

XI DGLAllm ::FIOM 1710 ~0 lSIO

A TU$!1

S'Q.MlmD ~o m ll'llrAR!I!DN! or DfL:tSH AI.D TBm Gl!DIJAD OotlliCIL OJ' m UNSAS S!.ATJ

HAOBIR.S OOLLlllGJ 01 ll4POllU. IN PAR!tAL FtJLfX:LLliOlft o:r


l/IAS!lllli OF SOIDOJ!l

' ;',

Th• wri~ttr 'Jdahte 'to expr••• her a1:ncere •ppreeil!ltion to

:or, Harold U. P.d.ea'b tfJ'It h1111 vt.l.,;bl• auggestiona and GomJ.tno'1••

or-11d.clsm ln thl• preparation of ilhi• in,..atipti<m.t An aoknowiedlgtt•

m~t le 15.~4111 4\lttet hotiUot !• 0• 0Rn Ul4 llil.t!J ~41~EJS& M. Ryanli

1Vht devo'e4 a pa.t~t ,~t 'bhtilf tlbq 'bo tht o~U"ttlul r$a.di~l or thh

lUUI.u.aorlpt, ~- uot alto dut Ml•• Jabl.t Alte~ 'WhoAht'Giou.a

•rk in the libl"art .tkckJ tuUite:ted the proodue'tdcm 0t the study.

,, t


A1l.tiatlhill to IWI$1$\U'IIl l.ifet ana :P•~••:.tlAil:t1sy' •.•• ' ...

.Al.Jl:~tfli<Hll 'te )lt)U;IU!I'It&ttl i!l 'Wri i:f!Mgh \1! 1J II 111 ;i ,.. II· • • i!~c •

., ... . U1ut~l$Q 'te loutleau'a iUJ.( pilft'Jl!Jnd.~:by, t • • • •

Allul•n• ._ ltul~tta'IA' 111 w.r!.tln~•ilf ,.: • , • • • • • • ,. •

fhia lnuatigation i&ll an attempt to dttemint wha:b &lgliehm.en

thought ot Rouuea.u between 1760 and 1850, aa ll1d1oatecl by their

eOlnl:Mnta in eaaays, letter~, di~U"1t~t, and p"try. The su'bjeot of' the

early repwbation of "bhh world•renowned .figure should 'be of' i:n.t~t:rest

'bl all s11ud.tnts o£ lit~trature and to the stude.n:b ot peyoholOQ"; educe. ...

't1on, philolepby, and pol:l.'td.oa.l aoienoe lll.S well.

Btural witEu·• have produced eeholuly worke trea;bin,: 'nl'ioua

pM.••• of ltouueau1s life and 1tltluenoe. ao far u the invtltigo.tGr

bat beu able to determinf.l, no one hat here'tof<n"e oompleted a atuey

ot hie reputation in England. ~he :J.nnttige:bor baa, therefore,. aearohed

oarefully .tor e.lluatonlll to iouiU'Itau. from 17450 to 1850 ill. an

to make a ecmtribut:l.on helpful to swdtm.ta of ~lhh and Frenoh

in three !ansae Ubra.nea-•the libl"aey ot the Univern ty of Kansas,

Kellogg Li'bl"4ry of the ia%111U State T.aohere Oollego ot lb.porla, and

the :&aporia O:lty Library,. o£ whtoh tlu'et the Ulllt •luable and ~enllw

oelleotion •• that at the University ot All avaib.ble vol'Wilea

ot essays, diaries, lett~rs; ~d poetry published between the dates

eeleoted were exrum:lned tot poasiblt alluaione.

A.tbtr the allud ona were all ••oured, they m~re tirat grouped

a.ooordin,s to tbs following periodtu 1760•1778, 17'70 .. 18001 1800•18821

and 1832•1860. 1'heet a.rb~:br1U7 di'vidone made btCU''-\1.U ot oertab1


Milutal Wta.1GI la *" hlator,r .t lqU.ah o}14».ion PtPo"dl~ Rou•eat.a.:

.. paa.r 1'150 •• oh.e•• tor 1m.-. btainnbl.l ot tbe awq rdwu•

lbN.IIIHU9G .tll'$11 ~ WW8h' l:WiA ft.._ ll~ fiftfi)P'iiJld 'bhlii!J\t.

Th• tt.a-at 161"1N • to l'lfa.., isbe ,.., of hlt death, 'l1:lAl IWMd

okaf'"" •~• tlkt ,_... at Wae ••~•. Ia tlh• •••

tiS.'fU!a wJ.U, 'bo f.,.... t4t~NUI ot wrl.wrt dlU'*bl ._ ~tl.o P41J&1o4.,

HOO • 1aaa~ Althnlk tn allutl~ ..,, tMl't~Ul•d !:n tM Ian p.nod#

lill•lltt, II,.,.._,. dlYli!Oft _, R*'l• IIJM(j l'ti•IM'CiiS ~- 1831

4U:tw tf'rMHl~>t»lr ,... tho•• ot ~ ~tomu'~' Afl•

... ,.._ d.1ul.tmt Mel h..- SI'«NPC!Id b.lf ,_,~, ... , ot pu1,. or4w

wltskla th•t• ptri.tdlll •• •tt•W "Dr d!'ftcl!q.Vle (luo'btl'tlcmt t.nto ind» '

P&U!H'••ibM·• 4Galt. ... w1 th \he llt«t Md. ,_,....,,.,. tt:r o:r Ro\llili.U ami

tho•• W•tt•c bit writt••• Wl'Udza tMIIft '"tlou_. 'bhe ~11\l.-!.OJUI 1a

eaoh. ot '(;be ~ aill crou,a wr• ola•ti.N.M "'* ta.,.l"'lliblt~~ aDd ~1'GI't.blllil·

to f4l• J"epu'batl• ot lou••"'• the oomplt._~ alluioaa 'bolna plao..S

tlr-M la all lAekM••• flle s:.-ft\1 • 1M1._._1 nhHM•• aleo

---· 1ib.t IJM~~Uifio l'lttot.-81 wl.tbl-. ,.,. ftVOt'ablt Mel tblt uat'Ct'fOn~i'ble

tl'VlllOU• ftt.e .s,,., lMl.S..'n• tbe.t tat• iua,lmaal Q'n-ni._.Ui: ot

aterlal tor a ••~Wn J)91'lod. et N••• ehwld ,_ mert uteM than a

pun!,- tl$hi?Ol1CJ1tll••1 pouplq .............. utln swa,. .Ul. al.lutorua,.

~"'*• ar• U.t:Gd !.n e4u- to alee a ~ ot thitll" ebrtftoiopoal

nlatl_, ~teu11)" uaGI$l'b1a.

A'tt tM: o.,.1ue1®• et 1lho "fRflou1 P~~:rimla . and !1.\ the t1s1

o.alurd.tn1 ceraeral obltrft'tt.•• pola'b ouit tl!ut p."'opwtioa a..nd r•latiw

lrlpl\altt tt' 'bhe IUbj_.'t dl'fllld.OWI• ~ tht Pfiri.odt whieh

ottw 'bkt ar••t•11J -...~ ot &lli~all-., thole 'V!bhh •v• mo1'b -.ift.tlon


to lw•••u• • 15-t• ul\1 'lao hi a wttlq.e11 iaad th~•• eloh 41•p1q e.

Jrt:polldtNNJ~t ot .ta.~blt or IW'A~bl• opi.W.ODat

Whu •• tht~~ lnwsttaatr~ hl.~t &ti=~e4 'bo ••ur• ell alltull-

. h thll fM'bJt ILa.-leCJ," lettwt, dd •••1.1• p.tbltebett b,._.,n t:hl

d•t•• t~itlfHttt41 ac:t.-'b'tt4Jd'l:r ~~ath wele~rfl •"*"lal hart 'Me out of

rte~.~h• Puisloull\tly b the tl•lq ot ,_ri. tlld1<*1 Z~~~.terial ~ :proM

flttt• thle aaat 'M wuca. It ~a1:41 ~~ litflhtwe at.l4 b)'

m.a;q tht ~~ 1ttd:tt ot ~ a'!Mfi\1.- ..... lh~d akt • •oho11Wlr,

alla.uati.w ~:u.ppl-.J'da to 'bbl.- wttkt


!he ms.tcn•ia:t. 1:11 'bh!s ohall''tfll" has 'bt~~e #W.P'41, f11"JSt,. acoo:uodina

'h· lt~:Uitii*IAU9 11J l5;f4ll aM ptr•onalli!ljY @4., I!I"Oa'Adill S.Ottl:'din& ~- h!.

'W'tttlbgt1 tll.wll' llltt:r11U7 qua.U.tlet, a.lllfi tlw doet:rl:ruu aet ibr'th•

litltUsWdt:a flit lUI !L1fe will 1ntl\tQ e. bz-iet i:nVIbdU!t'bQf;V' 'blOfP'I\j)hy t\11

all at· the alluilbnls of' kglishmflm to thia pha•• ot our E~ubjoot.

Lik$W:l.1e4- tbe •eoistca 4-ea.ltnc with ltotuute•u' IJI W<:f'kl "'dll present: a

(fe:rulena~ t.<Jowat (!Jt hit 11 tertU"y cQ"etn' '" preparatlcm tor the at•:rial

*ioh b 0\ll" pr!uip.U .oaoen--tht e.l.ltud.QWJ 1:1> 'f.ib.ese waru •

. !l:bhoup J•.n Jaoque1 lout•••u, 1711•11$8 1 was bol"l!l :1~ hxa..-.

ht •• 9t '"'uh ~ipa, hia twn:1l:Y ht.' 10lil• te Gene• bnau.11e t~~t

-· r$:Ugleu• 'WIU'll in F~QJQ•• ltcil~1eau ba4 e. hapha!U\rd. upbtt:tqtng

'beoaute hit wrilh~:r 411!1ld •• u •• b~;~* anct h!e ta.tihttr teolc relugfll

at lyo:tlt alter he kad. had a cl18pu11e with a ttll~cltiatm. awl had hen

••tentt4 tt }'ldl$«m• !ele:b1 wa ot the !114'bbel' lflep'b Rousaeau und•r 'blwir

a\uptrrilien uatil tut •• appJI'tn'bi~uid "'" a notary in 1714tt A tw aatma

·latltt' ~~ ••"er tail h1m baok- 'tNt he •• app~entloM ilhi•

11blt in 1'121 1!1o an eqta.Yta- ecn. he aoou1etl ot auoh oruel 'tlreatm.en'b

'tlba.t he ran A*Y' 1n 1716.1

..... , .... ______________________________________________ __


.A.ttel" aouutau len the a:qre:ver•• shop. ht started. a period ot

"WUde:ring and ~od"'1GiliW"el$• th11 o11l;y e.oooun-t ot 'Whioh 11 ilhe ru.:terial:

b1 Le• ~qo:ntese,i~!.• Ill !!! qo.n£•.~•1 Oll~. Rmuaee~ou tdb ot being 1u~:nt

by a 0&.1JhGl!o golql t:o Madame de WtJrrtns,. a young w1d$W and a Oatlhetlio

oen'VU''t Whe liwd. at Ae.eoy-.2 She d!d llot have muoh 1nf'luenoe OV$r him,.

he•wrt al'l.d h& Ciii!)OR lett her hom•,. •te.rtlnc a. atltle• of 'ftl1deringc

whith l.uted appro:dately thl'ee yea:rh Dt:tr!n$ tbia pe.¢'iod of unrest

he served for a tim• as fm0tman to a Madame de Ve~ellia. While

Reuutau ftlll e.'t this es1nabl1ahll'le.nt, ribben d.iaapp4ta:reclJ and although

be •• JIUillpecttld• he e.oou'Stci a g~rl telln-aer'ftnt.-3 Guilty cr not~

iouuaau :return "bo ·the bOlfle of Ma~ de Wuoena, 'Whe aent him 8.111'8Y to

IOb<ttl• 'V'fhel\ he 1.d,red. of eohool and re'tiu2:'ned tit') her bent, h4t .touncl her

$011$ and e;emrne•oe.4 "MUJ.der:ln; again. HGW"'P'e)!t., b• met Ma.damtt de WI!Q:' en.a

latv1 a1u~.y1ng a.'b h$J> ooun'tley houae aea:r Ohambery~ 'While aarT.Lna al!r

.~n11 a 'h~J".l• 4 Routlta.u'• health 1$ nppoaed to ha"" b!len pu-tl7

t-eapondble for Jliadanut dt Warene• 'baking the houee., In 1718 illnetuJ

fDold hlm. "to lGave tor Men'bpellierJ and a:a he :rfltu:rnecl_. a person

named. VintleJU'Iiiltd taken hia otfioial poaiid.oa 1n ~ houaeho1dt6

Rou.Jaeau. had. beo-.e a tutor but t'lu~:ppe4 eventually beoauae he

dit\ not t».:f·Q1 the "'VV!!!Irk• :Moreowr, he •• not a good teaohero. Although

he 'fii'G'be a papw a the new ayatem. ot mud al notatto»., the pa:J?*'r ••

tmr&vora'bl;y :ttece1 wd a:o.d. e:trbl"a.<ttlltdo :u pupil.e .•

a La:roue••• ~Och oit.

I Loo. ott. --4 'b,&4• 1 P• 1461. 5 .t!o• oj:lh

lt'i:>r e:l.ghteen nl<m'th8 he lltM'M ais tett:retaey 'bo 1:lb.e mbauador to

Vemli)e, 1'at'lU'1'1bg t0 P4rit in l745l! .Ae sa bl.t ,:u,u:al ouetom after the

tel"m!a'bton ot 'U employ.tnent,. he told s~ge ~ttcrits and adt oGmplain'bs

$1 M.a eli'lploye,r., !ftea- going 'baok to Paria, ioueseau 'Wt'Ote u epel.'"a.,

Ltl "'l*.,l ~~lan:!£~/lf.l t'JOpied :mu:do for lU0%19f» and 'Wil\1 IGQ~tt6U",V to a llfa<iam.t · Bu:p1n~t tl\1r:1ng thil tbat h:t• mtatt••• •• ~,.-.,.., le Vaouaeu:r,

( ' a aervwu1't: in an inn., whom he :met 1a 17S. !h..ereae aud louueau were

the pnnta 1:£' f'l ve e:htldre, all of lbom. were aent to a .f'oUlldling

ho!llpltal,6 lcn:lellfUt.u met Diderot in 1741 and some t1me bet'WHn 1740 and

1750 wote art1oleq Gn mulllio and _pQl1tioa.l eoon~ to:r the E~ozl')lop~~i.e,, 7

In 1780111 1ioua1111eau' e l>1~,oo;t1t' .. fJ\t!!!. ~JOienoes !ll!! arts. hi$

first ·· pullll1•h•4 wrk. 'lhn1 a pt> otleJ~t« by tbe Dijon Aoataemy. T-wo

;veatt la.t•r u pubU.ahad a •uooettetul OP«!!I'ttta, the DeVil!, J! ;Ulla {£~;•

Afiltll' 1aht pubUoattq, Gt 1;he opere~ta, he !pored a OC!»Dl'llAu'ld to apptU'

a 'is caoun, where he 1110uld p:ro'ba'blzr ba'V$ been pl!ml'io•ed. lie eaoo:rut . I (

&en:y, @!:.•~4?:U~'! '!'F. !'oll'iSiJUt.!! 1:••,t1!!, ~l,·:t~esal~iull, ~

!'! ,h!!!!J.; waa published !a 1755 ewcl a ;fn y•a.\1'1 'later •• the 1~;Jto'b

of li1~teut8io.n al 'bhough the tlr•t Dbooura was the writing •oh 8

made Mm lllll.Tiledl a.tely faous.

· Fr• 1'1515 un1d:.l 17$1 liot:UJift'U ll""d at the "Hermitage.~~ • a

oottagflt p-Cilvide4 ftmtt him by Mad.a.m.e d'lpinay# ia tho :f'or1'b •t Mon'tmorenoy..,

:near hdlh Ther-e he ad a love a:f'h.:l:r with •~ d'Houdeto'tl, e:Late:r•

6 Willh.m A• 14.tae tJ.'ld I• Pfoes'tl0l1 Da:rpn. A &11i!JI'l2.! ,r,r~~~m~.B ~&tera:!mJ;!, (Nn tol"lu H$m'y Holt and Oompuay., l9Si), ll:hr 483.

7 Larouaae, .!2!!.• !~:\•

a Loo. oit. --

1n•law 1t h1a b~taetor. A trian&~lar quarr$1 ~ctwetn Uid«r§t,

Ro'Uu.._u. and hedt:r:tek Melohi(t"' Grimm temillla~e4 Rouaaeau'a stay at

the "Remttase:" 1n the Winter ot l757"'"1TU6. E:e tbea went i:(:) Montl&ttil ' 9 in the s~e ne!ghbo~hGod. ·

In 1788 Routaeau htad publ:t lhed the Lettre a d t Alembt'lrt oontlr'e. ,..._~..;;,.......,......,...,.. .. 41 n ....

l!Q !J!U'bf:.~l,.t.!,•lO Thia leirner ftlil a tl:Uoe~-told stte.olct u.pon Voltaire.

WG was gi"rln$ them.wical :reprGI!JI'llnts:hit:.lU· at te1 Delic.s; dtAlem.bePt•

I who had coni<!lllm.EJd the prejud:toe agdmst the ~~J'bage in the ,EnozoloJ2ed1,8t

anll acting. on4lt ot the. J)opula.:r ~sementa or the thn•• In spite o£ his

taet1Euutruuut1 Rousseau had no lack ct patron. flt.lthough he quarreled

1d 'bh all eftntui! •

. , ; 'While Rousaeau U.'V'Eid in the :to:reat ot Kontmo:renoy,. he wro-te . I . . U 1!! llouwlle Jlttlo~se, !!, Oon~r-at ft(dal. and lmlle. !!!J:~.1i!. •• oerulem:tlecl h1 the parltm~Jm.t of hr!e, J\Uie 11.,. 1768; tmd Rous$c&a.u,

fGat!ng u>rets'b, :f'l•c! tie lfotierli in tl:l$ .ta:b9 ot ltu.tobAtel• Sw.ttae:rland.

In N tatrla.nd; "When the OounoU ot Geneva ool'J.dCtl'ltntc! the 11!&~!· Rou•uaeau.

:ta. Letters j!,!!. .Montaau•~ 1763, a.ttack•d th• ·o:auno11 and the Gem""

c ona1li:tru't1 u,.12

Perauacutien in Swi tserl.a.nci •• 4JO great that late in 1765 DaVid

RWI'lt ot.f'ered Rouljseau l"etuge 1n Jnc!tatt.11 Inaibead. ot goi~ d.:lree'bly

9 . LU®III'III,, lect~ c!t, --10 .ft.!!• .l!i•

ll ltitee, .sm.• .!.~1!,• 1 P• 484• 11 Latrotuuae, loch ott. --13

l:!ai~•• P• 1482,

to bsl.tul41 bowtver, he nnt first to Pari•.- where helll$'b liW!le.t f'1neliy

IIU"ri viq in b&hnd, Januw:"y 13 • l '713 6, After spending tomt~ time in

L<md.on• :Roututau gf'IW 'bire4 ot Ute there 1m! allowed Hw. to establish

him at the hom.e of Jib'~. Da:venpo:rt at WOotton in D.-byshirte Th-are he

e'bvted 'Wl"iting .~~~ ~~!\.t•.••~.91!!•14

The se.,...inl!l ot friendl;y relatiolll betwen H'blme and Rousseau

•• an ;lmpw'bf.m:'f:; tvcm'b a.nd provided a ~~Ubjt~tot fO!.t" :runy ot.nnm.ents during

thi• PJil'*!ott. 0.0. inolden'b 'Whioh led to tlwt quarrel 'lift\$ the di!llay ot

tl$Q:rge Ill 1)1 g:rent:'lng a pension to Rm,usteath Although Rou,aaeau' s

tool1th · aot1qa ere auppoeed to 'bllllelfl :resporud,ble for the poatpone ...

15 ment1 RotUifliKU Rae enti:rtl;y. In :t8ay., 176711 ll.o'Ueseau l•ft

Jlhgland tor lruoe.

01.1. ,-e1n.n1n& 'bC!» l.ranoo-. loua$&au •• recuai'nd by the marqut•

de lirt~~.'bt~.u; tath&r ot tht gr~t Mira'beau, a!ld 'b;r 'bhe Frb);OI de Conti.

For a Ume he WIIUld•red~ 111111 'Wrttin~t .~~ ~c:mftlHJiiOllll• In 1770 ~

settled im ~il and s-ewmft. mudo oepytne• Re t:Lmi.$hed ~.C?,'t Oontesrd.o~s,

whtoh mt~re pu.bli1hed 'betwten 1781 and l'Ta.s, "W'r'0t& ,Dt,alQSll''o~ aud began

;,t.•!l. !!!!. ;ero~CIII~eqt:, !~~1.~8;,\:t;!,. wh:toh he i:ntencled a• a sequel and .

aomplliflbion to J.e•.i ~t·~•\.O:t¥.1• iotUII$fUl lived in the Rue Platt•~ until

tulpidcms ot hla llll!tOte'b enelll1ea grew eo strong that he -.e glad to

aooept 'he atte» of M, de Girardin, a rioh f1nAnoi$r• and 11~ 1~ a

cottage at henon'ri.lle wher-e he d1ed tu l77a.l6 lhuu• the ·~• of' hie

U X...all• ll1o10phom and Slda"T I.e•, edi~o,.., lli•t!-cma'!!! ,~tjil?· ,1\0it&.P.!\t (Lon.done Smitha Elder, and Ocmpany+- 1906 11 vol. x,

16 lbi.d., pp., lli!2•223. -· 16 IArou.aCIII, loo. ott.


li:f't, ltoua a·111au •a uabappineea ftlil iBo!l'eaaed ~ Th.,rtlll e t e alleged. att'eo ...

tiowt tor ae of the 11tablt boya'il Thua • hia Ute &9tilml.8 to have ended

1n a. a ttmJHtt"butue .ll'lalm$1" e.a i 'tl began.

We oan 'beat~ lean ot Rousseau's rttputa.tion in hgland d\U!"ing

thit ;pwiod 1>7 knowing wmt incU.,sl:lmen,. :moat ot 11ho!ft had ao1:n.ta1ly me'b

him ~&itbet- • 'bhe cQon'binen'b or in Jngla:~ad11 1.1ail.d oonaen1ng M.:s life and

hie Wl"i t!ns•• Th••• W!ri tere oxpreued both tavor111.ble am unt'e.vorable

opiui Oll$• For ft. oortveni ent am ef'f'eoti w m.tathod o£ arrangement, U;

haa bt~tn plame4 to bring together in one poup all ot 'bh.e tavorable •

rete,ren.ota mi then 'bo draw taP agdnet thoae the unfavorable

P'urther Qrde:t wtthin 'bhese ~oupa w.Ul be achiewd bY' proo.rH!i<Ung trom.

gtnetal •n•"b$a et hia Ute and ohar"oter to r•t•ren<tt~J •ktnc speeitit allu11om• 'bo and ehaftcter trtd:ba.

A ta~ra.blt gene:reJ.l allusion to the life and pll"IIIOMlity cf

Rouuee.u ht tound bt GGldsmi th• • .~g~~!2 fl.!~~ .!:~'! Pz!esent ~t .. ~.t! .2£,

]:!q~~t! ,Leat:,D!I$!! ~~PJil!• D1sous1ing eome :Frenobmen 'Whom he!lldered.

tamoua, Oold$» deaoribtd Rouueau tn too tollm:ng J~~Ann.trf

1htre are,. theret.nt'e• ~ among the French 'VIhq do h!D1lour to tht pretle'b as•. and whose 'Wl"i til:'l&t w111 be 'i:l!ta.Qmi 'tl'bed to pesttrlty with an ample share ot tmn•a. Some ot the rao•t oeltbra:bed •• tollowlt • • ' • • • • • • - • • ' • • • * • • "' • t • ~ • • • • • • *

Rou"''"" ot GcwTa, a pref.eutd. ~-b.atc.r.,. or, more ~•Jerly, a phUol!lopher wnn.g~J<l with oae halt of mankind, beoauaH• 'bhey unaToi~bly ukt the O'bher halt unhappy.

Suoh sen:Ua.n'be aM &•f'rally 'the J:~t.naul t ot lllloh goocl ..... 'hre u.d U 'btle exper:laoe.


.Another ta:vorable general rete:renoe ie to'I.Wd. bt Durney' 1

Diyz £a a:a tatty tor June a_ 1'171• Si:noe lllt11t Burner mentioh$d the

.tao'b that hf1' ta.thet had not1 vtd a letber ~- the • groeat• Rou••eau1

ahe '11mdwb'tedl7 "admi:re4 him.

11 tathe~ has been honoure4 witll letrbel's from. tht peat lloutaMil1 :~. Dlderot• anc1 Pa.clte l4rtlat.- thF•• as binef3' mtn. ae the age ha.a pPoduo•d11 X bol1•w1 upon hie book.


In hit :+ut&~tos:a~, Gibbon\iioned lounKu'• expulaion hom.

the to:reat ot Mon~orenoy. Sinot he apoke ot •men ot gentu•~~ .-may

ooNJid•r 'bbe alludon gen•rally favorable .although it. like ••• Bunlty' ••

otters n.o clefi:ni 'be olue to the auth_., • reao'bi on.

01 ~· ma of sentui ot 'bht age; Xo:n.teaquleu. fUld Pcmt•••lle war• no morel Voltaire reeidtd on hta ·~ eatate near Cenevaf RoutiKU in the pP4KJed1q tear hati been dd vea •• hle he¥-m1 ~ge ot Montm.oreao:fJ iiU\4 l 'bl:u•h M~ :tq he. vfb• •§t•oted to •••ill, ln tbll joUl"XJ.ey, the aoquainta:noe ,ot luttot'J4.

