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Exxon Valdez  Human Error and Complex System Failure  

Cooper Green Daniel Kilcullen

Greg Long Damiete Samuel-Horsfall

Andrew Schanne              

University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering IOE 434: Winter 2016


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Table  of  Contents  The  Exxon  Valdez  .....................................................................................................................  3  

Operating  the  Exxon  Valdez  .....................................................................................................  4  

Alaska  and  the  Trans-­Alaska  Pipeline  System  .........................................................................  5  

Broken  Promises  ......................................................................................................................  6  

Accident  Analysis:  Government  and  Exxon  Culpability  ................................................................  7  

Government  Culpability  ............................................................................................................  7  

Exxon  Management  of  the  Captain  ..........................................................................................  7  

Exxon  Management  of  Third  Mate  ............................................................................................  8  

Exxon  Reduced  Ship  Manning  Policy  .......................................................................................  8  

Exxon  Record  Manipulation  Policy  ...........................................................................................  9  

Accident  Analysis:  Coast  Guard  Culpability  .................................................................................  9  

Manning  Standards  ...................................................................................................................  9  

VTS  involvement  on  the  Night  of  Accident  ...............................................................................  9  

Organizational  Issues  that  led  to  Loss  of  Situational  Awareness  and  Vigilance  .....................  10  

Accident  Analysis:  Design  Induced  and  Human  Error  ................................................................  12  

Design  Induced  Error  ..............................................................................................................  12  

Human  Error  ...........................................................................................................................  12  

Pilot  Error  ................................................................................................................................  12  

Captain  Hazelwood  Culpability  and  Error  ...............................................................................  13  

Third  Mate  Cousins  Culpability  and  Error  ...............................................................................  14  

Spill  Response  and  Cleanup  ......................................................................................................  15  

Promised  Clean-­up  Response  ................................................................................................  16  

Initial  72  Hour  Response  ........................................................................................................  16  

Day  One  ..............................................................................................................................  16  

Day  Two  ..............................................................................................................................  18  

Day  Three  ...........................................................................................................................  19  

Analyzing  the  Regional  Response  Team’s  Decisions  .........................................................  19  

Long  Term  Impact  of  the  Oil  Spill  ...........................................................................................  20  

Recommendations  and  Conclusions  ..........................................................................................  20  

Conclusion  ..............................................................................................................................  22  

Internal  Oversight  ...................................................................................................................  22  

Nuclear  Model  .........................................................................................................................  22  

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Appendix  01  –  Double  Hull  Tankers  ...........................................................................................  24  

Appendix  02  –    EXXON  VALDEX  Route  the  night  of  23  March  1989  ........................................  25  

Appendix  03  –  Steering  Console  Design  ....................................................................................  26  

Appendix  04  –  Human  Culpability  ..............................................................................................  27  

Appendix  05  –  Busby  Island  Light  ..............................................................................................  28  

Appendix  06  –  How  to  take  a  paper  fix  .......................................................................................  29  

Appendix  07  –  Oil  Recovery  Methods  ........................................................................................  30  

Mechanical  Skimming  .............................................................................................................  30  

Chemical  Dispersants  .............................................................................................................  30  

In-­Situ  Burning  ........................................................................................................................  31  

Appendix  08  -­  Event  Timeline  of  The  Exxon  Valdez  Oil  Spill  Response  -­  Initial  36  Hours  .........  32  

References  .................................................................................................................................  33  


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Background  Shortly after midnight on March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground on Bligh Reef in

Prince William Sound, Alaska, and began leaking oil. The captain of the tanker was possibly drunk, and

had left the bridge to go to his private stateroom, where he told the deck watch officers that he would be

filing reports to Exxon. The third mate, a lookout, and the helmsman were the only crew members on the

bridge after the captain left. The third mate had just worked almost 12 consecutive hours, had only slept

approximately five hours in the last twenty-four, and was very inexperienced. However, he was

attempting to navigate the Exxon Valdez through Prince William Sound and plot the position of the oil

tanker by himself through the darkness. The third mate had intentionally deviated from the predetermined

route the tanker was supposed to follow, and the Coast Guard knew. However, the Coast Guard stopped

monitoring the location of the ship.  


After failing to begin turning the Exxon Valdez early enough, the third mate collided the oil tanker into

Bligh Reef. Immediately he called the captain, who returned to the bridge from his stateroom. After

unsuccessfully attempting to free the tanker from the reef for approximately 22 minutes, the captain

notified the Coast Guard that there had been an accident and oil was leaking. However, it took hours for

oil containment and cleanup equipment to be mobilized and arrive at the scene of the accident. Most of

the equipment had either broken in the past and not been fixed, or was covered in snow.  


According to local experts in Valdez, Alaska, the Exxon Valdez oil spill should have been very easy to

contain and cleanup. The weather conditions were ideal; the sea was very calm. However, no one was

prepared for an accident of that magnitude, so there were significant delays in mobilizing the necessary

equipment, and the response was completely inadequate. On the third day of the cleanup, a major storm

hit Prince William Sound, spreading the spilled oil over long distances, and making the spill significantly

harder to clean up. A total of 11.6 million gallons of oil were spilled in the accident (National

Transportation Safety Board, 1989).  


The Exxon Valdez Constructed from 1985 to 1986 in San Diego, California, the Exxon Valdez was the largest ship ever built

on the west coast of the United States at the time of its construction. The ship was 987 feet long and 166

feet wide. For comparison, the Empire State Building in New York City is just over 1,400 feet from base

to tip. The deck of the Valdez is long enough to hold three football fields and one basketball court.

(Gordon, 2003)    


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Every oil company that owned tankers similar to the Exxon Valdez had two goals: carry the greatest

possible volume of oil, and deliver that oil to its final destination as quickly as possible. The Valdez had a

capacity of 62 million gallons of oil, weighed 214,000 tons when completely full, and sat 65 feet beneath

the water. The ship was also a single hulled tanker. This means that the Valdez only had one hull

separating the sea water on the outside of the ship from the oil inside of the ship. In the case of an

accident where the hull is breached, such as the Exxon Valdez, oil spills directly into the ocean. In

contrast, some oil tankers are double hulled. In double hulled tankers, there is an outer hull that is in

contact with the seawater, then a gap of approximately 10 feet of air or ballast, then an inner hull that is in

contact with the oil inside of the ship. Double hull tankers are much safer than single hull tankers because

in order for an accident to occur, two hulls need to be breached instead of one. However, as mentioned,

oil companies designed tankers to carry as much oil as possible, and having a double hull significantly

reduced the amount of oil the tanker could carry when compared to having a single hull (see Appendix

01). Additionally, in the 1980s, hiring a single hulled tanker costed oil companies 20% less than a double

hulled tanker (Gordon, 2003).  


The equipment aboard the Valdez was as basic as possible to minimize costs. The tanker had a single

engine, single rudder, and single propeller. Not only did this simplicity reduce the overall cost of the ship

and allow it to carry more oil, but it also reduced the number of crew members required to operate the

ship. Although it was such a massive ship, the Valdez was designed for a crew of 34. However, there

were only 20 crew members on the night of the accident, and there were plans to further reduce this crew

to 16 in future voyages. It was standard practice for the crew to work 20 hour shifts (Gordon, 2003).  


Operating the Exxon Valdez During transit through Prince William Sound, a pilot was supposed to be on the bridge (the platform or

room from where the ship is commanded), but was not during the accident (Gordon, 2003). A pilot is an

expert of the local area who helps ships navigate through difficult areas close to the port. Prior to the

vessel entering open water, the pilot leaves the ship and the captain takes over.  


