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    Irresponsible Radicalisation: Diasporas,Globalisation and Long-DistanceNationalism in the Digital AgeDaniele Conversi a

    a University of the Basque Country/Ikerbasque FoundationVersion of record first published: 02 Jul 2012.

    To ci te this arti cle: Daniele Conversi (2012): Irresponsible Radicalisation: Diasporas, Globalisationand Long-Distance Nationalism in the Digit al Age, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38: 9,1357-1379

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    Irresponsible Radicalisation: Diasporas,Globalisation and Long-DistanceNationalism in the Digital AgeDaniele Conversi

    The growing scholarship on ethnic diasporas has prompted various off-shoots. Two significant directions are the relationship of diasporas with globalisation and their role in the expansion and radicalisation of ethnic conflict. The corporate enthusiasm of the 1990s for globalisation has been followed by sombre reflections on its destructive impact upon a vast array of areas, including inter-ethnic relations worldwide. This article explores one crucial aspect of this wave of disruption * the rapid expansion of radical forms of long-distance nationalism, often leading to a stress on maximalist goals and an abdication of responsibility. It conceptually distinguishes between stateless diasporas and diasporas that conceive themselves as tied to, and represented by, an existing nation-

    state. Examples include ethnic lobbies from the former Yugoslavia, greater Han xenophobia among overseas Chinese, and Hindutva technocratic chauvinism among Hindu-Americans. Finally, the article identifies the onset of online mobbing or cyber bullying as a new and ominous trend in Internet radicalism.

    Keywords: Diaspora; Globalisation; Long-Distance Nationalism; Internet; Radicalisation;Cyber Bullying

    The Internet Revolution

    The Internet revolution has brought about new levels of global interconnectedness,often resulting in the rise of a new global consciousness. has become thelargest web movement in history, reaching almost 5 million active participantsthroughout the world by June 2010, and up to 15 million by March 2012, with78,818,264 actions taken since January 2007. 1 Its powerful appeal speaks with one

    Daniele Conversi is Research Professor at the University of the Basque Country/Ikerbasque Foundation.Correspondence to: Prof. D. Conversi, Dept of Contemporary History, University of the Basque Country, EuskalHerriko Unibertsitatea, 48949 Leioa, Spain. E-mail: [email protected].

    Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Vol. 38, No. 9, November 2012, pp. 1357 1379

    ISSN 1369-183X print/ISSN 1469-9451 online/12/091357-23 # 2012 Taylor & Francis


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    voice for many people; it is the active avatar of what armchair theorists can conceiveas a cosmopolitan democracy. 2

    However, the Internet also provides opportunities for those who do not share thesevalues and who try to impose incompatible ones based on exclusion, denial and,

    sometimes, sheer hatred. These latter values often prosper among expatriate de racine communities and uprooted diaspora groups.

    Two main instances are analysed here: non-state and state-related nationalistdiasporas, or stateless and state-linked diasporas (Sheffer 2003). 3 This article agreesthat such a distinction is crucial in the comparative study of ethnic diasporas, as itruns parallel to the crucial distinction between stateless nations and nation-states,with their contrasting forms of nationalism. Non-state nationalist diasporas involvepolitical actors who aspire to achieve international recognition (in the form of political autonomy/independence or reunification with an existing state) for their

    stateless nations, for example Tamil Eelam, Chechnya or Kashmir. State-related nationalist diasporas include activists who identify with a specific state already recognised by the international community (and usually a member of the UnitedNations), but who may also want to expand its frontiers and clamp down onminorities * for example the Hindutva project of a greater India stretching fromBurma to Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka to China, while encouraging pogroms againstnon-Hindus; or Chinese ultranationalists aspiring to invade Taiwan while condoningrepression of the Uyghurs, Tibetans and other minorities. There are cases which spanthis dichotomy, like the Arab diasporas described in this issue, and which may notidentify with a particular state while not necessarily perceiving themselves as part of astateless nation (Rinnawi 2012), but the opposition remains useful and valid.

