Page 1: Heart Problems that Cause Shortness of Breath

Breathing difficulty or sudden shortness of breath is one of the most common reasons for vising an emergency department of a hospital. According to cardiac specialists certain heart problems oen lead to breathlessness. This ar-cle highlights the major heart issues that can cause shortness of breath along with other symsymptoms.




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Cardiomyopathy Heart arrhythmia Heart Failure

Pericarditis AnginaSystemic inflammatory disorders: These include rheumatoid and lupus arthritis.

Trauma: This happens when your chest or heart sustains injury as aresult of motor vehicle or other accident.

Other health disorders: Health disorders include tuberculosis, kidney failure, cancer and AIDS.

Heart arrhythmia is a condion related with heart rhythm disor-der. It develops due to the poor performance of electrical impuls-es in your heart that coordinate the heartbeats.

Cardiomyopathy – a disease when paents develop abnormal heart muscle.

Congesve Heart Failure(CHF). It happens when heart muscles fail to pump blood properly.

Pericardis is irritaon and swelling of pericardium – a thin sac-like membrane that surrounds heart.

Angina is a condion marked by acute pain in your chest. This condion develops when the heart does not receive enough supply of oxygen-rich blood to funcon normally.

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