

No, vetako oruje potiskuje nokte ovekovo prirodno oruje LEONARDO daVINI HLADNO ORUJE III REICHA

Sigurno da je hladno oruje koje se koristilo u vreme II svetskog rata bilo u senci drugih deavanja kao I drugih domena u oblasti primene naoruanja I vojne opreme ali je sigurno I to da je ono ostavilo jak trag u celokupnom toku rata. Nesumnjivo da je ono obavilo svoj ,,posao,, kao I prilikom odigravanja svih ratova u istoriji bez obzira na razvoj tehnike I tehnologije. Ono to e biti posebno interesantno u celoj prii to je simbolika koja je dodeljena hladnom oruju, u ovom sluaju misli se konkretno na no I na njegov fetiistiki odnos od strane pripadnika III rajha. Sa druge strane primena nekonvencionalnog ratovanja bila je nemakim vojskovoama jedna od omiljenih taktika koje su koristili tokom celog rata pa je I korienje hladnog oruja bila nezaobilazna tema u operacijama.Druga stvar koja privlai panju hladnog oruja za vreme ekspanzije III reicha je simbolika koja mu je dodeljivana. To se pre svega odnosi na formacije koje su inile jeygro hitlerovog koncepta novog germanskog poretka. Od samog osnivanja i u daljem toku trazvoja nacizma ne samo kao politike ideje nego i fanatine ideologije ka uspostavljanjui vie rase, velika se panja posveivala germanskim paganskim tradicijama kao novim simbolima moi. Adolf hitler kao i njegovi najblii saradnici, pre svega Himler u velikoj meri oslanjali su se na okultne ideje ostvarenje svog cilja koji je pri svom usponu imao za zadatak da proguta cele nacije koje bi se tu nale. Militaristiki duh koji je poeo da preovladava plasiran od strane nacistikih sledbenika zaslepljujue mono je delovao na mase koje su te ideje prihvatile kao nove znake koji e ih ustremiti ka budunosti koju su im obeavali nacistiki lideri. U okviru masovnog irenja nacistike ideologije i pokreta stvorene su paramilitaristikr organizacije unutar same partije koji su pratili vrstu vojne i na neki nain eme bliske militaristikim religioznim redovima srednjeg veka na kojima je po nacistikim voama poivao jedan deo naslea III Reicha. Tako su pored runskog pisma koje se naroito koristilo u kasnijim inicijacima SS jedinica indoktrinirani i obredi i neodisciplinarni kodeksi tevtonskih vitezova koji su egzistirali u vreme krstakih pohoda u kojima su tadanji Nemaki carevi uzimali aktiv no uee. Sve ove povratne sprege prolosti na kojima se temeljila vizija o Novoj Nemakoj dravi oivljavanje drevnih germanskih tradicija,kultova,boanstava i simbola dalo je odraz na formiranje jedne nove vrste ratnika i njihove organizacije. Od samog dolaska na elo Adolfa Hitlera mnogi njegovi saradnici a naroito Hajnrih Himler videli su priliku da oive stare germanske tradicije jer je i on sam mnogo pre dolaska na elo nacistikog pokreta bio opsednut satrogermanskim mitovima o nasleu nadrase kojoj su sve ostale inferiorne. Od svih organizacija koje su gravitirale kroz trei rajh najupeatljivija je svakako bila SS pretorijanska garda voe a kasnije svojim gotovo meteorskim usponom okosnica elitnih vojnih sastava nemakih oruanih snaga. Posebna panja koja je poklanjabna ovim formacijama ukljuivala je i mnoge okultne i mitoloke