  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    By the Virginia Tech Objectivist Club

    n Introduction to Objectivism

    My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a

    heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as hisnoblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.

    – Ayn Rand

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    Born 1905 in St. Petersburg,RussiaOpposed communist idealsfrom childhoodKerensky and BolshevikrevolutionGraduated from University ofPetrograd with history andphilosophy degreeStudied at State Institute ofCinema Arts

    Who Was Ayn Rand?

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Rand idolized AmericaMoved to NYC in 1926Started cinema work 1929 inHollywoodMet future husband, FrankO’Connor

    Wrote 1st screenplay, “Red Pawn”,in 1932“We the Living” published in1936“Anthem” ’37“Fountainhead” ’43

    “Atlas Shrugged” ’57Died March 6, ‘82

    Who Was Ayn Rand?

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    After Atlas Shrugged Randfocused on non-fiction, andlectures on objectivismLeonard Piekoff and theCollectiveThe Collective started theObjectivist MovementPiekoff heads up ARIHad a tough time growing upand succeeding as a writerNever let her environment

    compromise what shewanted to do

    Who Was Ayn Rand?

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    There are 5branches of Objectivism

    MetaphysicsEpistemology EthicsPoliticsAesthetics

    A Brief Overview of Objectivism

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    Three Axioms:Existence

    Identity Corollary: CausalRealism


    Metaphysics: Objective Reality

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    Reason: “the faculty thatidentifies and integrates thematerial provided by man'ssenses.”Senses are valid: self-evidentRejection of faith, mysticismThe true, the false and thearbitrary Deduction and induction

    Concept formation

    Epistemology: Reason

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    NaturalisticMutualism, not predationRejection of altruism

    Duty to neither god nor society Well-being cannot be attainedby force

    Ethics: Rational Self Interest

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    Individual rightsLimited government

    Duties: police, courts,military

    No taxesGold standard

    Politics: Laissez-Faire Capitalism

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    Art projects concepts asperceptsRomantic realism: thingspresented as they “could” and“should” beExamples:

    Literature: Dostoyevsky,Cyrano de BergeracMusic: Tchaikovsky,Rachmaninoff, Dvoř ák Visual art: Michelangelo,

    BouguereauAyn Rand, naturally!

    Aesthetics: Romantic Realism

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    Advocates selfishness (based onwhims)DogmaticRejects Charity

    Represses EmotionClosed MindedExtremistPursuit of money by any means

    Misconceptions of Objectivism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Adam and Bill work at the same steel plant. Theyboth get $250 per day. On the way home, theypass a kiosk accepting donations for Cancer

    Research. Bill donates $50. Adam, who is savingup for a new sound system, just walks by. Whichperson is being selfish?

    An Example on Selfishness

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    An Example on SelfishnessBoth people are beingselfish- and that’s fine.According toObjectivism, neither

    person is morallysuperior.Selfishness = RationalSelf InterestPursuing the things that

    you value the highest.

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    There is a perception thatObjectivists are against charity.This is not true.Private charity is fine. The donoris making a conscious choice to give his/her money to acharitable organization.Publically- Funded charity iswhere there is an issue (Moneytaken by force and spentwithout consent).

    Does Objectivism Forbid Charity?

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    ―I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to thesweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man inWashington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!'says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs toGod.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'Itbelongs to everyone.' I rejected thoseanswers; instead, I chose somethingdifferent. I chose the impossible. I chose...Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist wouldnot be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by thesmall. And with the sweat of your brow,Rapture can become your city as well.‖

    Bioshock as a Criticism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Andrew Ryan gets tired of thenotion that others have anyright over what belongs to him.Builds a city underwater basedon Objectivist principalsThe critique is that Objectivismwould not work because theselfishness of the industrialistsdestroys (“dog-eat- dog” system)Therefore truly more Nietzschethan Rand

    Bioshock as a Criticism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Objectivism and NietzscheHappiness is not the satisfaction of whatever irrational wishes you might blindly attempt to indulge….Just as I support mylife, neither by robbery nor alms, but by my own effort, so I donot seek to derive my happiness from the injury or the favor of

    others, but earn it by my own achievement. Just as I do notconsider the pleasure of others as the goal of my life, so I do notconsider my pleasure as the goal of the lives of others.‖

    —Galt’s Speech, Ayn Rand, For the New Intellectual

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Objectivism and NietzscheAyn Rand did not align herself with NietzscheNietzsche and Rand did both reject altruism andadvocate living for the individualThe major difference between the two is thatNietzsche advocated sacrificing others to

    yourself by following your instincts (thinkMachiavelli)Rand states everything must be based onrational thought — she would never advocatefollowing your whims to an irrational end

    i.e. murder, lying, and thievery Nihilism vs. Productive Work as Purpose of Life

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Rand only acknowledged anintellectual debt to AristotleLiked his ideas on logic andreality (“A is A”)

    Thomas Aquinas (only in thathe advocated a return to reasonand Aristotle)

    Some Similar Philosophers

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Leonard Peikoff:The OminousParallels Leonard Peikoff:Objectivism: ThePhilosophy of Ayn Rand

    David Harriman:The Logical Leap:

    Induction in Physics Elan Journo:Winning theUnwinnable War America's Self- Crippled Response to IslamicTotalitarianism

    John David Lewis:Nothing Less than

    Victory: Decisive Wars and theLessons of History

    Continuing Research In Objectivism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Nathaniel and Barbara BrandenConfusingreason with “the reasonable”.Irrationalism and mysticism are notsynonyms as Rand impliedReason is a process, reasonable is what a

    group may decide arbitrarily. Reasonablevaries throughout history.Repression of emotionThe Fountainhead shows the hero withoutemotion, and the villians subject touncontrollable emotions.

    The Divide within Objectivism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    People came to Branden wanting toknow how to rid themselves ofemotion — books are unhealthyThe need for an understanding ofpsychological processes, not justphilosophical premises.

    There is no encouragement ormethod to correct one’s mistakes.“(She should have) encouraged us todevelop a more open-mindedattitude and to be less attached to a

    model of reality that might be inneed of revision.”- NathanielBranden

    The Divide within Objectivism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Ayn Rand Institute Vs. AtlasSociety Closed System (Rand & Peikoff)-can’t alter the core philosophy

    Open System (David Kelley)-as new ideas emerge, philosophyshould be revisedKelley’s3 Essential Principles

    The Divide within Objectivism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    A response to Kelley This self-defeating view cannot becalled Objectivism“Agreement with the principles ofObjectivism is the only requirement

    for being an ‘Objectivist.’”- RoderickFittsIs Objectivism open to revision?

    Can it still be consideredObjectivism?

    Is this a logically sound view tohold?

    The Divide within Objectivism

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)


    Contact our President, Justin Robey, [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook under Objectivist Club atVirginia Tech

    Visit The Ayn Rand Institute at

    (make sure to check out the essay contests — first prize is$10,000!)

    Interested in Learning More?

  • 8/16/2019 Introdução Ao Objetivismo (INGLÊS)



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