Page 1: Final NEMROCK copy · 2020-05-04 · Wael Elsawy Wafaa ElMetnawy Yaser Abdel Gawad Yasser Abdel Kader Yosry Rostom Yousri Gouda Yousri Waseaf Scientific Committee Members (Profs.)


NEMROCK 242020

Mapping the pathway to cureMapping the pathway to cure

25-27 March 2020 Marriott Hotel

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OFFICIAL ORGANIZER: ARAB ORGANIZERS FOR CONFERENCE MANAGEMENTAddress : 14 Mohamed Mandour Rabaa El Adaweya St.,-Nasr CityTel.: 0222603653 Mobile : +20 100 222 3158 / +20 1068663434 / +20 1068666085E-mail address : [email protected] Website:

Main Topics- Breast Cancer - Lung Cancer - Genitourinary Cancer- Hemato-oncology - Gastro-intestinal Cancer - Immuno-oncology- Miscellaneous - Junior oncology research - Artificial Intelligence- Bioinformatics

Workshops- Supportive care - Nursing educational - Clinical Pharmacy- Radiotherapy - Bioinformatics (NGS hands-onAccommodation in Marriott Hotel per night on B & B Basis:Single Room : 250 US $ Double Room : 270 US $

For Accommodation please contact us at : E-mail: [email protected] deadlineAbstract submission deadline : 1 March 2020 Work shops registration: 1 March 2020

Registration fess: Egyptian: 1000 Non Egyptian : 1000$ Registration deadlinesEarly registration & Workshop: 15 February 2020 Late registration & Closure of online system : 1 March 2020

Publication deadlinesAdvert deadline in program book : 1 March 2020 Bag inserts:1 March 2020

Why should you attend NEMROCK 24 ?• Hundreds of National & international participants expected.• Specialists and key opinion leaders from all over the world in one place and as one community.• key note lecture, presidential lecture and 10 educational sessions will be running over 3 days.• An internationally-renowned as well as National faculty.• Six pharma Satellite Symposia.• Commercial exhibition.

• Excellent networking opportunities.How can I participate in NEMROCK 24, 2020Contact the NEMROCK 24, 2020 official Event Organizers Arab Organizers for more details.We look forward to joining forces to make this one a successful event

Page 2: Final NEMROCK copy · 2020-05-04 · Wael Elsawy Wafaa ElMetnawy Yaser Abdel Gawad Yasser Abdel Kader Yosry Rostom Yousri Gouda Yousri Waseaf Scientific Committee Members (Profs.)

President of NEMROCK 24

Prof. Emad Hamada


Conference Secretary General

Prof. Ibtessam Saad ElDinHead of Organizing Committee

Prof. Mohsen Mokhtar


NEMROCK 242020

Mapping the pathway to cure

Dear Colleagues,Since its establishment in 1956, it has been the mission of Kasr Al Aini, Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine department, Cairo University (NEMROCK) to educate the medical society, to promote medical research and to treat patients with cancer.

We are committed to lead and participate in the development of the medical society and to continue the work in optimizing the medical practice while keeping an insight of our everyday practical considerations to conquer cancer.

NEMROCK 24 will be our conference to be held on 25-27 March, 2020 Marriott Hotel Cairo.

Embracing the national and the international expertise, is what we have in mind. By joining our efforts and all our forces, we can push the services for our patients an extra mile. This is very valuable not only for our patients but also for the future of the oncology practice.

On behalf of Kasr Al Aini, Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine department, Cairo University, it is with great pleasure that I invite you to attend our conference. Your participation in all the sessions as well as the workshops will be of great mutual benefit.

Looking forward to meeting you in NEMROCK 24 that will be held in vibrant Cairo, a city that is considered to be a radiant source of culture and leisure. Cairo is actually the heart of theMiddle East. At this time of year, Cairo will have a wonderful weather.