osnove vezane za simboliku i tradiciju koja je u izvesnoj meri bila precenjena ali je lanivima ove organizacije davala ono to je bio osnovni cilj mo. Nacional socijalistika nemaka partija (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP) kasnije poznata kao Nacistika partija osnovana je 1919 godine u Minhenu i to pod nazivom nemaka radnika partija i ona je godine 1933 dovela oveka koji e sebe proglasiti takorei za mesiju. Kljuna stvar za ovu partiju desie se upravo na izborima kada hitler postaje kancelar. Unutar organizacije formirane su paravojne organizacije od kojih je najvanija i najupeatljivija svakako ss. Ove jedinice formirane su 1920 godine u svrhu line garde adolfa hitlera. Pod vodstvom Hajdriha Himlera SS su ubrzo postale najvea i najmonija organizacija nacistike Nemake. Eliminacijom SA ( Sturmabteilung) i njenog lidera Ernesta Rema, koga je Hitler smatrao glavnim oponentom u tzv. Noi dugih noeva, SS je postala organiyacija broj 1. estog januara 1929 god. Hitler je postavio Hajnriha Himlera za lidera SS i ve 1932 god. ona je brojala oko 32000 lanova. Himler je ekspanziju SS bazirao na modelu grupa kakvi su bili srednjevekovni viteki redovi npr. Vitezovi templari ili Tevtonski vitezovi. Pre 1932 god. pripadnici SS nosili su iste uniforme kao i njihovi prethodnici SA izuzev crne kape i kravate kao i simbola Totenkopf ( mrtvaka glava) koji se nosio na kapi. Kasnije se prelo na crne uniforme a pred sam poetak rata na svetlo braon varijantu uniforme. Waffen (jurinici) SS-a nosili su sive uniforme sline regularnim trupama ( Reichsheer) . Tokom II svetskog rata Waffen jedinice prelaze na irok repertoar maskirnih uniformi ( Platerenmuster, Telo mimetico, Erbsenmuster i sl ). Moto SS pripadnika bio je ,, Meine Ehre heit treue,,- Moja ast je lojalnost. Hajnrih Himler i njegova desna ruka Rejnhard Hajdrih konsolidovali su mo organizacije 1931 krajem 1933 ona je brojala 209000 lanova. Himler je dao ovlaenje Hajdrihu da u okviru SS-a formira obavetajni i bezbednosni sektor koji je postao poznat Sicherheitsdient SD. Za vreme drugog svetskog rata broj lanova SS porastao je na 250000 a Waffen SS-a koji je formiran decembra 1940 postale su deo Wermacht regularne nacistike partije uzevi aktivnu ulogu u borbama u Poljskoj i Francuskoj 1939-1940 . SS je takoe preuzeo i kontrolu nad gestapoom 1934 god. a iste godine Hitler im je prepustio jurisdikciju nad koncentracionim logorima. U skladu sa naslednom tradicijom germanskih kultova koja je prihvaena u svim sferama III Reicha pre svega se oslanjajui na gore pomenute viteke redove Himler je u svoje jedinice utkao za njega ve prihvaeni okultizam.hlano oruje pre svega bode bio je jedan od vodeih simbola nove germanske nacije za koju su njeni lideri smatrali da je superiornija od ostalih. Pored runa koje su se nalazile u centru simbolikog naslea, bodei kojio su se nosili od strane pripadnika III Reicha su takoe nezaobilazna kostimografija tog perioda. Proizvodni period bodea koji su se koristili za vreme III reicha je od 1933 do 1942 god. To naravno ne znai da su svi napravljeni od istog materijala SS/SA/NSKK MODEL 1933 PO PERIODIMA
















