Page 1: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

Intelligent Learning Environment for Acquiring Knowledge

Application Ability

Akira Takeuchi,1 Hiroyuki Yoshida,

2 Tomoyuki Fujita,

1 and Kazuko Ishibashi

1Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka, 820-8502 Japan

2Kyushu Multi-Media System Lab., Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Iizuka, 820-0067 Japan


This paper proposes an architecture of intelligent

learning environments that aims at assisting students in

acquiring the ability to apply physical laws to complex

systems. This paper also presents its application to a spring-

system learning environment. The learning process in the

architecture consists of three steps: to interpret data col-

lected by experiment, to predict results of experiment, and

to verify the prediction by experiment. If a student encoun-

ters difficulties, the intelligent learning environment pro-

vides assistance such as prompting to collect additional data

that are useful for interpretation, or providing a new physi-

cal system that is suitable for the student�s state of under-

standing. To realize such tailored assistance for each

individual student, we need a method to model a student�s

ability to apply rules. This paper proposes a new student

model represented by a multidimensional space. Axes of

the space correspond to measures of generality of a subject

domain. We implemented an intelligent learning environ-

ment called �SpringMaster� to validate the proposed archi-

tecture. The result of its evaluation shows that students who

learned by SpringMaster had better understanding than

students who learned by real instruments. © 2001 Scripta

Technica, Syst Comp Jpn, 32(8): 1�9, 2001

Key words: Intelligent learning environment

(ILE); knowledge application; physical law; complex sys-

tem; student model; intelligent CAI.

1. Introduction

In physics learning, reading textbooks or attending

lectures is not sufficient to obtain deep understanding;

experimentation is important, especially for the elementary

level. Students are not familiar with the symbolic repre-

sentations of physics that they learn from textbooks or

lectures. They need to make correspondences between sym-

bolic knowledge and objects by experiment. In fact, they

spend a certain amount of time on experiments in class. But

teachers cannot take care of all students at the same time,

because students encounter different problems and the

speed of progress is different. One of the solutions of this

problem is a simulation-based learning environment with

an intelligent advisor. The intelligent advisor observes the

states of the experiments and provides advice. It also infers

the student�s states of understanding, and decides both the

learning objectives and the contents of the experiments

according to the state of understanding.

Even a student who has fundamental knowledge may

not be able to apply the knowledge to complex problems

during the process of learning new concepts. For example,

even if the student knows Ohm�s law, he or she may not

understand the nature of electric circuits composed of re-

sistances. To assist the student in such situations, intelligent

learning environments should recognize the level of com-

plexity that the student is able to understand. This is an issue

of student models. Most student models of previous work

represent the student�s state of understanding of each piece

© 2001 Scripta Technica

Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2001Translated from Denshi Joho Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. J83-D-I, No. 6, June 2000, pp. 523�530


Page 2: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

of knowledge. Few studies consider the situation in which

the knowledge is used.

This paper proposes an architecture of intelligent

learning environments and a representation method of stu-

dent models. Learning environments in this architecture

support students who learn by doing experiments. The

learning objective of the experiments is to acquire the

ability to apply physical laws to complex systems. In order

to provide students with adaptive assistance, the student�s

ability to apply knowledge is represented by a multidimen-

sional space. Each coordinate corresponds to a measure of

generality of the target domain of learning.

Section 2 describes the architecture of intelligent

learning environments. Section 3 provides an implementa-

tion of the architecture for spring-system learning, and

Section 4 describes its empirical evaluation. Section 5

discusses characteristics of our proposal, and Section 6

provides conclusions.

2. Framework of Intelligent Learning

Environments for Learning by Experiment

2.1. Learning process in intelligent learning


The process of acquiring new knowledge by discov-

ery learning and acquiring skills to use the knowledge

consists of the following three stages.

(1) The inductive knowledge acquisition stage, where

students handle individual cases.

(2) The generalization/formalization stage, where

multiple cases are taken into account.

(3) The knowledge mastery stage, where students

solve problems by applying knowledge deductively.

