
  • Beberapa Istilah

    Gagal Jantung Payah Jantung Decompensatio Cordis Heart Failure Congestive Heart Failure Ventricular Failure dll

  • Pendahuluan

    Merupakan masalah yang sangat serius Menyebabkan pasien sering keluar masuk RS Di USA:

    Terdapat 43.000 kematian per hari akibat gagal jantung

    400.000 kasus baru per tahun Total terdapat 4,9 juta penderita gagal jantung

  • Menurut Braunwald Gagal Jantung adalah suatu keadaan patofisiologis adanya kelainan fungsi jantung yang berakibat jantung gagal memompakan darah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan metabolisme jaringan dan/atau kemampuannya hanya ada kalau disertai peninggian tekanan pengisian ventrikel kiri (volume diastolik).


  • Menurut Sonnenblik: Secara singkat Gagal Jantung terjadi apabila jantung

    tidak lagi mampu memompakan darah yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan metabolik tubuh pada tekanan pengisian yang normal, padahal aliran balik vena (venous return) ke jantung dalam keadaan normal.


  • Definition:

    A state in which the heart cannot provide sufficient cardiac output to satisfy the metabolic needs of the body

  • Definition of Heart Failure HF is a clinical syndrome in wich patients have the following feature: 1. Symptoms typical of HF

    breathlessness at rest or on exercise fatique tiredness ankle swelling AND

    2. Signs typical of HF tachycardia, tachypneu, pulmonary rales, pleural e f fus ion , r a i sed JVP , pe r iphera l oedema , hepatomegaly AND

    3. Objective evidence of a structural or functional abnormality of the heart at rest (cardiomegaly, third heart sound, cardiac murmurs, abnormality of echocardiography, raised Natriuretic peptide concentration)


  • Gagal Jantung Backward & Forward

    Hipotesis backward failure pertama kali diajukan oleh James Hope pada tahun 1832: Apabila ventrikel gagal memompakan darah

    maka darah akan terbendung dan tekanan di atrium serta vena-vena di belakangnya akan naik

  • Gagal Jantung Backward & Forward

    Hipotesis forward failure diajukan oleh Mackenzie 80 tahun setelah hipotesis backward failure: Manifestasi gagal jantung timbul akibat

    berkurangnya aliran darah (cardiac output) ke sistem arterial, sehingga terjadi pengurangan perfusi pada organ-organ yang vital dengan segala akibatnya


    backward HF one or the other ventricle fails to discharge its

    contents or fails to fill normally

    forward HF the clinical manifestations of HF result directly from

    an inadequate discharge of blood into the arterial system

  • Gagal Jantung Right sided & Left sided

    Gagal Jantung Kiri (Left Heart Failure) Ventrikel kiri gagal menjalankan fungsinya Infark ventrikel kiri, hipertensi, kelainan pada

    katub aorta maupun mitral Terjadi kongesti pulmonal

    Gagal Jantung Kanan (Right Heart Failure) Ventrikel kanan gagal menjalankan fungsinya Terjadi bendungan sistemik: edema tungkai,

    ascites, hepatomegali, efusi pleura


    left-sided HF For example, patients in whom the left ventricle is

    hemodynamically overloaded (e.g., aortic stenosis) or weakened (e.g., postmyocardial infarction) develop dyspnea and orthopnea as a result of pulmonary congestion

    right-sided HF the underlying abnormality affects the right ventricle primarily

    (e.g., congenital valvular pulmonic stenosis or pulmonary hypertension secondary to pulmonary thromboembolism),

    symptoms resulting from pulmonary congestion are uncommon,

    edema, congestive hepatomegaly, and systemic venous distention

  • Gagal Jantung Low Output & High Output

    Gagal Jantung pada golongan ini menunjukkan bagaimana keadaan curah jantung (cardiac output) apakah tinggi atau rendah sebagai penyebab manifestasi klinik gagal jantung

    Contoh gagal jantung low output: Penyakit jantung bawaan, hipertensi, kelainan katup,

    koroner, kardiomiopati dll)

    Contoh gagal jantung high output: Tirotoksikosis, Pagets Disease, beri-beri, anemia


    low-output HF occurs secondary to ischemic heart disease,

    hypertension, dilated cardiomyopathy, and valvular and pericardial disease

    high-output HF is seen in patients with HF and hyperthyroidism,

    anemia, pregnancy, arteriovenous fistulas, beriberi, and Paget's disease

    In clinical practice, however, low-output and high-output HF cannot always be readily distinguished