Metali kao to su nikl i srebro korieni su za izradu dodatnih delova bodea dok je kvalitetan elik korien za izradu seiva koje je onda runo polirano do visokog sjaja.

Himlerov bode astiOvaj bode predstavljen je godine 1934 posle uspeha u akciji nazvanoj ,,No dugih noeva,, gde je uestvovalo oko 200 pripadnika SS-a. Bode je po konstrukciji vrlo slian Removom bodeu asti u svakom pogledu osim to umesto imena Ernesta Rema stoji ime Hajnriha Himlera. Na naliju seiva stoji natpis na nemakom ,, Meine Ehre heisst treue,,- moja ast je lojalnost. Posveta takoe ugravirana na seivu glasila je ,, herzlicher Freundschaft H.Himler,,- Uz srdano drugarstvo va H.Himler. Na dnu rukohvata ugraviran je jedan od brojeva 0-200 koliko je bodea ovakvih i izraeno. Seivo je dvoseklog tipa inae replika starih germanskih bodea vrlo slino ritualnim bodeima.

SS bode asti

Ovaj tip bodea predstavljen je 1936 god. i imao je za cilj da pripadnicima SS jedinica da odgovarajuu prepoznatljivost koja im je prema shvatanju tadanjeg nacistikog vrha pripadala. Model se u principu ne razlikuje u pogledu konstrukcije od prethodnih tipova vie je poklonjena panja ornamentici i simbolizaciji. Vrh i dno nakrsnice dekorisano je hrastovim listom i srebrnom presvlakom a posrebreni vijak osiguravao je seivo od ispadanja. elik od koga je izraivano seivo noa bio je vrhunskog damascus tipa. SS moto na seivu bio je obloen zlatomkao i marka proizvoaa. Korice su pravljene od metala obloenog crnom koom. Ovaj modele bodea iz ere III Reicha ima veliku vrednost i veoma je raritetan.

SS 1933 bode

Predstavljen je prvi put septembra 1933 god. i imao je slian dizajn kao i ,, Holbein bode,, odnosno kao standardni SA bode.

Rukohvat ovog bodea bio je crnE boje i imao je ugravirane ss rune na vrhu drke u malom okruglom ,, dugmetu,,. Na sredini rukohvata predstavljen je nacistiki orao koji u kandama dri venac sa naci-svastikom. Gornja i donja nakrsnica su istog dizajna kao i kod SA bodea. Kod ranijih verzija ovog modela nakrsnica je od solidnog nikla markirana rimskim I,II,ili III a ova praksa prekinuta je 1935. Na seivu je ss moto ,, Moja ast je lojalnost,, ugraviran na centru seiva gotskim slovima. Rukohvat je izraen od tamnog abonos drveta kome je dodat crni pigment kako bi bilo tamnije u kasnijem periodu rukohvat je bio od hrastovine sa pigmentom. Korice su od crnog oksida presvuene lakiranim omotaem . Od februara 1934 god bvi bodei su deljeni samo pripadnicima SS taba i visokim oficirima kao dodatak uz tri vrste uniformi preko distributivnih centara u Minhenu i Berlinu.

NSKK 1936 bode sa lancem

Godine 1936 lider NSKK Huhnlein pratio je Himlerov primer SS-a i predstavio novi bode koji je bio namenjen oficirima i pomonom osoblju koji su pripadali NSKK od januara 1933.Bode je bio izraivan od strane Eickhorn-a i jo nekolliko dobrih firmi. Korice su bile crne boje sline NSKK 1933 bodeu sa centralnim podesivim prikljukom. Lanac je bio od etvrtastih metalnih ploica meusobno spojenih na kojima se nalazio toak sunca, svastika NSKK amblem i triangularna ,, Thurs,, ruka koja je simbolizovala nordijskog boga Tora koji je kontrolisao vremenske pojave i energiju svesnog i nesvesnog uma. Nacional socijalistike motorizovane jedinice [Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps (NSKK)]Prvog aprila, 1930, the NSKK je promovisao nacionalnu transportnu strukturu NSDAP sa kapetanom von Pfeffer-om na elu, istaknutim liderom i jednim od njenih prvih lanova.. Primarni cilj NSKK bio je transporna aktivnost u slubi Nacistike partije. Nskk je prihvatio i stavio sebi u slubu sve auto klubove u Nemakoj. Iako posebna struktura NSKK je zadrao bliske veze sa. Sa poetkom rata ova struktura pokazala se kao veoma vaan segment u operacijama osvajanja.. By 1943, almost all of the NSKK was on active service with either the Army or the Waffen SS. The Naval (Marine) NSKK was a special formation which was formed into the Motor Standarten on the Rhine and Havel rivers. During the war, an additional Motor Standarte was formed to control the bridges in the Danube area. For more information click here to see Ltc.(ret) Tom Johnson's 8 vol set "Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich", or some of the other reference books that we offer.

Organisation Information - German Air Protection Federation [Reichsluftschutzbund (RLB)]

The Reich Air Ministry established the RLB in April 1923, from the existing Deutches Luftschutzverband (German Air Protection League) by Hermann Goring's declaration that the RLB was to be the official air raid protection service of the state.

The primary mission assigned to the RLB was to protect the cities and population from hostile attacks. This group was also charged with training the civilian population in civil defence subjects and air raid precautions. With the exception of a small cadre of career officers, the remainder of the force was composed of volunteers similar to the U.S. Civil Defence Corps.

