Page 1: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,
Page 2: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,


Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh, Tang Kat Huey, Chan Yein Ning, Bu Ai Chin, Tee Lay Bee


Mr Loo Soon Tow

我与Elvin和Wendy, 因为业务结下了长达33年的情谊,即是商业伙伴,也是志趣相投的好友。这10年来,每次相聚他们都会与我分享弱势社群所面对的种种问题,以及他们对援助弱势社群的各种计划和梦想。他们对弱势社群的这份不求回报的关怀和协助,令我感动不已,也连续多年以个人微薄的力量响应他们的号召。如今,“生命的礼物”协会正式成立了,对于能受邀为协会顾问我深感荣幸,希望自己的奉献能让更多的弱势社群受惠。 Elvin and Wendy were my close friends for over 33 years. They will always update us on OKU needs. I was very touched by them running around raising funds and neglecting their business. Hence, I have been personally supporting them over 10 years. I am happy to be an advisor as they are genuine & sincere people

Mr Lee Thung Hing

我与Elvin和Wendy的友谊可以追溯至30年前,我们曾经是事业上的伙伴。 大约10年前,我开始响应由他们所发起的慈善活动,包括为残障人士筹募辅助设备、捐助老人院、孤儿院以及为天灾灾黎等等。陈艳珍对慈善活动的投入令我敬佩和感动,为了筹获足够的款项她可以放下自己的事业和身段,不分昼夜四处奔波筹款。期间,她也常与我分享如何被人拒绝甚至就辱骂的经历,但是,想起弱势社群对她的期盼,她从不言放弃。 对她的这份执著和善心,我深深感动,也因此应允受邀为“生命的礼物”协会的顾问。希望协会能得到普罗大众的热烈支持与响应,造福更多的弱势社群。 I am Lee Thung Hing, a former business partner & know Elvin and Wendy for more than three decades. They are known for helping OKU, old folks and orphans. In 2004, I attended a tsunami lunch fund raising by Wendy. She could spend two whole days not working from morning to evening just to entertain customers having vegetarian food for fund raising. Their kind hearted way touched me and I began to help them raising fund by getting contributions of wheelchairs for the past few years. I accepted the advisor invitation to help more needy people.


Page 3: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

MRGJC QUEST SHOW: Sponsored by : Madam Wendy Chan President of Gift of Life Society 节目赞助 : 陈艳珍女士 生命的礼物协会会长

******************************************************************************************* 6.30pm - Arrival Of Guests 来宾莅临 7.00pm - Arrival Of VIP 贵宾莅临 7.05pm - NegaraKu 唱国歌 7.10pm - Opening Ceremony 开幕典礼 7.20pm - Sing Along "My Thankful Heart“ 同唱"感恩的心" 7.25pm - Aifm Interview 爱fm专访 7.35pm - Speech By Organising Chairman 筹委会主席致欢迎词 7.40pm - Speech By President 生命的礼物协会会长致词 7.45pm - Speech By Datuk Donald Lim 贵宾尊敬的拿督林祥才致词 7.50pm - Speech By YB Tony Pua 贵宾尊敬的潘俭伟国会议员致词 7.55pm - Presentation Of Wheelchairs 颁发轮椅 8.30pm - Presentation Of Gifts To Orphan 颁发礼物予孤儿院 8.45pm - Presentation Of Souvenirs To VIP And Donors 颁发纪念品予贵宾与捐赠者 8.50pm - Slide Show 录影播映 9.00pm - Dance From Beautifulgate 美门呈现轮椅舞蹈表演 9.15pm - Singing From Yoo Eng San失明的歌唱家 - 尤永森 9.25pm - Testimonial From Oku 体障朋友的分享 9.30pm - Angklung Performance 马来乐器表演 9.50pm - Dance 舞蹈表演 10.00pm - Mq Shanghai Theme Song Dance 上海之夜歌舞表演 10.10pm - Magic Show 魔术与变脸 10.25pm - Solo 独唱 10.35pm - Mc Announce Good Nite & Thank You 晚安、感恩

Charity Show Program


Page 4: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

筹委会主席 郑丽媚女士 献词 Message From The Organising Chairman Madam Tee Lay Bee

欣然的在今年初,"生命的礼物协会“ 获得注册局批准成立,今晚的成立典礼暨慈善晚宴, 除庆祝协会的诞生, 更是见证

轮椅捐助者亲自将轮椅交于受惠的体障朋友。不论施与受,或见证的人,都将沉浸在温馨的气氛中。 随着历年来的工作, 对体障朋友的帮助还是占在需求名单里的首位。从来, 筹钱的工作不是容易。 间中,我们遇上了各种问号和感叹号, 有者抱着怀疑态度,毕竟还是一个新的协会, 但有更多朋友不断地为我们加油! 此次的筹款目标是20万零吉,用以应付来年的开支和所将进行的慈善活动。 轮椅种类不同。一般普通型的只能用在短程的推动,常用于医院病人,根本不能长年累月供体障朋友的使用。为了能自己操纵,自立更生,体障朋友需要的是电动轮椅、医疗座垫、特别的轻型轮椅、背部可倾斜的轮椅、3或4轮电动车deng。 轮椅有别,自然价格也有落差........但有了这些辅助品,我们看见了体障朋友有能力自已去上班,甚至开始小本生意。这就是我们帮助的意义呀! 谨此, 我代表筹委会感谢各位的慷慨捐助, 不只是来到现场的你们, 还有很多默默付出,出钱出力,帮助与赞助体障朋友,老人院长者, 和福利院的小朋友们的好朋友们。我们也感谢我们的会长,为答谢各位善长人翁,不惜掏腰包赞助今晚晚宴表演,请得我国扬名国际,荣獲国际奖状认证的年轻四兄妹组合,MRGJC Quest组合呈现国际水準的魔术、变脸、歌唱,舞蹈。体障朋友更是让我们驚喜,他们能在轮椅上跳出优美的舞蹈!我们还有盲人歌唱家呢!表面上我们是在帮助他们,他们何尝不是也在教育着我们呢? 感谢您的到来与不啬指教, 敬备薄酌,不成敬意,也希望我们能回馈给你一个欢乐温馨的夜晚和一场精彩的表演。每个人都可以是另外一个人的天使。我们只是尝试在做一些好事,我相信好事可以制造好的气场,鼓励更多更好的事!谢谢!

I am pleased to inform "Gift Of Life Society" was been approved & registered by ROS (Registrar Of Society, Malaysia) early this year. Tonight is the launching cum charity dinner besides celebrating the birth of the "Gift Of Life Society", but also to witness personally the presentation of wheelchairs & other community needs' to each recipient by the donors themselves. I hope everyone will be immersed in our warm atmosphere of giving & receiving. Raising funds is not an easy task as we have faced doubts and sceptical remarks. On the other hand, many friends assisted us & discourage us from giving up. This fund raising target of RM200,000.00 will help to pay for next year's expenses and charitable activities. There are many types of wheelchairs eg a normal wheelchair is only suitable for hospital patients and it is not suitable for daily OKU or disabled friends use as they need to manoeuvre it themselves. Physical-barrier friends need electric or motorised wheelchairs. Other OKU requirements are such as medical cushion, special light-weight wheelchair, back tillable wheelchair, 3 or 4 wheel motorcycle etc. These aids, will enable them the ability to work independently or even start a small business. This is the meaning of our way in help them. On behalf of our Committee, we sincerely thank you for your generous donations, attending our function & also helping to sponsor our OKU friends, old folks and orphans. We also thank our President, Ms Wendy Chan who has graciously paid for tonight international performance by MRGJC Quest team (4 siblings) magic show, face changing, singing, dancing & etc. Thank you to OKU wheelchairs dancing & our blind singer for their performance. Thank you for your attendance and we hope you will enjoy tonight's performance. Everyone can be another person's angel by some good actions. A simple good action can create a good atmosphere which will encourage more people to do good deeds. THANK YOU


Page 5: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

生命的礼物协会 会长 陈艳珍女士 献词 Message From The President Madam Wendy chan

每个人在人生的旅途上,总有一些期盼已久的东西或是想要实现的梦想。当我们如愿以偿时,那份喜悦肯定是令人雀跃万分的。但是对弱势社群,比如体障朋友而言,他们最渴望的是拥有行动的自由,自立更生的机会,减少对他人的依赖。然而,事实是如果没有社会人士的关心和支援,很多时候,他们的愿望往往是遥不可及的。这十年以来, 我都很庆幸的得到很多朋友们的帮助和鼓励, 在我们在能力范围以内, 伸出援手,为他们献出爱心与关怀,协助他们追求梦想。 经过多年的耕耘与努力,我付出了一些,得到了更多。 但我了解到,个人的力量是有限的,我必须汇聚更大的力量才能协助更多的人。于是,我开始著手筹办“生命的礼物协会”非盈利慈善团体。在一群热心好友的协助下,“生命的礼物协会”终于在2013年3月5日获得马来西亚社团注册局的批审(社团注册编号: PPM-028-10-05032013)。这对我而言是一份莫大的肯定和喜悦,我们的原则是--- 要以专业和透明的方式来经营 “生命的礼物协会”,以造福全马来自不同生活背景、种族、宗教与信仰的弱势社群。 我们严守一个信念, 所谓“生命的礼物”是确确实实生命的礼物, 是受惠者真正需要的。比如体障者,他们最大的害怕是自己成为别人的负担。他们需要的是适合自己,可以更好的自己活动, 不再依赖别人的辅助器。因此,你们今晚看见了台上各类不同的轮椅,其中,论价格,很多还是出乎我们的想象呢,但这些都将是体障朋友下来得以有效改善生活素质, 自力更生,找回生活价值的礼物啊!谨此, 我代表体障朋友谢谢各善长人翁真诚的轮椅赞助,非常谢谢你们! 随着“生命的礼物”协会的成立,我们希望可以将这份力量推展开来, 让更多的弱势社群得到关爱!我们马不停蹄的策划和开始我们的活动。探访孤老幼小,体障弱势,受虐妇女,原住民,均是我们列在首位的关怀活动。我们希望能通过这些活动拉近人们与弱势社群的距离,促进彼此之间的谅解,同时唤起普罗大众对弱势社群的关心。感谢理事们更是在百忙之余, 尽心尽力,甚至自掏腰包为活动付出,为探视与给予弱势社群需要的,真正的‘生命的礼物“ 而乐在其中!这真叫我非常感动! “生命的礼物协会”是一个非盈利慈善团体,我们所举办的所有活动经费和义款均由公众人士捐献。筹款的路上有喜有乐, 有悲有泪, 间中有朋友的误解, 有公众的置疑,但也有更多更多的鼓励和赞美!我本人相信,慈善是个有钱出钱,有力出力的工作。 弱势社群只是需要我们的一些支持与鼓励, 他们不是在乞讨。我希望社会可以继续教育, 不再用有色眼光看他们,也不再假装视而不见!我们乐于扮演一个中间的桥梁, 让爱的力量流传、壮大! 我们在此呼吁公众人士踊跃捐献或参与我们的活动,将关怀与爱心献给国内的弱势社群,超越种族、宗教和信仰,共同努力缔造充满爱的社会。 撰写本文的当儿 ,我又实现了自己的另一梦想,我国财政部批准了“生命的礼物协会”长达5年(2014年至2018年)的捐款免税申请,相信这将有助于我们未来的募款活动,惠及更多的弱势社群。

