  • 8/10/2019 Insulation Coordination Linhas Aereas



    AbstractInsulation coordination methodologies are analyzed

    and a program built by the author is presented, which executes

    the insulation coordination algorithm proposed by the standards

    of the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC). Also

    resulting from this analysis, a methodology for compacting

    transmission lines is presented, where alternative tower

    configurations are proposed and the benefits of this action are


    The general analysis of the insulation coordination

    methodology is carried out by comparison of the methodologies

    presented in the international standards (IEC and IEEE).In what concerns the specific case of line insulation, a more

    detailed analysis is made of the insulation coordination

    methodology presented in the IEC standards and the Insulation

    Coordination Guide provided by REN (national electric grid

    operator, former EDP). This analysis begins to focus on the

    dielectric stresses that the line insulation must stand, then the

    strength provided by the insulation as regards the previously

    presented stresses, and finishes with the methods used in the

    conjugation of these two factors.

    Since this dissertation is concerned about overhead

    transmission lines, whose major insulation component is air, an

    analysis of the required distances between the variety of

    components that constitute a transmission line tower is also made.

    For that purpose, beyond the attention given to the evolution of

    the models that characterize the dielectric breakdown, the real

    distances implemented in the transmission lines owned by REN

    are also analyzed.

    I ndex TermsInsulation coordination, Overhead transmission

    lines, Line compaction, Dielectric breakdown of long air gaps,

    Overvoltages, Insulation Standards.


    NE of the most important requirements of any electrical

    equipment or system refers to its capacity of insulating its

    conductive parts against the exterior environment. Beyond the

    risks that insulation failures may cause on humans and

    animals, a correct insulation of an electrical equipment is

    essential for an acceptable performance.

    However, the insulation of an electric system is a complex

    task, which requires the interoperability of several types of

    insulator types - solid, liquid or gaseous. To this necessity of

    using several insulator types with the objective of containing

    electric current, is called insulation coordination.

    Due to the non-ideality of all dielectric materials, this

    practice is particularly important in high voltage environments,

    where the consequently high electric fields may cause

    modifications in the properties of the insulation material.

    The electric system, mostly its transport and distribution

    components, are forced by their function to use high working

    voltages. Therefore, because of the expanse of their use, air is

    the most used type of insulation, complemented in the towers

    by solid insulators. However, the dimensioning of the air

    clearances are crucial, since air may become conductive when

    exposed to extreme electric fields, causing line faults that

    affect negatively their normal operation.In this context, this dissertation proposes to establish the

    insulation coordination methodologies used on overhead

    transmission line design.




    This chapters main objective is to analyze the generalmethodology of insulation coordination, by comparing the two

    most widespread standards of this matter: the IEC 60071-1 [1]

    and IEEE Standard 1313.1 [2].

    In this analysis, it was concluded that despite of thedisagreement in the nomenclature of several variables with

    similar or even equivalent definitions, we can identify a

    common line of action between those two. In both standards,

    the first step consists in the analysis of the system and in the

    identification of the representative overvoltages that best

    characterize it. Then, the second step evaluates the strength

    that the dielectric material presents to the overvoltage stresses

    and how the relation between those two contribute to the line

    performance. The last step takes the result from the previous

    one, and returns the withstand voltage of the equipment as the

    standardized value that best fits it.

    Next, a more detailed analysis of these three steps will bepresented.

    A. Determination of the representative overvoltages of thesystem

    This step analyzes the more relevant dielectric stresses that

    occur in the system, as well as the limitation and protection

    devices necessary for the desired line performance.

    Therefore, the systems voltage stresses are separated infour main classes.

    Insulation Coordination of Overhead

    Transmission Lines

    Miguel Carlos Valentim do Rosrio, n 56766


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    Temporary overvoltages;

    Slow front overvoltages (switching overvoltages);

    Fast front overvoltages (lightning overvoltages);

    Longitudinal overvoltages.

    B. Comparison of overvoltages and insulation strength

    Considering the previous results from the voltage stresses,

    this chapter takes in consideration several factors that

    influence the choice of the insulation. These factors aresimilarly defined in both standards, and represent the several

    uncertainties that characterize the system:

    Performance (acceptable number of insulation


    Statistical nature of test results;

    Deviation of the characteristics of the insulators

    production and installation;


    Different shapes of overvoltages, different from the

    standardized ones;

    Real atmospheric conditions, different from the

    standardized ones; Analysis precision.