The RLB was subdivided into two separate formations:

1) the Luftschutz (Air Raid Protection)

2) the Warndienst (Air Raid Warning Service). After 1943, the Warndiest became a part of the German Order Police although it still functioned as the Air Raid Warning Service of the Reich.

By 1939 over 15 million men had joined the RLB as volunteers. Volunteers had to purchase their own steel helmets and had no uniform. These volunteers mainly managed the air raid shelters on a street by street basis. The small cadre of career officers carried out training and management of the volunteer force.

As the war progressed the role of the RLB was expanded to include search and rescue, fire fighting, decontamination, damaged building demolition etc.

Dagger Information 1936 RLB EM Knife This knife was authorised during 1936 for dress wear by selected permanent NCOs and subordinate personnel between the ranks of Obertruppmeister and Truppman. The knife was primarily made by Paul Weyersburg.

The blade was plain and 22 cm long.

The grip was made with a black wooden handle with the 1st pattern Luftshutz insignia, an 8 pointed "star burst" with the initials "RLB" at its centre.

The cross guard was in the form of a stylised eagle with short open wings, its feet holding a plain circular wreath with a swastika at its centre.

The pommel was dome shaped, and same as the cross guard, nickel plated.

The scabbard was black stove enamelled and only had a single fitting at the chape which was nickel-plated. On the top of the scabbard was an unusual black painted triangular suspension fitting onto which the small leather hanger was fixed.

No Portapee was worn with the RLB knife. It was only awarded to worthy recipients, those who had long or meritorious service records. It could not be purchased privately.

Dagger Information 1938 RLB EM KnifeIn 1938 the sunburst insignia on the RLB knife grip was redesigned. The RLB initials at the centre of the sunburst were replaced with a large black swastika. Other than this change, the 1938 knife was identical to the 1936 version.

The production of the RLB knife ceased in 1942

Organisation Information - Elite Guard [Schutzstaffel (SS)]

Without a doubt, the SS was the most feared, despised an infamous organisation of the Third Reich. The SS was formed in 1925 as a small subunit of the SA with the mission of serving as the Fuhrer's personal bodyguard.

The SS remained insignificant until 1929, when it was placed under the command of Heinrich Himmler. After the "Night of the Long Knives" and the purge of the SA, the SS became independent, gained control over the national police forces and expanded into a massive organisation.

Members of the SS were picked for their mental and physical adeptness and were recognised as the "elite" within the Nazi Party. A member had to have finished his twenty-first year and undergone a long probationary period of eighteen months. During this period, the candidate was tested rigidly to observe how well he lived up to the tests of faith, honour, and unconditional obedience.

The SS was in reality a complex political and military organisation made up of three separate and distinct branches, all related but equally unique in their functions and goals.

The Allgemeine-SS (General SS) was the main branch of this complex organisation, and it served a political and administrative role with the Third reich and captured lands.

The SS-Totenkopfverbande (SS Deaths Head Organisation) performed security duties at concentration camps and also formed fighting units assigned to the Wehrmacht for active service.

Waffen-SS (Armed SS) formed from the SS-Verfungstruppe after the Campaign in France in 1940, the Waffen-SS would become an elite military formation of nearly 900,000 men and 38 divisions including the well know units of Das Reich and Adolph Hitler Leibstandarte. The Waffen SS built a formidable reputation for bravery and skill during the war.

Waffen SS units would spearhead some of the most crucial battles of WWII while its men would shoulder some of the most difficult and daunting combat operations of all the units in the German military. When operating within the sphere of the German Wehrmacht (Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine) it came under the direct tactical control of the OKW, although strategic control remained within the hands of the SS.

Dagger Information - SS Honour DaggerThis dagger was adapted in 1936 for presentation to SS members who had been recognized for special achievements.

The dagger was based upon the 1933 standard service dagger. The top and bottom cross guards were decorated with oak leaf patterns and silver plated. A silver plated tang nut was used to secure the blade.

The blade could be either Damascus steel are polished steel. The Damascus blade had a raised SS motto which was gold plated. At each end of the Damascus blade was a raised, gold plated oak leaf. The reverse of the Damascus blade had a raised, gold plated makers mark.