A -.ery vague general referaoe cle;e~ibing the oharutez. ot

louneau ll te'U.4 la Jamaa Bo...,.1lta !A(t,, -:{,o}Je!tn:l.• In 1769.11 lo._lill


On ~he 3oth ot Slptember we dined. tegethe.r at 'bht Mlwe. X ai:ltllbp'becl 'be argue tor the auper1or happ!neaa ot the ea.' lite,. upcm. 'bhe h.noltlll 'bop1••• JOOSOit '*''St~, there oan be ·

if Oliver Golclllim1 'tlh, Worg (LoJtciont George Bell and Sou, latus),.,

Tel. Ill, p, 494.

18 . Jitucu•• :hhq_. ~ar;J! ~ l$;)•1.7_11. (Amll• B1Us1

editor• U:>Nlent O.Orc• Btl 11iiii; l ,-v;;r. X; PP• 113-124 .•

19 ltd1111.1"d Gibben, ,A;uto~iof§~ (Oliphant Smea.ton, 1 &tor, lfew

TorJca 1. :P, Dutton and. Oompaey, 91 . , P• 118.

., . '

''{' ,t

noth:h:tg more .tal ~Uh !.he aaVttcee no b•d!l;t ad'VU.i:lagea · 'b~cl ~est ot otvilhiN 'In~• ~haft ncri': 'better hed'bh} .and

all to oqe .,., mental tUUJa•:l:neau, 'bhq e.X"e not 6\'bQTe :1 t, bu~ b•l• 11$,. l:l.lct- 'b~•• lo •. Sb• ;you aril no'b t(!) talk •uoh :tarado:=tt let m:t haTe· no Ul'e ·~~m • '*'• It ol!llll'J.ot •terkin,. te:l.' 1••• ee.n Ut tn•'bl'ue'b.. LoFd lenboddo, ant ot your Scoiloh;, W'll;ed a great @al ot auoh no:wutnse., I •u.ttert4 .¥1!•· but l wUl D&il auttw %!!•" .!Oaw.~Ltc '*ht',. Sir~ doea :ao'tf '· iO'Wifteau talk l't:J.IC!Ih %il.onsens•?'"" JOD$alt: '''X':ruct, Sil"J bu:b . R~»'.UUtMlil .~•!1 M ts 'ball!4ne; a•-.eA al!ld' laughs af$ the


~14 ttt~r llltaUo1:cg ai; him•'• DOSWILLt I:Ww Jeoll! Sll.r1" JomJSOlh ~- Itt·, a liWl who talk$ uo:Qfel!uut· •o '"'11, muat lmow that ' he i• talld.q ~UllniUi!llllHt, But I am ~raid,. ( and le\qhing) :M$:nbod4o 4oet ned: lmow t 1 he iA'I talking :nonte~4,_ao

.... (1769)

lnetead or qtUJ~tmg 1\w, Johaton, .9f)$'11Mll ~teased hit <Ia ' .

. c!Mlde~tdl;y ta:v•.ra'blt opU\ion of Rouaa&a.u *• writdng b'0111. Badin 'tao

.Al!ldre. 1ft-bell,. August te,. 1?84. llot loJa.g •f'be:t thil ti!MII, he did

meet ltcuse:ea•, who •• tha ail ll~»ticwe.

· la ~1\e melUL time I 111ee U ttl• t.d'ft.ntagt 'he bt had at BerU.nw I thal1t honvv 11 a-~n her'l. a f$r>tln:t glt:~. afur wh:t•h :t intend p!a.IJJlng b;y ~e!.a ad one er two acre ot the Chi1"llal11 oourta• to G-.e"'\'&lli X there a-t ilht point tt'om Wh.enoe I ·WQf el'bhe~ eteer to X' w 1Jo Fr-utt• l slulll 1ee Vol11a1*"•• l: llhall alar.0 •• $a tustrl~!l and Rouesea.u. these tw frl ere to me poo61.ter- objMiut t:tlan ••t l!lilatuea cw pi.o~eth

. (1864)

a._$f'nllta_ tho meeting with Roo•••u,. ld<lm!lll ~Jdd littl••

.,,..ely ••tl<»Ung l;n 1771 the h.ot that he had dinetl w1th Roosaeau

in 'bhe wtl.ts .of :leufohitel .•

April 11. be:tag lDai1JW ... IJtmd&1ft U''bt:r ht.v.tng a'frliende4 ll'\liQ Servtoe e:b St,. Paul t '• I *'epaired. to nr. Jo.b:xuloat •• I IDl.d poa'bl• rted ·my w .. lo~~Plty m.uoh ·ln flillling w1 'bh Jl!'bt JAOQtma lOOISl!lAU,. while

. SO Ja:ruut BG.-11,. X.ite .!,! J~011; (George lil'Jibeolc lti111 ecU.tOI", O.,Ctor«,b Ola.rcn4on P.l'l9aa, WS'i). vet, , P·•· 74.

11 J~et Jo••ll,.. Letto)l'j, (Cbaunc:t-r lr•wtttr 1'1nlf.llln.",,. Oxfo:r~h OlarendQn Pt•••• i9il)'~'" vol, X, P• 67.

ht 11vtd in the wtldl 0t Neutohitelt I had. AI g:rGat. a ouJI'icr>lllit,' •• .at• wt th mtlli· IAWJEL JS~N11 ln .th• dueq r•esa of a o~Ul"t · !:n lrlee'bf!il.ll.l~tt,. I nppOIUid. •. 1hould 1eu.ctl~ ha:ve kn1 ves and fork:a, · e.ll4 .,.,, attugt11 . \D'Jouth ... ill•~tul'b d!.,du bu't :t ~~ _,.r.y ~hi~ in V$ry good or4er~~2 . . .

. ' (1?73)

The at uet~r ttme &ewU · e~ntelll. that h• had ju 'b *>~ l ' ' ' ' ..

tra ~ha Comd.llel.b m4.llAd btWA pl,t~A.ttedl 'With R«unutaut s IC>l0111$1V•

Bi:aee ke l¥\tt ~~~A'I#lei,.tetl meetlng hila, hla laying to li. iitlt ~et" th.•

'da1t •••• :ra~r atr•g•• lotn11 doea l'Wt :num.t!.Oll ~.etlng Ro~11eau

lt1 Etlltlt.llUI a1\ hit must have d()Z\$ ''* le~Wll •• glv•n th$ tta.•k

ot UQOMp&~nm fb.~re•• lt V~aseur, :tOt.usaeau'a miltt'luJe_. tollmgle.nd

C!Lt'ttr Jl&UIIIIte.u had gae tilieat 'J'tlth R,_ in l7aa.

JoDI•·• "•ulouea•-, $i:r, ~~ a w:ry bact man.-', I wou14 so•.- llt.fli'. &·. ••rntco• to3:' hi•· W.tpo:r'ba:bia41 t~ that Gt ~ :t•l• 11¥h0 bas ,me h-. the Ol!l Bai lfC'.y thee• ~, yeara ••• •., · JGmU.t "$1~, d~ JOU ilhtnlt hlJil al bl\d .. e, ~ AliY Volta.ilt•?" .. lOD'SOih ~. · .Sir.t i'b ie~ ~it.t'illtllil 'to 1:\l!ltltle th• ~o)!1or'b1on ot lldiqui ~ lJ•twtJ~~n tbl!n~t.u . . . . . . .

'Jhi a 'ri. olenoe ,seeme4 "VGJ'Y at~~• to mllll~ -.hi'.' ha4 · ·i".t ~ ot ·lou lih\t•a a.aa'be4 'Wf'iti:tll• wtth v•at plee.~~. Q1\ld e-.a ecU.ttcaid.~n~ had bee:n muoh plat.t.,. 14th hi.a aGete'l;;y, ~d ,... juat ll'tome .fr't~m 'bhe Oontinen:u, 'W'lwre he *' vt'l/'y g&Ml"a.lly i():r 4i\I.U1 I u•t allow that he dettt<Wt 'the very 8$'\l''W!III ce.n~ure whioh Johl'le<m. ptO~Wlottli up.on hbl.t llta absurd pHt.,renoe ot aavag• to 4J1:v£U:;u Ut•, and other si:ngula:r~t1ee,. axae proota :rather of e.

23 defeo'b in. id,$ aftderatUJ.di:ng, than Of N.'l'/1 Upra'Vi'V'Q' in JUS hEU.\n., (1166)

Alii ea:t'ly retert:tJ4e .to llUl'IU!I•.• fil"~t n\eetlng 1'11 tll Rotaa•eau. :t 11

fewd in e. lfl'b'te~ wld.Clh !ume 114'3:'0te to Or~ Dh.i~ 1'1"0111 Pari a Iiili :&ft$l'llber 201

1766., UnU.:U loanll, he •~poeued f.ri'Ml.y h1a rw

22 Bos-nll•• .!'-.!•1 P• 81&.

23 ~'91~•1 PP• 11--l~.

. I

'' .

louesea~· hiJ liouuea~ 111houlcl be pr1"filege4 .to happily,in

lncllmd •• hill With at tie til'll.$«' The fa'Vo~a'ble e~nt1man'U ot thil ·

ltil'be:ll' tem.'lu:•ast• ehs.rply 'With 'bht Ul\flo\'fore'bl$ lll•nt1MG'b tt ll$tter;

atte:r the quarr-•l•

It h 1mpfllul.ble to Gxprau or 1ma$ine the O'bhuat.aa:m ot thi• ut:hm. in hi a ta'V'QUl" ••.,,. People way imlk fi'.Jt a:no.tent Gteeoe A$' they pleata.f bu- )1o 11i!l.'b1ol:l •• ~ Q.o. f'ond Qf gel"dua as tnt•• uCJ 219 pe:rat")n •wr etl.l nn:tOh ens•sed that=- a.~ten.tion aa ltoua•••u• Voliai:r• ad. ~:rybody e1Art ~• qu!.'te $0l!pa·•« by- him ..... M~t. llou;eeaq, :t.s Gf: a amall stature, and .,uld be ugly, had he not. the t1Mt11l pqai opcomy !n 'llh• "WWPldt I m~ the motSt apr~Js~Jtva 00\UltfiJl!WtCI!h • • .,1 am well rtlti!IIU:tld. that -.t ti'llJel ht belittWI he ha$ 1Qp1 . .-•tionc an bmedie.te •11Wmwdoa-td.on wlth the: Dl1im:ty.,


He falle $0\'M'fd.DW~a into create.d••Jl which retaln him 1n tht aamt PQI!rture tfl1t' hO'IU"C~ togeth~• »Ms not thi$ ~plt sol'nt ~ d:ift'iaulty of Soora:b~ut• gett1U$;: ed ot his ..,,tasiet? t think ltOiltltG&u 1:11 many tld.I~gs ve:rr ntUoh roaembl\el ·Soe:ratee.. Thill pb1lo­ecpher ot G$Mva aetmls only to l1nw mere goius tlu\n M ot Athe1111 whc Xl.tvflut• Vc:Jtt ·'fili1!t'/ 't~· ani ,l••• f!loo!a'tialent.u and t$!npett• JiJcrlth of tbe:m W4U"fl of W't!Y ant<»:"Qus compltJZtiorutl but e. o~ri.aon in tbi• ~oula:t-, tlarns out: aoh te> the ad"f&ntage 01 ···blend• l oe.ll ltillt suoh11 to:r I h11e.r; tt• a;U lul.nd11 ~nat hh jU.d-at and ut-.thtnl --~· 8.8 -~«mclJ biated 1n :OW· ta\ltour u mine &rill 12l M•• l llhall l.YlUQh rear•t lea"'ling him :tn Jnglud, but ewn t.f a pu:-don oould be pr!QQurec!l tor him. Mr~~t• ht i'f l-I\Ufol11nN1 a$ ht~~: tell• -· never ilo t>etu:t-n•· becau$~ he new" w111 Uw umnoletted 1• . liU.gland... I tb!e.a4 'bhe bigotry l!1llll 'barb~lltl which ~E~Vllil ther._,.24

. (1765)'

Janual7 16f 1766, thht ~ e;:tbero mute ud RoUtJeau ha~ ar~l.v$4. . '

1:n lil:nclMd• ~·told Madame d• loufflera ot bemg 'With R.muallteau and'

ot hav:lng -.oouragfd hbl 'bo !ft':t.'be hit merM>lf'llllt !hll iff the ttra'b .

•xmi())n ot aouaaeau•e al":rival t.n l!bgltUtd•, h•sage• f'l'om. thi• 1et'ter

d-.atJ~'loe tM pttt•aonali 'by Gt th• Fremh wr:l:btt- aiiJ pl~u'l.t1lli•

Again Uume •&praased unr•••~4ly hia liking when h8 aaid~ nz 1o?t


ld.m !11\Qh and hctpe 'bmt l haw 40tlt lhlll.l"il tn hill aftaotiorta-t n

lV!w· om;n.puicm le wry,. alway-a po11tt, p.y often,. o~y l&oitll.lbl•·• He dOI!tl$ not kn<m h:l.tll$6l:f.' 'Wbet he think$ he 1« mao to!r' eJa:bire ao:u.:wfle. I e:Jdl$r'btd him <n'l the rQEI.d to writt hill maol:r•• it told m•, that he bad al.rftdy doXUt it 191th an :t:u:bention ot puhlJ.ahtng ·· 'tlllG• ............................................

lfi41 · ' the Arnumiall drtaa is a pur-e· 'Whim• 'Whtoh• ~vw, h$ is re1olwd. nt'V$Jil' to a.b&nd®..- He has an ~~~llent Wl~t'm heartt ann, in oQ~~satian, k!nd1ea often to a d•~ree or heat wh1c4 loob likt!i intfp:trat:i.on,. 2i lov• him m:uoh, and hop$ thli\.t :t havo some ehar• in hia. affeotlon&h · . .

On· Marob 25, l7CS., lest tluut. 'blU'a.w mo.nthl after Roua~~••au ha4

... to '~bel& ad. Huru t~ld nr.. Blair tba t }1fit Nl.<l que•t:t.oned ltOUIIiltAU

I O<*Oe.&"ni21; the 111tary ot &!, ,l!q,~~~.t! ]Jp,l,d,i.s~. and ~d allo advised htll

to le~~ ~U.Illhw .At tb:h t!Q ha p:r11Ued. :Rousi.'Jeau.•• ability tQ

oliid.o11e hi111 owa works r~tiom.ll:t•

X had aeked M. !Qussaau the questio~ yo~ propose tQ ~• U$ , ~•red, . th~t the etory of h:lAi til,Q'i

1t,t lmd a~, g~ne:ral e.nCl

diatu:b roeaemblme4f. to r•ali'byt euoh aa •• to wnrtll h:tl!l 1lf1Qginat1on &ltd IIUJsiAJt h:11 i:tlVUVlono but tM.'b all 'blil$ f1' o1JI'Ollnl$tanoe,s w:r• f':l.otitious ..... ,:c tl-Ank this work his; :maate~pieceJ though he hiuelt 'bold me<li that he "'l'elued most hb .2ca~~.X:.~! .so91a~J 'Whbh ts a prEiposteroua a. judgMm'b u tha.t of :Milton.~~~ Who pnf'$ll're4 the :Ptt:r.aSYu!lll ~171~1!114 to all his other pert~l"~$$411 •• Wha. we were em the r<* • T'i'ee0ll'l1nimded. to him th• lear:ning 0t &:1!1:lil'h1 wlthout wld.oh~ l told 'hl.l'll, he would neve:co ~cy entire liberty• not b• full~ 1aclepaent1 and at his ewn disposal. J:te wo sens­ible l ns :tn tm right, arut cdd,t that he hl9fA.rd tluJre WGre two l!lng;lith tn.:nela:bions ot his Emile or tr~at~•.~ .s Ed'1,C,!~~~~· hca trould g•t thfllll a• soon as he arr!wd in tind•• and a• aeon as be knew the $Ubj~ot, he 'WOuld haw no other tz-ouble., thJ.n to leara Of' gtuttf tlut wor-dst 'thil!ll would ae.v• him ao.e pain• in conaulting the di.c'b1onary, Md a• he ill1li¢"O'fed.., 1il would dUte him. 'be ool'llPA~• the tranela tion111 ·lUld, judge mieh wtt.a the bewt. A•oor.dinilf.- soon li't9l" our ar;riftl.,. l procruM4 him the 'boobh but h• rca'bumed thtml in e. fw dq.-,., $a)'ing that thq ooulcl be or no us.• to hillhr "'What 11 the .-t'berfu :r•plied I. '4I <'.UU'Ilot endure ilbllh.~~ llil aaid he,. "they art m;r own ~rk• ulit ne:r llliMe X deli '\reread my beoka to the p:reaa,.


l :neve:r «.toul«l QJG th$1ll1. or :rot.d a ,a.g• of th$m wi thou'b ditgutil• • •" "But• • J>e:jo1X1td x. "1 t le bapo••tble but 'bbe l'byle;~ .-d eloqullllacua, fUI.d o~tn't11 211\ll'b pl-.te ~u•" "f• 'bl$tll 1sh• tN~h,,. ••t4 he, •1 e.m not 4i.aple-.ee4 wi:bh :mretlt 1n 'bbat P!Al"ilioul•:rte but X etlll d:t•t.ct, .tha'b my w1ti:aga fU't lttd. tQr no'bhi:n.g at th• bottOl'll, and. that all rt1f ilheortet are tu1l et ext:re."'ta.e;oo••'• You ••• tha:b this t• judg1ng of!lelt with '!$he ut.o1t le'V*ti'b7; fUl4 oenGu.ring hie wr:tttng• • 'bht ldde 'bh.q aN m•at ••••4 toe rit1<d.lm.., llo ft~~iput4 medeaty 11 ''""" capable ot thil oouras••l6


fo 'bhia poin"• all a1l'Q~tl0nl to the Ute ot ltou•••u haw been

, taw)"a1d• 1a e!:the:r a general ar a speoU'io li~~Um•r• Allul:l.OWI iaol\l4M

ta th•· nU'b ••oti~~m ot 'Whh Qhapta:r are \U:'lfa~able, the ~e:rl\l

allu11~• betl!l.g plaot<t f:t:rat a.1 has bnn d$ne in tht ~cuading ruM'b1021

f:lt 'bbe ohe. ptet.

'02:t.tavora.ble genEJ:ral 00t~mtnils ccmoerning iouaa•u• • lit'$ include

Grar'• letter to Walpole, G~ay, -writing or IOUII$.4!101.~·· lein«tt'l 4M1ing

111-bb the injtust1ot of t!le State ot Ge:tta'Va 1n burning the !n~lt,...

oOl'loluded. that the bo1dc dcu~ 'burning•

llw~Jcleau'• letters l am :reading he.avi1y1 heanlrl he jue'bttiel bilattlt, 'bill hi •on'rinoel$ me, \bat< he deeel"ftd te be 'b'Ql9:a'; a.'b leae't18 ,hat hh book did• l a 11ot gO'b 'tlwo' him, ud rou ne"f'Qt w!.ll.··


A11:hough Boracu'l Walpolt •• mo:re f'oro$tul in hi• de:n.unoia'td.on ot

Jtou•••u the wat GH.y, h«J teo aJ~itio:tled rath• 'ft.g\uslr when he 111rote

,,. a..v14 !umft1 July 16" 1766• Perhape be l"Etmbered Rouqa-.u.1e f'eao'b1oa

''· tbe lpl.tef\11 lt~rber whloh he bad wrS:triJifl te ltouauscttau tn the 3'IIUIII$ ot

the ot Wutah .•

1 ; ;t1 t I Jtltd;,P; ... ti¥1

~~!•1 PP• &11•111

',;;. ,'

YGu are $-'b full lih11.1r'by1 4•a:r Sl:t, 'bo lt:u~k• t\II!J tlif '\llibat l 11.1 :t.a J'$tll" jus'bif:l.oa:b:l <m eli.lt1e:r i» ~ouueau :or E~ny-bQdy tllfh I · llh9uld be Vft'Y ae>rey ·'be have you b lamt4 11m my aoo ouut J I bA v-. · a h•lU''bf oatempt &t llOU.$11l$aU• ~ pilr:rjJ<rU;y i:nditfe:rent 'Wh.a'b tbt 11 ttfi!::ra'i o:t &ria 'hhink of h mAtte~.


Th~&n,. w.vt tb11 1e Gr1ty on felwuuw :ua, 178811 Wdpolt mwiolile<l

BGG\111ell 1 s t~ing ot llatUU'I.$J\\t• He itdlll ncmhing O·f hi• ·ow at·Iiitull••

hay ~e:et.d the no MOU'un't ot 0()X'Jah:a.,,..,..!h• ~ihow, Boawell.-1$ a IVU{&t 'beug. anfl1 like Oa:m'bcl.9idg4J;J ha111 a :r•ge of lm~ng -.n7 b4dy ~-t wa lt"tEEX' tmlk.efll a:r. le f~Gti hilaa$lt upon • 1111 ~is h\\ lpi te flf 3:'111 teeth and Yfi1 &eJrts, aX\d l: ••• has given a foolish a~c,grunt of all he. Qould pick up !'rem.. me ~bout King ~he&d.ort~ha He iihen took an AJltlpatby 'bo m• on. !ou~ta,n'tau1 J.~J aooount,. abuaecl me i!l 'bb.O :t't._,J.,Jel'"llb" alld ~'ted :iotUUI&'el.U tGG dO tt) 'boGt bu'b &I he ea:me to eee me no more,. I for-g&l.W s.ll the .reat, . I ''" h• it xtOW' a li11tlra Sf.~k of llloUi\UI*ill!l'l him!SIIlf'.t 'but l hope it 1dll J:Wt OVIf bill

ot ~'A W!lg&r to •• Ho~r, hit book 'Will :t Ml. sm-1 entef'tE!in Y•• i


!ol!l'ftll,~~ 'Who la.te:r admired and 'WI!U'lted 'illt Rcuutt~~au, 'When

wri'iling to William Joh:t!.$on Temple,. Jul;r a:s,, 1768,. praised the n~~tc>llid

aena.e and· v:tgorouM :relll.soning ot JoluUI<mu and •d.e light o:f' the soph!.a'ill'y'

ot ltw.ueau. eo The l'll$&ting of :ROUU1i!Ul\ll aM Bol!l•ll in S'Wi taerland

digh~ly more than e. year :tr~:m thllll tme ha$ already been m&ntionet:l:w

Ancrthe:r general :ref'e:r$11Ge which ia untavot"able h tound in

:eosRll' ilJ Lite of Johnson. ~~l.lll"fflJ,$

• mt1d .-1a1 at 'bhe M!.vt •• • Se.1:1u•4q the 1Hh ot ,,~,, •• l P'•••t• ilo bba rq ol4 .a.l -..11 lntiut• hld• tldt li'Wtf'tM It• faqle, •• ot 0Qib'14itt X 1a'r.tq. J~~tatl~ that 1 M4 PMfiJH :tOUtl tbw 1d.1$b 10\U\UI~ :la l'd.l wilt\ JttaW.-.t1 U't.Cl ha:'dU~ .-t.ct lOIN •4• by •• Wllkee11 w:lth ·e. I Mill e)lmit ~ pl•aantl hw.t.t ltt ltalr,. JobaGOJl .ta1.d (•ar~a•tlo&llr)~ '*J:t .... , llr,. )'0\1 ht.W apt 'ftt"t SM4 ~~ ..Wa4, ioulltiMU •• wtlltau•l._ !t~~ '* utt.t. ._at a~·~ l a·dt ..,.Jd.q; .,, to m:r gq fi'S.•ct• bu' .u~ltd 'Wltb a P~U.¥111 -., d:ear I&., ,. 40£\'' eall ll..aJeaw ~at\ ••~* »o ~ "';u.,- 'bW.u hSA • ~ -..1• JOIBSOit ttstr, It JQ" •• tti134q 3•et!.ql.J ot ~-~. :t b't! klk With. ~•u• XI'""~ w M eeriM 11 l tiu hbl -.. ot tNt et ma.a a r&~oal'WM wpt tso 1M ~-· '· · ._,. et ••tnr ._ hM •• ~ . twM • tow a111a aw •uellt4 hbl1 Md l'b b a.~~ that hct11 ptttlltO'bH !.a~~ co~~_.,._,l.

