
HES-HKS & KaoS meetingToshi Gogami24July2013


• APPC12• Test beam @ CYRIC• Analysis

APPC12 @ Makuhari• 7/14 – 7/19• Poster presentation• Proceedings


• Elementary– K+ decay factor– Absorption factor– Matrix– Trigger efficiency– Cut efficiency– Lambda reduction depending on time• epics

– Energy loss


HKS Geant4

Λ events( charge 3000uA/10 )

bgh1 702.554bgh2 632.583bgh3 620.635bgh4 603.497bgh5 669.876bgh6 614.931bgh7 628.762bgh8 622.05bgh9 632.617bgh10 610.818


• APPC12– Poster presentation– Submitted the proceedings

• Test Beam @ CYRIC– n-gamma TOF difference was observed in the D-

type neutron detector• E05-115 analysis– Matrix tuning is in progress

• p, etc.

– Elementary• Will be done


TOF cut ADC partial vs. total

• /* Toshi Gogami , 22July2013*/

void decay(char* num){ // ========== General Conditions ============== gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // ========== Open ROOT files ================== char file1[300]; char file2[300]; char Rfile1[300]; char Rfile2[300]; sprintf(file1 ,"hks_decayON_%s_onlymom",num); sprintf(Rfile1,"%s.root",file1); sprintf(file2 ,"hks_decayOFF_%s_onlymom",num); sprintf(Rfile2,"%s.root",file2); // ----- File 1 ------- // TFile* f1 = new TFile(Rfile1); TTree* t1 = (TTree*)f1->Get("tree"); // ----- File 2 ------- // TFile* f2 = new TFile(Rfile2); TTree* t2 = (TTree*)f2->Get("tree"); // ============= Create Histograms ============ double min1 = 0.9 , max1 = 1.40; int bin1 = 100; // ---- Decay ON ----- // TH1F* h1 = new TH1F("h1","",bin1,min1,max1); t1->Project("h1","KMom","Trig"); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ GeV ] "); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ Counts ] "); // ---- Decay OFF ----- // TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2","",bin1,min1,max1); t2->Project("h2","KMom","Trig"); h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ GeV ] "); h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(" [ Counts ] ");

// ----- Divided --------- // double a1,a2; double er; TH1F* h_div = (TH1F*)h2->Clone("h_div"); h_div->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(""); h_div->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ GeV/c ] "); for(int i=0 ; i<bin1 ; i++){ a1 = h1->GetBinContent(i+1); // Decay ON a2 = h2->GetBinContent(i+1); // Decay OFF if(a2!=0){ er = a1/a2 * sqrt(1/a1 + 1/a2); h_div->SetBinContent(i+1,a1/a2); } else{ er = 0.0; h_div->SetBinContent(i+1,0.0); } h_div->SetBinError(i+1,er); }

// ============= Draw Histograms ================= TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1"); h2->Draw(); h1->Draw("same"); //h2->Draw("same"); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2"); gPad->SetGridx();gPad->SetGridy(); h_div->SetMaximum(0.5); h_div->Draw(); }

void decay(){ // ========== General Conditions ============== gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // ========== Open ROOT files ================== char file1[300]; char file2[300]; char Rfile1[300]; char Rfile2[300]; //sprintf(file1 ,"hks_decayON_%s_onlymom",num); //sprintf(Rfile1,"%s.root",file1); sprintf(Rfile1,"hks_decayON.root"); //sprintf(file2 ,"hks_decayOFF_%s_onlymom",num); //sprintf(Rfile2,"%s.root",file2); sprintf(Rfile2,"hks_decayOFF.root"); // ----- File 1 ------- // TFile* f1 = new TFile(Rfile1); TTree* t1 = (TTree*)f1->Get("tree"); // ----- File 2 ------- // TFile* f2 = new TFile(Rfile2); TTree* t2 = (TTree*)f2->Get("tree"); // ========== Cut conditions ================= TCut cut = "1.0<KMom && KMom<1.335"; // ============= Create Histograms ============ double min1 = 0.9 , max1 = 1.40; int bin1 = 100; // ---- Decay ON ----- // TH1F* h1 = new TH1F("h1","",bin1,min1,max1); t1->Project("h1","KMom","Trig"&&cut); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ GeV ] "); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ Counts ] "); // ---- Decay OFF ----- // TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2","",bin1,min1,max1); t2->Project("h2","KMom","Trig"&&cut); h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ GeV ] "); h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(" [ Counts ] ");

