
Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Seminar Project

Chang Po-Neng | Wu Han-Ching | Chen Yun-Ping


People are the most beautiful

view in Taiwan. #台灣最美的⾵風景是⼈人

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University



Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

People’s Economics

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

The Big Issue’s Vendor in Taipei.

“The Big Issue” , esAablished in England, is a magazine

sold by homeless and long-Aerm unemployed people.

- Work by themselves, not beg from the public.

- “The Big Issue” is an enAerprise, running business

insAead of raising from the public and Government.

In Taiwan, vendors buy copies for 50 NT dollars

and sell for 100 NT dollars.Through this way, it

enables these individuals Ao work by themselves.

Giving independence Ao the

disadvanAaged by sAarting a business

The magazines’ Aopic is about - Social Issues | Politics | Human Right | Economics - Fashion | Design | Culture | Development - Activities | Movies | Music | Performance

Social EnAerprise =

Business x Society

= Less is more:)

Lean S@artup

Social EnAerprise is not CorporaAe Social Responsibility.

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

Social EnAerprise changes

the conventional charity sysAem.

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University



Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

Environment friendly Economics

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University


Fair Trade

The first fair trade shop in the Great Mandarin Area,

licensed by the Fair trade Labelling Organisation,

The core value of the “Okogreen”

“Must be Fair”

SAarting as a sAereotypical café and coffee bean wholesaler

Lean sAartup x Revolution

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

Rethink, what kind of world

we leave Ao our next generation ? Mr. Ko, the mayor of Taipei City, Taiwan



Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

Cultural Diversity Economics

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

The 4-way voice

- the only newspaper in Taiwan with five different

languages: Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodian, Phillippino

and Indonesian.

Published monthly or bimonthly, the newspaper

has become a bridge for marginalised new

migrants, bringing information Ao people from

Southeast Asian countries.

The Newspaper’s Aopic is about - New immigrants’ human rights - LetAers from its readers - Cultural diversity and difference

Thankful cards from the 4-way voice readers.



Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

#Equality #Justice

Society x Innovation

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

Society x EnAerprise

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

How Ao think out of the box?

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

Everything out of the box,

If you are in the box.

Thanks for your time :)

Management CenAer Innsbruck x National Chengchi University

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