The hierarchy on the Exxon Valdez also played a key role in the accident. There were four deck watch

officers on the ship during the accident: the third mate, second mate, chief mate, and captain. The third

mate is the officer with the least amount of training and experience. Training and experience increases as

one moves from third mate to second mate, second mate to chief mate, and finally chief mate to captain.

The captain is the deck watch officer in command of the vessel and has the most responsibility for

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ensuring a safe and timely completion of the ship’s journey. The two key members of this hierarchy

regarding the Exxon Valdez oil spill were the captain and the third mate.  


Captain Joseph Hazelwood was a highly skilled and experienced captain. He obtained his Master’s

license in 1977 and had competed over 100 voyages through Prince William Sound. Hazelwood was

considered to be one of Exxon’s best captains, but was becoming unhappy with Exxon trying to control

his ship at sea, demanding additional paperwork, and pressuring him to rush. Still, Hazelwood was an

excellent captain, particularly in difficult and high stress situations. As a result of his skill, Hazelwood

received Exxon’s most prestigious safety awards in 1987 and 1988.  


Although he was an outstanding captain, Hazelwood had a history of alcohol abuse. As a result of his

drinking, his wife left him and he entered rehab, where he was described as depressed and demoralized. In

his home state of New York, Hazelwood had his driver’s license suspended three times and received two

DUI’s, one of which occurred in 1988, the year before the Exxon Valdez accident. Additionally,

Hazelwood had been known to drink while on board his ships. Although his superiors knew of his alcohol

abuse, his behavior was never monitored (Gordon, 2003).  


Gregory T. Cousins was the third mate of the Exxon Valdez. He was promoted to this role in 1987, and

had only completed six round trips to Valdez with Captain Hazelwood. Cousins was the least trained and

least experienced officer on the Exxon Valdez. According to the NTSB report, Cousins’ performance

reviews said “he seems reluctant or uncomfortable in keeping his superior posted on his progress and/or

problems in assigned tasks.”(National Transportation Safety Board, 1989). At the time of the accident,

Cousins was the only deck watch officer on the bridge, although he had the least training and experience,

and was attempting to monitor the ship’s course and navigate the ship through Prince William Sound by



Alaska and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System In 1973, the highly controversial Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act was passed. The original plan

for the pipeline was for it to begin in Prudhoe Bay in the North Slope of Alaska, cut through Canada, and

end in the Midwest Region of the United States. However, the U.S. Department of the Interior determined

that the pipeline could be completed two years earlier if it was built through Alaska rather than through

Canada. Therefore, the original plan to build through Canada was scrapped and a new plan to build an

800 mile long pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez was approved. This new plan would also allow

America to be energy independent, since Canada would not own any part of the pipeline, allow oil to

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reach the U.S. west coast faster and cheaper, and allow Alaska to start earning mineral revenues as soon

as possible (Gordon, 2003). The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) was completed in 1977 and began

pumping 1.6 million barrels of oil per day from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez. Had the original plan to build the

pipeline through Canada been followed through, there would have never been oil in Valdez, meaning

there never would have been oil tankers in Prince William Sound, and the Exxon Valdez oil spill accident

never would have occurred.  


Broken Promises When oil was discovered, Alaska rushed to launch the oil industry to provide desperately needed income

to the poor state and took shortcuts regarding safety as a result. While working with the federal

government and private oil companies, Alaska was assured that safety would be a top priority; however,

none of the promises made by the oil companies were put in writing. Therefore, there was no way of

enforcing these promises, and the oil companies were free to follow their own industry safety standards.

For example, the federal government and oil companies initially supported double hulled tankers in the

Port of Valdez. However, when Alaska passed its own law requiring double hulled tankers, the oil

industry sued Alaska, saying the law infringed on federal authority. The oil companies won the suit, and

double hulled tankers were not required.  


Additionally, the oil companies fought Alaska in court for the freedom to determine the location of the

navigation channel in Prince William Sound. The navigation channel, also known as the shipping lanes,

can be thought of as a divided highway for large commercial ships, such as oil tankers. In the southbound

shipping lane, full oil tankers were heading out of Prince William Sound toward the Pacific Ocean. In the

northbound lane, empty tankers were heading to the Port of Valdez to fill up with oil. When TAPS first

opened, the Coast Guard closely monitored tankers, and tankers rarely left the designated shipping lanes.

When the shipping lanes were full of ice from the nearby Columbia Glacier, oil tankers were supposed to

slow down and stay within the lane. However, since the goal of the major oil companies was for their

tankers to deliver oil to their final destination as quickly as possible, the companies began pressuring the

Coast Guard to permit tankers to leave the shipping lanes to avoid ice so they did not have to slow down.

As seen in Appendix 02, the Exxon Valdez deviated from its shipping lane to avoid ice and maintain a

higher speed. Had they followed the original requirement and stayed in the shipping lane, the accident

likely never would have occurred (Fountain, 2013).  


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Accident Analysis: Government and Exxon Culpability

The culpability for the grounding of the Exxon Valdez and the subsequent failure in cleanup efforts is

shared by several key players, all having partially contributed to the accident. These key players include

the Alaska State and U.S. Federal government, Exxon Corporation, the U.S. Coast Guard, the crew of the

Exxon Valdez, and Alyeska, the company tasked with spill response around Valdez.  


Government Culpability The federal government's culpability can be traced back over a decade prior to the grounding of the ship.

In 1974, the double hulls, which were previously required to enhance ship safety, were determined by the

federal government to be economically infeasible due to increased construction costs and restrictions in

oil tanker cargo capacity. The reversal in the double hull policy may be traced back to substantial

lobbying and pressure from oil companies. Three years later, in 1977, the U.S. Congress passed the Clean

Water Act. This act dictated how oil spill cleanup response should be conducted, but was not seriously



In 1973, the boat used to pilot oil tankers from the Port of Valdez to the entrance of Prince William Sound

became non-operational and instead of repairing the boat or purchasing a boat with comparable

capabilities, the State of Alaska Board of Marine Pilots acquired a smaller, less capable boat and moved

the pilot station closer to the Port of Valdez, thus requiring the oil tanker crews to navigate the ship

through an increased amount of difficult water. In 1980, the Coast Guard was assigned drug enforcement

duties on U.S. coastal waters. This additional responsibility did not include an increase in budget or

staffing levels, and the Coast Guard was required to divert resources from other responsibilities, including

its vessel traffic services operation at Valdez. In 1987, the U.S. government required Alyeska to

demonstrate how they would conduct a 200,000-gallon spill response. Alyeska believed conducting a spill

response of this magnitude was unnecessary and did not comply with the requirement. The federal

government never enforced this requirement.  


Exxon Management of the Captain The NTSB concluded that “Exxon should have removed the captain from seagoing employment” due to

his alcohol problem. Exxon management was aware of Captain Hazelwood’s alcohol problems and

provided him with a 90 day leave to attend a rehabilitation recommended by the medical staff. The

captain accepted the 90 day leave; however, no documentation exists determining whether he completed

or even attended the rehabilitation program. Additionally, the management and medical staff never

informed the Hazelwood’s supervisor about the captain’s condition, nor did management contact an

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alcohol expert to determine appropriate methods for further monitoring the captain’s sobriety and how to

alter his work duties to assist in supporting his sobriety. A breakdown at boundaries occurred, because

there was a substantial lack of communication between different contingents of Exxon (medical,

management, supervisory) to inform each other about the captain’s condition. Furthermore, Exxon failed

to revise its assessment of the master’s ability to maintain seagoing employment and his employment

duties even after receiving information regarding his alcoholism.  


