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Fii BilL JLTNJ. H. BAIRD, Scrivenoter, d1tor.

1d1)118}l(IlI M()IIElIly by the COfltiItCI)RIII(l Oriler of I kID-1100, ¡I NoAliville,


ntcr((I 1t I HI 1OItIfli(O Ht Nn811v111c, 1CHIÌIISCC, .t $CC()IIII C1181 matter.

T1ItMS TO M IfM ItEtIS.(tIIPYCIT . Ç,4 Cerjt.

IStogie Copies _ 6 Ccnt.

1 im I ttum,m.ermN ta the (lIlt)' (ìttk,ttI iiieittuhim 1.f Colicatelmatelt (fritar of111)1) Hø(, rI(m,ttI)tzeIl II 111(1 SIltiremee Ntra, itlilt mit other JIItttCuIttOfl8 arehuant tumitte 1 mm't III:mIIttI(,rtze(t,

NAHII Sm 1,1,1:, 'tJCNN., Xovmam mmejm, tana.

1muI i'itliiim ¡.

iOIII( 01 tfit !mÌaIIml)(Ims nv'.ITtl O lilt. ('OlIfIlIlpIl in their tainmia('(mill i'rII I ng It( IttItOitTIt, mielIna ii!) II) (1)101 t IVO Yeats' ¿lites.

I ti ri uit i lii flit ChilI yeats ditto, 11(1 COttPCt. antoiint ($l.i;5)Is munita' ¿a'nI. Itimt \vliett ..t ttifltl ttli(lemimticen to l)itY tOO

3 l'Ii i M tilia, lie fiei;iiettl !) s('liils $2,i;5 itlstCt(I Of $.lO.t'lils 0(11115 III lIlt ait ¿ilil TtiliitRlin, bitt. a sii ipilsimig tiititiier

ol ¿liii iiiiIIiilIpis, t liiiiiigui Iminilveitenee, itialie Just, tIm'. er-t (ii I Iii iii inmnit t lug loi fuit lotis, ihm, I)ioiIelimH, cte., ¡t

tiiliil ¿j( ¿ii tiiitile amid t lie aimiontit. 811111, Inflo chott.l'li iiiiiiiI,-i aii t'(iIil(5tI(t (I gIIII such tuai I ais t little1111)1 e t hi()iighii, to I lie (till i hut tiipit- fhCI:líf4 alioli lie manilo¿uit loi i li; (O ii(( t

Foi' tim e(.pod oI (lic Order.

i\4 lirio unti \VIIIIIIV ai]\oi-tliie(l tliioiiglioiit tlim iiiititry,ii iiiP(i iitf- of 1)111(0tH uiiil lay ttieiitlieis ill tie lii,lil at Clii-(,ii() NoI'tii i ii t I 7 ¡11111 1 t t ii iotislilet- nya .111(1 ItiCOOS look-lag io hie fOiWitilIltig 1)1 t hie Ordei-'s interests, As tlii la.sill, (If liie Itiillet iii vlll go to 1)1(185 liefoje t lie ditte of titettiOPtiflg, ii will lie iIill)oiiHil)lO for it. to contain tito reportof t lie I)i(iIC1t t iiS lt t saine IVI i I lie gI veti vi de liitiil el t yiii I lie liiniliem liiihiatS. iI titis \vtltliig (Novetttliet- 8) thereitiii)(ii t 'i I i) be gliOil lirostinits foi ¡L litige att eniintire at the('hi h iiigo lflpCi i ng ¡tiiil i t iii hiiipeib t hint. t lie ¿lei b letimt lotta ofthii ilelegILien ¿hhl result in tittielt hiintb(:uh g(iod foi- 1101)-

I hiio


At midnight on September 9 duos for the Hoo-Hooyear ending September 5, 1910, became due soci paya-bic. You have ail the year in which to pay, but untilyoiJi remittance Is received 1910 card cannot be Issued,and without tiii card you wilt not be admitted to con-c,atenattonu except impon payment fiado to tue officer inauthority.

if you have iDio card, tuis notice does not touchyeti; ¡f you have not such a card, Consider if it Is notbetter to ¿noii a Check now for $1.65 and llave the matteroff your sund, Hundreds of our members have come topay promptiy without awaiting a formai notice. Areyou one of timcae?

While about it see ir you iiave a 1909 Card; If youf;j have flot your check should be for $3.30.f Make Check payable to

J. H, BAIRD, Scrivenoter,Nashville, Tenn,


The Committee on Constitution and By-laws, andLeçjistation, being of iike nature, have united and mec-ommend that the eubmitted addition of Section 6 toAiticte Vili be pubitstied permanently on the editorialpage of the Hoo-Hoo Buiietin, in boid face type. In ad.dition, time Scrtvenoter shall notify each member by let.ter of this addition to above article.


Add to Article Viii, Section 6, to read as follows:The serving of intoxicating liquors at any "Session-

on.tlie.Roof" or In or around the place of meeting, orthe toitiation or any candidate under the perceptible In-ftucnce or liquor, is absolutely prohibited, and it is tileduty of tile officer in charge to see that tilts section Is


Any Hoo-Hoo refusing to obey tile mandate of theolficer in charge Is subject to expulsion from the Orderon no further evidence than the signed statement oftue olitcer acting for the Order where tilo offense occurred.

Coining Coneatemmatlons.

Vhcegetont T. I I. Cnlhtoitn lias fixeil Novembet 26 as the¿laie for a cohtcatenatl(iii at Wayeross, Ga. Some ilays agohe annonnecil i lint he hail a elass of twelve, wRIt hirospecisfoi- moot-a.

\Thiogeteiit .L M. Stretniam wIll hohl a coimeatenatiota atKentwooil, La., Novemnbel- 20. 11e expects to have a lmtigortowd ftoni New Orleans ¡sud thInks tIte class of kittensW Il I numuhiet at I east twen ty-five.

'l'hii Issue of 'l'ho Ihithietla contains 50111e exrenlely In-t etesthng hot tors froati tllOIilh)OtS tuì romighoit t i lie country.I t is just such conimiionleatiotta as tItear that gIve our of-fichaI organ t ho ht u moitit elottiont t lint h t needs ami d slaoulditiwilys htave-1lie PtSOn:tl touch vhiichi flInkes lt dlffirentfroto all oh Item- puliI heationa. The Bullethmm shouhil lie a club10001, SO to ¿:1)00k, where all the menihems are s'elcòme io(00)1) 01111 1)111 theh i feet on time mantel nnil say witat t hoytiihmtk. 'I'hte llullethn Is not a miacihium for the settIng fot-titof the vievs and opinions of the editor. It is to be hoped,t hierefoi-e, i lint ito nientliem- wIll ''lie backward about coinIngfotoni-il," The llimllethn la tite buge vimem-e nih may meet.?.loreovem' it la the ihimiy of evemy good I-Ioo-lloo to (lo alllie can t o 11011) make time iapei I mitem-osting.

does not always remember that the first Spanishsettlements In South America anteilatefi the first Emaglishsettiemiiemits In North America bynearly a Imun(ht-ed yearsanil that when tue Pilgrims lantled at Plymouth them-c verealieac]y cItIes in South America that could boast of alonger imletory titan ChIcago can today. When Harvard,0lit. oldest universIty, was onlç an idea in tue mniñmls of alow English colonists, the University of San Marcos inPeruwas a well estal)llshed institution already older thanCornell is today. When Cornell celebrates lier hundredthanniversary, tIte University of San Marcoastill flourishing,will he getting ready to celebrate hei' four hiitidrefitit.Whén Yale was founded this ancient uñlvérsity of Limawas already 131 years old, or about the same age thatColumbia is today.







'7 1'

lt is meet an(i Prol)er tiin [lie mestthme of lite yearshould lie 'also the thmanks-thmne of tile year-by a htal)pycoimicklence, Tiianhisgivitigs l)ay conies lii Novonahier, tito

.I month of garliem-ed harvests, of hazy "Ittihian sitmmem" daysand cleat, aparkiimmg, frosty nights, Who was it that firstspoke of "(li-ear November?" Ho mmmd have been ata in-iiabhtamat of couac bionIc cilmmie far. from tIte favotcil spotwhere these litios are hieing written-yesterday I saw jico-

:r'- plowalhchmig tue titI-cota of Nashville with stinsimamles lieltiover themn, and through the opemi whnibow now I mICO tlao

- '_'a itihis goigeoims In Atitiimnemal foliage otithineil akallist asoft bine sky. Never has tue coulatry seemed so beautiful,A thousand radiant tints gleamia lia tue wooillanil as titebicezo ruelles through tite loaves. One almost stullen atwhat the New England poet salil of' Au tum n:

-',. "Tite nìolancho]y clays have tommie.

.: The caildest of tite year, 't\

Of nahced woods amid wailing winds,; Atol meadows hi-own and noie."

'Our woods In Temutiessec are miot minked yet-they areclothed in ilamning tecla atol yehithvs, ileep orange, gray.: green amati l)ittPilslt biown. 0th- meadows are not sere-rather at-o they a rippling mass of finii violet. and smoke-gray, a woniie;fiti blending of soft, dim hues. A £áhr lainGtrim!y-l)ealmtlfiil at all soasona, bitt most chiarniimig lit these

- gohiien Autumn ¿laya, "witemi tIle fiost Is on the pimmnpkinand tite corn is In the shmoelc."


I, ona time to time eer since the laut annual meetingtito Sci-ivenotors office has received letters front mémnbersCXPIeSShmlg approval o the mateasimre passeil at Hot Springs

. whereby intoxicants are elinihtiated fromim the Session-on-tue-Roof. Saine of titean letters aró Piil)hißheil herowiti,as inolc'nthon of time gencrai trend of sentiment iii tueOrder:

- Onatnaka, 'jex,s 'r tilmiic time h(1ei. of (lollig 1111-aywith [email protected] lIt Comicatetmaltona Is a good tt,iiig, and one that IbeiIc'e vli1 11e of great IlOip tmi the moi-ni saltai-e of lioO-l'ioo.;:

(No 1,129)

-, OhIo, November 1, 1909--I became so disgusted with aConrntenattomj held In - al)oimt two ycais ago that I fullydecIded nevem- to pay any more thies, but since tilo chango InConstItution, I have ciinnged my mind. (No -.)

Willow Lakes, S. D., Novmher 2, 1909-Am heat-Lily Infavor of addItIon to Am-tirio Viti, Section 6 (No, 16000,)

Musicogomi, arIeti , Noi oiilI)ei 3, 1909-1 aiim thom oimglmiy Infayot- of tIto nd,]itton to ArtIcle VIII, Sectt,)mi 6. (No. 41.)

001cc of Iiliiia-Neimiloa-,Im. 1,immi)ei- Comnpamiy, IndIanapolis,md., October 30, 1009- . . i 111ml 110am lily In fnvom- of tIi,ruhe imilopted i t the last a miiiu, t t,em-ta timing to timo Seontons-on-the-hoof, aii,1 look to tub omme thing mia ,lolmig n gment demil ofgood gmímdiially. Yoimmi, (mli 1,-m imaiiy,

010011010 L. MAAS.

CIevela miri, Ohio, Novemnilol- I , I IO9.I a imi very mniiclm t,tease,lto noto tii, l(kil 110mm to Article VI Ii, Secitomi I; t hayo fie-quemitly i'ef:a i mieti fioni titton,1 lug ¿mien higo iii lIli toim cities,owing to timo flict tillit mmtoxicitimig ii,iimoi .4 ¿VOie sei neil as pat tof the i0gm'a maine. i f tilts rifle ta atm letta' (ilfOt ee,1, I thtnlc t tvtiI tin illudi i '11111 id Ill iotiig I t ùù- I loo tu 1 iligtl,'i pta mie.

(No 3702.)

Knnna City, Ito., October 5, 1909-'I'lio a,1,litiúmi to Ar-tIde Tilt, Section i;, to good, 011(1 1 mot),) t t. iit i,e ('ilfOi coil,Too mammy good concatooa iban lìave reni spoiled ty a ntimni,emof tIme hoya fom'getttng tilemnaciven. Fm iit'm'imnity yolims,

'l'. .1. 1atiNNf'j»[' (No. 8388),

1-Ithtm'etii, NoIi., October 2, 1909-- . , , , I congi a lmiltttotilo (IOieglltct3 foi- tuch' IlCitOn at tile anatmal ('olivi 'I il eIlt-tlng oia I)ooze (roui C(liiClltCilll tiollil, 'lIlo ud' of - i 011011linien iiii hi'oiigiit macin rc't)m'oaeli 111011 1,11 I I)L'iOl',Ol Ui lt,'i' lila nanytti 11g else, i, 11(1 tillS ileoll t ii, iliOn iii) I 'f 11,01,1 iig mmlii im- goodhlmnmhoi'iueli fi'omn Jolluilig liii' ra ilio, V(010l o Il lila',

li. 11f. 'i'ltiJIl lluLi, (No. 8880).

'i'l'lcrtowii, Il Ills,, Ocloi,,'m' :io, i aoa-t ill t ii fu VOI Of nobooze at any colleliteliatton, (No 6117)

Vaidoata, Ga., October 28, 190'J-Gla1l to sr',' lo(1iltlI(oml toAm'ticlo VIII, Section 6. C iii. Klll.fAN.

¿o \rc)tiaIce lii., Novemiiliem- 1, l901i-'1'IIls to tue lIest legIslo-lIon ener emlacted, lIn,! lii may opInioni wIll 1w lii," iiiggoi4t boosttImo Om'dei evem' lInd. lt. KltAiJStl (No. 6878),

1 'litladelptmIi, PO , 0010110m- 2, 1 901,-1 Il IO ghiod to noto thepvogresr.ive spiri t Slitiwn lit hast annoiaI Sill dy tuo it nicad-malen t to Conott tiltlon ii noi Ely-lairs Is Im tgioly romo imwiodiihle.681(3' tI nlsrays staI' tibie, Frlito'i'n,lly,

(No 1o1706),

Olmiciogo, Ill., Octoiier2'j, lOiJO.-'l'ioiu is ont' of tIme liest tilingar 1)1110 seen 1mm Yats, I aima not iti,soiim tely a total abstalnorl,tmt I IlilnIc tub Is one of tIle hoot milloS lo055thle. lt vhli addgm'oiitly lo the loloper io lnumsemmlelm t O noi gi eìtly i 01111cc tile Im-propom' 01' InjiIm-tous illiliiOliillOit i. mil Co)ilcitt('tliiti()ml5,

\T1fl't' w. JIAI,.LAM.

iilc'llvtlle,,-I tIllaIt \s'C oli siioul,1 s'o thu t tIi mimmiend-meni to Artic1 Vili tom ciarm'tod 0111. Wtitsioay la koeplmig nl-most all out' good Cllriittiilu muon 0111 of fl1lm Oi dem'. JI Is fila-gustIng to imiany Theiili)eI'M 'mild loolco s'em'' 1)11(1 to otilorS,

(No. 14468,)

0111cc of 't'ho \Vtlooim Lumijem' Company, NIklas, 6V. Ya,,November 1, 11109-- ., i 1h11 alwin's glad to Imoam' of ad-vanees Iii tlio va- of limipi'ovlmig comiilitluimos of tIlo Order, amidwas very glad hmidend to learn of tilO m'cccnt 0111Cl- to pmolllhlt.0011-Jog intoxicants at till, c-otmcatcminttomic,


l.01lIiml,'lllc, I(y.-I OII,1i'VC ll'ltil 110 small degree of pleasurelInd satlofaction tIme l(1,ittloti to Dy-laws iadopted by Commit-ten on LegIslation. '1:11e Ill'OPei' etifom'cemctil of tutu clause whithave 'm. mnost olmllitary effect foi' the good of the 0m der, and 1koahuses causIng Its lIdOptIoil leere eating the vela' heart of theoiganlzatlon, and operating dIrectly contrmtmy to tIme Omdor'slntenttoaoi. - Rcspectflmlly,

(No. 16228,)

Mcta, Mo - , . . . I thInk Il a vem'y good pinii to clImi-mIlIte 11mo ilqtmom at the Inithiitiomi. A J BOND (No. 18616).




\Varrcnsburg Mo -I personally thank the Committee onConntltutlon orni By-IawH and LegI'ntOfl for their action onthe serving ot iiquora etc,, (or it will ourely raleo the starniardof our Order 100 per ceni W. J CLARK (No 11095).

Forrest City, Ark,- . . i think the pian adopted atthe laut mecilng one of the best thlnge we have ever done-toprohibit drinking at our CoflcatriTlntlOIIU,

JAMES O. EWAR'i' (No. 20211).

l,m AngeieH, CRi. Octolar 13. 1909-1 notice from tue ro-port (It thC annual COflCtt(IIIttlOfl tufi the Order hac amendedthù C000iltI1tion no (1H to 'orhid (ho lice Of intoxicating liquorsni conrritenrttlons and at the hanqticie. I wish to congratulateyouu sull on tiuluu action. it ceriniruly will tend to ruuluuu the

uularudard of the Order, and le in line wltlu (lue modern Idea thatpuuuJule ore tir(1 ot (lue Incruoutut uIOO of IntoxicatIng llquoruu onany ru nd uuIl m'cui 01(100. 1 t leoduu to give another luody- lulow to(IR' iulen iluuu t i t 8 not puaMliule to lun ve a good ti iflC WI (luout

gettI g ti unruy uuot lue ouu t of IllIco to fluiti tiuuut I aun runt a crank

uun tiu ¡uruulullultlon luira, lOut lt cerinloly glveM Tule i lue 'tired((ui i ng' ' tuu ouie on um luuuulneouu mer. cliii yielding to (lue old-fuuuuluouuuul cuuuutonu of pou rioiç hum ore Into tiuernuuel veo and in-

ulut Ing ruuu tluei r friuuiuuiuu uloluug (tue cuunuuu, (turn aluouut, viulIo alttiu t I nue ruot 00 I tu tite luuuty ca rc (or any llqitor or enjoyotirI nIt tug I t. A ruyluuuw, wluuulluer people ut ill contlnuuc to treatut nl uirluuk ttuuuu lo tuo ruuuuuIu viu y city (ra tornai order shotuldc(uuutltttl(u (tu ttultl(y liou'l( Io uilotvluig uuuuclu tiulnguu in cfluunec-tluutt %Vitll ltuu uncut Ingo.