Everyone has dreams! We get excited when dreams come true. Our disabled friends’ dream is freedom of movement, self-reliance opportunities as well as reducing dependence on others . Their dream is hard to fulfil without community help. For the past 10 years, I was fortunate to have a group of supportive friends who gave love and care to our disabled friends by helping to achieve their dreams. Over the years, I discovered the limited power of an individual. Hence, a group of enthusiastic friends started "Gift of Life Society" - a non-profit organisation to reach out & assist more disable people. With great joy & affirmation, ‘Gift Of Life Society’ was approved & registered March 5, 2013 by the Malaysian Registrar of Societies (PPM-028-10-05032013). Our principle is to enhance community awareness professionally and transparently in aiding Malaysian needy without regards to race, creed or religion. "Gift of Life" is gift of hope! Disabled friends biggest fear is to burden others. Your gift of support has realised their mobility dreams & needs. These different types of aids such as wheelchairs, medical cushions and other aids help recipients to be self-reliance or independence & finding new life values. Thank you for your generous contributions and sponsorship. Thank You very much again! We hope to expand our activities by visiting lonely old folks, orphanage homes, OKU, battered women, indigenous people and others. These activities help to narrow the distance between people and the underprivileged to promote mutual understanding between the general public as well as arousing concern for the disadvantaged. All our activities are fully funded by public monetary contributions. It is not easy to raise funds as it filled with sorrow and tears, misunderstandings by friends, public doubts and others. We dofind encouragement and praise from sincere friends, relatives and the public in our mist! I hope the community will be educated to reach out to help by not ignoring our social responsibility! We appeal to the public to actively donate or participate in our activities, care and love beyond race, religion and belief by creating a loving community. I am also happy & grateful in announcing that Gift Of Life Society was given tax exemption for 2014-2018 from our Government which will help encourage more people to contribute by helping more people in need. 5

Page 6: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

马华公会副总会长, 前财政部副部长 拿督林祥才 献词 Message From The Vice President of MCA Ex-Deputy Finance Minister - Datuk Donald Lim

我谨此祝贺‘生命的礼物协会’于2013年3月在陈艳珍女士的领导下正式成立。 "生命的礼物" 十年以来在陈艳珍女士的默默耕耘下,为体障朋友筹募了各种辅助品,依个人所需提供了相关的轻便型轮椅,电动轮椅,三轮摩托车等等。"生命的礼物" 目的不僅於物资帮助,更是要鼓励体障朋友在得到这些辅助品之后能回到社会,自力更生,找回自己的价值。程序上, 陈女士也进行了非常认真的审查和按照个人所需批准有关的辅助, 堪称是一份非常专业的‘生命的礼物’! 谈起陈艳珍女士,我不得不提起在2004年, 她以个人力量,租了一家素食馆, 举办为期两天的“乐捐享素食”为海啸灾民筹集一万令吉,这是多么难得的一个社会天使呀!惊讶之余, 她得到了我最崇高的敬意! 从此, 她的工作重心与话题总是离不开体障朋友,老人,孤儿。‘生命的礼物协会’的成立是我们社会的福气,我相信有了这一股更强大的力量, 将让爱延至更多的群体, 造福更多的人! 陈艳珍女士这10年以来的努力已经获得了政府的关注和认可!政府最近更通过了授予‘生命的礼物协会’2014至2018财政年度捐款免税收权益,以行动进一步表示支持协会的努力, 也鼓励民众慷慨捐助, 支持和帮助更多有需要的人! 促进爱和关怀社会,人人有责!‘生命的礼物协会’的成立让我们看到了一个社会榜样。 有一分力,发一分光! 不管在哪个社会角落, 我们都可以是别人的天使!

I would like to congratulate the establishment of 'Gift of Life Society' in March 2013 under the leadership of Miss Wendy Chan. For the past 10 years, Ms Wendy Chan has been quietly promoting 'Gift Of Life' to raise fund for the body impaired people, according to individual needs to provide the relevant lightweight wheelchair, motorised wheelchair, three or four-wheeled motorcycles, etc... "Gift of Life" not only aims to provide material help, but also to encourage the body impaired people in getting these supplements can return to society after self-reliant and find their value. Ms. Wendy Chan and her group also carried out very carefully reviewed and approved in accordance with relevant supporting personal needs, and is a very professional 'Gift of Life' as named for those recipients! Talking about Miss Wendy Chan, I had to bring back in 2004, she, at her personal level, rented a vegetarian restaurant to organise a two-day's "Enjoy Vegetarian Food & Donate" for the tsunami victims to raise ten thousand ringgit, which is how rare a social angel Yeah! She got my highest respect! Since then, her focus is always inseparable from the topic with impaired people, the elderly, orphans. The establishment of 'Gift of Life Society' is the blessings of our society, I believe that with the shares of more powerful force, let love be extended to a wider audience, and benefit more people! Ms Wendy Chan's efforts in the past 10 years, have gained attention and recognition from the Government. The Government recently granted Gift Of Life Society' tax exemption for the year 2014 - 2018 to further express its support and encourage people to contribute generously and help more people in need! Promote a caring society with love is everyone's responsibility! 'Gift of Life Society' allows us to see the establishment of a social model. Let us have a part to play, in whichever corner of society we can all be someone else's angel!


Page 7: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

巴打灵再也北区国会议员 YB 潘俭伟 献词 Message From The Member of Parliament for PJ Utara YB Tony Pua

我认识陈艳珍女士的日子不算太长, 约有6年. 但我想很多人都跟我一样,对于她在社会公益和慈善领域的投入,留下了深刻的印象。她特别为人所津津乐道的是她单凭个人的力量,连续十年岁月为我国的弱势群体献出了不求回报的无限关怀与爱心。这些年间,她为来自全国各地的残障朋友们筹募了许多残障辅助设备,这些设备包括各类型的轮椅、三轮或四轮摩托车、医疗座垫、电动轮椅电池等等。她也曾经为接受紧急手术治疗的残障朋友们筹募医疗费,而大多数时候还必须自掏腰包,以解有迫切需要残障人士的燃眉之急。 最难能可贵的是,在与她的互动中,我可以感受到她对弱势群体的关怀不只是为他们提供所需的物资,而是真正地去接近、了解并关怀他们。 我国的弱势社群,长期面对残障辅助设备资助不足、社会保障不健全、缺乏有系统的生活或就职培训计划、就雇机会低等问题。至今,我国还未有任何立法,以保障残障者权力或在教育、工作上不受歧視。目前,妇女、家庭及社会发展部辖下的福利部、教育部、人力资源部和卫生部在处理与残障人士相关的课题时,亦常常缺乏协调,功效不见显卓。 虽然目前我国对保障弱势社群利益的醒觉意识已逐渐提升,然而为了确保弱势社群能独立及有尊严地生活,同时能完全及平等地融入各领域社群中,各阶层亦必须通力合作,一致努力以达到这个目标。政府方面应制定政策,建立更完善的教育和训练、改善工作培训和就业机会以及致力为弱势社群们建立更好的生活品质条件,这包括塑造一个包容、无障碍、人权为主社会的支援系统。 当然,关心弱势群体不只是政府的责任,更是社会的责任。只有高度关心弱势群体的社会,才会形成良好的社会氛围,才能促进社会不断进步,不断地走向更加公正。一个真正公正的社会是所有人都受益的社会。最后,我谨此祝贺“生命的礼物协会”正式成立,并向陈艳珍女士以及其理事会成员献上我最真诚的祝福。

I came to know Ms Wendy Chan not very long ago, may be around six years. I believe many have the same feelings as mine that what she has done and contributed to the field of social welfare and charity job, has given us a very good impression. What really impressed us is for the past 10 years that with her own personal capacity, she has contributed to the less fortunate society with her love and care and has never asked for anything in return. All these years , she helped many disabled friends all over the country getting funds to buy various wheelchairs, three-wheel or four-wheel motorcycles, medical cushions, batteries etc. She also helped vulnerable groups to raise fund for medical fees and for operation. On many occasions, she used her own money to help those needy ones. The most valuable is her interaction with these vulnerable friends, to provide necessity for them, get near to them, understand them and care for them. These less fortunate ones in our country always faced inadequate disability aids and shortage of funding, lack of systematic plan for job training and employment opportunity. To date, there is no legislation in our country to protect them in education, work without discrimination. Even our various government departments, due to lack of coordination, have not seen much improvement for these less fortunate groups. We have increase awareness lately. However in order to helped them independent and live with dignity to integrate into all areas in our community, We must all help to strive through to reach the goal. Government should develop policies with better education and training, with employment opportunity for the less fortunate ones to build a better quality of life, with barrier free, human right based non-social assistance. Taking care of the less fortunate is not only the duty of government, but also our social responsibility. I highly convene to gather all to create a good social atmosphere in order to promote social progress, continue to move towards a more just and equitable society, that will truly benefit the whole society. Last but not least, I wish all the best to the launching of "Gift of life society", and send my best wishes to Ms Wendy Chan and her Exco members. Thank you!


