei GROUVELLE], p. 99.

3. Pronotal punctures sparse, usually ~eparated by more than one c1iametel'; carinae of third elytral intervals as broad on apical declivities as elsewhere; fiest and second elytral steiae not grooved .

conradsi POPE, p. 99.

Pronotal punctures more closely set, oUen separated by less thrUl thei r diameter, especially apicolaterally; carinae of thil'd elytral intel'vals distinctly nal'rower neal' apices than one disc; first and second elytral striae distinctly gl'Ooved on disc ...... confossicollis (FAIRMAIRE), p. 99.

l Pseudobothrideres evansi POPE.]

Pseudobothrideres evansi POPE, 1954, Pub!. Cult. Ciao Diamant. Angola, No. 23 : 116.

Length 4-4,9 mm. Beeadth 1,25-1,5 mm. The shape and sculpture of the head and pronotum of ihis species are

very similar to those of P. conradsi POPE, but the pronotum has a nanowel' mediobasal sulcus and mediobasal sulcus and the median discal tubercle is more elongate. The elytral stf'Ucture of the species will at once distin­guish them for as weil as the basal junetion of intervals one, three and five, the earinae of intervals one, three, five and seven are searcely raised at ail on the dise.

Ho lot Y p e: In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. 18 miles S.W. of Elisabethville (EVANS).

Distribution. - Angola, Congo (18 l1Iiles S.vV. of Elisabethville).


Lengtt The n

to separa genus.

H 01 0


Dis t t

Pseudobo Uppsa

LengU This ~


Holo Island, T

Dis t 1

10 eXél

3 ex. : les écorces forest.ière sol; 1 ex. branches e no 36',0, él II. DE SA, fort.ement.


BOlhridel (syn. 1

Lengti This:


Page 99: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


[Pseudobothrideres weisei GROUVELLE.]

Pseudobothrideres weisei GROUVELLE, 1908, Rey. d'Ent. Caen, 27 : 155.

Length fI mm. Bl'eadth 1,6 mm. 'The much shodel' discal tubel'cle on Lhe pronotum will at once sel've

ta sepal'llLe this sl1ecies [l'am the othee described Ah"jcan members of the genus.

Holotype : In Ihe Muséum d'Histoire Nuturelle, Pal'is. Kwni, Tanganyika Terl'itol'Y (WEISE).

Dis t l' i b li t ion. - Tanganyiktl Territory, Spanish Guine:l.

Pseudobothrideres conradsi POPE. (Fig. 5.)

Pseudobothrideres conradsi POPE, 1959, South Afl'ican Animal Life, 6 : 147, Uppsala.

Len,gth 3,75-5 mm. Breadth 1,2-1,6 mm. This species is very closely relaled tü P. conjussicollis FAIRM., but IS

separable as explainedin the key to species abave.

Hol 0 ty p e : In the Brilish Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Ukerewe Island, Tanganyika Terrilory (CONRADS).

Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 7).

10 examples.

3 ex. : llo/l, 2O.XI.1950, H. DE SAEGEn, no 985, arborescente, récolté sous les écorces d'arbres morts; 1 ex. : PpK/51/g/9, 2IV.1952, H. DE SAEGEn, no 3276, galerie forestière au dernier sl.ade de dégradai ion, dans les arbres morts debout et sur )r

sol; 1 ex. : Isollll3, 12.V1.1952, H. DE SAEGEH. no 3622. savane arborescente, dans les branches et sous les écorces des arbustes; 2 ex. : Ndelele/3, 18.VI.1952, H. DE SAEGEn,

no 3649, éboulis rocheux, dans un arbre mort sur pied; 3 ex. : PFl\fK/719, 28.VIl.1!J52, H. DE SAEGEn, no 3826, galerie forestière, arbre mort sur pied (Albizzia coriaTia;' fortement attaqué précédemnlent sous l'(\corce.

Pseudobothrideres confossicoll is (FAIHMAIRE).

Bothrideres conjossicollis FAIRMAIHE, 1883, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., (6), 3: 91.

Bothrideres scutatus PÉRIl\GUEY, 1892, Trans. S. Afr. Phil. Soc., 6: 11:2 (syn. nov.).

Length 4,2-5,1 mm. Breudlh 1,2-1,4 mm. This species is very closely relaled to P. conradsi (fig. 5), Dut may be

dislinguished as indicaled in the key la species and by the following.

Page 100: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba




This and Asc explaine

The neilhel' l'idges.

The feature f De'ralap cOl'l'eclljl

Al pl OCCUI' in of the c fOl'esLed Naliona


FIG, 5, PSCtulobothrWeres conTadsi POP"".


The lhird elylral inLervals are scarcely raised on Lhe disc and Lhe discal lubercle on the pl'onotum is l'elaLively more elongale Lhan it is in lhe case of P. conradsi. In other respects, P. conjossicollis is scarcely differenL

fl'om the othel' species.

Holotype : ? In Lhe Muséum d'Hi toil'e Naturelle, Paris. Abyssinia.

flolhrid!Distribution. - See catalogue (p. 7). flolMidl

i example. Ogmodf1 AngG

1 ex, : PpK/52;2, 16,X,1!J51, H. DE AEGEH, no 260j, savalle faiblement arbor0e, ramassage SIL!' feuilles et écorces. Len

Derfl along e clypeus obliquel

Page 101: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



Ogmoderes GAI'\GLBAUER, 1899, Kiifer Mitteleuropa, 3 : 899.

T Y P e s P e cie s : Bothrùlcres angusticollis BRISOUT.

This gemls is close!y related in general facies La bath Pseudobothrùleres and Ascetodcres gen. n. (p. 104), but is readily sepm'able from the two as explained in the key ta bothriderine genera given in page 73.

The eyes ure more prominent thiLn in either of the othel' genera and neithel' the metastemurn nol' the fil'sl abdominal segment benr postcoxal ridges.

The eJongate basal segment of the tUl'si in Ogmoderesis un unusual feature for a gemls in the Botftriderini; il is much more cam mon among the Derataphrini. On the othel' hand there is no doubt that Ognwderes is cOlTectly assigned to the formel' tribe.