. (l~)

ib. rMel$1;talq .t2.•a• t:o ih• 11ft. Q4 ..-•u••U 1»7 ot Bwea•u

_.. ..tetmlt.ll' ~~.. 8ft ot tbta dK W'it'a~l• a:U.ulon• ••

....... •• .-..!~q thtt ~ ot e. at.wa,,, tbt -~ lkwl.t

,..._ *' uton ••••••• 1'P•au -. ad'.t.r ~ the Wta~la h'tl

~ ~s..-.. peiioul.U"ly ._, "'" W1lt:~~ to JN!• b!.-. ~ .uA

a-•••• ._... ... ,,_..!J' '"' M•• but '*' an. tu q_,•l ~-~­~ ith• ,_,.ion lim• •• IDNtlt o1"fll ••a bt ._,, ... Rou••*""'•

.._ .Ufllou1'9 •t obWtd.q a )IIIUlon tor a-1eea~.t a.Jld tb8

lapaidw.«e td leta.t,_u whea Geota• ttl 11-.lly ~- Ua ._ 4taeurur.a4

lx. 1. 1~ M nt. 11ait11 Julf lf• 111Gt

~up MnJ Ufflcrul 1Dl4Ut 1 ob'-1ntd a ,_,,., to~' lo\UIIIJM11• ~ applie•'t)S..c •• _.. wlth b!<l e••• .atJl ~41•• :t ..-lw ~ tlat all II MP2?1l·7 eapl$'bt41 ad ._. M :t1lM4 Oldy dra.w tflt tbl ~~· B$1 1!UUf\9ti)JII M;. ~t l M II l"•pe e.n4 a I"UOIIJ.t M4 M'N W.Sht h1a l.mao ,_. 114 ..-elr t• dbhou• htm. l ~ the 11•••• fit td:4all ottr~• 1~ua&ta IU'd *"• fa"ftrlport, t• c•1J1-.u. 'tdth •• be :u.vo•1 'ielll hlta that b• ~M~iJ •••••ar-il)r htllfy ••·

I 1l It f ;;I I I J 1/1''; 1r 1111 lllfl il 1 (I ill 111M!:'

fodq l *'"•l'ttd. a le'bil«<la- t.-a him, 'lhS.oh 1• pertett trtmar• lis 'Wlilld malce a· &<tod · tich"t•n""Jit:rmJ pe.m,phlt'bt an4 I ta.noy- lui tniiAda 'bo publish. 1 t. He there 'bellA -.. thAt d.t AlelllbH'tl.; HG:taoe Walpole, ali I" had, from 'bhe tlrail, enft.rttd. 1»to a. tomb!na.1:i1o:a to wta Jd.~&, and had fil!:aed h1llt,aa


lhat iha quarrel bUM. a. 'be 1J17 soo4 wbioh

ll«UIIe'f may .ba.Ye had 1a t.:a.<U.oatiiHl 'bJ a le'b'b~ wh:hh he V~~rote te


., -· lle.lf', iuly 1, 1'166• Per-hELp• lumt•a peat enthul!liauaa tor ltousaea.u

at the \Ject~U~~.AC. ot thellt aeCJufd.nte.noe tweeih«i.d.nred 1Jhe b1tter wmod>ty

Wh1o·h ft.Mlly de'Wlt»pe4., When he lila.141 19Atf only cionlfwt 11, tbJ.'b tl:W

mat\t:r 'Wiill be 10 ol~ •• aot to lea"M to fU11 mo~ttal 'bhe smallest»

fOIIU11l'b11iiJr .,t doubt,. • he •• ~C>balll;r thinking of the peMion

Yo,. wlll be aurprieett,. dtal' .n:u~tor1 'When I daaire you most ee.r•a.\ly U'91tr tn JO:uzt lttt to 6'1hDW 'be 8J'l1 mortal orea.'bure the 1.-tter!l l wrGte )*'QU with t'eprd tO. ltowuuta.u.. Ht 11 e~ely 1Jhe blun•t and u111~ atno'I.O\UI '1illdn, beyacl cuJilpa.-iaoa, 'thl:b nn .,u #l'b·t 1.n th& wor14, au. I am twarts.l;y!Am.e4 ot 1111 'thlac l tvtl" w:rott ln )d.a ta"ffoW~~• I k:nw ;rou will p:tty me 1'1h$n l •11 JOt.l. thaii X a afrf.dd l lll'U'b :publlth 'bhia to the 'W'erlil in l.l paphlet, \$lob. lllutt oentatn an aooo'I!Ult ot the 1bo1e tJ"anea.oticm b•t.•n u • .:My only comt~ it.,·· 'blw.t tne matte~' Will be ao oliU' alii l'101J 1o le~&:v. to azq ll\Orial the aalleat ponibil1ty ot doubt. You know how c!mp!"out u;y OO.UVQWrq on a diaplltable pol:nt '1'0\ 'b9 1Pii th " lllU1 ot bia 'talei;•• X :know not whel"e tbt mieoreant 'Wtll DOW Htlrt to, in .-4eJt 1» h14e hill head. from th!• Uf'fAl'llyt31


· 't1e .AAbua Wi$b l» a. lettw *ioh •• ·nwtJ dated., Hwao

agab meaidon..S. the aoocnmt tf 1llw q~al'trtl and hie ••r••pact•no• 1tl 1m

12 awa.,. s• .!!i•• P• .s41.

~- ~-- PP• 144-341.

lCJu M7 ·••• bt -.. f!tA.l*tlbe~t•c -~~~ the wbQle narl!'e.tive ot Jlif afta~r 1fith lllotUUllhu, .a.l<m.c With the wb&le trdn ot Oor'l!'eiPGMClal~ Pr•1~ 11 iii DO'b a DifH pr:•'bl•• 'VdlothtJ> h._ be ni!Wb an. u-rant 'Vllla1n. o~ m vrMt -~;. o).'l 'bo'ilh. b l&at il 'lltl! op1attm1 'bllt .. tho "v,lllain seem~ to me t.o'b• n&ost

. lr.t his oha:re.ottN 3~ ·

On April 11, 11G7, af'ber Ro~aueau bad lett tlw b_. of Mrr.


JJa"nnltApo:rt., Rw <mo~J u:re mt21'1d.oned the beliet of ltous•utau ~t HuM

had &t\empte<l tQ ~\lin him a:nd .XJII'fUGd tlo•t •I.e 'be ROUIIUI!It.Uf I ~ V•

You 'lJI&IY; peri\9-P.,~ have he~a. tat lou•eeau hat eloped tr• ~'~'• l!a,..po)ll''b Witho\th as:nng ·IA'IJ'3' •miq.s lM"ri.n~; -.11 hS.e 'H,gg•gt &2¢ctpt lladeoietllt,. about 'bhir~ p~dlll 1n De.v.nport•• h•4•" lltd a. lettqo on tlW te.'ble • abutdll.C him ~n the moat . villllent Wl"ln.., ln•ir~uating tl:w:b he •• :lll a o-.plrur wi:bh t~te t• J"ubl. hlll•u •* 1• pl.ll\i:nly WA.41 though l belte,.. not =.ore tbful he ue betn all hi• ltte.35 ·

. (1767) ' '

r· 0.. Oo~eber 81 1'16'1~ t.'bO\l'b lis aatlua afte_. 1\tuu-.u bad left . 'f ~ ' . ' " J '

liba&lUI4.1 :ll;lM tilhllll!e4 ilt a le:ttsttr 'be A.d.aa Smith hit flicll'b• lilt al•o

a.ti:u••pttt 'bQ tllla.l7•• bl.a ewaofier. ltuae ~1e'llel:y •luul.cfl'd. b11

a"liNM h'• tblt. onSS.:u.l tawre.hle· i.e, tor he •• at thi• tiJH .,.

ent1~•17 uat~lment~.

Thwt • rau: ·••• he 11 a o•pod tia. tt wh!.ra, -.tt4t0ta'bt oa, no ked.• •••• 101._,, and 1nqu1ett.a4t, with • "ff!!!'IJ ._11 ·lt &lW i•poft!t~t,n'lll of •®•••••ullt •• tbf4 in l!hgl.a.llda where h• ••" perllilOUted. l'ltli' oareue4; $nd 'Where, he •• •cmoible, he had tlCPGt~e4 hb\eelt~t He teatl:nJdJI 1her~&t<Wt~t, to leaw its aq.d having no pretexw•, ht 11 o'bU. ged. to ooawt w all 'h•,u• abaUI'41 ties,

· whioh ht h5.mae1t:~~ ox-f;rf',:ve.gan'b q he 11, "''"" no er•41t to. At leut, tl\i.a '-• 'blw .-ly kef X •an 4mae to hif oba.H.etv, The ruU.JJg qua11t1•• abeve.,lUI».tlqt4, tosetner With tn.araid:trude,

l4: Jl?l<!•• PP• 1141J•349t

II . ,au.,. P• aee,


tef'oai111y, and l;yin;.••:t ne.ed no~ m~io:n tloquenoe and Ul.VW11111on,• ... torm the •ole ot the oompoai t1on.36

. . .· . ' . ·. (1767) . . .

lt,..n itiough ~wrote tnUOh l.'bw'b ·thilll quarrel w11ih :10\Uuuna.u.

Boawll,. who ~ote 1••••· lilt •uppou4 to ha,. had. is.roubl.e wl'bh him alto. . • ' ' • i •

On Ft'bruaey 1. 1767-. he 'bold \he Rewr•nd. wtll:t.IUI\ Tetaple abotrb a quurel

whwh he ha4 had Wi.._ !eu.•uteau the pMo• ~ew, •».tlotns allfct

lllwut' a W®ble•• l!'bly it the d.lrtioulties of :&..,.11 IUld l•uaeee.u

wre as aeriolla as. \ht!utv ot flwne ud Roua•eau, :Bo,..ll at leaat wrote . . .

les• •bout them and •• not 10 • peoitlo aa -.. Hume. Nner wre hi1

com.m•tt• .,..., d•.finite_.

.&."rid •~·~ -,ou know, :t• c•• buk tso be a :mtn1atler ot atate, be1ne; appolnitetl ••oretar;r i#o :Mr. Oo~. X ta:n.oy he will ~tD.r•t.._ llJ:'Imor•w.- •. ah qi:W"U1 wi~ lt:weseau !a a l:tteraey tJ>e.a:t•oo;mt47•H• You aust know Rw•aee.u qua'relled. 'td:bh M;~~ too,. ut "wr-6W _. eumm~:~~r a. peevt.ab letitv wl 'bh •~ene: marka .r tre:n~y !n it• 1J'o:.t" he l'laf ntftJ:t yet told m• the oaute of 1111. . "'? ot:t"•tt.••• As :you w111 obae~ft. ·how dtttct:rtnt it our fst!adahi~;iw~


.Ao,o_.d!q to the a.llU$1ou which aw Mcm o~ted, Moat opUllou

oo••rniac_ the 11ft and perst>ull 'by ot Rou.•••~ wre unt'a..,..e.ble.

Bo~Wll mel Buta•# .•bo admired. h:llll at tlt'~t\1 ohangG~4 their attitudes

1f'hen thty reall~ kn.~ bilrut ·The tll.rtt ev14••• ot a detini'bel7 w:Lt'e.'V'Ol'able

ree.ciJion is touud in a ltttlt%' ot lit:lnW to n:t. ilalr-~ Jul,-1, 17se. IGa•

'm!tll1 lJtOt'fl thrUl 11X m•ths late;, JlleJdJlont4 & qUUT1111 wi'bb. iOUIUIJ$1U :in

'\iht atultme1" ot 1186. Mo111t of 'bhll t.11uliont, both to.vorable a.n4 unfavor-able,


fft$1" 001'11111.$1.111 liiOlt.O&t'Jld:Jill the 'W&isS.mgt ot lo\UUIIMU a411e:m. 'bG

han betn q.dt al~ho•p •••ral 41ti:d/t• tJ'1\to11lU ftre t••• Ju.dg• ,

1q 1IJ7 th• ~:~.lPilbcr~ ancl 'bhll kln4 Q/ allullio».t to lt>W!ttau•' life and to

hil' w.rtid,JJg•• • wcm.4er wb.ether peopl& 1:n m.g~u cl'Vtq WI JH!t'lo4

wrt :M1s :ra•r• S.nttl'i\Uf'hd in BouliJIIJeauta persewi'¥ than. in bit wt.tJl:ng••

Rowtt•u'• wrtt;tnlt .,,., ot ·lrft tri•lpal tn••• the trrtlell4JG'bual

el' "*•••tid.o:al u.tll the parely U'tMrary, X1t 'tlht tntu~ll*''tlMl •

~heo1·11Ji$al .;reup ,.,.~the 1lwt1 .!Jaoout!• }:! J2!a;tta.11 '"W• and !!&&:!­

Although~~ Jl&~ doe• m&ve a literar, el..._t, !11 11 prt~~t'y !f!!. £cat~!l•~liil Md!!, ~oml,lF 71~~~!•• fU'e the ·-.l.J

mti-· f/1~ ll0\11118.~ 'Whlah f.l"G pur111 liti:PU'y ill t1bHIIh

Alt.houp Le111 q•~•••tt::t•• <the story of louaeeau•a 11h tie i!hfl ·

tiM he ~t W •11--.- 1M.III t«Gt pulJ:U.IhK tm'iil 1Y81•1'1SSt 38


Jla4.a •• •let refe••• ta .1\• Be llacl t.S.tlctl7 ee.n tbll oris:bla.l

aillilall"iP1ht Tbt ,..._ i!IO,~f! 'ftl"' ~blllhe4 in 1760 .mil 1 ?55, ,!!.

lfouMl.le Rtlolar• l.n 17$1, !!, 0DtlrA1J -~~~ ~ !!41.• llll. 1 f(ll,

lttUIIata\l•t r>t•owl"• !~! !!!!. toism.u,!!!!! .!£.i!, p~l!JU..Ihed. 122.

17&01 ••· • •••eq on the ttteot ot tlw pror;reaa of c1'filiaatS.on e

aeX"&ll.. lous:eau, !n tM.I el!laq,'\lleA the •upfllr14>l"ity ot lite 1a

a p.rimltive a'ttt.'bth H:bl ••otm.d euay. 1?1!~"~! .l:!l.l*,q;t&A;t, .!i.l.u.

.t•n~•••t! Jtl'A~tali~- 21!!!!1U he~.·· •tr•••.S 'tiM iuqua.ltv


ot ••• .R~aate.u 'be11ewd 'that cml;y • &11'.1.114"8l w.prbin; would f!Wk1d

!.xtetuali'br• OonoeJ? the • .SI!S!II, .. l.U'b•• edct, "!he powea"~ and. •·t. tlda Pl·•om.!,. ia ilpl'bt ot !.t1 ~ :td.~t·hkea, wuta its tigt.We

ttle;q At !&;fat !~!f.!.l 5.n ·thl ~OflllSMI.U. •t the ~1u'IJ!.c., .SS

1'h• '~O,!;'b!i"1 .~.&~:L. ta a 'brfl1lll.the one;o"tenmem'b, IQ'ld tst. .~~11 !.111 a

'bteatl•• a 16loatto:n.. !he g-.eral undvl.11mc!noifl,' ot the !11!,_

l1 ~'b "~iq h goo4 a.a it •••• hom ttw blmd!il ot thl!l Authoa- ot

Nat111Hlil but ~l?bJdag l!GI$4UUR"atee in ·'bl:Jt bu.u of maa." .!t., ;Mg..,.lle

~~lf?l••lf e. plone•r r~tbr JU.J'Nl !n lett•• :ttra1 la&d tft. ~~~••­

R!Oh&f'4.tHim.•t Ol!r&•l! !!!~.~· Uld th• per•onal actva•••· et lou.•••u• 40

~ MgUtl,le !$to&!• ~.ot11'e.4 thr•• ot th.- cpt ori'tlhi~ 4ur'11;1C

iJhl.t J)tr4H.,. and Jdl4S~!Ut~OJJ.tll, :rett1W4· Ol'1e• . ~~ Ht•re*!ea •• 'bo

•• l.!l~t• •• ia to 'th• e,~eoed .E:&!••E•• ua cmt liJ a e;tllftroal r•tereno1

'91hloh ~-- ~tntr. 'n•· J)lr'bi.eul~ wrl:b~ng.

Ot two· gUtt'$1. alltt•ia.,. oae,. Glbbe.t' Hl-.rfllllii• W ,1;~11 i.t!JJ•ae&gu, 11 tav~able in • ,:ra.-r. bdlreot W.:V• All Gibbon a~a!cl

ill the, A!!!biGir.a& ._.,. •fl'rhe oout•s•1oat ot it; AutUn ud. !m .. un1eau I'

d1110loe• the a.rttlt ot - h'W!IIm heart.•41 ,.Bit• Auati•" •• st. Augu••

t:tae, a 1-•r•at:l.le awl t.mportan:b •~l;y Oh~ch hther 'llho diM in 4IO~t

ao The Qnl~ or1'bltltm 'Whioh ._...._ a.p~~nuatcru• a .defin:t:btly tavorable

v:t.r~point.l• .'\ihat whioh Hw. W\dt vm.n 'Wl"itina; te Dt. JllA!:t. ~oh 15,

l?f$6, ."is,nee. hrt o<mli.ttt"cil ~ N;9J!!.P! g1c(~~ Rtu.iutau•a rnaaterPi••••

h• thoupt aous.seau foolish tw lUd.:ng bi!lrbter !4 .O.!\!£!t aooi&l. 41

Oft.'1, .ttblg tlo Welp$1e in, l760, a:r1ticiatd ~ta'lfO~rably

llG~uuJ\tl.'l:t*t oharu'btl"l ud •tyle 'Wtthou'k untloa!Ulg a SJEtcifie oh:e.X-aeter

•Ql'* 11 terary prOiiluot.

-ftlflttau'• peopl• 4o ».ot lntere•t me1 'thtre 111 'bu' one eharuter e.wi ~. t'byl• S.n th-. 11111, I do nth ,... tb.•d.r facet -.aunde:r. l ~:n u esttem t~ ~helP,.,,.., • •...ttMt11 !Uil Mt 110Qehefl wlth ~1r Jllll'.iflli1ontJ and. a.s to their stG171 ! do nE)'b bell"" a 11'01"4 ot i'••JJ.I)il bcH~aua• 1 'b 11 1m~obable, but bHe.\ule 1 t il abturtl•"'-iJ


OAt utaYorabl• orltiid.a ot.!;!. lfo,~ll~ ~16!~ iu lao~Rll'•• 'the novel,. ·~ saicl• "I doAt-ts deJ!¥1 S!Jt; bttt thl.'b h:ta n0vel

-r 1 perba)l, ·rio harm .a 'b\til :t oamtofs . til.lnk tbl9. 11 h.b ia'bcrl:li «t •s 'Md.. ""

B918Wll- ln.GH than t'bh• JnsUCth writers, e.'btempted. ••uai!'l& if~ Mt101111

ot lt\ta.4fGIU,._. (1186)

l!'ruaoee iuraq, ra~ord! in hw ll!tt e Maroh ao., 1774, ..

oonYer~ea.t:ta 'be•e.a a •• Mae, hAtr ta'bh~, au hlllrselt, eh~ . , . . . I

Dlt• !tu-••:r' • dMidedl.y t.mfaTGrabl~t reaetio1t 'bo!:!. .~ou.v•P! R!!d!,•~· The

id.ea tba'b tb.fP nov.l m.~cht harm ap ... NIBI.table r•adera •• .tllltlar 'fso


to ltt~Wll1 111 b$,

. :u:s.:..,. you read Mi1111 A.t•:t:'A't Poema? I>tt. bn-r .. 'bho1 h~ .'be-. ~h l.dlnlrtli• nusrt iS tmt pta J.n 'bhGJ Qome Mr.f. !f:op~ ~ that · dtlilori bet the a;yapt-. <»t lew., wld.'0'1i"'til~e · . · lu!is I meet 'Vri.'bh have ~:r heart::. H&'\1$ not .zatlt J~a1am1'•• "'le? Jo• ·ss..r.• · · · · . . · ,

"Bu'tl, Dr, . !urru•J...t. of all . the bookl upon ilh:\1 a\Wjeo'i,. ru:me wae .,...IV ll!q"«l to lltWtlllea.u• il ll.DA:. •f!Y .• l · what iee:lllllg' 'Wha'f$ · ·. ·· lan-&•i 'lli'hlt t:trel hfl.,._ you~i'b, •'am?" "lo0 Sir'."' .. o, 1 t• a a · 'book tltat is m,l,!O•• "A.:J.a 1 'tl ¢lUgh1f to be a?;Mep" aa1d. rq ta.ther 11 V#!lr.•y grawly •.

lfr. f'lld.•·• ~ro•iTed thAt ht •• [no'llt1 anpoy, and with ~at ••a•:rneaut be r•plled. "'Why. :t aaaure 7ou I p-n i'b to TlfV date:r, who is but 1111enmteen- and jlJat [!i.Oing tto be mfl\t'rid.. n ttwell, • t"filtUf'ned. rq fm:b:b$r,. "I hope aha rtad i#he !reta.ce, and '!Jbln :f'1\:U1f& i~ away.'' . "Jo., u~~n tn3 honour 1 aho~t~ :r&ad the l?retaoe :tirst., e;nd the the book;..". e


Ia wl~ ll et the b\f'tr~~ ieMll P.v.t ~ .. .t~~~.oa"e lde.&a ot

R~•••e.~•• prl\l!talth'ft l.:Lt• ibiHJJ"' )Jr ql«mea-.ut • ireatise on 1i~· . ·

iMqU$<lt'Q' f}.f) ~nd1 -. he ••'b liou$,MU* I t'OCJilUltl ~~(j)Q\!£lil.t

. llouEJ.t·•U'RI 'U'oatiM a ttw·!~li~ ot ~ntl 'Wall a'b ti14 time a fal!lhiol'.lfll.ble 1iop1ok. I'b gaw nae 'be a)l1 o~ter"VatS.on by l'rj; hro.;pn•"• th.a~ the ad:vante.g11 ot tel"~ Uld ~ w,-e .notb~ i;o a 1'1141 l!UU&.- Who cntsht to 't'llWI alr urtt:. JOHISOJb "It man am -. ••"-e•• 11~ In b ,. ••• by bs.tu~t. thil mip't. be tne 1 'buil in d'rtlitad 1Ge1e'b7 w all do pend upon eaoh •her" and .. ha;,pi)tJ.t.fS 1111 "fGpt 111\iOh. Mlll te 'f.llw· 8004 Opbion fit mal3l¢:n4• 10w# SS.:r:~ ln d'ril!l..sed. •o~d.~at1, $tbernal. ad.ftn:bas•• ~· wt more ~•·GP!IIO'b:t4 •• ul4crtlleY.t 1»'1» 'he •••• ot U;1elf·S.s &t 1\0 ua·tJ ter J.t• Ol!lly \UHt it to p~'b with i t• lousfeau, and all thote ~deal in 1*- PM~••·• 184 -.~ 'bJ a ·ellild!ah desire ot novol'bft

. . (1761)

llfltautll1t :Roue •:eau in ~P~~ had 19R:1'ltcl 'flht u•• ot•a a-1

'beaoht»g 44!J'rit~tl, Gl.bba made 'bhe te11mag untaTOrable oammtntla

415 7:9\rrwr.o !!.• ott., pp .• 299•100.

4$ 1:\le.,..ll,. L!te.!! !Steil wl. I,. PP• 139-&Q,



fht Ul~t ot £e.'b1ea or apologuea ha.• bttn apprcwd 1n .,..ey ap tl'om. ano1en'b India. 'bo lnodern bo,e. ~ Qanvey in familiar ~~~~ 'bhe 'ra'b ot :m.~aU'b;r lnd p-u4e:noc;J and 'bu m~st ohildiah uathtr~~Jta:ndi:ng (I adwrt to tht ~~to:rupl"• of lotu1oeau) wtll not 1uppae titbiiP)Il tha'b bM.a'bs l! lp$1\kt cw that m.,_ maz bt. 47

~at the ~le had dtserve« burning~~ Gray•• opinion after

h4» ba.d ~ta4 · lou#till!.iiJ&\lta 1e1rbe:ra f}f prQ1uurt rep.~ding 'the a.otio:n of the

S.Vha iOWnut1en'fl,,.48 · Hie$llt11 although unte.\tore.blt like GtbbG' ••

•• .,., apeoiti<h

0 OWot t1SI O'B$

That lnm1,11hm.en trom 1760 to 1718 •re apparently more intarea'bed

Ua loua••e.u•a lite tlllct per1onali1sy 'bhanin hil m:wi1d.ngt 11 lnd.ioated by

the nUl'llb• •t .-ete:renoe• tu~t Moh pha•• of 'tlhe IIUbjut. In oontraat to

•n.• elgh'tl allutiona 'bo thE~ Wll'1tlne;•• w. tin<! 'bwntY'"'one alludone tlo hill

l!te ancl• ~ ... two la.gllfb.aen,.. Mumt and. hdewell, boish

ot whoa mrllent:ly lclad hlur. wll, wrt mo:ro oqoerntcl with hiA!I li.te and

pera111aa:U.ty than ft:r9 o1:ih4!11r lna;ll$hnltn1• •• isht 4ata $t<mre4 tncU.oa'bea.

Jeltdll and Hu:me ~tton.a hlll life ••,_ and tight twa, :reu•peotiwly.

Walpc>le •p<Jke at ine14tllta ln hta lite twlo•, fUld, Oibbon•

~ar. en4 ,......_,, JvD'7 e<Jt: euht

A.ttJ• Julyl, 1766; liiUJI b~ d:ae lfJ.Oll'bbl ~- the· 'b:lln.ll IOUGJIIMU

oat te ~glantt, IUlQ8 xoaclt u h"'I''ra'blt tommente aboU'b h!.m.. Do.,.:t1,

ta ll'tbl'\lar)l', 1?6711 mCit».1d.eJ!la4 ilht faot that ho 'boo hl.d qU&.I'rel.G~Jt:l With

41 CU.bbOlil., .et,. !!1•, P• 17 •

48 Oray • .!£• ei 'b • 1 P• filth

~' . tt:.


!ouue,_u du.t1n; tht Jrl~t41ng Sl..\ttlma~~ 'th.e.t !um.$ a.n<i Boswll O~loned

Rouu.tau '-t tlrltb ancf then qtAarreled ·~ather aud.del'lly ~- htm ill·-.

bt:tJete•tlne; -.nd. :r•~hapl an imporie.nt' po~Ja'tl•· The :Pent!~· ditttoui t1 and

l&ueaea.uta. quaf'l"t11411tlA diapcud.Mon •••· to b4l'ft led, t:lr•t te :me.rk~

~trien.,.ine•• an~ 'bhc to O$lllp~ete. ~~~~ins: of t:riendly relatlrme•

KWU~ and ~o,..ll, wh~. reterred ta.voFably. to !ou1seau~ • life · N1d

p"Grtona.11i$y ttve. 'bt:mea, '\l'll:re the only wr:t'be:rs ot the pe)."'iod whe sde

o~liotlng ~~nts about hit lttt and personal1t.y1 fa~rabl• at one

tiime utd wawr•ble later on. 1'Mt oth!!!r l#ovrru!mtatora took only- a

gentral intnal'lest . 1n ltouueau' s U tt seem~~ te a how the tel ati vely I light

GtlmQOMl o£ lnslidiiiDnEm.t

Tht. ~tlp'b refelrcm.eea to lou.IUiltaa~• .-!tinge ..,., imoa~a 9t Bol!I'W$11,.