Page 8: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

八打灵再也警区主任 阿祖乃迪助理警监 献词 Message From Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya OCPD ACP Arjunaidi Bin Mohamed

Salam Sejahtera Dan Salam 1 Malaysia! Saya ACP Arjunaidi Bin Mohamed Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya merasa amat bangga dan sukacitanaya kerana saya di beri peluang untuk memberi kata - kata aluan pada penerbitan majalah ‘gift of life society souvenir program’ ini. Saya telah mengenali Wendy Chan hampir 10 tahun sebelum saya bertugas di IPD Petaling Jaya lagi. Beliau merupakan seorang yang sangat komited dalam kerja – kerja amal yang dilakukan. Ini kerana beliau banyak memberi kerjasama dalam aktiviti kemasyarakatan dan aktiviti kepolisan yang dianjurkan di daerah petaling jaya khususnya. Beliau juga merupakan seorang yang aktif dalam aktiviti – aktiviti persatuan penduduk dan selalu menjalinkan hubungan yang erat bersama PDRM. Saya berharap hubungan baik ini berterusan agar kita dapat berkerjasama demi menjaga kesejahteraan dan keharmonian antara PDRM dengan masyarakat. Sekian terima kasih

Salam Sejahtera Dan Salam 1 Malaysia! 我是八打灵再也警区主任阿祖乃迪助理警监 ACP Arjunaidi Bin Mohamed. 我感到非常欣喜与自豪,因为有机会在这里写上我的祝福话语. 大概有十年了,在我还没有在八打灵IPD担任职务时,我已经认识了Wendy。 Wendy 在慈善事业上高度的表现了她的尽责态度。她也经常在地方事务与警察活动,尤其是八打灵社区的活动上给以了高度配合。她活跃予居民协会,並与我们马来西亚皇家警察保持良好的警民关系。我希望这关系可以一直延续下去,警察与社区能够携手合作,保护地方和谐与安宁。 谢谢


Page 9: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

我和一群不离不弃的朋友,给予100%的支持,于2013年3月正式成立'生命的礼物协会'。将让爱延至更多的群体,造福更多的有需要的人! With a group of friends, we'd formally registered 'Gift Of Life Society' with ROS in March 2013; let love be extended to more communities and to benefit more needy group

我希望我可以为协会贡献我的力量,帮助更多有需要的人。 I wish to contribute my effort & time to the Society which will help more needy people.

Why ‘Gift Of Life Society?

President Mdm Wendy Chan

Secretary Dr Yeong Tuck Wai

我支持 Wendy, 也希望能在能力范围内回馈社会。 我很高兴能够成立’生命的礼物协会‘, 能帮助更多有需要的人 I joined Gift of Life Society because of Wendy Chan. I personally would like to contribute to the society within my means, and happy to see that Wendy Chan with a group of volunteer and philanthropist to establish Gift of Life Society, so that we can help the needy in a greater scale.

首先我是支持我的太太, 那就是创办人Wendy,接触了体障朋友,发现他们很坚强,甚至比我们更坚强。在生活上,他们希望得到别人的帮助,也帮助别人,能够自力更生,这让我对他们改观。他们只是身体有障碍,但是没有影响到他们对生活的憧憬。希望有更多的人会对他们改变看法,他们是体障,不是残废倒下不起,通过生命的礼物协会,希望能引起更多人的关注,有钱出钱、有力出力,提供这些辅助器材,帮助他们找到工作,重回社会,自力更生。 At first I was being supportive to my wife - Mdm. Wendy. After befriending OKU friends, I found them to be very strong, even much better than us as normal people. My perception towards them thus changed. Their physical disability doesn't stop them from having dreams in life. Through GOLS, I hope that more people will start to understand and give attention, provide them with the supporting tools, in order to help them getting a suitable job, be back to the society and be able to be self supportive.

Treasurer Mr Lee Ming


一个回馈社会的好机会。 看见不幸的群体能够自力更生,有尊严的过着正常的生活将会带给我们欣慰与欢乐。 GOLS在Wendy 与Elvin的引领与指导下,将继续壮大,为更多有需要的朋友奉献出力量。 This is a golden opportunity to serve the needy community It gives me joy both in heart & mind to be able to see the less unfortunate being able to be independent, have self-respect & living a normal life. GOLs under the caring patronage of Mdm Wendy Chan & guidance of Mr Elvin Liew will continue to prosper & grow to benefit the needy。

Asst. Secretary Mdm Jackline Barry

Vice President Mr Elvin Liew

我参加生命的礼物主要是是因为Wendy,我 会一直紧跟着她的脚步,学习她行善的精神。有他就有我! I join GOLs because Wendy who has been doing a lot of good things. Her selfless actions motivated & inspired me to join her. I will forever support her whenever & forever she is with GOLs! Thanks to GOLs & Wendy!

Comm Member Mr Teo Ee Po

Comm Member Tee Lay Bee

Comm. Member Mdm Bu Ai Chin

助人为快乐之本,我参加是为了要帮助那些有需要的朋友。 We feel happy while helping others. I join GOLS because I want to help & assist our needy friends

我参加生命的礼物协会是因为我们的主席Wendy. 她毫无条件的帮助别人,让我很感动。我希望在未来的日子能够为有需要的人献出我们的一点点棉力! I join GOLs because I am impressed by Wendy's spirit of unconditional love. I hope I can also be helpful to others in the coming days!

Comm Member Mdm Chan Yein Ning

Comm Member Mdm Tang Kat Huey

我参加生命的礼物是因为感动於WENDY所做的贡献时,特别是对残障朋友们,是那么的体贴和细心,因此当成立‘生命的礼物协会’的时候,我希望我能趁有生之年为这个社会贡献一点小小的力量。 I admire Wendy's efforts towards helping the OKU. She takes care of every details and it is really close to heart. Hence, I also wish to contribute my service to the society via GOLs.

我是因为感动於Wendy的努力, 在没有什么背景与支持之下,她用个人的力量,那就是拿着一颗心出来,她真的做到,别人需要的东西,她给得到,这就是让我深深感动的地方。 I was truly impressed when I discovered Wendy Chan was so self-motivated in helping the needy people using her own effort ie without any support backing nor any corporate sponsorship. She has a sincere heart in helping others. She is my mentor in helping others!


Page 10: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

Chairman 大会主席 Wendy Chan Yim Ching 陈艳珍 Advisor 顾问 Elvin Liew Ho 刘佑和 Organizing Chairman 筹委会主席 Tee Lay Bee 郑丽媚 Organizing Secretary 筹委会秘书 Dr Yeong Tuck Wai 楊德偉博士 Treasurer 财政 Lee Ming Tzyy 李明哲 Sponsorship 征求赞助 Bu Ai Chin 巫愛琛 Coordinator and Floor Manager Lee Ming Tzyy 李明哲 场地协调与总指挥 Publicity 文宣企划 Chan Yein Ning 陈韵宁 Ushering 迎宾与接待 Dr Yeong Tuck Wai 楊德偉博士 Hall Decoration 场地设计 Tang Kat Huey 郑洁慧 Editorial 册子编辑 Elvin Liew Ho 刘佑和 总编辑 Wendy Chan Yim Ching 陈艳珍 Tee Lay Bee 郑丽媚 Chan Yein Ning 陈韵宁 Lee Ming Tzyy 李明哲 Video/Interview 录影与采访 Elvin Liew Ho 刘佑和 Wendy Chan Yim Ching 陈艳珍 Tee Lay Bee 郑丽媚 Ticketing and Registration Jackline Barry 白潔琪 票务与报到处 Teo Ee Poh 張維寶 Tang Kat Huey 郑洁慧 Master of Ceremony 大会司仪 Chan Yein Ning (Mandarin) 陈韵宁 Tee Lay Bee (Bahasa Malaysia) 郑丽媚 ~~~The Organizing Committee Would like to convey their sincere gratitude to all volunteers for their contribution and help. 筹委会非常感谢各位义工的不啬付出与帮助! ~~~

Organizing Committee Charity Fund Raising Cum launching

Gift of Life Society



Page 11: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

"Negaraku" Lyrics & "My Grateful Heart" Lyrics (国歌歌词) & (感恩的心歌词)

"Negaraku" Lyrics

Malaysia National Anthem

Negaraku, Tanah tumpahnya darahku, Rakyat hidup, bersatu dan maju, Rahmat bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan, Raja kita, Selamat bertakhta! Rahmat bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan, Raja kita, Selamat bertakhta!

My country The land where my blood has spilt The people living united and progressive May God bestow blessing and happiness May our King have a successful reign May God bestow blessing and happiness May our King have a successful reign

“感恩的心” – “My Grateful Heart” Lyrics 我来自偶然像一颗尘土 I came by chance to the world like a dust 有谁看出我的脆弱 Was there someone seeing my weakness 我来自何方我情归何处 Where I came from and where my feeling will lead to 谁在下一刻呼唤我 Who will call me at the next moment 天地虽宽这条路却难走 World is spacious but the life path is not easy 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 I saw the hardship of human life 我还有多少爱我还有多少泪 How much love I still have and how much tear I will still shed 要苍天知道我不认输 I will let the lord know that I will not be defeated 感恩的心感谢有你 A heart full of gratitude to thank for your existence 伴我一生让我有勇气做我自己 You accompany me for life to be brave to be myself 感恩的心感谢命运 A heart full of gratitude to thank for the fate (or destiny?) 花开花落我一样会珍惜 I will cherish every moment of the flower season


Page 12: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,


Boon Kiat


Wendy is very energetic and enterprising, she has been organising her Gift of Life functions yearly which benefited a lot of people with disabilities. She is a loving and dedicated people with sincerity. In each area that required help or assistance, she will be there! I hope that "Gift of Life Society" can be better and better, to create a caring society, from a friend to a friend. I thank Wendy treated me as a normal friend, and be her friend with love and care.


当人家需要帮助时, Wendy会尽量的去帮助,而且没有放弃任何人。她是一个很有耐心的人,人家骂他的时候,她没有顶回去的。每一天我们看见她的时候,她都带着笑容,笑容满面地面对每件事。每当我们办美门的活动的时候,她都出席。我祝WENDY身体健康,开开心心的渡过每一年。

When people need help, Wendy will try her best to help, and will not neglect anyone. She is a very patient person. Whenever others scold her, she will not fight back. Whenever we see her, she always smiles to face every issue. She always attends & help in Beautiful Gate event or function. WENDY - I wish you good health and live happily every year!

Mei Lee


Wendy is a very caring person, she has been organising the gift of life function yearly to help disabled friends, It is really not an easy task; but she continues to raise funds for handicapped aids. It is very rare!


这些年来Wendy真的是亲力亲为的去关心残障朋友的需要,她捐轮椅,先了解每个残障朋友的需要,是用爱心去帮助我们。虽然我知道这些年来她也是受了很多委屈,但她还是没有放弃,继续关心残障朋友,这让我很感动!我希望能够有更多象Wendy这么好的人,因为象她这么好的人已经很难找到了,希望生命的礼物协会能够帮助更多的人,我献上我真诚的祝福给Wendy和生命的礼物协会!~ 银珠

Wendy is really hands-on to take care of the needs of those with disabilities. she learn to understand the needs of each and everyone's requirement; and her care and love make them feel like a normal person after getting the aids. Although she had encountered many grievances and misunderstanding, but she never give up. I hope that the Gift of Life Society will continue to help more people. I offer my sincere wishes to Wendy and her team for Gift of Life Society!