The scabbard fittings were either decorated with a raised oak leaf pattern or a simple groove which traced the scabbard fitting profile.

The scabbard was made form steel and covered with black leather.

The dagger used the standard SS hanger but did not have a Portapee for wear.

The dagger is extremely rare and is greatly reproduced.

Model 1937 Luftwaffe (Air Force) Daggerby WKCIntroduced in 1937 for wear by all officers of the Luftwaffe. The firm of WKC was unique in finishing their Luftwaffe daggers in matching almost black colour coating as opposed to the more commonly found airplane gray. This one retains 99% of the gilting on the pommel swastika. This is normally gone to time as the gilting quickly rubbed off from normal use.

Postschutz Dagger(Postal Protection Service)by Paul Weyersberg

facilities in the Reich and came under SS control in 1942. At that time, it was renamed SS-Postschutz. The portepee is of post war manufacture.

Army Daggerby Carl EickhornIn my opinion, the Army dagger was the nicest one produced during the Third Reich. Its a simple design with pleasing lines. This example has been in my possession since 1973. It has silver fittings and has the small 1933-1934 Carl Eickorn trademark making it one of the earliest production specimens. The scabbard is also heavily silver plated.

Army Dagger DisplayThis is a display of my army dagger, Heroic bust and Iron Crosses.

Hitler Youth Leader's DaggerRZM M7/36 (E. F. Hrster) Motto on obverse of blade: Blut und Ehre (Blood and Honour)

Probably the most stylish and "dainty" looking dagger of the Third Reich era was the Hitler Youth Leader's dagger. Long with a slim styletto style blade, it is much sought after by collectors. The handle is a silver wire twisted around a wooden base. The scabbard is covered with black leather. The reverse of the blade carries the RZM M7/36 which is the E. F. Hrster firm, the most common maker of these beautiful and rare daggers.

SA Daggerby Pfeilringwerk Motto on obverse of blade: Alles fr Deutschland (Everything for Germany)

At the height of their power in June 1934, the SA had over 3 million men. As a result, the SA dagger is probably the most common Third Reich dagger available but to find one in this condition is truly rare. The grip eagle, crossguards and scabbard fittings are all solid nickel and the blade is mirror bright with 100% cross graining making this one of the earliest production runs. It was made by the firm of Pfeilringwerk which is a rare maker. Click here for a close up picture of the maker mark of this exceptionally conditioned dagger. Notice the cross graining that is a result of factory polishing is still all visible. Note the "S" on the reverse lower crossguard for SA Group Schlesien (Silesia - now a part of Poland). The scabbard is anodized with most of the protective lacquer remaining.

SA Rhm Honour Dagger(partially ground) by Ernst Pack & Sohn

Motto on obverse of blade: Alles fr Deutschland (Everything for Germany)

Dedication on reverse of blade: In Herzlichter Kameradeschaft Ernst Rhm(In cordial comradeship Ernst Rhm)

Awarded by SA Chief of Staff Ernst Rhm in February 1934 to all members of the SA who had been members since January 1931. Immediately after Rhm's murder during The Night of Long Knives, an order went out to remove all traces of the "traitor's" signature from these Honour daggers. These daggers were all produced with solid nickel grip eagle, crossguards, scabbard fittings and an anodised scabbard although a period re-paint is possible.

Government Official's Daggerby Carl EickhornObverse of DaggerReverse of DaggerUndoubtedly one of the most beautiful daggers produced during the Third Reich, it has mother of pearl handles and heavy silvering throughout. This one is made by the firm of Carl Eickhorn. The most common other maker of this model dagger is the Alcoso firm.

NSKK Model 1936 Daggerby Ernst Pack & SohnObverse of DaggerReverse of DaggerMotto on obverse of blade: Alles fr Deutschland (Everything for Germany)

Also referred to as the "NSKK chained" by collectors because of its ornate chain hanger. The scabbard is normally painted like this one but they also exist with anodized scabbards. It has a solid nickel grip eagle and silver plated crossguards and scabbard fittings. The blade is normally RZM marked but this one has the logo by Ernst Pack & Sohn just barely visible in the picture. Note the excellent crossgraining still visible on the mint blade.

