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Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-1*************************************************************************************create table Customer (cust_no number(5) primary key, cust_name varchar2(20), address varchar2(20), city varchar2(20));

insert into Customer values(1,'John','M.G.Road','pune'); insert into Customer values(2,'Raj',' ABC Road','Sangali'); insert into Customer values(3,'Rohit','F.C.Road','Wagoli'); insert into Customer values(4,'Ramesh','5 kandil','nashik');

create table Loan (loan_no number(5) primary key , loan_amt number(6));

insert into Loan values(11,1500000); insert into Loan values(12,3500000); insert into Loan values(13,500000); insert into Loan values(14,900000);

create table Cust_Loan(cust_no number(5) references Customer(cust_no),loan_no number(5) references Loan(loan_no));

insert into Cust_Loan(1,14); insert into Cust_Loan values(2,13); insert into Cust_Loan values(3,12); insert into Cust_Loan values(4,11);

A) Find details of all customers whose loan is greater than 10 lakhs

select cust_name,address,city,loan_amt from Customer,Loan,Cust_Loan where Cust_Loan.cust_no=Customer.cust_no and Cust_Loan.loan_no=Loan.loan_no and loan_amt > 1000000; B) List all customers whose name starts with 'Ra'.

select cust_name from Customer,Loan,Cust_Loan where Cust_Loan.cust_no=Customer.cust_no and Cust_Loan.loan_no=Loan.loan_no and cust_name like 'Ra%'

C) List names of all customers in descending order who has taken a loan in Nasik city.

select cust_name from Customer,Loan,Cust_Loan where Cust_Loan.cust_no=Customer.cust_no and Cust_Loan.loan_no=Loan.loan_no and city='nashik' order by cust_name desc; D) Display customer details having maximum loan amount.

select cust_name,city,address,loan_amt from Customer,Loan,Cust_Loan where Cust_Loan.cust_no=Customer.cust_no and Cust_Loan.loan_no=Loan.loan_no and loan_amt=(select max(loan_amt) from Loan);

E) Calculate total of all loan amount

select sum(loan_amt) from Customer,Loan,Cust_Loan where Cust_Loan.cust_no=Customer.cust_no and Cust_Loan.loan_no=Loan.loan_no;

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-02*************************************************************************************create table department(dept_no number(5) primary key,dept_name varchar2(20),location varchar2(20));

insert into department values(1,'Computer','shirur'); insert into department values(2,'HR','satara'); insert into department values(3,'SAlES','Pune');

create table Employee(emp_no number(5) primary key, emp_name varchar2(20), address varchar2(20), salary number(10), designation varchar2(20),dept_no number(10) references department(dept_no));

insert into Employee values(11,'Prashant','shirur',30000,'ABC',2); insert into Employee values(12,'Pratap','Pimpari',5000,'AB',1); insert into Employee values(13,'Deepak','Sangali',15000,'AB',1); insert into Employee values(14,'Manoj','Parner',25000,'ABcd',3);

A) Find total salary of all computer department employees.

select sum(salary) from department , Employee where department.dept_no=Employee.dept_no and dept_name='Computer';

B) Find the name of department whose salary is above 10000.

select dept_name from department , Employee where department.dept_no=Employee.dept_no and salary < 10000;

C) Count the number of employees in each department.

select dept_name,count(emp_name) from department,Employee where department.dept_no=Employee.dept_no group by dept_name;

D) Display the maximum salary of each department.

select dept_name,max(salary) from department , Employee where department.dept_no=Employee.dept_no group by dept_name;

E) Display department wise employee list.

select dept_name,emp_name from department , Employee where department.dept_no=Employee.dept_no order by dept_name;