    Just as globalisation erodes and destroys older and traditional boundaries, new boundaries are created almost instantly in response (Conversi 1999). In other words,both globalisation and nationalism foster processes of boundary building andshifting, while mutually reinforcing each other. However, there is a crucial differencebetween allegedly defensive nationalism and globalisations totalising reach.Although nationalisms rationale may appear to work in defence of those very boundaries threatened by globalisation, its official discourse does not usually containany coherent critique of the phenomenon. In fact, nationalism may prosper on the

    wings of the major dislocations and disruptions brought about by globalisation.Nationalism is therefore simultaneously a process of boundary maintenance andboundary creation (Conversi 1995). However, although nationalist rhetoric is oftenbased on a defensive re-assertion of pre-existing boundaries, its claims cannot be takenat face value. Nationalism is the modern Janus looking simultaneously at the past andat the future (Nairn 1977, 1997). For some disenchanted scholars, nationalism isintrinsically deceptive or fraudulent, or based on an invented past (Hobsbawm 1983).

    How does diasporic nationalism insert itself into this boundary-building logic? Onthe one hand, nationalism within the diasporas is largely conceptualised as adefensive project: its rational claim is that cross-boundary support for ethno-nationalmobilisation is needed in order to maintain ethnic boundaries perceived to be under

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    constant threat. On the other hand, long-distance processes tend to involve politicalactors who are acting from a safe distance and who, therefore, do not put their safety at risk, while being eager to promote risky strategies in their homeland. In short,expatriates tend often to be more radical than natives when they engage in

    homeland politics (Connor 1986; Kaiser 2004). In some specific instances of radicalisation, I postulate that a rule of the online mob emerges in unregulateddiscussions: typically, the most aggressive and intolerant members of the virtualcommunity tend to bully more liberal and tolerant participants by accusing them of complacency, cowardice and even treason. 4

    Digital Revolutions and Digital Nationalism

    Email communication was tentatively launched in the late 1980s 5 and, by the early

    1990s, had already spread beyond academia, beginning to re-arrange the initialcombination of factors leading to the expansion of earlier forms of diasporicnationalism. At a series of lectures at Cornell University in 1994 95, BenedictAnderson recognised this trend at a very early stage by defining it as emailnationalism . In those years, the advent of powerful web browsers like Mosaic in 1993and Netscape Navigator in 1994 had enabled access to increasingly vast databases.Search engines, from WebCrawler and Lycos in 1994 to Google, launched in 1997,greatly amplified the possibility of information retrieval and long-distance commu-nication amongst individuals and organised groups.

    While the Internet has remained an open space for expanding global commu-nication, not all new technologies have offered the same possibilities and some aredefinitely less universalistic: the formidable expansion of mobile phones hasreinforced family ties and parental control by increasing communal contacts anddecreasing the sheer number of new, longer and more sustained face-to-faceencounters. In several ways, they became a contributing factor to ethnic closureand the rise of self-segregated communities.

    But soon new personal digital devices of broadband telephony, like Skype (releasedin 2003), allowed relatively unfettered person-to-person communication, free of charge and supervision. These two-way communication systems became well suited

    to respond to the need for personal contacts of a more restrained and circumscribednature, and are thus not ideal tools for social networking on a massive scale.However, the use of highly encrypted voice over IP (VoIP) software allowed morefluid international communication with greater protection for privacy.

    On the other hand, personal digital assistants (PDA) and palmtop computers haveallowed long-distance organisational tasks to be carried out in real time in the pursuitof international networking. Since 1996, some mobile phones have begun toincorporate PDA functionality, with the global spread of smart- and feature phones.Apple iPhones also have multiple uses, some of which can facilitate in-groupcommunication. Portable media players (e.g. iPod, launched in 2001) have expandedthe capacity for carrying around various types of information, as well as music. Most

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    importantly, instant messaging and online chats seem to reconstitute elements of direct one-on-one interaction within a virtual space, although several missing clues insuch contexts may occasionally contribute to the distortion of the content andmeaning of conversational interaction.

