Download - iMovie HD guide

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By Penketh High School Media Department

A guide to iMovie HD

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Basics 1. Imporng 2. Organising clips 3. Trimming clips 4. Adding photos 5. Audio

EEding 6. Transions 7. Titles 8. Video effects 9. Adding sound and music 10. Audio effects

Exporng 11. 11. Sharing overview


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Moving Video to Your Mac (imporng)

Aer you have captured your footage you’ll need to connect your camcorder to your Mac, and then copy the footage from the camcorder into iMovie, a process known as imporng.When you import video into an iMovie project, it automacally divides your video into individual clips, making it easy to edit.iMiMovie automacally detects your camcorderiMovie will automacally detect when you have a FireWire camcorder con-nected. If you see the message No Camera Aached, make sure your camera is turned on and properly plugged in to your computer via a FireWire cable and that your camcorder is set to Play mode. Some cameras require to be charging to import.

iMiMovie supports different video formats

When you create your project, choose the appropriate video format depend-ing on your needs. For imporng video from your camcorder, choosing DV is the best oponIf you’re imporng video that is already editedInstead of imporng your video as separate clips, you can set iMovie to import your video as a single clip. This may be useful if you’re imporng a film that you’ve already edited and sll want to make some changes. From the iMovie menu, choose Preferences, click Import, and then deselect the "Start a new clip at each scene break" opon. If you prefer, select "Limit scene length to" and set a limit for the number of minutes. This will ensure your imported files don’t get too large, in case you’ll be copying clips between iMovie projects.

If If you’re imporng video that is already edited

InInstead of imporng your video as separate clips, you can set iMovie to import your video as a single clip. This may be useful if you’re imporng a film that you’ve already edited and sll want to make some changes. From the iMovie menu, choose Preferences, click Import, and then deselect the "Start a new clip at each scene break" opon. If you prefer, select "Limit scene length to" and set a limit for the number of minutes. This will ensure your imported files don’t get too large, in case you’ll be copying clips between iMovie projects.


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1. Use a FireWire cable to connect your camcorder to the FireWire pppport on your Mac, then switch the camcorder to Play mode.

2. Open iMovie and create a new project by clicking the Create a nniiNew Project buon or by going to the File menu and then iiiiiichoosing New.

3.3. Type a name for your project and choose a locaon. By default, iiiiiiiMovie chooses the Movies folder on your hard disk.

4. iMovie will open your new project in camera mode and display iiiiiithe message Camera Connected.

5. Use the playback controls in iMovie to rewind to where you iiiiiiwant to start imporng your video.

6.6. Click the Import buon. Watch as the clips appear in the iMovie iiiiiiClips pane. iMovie will create a new clip whenever you stopped iiiiiithe camcorder while recording. This helps you easily idenfy iiiiiiscene breaks.

7. When you’re finished imporng, click the Import buon again iiiiiiito stop the import process.

8.8. To watch your imported video, select a video clip in the Clips pane and click the Play buon.

9. Save your project by choosing Save Project from the File menu.

Remember: somemes, iMovie will need to ‘leerbox’ your footage. This takes the same length of me as the footage you’ve imported, so if you’ve imported a large amount then be prepared for waing a while.


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Aer you’ve imported your clips, you can arrange them for your film. To in-clude a clip in the film, drag it from the Clips pane to the meline at the boom of the window. How you order your clips will help your film look as ef-fecve as possible. If you have created a storyboard in your preproducon, sck as close to it as possible

When you play your film, the clips will appear as you arranged them in the meline. If you don’t like how your film looks, simply rearrange the clips in the meline. Remember, the order in which you filmed your video doesn’t have to be the order in which you present your film, sck to your storyboard!

Move clips around

TheThere are a few different ways you can move clips around in iMovie. You can drag imported clips from the Clips pane to the meline or drag and rearrange clips within the meline itself. You can even open mulple iMovie projects and copy clips between them, too. To select and move mulple clips, hold down the Command key while selecng individual clips, or hold down the Shi key to select a range of clips.

