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Page 1: FEAST

FFFooooooddd &&& MMMuuusssiiiccc

FFFEEEAAASSSTTT CCoouunnttiinngg tthhee BBlleessssiinnggss

AAA TTTaaawwwaaagggAAAwwwiiittt MMMiiinnniiissstttrrryyy EEEvvveeennnttt 111555 MMMaaayyy 222000111111 ,,, 111222 :::000000pppmmm,,,

SSSttt MMMaaarrryyy ’’’sss NNNooorrrttthhhcccooottteee SSSoooccciiiaaa lll HHHaaalll lll ,,,

AAAuuuccckkklllaaannnddd,,, NNNeeewww ZZZeeeaaalllaaannnddd

Page 2: FEAST


To celebrate the fourth anniversary of its founding, TawagAwit will hold the Food & Music FEAST

on Sunday May 15, 2011. The Ministry marks May 16, 2007 as the day when the pioneering members

affixed their signatures on the document that contained the vision, mission and core values statements

of TawagAwit.

Page 3: FEAST

This will be the 2nd

year of the event that kicked off last year on July 11, 2010 with 74 brethren attending,

and having Fr Douglas Rowe and Fr Reno Alima as resource

persons. The four chapters presented numbers, and members

shared their best dishes.

For 2011, the theme is “Counting Our Blessings.”

The objectives of the activity are: to strengthen the

camaraderie among members of TawagAwit; to share food and

music in the spirit of love, joy and fellowship; to celebrate the

accomplishments of the Ministry; to welcome new members;

and to thank God for all the blessings.

“There is much to be thankful for, not just for TawagAwit but

for members as well, most of who have been blest with gifts in

the year that passed,” said Bro Mel B Libre, Lead Servant. He

added, “If we pray so hard for God to give us blessings, we

must give our best in celebrating the blessings He gives to us.”

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FFFooooooddd &&& MMMuuusssiiiccc FFFEEEAAASSSTTT


111555 MMMaaayyy,,, 222000111111 111222:::000000pppmmm


AAAuuuccckkklllaaannnddd,,, NNNeeewww ZZZeeeaaalllaaannnddd


UUUsss... TTThhhiiisss aaaccctttiiivvviiitttyyy iiisss fffooorrr mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss aaannnddd ttthhheeeiiirrr fffaaammmiiillliiieeesss... EEEaaaccchhh fffaaammmiiilllyyy cccaaannn iiinnnvvviiittteee ooonnneee ooottthhheeerrr fffaaammmiiilllyyy

wwwhhhooo cccaaannn bbbeee pppooottteeennntttiiiaaalll mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss ooofff TTTaaawwwaaagggAAAwwwiiittt...


aaa))) TTTooo ssstttrrreeennngggttthhheeennn ttthhheee cccaaammmaaarrraaadddeeerrriiieee aaammmooonnnggg mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss ooofff TTTaaawwwaaagggAAAwwwiiittt

bbb))) TTTooo ssshhhaaarrreee fffooooooddd aaannnddd mmmuuusssiiiccc iiinnn ttthhheee ssspppiiirrriiittt ooofff lllooovvveee,,, jjjoooyyy aaannnddd fffeeelll lllooowwwssshhhiiippp

ccc))) TTTooo ccceeellleeebbbrrraaattteee ttthhheee aaaccccccooommmpppllliiissshhhmmmeeennntttsss ooofff ttthhheee MMMiiinnniiissstttrrryyy

ddd))) TTTooo wwweeelllcccooommmeee nnneeewww mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss

eee))) TTTooo ttthhhaaannnkkk GGGoooddd fffooorrr aaalll lll ttthhheee bbbllleeessssssiiinnngggsss


aaa))) FFFaaammmiiilll iiieeesss aaarrreee eeennncccooouuurrraaagggeeeddd tttooo cccooooookkk ttthhheeeiiirrr bbbeeesssttt rrreeeccciiipppeeesss aaannnddd ssshhhaaarrreee ttthhheeessseee ddduuurrriiinnnggg ttthhheee fffeeeaaasssttt

bbb))) EEEaaaccchhh ccchhhaaapppttteeerrr iiisss rrreeeqqquuueeesssttteeeddd tttooo oooffffffeeerrr iiitttsss bbbeeesssttt sssooonnngggsss (((ooonnneee ooorrr tttwwwooo))) ttthhhaaattt hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn sssaaannnggg ddduuurrriiinnnggg pppaaasssttt mmmaaasssssseeesss

ccc))) EEEaaaccchhh ccchhhaaapppttteeerrr cccaaannn aaalllsssooo vvvooollluuunnnttteeeeeerrr ooonnneee ooofff iiitttsss mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss ooorrr fffooorrrmmm aaa ssspppeeeccciiiaaalll gggrrrooouuuppp (((ddduuueeettt,,, tttrrriiiooo ooorrr qqquuuaaarrrttteeettt))) tttooo pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmm aaa


ddd))) MMMeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss cccaaannn hhheeelllppp iiinnn ttthhheee ppphhhyyysssiiicccaaalll aaarrrrrraaannngggeeemmmeeennnttt ooorrr ooottthhheeerrr tttaaassskkksss rrreeeqqquuuiiirrreeeddd fffooorrr ttthhheee eeevvveeennnttt

eee))) EEEaaaccchhh fffaaammmiiilllyyy cccaaannn iiinnnvvviiittteee ooonnneee ooottthhheeerrr fffaaammmiiilllyyy (((nnnooonnn---mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrr))) wwwhhhooo aaarrreee ppprrrooossspppeeeccctttsss fffooorrr mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrssshhhiiippp

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