The first and second stages of learning are effectively

supported by ILEs (Interactive Learning Environments)

that support students in recognizing situations, collecting

information, and managing collected information. The stu-

dents acquire new knowledge through activities in a learn-

ing environment, and verify the knowledge by applying it

in the environment. The third stage of learning is effectively

supported by ITSs (Intelligent Tutoring Systems), which

support students in assimilating domain knowledge [1].

The architecture presented in this paper is for ILEs

that aim to assist students in acquiring the ability to under-

stand complex physical systems by applying physical laws

to them. It supports the second stage of learning. It also

supports learning to apply knowledge when a student fails

to solve a problem at the third stage. The student ascertains

the status of the problem situation by experiment. In order

to support these two kinds of learning, the architecture has

two learning modes, called �stepwise learning mode� and

�training mode.�

The user interface of the architecture consists of a

parts box that stores instruments for both building physical

systems and measurement, a workbench, and a notebook to

record results of experiments. Students carry out experi-

ments and collect data in both learning modes. The stu-

dent�s activities in the environment are as follows.

(a) Stepwise learning mode

The stepwise learning mode is designed to develop

the ability to understand the nature of complex physical

systems step by step. The learning objectives of experi-

ments are ordered from simple to complex. Learning in the

stepwise learning mode proceeds as follows.

(1) A learning objective is given to a student.

(2) The student builds a physical system by assem-

bling given components according to the learning objective.

(3) The student decides the physical parameters to

observe and writes their names in a notebook.

(4) The student carries out experiment by changing

the values of the independent parameters.

(5) The student measures the values of physical pa-

rameters and records them in the notebook.

(6) After repeating steps 4 and 5 several times, the

student sets up a hypothesis about the nature of the physical

system, and predicts the values of physical parameters

without doing experiments.

(7) The student carries out an experiment and verifies

his or her hypothesis.

(8) If the expected values do not coincide with the

experimental values, the student goes back to step 4 and

collects more data. If the expected values agree with experi-

mental values, the learning objective has been achieved.

Students try to interpret collected data by applying

physical laws in the stepwise learning mode. We expect that

students will acquire the ability to understand complex

physical systems by repeating this process from simple

systems to complex systems step by step.

(b) Training mode

The training mode is an advanced learning mode.

Students are allowed to build physical systems of arbitrary

complexity. In this learning mode, questions about a physi-

cal system that the student has built or that the intelligent

learning environment provides are posed to the student.

Learning in the training mode starts at step 6, where the

student answers questions without doing experiments, and

then verifies the result by experiment. If the student�s

answer does not agree with the experimental values, the

student goes back to step 4 and examines the states of the

physical system. This learning mode is provided for stu-

dents to practice applying fundamental physical laws to

complex systems.


Page 3: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

2.2. Assistance in intelligent learning


Students repeat experimentation, prediction, and

verification in the architecture. They need trial and error to

achieve learning objectives. It is, therefore, not appropriate

to give immediate assistance when the student�s behavior is

not adequate. However, when students cannot achieve

learning objectives after several trials, intelligent learning

environments provide the following assistance.

(1) Proposal of a physical system: If the physical

system that the student builds does not fit the given learning

objective at step 1, intelligent learning environments indi-

cate the desirable structure of the physical system. In order

to implement this function, a function to recognize struc-

tures of physical systems is required.

(2) Proposal of physical parameters to observe: If the

student repeats experimentation and data collection without

selecting physical parameters that are relevant to the learn-

ing objective, it proposes parameters to observe. If the

student fails to predict the values of parameters, it also

provides the advice to observe additional parameters that

are useful in interpreting the physical system. In order to

identify physical parameters that are relevant to learning

objectives, a function for recognizing the structures of

physical systems is required. In order to choose additional

parameters to observe, a function for recognizing depend-

encies between physical parameters and a function for

identifying causes of student�s errors are also required.