Delete clips you don’t want to use

AAer you decide which clips you want to use in your iMovie project, you should delete any unused clips. This helps keep your project organised. To delete unused clips drag them to the iMovie trash, or select the clips and press the Delete key. The clips stay in the iMovie trash, and can be retrieved, unl you empty the trash. To retrieve a clip from the iMovie trash, simply open the trash and drag the clip back to your project.

Looking at the lengths of your film’s clips

TTo view a clip’s length relave to the length of other clips in the film, click the Timeline Viewer buon in the iMovie window. The clips appear as long narrow boxes along with the tracks for any music you’ve added. You can use the Zoom slider in this view to see more or less of your clips in the window.

Organising clips2


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1. Select a clip with which you want to begin your film, and drag it t to the clip viewer.

2. Repeat this process with the other clips you want to include.

3. When you drag a clip to the clip viewer, it becomes selected, Y you can tell a clip is selected because its background turns blue..

4. Click Play to play the selected clip in the clip viewer.

5. Click the blank area to the right of your clips to deselect them.

6. Click the Rewind buon and play your enre film sequence so f far.

7. You can rearrange your clips simply by dragging them around in t the clip viewer. Select a clip and move it to another locaon.

8.8. Select a clip from the clip viewer and drag it back to the Clips p p pane.

9. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save your iMovie p project.


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Good eding is part of what makes a great film. Eding long clips to their es-senal elements helps keep your story going, and makes the film interesng for your audience.

Any mistakes when filming can easily and precisely be removed.

Undo changes you made

SomSomemes you might make a few edits and decide you don’t like them. With iMovie you can undo as many changes as you want. Simply choose Undo from the Edit menu as many mes as you want between saves or apple and z on your keyboard

Cropping and deleng porons of a clip Besides diBesides direct trimming, you can select precisely which parts of your clips you want to show in your film by using Crop or Clear. Select a poron of a clip in the clip viewer by dragging the crop markers below the scrubber bar to indi-cate where you want your clip to begin and end. Next, go to the Edit menu and choose Crop or Clear to remove a secon. You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move frame by frame through your footage, or hold down the Shi key while pressing the arrow key to move ten frames at a me.

Trimming clips3


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1. In the clip viewer, select a clip and play it to approximately half-wwway through the clip. Use the red line to monitor where the pppplayhead is in the clip.

2. From the Edit menu, choose Split Video Clip at Playhead. This wwwill cut your video clip into two pieces. Noce the second clip hhhhas a new video thumbnail to display its first frame. This helps yyyyou idenfy what video is associated with your clips aer they’ve been cut.

3. You can also press the apple buon and T on your keyboard to ccccut up the clips

4.4. Use the Le and Right Arrow keys to move back and forth bbbbetween the two clips. Follow along by watching the playhead aaaas it moves between the two clips.

5.5. Choose Undo from the Edit menu to undo this cut and join the two clips back together. Leave the clip selected. Switch to the meline view by clicking the meline viewer buon. Noce your

cccclips expand to show their relave length. Also noce the ends ooof the clips have slightly rounded edges. This indicates they are fffffull clips and haven’t been edited yet.

6. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save your iMovie ppppppproject.


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Somemes for the purpose of your film you may need to include photos or images in your project.

This could be for a number of reasons such as you need an image off the inter-net that you could not film or you may have created something in Adobe Photoshop that you would like to be included in the project.

Organise your images

If you plan to include lots of digital images s in your film, you may want to oorganise them first. In iPhoto, create a new album, and then add the pictures in the order in which you want them to appear in your film.

Change the length of a sll image

Double-click the clip to open the Clip Info window and enter a new length for your sll image.

Drag photos directly from iPhoto into the iMovie clips pane

YYou can also search your iPhoto Library from within iPhoto to find just the right picture for your film. When you locate the picture you want, drag it from iPhoto to the iMovie Clips pane or the meline.