    C. Standardized results

    Both standards present the standard insulation level as the

    main output of the insulation coordination process. This

    standard insulation level is the combination of:

    The maximum system voltage;

    Set of standard rated values of withstand voltages

    that best fit and characterize the insulation, for

    each of the overvoltage class that stresses the




    In this chapter, a more detailed analysis is made of the

    insulation coordination methodology, when applied to

    overhead transmission line design. With this objective in mind,

    another two standards will be compared and analyzed: the IEC

    60071-2 [3] and the Insulation Coordination Guide from REN


    This analysis will firstly focus on the dielectric stresses, then

    on the dielectric strength of the insulation, followed by the

    application of insulation coordination methods that relate both

    of these factors, concluding with the air clearances proposed in

    both standards.

    A. Standard dielectric stresses

    Both standards divide the main representative dielectric

    stresses in equivalent classes, already analyzed in chapter II.

    However, the time lag between these two guides results in

    different designations of the classes, as well as different

    expected values for the statistical overvoltages. With the

    natural technological evolution, since the last version of

    RENsguide, theres been an intensification in the use of SF6

    in substations, which led to the development of the very fastfront overvoltagesclass, and consequently to a reorganizationof the overvoltage classes.

    B. Standard dielectric strength

    In what concerns the dielectric strength, the two guides

    characterize the accumulated probabilistic distribution of the

    dielectric breakdown with very different expressions. IEC uses

    a modified Weibull distribution, while REN uses a Gaussian.The differences are negligible, and never higher than 5%.

    However, the standard deviation used by these standards is

    different. IEC uses a range of 3%-6%, while REN uses 6%-

    8%, for disruptions caused by atmospheric and switching

    overvoltages, respectively.

    The expressions used to relate the U50voltage with the airclearance are also different, but both produce similar results,

    always with differences below 4%. In figures 1 and 2, a

    comparison is presented between the expressions used for each


    Fig. 1Comparison between expressions of U50(d)for switchingovervoltages

    Fig. 2 - Comparison between expressions of U50(d)for lightningovervoltages

    C. Insulation coordination method application

    Both guides suggest the same insulation coordination

    methods, although each one applies a different insulation

    coordination factor. The differences found in the deterministic

    method are exposed in table 1.

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    Table 1Comparison of deterministic insulation coordination factors


    Switching 1 1,2: 72,5 kV220kV1,15: 420 kV

    Lightning 1 1,2: 72,5 kV220kV1,25: 420 kV

    From table 1 its possible to verify that the values proposedby IEC are clearly less conservative than the ones from REN.

    Although there are no differences in the probabilistic

    method in the two guides, the simplified probabilistic method

    is suggested in each standard with different values for the

    statistical insulation coordination factor. These differences are

    presented in figure 3.

    Fig. 3Comparison between statistical insulation coordination factors

    D. Standard air clearances

    Both guides present mainly different types of air clearances,

    as the IEC suggests only insulation coordination air clearances,

    while REN presents mainly security related air clearances, due

    to conductor movement. However, REN also presents a range

    of distances used in protection rods, designed by insulation

    coordination. The differences between these two are shown in

    figure 4.

    From figure 4 its possible do conclude that even themaximum values are similar, the minimum ones are very

    different. It can be also seen that from the range of 170kV to

    420kV, the minimum values of IEC are consistently smaller.

    Fig. 4Comparison between air clearances of protection rods



    In this chapter, the minimum air clearances used for

    insulation in overhead transmission lines are presented, as well

    as the methodology and critical analysis to achieve them.


    Characterization of air clearances

    In this section, an extensive analysis is made of the

    expressions used to calculate the U50 voltage (voltage wherethe air gap has a 50% probability of breakdown) of an air gap

    with length d. This analysis is extended to the breakdowncaused by both types of overvoltages, and the several

    expressions are compared, with their validity range evaluated.

    B. Phase-to-ground air clearances

    The phase-to-ground air clearances are divided in two types

    of clearances: the air clearances between protection rods, and

    between live parts and structures.

    The first one is given by insulation coordination, and the

    standard values are given by IEC. However, some deeper

    research [5] revealed that the standard rated air clearances

    used by IEC do not use the most adequate gap factor for

    overhead transmission lines. With the proper gap factor, we

    could reach a reduction of 6% to 15%, as shown in figure 5.

    Fig. 5Comparison between minimum air clearances

    On the other hand, the air clearances between live parts and

    structures are given by security reasons, due to wind deviation

    of the insulator set.