    Finally, social networking has enabled individuals to create ad hoc micro- and evenmacro-communities, which can either transcend or reinforce ethnic boundaries. With500 million users at the time of writing, Facebook has become the leading tool withwhich to reinforce diasporic as well as local networks. According to its founder, WhenFacebook first launches in a country, nearly all the friend connections are with foreignFacebook users. We know that a country has tipped when local-to-local connectionsoutnumber local to foreign (Sweney 2010). However, a major problem with most socialnetworking and micro-blogging services remains privacy and security, as sensitivepersonal information can be accessed by an unpredictable number of Internet users.This problem makes them an undesirable channel for many radical groups, although thesigns of diaspora nationalism are visible throughout these sites. The most significantdevelopment amongst users of social networking is the reinforcement of overseas family and friends ties reconnecting fresh diasporas to their homelands. 6

    All these forms of networking between individuals with broadly shared ethno-political goals have led to the emergence of virtual ethnic communities . These can bedefined as social networks constituted by groups and individuals interacting throughthe World Wide Web and other media on the basis of putative common descent. Thisview is a multi-dimensional expansion of Anderson s famous notion of modernnations as imagined communities . While the latter relied on the development of

    literacy-based markets (first among the elites) and the diffusion of novels and otherforms of literature through print capitalism (Anderson 1983), the new virtualcommunities are shaped by the spreading fruition of increasingly interconnectedcommunication tools through the digital space.

    Andersons Theory of Communication

    Anderson developed both the earlier notion of e-mail nationalism and that of long-distance nationalism (1992) * subsequently expanded by Eriksen (2007) into that of

    Internet nationalism . Before the advent of the Internet the notion of vicarious nationalism had been used to cover the activities of politicised diasporasindependently from new technologies (Smith 1986: 151 2). The Internet permits asituation of radical unaccountability in which, according to Anderson (1994: 327):

    [t]he participant rarely pays taxes in the country in which he does his politics; he isnot answerable to its judicial system; he probably does not cast even an absenteeballot in its elections because he is a citizen in a different place; he need not fearprison, torture or death, nor need his immediate family. But, well and safely positioned in the First World, he can send money and guns, circulate propaganda,and build intercontinental computer information circuits, all of which can haveincalculable consequences in the zones of their ultimate destinations.

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    Theoretically, a study of digital diasporas and virtual nationalism should draw atleast some of its inspiration from Anderson s (1983) earlier work. One reason is thattechnology was central to his explanation of the birth of nationalism due to variousfactors, most importantly the development of print capitalism . This technological

    innovation, allied with the expanding business of printing presses, brought about arevolution in communications, with news and images circulating faster than everbefore, while informing new perceptions of space and community. This change of perception occurred, as in the case of the French revolution, even in the absence of mass literacy, that is, through public readings and mass mobilisation.

    Moreover, Anderson spoke of a decline in religious authority as part of a long-termtrend: For all the grandeur and power of the great religiously imagined communities,their unselfconscious coherence waned steadily after the late Middle Ages (1983): 16,italics in the original) * so that The eighteenth century marks not only the dawn of

    the age of nationalism but the dusk of religious modes of thought (1983: 11). Onecan ask whether a new decline of both scientifically and spiritually sanctionedauthority may occur with the expansion of Internet-related modes of communica-tion. In the case of religious faith, the vertical relationships between the faithful andhis/her spiritual guide(s), which often depend on indirect face-to-face interaction, areeasily bypassed by the horizontal , non-contiguous relationships typical of long-distance communication (Fukamizu 2007). Yet, the same thing can be said aboutmost systems of thought, including science and morality. The denial of scientificevidence through corporate lies, political spinning, the deformation of truth andconspiracy theories can notoriously thrive online.

    On the one hand, some data indicate that the spiritual leaders of most majorreligions have fully accepted the challenge posed by the Internet, with Judaism,Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Shinto, Taoism, Chinese traditions, animism,Japans New Religions and branches of Buddhism offering online access to courses,counselling, discussions, rituals and Holy Texts (Ess et al . 2007; Kluver and Cheong2007). On the other hand, more unmediated forms of horizontal communicationbetween the faithful spontaneously and inevitably coalesce around religious sites andcan easily challenge direct forms of traditional authority. Thus the passage to thenew, physically, if not mentally, de-territorialised virtual communities of the

    diasporas entails as-yet-unexplored dimensions of shifting spirituality and religioushierarchy.In antiquity, power was established simultaneously through personal liaisons and

    extra-territorial institutions such as the Church. With modernity, political powerbecomes concentrated and exercised within a strictly bounded space. Because thestate aims to exercise power over every single citizen in its entire territory, ethno-national boundaries have acquired a newly fixed essence.