Adding images4


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1. In iMovie, click the Media buon to open the iLife Media BBBBrowser. Choose Photos to see your iPhoto Library and click ssssShow Photo Se ngs to see the Photo Se ngs window. Disable ww the Ken Burns effect using the checkbox in the Photo Se ngs wwtwindow.

2.2. Use the arrows to scroll through all the pictures in your library.

3. Drag a photo from your iPhoto Library to the clip viewer. Noce the photo will be imported into your iMovie project and placed

oooon the meline. Look at the top of the new clip in the meline oooto see the duraon associated with your photo.

4.4. Double-click on the photo in the meline to see informaon aaaabout it. Give your photo a new name and change the duraon oooto 4 seconds. Click Set to see the changes take effect in the iiiiiiiimeline.

5. Click the Rewind buon, and then press the Space bar to see ooothe new photos play in your film.

6. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save your iMovie ootootproject.


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Some clips may require eding of the sounds that were being made when you filmed them. You may want to change the volume of the sounds recorded or remove the sounds completely.To extract the audio from a clip


1. Select the required clip.

2. Go to advanced, extract audio.

3.3. Or you can press apple and j on the keyboard.

4. The audio will be shown on the meline underneath the clip it was iiiiiiiextracted from.

5. The audio meline works exactly the same as the video meline.

6. Audio can be moved around or even deleted completely.

7. You can undo anything you do to the audio in the same way as with video iiiiiiclips.

8.8. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save your iMovie project.



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You may not want to delete the audio from your clip; instead you can change the audio levels.


1. Right click on the audio layer and select ‘show clip volume levels’ if it is not already selected.

2. A volume line will appear if it wasn’t there already.

3.3. If the box at the end of the meline in un cked, you will not be iiiiiiable to hear any extracted audio, make sure the box is cked.

4. You can drag the line up and down to amend the audio.

5. The higher up the line is on the clip, the louder the volume is.

6. The lower down the line is on the clip, the quieter the volume is.

7.7. By dragging the line up or down on specific areas of the clip, you iiiiiicreate a curved line. This will create a fade in or fade out effect iiiiiion the audio.

8. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save your iMovie iiiiiiproject.


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How your film transions between clips helps determine its flow. For example, upbeat, fast-paced music videos tend to have abrupt cuts between clips. By contrast, videos for slow, dramac songs tend to use transions that slowly fade one clip into the next.

iMovie comes with many transions that you can easily add to your film. You can fade between clips, push one clip off-screen as the next clip appears, and even add transi-ons between video clips and sll images.

When to use a transion

Just because you can insert a transion between clips, don’t feel you must. Most Holly-wood movies use very few transions. While the most common transions are cross-dissolves and fades, somemes the best transion from one clip to another is a straight cut.Idenfying the type of transionThe blue bThe blue box listed to the le of each transion will tell you the type of transion it is. A single triangle facing right indicates this transion is applied to the beginning of a clip, such as a fade-in. A single triangle facing le indicates this transion is applied to the end of a clip, such as a wash out. Two triangles indicates the transion is applied between two clips, such as a cross dissolve.

Adjust a transion’s speed and other se ngs

YYou can adjust the speed of most transions. For example, you can apply a quick cross dissolve between two clips or fade a clip in over several seconds. Use the Speed slider at the boom of the Transions pane to adjust the ming, and then click the Update buon. With the Push transion, you can adjust where the clip comes from.

Applying a transion to mulple clips at once

If If you want to apply the same transion between mulple clips, select the clips in the meline, then apply the transion. This adds the transion to all of the selected clips. To select mulple clips, hold down the Command key while selecng the individual clips or hold the Shi key to select a range of clips.

Fade in and out to black

TheThere may be mes in your film when you want to show that you’ve switched to a dif-ferent locaon or me of day. A technique commonly used to achieve this goal is to fade your video to, or from, black. Use the Speed slider to adjust the length of the fade, and then drag the Fade In transion to the le of (or the Fade Out transion to the right of) a clip in the clip viewer. Fades are also most common at the beginning or end of a film.