Kriegsmarine (Navy) Dagger with "Hammered" Scabbardby F. W. HllerObverse of DaggerThe gold portepee of this naval dagger shows extensive wear but the dagger and rare hammered scabbard are pristine. The cream coloured grip shows grime in the recesses of the brass wire wrap (which a soapy toothbrush could easily remove) but I've chosen to leave it there. The E. F. Hrster marked blade has the rare "sailing ship and fouled anchor" motif. This F. W. Hller logo is etched while some logos were stamped with the stamped variety being of earlier vintage. The scabbard is completely dent free and straight as an arrow. Although I could change the portepee, its obviously been there for over 60 years and I don't have the heart to remove it, having to destroy it in the process. A choice dagger which has seen a lot of parades.

Long Unslotted Police bayonetby WKC - Weyersberg Kirchbaum & CieObverse of bayonetIn the display caseThis WKC marked piece measures 17 3/4". It has a light brown staghorn grip with no cracks or chips. Grip eagle is unique, as it is neatly inset instead of merely pinned to grip plate. The upper scabbard fitting is marked S.O. 176. The mint blade is double maker marked with the obverse having the standard stamped WKC knights head while the reverse reads "Weyersberg Kirchbaum & Cie, Solingen". The spine of the blade has a Waffen AMP proofmark.

Dagger Information - Army (Heer) The army dagger was designed by Paul Casburg and was allowed as a side arm option in place of the Army sword in 1935.

The grip came in white, yellow or orange and had a carved groove format, running clockwise, on the grip. Grips could also be acquired in solid ivory as well as other materials at extra cost. One type is the Amber glass grip that is twice as heavy as real amber. Early grips are found being a solid plastic material, by 1939 the grips changed to being plaster filled and wood base with a plastic coating.

The very early cross guard and pommel were made from brass with a thick 4 microns of silver plating. Later issued fittings range from nickel based to an alloy plated with 1-2 microns of silver, as well as nickel plating. The last daggers made had a dull gray oxide finish. It should be noted that early daggers were finished with a dark burnishing in the reassess of the fittings, that was to make the dagger look like an antique.

Cast onto the cross guard was an eagle with wings wide open holding an oak leaf wreath in its talons. At the centre of the wreath was a swastika. The pommel had a ring of oak leaves rising vertically from the grip to the pommel top, with the pommel screwed onto the blade tang to secure the grip, cross guard and blade. On early daggers there was a clear lacquer applied over the fittings.

The blade was 25.5 to 26.5 cm long and had no motto or engraving as standard. Many blades were cross-grained polished, a few makers used a nickel plating that is highly prized today by modern collectors. Etching as well etched presentations, or applied presentation Damascus or just plain damast blades were available at extra cost. Its rare to find real damast blades with a trademark on them as this cost the buyer extra to have this applied.

Early Army daggers had a brass based scabbard, that after 1936 went to a steel based scabbard that was covered in a simple "pebble dash" finish. Again the very early brass based had 4 microns of silver plating where as the later were reduced to 1-2 microns of silver finish as well as the nickel finish and late issues with the gray oxide finish. Pressure fitted to the scabbard were two hanger suspension rings with oak leaf patterns onto which the hanger was clipped. The early daggers had a clear lacquer applied over the finish.

Two hanger straps, Silver coloured face with field grey velvet backs were used. The fittings range from base material of silver-plated brass to a natural aluminium finish. The fittings are as follows; oval buckles with oak leaf patterns with matching slides and clips and an upper open clip loop were used to suspend the dress dagger from the officers belt or in pocket hanger. The fittings on some hangers can be found with a gold finish that is perhaps for the rank of General.

A Silver 42-43 cm Portapee was tied around the dagger grip to complete the dagger accoutrements. Again these portepees can be found in many materials as well as a gold Portapee, but is very rare. The insert is plain and not twisted in a circle like the Navy style of Portapee.

The Army dagger ceased production in May 1943 possibly earlier. Just as a side note on Army daggers, variations can be found with Gold finished hilt fittings and scabbard, this extra cost item would have been for perhaps a General. This is a very rare variation and is seldom encountered. The gold finish has a dull gold look.Edited by Bruce Petrin


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