  • Gagal Jantung Akut & Menahun

    Menunjukkan saat atau lamanya gagal jantung terjadi atau berlangsung

    Apabila terjadi mendadak, misal pada infark jantung yang luas, dinamakan gagal jantung akut

    Apabila terjadi secara perlahan maka dinamakan gagal jantung menahun


    acute HF sudden development of a large myocardial

    infarction or rupture of a cardiac valve in a patient who previously was entirely well

    Chronic HF patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or

    multivalvular heart disease that develops or progresses slowly

  • Gagal Jantung Sistolik & Diastolik

    Apabila gagal jantung yang terjadi merupakan akibat abnormalitas fungsi sistolik, yaitu kemampuan mengeluarkan darah dari ventrikel maka dinamakan gagal jantung sistolik

    Apabila gagal jantung yang terjadi merupakan akibat abnormalitas fungsi diastolik, yaitu kemampuan pengisian darah pada ventrikel maka dinamakan gagal jantung diastolik


    relates to whether the principal abnormality is the inability of the ventricle to contract normally and expel sufficient blood (systolic failure) or to relax and/or fill normally (diastolic failure). The major clinical manifestations of systolic failure relate to an inadequate cardiac output with weakness, fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance, and other symptoms of hypoperfusion, while in diastolic HF the manifestations relate principally to the elevation of filling pressures. Many patients, particularly those who have both ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation, exhibit abnormalities both of contraction and relaxation coexis

    Diastolic HF may be caused by increased resistance to ventricular inflow

    and reduced ventricular diastolic capacity (constrictive pericarditis and restrictive, hypertensive, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), impaired ventricular relaxation (acute myocardial ischemia), and myocardial fibrosis and infiltration (restrictive cardiomyopathy)

  • Etiology

    It is a common end point for many diseases of cardiovascular system

    It can be caused by : -Inappropriate work load (volume or pressure overload)

    -Restricted filling -Myocyte loss

  • Causes of left ventricular failure Volume over load : Regurgitate valve

    High output status Pressure overload : Systemic hypertension Outflow obstruction

    Loss of muscles : Post MI, Chronic ischemia Connective tissue diseases Infection, Poisons


    Restricted Filling : Pericardial diseases, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, tachyarrhythmia

  • Health conditions that either damage the heart or make it work too hard

    Coronary artery disease Heart attack High blood pressure Abnormal heart valves Heart muscle diseases (cardiomyopathy) Heart inflammation (myocarditis)

    What Causes Heart Failure?

  • Congenital heart defects Severe lung disease Diabetes Severe anemia Overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) Abnormal heart rhythms

    What Causes Heart Failure?

  • Heart Failure

    What Causes Heart Failure? Coronary artery disease

    Cholesterol and fatty deposits build up in the hearts arteries

    Less blood and oxygen reach the heart muscle

    This causes the heart to work harder and occasionally damages the heart muscle

  • Heart Failure

    What Causes Heart Failure? Heart attack

    An artery supplying blood to the heart becomes blocked

    Loss of oxygen and nutrients damages heart muscle tissue causing it to die

    Remaining healthy heart muscle must pump harder to keep up

  • Heart Failure

    What Causes Heart Failure? High blood pressure

    Uncontrolled high blood pressure doubles a persons risk of developing heart failure

    Heart must pump harder to keep blood circulating

    Over time, chamber first thickens, then gets larger and weaker

  • Heart Failure

    What Causes Heart Failure? Abnormal heart valves Heart muscle disease

    Damage to heart muscle due to drugs, alcohol or infections

    Congenital heart disease Severe lung disease

  • Heart Failure

    What Causes Heart Failure? Diabetes

    Tend to have other conditions that make the heart work harder

    Obesity Hypertension High cholesterol

  • Heart Failure

    What Causes Heart Failure? Severe anemia

    Not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen Heart beats faster and can become overtaxed with

    the effort Hyperthyroidism

    Body metabolism is increased and overworks the heart

    Abnormal Heart Rhythm If the heart beats too fast, too slow or irregular it may

    not be able to pump enough blood to the body

  • Manifestasi Klinis Manifestasi klinis gagal jantung sangat

    beragam dan bergantung pada banyak faktor a.l. Etiologi kelainan jantung Umur pasien Berat atau ringannya Terjadinya secara mendadak atau perlahan

    dan menahun Ventrikel mana yang menjadi pencetus

  • Class % of

    patients Symptoms

    I 35% No symptoms or limitations in ordinary physical activity

    II 35% Mild symptoms and slight limitation during ordinary activity

    III 25% Marked limitation in activity even during minimal activity. Comfortable only at rest