Out u Orultu' lettIng Ito lurlucilut t u'uotivo to fuurtIuer ''Iletuith,I in ql i.00 u lud i i(e'' n tnouu Io tuoni Iuu' It Ionico welln uuui Io ouIl . I luIt t one of ttue grout teHt euueuouluut to cacti ono oftut' U lI(tVt tututtlittucul olujeIo uttuotuld luut condeunned officially in(luí ( 'uuuutIt uuthtut. 1uuui'ruuuuIIy yeuro,


ltluugluuuuruton, N. Y., Ocioluer 11, 1909-Dear Brother Baird:'1'It' SI1ttitItt)Ct nuuuuuluer of 'l'ho Buulleiltt io rut iu:uuitl nuuul I lunvou t'uui I t uil I ut dula II. Att utourul, it woo tutu of lloo-1 loo news,ti tuti, WI (luotut coreption. i tiulok it otro of tite heot edited mruga-zlncq i tu t Ito couru try ouhicit I lunow ruuuytiulng ut hotut,

i ovuto glad to ruote t tutu ullocutoucton lut regard to tite luce oflitt' ountuiern fot uu1veutlutIuug Itutupooro flutti the .. 'ow (lucy tookof i t . Sturuutu tInto lugo I toril It out nup luuolneuus letter haiti, not(t)l i lue uuruke of gt4tlttg luuoluuetuo ttirouuglu its agency, no thefruct (luit t t nuuru iurouuui tittut I Wout (L I ba-Boo, A lIttle la ter (hotiucuuugltt en tulO tu, true titat tuonte of otur metnherttluip utulgiut tiuinkI setto mluiulrug (u wrong tuco tuf tito eoutulon co lId tuot ruse itbrut tut' u)tIcC'. I 04th log at It from t Ito olrtndpo(nt of (tue goodof t tu' Ctrdt'r i tin tunt t tu lutlu It oluotulti Ito tueul in any connection(itutt ittii (crud to Ctte(titPtl It i ti t itc t'yt'it of out u' memluerut ortttt,qt' ;t tuo uuuay eiuoo8u' to lueottue rnetuuljers tut (0r.

I (lt Ink tite 'l'nbie( tu t Ouuruloui is u Ihltug of heatu (y nttd wIllho uuornotiulng of witich nil ciur unnmhwolulli vIil he juuotiy protuduts tong no we live. W'e uuro tubo presti of tite motu viuo tendehotu-lino iu005lttte attui ttiuo cplutltteui its tuttaning co fruity andbrut u tlfuuiiy tuo uilui A . C. ituuuuusey a nui W. PL titurtuo. Tito Ordertvlii ruiwutyo inetto tnortu io no tfter ucaullrug tiietu explanations(uf (lue utuniuleuno Ott tite 'ttuhlrl, t (cit a great degree of luridoin i tuo tuten sylio nuade tip tOut ou'IgI noi unutunhutrolu Ip of six andof tito puurutonrtoi of tiiosut alio attetuuiuii (lue tututtuttul titis year,rsiuCclnhly Ro of (muse who itero elected to fili (lue otilces of titoPt eteutt yeuuu', So iorug as mait mon tut A.- B .. Johnson, A. C.liuttuturey, \V. E. thu roo u nil ou r rutvly iuucteul Sutiurento SnarkMr %V A. Ilaulicy turc otuututilng tut (Ito tuuu:td of tite Order itstttctttlt'u chIp trocul ututror tetur tito t tIte Oruier teilt ever lose incittutttt'tct' or (itat ito uttarudaud tsili Ij lowered or its coloreever tuait lut the ultuot, Atuutfltuio of tIto Order of Iloo-floo arontou e hite futtuitly ruttunionru tutu tu ii Ito unytiting oleoo tiey canlue contiuluruti io, '('he tactruherottip lo oo wluloly scattered titatwitt'ru they tb uneet It Io soitlt glad hearts uttud hearty hutnd-sitake in tute uuotnmn joy of meeting ngtulru. Saurio of our nuem-lierutititu (outly ut ftutv I tutti tuapity tu stu)') seem to think theseruteetlngut turc siunliar to tlreutuen'uu linudo day attui are to hoccit'hrateut Itt lIke mautner, but if they WIll read tito dtsctussionof Section 6, Ar(ici VIII, eoiuecialiy the specciuctu of W, 10.Barris anti A. C. Itnunosy, en page 24, column 2, the last fewsentencetu, they wilt uovo my sentimetuts aturO thoour who votedto aboiis0u lIquors of all kInds oui suclu patulle occasions, I dethink that If all kinds of llultuor are prohibited from tite tableat these banqtuets it will dIscourage thoö who come there onlyfor a "niglu oid time" and tend to Oil tito convention with abetter nass of unemiuer and tite banquuet table with a happyand orderly crowd.

Referriny to the question raised as to how to increase theattendance at the conventions and business meetings. Att tu

the iirst I am sure (Itero are many loyal Hoo-HOO (of which Icount myself one and back up the statement by inclosing mycheck for $1.65 to pay my dues one year in advance) whowould attend if their husines would allow of their absence. Ido not titink civanglng tito date will malte a particle of differ-ence and I am glad you voted down good and plenty anyciutungo from tite orlgituai date of September 9. The only sug-gestIon I would have on titis point wotuld be in naming a cityIn whIch to hold tito annual wotuld be to keep in mind tite dis-tance tito loyai ones wotuld have (o covet' and make it as uen-(rol as pooslbio for tite greatest number. I was greatly initopes Nasiuvlilo wotuld ho citocen, for I could get away toattenti (here,

T'ertuonaily I am very foutd of malo quartetto voices, andi am confident titat if ututch a quuartotte cotuid be organized andattend (hut meetings anti slog during any recess, and at titeclose of butneco utucettuigs, it wotuld keep tito crowd there, es-peclutliy so if titi nuenutters were given tickets ts'ltcn (hoy on-tereul before tite huusinese unecting begtun and not allow anyone in who caune lato without tu rt;tsontLble exctttte Ou' whoretIred dttring (he mee(ittgs exuectiutg to retuuu'ut to itou_r thesinging ai'ter tite Ituisluteuts meetitug wIts over. Sch shouldforfeit their tickets and pay to get in. 'ritto is pturely a sLug-gestion and gh'eut in tite interest of 1100-1-loo.

'liuttnictng yout for otteit a full and complete report of thecooventiotu tunti fuur tite luromiut arrivai of every nutmbor of TiteBuulietiuu, witiclu I always retud tiuru)uugit, and feeling more pridetitan ever tiutut I tuuut one of yottu' itonored tneuuuiuers, 1 am,

Sincerely yours,J, D. ROUNDS (No, 12173).

i am juuuut in receipt of yottu' ciu'cultur letter of the lOtit Inst.aulviaIutg of tite adulitiout to Art. VIII, Sec. 6, anti tvlsiu to saytitat I consider titis about tite wisest stunt titat tite house ofAncients couitl tuave puttIed off. Persouunily, I am not a pro-luibitiotu cruink, but I tuciiove tivat condItions liad como to de.ttuaott titis action. It was especiutliy called to unitud by thedisgusting notice of tite concatenation held at titis year.t timt notIced titis annouuñcemeutt In a lumber journai, and itaitpefl'Cd tuteo in tite next issus of Tite Bulletin. In (lue afore-saiti autnoluncenuent it Was especially mentioned, tuot less titanfoutu' tintes, 'that Hotel wrus wet."

Ycu douiutiess recall the autnouunceunent and truust that titisuatiter frank expression of uny personal feelings will cause nooffense. I will say fturtiuer titat titis circutiar letter inspires meto tuas' my ulutes for two yuuuurs fou' wttletu yotu will find checkenclosed. (No. -.)

Dailatu,Texuus, October 20, 1909-'l'lue aunendunent to Articleviii, Section 6 is a good orto, (No. 20408.)

Conconing the aulditlon to Article VIII, Section 6, a

brother in Cautada writeo as follows:

I tm tut receipt of your circutiar letter of October 20, givingthe ctuatuge made by the house of Ancients, witereby we arenot allowed to have arty intoxicants at tite "Sesion-on-tie-Roof." Are we to tunderstand tivat titis is to cut otut beer', asveli as tite stronger liquors? 1f co, J, fou' one, want to enter a

untgtuty strong protest. Porsu>aatiy I itave neveu' boon in favorof iutuviutg anythIng stronger titan licor served, and at my con-eatcutatlotutu, lucid in Minncapott't ., I never allowed anythIngstrongcr buut otte of tite most pleasant feattures of tite wholetiuing, at. tite "Session-on-tiue-Boof," Is the having of tue beerwitit ita cniivetuing qutalittetu. Titis is only the opiution of one,(tut I believe you will lind tiunt titousands of otiters feci titostime as I de in regard to ttuI ., nnd, if possible, I would liketo itave titis tnattor brotugiut ttp in a publie way to get titoOItinIOfl of tito majority of tite nteuniters,

Prineetoru, Mo., October 27, 1909- . . . Addition to Ar-tide VIlI, Section 0 Is O. X. Should itave been done longago, (No. 20588.)

-, w. Va., Novembeu' S, 1909-A few days since certiil-cate of my apitointmnt uts delegato to attend the Chicagoconference on tite "Good of tIte Order," to be held November17-18, was received, Since t!uen I have been absent more orless, and as much as I would like to buupreutent and meet you,personally, and join with tite brothers in general, it is utterlyimpossible for me to do so.

I am iueartiiy in accord with this movement, and in thestrongest way do I endorse tiu atiout takutut at tite AnnualMeeting, with regard tu, tite uso ,jf itttoxictuntuu at concatene-tions, and only wish it was possublo ft1r tute tr, it precent to saya word with titis respect at the conference,

(Nu. 11707,)





, -



Toronto, Ont,, Canada, November 1, 1909-1 have your favorenolositug my appointment as delegato te the meetitug to beheld in Chicago on the 17th and 18th inst. I regret to haveto state that business engagements at that time eilt preventnue being present. I trust titere will be a good tiurnout andtite meeting fruitful in good rosutits. I luave to congu'atuulatetite Order on tite amendment to the Constitution proiuibitingtite use of intoxicants at "Sesslouts.on-the-Itoof," I regard titeundue use of intoxicants as luaving dono tito Order more itarmthutn ali otiter iniiuuences combined, While I aun not a "crank"on the suuitject, I am fully convinced tluutt no instittution forbeneficent purpcses can Ito built uup these days upon a basisof strong drinks, With ail good wlslues, I am,

Yoturs fraternally,J, L. CAMPBIDLL (No. 6215).

wraulis, Texas, Ocduter 10, 190 ...... Tito Ordeu' io tobe congrattultuteul tupon tite stand titoy itave (alten in cuttingout booze. The writer itas been present at several concatena-(ions and some of thcrn luave been disguteting. Titere is noqtuestinn now l)ttt titat tite Outlet' ruillI improve and grow fromnow on anti their mombersiuip wIll ito on n hlgiuer plane. Wititliest wislues for tito success of 1-Ioo-1-Ioo and yourself, I atti,

Yoturs fraternally,w, s. GUYLIOR (No. 19325).

Iitdianola, Iowa-I for one am glad to seo lino-110e ctuttingtito liquor otut of titeir programmes, Lot tite good work go tin.

li, C. HARLAN (No. 17239).

Ttluurslur,il, N. C., Glad to know tIuttt booze Itas beeut ciut outtof conctutcatutlons, lt will luelp tite Order. (No. 12521).

l4irutuitugivam, Ala., Novetutitor I, 1909-Youu' futyot' of Oc-totter 20 is jutat received, and I itaoten to exiureos my uleliglut atits joyouun contents, lt \vas a tuolik '' attO comunenuittitie act ofte I-louise of Ancients oproliiiilt tito serving of, iuttoxicatiuug

,fll,lt,u-ti tut uuuuu arouuuuu nut s-Iou-i-too oessuons, ana stncerety utopetite olllcers in cluarge, as weil as tull memiuoruu itt atL'tdance atftuture concatenatiouts will manifest a like respect for (lue "catsand kittens" utruti iceop titis "crime breeding drink" from titeItu'amises, -

I aun gltud to truie the rapiti growth of the Order, anti ea-pocially pleased to see tluat the moral uiuluuiluiiag is recoivitugtine and juuuut attentIon. T aun plonoed to enclose my cluecic fou'$1,65 for 1910 dues, rund do so more willingly titan ever before.

Youu's reopectfuully,W. 30. ]IWABT (No. 13810),

Lake Chant's, i_ru..- . , . ' . I ttlo&; sincerely tuluiut'OVo oftite committees action reltulli'e to Auticle VIII, oction O.

(No. 16660).

Cluiluiers, q'cMts- , , , \%1auut to coustuttond tite suup-pression of intoxietunts tut concttieuuationo, lt will ceu'taiuulyimprove otur enorruls autd otur repuuttttion.

B. 13, BATES (No. 19102),

Asitoville, N. C.-'l'iuis lut ut Steli in (Ito riglut dirutotlon,Illirtulnate wiulsitey rund ilutusu.0 wiuo ult'ittk It to excess, flavomen undetetautti tiut wo wautt quuttllty, attui not quantity. Tootaan9' unulcair,il)lcs arti itclng aduitlitod to (lue Order,

GEOrtGF A. NUIIIIAY (No. 4189),

WTllliuiuutsport, l'tu.- .... (lInd to sea tuulditiott to Art-Ide VIII, Section 6. 11. S. BEST (No. 22251).

Gleutwood, 1rla.I atti very glati indeed they have cut the1,007,0 out of concatenatIons as that itad become very disgust-Ing anti kept many tuway (tetti tito tuteotingo.

J, B. CONRAD (No. 8100).

East Ceveland, Ohio- . , . , The ronoluttion referredto in yotur letter of Octotuet' 20 is luerf000ly proper and shouldluave the undivided support of all good IJso-lloo.

(No. 8079).

Coffoyvilla, ICas,- , . , , I titink tIto prohibition clausein Section 6 Article VIII a good move In the right direction,notwithstanding you didn't aslt my opinIon, (No. 6291),

Rocky Ford, Colo.- , . , . 1 am In favor of thu. additionto ArtIcle VIII, SectIon 6. It's a step in the rIght direction.

Yours truly,F. J. CRETCH3R (No, 11807),

''"í.çc 7 "_,%


Whlllantsport, Pa,- , . . I Iteartily endorse tito oc-(ion taken by tite last Annual Meeting in matting tite additionto Article VIII, Section 6. This Is ene of tiut boutt, if not titobest, steps ever taken by the Order nod I feel auto (lint it hastite endorsement of util good Hoo-IIoa.

Fraternally youtre,O. C. SI1IOAFFIOR (No, 13720).

Plainview, Neb.-l3uutly for Hoo-lioo for adding tite resolu-tien to At'ticlo VIII. (No, 3056).

st, Lotuis, Mo,- , . . . Goul bless tito committee (luftamended Article \'llI, Section O; J B. M. (No. 11624).

Now Castle, Pa.-Youtr addition to Atticle VIII, Section 6,meets witit my luearty approval. (No 11407).

Eldora, Iowa- . . , , Liquor article meets tuty approvcl1100 per cent, (No. 2790),

Mystic, Gut.- . . , , i atut luenrtily in fuivor of tite newaddition to tite By-laws of tite Order as to serviuug liuiuou' tuttito sessions on tite roof. Frateruually yours,

I. 13. VJN'I'ON (No 6986).

iticigeform, Ill., October 30, 1909-1 aun inulced vet y glati tonote the auldition to Article VIiI, Section 6

I ituuxe tuo (lune for booze nu' booze Iigitter'u, I ttttve attoutuledsome concatenations tluat uvero alunost otiltuti to ut low ulivosalootu lti;ilt roilitug. 'tiuerrr were five ou' sly. fuull of booze tuttito -- meetitug last Februuat'y. SecouaI yeats ago ai -Otte of tito canuilultu tcru was tuo (Lull tuf itotuze they lund to crut u yitittu ttt'Ouutttl uiuuu'itug tiutu cotuentetututtotu, i hico ulcec'rut (tun tviuicluctuuu lte haul ivi t tu lulotuty of spice I tu i t wIttuou I tite buy-down Ian-guutugut auutl itufeu'onci'o.

I enclosut ut ttotiuer year's u] tues ivaluiutg (lue uuruuleolu tuttle tluitugst tutu t Itti ve tuo place tui ott u' Ordat' turne ito loft on tito ouutsiulerettete tlue9' buuloug (No 14006).