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-03************************************************************************************* create table Department (dno number(5) primary key, dname varchar2(20), HOD varchar2(20)); insert into Department values(1,'COMP','Borase'); insert into Department values(2,'BSC','Sathe'); insert into Department values(3,'CHM','Khod');

create table Project (pno number(5) primary key, pname varchar2(20), start_date date, budget number(7), status varchar2(20),dno number(5) references Department(dno)); insert into Project values(11,'BUS','10-feb-2009',20000,'complete',1); insert into Project values(12,'WINE','15-march-2009',25000,'incomplete',1); insert into Project values(13,'HOSPITAL','10-jan-2009',70000,'complete',2); insert into Project values(14,'MOTOR','10-feb-2010',45000,'complete',3);

A) List the project name and department details worked in projects that are Complete.

select pname,dname,HOD from Department,Project where Department.dno=Project.dno and status='complete';

B) Display total budget of each department.

select dname,sum(budget) from Department,Project where Department.dno=Project.dno Group by dname;

C) Display incomplete project of each department

select pname,dname,HOD,budget from Department,Project where Department.dno=Project.dno and status='incomplete';

D) Find the names of departments that have budget greater than 50000 select d_name from Department,Project where Department.dno=Project.dno and budget > 50000;

E) Display all project working under 'Mr.Desai'.

select pname from Department,Project where Department.dno=Project.dno and HOD='Mr.Desai';

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-05*************************************************************************************create table Book (Book_no number(5) primary key, title varchar2(20), author varchar2(20), price number(5), year_published number(10));

insert into Book values(1,'c','dennis',150,2013); insert into Book values(2,'cpp','john',250,2013); insert into Book values(3,'java','gomes',350,2011); insert into Book values(4,'vb','B.Gate',100,2012);

create table Customer1 (cid number(5) primary key, cname varchar2(20), addr varchar2(20)); insert into Customer1 values(11,'prashant','surat'); insert into Customer1 values(12,'Amol','Mumbai'); insert into Customer1 values(13,'Kaushik','Nagpur'); insert into Customer1 values(14,'Shoaib','Nagar');

create table Book_Cust(Book_no number(5)references Book(Book_no),cid number(5) references Customer1(cid)); insert into Book_Cust values(1,14); insert into Book_Cust values(2,13); insert into Book_Cust values(3,12); insert into Book_Cust values(4,11);

A) Display customer details from 'Mumbai'.

select cname,addr,title,author,price,year_published from Book,Customer1,Book_Cust where Book_Cust.cid=Customer1.cid and Book_Cust.Book_no=Book.Book_no and addr='Mumbai';

B) Display author wise details of book

select title,author,price,year_published from Book,Customer1,Book_Cust where Book_Cust.cid=Customer1.cid and Book_Cust.Book_no=Book.Book_no order by author asc;C) Display all customers who have purchased the books published in the year 2013.

select distinct(cname),addr from Book,Customer1,Book_Cust where Book_Cust.cid=Customer1.cid and Book_Cust.Book_no=Book.Book_no and year_published=2013;

D) Display customer name that has purchased more than 3 books.

select cname,addr from Book,Customer1,Book_Cust where Book_Cust.cid=Customer1.cid and Book_Cust.Book_no=Book.Book_no and quantity>3;

E) Display book names having price between 100 and 200 and published in the year 2013

select title from Book,Customer1,Book_Cust where Book_Cust.cid=Customer1.cid and Book_Cust.Book_no=Book.Book_no and price between 100 and 200 and year_published=2013;

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-06*************************************************************************************Create Table Property(P_No number(7)Primary key,P_Desc Varchar(10),P_Area Varchar(10),P_Rate Varchar(10)); Insert Into Property Values(1,'Land','Chinchwad','70000'); Insert Into Property Values(2,'Hotel','Shirur','1500'); Insert Into Property Values(3,'Land','Pune','1000'); Insert Into Property Values(4,'Building','Satara','15000'); Insert Into Property Values(5,'Land','Nigadi','50000');