~. Jurnq, CJray • rAnd Gibbon. lo~Wll, Gibbon• and Gm;r eaoh alluded

to h18 'WX'ltlinga twS..-~.. !4 lgJ:J!l~~•. !\t!o'l!~. rtcnli! 'fed tbret ori t!.~1sma 1 1nnl> et 1!#h1.oh aJ"e tmfa'VO:rable. Ino1dentatlr. Hwnt!P • l"et'~reue to the

nonl ia tht only •u~ecd.tie hwra'blt otltict• of uty at the Wl"i'blngi!IO:

l«os'b 1/Jt the \U\fa'fC>r~oble allua1®$ to 'tih.flt vlti.nge are •t a aptK~it!o

o.r1:tsi4'1411Ui ~;t' b.1a life.. '.rh• oa11 h:vot'a'bl• ori.tlci• of hit "'llllritlag~t

OOl'MUtrn• lfliQJ:,~llt ~l•ls•,• All e:r the qphatioall:r tavorabl-. a.llusion~

te> hi1 litt anct to hia wr1'blnsa arot 'bhou of Bo1wll and ~.

ot the 'lrvN~:nint alludona to h:t111 lite and w:n 'blnga..'been

are thoat ot :aotnll and Ht:llnfl• Obht:r 'W'J:"ltera 1llho l"et•red to his lite


w ~.t~ge 0nlw one• or twioe are Wdt>ol•.- Goldmtifu, Gibbon~ ~e.y•

a13d Fra.noltla :SU!A'ni!W• !hat EngUahmttA ·in gener&\l wre ra'bher indi tfeJttn'b

1ilo ll\o~aeau 'dUil'ing .thia prtriod and. that their prblO:lpal 1nter~tst ••

in hi a llte .M.tld pera•nal! 'by 1111 lndltoate4 by .the. Utn! ted da-ta ge:bhered ' ' I ' ' '


ln the 11 ter-.ture of the p$r1od 17'18 ilo 1800 m rtaot:tc>ns <:Jt

~1ish 'Wti:t.ert tO'ftrd RotuuJe&u are notiotable. First, ve:~;ty ff!tW

wri. tft" t bt El'lgland men'timtad ROttueau to works exW.ned by

the ln'VIiati.gator, md 1111 m"i terfl 'W'ha did not igtt1o:re him <uJ~mm.elltM!

ufa.v0rabl7 abQUt his lite and hh pert~onali ty. Moreo"!M:r1 ~11;r 11me

X!'ete:reltllOt; bo hill· w:ttinga ia at all oonwE~ndAto:ry;~~ and ~'VEin it is vtey

gtmeral. in :DAture• The three vr.r1t1lllge to JJb.ioh alluaio!4 'Wire found

ar• the cUe.loguoa,. ~o1\S!~~\l. ~ cJ:afl\ln.'"'JIIlS,U$,~1 Lea J!onftl!,io:qe,r JU\Il

&a lfsa"',·ll! Ji+.oi!.t·• Apps.rently 'Wl'itera ftt$ net pa:rtioularly

1ntex-ested in th& .PJ.s,eou:«:~· ~Pt?.* e.nd .k! Oontra.t s.~ia~, Rotuutlilteu~' s

philosoph1oel lU'ld pol1tioa.l wrHiS . .nga.

Xn th• pe%-iod ! :to1lowtng loufuJ•e.u1 a death,. Edw.w.d

Bu.rk$ .Nld Hard• W.l;pol$ eo.n:t~ted 'tbemeo.lves ~imarily with poinilbig

out outstmdin& persoali 'by tre.l ts, 'll'8.'tU ty and ~~Juapiaion,. illlll te;~~~.d, of

r~ao1n1. at le:ng1lh ~'bout 1no1dma in lli 1 lifft:t Inoid4tmtl\lly1 tMse

tm wr1t .. :rl, who Rrt~ epeoit:Lo in thtil" orit1ol~.t a.ppe$JO to lw.w be•n

thllt only wr:l ter$ ot tlv& p~triod :tntere•t•d mough tu Rousr~~~t-.u to 411U'ttuu•

hit 1lte and per•onalitr,

B~~~ li~ H~, stated emphat1.all7 hie oplniQn~ at Rou11eau

al thouP,41. Wll:tlol 1Ul'll411_. he wa alRYI Ul!l4CIWI.pllme11te.eyw 'len ot the


teventetn a.lludou la th1e chapter ~re either tt«n BUl"ke • s letter a

or :ttom. hh pamphllfb, ~e:f'leot1ona on the Revolt1'h1on in Franoe, 11 Sino•

be otilen expressed in the $Wile work hie S.deaa oonoern:t:ng both Rouueau•,s

lite and his wr:l'bingl• material trOD\ the •am• writing has, therefore,

been aepu•ated and. p.laoed 1». the proper d1T1dont ot this oha.pttr•

Writing to a member ot the French Natlo~ A•aembly, Burke ltouaaeau• a 'ddt to England. and deaoribed him as the "great . . .

pro:teuor and founder or. the school o£ 'VI.lrl. ty," Vanity he

Rotadeau'• prinoipd ~har.acteristic • . ,

We have had 'bhe ~eat professor and founder ot the philosophy ot W~ai 'by in.· Enslan<t. At 1· bad good opporinmi t1e• ot knOwing hilt· prooe•dingt a.llnoat trom day to day, he lett no doubt 011 my mtnd. tha.t he e:n'bertained tto pr:Lno:lple eitMr to hi• heu-t or gt.d.d"t hit understanding, but Tanity. With thi! via$ he •• poa1eued 'bo a. d:egrl!le littl• short ot nadnu••

' (~ 791)

19!!••-.u .tlY!. J-..n .. ~.!egu.•!• added to vanl.t)r,. 'bhe ottc .mct1onad

by Burke,. IU.Ipioionil Xr~. die ounins Rousseau• a idea tbAt everyone ·'

plcrbted ap1nat ha• he eaidt '

le e.•~utriuJ that 'bh.ere 11 a U!liveraal plot agai:nat him1 oompoaed ot 'the flo!C>J!l:l••~ ol. &»Q'I hit own triencle and eft:r;ybody else, hta.d.ed . the French 4JM'fttnmont, and. 1rupported at gre~:b e:x:pense• e.nd that the whole -world 11 eworn to keep a protwnd. enret f'rtom him all tha.11 ie said as;atnl'b him, thou(ih 1>1 acnebod.;rtlll perju,ry hi knows .~ t all J ud moreonr the plot b proved by

2 IJI1I ot the inti tn••

l.ooutor• ot 'bhe J!!lge;u-t allowing 1 t to be true. . ' . . " (1780)

l ldlnuud JwoltiJ, W~:Q (tondoru John a. lU.mmo, 1899), vol,. IV, P• ae.

a HQraoe Walpole, Lettere (Paget T~ee, editor, Olarendcm JTeu, 1903•1905,,' voi. Xl, PP• 161•182.,

,. f. f.·

Si:11oe Burlca did n:n li- Rou,aeau, his oondemnt.tion of h5Jrl :f'Ol"

dia~ing lod.a 'tl,... ·ohildre ia nn •urpr1dng .. · Vaiilly he 'bhougb:b a

logioal tltp'la.:mati on tor lous ttau• 1 'lltluaua.l 'beha11 tW'• lfhie reterenoct

11 a good example ot •tten'tliGn 'tlo a apeoifio inoident in Rousseau's life.

He melta 'With tende:rneu tor. those only 'Who touoh h1m by- the remotu'b to elation.~ a net then, wl.'tlheut OJ:le .natural;, oe.a'ta away • as a eort ot otfa.l !~And exoramen'b, the spa.'II'M. .of hS.a diagusttul. UJ.ourt, and ttmd8 h1a ohilbu to the hoipital ot tGU».dli:nga. !he 'bear lovtt1 1 iok•• and torm1 her youngJ but bears are no'ti phtloaophetSt Vantt;y, boweftr, tlnde 5.'1:!11 e.ocount in re"Verai~ the 'brain of our mtural teeUnc;•• thoutuu1da admire the #Eillti• · men't!c\1 Wl'1 tGJOJ tbe at:f'eoiliona:be father i 1 hardly knO'\'m. in hill parhh,a ·


Tha'b liousaeau -.a ottrely laoM:as bt re.t:ln.ement BuX'-ke btlS..wd •

.!!. l'ouve!l4! l!'~t'&lll1t, h• 'or~.eidencl a good example ·or hb c:r~d1'b)rt

iouateau,. a "Wl"i'titzt ot great toroe and 'VivadtJ, t• totally deati\u"be of ta•t• t.:n. U.'3' •ente ot the 'W'Ord• tour ma•tera~' wh.o ue hi a lilohola.r•, oonoeive that all tetinaE~nt bas .an ar1 stocrati o Qha:raoter. The la age hal exhaus-ted all itt~ p.-.r• in gi~ a ud. ••• to ~:r rm.t\\.l'al appetite•• and in raising them tnt~ a higher olatlll and order 'bM.ll llhtemed juetl;v 'bo belms to imtm• Tbrougb ltouaaeau• your maetera art resolved to destro;y11htae phj~diO.ttilt · IJ,'he p&&lli<m oalled love has to g.nu11:ral and pO'M:rt\tl an l.Xltlutmoe., iii makes GG liuoh or the enterte.iment, and indeed ao much ;he oooupa1d,on, ot ilha'b pw'b ot 111'• Whtoh deo14el tl!;e oh.uaoter :toJ:"tftr, tb&.t the nt.Ode and pril'lOlplea on wbieh i'tl ~~mgacet the eympa'bhf and lt.riket the S..g1:md,tion b•eO'IJI.t Of 'bhe Utmoet 1iJ1porimot to ilbe J4Gtoab and.. ann&rl!l of !ltfery 800iti:J• four· rulers wre well a•te Gt thiSJ &ni in ifu.ei:r ayatem. ot ohangi».g ;your ~n:: to acroonwodate them. t• ;yout poll 'b1oti., they· teund n~hing so· CJOXlT$nient •• P.ousseau. !hroup him they t•uh men to lofi ai"ber 'bhe te.shion ot pbiloaophersa thai» &.s they 'lt• to lll.$Jl• to Fte:t!Ohnum, a love w5.'bhout gallantry,••& love without anything ot t'hat tine :t'lower of' ;youthtu.lnes• and gentUi 'lty which pla.oet 1 il, it not among the "V1rttllel• uumg the ornM~.htl ot,

:tnei.tea4 ot tblt P~olllion., ua:turall;y a,l.Ue4 to graoe ud ~era, they intu•a into the:t.:r youth an oldtashioned, :lndtUoe:tle, aour. &~lo~, ter"t(!)U• mtdlq of pt4a:n~ ud lltWdneu, ..... ot m•'ba'"' phyd.od rapeeulatlona blended with the aoarl!leat n:nsualtty,

·. $u:oh i.e· the &Mtrl!l.l mcwall'b)t o:t the J'llltltl<>l11 to be found 1n their tam .. ou~t pld.lGUJo.·· phe. 'I!! 1 .. Ji hi8 tamoua work ot phUoaoph1o pllal!l~; the lf . .,•e:&l! !+oy •• 4 · ·


fue• ot tke a~lu:al~J~a i#o the llte ad the per•o•Ut~ CJt

:Roua aeau are Jw:ok•'·•• 0!\e 1• 'W~pole' 11v. Both Wl"'s 'lllrelre adver·•• ori1d.o••

lie t!nd• 1Jhen1 that the reteruou to ineid.enta ia Roua11eau•e .

llte ocmoern hie 'V1•1t 1110 ~4, hh beliet that people plot'tie4

aaalut hl:m, and the IP\ll'Jliq ot hil fiw $h11dr•• Hil \Wdellirabl•

p~u~·•o•UtJ;y tra:ttrt· ... e4 ulil diaoune<l art vanity and ISUtp1o1on~ I ' •" •'" '

A :tew all1.111~.m.• to tlw wrifdnc• o.t ~<>u•••au are lit.Ol"& -vqu.e thm

wre .alluai<.mt 'fi.o hl!l 1!.:f'e IU14 p•sf¥ Most of 'bht general oomments

partab to 'bh.e,. ttyl• an4 dooV'1:nta ot h1• Mt5lt1nge,

The :wr1t1nga 1bl.oh .- • mentioned llptdttoally are Rouueau

I J.w. .i!ti....Jt99U!!I ,Le1 ~Ci)!\£!&f1!QI• li\ltd 1:!, Wou.vtlle .lJ~~fils!t };~t

Oont~u•~!<m~ ia retw-,e4 to 'bwilt &lld llou.••,eau ~ .:[~ .. JMg,ue's fW.d

1!, No!!Dlle, :tti~Q~~~. l!m4t each.

4 Burke, !1?.• o~;b· • PP·• 30•31.

' $hake~~tpeare, lloU,el'e1 J"Ueeua, Pope~ Vol'bab•4.11 md Milton.- should be

oou ld!Ue$. · faV()J~&'bl'e, :la :twnci l:n Bolc!"oft t a · Msoira •

lt-elVH A le'bt~t• tra ·my. fat:~r, flilanned, IIU,PPOitd hi:m qt•c• Went 1~1a:belv te i!ak• ooaoh• Se11 e~ on tbt 151m, 1• 'bhe lfanehtUite.r C~m.meroial Coaoh f<ll! !asUngtlo~•-.. ~~ Quake~ taken up at 111noklltt, bu'& tOtu• and twnty1 OOJI.Oelved ld~lalelf a w1 t, ru.d.e 'bo .rheUl'I.I$.1Jio old wornanu •• Quaker Us ten• te learned dl;cowee oa Shakl•lHI*r•, loliere, Do:l$Mu, Pope, i3tette'b,. lt:n.ltseau, \f0l't1ai.ttt1 Milton, in•••


Burkt1 Who d1slike4 llowueau 5.:ntenael3'1 o:r1'b1oi&id hh revolu•

tlionaty dootr1nee •tr>eoially. In ·1791, Wdpol1' 11 1n a letter to Min

MQ7 le~y, l'llttl'l'f;1c:med .BUrk•'• pll'!lphlet &.ga1nst 'bh!!» French Revolut!.o:n •

._!is in,.aU"''I'e agauert Rota8JUtau ie -.dln1rablfl, juet, IIUld nft', ••6 \Val

Walpele • t tel!" a !Ill culmllnent.

In the paphlet, .... lleo'tio:ne a the :R•nl.u.tion in J'Fanoe,."

:Ihrke du~.d Jou.uea.u.•a rovelutionaey doBtrinea and oommended

~;lbhmen fO't' avoiab1.g ra.dioal teuhinga .• ·

~~ 'bo our sullen reds'ba.rtce to :tnnow.'bi on,. ·thanks to the cold llu;gttwn or our natit>nal ebaruter, we still bear the atamp ot Gur forefathers. We ha"Ve nwb• a.a I otmce:l.'fe1 lott the s;ae:rod'b7 aa4 digntty ot bt the i'ouri•en~h oentu:ry1 nor aa yet ha'V$ • •ubt111aed ourlelvet :tnto aawg«tuto We are nail illhe dleoi:ples ot Vol'balrtJ Keln'biua hat mad• ne progr•u amonget Ul• Atheista ar• net our preW>herat madnlen are u~ our lawgi vere u.,. WI l:!a. ve :not 'been draa and trussed,. :l.n order 'tlha't Wf may be filled, lik$ stuf:f'f!ld birds in a :m.ufleum- with oha.ft and. rage 11 fltld pa.ltey blu.-:red ahre4111 of paper about the :righta

1 !h«**&~ He~J~qroft,. ,""'oiU (9xtordc Hwnphrey Milford, 1988), l• PP• 120.121.

6 Walpole, ~~\tors (Lewia, editor)- vol. II, P• 896t


r ~-

at .l'fltUl.,. We pPeliu!lrft the whole .or. 0t1r· f••lbga atill :nattw ud a', uuGph:l.ttlioa.ted by pedantry ud int14eUty. We ha:ve Fll\1 :hearts ·of. t;l•>~lh a11.d blood pte:bing in. ouf' boamn4h We fev . lodJ 11e lQGk \lp wS.'bh t.wt to ld.ngaJ with atttotlon to pEl.rliamtntliiJ

.· 'llti,th duty :to ugil'bf'•.'tleeJ wtth .-evE~:xotnot to Pl"ilfltiJ and with l'itl!)tl't to no1dlity. l-'1 leoauat whtn eu.oh idea~& are brought lletue ·our .. 111 la ~ral to be .eo af.f'JOttdJ btoiutse •11 ether. teeli:aaca ar• tala• a · apurolous • .. aud ter.~.d to .corrupt our mb'#.tlt, 't(l) vitiate .ou;r prl.aey m~ale, to render ua \.ll11"it foro ra:tlicmal liberty'J and by teaching us • ser'rtlt,. liceniaioua• and abandoned. $.nact1«aae, to lll• o\U' l011t spo.r-t fQ:r a In hol.idayl,. to make u.s perteo'bly fit fo).t, and· ju•t1y d•••:rving ot ala'feey6 tlhr~ug;k th• who.3.t oou:r•• et our Uws.


Rou111aeau•a dc;H)t:tint~~l· ~- oonsldved entirely impraotloabla

although he adm.:t tt•d tbts.t RouesE:Ja.u ao8aaionally 'WJ."ote with some undf!lr•

atanct1n1 ot lll\illl.ru1 at:ta:t:ra.

Wt oanno'i "'t UpQ.ll a:JlY r;,t hie 'TII'Orks,. though they t~ontaln •'b••u•ut1onll 'Whioh oooa.lionallr diiOOYer a ooutderabl.e 1waigbt 1niio h-uman a.ffaira.. Bu'b his d~tl'S.nes, on the 'Whole, ve •• lMppU.oable tc. real lU'.• e.nd ma.nners thAt • :.vel' U.a $f' dra.'Wing tr• them 4U'l1 •ule tO%' laa or oonduot, or tor tw'ld.tylaf &J' 1llu.etrat1ng 8.1\fthing ~ a r•tertno!ll to hh opini <:»!lS. . .


&lpole ba4 wri tttll :La l '176 o£ hll c•tempt for ltouuea.u.

Ind1eat:lm ot kla attitude nine yeus lattr is round. ln 111. letter to

the Ooun.teaa ot Upper O•eory.. Walpole'• ocm.teatton wae that Rousau•au

"might ha.'ft excelled br wr1 ting good nn••n A.nateacl tDt allo'llins e.bsurdi ty

to :mle l:\bl.,.

8boul4 a dtDubt remain with a.ny mrm. (your Le.d.ytbip l :tlatte~ myaelt" will :r.urb que~o~ion %If trouth) I will g1w him an irreoultnilble proo.t' Gt ~ t~.ob h\ bad a band in theae l*etters (Letters .,ga !A'~U:"!:!3}l"!h S.t he will haw pa.tie:t\Oo to wait tor itJ and the.t. it,

th&t the wthor will 'Write beilter thel.n he has dotle twenty years af''btilt I ahall 'bJc ut:LdergrO'IUld• . la ahort,. · 11.1 b a \il&JilfM~Ji ty thi.t wUl improw by maturity,. tor it w.tll bill e or reo tea by epponentsa if it ls not hardened into thtil·defenee of pa~a· doxee by dt:f'ending 'them too ingeni ouely~ e..s 'ft.lll the :m.hfortune ot litouueau, mo might ha:ve ex~~Jellecl by "Wt":tt1ng good sent~e,. bu'b t0l.Ul4 t:b&t illhe:l'e. 'Weus a ehorJer path to eele'br1 ty Dy' elimbtng the prec1p:tee of abaurdi tu•·

. (1165). '.

that ll$U.saeau 'bblself would .have been d1$appo1utt4 1! he had.

know.ll how far .hie dise.iples would dtvb.te from. e;ood taste in 'Wl"i'

•• liturk:e• • belie.t• ... -. bel1et similar to We.lpolet 1 idea tha.:t Jitousaeau

"might have e:xoe11•ct by writing good atm84h"

Br. Rwlle tol4 me that he had from Rauneau hS.UE~lt the •eoret Qf hit prlaoi:plea or eaapoai thn., That a.outt_., though eooentrto,. cibaer't'O:r had ]1U"o•1m,. that to qtrike ud i»terut 'bho public, the •rnloua must b$ prtoduoedJ tbe.t .the marwllou• or th$ :Mathe. myizhol&g had lODg s!nee lott itr effect; tha.t giant,,. lllli\B;, fai't1ea., and heroes ot :rcaMe wh.ioh tu.ooeeded, M.d ~u.111ted. th$ portion ot o*'eduHty 'Wl'.ltoh belqed to theb ageJ that now •• lllftt to e. writer but tll.a'b. BP'eha of th:e wuowlou.•• which might a.till be :produoed,.· Md 'With as peat an efi'eot u ever,. though in another 'Mii.YJ that h_. the mfirvelloua in lite, in manners~ in oharaotere, ~~Wd in mraord:t:r:w:ey s:t.tuations,. %"iee to new and unlookt1td tor ttfolces in poU.t:lcs a:nd moxoalh I believe., tha.t were lloutUftU alive, ancil in one of hie luoi.d 1atet"Vala, he 'WOUld be ahooked -.t the praotioal phrenay ot hia A~Oh~lart, who in 1ID.eir parad•.•• ate servile itJ1tator$g and even :t.n th* il'l(l.redulity dboover an :Uapito;tt faith.


Oonee1"1dng the style of louasRu's wr~tinge,. ll'u:rke 8llddt

We otrt6\in1y pereei,..,. and to. a a4l'grH we feel. in thh wrl. ter,. a $'tyle glowingw ax~.:t-.ted .. enthuda•t:t.o, e.t tht't tim• that we till<! it lax,. d:ttfuae, fl.'Xld nab in 'the beet tute ot ccunpGai.tion,-

• vValpolt., ~.e,tt~t~. (Lm•, ed1tor)~ vGl• u. P• 397. ·

lO '13urke,. Se;ln~t W£b• P• 202.

all thl. m•ber• at vhe pl~tct baing prntr equally la.bol'ed and ele:paruted, wUh.out . lUI¥ d.u$ aeleotion or lllulnwdtnation o£ pal"ts. h · b s••rally em .. the atiret9h1 ~U:~.d. lU t ~er. has li 'btb · · var1etr,ll . . ·. , . . . . . . • . (1791) ·. . . . . ' . : . .

~- oon:braateci Ens:U.ah ana Oen1d.n«tdsal' good ta1te 1:n ree.4lng

When h.e!IOUIIecl J.o'luu•.aur s li'te&r<ary abiU ty._ Again Burke oonoeded. !Ollt,tlct&.\11 111 1\'frt:bi•a• were net llltl:rely wor1m1es-. although he did

not app:r.:t?t of hiu te&Ahin$111•

We oGtS:nu. aa in the twt laet as••• to r"ead, lllol'e ge®rally 'thd. I bel1tft it nw done on the Cont1n~mt, the authOrs ot souad &ntiquity, 1'h$88 OCCUP1 0\U" miMI$ thtiJy $1W Ul ~other taa.tliJEI fU1it turn, lWi will not wi'.f'l9r ut to be m.ore than t~nsiently am.uaed wi'ba l[lara.doxital •rality, lil'it no& ~' I oonattde~" thlli writer aa 'flllholly · dest11Jute of just notion•• JU~Wng•t h:ta irremular1t1es, it mua'b 'be reokoaed "bhat ht u a.-td.MIJ moft.l,. and moral in a· wry subl:Lme atrai.n• But the &•r:taral. .•R~ri t: and :tJ.Gtn~ez ot hi I 'llm.t"lc:ill 11 mt•e1$18'f0u11 •""'and ilke ••" llieohievwl tor thi• mixture• :f'or pertecrb depraVi 'by ·CJf se:n:bimtnt · 1•. not reoonQ! ls.ble VIi th • · e.loq•n•UtJ am tAle miad (~houp oonuplble1 »o'i oom.plmona.Uy 'ri.oiou111) would reject and throw ott with A l•uon ot pure

12 al\\d WUI'lidtil ~hose vitere •kl• •von· "ri.Jr'bu:e a p,nder to 'Vioe. (1'191)


Oon'bin~~m.t,. l!h·.'l••ll gave D.rt Jollrulonta 'Vinih Xhe wel'd inf'ldeU.t:y aa

uead. h•r• 'f'.f1f•r• to warJ.'b of beU.e,f in r$1 igbm.

_,., i«U!J.UiC:UJ'fttJ,. l:o. GW\zmt~~.'fli<m O:f' Dl:wt JelmaUm.' I Opinion, ths. 'b the· prEusent •• ·not war•• tbful fonn.or a.g&•, mentioned tbe.t her 'blt"nher aliu11Ul'i$d. h«, th•r• wa1 now len :1!'ltidelity on the O:on;tinent 'than th$r• had Vol-.:t:re and Rowsaeau 'Wire len read., l · &IIIH!Irted, trcn good author:'l:by, 'bbairs be• • 1n£1del1izy' •• oertainl)" leltll :react. JOiNSOlh n..ul il!ttidtl 'Wrl'beriJ vop 5-ato ob1hia, wh.en :per•cm.a.l 00mJ.eot1ona 4\M the :tlandntu, ot XlOvelty are m••• though :tlQW ud then & tool1ah fellow, Who 'tb1Xlkl ht. oan be wttty ups them• may bring them again into noiJS.••• "13

(1784) .. .

11 . llurloa, !etk!,A P• at.