Exxon Management of Third Mate U.S.C. 8104 requires that the Deck Watch Officer controlling of the ship has been off-duty for at least six

of the twelve hours prior to the ship leaving the port; however, the third mate had been working for eleven

of the twelve hours prior to the Exxon Valdez leaving port. Additionally, the third mate only rested

approximately five hours in the previous 24 hours before the accident. U.S.C 8104 also states that a

licensed individual is not required to work more than eight hours in a day, yet the third mate did not

follow this directive either. Due to this excessive workload, fatigue became a factor in the third mate’s

performance. Additionally, prior voyages of the Exxon Valdez included four mates instead of three to

reduce the workload burden. Exxon requiring the third mate to work inappropriate hours is a violation,

because the company knowingly ignored the policy required by U.S.C. 8104.  


Exxon Reduced Ship Manning Policy After world oil prices crashed in 1986, Exxon began reducing crew sizes on ships to save money. Despite

the smaller crews, no policies were implemented to account for the increased responsibilities of the

remaining crew. The Exxon Valdez was transporting oil to Long Beach, California; however, the ship was

manned according to guidelines for transit from Valdez to Panama. The route was shortened, but the

required ship maintenance remained constant. Therefore, crew members had to replace rest time with

maintenance work. Furthermore, with the shortened route, there was less time to rest between the arduous

tasks of loading and unloading the oil. Drift toward failure in the face of production pressure occurred,

because there was increased pressure to reduces expenses due to reduced revenues from the crash of

world oil prices and Exxon’s response was to subject the crew to a potentially harmful situation of having

an overworked and fatigued crew. Additionally, Exxon failed to revise its crew manning when the route

was changed and failed to revise the assessment of crew workload when the number of employees was



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Exxon Record Manipulation Policy To allow for the previously mentioned reduced ship manning, overtime records for crew workload were

routinely manipulated. A company memo directed the officers to disingenuously minimize equipment

maintenance and overtime reports. This record manipulation policy is an optimizing violation, because

Exxon knowingly ignored laws to achieve a non-functioning goal of operating a ship with a severely

understaffed crew.    

Accident Analysis: Coast Guard Culpability

The two major aspects of the Coast Guard’s culpability in this accident were the manning standards which

they used to tolerate reduced ship crews and organizational issues within the Vessel Traffic System (VTS)

that lead to a loss of situational awareness and a breakdown in their defenses against potential disaster in

Prince William Sound.  

Manning Standards The Coast Guard was under pressure with regards to their policies regarding minimum crew sizes on

ships due to the conflicting rationales from ship owners and labor unions. However, their primary

justifications for allowing reduced crews to the level as at the time of the accident was that there would be

reliable labor-saving equipment onboard the ships, which meant not as much manpower was needed.  

This conclusion was an oversimplification of the issue because there was not a substantial amount of

labor-saving equipment onboard the Exxon Valdez to justify the reduced crews. More importantly, the

Coast Guard overlooked the amount of work that was done by crew members at the port, which was

significantly more than that which was done at sea. As a result of this, members of reduced crews on

ships were working near their physical capacity and hence along the boundaries of safe operation. This

was problematic because the potential for disaster such as an oil spill was increased by the presence of

fatigued crew members participating in sensitive cargo transfer operations at sea.  

VTS involvement on the Night of Accident On the night of the accident, the 1600-2400 VTS radar watchstander noticed that the Exxon Valdez was

no longer available on the radar at about 5.5 miles from the grounding site. His attempts to reacquire radar

contact with the vessel using the No. 3 radar on the 12-mile range scale were unsuccessful; however, he

made no mention of the settings he used for the No.1 radar. He assumed that the radar was not working

properly, but only informed the relieving watchstander that the vessel was no longer available on the

radar. The relieving watchstander noticed that the range scale on the No. 1 radar was set to the 3-mile

range scale when he arrived at about 2330.  

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While it was true that the radar sometimes did not function adequately due to the deterioration of the

system over time, the assumption by the first watchstander that the radar was not functioning correctly on

the night of the accident was an availability heuristic because it was the most easily accessible diagnosis

of the problem at hand. Therefore, undue weight was ascribed to it and very little to other factors that may

have caused the loss of radar contact.  

In reality, the No.1 radar being set to the 3-mile range scale, while accurate for monitoring vessels

transiting the Valdez Narrows, was not sufficient to monitor the Exxon Valdez to the point it reached

shortly after radar contact had been lost. In short, the reason why the radar contact was lost was simply

because the No. 1 radar was not on the correct setting at the time and that its setting as of 2330 when the

second watchstander arrived contributed or perhaps even caused the loss of radar contact.  

In summary, the first watchstander had a faulty mental model of the radar system, which drove an

incorrect top-down assessment of the problem (loss of radar contact), because he did not change the radar

settings for the No. 1 radar. Additionally, the second watchstander made no further attempts to reacquire

the vessel’s location on the radar, although there was no policy which required either watchstander to do

so. This made it very difficult for the VTS to have intervened and prevented the accident from happening,

constituting in a breakdown in their defenses on the night of the accident.  

Organizational Issues that led to Loss of Situational Awareness and Vigilance The VTS comprised of the Vessel Traffic Center (VTC) and its communication systems. The VTS was in

the operations department that was under the authority of the Marine Safety Office (MSO). This meant

that the duties in the VTS did not involve watchstanding. Duties were assigned at the discretion of the

Commanding Officer (CO) of the MSO.  

Budget cuts within the VTS lead to the loss of personnel and the expansion of officer duties to non-VTS

related duties. This meant a reorganization in the structure of the VTS, as the duties did not decrease

along with the amount of personnel. In addition to this, the radar system in PWS had greatly deteriorated

and hence was usually affected by adverse weather conditions to the point where it was a known fact

across the VTS that the radar systems where no longer reliable.  

Due to the budget cuts and the diminished personnel, the duties of the Commanding Duty Officer (CDO)

and the Officer of the Day (OOD) were merged and called the OOD. The CDOs were officers that were

well experienced with watchstanding and were in charge of supervising the VTC watchstanding activities.

A significant number of the OODs were enlisted personnel who were junior to the VTC watchstanding

officers that they were now in charge of supervising. A large portion of the OODs had no experience with

watchstanding, yet they were in charge of supervising watchstanding operations and relaying relevant

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information to the CO, such as when permission would be required for a vessel to leave its designated

shipping lane. This meant the supervision of the VTC was ineffective and the communication between the

VTC and the CO was hindered.  

The VTS did not defer to expertise because the individuals who were in charge of supervising VTC often

did not even have as much experience as the watchstanders they supervised, nor did they have enough

experience in watchstanding activities in general to be in charge of those duties.  

Regarding the plotting of vessels, on August 31, 1987 a memorandum was issued by the senior

watchstander that eliminated the requirement of vessels outside of the Valdez Narrows to be plotted by

VTC watchstanders. At the time, this meant that range and bearing data for vessels in the Valdez Arm

were no longer being recorded into the VTC data sheet. This lowered the awareness of the officers as to

how the vessels were moving; hence, there was a lack of redundancy present on the system that would

have required the watchstanders to maintain working knowledge of the vessel locations in the event that

the ship operators failed in navigation and operation as was the case with the Exxon Valdez.  