    The spread of the printing press prepared the way for the advent of modernnationalism through the creation of empty homogeneous time . The key role of thepress was associated with the spread of literacy, which in turn received the greatestsupport with the advent of the modern state and its sustained effort of mass public

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    instruction (Gellner 2006). The state s monopoly was enormously reinforced by theadvent of one-way non-literacy-related mass media, namely radio and TV, althoughone could still think in terms of (tele)visual literacy . Their supposedly boundlesscharacter could still be kept in check through the combined alliance of language

    (mutual unintelligibility) and power (state regulation and control of the media). Butthe popular spread of two-way communication tools, from the telephone and the fax to email and other IT technology, made censorship increasingly difficult toimplement.

    The trend is to both atomise and globalise society: we are now more alone andmore interconnected with solitary others. Thus, in the vast, depressing spaces of provincial America, the technical-professional migrants of the Hindu diasporacraved for a meaning, authenticity and community. But they found themselvesensnared and locked in their isolated, chiefly Euro-American, suburbs whileresenting the consequences of ever-deepening Americanisation (Mathew andPrashad (2000: 521). Many thus became attracted to diaspora nationalism and, inthe process, discovered a new spirit of intolerance. As a resource against theirisolation, many migrants turn to the Internet from which they download packagedinformation on South Asia. This is one of the avenues used by the Hindu Right todisseminate its ideology (2000: 521). The relationship between virtual interconnect-edness and really-existing loneliness through self-introspective politics will beexplored with some detail in the section on the Yankee Hindutva phenomenon(see Bhatt and Mukta 2000).

    Anderson s intuition about a new era of long-distance nationalism has since

    formed the conceptual core of specific case studies, like those dedicated to the Serbiandiaspora (Pryke 2003), Haitian migrants into the United States (Glick Schiller andFouron 2001), Tamil Tigers support groups (Fuglerud 1999), East Timorese refugees(Wise 2004, 2006), or Tibetan expatriates (Misra 2003), while informing more casestudies like those on the Basque diaspora (Molina Aparicio and Oiarzabal 2009: 710)or Croatian exiles (Djuric 2003). The concept of long-distance nationalism has alsobeen applied to post-conflict reconciliation efforts among Burundian exiles, whosewebsites are shaping virtual communities, providing avenues for the expression of otherwise unspeakable events (Turner 2008).

    However, this approach needs to be supplemented by some theoretical considera-tions about the diasporas patterns of assimilation, isolation and loss of culture in thehost country.

    Loss of Culture and Ethnic Assertion Amongst Diasporas

    Most diasporic groups face tremendous challenges not simply to integrate, but also togain access to the culture of their host societies. Do they usually adopt strategies of recognition, while struggling for the promotion of a more articulate and vibrantmulticultural environment? Are they trying to take advantage of the benefits offeredby the host society without losing their cultural identity ? The answer is, of course,

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    variable but, in the case of radicalised diasporas, is largely conditional on bothinternational conflict and inter-generational cultural transmission.

    My approach conceptually distinguishes between culture and ethnicity , two termswhich are often unreflexively amalgamated among scholars of both multiculturalism

    and nationalism studies (Conversi 2009a, 2009b, 2009c; Fenton 2010: 19 22). Thereare several cases in which persisting ethnic identities, rather than vanishing culturaldifferences, are heightened in response to pervasive similarities. Groups may seek de-differentiation precisely because difference is putative or non-existent, so that it ispossible to conceive an anthropology of difference as denied resemblance (Harrison 2002). Sigmund Freud s famous notion of the narcissism of smalldifferences describes at the individual-relational level a similar concern about jealously preserving ones sense of separateness in the absence of externally meaningful distinctive traits (Freud 1989). 7