11 Burke, !.2• oj~.,. PP• 32 .. 31•

lS Boawe111 ~· ott., Yol, IV, P• 2ea.

tt Walp&le ha~ not bel1e~4·~na~ vanity ant fusptolon ~re ~he

baai• ot i.QIAIIeau1 $ dialog~••..- l~V.•.~u ~ J-¥~~~...9ue.!l- he mipt have

ei*i'bioUIM\ them tave~'J)l7• ~ though hia comrntntt were pr:tnar1ly$n'b&ey11 he m.llt:l.on :Roua•eau •; · eloquttrrl,l\H• e.nd per•utud. w


there. ia juil publiahtd a: ti.alogue •t ltouaaea.u, t~ "b1tle e:t Wh!ah il leUBI:II/Jii\tl .i~At_ i!m•.Jte.o,Cj~l• 1'hve eu-e tint $Woke• t>f iiJ.oquen"'e• JOU Sf~ QGii:'talln~ !lUll rllUfh &ddl'-11!11$$ il'l the m&mge• menit ot tJ!It a~gum.cmt, whioh 1a te eoaf'u:te tlW! oba.rgea or hta -~--·J lnail the mr~rk i:e hil old frenay, cmnpoaed. ot 'V'lU1i 'by am. atuJp!eione.l' .

' ' (1780)

Bur a• a alluaiou to !!:.· .lt'?.W.,t.~•. F£thot!• he.• been quoted ln the

seotion ill"'EUa.tlng Ro\Uiaeaute U.fe.~r. bke cowtlder•¢ llou•.••au a ayllbol

ot tu lblbltuUJ Gt -cru. •ge ad B(l)uaseau•s novel a 'bypi0al eampl• ot.

disgut~t'bins wlgariity.., !ht il.iea that Rouueau. wc>rbd ae a tool ot the

Fzi'eneh rul.ra to lU.kt 'bhe at:ton xnore l!lml.iual 11 a new 1d•a• Al'tlh®gh ..

Burkle did not ag:rfle 'With lcu&UJeau.ta idoa.t in La. IG~elle HeldUse, he did .,......... .• 1.. ·-

l:ta enotll'u~l" pan of the letter to a. •mb•~ ot the Frenoh Uat1onfl.l

Aasem.b1y1 JW'ke d.:taoula$4 ltowuuuii.U. 1a vanity a.s a X"$&son tor hit 'VIrittng

~ osm:•.e.~~Olll•

· It U &om this a.- dera:nce«l11 eoollntr:to 'bl:wa:b th:la, the 1:n1Mt' Sool"atea of tlw :Nm:bicma.l AQillembly, 'llft!UJ :tmpelled to publilh a ad oonteuten ot hit mad ta'!ll'b•• and to a'\tempt a ntw ·urt 0f' ;l0r7 hom 'br-inging ha:rdil7 to Ugh'b the obaoure and wlgar noes

14 Walpolt~ 1 ~!]'be1ra ('l'ownbee• editor), p .. 181.

16 ' .Burket, .!fa• o1t., PP• 80.31.

1fh1;t)h w lmovt MY &Gmttimta bt bl•GMI wt 'bh «ni:nfll.ut ttlllenta.16

unlike i!U'kt,"lrilo sometimtlll %1tUaed a fw good quali tiet Wbilfllll

oeni:Nring ltoueau..u, '9i\lpoltt writing to the Cotmtess ef Upper 0llfeory1

J\117 4, l7S5~ otnlhtlll1eli utt .. lr !w••·•au• a O.seG•t•ioa•

l will read 110• &t ltwntau; his beyond any b$0k I ITEir opact.. His hen, .•o oo smsa_,

· ll&'acl:Mle .d.e haU.a,. the :O.!D'IJaJQJS t~ay~ ie •rl"iw4 in Loadon. I :u.u••ate he:r '"' the •fill ot ec8ueat1on that 'both he ~~t:wi abe 1&:14 ooul<l :not 'bt b.atoht4 •Ul tbt oh!obnllf W'Olltld be reaq to dit fJ:t eld Aglh l l'$"Ni"• gftliUISJ I ha~ a deu :f'ricdtilitp t~ o~ tt.tMt. I he.111J A PU'UaUty ffft pNteiUted 11.0lllliU4DJ but I abhcra­e:ct1r4ilift&a.nee, W'b 11 g:J.ven fOr tht quintesfsroe O:f' f:UIIl'li!J; and atteotatloa that p:rete:nde to be :f)dleaopq .•


~. only wri ter• who :m.ontioalll llwn.uu during 'fmia period nre

!l.U"ltt1 Walpol•• Bolorott,. and !Qrwellt !urb and Walptlt, like ~e a.n4

B<tJ!IIwtll in tb4 preotding period, .apPQu to be.w been lt40r"G 1nbek'Oated. in

RO'Iallfleau tbroi.\ were other" writera. b .opinlcm.a t>f Burke t:W.d Walpole,

unlil$ 'bhe$e of i"ftll and :S:Wlt, •r• oouietently ~wrable. Beawell

evtd-.tly had loat int~est :lXI. Rousaeau, t:w he oOliiiUntEK\ only onoe GLbou'b

him during thie period.

Si:a.ol llouneau ditd 1n 1718• l:tttle atittnti.on '*io h&ppenil' in

hia life mdl :mu.oh e:btention to h11 pers<ma.Ut)f art r1.0t aurprhin; f1:od1nc••

~1 ter• m~t1on«t btquen'bl;r the undtllliroiil.'bll ptrlllilmal1 'b)' trai t111, vw 'bf wapio ion •.

16 . · llua, !2• .aU•, P• 2'1 •

17 Walpolt11 X.!!t•r• (Lewu,. etU.ilor ), P• 196.

i '~ l . '

Although the !re~oh Revolution ooou:~ed duri~g this pe:r1od, worka

w1 th r•vol.utiou~zr ~oetrinetJ, th111 aeoond ,l?.i.*~~.~ l!W.d !!. ,Qtml:i:t:~t l~.o.oi,a.l_. 'W'V• $ppa:r•ntl;r :ll$t :NI'ttrred te1 but the purely 11 wi tings, ~

O!~t!lflio~ and .&!, ;Nou:tel~e !!l.oi,ae,, ~• mEmid.oned• 1\wk:& did allude in

a l"ailhe:r manner t& !01.\IJIUau'e r•volutlolllilory theorha. In add1• I

tion t$ the ••* ,2&$~(>\U':'!b 1,t Oontra'ti eoo~!J!.., ~ Conteuio:tu!!, and

14 J:2J'"!P •. • MlQ'il!!b !!!•~·~lf. J5.t .Jt~""iii!.0,.9u~s · reoe1 "r$d some attention

at tl'li.IIJ time. 'fhe allu:sion to t~ diale~«us,. Roussee.u J!e, Jean•Jaoau.e••

1111 tl\1& f:l.~s'i tound. i:u this inve•tig.ats.on.

!he 4ec1:L:nt .t ltouueau t • rtptdaat:ton,. both fr'e the point ot

favor ani from the point of thl ~er ot alluaiont••a deeline whioh

oomraeued l:'i iihe time ot hh depe.rtu,e from ~land in *Y:.. 1767··

coatinued 11\rQI:lghout th• film&:l:ndt~" ef the otntury, if w me.y tnst the

evtcleMe pro&aoed bJ tlw prtttnt 1nteu1 '"• ~ugh not a..n t11ntl r<ely

~u1t1ve. tnvestimat1on.

O:a:AP!lim :ttl

!he arbitrary llatlea, lBOO 'bo 1611 11 '"rt ohoaa, nob mertlr

btoauee 'htt are •tbu uttd to cledpa.ite isht ~itio ,.,lod lfl

Euglilh l1tt1"&ture. 'but 'b•a\Uit iJhS.t •• t&U4 to be' a 1'1atural at well

&8 a OUWI.itn._ \)lltalti., WllliP B'adUt,. eo 'MAllll e'rl.dtntly the pr!noipe.l

utter 1dtr'4!1R- !a IOUIItau, .tied~- l$80J and IIIOJIII. ot btl wr1i51ngl

are dated a1 late aa that year. Appr<*.'lme.'bely one•halt o:r the t.llu•

don• in Wa oM.pter thoet ot llaalitt:•••

Oha.-aoiserilt:to• ot thiill ptr1o4 Pf/lll'bat.W.ns te Rouueau'a

reputut.tta S.n lqlMil are tu •~~r allu•tona t.und, the tn11h.uelaam

ot moat wtt•r•• a:tll4 ithe tre4ordU1110t et a.ll\uticm.a dealing 11'1\lh the

wri tbga ...,,, thollle rete:rr1ng to hill Ute and pe:raonal ity. Let I .

aonte,adoas, la hu,eUe l$11dlo~t,, and at !S'G! toob.,l .. are the 'Wl"ittngl

ment!ontd del 41 IOUII$4•

o.t the a1lu.t1oq tlo th• Ute and peraua.Uv et RoW1111tau troa

1800 to 1811,. only 'bhrte••t:wo ot Lotd )Jrou•• and OM ot Sguel 1aylcn­

Otler1dlt • •••art untavo;,able al. 'bhtlAP 'l'h-.411 Oarl;rlt impllea •'...S.ewpoinil. '!'lu-te tt tht alluaioM b. th\a seo1d.on U"e

'Wlll1U1. BeuUt1'l'l, three ~on•·a.1 m Oulyle•a, and 01llt hltridlt'a..

&aU" al'ld Byron, 'tlhe only v5. tera a meaUoa htoU.en'ba in Rouneau' •,. do 10 l:n. a rath•r S.rul1reot ~r.

~-in 1'0bUd• lartildtt'l Pilpill'la.gt119 1M.U'bo lli• diNPlbecl

1111queat1r lottl.ltau•• Ptl'$0Mli'br e.nd ~l<mod hb oOl'lrlt«'l:licm with

the J',re-.b ltYQlu'biMl•

-~• ~ aelf•ilor-'t\1\ri:ng $tphht, '11114 !owu•ee.u, l'lw lpeatJ!e of U'f'Uo'btq, b.e w thl'.­a.hutment over- pa.u:l 011.1 a.nd tra. ne W.uq O'V·UWl\tblt_, tlequen••.~~ tlr•t d .. w The lw• · 'W!Ihloh :made him«t yet he mew Hn to skt' M.dxles• boautitul,. am. O'ailf!l o• '" ttrl'hl.s <ltt4t and thought• a mti!I.Ttnly hue Of' wotd~J, ltlte aunbMDtai; Ullllllliiftl e.G 'bhq

'ftl.e eyes~. whtth o'w· thUJ. ~Shtd. teara tetl!n«ly and faet.

Eat 111'1 •• Jll~otldon' a euenoe-a• a tree ·oa tire '' 11 gh'lm.ineu 'W1 1m ethereal tlame lla«lt4 he ••• Mid blalttdJ tor te h !, and ·~orl411 •:r• tn him the JU\'Illt• Jut hil •• not the lO"Vt ttf lhisag diUIO; W•r tt ._, 4M4 who rhe upon. our dreama, M 1t tbal btauiJ7, 11tioh beoe.m~ Ill. h!m &tJtenoe. and o• tFtlowtnc, t••

AloHC hta bll'm.q ,.,gt1 ti·lilllnPft''4 tb.oup ii# ••.na• For 1m.u hffl •• iNplre4., Olld. tl• h1m o-."

Aa t'l'OIIl tlu P;rbhlu•a lnyltit ot yor• 'tlu:ltt Ol•d•• ftloh set th• Wfrll.d in tl.&uu, lor Hat~ ta ~ Ull k.UI.gdom~ ,.,., no mc)l"t • aa bt 11\n thil fttt .•.- wbloh lq ba.tfolre .low• d to the :l.llbOI'A 'byr~ ot reu• 1 Jloolta •4 treabli»& t~t the yoltt the bor•, Till bJ tbct voite ot hia ed ot hie 4omputrllll



RweM up tt too mwah v•th• wh1oh tollftlll •' ergr8Wn t.eart? (1816)

ll1 f.l1 ,,,...,, "Olllteason u4 Xm.acba'td on,• 1fhloh 11 JU!O"t ot

.!l!, Jb,1a SJ!!aker. l!fadt.'t11, who ttt.Q to he:n had 'the mo1t lat~WeatJ

11. Rou.t•••• d.U~"1ng 11hi• pmo«, •aid. 'bt:ult Roua•eau'• knowledge et hi.•

,_.k aurUQMl ~lll!mO.!IPI· probe.b1;y aooGuntled.. t.- the formal •t:ruoture

ot .b· .~latzat !&I!•

BOI:lale&u •• too -.d~Uliw• ot •• aoetd!ngly teobni.oal and ••t~e:Q.il1tio mod• ot l"•eonlnc, lleJI.i'o•lr atteJ.mble :I.X1 <the m1=ce4 (luee'\!liou fJt b~ <•• m.qr be ••en in h!• Soo,i,a}., ,o,on,t~apiJ,•• a W:rk at ~-.'b $i\;).U1'by• bu'b !IIIXWtme .toma.U.~ ot atruoinli"•~ ud.. it. lrl ~o1M'b1e he •• ltfl t•e th1• en-"tt in IHld..~ to OWl"• ctaa bta too. peat warmth ot -.tural tem~arn!IQ:1t and a ttndtl!inoy to !ad;ulgt lt111Urely. the im.JNllet of l!*IJIIJ1u,.

. (tete}

DtU"iq tlhe quarttr ot the eighton'bh otn'bury; Bcbund Du.rke

oritiolaect loua.a•a-.a•a 'telt1t 'butt lte.alitt, ln the r:trat pd"t! ot the next;

o«m'tl\d'f, JW&illkl tbe !lflel't ot l•u•u•e. ~~tgett• em hl.a wrttlng••

hftl'e ft ou. t•-• an ~thor ••tl:PelJ t·o o~ boaQIQ1 1$ mu.'b be ULO'bber •·el t} e.JA4 h.!l 4AJJ.ot bt 'bAil., 1t he ill .,not on•• but all mukin4'• epit .... " l:t •• thil W'b!.oh. gi.VI •uoh an effect to RO'IUIIeau•e •ltl•s•• the:b M ,atar&pt4 his O'WD. ohu'aote~ IIUld the i3U.1Jt ~~ hit In iJhe publio m,t114 .... ther~ it lt; ant tbe:r«~~ it 111111 r-..iu .1n 1pite .ot ~-~· 11.4lii PHifiued UN eOllpreht!ld<m fit imoug]!).t o.r IMU.aa.. l'b would 11ml.y ha"N 41..--~d him .rr. h1• ohjttil• h'b it •• 1he ennt <~,t hi a ego~bm. d4 hit ut1ut:r bl.iuu••• 'be tveey '\h!Ag •l••• that toad -. oe-rtulpond• iq ~t~ lJJ. the oo:1410t ota41! t4$l.inm• ot ,.,., human brea•t• m1 ~uu~.ttered to. pi••• ish• pgae ot l'IJ:lk and otro~tanoe by the »r:tllt tt !:ntet'nal. worth •r ups~ eb'ouma'banoe,


~l:rle • • couotptia. or Bou•••au •• tla'b of a toala4jtllte4, ·

ndaunct•rrrbtod Who •• aJ.1seniattly pMiiled and bl~met, lie

CU)l1V&·11!:M the ~11-h Lid t:be :Frftoh atti irtldtUJ. towe.t-d !twill IIU'If:\U 1111 tbtl

latt.r ~t; ot ilhe eighteenth tum.tuey, ol t:tng bke •• denunob.,i • as

I . , . Wll11A Ja•lUt, 0Sl~· ~ (leU. te4 by P. P• :!Qw atisw

the ed.ltlt.u ot "'• n., Waller lm1 .ArlaiJlln.OT_., O.mte:naey tdt'bioa,. Lorutozu J. M. Dent and SOlll, Ltd..,. 1930), '9'al. XU, PP• 52·63•

3 ~·~ vel• XX, P• 178.

u • ..,le. ot 'thl nat'bl• in ~l•••

:P.., 4_.. Ja, · .Uteftlt.tiq 4t1tied, aDd oaat 'bo tn. dog• 1 .a d:t~ep.m1nd:t4• h1gh·nd~ed, even noblt• yet "WOefully ml.,..r,am;llld:~l •. With all 'tilt 1111atcftlla1d.olll or Name inilml!lated to tbt wrge or matn••• by untaYOrabl• Forbtmt. A lS~!ely ~~ h!$ Ute ·-. long to1U~l '!he 'WQl4•ting T!J'tlit.IS ot the ttme, .... in 11hom., hGwv•:r, dld 11e prophetic mea~A- · 8\\Qh fil:l X).one ot t}l.e •• ,. tt:tel't Whlrebr iM.Nd 111 mi&b.'b <91fl:rti1J' be"iihat .1;he ·'ftrllll. Wll111J \i~ 1\MJh txtra.e111 Abwb ~Wit 'hat lu, t.tttl" Ma deplll)tl\lro1 n hl\v. ••• 01'.1.18 who.le uttcm. wt~th1:p .him, a::ut ll Jtuo:tce. 11: 'bh!lf ~ ot auther, elaat~ hiJa 'l.'lillh th~J ott ... o$Ul"lngt or th$. -~h. •• Vue oharuter. wlth ita lofty atpiri:ta@lt and pOol" perf.-lld.,'ij.JI.J $td hw the tplJI!t ot 'bht JJ:INl Wl'kt4 $<> wildl,._ n• ottle111tlitl .flH in a tlhlo:k d-.:rk •1tment C~t ohaoa, and ehot te)J''bh. ethweal radiance, al1•pieJOthtfl l!gh1n'd.:q. :ret ow1d aot Ulumibte .. •• qurmohed a:n.d cUd M't ltmltttl"t thh, wtth. \IIMt Uet U1 111, -.y now be ptettv :Mt)W't:b.a.i arppeoiatecb Lt'b bit hietory teach all 'Whoa 111 ooBOema, to bl!l:rt-. thtmtt.tlve• e:g~.tut '\!ihe 111• :wtth 'lhioh MDilher Jha.w,_ ell ·G; thell w1.'11ihJ 11 .to atet 14th1n thei,.- ntn. •oul wh&1:1 the world lllWlt t.Wfttr dAq tbtaJ and aq ·ooqo•edly ._,, ilhe P:H*• ef! tht P~r et thit .).owr ~th au Atl' a Go thou thy ft7J' X go lint&

. (1818) .

.Al'bh"up · 'b911b ot lar1ylelt · al1tut1 * u lw.a ••a,ut 111 pel"se:nali 'by

are easn' te.wrabl.tt1 thq oontatn PathCH' him pm••• lltiOUI&• V••a low ot vutn, Carlyle aalcl S.a!!!. ~•ts\1..-ou,


lt ia a t-.r tnhr1ol' lo.,., n lheu111 •ay, to that .t l'GOl' Jea.n,. halt•••$•• ha1t~ae 1111 he 'ft.IJ 1 t ta a more prudd oaloQS.:bla tlul.n a. pae•i••


Raali'tt .fJ:l •an the LQ,.. •t tM Oouat»:r, ~ an •••ar fJtom lb! !~JBJ! T.rJ?:l!l.- Mll.'biontd b.flttly ~ 1not4'at in lou•nth.u'a Ute-b!.fll

4 ~ho:tr~aa O&l'S)'l.t ~~fleif ~ (!he Pa·eple•a Bdtilloa, lotilon.t E•te• ud taurit/t, lan) .. TO.. II P1h 111·111.

6 lbt d,, "f'ol. xtu, P• 411. -

aotq '\1 'th$ ~ tt ••• d.fl .__._ ....... ,.,_ U.N a'b --1• Ia

•a.. ,._ ~uttf' at ltdtu'au• "'' Ule'blwr t1aq ~ ~ ,_. 'boot,

U..r~llM ~ ''"""' iutda\e blliOWtlo.ut• lU"•• A puaap htM

the 1a'btef • .,. 'lldll b$ flUGM4 t.a-. IM,1tn 4$tl1ft1 Wlith the 'ftr'i,bpw

a-""''~• a h1t ·~ (tht J~Mt .t-bl• et au bia wrltt),. rela'••• ~~- ttok »-•••e11111~:m ot bi£ ~ooa e.'t ~1. i-t . the kmu~<t ot hla b•le"ftl4 ••w••• anti tri...t,. }UI) toun4 h4 oou1d IW "• U.ttll.1 tllf)il ot ~~''""'" ~btl$ Winllw *1-oh au~ hla tt.tMtte~ flm• man t• hl•• b$0a14ae, he ••7*11 U1 •• 'tiM ttl't'b t• u l\eA U.4 -... t'b3•t c•at'fNmtdy at~~ tdJI due M 1e.ft Wcq, trut. pl••• ••• hill •• llt ~<thool •~• a etd.1d •. 6


Cf4er1~i• b. .,~ ~d1t~;•Plat•,." u •••e.r h-0111& Jlt. l£&5

o.-mn.~ tht PR'I4B1 obaru.,wh'111•• ot ncruaa.eau -.• ~~- f.Ali)Mr,. 'bile Jitt~ e;t ltout~ut~ lt n~tr 'ti..-11!\.1 ilkll t~l•c to

an ,_ti.t\\llr1:rettto~lw "'""""' b.\t M1J1 tttl1tt1o aho11'b ~r •

. lJuiJ the -Ito Luther. a p..n ~q h bU a1llr•~• I.Q4 -. ft!al;,loul$a•u. tht u ... ~ et 1~S.ok tml••· &1\'td \brt aphm_, at lftGUla.tlvt ~~-· thf at lls;bt U thl Ml,e, w• a1 f4\\10k.-,••· t~ tor •'ffllllf'l 'lllhUptll" ot 'fdw p;lbUo opulcJ 'tlhliNI.ohl~ ot .J\tit prlft &a hi$ pri.M!.Jl•••,FJ'b ~ '!rlttitla •f ... ld.d ti~tel.'f b hb hfilla11 uc~ ••~nl

. (1809)

'l'a ld-._.'blo Al1'di®&l e.rt --•• .r ~em' •• Al'tfbQ\&Ih

_,..left ~.IIU\d.l~ 1$10 'bto~.tiUfilt of ~1.-413" •~'~'" ht _..

lilkt W 'kt:Mt·t$\'lb.Uf!

1 !:ll~aUttt, a- JI.U.•• wl. lV, m>• l'f.,.l8,

'I •.umu•l ~- C•1wldS•• OIIQ1ilrtt ~ (Wt t1o r., _. .. Ht••~ llltw turk• ~ ~ :arotfllir;;"!R41;Wjl,. Xl,. Pt llfle

·X ret:Lrt4 ft-c the' country, p$:roei?1nifthfit I •• the object of $cm.tal c:;'bloquyJ I cUd no'f:; 1ndetd. 5.10&g1ne,. 111L1 Jtan Ja;qqu•• 'ltlu.a4UUl.u11 th-.t .:11 lJUkind -wae in e. eou!)l~ao:r ap:i_.t. m.C~~ . ilhGUgh l hatl perhaps as mood sroundt tor suoh a ebi~a ·as ~ he had.. a ·


011 a».oth-.r •ooa•iQn, B;vl'~m, oontre.IJ'b1ll& lt<Naaee.u and. hit~ut«tlt , j I ' ~ , I I , 1

1 1 ; ' '


tJ~ai tt, d.1.splaJ'$ l$ll1l1$l:'1 'by 114 th the lS.te and oh-.'ra.oter ot Jloua seau.

Although ~- 'b$l1• the oomparitw to be to his own J.d"mlli.1a..ge1 hell!

ac:ba1tte4 that "Reu.s•••u ss ~ great! man. '!Ill

M;r l«oth•u.111 'beto:re I lllaS twtn'l»y1 would have t<t that I wat likt J.ou••ft..~:c~ .and Madame de Sttwl. ua•« to •a,11' .ao toe) in taus, and "bh:e Edl:o:i lt'ri.!! hal ·~thin& e!' tl"le aQI*t: :t.n 1 t1 ali tique on the 4~0anto ot .£h.• !!• · :t oan't aee tU:J.Y· poin.t ot :resemb• len••• he wt'ote p:roae, I Wt'4•t h.e •• of 'bhe peoplt1 I of the Arbtoo:r-.oy., hfl 'fts a philoaopber11 I am l'l0l14h M pU'bUaht!lcl h:'lt f1rWb ._ll."k at forty, l mine at feigh'bef.lll hla fiJOet euay breugh'b him \Ulive:raal applau111 min• the oon:tra:ey-a ht :marrle:Q., hlt hou•••pe:r. l oould n.ot lct•p hou.-e With :m;y witet ht thought all the world in piot agai.nat W,.. i:vT littl« wwld ••• to '&hillk at in plot against it, l may judge by their abu.•• 1n priX).t ud <Hrbe:r-1cu he liked Botany. I like :t'lO'Ilm"e; and herb·•· anlt t:r~uts.~ but kno1t no'bh:lng of the:tll:" pedigrees• he uote Mude 411 l limi.t my knowledge o£ 1 t ~o ~at I ee.toh by Eor•.,.X l'Hi\'el' aould learn anything by s,tuir!; 11 not ,.....n a h.npg,E~, U'l8t all by :rot• a.ud •e.r md m••rr• he ha.d a. bad. memory1 X ~ .. at u exoell~t ail (ask a:od.gson the poet, a good j~11 for m; hal aa aatHmithin$ ene)' he wrot"-. wi'bh htUii ta• tion and oal"'e, l wi't:sh rapidity·· and nr•lr w1 'bh pain•• he oo'tlld nt'ffJr :ridt nol' ~'Will, «nor •• cum11ng of teno•/~ I'e2n an taoelle'b a1d.mmero, a de~•nt thoush not e.t all a daebing ~ider (having' 4te.w"' in a db at•n tn 'bhe oours• c-t fl<uamperlnc) • and •• Juffioient ot f$l10'e ...... pa.rt1oul.Q.rly ot the 11ghlan4 b:r(l•4twrd$ not a bad bo:ner .when I o<>uld kttp 'JJ:f te:m.:pe:r 1 'flh!oh •• dit:N.cult, but whioh l strove to do evei' llMt l knoak1111<l Q.orm. :Mr, Plu'Uag and put M.a tcne• ... pall out (with the glw•• on) in Angelote and Jaqlceon' s room in 1800 cll:U"il'l.l 'bhtl ~~,t)p!U":rinaa and l •• btttd.4ect a ver;y ;t~r, crioketer .... Re of the llanow Elev•n ..m~m we J?l•y 11841 agaillat ~:ton !.;1 laos.

iel1l1des; .Rwu.eo,~' 1. way &t U:rt, hia eoun:bry, hie ~ra11 b.ia Whole eh-.ra.o~er,. were Go ~ different, that I am at a leitfUI .to ~~~eift At;)W weh a oomp•dao:n would ;M.<ye a~ten1 aa i'b baa done ar~evtr&l times, !lmd aU in ra:bhe:r a remarkable wume~*. . ~· toa.-got to ta;r • \hat ht •• abo ahori ... dt)lted,, dci that hiid1erto my eye$ have bMn the o0t1.tra17 to auoh a di$g!''H, thAt, 111 'bht .largt!l'b theabm Gt Bolegaa; I tU.rrtd.ngu:talwd and read some bu~Sts and i:neoripttona painted n~ar the s'bage,. &om a 'btx a& dterbe.n'b. tiU\d eo .~kk lighted, tbat :none of the oom;pi!Uill (ettrltUnltd. .of ;yoWil,; and veey bt:l.ght-l!!ey'ed P'·QJ?le••SQld . of iba. i)!J, trhe '* ba)oould me.kt out a. le'b~er, and thoughit it •• a ; trink~t 'though l: M.d aonr bhl'l. 1n that t:tuu.\1Jr• betoli'e*

.Altoge'bhe:t~, .l. 'think ~t~lf jW.'bititd 1n 'bhi:nkiq the oompru-1• ata •• l'lCirb 11tll l don•t say this out of pique, t. !C!)Uatea.u. wa.a a ~eat man, and 'bhe idea if t:rue wre :tl~o 'bterin& ena'UghJ but l have no idea ot btlng pleued. with a oh1mera.


