Download - Hindu Rashtra

  • 7/31/2019 Hindu Rashtra





    Having spent most of my life abroad, and viewing and analyzing India from a

    distance, I was confronted with the good, the bad and ugliness of Indian politics.

    DECLARE INDIA AS A HINDU RASHTRA. This is the only one cure for the plague of

    cynicism, Islamic terrorism, and appeasement of Muslims, internal disturbances

    created by subversive agents, anti Indian attitude of the media, political

    corruption, lack of economic progress, and crises created by regional- criminal

    politicians, and inefficiency and corruption in the bureaucracy. Our enemies have

    injected so many thought viruses in Indian political life. The only cure for the

    illness and the only way out of the mess is to declare India as a Hindu Rashtra.

  • 7/31/2019 Hindu Rashtra


    From Kashmir to Kerala, the government is mismanaging the economy, public

    funds are diverted to Muslims and Christians, and coercive religious conversion is

    encouraged and supported. Instead of moving the country forward, the central

    government controlled by the uneducated Italian catholic lady Antonio Maino and

    many state governments (Except Gujarat) work against the interests of the

    majority Hindus.

    The Media, instead of unmasking the hypocrisy of corrupt, criminal politicians,

    subversive organizations, individuals who act as subversive agents who create and

    deepen the crises in India, endorse and support the patrician politics that divide

    the nation. For years, our media contributed to the climate of corruption,

    subversive activities polarizing the nation, and helped to spread the contentious

    and dangerous messages of Muslims and anti national groups.

    The Media supports politics of destruction. The print and TV media also invite

    and promote corrupt, criminal politicians, subversive groups and anti national,

    anti Hindu groups on the news and talk show programs for the simple reason that

    it brings applause from our enemies.


    Naming India as a Hindu Reshtra will explode the conventional wisdom. IT will

    provide a strong Identity for all Hindus. Hindus from Kashmir to Kerala have a role

    to play. If large enough members of Hindu community demand a Hindu Rashtra,

    Indias criminal and corrupt politicians have to heed to their demands. The Hindus

    have to challenge criminal, anti India, anti Hindu politicians to do better and make

    them do better for Hindus and the Hindu Rashtra.

  • 7/31/2019 Hindu Rashtra


    To be honest, the crises Hindus face is now so deep and transformation required

    is so fundamental that real change can sometime feel almost impossible. How do

    we keep Hindus move with the slogan HINDU RASHTRA into a reality? We need

    to force Hindus into real freedom. Only free people can move away from

    cynicism into optimism.

    When Theodor Herzl in late 1895 coined the term Der Jeden Staat (Jewish State),

    he was ridiculed, insulted, and called him a delusional misfit. Instead of all

    negative publicity, Theodor Herzl was successful in creating a Zionist movement

    which resulted in the birth of a Jewish state in 1948. Herzls slogans provided the

    settings at which Jewish politicians could work hard to establish Israel, and the

    only Jewish state in the world. Now Jews around the world supports the Jewish

    state. Zionism support Jews upholding their Jewish identity and opposes Jewish

    discrimination, exclusion, and persecution around the world.

    Jewish people have been forced to wander around the world for more than 2000

    years. Without any Jewish state, Muslims and Christians, through a combination

    of anti Jewish attitudes and measures have been discriminating, and even killingJewish people. Now, a total of 15 million Jewish people exist in the world. But

    they are a powerful force to be reckoned with. With 7.5 billion Islamic people

    with 71 Islamic nations could not wipe out tiny democratic, progressive peace

    loving and pluralist Israel. Israel is committed to Cultural identity, commitment for

    pluralistic values, and respect for freedom and positive outlook, economic

    progress and democracy.

    These democratic values, freedom and progress are possible only with Hindus

    declaring India as a Hindu Rashtra. Naming India as a Hindu Rashtra may generate

    both positive and negative comments and images and expectations from friends

    and foes.