Sincerely yours

Under Patronage of

Prof. Mohamed Osman ElkhoshtPresident of Cairo University

Prof. Hala SalahDean of Faculty of Medicine

Cairo University

Honorary PresidentsProf. Omar Zaki Prof. Shawki ElHadad Prof. Wafaa ElMetnawy

Prof. Kamal ElGhamrawy Prof. Ihsan ElGhoniemy

Heads of Advisory Board (Alphabetical)

Conference PresidentProf. Emad Hamada

Conference Secretary GeneralProf. Ibtessam Saad ElDin

Head of Organizing CommitteeProf. Mohsen Mokhtar

Ahmed Hafez, Ashraf Mounir, Dina Ezz, Ihab Saad, Inas Abdou, Karim MashhourLoai Kassem, Maha Kamal Eldin , Mentallah Radi , Mohamed Abd ElRahman

Mostafa Eldaly, Rabab Ahmed, Radwa Hamdy, Radwa Fawzya , Rania MoussaRasha Salama, Reham Hany , Sarah Nasar, Sarah Shams , Shaimaa Lashen

Wael Abd Elgawad , Wedad Bassam , Wessam Elsherif

Abbas OmarAbbas SarhanAbdalallh El TawilAhmed Abdel SamieAbd El Aziz BelalAhmed Al-AgamawyAhmed Abo StateAhmed MorsiAhmed SleemAhmed El-ZawawyAlaa HaddadAlaa KandilAmany SaberAmina El-ShakankiriAmr LotfyAmr Yehia SakrAshraf BarakatAshraf El GandourAsmaa Aly HasanEmad ElGemieiEhab HassaninEmad Ezzat HabibEmad HamadaEnas AbdouFarouk HagagFouad Abo TalebGamal AmiraGamal ElHosienyHala Abdel BadieHamdy Abdel AzimHamdy ZawamHanaa AttiaHanaa KohailHasan KhaledHasan Metwally

Hazem ElakadHeba ElZawahryHisham Abdel AalHisham ElGhazalyHisham HussienHisham TawfikHoda Abdel BakyHosna MostafaHossam KamelHussien KhalidHossam ZawamIbrahim AwadIbtesam Saad ElDinIhab ElNakoryIhab HasaninIhsan ElGhoniemyIman Abdel HadyIman FouadInas Abdel HalimKamal ElGhamrawyKhaled Abd ElKarimKhaled KamalLaila MousaLobna Ezz El ArabLobna SedkyMagda AllamMagda MostafaMagdi KotbMaha El ZafaraniMaha HelalMahmoud BasiounyMahmoud ElAzabMamdouh ElSherbinyMamdouh HagagManal Moawad

Manal El-SoradyMay Hussien GaberMedhat El-SebaieMervat ElNaggarMervat MattarMohamed Abd El MoatiMohamed Abd ElKaderMohamed AbdallahMohamed Ahmed HasanMohamed Aly MorsiMohamed BasiounyMohamed LotayefMohamed MossaMohamed Saad ZaghloulMona Abo ElAininMohsen MokhtarMohsen ZekryMostafa Abdel WaneesMostafa ElHadadMostafa ElSerafyMostafa ElSharkawyNadder ElSherbiniNadia Abdel MonemNadia ElDeebNadia MokhtarNasr Abdel BariNasr AlLahloubiNeemat KassemNeveen GadoNier ElGhamryNoha Yehia ibrahimOla KhorshidOla NabiahOm Elkhair Abo ElkhairOmar Zakaria

Omar ElFarouk ZakiOmar FahmyOmar Sherif OmarOmar SheblOsama ElmaltOthman MansourRabab Ahmed.Rabab GaafarRafaat Abdel FattahRasha FahmySaied NowieamSalah Abdel MoniemSalah ElMesedySaleh Abdo SalehSamir ShehataSamy ElSerafiShawky ElHadadSherif ElRefaiSherif NageebSherif SolimanSherif YehiaSohier Abdel MohsenSohier IsmailTamer ElNahasTarek HashemTarek MansourTarek ShoumanThorya Abd El HameedWael ElsawyWafaa ElMetnawyYaser Abdel GawadYasser Abdel KaderYosry RostomYousri GoudaYousri Waseaf

Scientific Committee Members (Profs.) Alphabetical

Chairs of scientific committee (Profs.) Alphabetical :

Prof. Farouk Hagag Prof. Hamdy Abdel Azim Prof. Hamdy ZawamProf. Mammdoh Hagag Prof. Mohamed Abdin Prof. Mona Aboelenin Prof. Samy ElSerafi Prof. Salah El Mesidy Prof. Yaser Abdel Elkader

Conference ModeratorsProf. Mohamed Abdalla Prof. Mohamed Hasan Prof. Wael Samir

Ahmed Selim , Amr Sakr , Asma Aly , Emad Ezzat , Hala Nayel , Hanaa Attia , Hanan Selim , Hesham Abdel Alaal, Iman Abdelhady , Lobna Sedky , Magda Mostafa , May Gaber ,

Mohamed Mossa , Neemat Kassem Noha Yehia , Tamer Elnahas

Organizing Committee (Alphabetical)

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