!lh11-ty•$ae Allu.tiema trcm 1800 'bo 1632, tm. greatest numb•

tomd :ln a:n.y pa:rt Qt the •tudf, dtal with acme phau ot :Rou.eae&ut.e

wrS:tinp. Only a1x t.Jt h total l1Umbtr art unta.wrable, I!Uld non•

ct th••• 11 ~, IPtoitte.

W111iem MuU'bt 1a J"ti'#Ponttb1e tor llltxt~~nl of the allut1<m~1

tift-.en of them t•voral>le• !$.d1tt mentioned L,t! ,Oonte-u~ oM, Whioh

he ocmai4:eJIItd lol.Uttau' 1 bee'trl vtOl"kJ J4 ~~!!V.• R·~o~ee. 11bioh he

enj01ti lYlOillt in hil )lOUth; and Jl. .9f!1tfl\t IJOO!I!!• which he deeori'bed.

ttlO ae "a work ot great ahUi 'b;y,. bu'b extrtl'll4 tor~:tall V ot struoilure.

It e):titlcitm ln th:h stoti<m 11 elpetlally detailed el'bh¢N~h

&.ali tt in pu'ticular d.U. mtntion rapeo1t1o wd and difinit •

ohara.qtedttlt·h !~oat o:ritios Wht JM.mtd otrtd.n l!'btraey to4tno1ea

p.rdaod Jitou1UtM-u1a deuriptive ab1U 'b1•

Sinoe tt. rete1:"0.lXUl& are ttu.meroua and dnot: they eowr a p.:riod

of tbi:r~ years. a Qhronologtoal M'r~t. •~:bhi~ thl preptr

di'Vi«~iont• haft 'bttn u.std as otte:n. u ••~~d feald.ble.

Ratli'b~~ t--t~ early in .the oetu.ry u;pe Roua~J,tauta vi '\lid

atrl• ot wri.tu,, eai<l. "It h$. had :not true genius, he M.d at. leaet

eomethl~ 'Uibioh ms a v•rr aooli I!IU'batitute tor it. 11'4

iOQiiftU h this 001~· .Frencili ~1 ter I aJn acq\udnted w1 th (though he by th• bfll •• :not a Fr•ncl'UIJ&n) who trom thG depth et his f'eel.Ulgs1. without: ~ dhtintt il.mages, P"odu4cut 'bbs eeunt ld.nd ot i~ntsrest .in tbt mind the.. t :t1 txoited by the evut• and reo&;llflc.tlon• or our 011tn u,.,.,. It he bad n.t tt:~Ue gentu. be

11 had t:b leaat IOl'llethlng which ftlll a vaey good eubstitu'be tor it. (1805)

Lol"d :sy,.. !:n ''Sc~t to Le.:tt Lf»~M" nwntd Rouueau,. Voltdrt;;

rUbbcm, ~W-d De S'b$-el u 1!1X'i 'Nra ~tl!q' tt '&he bft.ut!tu.l l.ue.

ROIUil$1aU• Volt awe, 012r Gibben, and Illt Sta4l.-... Lemanl thfluwe :namtitJ ar" wGrthy ot thy •bore, !h~!7' ehore of n~• lib theat&• ... Wtrt thou no mora.

lfhEti~ "li«!mt0J!t ~ rem.tmb:rtu.w• would. tHallt. !• them ·t:hy 'bulal 'Wtr$ lovely e.a to a11,

But the;y he.'V$ made then lt1'tltltr, tor the l.cre Of W.t;h'by ll.l5Jld• doth hallOllf' :Ln the oc>re

Ot 1\umaa lwart• the )'UiJl ot a wall 'tlllhere d'llltlt th• 'Wist and wondl"ousJ but by thee.

l!ow ll\leh mor•·i ·Lake ~~ iee.t:li;fl ·ctt we tetl, In ~t"etly gliding o' tr thy oryttd eta,.

!'be tdl~ glft •f the.'b :not UJlgtntlt altal,. Whtoh o£ the heir• or imm~:Wtd~tr . 12 I111 prnd, and -.kea th• breath ot gl.oey real.

. (1616)

Vie1:b1ng the RCR.ltUtlu oo\UII.tey" in 1816, ~on no1d.ctd bhat

the guide ~tt~ru td Rcu amEIIII.U a:nd st. l?rea, the htro 1n ll. ,,E":'l.l;.~ Ml$!.1111 . H I,.....,.

l1 .Ibid.., vol• I,. P• 26.~~o

lJ ~n. 10om;e~E!~.~ ;?,!•~1C!,al. ;~9r~•. (Oulb.rtdge e<&1Uou), P• 191.

I !elc'iiUh Be also menti cmtd. seeing a roung girl u b-.ut1£'u1 am JuH.&


At'btt" 15\ lliU. ght and lhQI."t d:lnne:r • we 'Visited the Oha. teau de Ola.~•• an lbglish ~halt rented it recently (it waa nl)t lt'b .I eaw 1t first) a the rons are gon111 w:tth the1:r ~t:t"J 'hht family OU'b., 'but 'bhe ltrvanta thudr"d us 'bQ walk e'texo ·•• tnterbr of the !l'I.EUll!lion.-,. &l.w all worth eee1ng. I!IUld iiha de~toen4<~~4 to 'tih$ "Dosque'b de JuH.•~·" et.., eto.; our ~d.<le~ t. u11 tt ~~~tau,, 'Whom. be i' •tunally contO'Ul!lding 'With .!1• ~~u: .. alllil . •t'l,.g the mlli.l1 ana the book. Oa the .atept ot a eettagflt in thl$ nuag&, t saw a. yo~, payer.mne, btau.titul a.a Julie her .. elf'~~


Shellq too viii 'bed th$ R~ueau terri tory in l8lEl and., 'lillhen

•:tting to 'tlU.)l'tlU to• ,.a.cock hOllt Genna, the writlina,t

ot Gi'bb-. a:nd. IO!ltteau, to !OW!Ithtau'a ad"n\.P.ta.g•h

¥;1 tQm.pamio:n gatb~red. aom• aoMia leans tG prctnr.,. 111 rtmembra.noe of Gibbon. l reb!ained hom doing #JQ1 fh.X"i~ tO mr-.gllf 'bb$ gt'ee.te%' and :m0re l&Ol'l'tcl ~ ot RouUti!WJ the eolltaph't11on ot whos• f.mptrhhablt ortatio:rut h.Qd h:t't no noanoy in l1if 'Ma.:n tor mortal i:hiagl:•l'


:tn 11 0a h.t1'ht1a, .. an el~ta;y from 1t!•. ~ ,Ta'blt, l!'a.IU'Ilt . 16

d.tllllozrlhfl4 lenus41a.'tA lll.ill 11~ acute ob1t.rwr and eloquen-t; Wl"i ter ...


The out:studi~ euay 1n the i01•nd Table from th• Jll01iltt ot

of thi~J 1tt,.llltigaii1on b •Qn the Oharae'ber or lwneau." AI might

12! Byron, WStktl, !a* ,o.l~.~» volt lll 11 PP• 362•355.

14 Pe:roy !y.nhe Shelltf.- ,l!.•.s,.!l•• ~tter1 ~ ~ ()bo;h Shelley, editor, LotndGnt Edward :Mo•on• 1861'). vor;l":t;p;-l'l.

16 Hatcl1.'b'b, .!£• o1tt~~ 1 vol, lV1 P.P• 67-66,

: ~

. :


n•:t'!U'"all:V b411 G::ltJll«rbtcl, llul1t'b•ll 'l'lieat r!eta.U•d c!t'1t:lo!at ot Rou;Ge..u

&rel to'Ul1<1 in thia ll!lllstt.;r• One alludon from. 11= 11 al'bhou~tt not dtt!!l.ile:d,.

is plil rtin.-nil.

B:!l't dtd illlQ't ,_,aMI. the he:noh Re'\'Qlutlon than arr:~ other snan;. :Volt! llil:'lt, b7 lda wi.t ~d p~tmtion, M.d :rcdtrtd. aupe:rat!ti.on oontempti'ble11 and •anny od:t®.IH w'b it wa.a Rousseau ·'Yfht> 'bl'~ht the f11111U31g ·or irl"eQ:onoUa.ble llmmi 'b1 to re.nk a.u prl.vilege, abQ'W h~t,, hom.t to tht bosom of' ~ ma.n:.•-idbtl1ti$il' i""t Wiiilir tht prU.e or

16ntellt ot.,

and with tM .toped ;vea.nd.ngs of thi huml.n hee.rt. (1817)

l:n &Mtbtur St·t1d.on c.t '1110l:l. the Obaracte:r of Rmusuu.Jt liaalitt

me:ntion.ct lto:cuu~teau's $gotha and ita impOl"tanoe '\'lhon he add,~~ '

The tmott greateat egot1at• tM.t • know ot, tmt 1111 thct iahrte Wi1ltrs 'l'h.o felt thei:r !Mtl b•ing ruurb powerfully e.nd ftoluti 'ftly-, '"'" ~oosiU.!Iau,. WWd$'m>Mih., •:nd Dfnwnuto OelUni, l'P'

' (1817)

S1M• lfa.d.S:b1!$ .a.pp~oved ot ROUttl!llau'e egothm and. blte bad

Goorntd hi a !ftditt• s dtnunoiatioo. ot Bur~ 1111 nat •urprhing .•

Hill jtaloutr.ot Joua.•u waa ont eh1et oa:uae of. hlt $ppofd.• t1on t~ the Fl"onoh E•volwbi.Qll.. Tb.t wr!.'bi11&$ ·qt the cmt hl.d Ghang~~td the 1n1tituti on111 ot a ltblgd$J ffh\l.e the spefahll!1 ot thE~ 0th•_. with ~· intx-1guel o£ hle wholt ~ty, tAd thal'JCed ~tug· ,.ut tlilt ~fl'l!21:'1, !( l!lt ~'.! 1\#;t,ch~ Ht WQlld M'W bl~»tlt$4 aut the ~H<! l?W"fl limbt'"Ot'"Rit.v«a., bCfiOAU1U& i'b did . net fi.-st !Jhb:e t.n at tho Ut1:1l.t O.tbie 'Windftll ot st. Steph.en' II ~,•1~ Tblt &lt:tliUa ot RotUrttaU hald levelled th& towtl"i1 ot tM Blirtttl~ the 4UiiltJ our ~~bus reformist, who would raisher be doing nt~sohitt tUn noiihtng, trt•d1 'bheretor~t, to pa:toh th• up again, 'b7 oallbag that loe:bhe0Dle cht:no:eou the K1:ng' • tattle,. and by MtotM e..dule:ti on ot the urtuu o:f.' a oourt,t. fld., X~Um,i1~ut enough ot: him here,lS

! (1517)·

I,. J1 ;!_ 11. J d I f t fl J

16 l~i;d., lh ''·

lf l,W• 11 P• il3•

le ~.'-4.•, P• 1os.

J ! '



': 1


·.As. ~Gn i;~;~. ~ant<~~ lll ot 'tDon Ju~Utlt llEWIIId '!m.uute"u w1 th •~n

otbi:J? prMintnt men,. th• allutiol1l h probt\\'bly hvortbllli'l, although

in an illld;.ti:lll~:b~tt :f'al!lbion"

fhq a.oause m..,""!!,-... the prt11scmt m-1 ter or · 'ftl• ~·eautJ P••'"'•o.f ...... I blow not wl:J£t-•,

.A · tenden!ll;)l' tfl•:ratft md !loctt A" hU1\'UUJ. poar and vir'bue• ali.d •ll tha.tJ

..And this tb7 sa1 in lang"Qaga tathe:r reugh-. Geed 00'<1:.& • · I wonder- 'Wl1a t 't$h$y "Would be s:bf

I say no moll'~ ~n hAth been eaid in &.ntet 1 'Ve~••• _., 1'47 8olemon and by" Oervan'b~tlll t Jy &witt,. by M.aohio:vel, 'by Rooht"touoe.ult,

By Fenelon, by Lu:bhe.r # and by Plattj By fill.o'blil,o:n, ram Wed'8'!1, emd ltt!!tutsen1.u,.

Who ~ tM • ll:f'e waa nob ~th a poto:bo, *!eil nll)'b their £aul~. n~ mine., u· 'bh1cs be • ., ......

Fo1t my part* I prt'bend net to be Oat(), Bot .,.._ Dlogen•«h"""'We li'V'IIJ ·I!Uld dh, hl 'Whlolt ,, bllt$'b# ~0]:\ lalqw lJ'l()re than xql9


bl. os:t~dwo·nv ot t1D$n Juu,"' tht tQUtmag lllulllia, Whioh 11

tw:a Qr·e ngt.ut1 1tt :f'ol.ll14•

~:re i« -. .fl0'!11$r edled ut.~ 1n ldltnl\lu11 "

For 'Whieh ••• · $' s ew:r•bloom:tng gardtnJ•"' I 'Will uot makl!t hii great de$edption. bu,

Al'Ml b;r· his 1Jt"1ti•h g()dsh1p•l hUUiblt pard&l'l41 lf1 in f1J •W«d.'r tr! rhyme's dh'brEuua,

l 'boueh a fi.:agl.e lear where hs ie Wt.U'den• ...... M 1 though the tlowr is d1tftrent;; with th~ ll'rencth

. Or Rou.saeau .. ..,.<u"f "Viola 1a Ptr"ftmehol"20 . ( l81t•l883)

Pbouuln~ria hia "Euar em Ohl'iltial'lityn the equali'ley' ot

mankind.; Shelley sm.14.t

lt$Uj~Jate:u. iJt perhaps the }!)hillt«~pher m~ thtt mod.entfl 'Who, t:n thill IJ'bruo'btu·• ot hie .tt$11 XJ.1 iUtd underl\li'ta.nt!U.r4s:.. re1tmblee

b T 1 I I I tl P J I l'J I 'J ....

lt ~·a, ~org~ .!£• oi~•• VOlt VI, PP• 802•101.

20 . ' · ~·"' PP• 535•516.

'. \


moat neU"ly the :myater1oua a&ge ot Judea •. It is imposelble to read thue paaaiont.te worda in 'Whi.oh Jeaus Obriat upbraids the pueil.lanttd. 'by and eeneua.U \y of mQJ1ldnd, w1 thout being atren;ly r•-l!deil of the more ooaneo1ed and ayatematito en.thuai um. et Roua•eau. ·

( 161801!>1828)

h Oharaoterhtloaa ~ :!.ll!. Lfalw.(tr 2!,. Roohetouoault'.! ~x,t~_.

Hazlittl merely l4fdd about Rouueau, ''It is a fine rErmark of Roussea.u1 a,

'bhat the bea'b or us'er tram. 'bhe o'bhen 1n tewr pi!U'tioulars than 2.2

we apee -with thea in.'* (1815)

Thea,. in auother of the .C.~.rao'•~!at1ol,; Haslitt add;

!lapan1dt;y1a often conoealed under' an appearance ot shyneu 11

and llt"V'ffln po..,.:rty of apil"11h Htroea, aooordi:ng to Rousaeau, are xul>'b Jc:noa by the loftineu et their oarrlaf£!! aa .:the greatest bttasgartt are goerally the mereat oi'WUdB•


Be.aU:bt in an euay, "On the Oozrversatlo:n ot Authors,'' te.ken

trom The Plain ·s.R•k•t• quoted another oplni on of l011aaeau' ••

:Men Gt the WCI.l"l4 ha'Ve no tixed prtnoiplea, :no gr~und:rtork of tbou:gh'tu mer$ follola.ra have too l'llU.oh an object,. a tlwl)ll)' always in Tin, to which they wres'b t'fery thing, tU1d. not Ullh'e~quently,. oo:mmon ••n•• Uuselt. u •'l'ht:re 11 more t!IJ 1M learnt b'om them than trom their boo~t• tbia ira$ a r$JQ&J"k of Roulnauta, and it il a "'tJry tru.• one.


:Soth BF0B am Ba'litt 'Vidtecl the :Roucrse&\u oountey and were

impressed by ll.ouaaeau's del! abili\1• Byroon told John Murray

11 :Pero;y i;:yaahe ahelley, Works in Vela'! and. Floae (Harry ~ton Forman, editor, Londotu R$eves a~r. SSO},Tct • Vl, PP• 364-366,

II !aalitt, !a• ~·• vol. lX1 P• 201. 21 .w.!• II P• 168• 24 Ibid., vol. Ill, PP• 32•33.

I ~ ' I

•• 1 ·,

of hie 1mp:r41saioXUil on June 27, 181G;t<

l haw traveraed all Rousaeau•a ground, 'With tihe ~ldiae: before nt.IJ and am. atr®k, a.t a degrte,. with the· :t'Q"c,e an'd · aoourao:y ot hll. d.e.or1pt1one and the beauty ot 'bheir reality., JJhtiller1e, Olarena, end. Ve"h\y, and the chAteau de Ohillon,. are plaeea ot 'Whiob I shall 1ay little, beaauaft

5all I could Bay'

must fall ahort ot the imp:ressiozu• they stamp. (1616)

Shell')' t•o e~opd viliting illhe ooun'bry Rousseau deeor1btcl.,

Be praiae!i llouueaut 1 l~!!aginati'" quaU:bies as 1ll'IUJtrateclin La -Bou-..lle Bi~o&••• which he called Julie.

It 11 l1fu1y a tort:m.lght dnoe I t<eturned. from Ve'fti• Thie journey baa been on eveey aooount delJ.ght.t\\1 1 but lllM t npeo1ally, bt~oauae then I t1r•t know the d1 Tine be•uty of ROLt•aea.\l't' ilfta.$1Mt!.on, lUI it eid11b1ta it.eelf* S.n Julie. It ta 1noonoeivable what an enolw:ltment tM aoene 5tlleit' ' l~u,.da to thoee cl•ltzwattona trom whloh. 1 t• own molft touching ohal+ll ar:tteh t • * • tl • jlc ..... f II <I • • * • t it * • 1> it • 1> 41 Ill ._ .. iJ 0 Ill

X read JSJi1e all dayJ an o1'e:r!'law1ng., as :l.t now seem.a, 111urround.ed y the soenea 'W'hioh it hat so wCtl.del".t\tll:y peopled,


ot tubl1lll$tt &tmiua, and mor• 'tlh.n human .senalb111ty •. M•:tll.erie,. the oaatle of Ohillon,. Clarens, the mounta.ina ot La Va.lai.!ll and Savoy, preatn.·b them~telvea to thti 1-.gtt~a.tion as monuments of thin&l that were cmoe f11Wil1al', and. ot bei:nga t&a.t were cmot dear to 1 t.. fhey "fel"t~ ore a te4 lncletcl by ou m1bd1 but a mind 10 powerfully b~ight tot:~ to oaet te••d• ot taleehood on the reoor4e that •• eall ed :r,alf:tr,


'While traveling on the Continent !.n 1615, Hasli tt apparen-tly

observed o:ri tioally the 10enea Rouueau had deaor!.bed and we.s usually

muoh impreued,

The Dext day be:' oloudy, we lost light e.ntiroely of the h1gbeet range ot Alpine hill11 and aaw them no more atberward&h • ... We4 how,ver, had 'the Lake ot Bienne and Ide of st. Fl•u·re 1n p:roJfeot before ua,. 'Wbioh are ao admirably deaorS.btd by

25 . B91'on, !o.r.Jf.'.,, $2.• o1t .. , volw XII, P• 335.

26 :Peroy Bytahe Shell•1• Lett•:rs (Roger Ingpen, ed1tor .. Londona Sir I1aao Fl~ and Scmt; Ltd., !9'09)', vol. II, PP• 489•497,

l '

iou11eaau• in his .~.,,.•r:s..~.~ .2t .a· t!q·l,i 'b!Fl: · ~l!SJ~' ruut "to which he $1 1'11 pnt1111renee n«~r tM Lake · ot Gce'ft.

. (1888)

Pl•atu.t'e tr• readins a letter in&!. •oM~!i!•. H~loS.t~• Ba•Htt

dS..o~eaM 111 •Qn lewltf and F&l'1d.lhriisy," a:n easq trom ~ .tl¥1\


I o._e tat on a li\UUlf bank ln a ft. eld la *1oh the green blade~! ¥It corn w:ved in the t11i:tul ».ortnern breeu, .md read the lett&!' 1a the ,lew J~f·•, ln wbloh st. fraux d.aaoribte the Pays de Vaut:t. l e t 'What Shakupear oalla '1111 11glauy euenoe,u •• ..,h •• 'bkent lily t:h<>ught• were pure and tree, tb•y took a ba• t:r<»n the ebj eete Mtore tnt, and tr0111 the eimple manner• ot tht t.aabi~t or mountain eoenery, to well described. ta the letter. The 1ty'le gt.VG me 'bhe sensation as 'tlhe clrop• ot nt.Wlltllg dft before 1rh•r ewe aoorohed by the $U.J 1114 I ' Julia did •U to pra1e• u.. I 'Wished l oould have written aueh e. le:trller. · !hat w.l.1h1 •nh••" by my admlra'b1oa ef gen:Lua emd 'bhe h•lbs; Of '~me objii!IOtl around lll.e• •• aooGJnp&llied with mOJOe pleaave bn it :t had• titty auoh jtttera, or bad plate! all 'blw :repu'b-tt.on ot l te immortal e.uthtl"l a

. (1828)

I .Attst:r "fiai:tbg the 80$%18 ot }!. Nouvtlle ~lotae. early hh

fe.w:rt te •o:rk:, BaelS:ttt te•reacl the novtl to dete't:llliae whtther or noil

the'"""' ori'bloa bettlr jUd&U•nt 'bhan hch H11 oonolua1on,

although Bet eapeeb.lly tavor~le, 11 a rather lndil"eot ao:rt ot Fai•••

A m.~re a'ba.tlecl JiMUIUltg& IJUOetniq hi I toawr to»dnellll tor !!_ ,J!OJ!~l.le,

Id»lo'he and hit lou ot te.1te t&'t 1t will be quO'becl w1 th 'fsha retertnoea

wbioh are mor• .speoitlo.