You can keep working in iMovie while you transions are being created or updated. You just won’t be able to play the full transion unl it has completed rendering.



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1. Choose the clip you want to add a transion to.

2. Click the Eding buon and then click Transions. You’ll see a list iiiiiiof all the transions you can choose from.

3. Preview the transions to see which one looks the most iiiiiieffecve for your scene.

4.4. Drag the selected transion to the clip in your film. You’ll see the iiiiiiother clips shi to the right as you drop the fade-in in place and iiiiiiyou’ll see a new transion marker get added to your film. Noce iiiiiithe small red line below the transion marker. This line appears iiiiiiwhile the transion is being created, or rendered.

5. Aer the transion marker renders, click the Rewind buon and iiiiiiwatch the new opening of your film.

6.6. You can then edit the speed and other se ng of the transion iiiiiiand then click the apply buon.

7. If you decide you don’t like the transion, simply click on it in iiiiiithe meline and press the delete buon as you would with a normal clip.

8. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save your iMovie iiiiiiproject.


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Almost any project made in iMovie, especially film trailers, will require tles. iMovie comes with many tle styles, all of which you can customise by changing the size, font, or colour of the tle’s text. You can even set your tle to fly in from off-screen.With iMovie, you can add tles to any part of your film. You can also add capons, and even create scrolling credits for the end of your film. You have the opon to set tles over video, sll pictures, or a solid background.

Use tles creavely

Titles aTitles are useful for more than just the beginning and ending of your film. You can use a tle to show the passage of me. Consider tles such as "Meanwhile, back at home" or "Two weeks later." You can even use tles to list the names of the people in your film.

Adjust the speed of a tle

With iMWith iMovie, you can adjust how fast tles appear and how long they stay onscreen by using the Speed and Pause sliders in the Titles pane. Remember to leave your tles on-screen long enough for your audience to read them.

Changing the placement of text on screen

You can also get creave with where you place text on screen by inserng spaces and line breaks in the Music Video style. For example, in an interview, you might want to highlight key points as a list on the top right side of the screen.

Use mulple tles in a single clipUse mulple tles in a single clip

You’re not limited to a single tle in a video clip, but can use mulple tles on the same clip. For example, you could combine a centred tle with a subtle.



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1. Choose the area of your film where you want your tles to go.

2. Click the Eding buon, and then click the Titles buon.

3. Select the most appropriate opon from the list of available tle iiiiiistyles. Noce the preview window shows the tle using sample iiiiiitext.

4.4. Enter your own tle in the lines provided. Noce you can add iiiiiiaddional lines by using the Add (+) buon.

5.5. Adjust the size of the text to fit beer on screen. Adjust the iiiiiispeed or duraon sliders to your preference. Select Over black iiiiiiand click the Add buon to create the new tle. Noce your new iiiiiiclip is added to the beginning of your film. A small red line below iiiiiithe transion marker updates as the tle is being created, or iiiiiirendered.6.6. Go to the File menu and choose Save to save your iMovie iiiiiiproject.


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iMovie comes with effects you can use to enhance your film. For example, you can change a clip to black and white, or give it a sharp or so focus. When you’re feeling really creave, you can add effects such as rain, fog, and even fairy dust!

Effects can be applied to both video clips and sll images. You can apply effects to one or all of your clips, and even apply mulple effects to the same clip.

Don’t overdo it with effects

Although Although effects can be interesng, they can easily distract your audience from the subject of your film. When adding effects to your film, think about the purpose of each effect and whether applying it enhances or distracts from it.

Speed up a clip

Speeding up a clip is a great way to add excitement to your film. Speeding up a clip also helps when you wish to get an enre acvity in your video, but do not wish to take up the actual me.

Apply an Apply an effect to part of a clip

There may be mes when you want to apply an effect to only part of a clip. For ex-ample, in a film about your dog, you might want to use the earthquake effect only when your dog walks across the floor. Use the crop markers, below the meline in the Preview area, to select part of the clip. Then select the effect you want to add, and click the Apply buon. The effect will be added to the selected poron of the clip.