Thomas Yeoh

Ms. Connie Lee


Wendy 是一个很用心很尽心的人,她都是很努力的为我们达到我们的梦想。她很热诚,使得很多的残障人士能够得益!每次我看到她都是很快乐的,充满着爱,我祝福她,有一份力发一分光! ~~ Thomas Yeoh 杨居顺

Wendy is a caring & dedicated person . She is sincere who works very hard to fulfill our OKU dreams! She is always very happy radiating care & love. My sincere wishes in her noble task lots of blessings to her. With willpower comes brightness! - Thomas-

I was almost blind & required urgent & immediate operation. When Wendy heard of my condition, she roped in a few generous & kind donors who raised my eye opeartion cost. My sight has return to normal. I am forever grateful to Sis Wendy who took immediate action that saved my eyesight.

Lum Kok Kiang

我在2006年认识WENDY。那时候她正在帮助我们残障人士准备一些轮椅,cushion (医疗坐垫)等等。这几年以来她都一直在为我们残障朋友做出帮助。甚至有些朋友进了医院,她也去探访他们。这生命的礼物她做了很多很多年,最近我听说他们成立了一个协会,我觉得很高兴,因为这样就可以每一年帮助更多的朋友! SS2 爱。关怀之家 - 林国强

I know Wendy since 2006. She has been busy helping us in raising funds for wheelchairs, medical cushion and others, sending OKUs for treatment & also visiting OKUs who are hospitalised. Gift of Life has been her passion for many years & I am happy to see that she has transformed it into a society to continue her yearly aids for OKU friends.


Page 13: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

一位体障朋友的心声 SS2 爱。关怀之家

在2006年认识WENDY。那时候她正在帮助我们残障人士准备一些轮椅,cushion (医疗坐垫)等等。这几年以来她都一直在为我们残障朋友做出帮助。甚至有些朋友进了医院,她也去探访他们。这生命的礼物她做了很多很多年,最近我听说他们成立了一个协会,我觉得很高兴,因为这样就可以每一年帮助更多的朋友! 其实我想说残障朋友在拉轮椅的时候,他的手臂需要很有力。如果他的手臂没有力,那会受伤。轻型轮椅和重型轮椅看起来差别只在于价格,但用起来是有分别的。轻型轮椅在我们出外的时候很有帮助,我们可以自己搬动轮椅,不需要依靠别人。这对我们自力更生方面很重要!Cushion 有些人以为到商场随便买一个就可以了,其实我们不是随便随便就可以坐。我们需要上一个测试,看我们坐上去的时候,我们全身的力量会圧在哪里。一般的坐垫不能负荷我们的重量,肌肉也会因此受伤,甚至腐烂,我们称为back sore(皮肤和肌肉腐烂). 如果 back sore 受到细菌感染, 我们还会有生命危险。而且back sore最少需要半年以上才能复原,严重的话,要两三年。我有几个朋友,因为back sore 去世了。他们只是忽略的一个小小的重点,就失去了自己的生命。表面看起来轮椅比较重要,但其实这个cushion比轮椅更重要! 我们曾经向福利部申请,但他给我们的条件是,“你的薪水不可以超过一千五百令吉”。对残障人士来说,1500 令吉是不太够的。我们的开销不像一般的汽油,膳食,我们的日常用品也与人不同,有很多别人意想不到的开销,比如成人纸尿片,一个星期就用了几十块钱。福利部依照我们的薪水,就直接的拒绝了我们的申请。而如要我们自己存钱来买一辆轮椅,这对我们来说是个很大很大的负担。甚至对我们来造成一个很大的忧虑,我们根本不懂得怎样处理。Wendy这时给我们的帮助是最大的帮助!他不只解决了我们生活上的担忧,也减少了很多维修上的麻烦。拿到轮椅,我们不但生活上变得方便,我们出外的时候,也变得比较安全。一个旧的轮椅容易发生意外,想想人坐在上面,万一轮椅的铁断了,你说会发生是怎么样的事情?我曾经有一个朋友因此脚受伤,在家里休息养了三个月,没有收入。所以表面上你们的帮助是很简单,捐一辆轮椅,但是其实你们的帮助是很大的! 曾经有些残障人士他们会想到要去自杀,表面上很多人认为他们是在气绥,轻视自己生命。但他们没有深入去了解,为什么残障朋友要去自杀?难道他不怕死吗?其实他也怕死,但是他更怕的是负担!当他开始成为残障人士的时后,他就开始为家里带来了负担。当家里负担不来的时候,他就会起内疚感。他会想的是什么?头像如果我不在,那就对了!对他来说唯一的方法就是自杀!当我们要去帮她的时候,不只是去劝他,"啊,你不要自杀",而是要清楚了解"他为什么自杀"。当你解决他的问题,你才能够把一个处在最低潮的人救回来,


The storey of a vulnerable person SS2 Loving Home Independent Living I know WENDY in 2006 till today who has been helping us collect donations for disabled wheelchair, medical cushion & etc for disable friends. She even visits hopitalised disables. She has been organising this gift of life for many years & was very happy when she establised Gift Of Life Society as it can help more vulnerable friends! Ordinary person does not realise that a handicapped needs a strong arm to move the wheelchair & sometimes get hurt in the process. The difference between a light weight wheelchair and heavy weight wheelchair is not only the price but has other functions. It is able to give both mobility, agility, freedom & les reliance on others. It builds our self esteem & self reliance to be like an ordinary person instead of being a handicap. Disables spent most of their time sitting on a wheelchair & unknowingly buttock sores, muscle injury formed due to their body weight. Bacterial infection & flesh rotting may form which takes six months or more to recover. A few friends even died because of back sore (skin and muscle decay). Hence meidcal cushion to them is even more important as compared to a wheelchair! The Ministry of Welfare only assist disables who earns less than RM1,500.00/month. We are unable to survive with such a low income as the shelter, food, daily necessities, and even diapers alone may cost hundreds of ringgit per week. They will not help despite our appeals for help. Hence, buying a mere wheelchair becomes a very big burden & creates a lot of anxiety for a disable. One of my disabled friends injured his foot & was unable to work for 3 months after his old wheel chair broke down. Generally disables have low esteem, low confidence & unable to accept their own disabilities as they usaully rely on other for help. That is why they think of comtting suicide to end their misery. Wendy's 'Gift of Life' is our benefactor & our biggest help! They can live easier, better, mobile & independent after receiving her Gift of Life. Donating a wheelchair is giving us hope, a future & live again!.


Page 14: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,


Paster Sia Siew Chin


I know Wendy since 2004. I remember the day she walked into Beautiful Gate Foundation and asked us what we need. I told her that we needed a van. She agreed to help. I was left wondering if she will honour her promise! She actually found someone to donate a van for Beautiful Gate. Since then, Wendy was often involved in helping us to promote "the gift of life" activities and raise the required equipments and helping aids for the disabled group. She knew the importance of people with disability require appropriate aids to live an independent and meaningful life. Since then, Wendy has tasked herself to continue every year in helping hundreds of people with disabilities in changing their lives. We are very & forever grateful to her dedication and help.

“从前有一位小天使,她很喜欢帮助人,她用自己的法术来满足世人的欲望,借此去感受她曾帮助过的人身上散发出的幸福气味。” 我们每个人身边都会有天使。而我在 2009年,也认识了一位“天使”。这4年来,她遭遇了别人的拒绝,言语的伤害,被人丢钱的感受,她失去了身边的朋友;可是,她还是每天不断努力的去想尽办法,去找捐款为了是想筹到更多的钱足够来买辅助器材给有需要的朋友。 透过这位“天使”的付出,我们可以看到不同障碍的朋友脸上充满着喜乐与感恩。无论是拐杖、轮椅、座垫、助听器、手术费、援助金等;她都尽所能为我们“圆梦”。 在此,我本人也要感谢“天使 – Sis. WENDY”为我所做的一切。今天,也是Society of Gift of Life 的成立,但愿这个协会能不断持续的伸出援手,帮助更多有需要的障碍朋友。 谢灵霖 - 马来西亚残障父母协会创办人

Once upon a time, there was an Angel who liked to help the needy. She used her own magic to fulfil the needs of the disable people. Those who received the help from her will spread out the fragrance of 'Happiness' in their body. Every one of us has an Angel besides us . As for me, in year 2009, I came to know an "Angel" who for the past 4 years, encountered rejection & scorned from others, hurting words, even money being thrown at her, lost her friends but every day in her mind she continues to think of ways to get donations in order to get wheelchairs and medical aids for the needy. Through this sacrifice from this "Angel", we can see happy, joyful, grateful and thankful faces of our disabled friends. Whether crutches, wheelchairs, medical cushions, hearing aids, medical fees, "She" will try her best to fulfil our "Dream(s)" With that, I personally will like to thank this "Angel" for what she has done for me --- She is non other than sister WENDY Chan. With the launching of "Gift of Life Society", I hope that the society will continue to extend and help more needy people. From Sia Leng Leng - Malaysia Parents for OKU Association

雙福殘障自強發展協會 鏗鏘玫瑰──沈秋香师母

Shuang Fu Disabled Independent Living Association - Madam Shen Chiu Hsiang

禮物的祝福 當Wendy 告訴我生命的禮物成立基金會了,我知道生命的禮物會成為更多弱勢群體的祝福。Wendy 全家的愛心,讓許多的心 一起共鳴,形成愛的力量,穿梭在叢林人間,給予需要扶助的弱勢族群,擁有希望實現夢想,生命的禮物讓我看到愛真實的行動,而身為雙福的創辦人希望我們更懂得感恩與珍惜。

When Wendy told me the launching of "Gift Of Life Society" , I know that gift of life will become more vulnerable blessing. With their love and care, many hearts will resonate together to help our vulverable groups to realize their dreams with gift of life. To me as the founder of ShuangFu, the launching of 'Gift Of Life Society' is extremely exciting to realize our dream with true love and care. I am grateful and hope we cherish. ~ Madam Shen Chiu Hsiang~