. Sotuttic', Wttsiu., October 26, 1909-Enei'j'iu ti youu trill i:uud

t'Iueck t'iuIciu, I trust, will iceep tite luit tut ru urto tug uuuutii t.uruue

one else remembers titutt youu lutt'ut utouuuctltlnç uuotutlsgI ivisiu to voice my utplurecitutlout of h Ito aetit,n t.uiueti tut titi'

/tttnuuul to restrIct tito ruso of ''joy water" nt concatenations.Wiuile I am tuot ut "proitllu'' I lteiict'o (taut out 't lug ocetusioti sutil'uvitit tite encouragement of otluers u lot u)f yottag follows nue ledto imagituo (tuft a itead cuupalule of stutnditug ut tot of itouuzt' Io

ncuui'ssarily futli of braitus, ichilo It is a itnosyn tutet (tuft tsvo suit-stnuucos cannot occupy tite suuuute space at titut courue tttuue uuttul

titercfou'o tIte reverse of tito tubavo Imagltulutq uutuuutt tuo tuttut,Q. 10. D. I tluinic tito eluange lut ut good tiuiitg tunul believe tltuut itwIll attu'nct to out' tnttlst a lot of uuuen iviuo luove. ituo'uu u,uiucuowtututolty of uts unou'e n uuc'cotuutt of tite getterai opinIon of litt' "Our.tiue-itoof' titan for tiny otitet' reason,

'rito 1-loo-loo I-louuuue tuas awaketteul more Interest lut tite Or-der titan tunytluing I know abotut. My t'rtrlttuu'o (t'tenuto wluotuu u''teere not ahile to (alce In have iteguun to in,7uluc lutto tiuclu' fut-ceetrir to soc if aome tuoolc may not lue (outrai out wlulelt to iuuurtgan application to join ,uuuui instead of calling toc "auto of titoe3-bo-I-Etto' ' tut-o refei'ring to une tutu n lutcky por uton it retto sturowou'tiu tite unottey anti rutado you protuui to ho t tuiouttlit'u' of titeOruleu',

Trustiutg titel tiui Anule you in health rund utpIullq, i rctnatuu,Very truly youtre,

: C. C FINN (No. 17712)

'Flue following hricf communication probably means iltattite brotluer vii1 even cut mut eggnog at tito glati yttlotide:

-, Cutnuuula-Merry Citrlstma, and we will tud'Dpt youur nowrutio of Article S, Section 6. No. ---.)

The following letter is from a nuember, resIding In acity on tito Atlantic seaboard, who $a3'e ho consitore it a"grave mistake" io proiulblt tito serving of liquore at the"Session-on-the-Roof, He gives lits reasons as follows:

In a city like this, it Is almost impossible to get tup anylcind of an entertainment that will be of sufficient interest toattract a lot of fellows, who have theatres, etc,, to amurco (itemand about the only thing a Snark can fall back on is a banquet,and a banquet without a little sometiuing to. drink is not in-teresting, Otiuer societies composed of gentleunen iuold ban-guets -tejiere liquor is served, and to say that we eatutuot do thesame ho to acknowledge that our membership consists largely





(If fllefl WhO ar flOt gentlern(n, 'J'IiI cems tO me a gave miq-tItk(. l)flt It t)i Oide IM fl euch had shape that there can o nohappy molilum bctwen n treo di unk and absolute prohibitionthen J think wo 1111(1 iJ(ttr (1i3i)n n(L The boiter pian to nv wayOC thinking ia to iJO moro careful in tun sciection of eanditlatesand r1 niy that but to atart to eiiminnte (rom the rnornijer-liiii; 811(11 fllOfl flf IHO or 800h a low grade tiiat they cannot actat a conratenat Ion u gen t!enen ahoilid. I think that It tue osof ii(uor at n cona tenli tion iroper, iiitd 1)000 j)rohiiÌit(1 lTht notat no Qi1tIIe-iioot iIiciI unnaily toliown iL coneateir'.tion, ltMohli(1 Illivil oervcd every IPOSO.

AiflOng the many intiero received since tuo Annual, ro

far only a few contain n vigorour protcot against the (la.barring of liquor ai. conaienatians-onc iiìan has actiialy1)01(1 Iii) liir tiller (((((I (11(11! T-Joie la tut letter lie vrite,(((((1er ilote of October 23:

J i(OitiI---iÌ(I i.l nenI(-iong un. i t. ooii Od joot HilO n t011St-n gO(;I1 Oar at i hat i nil i credit to iicoorq ... J 0110000, lIa no, et ni.i iI()11' ilillilill glive it XIOie(J( II (iii ii'iio, Till iioiiiii. ini v. iofliii.i iii1iiiiio iiinn %aier iO n;inii it mien flii(IIY i (hut, unii viiobu vi ion iIiii ed 1(11(10 roilIlilielnililI iviiiie io Iiii3(I)Vfi' huit it¡IiOIiyM iIiiOIIi.i ije tnhieii t'U; ;;II(.r. Iiu. (?II(ni(uIiion of 'iiii

i tilolin In'('eJlIgo' froiji tu e Ou -tiìn-iioor'' i)ecii ((CII 00e or two(1(11)1 i,i ii or i io toen (y tiu)LIOIt nd luise crreii i n luci r uno np-111111 14 i 1) (lilI Oil IL (liii, (Vitil tue iH(IiIOOii ion i)ii t tue iinichesiliioliili niililie fr001 iheii uil (mil nidritlini lOsisilIrice iili ci'iini-(ii,ii Ij( (flh(lIe IL ((ISV iiI] VO miii (tie CiIlIiCi(P8 (III IL cionk toi iieircriiriin'iiity,

\Viii'ii i joliieti i 1(1(1- i (1)0, i did iio JOui n t ((nuira (1CC

i i)i'ii'ty, IO i l iicli)iw )Ierlwi lii niy (itOH (CO tilo t i tiiny iiiiit inglioli ctiiiiiin,) uhu give iii.' %vorli iiiiit il(i)' nectein of theOi der oC which I n in ilOMiIPOH(!(i a re iii good iieepi n. I n uk i hatmy name usi y i1l CiiCii 1 n (tom il(( rpIi)r(]s (I! 111e Order.

Very truiy yelile,

'IS'hoii n Otitii IM Married.

riten nrc eoinotiiiio i( tiii((', ii nd the ein rried hi ial ii io n il hic(lUe' i er-ierhepe.---iiinn hli otiier idilli

Now, ehen X ¡iinrrieil Joiiii -unu I was itiat crazy riiieutJnii n, iiiii he w'ae (1(11(1 ii (lOUt (110 --1(1Cl t lie eRpOCI(iiiy admirediiiiiiit (i("-'IQ lie CII iii ui',Q((ii iiiO(iCill((i tiriìe-vnn iiiy vivecity-1 a a i o &'iìi ('liii i (tug, you unen-ami ii»' \'eiy nntiirnl-iooiilnun i r ! Niitiirril , iii i ici you, wan t i e woiti lie uced, l,iit, of couree,I liiflhli iiini IXilili iii, juil iie IIIIIIJ ',%illfl lie (mou tue çerd nnttiiiii,lie iiii uit iii(niird, end J)Ilt iii) niiili)iy-iilcc. ini ir his motherile il io luir!

'i'iiiu, ua S'i'i')' 'IitiiitIiCiOiy, hit cliii iiiiiiùi eveitiiiiugcrud1 w lilii YOU 111e tiret eng;i(ed io 8ltisrieiI)rl, e liii I IChOpie'i "u i J io lied 1011(1 iii Shy tilO t lie iikeil n us(iiirn 1 (0 be ir).ti'ivaeiy fuinilltilt'; hic utile ihiui)()ii iioii', fol de ioie end frivain,cal iiiuiigiit a ll(ililan elloliili he na mitici' a ueiii in her attireile i)O'4'i',i(

iuiru (lupi: ii heut t hi wu,ine n ile (lIla io Joel tuo Chit ittihitig lie iileet iii(CS-Wii'ii t uy hi re cilga Red, I le lii i abs tuelittle ti nui lie of lUilI aluch (dow niiniit ihcr ear, riiid curi coill(ihhi,iiiy, ere too elICIt flIr uivtiileg-iiiitii otter they haselleCO ((lIli i liii ii I'O r e' I 15(1. i'ih('ii iii' Iii (iii t te iikeiy to en y :

''M y dcit, don' t ,uii i limb you (ingii t to inn ile your heedtidy? 'osii '(Cils fil' liii tiyliig abolIt'

'''i'( lidI iii' li:i ve i'I'('Oli((' ''iodio,'' O nO (lie harintng ss'nythey iies'ii io i1iosu lout i n I lt b rI" neo te 0(1(5' coneisipresl mereii ut tilt ii "o

\S'ei i , liiropohs or t this, I wan tliiihtiig t o JaillI tue Oilier nightat iii nni'i , ( enii' i rying i o uiiuiçiI Oh yesI( Cul tertaining, and uno' uillicil 10 uihllOt lie IlijOlt 1g ihi(' \'il'(l city, o'lien sioldeniylie 1uhr rruiptesl uiie te say--isow ciihirnhing T wee ? Not in thehen '.1 nous' ssi(n t do e í,ti OhIp(lOhiC ile calii ?

'My (ll'Qi'," lie ueliiau'k('d with iloilCitildo, 'n rent you afraidthioe ("'(liliO :it the iiext tnhie lviii ti(i!ik ycere iiaving a lit,wrrhtng your (hIlO Cii YOU do?" -

'iVOi klug icy 10CC!Wteii, it te Jhihst ne weil to OihIit %%'iUlt J SaISI, Then hic hooked

ut enuiie line-looking tniior-unnile woiiiun one day-she woefeaufuihy lihOhiC up, nuni lind on about n pound of 'Ctorc hair"-tliruied to nie cud said:

''I Si)OIii(1 tihinhc You'd curi your unir hike that, and lIcortuono iihahui totter effeei" dIsapprovingly,

Ile hind es'bhenthyforgotten the tinie when ho pouu'ed Intomy ear prhiiOe'( of mv iinciiuied hair, and my fluffy ehothcs, Ireminded litai of It, and tie bcgan to reatI tIle paper,

0111cc of Packages Pull Co , Mihwaiih,oa, \'Tj October 28,1009-I acknowledge receipt of appointinuit as delegate to theJouit meot,g of the Supreme Nino and the Houco of Anelentsof cur Oi'dci and also your command to attend mme I will bethere.

I vlshi to congratulate you on the handsome invitation, Itis the neatest thing I have euer seen.

Fraterur.hhy yours,WARflEN R. ANDERSON, V. S,

Title letter Is 011O of many which have been receivedcomplimenting the invilatlon sent out to those who werenlriointed es delegates to tise meeting at Chicago. It is,of coiii'se, very sleaslng io know that the beauty and taste-fulness of the invitation is so isnicli aiipreclatod.

Canny Andy.

While Mr. Andrew Cah'negie is giving away his millionslit hue shape of library buildings, gifts to institutions oflearn!n.g and vau'ious lieruulanent fuintls in his efforts to die1)001', lie ir managing luis Scotch estate so carefully that Itretitriis a iroflt aciu year. 'Flue ganse ami fruit from tisemuds about Sltihui Castle hu'ius gootI prices, and every de-tail of isiarketihig them is stuilieti in tise most business-likenittisnet'. lui tue Lontlon correspondence of tue Kansas CityStai' we reali:

't'ho uu)ngilitleent preserves cci wiuiciu the unihiionatro lavishesfioun 2,OOO to $30,000 t yeah' u'ctuu'n 135,t)QO in thho shootingileli000, ltiloIigii Andiew Carnegie does uuet forget lits friendsii uid (((IC (li' tuso tirchi ta is tui h .oiìdoui viirn 110 lins big ' 'shoots,''tiiolihihi iil of birds nue (I shill t(died to tuo gaune iniirhtets ali overtue ktuugilouii, 'l'ue partridges at Skiho nue particiilau'Iy hue, nailthey fetch (Oui' or tiue cents cacti moro than any other i)trchaof lin' C011Ie thOu. Frani att quarters tti oudeu toi' g;uunui pourlui, ii id ttle uuiiitiooa tie (10es uiot. coflaider it benea thu lits digusityto ,qes tilILt tiiey sire ntteuiitecl to. Ile vtti ofteui spend an hourIn the Ottico uiilldng notes und hooking litter lits accounts, Ou'-ulers lire ntteuuded to with the greatest dispatctu, To huis ownJuiuIictuliutlt' tui life Mr. Carisegie attributes not a hittlo- ot hissuccess.

In tue itching andfrsutt nOlisons or dors fou' botti aro tenderedand hu'ounpthy executed. "Carnegie apples," as a deticiotu brandfi'om Skibo Coatte orctunrshs is called, nro a very ctuohce varietyand very poptlilir With some of tue bent fruit ealcre. For yearsA ottica' Ciui'iuegie lias unliule a hobby of frultt-u'owiulg, and these


lul)t(ie'( are his owuu production, Ile never tires of silowing hutsiihui,ieo, penis, liuuul ottici' fi'iuitc to hit gliests, alud at desserteøflhCtiiiiei( hie witt toit the couu1rjlun- of tue tuluinleoune prtes Isogote froun tlieun. Ito is tar 1)011(1er of t)eiuig tiic l,rodueer of"Cnrils'?ic apples" thun master of Skibo Castle.

Gulests do uiot fluid Sktbo exhilarating, Fou' ono thIng,hu'idge te uuot permitted. 'nue mactel' tIlls an overpous'eu'tng ob-Jectioll to olurde, and lt h ita uinwu'itten law that they muet -

nov,iu' be t'h;iycd. lus tise lant shooting eensouu a pnrty of rielo\uiu'r!eaiic lucre among thui)sC luuvited. Alt uvero - devoted tÓ

bridge, 11(1(1 Ofl tleai'tuug that it was forbtdshen at Skiho they o-cisied to unsuke liii excuse to rcttu'o early to have a gnuno lus onoof tiueiu' owuu uooms, and tt.ey tdn'ed Into the small humurs.5Jrupt(eoiulg to nvntce and see n light in tile Opt)Osito wing, whorethe game uuie tahcing piace, Äuudruu' walked acuosa a balcony,and, peering through the cuirtutisc, beIleid the players and theiretaices of gob]. Forthwith ho euutored unanuuoiunceij, it muusthuve uciade a qualust picture, the foui' Americans, In front ofwluom Cero unany empty hotthe, and tile iiorioW-stu'IciCen unit-Itouinire lui lits night attuo, Ono of tile guests, lyllo was atitile more seif-poasesseci fian the otiierli, otteresi their host adrink, Scotctimeuu aro pi'overbttuhty kind tuosts. Though at firstíinnoyed thirst tus wishes liad boon dlsu'egai'ded, tuo accepted theproffered driusk and laughed in his own dour vay.

Virtue LookH Lonesome.

i\'e hia'e liad much amusement of- hate- becaùse of tho fact -

that some reforuners hua'o erocteda statue of "Virto" In thehseart of the Oient WhIte Way, It Is cortáinly lonesome there,huit If -Uso Idea of its owners uvas to creato talk, thoy hnvocertaiuuly sliceecieuh. -

Miss Vii-tule Isabout 50 feet tust), weigs nearly eIght tens,aufl is amaztngiy- p1(10 tui complexiosu, - She Is - har'ufòoted andweass no cousets, but luna a very constelo waIst and bust sup-port, tuo yellow pine stays of which may be seen from theback, In her hand she has what may be n shield to ward off


knocks, ou' dee this top of an umbuetla, (lue handle of uvhuhehu liasbeaus hioe'uu iuweuy,

Ncwspapou' mcli Vhio have huivestigated the matter say thattise cociety whIch is to bhuime Is Impu'esseii with the idea thatthe sighul of the tstue will improve the moriuhs of Upper Broad-Way, uvhsiclu certaInly uueed reforniathouu. Up to ciato, hiovoveu', Ithuas simphy created ribald laughter, Whhlhiiuii harmon Black Ispreshdeuut of tise uuew relormeu's, auuul hits associates and thesocIety of uvhuhchì they nro so pu'oud utre unknown to fame.

But lt eei'tiulniy costs seme 1)501)10 a lot of money to miuhiofools of tlieuiisehves, usuith afford merrimeuit to the average citi-zeui.-Nosi' h'ork Correspoiiuient of Portland Orogon'sui,

\\r0 are etready at uu'orhc on tue 1910 Ausuiuuel.-(Excerpt froma letter from Vlcegerent It, Stauiley i)ollhur, of San Francisco.)

If three mol) with two sledges aliti twenty tlogs cantravel 1,200 miles In ninety tlays, how many thousandsof dollars can one mnn, lecturing eight times a week, earnat $5,000 a lecture?Ncw York Pi'cs.c.

Defectivo Sl)eilihig is far untare Conlhssohs lui tisis age ofuniversal common schools and hsnuuserous colleges anti uni-varsities, 'l'ue New Yoi'k Woi'hl prInts tuo following ox-amples fr0155 an examituation in orthography of tue fresh-uscii of Northwestern Uuuiversity:

Ii's'eg(iilir-Eareguhar, iregeter, ii'egealor,AcCCeeibte-1Oxcc'iisubte, .'ieeeseal)io, ltxseebte.Countei'feit-Coiiuiteu'itt, eouuteu'tlte, coiuuiteu'piueet,Ahih)l'eiitice-A p('L'fltl(oe, apreuitis.Ciitvatry-Slulvliiery, stilu'ehu'y, cuiifnloiy,Magnziiue-?,llugazeen, mlign'I.enui, magizene,Ptumnge-Piu nililige, ptuiunoage, phuiunlueg.Antiiraette-.Antiiroeeil, anthirisighit,Adage-Athiluge, uuidige,?iluuuiicit(l(l_aIullieHhlllo, miineiphe.Ginctei'-Otlissenr, gilistilcu'. -


lntehhtgc'iice--]Iiltelhgl(ulce, Intelegonce, - - -

- Of cottrse, the blaui:e does not fall on the univci'slty,1)111 IlpOlt the schools that pi'eparetl those fresitmen for thecollege. - - --


The fohlowiutg ittileltic Invitation donbtles was success-fili in "drawing" :t gooti attendance at thuo concatenationat - Waycross, Ca. : - - - - -

__-,1,tie - aboye Is -tue best I can do at drauviuig the I-ioo-lIoocat; blit I hopo to ito better lui du'awing a cross'd for my firstcouicatcllhhtIols---tOkO iiote of thetimeand- place.

\JASONIC lEALI,, \vAYCtcOà, OA.,NOVJtMßlfrt 26.