    C. Phase-to-phase air clearances

    The phase-to-phase air clearances have two types as well.

    The values suggested by IEC are concerned with insulation

    coordination. In addition, the values proposed by REN and

    DGEG are related with security, due to mid-air cable

    oscillations caused by wind and snow. These values are

    compared in figure 6, where we can conclude that the security

    air clearances dominate the dimensioning for the phase-to-

    phase air clearances. In phase-to-earth distances on the other

    hand, its the insulation coordination that defines this type ofair clearances.

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    Fig. 6Comparison between phase-to-phase minimum air clearances


    RENstransmission line analysis

    This section verifies the air clearances and gap factors

    effectively used by REN, in the overhead transmission lines of

    the Portuguese national electric grid.

    It was concluded that for any class of voltage and air

    clearance, the tower dimensions are always at least 23%

    greater than any air clearance proposed by standards.

    With the use of [6], it was also possible to calculate in a

    more accurate way, the gap factor of each of the tower

    configurations. Considering this, figure 7 presents the

    comparison between the Conductor-Crossarm gap factor

    suggested by IEC and the real gap factor calculated.

    Fig. 7Comparison between real and IEC Conductor-Crossarm gapfactors

    From figure 7, we can assess that the mean value of the

    Conductor-Crossarm gap factor (1,447) is very similar to the

    one proposed by IEC (1,45). However, this is not true for the

    Conductor-Window configuration, as can be seen in figure 8.From figure 8 we can conclude that the mean value of the

    calculated gap factor is 1,2, against the 1,25 suggested by IEC.

    Once again, we conclude that the value proposed by REN for

    this specific gap factor configuration is overestimated,

    following the propensity already verified in the methodology

    of this guide. For example, considering a switching withstand

    voltage of 950kV (average for 400kV class), the air clearance

    according to IEC would be 2,49m. However, with the real gap

    factor of 1,2, we would obtain 2,64m. Consequently, an IEC

    structure with a 2,49m air clearance and a 10% probability of

    disruption for that specific switching withstand voltage, would

    result in a decrease of breakdown probability to 2,8%, with the

    REN air clearance.

    Figure 8 - Comparison between real and IEC Conductor-Window gap




    Due to the complexity of the algorithm proposed by IEC

    60071-2, a program was developed to execute the

    methodology presented by this standard.

    This program receives the values of the representative

    overvoltages, and returns the air clearances determined by the

    standards for a line with specified characteristics.

    The general architecture is presented in figure 9.

    Inicial data Urp Ucw

    UrwVoltage rangeUw

    Range 1

    Range 1

    Range 2

    Range 1 air



    Range 2

    Voltage type


    phase air



    earth air

    clearances Phase-to-earth



    Figure 9General architecture of the CI-LINE program

    This program can be downloaded from:




    In this chapter, a methodology that describes overhead

    transmission line compaction is presented. Subsequently, some

    alternative compact tower configurations will be offered, and

    their benefits and impacts analyzed.
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    A. Base configuration

    The base configuration for this compaction will be the

    400kV YS tower from the Portuguese national electric grid, as

    shown in figure 10 [7].

    Figure 10YS tower configuration

    The only objective of this compaction is to reduce the top

    width of 24m, considered the minimum for this class of

    voltage. The height of the tower will remain unchanged, as this

    compaction would imply the consideration of local installation

    factors that are clearly out of scope.


    Proposed configuration

    From the data obtained previously in chapter IV, we can

    collect the minimum air clearances that the standards propose

    for the various types of air clearances. This data is shown in

    figure 11, along with the actual distances measured in the base


    Figure 11Comparison between real and normative distances

    From figure 11, we can assess that both air clearance types

    used in the base configuration can be reduced. The Conductor

    Structure air clearance is limited by the IEC value of 3,4 m,calculated by insulation coordination. However, the minimum

    distance between phases is limited by the REN guide, which

    declares 6 m as the minimum safety distance.

    Respecting these distances, an alternative compact

    configuration is proposed in figure 12.





    R 3,40R 3,40


    R 3,40







    Figure 12Proposed configuration

    C. Live line works

    The proposed configuration in figure 12 has been

    dimensioned considering only insulation coordination.