(3) Pointing out erroneous data: If values that the

student has recorded in the notebook are wrong, intelligent

learning environments point out errors. Errors are mainly

caused by misreading measurement tools, measuring an

incorrect parameter other than a target parameter, or record-

ing data at a wrong place in the notebook. Unexpected

values are written into the notebook in the case of the first

type of error, while values that exist somewhere in the

physical system are written into the notebook in the case of

the second and third types of error. We distinguish these two

kinds of causes by this phenomenon.

(4) Asking questions: If the student does not proceed to

step 6 after repeating steps 4 and 5 several times, the intelligent

learning environment gives values of independent parameters

and urges the student to predict values of dependent parame-

ters without experimentation. In the training mode, it asks a

question to start the lesson. In order to implement this assis-

tance, a function for recognizing structures of physical systems

and a function for generating questions according to the

student�s understanding are required.

(5) Suggestion of a physical system: In the training

mode, the student is allowed to construct physical systems

of arbitrary complexity to attempt to achieve what he or she

wants. However, if the constructed system is too complex

judging from the student�s understanding state, and if the

student fails to predict correct values, intelligent learning

environments propose a simplified system. The purpose of

the simplified system is to fill the conceptual gap between

what the student has already understood and what he or she

has not. In order to achieve this educational objective,

intelligent learning environments generate a simplified

physical system that has the same nature as the original

system and that the student is expected to understand. On

the other hand, if the student is expected to understand the

constructed system and the result is as expected, intelligent

learning environments provide a more complex system for

learning of more general cases. In order to implement this

assistance, a function for recognizing the structures of

physical systems and a student model that is able to repre-

sent the extent of complexity of physical systems that the

student understands are required.

2.3. Architecture of intelligent learning


2.3.1. Components of intelligent learning


Figure 1 shows the architecture of an intelligent

learning environment that has the capabilities presented in

Fig. 1. Structure of intelligent learning environment for

learning by experiment.


Page 4: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

Section 2.2. The functions of the primary modules are as


(1) Parts library

The parts library is a container of components for

building physical systems and measurement instruments.

The student builds a physical system by connecting com-

ponents on the workbench. Each component is accompa-

nied by functional relations between physical parameters,

which are used by the physical system model generator to

recognize dependencies among parameters in the physical


(2) Physical system model generator

The physical system model generator generates a

physical system model, which represents functional rela-

tions among the physical parameters of a physical system,

from both connection relations between components and

the functional relations defined for each component. It also

evaluates the complexity of the physical system. A defini-

tion of complexity will be presented in the next section.

(3) Notebook manager

The notebook manager judges whether the values of

physical parameters recorded in the notebook are obtained

by experiment or by prediction from the state of the physi-

cal system. If a recorded value is wrong, it judges whether

the error is caused by measurement error or by confusion

of physical parameters. If the wrong value agrees with one

of the physical parameters in the system, the notebook

manager judges that it is the latter case.

(4) Error origin analyzer

The error origin analyzer identifies the causes of the

student�s errors. We adopted the same technique as intelli-

gent tutoring systems.

(5) Problem generator

The problem generator realizes two assistance meth-

ods: suggestion of physical parameter to observe, and ask-

ing questions. It chooses the physical parameters to which

it draws the student�s attention according to the physical

system model, the student model, and the learning objectives.

(6) Student model

The student model represents the extent of complex-

ity at which the student understands physical systems by

applying physical laws. Its details are described in the next


(7) Physical system generator

The physical system generator generates physical

systems by simplifying or complicating the original system

and sets up learning objectives according to both the physi-

cal system model and the student model.