1 45.4 ~~ a a re-peru~td, ti:llld 'litf onoa taTori:be work quite to 'Virlct, quite 110 yoi!J. or eloquenoe or untlment at tae


(it b iiru, not :m.uoh behol~n 'bo it) would. inatxu.ate. ) · . (Uh

, .. ,

j :


Ocmoernu.a. Volte.i:re• Oar lyle said,. •t.A• in real ••n•lbUi t;y jo

•o 1:.t. the cleU.nta1d.on of it, ia pa.thoe1 lot'tdn.••• o.nd tamlllat elo•

quenot, he oanno'b• all f'lir,. and 'bhere are m~; be

oompe:red wi tl:l. io\UUIJea:th ,.$0

A Jj)& t.r= oa.nto :UI o:t "OhUd• Rarolcle • • PU¢ « 1'18.1

quoued at the bt&lxaning Qf 'bhe section ~eating :ROU41$itt.u 1 • life f>l.Jad

part.-.llty although it 4oea pertain al11o. 'be llotulaea.u.• • "Wrl.1dllf:• Byron

ai:re·•·••d the idea 'but ltoutuea.u•e lift ~ri•ntea aad btl personality

had. been pove4 1n11G :b.i• "WO:t.-ka. lit dea~l"lbed. M., .Wl"itinc aa "hia

bunt- page" and ll.laid he "aew how to make ma.4neu Qeau:b:Uul, a:nd oa•t

o• ar eraoi~ 4eed611 and tboughta ·a, htt.venl;r hut at W«»"dl• ~31

CQ',:rinc W.-dawrth and ltc:n.a•••au S.n the easa.y,. ttQa the Ohan.oter

filt liGUtiM.u, • stailecl t'hf.\t Rouuea.u•a aupu~$.ority ""* :l.n the

P••oal ~t.lement o.:t' hit wri tinge. The pri:u.oipal cU.:tt•renoe b!llt'wetn

the 'bwo "Writers, he belie.,.41 oould be aooounted tor 'b;y the type ot

wriitinc '1\blth ee.oh did.

lOtuuuu~u. l:n all hie wri.ti,nga. neV$r. once loat I)'b ot hi:au~•lt • lie we. a the same iadi vidual &01J1 firet to 1ut. ~h• a;prin; ~t mon4 hia puaiou nner, wont ~own, 'l:s:he that asttated his hee.r'b n_...r ceatutd to bftt• It waa 'bhle str®g feelitJg of intler•at, S.n h1• mbd,. whioh over;powra and abse.rb; the teeling• o-r hla Be owed all hill pGWr to aentiaent. !the.wrl.W. . .-bo moat n~1y reaablee hlltt.1n our oa timet U the authw of the !:l!:&oa! !!:&l•!!• We •• .ao other dit:tel'"enoe 'beu..,.en 'bllem., tbel.l" tl'l•d.l 'bhi Olilt "Wrrte 1a pl'lc.utt a.txl tlw other 1:n. poetJty 1 and tbet proae 1.1 per hap• better adapted '\lt •preu th•• lGc:tal ud Ji)IOra•~l. t••;lina:e, 'Wh:loh. •~• iXlVtlterau hft'bt'lua in th• mind, thm poetry,. 'Wbioh emb~dit• ita

.~ '•

;•~naey O:t'$e:biOUih We OG:noei,.. that'a exolama:~ioa, !h.- Iiila !!.1!. l!l'Tel!'J.ol;l,t•" oomu mort h<XIllt to 'bhl m1J.\d 'bhan

M:r. W.:r •w~:rtlh '·• diso0n:ey of' 'lh• linnet• • neat "nth tin blu.a ecga, or 11ha11 Me adtb-n• to tht c~.tokoo, beauUtul as we 11lllblk 1'- 1tJ e.ud we w.tll oontid~l;yoiU.iJoh the oitben ot Gllleft t • ad:veninaJ'ctl on 'bhe tue ot Bhnne ag,ab11t the Oumbcn•• la.49

111 Poe!~!~'• tlee.'bing d.rem• • the LAke ot Gra~~mere. Do'CJh P.t~a~e. Gin tnterezs'f;;. eu11 ~t aoiihi:ntb or r~other ou'b of the 1r ew. teeline:•·• nth •aY:t awlb:erleu rtall>lleotions into one aell'bi-


';m~~ lJath 19SJJ.4 iJhti:r crtltl.!l· bt1JaG l'OUUd. wba.ttTtr obj eot OOCW!III to t,um. · h'b Rou•uau, a a a t~ronOOWl"i ter,. gl wa onl7 the• 'bual «M blpression. lb-. WotdtwOrth, as a poet, 11 :teroed. to lad the eolourill of to impreutona 'Which .._ all 1lheiP to••• to their 1de:nt1t7 111 th thrunt~~d'V'es,. and tritll to paint ~at 1a,~ly to be felt, Rouaaeau, in a wora, iutereata you ill ot:r1nd.n obj tete by tnter•ating 7ou in himaelta Ml';~ Wtl'dn'trth 'WOuld peraut\de 10~ 'bba'b 'bhe moat int1gnitioant objeote art i~ol"tdina in th_,t~Jl "'• b$CU.lU8t he h inbereated 1:n them. It he had met! wl:bh Rou11n••e.u • 11 :t'avor11st ptriwtnlcle, h• woul4 hla.ft V!Ult~tt' it intt the most beautU\tl o:f' tlomn:h '.l'hh h not t•mt•tton, bu't$ ot aene•• lt hil jtalou.•r ot the ~Yltl*thf <d •<tmers mU~s him aflJ14 '1'fhat la boutitul and grand in ne.!Jr; ~ doe• ht untertake •labora.telf to d.eaoribe other object•?

. . (1817)

:a _,itinc pau.a.goa be Lea ,Ooat:e•.•~op.~ to !lluatrate :aouuaau' 1

u•• ot 'bh• peree:aal elee:nt in hi• writlnga. llulltt llhowe~4 twlit.rity

With ltUI!htea;t.t• 111 lit• ud 'With 'bhe wi'btug he tl:ll!lou•aect. fhie allu•ion,

like it~ till o:me whiob. pl?eiUidea 1 t,. 11 !'r<~m "On the Character ttt Rouu-.u."

~- btn ot all hit 'WO!'lu if tht g~~•dona, thouch it 11 tha:b wMoh lute 'been ba.eil rtad1 beoauae it oonkina the t...,at ••t P*1"1.4ox•• or general op:b14.on•• tt :relates entlrtl)" to h!.,.tlt# anl u oat •• .,...., u muoh at h~ on 'bh11 tub.jeot~t; a• he ••• Ftocmt the strong bold whioh they had taken ot h1s xa:t,nd., he male•• ua tnttx- hh teeU.ns• aa if ther h&d 'been ~ O'Wll,. e.nd we ••• "'iio remember every l:noid4'11t and olrcntlJlllltcmoe fJf h11 Ute as if it had h&ppeed 1Jo owaelwlh We art ncmw tS.r•cl •t tshia wo:rk, tor 1 t ne~:re prestntt u111 W1 th piotluree '\'llhioh •• cum f• oy- to 'be oowterpa.rta of our oa tXllttnoe,


· -.. Pl•tae;tt. f/14 tb!t IWt Al"GI i.tmwafll~'bl.t• ·!ttlt~:re it the~·tt'4:btU!'411t'b• in& 6\Ho~ ot h!.1111 ehild.hood.• tM ~evua'• ~~.ttd th&\lchtil•••

· liMrt\r .. .t· \!IU«r.ll ,... •• -.:u, ·dirat~trJ.b-.J ot bit tti~l'A« up all · •• , lf'itlllt4~ ~~··· -- hl• h.otJ~:t .. 'bill tlhe:t WIU'4t /oJ"$:14 ,. tktlet 'br ~1q '* ·.-llblll wtt•riq ta Wti•lr "''''' Mtt · •••t»c b Alll*t dtaonbH wii'Jh au. ~ \Mtlea.-q to ,_.,,. kb.J p;u.~..,_. ·bs·tettlq 0ut,. M1111 ••ttatMtlcm b4 ~~· \lo hili Joumtr'• .., . tm• tt•Uih\ or "••tnc N'Ul Jotft$ he tnw ut •r•flt hit ani'fbll ~t '1\.u<lllilJ 'bhw f1;t.:lt"Q of Ws~tt kt~t"-1 ··

t'W$;8 'lil't~b 1,_0 ~tabl$ 1\"Hl.d.,a ·Mel eltA~ftt the 4elisht• h1 ad.'ftlabe ttt ~ Obl.tatau de ~WltW.t11 'Wh~~tl"$ he pttllflll!Gd the day · ;d.tb *«-.t~oll•· Et*'** a4 *4•cd.tM1l• Galley• tshe ri.,- ot hil Zu:U.I"a..- ~ p!tl'lflilUt lbht .. ~nc ZuU~~.~tttJa.• whotlt laaJ'b · · ~u, ~pta. e .l~·J&,~~~" wre ·~ tJG be lllr~'bii$JAJ ~deep:Tt~l .~ ~--.4M ·of tiDe ftl.l• arM~ a flat ~··• ·U,~ wUtb a td.tb"-~• peroMd ~ bit h•l'lJ hu tf.toit ·~tq 'W1th lil'il.d~ W~t,.u.h1At dl:t»tr>i:ptl.m tt b•a.­,.,,_.., k•r -..u. au.e,. hw -.~itt the ••• ot Me nrn1 hla 'Sl.ld.q «Mif ·a.· ·tk1 \Jhtl~ the bt~tllh& W~We ah1%il1JaC t~ Y~l)tr,,: aac\ aU•l,.'td.q t.a a ••n lid Wltl»c 4r-. tM llt. ht ~1at>da led tdthlwr1 Ia *!at.~ an4 ttu't • ..- lS.:t-.1'ba411lt ~~- •w.r · lli _.l•~ ,.l:S.oltyg 'Wl* l.Nd~ dlap~l1Wn1i tit btl hop&aJ bl.ti WHAftilpm tlkW_., ,._, •ft•r at d$1111 t» 1'1\'Me ft~r *loll ~ Jll4 ln',.,.i ~ '-••~• h'a OM of tlwl'f ..Ulea ~ ~.,, hla *ftlh'- tn tt.ia lq ~·••1 or· 'iS.•• · ht• · ~~- wU\h ~ au4 DlciWt*• ht ·~ '- l'a2*l$J th• t1r111 Ul-. ~t~f Mat W1 'b~ll& 'b$ ~l!b t.a4 h1• a1ctM.C~il te ••-. 4lJott~.~ JaJA 1· .. · Pifojt~cistJ·1 !d.t :r-., hleld.l\ito~. 'hb¥ ~PW -~· lllil 1ut ••lt:•q J.WII1d~ill ln.·~ lt.k~~t ~ :ttl- t~t ...... With hl• 4ol ... hlll lJR'tl• hid ~.,..,. •• a.l\4 41•llo1•*• m\l:tlnM· ~~ all ii.Mt• or_. !ilatll> our m.S• wtth ~6llllt<»ttta 'fillla • ct• .ut; ••• '\'Jt ._...... thwe *" P ,..,._._, 174 tM :.h .a . a ot ttual ~~~ ~~ma. bt~HM1~ \\tth ·tht 'ba$i 4$!f!IQII.Jbt~ la iii •• ic.n• it • --~ thtt aourd• • t9 w:t;_., JutS.••• li111 . a • t11'& st. ~tW, his lett~~W w h•~• tht~ art tilt th.o.b tlt~ti 10Wit We tPE*t tJro \Vbo1e ~· 11~ ftl.41aa •••• twM -.rltu em<~~ <~•dilt na<t.,. l1f-.. 'Wlwa - ~- youq) u $hld4~»1 ~- """ -~

... >rli~J\.f ~tit -• ·tlw Mald.u _._,,. ~a mtdtol-.1 &TN• ..

! u.te tht bappl••tt. 7'tau'lf •t ou:r 1u.~... w. •:r •11 •• t:~t ima; ._,, 11 the cltw tJt ime!J' ~- N"td. p1hlut'b the 'balM ot thl, ,._..,llftt1e•& ~ t.a"il\1' ~-.. !•••a~iou whl•h 1l4d.ilhtr 'tblt IMI* tlftUMIJttlaOO OUI. .-taee.ll


X. "On \he Faa" ad, ~• ~m ••-. t.e !tll:~lt ~ l:kaUtt

. . I

··; t I

again p:oa.11t4 louaaee.u1 e vivid style'of wri'biq in Let OonfeiiJaioua.

le aeems to go.thell' up the pe.1t moments ot hi$ bei:ng .like dltc>pJ ot honq.-dft 'bQ db 'b:U a preoi 0\111 liquor from themt his alter .. nate pleasure a mel paine$ are tht& b-.d•roll tha. t he tells over, aDd piou.:Ly worlllh!psJ he malcea e. roaa:ry et3fie tl~r• of hope Uld tanor tmt etrowed hh ee.r11est ytars•


kdll:tt•s t~a.rly ton«n.•u tor.!::!. .l~oat•l!e :atldiae eel hiAt even'bual

tb'ing o:t moat pU"'bs tf it ha.w been mentioned in thia o~pteJ>. In th.t

•••8.1• "*Qn Ree.ding Old Booke, n he tells ef hi a C!*Ont1nuad lildng tc>r

La Cont:rat II!HIIoial and tes C:onteaslowt • ....... liltll"4f 'Qp•llll ......... ;:;e;I4#J .. 1 J i'fl.,

Halty " 4a1nty rep~•uat haw I ot the ~ ll;oiaes"" ... tha deaod.ption ot the ld.aa; the •xo!U"don on the water; "bh$ letter of ii• Preux, reoallin.g the time ot their fi:rat loveaJ t.nd the a.oeowt .of Julia" • deathJ 'bhese l :read over and o'V!Ixt aga.ia With ua•peakable d.elight and woa4er. Somt 1fJal"J after, when l met wi:th. thla work again, l found l had lGst nearly rq whole :teliah ter 11'1 (exot~p'b IOld tw pe.rtla) and. ••• I remember, 'h1'7 mu@ mort1t'tt4 With thfil change in nl1' 'ba11rbe11 whioh l 1ough1i to e:ttri'butt to the small».eJu!l and sU>t eilgell ot tht tHUUon., .I had bought,. al'ld 1 ta b41d.ns per~ 1r.l:bh roa••lea.'Ws• Jlo15J:dng oo'l.:lld exoecui ,_,he gravity; thl$ lilolemn!:by w.lth whiCJh l ourltd home ant! read the Dedication to the Sooial Oontracrt. with ()the:r ptnea ot 'bhe tame author, whioh '! had pie ked "P at a 1ta.ll tn a oouse leathern cover. Qt the qon:r,euion; I haw $pOka el(!Jewhere~ and uy r•peat ifl.'~At I have sa£d ..... ltSfte'b .i.e the clew &£ 'bhttir 11emoey, and· pl$aean:b th" ba.lnl ot ~til" reoellee'W.~.Iuaa .


1he :tirat ,.t the 'Wtf'avorable allud.ou 11 fouad in tn.. Du:rz ot

!ho:ru.1 De <llub>.<u•r• be14mally,: thidll 1111 ev1ci41Pll'bl¥ i$h.e first allusion

e.tter 180<>.

l talked with ur. Bt»t•rjak abou~ !ouaseaute ~lnile·M~ie.-­!i?1'!'J. o-.-tD.-aQt. Xr. B. aatcl 11:1 •• ge:nere.lly'belh

14 ~~~d., vol. Vlli; PP• 23•24.

36 J..lU.!•• vol. :nx, P• 114,

' j


· louaaeau did not wi'e the ••oonhuion'*" ln thilt" W!$.36


llithou:b go;tAg .1ato any mor~ detail ths.n d!d ~ r;~u:tnoe;y, Shelley,

v1'tling to ThClWlt JetfetsGn Hogg• ·!fay 16,. 1a11., questioned tJ',le valu•

and acou:ra~:r ot ~~! (h;zal)Juta,opt.

The. P&t•U!0/!1.! or Rouaa~~e~u ai'e the only things o:f' th~ kind that M" 1\l.pp(uQ'*tt,. and they a.rt 91thet a. dlagt"a.oe to ,, oa:n.• 1\\UUIOT, ()r a e·bring of :f."altlllih0oda, p;robabl;y the latter.

. (1811)

Semn~l;y, ltaslitlt*'a onl7 Wlflatte:rilll.g celmlen.t concerns Julie.

the heroimt bt .!!. Jgq..,.,ll! 1:W1o'it•• ln ~'!:.9.!t! st :!&!. !!]!. !l!s• llolqtot:' he aua.i4, ":ROtttSilltau 1 a Julia,. again, it eometbin; or a pedant,

ud oold,. ealeulat,.ng41 and 1ll.ainoe:rth "18 (1816)

'W.tttn w.ri11~& te h~ :Brace, Kifla'bl a:om.e-blmea aootttd. at

Rouu~tau • s letter 'Wii. 'bing as 5.llu•trate4 tn .!!, llfouvelle R~1t.l1ll!" <m

July 1, 18191 bt ee.!d. tha 'b he ftl!l glad that ht. had not aan'b e. leis'be~

whioh hi had ~1~ten b$0ause !twas too muoh 1tke one of Rouaaeau•s.39

'lben, <.m. Ftb1'uax"Y 85, 1820, Keats again laughed at :Rousseau' 1

letter. wri t1:ng ••n he· 11rote to llitt Bra••• J: ba.V$ been 'b~nilll.l anr two '"l\Utl.l!ll ot Letters written between!Jau an4 two lo&tli$11 in th$ perplexri strain of mingled f1neue and unt:i:m.ent in which the LtA.diel and g.ntle:m.en of' tluu'e f.e,ys "WOre so al!llver., and 'Wldoh is at:tll pr~n.ltn'ti ~.Jn~~~ng Ladi<IUS or th1 a Ooun11:ry 'Who l5. w tn a 11rba.te ot re 00 tonin; 1"0XJ~Al1()Ch

.. ,. • Iii '. • .... ,..

36 Thoma• Oil Qu1noer. ,Diarl ( A. Eaton, tiC1itol!', New Yorka Pa.y11on and. Ola:rke Ltd,,. 192'7), P• l93t

87 sullq, J:tettHilNI (Ingpc,. etlitor), wl. X, P• 77,

38 Hall1t1s, ..l!lit- oi:t:l., vol. llX,. P• 130•

31 John Ieata, tettera (Maurice Bu~on Fo~, editor. Oxtorda mlta:rd, 1931),.' '.Yot. n, P• 3al.


. ' ' !

' ' '

the lllcGt&t honvt~ only e:xtcmd.a to the lOS.:nner1$m._, not the d.exttft.~, !'!hat' Wjuld. .Rouaaeau·h!A.,. $&.1d at 11.1eeing FeJlllY'• and l~J1' liirble eon-eapondenoe$ 'What would hit ladies haw tud.di I don •.u •~• :muoh••l would .soo:r:l.(tl" have Shake•P~•u:·e• s

. opinion about tlhe :matter. The Oo:lll:m.o!l gou:t.pinl o.f' washer-. "ftll.Q m.uat be lea$ cU. a gusting .than the oo:ntinqal tand eter:ne.l f'e•e and attaek ot Rouaeeau. ed th<tte sublime Pettiooata~ . One ealb herself· Glal"a and her friend Julia, two ot io [u,J a.aee:u t a he:roinee••they all It or a.E at ilh.e ltlWe time ohri.atea poor Jean Ja.oquet s. heux••who it 't:'h$ poor oa'V'&lier' ·.t hh famowa nGVI!Il.-.~h.ank God I am 'born in lll.agla4 with o~ evm gl'ta't Men before Tl::r ·~•· bnk God that you are ta;tr anci can love m.e wttecut being Letter .. ~i ttc.n l.lld eentimenb d:t. c t d into 1 t.


·' ae a m tefi '\'lib& oould han a worte intlua.oe than he •

. .!$. ~ will be kr.urwn by and bye, i.'OJ" what i'b is intended,•• a ~~I£! Oll. ,.b,~l.e.'!. Gf the preaent e·be:bt <rt Sooiet;y, ~nd not an eui'eg Gf vice• 1 t me.y 'be now e:nd tJhen volu.ptuout c I ou't help that. Araorto 1• wor••.t. Sm.ollett (see Lord . swuw•ll i:n VGl,. 2 • ot ,R , Jiaeri«?Jillt !ii.narf ) ten tme• wor.dltJ and F1elding no bett$1'• No 1ifrl ;a~ ever be seduet4 by reacu.n, ».. J•l no, :no, aht 'Will go to Little' a poca and lt~UJiJeau• a rOJblliJ tor ths.t, or ...,.n to tho lA!I Stautlt 'bhllf will enco\U'agt her, a:nd nob_~· .Don• who b.ugha at that,. and .... and""""lllOSt ether things. . .




The decline in the :reputation. Of RoU.aeau which oqmmenced about

1787, the t1xne ot hie departn~re fltom England, Em! oonti:nWil!d t~ousb. the

remai:tlde:r of the oetury~' its a eo:n.t:rt.llt to b:h reputation 1n l!lnglan4

dur1ne; the loraantio Period. The :Rome.ntio Period ...... fttom th• ll!te.ndpoin'b

of the numbe.r ot al.ludoiUII and 'tlhe ent~udaam. ot :most wri terra••ia the

JIJ;b I l !If~ ••

40 Ibid., PP• 613•514.

41 llyron,\1' :W.2!:k.f. (Prothero .cition)~ vol. VI, PP• 155•U;a.


I . I i

period dtu:'il'L$ 'Whioh iouemee.u r~ofb:t'Ved the most attenti6n. Only nine

or tha t&l"t:y al:tua;ionr5 :are tmfavoroe.bl_,, and tl:w mfiljori ty of' th&ee

allumions are quite Uf£U!I in th& oharges ..


Be:r:e roehl"atea ilo RoutUJia.u'• • '\"'rl. 'b1ngs 'bhan to·· his U to and

peranall'by (I)Qe~JU~ ililriag 'tl\11 }!)6rlsfl11 11 'lmt ~leo tttue i',ttom. 1778 to

laoo, kclltt, eq b ·'bhe auther at atmoat Ollt• ot the allusions

l:n 1mti!P ehllll.ptti't •• pr•rtl.y 1nt•ti'eflted i:n louasaau•s writi:ngil,~~

}4. Oonin.'"at .t~ial ~nd Le• ,Qontegs,~,oq espe.oiall;r.· lo othtar 'Wl"1'bing

exocept· &. .!~":~llft lleldita was mentioned. &di tt1 s allusiQXUJ were,

at a rule-,. more llpee1:ti<t than thmn~ of oth•r wri "b$ra~t

lthU.e ·lim tho Oentin~t- :uazl:ttt11 Byr®., and blley wertt

1ntereete4 tm.eugh 1n ltt\11 seau to v!1d. t the 'b~:tt!:tlo:ty Which llouueau had

dtt<t:r1'betl 1a ~.! .G~l1;:ff$,t.,,l,tl!,;q,~ cwd ¥ ,N~uv~~l.! n$11!1i.J!.!• A:f'iler thel:r

n•J:ba1 .U1 ·tf tht$f -.11eJ~t pl"aiaett ltotua•aut• dii!Wao:r!l.pbiw ab!Ult;y.

Obher v·11te..,., eo tl.llu.,cl 'bo his 11~ oro hh 111\rlt!nga leen treque»:bly Otl~14gt _. O!U"lyle~ and De Q!:d.nct7•

... ~1 I

. i




X.4it:t'ereue1 ratlMu~ than ileoidet dilta.vor,. appeq• to be the

k.,_ote ito :Ro~aseau•a reputa.thn b• 1882 to 18601 it the n:wnbtr and

the '\loJut .o£ "bh41t allualu• b.Lolud.ed in 'bhit ohapter are aoo~te b.dioa•

ttou. In oontraet to forty alluld.ctmil tor •• preoeding patlod., we t1nd

only ltftn trom 1881 to 1850. An allu•:lcm ot Dt QUi1110ey' 111 oontalnlil

the onlr ad.wr•• od1s1ohm.

The W:1 tWO aUiallGnll 'bo the lite ot llOU$111UU !'or the en1d,re

period ar• found tn the ,&u.tob:lO£allWJ£ ot Leigh Bunt. Aliihough both

tllu11on• are qu1tt !aoid.enta1, tbey are ta'V'Orable• The onlt retere11.0e

to the pe:raoaU ty ot :Rcmueau ia that ot :rhomae. De Qul®81 and h

1.4ke Jrro•• hllty, am liaalitil• Leigh. Hunt •• eager to v.LaS:b

the ~~•••au had deeoril:u.Cl and,. like the other ....r1 ter$, ht

expeoted to be 1mpreue4 el though he cUd. Mt aa:r muob about bta

experi em•••

At Ohamb•l7• I oould not l'flltht ;o1nc to ••• the ho\Uit ot Routltau aal lfadamt de••• wbile the o.oao.h atopped. It ia up a beautiful ~ •• ~•r• yqu ha1W treea all ~ ~y, alop1n& tiel4s, a~ a brookJ •• t1t a to••• aa oou14 be dedred. X me'b seae Gtrma23AJ oom!.:ng a'\'lll.y, who oOXLgratulate4 u '* 'btd.N bCKlad aa they ha4 b1-.n, to the hou1e ot "Jean Jaoqu••• •1-



Hunt a;ain J~U~Jntionecl R~uuau and Madaun.e de Wtu•ena ' he

oond~ed 7h~s M~orets o~ltloia• ot ~--·

l thought, a.f'tGNardl.~~ 1hat a man or $UOh apt:rtt Jhould no'b ba.Tt ooltid41!1$0t:ncled. to airllaok: Rou •eeau awl poor fool1ah »6adamt de Wutn.• wt ot a to r1&h1J h1nuu,lt 'W'!:bb polite 11t•1 and. with the lll4hOJ7 of aome thoughtl .. ;u• produ(J .. 'btont ot hi• ~~ ·


' Rouuta.u'a '*extra,.gam:b till1neu," De Quinaey •t'bapted. to find

expl&Xlationt for hb peoul16u:• idea•• The tntlre J*tsage Will be

quoted in tb$ eeottoa deali~g ~th the wr1tinc••

Atter au, the ••ntblaali«<t had youth to plead ln a.polo§ :f'G.r th1• a.tta"Vapnoe. Re •• hypoohondl"iaoalJ he •• t.n • oli W.4.e J ad he •• ptJUIIIed b)" sl oom, 1•811o.a:td.mat "t5a the wrld ot •o()1ety i:n thtt his;heet pu.blio ore4l1h," ·

llla&l itb.tatn 1Vb.o alluded to Rou.taeau• a wr:t tinge d.urittg 11hb

period 'Wtlrt Tb0111e.a aulylt and !rhOl!Ul.lfJ ». Quino.q. Oarlyle patted

J4 Oontra.t soo1al, e.nd D4t Quinoey er1td.oise4 ~-~! Oont~unlionth Both

Carlyle and De. QMiuoe,y referred to Rou•aeau'• dootrin•• rathtr ~a . '

to the literary quall tie • ot, hi a wri tlnga.

lu !9!. !ftnt#Jl ReTo,lut&ou, Oar lyle montioned bJ'o1etly nouatea.ut a


Fsnoy,. tor ••ample, the Proteaaor• ot T.Jnive:ra5:b1•• parading the rrt:rettl\1 with tlUiir )'0\1.1'13 F:ranoe, and ~Wrutinq: in tul

2 ;~1,4,•• P• 179e

3 Thoma.• Dt Quiruuey·. ~olleo,e4 W:rit!aJ• (Da.Yld Ua~ton, ed:lto:r, Londont A. and o .• :S'luk1 189 }, vo ~ v:f'f!;' P• 426.