Despite the fact that ships regularly deviated from their shipping lanes, the CO stated that a vessel

requesting deviation from the lanes was requesting something out of the norm. He made this statement in

lieu of knowledge of just how frequently vessels deviated from the lanes. The fact that this happened

often without knowledge meant the VTC watchstanders were regularly granting permission to ships to

deviate from the lanes without informing the CO, which would constitute a routine violation. The

combination of the poor communication between the VTS and the CO, as well as the removal of plotting

requirements, are probably what led to the CO’s lack of knowledge about the vessels frequently leaving

the shipping lanes. The sum of this was a lack of sensitivity to operations on the on the part of the CO,

even though it was caused by an increased amount of workload and poor communication.  

With regards to ice reporting, the VTS did not provide accurate or timely reports to ships to give them a

complete picture of the ice situation in Prince William Sound. The reports provided by the VTS were

retransmissions of the reports given by vessels that had previously transited the shipping lane. The

retransmissions were provided often hours after they were originally received by the VTS, making them

inaccurate since the ice would most likely have changed locations. Ships often left the shipping lanes to

avoid ice, but there was no effort made in order to consolidate and analyze the ice report information to

provide the vessels with a reliable and dynamic assessment. This means that the VTS exhibited a failure

to revise assessments as they continued to receive new information about the presence of ice. (National

Transportation Safety Board, 1989)  

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Accident Analysis: Design Induced and Human Error

Poor design of various features on the Exxon Valdez and the actions of various crew members created the

potential for errors were major contributors to the accident.  


Design Induced Error The autopilot design for the ship, while relatively simple, had one flaw that may have contributed to the

accident. There were two modes on the system, manual and gyro, or “autopilot”. In gyro mode, a course

is selected and the system will adjust the rudder to steer that course. Manual mode requires a helmsman to

actively control the rudder and make adjustments to steer the ship. Also on the helm console, pictured in

Appendix 03, are two gauges. The bottom gauge directly above the wheel is a mechanical indicator

connected to the wheel to indicate the amount of rudder that is applied. If 20 degrees of right rudder is

ordered, the helmsman would turn the wheel until the mechanical indicator indicates 20 degrees. The top

gauge displays the actual position of the rudder since there is a delay from when the wheel is turned and

the rudder moving to the desired rudder amount. Once the wheel is turned to achieve the desired rudder

position, the helmsman must watch the top gauge to ensure the rudder goes to the correct position.

However, if the system is in gyro mode, the helmsman can turn the wheel and the mechanical indicator

will move, but the actual rudder will not. The only way to tell if the command was carried out is to verify

on the top gauge. No alarm will indicate that the intended command will not be carried out because the

system is in gyro mode. This lack of feedback is normally caught by the helmsman checking the top

gauge, but if the helmsman forgets to verify, it could lead to disaster.  

Human Error Unfortunately, by the time of the Exxon Valdez grounding, all other safety aspects of the system1  had

been removed, leaving the safe transit of a ship up to a captain and his crew through complex and

challenging waters. If a navigation mistake was made, there was no outside intervention to alert the crew

before it was too late. Dr Riki Ott had come to this realization when she gave a speech to local fisherman

the night of the grounding saying: “Given current practices and pressures in Prince William Sound, a

catastrophic accident involving an oil tanker has become inevitable.”  

Pilot Error On the evening of the grounding, the pilot boarded the Exxon Valdez and headed to the bridge to await

the ship's departure. He smelled alcohol on the captain’s breath, but failed to report it and did nothing to

prevent the ship from leaving port. Failure to report intoxication is a violation of federal law. The pilot

                                                                                               1 System – The transfer of oil out of Valdez Alaska by oil tanker – Parties involve include: Federal Government, Oil Companies, U.S. Coast Guard, Shipping Companies, Oil Tankers and their crews.

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was overconfident that the captain would not be drunk while operating a vessel, and looked for signs to

confirm his belief by observing the Captain’s speech and movements to confirm his belief that the captain

was not intoxicated. This is overconfidence bias and confirmation bias, as the pilot believed the captain

would never be drunk on the job, and the pilot sought evidence to confirm his conclusion.  

Captain Hazelwood Culpability and Error In studying accidents, it is important to avoid simply blaming a human operator and look for the

underlying causes of the accident. However, even after removing all hindsight bias and using the

substitution test, the captain of the Exxon Valdez is highly responsible for this accident. In the maritime

community, it is the captain’s responsibility to ensure safe operation of his vessel. On March 23, 1989

when the Exxon Valdez left the Port of Valdez, safety was not Captain Hazelwood’s first priority. The

first breakdown in a long chain of events was drinking alcohol throughout the day and evening of the

ship’s departure, which was a violation of federal law. As shown in Appendix 04, a graph of diminishing

culpability, using an unauthorized substance is the second highest only behind intended sabotage.  

After the pilot left the ship, the captain and third mate remained on the bridge to drive and navigate the

ship. Shortly after entering the shipping lanes, the captain alerted the Coast Guard that the Exxon Valdez

was coming to a course of 200 degrees true to avoid ice. However, immediately after talking to the Coast

Guard, Captain Hazelwood ordered the helmsman to come to a course of 180 degrees true. While twenty

degrees may seem small and insignificant, a course of 200 degrees would have kept the ship in the

inbound shipping lane as the captain had told the Coast Guard he would do, and would have not required

the ship to turn to avoid Bligh Reef. However, the course of 180 degrees true brought the ship out of the

shipping lanes and directly toward Bligh Reef. This navigation error may have been a slip due to the

captain being tired and possibly intoxicated, or he may have deliberately told the Coast Guard the wrong

information. The Coast Guard may have challenged a course change to 180 degrees true, knowing it

would put the ship on a collision course with Bligh Reef.  

The next and probably most contributing factor to the accident was that Captain Hazelwood left the

bridge, leaving the third mate to do the job of two people: navigate and drive the ship, for a complex

transit through Prince William Sound at night. The NTSB report concluded that “there were demanding

conning, lookout, and navigation functions that required the presence of an experienced conning officer

assisted by a competent navigation watch officer…demanded the captain’s presence on the bridge.”

(National Transportation Safety Board, 1989) For this reason, Exxon policy required either the captain or

chief mate to be on the bridge when operating near land. Additionally, federal law required that the

captain be on the bridge during near coastal transit, because he was the only crew member with a Valdez

Pilot License, which was required to operate in Prince William Sound. By leaving the bridge the captain

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violated of both Federal and Exxon policies. As shown in Appendix 04, between the drinking and this

violation, the Captain bears a great deal of responsibility in this accident.  

Prior to leaving the bridge, the captain had the helmsman put the ship in autopilot, which was a violation

of Exxon policy because autopilot was only supposed to be used in open waters (usually greater than 5

nautical miles from shore). While this was a violation, it may have been a slip or capture error caused by

the captain’s tired and possibly intoxicated state where he thought the ship was farther from shore than it

actually was, or just did so out of habit, as the ship is in autopilot most of the time the ship is underway.  

Lastly, the captain never should have left the bridge with the ship’s crew being extremely novice. The

third mate was the most inexperienced and least trained Deck Watch Officer and the helmsman was not

known as an exceptional helmsman. Prior evaluations reports had noted that the helmsman, “needs

practice [helmsmanship] before sailing” (National Transportation Safety Board, 1989). Additionally, the

third mate was known for being reluctant to ask for help when needed. This oversight of the captain may

have been caused by the availability heuristic, since the crew had recently been performing well, so that

was what came readily to the captain’s mind. However, the captain forgot that this crew was not his best

ship drivers.  