    The broader interpretive apparatus informing this article is that the eclipse of ashared culture within the diasporas is part of a long-lasting process of assimilationinto the host society, which often results in a compensatory stress on more enduringties of ethnicity and common descent. Eventually, ethnicity devoid of immediatecultural content provides an ideal breeding ground for radicalism. More specifically,culture can be replaced by violence when cultural continuity is no longer carriedforward from one generation to another, so that violent means are used to reinforceotherwise porous boundaries. Political entrepreneurs who act in the name of ethnicvalues envision their communities as coherent, distinctive and internally homo-geneous. They do so in the face of cultural assimilation and similarity across ethnicboundaries, often stressing homogeneity of will in the lack of a shared culture. Inother words, it is possible to find a correlation between de-differentiation, or lack of visible cultural variation, and ethno-political violence (Conversi 1994).

    Globalisation, Culture and the Internet: When Ethnic Network Building ReplacesCultural Transmission

    After the 1990s corporate enthusiasm for globalisation, a more reflective mood

    followed at the dawn of the millennium. The critics of globalisation addressed severalof its detrimental outcomes (see Barber 1996). This article addresses the relationshipbetween globalisation and nationalism within ethnic diasporas. By the mid-2000s,most authors fully recognised that ethnic conflict had spread and, in the end, neo-liberal globalisation had made the world highly unstable (Chua 2003; Conversi 2009c;Kaldor 2004), perhaps, in a way, recalling how liberal imperialism had affected pre-1914 European politics.

    The relationship between diasporas, ethnicity and globalisation has been thesubject of various studies (Laguerre 2006; Sheffer 2003: 154 60). By focusing on therole of diasporas, Chua (2003) has provided one of the first systematic insights intothe relationship between globalisation and violent ethnic conflict.

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    Mega-corporations have their own ideology (Bowman 1996) which claims thatglobalisation produces encounter, me tissage and fusion while respecting localdifferences. For instance, the term glocalisation is aptly deployed to conceal theconflictive character of globalisation, while assuming that it is compatible with local

    cultures. Yet, globalisation entails various processes of cultural destruction andhomogenisation, most often in the form of mass consumerism and Americanisation(Conversi 2010). With limited means, pressures towards global uniformity have beenresisted both in principle and in practice. Thus, the reactivation of ethnic identities can be partly interpreted as a conscious or unconscious reaction to broaderhomogenising trends. In the process, ethnic boundaries have been, and are being,incessantly accentuated by the forces of globalisation.

    Of course, no virtual community can ever replace the density and effectiveness of daily face-to-face interaction (but see Wittchen et al . 2007). In order to reactivate alocal culture, a complex process of cultural entrepreneurship, education and mediaexpansion is required. It may therefore be easier for dispersed diasporas to buildmilitant virtual communities by emphasising conflict, incompatibility and evenviolence, while it is much harder to transform these virtual networks into locally rooted programmes of cultural regeneration and economic revival. In other words,the Internet can indirectly contribute to the loss of cultural diversity. Culture is madeby a series of inter-generationally transmitted skills, norms, customs and abilities,requiring frequent personal interactions of a quality and density that thetechnological revolution is unable to sustain. Thus, computer-mediated commu-nication can hardly encourage the kind of human face-to-face encounters which are

    necessary to feed the cultural life of non-virtual (really existing) communities.Indeed, the growing reliance on computers is a known hindrance to the maintenanceof face-to-face inter-personal relationships. 8 As we shall see in more detail in theHindu-American case, online relationships tend to prosper in cases of physicalisolation characterised by perceptions of anomie, alienation and the loss of meaningful, personal, in-the-flesh relationships. Traditional encounters and com-munication networks have been overwhelmed by new possibilities of virtualinteraction. But the boundaries between, and within, newly constituted virtualcommunities are in a process of continuous redefinition and strengthening.