At present only two species are placed in lhis gerlUs and both of them occur in Africa. One appears to be distributed Lhl'oughout the dl'i8l' pads of the continent ,vhile the other is more or less confined ta Lhe darnper, fOl'ested areas. IL 1S this laUel' species that has been colleded in the Parc National de la GUl'amba.


1. Pronotum with anteriol' angles pr-oduced and with feeble lateral teeth; mediobasal pl'onotal gl'oove broad, shallow; metastemum with a median longitudinal sulcus in apical half . "'" sculpticollis (THOMSON), p. 101.

Pl'Onotum wiLh antcriOr angles not pl'Oduced, lateral borders not denti ­culate; mediobasal pronotal gl'oove deep, narrow; metastemum without a longitudinal median gl'OOvc ......... [angusticollis (BmsouT)], p. 103.

Ogmoderes sculpticollis (THO:YlSON).

Bothridcl'es sculpticollis THOMSON, 1858, Arch. lEnt., 2 : 116. Bothrideres spleniatus MURRAY, 1867, Ann, Mag. Nat. Rist., (3), 19 : 337. Ogmoderes sculpticollis (THOMS.), POPE, 195/1, Pub!. CulL. Cin. Diamanl.

Angola, No. 23 : 114.

Length 11 ,5-7,6 mm. Breadth 1,48-2,25 mm.

Del'm black to piceous, sometin18s with il longitudinal l'eddish stripe along each elytl'On. He a d shallowly and broadly impressed medially; clypeus emarginate medially, anterior angles bl'iefly ['ounded, lateral bOl'ders obliquely emarginu te ta above antennnl insertions; clypeal punctur-es smaller

Page 102: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba



than eye facets, separ-ated by mOre than one diametel' on disc, by about their own diameter toward lateral mar-gins; fl'Ontoclypeal suture scar-cely discemible; fr-ons with punctures very slightly larger than those of c1ypeus antetiorly, increasing in size and becoming slightly elongate posteriorly, irregulady spaced medially, more r-egulady arranged and separ-ated by about one diameter towaJ'd margins and acr-oss vertex; antennae with apical segment longer than penultimate segment, r-ounded apically and set, in apical half, with short, fine setae. Pro n 0 t u m as long us bl'oad, tJ"al1e­zoidal; anterior border slightly emarginate medially, arcuate towar-d and then sinuate immediately inside acule, produced anleriol' angles; pl'Onolum beoadest aL about one fomlh from anleriot bOl"der', very slightly narrowed to antel'iOl" angles, mOte or less regularly and stl'ongly nartowed from beoadest point 10 posleriol' angles; laierai bordel's each with a shallow tllberc!e shof'lly befote middle and a looth-like ptominence a little in fronl or rostel'ior bordel'; basal meu'gin narl'owly bor'der'ed, bOl"der more distinct medially Ihan elsewhel'e; disc with a slrongly elongale, median longitudinal irnpllnetate area, fialtened Ol" slightly biarcuale anteriorly, tapered almost to a point poslel'iorly, surl'Ollnded by a deep, well-marked su1cus and connecled 10 basal border' by a shallow, ill-defined sulcus; punctures external to sUl'f'ounding sulcus coarse, sorne lar'ger than eye facets, sepal'ated by from about haH 10 one diameter, each wilh a minute, slightly yellow seta, scarcely longer Ihan haH the diamelel' of a punclul'e; intervals belween punc­tures shining, but vel'Y finely and faintly shugreened. Ely t ra twice as long as theil' greatest combined bl'eadth, slightly narrowed to rounded shoulders, slightly sinuate before rounded apices; intervals shining. Le g s with anterior and rniddle tibiae strongly widened to apices, hind tibiae less strongly broadened; aH tibiae with il well'1l1arked exlernal apical spur, anterior and middle tibiae only with teeth on external meu'gin, anterior libiae with two such teeth, middle tibiae usually with three teeth, sometirnes with some much smaller, supplementary denticles as weIl.

Holo t Y P e : In the 1nsti tu t royal des Sciences naturelles, Brussels. Gaboon (THOMSON),

DisLI'ibution. - See catalogue (p. 7).

67 examples.

37 ex. : II/gd/ l., 10.1V.1951, H. DI:: SAEGEI1, no 1627, savane arborescente (hors Parci. Lannea Kersti.ngii (bois utili,;é pour les constructions du Camp), essence ligneuse qui n'existe pas da.ns la région: 1 ex. : I1/IcI/17. 9. V I.1951 , H. DE SAEGEI1, no 1888, galerie forestière, sm stra.te arbustive; 1 ex. : II,'gdf!;, 25 III.1~);)l, H. DE SAEGEI1, no H5,3, il. la lampe; 1 ex. : IIfgd/ I., 22.1V.1051, II. DE SAEGEH, no 15')5, Il. la lampe; 1 ex .. ?lIabanga, 27. VII .1952, H. DE SAEGER, Il ° 38l7, savane arborescente, SUI' une poutre équarrie (con­struction), v01ant lorsque Je soleil est pl'esqne ;'l l'horizon, le soir; 1 ex. : I1/fcl/15,

22.lX.1!J51, II/gdf'., 2i et tronc ( la lampe; 21dV.1950, no 466, à I1/e, 18.XI herbeuse, 110 UOl,

/(eTsling li savane IH II. DE SAE

31.X.1%l, no 300J, s; !,t'ès carat

This of Afric[ above ca ship "lit

flot/aide Ogmodel

3 : gal BOlhridc


Lengt O. al,

char-aclel O. angus as Lheir of sculpl teeth as

Ho 1c Marne, ]