Third Mate Cousins Culpability and Error Upon arriving to the bridge to take his watch during the outbound transit from Valdez, Alaska, the third

mate had been awake since 0520 on March 23, after going to bed at 0100. At 2350, the third mate learned

from the off going helmsman that the ship was in autopilot. At 2352 the captain left the bridge after

giving instructions to turn back towards the shipping lanes when the ship was abeam of Busby Island

Light. At this point, the third mate was responsible for navigating and driving the ship by himself on the

bridge, although both a helmsman and lookout were on duty. At 2355, the third mate stated that the ship

was abeam of Busby Island Light and took a fix.   While taking the fix, he observed a white light from

Busby Island Light, indicating that the tanker was sufficiently far from Bligh Reef. Busby Island Light

was a directional light that showed red when a ship was within a danger area around Bligh Reef, and

showed white when a ship was safe (See Appendix 05). Shortly after noticing the white light, the third

mate went back to the chart table to plot his fix (Outlined in Appendix 06). While he was plotting, the

lookout reported that there was a red flashing light off the starboard bow and that the light should be on

the port side. The third mate ignored the lookout’s report and continued with his fix. This was the due to

the anchoring heuristic, because he had just seen the white light from Busby Island Light and maintained

that he was still in safe water. This mistake is also confirmation bias because he justified that he had seen

the light on his radar and that everything was ok.  

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Unfortunately, this was the last point at which the Exxon Valdez could have avoided hitting Bligh Reef.

If the third mate had reacted with the appropriate actions on hearing that the light was on the wrong side

of the ship and put the rudder over, the ship would have missed the reef. After not responding with any

corrective action, there was nothing the third mate or any operator could have done to prevent the ship

from hitting the reef. After the accident, the third mate testified that after plotting his fix, he ordered the

helmsman to put on 10 degrees of right rudder, which would cause the ship to turn. For some reason, the

ship did not start to turn until 0001.5 on March 24. The third mate claimed that the fix took about a

minute and the rudder was put over immediately after.  

There are three possible scenarios for why the ship did not turn. One, the ship was still in autopilot mode

and when the helmsman turned the wheel, nothing happened because of the design induced error

discussed earlier. It then took the third mate about 5 minutes to realize that the ship was not turning. This

would be a lapse since the third mate forgot to turn the autopilot off before the turn, probably caused by

his lack of sleep. The second scenario is that it took the third mate much longer to take the fix than he

thought, and he applied the rudder at 0001.5 after completing the fix. This would be a loss of situational

awareness caused by his lack of sleep. Lastly, the third mate may have thought he told the helmsman to

put the rudder over but never actually did, due to a loss of activation and lapse from the high demands of

trying to navigate and drive a ship at night combined with a lack of sleep. The third mate finally realized

that the vessel was not turning and attempted to change its direction too late, and the vessel ran aground at

0005 on March 24.  

There were two additional errors that contributed to the accident. First, the third mate was reluctant to call

for help, caused by overconfidence in his abilities. Second, he was over-reliant on radar, which was partly

due to the situation he was in, trying to do the job of two people. The radar gave him the timeliest

information; however, it did not display the location of the reef. This is a selectivity failure because the

third mate choose the most salient data rather than the most important data, which would have been the

external navigation aids and the chart he used to plot his fix.  

Reviewing the human culpability chart in Appendix 04, all of the third mate’s culpability stems from

system induced violations. He was not provided with adequate rest and was left alone with the almost

impossible task of simultaneously navigating and driving the ship.  

Spill Response and Cleanup

Three cleanup methods were used following the accident for the response effort: mechanical skimming,

chemical dispersants, and in-situ burning. An explanation of each method can be found in Appendix 07.

The oil industry operates in a complex environment with potential for disaster. Extra production

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pressures, increasing technologies, monetary compensation, and governmental pressures all combine to

create a highly complex environment that only increases in complexity when cleanup is necessary.  


Promised Clean-up Response Alyeska Pipeline Service Company was the entity responsible for any spill response in the Prince William

Sound area. From 1976 to 1977 when the Trans-Alaskan pipeline was finished with construction,

Alyeska’s oil spill recovery plan was under criticism for a lack of thoroughness and clarification. Multiple

Alaskan officials, including the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) wrote reports trying to

convince Alyeska to edit their recovery plan to make it sufficient to handle the risks that would become

present after the finishing of the pipeline in Valdez. For example, within the contingency plan, Alyeska

promised to be on site of any spill in the Prince William Sound area within five hours of a spill occurring.

Rear Admiral J.B. Hayes of the 17th Coast Guard District stated that this was an extreme overestimate of

Alyeska’s capabilities, stating that response times for vessels stationed in Valdez would take 7 to 8 hours

to respond.  


In addition to their questionable contingency plan, Alyeska was pressured into eliminating their dedicated

spill response team by the Reagan administration in 1981. Under the initial contingency plan, Alyeska

had a contractor force that would respond to every oil spill. During the first four years after the pipeline

became operational, there was a large number of responses. After 1981, however, the number of

responses decreased significantly, not due to the fact of spilling less oil, but because once the spill

response duties were internalized, they were severely neglected in favor of profit driving activities.  


Initial 72 Hour Response The initial response during the first 72 hours were the most significant, because a storm hit Prince

William Sound at the end of the third day and spread the oil over 800 miles of coastline. The night before

the grounding, March 23, 1989, Alyeska held its annual safety awards ceremony. The highlight of the

night was the successful cleanup of the Thompson Pass spill, BP’s tanker that spilled 71,000 gallons of oil

in the Valdez port. Alyeska classified this as a “textbook” cleanup response recovery. This resulted in

Alyeska using past successes as a reason for confidence, leading them to put their response barge in dry

dock for cleaning and repairs (when it was still seaworthy), without taking the appropriate actions to

ensure a oil spill response could still be properly executed.  


Day One After the grounding of the Exxon Valdez at 0005 on March 24, 1989, Captain Hazelwood attempted to

free the ship from the reef for 22 minutes before notifying the Coast Guard of the accident. Had he been

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successful in freeing the ship, it may have broken apart and spilled an additional 40 million gallons due to

its damaged structural integrity. It was not until two hours later at 0200 that Alyeska’s response barge

finally arrived at the Valdez Terminal to begin loading in an effort to respond to the spill. Alyeska failed

to be preoccupied with failure in Valdez; their barge was out of water and the spill response equipment

was either buried in snow or in storage. Additionally, facing massive production pressures from the

government, Alyeska had to internalize their previously separate response team into the terminal crew

that performed day to day operations. Of the 26 people at the terminal, only 12 were available to mobilize

the response without ceasing terminal operations. Furthermore, of the 12 available, only one crew

member was certified to operate the crane and the forklift, which were both needed to transport the

equipment to the dock and load it onto the response barge. Alyeska failed to build excess capability

through multi-function training, which led to the slow mobilization of a response barge that was already

90 minutes behind schedule. This is an example of how production pressures can drive organizations to

omit preoccupation with failure, failure to diversify training, and not have the required manpower to

operate under the appropriate conditions.  


At 0414, the lag in the response became even worse. After structural calculations were performed on the

Exxon Valdez, On Scene Coordinator (OSC) Steve McCall made the decision to make lightering of the

Exxon Valdez a high priority item. Lightering involves transferring the cargo from one ship onto another.

In this case, oil from the Exxon Valdez was moved to the Exxon Baton Rouge. In order to comply with

this priority item, the crew at the Valdez terminal, which now had roughly 38 individuals working on the

response mobilization, had to split their efforts between the current loading of the response barge and the

loading of a tug with the lightering equipment needed to lighter the Exxon Valdez. When McCall made

this decision, he was under the perception that Alyeska’s response barge was fully loaded and underway,

as was stated in their contingency plan. This was a breakdown in communication that lead to a decision

being made at the wrong level. Although this was a priority item, McCall was unaware that this would

slow the response time of Alyeska’s barge even further.  