Create Table Owner(O_Id Number(7) Primary key,O_Name Varchar(20),O_Add Varchar(20),O_Ph_No Varchar(20),P_No Number (7) References Property(P_No)); Insert Into Owner Values(1,'Prashant','Pune','9890094887','5'); Insert Into Owner Values(2,'Vikas','Shirur','9890094885','5'); Insert Into Owner Values(3,'Mr.Patil','Satara','9988778855','3'); Insert Into Owner Values(4,'Arun','Shirur','99994455','1'); Insert Into Owner Values(5,'Sunil','Nighoj','9988754612','4'); Insert Into Owner Values(6,'Prashant','Shirur','9890094885',1);

A) Display area wise property details. Select Distinct(P_Area),P_Desc,P_Rate From Property,Owner Where Property.P_No=Owner.P_No Order by P_Area;

B) Display property owned by 'Mr.Patil' having minimum rate.

Select O_Name,P_Rate From Property,Owner Where Property.P_No=Owner.P_No AND p_rate=(select MIN(P_Rate) from Property);

C) Display all properties with owner name that having highest rate of properties located in Chinchwad area. Select O_Name,P_Rate,P_Area From Property,Owner Where Property.P_No=Owner.P_No AND P_Area='Chinchwad' AND P_Rate=(Select MAX(P_Rate)From Property);

D) Display owner wise property detail.

Select O_Name,P_Desc,P_Area,P_Rate From Owner,Property Where Property.P_No=Owner.P_No Order by o_id;

E) Display owner name having maximum no. of properties.

Select O_Name,COUNT(O_Name) From Property,Owner Where Property.P_No=Owner.P_No Group by O_Name Having O_Name=(select MAX(O_Name)From Owner);

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-07*************************************************************************************create table employee31(e_no number(5) primary key,e_name varchar(20),e_skill varchar(20),e_payrate number(7)); insert into employee31 values(1,'kunal','chef',25000); insert into employee31 values(2,'kushal','waiter',20000); insert into employee31 values(3,'ketan','waiter',25000); insert into employee31 values(4,'sanjeev','chef',50000); insert into employee31 values(5,'raman','waiter',25000);create table position(p_no number(5)primary key,skill varchar(20)); insert into position values(201,'chef'); insert into position values(202,'waiter'); insert into position values(203,'chef'); insert into position values(204,'waiter'); insert into position values(205,'chef');create table emp_post(e_no number(5) references employee31(e_no),p_no number(5) references position(p_no),shift varchar(10));

insert into emp_post values(1,201,'yes'); insert into emp_post values(2,202,'no'); insert into emp_post values(4,203,'yes'); insert into emp_post values(3,204,'yes');

A) Find the names and rate of pay all employees who allocated a duty.

select e_name,e_payrate from employee31,position,emp_post where employee31.e_no=emp_post.e_no and position.p_no=emp_post.p_no and shift='yes';

B) Give employee number who are working at posting_no. 201, but dont have the skills of waiter.

select e_name, from employee31,position,emp_post where employee31.e_no=emp_post.e_no and position.p_no=emp_post.p_no and p_no=201;

C) Display a list of names of employees who have skill of chef and who has assigned a duty.

select e_name from employee31,position,emp_post where employee31.e_no=emp_post.e_no and position.p_no=emp_post.p_no and skill='chef' and shift='yes';

D) Display emp_no and dates for all employees who are working on Tuesday and at least one other day.

E) Display shiftwise employee details

Select e_name,e_skill ,e_payrate from employee31, position, emp_post where employee31.e_no=emp_post.e_no and position.p_no=emp_post.p_no order by shift;