Dis t Tangany

The ~

the holo of the S


Page 103: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


22.IX.1!J51, II. DI' SAEGEn, no 24ô4. marôcage ù végétation dense, fauchage; 8 ex. : II/gd!'" 27.TX.1951, H. DE SAEGEH, no '~!, 0, savane herbeuse ft ligneux rares, sur feuilles et tronc de Vilex cloniana; 1 ex. : T/o/1, 12.IV.19~0, H. DE SAEGEn, no 3!J9, récoltés il la lampe; 2 ex. : 1/0/1, 17.IV.1%0, H. DI' SAEGEf1, no 1,16, à la lampe; 2 ex. : 1/0/1, 2!t.lV.1950, H. DE SAEGEU, no :)51, à la lampe; 1 ex. : 1/0/1, 2ft IV.l!J50, H. DE SAEGER,

no 1,66. à la lampe; 1 ex. : 1/0/1. 16.V.1950, H. DE SAEGEH, no 526, à la lampe; 1 ex. : ll/e, 18.XlI.1950. H. DE SAEGEH, no 9%. sal'ane herbeuse (fond de vallée); dans la strate herbeuse. avant Je passage des feux; 3 ex. : II/gd/Camp, 28.II.l951, H. DE S.~EGIiH,

11° 1301, Xylophages (presumably as predators of xylophagous insects), Lannea KeT8lingii. übs. as for no 1627, above; 1 ex. : l'cil, H.I.l!!50, II. DE SAEGER. no !J7. savane herbeuse, ramassage devant un feu de IJrousse; 1 ex. : Ndelele/3. 18. VI.1952, H. DE SAEGER, no 361,9, éboulis rocheux, dans un arbre mort sur pied; 1 ex. : II/gd/ l


31.X.1%1, II. DE SAEGEH. no 270!., à la lampe; 3 ex. : lI/gd/!" !t.l.1952. H. DE SAEGEH.

no 300). savane herbeuse (Camp), divers bois de conslI'uction introduits, recrudescence très caractérisée de l'activitô des Bostrychides, dès l'apparit.ion de la saison sèche.

This is a very common species, occur-ing in most of the wetter parts of Africa. IL is interesting to see how many of the 67 examples recol'ded above came to light and also that one collection record exposes a relation­ship with bostrychids.

[Ogmoderes angusticoll is (BRISOUT).]

:5 ;;S

r , )t.


Both1'ideres angusticollis BRTSOUT, 1861, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., (l1), 1 : 600. Ogmoderes angusticoll'is (BlUS.), GAKGLBAUER, 1899, Kiifer Mitteleuropa,

3 : 900. BothrideTes distinctus PÉRINGUEY, 1892, Trans. S. Afr. Phil. Soc., 6 : 112

(syn. nov.).

Length 3,5-4,4 mm. Breadlh 1-1,25 mm.

O. angusticollis is l'eadily disLinguished frorn O. sculpticollis by the charactet's t'efened to in the key lo species. In addition, the pronotum of O. angusticollis is elongate and the elytra are two and a haH limes as long as theit' gl'eatest combined bl'eadth. The legs ilre more slendel' than those of sculpticollis and the antel'iOl' tibiae have thl'ee, widely spaced external teeth as 'Nell as the apical sput'.

Ho lot Yp e Marne, France.

: ln the Muséum d'Histoire In a cor'k-oak (DELAROUZÉE).

Naturelle, Paris. Pet'thes,


se ie il

a, 11­


Dis t l' i but ion. - Fr-ance, Dalmatia, Sudan, Abyssinia, Kenya, Tanganyika Tenitol'Y, N. H-hodesia, Bechuanaland, Cape Pl'ovince.

The synonymy quoted above is based upon a pet'sonal examination of the hoJotype of B. distinct1.ts, vel'Y kindly loaned to me by the aulhorities of the South African Museum, Capetown.


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JJollôrideres ERICHSON, i845, Naturg. Ins. Deutschl. Col., 3 : 288 (pars).

T y P e s P e cie s: BOlhrideres joveicollis REI1'TER.

Small tO model'ate size; elongate-elliptical or cylindricai. He a d with eleven-segmented antennae, the lasL two segmenLs for'ming a symmetrical club, uitimate segment distincUy smallel' thelO the one preceding; eyes not prominent, ovate, bl'oadest above; antennal gl'ooves beneath head long, clearly marked. Pl'O no tu m trapezoidal or more 01' less cordifol'm, nu'ely cylindf'ical; anterior rnal'gin unbordered; antel'iol' angles usually at least slighlly produced; laterai mar'gins usuüIly with a distinct and entil'e lateral border. Ely t r a elongate, elliptical 01' pal'aLlel-sided; evenly rounded to 01' slightly sinuate befol'e apico utural angles; alternate intervals between stl'iae carinate; even intervals punctate, striate, or both. Prostel'l1um with antel'ior coxae broadly separated by intel'coxai process which has a tt'ansverse sulcus bet\\'een coxae (fig. 35). Melasternum without postcoxal r·idges. Fir'st abdominal segment without postcoxal ridges. Le g s with antel'ior tibiae generaLly expanded to"\vard al ices, apices with a we]]-marked exLernal spur; inLel'mediate and hind tibiae less broadly expanded Loward apices, external SpUl'S freC[uently less well-marked; Lat'si with basal segment sometimes slightly longer than the one following, usua]]y thicker.

BOlhrideres was, unLil now, one of the lal'gest of the COLYDIID genera, including species fl'om every continent. EruCHSON, in hi original tl'eaLmenl of the genus included B. conlraclus (OLIV.) from Europe, B. geminatus (SAY) fl'om America, B. illusu (JE\VMAN) fl'om AusLntlia and B. vittatus (NEWMAN), also fl'om Austl'alia. So constituted, the genus included considerable struetul'al variations of a more 01' less fundamental nature. Now that many more species have been added to the genus, it is cleal' that the original conception covered al least two distinct gl'OUPS of species. These groups are sufficiently different to wal'ntnt genel'ic separation.

In the EUl'opeü,n and American species, the pf'Ostemal pl'ocess, an important stl'uctme Laxonomically, differs fl'om that of other known species in that il is not thickened and expanded latel'ülly behind the antel'ior coxae. In fact the anterior coxae ovedap the hind bordel' of the prosternum when the insects are viewed dil'ectly from below (fig. 36). Also the prosternaI pl'ocess usually shows no transverse division between the coxae as it does in othel' species. Less conslant differences are the absence of laleral bordel' lo the pronotum and the relatively longer antennae of the Eur'opean and American species.