At 0800, with the response barge still in port (over two hours after it was supposed to arrive on scene),

Alyeska began requesting permission from the federal government to use chemical dispersants on the

continuously growing oil slick. This would consequently bring up the dichotomy between expertise and

experience within the oil industry and the environmental experts. The oil industry, with their claimed

experience in the matter, thought that chemical dispersants were a highly effective method that should be

utilized. However, the toxicology experts claimed that these dispersants would cause more harm to the

environment than the potential positive impact that the oil industry claimed they would have.  

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While the loading of the lightering response tug began roughly two hours after the loading of the response

barge, it arrived at the scene of the grounding at 1205, two hours and fifty minutes before the response

barge. At this time, an estimated 8 million gallons of oil had spilled from the Exxon Valdez. Over the

next two hours, an additional 2.5 million gallons spilled into the Sound before Alyeska’s response barge

finally arrived at the grounding site at 1454, nine hours and twenty-four minutes after the promised

response time of five hours.  


Three hours later, experience triumphed over expertise, and the first chemical dispersant test was

conducted in Zone One of the spill. Under the contingency response plans, the government split up Prince

William Sound into three zones, with Zone One allowing use of chemical dispersants only under the

approval of the OSC. While the oil companies received the results of their test at 1800, the results were

extremely poor due to the calm weather and lack of wave movement to mix the dispersant. At 1910,

skimming operations by Alyeska officially ceased due to the accompanying skimming vessels reaching

their capacity of 210 gallons of recovered oil (less than 10% of the oil spilled). (National Transportation

Safety Board, 1989)  


Day Two To begin the second day of clean-up efforts, a second response barge arrived on site at 0015 on March 25,

with a capacity of 30,000 gallons to allow skimming operations to resume. Although the lightering

equipment arrived at 1205 the previous day, lightering of the Exxon Valdez did not actually begin until

0736 on the second day. While Alyeska was responsible for the initial clean-up efforts, at 0945 on the

second day, they turned over all of their responsibilities to Exxon, a more experienced company greater

resources. This is a direct reflection of deference to expertise.  


It was not until 35 hours after the spill that the Exxon Valdez was fully surrounded by oil containment

booms. While the containment booms would not stop the oil from leaking, they would have helped

contain the oil spill. An hour after the containment booms were put into place, the oil spill was reported to

be 10 miles long and fluctuated between three and seven miles wide. Around 1425, another 3,500 gallon

dispersant test was approved in Zone One, which was also found to be ineffective.  


At 2045, near Goose Island, 15,000 gallons of oil was successfully burned, resulting in 100 square feet of

tar residue that was immediately cleaned up. As the second day concluded, only 50,400 gallons of oil had

been recovered from the water (0.86% of the total amount spilled). In addition, 504,000 gallons had been

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lightered off the Exxon Valdez, leaving 98% of the remaining cargo still onboard, at risk of being spilled

into Prince William Sound and adding to the 11 million gallons of oil already in the water. (Alaska Oil

Spill Commission, 1990)  


Day Three Up until mid afternoon, the battle between experience and expertise continued. The weather in the Sound

was worsening, and as winds began to pick up, the successful burning test was deemed infeasible due to

the risk of the fire spreading in an uncontrollable manner. However, the wind led to more wave action,

and Exxon finally conducted multiple successful chemical dispersant tests throughout the afternoon.

After a discussion between Exxon, the Coast Guard, and the OSC Steve McCall, use of chemical

dispersants was authorized on the majority of the oil slick.  


However, the early success of the newly approved dispersants would prove to be futile. At 1830 on the

third day, Alaskan Governor Steve Cowper declared the spill as a state disaster. By this time, the oil slick

had spread in amoeba-like fashion to cover more than 50 square miles of water, and was continuing to

spread. Later than evening, a storm hit Prince William Sound, bringing 70 mph winds and spreading the

oil more than 40 additional miles. The violent weather turned the oil into a “mousse” like froth, making

burning and chemical dispersants no longer effective and greatly hindering mechanical skimming

progress. Throughout the months to follow, the 11.6 million gallons of spilled oil would end up polluting

over 800 miles of coastline. (Alaska Oil Spill Commission, 1990)  


Analyzing the Regional Response Team’s Decisions Reflecting back on the first 72 hours of cleanup efforts, very few things were done correctly; however,

one entity that did follow some of the key principles of high reliability organizations (HROs) was the

Regional Response Team (RRT). The RRT was a multi-faceted team of experts from various areas of

government that acted as the federal governing body in charge of overseeing the cleanup efforts. They

met multiple times throughout the clean-up effort to discuss the use of alternative cleanup methods. This

showed that they recognized the importance of reassessing the situation and their reluctance to simplify

this oil spill as “just another spill”. They understood that this was a unique situation in a dynamic

environment that needed to be dealt with unlike any previous spill. Lastly, since the RRT had federal

authority, they had the ability to federalize the entire cleanup effort. However, they made the correct

decision by deferring to expertise, allowing Exxon to take complete control of the cleanup effort. Exxon

had the resources, manpower, experience, and mobilization capacity that could be utilized in a timely

manner that the federal government did not have.  

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Long Term Impact of the Oil Spill As Exxon began mobilization of long-term cleanup efforts that would last for months after the spill, the

communities around Prince William Sound began to experience adverse effects. Populations doubled or

tripled, with Valdez experiencing a population increase of 5 times its original size. This population

increase put intense strain on the economic, political, and social infrastructure of these normally small

towns. Crime increased by 300%, housing quantities became inadequate, social service organizations

were put under immense pressures, and the health, sewer, and garbage agencies could not keep up with

the massive scaling of these towns.  


Over the next two years following the spill, the local economies experienced an estimated $330 million in

economic damages, and over 32,000 fishermen were affected. Additionally, Exxon experienced $4.1

billion in cleanup costs. Costs included $1.1 billion for environmental damages paid in 1991, $2 billion

paid in cleanup costs, and $1.1 billion paid in economic compensation between 2006 and 2008. Also,

following the oil spill, South Central Alaska experienced a 8% drop in tourism, and South West Alaska

experienced a 35% drop.  


Perhaps the most direct negative effect of the oil spill was seen in the environment. While the plant life

was significantly affected, the wildlife was affected the most. Throughout the duration of the cleanup

efforts, the carcasses of 35,000 seabirds and 1,000 sea otters were collected. However, experts estimate

that 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, up to 22 killer whales, and

billions of salmon and herring eggs were killed in this disaster. It is important to note that salmon

populations were not seriously affected by the oil because local fishermen banded together to surround

key inlets with containment booms to prevent three major hatcheries from being damaged. (Exxon Valdez

Oil Spill Trustee Council, n.d.)  

Recommendations and Conclusions

After the Exxon Valdez accident, many safety measures were implemented to avoid further accidents.

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 required double hulls in oil tankers, which were initially promised, then

deemed economically infeasible by the federal government. To enhance ship monitoring, the Coast Guard

VTS in Valdez was provided additional personnel for radio and radar duties and a new radar system was

provided. To enhance ship guidance through Prince William Sound, the pilot station was moved back to

Rocky Point, south of Bligh Reef. This allowed for increased pilotage distances of ships leaving the port

and navigating through the narrows. Navigation aids, such as buoys, were also added. To ensure the

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ability of ship employees, stricter alcohol policies for commercial ship crews were implemented.

Additionally, to reduce the impact of an accident after it already had occurred, Alyeska provided greater

assurances that their spill response teams would be readily available to handle future accidents and their

capability was sufficient for larger scale accidents.  