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-08*************************************************************************************create table bill(b_id number(5)primary key,b_day varchar(20),b_table_no varchar(20),b_total varchar(20));

insert into bill values(301,'sunday',55,20); insert into bill values(302,'monday',57,80); insert into bill values(303,'thursday',75,45); insert into bill values(304,'wednsday',85,54); insert into bill values(305,'friday',100,200);

create table menu(d_id number(5)primary key,d_desc varchar(20),d_price varchar(20));

insert into menu values(1,'spicy',100); insert into menu values(2,'sweet',200); insert into menu values(3,'cold',300); insert into menu values(4,'hot',400); insert into menu values(5,'fastfood',500); insert into menu values(6,'pizza',600);

create table bil_menu(b_id number(5)references bill(b_id),d_id number(5) references menu(d_id),quantity number(10),b_date date);

insert into bil_menu values(301,1,5,'08jan2013'); insert into bil_menu values(302,2,9,'01dec2013'); insert into bil_menu values(303,3,8,'08feb2013'); insert into bil_menu values(304,4,7,'08may2013'); insert into bil_menu values(305,5,12,'08jun2013');

A) Display receipt which includes bill_no with Dish description, price, quantity and total amount of each menu. select sum(d_price) from bill,menu,bil_menu where bill.b_id=bil_menu.b_id and menu.d_id=bil_menu.d_id;

B) Find total amount collected by hotel on date 08/01/2013 select sum(d_price) from bill,menu,bil_menu where bill.b_id=bil_menu.b_id and menu.d_id=bil_menu.d_id and b_date='08jan2013';

C) Count number of menus of billno 301. select count(d_desc) from bill,menu,bil_menu where bill.b_id=bil_menu.b_id and menu.d_id=bil_menu.d_id and b_id=301;

D) Display menu details having price between 100 and 500. select count(d_desc) from bill,menu,bil_menu where bill.b_id=bil_menu.b_id and menu.d_id=bil_menu.d_id between b_price=100 and 500;

E) Display total number of bills collected from each table on 01/12/2013 select count(b_id),b_tableno from bill,menu,bil_menu group by b_tableno Having b_date=01-dec-2013;

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-09************************************************************************************* create table Musician (mno number(5) primary key, mname varchar2(20), addr varchar2(20), phno number(10));

insert into Musician values(1,'prashant','shirur',9890157615);insert into Musician values(2,'pratap','satara',9403942654);insert into Musician values(3,'A.R.Rehman','pune',9028326598);insert into Musician values(4,'Pritam','surat',9860548123);

create table Album (a_no number(5) primary key,title varchar2(20), copy_right_date date, format varchar2(20),mno number(5) references Musician(mno));

insert into Album values(11,'Thriller','10-feb-1982','pop',1);insert into Album values(12,'Back in Black','15-june-1980',' Hard Rock',2);insert into Album values(13,'Dangerous','20-april-2000','Audio',1);insert into Album values(14,'Jay Ho','10-dec-2011','pop',3);insert into Album values(15,'Birfi','11-feb-2012','soft',4);

A) Display all albums composed by A R Rehman.

select title from Album,Musicianwhere Musician.mno= Album.mnoand mname ='A.R.Rehman';

B) Display musician details who have composed Audio album

select mname,addr,phno,title from Album,Musicianwhere Musician.mno= Album.mnoand format ='Audio';

C) Find all musicians who have composed maximum albums.

select mname,count(title) from Album,Musicianwhere Musician.mno= Album.mnogroup by mname;

D) Display musician wise album details.

select mname,title,copy_right_date ,format from Album,Musicianwhere Musician.mno= Album.mnoorder by mname asc

E) Display Musian details from 'Pune'

select mname,title,copy_right_date ,format from Album,Musicianwhere Musician.mno= Album.mnoand addr='pune'

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-15*************************************************************************************

create table employee5(e_no number(5)primary key,e_name varchar(10),e_dept_name varchar(15),e_salary number(15)); insert into employee5 values(1,'Ramesh','computer',70000); insert into employee5 values(2,'Suresh','management',60000); insert into employee5 values(3,'Ram','research',50000); insert into employee5 values(4,'Shyam','finance',30000) insert into employee5 values(5,'Monu','history',20000); insert into employee5 values(6,'Tinu','computer',10000);

create table project6(p6_no number(5)primary key,p6_name varchar(15),p6_budget number(15)); insert into project6 values(11,'voice recog',50000); insert into project6 values(12,'P.D',20000); insert into project6 values(13,'voice recog',60000); insert into project6 values(14,'acconting',40000); insert into project6 values(15,'world war',10000); insert into project6 values(16,'robot',5000);

create table emp_proj6(e_no number(5)references employee5(e_no),p6_no number(5) references project6(p6_no)); insert into emp_proj6 values(1,11); insert into emp_proj6 values(2,12); insert into emp_proj6 values(3,13); insert into emp_proj6 values(4,14); insert into emp_proj6 values(5,15); insert into emp_proj6 values(2,13);