Fo,' these reasons it is cleady necessary to separate lhe European and American pecies from lhe l'est of the gemls al present caUed BOlhr-irlcres.

IL is h restl'icl! characli A new 1

assignel disLincL

1. Ver; sevE

Les! Lhir elyt

2. Elyl


3. .vIe belo exte uroa

Med ofit OdgE on ~

1.. Sutt wiLt int01 apic

Sutt pmr off endi

Page 105: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


IL is hel'e proposed that the name BOlhridcres EmCHsoN be used in il

l'estl'icLed sense to include only those species with the prosternai chamctel'istics of the European und Amel'ican species l'efelTed to above. A new name Ascelodcres is applied above 10 Lhat group of species, pl'eviously assigned to BOlhridercs, but now l'ell10ved Lhel'efrom in view of their distinct prosternaI structme.


1. Very elongate, seven limes as long as broad; carinae of t.hil'd, fifth and seventh elylral inlervals joined at bao:cs of elytm .

[filum (GRouvELLE)], p. 106.

Less elongaLe, noL more than five limes as long as bl'oad; cm'inue of thil'd, firth und sevenlh elytral inLel'vals not joined at bases of elytru (2)

2. Elytl'al stl'iue gl'ooved (R)

Elytr'al stl'iae not gl'ooved (Il)

3. Median pronolal omamentation an elongale tubercle, ail of which is below the level of the pronotal disc; anterior tibiae wilh four teeth on exlernal edge as weIl as apical SpUl'; second elylral intervals about as broad on dise as lhil'd intervals [festus (HINTON)], p. 106.

Median pl'ûnotal tuber'cle raised to level of pronotal disc at some parl of its lcngth (fig. 19); anlel'iol' tibiae each with seven teeth on external edge as w(~ll as apical spur; second elytl'al intervals distinctly naI'I'owel' on disc than third intervals watsanus n. sp., p. 106.

4. Sutural elytral carinae bl'idged to second ca,l'inae at bases; pronotal disc with a single, elongate median tubel'clc (fig. 20); carinae of fifth elytrai inlervals joined to those of seventh intervals before reaching elytral apices conradsi n. sp., p. 107.

Sutural elytral carinae not bridged Lo second carinae aL bases of elytra; pl'ûnOLUI11 with a median tuberc1e, divided before the middle to separaLe off an almosl circulaI' prominence; carinae of fifth elytr'al intervals ending fl'eely shor-tly before apical bOl'ders .

[foveicollis (REITTER)], p. 108.

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[Ascetoderes filum (GnouvELLE).] up Lo or Ilos~el'io

Bothrideres lilum GnouVELLE, 1915, Festschr. Luxembg. NaLurf. Ges., }/. 119. smallel' basal plThis species is kno,vn ~o me from its description alone and is incol' ­longi~udporated in the key using the information contained thetein. greates~

Unless the proporbons given by GnouvELLE are incorrect, Lhis species shouldel

is l'emal'kably elongate and should be very easily disLinguishable if found. il pical l:

GnouvELLE comments on its l'esemblance Lo a species of Colydium, Cl. genus joined 1

unknown in Afl'ica. ob~usely

/'enchintHolotype : In the Musée d'Histoil'e Naturelle de Luxembourg. Lo and eKondue, Congo. intervaJ!

[Ascetoderes festus (HINTON).] near ba bordel's;

Bothrideres lestus HINTON, 1941, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (H), 7 : 154. diamete,

LengLh 6 mm. BreadLh 1,83 mm. sutul'al puncLurThis species is very cJoseJy reJated to A.. watsanus n. sI'. (p. 106), differing as wideas explainee! in Lhe key to species and in ~he foJlowing respecLs. Lhan ~h

The fronLal puncLul'es are someLirnes confluen~ and markedly elongaLe except neat vertex. The median pl'onotal omament is nal'rowecl medially. H 01 The ca ri nae of the thi l'cl elytml in tervals are s~oppecl shodly before reachi ng Huanda· ~he elyLral apices which are mOre obtusely rounclecl Lhan is the case wiLh

II1l'cl 1A. watsanus. morts no

Holotype : ln the,British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. Jem-Jem Par Forest, Abyssinia ca. 9.0CO ft. (under bark of dying Acacia) (SCOTT).

(j ex. bord deDis tri b u Li 0 n. - rrhe holoLype is unique. de la Na complGlc de ['Afl'i(Ascetoderes watsanus n. sp.

(Fig. la.)

Length 3,8-7,6 mm. Bl'eadth 1,1-2,1 mm.

Denn black to piceous, not shining. He a d with anterior clypeal border bl'oadly and very shaJlowly ematginate, anterior a.ngles well-matked, obtuse, Leng

latentl bor'ders oblique, emargina~e; cJypeal puncLures -eparated by much Dem

less than one diamelel', intervals finely shagreenecl, antel'ior margin emill'gin

nal'rowly impuncLaLe; fronLoclypeal suture lighLly impr'essed; fl'onLal ginilte; ]

puncLures eJongüLe, oflen separatecl by much less than one diarnetel', less one dinr

elongate and much more spal'seJy al'ranged toward and on verl.ex, intervnls convex, size pos finely and faintly shagreened. Pronotum elongate (49 : li3); in ouLline diarneLeand discal ornamentation as in figure 19; lateral marg'ins finely and entirely

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IJordered; discal punctures coarse, feebly elongale, variably separated by IIp to one diameLer, uSllally by much less; punclures le's elongaLe toward posterior angles; puncLures along anlerior margin ulmost round, much smaller lhan those elsewhere, separaled by less lhan one diameler-; medio­basal pronoliI1 sulcus parallel-sided, well-defined nnd including a median longitudinal carina. Elylra t,,'o and one lhird tintes as long as their gl'eatest combined bl'eadlh, alrnost parallel-sided fol' basal three fourths, shoulders l'Ounded, laleral borders feebly sinuale before obtusely rounded "pical borders; sutural cil.rinne enlil:e, more slrongly rnised nenr apices, joined to cal'inae of third intervals at bases; carinue of thil'd intel'vab obtusely raised on disc, sharply l'uised along élpicul declivities, almost renching apicnl hordel's; carinae of fifLh inlervals sharply raised, entire to and ending freely ut bases, joined, 01' almast joined la c1ll'inae of seventh intervals near apical borders; carinue of seventh and ninlh intervals joined near bases, joined near apices and combilled carinae reach apical elytral borders; punetul'es of sLriae smaJl, shallow, sepurated by from one to bvo diametel's; first three striae on each elytron grooved, other striae not gl'ooved; sutural car'inae each with an irl'egulul' row of puncllll'es, sometimes lwo punctures wicle; alher carinae each \vith a double band of punctures, t\Vice as' wide as those of sutural carinae; punGtures of c,-ll'inae much smaller than those of striae.