As the uiewty appoiusted Vicegerent for the Southicin Districtof Georga i aun exceedingly anxious to bring about a revivalof our old-time intereot sund enthusiasm, To thsia end I want tosnake this concatenation ono we will all be proud of. I oarnosthy

solicIt youi' rOObiPih(tiofl. I hayo ahu'e(ullv about a dozeus iuphi-colite for lnitirutloiu, i hope to mou e tilauu rioubho this , blut I auuiless iuntouu'i foi' uiiiunh'i s tiinui to his re usiy class of luit t su tes ofthe hlighuect staui(iiilg.

t you y' ui,i(i.'hi deeii'e too tlirut Ive iouu'e uit this meeting is goodflttelllhRuieO et the uuseuuibers of the Oidor, I uu'auut us alt to gettogettier to have li good tinie iuuiil to discuues the uvelfa i o niHoo-lloo In Souitiiei'us Oeou'gia.

l'base ath'hso me If I cnn count oui youuu' hiu'eeoiuco ut themeetiuig. If 'oui kiuow of n good hiuunlieu'uisiuui, strIct ly eligible,who uvould title te become a uneunbei' of Hoo-IIoo, glue uno Idouuaune, ii uiil aura ugo to briuig iituui lu touug iiunicu' von i' l)ei'Oonalconduct.

YOUl',( fu':utel'usiitly, i). 't', T. O. 'h'. G. S. JI. C.,'t'. It. CAI.I-IOUN, Vtec'goi elit,

Sotithei'uu i)tetu'tct of Geougia

. . . . t)ctohei' 7, 1909-I uuote uu'it ti iuuteu c'iL tu' 1h 0-hinhIelt (l'i uui reign ill t lo-1 too, I t Is tInI sociot suIe of t ife I lun tbride uneuu to ii ii iiuu' l'lIeti oilier luid to lili Vt' fa titi i n 'iteti nl lieu 'sstateunenusi. At u ('Olsen te(uii uhu u'eceuutly, it chi lits une ttlhit tuoluniheu'nieui ocio oeai'ce ;i iii tile supply men us'i'u'e piculti ful, ttill oh uiui effei't siiouiih hoe uiulide I o (u ti'u't'et tue u'epi i'aoiu ti Livetu unini'ineii. us 1-100-1 h on is priinai'ily n hiiuiiio'i'inn ui's ou hei.

(No -)Concsrning the October Front l'age.

- Plsragolitci, A ninnoli is, Octobei' 29, t 909.Pear 13i'ettieu' ita ii'&i-'t'lie hen ii tifiul cus linip c'euie oui t Ile

fi'ont page of Octobt'i' Tiustiitiii ii ttriucteil nsy tutluuuutlouu, iii et foi'Its beau ty, si 11(1 next, I tutesi to .lgiuu'e tilo I toe-lino uiigui t teli icein sause, Of couiu'ee i tuo ca t-ta Is Iii ustiero I counuuuc'uuci'd u Id icosuusted cli ene ri Od foiiuud tim t conic ouuo huid huiste li inl'stohis'auud lit101vod hin catin ta il to lippeiiu', making a tota I of ten.How iloes thint lunptleuu?

'l'tisi nuiuttor hus iiottuei'eil nue very uusuuciu iiuid t wa's tehiluigmy Cottes abolit it at uomo, cxpi'eeeiuig uuiy usiuetietuueeii, uu'Ii,n nuyuvlfe's couiciuu, n yOUiig hliiiy, etiChe tp 'ei'y qiu ickly tu nil eng-geoteti that u(iliyh)e them unis n vhíjttu', - 'J'hnt tiiietmt the COli-verctisun ui nil I eupooe I udiI iiiuve to iuccept iueu' cuiggeuttoui.

- - - Yonu's fi'atoriulilty,- - : - - - -


This iiiqitiry tus - 1.0 tite syhilboiism of tIte tenth cat-iailis ono which I lutti aulticipttted-of course, ronsehotly s'oiiiti

. want to know wiuy there wore tels lnsteail of 111110! 'l'imexplanatIon is very simple: Tise 1511(0 etti-tallo l'opicsent

- Hoo-I-Ioo, Mid the tenth is a nina who has hittph)Culütl to gethioki of a copy of tite l3stiietin ahid who itas Isecotuic lutai'-estesi and wants to join the Oi'der. Tito following latterla one of several received lately:

iteglna, ShlelclttCiiliwafl, Cbiuiiicln, Soptunht'u' 29, 1909-I haveu'etid celerai cohibís of 'I'hso hìuttettn tinel am wu itluig you to liSleI'ytint aie your rules fou' joining thie Ou'cleu'. I metiuu hue stnhid-ing is Poussin iih(o to lie tri uhu ustiat tue cost te, I iihiS'e goodrerei'eiii'oo.- I belong to the i. O, O. F. huid eeu's.u'ul ottici' so-cletle, Youii's ti uihy,

Aid - itow before sonselrnsly writes to itsk viuy thereweu'c tuoi, nine walci' hiiie in what lirotitor Dickinson car-castteally calls tite "hieauttifuuL swanip scene" ou Octobel'front pttgo, will stato tuai the six blossoms h'ei)rCSChIt tIte"original six" 'luo founded IIoo-Hoo. A citaste anti henil-

- tifui thought is ihuvolvail in ahi of -my wousderftsl al'tisticcffoi'is, but it is nearly always lhecessa('y to conic tlowiu toearth, anti exphaiii tito nteatstng of tIte designs, owihug totise fact that the membeu's arc short on Imagination andpoetic aspiratton. -

-Even -Brother Wallace Everett, however, hwobably willlic able to understand tite syhtsl)ollsns of tise cover thesignoil this issue-the roast turkey will appeal to a bourgeohataste. The idea Is not original wIthme, for my mind soarsabove the tolano et viands. Tise design was sttggested bya young man who ned to be a college athlete and wiuo liasnot been in tite newspaper business long enough yet tobecome attuned to a low diet.




IIoo-IIoo JoIIIlIcidon,

Tha pri%ath dining rÙonI of the Portland CommercialClub, l'orLIanl, Ore wa8 the Reene of a mcot pleaeant1-100.1100 affair' on the evening of October 8, Vlcegeront

Snaric Owen, who wa about to retire from that olIlce,(Onceived tbc hapi)y luca of bringing together tue momberR of the fraternity in a little social function whichproved to be extremely pleanurable. There wore thirty-iLr'e of the faithful Inattendance. Thin meeting was

called irimarily for the purpose of recommending to theSnark ¿)f the universe the name of nome member for npJ3olntrn(nt to the oillce of Vicegerent for the Northern Dis-trict of Oregon. Matters of iniirnrtanco quite 0(1051 to tuisweb freely dinciinsel. During the course of the remarks,stiggesilons tending lo the ele7ation of ¡loo-lIco were malouy scvval speakers. 'l'ue following (lelails of tub happyoceanion are Clll)J)e(1 from the October issue of the "Tim-berman:"

'I }i,'i W;,,, 1,1,1 one mufle prcí«intcd n nominetlon (or theonk" at VIr.egerent, tntt of Graham %. Grewold, l'orthin], ofthe J'nIIo CIty 1umber Co., Folta CUy, Ore, Mr, OrIowod !n young, en'riefle liunherman amI an encTiuoaotIc IIoo-IToo,nn(I will fill the ofiuco with ci edit to h!;noelt and liolior to theO rd er

l'un (VCTilY;g woe marie recre pl0080rnt)lc by flic ¡resoTiceof Çje,.rgo 14. Ltt1ejo1Tn, at Sydney, ATlotrafla. air. IItlIJohn e

Of the only two ,aeinbero oC Jia' :roo tn thOEt POtlIQIT of IClogJiIwerde domoin. Mr. lAtticjoìin wee nhtIntd litio the OrderITT HuIT F randera t tree yeì re o o. I lb t flino rho reg.rdhig tuoOrder a tid the Ita r,ort:, ruco or the irnu> InduIry of Auetrnllaur,i1 UTO l'ocifle (,ci it were highly entone Ial ig n nd int}iiJsIo-tically rrceved.

Another guai,! rao (:urk \T. 'I'tiinpon, of the \\'Jod fltvcrLuTTO iii-r Co., C,ie('o,l,, I ocho. 1t r. 'I'hoioul)eon hoc co for condalT loo- I I OIT, huit tote otocii ru ncc l given the t tue Ilict cigneil n pplt-ritt, 'iii tar Tibia tcirct,ll) In tue Order to 1m placed in t}io haTucle(ut tIn new Suark otu,,l tie tilo, ocra,

It, Tuu' "tic iVI'TC ,ui,cI 1y Inlet tiiunrhc l, I I. i uulIctorot. ofOr'to,i ztuol Cal SVrIIo,u, of Vutntut tugdn À. I I. l',otuor, cx-TuÌITuubir of t h' $uurir'nuo Ntnr; A. H. \'nntell, G. M C'oruurvntl,(L A , G,'lcwat,J , L. .1 . \Vrntworth, C' \V. 'J'uuo,n1ioon ouuot l)avtulJ)nvt oti rk ()weuu, TI hIc uuouuuut t'nl'l'y Tuolunnbor, urcIdeu netocqtin,,'it,r, uuiud ttu Ocenclon woe li, every way n hrttlt;,,ut suie-CCOO F}it -a courut \V,'uo; S. F. Owen, G. \I. Coruuoatl, Gen.s l.uutl Ji,luu, A. it. \V:atoll, O. A. (Irtoovolul, .1. C. Itotiluisuix,I r i: \'utttui rico, A . J Srtuuureuuiuuuu, O. F, 'I'lpto,u, \V C. Cnuuueuon,.1. I i, J tiiiik, J. E. F'cigo', I I. \V. J. lJ:ull, l, J, \Veuutu'orttu_ A.tu. u o lin', T. S, Sn Tiuuiuo,uo, ai . ('t,:, iiutoero; FTUntÇ JO;, rrtuser, A. E,l'ou ter, l' J. M unroll. Cat \'i'lt,on, E. J J. I 1nt,tuiinict, E. L,uiïuti,u,l, ( , Listero, 'l'tuon. t 'u rrett, iavti1 t ludo, D. ui', T t, V, fL Gandhi, l'J. Z t"eiguuuiciuu, 0. 1'. l"ntIuig, M. C.l(li'tuu,,,.',iu, Aloe \Vlittt', It, lt. \VrtgÌut und C. \V. 'l'hoixpiion.

- lijo',,, Ç)etotier j 7. 9O9- .... j hove jouetttiut'otu,',l TI:iitin tts' S'lteflilnr ltuutt,!ttui tiouou coeur Io eo'cr,nnit It: ti u b'naI,. \Vlct coo could get a lt u Oto' Tuiore nuutJuuuct,iuiu -

cciirtu,d itu tri t),, dit t4tuuf-' of loccui. 'ttuciO'$ lolo of uìunuertuul lieu u', - (No, -)

OtIte,' or lDcvlt Juloucuintite Co,, Suiuuttugo de Cuihn, October20, o ., - t Tuot tea tui ()('t()tueT' ljTillettn, ngo 2, s ''o(uuutt)'' euutttled,''NI ne ought t a t,e huetu' ter oh In boy,'' ou ''baby.' ' \\'ouuluj aug-gent 'Nimi'' tar tuo boy, uuoouucu,ltu,e. 1,, ttu t CouIuutry ''Nina''tui u, gli t'e Tun Tilt'. - -

liWu,textntt% oct11 TutouTul you hunt uit TTÌY country iuoue whereI TI000 i o e I iLTTI tji lT()ui('. p000eonor al Tubo lulack ente,

- -

Youuruu iniTucerely,

j. 1o. NL'i%TELL (Ne. 1i28).

- Mrvtdoue MTTKkogee. - -

Mualuagee. Okluuhomuu, October 24, 0000-Enclooed find checkfor dawn You will probably lie OTTriirioeul to teucra that-I aun nolonger eTiTuTuecteul closely with tue - lamber intereet, yet as avery 1oyl 1100-floo I ito not wtlu to drop my memlucrotulp,

Wo 1TuIVC tuerou tn Nuuokogee tuo lucot city of ite elze in thetjntteui Stetes Fire yenr ago ttutuu town dId not liare enoughuieoplc In tt to ttrg a good freight tratn, today it Is proud ofteltuuig tue world that we have 30000 people and what le urcore

we have the poesibililites liera 01 maktng Lhitu a chy of over100,000 D000Ie in tua uue.t five ye'ur. 1,Ve hueve bow ta theeouruo of construuetion five large buueinos buuiidings, rangingfrom two to eight stories in otzt.. Aleo the contracts are letfor olgiut more, besideo four large federal buildings - and oneten-story hotel. Wo hove at this time over 45 miles of pavingand the contracts ore let for as mach more. We have thenavigable Arkansas ulver right at our very doors, -abundanceof natural gnou, couul nuud oil. Jutanufacturing gas for the smallsoin of 3 conte a tlueuuorund. We also have tluc' beet outlet inthe souuthweot of any city tule sido of the MissIssippi river,having railroads br.xoctuiuug In eleven difforent ulirectiono.

I'orhaps this toferoiation Tnay lue of uioe to seine goodHon-Moo. A recer, cnuuvnss of this city chiocce that eiglut bun-dreci and ton read, ceo overo built .sincc JuuTuuuau'y, 1909, andthere is at the preoint time luumher (ITI tluo ground for overthree iuuundred more, All the local luumhermen report a verygood year for their bnixes. Ail rire making sorno money,enjoying lino luealth nnui poJTing for 1100-1100-and Muskogee.

With kindest regnu'dc to all IJT-outuer m'unbers with personalregards to yourself ouch a long yelp tor tim luealth, happinessand louug life of tlue beet ou'der in the world-IIoo.I-Joo, j am,

Fruuk'rnully yluure, -

A. O. DAVIS (No. 22003).

The accompallylng Is a iuortralt of Hugh W. Hogan, ofOalchaiid, Cal., ebecteul Supreme l3ojuum at Flot Springs. Mr.Hogan is a represeuuttive of the chaos of successful younglumbermen wluo are tow so lurominolut- in tlue trade in Cal-

-- -

7!' ''I





Il culT \V, llocn,t N, STJC'TITr,OTJT 111)1 OST

- lfornia, A recent letter fu'om lumi, uuiblisljed below, showsthat arrangc-nuents lunte already been etartéd at San Fian- -

- cisco for flue Annual Meeting of next year. There is nodoubt hnut that every uuuan wiuo - attends tIsIs meeting willhave the tine of luis life-and the trip out there and bache -

will be the trip of- luis life: - - - -

Cal., October 25, 1909-Wish to acknowledge re-ceipt of the Conetitutteo, By-laws

- aTud Ritual of the Order.Everything io in geod shape liera tor thehig annual in 1910.We have appointed ut otrorug finance committee, comprising


some of the largest lumbermen in California, who were ini-tiated into Hoo-Hoo cerne years ago, buut who neyer gave lt -

muelo attention. We lieve succeeded in Interesting -them intue- work, and luave their promise todo all in thueir power tomalte it a suceess. lieve also appointed a very e&ongnine, all


- young, energetic and active men, who have promised to learnthe ritual, so that we may hold concatenations without theaid of books, and to do ail in tiueir power to make the annualin San Francisco one of the greatest ever held,

Fraternally yours,HUGH W. HOtIAN, Bojum.


0111cc of J. IT Devint, Cleveland, TOxas, October 30, 1909-Enclosed find my ducs I also enclose a flower wluich is asouvenir of tlua mountaIns of my native house. They growonly In tisa mouuntains of SoTTtlu Tyro, Austrie,

It gives me great pleasure to see I-100-1100 spreading over olinations, Fraternally yeuurs,


The blossom mentioned in the foregoing is the famous"edelweIss" whIch grows at great altItudes In tile Alps. ltis a very Interesting plant indeed. Its flower Is white andstar-shuapeul, the heads surrounded by what the botanistscall a -woolly "involucre." The leaves also luave the samewoolly character. In other words, being compelled to livein a very cold country, the edelweiss lias fixed Itself asbest it can to withotand the severity of the 'llmate, Thisadaptation of plants, as well as anImals, to the conditionswhich surround them is a most interesting suibject. \Vith-out this faculty of adaptation, tlue life of tlue organismmust cease. Hence Herbert Spencer (lefineul death as the"talture to respond to environment." Tlue edelweIss iscomparatIvely scarce anti usually grows In inaccessihleplaces. It is eagerly sought by Alpine tourists. 'fluo suip-posed (hifhlculty of gathering it Is the groundwork of variouuslegends and poems. As tite emblem of purity it Is givenby tite Tyrolese youth to his affianced bride, According tosome authoritIes It iS not difficult to cultivate and Is some-times successfully transplanted to Europeatu gardons, butBoon loses its disthictively wooly character Tinder cultiva-tlon-it takes off Its flannels, as youi might say, vlien theyare no longer needed. Nature wastes no offerts-suie doesonly as unuch as is absolutely necessary. Tite words of theolti hymn- -

As thy days may demand,Shall tluy sti'ength ever be,'

finds confirmation in the treiLlis ofseience!

- Foolish Americans aro still- being laIton n by tluat lui-

genious Spanish swindle-tise Russian basulter who huís aquantIty of luis booty concealed anti will give a tuari of It

- to tise equally rascally fellow vhuo will lueip hulni, for tite -

sake of n. fictitious daughter, to get out of tito- Sluanlolu-

prison in which lue Is confIned on tue charge of eniluez',le.meIst, The American department of stale endeavors lo -

want tito citiaens of this coulotry utgatnst tlds swindle, luttithe fools continue to bite, lmpu'obablc as is lluuu story tluutt -

is told. 'l'ho trouibie abouit aluprehuenchlng hueso swlndlerÑis that lluey - (alte advantage of the rather iuceuuliai- laws of -

to conceal their work-which, it is tueedhess to any,Is amongtlue citizens of olluer couuntrles.

- Probntbly there is not a slate in tise Union that limantfurnisheul at least one victim of tite Spanish priáòn fake,though it occlus almost incredible that any saute man wotululbe caught by so palpable a BWlnclle. Perhuaps linero Is avelus of romance in most men to which tiue story of tue

- prisoner appeals-probably lt is true, as a certain novelist -

contends, that toast belongs to the 'sentimental sex," At-

anyrate, itis not recorded that any womanhas forwarded -

- -

money to the Spanish prisoner. - - - - - - -

A.rot,! the hush.