A) List the name of employee and departent having salary > 50000. select e_name,e_dept_name from employee5,project6,emp_proj6 where employee5.e_no = emp_proj6.e_no and project6.p6_no = emp_proj6.p6_no and e_salary>50000;

B) List names of all employees who works with Ramesh on same project.Select e_name,p6_name From employee5,project6,emp_proj6 Where employee5.e_no = emp_proj6.e_no AND project6.p6_no = emp_proj6.p6_no AND p6_name IN(Select p6_name From employee5,project6,emp_proj6 Where employee5.e_no = emp_proj6.e_no AND project6.p6_no = emp_proj6.p6_no AND e_name='Ramesh');

C) Find the names of employees who are working on project having budget greater than 30000.

select e_name from employee5,project6,emp_proj6 where employee5.e_no = emp_proj6.e_no and project6.p6_no = emp_proj6.p6_no and p6_budget>30000;

D) List name of department that have at least two projects under them.

Select e_dept_name,COUNT(p6_name) From employee5,project6,emp_proj6 Where employee5.e_no = emp_proj6.e_no AND project6.p6_no = emp_proj6.p6_no Group by e_dept_name Having COUNT(p6_name)>=2;

E) Update budget of a project done by employees of Computer Department by 15update project6 set p6_budget=p6_budget * 0.15 Where p6_budget IN(Select e_dept_name From employee5,project6,emp_proj6 Where employee5.e_no = emp_proj6.e_no AND project6.p6_no = emp_proj6.p6_no and e_dept_name='computer');

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-16*************************************************************************************Create Table Branch(B_No number(7)primary key ,B_Name varchar(20),B_City varchar(20),B_Assets varchar(20));

Insert into Branch values(1,'Kharadi','Pune',900000); Insert into Branch values(2,'Aundh','Pune',1200000); Insert into Branch values(3,'Nagar','A_Nager',5000000); Insert into Branch values(4,'Andheri','Mumbai',3000000); Insert into Branch values(5,'Shirur','Shirur',2000000);

Create Table Account(Acc_No number(7)primary key ,A_Balance varchar(20),B_No number(7) references Branch(B_No));

Insert into Account values(11,100000,1); Insert into Account values(22,250000,2); Insert into Account values(33,30000,4); Insert into Account values(44,80000,5); Insert into Account values(55,40000,5); Insert into Account values(66,750000,1); Insert into Account values(77,300000,2); Insert into Account values(88,40000,3); Insert into Account values(99,15000,3);

A) Find the maximum account balance of each branch. select MAX(A_Balance),B_Name from Branch,Account where Branch.B_No=Account.B_No Group by B_Name;

B) Find branches where average account balance is more than 30000. select AVG(A_Balance),B_Name from Branch,Account where Branch.B_No=Account.B_No Group by B_Name having AVG(A_Balance)>30000;

C) Find names of all branches that have assets value greater than that of each branch in pune.

select distinct B_Name,b_assets from Branch,Account where Branch.B_No=Account.B_No and B_Assets>All (select B_Assets from Branch,Account where B_City='pune');

D) Decrease 3% balance on account whose balance is greater than 100000.

update Account SET A_Balance=A_Balance-0.03 where A_Balance>100000;

E) Display details of branch whose city starts from 'A'.

select * from Branch,Account where Branch.B_No=Account.B_No and B_name like 'A%';