Holotype : In the Institul des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et clu rtl.landa-Ul'undi, Brussels.

II/rclj17, -UX.10jJ. II. DI:: S.lEGErl, no 2G:l2, galerie rorestière, arbres et branches morts non tombes sur le .oi.

Pal'atypes :

li ex. : \Vith same clata as holotype. 1 ex. : II/ge/'J, 12. Il1.1'J51 , H. DE SAEGER, no 1360, bord cle rivière, au sol et SUI' les arbres (savane herbeuse à ligneux rares au bord de la Nambira); 1 ex. : If/gc/li, 2::l.V1.10:i1, .J. VERSCI:lUI\E~. no 2004, peUt ligneux en complète clécOlnpositiOII; [1 ex. : HêlUt-Uele: \Vatsa, 1922 (T.. BUHGEON) (Musée Rayol de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren)].

Ascetoderes conradsi n. Sp. (Fig. 20, 33.)

Length 5,8-9 mm. Breadth 1,7-2,5 mm. Derm piceous-bIrlck, malt. He a cl with ant.erior clypeal border shallowly

emarginale, antel'ior angles well-marked, laleral borders oblique, emar'­ginate; punclures almost as large as eye facets, separated by much less than one diameter; fronloclypeal sulure impressed, very shallowly arcuate; frons convex, punctmes distinctly larger than those of clypeus, increasing in size posteriorI y, separated by less than one, often by less than half of one diarneter. Pl'O n 0 tu m dislinctly elongate (43: 33); convex; trapezoidal;

Page 108: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


anterior border tf'Uncate 01' very slightly emarginate medially, al'cuate Alti laterally, sinuate near produced anteriol' angles; lateral mm'gins entirely from 1

and rather finely bordered, convergent near anterior angles; pronotum 13. imj narmwed posteriody fmm very shortly behind êlntefÎor angles to very (Nat. 1 slightly produced, feebly arcuüte posterior angles; discal ornementation as in figure 20; mediobasal suleus deep, clearly forrned; suleus surrounding Ho impunetate median area narrow, shèu'ply defined; discal punetures sirnilar Cape ( to those of frons, separated by less than one diameter, punctures toward posteriOL' angles a little largel' than those on dise, separated by one diameter Di or more, punetures toward and along anterior margin smaller' than those of dise, espeeially anteromedially where they are much smaller than th03e of fmns, sepül'ated by less than one diameter, sornetimes by ll'ss than haH a diarneter; punctures each with a minute, golden, recumbent, incon­spieuous seta. Ely t r a t.\Vo and two thirds times as long as their gl'eatest cornbined breadth; parallel-sided for basal t1wee fourths, V81'y briefly narmwed 10 shoulders, lateral borders briefly sinuate before obtusely rounded apical bordl'rs; sutur'al earinae broadly raisl'd, l'ntire from bases to apiees; Cal'inae of third intervals more sharply and strongly raised, entire from bases to apical bordl'rs; carinae of fiflh intel'vals sharp, entire from bases to apices, joined shortly before apices, first by earinae of seventh and then by earinae of ninth intervals; carinae of seventh and ninth intervals joined at shoulders, cal'inae of ninlh intervals almost obliterated for most of basal half; striai punctures coarse, slightly larger than the larges! pronotal flunctures, separaled on second intervals by less than one diarneter, on other intervals by rather more than one diameter; striae separated transversely by sligh tly more than one diameter; sutural carinae each with a single row of spélrse, very fine punctures bem'ing minute, recumbent setae, other carinae each with two rows of sparse, minute, setiferolls punctures.

Ho lot y p e: In the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. [Ukerewe, Id., Tanganyika Territoty (CONRADS).]

Paratypes :

127 ex.: \Vith same data as holo(ype]. 1 ex.: 1I/fu/17, 5.IX.1951, H. DE SAEGER,

no 236'" galerie forestière densl', troncs d'arbres en décomposition; 1 ex.: Il/fcl/17, 7.V.1952, H. DE SAEGEH, no 3!.-lc6, galerie forestière (massif), clans les \)ois morts 811

décomposition avancée.

[Ascetoderes foveicollis (RElTTER).]

Bothrideres joveicollis REITTER, 1877, Stett. Ent. Zlg., 38 : 348. llothrideres impressus PASCOE, 1887, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hisl., (5), 20 : 9 (syn,


Length 4,7-8,7 mm. Brendth 1,11-2,75 mm. This speeies is easily distinguishable from the previolls one by the charac­

ters referred to in the key ta species.

Page 109: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba

--~--- -­ ._­


\lthough l have not seen Lhe holoLype of RElTTER'S species, it is clear from Lhe description that he gives that it is conspecific \vith Pascoe's B. impressus - the holotype of the latter being in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.).

Hui 0 t YP e: Probably in the Hungnrian National Museum, Budapest. Cape of Good Hope.

Dis tri but ion. - Cape Province.