Despite substantial changes to existing policies for all of the key players, oil spills still continue. Twenty-

four major oil spills have occurred since the grounding of the Exxon Valdez and approximately 1.3

million gallons of oil are spilled in U.S. waters annually. Oil companies still have strong lobbying

organizations, which have substantial influence in state and federal legislation. Prior to the Exxon Valdez

accident, this influence was utilized to block requests for double hulled tankers and reduce manning on

ships to unsafe levels. Currently, this influence is still present and frequently utilized.  


Oil spills will also continue due to production pressures and lack of preoccupation with failure. To

prevent future oil spills, oil companies need to become HROs, with a focus on mindfulness. A

preoccupation with failure will force oil companies to understand how newly implemented policies create

new pathways for accidents. Biannual unannounced spill response drills should be required by the Coast

Guard to ensure the readiness of oil spill cleanup companies, such as Aleyska. An unannounced drill will

force the company to have a complete, fully prepared complement of employees and fully functional



Additionally, the Coast Guard and Federal government must compel the oil companies and Aleyska to

expand operations, so their response capacity may exceed the magnitude of future disasters. Even if

Aleyska were completely prepared to recover oil from the Exxon Valdez and was functioning at full

capacity, the response would have been substantially insufficient. The spill response capability

enhancements should not just be limited to Aleyska’s capacity to burn and skim oil. Oil spill response

time and Exxon’s ability to lighter excess oil off a grounded ship should also be expanded.  


Finally, vessel monitoring should be expanded. All commercial vessels should utilize navigational

devices to indicate position and velocity. The Coast Guard and other monitoring agencies should dedicate

staff and technology to constantly monitoring ships near potential areas of danger. The Coast Guard, oil

companies, spill response companies, the government, and the local population also must improve

communication to understand each other’s capabilities and what policies need to be implemented at

responsibility boundaries between entities. Increased communication will allow entities to determine

whether the other agencies are adequately prepared and suggest changes to policies to enhance readiness.  

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Conclusion In the wake of Exxon Valdez, there were many promises from the government for better oversight of the

oil and gas industry to prevent an accident from happening again. However, in 2010, BP’s Deepwater

Horizon exploded and released millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. A look at phenotype

causes (safety overlooked in quest for profit, inadequate legislative mandates for safety, number of

workers reduced) is similar to the Exxon Valdez. A look at the genotype causes illustrates that same

problems that led to the Exxon Valdez also caused Deepwater Horizon and that nothing really changed:

violations, overconfidence, taking past success as a reason for confidence, failure to revise assessment,

and drift towards failure due to production pressure. The question then becomes, how can adequate

oversight of this industry be put in place?  

Internal Oversight Prior to Deepwater Horizon, in 2007, BP hired a new CEO with two goals: improve safety and reduce

costs. In his quest for safety, he founded a new school at MIT for management to attend. The curriculum

focused on the following subjects, which closely correlate to mindfulness: small incidents are warning

signs that conditions are ripe for a disaster, it’s essential to maintain multiple safeguards against an

accident (preoccupation with failure), anomalies need to be clearly resolved (reluctance to simplify), it is

dangerous to change operating plans on the fly (sensitivity to operations), and long stretches without a

serious accident breeds complacency. Additionally, an Operating Management System was established

which was a group to focused on looking at unsafe practices occurring in the organization and report upon

them. However, while the organization did an excellent job at identifying and integrating safety problems

into the planning stage, they had no authority to guide decisions during operations. Many of the problems

were discovered, but nothing was done to solve them. Proof that internal oversight did not work is the

Deepwater Horizon accident. Additionally, it is key to note that the new CEO was able to reduce costs by

$8 billion, indicating the there was a drift towards failure due to production pressure. The two goals of

safety and cost cutting ultimately contradict each other, and in the end, cost cutting often wins. (Peter

Elkind, 2011)  

Nuclear Model The oil industry has continued to demonstrate that they are incapable of being regulated by the

government or themselves. Following the 1979 Three Mile Island accident, some of the same conclusions

were drawn about nuclear power and the industry was told to, “dramatically change its attitudes toward

safety and regulations” (National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon, 2011). The Nuclear

industry banded together to form and implement the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), a

nonprofit organization funded by the industry that oversees and inspects nuclear power plants to ensure

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the plants are following all regulations and safety protocols. Inspections are performed every two years

and each nuclear power plant’s insurance rates are dependent on the results of their inspection, giving

motivation to do well and operate safely. Their reports also directly connect senior management's actions

and policies to the day to day operations.  

Some similarities between the oil and nuclear power industry include: dependence on highly sophisticated

and complex systems, culture of complacency in the absence of major accidents, and the government not

being able to afford high salaried private sector experts. For these reasons, it is recommended that the oil

industry ban together to form a similar non-profit oversight organization to ensure all responsible parties

are following the regulations. As was seen from Deepwater Horizon, one company’s actions can have a

direct effect on other company’s profit and operations since BP’s failures resulted in the ban on drilling in

the Gulf of Mexico. This new organization would help the industry police its own standards and ensure

effective management and safe operations of all companies, therefore becoming an HRO. An HRO has no

choice but to function reliably and they operate in unforgiving environments that are full of potential for

error and no room for experimentation. While the oil industry learned in the short run, history shows that

over time people forget and safety standards are pushed aside in the quest for profit. Only an independent

third party organization can ensure the industry continues to remember and enforce all safety standards.

(National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon, 2011)  

















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Appendix 01 – Double Hull Tankers

                                   Pictured on the left, a single hull tanker has only the hull between the tank where the oil is stored and the ocean. In a double hulled tanker pictured on the right, there are essentially two hulls between the oil and the sea water. Due to the required space between the hull and the tanks in a double hull tanker, they carried less oil and therefore made less profit per trip. Additionally, these ships cost more to build making oil companies argue strongly against them. However, if an accident is to happen, they are one the best protective measures to preventing oil from spilling into the ocean.              

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Appendix 02 – EXXON VALDEX Route the night of 23 March 1989

                                                     The trip out of Valdez Alaska was routine until 2339 when the Captain turned the ship to a course of 180° true to avoid the ice coming out of Columbia Bay. After that turn, the ship continued to follow the course until it was too late, and there was nothing that could be done to save the ship. The Third Mate was supposed to alter course at 2355 back towards the shipping lanes, but failed to do so.    

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Appendix 03 – Steering Console Design



1.   Rudder actual position 2.   Where the rudder will go - mechanical indicator 3.   Selector switch for steering mode

Important: If the ship is in autopilot, the helmsman can turn the wheel and watch the mechanical indicator move; however, the rudder will not change and no alarm will sound – Design Induced Error – Error Mode            




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Appendix 04 – Human Culpability

 Master’s Culpability in the accident:  

     Third Mate’s Culpability in the accident:  


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Appendix 05 – Busby Island Light


     The red lines show the area where Busby Island displayed red light to mariners and outside this area, the light was white. As seen from the photo, at 2355 the 3rd Mate saw a white light, but it was right on the danger area where the light turned red.                            

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Appendix 06 – How to take a paper fix

                                                             In the picture, the two blue circles are the Navigation Objects chosen since they are visible both from the bridge of the ship and on the paper chart. To take a fix, a person would use an alidade to shoot a bearing to the objects and then draw a line from the object on that bearing across the chart. The operator would then use the radar to get a range to the object and an arc would be drawn on the chart of that range on the chart. Were all these lines and arc intersect is the location of the ship when that fix was taken. This is a time consuming process for one person especially at night when they are tired.