Sia Leng Leng

Shen Chiu Hsiang


Page 15: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,


双福残障自强发展协会执行长 陈建孝

Shuang Fu Disabled Independent Living Association Chief Executive Danny Tan

需要与重要 我所尊敬的轮椅作家刘侠姐(杏林子)生前曾说过:“能够付出是一种福气,懂得付出是一种智慧。” 在施比受更有福的前提下,许多付出者关心的是:“我怎样给才算是给得恰当?给得有智慧?” 经过多年后,刘姐这句智慧的话让我有所领悟,我将懂得付出是智慧诠释在“重要”与“需要”的衡量点上。话说有位好善乐施的人翁,一天走在路上遇见了一位走路一拐一拐,而且双脚红肿的年轻人。出于真心,这位善心人翁向前与年轻人打了个招呼,就与年轻人聊起话来;临别时他们与对方约定某日再见面。见面那一日,这位善心者带了两支拐杖去赴约,心里想着自己这么细心的预备和周到的服务,对方一定会为此感到惊喜。当他抵达目的地时,他惊讶的发现这位年轻人双脚已锯,坐在一辆残旧的轮椅上。震惊之余,他向年轻人问个究竟。年轻人说:“我第一次遇见您的时候,我其实已经不可以再走路了,可是我没办法,因为我实在没有钱买轮椅。” 很多时候我们都很愿意付出爱心,出钱出力帮助有需要的人。可是,却发现自己也遇到了类似的故事情节,受惠者就像年轻人般,眼前的拐杖对他已不再重要了。我非常感激Wendy看到了残障朋友在辅具方面的缺乏,又明白“需要”按照受惠者的诉求点去提供辅具的“重要性”,夫妇两为此而成立“生命的礼物基金会”。这些年来,他们努力不竭的为残障朋友筹募辅具基金,为要让残障朋友有了适合自己的辅具后,生活能够得到改善,这点他们让我们非常感动。能够问弱势申请者这句话:“你最重要的需要是什么?”是非常“重要”的;能够明白“你眼所看到他的需要并不一定就是他真正的需要”,也是非常“需要”的。

Need and importance I respect wheelchair writer Liu Xia sister (Hsin Lin) who had once said: "The ability to give is a blessing, know how to give is a kind of wisdom." It is always more blessed to give than to receive. However, what to give is needed is important and also a wisdom.After many years, Liu sister phrase words of wisdom give me some insight! I'll know how to give is a wise interpretation of "important" and "necessary". Saying there was this kind-hearted, good person while walking on the road, met a limping young man with swollen feet. They chatted and greeted each other with good words. While parting, they agreed to meet again one day. On the meeting day, the kind-hearted person brought two crutches for the appointment, thinking that the limping young man must be very thankful of his concern and' kind-heart'. When he arrived at the destination, he was surprised to find the young man sitting in a dilapidated wheelchair without legs. He was shocked and asked what had happened to this young man who said: "I first met you, I actually cannot walk again, but I have no money to buy a wheelchair." Many times we are willing to pay for love, money and efforts to help people in need. However, we found ourselves also encountered a similar story, as this young man in front of crutches that he no longer 'NEED' or 'IMPORTANT' to him. I am very grateful to Wendy and the group who see the handicapped in terms of the lack of helping devices, but also understand the "need" in accordance with the demands of the beneficiaries to provide what they need & important to them, and thus established "Gift of Life Society" for this purpose, Over the years, they strive inexhaustible aids for the handicapped and raise fund for the disabled to make friends with their own aids, so that their life can be improved. On this point they make us very touching and moving. Disadvantaged applicants can ask this sentence: "You need what is most important?" is very "important"; but able to understand "You see with your eyes need not necessarily his real needs" is really a wisdom!

By Chen Jianxiao (Danny)

我觉得成立生命的礼物协会是个很好的远见,对残障朋友来讲是一个很好的福音。他们一路走来,对残障朋友的需求做很恰当的考量,这一点我非常感动。对残障朋友来说, 如果你给的不是他说要的那不是叫做用用完了是一种资源的浪费。例如医疗坐垫,他们坐了屁股不会溃烂,你给了他他所需要的,让他能自力更生。让他家人的生活不一样,他可能又可以回馈社会的,他可能可以帮助回他的同伴。其实很多残障朋友都希望他们可以帮助别人。所以我希望在帮助他们的时候,除了让他自立更生,可以看更深的一层的意义。我相信这个协会的成长对残障朋友来说是很实际而且很有意义的! 供应残障朋友这些辅具,帮助政府照顾这一环,在私人界是少有的。要怎样帮助这位残障朋友站起来,这就是辅助的重点。要看他需要什么,而不是我们想要给他什么。我们是work with him,不是work for him。当我们 work with him 的时候,我们要帮到他的部分就很实际了。我们可以和他达成一个共识,你要什么?这东西有之后能够发挥什么效果?这个东西最后能让你成为怎样的一个人?这就是辅具可以延伸的重点。 - 圣桃(陈健孝夫人)

I am touch by Gift of Life Society's long term Vision of helping & caring for disable friends or OKUs. They are a very good gospel. OKUs arequire specific aids eg medical cushions which will not create soars or fester on buttocks; a lightweight wheelchair for them to move around without help from others; or a 3 wheeler motorbike to help the family to earn a living. They will be able to be independent, return to society & help other OKUs. GOLs objectives are specific, practical & meaningful! Some OKUs have difficulty to get government aids or from private & public limited companies. An OKU needs equipments to be independent to earn their livelihood. They do not wish to depent on others. What does an OKUs need & how to help them should be always in our thoughts when aiding them! By Mdm. Sheng Tao (Mrs. Danny Tan)



Page 16: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

28hb. Feb 2013 A thank you write up from a recipient in Perak in Sin Chew Daily on the recent gift of life program.

Tulisan iklas daripada seorang penerima kerusi roda ringan dari Perak di Sin Chiew Daily. Beliau berterima kasih kerana Gift of Life telah menyumbang kepadanya kerusi roda ringan yang sememangnya menepati keperluannya untuk bergerak bebas. Beliau kagum dengan kasih sayang dan semangat Pn. Chan yang gigih dan terpaksa bermuka tembok dan mentabahkan hati walaupun berdepan dengan teguran, malah ejekan daripada orang luar sepanjang 10 tahun ini. Pn. Chan percayai bahawa berbanding dengan kerusi roda biasa, kerusi roda ringan akan dapat mengembalikan kebebasan dan keserian hidup buat rakan-rakan kurang upaya!


Page 17: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

生命的禮物-陈喜祝 2013-03-08 13:42 - 星洲日報/副刊‧文:陳喜祝

去年,我決定在開齋節來臨前,把平日我坐的那架無扶手輪椅,送給一友族朋友。因她那位八十多歲 的母親,和九十多歲的父親需定期往醫院複診,而她弟弟買的“醫院型”輪椅讓她感到費力和壓力。朋友雖然長得牛高馬大,但身體欠佳,需長期服食多種藥品,我相信她比我更需要輕便的輪椅,以協助雙親平日的移動和出入。她見到這無扶手,有些破舊和生鏽的輪椅時,興奮得抱著我連聲道謝,眼淚快要滴在我的衣襟上。我 深感慚愧,那只是一架破舊的輪椅,竟然可讓她興奮和激動。 送了給她後,才察覺找不到一架適合自己尺寸的輪椅代步和工作。坐著一架大型的輪椅,推動時雙臂需伸展至雙輪處,用力滾動,且雙腳懸在“半空中”,前後搖擺,如此長達數個月。雖然如此,我也沒後悔將那架“來去自如”的輪椅送給那友人。 新春將至,殘障朋友的“生命的禮物”隨著陳艷珍女士和她一班友人而來。10年前,她已意識到殘障人士需要使用輕型輪椅,以便自如地出入和工作。 她瞭解脊椎骨受傷者,需要特製坐墊以維持工作能力(久坐輪椅有褥瘡危機)。10年來,她仍然厚著臉皮,保持著熱忱向友人一個個地募捐,希望透過她小小的“提說”,幫助殘障人士。 為了幫助殘障人士,她因在籌款過程中被朋友奚落和諷刺,而感傷心、沮喪。她堅持不放棄是因仍然相信:贈送輕型輪椅和特製坐墊,能讓一個殘障人士坐著也可“起舞”,可使人和輪椅兩者“亮麗”結合,生命影響生命。 這次獲贈一架輕便的輪椅,我單手即可使它或向左或向右,甚至轉圈圈,內心感動非常。感謝陳艷珍女士與友人,他們透過美門殘障關懷基金,在初春里使我沾上春暖氣息,象徵著吉祥如意。希望透過他們的堅持和努力,繼續讓更多有需要的殘障人士受益。

Gift Of Life; Gift Of Hope Here is an article by Chan Hee Zhu (陈喜祝)from Perak who received a "Light Weight Wheel-Chair from Wendy - President Of "Gift Of Life Society".... Please read on and you will realise why our OKU friends require a light weight wheelchair ...(Translated by Anonymous)

Last year sometime before Hari Raya Puasa, I decided to giveaway my personal old light-weight wheelchair to a friend because her old parents need to go to hospital regularly for treatment, and her brother brought the "hospital-type" wheelchair to make her feel effortless and stress. Due to her poor health, I believed they need this portable wheelchair more than I do for ease of movement and access. She saw this without armrests, some old and rusty wheelchair, she was so excited to hold me tight with tears drop on my leap. I am deeply ashamed, it's just an old wheelchair, and yet gave her so much excitement and emotion.

After given away this portable wheelchair, I was then realised that I was also n a difficult position too that I was unable to find a suitable size wheelchair and go to work. Sitting in a large wheelchair, pushed my arms to be extended to the two-wheels, forced rolling and feet hanging in the "mid-air", rocking back and forth... I was in this situation for several months. Even so, I did not regret that I gave my portable wheelchair to someone who appreciated it so much.

Approaching the New Year 2013, disabled friends' "Gift Of Life" organised by Miss Chan Yim Ching (Wendy) and her group of friends again on January 2013. 10 years ago, Wendy has realized that people with disabilities need to use ightweight wheelchair to have access and work.

She understands that for those who had injured spine, need a special cushion to maintain working capacity (sedentary wheelchair with bedsores crisis). For 10 years, she never gives up, with thick skin and maintaining enthusiasm to ask donations from friends and strangers, one by one,with hope that through her little effort, can help disabled friends with "Gift Of Life, Gift Of Hope"...

In order to help people with disabilities, she was in the process of raising funds, ridiculed by friends and also mistaken by others that she gained benefits and flame by promoting her "Gift Of Life" events. Although she was sad and depressed, She insisted not to give up because she also found a lot of dsiabled friends and donors who give her full support at all times.

After receiving this lightweight wheelchair, I was so happy and can make it with one hand to the left or to the right, or even going round in circles, I really thankful to "Gift Of Life", Especially to Ms Wendy and her friends that I am now back to work without much difficulty again.