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-17*************************************************************************************create table donar(d_no number(20)primary key,d_name varchar(20),d_city varchar(20));

insert into donar values(1,'sonu','shirur'); insert into donar values(2,'teju','shikrapur'); insert into donar values(3,'siya','nagar'); insert into donar values(4,'tanu','pune'); insert into donar values(5,'monu','bid');

create table blood11(b_no number(10) primary key,b_group varchar(20),quantity number(10),d_of_collection varchar(20),d_no number(20)references donar(d_no));

insert into blood11 values(106,'A+ve',5,'25th dec.2013',2); insert into blood11 values(107,'B+ve',5,'22th dec.2012',4); insert into blood11 values(108,'A',5,'4th mar.2011',1); insert into blood11 values(109,'B',5,'5th aug.2010',1); insert into blood11 values(110,'o',5,'25th jan.2013',2);

A) Display total blood quantity collected on 25th December 2013.

select sum(quantity) from donar,blood11 where donar.d_no=blood11.d_no and d_of_collection='25th dec.2013';

B) Display total blood donated by each donor select sum(quantity) from donar,blood11 where donar.d_no=blood11.d_no;

C) Display Donor details having blood group 'A+ve'.

select d_name,d_city from donar,blood11 where donar.d_no=blood11.d_no and b_group='A+ve';

D) Display the donor who has donated blood more than two times.

select distinct d_name from donar,blood11 where donar.d_no=blood11.d_no and quantity>2;

E) Display the donor information with blood group whose city name contains sh in it.

select d_name,d_city,b_group from donar,blood11 where donar.d_no=blood11.d_no and d_city LIKE '%sh%';

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-18*************************************************************************************Create table Route (Rout_No Number(10)Primary Key,Source Varchar(20),Destination Varchar(20), No_Of_Stations Varchar(20));

Insert into Route Values(1,'Chinchwad to Katraj','20KM',5); Insert into Route Values(2, Swargate to Hadapsar,'20KM',5); Insert into Route Values(3,'Nigadi to Kothrud','25KM',15);

Create table Bus(Bus_No Number(10)Primary Key,Capacity Varchar(20),Depot_No Varchar(20),Rout_No Number(10) References Route (Rout_No));

Insert into Bus Values(11,20,105,3); Insert into Bus Values(22,20,105,2); Insert into Bus Values(33,50,106,2); Insert into Bus Values(44,30,107,1); Insert into Bus Values(55,60,105,3); Insert into Bus Values(66,40,106,2); Insert into Bus Values(77,40,777,2);

1)Find out the route details on which buses whose capacity is 20 runs. Select Source,Capacity From Route,Bus Where Route.Rout_No=Bus.Rout_No AND Capacity=20;

2)Display number of stations from 'Chinchwad' to ' Katraj'. Select No_Of_Stations,Source From Route,Bus Where Route.Rout_No=Bus.Rout_No AND Source='Chinchwad to Katraj';

3)Display the route on which more than 3 buses runs. Select Source,COUNT(Bus_No) From Route,Bus Where Route.Rout_No=Bus.Rout_No Group by Source Having COUNT(Bus_No)>3

4)Display number of buses of route Swargate to Hadapsar. Select Source,COUNT(Bus_No) From Route,Bus Where Route.Rout_No=Bus.Rout_No AND Source='Swargat to Hadapsar' Group by Source;

5)Find the bust having maximum capacity from Nigadi to 'Kothrud'.. Select Source,Max(Capacity) From Route,Bus Where Route.Rout_No=Bus.Rout_No AND Source='Nigadi to Kothrud' Group by Source;