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Appendix 07 – Oil Recovery Methods


Mechanical Skimming    

Mechanical skimming is the favored method by environmentalists and initial clean-up response teams;

skimmers can be easily attached to already existing vessels to provide a quick response. To provide a

better understanding of how they work, a ship will use a floating boom (or barrier) and place it in a U-

shape. This U-shape configuration is dragged through the oil slick, creating a concentrated pool of oil in

the back of the configuration. A skimmer is placed within this concentrated pool. A skimmer is a pump

that resides just below the surface of the water and is connected to the accompanying vessel. The skimmer

pumps the oil from the surface of the water onto the vessel. This method is favored by environmentalists

because it has a very low potential for environmental harm. However, skimmers have numerous

limitations. They can only be used in relatively calm waters and can only operate at a certain speed,

heavily limiting the rate that oil can be removed from the environment. The most significant limitation

however is the accompanying vessels. Vessels and bladders can only hold a certain amount of oil; thus

when the vessels are full, there is no longer any space and often times skimming operations will cease, as

was the case in the Exxon Valdez response.  


Chemical Dispersants    

Chemical dispersants are favored by the oil companies partaking in oil spill cleanup efforts. This method

was tested three separate times during the first 72 hours of the cleanup efforts of the Exxon Valdez spill.

The results were not promising and there was not enough available equipment for this technique to be

effective. Chemical dispersants can reduce the appearance of oil floating in water much quicker than other

solutions. This method is so effective because dispersants break up the spilled crude oil into smaller oil

droplets that are dispersed in the upper water column. This removes the spill from the surface, but the

toxins are spread throughout a larger area where microorganisms can break the toxins into natural

byproducts. This could be a very effective method if the microorganisms work quickly enough; however,

micro droplets of oil can be inhaled by other sea creatures, beginning a toxic reaction throughout the food

chain. In addition to the high potential for environmental harm is posses, chemical dispersants can only be

used in certain conditions. First, there needs to be wave action in order to “mix” the dispersant with the

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crude oil. Also, this method is time sensitive, because chemical dispersants will not work if the oil

becomes too mixed with water or too aerated.  


In-Situ Burning    

Similar to chemical dispersants, in-situ burning is often heavily disputed by environmentalists. To begin

in-situ burnings, vessels drags fireproof booms through the oil spill to concentrate the oil in one area.

Once this oil is concentrated to a depth of 3mm or more, it is lit on fire. Burning of oil creates a thick

black cloud of smoke that causes significant air pollution. Once the burning is finished, a significantly

smaller volume of a tar like residue is left on the surface of the water. This residue must be cleaned up

before it sinks and causes more environmental harm. While additional environmental risks are imposed

by conducted in-situ burning, it can be a very successful method in calm waters, with the capability to

remove large amounts of oil relatively quickly.

Page 33: Exxon Valdez Final Report


Appendix 08 - Event Timeline of The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Response - Initial 36 Hours

Key  Events  Day   Time   Event  


0005   Exxon  Valdez  runs  aground  Bligh  Reef  

0027   Captain  Joseph  Hazelwood  officially  informs  the  VTC  (Vessel  Traffic  Control)  that  they  are  grounded  and  leaking  some  oil  

0030   Valdez  terminal  begins  mobilizing  the  clean-­up  response.  0200   Alyeska  Response  barge  arrives  at  the  Valdez  terminal  for  loading.    Was  in  dry  dock  for  repairs  0249   Coast  Guard  Pacific  Area  Pollution  Strike  Team's  assistance  was  requested.    Based  out  of  San  Fransisco  0350   Commanding  Officer  of  the  Coast  Guard  boards  the  Exxon  Valdez  to  begin  inspection  and  investigation     0414   Lightering  of  the  Exxon  Valdez  made  a  "High  Priority"  0435   Exxon  elevates  their  response  team  to  the  highest  level  and  begins  mobilizing  a  response  0600   All  members  of  the  Regional  Response  Team  have  been  notified  0610   Fisherman's  offer  for  assistance  in  clean-­up  effort  rejected  by  Exxon  and  Alyeska     0830   First  request  to    use  chemical  dispersants  issued  1010   Tug  SeaFlyer  with  lightering  equipment  departs  Valdez  Terminal  to  start  lightering  operations  1137   Alyeska  response  barge  leaves  Valdez  Terminal  1200   First  requeset  for  In-­situ  burning  requested  1205   Lightering  equipment  arrives  at  the  grounding  sight     1454   Alyeska  reponse  barge  arrives  at  the  Exxon  Valdez     1800   First  dispersant  test  was  conducted  in  Zone  1,  tests  proved  to  be  unsatisfactory  1910   Skimming  operations  cease  due  to  the  lack  of  capacity  to  hold  anymore  recovered  oil  



0736   Lightering  of  the  Exxon  Valdez  to  the  Exxon  Baton  Rouge  begins  1100     Exxon  Valdez  fully  surrounded  by  containment  booms  1110     1551   Second  dispersant  test  was  conducted,  tests  proved  to  be  unsatisfactory  2045   In-­situ  burning  test  was  conducted  on  15,000  gallons.  Results  proved  this  method  to  be  effective  


3/26/1989  0530   Coast  Guard  Pacific  Area  Pollution  Strike  Team  arrive  and  begin  assisting  in  clean  up  efforts  1830   Governor  Cowper  declares  the  spill  as  a  state  disaster  


Spill  Size  Reference  Day   Time   Oil  Spill  Size  

3/24/1989   0350   5,796,000  gallons  of  oil  have  been  spilled  from  the  Exxon  Valdez     0727   Oil  slick  reported  to  be  1,000  ft  wide  and  4  to  5  miles  long     1310   8,400,000  gallons  of  oil  have  been  spilled  from  the  Exxon  Valdez     1459   10,500,000  gallons  of  oil  ahve  been  spilled  from  the  Exxon  Valdez  3/25/1989   1230   Oil  slick  reported  to  extend  10  miles  from  the  tanker  with  a  width  of  4  to  7  miles  


Page 34: Exxon Valdez Final Report



Alaska  Oil  Spill  Commission.  (1990).  SPILL  -­  The  Wreck  of  the  EXXON  VALDEZ.  Anchorage:  ARLIS.  

Cassedy,  R.  (1993).  The  Effect  of  Tanker  Hull  Design  on  Oil  Outflow.  Pacific  Northwest:  Society  of  Naval  Architects  and  Marine  Engineers.  

Exxon  Valdez  Oil  Spill  Trustee  Council.  (n.d.).  Oil  Spill  Facts.  Retrieved  from  Exxon  Valdez  Oil  Spill  Trustee  Council  :  

Fountain,  H.  (2013,  December  9).  Lessons  From  the  EXXON  VALDEZ  Oil  Spill.  New  York,  New  York.  

Gordon,  P.  S.  (2003).  The  Sound  and  the  Fury:  Common  Sense  about  the  EXXON  VALDEZ.  ProQuest  Dissertations  Publishing.  

National  Commission  on  the  BP  Deepwater  Horizon.  (2011).  Deep  Water:  The  Gulf  Oil  Disaster  and  the  Future  of  Offshore  Drilling.  Report  to  the  President.  

National  Transportation  Safety  Board.  (1989).  Grounding  of  the  U.S.  Tankship  EXXON  VALDEZ  on  Bligh  Reef,  Prince  William  Sound  near  Valdez,  Alaska.  Office  of  Surface  Transportation  Safety.  Washington,  D.C.:  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office.  

Peter  Elkind,  D.  W.  (2011,  January  24).  BP:  'An  accident  waiting  to  happen'.  Retrieved  from  Fortune  Magazine:­an-­accident-­waiting-­to-­happen/  


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