2.3.2. Student model based on generalization


Students sometimes cannot apply fundamental laws

to complex systems even if they know the laws. Because

the purpose of the architecture for intelligent learning envi-

ronments presented in this paper is to train students to

understand complex systems by using fundamental knowl-

edge, the student model should represent not only how a

student understands each piece of knowledge, but also to

how general a situation the student can apply the knowl-


In order to model the applicability of knowledge, we

propose a student model representation in a multidimen-

sional space, the axes of which correspond to measures of

generality of a subject domain. We call the multidimen-

sional space the �generalization space.� In physics learning,

we consider the applicability of knowledge to complex

physical systems as the applicability of knowledge to gen-

eral situations. We therefore assign ways of combining

components to build physical systems to the axes of the

generalization space. For example, in the case of the domain

of a spring system where springs and masses are connected

vertically, the student model is represented by a three-di-

mensional space as shown in Fig. 2. The axes are the

number of springs connected in series, the number of

springs connected in parallel, and the number of interme-

diate weights. When the student learns a physical system,

its coordinates are calculated from its complexity and the

student�s state of understanding of the system is recorded

at the point in the generalization space. Because the func-

tion of each component is defined by functional relations

between physical parameters, the state of understanding of

each component is represented by the state of under-

standing of functional relations. The state of understanding

of functional relations is inferred by the same method as in

intelligent tutoring systems. That is, if the student obtains

the correct value of a physical parameter, it is inferred that

the student understands the functional relations involved in

working out the value. On the other hand, if the student

Fig. 2. An example of student model representation by

generalization space.


Page 5: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

makes mistakes, the causes are inferred by a method of error

origin identification.

In the student model based on the generalization

space, if a student can understand a complex system by

applying knowledge, the student is expected to understand

simpler systems. That is, if the student understands system

�a� whose complexity is Xa = (Xa1, Xa2, . . . , Xan), the

student is expected to understand system �b� whose com-

plexity is Xb �Xb1, Xb2, . . . , Xbn�, where Xbi d Xai for all

i. For example, the student�s understanding system 1 in Fig.

2 implies an understanding of system 2. On the other hand,

the state of understanding of system 3 is unpredictable from

the state of understanding of the system 1, because system

3 includes an element of complexity not previously encoun-

tered. Physical systems are, therefore, partially ordered in

regard to their complexity in our student model.

3. SpringMaster: An Intelligent Learning

Environment for Spring Systems

3.1. Structure of SpringMaster

We implemented an intelligent learning environment

for spring systems based on the architecture presented in

Section 2. The domain of SpringMaster is spring systems

in which springs are connected in series and/or in parallel.

The learning objectives in the stepwise learning mode are

designed to proceed from a one-spring system to multi-

spring systems. The students learn the nature of spring

systems step by step.

Figure 3 shows a screenshot of SpringMaster. There

are springs, metal fittings for parallel connection, weights,

and tools for measurement of length and force in the parts

library. There is a table in the notebook, and the physical

parameters to be observed are selected from the constructed

system in the workbench.

3.2. Domain knowledge and student model

Table 1 shows some of the component definitions.

Constant values such as the mass of the weights and the

natural length of the spring are predefined for each compo-

nent. The physical system model is generated from the

functional relations of each component and the connection

relations of the components. Figure 4 shows an example of

a physical system model. The unknown values of the physi-

cal parameters in the physical system model are calculated

by propagating known values according to functional rela-


When a student predicts the values of the parameters

without performing an experiment, their correctness is

judged by comparing them with the values in the physical

system model. If a value is wrong, the causes of the error

are inferred by the bug model. Each functional relation

defined for each component is accompanied by debugging

Fig. 3. SpringMaster�s user interface. Fig. 4. Example of a physical system model.

Table 1. Excerpt of component definitions


Page 6: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

rules. The causes of a student�s error are identified by trying

to reproduce the error by replacing correct functional rela-

tions with invalid functional relations. The inferred state of

the student�s understanding is recorded in the student model

represented by the three-dimensional generalization space

as shown in Fig. 1.

4. Empirical Evaluation

4.1. Method of evaluation

We evaluated the effectiveness of SpringMaster at a

junior high school. The subjects were 82 first-year students

in three classes. Three school hours of 45 minutes were

assigned for the evaluation. After a pretest, 53 students in

two classes used SpringMaster, while 29 students in one

class used real instruments for learning by experiment.

After that, they took a follow-up test. The pretest and the

follow-up test were the same problems.