    IV 5% Severe limitation. Experiences symptoms even at rest

    New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Classification


    DYSPNEA Orthopnea Paroxysmal (Nocturnal) Dyspnea


    Anorexia and nausea associated with abdominal pain and fullness

    CEREBRAL SYMPTOMS confusion, difficulty in concentration, impairment of memory,

    headache, insomnia, and anxiety. Nocturia

  • Shortness of Breath (dyspnea) WHY?

    Blood backs up in the pulmonary veins because the heart cant keep up with the supply an fluid leaks into the lungs

    SYMPTOMS Dyspnea on exertion or at rest Difficulty breathing when lying flat Waking up short of breath

    Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure

  • Persistent Cough or Wheezing WHY?

    Fluid backs up in the lungs SYMPTOMS

    Coughing that produces white or pink blood-tinged sputum

    Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure

  • Edema WHY?

    Decreased blood flow out of the weak heart Blood returning to the heart from the veins

    backs up causing fluid to build up in tissues SYMPTOMS

    Swelling in feet, ankles, legs or abdomen Weight gain

    Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure

  • Tiredness, fatigue WHY?

    Heart cant pump enough blood to meet needs of bodies tissues

    Body diverts blood away from less vital organs (muscles in limbs) and sends it to the heart and brain

    SYMPTOMS Constant tired feeling Difficulty with everyday activities

    Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure

  • Lack of appetite/ Nausea WHY?

    The digestive system receives less blood causing problems with digestion

    SYMPTOMS Feeling of being full or sick to your stomach

    Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure

  • Confusion/ Impaired thinking WHY?

    Changing levels of substances in the blood ( sodium) can cause confusion

    SYMPTOMS Memory loss or feeling of disorientation Relative or caregiver may notice this first

    Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure

  • Increased heart rate WHY?

    The heart beats faster to make up for the loss in pumping function

    SYMPTOMS Heart palpitations May feel like the heart is racing or throbbing

    Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure

  • Common clinical manifestation of HF

    Dominant clinical feature Symptoms Signs

    Peripheral oedema / conges2on

    Breathlessness Tiredness, fa2que Anorexia

    Peripheral oedema Raised JVP Pulmonary oedema Hepatomegaly, ascites Fluid overload (conges2on) Cachexia

    Pulmonary oedema Severe breathlessness at rest Crackles or rales over lungs, eusion Tachycardia, tachypnoea

    Cardiogenic shock (low output syndrome)

    Confusion Weakness Cold periphery

    Poor peripheral perfusion Systolic BP < 90 mmHg Anuria or oliguria

    High BP (hypertensive HF) Breathlessness Usually raised BP, LVH and preserved EF

    Right HF Breathlessness Fa2que

    Evidence of RV dysfunc2on Raised JVP, peripheral oedema, hepatomegaly, gut conges2on

  • Physical examination

    The physical examina2on can provide important informa2on concerning the degree to which the cardiac output is reduced as well as the degree of volume overload, ventricular enlargement, and pulmonary hypertension

    Heart sounds An S3 gallop have been associated with leS atrial pressures exceeding 20 mmHg, increased leS ventricular end-diastolic pressures (>15 mmHg)

  • Physical examination

    Decreased cardiac output patients compensate for a fall in cardiac output

    by increasing sympathetic outow sinus tachycardia, diaphoresis, and peripheral

    vasoconstriction. manifested as cool, pale, and sometimes cyanotic

    extremities (due to the combination of decreased perfusion and increased oxygen extraction)

  • Physical examination

    Volume overload There are three major manifestations of volume

    overload in patients with HF: pulmonary congestion, peripheral edema, and elevated jugular venous pressure


    A complete blood count since anemia can exacerbate preexis2ng HF

    Serum electrolytes and crea2nine as a baseline to follow when ini2a2ng therapy with diure2cs and/or angiotensin conver2ng enzyme inhibitors.

    Liver func2on tests, which may be aected by hepa2c conges2on.