Apply one effect to mulple clips

You can apply one effect to mulple clips, such as change a series of clips to black and white. To do this, select the first clip in the series. Then hold down the Command key and select the other clips. Click Apply to apply the same effect to all the selected clips.

Deleng a video effect

To delete a video effect applied to a clip, select the clip and press the Delete key. If you have mulple effects applied to a clip, the last effect applied will be removed first.

Video effects8


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1. Choose the clip you want to add an effect to.

2. Click the Eding buon and then click the Video FX buon.

3. Select a video clip that doesn’t have a transion applied to it, iiiiiiand then select the most appropriate effect.

4.4. Change any of the se ngs for that effect to fit in with your iiiiiiiscene.

5. Click Apply to apply the effect to your video clip. Noce the iiiiiismall square icon added to the top of your clip in the clip iiiiiiviewer. Once the effect has fully rendered, click Play to watch iiiiiiyour modified video clip.

6. Save your iMovie project.


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At some point in your film you may feel the need to add music or other sounds such as sound effects.

With iMovie, you can easily add music or sound effects to a film from your favourite CD, GarageBand or your iTunes Library. You can also adjust the length and volume of your music right within iMovie.

Sample different songs with your video

IIt’s amazing how much impact a soundtrack will add to a film or montage. Sample dif-ferent songs with your footage to see how different music can affect the mood of your iMovie project.

Preview your film with or without music

When playing your film, you can isolate which audio tracks you want to hear. Use the checkboxes at the far right side of the meline viewer to turn the three music tracks on and off. The top checkbox controls the audio included with your video clip.

DDrag songs directly from iTunes

Rather than accessing your music from the iLife Media Browser in iMovie, you can search your music library right in iTunes to find just the song you’re looking for, and then drag it your film project’s meline.

Lock audio to a clip

YYou can ensure a sound effect or any audio clip stays in sync with a point in your video by locking it to the video clip. This is especially helpful in the early stages of eding your film when you are sll moving many clips around. To lock an audio clip to a video clip, move the playhead to the point in your audio clip you want to lock and choose Lock Audio Clip at Playhead from the Advanced menu. You’ll see two yellow push-pins added to your clips to indicate they are "pinned" together.

Add sound effects

iMiMovie comes with Skywalker and standard sound effects that you can use to enhance your film. If you have sound effects that you created yourself or downloaded from a sound library, you can easily add them to your iMovie sound effects list. Place the sound effect file in the Sound Effects folder located in the iMovie folder in the Library folder in your home folder. The next me you open iMovie, you’ll see the file in the list of sound effects. Sound effect files are either AIFF or MP3 format.

Adding music and sound9


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1. Move the playhead to where you want the music to begin in the iiiiiimeline.

2. Click the Media buon and then click the Audio buon. Noce iiiiiithe source list showing you have audio available from iiiiiiiiiiiiGarageiBand and iTunes, as well as sound effects that come with iiiiiiiMovie.

3. Click the disclosure triangle to show your iTunes Library. Click iiiiiiyour library to see your iTunes music. Your songs will be iiiiiidisplayed in the track list, right below the source list. You can iiiiiiresize the track list if needed.

4.4. Select a song and click the audio Play buon to listen to the iiiiiisong. Click the Place at Playhead buon to import the song into iiiiiiyour film. One the song is imported; you'll see it added to an iiiiiiiaudio track in the meline viewer. Click the Play buon to listen iiiiiito your film with your new soundtrack.

5.5. To adjust the volume of the track, use the clip volume controls iiiiiiunderneath the audio tracks. Noce the percentage update to iiiiiireflect your new volume.

6. Adjust the length of the track by dragging the end of the song iiiiiitowards the middle. You may have to scroll to reach the end of iiiiiithe song.