4.2. Results and discussion

Figure 5 shows the results of the evaluation. The

students were divided into four groups according to the

result of the pretest and the follow-up test. The graphs in

Fig. 5 show the percentages of students in four groups. On

the left of the arrow �->� is the result of the pretest and on

the right, the result of the follow-up test. �o� means correct

and �x� incorrect. For example, students who solved a

problem correctly in both the pretest and follow-up test

were categorized as �o->o,� and students who solved a

problem correctly only in the pretest were categorized as

�o->x.� The results indicate the following.

(1) Most students solved problem 1 correctly in both

the pretest and follow-up test. They therefore knew Hooke�s

law before the pretest. However, half of the students could

not apply Hooke�s law correctly to physical systems in

problems 2 and 3, and few students could solve problem 4

at the pretest.

(2) In regard to category �x->o� for problems 2, 3,

and 4, percentages of students who learned with Spring-

Master are higher than those who learned with real instru-

ments. Table 2 shows the numbers of students who could

not solve problems 2, 3 or 4 in the pretest in each category.

A non-parametric test of independency reveals that the two

categories of problem 2 and 3 are not independent at the 5%

significance level. This means that the learning methods of

Fig. 5. Results of evaluation.


Page 7: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

the two groups made the results of the follow-up test


The conclusion derived from these two facts is that

use of SpringMaster was effective for learning whose ob-

jective is to be able to apply fundamental knowledge to

complex systems.

5. Related Work

Many studies have been done on simulation-based

learning assistance systems. Ueno and colleagues [3] pro-

posed a method of generating explanations from different

viewpoints in order to make students pay attention to im-

portant phenomena of kinetic systems in an interactive

learning environment. Forbus and Falkenhainer [4] and

Amador and colleagues [5] proposed methods of generating

accurate explanations of physical phenomena by combin-

ing qualitative and quantitative simulation. Providing ex-

planations is an effective way to help students understand

system behavior or system structures. The domain of these

studies is dynamic systems, while our domain is static

systems. Although the domain is different, our approach

does not provide explanations but provides a chance to

interpret the results of experiments and suggestions to

collect data that are helpful for interpretation. We believe

that it is important for students to discover ways of using

knowledge by themselves in order to be able to understand

complex systems by applying physical laws.

Reimann [6] also focused on students� hypothesis

generation. He proposed a method of assisting hypothesis

generation and providing feedback by using a graphical

user interface. Because his system did not diagnose the

students� hypotheses, it could not provide tailored feedback

depending on each student�s understanding. On the other

hand, we have introduced a student model that takes the

complexity of systems into account, and provides tailored

feedback depending on both the student�s understanding

and the complexity of the system.

White and Frederiksen [7] proposed a method of

progressive learning of new concepts of physical systems

in a study of intelligent learning environments. This study

focused on stepwise refinement of physical phenomena,

while we focused on the refinement of meta-knowledge for

the application of domain knowledge. Their model did not

distinguish what a student knows from what the student can

do. One of the important points of our study is a student

model that represents the student�s ability to apply knowl-


Shingae and colleagues [8] proposed a sophisticated

method of intelligent assistance for discovery learning.

Their intelligent learning environment is equipped with

tools for assisting experimentation, data collection, and

hypothesis generation. The ILE monitors all trial-and-error

processes through tool operations, and infers the student�s

intentions by the plan recognition technique. If the student

is at an impasse, it provides subgoals of learning, or indica-

tions of what to do next. Our ILE cannot infer the student�s

intention from his or her behavior in the environment.

However, a characteristic of our method is to propose both

suitable physical systems to be learned and suitable learn-

ing goals by recognizing system structures and the student�s

learning progress.