    Fas2ng blood glucose to detect underlying diabetes mellitus


    is a useful rst diagnos2c test, par2cularly in the evalua2on of pa2ents who present with dyspnea

    Findings sugges2ve of HF include: cardiomegaly (cardiac-to-thoracic width ra2o above 50 percent), cephaliza2on of the pulmonary vessels, Kerley B-lines, and pleural eusions



    ischemic heart disease

    AV block

    LeS ventricular hypertrophy


    should be performed in all pa2ents with new onset HF and can provide important informa2on about ventricular size and func2on


    KRITERIA MAYOR: Paroxysmal Nocturnal

    Dyspneu Distensi vena-vena leher Peningkatan vena jugularis Ronki Kardiomegali Edema paru Galop S3

    KRITERIA MINOR: Edema ekstremitas Batuk malam Sesak pada aktivitas Hepatomegali Efusi pleura Takikardia (>120x/mnt)

    Diagnosis ditegakkan bila terdapat paling sedikit satu kriteria mayor dan dua kriteria minor

  • DIAGNOSIS BANDING Penyakit Paru:

    Pneumonia PPOK Asma eksaserbasi akut Infeksi paru berat misal ARDS, emboli paru

    Penyakit Ginjal: Gagal Ginjal Kronik Sindrom Nefrotik

    Penyakit Hati: Sirosis Hepatis

  • Precipitating Factors

    In evaluating patients with HF, it is important to identify: not only the underlying but also the precipitating cause

  • PRECIPITATING CAUSES 1. Infection 2. Anemia 3. Thyrotoxicosis and pregnancy 4. Arrhythmias 5. Rheumatic, viral, and other forms of myocarditis 6. Infective endocarditis 7. Physical, dietary, fluid, environmental, and emotional

    excesses 8. Systemic hypertension 9. Myocardial infarction 10.Pulmonary embolism.

  • Terapi

  • Treatment Options

    The more common forms of heart failure cannot be cured, but can be treated

    Lifestyle changes Medications Surgery

  • Lifestyle changes Stop smoking

    Loose weight Avoid alcohol Avoid or limit caffeine Eat a low-fat, low-sodium diet Exercise Reduce stress Limit fluid intake

  • TERAPI Non Farmakologi Anjuran Umum:

    Edukasi: terangkan hubungan keluhan, gejala dan pengobatan

    Aktivitas sosial dan pekerjaan diusahakan agar dapat dilakukan seperti biasa sesuai kemampuan fisik yang masih bisa dilakukan

    Gagal jantung berat harus menghindari penerbangan panjang

  • TERAPI Non Farmakologi Tindakan Umum:

    Diet (hindarkan obesitas, rendah garam 2 gram pada gagal jantung ringan dan 1 gram pada gagal jantung berat, jumlah cairan 1 liter pada gagal jantung berat dan 1,5 liter pada gagal jantung ringan

    Hentikan rokok Hentikan alkohol Istirahat baring pada gagal jantung akut, berat dan

    eksaserbasi akut.

  • Myocardial Damaged

    Myocardial Failure

    Cardiac Output Ventricular Filling Pressures

    Preload +


    Compensatory Mechanism Vasopresin RAA sympathetic activity

    Na / H2O retention Venoconstriction

    + systemic vascular


    Inotropic Agent (Digitalis)

    ACE Inhibitors

    Fluid restriction Low sodium diet Diuretic vasodilator

    Mekanisme Kompensasi Gagal Jantung

  • Symptomatic HF + reduced ejection fraction

    Persis2ng signs and symptoms

    Diuretic + ACE I (or ARB) titrate to clinical stability







    No Yes

    LV EF < 35%?

    Add aldosteron or ARB

    Persis2ng symptoms

    No further treatment Consider ICD

    Consider: digoxin, hydralazine/nitrate LVAD

    Consider: CRT or CRT-D


    QRS dura2on > 120 sec

    Detect major co-morbidi2es and precipita2ng factors Non cardiovascular Anemia Pulmonary disease Renal dysfunc2on Thyroid dysfunc2on Diabetes Cardiovascular IHD / CAD HT, AF, VT, Bradicardia

  • TERAPI Farmakologi Diuretik :

    Kebanyakan membutuhkan diuretik dosis rendah untuk mencapai tekanan vena jugular normal dan menghilangkan edema

    Permulaan dapat digunakan loop diuretik atau tiazid.