If any member contemplates purchasing Hoo-Hoo Jew-airy to give as a Christmas present, let him coud hio orderright now, Instead of waiting until about three days beforeChriélmas and then firing In a frantic telegram,

Orders received on Christmas Eve will not be filled. Itlo impooslble to send jewelry out on that day. Membersare earnestly requested Ici bear this in minci,


San Francisco, Cal , October 12, 9901,-Am cuscloelTig a "snapshout" of the Great Black Cat guuaidiuig the entrance st houseof 1-Ioo-hIoo at Seattle A. Y. P. and its faithful custodian, Mrs.Anna Shaw, thinking this might ho of tritos act to youu.

Youuis faitiufuully,A. C l3'lClOtt (No, _0739).

Even Paris sometimes balito at lite siutcie in ari, thoughone miglut imagine not many prissy hocople live In Iluat gaycity. It seems, ilowever, that it huas laIton the Freutcis au.tluorities fIfteen years to conseut to M. Radine fatuousstatue of Victor litigo beluug set Up Ist a putbhtc place inParis. ht created a sensation wheut ilrst exhibited at titeSahon, as, contrary to tIte Tusutfll cuueiom in tite ease of realpersonages, especially Illeso of modern tintes, the greatFrench writer is represented witluotut drapery. M. Rodiohas chosen to pi'otray Victor hluugo as an allegorical figuro

s reclining on a rocht beside the sea, and listening to ihmroar of hue waves. Tito statue lias now lucen erected in thegardens of tito Palais Royal, asiul was unveiled tite otherclay wit it mutclu cet'elnony, attui in Ilue niuluroving presoncoof tite minlstot of Inibhic instruucilon. 'PIto occasion wasthe fiftietlu anniversary of flue puuluileafiosi of Victor hugo's"Logenule (les Stechen," 'l'tue staiuue was beguin (hitting litshifot me,


Ito' t:tog our lluo'itoo liounes.

It Is tuoi to lue nuppooul fluai fluo auulluot' of Les Miset'-alulos evet' aat stark naked on a t och, I houugh nomo etninenucritics luave uleclat'ed fluai hie wt'itlngs show a total lachtof a sense of luilutor. 'l'ue ari Ist 'hio munie the stutitutu

claims that the rocht tepresents the "rock of exile," iuuit

even litai woutlul not explain tIse lack of t'aiment. It is trouetisai Victor ¡lugo found lt convenlotit to leave Franco afterthe t'evolution of 1818, whets hue "Second Empire" vttsfounulcul. Fie had written some iuitter satires against Na.poleon the Third, and in December 1851 lie tied to Brussels,where he continiteul to write, 11e afterwaruls went to liveontho Isle of Jersey and ficaily settled in Guernsey, whorehe bought an estate. It was In the coisiparative solitudeand quietness of the Channel Islands that Ito wrote mostof the great works of his later years, Ho returned toFiance In 1870, after the fall of the empire. And now liesits In Paris naked on a rock.

As a rulo artists are not gifted with a senne of humor.




Jij i



lVJtj Ire FJIIIed to trrIve,

S:J II 1! n IIJ'IJJ( (J (JI I No , J1)9-I t i teil JIJII (1 tO get tú oirlaut Aiì ('ninirig from th iìiirth I ,,tai ted the fle'.t (IJIV fort}l( J'IMt, 111111 S%hlfl I)JIIIE huit 1%11J' 01 118 (ni io Nosy ItiIco,got luto i SJMlIJ)IIt. mil, JJ(IJ,l' vnitIng teiit>'-egltt hours, ourti nm liii 11(11 nick tO rIzonn. It 011M t}11,I (00 IJito ti) get toI lot 8irtngu ii tUn', iiiiil o rottirniit IJOJIJI. I \S'iì$ live tlnysti (ÌJItrJI.t Ji rut gol tiOS%tIOiO_ I (XIJ((IOJI the Santa l'e Jtnt1vay

%J(JIIt(I rtiii;i fiJi.- t it frir, hit -uu tven (1tsapi(itiiteiItO ttil'i, iii; tIi rJitl to (ilIiij) itilit tiJiCk to S:LiI lriiicfueo \vn8ini)! I. t tUI ii to (IItl:tgJJ iiiil iJtJJiIJ, MJ JJiit(8 lOhn J, ttyi-nc,JIJJIJtiJt(iflt I):Iuu(iJgli- t iJittk iiìiiiiigi,i, i_ou ng(I('s, (:iI .,, Juil tioJ JJ'i J t' t tiut lilY titti tu t(1t---72.1O i-titro:id furo, $8 1'tsttrnin,s itt VM \JItIiIi t)tJ t IIJIJ.. (JI ((IiJiiJO t tut luit tutu iiy iiiiict totIJJ 1,11 ttii I tutu, IJu tui, iiu euoiigti ittist tytng oily ttmet', tCJl, tItlt liti. 'ttifs s list li titttO ctitt,tt of ttio Tçtnil oftiiiti I ti,i ,o tiiiii }JiI'fJIg J..J.lÌ vtiiii t go ou lItOit v,o catt nPt' ,lJillJ tut, i' :t ttttti iJIJ'lttJili, tlilt 11J%'OI' jutait, the nextlIJflJ t l It tl)' tui. l'aJl:l(ItJtli t'lrltte thii. (No. 520)

A (ii lt loitilit ittitiitiet i4lii(ti4 lt rotiy of t tie Oaklattt Jn.(titt i 1.1 , it;itoit Oetotct :8), ititit coiitatnirig t.tio fottovtng stgiit:ti:tnt tiutriticis nl I lie tobt auntiitnt(y of certatti vonteniitfei lug finta n t1ll'l'Ct8IOti of t tie ifl((l tust litri:

t,JJ4 Alig(IJJJ, ()(t(it,ii i:ingety eiiJilil(ile(t of ttttu Stag,IJII IJiJil t,JiiJJ'ieltlg (Iitiiiu-, ii ut viivtiig that nottitiig liatt(J ta i r1 JJJJ )itiii .\ttM Atfie S}netiitii, ii tie:iiitlftil niertcan,ti t of t 7, ntio uiu taeji niteHtng Irin houii tnce \1ncudiy,li .14 ('hint tJ_ (tiJ IJJJtÌ(( lii hIS .uti ,ii,k toitil), StlJJ VJtiJ titJ(ntJi tu i (hint)- Jiitt, ¡tOit JVhJii tti( (tittiit, itiø lIJIlI n titittng,t;ii JJ t t lito te tit(ttii,iiiit ti, ii ii iìttoi-iìey to itefnd tini','i .1' tltrItf 1iJt1l')iJilJtlt. tte tirikii] ut, iiiit %Vttt ho 11(0-' i iitJ4t t,, ttii' liiiitt i,ii liii' C)iJiltJ' it ')iitiItiiittiig to ttie ite-tlllitiii IJi., ut ii iiiIiiiii.

Jil il'tittJ, glit ittic liitiilice,' salit Slug to .Jii'tgothOu s'tu ii iIIitglliJt. 'mut sui tiii'ií. tnç_''

,,t tiniv tie i 'tiIiiisi, tit t Sll8 tiiltitiy Ilitti titin. Itci'e tititì ii hit iti:itt gO hiti to titi," :i fit ttii gtit. 1'tio otttcei-tO ilii lito Jilt lJJJili lUit .Mti(iltiil ttìe iiiity 101nhlilCo Ihut tiiii J ii liti J pit Ill' tLt, ttii ii iiitiii iiiiil :1 gJ-ii)tt ¡alla,''

I ii ti iiui, Ortotiir :tii--''1 nioitei n gi tu, doii' I take .Iutui legotiii'.t.iiiitg , I tiey aie il-iu't,' until ¡\I,o. GI-tII Ctio i'o toitay, ItorJill. I i ¡ni ii t tiiWi(t t tie gliiiitt hg to ici' tif a itIvorc fi-0m l'inC.k:iii'ii ( tiri Yoii, ii tatui iei netiolat ii ad 101111cl' t Iliitriictor tattii' t lit J I i.It ' ¡if 't'titii, tig, (tiii Yo iitgo iIetiii-iiI tteit tiertiiihli:ilid iltit tiJtlCil iIittgtit ill Oulijeilttilg tifli' to ita Jttgu 'toit-iii i .,,. \i lUll ili'lJll,' itestroyi-it tier tl0iltttl,

', \ l'il lion gi rto gtiçiiltt ¡10101' loll i-t'y Oikouito, tiectiiiiigItO I _,ililliit iillitJ'l$(iillil the \il1il°tJlJjil telllJiCl'lllOellt,'' lOItI]'uI . Ctoi Vi, Ill to'i- tIOiflii iii 1115 t"tfteeiitti ¡it.reet, ''1 tltotigtitIt o i'iiiilit iii' tilitiln' IJ'('lliJiJJ Ilil tuiit so iii:l uy l'tono in ('OIfllflOfl,luit I '«JUlI lIllO ittiittuliiii0it. t te colitit ¡lot tiiini' nHite, and Itil 'it fIJI ijiiliili'. t iJtiíltt lillO, ti,' lii liC tiiltJlJV n'lIti lily ¡iiiiotíili,t ¡ii Ill t l, llt, i'O(OlH.''

Atiniit liii tini, t tier nhlIli-lage litiJiili lI'e y(':liJI agli ttigi oiiill: O iJilillil OhM .11hJ. tti' ut iItÚigiii ti rk.

t'iitliilltiil', t%ii'I.-..N i\iiilli(.i 1, JiOt.-_'i)Jil0 it lumi], (Ill-'IiJ'.tlig cii ttiìJiil IJf ittitJiIlltIlleflt tu thi' t11c:lgi) riliettag onNi's i'liltiJ'l IT-li,. t Itililiti )iiil feu- Ito' tii:iniii ttigt you (t(I notu iiiiItiig ltitii ittitliillit liiJiit IllIt leglit J,li' Illileti Ihn t. I ciii¡lOt lil'ilit \ nit tule o l'il tii ii' talit'ii us a¡I gl.'t '''iiiiiiI, t iUfl (tiill'lil'jgtit slilie I tiit t Cililliot go.

I ¡iii nut IliiJiii lli:i t. I iii ii illggJ.'ot iJi- tihi n to liO'lltÇCil tuoiliililtii'l t ii ,i tittlei llitilijijliOii) .\li' ttrt ii (tOit JyçititI] tilingtui in lit 'i ilJlU fretiiilil unit iII.Jïel' (riiieti vi( ti ito Iliflitrii %'011tltsei i' tIl Il iil'li0iii lo to (tilo. YIJll iii lioliltily 1(1111 '0 ttiiit utt iiI' t e'- li t I tillo 't'ti t liitielin iii Ito glen test cotitsi ve foice,uliit ei i i 1.1 ttìui li uitt I)(tl('l' ()i-c.g, (ii keet-i tii 001131'- going,t r '.'iiiiJ' ¡'tii eJliiii tie tiriiiI . ir, get thu lnCinliergtit1) (J) dig-J ii'.uiiiig iii liii ciiiiiiii tue ''gooi] cf tue Ordei''' ttie rosuttglC("illl!it i"t'it Iviltilit ti(' liliJiCiltiollul to to ttìo nhilnt)er of ong-t"ti.illI tiouigtit fonti, whither tuer were nllotlied or not,\ i' il i i' li In5ïy tut, iiuiii (ii lilietiulgii being often I]iitieultof n'i't ',q no uiet if ItiSill ¡i('(', (ii' for oilier refluons, WOfoi .et n tioiit oir litIgia iiCi io Itie Onter.('iii ii i 0(1010 mO tillO i frit ill Itie iluintier eentorg stioittI]nii u i ile iiitercqt in tiiii'i lires. tint ttiey do not lieti) muchOlitotite uf i tie IntuIt)01 '4' tunuiledili tc' cotlttguoiig territory.I ii '(tiri, tioi OVOX hint 0010e tIlitfiflil plans wilt bo hit

upon at ttie Ctiic:igo meeting If any suggestion that seemsto promise lieti) in ttie solution ccuis to mo I stintI 1)0 pleasedto o rite to 'oii AL the some time I feet that among thosehint are li'kClI to ottend tuero witt be few who nro not betterable to ilillIle these suggestions than I.

Agqtlu thanking 3011 for your thoughtful courtesy, I am,Yours truly,


A Work of Art.

0111cc of \1ahidnttlL Itaitroulil Company, St. Louis, Mo., No-vembor 2, lfliIt-I am in receipt of certificate of appointment(IO itL'teglitil io ulitend tIle Clitcuigo conference to tue 110111 Novom-lei 17 01111 18. 1 huYO a i'nitioaI] meeting in Chicago on thol'liti amt tioiie to tie at;1e to itnish our vork in timo to spendpart (if tile I7iti naIl ntt of tue l8ttu with you. I want to cou-grntiulii te ttie ouln wilD conceived and executed ttit is ceriiiinty n woi'tc of art luid is worthy of lirosereatton inelli. il rctit'eii. Fi'itei'nuitty yolli-s,


Notwlttistantltiig lie sunshine of these balmy NovemberItnys there te aircalty lii the aIr a suggestion of the ap-ttl'oach of tIte liottliny season-s'e mitst needs think ofwittier nuit of Otirtolmas, even though the weather be asvnrnu as stu'iuigtlme. Citristitias ilteralure in varlotis forma

greets lis from tite stiojt wtntlow's, in book reviews and inpliiliishers' tlliVel't tseunents, etui soon the Christmas story,Iii ai t ils I t resouno variai tons, \s'ttl be upon tus helpless¡oUrlais. it is a relief lo finI] a few i)ooka that are notgleiten. A very tienutifut gift book bears the attractivetille of "A Sitte Possession." It consists of a collection ofeosays, resifttt 011(1 tentiez, by Dr. William ICing, of Georgia,faiher-intaw of the lamented and brilliant I-henry \V. Grady.'l'ue hook is illti)! tsiie(l I)y A. B. Caittwehl, of Atlanta, Is beitttti fully 1)u'liited In tauge, clear type on heavyrreant 1)51)01', tinI] is aitogettiet' a very blousing volume.

Ito liait \veteI1 il lioputal' actuoso, much to the dismay oftuis (rtndg, sii'i tile Cievetuind Pta111 Deatei, He was fond ofiiie i)iuiciicuui tilingo of tifo. Itis friends \verc giura the preCes-ionat laity e'Ouitd provo utnyttling but n lietpnueet to 111m. It

11'OO their first tirCuliçfiigt in the pretty suite in the little flat.'file coffee IJuig (leliCi(iilS', tIle steak f the react rñreness lieiirefeu'u-od, liulil iie tuai uieveu' eaten glIch rolls. lie lucId oneet iiici IuittOl' oliift, "Wiiy, where did you buy them, my love?"iie agkeit. Silo thing hua a bewltchi'ig saille, 'I creatéd thoserujio," . utie ilriiuiinticnity answered, . ''You?" he crled 'Ycs,"011e liil)lieii, "I leas rlloking in a downtown restaurant when Iireult on tile oiuigo." .. . . .

Tgoug t'iis.t1ATtlliJi FLy-' When I was a boy, my son, tub

road Idus only a foot-patti,"


. . :ii' ttkt?fomen

uro our coffls adds a i,1)0 dOubt'.

'f1d cvcryqro so merry drawa. 000 out'.

_p Society for Psycilleuli Ileseareh notes for $l,000,000. Is ttuo:- ghost at)out to Walt(?-Cle"elnr.i] Lealler.

' '? . A nyhow, ttue Unriff cauu't tie blamed fou' tilo lutait of tints-;:4: wolneil 11)51st (fl wer.riulg,-.Indionaiotis News.

Would Suit Alfred Henry.

;i Next time I:i'. Cook .stuirts out io iliscoycu' o Pole Ir eliuntlt Inouintul I ui , lie itl tiltie 111011g lO bruJos tilinhl ii nil a ciriis . ofnell-spulper oru'espoiiiIeniui, lt vould tie it ¡ioule niistgouiucnt for/iifreel Itenry LeWilI.-Oregontuluu.

Nothtn to Boast Of.

In llflte.1)eitlulil days Col. Moore of ICOntilcily ovuied ii hugol__ nulnl)er of negroes, I te 10115 0. tui nI] uurnsteu' ¡11111 turd Pliulieilr'il

tIlo negroes wi i tu the vtuit,. One duty one of tutu PuliI liii nds101111011 "3111)0" Willi . guilty of sorne negltgeuuce nuI] Wuls celui totue vooils a t muco to cnt down ulnI] cpI it lit) O t)luu etu-gluull tice,lirIcI witty an ilnposstt)lo tilitu, J tulle cii t (10011 t tie tree il nI]Intiored 11111(1 to stIlt t the toligIl WOOd. huit tu 'iuin. In the0101 0 time a ttlliuldOl'-lltlirlfl caille llfl rullI] .Tlipo songtit refligo111111er iI turasti tuenp. Directly tIle tigiitoing shuck a large poplarnear by, sl)liittng it into ictndtiilg-wood. After ttlo utorin 110(1piuHile(1, Jupe CraWlc(1 Cult froiiu lits iduico of Jiecllrity 111111 aftertailing IL careful look uit. tue remul mu of ilie popluir-treo, ss'ttcii

.were scattered nil over the wools, catIt, 5[i. ttglutnin', 1 vIsti

: VOli 11(1(1 just trIed yo' tuuui' lin ills black gum. Any tita une foolcnn split a tlOtituur! '''1llittuilJil'5 Muuguietne.

Unexpected Resuits-J Coiuotter itiuut the l)ot)lutnu u i iter iti ib wltti it,lOo'

-?.i; Syu'uuence .Stuuuiitnrd. . . .

-b- AlIti whuit iniijutring bou pulinmIcuIn will be for the poets.t',i1, .