Page 18: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

生命的禮物協會 Gift of Life Society ON AIR WITH AIFM (uploaded onto YouTube) Part 1 陳艷珍:創立協會獲支持 生命的禮物協會主席陳艷珍表示,起初她主動向關懷機構詢問,該機構需要甚麼物資,然後再向她丈夫的朋友募款,並將那筆錢去買殘障人士所需要的物資,如輪椅、醫療座墊和運動輪椅等. 她協助關懷機構籌款9年後,發現自己的力量不夠。因此,她便告訴身邊的朋友她的計劃和理念,並得到了身邊許多朋友的支持. 今年3月份,“生命的禮物”正式成為合法注冊的協會,至目前已有9名成員。該協會的目的是為了協助籌募及管理社會人士的捐款及物資,以確保有關物質能夠讓社會上真正有需要的人受惠. Gift of Life Society's (GOLs) President - Wendy Chan said that she took the initiative to set-up "Gift Of Life Society" because she believe that there is everlasting love and eternal hope for those under-privileged. Initially, she only asked help from those whom she knew and her husband's friends for those with disabilities to buy needed supplies, such as wheelchairs, medical upholstery and sports wheelchairs... She was doing this since 2004, and realized that her strength is not enough. Therefore, she told her friends about her plans and ideas, in March 2013, "Gift Of Life Society - GOLs" was officially registered with Selangor Registrar of Society on 5th March 2013 (ROS number: PPM-028-10-05032013). At the present moment, GOLS has nine Exco members. GOLs main purpose is to help, raise and manage community donations and supplies to benefit people in genuine needs, saving and improving lives through charity, donations, extend to organ and tissue awareness; educate and create a worldwide community of potential donors, give another person the Gift of Life (Even After Our Death). Part 2 陳艷珍:选择这条路 縱然面對許多冷言冷語,但樂觀的陳艷珍仍願意微笑地感激所有拒絕她的朋友, 因為她相信仍有願意全力支持她的人. 当然这期间她也曾面对很多的打击,甚至是失去了一些认识了很久的朋友。有的朋友还因为她要求捐款而绝交,有的还误会她,以为她想借这样的机会出风头。但她不会因此而失望和放弃,更重要的是这期间也认识了很多新朋友,甚至有一些从未见过面的陌生人也在脸子书上踊跃的捐款. 这期间结识了一群热心社会公益的朋友,他们都有不同的背景和人生经验,在大家的努力下,特别是协会的秘书杨德伟博士,成功在3月份获得马来西亚社团注册局的批准成立“生命的礼物协会”. Despite facing many unpleasant and sarcastic remarks, Wendy still continued to smile and thank all those who rejected her as she believes there are still many who are willing to support her. Along the journey, she faced a lot of hardship, and even offended some very close friends due to her persistency. Some friends also accused her for getting involved in charity activities because she wants the limelight. She was disappointed and did not give up but instead met a lot of new friends, and even strangers who have never met over face-book who donated generously and encourage her to continue. During this period, she also met a group of selfless & generous friends with different backgrounds and life experiences, especially the association's secretary Dr. Yong, assisted & obtained official approval from the Registry of Societies Malaysia on the registration of "Gift of Life Society".


Page 19: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

• Part 3陳艷珍:计划举办大型的筹款活动

接着下来,生命的禮物協會会继续举办更多活动,也计划在12月举办一场大型的筹款活动同时庆祝为协会正式成立。这次的筹款目标是20万零吉,以应付来年的开支和所将进行的慈善活动。目前,我们所需的物资包括:8个医疗座垫、6辆电动轮椅、7辆轮椅、1辆特别的轻型轮椅、两辆背部可倾斜的轮椅、两<p>台3或4轮电动车和1台手电脑,总值大约85千零吉。除此以外,每当筹获轮椅或其他设备后, 都会坚持要捐献者出席移交仪式,并亲自将轮椅送给受惠者。这样可以确保捐献者清楚的知道捐款的去向和受惠者的身份,增加捐献者对协会的信心和信任。

In December 2013, Gift of Life Society will be organizing more activities, planning to hold a large-scale fund-raising & celebrating the formally established of GOLs. The fundraising target of RM200,000.00 will help to meet following year expenses and charitable activities. We urgently require donors to sponsor the following gifts: 8 unit medical cushions, 6 units motorized wheelchairs, 7 unit Light-Weight wheelchairs, 1 unit special light-weight wheelchair.

• Total cost : approximately RM85,000.00. • All contribution is welcome & significant. Therefore we would like to plead and welcome you to

contribute and donate to Gift Of Life Society in cash or in kind, so that we can have more fund, to reach out to the larger group of the needy society regardless of race, creed or religion. In addition, we also wish all donors will be able to attend this year-end fun raising event tentatively scheduled on 14 December 2013; to personally giveaway all the "GIFTS" to the beneficiaries. This will increase the transparency of donors' contributions being given to each recipient. This simple act will increased donors' joy, confidence and trust in "Gift Of Life Society".

Thank you ! "Thanks AIFM for the interview -- after the interview,we received many kind hearted calls

wished to help and immediately showed up to help Gift of Life Society so that we can raise fund for the outstanding motorized wheelchairs and medical cushions for our OKU

friends...thanks friends, may Goddess of Mercy/God bless you always..." ... Wendy

For full recording of the interview, please click the links below: Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : (Note: If you are unable to open the above links in Mozilla Firefox; change your browser to Google Chrome OR Internet Explorer...)




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With Compliments To Launching Of GOLS

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Page 27: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

2004 Begining of my Gift of Life journey Humble donation from kind donors of light weight wheelchair, motorised wheelchair & a Ford Econvan to Beautifulgate. Received on behalf by the President Pastor Sia . ~Wendy~

2004年 展开了我 "生命的礼物" 慈善路程 感谢各善长仁翁慷慨捐助各类型轻便轮椅,电动轮椅,乃至一辆福特货车,于美门残障中心。 美门残障中心谢秀贞传道见证收领。 ~~ Wendy Chan 陈艳珍~~

Journey To Gift Of Life…

Page 28: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

一張得來不易的輪椅…… 心靈充氧 生命看板 星洲日報 / 大都會? 文:陳詩蕙/圖:蔡東舜/編輯:鄒慧欣 2013-01-28 17:23

“自從接觸慈善事業後,我的生活充實了許多,性格也改變了不少,做事也顯得特別順利……” 一次的機緣巧合,一顆突發的憐憫之心,開啟了陳艷珍的慈善事業,無論慈善的路多難行、多辛苦、多勞累,她都誓言絕不放棄!身為產業經理的艷珍在2004年因同情南亞大海嘯災民的遭遇,而借用了一家素食館,舉辦為期2天的“樂捐享素食”活動,為海嘯災民籌獲1萬令吉。 隨後,在一次逛街購物時,她偶遇一名在商場製作及售賣手工藝品、以籌集經費購買輪椅的殘障人士,因不捨及同情而開始接觸美門殘障關懷基金會,並因此瞭解到殘障人士的需要。 “僅靠售賣一件2令吉50仙至5令吉的手工藝品,相信殘友需要花上很長的時間才能籌獲輪椅的經費,讓我非常心疼,並決定給予他們幫助。” 兒子開支票助捐贈輪椅 最讓她感動的是,當她把想法告訴兒子時,當時年僅24歲的大兒子便二話不說開了一張1200令吉的支票讓她購買輪椅捐贈給這名殘友;而她的朋友們在獲悉後,也大方地捐獻了不少錢,讓她順利籌獲3台輕巧輪椅、1台電動輪椅及一輛貨車。 “他們的支持讓我很感動,也讓我有了繼續下去的念頭。” 確保捐款者清楚善款去向 此後,艷珍秉著一顆善心,靠著家人和朋友的鼓勵及支持,在沒有成立組織的情況下,陸續進行了許多籌款活動,並將她的慈善計劃取名為“生命的禮物”,多次募款幫助有需要的殘障人士購買輪椅及保健枕,讓許多殘友都因此而受益。 艷珍每每在籌獲輪椅後,總會堅持要捐款者親自出席移交儀式並將輪椅送給受惠者,確保捐款者清楚捐款的去向及受惠者的身份,增加捐款者的捐款信心。 曾遭冷言冷語辱罵打擊; 款艱難樂觀面對 縱然,這段慈善的路並沒有外界想像的順遂,在向親朋戚友募款的當兒,艷珍也曾多次遭冷言冷語及 辱罵所打擊,更因此失去了許多朋友,但她卻從不後悔,甚至還安慰自己,“我雖然失去了很多朋友,但卻也結識了許多新朋友啊!”。這份樂觀的心境不僅讓她有 了堅持的動力,甚至也感動身邊的許多人。 “我曾在挨罵後將心情寫在面子書上,獲得許多網友的鼓勵及支持,甚至還有位網友以行動捐款支持我,讓我在感動之餘,也確信`人心是肉做的’,這個道理。” 除了感激丈夫及孩子數年來給予的全力支持外,陳艷珍最感激的就是身邊不離不棄的朋友,尤其是楊姓友人及丈夫的呂姓好友,二人每年的定時捐款,成了最強的推動力,讓她沒有放棄的理由,更一年做得比一年好。 計劃設慈善團體造福孤老 為此,陳艷珍計劃在今年成立一個慈善團體,並擴大受惠者範圍,在幫助殘障人士之餘,也造福孤兒貧老,讓更多受惠。她也希望能在今年為殘友們籌獲更多的輪椅及保健枕,以幫助改善殘友們的生活,為他們帶來更多便利。其實許多殘障人士都需要輕巧的輪椅、電動輪椅及保健枕,但由於保健枕及電動輪椅的價格不菲,所以許多捐款者大多選擇多捐幾台輕巧輪椅。” 在新的一年裡,懷著一顆“感恩的心”的陳艷珍除了感激所有長期及曾經捐款給“生命的禮物”的善心人士外,也期望她的慈善事業能獲得更多人的支持。


Page 29: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

Gift Of Life Activities


Page 30: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

Gift Of Life’s Poem – by Anonymous Today befroe you think of saying an unkind word, think of someone who can’t speak. Today you have a life, but you can’t live twice! Give you organs and let live again. Make your contribution and you can save life now! Donate your eyes and gift of life with vision; see this beautiful world once again and achieve life’s mission. Donate your kidney and gift of life with pleasure; revive the person from pain forever. Donate your heart and gift of life forever; live once again in another person. Raise fund for those in need and gift of life to say I do; that will go a long way to make your life complete!

March 24th, 2013

Everyone has DREAMS of gift, you may want a dress, a bag and the children want toys, but to our disabled friends, their basic mobility gift would be a light weight wheelchair, or a motorised wheelchair which allows them independence to move freely as well as reduce dependency on others.

For the last 10 years i.e. since 2004, Madam Wendy Chan has organised the "GIFT OF LIFE" event to help the needy disable without regards to race, creed or religion in realising their mobility dreams

This year, in January 2013, she was happy to continue the annual charity “GIFT OF LIFE” programmed to show her Care & Love to fulfill our disabled friends’ dreams. She was also taking the opportunity to arouse the public’s awareness & attention to care for our Disabled friends. Some of our disabled friend’s are physically handicapped due to either inborn or accident disability resulting inability to walk, see/visual defects or hearing impairment.