    Diuretik hemat kalium, spironolakton 25-50 mg/hari dapat mengurangi mortalitas pada pasien gagal jantung sedang sampai berat yang disebabkan gagal jantung sistolik

  • Diuretics (water pills) Prescribed for fluid build up, swelling or

    edema Cause kidneys to remove more sodium and

    water from the bloodstream Decreases workload of the heart and edema Fine balance removing too much fluid can

    strain kidneys or cause low blood pressure

    Medications used to treat Heart Failure

  • Diuretics

    Diure2cs are recommended in pts with clinical signs or symptoms of conges2on

    Diure2cs provide relief from the symptoms and signs of pulmonary and systemic venous conges2on

    Diure2cs cause ac2va2on of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and should be used in combina2on with an ACE-I / ARB

    Class of recommenda6on I, level of evidence B

  • Aldosterone antagonists

    The addi2on of aldosterone antagonist is recommended in all pts with an EF 35%, severe symptoma2c HF without hyperkalemia or signicant renal dysfunc2on

    Aldosterone antagonists reduce hospital admission for worsening HF and increased survival when added to exis2ng therapy, including ACE-I

    Class of recommenda6on I, level of evidence B

    In such hospitalised pa2ents, treatment with an aldosterone antagonist should be ini2ated before discharge

  • Practical considerations in treatment with loop diuretics

    Problems Suggested ac6ons


    Increase ACE-I/ARB dosage Add aldosterone antagonist Potassium supplements Magnesium supplements

    Hyponatremia Water restric2on Stop thiazide diure2c or switch to loop diure2c, if

    possible Reduce dosage/stop loop diure2cs if possible i.v. inotropic support Consider ultraltra2on

    Hyperuricemia/gout Consider allopurinol For symptoma2c gout use colchicine for pain relief Avoid NSAIDs


    Asses volume status Consider diure2c dosage reduc2on

  • Practical considerations in treatment with loop diuretics

    Problems Suggested ac6ons

    Insucient response or diure2c resistance

    Check compliance and uid intake Increase dosage of diure2c Consider switching from furosemide to

    bumetanide or torasemide Add aldosteron antagonist Combine loop diure2c and thiazide Admister loop diure2c twice daily or on empty

    stomach Consider short-term i.v. infusion of loop diure2c

    Renal failure Check for hypovolaemia/dehydra2on Exclude use other nephrotoxic agents e.g. NSAIDs,

    trimethoprim Withhold aldosterone antagonist If using concomitant loop and thiazide diure2c,

    stop thiazide diure2c Consider reducing dose of ACE-I/ARB Consider ultraltra2on

  • TERAPI Farmakologi Penghambat ACE:

    Bermanfaat untuk menekan aktivasi neurohormonal dan pada gagal jantung akibat disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri

    Pemberian dimulai dengan dosis rendah, dititrasi selama beberapa minggu sampai dosis yang efektif

    Dapat mencegah secara dini terjadinya hipertrofi, dilatasi dan remodeling ventrikel yang menyebabkan disfungsi ventrikel yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan gagal jantung

  • ACE Inhibitors Cornerstone of heart failure therapy Proven to slow the progression of heart

    failure Vasodilator cause blood vessels to

    expand lowering blood pressure and the hearts work load

    Medications used to treat Heart Failure

  • ACE Inhibitor

    An ACE-I is recommended in all pa2ents with symptoma2c HF and an EF 40%

    Treatment with an ACE-I improves LV func2on, pa2ent well being, reduces hospital admission for worsening HF and increases survival

    Class of recommenda6on I, level of evidence A

    In hospitalised pa2ents, treatment should be ini2ated before discharge

  • Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs)

    An ARB is recommended in all pts with HF and EF 40% WHO: Remain symptoma2c despite op2mal Rx with an ACE-I and beta blocker As an alterna2ve in pts, intolerant of an ACE-I

    Unless pts are treated with an aldosterone antagonist

    Treatment with an ARB improves LV func2on, pa2ent well being and reduces hospital admission for worsening HF

    Class of recommenda6on I, level of evidence A

    Treatment reduces the risk of CV death

    Class of recommenda6on IIa, level of evidence B

    In hospitalised pa2ents, treatment with ARB should be ini2ated before discharge

  • TERAPI Farmakologi Penyekat beta:

    Bermanfaat sama seperti penghambat ACE Pemberian mulai dosis kecil Biasanya diberikan bila keadaan mulai stabil

    Angiotensin II antagonis reseptor:

    Dapat digunakan bila ada kontraindikasi penggunaan penghambat ACE

  • Blocker

    A blocker should be used in all pts with symptoma2c HF and an EF 40%

    Lower the heart rate and blood pressure Decrease the workload of the heart

    blockade improves ventricular func2on and pts well being, and reduces hospital admission for worsening HF and increases survival