After . ill, ¡uøiui i' úxploru tion 110es tiri rig reuuittc,-New YorkIteralul. .. ..

1\ n alci negro jurruictuci' in ICentlirky \J'ilS dtlulttng uutuon

-...CIelito in the Bible vluicti tuuiul uu zootogicuil treullh J to . describedtile Dellige 110(1 hOw (itt tIle uuiiirnuiti, two uy tuo, went Intottle Ark und I'ero sieved, Ttl('n lie Ittsclissei] tiIC Inetltent ofJeiuuth utrud thu whale, Buululam'iu nuls, uuuuil ituuuitty (tue 0)11)1011 Of

.Dnntt, Who entered . tile dcii of l'avoning lione nod . einoi'gcul

.uluiluirpled, Ills nuulttorg tuoI] tietencil seittu iult(regt. lull] 50100

lO.. nf ttieni soemuil to !iai'o their. dollbts no to ttu atittienticity! of itic tnies. . .

. . .in natty, one of tuo yoiungc'u' ¡le,, 'Pi' oes rose ip unii . inqtui icI]:

t) . . 'Say, putiisouu, cs'uz ulom lioiis Jest like (tuo kiuud . we tuas lilly?"'Coso riot, cose i)0,'' retorted (tuo proaetiei', iri'ltiuted at

having hill discourse iiutori'liluteul, 'Dey was il, C., meaiuiuig ho-a- .

fo clrcuiges.' . . .

'l'tuo expluuiuuution %s'ns sniTicient ond slutisfluctory._lluffalo:- (N, Y.) .Comnueu'clat, . .i .- - . Her Suife Proposition. .

.- . .. . ...-.-- She (l'as trying to persiuuude tier tlluuibnnd to give up suiuolc-:- leg, anti sim 111111 pointed ini to Juli11. 01113 day tIle exaót uluoount

of ills XpûflSClu for totiae'co during the roiumo of a your, .

'DestIles, my deauY' clic tersisted, "you wilt t)) hctteu offmentally, physically' ¡unIt Onulnctuully vitluoiit the pillo uiiiil the

,;i-) cIgars." . .

."'VeIl, mueytio so; hut ait greuut men liui'o smoked," he

argued, .. . . .

.-, ..\Vett," ¡fric sighed, 'just prointe Ill, licor, hint you'll give

:fi.. tip smotdng until you aro great. 'J'lier iii 1)0 perfectly uitis-u-:ii1 . flell,'-Piltlaelcliitiia Itecórd,

\Vii it Il tuis? &niuindeuj (lue customs aiticer pointing toa tiackago uit flic bottom of the trunk, "That is a foretgn book

: entitled PolIteness.' ' answered the man who liad just landod,"I guess I'll have to charge you a duty on it," rejoined the

::; Inspector. "It competes with a small and struggling industryIn this country."-Chtcago Tribune.

on the Spot.


"Yes," suild the lliltvitte stoi'y-telier. "tilo cytoiio nui I ledtutu house into (lie tii».t coiuiutv, sad sot it down ttucie as corn-forrable as you pliso, nuI] us tie uuteppeii olit 0' tuO door toRliu'vey the country (tie bun \s'tlo o'r,eu1 tile IiI fc] iuott itoh lii inof, suIt for trest)nss and the lax coitector tinnuled hioi a iuitl fortaxes."-Atlantut Constitution.

Halley's comet this ulIVO ta uiigtut 113 ililys boCcio sotucillutoLinie, Probably it feared ttiuut seine i'ivuul comet rnigtit tiow upalud claIm (ho tloiuoruu,-St, Pahl lhtlliueou Pucos,

9'tJe haines of 501111) of tlngtiin,l's biggest buottie-ututtug uu io

Inilonuituiblo, TolteCa tIglI tito n ad t litt('Xitit('. i\ good iuiaiuy of dioEnglIsh 1)001)10 ttilnlc i tic next tug lilo olugtit i o 11e ¡lii nied (hoInslipluortnhle.-Ci,,i'ulgo lteCiui'(t-I t Cull Ill.

The Phihoopher.

.11. tultiol'el' iuuil IvorIcelt tIll i-il uuit tui y t)iutt lug i n iieveu ill toiugof couit, For tuis duty's iluilli work tuo iect'i'.'i'd $2. t I is Iva yluiinuu tel ill ni i)' I tue open (bui' of a gatoolu. In Mille tie tui'utrlltilo nuuigic rh (tIc of the I] ice. A Clii t glu nue 'ii M I n liegi iS

Getti ng tIGlI] of (tie houes, tile lii 1)01cl ;ituucecì t itoltui u Ofltilo table uu nIl ''roilcul,'' I lo tosi. I le vuugi'l iiI n uiottlel' itiittuir,vii ti (lue culillo l'esulti , Gett i uig up Cuota t 110 tlliito, lis sa iii:

\\r1I]1 euusy conio, niusy go-Neuen rk Sta r.

liti. 'l'luntil (toll -ing lillillil ut 2 n, ¡ni-1 tll-ttlliik, buir,tiluit (11010 is a in-uuluuiu in till tanise,

tTis wife (scou'nflulty)-Not t u tutu i'ooin -Ilius toiu 'l'i ii ncci'ipt

..- :l-; .' .,

/ I !j

Sui. 1L'-Ttiii ¡huIt lie l'ittflbllrg.

lllust,uiiid -'l'iilnk of it l i ¡eue Is a iiatriiIui t h ¡u ye Çu)llilll intuo soul)! .

Vtfe-Yuis? Nouv 1 lçuiow Wilili'O 01h' tiliulgit hun'i' gone. Aliliolutiorn ilisuuptleauclI, too-Lifc. .

Lysander's Soomerang.

Ttuey nro telling ut grelu.t jolie Oil Lygul oilei' bull A tlli1I'ton.Mr. Appleton writes ut very too' tiutil, nnut u ecco iii' sei oto anangu'y letter to lits wife's hrottiei', iuolciuig hun to ray itlult heowed him or be Siled, 'fluo tii'OttlCl' Cuittlld lui alt the tutundwrit-ing experts in lits neigtubou'luood am? they uleriptuered the letterto, ile flfl invitation to (tie tirotluet' and family to rosie for anextended visit, nail five of (hein uei'tivcd toduuy.-Atcliison 0101)0.

W'Iien the i,jlyi4jcjau au'rivell lIt (tie desigiunted liotioo tue foundtlluut jito i)uittCult )il) u decrepit negi'ò, who cult up Is hod andiniiu!reiI

"1-Low much yo' ctunrgo; doCtuti?"Two dollars a 'Ioit, which tnelcdca my tl'no, experience,

advIce nuid medicine,""A poor old coon like inc don't need oli dem oxtruus, Just

gib me 10 cents' o'tiu o' yo' cough medicine, and Oat's enoughfo' mo."-Juidge,




I! I






111g 1!IIlillIet iticI IL .J()lly Tliii,.

A i onon nr( 811 (Ct?8S \Va8 I he conrateiiatlon of Vice-gerent Earl V. Smith, hehl In Salt. Lake City, Utah, onOcto),r 2 'i'welve nien were loltinteil, and from the fol-lowing Intereeting account of tite dny'H (Icings In Iioo-Hoo,

rl I [IliNi freni lie Sal t, Lake 'Frl li n e, I t wi I I he seen thatt hQ liQ)'H lirul a Jolly good time:

''( in -tu"- I{t,or,'' ri ftr tim concn Una t bu, there vere preecotJIIHt ','IeIl%' eIxt,'- 11V1 !nemher of the great ConcUentec Or-k-r ,f I !oo I kIO tt he Coriiiier'II Chili, Mnniln y night, on thern r,tsIc)n l)f t tic n en ini U1 nqiiet nr the nrganl'in tion. Every onewo 'i t ¡J('I (('('t lfla!4t or nr i, hI(tek n rt i nfl n posoesor et n neIl veo 'I'Ii welve 'k t teno'' who rec(l'e(l t tioti' conca tena ttontnto t tu nv,;terI'o of the Order rtt A rrnoi'y I hilt, beglnntng atI )'rl(H'k, a 'i'' no Ileiry os t ' i°''ot nflil e'eryttìtng J)000ed oftvIth ttl(' .ití't' anil ,tolt$ty cI;i, of eettng nf the

Order(oneph'iiouo at the t:IO(lflPt tiol'(l ORS ('atdntn t'i V, Sintth,

Vie-g'rent t!Ì;I ¡'k for I Jt n h. Fia oh I io'phy net ed na leant.niI'3t' , nOII one' to t tli:tt ('ach one of the n('%vly tiiittatcdfl'nitn ru of tie (rit'i' ':in gt'eti ;tn nportnnIty to nhon' s'tinthe r'oelil tù }rflV(, tiJ rtght to tfl('rrltl(J'Mtdp.

't'te b,iiiiitiet n'as i rr:ì n('il tiIUt('I' t he ninnogeinent of C. 1.Mo 'l,ì nit, A E. I 'a veo od \ . ¡t, 1"t ie1In',,er, n ad wan ten.(t('red to t tIQ ni'retn;s 'f Itie Ordei' by teen ty of t he prominentlurnt,('r ( O!ICi'rtjfl et I t e' %%'4'nt, na f(jliowe : 1dorrtnon, 1\terrill &('o , S M Moirinr,n, t". S. Mir'phv & So,, 't', IT. Smith & Son,Jtr, 'k ihnt ionli , I uei' ('cinpz iy, (1. V. (alen , (o., .1. .1.Ht('O,I t, t'ai i'r Limiter (.elletny, lIto (ron(le T,tintici- Coni-pi n', , fi{'ol C I iiiïnney I.0 nber t inpn ny, \1eConnugtiy-Loneet ,iunh''i (omp:i ny, ttii Clon Coni & I ,nnìt,or Conpany, aleFer-hUid i .Uiet,%'r (urnletny, luau i iiintjr ()TJ1)any, ,T, F. & ?I-.Nt l'y, l.iit rl & J) ile)', I lotnian-le yI1e-'t'flytí,I'-\ rnistrong1,unt,('r ('(et,IffÌlly, Pitt. 1,;ite Iluilding ,t tniinfactin'ing (ioni -pans' nit iii" (Jruìd lton(10 lAflntieI (onniuy,

'l'te' enea tena t ton e f new netn hero won held t n t he Ar-IJt,\' till ('8!t' in the 'vent,ig, after s'tilctì ahijollInToent vnntakq'n to tt (ouuj)erehIt ('lut). nOci te't:I 'nIions ter the ban-qtii't e ''Ip ÙJOtti't('d lt \%'aO exactly I t e'etnek vhen thegUt-ntn e,ited t tnnis'ivc.n at the t:inqui't boar(1 end after nflhItflt,tII(,flfl I ''inlet t to' ge ely l'tebe 1(e,St (md t)!OCeede(1 n t Con-et,iiitIv lC(''l'iittng ra Ito mutt along aft er the Tnt(Intgtlt hotu'.

F:u ei u' eut' loado r oteet, tu od 't tie uc'ru lt of the Snaric antttte tut uf tun Sieui'k itere- (not ) the only uuight wo ndcrhng truhe.'''l'te' t)('itt('i' h)I't teu1 ult't th htunit;uo' tuuieiuui'en; et'ct,nul, the

Countnou etui Chut, ruttut tinathy, t it tI'ea t neu] tiont,i':ituie con-cuLh'n'u t ten et J hon-h too. 'i'tur tuero tutteent represc'nt:u li'strotti tn ic'ttenity etory elate of tite htttCIttt(,tIJ)tflttt CflhIrutr' andt tuo tt'('st Etet'>' cute 'oted litt' .,'t (fa ir tu grea I, and t tuouuicu ttng brake up tu'ittu nuaiuy _ooreeaiotin of gon:] n'itt anut hopefor n 'puttitutitu nei' of t tuo tuna u'i' good fettiuwetuip indtu'eth i' au-Coctuutiuìn w ttiì the tuOtui Order, nnut with premteen to u'etui:utnti iu' to ttue Miglu of ttu hielt cat,

Stutui tu, i' u ri V. Stet thu iouuttur J too-I too, A , i,, l'ortei': ,fiuuuiort hot.- h too, .1 t, St ewuurt ; Holten, J . F. Nthbey: Scrivenot,r, 'i'. ti.h tiudnoit hut)ttertt'ou'k, Ito1'rt Afltheu'out ; Ctuntocattnn, hi, Ji,fetten; Aucuunoper C. F. Wuuru'eii Guirdon, C. S. hlOhhnnn,2J68 Jtutute hlenr' flatter, Stilt Ltukc City, Utah; tre.'isurerantI manager Storra-Notuda Luumtuer Company,23569 hay Henry 13mb, Stuhl Latte City, Utntu naheemtun Mor-i ttofl, Merrit & Co,2J7O ¡'atut Wtuttmnn J)thttngu, Porti City, Utah; manager ParkCity J,uuint,er Company,23571 RettorI Ayinier Day, Butte, Mont. truuvetung etuteutmanhttg hJhnck(oot Mthtlng Company, Bonner, Mont.2J72 Ehm,r Ice litio, Salt Lake City, Utatu; ealeqinan RockluttatJ Siiutiu & Door \Vortçn, Itock htatid, Ill.23í73 F'ador ?uteyeru Otutuetiot, J3tngtiam, Utah; l3lngtuam Coal& Luimtuer Compaiuy,23574 (lIen Itthiter, Ogden, Tjtntu: 'tce preebdent anti manageri tui' hieden l'atnt & Chututs Company,23575 Eulwtuid Simon lioughton Salt Laht Cl', Utah: aleut-Zutun hlohc:an l'aync & Co, -

2J&76 George Dexter hCnuuistu, Ogden Utah; traveling saleumanOgden 1,tumber Company.

23577 Dale LanguIt Smith, Salt Latte City, Utah; salesmanT. H. SmIth & Son,

23578 Ernest Thurman Spencer, Ogden, Utah; assIstant man-ager Spencer Lumber Company

23579 WIllIam Tyler VIrgIn Reno, Nev ; Tonopah Lumber Co.ConcatenatIon No. 1575, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2, 1909,

Winds Up With a Concatenation,

September 15 was Lunubernan's Day at tile KentuckyStato Fair, nncl a bIg tIme they had of It, The day wa

spent In enjoying tite usuai novelties of a State Fair andIn the evening there was a bIg banguet followed by a con.

catenation. The bantuet was held at River View Park, andamong tite speakers of the occasion was Kentucky's famousexecutive, Goy. ,A. E. Wilson.

Under tite Vicegerency of Brothel' Len G. Herndon tIteconcatenatIon was held In tite dancing pavillon of RIverVIew Park Immediately after the close of tite banquet.There was a parade through the park with the kittensblindfolded and ita'i'Jcuffed together. At the park thatnight there were political speaking, (lancing and moon-liglut pIcnics of visitors to tite State Fair. So the sombrerobes of IIoo-FIoo anti tite enchained novices created muchmerriment on tite grootnuis. While blindfolded the can-didates were made to sitoot-tite-ciiutes" and take part inother of tite amusIng featitres that nIght. Seven menwere initiated anti the fun lasted until mldnigltt,

Snnrlt, Len G. Horndon; SenIor Hoo-Hoo, Carroll L. Beck;Junior 1100-1-loo, F. J, Wiiitams; Bojuim, A. D. Jolt; Scrive-noter, F. G. Shaw; Jnbberwock, F. B. Russell; Custocattan,Harry Roy; Arcanoper, S. IC. Cowan; Gurdon, Bartley Skinner,21500 Edward A. Brennan, T..oulsviile, ICy.; salesman Louisville

Planing Mill.21581 Oscar Otto Byron, Loulsylilo, ICy, ; ity salesman 10, L.1lughe Co.23582 Irvin Piutiltp Riserumonger, Louisville, Ky.; luouse sains-

man EJ. L. I-iiugiucs Co.23i83 Ernest Jhitglucs, Jr., Lotuisvitle, Ky,; vice presidentE. L. iluglues Co,2308.1 Clay Presser, Scottaturg, md. ; owner L. Presser & Son,23í8 Conntdcr Iloattu Wihiott, Jr., LOuisville, ICy, ; traveling

atulesman W, 10. \\rlhiett23500 Alexander Pinckney Witty, Louisville, Ky.; ttt'esidentw, j, lltugtuen Sonn & Co,Concatenation No. 1576, LouisvIlle, Ky., September 15, 1909,

Siioit'ii t Iii Light In R ltccuuiniiig Stylo.

Tito icrivenotor itas received tite following letter fromBr'ttuer Frank S. Marins in regard to tito concatenationIDilli at lingo, OkIa., on October 19:

\\T011, puuhlccl off a great concatenation lucre nu ws tuo-ttlicd you tue s'ouit1, ti nul showed cigiuteen kittens tIle light of1h00-1100 bund in tn'eotning stylo. Ail \vere sorry that tite Vice-geront of titis Juritititetton could not be with us.

The Vicegoreni for titis District of Oklahoma is l3rotitòrH. 'f. Cltiies, of Caddo, Olnia., wlto, on account of abseitceft'otn tite district, s'as pt'e entoil front being present tluatniglut, Ijttl, as 13i'olitet' Manta writes, thè boys Itad a bigtitne of it, anti initIated eighteen good nen into tho Order,

Snartc, A. J. reir. Senior HOo-lioo, W, L, Gibbs; Junioriloo']too, lt. 13, Amick; Bojum, J. F. Larccy; Scrivenoter, F. S,Darius; Jahberwock, Clyde Walton; Custocntian, W. A. Lay;Arcaut.'tper, '1', A. Rutherford; Gurdon, W, O. Barton,23587 'riuomas Roberts Allen, Hugo, OltIa, ; president Vttrner-Collins,23588 IJotuston Sylvester Baker, litigo, Okla.; shipping clerkWaltotu-Citandlor Lumber Company,23089 0-letiry Charles Blanchard, hugo, Oltla ; Wrighut LumberCompany.23590 Robert Loe Carter, It. Towson, OkIa.; owner R. LCarter.23991 Wllmnt' Smith Chandler 1-lugta, Okia. ; prestdent TiteWtulton-Ciiandier Lumber Company.20592 William Vance Coliins, Hugo, OkIa,

; manager Varaer-Colhin 0-Idw. Co.21593 Jack Coiston, Hugo, OkIa, ; salesman Wright Lumber Co.23594 Clarence William Ellis Antlers, 010e. ; stOckholder andforeman John Elhl L'le Co,, Ft. Smith, Ark.23995 Gwllym Jooph Evans, lingo, Okia.