// ----- Divided --------- // double a1,a2; double er; TH1F* h_div = (TH1F*)h2->Clone("h_div"); h_div->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(""); h_div->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" [ GeV/c ] "); for(int i=0 ; i<bin1 ; i++){ a1 = h1->GetBinContent(i+1); // Decay ON a2 = h2->GetBinContent(i+1); // Decay OFF if(a2!=0){ er = a1/a2 * sqrt(1/a1 + 1/a2); h_div->SetBinContent(i+1,a1/a2); } else{ er = 0.0; h_div->SetBinContent(i+1,0.0); } h_div->SetBinError(i+1,er); }

// ============= Draw Histograms ================= TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1"); h2->Draw(); h1->Draw("same"); //h2->Draw("same"); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2"); gPad->SetGridx();gPad->SetGridy(); h_div->SetMaximum(0.6); h_div->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.95,1.35); h_div->SetMarkerSize(2.0); h_div->SetLineWidth(2.0); h_div->Draw(); // =========== func ====================== TF1*func1 = new TF1("func1",


1.0,1.335); func1->SetParameters(9.4,-1.0e1,-5.7,2.1,5.1,3.2,-3.6e-1,-2.7,-1.8,1.5); h_div->Fit("func1","N","",1.0,1.335); func1->SetLineWidth(1.0); func1->SetLineColor(9); func1->Draw("same"); int npar = func1->GetNpar(); ofstream* ofs = new ofstream("Kdecay.dat"); *ofs << func1->GetExpFormula() << endl; *ofs << npar << endl; for(int i=0 ; i<npar ; i++){ *ofs << func1->GetParameter(i) << " "

<< func1->GetParError(i) << endl; } *ofs << endl; *ofs << endl; *ofs << " Created by /home/gogami/8d/gogami/root2/Kdecay/" << endl; *ofs << " Toshi Gogami , 23July2013" << endl; ofs->close(); //cout << " " << func1->GetExpFormula() << endl; // =========== Print ==================== //c1->Print("Kdecay_23July2013.png","png"); //c1->Print("Kdecay_23July2013.eps","eps"); }

Kdecay.dat(((((((([0]+([1]*x))+([2]*(x^2.0)))+([3]*(x^3.0)))+([4]*(x^4.0)))+([5]*(x^5.0)))+([6]*(x^6.0)))+([7]*(x^7.0)))+([8]*(x^8.0)))+([9]*(x^9.0))109.17327 0.00276005-10.1817 0.00266003-5.81465 0.002358172.04966 0.002004295.09815 0.001663133.22677 0.00135755-0.322732 0.00109105-2.66578 0.000858964-1.77713 0.0006574221.50782 0.00048186

Created by /home/gogami/8d/gogami/root2/Kdecay/ Toshi Gogami , 23July2013

HES-HKS & KaoS meeting

Toshi Gogami15Mar2013

Doctor thesis for JLab E91-016

Electroproduction of Kaons on Hydrogen and Deuterium (Douglas Michael Koltenuk, 1999)





Coincidence time [ns]

(CHARGE)end / ( EVENT ID )max

* ( EVENT ID )


ge’ [




’ [ u

C ]


Charge’ dependence

The number of Lambda The number of QF

Charge’ [ uC ] Charge’ [ uC ]

Coincidence time ( w/o Λ,Σ0 from H )(True+Acc.) – (Acc6.)/6.0

Time or charge dependence should be seen to see a tendency of reduction of number Λ ( Σ0 ). EPICS

Cross section Lambda

• Polyethylene– Burning out effect (Time dependence)• Time dependence (Charge ) by using EPICS information

• Water– Trigger Efficiency ( Cherenkov )• No CP0 data cannot be used for estimation for this target• Rate ( multiplicity ) vs. efficiency Extrapolate

12ΛB peak differences of s,p-shell

• Energy loss• Beam angle



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