Student models allowing for the fact that a student

can use knowledge in some cases but not in other cases are

approached in different ways. Torres and co-workers [9]

tried to model the student�s inconsistent behavior in concept

learning by introducing fuzzy logic. Yacef and Allen [10]

modeled the student�s skill by a set of achievement levels

measured for each task in order to represent skill levels for

different situations. Vallano [11] and Conati and VanLehn

[12] proposed a method for evaluating the uncertainty of a

student�s behavior by means of a Bayesian network. These

methods do not model the student�s behavior or knowledge

in different situations, and relations between different situ-

ations are not defined. As a result, it is impossible to predict

the student�s behavior in a situation from a model of some

other situation. On the other hand, our student model,

represented by the generalization space, specifies relations

between situations in terms of partial ordering by general-

ity, and the student�s understanding state is represented by

a rule base. This enables us to predict the student�s behavior

in a different situation.

Table 2. Results of evaluation: transition of students

who failed pretests


Page 8: Intelligent learning environment for acquiring knowledge application ability

6. Discussion and Conclusions

This paper has presented an architecture of an intel-

ligent learning environment whose learning objective is to

assist students to understand the nature of complex systems

by experiment. It has also presented an application of the

architecture to spring-system learning for junior high

school students. We modeled the student�s state of under-

standing in different situations by a multidimensional space

representing the generality of the target domain. The stu-

dent model contributes to the implementation of learning

environments providing tailored assistance depending on

the complexity of the system. The definition of partial

ordering with respect to system complexity is essential to

the ability to suggest a similar system, when complexity is

different from the original system, depending on the stu-

dent�s state of understanding.

The results of SpringMaster�s evaluation show that it

is effective for students who understand the fundamental

nature of a spring but cannot understand the nature of

systems composed of springs. In a questionnaire, the stu-

dents expressed their impressions that SpringMaster

aroused feelings of achieving goals and that they experi-

enced the satisfaction of accomplishment.

We used the same technique as intelligent tutoring

systems to infer the causes of the students� errors in domain

knowledge. However, the student model based on the gen-

eralization space does not explicitly represent meta-knowl-

edge on how to use domain knowledge. It only records the

degree of mastery for each situation in regard to the ability

to apply domain knowledge. It therefore is different from

rule-based student models of intelligent tutoring systems at

this point. Andriessen and Sandberg [13] classified learning

scenarios as transmission, studio, and negotiation in their

future view of artificial intelligence in education. They held

that student modeling in the studio, where learning goals

are fixed but the processes for reaching goals are not enu-

merable, would shift from process evaluation to product

evaluation. The student model of generalization space fol-

lows the same line in regard to the ability to apply rules,

and it is a suggestion of a definite method.

In this paper, we have applied the proposed architec-

ture of intelligent learning environments to learning spring

systems in junior high schools. It is possible to apply it to

other domains of static systems in the same manner. The

representation of the student model based on the generali-

zation space and the definition of partial ordering on a

problem space are also applicable to areas other than phys-

ics where difficulty or generality is defined by independent

concepts or skills.

Our method has some limitations. To apply the

architecture to dynamic systems, we need to consider

methods of generating the physical system model. The

current definition of SpringMaster�s generalization space

maps physical systems that have the same complexity but

differ in appearance onto the same point in the generaliza-

tion space. It is not clear that students can apply rules on

these systems in the same way. We need further evaluation

of this issue.

Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Seiichi

Takei for conducting the evaluation of SpringMaster at

Kobukuro Junior High School. We thank Naomi Sasao and

Kouichi Fukuda for help in implementing SpringMaster.


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AUTHORS (from left to right)

Akira Takeuchi is a professor of artificial intelligence at Kyushu Institute of Technology. His research interests include

intelligent tutoring systems, human computer interface, and natural language processing.

Hiroyuki Yoshida is with Kyushu Multi-Media System Lab. of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. He is engaged in

research and development of intelligent tutoring systems.

Tomoyuki Fujita received his master�s degree from Kyushu Institute of Technology. His research theme was intelligent

tutoring systems. He is currently engaged in developing network instruments at Mitsubishi Electric Co.

Kazuko Ishibashi worked at Kyushu Multi-Media System Lab. of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. She engaged in

research and development of intelligent tutoring systems and natural language processing.


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