Due to their respective financial difficulties /constraints, some of them cannot afford to buy/purchase a mobility equipment or wheel chair to perform their daily life’s of going to school or to earn an honest living. A light weight wheelchair is foldable and gives them better mobility Every year, she has difficulties in getting donors for medical cushion as it costs RM1,800 each. Public are unaware that disabled friends experience sore on their buttock due to sitting the whole day on the wheel chair while some with bed sore. At times, they are unaware of their problem until they experience bleeding from their buttocks or back.


Page 31: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

生命之礼,希望亮起 Gift of life, Gift of Hope


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Page 33: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,



Page 34: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon


“Respect yourself and others will respect you.” ― Confucius, Sayings of Confucius



Page 35: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson



Page 36: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi



Page 37: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,



Page 38: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

The Moment 1 - Recent Activities For Gift Of Life Society 2013

Visit to The Sg Way Old Folks Home; with humble contribution of food, kitchen groceries, goodies bags, hair cutting service and ang pao from the Exco members and volunteers. Creating fun time chit-chatting and even singing with the seniors!

“生命的礼物协会”的理事和数位热心人士结伴探访双溪威老人院。当天的活动也获得来自吡叻州安顺Alice Hair Dressing Saloon的热烈支持,前来为老人们提供理发服务。 理事们除了提供丰富的午餐宴请老人们以外,也陪他们谈天和玩游戏 。也有理事送上红包和一些日常用品。

Creating fun hours with the kids of The Cempaka Welfare Home, 60, Jalan SS23/25, Taman SEA, 47400 PJ with food cotribution, presents and donation from Exco members and volunteers.

“生命的礼物协会” “生命的礼物协会”





Orphan @CBL

Old Folk @ Sg Way


Page 39: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

The Moment 2 - Recent Activities For Gift Of Life Society 2013

Stepping Stone Living Centre

Jelajah Ramadan 2013

’Berbuka puasa‘ with the Muslim children in conjuntion with the 'Jelajah Ramadan 2013' RTM 。 Exco members humblely contributed green packets and some food. Special Thanks to AiFM for the invitation and coordination.

Visit to Stepping Stone Living Centre, KL with humble contribution of food, goodies bags and money donation from the Exco members. Creating fun time chit-chatting& singing with the kids! Exco, We were pleased to have an inspiring and encouraging session on Public Speaking with the youth!

探访吉隆坡Stepping Stone 孤儿与单亲妈妈收留中心。 理事们自掏腰包为孩童们准备了丰富的午餐、礼物、游戏与捐款。理事还特别为中心的青少年们提供演说的讲座呢!

生命的礼物协会连同RTM同仁与穆斯林孤儿与单亲妈妈同聚喜开斋。理事们自掏腰包派发青包与一些食物。 感谢 爱FM 的邀请与安排。


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I would like to thank all my friends (known & unknown) who have given me all the unwavering tremendous encouragement & support over the past ten years in support & aid of the disables & needy. Our donors contribute either by banking in regularly as well as ad hoc contributions. Our dear supporters have positively welcome the formation of Gift of Life Society through your well wishes and written touching articles. May all of us share a happy, joyful, beautiful & peaceful world by being kind to each other. Thank you!

我很感谢很多朋友在这十年来一直不停的给我支持与鼓励,他们甚至每个月定期的汇入捐款,并且在有需要的时候特别关怀与帮助。这次生命的礼物协会的成立,他们也捎来一份份的祝福,他们的文章都让我很感动,我想在此与大家分享, 也祝福他们种福田得福报,世界美丽和平!谢谢他们!

感谢您, Mr. Daniel Tan 陈金襁 "所謂“施比受更有福”。在自己能力范圍內,奉獻出微薄之力,給社會弱勢群體帶來幸福的希望,讓社會充滿愛與關懷。與生命禮物會社席陳艳珍女士相交多年,她一直都很熱衷與慈善及社會關懷活動,經常到處募款,出錢又出力,為慈善不留餘力;被她的熱心和善心所感動,因此一直都很支持其慈善事業。非常感恩陳氏提供此個管道,讓我有機會為慈善出份棉力,還能藉機感染身邊的人,一同伸出援助之手,幫助社會弱勢群體,帮助他人,快樂自己。

"True blessings begin by giving rather than receiving. Giving brings the meaning of dedication, modesty, a beacon of hope and happiness for the less fortunate. In return our society with slowly have love & care for everyone. I have know the President of Gift of Life Society, Ms Wendy Chan for many years who is enthusiastic in her charity and community activities. She gives other an opportunity to donate. Sometimes she will pay from her own pocket when she did not receive any contributions. I have been supporting her charity work because I am touch by her enthusiasm and kindness. I must thank Ms Wendy for giving me this opportunity & channel to share this charity work. I am able to share this noble cause of giving a helping hand for the less fortunate. To help others is to help ourselves to be happy." ~Daniel Tan

感谢您, Ms. Irene Khoo "曾经我认识的Wendy,是一位积极的产业经纪,也是很多人口里的经纪超人。但我想她现在在她所热衷的慈善工作里找到了真正的快乐。既使当还是一位经纪人的时候,她已经开始了慈善工作,累积了很多的经验,也激发了的她的热忱。尤其她现在把很多时间都用在生命的礼物慈善工作上。她是一个坚强和坚定的女中豪杰,同时也是个贤妻良母,还做得一手好菜呢!她也是一个不嗇教导的老师,她毫无保留,也非常乐意的指导别人。我非常高兴认识她,这么一位愿意聆听,愿意帮助任何人丶任何事的一个人!她终于成立了生命的礼物协会,我非常替她感到高兴!"

"I have known Wendy Chan as a once upon a time, an aggressive real estate agent or better known as Super Sales Woman to us. I guess she has found her true happiness through her passion for charitable works. Even during her days as an agent, Wendy would occasionally help out in charitable event, where she had great experience in helping the needy ones and that’s where she started to take a great passion in this area. She dedicates much of her time towards fundraising and charity for the Gift of Life Society especially now of late. She is a strong and dignified lady, moreover she’s a good cook cum housewife that watches over her household other than running her real estate firm. She stood out among many ladies whom I know, as a 'Teacher' communicating her wisdom and knowledge to those whom she knows. She is definitely an unselfish person who shares abundantly. Glad to have known her as I know that she will always have her ears for us and would help anyone in all aspects. I am very happy for her for the official formation of Gift of Life Society. "~Irene Khoo

感谢您们, Mr. Lee Thung Hing & Mr. Loo Soon Tow 我们的两位顾问,多年以来在背后大力支持着我,让我每一年都能成功筹办生命的礼物活动,以实际行动帮助体障朋友,我是真的打从心底,感激他们! Thank you to our two dedicated Advisors, who have given me unwavering great support & pillar in our successful Gift of Life programs which helped our OKU friends. My eternal heartfelt gratitute!

感谢您, Ms. Aiwem 行善不落人后,我们顾问吕先生的女儿Ms. Aiwem 在得知一位体障朋友Ms. Connie Lee急需动眼部手术以挽救她的视力的时候,二话不说的马上开出一张支票,让她得以在第二天就动手术,我们与Ms. Connie Lee都非常感谢她! Good deeds grow & spreads in a family! Our Advisor's daughter, Ms Aeiween donated instantly when heard of Ms Connie Lee urgent eye opration to save her sight! Ms Connie had her eye operation the next day & viewing the world with normal eye sight. Ms Connie Lee and me are forever & deeply indebt for your kindness. THANK YOU!


Page 41: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

感谢您, 三轮摩托车赞助人 曾经我们有一位体障朋友申请三轮摩托车,我们也非常幸运的为他找到了赞助人。第二年生命的礼物仪式时,他上台拿过麦克风不停的感激说,他之前几乎就要自殺了,因为家里负担不了他,他更帮不到家里。有了这辆车,他可以送小孩上学,又可以到处去收集旧报纸,也做点小生意。这一辆三轮摩托车帮助了他,帮助了他的家人!他的自力更生,改变了他与家人的命运! THANK YOU to sponsors for the three wheeled motorcycle An OKU friend received a three wheeled motorcyle from a generous GOL sponsor. His testimonial mentioned he was aimless, dejected & low esteem that he almost wanted to commit suicide as he was a burden to his family. However, everthing changed for the better after receiving GOL three wheel motobike. He started a small business collecting old newspapers & able to sent his children to school like any ordinary parent. This three wheel motorbike save him & his family! He is now independent enjoying his family life..


感谢您, 客货车赞助人, 林先生 2004年我因因缘认识了美门的秀贞,她说她们需要一辆客货车,以方便他们的交通载送。我不知为何竟然答应了下来。心里在踌躇,不知怎么办才好!硬着头皮,只好到处向朋友开口!谢天谢地,出乎意料的,我的好朋友林先生竟然一口答应了!才说这条路不好走,怎么却又有喜音递传呢!我真是高兴得流下泪来!谢谢您,我的好朋友!这一条路,我‘走定’了! THANK YOU MR LIM FOR SPONSORING A VAN I met Pastor Sia in 2004 and requested a van to transport their disabled friends. I agreed to help her without any hesitation. I was hit with reality on how to fulfill my promised of a van. I started to seek donations. An amazing selfless donor named Mr Lim agree to donate a van without any hesitation ! My prayer for help was answered. I was so touched with tears flowing while Thanking him. He was one of the reasons I dcecided to start on this charity journey.

感谢PJ千百家圣灵宫与中元节(普渡)筹委会 基本上,往年生命的礼物仪式活动我都自资赞助菜肴,希望能与弱势群体共渡一个开心的下午。感谢PJ千百家圣灵宫与中元节(普渡)筹委会成为首个捐助部分开销的团体。感谢您们! THANK YOU PJ KG CHEMPAKA SEN ENG KUNG AND POH TOH committee I have sponsored on my own a number of lunches, giving gifts and ang pau for OKU friends and donors to share happy moments with them. I must Thank PJ Kg Chempka Sen Leng Kung and Poh Toh committee for being the first Association to sponsor my previous & current GOL activities. THANK YOU!

感谢您, Dr. Yeong Tuck Wai 楊德偉博士 有人说我们像一根蜡烛,照亮别人。然而我要说点燃蜡火的人是杨博士,他现在是我们协会的秘书。记得在每个农历新年,他就会邀我聚餐,然后很自然的就捐献一辆轮椅,鼓励我要继续做下去,就这样,年复一年,这根蜡烛就这么燃起了!感谢您,杨博士!THANK YOU DR DR. YEONG TUCK WAI Some people said we are like a stick of candle, brightening others up, My bright candle is DR YEONG TUCK WAI, who is our Society's Secretary. For the last 10 year, on every Chinese New Year, he will invite me for breakfast and happily donated a light weight wheelchair. He encourages me to continue with the good deed. Hence, Dr Yeong is our Society's candle of Light brigtening our path!