    However, due to the necessity of service continuity in the

    transmission lines, many maintenance operations are made

    with the line energized. In these operations, called live lineworks, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the workers, witha minimum air clearance determined by (1) [8].

    rpawd UCCCkU 5050 (1)


    U50rpis the voltage where a rod-plane air gap configuration hasa 50% probability of breakdown;

    Cdis a factor that compensates damaged cap&pininsulators;Cw is a factor that compensates the existence of metallicfloating objects and other tools used by workers that weakens

    the dielectric strength of the air gap;

    Cais a factor that compensates atmospheric variations.However, since 70% of the Portuguese territory is under

    400 m of altitude [9], there is no reason to design a tower

    configuration for the worst case. Therefore, two configurations

    will be proposed, one that can only be used till 400 m of

    altitude, and another till 1500 m.

    Applying this minimum security air clearance to theproposed configuration, we obtain the configurations in figure

    13 and 14.

    Considering this, it is possible to reduce the width of the

    tower in 24% for the 400m and 18,6% for the 1500m in

    relation to the base configuration.

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    R 4,20

    R 3,83R 3,83







    Figure 13Proposed configuration for altitudes under 400 m






    R 4,43

    R 4,04R 4,04







    Figure 14Proposed configuration for altitudes under 1500 m

    D. Lightning performance

    To conclude the design of the proposed configurations, it is

    necessary to calculate the position of the shield wires, which

    will be based in two main conditions. First, the minimum

    clearance between the shield wires and the phase conductorswill have to be the same as the phase-to-phase clearance.

    Second, it will be used the shielding failure current of the base

    configuration, and therefore the same striking distance.

    The conjugation of these two conditions results in the

    configuration proposed in figure 15.











    R 6,00R 6,00R 6,00







    Figure 15Shield wire position for the proposed configuration till 400m

    With this shield wire configuration, both the proposed

    configurations allow an increase of 27% in lightning

    performance (0,55 to 0,4 faults/100km of line/year obtained

    with the programIEEE Flash v1,9).In conclusion, the use of these compact configurations

    provides not only a reduction in costs of production and

    installation, but also an increase in service continuity due to

    the enhanced lightning performance.



    Pursuing the main objective of this dissertation, an analysis

    was made of the general methodology of insulation

    coordination presented in the international standards. It was

    concluded that both provided a similar path to achieve it.

    Then, a more detailed analysis was made, comparing the

    insulation coordination methodologies when applied to

    overhead transmission lines. Some conclusions were drawn

    from the comparison of IEC and REN guides, more

    specifically, the consequences of the temporal lag existing

    between them and the differences in the application of the

    insulation coordination factors.

    Subsequently, an analysis was made to the air clearances

    needed to specify the insulation of an overhead transmissionline. The phase-to-earth and phase-to-phase air clearances

    were specified based on the several existing standards for this

    matter. Also, an analysis was made of the real air clearances

    and gap factors implemented in REN transmission lines, which

    were compared with the values proposed by the standards.

    The architecture of a program built by the author was also

    presented. The program executes the insulation coordination

    algorithm suggested by IEC, and generates all types of air

    clearances for the specified overhead transmission line.

    Finally, a methodology for overhead line compaction is

    presented, and applied to a specific REN line configuration.

    Some alternative configurations were proposed, with apossible reduction of 24% in width. The impacts that this

    modifications had on the lightning performance were studied,

    leading to an enhancement of 27%. This chapter is then

    concluded with a brief evaluation of the benefits that can be

    drawn from compaction of overhead transmission lines.


    [1] IEC, Standard 60071-1, Insulation coordination - Part 1: Definitions,principles and rules", 2006.


    IEEE, Standard 1313.1 for Insulation Coordination - Definitions,Principles and Rules, 1996.


    IEC, Standard 60071-2, Insulation coordination - Part 2: ApplicationGuide", 1996


    REN (former EDP), Guia de coordenao de isolamento para a redePTI - EDP, 1985.


    L. Thione, Evaluation of the switching impulse strength of externalinsulation,Electra n 94, 1976.

    [6] L. Paris et al., Phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase air clearances in

    substations,Electra n 29.[7]

    Companhia Portuguesa de Electricidade, Esquemas Sumrios dosPostes da C.P.E., 1975.


    CIGR, Dielectric Strength of External Insulation Systems Under LiveWorking, Sesses CIGR de 1994, 33-306.


    A. M. P. Jorge Ferreira, Dados Geoqumicos de Base de Sedimentos

    Fluviais de Amostragem de Baixa Densidade de Portugal Continental,Banco de dados do LNEG - Tese de Doutoramento, 2000.

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