  • 7/31/2019 Hindu Rashtra


    Our own hope has been dramatically renewed by recent conference organized by

    Hindu Janjagrtai at Goa. It seems Hindus are slowly waking up from the slumber

    by the miraculous work by Tapan Ghosh and Radheshyam Brahmachari in WestBengal, Hindu Aykavedi in Kerala, and Hindu Munnani in Tamilnadu and Hindu

    organizations in different parts of India is working for a Hindu Rashtra. More

    important, these Hindu movements offer a campaign plan.

    Intellectuals and prominent professional luminaries from different parts of the

    world have written and expatiated the abstract concept, the functional concept,

    strategies and action plan for a Hindu RASHTRA. Tapan Ghosh and Brahmachari

    (Calcutta), Dr. Bala Aiyer (Houston) Bhagavat Goel (New Delhi) V. Sundaram

    (Chennai), Deivamuthu (Mumbai) Narayan Kataria and Arish Sahani (New York)

    Dr. Subramaniya Swami (New Delhi) Swami Jyothi (Bangalore) Dr. Togadia (New

    Delhi) Sarvarkar Vinayak (London) have written and advocated all Hindus to build

    around a set of creative ideas, to get Hindus moving.

    Hindus can now say that Hindu Rashtra is not a slogan but a concrete reality.

    Whenever we feel stuck, paralyzed, intimidated, or overwhelmed, whenever wefeel helpless and hopeless, we need to understand, that our situation is never as

    static as it may appear to be. Hope always involves that breaking open of new

    possibilities from seemingly hopeless circumstances.

    We know too well the death and mayhem resulting from nefarious activities of

    the bogus secular, criminal, corrupt anti national, anti Hindu politicians. We know

    the destruction caused by atheist, phony secularists who relentlessly work against

    Hindus and for appeasing Muslims and our enemies. We have to include in our

    activities and in our deliberations ways to overcome the destruction caused by

    the anti national political parties. We need to plant seeds of change in every

    Hindu who are indoctrinated and brainwashed to act like zombies for our


  • 7/31/2019 Hindu Rashtra


    Unlike Islam, Marxism, and Christianity Hindu Dharma is not a closed dogma and

    we do not have any sect or way of worship or one Messiah, or one prophet.

    Hindus have different Panthas or ways of worship. We respect and approve the

    Vedic system, Buddhist system, Jainism, Sikhism, Vaishnava, Shaiva, Shakta,

    Ligayat, Arya Samaj, Brahma Samaj and these special ways reach the truth.

    Hindus respect and approve Bhakti Marga, Jnana Marga, and Karma Marga.

    According to ones intellectual and physical inclination, capacity and nature our

    Vedic system offers freedom to act and think to reach slavation. According to Dr.

    Radhakrishnan Hinduism is not a closed dogma or sect but it is a great

    commonwealth who believe in Dharma and truth who seek Vasudeva


    Hindus call our way of life as santhan Dharma. Hindu Dharma promotes freedom,

    democracy, pluralism, and respect nature and wholeness of all living and non-

    living entities. Our great Rishis have developed different thought system and

    means to achieve equanimity, patience, health, forgiveness, control of mind,

    purity of thought and action, peace, progress, development of the intellect,

    knowledge and transcendental living.

    The concept of Rashtra is nothing new. It can be found in Rig Veda. From ancient

    days to modern times, Hindu Rashtra was in existence. Eminent personalities

    have again and again insisted that Bharat Bhumi is punyaBhumi and now the time

    has come that Hindus around the world must join together and declare Bharat as


    Hindu Rashtra may polarize anti national, anti Hindu people. Social issues may be

    created by our enemies. It is likely that these issues will come before Hindus.

    These issues only add fuel to an already explosive climate created by our

    distracters. Hindus must face it, confront it and resolve social issues that may be

  • 7/31/2019 Hindu Rashtra


    created by ant Hindu forces. Hindus have to work together for a change. Hindus

    have too many enemies who want to destroy us from within and without. Hindus

    should not be reluctant to take the first step to declare Bharat as a Hindu Rashtra.

    Does anyone believe that it is not a good thing?

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