    Class of recommenda6on I, level of evidence A

    In hospitalised pa2ents, treatment with a blocker should be ini2ated cau2ously before discharge

  • TERAPI Farmakologi digoksin:

    Digunakan untuk pasien simtomatik dengan gagal jantung disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri dan terutama yang dengan fibrilasi atrial

    Digunakan bersama-sama dengan diuretik, penghambat ACE dan penyekat beta

  • Digitalis preparations Increases the force of the hearts

    contractions Relieves symptoms Slows heart rate and certain irregular heart


    Medications used to treat Heart Failure

  • Class I recommendations for drugs in patients with symptomatic systolic dysfunction

    ACE-I All pa6ents* Class I Level A ARB ACE intolerant/persis2ng signs or

    symptoms on ACE-I / B-blokade* Class I Level A

    B-Blocker All pa2ents* Class I Level A Aldosterone antagonist

    Severe symptoms on ACE-I* Class I Level A

    Diure6c All pts with signs or symptoms of conges2on

    Class I Level B

  • Management of Hypertention in pts with HF

    In hypertensive pts with evidence of LV dysfunc6on

    Systolic and diastolic BP should be carefully controlled with a therapeu2c target of 140/90 and 130/80 mmHg in diabe2cs and high risk pts

    An2-hypertensive regimens based on renin-angiotensin system antagonists (ACE-I or ARBs) are preferable

  • Acute HF

    Is dened as rapid onset or change in the signs and symptoms of HF, resul2ng in the need of urgent therapy

    It may present as new HF or worsening HF in the presence of Chronic HF

    It may be associated with worsening symptoms or signs or as a medical emergency such as acute pulmonary oedema

    Mul2ple cardiovascular and non cardiovscular morbidi2es may precipitate AHF

  • Causes and precipitating factors of AHF

    Ischaemic Heard Disease ACS Right ventricular infarc6on

    Circulatory failure Sep6caemia Thyrotoxicosis Anaemia Tamponade Pulmonary embolism

    Valvular Valve stenosis Valvular rregurgita2on Endocardi2s Aor2c dissec2on

    Myopathies Postpartum cardiomyopathiy Acute myocardi2s

    Decompensa2on of preexis2ng chronic HF Volume overload Infec2on, especially pneumonia Surgery Renal dysfunc2on Asthma, COPD

    Hypertension / arrhythmia Hypertension Acute arrhythmia

  • A clinical assessment of pts with AHF





    Pulmonary Congestion


    ue P




    Clinical Cassifications

  • Goals of treatment in AHF Immediate (ED/ICU) Improve symptoms Restore oxygena2on Improve organ perfusion an haemodynamics Limit cardiac/renal damage Minimize ICU Length of stay

    Intermediate (in hospital) Stabilize pts and op2mize treatment strategy Ini2ate appropriate (live saving) pharmacological therapy Minimize hospital LOS

    Long-term and predischarge management Educate and ini2ate appropriate lifestyle adjustments Prevent early readmission Improve quality of life and survival

  • Prognosis

    Annual mortality rate depends on patients symptoms and LV function

    5% in patients with mild symptoms and mild in LV function

    30% to 50% in patient with advances LV dysfunction and severe symptoms

    40% 50% of death is due to SCD


    A thorough history and physical examina2on are the ini2al steps in the evalua2on of pa2ents with suspected HF.

    The absence of dyspnea on exer2on makes the diagnosis of HF unlikely, while a history of myocardial infarc2on and a displaced apical impulse, or S3 on physical examina2on, strongly suggest the diagnosis.

    Ini2al blood tests should include a complete blood count, plasma electrolytes, BUN and crea2nine, liver func2on tests, and urinalysis


    A chest x-ray and electrocardiogram should be performed in all pa2ents.

    The presence of pulmonary vascular conges2on and cardiomegaly on chest x-ray support the diagnosis of HF; chest x-ray is also useful for ruling out pulmonary disease in pa2ents who present with dyspnea.

    A normal ECG is unusual in pa2ents with symptoma2c systolic dysfunc2on (98 percent nega2ve predic2ve value).


    Echocardiography should be performed in all pa2ents with new onset HF.

    Echocardiography has a high sensi2vity and specicity for the diagnosis of myocardial dysfunc2on, and may also establish the e2ology of HF

  • Terima Kasih

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