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-19*************************************************************************************create table person(driver_id number(5)primary key,driver_name varchar(10),driver_add varchar(10));

insert into person values(1,'ram','shirur'); insert into person values(2,'shyam','pune'); insert into person values(3,'balu','vagholi'); insert into person values(4,'gopal','satara'); insert into person values(5,'raghav','mumbai');

create table car(license_no number(10)primary key,model varchar(10),year number(5)); insert into car values(111,'alto',1999); insert into car values(222,'verna',2000); insert into car values(333,'audi',2002); insert into car values(444,'nano',1998); insert into car values(555,'sx4',2005);

create table person_car(driver_id number (5)references person(driver_id),license_no number (10)references car(license_no));

insert into person_car values(1,111); insert into person_car values(2,222); insert into person_car values(3,333); insert into person_car values(4,111); insert into person_car values(4,111);

A) Display details of all persons who are driving Alto car. select distinct(driver_name),driver_add from person,car,person_car where person.driver_id=person_car.driver_id and car.license_no=person_car.license_no and model='alto';B) Count the number of cars driven by each driver. select count(model) from person,car,person_car where person.driver_id=person_car.driver_id and car.license_no=person_car.license_no group by driver_name;

C) Display car details manufactured before year 2000. select distinct(model),year from person,car,person_car where person.driver_id=person_car.driver_id and car.license_no=person_car.license_no and year='football';

E) Display coach wise player details.

select p_name,p_add,p_club_name from game,player,game_player where game.g_no=game_player.g_no and player.p_id=game_player.p_id order by g_coach_name;

Roll No:-Name:-Slip No:-28*************************************************************************************

create table wholesaler2(w_no number(10)primary key,w_name varchar(15),w_add varchar(15),w_city varchar(15));

insert into wholesaler2 values(1,'khabiya','fr','pune'); insert into wholesaler2 values(2,'priya','dr','nagar'); insert into wholesaler2 values(3,'sona','se','pune'); insert into wholesaler2 values(4,'sejal','gt','shirur'); insert into wholesaler2 values(5,'swati','er','satara');

create table product2(p_no number(10)primary key,p_name varchar(15),p_rate varchar(15));

insert into product2 values(11,'mouse',5000); insert into product2 values(12,'monitor',6000); insert into product2 values(13,'laptop',30000); insert into product2 values(14,'keyboard',8000); insert into product2 values(15,'pc',5000);

create table wholsaler2_product2(w_no number(10)references wholesaler2(w_no),p_no number(10)references product2(p_no));

insert into wholsaler2_product2 values(1,11); insert into wholsaler2_product2 values(2,12); insert into wholsaler2_product2 values(3,13); insert into wholsaler2_product2 values(4,14); insert into wholsaler2_product2 values(5,15);

A) Display wholesaler from 'Pune' city and supplying 'Monitor'.

select w_name from wholesaler2,product2,wholsaler2_product2 where wholesaler2.w_no= wholsaler2_product2.w_no and product2.p_no=wholsaler2_product2.p_no and w_city='pune' and p_name='mouse';

B) Display total number of wholesaler of each product.

select count(w_name) from wholesaler2,product2,wholsaler2_product2 where wholesaler2.w_no= wholsaler2_product2.w_no and product2.p_no=wholsaler2_product2.p_no group by p_name;

C) Display all wholesalers who are supplying Keyboard with maximum price.

Select w_name,p_name,MAX(p_rate) From wholesaler2,product2,wholsaler2_product2 Where wholesaler2.w_no= wholsaler2_product2.w_no AND product2.p_no=wholsaler2_product2.p_no AND p_name= 'keyboard' Group by p_name,w_name;

D) Display total quantity of each product sold by Mr. Khabia.

select count(p_name) from wholesaler2,product2,wholsaler2_product2 where wholesaler2.w_no= wholsaler2_product2.w_no and product2.p_no=wholsaler2_product2.p_no and w_name='khabiya';

E) Decrement rate of all products by 5% supplied by wholesaler from 'Pune ' city. Update Product2 Set P_rate=p_rate-0.05 Where P_rate IN(Select p_rate From wholesaler2,product2,wholsaler2_product2 where wholesaler2.w_no= wholsaler2_product2.w_no AND product2.p_no=wholsaler2_product2.p_no AND w_city='Pune');


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