7.7. To place a so fade at the new song ending, select Show Clip iiiiiiVolume Levels from the View menu. Your song will now show a iiiiiiline indicang it has a constant audio level se ng for the enre iiiiiisong. To fade the end of the song, click the end of the clip level iiiiiiline and drag it to the boom of the clip. Noce only the end of iiiiiithe line changes, indicated by the yellow colour. This shows the iiiiiivolume is fading out at the new end of your song.

8.8. Move the playhead to a few seconds before the end of your iiiiiisong. Press the Space bar to review how the song sounds with iiiiiiyour new fade at the end.

9.9. From the audio source list, close your iTunes Library and select iiiiiiSkywalker Sound Effects. From the track list, scroll down unl iiiiiiyou see Outdoor Cheer. Select Outdoor Cheer and click the audio iiiiiiPlay buon to hear how it sounds. This could be a fun ending to iiiiiiyour song. Drag it from the track list and place in alongside your iiiiiisong ending in the empty audio track. Play your film again to iiiiiihear the new ending to your song.

10.10. Save your iMovie project21

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iMovie comes with audio effects you can use to enhance the sound of your film. For example, you can adjust a song using a graphics equalizer or give it an overall tone. You can even change the pitch or reduce unwanted noise, such as a camera hum or wind noise.

Removing wind noise and camera hum

If If you recorded outside on a windy day, or your camcorder records its own operang noise with the built-in microphone, you might hear unwanted noise in your video. Use the Noise Reducer effect to reduce any unwanted noise in your recording.

Audio effects10


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1. Open the meline viewer and select a video clip that includes iiiiiipeople talking.

2. Click the Eding buon and then click the Audio FX buon.

3. Select the effect you want and change the se ngs as needed.

4. Click Preview to hear how your clip will sound.

5.5. Click Apply. iMovie will split the audio from the video clip and iiiiiiplace it on the audio track below. A red bar will show while the iiiiiiaudio effect is being applied.

6. When the effect is applied, play the clip to hear the new audio iiiiiieffect.

7.7. Switch to the clip viewer and rearrange where this clip is in your iiiiiifilm. Switch back to meline view to see how the audio moved iiiiiiwith your video clip, despite being on a separate track. This is iiiiiibecause even though the audio was extracted from the video iiiiiiclip, they are sll "pinned" to one another. The yellow pushpins iiiiiishow this in meline viewer.

8. Save your iMovie project.


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iMovie makes it easy to share your movies, whether you want to show your movies on your own TV, carry your movies around with you, or post your movies to an Internet site. Use the Share opon to access all the ways to share your iMovie projects.

Sharing and exporng your film

YYou can access the Sharing pane by choosing Export from the File menu or by choosing any item in the Share menu. The Share menu is easier to but they both open up the same Sharing pane.

Consider your sharing opons up front

While While you can share any film using the Share opons listed, you may want to consider how your film will be viewed. For emailing and posng movies to the Internet, the final size of your movies will be a major consideraon. If you are planning to watch your film on your iPod or phone, you may make different eding choices than if you plan to watch it on a large HD TV screen in widescreen format. Even choosing between how to carry your film may affect it. Knowing you have 60 GB free on your new iPod or 30 MB on your Bluetooth phone may affect what you create for your film masterpiece. Speak to to your teacher about the best exporng method for your project.

Render before sharing

You want to export your film in the best quality possible. For this reason, you should always select Render and Proceed if you get a warning message when sharing your final film. If you are just tesng out the process, you can proceed without rendering to save me.

Sharing overview (export)11


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1. In iMovie, choose Share from the Share menu.

2. For watching your film on TV, choose the Video camera or iDVD iiiiiiopons.

3. To take your movies with you, choose the iPod or Bluetooth iiiiiiopons.

4.4. For emailing your movies to friends, choose the Email opon.

5. For posng your movies to an Internet site, choose the iWeb iiiiiiopon.

6. To score your film with music, choose the GarageBand opon.

7. To save your film with custom opons, choose the QuickTime iiiiiiopon.


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