; salesman WrightLumber Company.


23596 Joshua Nathaniel ,ìottfuld, 1osonsa, ObIs.; manager PineCreek Ltumber Contpt'ny.

23597 Lnn Everett Griffith, 110go, Ohio ; p.rtner Griffith Luum.her Company, Dnggett, Mich.

2359d irred Montie Heard, Ft Towson, Okia, ; salesman Pinefelt Lumbnr Company.

23599 Frutacts C13'do Inghuam, Kosonia, Oltia, ; boolchecper andmanager rotait dopat'tntent Pine Creek Lumtuer Co.

29000 Wtttter Fltcgernld Leard, Pectin Gap, 'J'exns; managerretail yard Carson Lumtuer Company, 0-Jugo, Oltla.

23601 Titomfts Moore, lOuttens. City, Mo. ; 'Pite Lumber Review.23602 George Lafotiett Miurray, Veillant, Ottla. ; owner G, L.

Ohttrray.23G03 \Vittlred Putrbhtntl Ruuttyait, lituntington, luid.; presidont

Caswehl-liuinynn Co,2300t Robert Eths'turd Stevenson, lItigo, Ohciti. ; Millet' Lumber

. Company, Mlitcrton, 010e,Concateutaiton No, 1577, lItigo, Gide,, October 9, 1009.

lihtan'itg (lia Law to tite Letter

At San Angelo, Texas, on October 8, an unusually finoconcatenation was lucid at which fifteen men were initiated,and after tite concatenation tite Roo-Roo vere tite guostsof tIte lutuuitcrmett of San Angelo at a receptIon and han-qtiet iteld st the Metropolitan Cafe, Tite Satt Angelo con-catenatlott was worlceul up by Brother J. F. Ross, vltolooked autet' ti tite local arrangements of tite meeting.Vicegerent c.'i. Gillett, of Waco, vent over to tite coitcat.enation aiuti wt'ites as follows cotucertling tite affair, whicitshovs luow the Texas members of the Order look nitontite new kw in regard to tite conduct of the "Sesslon.on.tite-Roof:

'i'lits ntis indeed a twetty concuutenaton, sr,d tuot a singlefetuitiro turose to neur tIti sutecegut, Wtti'.o tIte chautut only con-u0etcd of filmen candldateut, uugtuinet a lurospect et some twettty-hive, tito etuthuela sut tu titi por(cct coutduct of order nuttile Ut) fou'(Ito deficiency, 'White tite nttcntl,tutce was net ittut lttrgo tua itcouiul luttes ticen, that tuttendance reported wan composed oft'etutoiui'uttutlivtu mou of hunt sectIon, which stone insured titehiglu-totted cittes of titis nuoct. Every one watt ontituttlit,ttc,and out Itere. tus Willi tito JIoo-lioe in Lhute particular etition,tltey pluto a concatetiation at least outco n. year. And the goodwork stinti contlntue, ne I have situes been ndvlsed by Brotheritosti that tus tutus tetu more candidates. Not co t,aul for a strutter,

Since yeti ivave ticen tudvised of fuihi dttutto i siu:til tuot dwellon ttuetut is ttiit4. ottiy to tiny tite t 9'oui' inuttrutettotte in oe'erytitirtietular wet'o Ot)tiyed to the lettu'. 1,VO turttl sottie dtscUsruiottovet. (Ito "Ssssion-ett-tite-lioof" atttettdnucnt (tut it ta criticOottt there), butt vince tuii mcntttrut trete gtuetrts of tIto Saut An-gelo thritiers title pruritcutlat' featitre orts not tu htrtt't of tite eon-entenation propor. Jiowtrt'or, it esos iminted etut to tttent thatlaw et'rtn laut', nnO 'ittieut they ence 01 to oi)uterve tuttO obey utruttue,mattct's wound itctve to lue tirtttdiurd itt that mantuet' witic'tu wasitt my ¡toast' to exert, 'l'huis vrte tinulerstood perfectly, tunOcveu'y one velenO ttietr 'tee's on tite tuttbjecL, cotuciu'iittg by strut-Ing that lbs itts' flutist tuttO xviii lie ohteymì.

I only itopo that fttttire eonetttctts tione, wittc'h tuai y occurtinder my jurtsdlctiett, wilt piove to be n'i . tutuluity and etueceututtulas tIte than Angelo conerutenuutiott.

Smirk, C. lì, ChietI; Sentor lion-lion, it, 't', Fondati: JutniorHoe-I-leo, A, G. Atutlersoti; lioJutm, h. N. McCrtury; Scrivenoter,J, F. Rose; Jttbborwocic, A. Ti. 1iritpatricic; Cttstocatian, J. W.Merutlow; Arcanopor, W. S. loot)ertson; Gurdon, L. E, Kulttue,23605 Alfred Joseph Atkins, Miles, Textue; mtutnger Stdutoy

Situith Liumber Company.brot; Joutcpiu Ogctut' Clore, San Angelo, Toxtus; owner of iitnt-

bLu' yard.23607 Wiley Mnrsttshl Eutten, Templo, 'J'exas; traveling etites-, attn Mat'ott-liohttnsoti Co., \Vaco, Toxas,23608 Eugene Mortirtu Fife, San Angelo, 'l'oxas; autsoctnte cdl-

tor and ntanttger ttutt Steatlard l'ubiislttng Compruny.23609 Artittur "Goodfellow" luttes, llitckwehl. '!'exns; unattager

South Tess l.ttmber Company.23610 George Pittman Hunton, San Angelo, Texas, associato

. editor anti mantugcr Press News,23611 'ritounas Fruisithin Johnson, Paint Rocht, Texan, nuanruget'

herden ,tt Ftateman,23612 Vaut Court Kelly, iten Angeie, Toxtus; tuenistant intutiager

w. s. Kelly & Co. ,

23613 William Stevens Kohis', Jr., Sen Angelo, Texas; yardmanager W. S, Kelly & Co,

28614 Carrsii Americus Lewis. San Angelo, Texas; secretaryand treasarer Neus'n Publishing Company.

23011 Milton L. MeCaln, San Angeio, Tpxas' Standard Pub-iislulng Compatuy.

2h11 Tiromuis Morlein Pttlhiurm, San Angelo, Texas; Wet TOnesLumber Comprtay. .

23(17 Theodore "Germany" b'chuiiuuianti, Rowena, Texas, tnrun-agerConcito Lumber Conuptuny.

23618 Chittott Hayivood Tupper, San Angeis Texas; ownerStandard PublishIng Company.

22619 George Edward WIllIams, Bronte, 'rouan; mttn'agor llar-tIes & ateman, Stephensviile, Texas.

Concuttenrution N'o. 1575, San Angolo, Texas, October 8, 1909,

Persoitni Mention.

Ui'otlter Howard M. Rowe (No. 8783), connected withthe firm of Powell & Rowe, of Columbus, Oltio, has beeticoniincti to lits bed for several weeks with a severe case ofillness.

Brother P. F, Sti'ienitut itas sovereul his connection vitlithe Il. W. Joltiis.Manville Co,, with whom lie Itas heotu forthe ¡test eighteen years, and Itas esiablisltetl hituuself at629 Bai'onne Street, New Orleans, In titi' gonerai roofingcotttracting line-ready roofing itaints, buIlding papers, pipotttitl boiler coveting, tar.pitcit, sanitai'y flooring, asbestosmttterlal, etc.

Brotiter N. P. l'erldno ru now located at Princeton, W.\Ta,, witere ito is establlsiteul in iuttsittess as manufacturers'ttgettt, Itand I Ing ittnabeç tuf ail kittuls w i t h yellow pine asPecialtY.

rrotlter E tttii C. Ganttlui Is no longer comiectd vitlt tite(jltittugo Luimbet' & Coal Company, httving gone into titewluolesal o I tu ituhuer intel itess for it lutreel f at MolO le, Ala , un-det the tirio itame of E. C. Gannlul.


Mt'. and Mrs. Salmon P. C. i [ostlet' ttutrttutun,:e tite mar-riege of their daughter (iertruttbe A, to Mi'. l,eonarti LewisMikscit, witlelt Ionic place ott 'l'htti'sday, October l'I, at tuohonte of tite ht'itle in Chicago. Jirotlter l'uliksch l'u t Ito Clt.tuigo rept'eseittativo of tite Aulvutnee Lttmher Coinpatty, etClee',aiìtl, Ohio, and of tluo umpire Lutmitet C'oltuptuty, ofTtuffullo, N. Y., anti is otte of Ciuicago'8 nuost lioltutlat' lutin-

buertutett. l'uir, ttnti i'ulrn. Nilitocit tue tuow ttt Itorute ttt 1951Byron Street.

Lost, sonuewluere mit west, I1oó1-Eoo Ladies' Pin No,1810G. If fottliul, send to J. 1f. Baud, Scrlvcnoter, NashvIlle,Tenti,, atid receive reward.

[,ost, ]'Ioo-iioo liuttoit No, 20328. If fotittui, settO to J. li.Balt'(i, Scrivetioter, Nasltviiic, Tetitt., ttnti receive reward

It is a very uinngot'ous titing for a literary ittan to In-tlulge his love Lot' the t'itilcttloits. People latiglt toit!,, himjttst so long tts lue amuses tltètn; but if itc attempts to beserious, they ittust still have their laugh, anti so theylauglu cit butt.

'l'Itere is In addition, however, a deeper reason foi' titis111Ml wottlti at first appear, Do you know that you feel alittle superIor to every inno vlto maltes you laugh, wheiltorl)y making fttces or vot'ses? . . . . If J. were givingadvIce io a yotung fcilov of talent, with two or three facetsto lila ruinO, I would tell huhn by all nteans to keep his witlii tIte bacltgt'ounti tintii tutet' lue luati ituado a reputationby luis moie solid qualities, . . Do you initow, too, thattito majority of titen look tthtOfl ttll vluo cluallonge their at-tentloit-for a while, at least-as beggars and nulsaitces?Titey always try lo getoff as cheaply tus they can, andtite elteapest of ali things they can give a literary otan-pardon tIte forlorn pieasantt'y!-ls tito (unity-bone-OliverlVt'nultrll JIolnucru.

Dues br 1009.


tite clock struck twelve on thenight of Septnber 9 last, dttes be-

,caine payable for 1910. The IIoo Hoo'ear begins anti ends on September 9.

Look up your receipts, and If you find

' that you have not paid 1909 dues,. tend $1.65 to the Scrivenoter at once.

. Any brou of temittanco wIli do ex-cept stamps that are stuck together. Your individual checkwill be all riìt.





J'Jerre I. I.aIIIdiIIii (No. I 2880).

T3ro)Ier Pierre ¡4011)2 Lrti,g)iflii died in PoiI.1ind, \1e.,on Oct ()I)(r 23. J J s renaino were n t eried i n the VJ klor%1ern) i1a1 Cemetery or Portland , I he lin rial services beingcoud i (J -;(J by I ho Ï) rolhei'Jiootl of Free 2Insons. A t I lietliiie (if his death Brollier Lniiglilln nas In the employ ofthe SknnrldM ?rLtIIifnctiI2i:ig (iiiiiiiiy, and to lus nanyfricnd8 throughout tue Holith 1118 employers lieve eeifl thefolloivhiig hot ire of tile ileath

it ii; ;ç); I;*, ;';* gr';t tlI ;*,*.,;I;;;o;I;;;, I;; i;;;tI; o( nui'?Ii'. lin;' I ,. l,.'ii,giIl;i u ');Ioi *J;;9

I(i;'I' flu IIii;is ;fhiil oiu' ;v;'.i; ;;Jt) i%i;}i;,j;1 f;'; ;'i'.Ii' , I;tiigi;jI;; ;i';is ;,n(' (,f1;111 ii;;;sl ;'I'''iii;;1 i, J(;;;' lila It V;' ,iiul i;' i;;;' 4111; 1)1:11 ]iI,9

iii;i,i rtf'i;;I I;;ii';' uit Ii ti;; ii;;

IiT(XiS \TiO, ('O,S I"I I

JJi'oi)ir'i' JitiigJiljn sii )nitinl'il into lloo'lloo rit theIi1t*(.I ng il \ I laut Ir J)etiJi, l*'ln., on hum i ), I 901. 11e 't'asn enifi';' ut' 'l'ni'OIIT(;, On),, (;tii,, h;liig boi'ii iii that (ItyS'jiIeiiilui' 18Th.

NorriM IJ . Nordpii ( Ni,. J 018).

!Ji'ot lint' Ni,i'i'ls lJai'kii;u Noi'cft'n iliil at 11)8 heine InN(!IV 'l'fili City, No, (O \V, i ISOi Si rpi;i oil Offlohpr :11

nftr n lliigi'ing I )Jiu';s, Ihn) lint Noi'ik'ii n'ne i'eIl kiioivnin iii iiil;('i' cl l'elie of t Iii iiint iojol)s, il,i'u lie has liepn on-g:ii'd i l)1114j11('08 fui' n :iiliii)n'i' of yiIiM_ l'ut' n bug n'bilehc IÇIIS III lIilOiil('8S uit h i i'. ltoh'i't. (L l'ny nf New \)i'l((ity, lii t li'' n-llolc'e(II(' Iiiiiiliir IIIISIH('S$, liii) '(non) ly hasliciti iilu'i'it ng toi liiiiii'lf n'il h olflc's at I R Jti'on;lvav,11m) lic,,- Noi'iliii ivan tilt al d hilo J Ion-1 loo lime I ),I li n'ii a iiii Ive of I'lilliI(I(l(ltli1_ lioltig boi-ii iii t hat oilyoli .,iiii( 22. 1858,

v, T. J;iiI triI ( No. (Is i i '

IIi-nt ici' \\'. 'I', IlIulfoI'(I, Of I'iiie llliiff, (lieu iii (lil-('noii oil 'l'li ii i'14(Ilty, I loI olipi' I J , a fi ei' a n I I lli(Ss (jf oiiìe'i'k, \Vlic'ii lt,'otlier llitilftii'l w-as Iii-cl. lah»ii ill In the('ht)' of (.htli;igo 1118 0(111(111 1)11 \'iiS flot OOhthi'i'i;i1 a o,'ll0111', 1 b h s wi fi', hìø iS'OVOi', i"'flihicih hi is hoilsi il e several ila)8hefoie the ihoiiilt; 'iiliii, '11H' fiiiu_i'al i;'i18 held nl t hi l'li-silbtlit>ihht (hiii-ohi nt l'lite Ihiiff on Ocloh;;;i' i

I] ¡'o I hei' Jncl foi-il rus bot-ii n i Fúiiil iI n L;i, \\'hs,, kot o-hei- i, I S(;, luid n'as hiihthiili1 into )Ioo-hIoo at th ('Oii('at.ciint 1(111 hehl al h'hiie 1_lieft, A riz,, (irtobsr 2S, i S99. At t hethiiii' of lus hi';ithi he n'as iiuiia_, -'' i l'ui I he i'nhhi-oa 1(jsli-t.1111111 of tuo Snu-yci' jiislln l4iiii;hJii' ('(iililoIiÌy, of l'uicIhhtiff, .-inl 'i'ts i'ogai'(h(il as one of lie 1110cl. coiilh)nteiul ciii-1)103 P5 iii t hat COhi('Oi'ii, Ile n'as of a genial iliOili-e itiiil 1)02-MFi'n?il iil)tii\' lhiii halts of Chliii'flet(-i' lic Is 8Iii'\'j('(l kvh Is w h fe it liii t n'o 1)101 hei's, IV. 1. iiiil ll laih fo il,

Iiii(lI,Ilìii Iai-ijiu, (Nu. 3()(j9)

hi-ut her Itiiihcil1ihì Ju'olis l'hiip)ç, of LoiiIvhh1e, 1y,, dieuat Ji he honie h n thai ch y on Oclol)(i' I 2. lxi'iit i li e formalliotioc of lil2 iliitJi ineelveul fi'oni his bm'oihi i'm',lm' . 13cm-tl;,u ii el; , uf I oii hsu'fl le, i lie Sri-) 1-01101 ci- hiì m'c('(i it'd no mic

L'Oli ii I uif Brot hem' l'i nol s demut Im. Fo i' seiu,i'al Y('tli'S he limitihuecii in Ijusimuss foi- hihimisclflim1u;m- luIs own naine In Louis-'hhlc Ile ia mu imaiho of LoulsyllIc, l)elng

bom-ri In thatcit y on Nou'eni her 27,1 S73, and was h mil t kit cil at a comicat-

(-mmiii iou held lhmem'c on lam'ch ] 1, :1 89i_

Thic Itouiniice of I he Aìiioi-jca l'eapl.The 81013' (if th Amiiem'lcan iiearl dates bacio to tu-chis-

toi I e ti imics. The imlouhiul-humi kIel's of the Oli io, Tennesseeand Cimnibem-hamuul vahloys long ago V,)rlieil the gem-growingheils of iiiusels, for foot) chIefly, without doubt, but not

ignoring tua 'trinkets" by any means. A bushel of "sings"h)eamlS of Irregular shape-has been discovered in a sacS

r!ficlal mound in time Ohio Valley. TIme pearls were allpierced and bimint, and therefore intrinsically valueless.Still moro momarlable are the discoveries in mounds ofgorgets which iimiist have been very beautiful when thered chiefs s'ore timoni. Ali the gorgets found have thirteenscahhol)s, mincI in each scallop was mounted a pearL Today,unii m'il lorI, and WI t h thiel r prinmal lustre, they vould havebeen s'ort1i $500 or more each. (Jnfortimnatc-ly, pearls de-cay In (hie ground, else searching for pearls around Indianiambi and miioimnils along Southern rivers mIght be a prof.itablo inuhimst ry_

'h'hiei-e is no way of hmiowummg how many jearls childrenlinie hihayell vithi and imien have tossed away, unaware oft hoi r va I iie Bu t. time n ii iimbem' must be considem-al)le, Apearl-fisliem- n'liommi h muCh him the svamnps of Arkansas toldInc of his alcimig a "i)i-etl.y little trick" out of a helh onan Ahahanma rlvei- w-lien lie was a hoy. He and his sisteriilmoeil ivilli it for a w-hile, and finally lost it.