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~ 16


Jr \V' 20

17 18

FIG. 6 : Pabu/a a{ricana n. sr. : tarsus. - FIG. 7: Tribodel'lJs nificlllS POPE: anlennn. FIG. 8: Teredolacmus in/prcssipen'lis HEU,ZE: antennnL cJuh. - [èIG. !1: AllO]Jidill1n en'ans POPE: maxiIlary paIpus. - FIG. 10: Tl'iboclems capico/a (l-'ÉHI\G 'EY) : antenlla. FIG. 11 : 'l'ereclolncJ7I.71s ]Jl'oblemalicus n. sp.: antellno.I club. - FIG. 1" : l'abu/a a{ricana n. sp : anlenna. - FIG. 1C1 : Anlibothl'u..~ etongatu' n. 'p.: anlenna. - fo'IG. H: Synchila lineatosquamosa GnOU\'ELLF.: pronntal outIine (Fa cio.e stippled). - fo'IG. Vi: SynchiLa aenicotlis \VOLL.\STO\: pronotal olltline. - FIG. 16: Tel'edolaemus kmalzi HEI:;ZE: antenna. - FIG. 17: Cros]Jedophilus /.1001:i lIEI\ZE. To show pronolum at base and elytra at sJ1oulders. - FIG. ]8: Sosylus bis/rialUs FAIK'-IAWE. To how pronotum at base and elylra at sIlOulders. - FIG. 1!J: Asceloderes wolsantts n. sI'. :

pronotaI outline. - 1-'11,;. 20: Ascetodel'es c01/TCIdsi n. sp. : pl'onotal outline.


','IG. ~J

Lnders Ireacl.­lransva Irend... hi.nloni

Page 111: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba


22 23




27 2928

'·'IG. 21: .llic1'Oprius dccoratus n. sp. : heud. - I,'JG. ~2: lIilOpalocents r01ulanii (VILLA). Undersicle of l1ead Sl10willg latel'a] extensions, - fiG. 23 : Anlibolh/'us elonrrall/s n. sp. : heacl. - FIG. 2',: Sprccol1es CLtcr (GHOUVELLE) : l1ead allcl pl'onotulll. - I,'IG. 25 : S}J1'ecodes lransvaalicus (GHüUVELLE) : l1ead alld pl'OllOlum. - FIG. 2.G: PabulCL ofriwna JI. sp. : Ileacl. - FIG. 27: Microprius clccol'atus II. sp.: elytml apices. - ]7IG. 28: Machlolcs hintoni MALKI7\' : elylral apices. - FIG. 2J: .\Jochlotes OIJSCUnLS r.IALI<I\ : elyll'al apices.

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32 Pri 31 the accl

africanl/ africanll afl'icanu Afrortlw AGLEA alveal1is umpliat-l andrewe, angolam (mgl/sla (mgl/slal

angl/slic< (mgtislio angl1s11:0 angustu: ANOPl


an/ennalt1c.t, An/ibolft

Apros/ot A8cel~de

Aspro/er aler (GRI auberll: (

38 37


bicolor E uislriul1l,

VIG. 30 : lI:Iececlanwn gigcmleum (J(RAHZ) : prosternum, - FIG. 31 : AP1'osloma anguliceps Bi/oma· l'OPE: prostel'num. - FIG. 32: S/1CliClTU.s OTnatus n. p.: prosternum. FIG. 3èl : Bnlftrùl TTibodcrus capicola (PÉRIIiGUEY) : prosLernum. - FIG. 34: AntibolhTus sutcicol.lis POPI::: BOTHA l'I'0st,el'llUm. - FIG. 3:5 : AscelocleTcs cornac/si n. sp. : prosternum. - FIG. 36 : lJothTic/cTes conlTattus (OLlVIEH) : proslernum. '- FIG. 37: Ocholi.lsa Iwmeralis FAImlA1RE : rnidcoxaJ breâcolll cavity. FIG. 38: Synchilo. lineatosquu1Ilosa GROUVELLE midcoxal cavity. unmneu. Mes. : l\-fesoslernum; Met. : Melaslernum; Mep. : l\Iesepisternum; Msp. : Mescpimeron; Bupala

Mtp. : Metepisternurn. cal,icola


34 35


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Principal rcferences to names are given in heavy-face type. NUl1Ibers in italics rofer to the occurrence of names in keys to species and groups.

ltjl-icanus GROIJVELLE (Cicones) .. africanus n. sp. (Pab~ûn) ... ... africanus GROU VELLE ('1'riboderus) Afmrthocems POPE ... ... . .. AGLIJJNINI GANOLBAUER.. ... alveatus POPE (Sosylns) ... . .. umplia!us FAlR:I'lAlRE (Colobiws) a.MI·ewesi GROUVELLE (l'riboderus)ç yIALKfN (Machlutes) . wngusw GROUVELLE (P~wala.) . angustatus GROUVELLE (Jl11tchlotes)

angusticollis (BRISOIJT) (Ogmoderes) angustior n. SP, (AntibothntS)... angustior GROUVELI.E (SOSyl~lS)..

angustus (KRA,\TZ) (Sosylus) ...


S, 17, 19 ... ...






S,45 85

9 8

G5,68 Id

8:! 8 , 94

1ft 7,

87,89,90 101, 103 G, 76,79

64,72 71

ANOPIDllNI JEANNEL and PAU­LIAN... ... ... ... ... ...... 8

antennatmn (KHAATZ) (illecedanum) .. 47,49 Antibothnu SHARP . .. 6, 63, 73, 75, 80 Aprostoma GUÉRIN ... . .. 46,118

Ascetoderes n. gen.. 7,74,101,104 Asprotera- PASCOE.. ... ... 10,13

ater (GRouvELLE) (Sprecodes) 5,39,40,111 n1lberti (F<\lIBIAffiE) (Mecedan1l1n) G, 47,48

basilcwskyi MALKIN (Machlotes) . ... 89,90 bicolor POPE (Teredolaem~tS) ... ... 55,59 [,i.striutus FAIRMAT:RE (Sosylus) (i, G5, 71, 7'! BitonU), HERBST ... ... . .. ... (i, 11,34 Bnthride1"Cs ER.ICI-ISO::-l.. .. . ... 7,9",LOll