,. i I u:n.ntr, not without tumult, Jy a largtr Cft:.ttro1•• •t fanoy, t:ll:piU'I.4 duly th1t lit'blt wordt b lU<e 'ftt· r~tpea'bel ln· e"f\try T<ra and flillltr1oil !n Fn.notdu.Such thrte ••u tJt •••adngl Saw the Sun .,..,_ suoh a neu1n& pttoplt? Haw they bttl\ bit 1r.r a. ••u1ng tarantula? Noa but tlhq IU'e men and FrtnohllcJ they ha"Vt HopiiiJ and• lllliJJeular to 18,11 they he.'Vc,t hi'bb.; '\INI:re it on11 in 'bhe Got:pe1 ao•o~d.lnc • Jean Jaoque•• 4


Oomerntnallouute.u e.Di !f!. astr(\t •!del, Oarl7le rJaid i».

~~ "'n•h Jt!!lM'b&;o.p..,t ":aouuea.u•a ate.tue it d•oreeclt 'drwoua J•an•

Juquea,. ~liat 'Of the Oonwe:b Sootal~~:"6 (1637)

Then• in a. raore pointed allud<m .from tht t~uune 'Wl'i tins, Oarlyb

••••••« the Plpft'tanG"t ot the- ccwe~ntal 1deau ill !:! Contra:b 100ial•

'fl.Jll.t• ald. $Ill! ~· Mon:teequieue, MablY~f, JJpokeslltn ot 'r•• ba"19 41••~- l:QXI.WD.$ra'bl• thincu and now hat nt:rtl JttU:l Jacques prG\llp.te4 h1e aft lvaqtl o:t a Ooatra:b Sool~lJ exp) the whole m,ratery ot Gtvtrmf!l1t 111 ani how It it ~~OA'\$ra.g;taea, tmd. ba:rp.lntd tor_.-•ilo u.n~'Vtraal''aotion? • • ;~}ie,oij & 1\EtW' lf'OU3alg cenera'td.On halll i$XOhanged 'bht Soep'bS.ct Or$t4, ~:b l! bel~t~? to"!! paadou.te FaS:bh in tbU qoeR•l. a.ooor~ ~-.n J•equ.ef 11 a tur.-ther attp in the budntsl IIU14 'bntkw nmob.. 6 ·


'to the fooU.nmeas of Jll)lliiUI11U1s ideeA . .- De Quinoq quot•d

a palaag9 rtom part 11 book 11. of' Lei O!!ittai~l• The 'briU'llla.tion

1e :t~olua4 her•• 1htterenoe to th1a e11tuaS.oa hal already bean mad.•

iu cOM.ellilion with Rc:uueau' • perecme.l:l 1l)'t~

Bu'ts a me»de ct que 1tiomnc the o~aolt• ot darm••• ta't llliWt ob1ldl11Jh, a.nd under s•• shape or othor, equally oornmon amongst tb.oee .m.o ar• prompted by mere TllOanoy ot mind.

4 Carlyle, SR.• a!~ .. •• vol. lilt PP• 3l4-3US.

6 ru.,t• 111 voh IV 11 P• 51.

$ Ibid• 1 vo1. Xll, PP• 153.,.154,

7 !

withou'b. t:tul'tl ct•ter»tbtm;; ion to. eacred fouJataltUJ whiah .111 ifftpreaaed. by mtaery, 'l:ti!A'1 be tound 1n th• tolll!~Wing •~tra•·· aa:il:b. d llit~.t•• It ROtt' aeau, whi~h :t gt ve in hi~J own ward•·~ a ease for wbloh he admit• .ihat ht him,elt would have 1hut ..ila fAl1Y' o'bl\4/l.a,o . -~ (mtanil!lg in a lunatle . hospital) 'Whom ~ lUa4 •••a ]?l'att1otq the. arwe, abGtU:"di tie~t~·

"tn tbe td4,; ot my atudt•• .and ot e. ;lit• a• ltm.l)o4m.t "'" it •• p~t~dble to 1M4, an~t in fplte ot all that oould 'be. s.aid 'bo at, the fear of !Ill .agi:baiutd lllEJt . Otten l aaked myae:t.r, In 'bt state am n It l should. die at this mantnt, •lla.ll l be damned.? Aooord1ng to. my Jauen!et t:rienlls,: tRe thia$ fa wdubi'b•bltJ but to my oo~otenot 1'b ·m,rb ao. Qo:a:ld.Buall:y fearful and tloatlng 1n 'bhis eruel \ino~~tt\t\in11y, I had reoour11e, t~ ••, to expedient• the moa'b l'iclioulQUlflt a,nd euob •u l ahou1d w!.llincly have .ahut up any Crilher P•r•u 'tor if l n.t« 1een him. d.Qint:C the like •. 01\e c.tal:..,. d.,t*UIIS,~ on til laid •11bjeot, l ttxerclaed. •elt m4tohlU'l!oally itt throwing stones agabust the 'bl"Ullk:e ot aom• t*"''''• and 1h1• with my u•u.l dt:rier:l.ty. ... 'bhat 111,. •oaroely ,..,.,.. 'h1:tt:t~ ortt <r4 tha, 111 the ot thl s fine exel!'n:tae, l t ooo\ll'1."4td 't0 me to Mlce a •or- of prognoetic.t for oalming m:t trouble. X aaid. to JQ.Yeelt,••l: ~thall throw this stone e.t the.t

: tl"ttl!l W'h!Oh l8 di:t"t!U#tlf OppcUi te liUU it l 'bouob it, Of llfal.,..ttoa, U' l ml.llllt •ie:n of' demaation. So saying• I threw my 1tM1e wl tb. a trembling ha».ct and a horrible bee:bing of the heart, hut IQ happ1l7 that it hi~ the tret right in the middlet not a t'U.:t£l•uli matter V\tlyi tor :.t had taken oare to choose a. veey b'~j and nry nea«" eru&. Sl:ooe j!,h$l';\!. have had !2. more doubt !£. ~ 1aal!11l&St. I Jmow noi,. in r"oali!iii. thi 1 .. ~X!Oident., 'Whether I oUC}lt tell ~ug;h or be a~thamtd. of my.eelt."

NO"fi really, it Rouaaeau thought £Ut to try llUOh trexnendoWt appeals by te.kt~ a 11ahl" at a ran4oa objeot,. he shoul.d have governed :hil $ert:Ll•s:• (fer •uoh it *1 be oalled) with some .. thing more like equi'byu u.Atter all• 'bhe aen'bimemalillt had youth 'be plead in apelogy :f.'et' th1J'l$th lte was hypoohondl'laoalJ he •• in IJOlltucleJ and h• •-* poue1sed by gloomy S.magibt;on• "from th• worka or .1oo1ety ln the highest ])Ublio o~di't •"


1h'0111 th~t~ IIJiumdpoi:a:b ot the num.btr of alluaiona, thl• perl.od


is moat nearly l. ib the one :tr• 1778 to laoo, Similarly, the p6r10d



1800 to 1812 "l'tllllblea tht ft.rat ptrio.d b. 11Ma 111~q. !hi prl.MiJ.*l

dittere~~not b~t'ttw'ea the seven alludon111 t•~" 'bhh peried l!IIJld the allu•

1111 on~ tcr 'bhe lat'b tua:r'tt~r et 'thl ei;ll'b~M:n'tlh oe:t1~ 1a h t a.ll bu'b

~ •f :the all~Atl-. ol'betll h•r• are h.'V'Oft'blt 11 I!I.Ni •17 one alludon

1• the etbtll' .f,\Wi- te oompl.lmenta17•

t•tgh I'U'i ·&JUl lhaat at.rl7lt wrt'b• hvwel;r about J.<Nilaea\h

Tbomat h Qta1a~~tey tleaoliDWtd him. and bia thiiHllricu• in &•• CE£•st•i.ont•

lacidtntallr, ~·• .!i'!!f:!•ud.oa!! 11 'bht tmly wrUin& beld.cle~a ~ O..CJ>aiJ

!CU!&!l tr; r-.e:t• a~aid.ea at "*hb' U••• Both Carlfll and. Dt Qdl•~q

QM't$lo!aecl iou••••u•• ideaill rather tlwl hb literary a'byle.

-- --------~--~----------~


em 'bb.t batie ot 'bbe eTtdenoe \)Joupt torim 11.'.1. 'bhia etu(\y',

W tillld 'bha'b tht. l'•p'lltte:b1-. ot IOUIIIIfAU ln lllrlgl$.tl.d. thm 1760 '\!10 1860

lluoofNa'be4 •enti.llt,rably. Bt was al teru.uly .... hipped. au iilespi1ed

bu' llltl4• to,a.1ly ifll(l)!'ed. Fluot"~Aatioa whith •ometimo• ooourred

4\lA":lng a. oeri»aia pert1d ot year• ia p~~t.rt!iW#u1al'17 .nldtmt during the

per:td 1:1i0 'tie 17'19 ua his a?epute.'ld.oa in bglt1uu\ ohan.ged audd4b11y

:ttom. te.vorabl' to'blll•

Fr• 1710 'bo 1718, lil.n.gl11hmtn w.r• e.pparoen'bly liJ.Cst in-..EUII'bd·

ln l•ueu»et.u•t llte and p$r'IU!)1UtU:ty11 fW!' the majori.ily •t the e.l!lulicmA

4•-.1 w1 ilh that pba.l$e of hia repute. 'bien.. IJ.ght al1ua1 onll a.:rct 11• th•

wd:t=tna•• and. ~n'bf•cm• ue iJo hie lite a.nd pt~raenall'by• 0\l'e:r half'

f!>t 'b:he alluld,~;pQ. are these or lo&t'W$ll and Eutae, 'Whoua &pinioma wre

ta:·v:ora'b1t~ at1l "lsheu qwa.rrel 'With lloauMu S.n the or 1766• ·

Oxdr tt= at the ~is7"':aine allusiomJ are taTk~Abl4tt and 1'1ve ot the

1'a'YOJI'fd>1e alltte.i.<ml eo:ms•rn hl.e ltt~.. be, Wl"i 1ln@i about JA_ llbu'Ve:U•

X!l<il\ U• ••• tu onl:v taftf!&bl• OOt!J4ent on the writings.

Xn the .IIJGoticm devGted. to opi1\\1tBIJ of his "Wr1 t1nga,. \II$ find 'bhe

me.j~i'Q' ot the •~t• oenetrned with!!, l!;~v~l.+J. !\!1.-'~!•• Altb.QU,gb.

IiW'P-1$ 4or:tm$!ltcul taw.l!'a'bl3r a'bout 'bhe nov111l, nQ ~her Wl'i"tr ot the pQri.(:)d

<U."1tsldllod. :Roueae•u•• literary prod.ut'b.tou faTOJI'e.bly. Gray, \'lhO

m.enti••IA :n• ep.otfl• wli:lq, 1ft'O'be •'bc.'tut the ttlcunenes•'' o:t l!O\U.IIfe&u • a

plete and ohuaotl\llrh Bo.-ll end. JA-. iumq 'bhQutV&1 thAt ~ M;ou,..,.1A•


BS ol!• ml~bt han a. 'ba« tn.tlue:ruae-.•• :Surney p.,.. 1n her 1!:!.!::. htr te:bh41ll"' • 'bha'b 'bht :n1wl •• :not wi tabl• rtadtng tor

youag gir-1• • ltrwell aa14 in the &!t!. .2! J,o~ll,fl!,J 11 •, this novel • .,,

ptl"ha.pt11 h harm~· 'lm't :t .otomlet think hi4 inte:Bid.on ftll bad." In the lf(i)•ll alto q,tto'b.t Johlaecun•a a-dverse cr1tiu1am et llO\UISe&u•s

'bheort.e• Qt :$.)!ltq_ud1~~tt. G!bb~ wtd Gray Cp!l*eued dhappre'Val ~t tho

!a!lt. d.Ul"llill 'bhll l'Jerild•

1"h' pert0'4 1118 to 1800 cU.tfets f:r."Qm the pJ~eoeding period in

'bha:fs t-.ll" 'fti Wll OGmmexa:tt:lli about ltOUSftaU :f'rOlll 3. '778 'bo 1800 and 'thAt

aU t¥ .tluaione tn tm.e aeo<»nd period• nth 'bht~ ~xt)e)'bion ct tnt

CfJ:tlete.l teterenc;• te the wr1t!nga" are unf't3.vorablre. In wti'bing about

loutsta'll'l pertt-.U.~. hx'k41 and Walpole oritiched two

"ffm11lir e.nd. tutptcd.&n., Burke •• an ~tuspeoitA.lly ortti~h Ino1unt1

ln•••tl't. 1Uf a».c!l tht: philo•ophical. anclt pol!t!od 'Wl'l'it!nga niden'bly

rettivt4 ao e.ttem:bicm. at thia time•

~r&.ng the R~1o. Period, 1800 'bo 18321 the oompe.ratively

lfCJater. ~.u:¢be &£' a.U.uti oWl! IUld the en:thu$1a$lll ot motrb wri tera denotes

a h1e;h•potnt tn i.0Uit-.u" s reputation !n lllngland, it the allualonf

folUld .in tblt inW*I'bie;atton .are en aoem-ate indloatiorh

Prom lSOO to lSSB the major1'tly ot tht allullii<m~ art f'

to :Rou••••u• TMJI'1;.y•tnt Gt 'bhe lor-by alludm:us• ... the morst fq:und :tn tJq

perie!Jd ot '\IM.Ii e'budy-•ar• fa'W)ra.ble •.. lf.e.ditt,. ut~Wtlly a'\laey

'WJ"lil.,., •• 311.01"$ orit:l.oel,. bO'WIIfll'!8~ .. 'flbcrn he detJoribt4 Julie, tht

herolne .ot !t. ~~~Al! Jl!!,ql!•• alii " ot a pedan'b,. and ool~

oa.loula'binc,. aM. :l.rwlpa•r••" Othv 'W'l"i'bers 'Who made minor, unft.vorable

o~'tur a"ltw'b Rouaeeau •r• Byron,. Shelley, Kta'blll, OolerUgt~~; a.nd.

14 h Qutnot~.. QU'lyle,,. the Gmly t'bher writor et the period to uns.a

llOli.Uiaeau., •• .at'b Gl.lilm'tially an &d'Ytf'lt o:ri'bic &lthoqh he d.uod'bed

him &i "pClltl" ieu ili\oquea, halt .... ._,,,,•lll8aiao. n Oarl;yl~tllll :rea.c111cn

•• ap,PUen,ly ee ot plt7 nd:asled wi 'bh admiJ?atiOl\•

luring ' .Pt1"1•~- lctalitil.; lbht mo1t p.rolU'ie eri'bio, ._,

oonetrnt4 mei:nly.'W1tl!l. Rotaaa•aute w1tinga • .&!, Ogn1aid!•l,~. and ~.1

.2,~lltt:!fj,:l..._9J• lu14~ntall;y, !:!. }feu.,..U,t .&.-.19~1! 11 'bhe only otlher

viil»-i meat1Gnet 4l.t~inc the pertol:l. ~ditt, 'Who bad. lU:$4 the novel

bt111:l in hit. you'bh,. 'ft.lll putioulady in lwu••u•• "d'dd

d.teoript! t:na. Itaali tt;., as dld. Byron a.rtd Sheller, v1d'btd the Reu1na.•

oounvy and •n• ab'"t th.• "beauty ot hi• teal11r• tt

As the per! Gd 1778 to 1800 b i:ra notiee..blt to 'the

peritd 1710 iH:> 1778 f~ "bhe point Gf' view or the numbsr o:t allu.siont

ud the attitnlld.t. of os-it:toa; ao h. 'bhe ptrioll 1S81 to UIIO in oonvaa'ts

~o the ~~ from liOO te l$32. Tht 41tferenoe bema the 'tnfo

ptrit.S.s,. hGWvw, 1• pr-inoipally in the ntU!lbtr o:t allu1i on~ teuad.

Mvt tilt' the ••Tell. ~Allut!G:nt troltl 1612 to 1810 and tbirt;y...ont ot the

torty allulicm.a tra 1800 t• 1S32 art .favorable. lJt Olinoe,, tht

o:zaly writer ·of the pwtod. who, omnnum'btd;y about Rouueau,.

031'1 Uti aa4 hta t\\n1Jal'b1t 1d•aa :ln };:.e~. ~~!!ltillltl!•

1'wo incd dtnt&l refe:renoea to 'bht Ut't st louue&u b1 the ptlied

imm.tdiately tollnil\g the ~t1o Age fu•• 'bhot,t et Ltish la:tJ,. who

DUQJ;td.qfd IOUIIIIIUlU•a 8.I,I'I001a:b1a with l\fa~ de ifUWlth Wl;ylt, •

prali'H !!!, J2.ontr~;t JqG,ia~, rm.d IJt Qub1otr, wh1 oritbUtcl b.U 21E:•t&!M, d1sou.$Attd Rouallntau* a d.oetr1nea rather tbtUI\ h!s U1uwaey etyle.

, The w•k mee'b b"equen'bly mell:i1one4 ( the period 1760 ta I

1.160 1.1 b. !!;u;vtlle ~~ijl .. ~~~~· Xn 'bhe Romantic Age,. 1600 'bo 1632,. the

na'\1'$1 •• ta,.rably ocmmentecl up0a by Byron. hili tt.., 111.nd. Shelley. Byron

l.U~iecl ll<iJiiltlllt$;U.~ 1 v1vU. del!l«ni.pblone,., am Shelley •• impr-.ued by hila

:\IU.siu:U,.. !1Ual1~lth ll&alttt hAd lik$4.!!, Neuvelle !!_1o1!J.~ best in

h1t early da;y:t but~ ..-tually chanced h1• mind. ltta:bll:t tha only writer

so cltd :an ••• to appreoiate the novel, 19aottecl at Rouueau' 1!1

t)eoim.tnlt Of let\Jer m tlng ~· it.

the tll"t'b and tJhb-4 perieda otter the greateat numb4tr ot

allu.sloXUJ ·'flO !!, lfOU'\fellt ~!di,a,~· l:n 1i. first pt:riGdt Ol\\e alluaicm

ot ~·• 1a :rawrabl•• bu-t two or Johna=•• Uld ~ney•a are unte.vorabl•h

llvke, the orUJ Wl"iter co lllCU1tiontcl the ••vel fr<:lb). 17'18 to 1600, oon ...

demJted ita wl~iV•

.lo:t to !11. 11ToU'M1le B!1!1••, .!!.! 0,~at,•nb~!!''t rteei vecl the moe'

attention ®ring the entire P<'r1Gd 1 '150 to 1850, l ts ptak during

the ~'bit Period.,. Hazliirt:, lJ1 th• Romantie Period,. prai8ed Rous:f!lleau's

dfUIOrlptlft •'bil:i.'ty tmd hir vi Tid s~le of w~i vtng, but Shelley aai d

that !foe•. Conte"•& cme were ei.ther "a d.isgraoe te th• oontesao:r • or a

string of' fe.lllehoode, proltably ttw latt•!'•" Bul-k• and Wdpole ia the

period 17'18 'bo 1800 lo\leo oritioiud Les O!!)f'e"n.op.a, unta:vorably. Burke

spoke of Roulllaeau•a •mad otnt•nion of hi Ill mall faults." Walpole laid

that "M• Ocmf'aa11d.ou dbcu,attd me be)'Cnd tmy book l ewr read• 11 !the

wy rtter••• te X..G ,gt!l:nrt•~!~<U1~ in the 1a•rtl period ot the etud¥ is

Dt QuinC~q 1 •• l'lo Quincaq aveued. the tool1ahneu of Roue•eau' 1

llal'Vt:bitm 'bb•or1••• Glbboxt i:a 'bht tirat period mentioned the wor"k

I' .... ,; .. : ;,


'Without d.iaouaflli•c '-'• .Altogether, 'bhen, the judgme:n:ba ot Lta

0QntfJ11Ul, :rtearl:y all. 1.UlftVGJ'6\blt•

1'h• other v11s:tng• iwltnttoned. leu frtquentl;r an Le Oon'bl'at -,i!_OOi~!, !l!i,l,~, iiht •eosd ,:q:l.eQour,a. and 'bhe clialogu-., iousaea.u ..:1ws!.

.r•s.•J!t•iU;!!• .!!!. Otm'ti~at .P.ctq,l•q •• :n.-b; rettrted 'bo until 'bbe

lit~tlo leriod. ••• Ha.slt'bt lllenid.oatd. tt 'bwio•h He apoke ot hi$

•etuued liking tor lt and a••G:rl'bed. S:b •• "a "WOrk or grea'b ability.

btlt .xtrem• t~ity ot stru••··lf o.e.rqle, .bl. 'bhl laei!l period ef

'the atu4y.~~ p)l"aiae4 the gO'V'erl$1'4e»:bal icile!l• set .forth 111!!, Centrat ao.&al.

Walpo:tt, ia 1m• laat quarter or thfJ oentuJ-;y, l'll$:nti=.ed the tao1s thail

R2J!!Iaeaa J!e_ "''*-"':.~.!!~uea •• baaed Qn vanity and. auipioio.n. Beto:re

'\mil tbtt., had "'fl"ltte:n IJ>t itle 'W'leO\U.ldneu et Rouasoa.uta 'bheoi'7

ot 1:nequaU.'fsy, "' ••powade4 in the seoond ,!j.eooup.t• Gray, abou'b the

eU$ 'bble. wrote that the lrd.b had deeerved burunc wha it wae

eon4enme4 by ilhe parleent ot G•n•u..

'!'he iolllalttlc 1\gtl!ll 1t the only time during 'Wh!oh Rouaaeau 'MILl

praised to'~! hi I literary ab!U:by. Then; B'asli tt OPnend.ed most hie

descriptive ailyle and aaid that he had tt"'rue gemu• <tr a. good a'Qb•ti 'bute

fo~ it." lia.al1tt d.eaorl'bed him. e.e an 'fe.oute obaerver and eloqu.m.t

writer."' B;yron and Shellq11 although leu entbul81alt1o 'blum Haali:tt,

lilMd hie deaoriptlve style ot v11d.:n~&•

Fflm allueioN to 1noident• in Roue:Geau• • lite are tou.nct. The,. related 11'1 the fb'et p41111riod1 deal vd.tlh .'Boawell t 1!1 and. bet 1

.meeting louueau• 'bhe qtul!Hrbia of 'the peliUJio~,. and their qu4U"rel. other

:t'ao1ui d1•ouued. in leu detail are the d:Leanillg ot h18 .fiw oh1ldre:rl1

hia aatoeia:bion •tth de Waren•, and hb plot delulllion$ .•


liO::t.gli~th •Pixrl.on of llouueau • s pt!:'sond.lty "ml\S app.rentlr

h1gheet betor• he quarreled with !brwtll and Hums, Hume betere the

quarrel dt-.o . .ri'b.d ftouea•a.u •• "amh.ble 11 ge.y, politl'l.l, and sooie.blett ·

but after thl9. q'u.arnl 0:&\ll~td him 111. and a 'Villain .. " Burke and

Walpole 1n the neltt p$r1ed el!llldemnltd hh wmtty, suapioious nature,

and. w1gar1t,, In 'bhe Rom.ant5.e Period. :lllo 'W:I"1ter m.nt1oned eapeoially

fle:flltertng peraoultty traits although Radiirtl Jl#l1.-ed 'bhe n.luable

et:f'eot ot h1a egcthm on hi.$ 'Wl"itin~Ss. Wrtttl:'61 during th• R~ntto

Period •re ev.tdently mere im:r.wea-.ed by hie ll terary pt"&duots ilhe.n by

his lit• and ptrtaanaUty.

~d.,_tJ ;t"o\U\4 in the •·t.ud.:y ind!oateu that the gree:belt enth\UII1asm

tor ltouseou tmd hi$ wriid.ngSI in the one•hundred ... yea:r peti!o<l in ln.glaad

oame h·$Ul 1800 to l83l!J but 1£ the time l:tmita of the in"Vedip.~GJ~

'ftl"e e:xte:n4td to the :pe•ent,. it h lllt'tbely pou:tble the. t a ~riod ot

still grea:ba:r appreft.l might be !'ou.nd.


' . ,' \

• • • ., Ute ,!! Jo)m!on. George Bt:rkbeok Bill, ed1 tor., 6 vola, J 0.1CtGJOcla Ol&f'tacl$1.. Fr•••• 19~•• · . . . ·· . ·

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• • • •• '~.I£,* 11 vel••• Emeat Bt.~ritlq Oolerid.. s•.- ttKUtor, ttpo•tr-;r, n 7 vola • . I ow:land s. Prtthero • ed.i:I!IOJ', ttr...ette:rill and J ournal•• 19

6 'tt11~H Ladoau J' Mll:rl'q, 1924.

Oulyle1 ftl.omae. !!SPle:be V[o/kh !the ltopl•'• •u'b1Qa1 19 nls.; Ja•tont IB'bes al1d· taurta:b, 'leas.~~~

Oole.rlds;e; '!'afl_.,. .2&1•t.e • .._let• w. G, ~. Sneed, editot. 7 •l•h· J lfew Yorkt. Barpezo a.nd Bro'tlh•ra, 1884• ,

:0. Qul. neey .. , !h.QJU.•1 Colle!te~ Wri1:bf*• :;;>a'V:l.d •••on., editor. 14 vola • J London• A.. a.ndO• B!acifi, 897 . ., ·

• • • •.- JPl_~... H.o:raoe A• E..ton, Mi:bcr. ••• Yo:rk• Payson and Clark Ltd. • -nlf. 667 PP•

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Golllt:mUh, Oliwr, l!aX'kJ• I vol••• London, horg• :Bell and sou. less.

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