"i I u t ioni- big as a niai-hIc-," Vie man said, "an' I bet it\t'as n-0m-Iii a t huoiisaiid dollars, yassuh ! If I'd omi'y icnowedvhual J ib iiow!"

One clay, about 1880, a niami found a cui-bus "littleti'ii'l" lii a Caney Foi-ho 1'Tusseh shell. Two boys, \V. E.Myom' amid [crimino Myer, time hatter only twelve years ofage, licam-ul about the finii and s'cnt to examine lt. Theseboys ere wide m-eaulem's, thick fathom having encouragedt hein to save thicim' mmir,ney iiid soi-d to New York for a"box of books." In one of these books they read thatbeam-Is (('eme found In nuiissel shells, and veam-ls vere vol-yvaliimible, llermmiaii had $1 5 and lits brother $90, At sIghtof t he fi n il they hi0ohii1 thiÑ r mnimmey an il began to l)Uypoam-is, As soon as time iishicriìien about Caney Foi-b himiewl;-arls unimlil lie sold, time veam-i excitenment began. 'Pliebols bought evem-ythilmig. 'Phiey pal(l fIfty cents, a dollar,mmmiii nyomi l'io dollam-s for ¡lie finds. In a few days theiriiloiiey (l'as gone, an(l tilO)' I)Ossesso'I a little phitah of pearls.Somime \s'ei-c vemy small, muid their shapes n'ero i'arious.'l'hie boys, imowevni-, thought 'l)erhaps heal-b \vere mouldedtogether Imito laige hOurIs" as they hail seen bullets moulded1»' liii n tei-s on t of lead l'hey imilhier expected a milliondollars foi thou tienrls, and cem-tainly not less timan $100,-00(1, Bravely time ehulem' brother roule away on hmòrsebackn-I t li Im is foituna. J le reached Nashville two days laterhefom' uhimyhurcak, nnd waited for the jewelry-sioresto open.'l'ho Pm-st Jeweler looled at time I)earls with some Interest,ammul finally said :

"I'll give 3011 t WO and a half for them,'"i'n'o and a half what?" the boy asked, wondering

'hì ethiem' time mmmii mucan t mull I ions om- niere thmousaimds."i)ollars!'! time jeweler answem-cih. 'rIme hoy, behaving a

min-iii \)ii(, woimhul offer such a sum fom' the juecloûs gémaswon lii ste;ul thieni , gathered thmeni u i) basti ly, and went forth(hiilcl(ly. Ammolhmem- jeis-eler (11(1 not want them at any price.Amiothmer offered 3.iO, and at last time boy rode Imonme again,smululem- and vlsem-. Wiser, beciluse lie had learned twoiimost useful facts: (lint only bright, round pearls werevaluable, and that Imurge ones were found large-notiimoiilcicil,

'l'hme h10y5 fimmally 501(1 tIme hot for $3.15 to a màn in Phil-mulellihula, 'l'hey lost $l22,85in cash by time transaction, butIluminan Mycr laid time foundation of expert. lummowhedge inthe tmyimmg days of loss by skmilying time letters from theiewelci's. lie (Omitlnimed to l)iiy Pcarls and seek pearl iii-forimmatloim, amid fiuinhly left the 1)amilclng bushimess In orderto study !mearls. He put time Caney Fork hiearls on timommmariiet, Promu Caney Poi-lo mmews of the finds went tlmroughtime coimmmtm-y, mind l)eOhiio in Ohio, Arlansas, and oñ lime 1p.nom' Mississiphii tributaries began to recogiiize the possi-bilities of time darlo shmeil inthestm-oains

The field market of time peam-Is cimanges f;omn place toplace. At t1rst it was at Çaney Fork-. Since thou it liasshmiftecj tlmroughi lmalf a dozen localities. In 3902-3, lt v'asat Newimort, Ark. Nowit is at Vinêenmmes, Intl. Next yearit_ may lie in Alaimamnorin Texas. Thi barbet lo whichthe noam-ls atlast (hJ'lftIsi1aideñ Lañe, New Yoi'k City,from whmicli place timey go to their n'eaI'ers.-I?(iiìioii1 2Spca;-s iii Harper's lVeekly,


TiTE BULLETIN: A ?fNfJiI1L1r JOURNAL ri's I1001100. 15

The Practical Side.

The men whose Hoo-Hoo names appear n the notices beloware out of work and want employment, This Is Intended as apermanent department of The Bulletin, through which to makethese tacts known. lt Is, or should be, read by several thousandbusiness men who employ labor in many varied forms, and Itcan be made of great value n givino practical application toHoo-Hoo's central theme of helping one another. lt Is hopedthe department will receIve very careful attention cacti Issue.

Some of our members advertIsing In The Bulletin fail toadvise me when they have secured positions so an old ad keepsrunning for months mind months. To avoid tills I have adoptedthe plan of running the ads as long as three months and timenif I have isard nothIng from timo mdvertlser I will cut his adout. If at the end 4 the three months he still wishes me toContInue lt he must advise me.

\VA NTI1I)-l'oiilthujim as plammi-r forciiiaim, circiil;ir amiw filer or oumlshuiemnanager of son' or plaumlmmg utili. liçmve haul hurl y years' exlierieimce lii10110w pius. llave A-i ro;icmitiale aIes good reterciice. Address " Il. iS.J4,,'' care J. li. limit rd, Scrlveiioier, Ì4asiiviiie, Temmim.

\V,tNï'lt)-I'oeit iou after I mio fret of tile 3ear an piaiilimg iiiill oiiperlii-teimileimi. 1151e liait slxlecii years' experlemmce mm mtoiiie or time largest ululo1mm the Sciilli :iuiil cmiii liauuillo oimort or bug leaf lilie. Cmiii fumrumisim liest ofrcfcreuiceo. Juuldress "J, U. 51.," clac 1 1f. listai, Scrivenoter, NumumvilIc,Tenu.

%'ANï'll)-A flrnt-elans woiuilommuan vlmo uuumiiirtauii1s muugeuuig lui 111113'coimntry misil la Imummllulir uil Ii laud hues, etc. WIll want dumm by muililille of1)cccmmmbcr. Ailuiresut %V, Il. Flowers, ScImmia, Almu.

W'ANIiii)-i'oçultlos mme mmuauummger, lui)Okkeeper or 3'aril forciumaui, orasolotaumu, lui either luoslilout uvitii oiiiiie giuiuii humilier couiit'm'um. liiii'e beenacti 0013' lii lite limmuber luiilimeo fuir lime liant fifteen yearn mmmiii cmmmm fumrmilsimguiOil refereumues. Aduuucog ''A migoki,'' emiro 1. II. Bmilrii, Scrivcuioicr, Nanim-nille, 'remiuu,

.*'4;\VANTlll)-looItluin i»- lilniber aii'u)iiiiti ii t mi'ii luis lind llfleemi yearn'

4f;__exlierleumue uvllim emLi% ¡5111 euiumcuirii lii the tiiiittm. Amii iiiuinldercil t ldgli cllesmenui mind utIli refir io foriiuiçr emmlplui3'em's tim Sllooloolpiil nuit Loumlolnuin, Aiimmiii yeimrit if ige, Sluigk- flulil In goisi licattim. Ailitrens No, 1,1 ' ¿I,'' cille I - Il.


BaIrd, Scriveuiuilee, Nashville, Temiii,




-:i \VAN'1'llk-ily ami all-roumumul liuuimujerimimium of tweumly-fijii r years' expm-*-


: rlence, lii)SltlOul ils foremuuims, nlmlluiilmig clerk nm nimlierhuilemiulcmit, tïmui furslhthe licst if ri'fereimces, lacilic L'iiiit preferred. Aiiilres "4C2i," CutO i.Il. Bmilril Scrlçemuotor, NashvIlle, 'fouium,

\VA N'I'Iil)-l'olm lumi eillier lui hic iu'liolesale liiusluwss or an uuianngt'r oftime reinil yard, by oume iu'tmo lo i lmimruiugimlv aciluimlumleul ivillm yculmis lume.llave mail abuumil 12 s-ears exliem'leumi-e, Admirens '' 1. M ,'' aire 1. 11. Ilalrui,Scrivemmoler, Nashville, 'l'eimum.

\VA NTJul)-l'iilthuimm by ilmorumImgiml3- Comiijiolemit 02Juin mumm mm, umuiuierotaumd-lug nil hrmmumelmmçn of time bumsiummìnu, liiiylmmg, uiu)iltimg, stilluhiluig anil Climrlerlumg.Aun foriy ycam-n oid aunt limite mi f;mummlly ; ivimumlul ureter Oregoum or \'nnlmlumg-ton. Addrtso " i5xporl," emiro .1. II. Baird, Serivemmimter, l'mmntmvtlle, 'rcummm,

\VANTI1I)-A 3'iiung minim nn'ithi twelve 3'earn'experlemmee lii tlmc lumberInmaluicon (limit Ii wimimlesimle mmmit retail) intimes to sccumre a posItIon, liest ofreleremmceo, Mlitress " 1' (J. W.," care I. JI. Baird, Scrlveumott'r, Nanlmviilc,Tcmmn.

VANTlil)-l'oslltmçe an mmmuvmiI olores immaumager by experimuiceul iimaitcmmjmatilc of umimyhuug, grauiliug mmliii selling, aumil emtumu'em somit Willi emerleal mtuttlscouuneet cit ilmerciItmi, Also t'xpuçrlcnieml lui lnmmmber. lOiepljeimt reforemicen.Address "M, 1. IC ," care .1. lJ.Jlalrui, Sc-riven)ier, N:mslmvllle,Teummm.

WAN rlil)-l'onlitomu matt im souse goni liuushe couicermi, ìmti lier an immmyersud itliiiii)luig clerk or 88 yard mmmmmmm, Aiim wtlllmm to gim aimywimere, nuit ramigive 0ml-rimise reference, Il ave hohl twelve years experlemmce tim time mmmmuiiierbusiness, ;mnil aun tiiom'oimgimly lmimmilllar wltim ;mli grail's of lmardwuuoit. AiimthIrty yearn of migo, Amlulress ' .1. (J, M" came .1. II, limmird,,Nanluvihle, Tcuium.

WANTI1I)-l'onitioui an assistant immisnager or simperimmtemmmlcumt of sawmill ¡miant. Tumorommglmly umnilerstaumit tIme lumummber bumetumeon frouiu time stumumito time market cniuectail tui hume, cymiress or lmaritwumouln. (ian turnioreferences, Address ' Oliportujntiy," care .1, II. Itairii, Serivemmm)ter, Nash.vitle, Tenn .

VANTEl)-l'oslttoum as mumunmmgcrof ratitl Yai'd soumiewiiere tim ttmmm west,I imold such a posItIon mmciv mumi1 liare mmmaule gimim m cmiii fumrumumuit best of refer-suces as to cimarmtctcr, abtlhuy muid eaperk-umce. Adiireso " Jhlimtttoum," emiroJ. II. Ramal, Scrlvenuiter, Nasimytilo, Tcuìum.

WANTEI)-l'osltion uts unauummger of rotait lumumluer humiatnms on timeTexas cumast or Brownsville commiutry. llave lmaui twelve years' oxjueriemmceas bookkeei,cr and mulanager. Aus sew ill yin rs oid Sud caum fumrumisim liest ofrfcrence. In answerIng simite tma emitImos of yoimr work time mlare and tImesalary paid. Amidress " li. W. C., umani J, JI. Bidat, iScriveumoter, NaSimVille,Teno.

WANTIII)-I'osltion lus managero retalt lumlier yard. llave Immm seven3'emurs'exjicrlence aiidcamujçive goomim-efereumee. Address ' F. E. 1'.," emiro

WANTEIJ-i'osttlemi wIth good luur,hmarcouuccrsm. liase liad twelve years'cspericnce mi yellow j;Iñe bumalness as luuyer, tmmsprtor amt f,mreman ofmills and yard, Can give best rcfan'umcn. Auiulren J. Meflevitt, Jtmitttes-burg, Miss.

,WANTISD-l'ositloum with nomimo guau 30110w. pumme couumpauiy mus travel.

Ing salcduummms. liane 1mwh cloven years' exlierience 1mm 3'ellmmW plume min generalsumperhmmtenilest of umilIo fi-oui tutumiump iii cnr. JCni,si' humilier m,,ut raum tunke00cl on road, Camm fiiruulslt tient uf rofuiremimee. Wiii nc-ii) t place mut sillier-imtemmmlemtt mvhuim a gommii umili comumimuuiy. Auimlrcse lt. .1. ,lcmumm umgM, l)oerumn, Un.

WANTjlI)-Jlrst class Immumilier gruurler for Wcntermm nail Idautum wlmtlelime. Timirly edits í,er lmoumr, I f vomi imimilorsl nimmt the Imumsimiuns, emulI on ums.l'est lmilln l,br, ib Mfg, (io., l'ont Palis, Idnitmo.

\\'ANTIiI)-l'osittouu ich tu soumis tiitumbcr cmiuicerml. Cnmmm Imnimills liard.ivooul nimiO. Aiim ttmmmm'oumgtily nemliuntumulemi ivtthi time lmnirmhvooml linsiumess_ Iwould hike a liisitiomi mvlilm nome rnmllro:md me imispct-tuum', lout \voiuld limbe aimklumd mil hiiisltiiuil lImaI i'umumlil imIter ctmaumcmn for l)r(muimmmtloui_ Anm mumnrrleuBolier limit imuimmsi rhums. Aditresa 'Arknmuinnms,'' emiro .1. IL Iimmtrml, tici'ive-luster, Nnmnimvllle, Tuuiuu,

WANTI1I)-To retireseilt soumis gooit couimpnuimy mus \.umyer oui taiary nimmtexpenses tim mug umumd short leaf uhu', emir unIonI, mitlmmemlsiuimt uuumil llumistmlm:eteck. Aiim aciummaiumtcd willI smmimmi; if lime largest iuìaummmf:ietturors In tIteSouth ; cmiii suyo ummtmluiln ummnuum's Proni limuylumg at ssm:mll mutIlo romiglm, almml haveøtock reuumllleil himcatuumg at sommium smimmill tm)Wum istiere reummilllumg facilitIes exIstalud gmmumnl miniL muummommg timo simmal sr sills mimmit uimmyilug uuclm stuck as ofilceniny ce li }imr. Ailmhm-ess " Teutmhmle," emiro .1. It. BaIrd, Scrlveumoter, Nash.ville, Tenti.

'rrylng t ti Yotirsol r.

I L youi catit al'foud soumet lu I ng you cu-ace, t my uuuuil Imom-

stiaule 3'Ouim'sOlf it Is umot. gonil fol- you.

it isum't uuumuum'ingc that Is a faihuum'e, Imumt. tiuc luumshmaumul or

wlfe-souumcthimies bot Im.

LI fe is a ilaumgcm'ouus hum si umess-uuolnoily get s oui t m f i t al Ive.

If \\himo's a iiolsoiu, so is 'l'ca,I'Imo' t mm aumotlmom sii uuiie,

\\Tiummt ummattem' ç'huet luci- oume i s k II I 'ml

By cauuisicr ou (/1(1 JiG.

-'I'1uoluua, ¡fornt.

An om'atom is a uivaum vvluo eau tualli i'lt huoumt. tiulmmhctmmg. Av/Iso mimait ts omme vs'hio can thu luk ash t lmoiu t tul In I ii g,

'flue auuuullm unti omm of muuattcu Is uuuu tim I nkalmle. i)000ummiuo.

si t tomm lui m'ecouuiimosi t bu, ami ml i'ocoililmosl I bu is m-esui u-rectIon.

-lIei-bcm-t $j)CuiCCr.

Mami's u-each shmouuhil exceemi lu Is gm'asim,

0m- what's a Heaven for?-Th-owitiuig.

Self-love is time coumdithon of mill love-time buul musiilon'em befou-e It cauu soeml : the siuum Is tue stun to its lastouut.i)ost of tlmtummc,--Jjcuijanufmu 1k' £'OseCm'e,s.

Ththimk of Whimit l Ottiltit.

l)on't get mmmaml at wivat a newsmapem' says mmhoutt youm, liethumimub ful fou uthumut It mloesnt say. '

Rotut ()lLI'CfIlIIy.

Notice Is hereby given that arrangements have been madewhereby the following banks aro designated as subdepositorlesof the fund of Hoo-Hoo, each bank named being authorIzed tcreceive ducs and other moneys due the Order, to Issue tom-porary receipts therefor and to report collections daily to theScrlvenoter's office when the regular form of acknowledgment(admission card) will be promptly mailed each payee. Thisarrangement le entered Into for the convenIence of our mcm-bers residing In and near the leadIng centers where Hoo.Hoomembership is large:

Hibernis Bank& Trust Company, New Orleans, La.The American Trust & Savings Bank, northeast corner

Monroe and Clark Streets, Chicago, Ill-

The Scandinavian AmerIcan Bank, Seattle anni Ballard Statlon, Wash,

The Lumberman's National Bank, Houston, Texao,Third National nank, St Louis, Mo.Seaboard Notionai Bank, Son rmmncieco, Cal.

Top Related