感谢您, Mr. Lee Lih Shyan 感谢Mr. Lee Lih Shyan特别安排,大马许冠杰陈见明先生于“大马许冠杰中秋千人晚宴”拨出捐款八千马币予生命的礼物协会。非常感谢李先生与陈先生的帮助,也非常珍惜这份因缘,我们一起为美好的明天加油吧! Thank You to Mr. Lee Lih Shyan We are very thankful to Mr. Lee Lih Shyan for his help to coordibnate with Mr. Sam Roland which brought to a donation of RM8,000 from "Malaysian Sam Hui Tanglung Festival Charity Nite" to GOL Society. Thanks a lot Mr. Lee & Mr. Tan, let's work together for a better tomorrow!

感谢您, 所有生命的礼物协会理事们, 我也不忘所有生命的礼物协会理事们,任怨任劳,不僅奉献出时间与爱心,绞尽脑汁,设计与安排活动,还自掏腰包,赞助每一场活动的各种食物,用品,红包,自资交通费,制作名片,购买制服等,大伙儿一路走来,不离不棄,实在叫我感动,也值得我在这儿,真心的向大家说一声 “谢谢”! THANK YOU DEAR GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY EXCO MEMBER GOLs cannot function without our dedicated hard working EXCO. I am touched by their selfless time, love, money, commitment, brainstorming games & also sponsoring every of our past activities eg uniform, name cards, lunches, dinners, souveniors etc..They are a dedicated & committed team. "THANK YOU"!


Page 42: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,


还有让我们很感动的是,很多听众朋友在听了我在爱FM 的访问之后,纷纷致电表示关心,并有意透过生命的礼物协会捐助弱势社群。我的心像开了花一样,看见了人间有情,很多很多小小的故事,一一温暖了我的心!我希望能全都与大家分享,但由于版位有限,我只能摘出其中的一二。 AIFM was gracious in hosting an interview with many caring & concern audience responded by sending in donation to assist the less fortunate. My heart bloomed like a fresh flower on how caring the world is! I am sharing a few:-

白小姐在听了访谈后,特别约了我出来,告诉我她非常感动于我们所做的一切,尽管面对诸多的挑战和拒绝,依然勇敢地走在这条路上。他和一班好友马上很乐意的慷慨捐助六辆轻型轮椅。白小姐,您的支持让我们雀跃万分。我代表体障朋友谢谢您!有您们的支持,我们也将更勇敢的继续走下去! * Ms Beh who called to generously donated 6 light weight wheel chair after the AIFM interview. She motivated us to bravely continue this social giving path. Your support has help us to help our OKU friends, THANK!

来自霹雳州的黄女士,来电表示有意捐助,我告诉她我们的户口在丰隆银行,她说她得要到八里文打街上才有银行。我告訴她不急,等您儿子回来再安排也不迟。结果第二天我收到她的电话,告诉我她已经偷偷地驾车到八里文打街上把钱汇入我们的户口了!当下我眼眶马上红了!谢谢您! * Mdm Wong, any ederly lady from Perak secretly drove to all the way to HLBB Parit Buntar to bank in her donations for GOLs. I was so touched & cried by her noble action..THANK YOU Mdm Wong

Mr Yee 打电话来告诉我,他眼睛看不见,我遂问他,您需要我们的帮助吗?他说不,我是要是来帮助您的。我的心里一阵震撼!他继续说,因为这十几年来,就算在我眼睛还没瞎的时候,我也没见过像您这么傻的人,被人拒绝了这么多,还能坚持十年,所以我一定要帮助您!我叹大口气了,心里又酸又甜的,眼泪不自觉地流下了!谢谢您!Mr Yee, 您的鼓励是我继续下去的理由! * Mr Yee a blind visted GOLs office to personally donate to GOLs. He wanted to meet a stupid lady who despite being rejected and discourage by friends & family in over 10 years years but still dedicated in helped the disable. I was touched by his remarks and cried...THANK YOU MR YEE. Your encouragement will drive me to continue to help disables!

沙巴卅哥打京那巴魯的林先生在听了访谈以后,定期汇入捐隷。感谢您,我们会努力,做得更多! * Mr Lim from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah has been our monthly donor after listening to the AIFM intereview. Every contributions helps. THANK YOU, We will work harder and assist more disales & unfortunates!

一个晚上突然收到Mr. Soh的电话,告诉我在听了我在爱FM的访谈后非常感动,却苦于没来得及抄下电话号码,联络不上。辗辗转转才通过爱FM得到我的电话。他告诉我施比受更有福,甚至马上说他要捐助两辆电动轮椅。他还说要带孩子来观礼,因为这也是对小孩最好的礼物!感动于您,也谢谢您让我们觉得我们所做的一切更有意义了! Mr. Soh called me after quite a long time after AiFM interview. I was so surprise and glad. He told me he lost my number, and had tried every mean to get contact with me. He generously donated 2 motorized wheel chairs & will bring his children to our charity nite as he thinks this would teach good value to the children. Thank you Mr. Soh, your words has affirmed me that we are doing a meaning work!

一位听众在听了访谈后约了我在SS2出名的叻沙档见面。两位理事陪同我一起去。这位先生耐着性子排了长长的队买了叻沙请我们吃,他说我的工作让他很感动,他很慷慨捐助了两张轮椅。谢谢您,朋友! An AIFM listener heard the interview on radio called to meet me at night in SS2 famous assam laksa. 2 EXCO accompanied me for the meeting. A gentleman brought me Assam laksa from the long que. He was touch by the interview & donated a wheel chair for the disable. Thank you, our new friend!

让我深深感动的还有我在Facebook 的朋友,认识的、不认识的,都纷纷向我表示支持,也纷纷拿出钱来捐给我们协会,非常感谢您们对我们的信任与鼓励,我们一起努力吧! Not forgeting friends from my Facebook, some are even stranger to me, supported and donated to GOL Society. Thanks a lot on your trust and support! Let's work together!

是次的慈善晚会,承蒙很多朋友出钱出力,为我们提供方便,让我们可以把工作做得更好。首先我感谢张福荣先生赞助了体障朋友方便路板;Mr Ng赞助与制作我们的舞台佈景布条;Mr Andrew 帮忙检阅纪念刋与赞助一半的制作费;各位天使义工的极力配合,不啬付出与帮助. 特别感谢潘银珠小姐协助安排体障朋友申请事宜,同时谢谢美门舞蹈团与歌唱家! 给人方便,给人欢喜,您们的帮助减轻了不少我们手上的问题,也帮助促进了这份美事, 谢谢您们!


Page 43: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,


感谢我很多的朋友,社团的朋友,同事,邻居,乃至很多我们不认识,却因为他阅读了我们的Facebook而纷纷表示支持与捐助的朋友,我非常谢谢你们的信任、委托、鼓励与热诚。希望我们可以共同走出去帮助更多有需要的朋友! 还有感谢每年的轮椅赞助人及款项捐助人,还有今天购票邀请弱势群体享用午餐, 或抽空前来观礼的您们,以及所有努力让今晚晚会可以有意义的举行的朋友,非常谢谢你们一直的支持与鼓励, 让生命的礼物得以从一个小胎儿,渐渐成形, 成长, 至今天的正式诞生!感谢千百家佛教居士林,各报馆与杂志馆- 星洲日报,南洋商报,中国报,The Star,健康报等的爱心报导,还有感谢爰FM电台给予我们特别的访问时段,让我们认识了更多善心朋友!还有很多很多, 无法一一尽录, 在此,我携同生命的礼物协会同仁为大家深深鞠躬, 感谢您们!这条善意之道从此有更多的人陪我们一起走,谢谢您们!我相信当更多的好意在社会里传播,将可抛砖引玉,促成更多的美事。让我们为更美好的社会共同努力吧!

This charity dinner has tremendous & overwhelming support from our dedicated supporters. I am very grateful that many friends have volunteered themself to help despite their busy schedule. Having the chance, I would like to thank Mr Chong Fook Loong who has graciously sponsored wood to create a ramp for our OKU friends to get on to the stage; Mr Ng for sponsoring our back drop & also partial sponsorship for our souvenir programme; Mr Andrew for vetting our souvenir programme. A special thanks to Ivy Pua of Beautiful Gate who help in application & arrangement. Thank you to the Beautiful Gate dance troupe & our blind singer for giving joy to everyone in your wonderful performance. Thank you to our friends, colleagues from different societies, office colleagues, neighbours, also some pulic who read our facebook and have shown strong support for our noble cause. I must thank you for your trust, encouragement & passion in helping others.I do hope we will be able to work together in reaching out to help more disables. THANK YOU!!! Our thanks to our donors for wheelchair, medical cushion & etc. ticket donors to OKU, orphans & elderly for joining & witnessing this joyful occasion, advertisers & all parties who have made tonite a meaningful nite! GOL has grow from a baby into GOLs due to your SUPPORT! Thank you CBL, Malaysian Press & magazine, Sin Chew Jit Poh, Nan Yang Siang Pau, China Press, The Star, Health paper for highlighting & publishing on GOLs. Thank you to AIFM for airing & interviewing GOLs to allow more philanthropist to help the needy Together with our GOLs EXCO, we deeply appreciate your contributions in all ways in making tonight a success! We shall share this wonder charity path by reaching to more people & together we can create a Beautiful Gift of Life!

陳艳珍 携 生命的礼物协会同仁 敬上 Presented by Wendy Chan & Gift Of Life Society’s Exco Members


Page 44: GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY · GIFT OF LIFE SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Front From Left: Lee Ming Tzyy, Elvin Liew, Wendy Chan, Yeong Tuck Wai, Jackline Barry . Back From Left: Teo Ee Poh,

My Grateful Heart

有意参与或捐献“生命的礼物协会“以协助展开更多公益慈善活动的公众人士可致电联络: For those who intend to participate or donate to "Gift Of Life Society", please contact:

陈艳珍(主席)Ms Wendy Chan : +6017 - 671 7322 办公室电话 Office Fax/Tel Number : +603 - 7803 2223. 协会的邮箱编号为 Email Address : [email protected] 或可游览协会网站 OR Visit Website : 或可游览面子书 OR FaceBook :

What Can I Do For Gift Of Life? There are lots of ways that you can get involved with the charity and support Gift Of Life. You can contribute your money, your time and your services or products & here are some of the exciting news and events being participated by Gift Of Life for the past year since 2004…

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