BOTHRIDERINI EmCHSON ... G, 9, 63, 73, 75,80,8S,101

brevicollis GROUVELLE (13itoma).. 34,35 brunl1C1ls MALKIN (Mac/dotes) 88,93 B~t1](lla P,\SCOE ... ... ... l,l,

ca.picoln (PÉRI 'OUEY) (Tribodenl.s)... 3,85


Caprodes PASCOE.. ... ... ...... :19 carinat11s SHARP (Antibothrus)...... 73 carinicollis GROUVELLE (Microprins) . 30,32 Carpini CURTIS ... ... ... ...... IG centra,lis HLNTON (Mecedanmn)..... 50 Cepha,lopycnus ARROW. ... ... (j:3 cheops (HINTON) (Lascotriclws).. 38 Chini/cltS POPE 74

C!:cones CURTIS 5,10,16, Id ckwatltS POPE (Antibothru.s). . .. 75,78 ColobiC11S LATRETLLE... ... 5,12,42 Colydiwn FABRICruS ... 48,49,50, 6Z, lOG confossicollis (FAf.R~IAUlE) (Pswclobo­

thrideres)... ... ... ... ... 7, .98,99 conf'll vs GnOUYELLE (Micropri11s) ... 6,

29,30,3:! conradsi n. sp. (Ascetocleres). ... 7,105,107 conradsi POPE (Pseudoboth?-ùleres) ... "

98,99,100 conradti (GRouvELLI,) (Manuûciu..s) ... 13 conclmclti (GuouvELLE) (Sosylus). G, G4, 66 contractus (OLTV.).. ... 10!' Cos//wthorax KRAATZ... 74

costatus (KUAATZ) (nec BJJACKBUR::-l) ('f'riboderus) ... ... ... Sei

Craspedophil'lls HET:-IZE . .. ri:!, (n c'renata (FAHRICl\JS) (Bitoma) 31L crenicollis WOLLASTON (Synchüa) S,


L[AN ... ~)

cyll:ndrica PorE (P-llbala) ... ... H,15

Da.starC'lls WALKI>R ... . .. 7,74,94 DERATA PHRINf HOltN .. n, s, no!,

f,:1, jJ, 101 decomtus n. sp. (Microprills) li, '2!I, 33

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Pages. ·Pages.

Diplotoma ERICl-lSON ... :iV c1istinctlls (PÉmNGU.EY) (Ognuxlens) .. 103 donisi POPE (Jl'licroprùls) ... 29,30,3/,

interntpt1ls (FAIHilIAIRE) (DastaI"C'us) .. 7, 95,a7

lJering l'ilostt1 lJilosw

jllglanc1is (FABRlCIUS) (Synchita) 22 plo.nifl eichelbawni (GnouvELLE) (Lascotr'i- Pleuril

chus) ... eichelbattmi GROUYELLE (SOSylU8)

37,38,39 71

Imwlzi HEINZE (Teredolaemus) ... kratzi (HETscrrrw) (TI'ibod,ems) ..

55,61 83,86

potit1lS lJOrwl1

elegans POPI<; (Antibothnt8) .. 75,77,78 P01'OS11 elicius (HrNToN) (Tribodents) elongata GROOVELLE (lJitollw.)


., . . .. ...

83,86 35,:n

laevifrons (KRAATZ) (Jlfecedanmn) Lasconotus EHlCl:lSON ...


10 proMe1

elongatus n. sp. (Antiboth-rus) 1;,75,76, 77,7~, 7a


Lascotriclws n. gcn.

38,39 11,37,38

propin l'seudl

elongatus POPE (Teredolaellnts) ... 54,56,57 l((tus GnOU\'ELLE (Cicones) .. ;,JO PStllde EncZestes P ASCOE ... 46 lineatosquarnosa GnouVELLE (Syn­ Pse1lde E1ulophloetts ERIcnSON . U,l::> ehita) .. 5,23,2G Puuala eriehsoni SJ-LARP (.41ecedanU1n) Erotylath1'is SUARP



80 9

tivadtlS POPE (Sosytvs) . lyetiforrnis WOLLASTON (Bitoma)

. .. 63,66 6,


p111che, punetil Pycno,

evansi POPE (Pseudobolh?'ideres) .. 98 PYC1\ 11.[abomus POP:E ... 73

fairnwirei GROOVELLE (Dastarws) fainnaini GROUVELLE (Synehita) festlls (HINTON) (AscetocZeres) fUu11/. (GnouvELLE) (Ascetoderes) . filllm (HINTOY) (Mecedanum) .. , filum GROUVELLE (Sosylus) . flavicornis GROU VELLE (Synehila) foveicollis (REITTER) (Asceloderes)

95, 97 5, :!3,28 105,106 J05,106

48 64,67

tG JO/l,


88,92 7,74,86

9,12 Id

19,20 65, 70 88,91 G,46

G2,63 G,11,28,29,34,35

lIwdwdoi MA LKIN (.Maehlotes) 11/Œehlotes PASCO E .

Jl1rt1nŒki1ts n. gen ..

lIwrginat1tS LATHEILLE (Colobicus) 11lŒrs!wlli (GROOVELLE) (SaSSCtkŒ) 11lŒynei POPE (Sosylus) . 'lnŒymnbe i\fALKfl' (Maddotes) 11IeeedŒnurn Elncrrsox ..

.\fetopiestes PASCOE ...

Jlficr01Jrius FAffi)lAffiE . saegeri

rafFay Reehoâ reticul

RHOP Ropl?!,; r'ufipes rllfipes nlfipes

minor POPE (Cicones) '" 5,17,19 Slûlac! aem.inalus (SAY) (Bothriclere.~) ... 10/1. minor n. sp. (Sassaka) .. 20,21 Sussak GEMPYLODfNI SUARP ... G, 8, I,G mimttissimtt8 GROU VELLE (Endo­ schedli aiganleU1n (K.RAATZ) (MecedltnU1n) alaber (KRAATZ) (Teredomorphns)


... 47,50 51,52

lJhloe1t8) minutus POPE (Colob'iws)


5,ft.2,43 sClllpl,i,

globicollis HEIl'ZE (Te?-eclolaemus) 5.5,60,61. minut'll,s POPE (Sosytv.s) 65,69,70 scutatl granosa (GHouvELLE) (Biloma) .. 35, :37 der& granulosŒ POPE (P'ubala) ... mtineenis HEINZE (TendolŒenms)

57, -9, 61

. .. 14,15 55,

neglecl1ts GHOUVELLE

de?"es) . . Neotrichtts SHAH]' ..


12,13,37, 3R,:J\l

seriatil seriatu, setipen

nitidlls POPE (rL"ribodems) 8~, 83,84 se;wo/i !linloni MAL1UN (llfachlotes) . 7,88,92,9i obsCltnts ~LILKIN (MŒchlotes) 88, a:\ 94 hmlhw MALKIN (Maehlotes) . 88,92 oœùlenllûis "MALKIN (jJ[llchlotes).. 7,88,90 Immerall:s (FA.BRICIUS) (Synehill~) Ogmodens GAXGLB.HiER 7,8,74,101

opac[~ GHOIi\"ELLE (ilficroprius) .. :30

illttsus (l\EW~[AN) (Bothl'ùleres) .. 10'1.

impcrfectlls GROUV.ELLE (Maclllotes) .. 89,90

ornat1lllt POPE (Puba.IŒ) omŒt1lS n. sp. (Shekanl.s)

14,16 7,80

impressa\VoLLASTON (Synchila) . 5,2.3,26 imwessilJenm:s HEINZE (l'uedolae- Palnda CAlITEH ... 5,12,1.3,44

mus) ... G, 54,56 1Xt-rilis P/ISCOE (Colouictt8) _. 42 impresslls (PASCOE) (Aseetoderes) "lO8 PŒt!l.odenml.s FAlRilfAIRE 95 intemw1ùls POPE (Sosytus) .. . .. 65,69 pe/jomtlt (BLACKBURN) (Pltbulll) . Ill!

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~. - ~ - '- .­



peringueyi GROUVELLE (Endophlows). I:j

pilosurn POPE (Mecedanum). 47, /,9, 50 1Jilosus HEINZE (TeredoIŒemus) .. 54,58 pla,nif1'Ons POPE (Sosyl1t8) ... 64, 68 Pleurirlium LEcoNTE ... li:3 politus (LEWIS) (TeredoIŒenw-s) .. 53 porwtus PASCOE (Machlotes) 86 P01'OS1lS WAL1ŒB (Dastaretls) 9/, problematiC1ls n, sp. ('l'eredolclelnus) '" (i,

54,57,6[ propinq1lllS POPE (Antibothms) ... . .. 7G,78

Pseudantibothnls POPE. 74 Psw.doboth?-ideres GROUVELLE 7,74,97,101 Pse1ldososylus GROUVELLE .. 73 PubŒIŒ GROUVELLE ;:',10,13 pulche1' HEINZE (TeredoIŒem1ls) .. 54,59,60 pllnctiwllis POPE (SOSyhlS) .. 64, 68, 6\) Pycnocepha.Jus KRAATZ li2,6:3 PYCN0111ERINI ERI 'J[SON 8

mffrayi GROlJVELLE (.il1."icroprùls) 30 Rechodes ERIGlISON 10 ret-iculatlls GROUVELLE (Microprius) . 3~


Roplyctus POPE ... 73 mfipes KOLBE (BitomŒ) 35,37 mfipes (FABRlCIUS) (Sosylus) (;~

mfipes (KRAATZ) (Teredomorphlls) 6,52

saegeri n. sp. (SynchitŒ) 5,23,24 SallŒchill-S POPE ... 10 SŒSSŒkŒ n. gen. ". 5,10,19 schedli POPE (Terecloiclemus) ". 54,59 sCl11pticoliis (THOMSON) (Ogmoderes) .. 1,

101,103 sClItatus (PÉRINGUEY) (Pseudobothri­

de'res) .. 99 seriatipennis POPE (Teredolaenms) 55,61 se'riMus J(OLBE (Colobiws) .. set'i1)ennis POPE (Teredolaemus).. 54,55,5' sex'/wlis POPE (Mececlamlm). ". 47,50


Shel"Œ1"'llS n. gen. ... 7, 73, 80 sjostedti GROUVELLE (Sosylll.s) 65,72 somereni n. sp. (SŒssalca.) ... . .. 20,21 Sosylll.s ERICllSON . 6, 62 specialis GnouvELLE (Colobic'us) . 5,42,43 S1Jectabill:s GROUVELLE (Sosylus) . 65,70 splenia,tlls (MUHRAY) (OgmodeTes) 10l Sprecodes n. gen. .. fI, 11,39 squarnifem GHOUVELLE (Pubala.) :i,14 squanwsus (Cicones) .. . . .. 17, 19 sulc-icollis POPE (Ant'ibothms) ... 7G, 78, 79 SynchitŒ HELLWIG :i, JO, 19, 22, 3/, , l'NCHn'/NI ERICflSOl'l... 5, iS,9


a.nel PAULIAN ...


TeredolŒ€nws SUAHP ... 6,39,51,53 Teredomorphl18 HEINZE 6,51,53,56 'l'€1'€dlls SCHUCK. .. 51 teTr€nUS FAIRMAIIŒ (Micropril18) 28,

29,30,32 tessmanni GROUVELLE (T1'ibodenls) ... 7,

3,84,8(; tomentos1lrn HINTON (M'ecedmwrn) 47,49,50 Tmchypholis ERICHSON JI

transvŒalicl18 (GROUVELLl,) (Sweco­des) 5,39, 40,41

Tribocle1"1ts GROUVELLB. 7,73,82 Trilonw FABRlCIUS 34

valicl1ls (KRAATZ) (Sosyl-Ils) .. 64,66,71 variabilis POPE (Sosylzls) ... G5, 70 va1'iegatus (HELLWlG) (Cl:cones) .. 1G viLtalns (.~EW"'IAN) (Botlwideres) .. lO/l

watsanus n. sp. (Ascetode7'es) 7,105,106 weisei GHOUVELLE (PselldoboLhricle1'€s) 98,99

XlIthia PASCOE ... 35 Xylolaemus RF:DTENBAc]-[]m 11

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Publi hed Oc LOber :U, 1!J61.

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