    Diaspora, Lobbies and Empire

    Some countries lend themselves to be more receptive to diaspora politics than others.Throughout modern history, neighbouring states ruled by specific ethnic elites haveallowed kin-related diaspora residents to play an active role in international politics.Moreover, imperial capitals like London and Paris have acted as magnets for highly educated refugees who used their new safe havens as the basis for initiating diasporicnetworks dedicated to their country s liberation. Historically, European nationalismprospered among diaspora figures based in strategic Western capitals, includingfounding father figures like Mazzini, Garibaldi, Kossuth and Herzen. Occasionally

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    nationalists transcended into more cosmopolitan vocations as a way to legitimatetheir particularistic projects: not content with setting up a Young Italy, GiuseppeMazzini decided to create a Young Europe in Geneva in 1833 as a multi-diasporasnetwork, including Young Ireland and Young Switzerland. Mazzini s broadening of

    geopolitical horizons was inspired by encounters with other diasporic figures whoshared a similar ideology and predicament (Bayly and Biagini 2008).

    In the contemporary world, the role of diasporas has occasionally beeninstitutionalised. The USA stands out as a maximalist example, given the poweraccorded to lobby groups in Washington DC (Ambrosio 2002). The gap betweenrelatively powerful and powerless ethnic diasporas can be as huge as the gap spanningthe major mega-corporations and the destitute poor. The well-known politicalinfluence of the Jewish lobby (Sheffer 2003) is matched by the weakness of groupsrepresenting the interests of other diasporas, like the Arab (Marrar 2009) and the

    Puerto Rican diasporas (Torres and Vela zquez 1998). Thus, pro-Zionist groups play adisproportionate role in relation to their numerical significance (Terry 2005), whiletheir power has been tactically increased by establishing powerful alliances with theneo-conservative Christian right (Friedman 2005). But the focus on ethnicity as ageopolitical resource involves other groups.

    There is an extensive international relations literature on the role of diasporas asactive actors in the shaping of US foreign policy (Ambrosio 2002; Shain 2007; Shainand Aryasinha 2006). Within business studies and related disciplines, there is also aseparate literature on the powerful role of lobbies in the USA, particularly thoseassociated with the corporate and multinational industry * and how this represents agrave threat to democracy (Butts 2003; Luger 2000). Ethnic lobbies are thus players ina complex multi-level game.

    Some ethnic and foreign-policy networks have been influential only in specificmoments. For instance, the Serbian Unity Congress (SUC) was able to influence, evendetermine, US foreign policy choices in the earlier stages of the wars of Yugoslav dissolution (Blitz 1996; Hockenos 2003). Moreover, the mobilisation of the Serbiandiaspora abroad was a crucial factor in promoting Serbian nationalism at home,pushing Belgrade s elites further down the path of extreme nationalism leading toethnic cleansing (Bock-Luna 2007). After a period of vacuum and indecision (Letica

    1996), its place was seized by the Croatian lobby (Djuric 2003), at a time when theInternet was fast becoming adopted as a more effective means of disseminating theatrocities perpetuated against Croatian civilians (Bock-Luna 2007: 19). As usual withhighly mobilised diasporas, Croatian ultranationalists relied on radicalised networksin Europe and America to tighten their grip on power (Hockenos 2003: 101). FranjoTudjman s election campaign was largely financed by e migre s sometimes guided moreby hatred for the Serbs than by love for their country (Gallagher 2003: 50 3). On theother hand, Slobodan Milosevic s allies in the West took advantage of pre-existingdiplomatic channels at a time of mass mobilisations with the participation of muchof the Serbian diaspora (Ramet 2005: 95). Increasingly, Serbian Internet sites becamereceptacles for anti-Croat and anti-Muslim hate speech, presenting conspiratorial

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    images of Croats as being collectively intent on dispensing with all Serbs (Bock-Luna2007: 156).9 Moreover, older generations of diasporic Serbs could ignore the reality of Milosevics repression because they had landed in the 1940s already as ultranationalistWW2 refugees, including quislings and fascists (Ramet 2002: 356). After NATO s

    bombing of Serbia in 1999, Albanian e migre s gained a new prominence. A flow of cash and weapons between the USA and the Greater Albanian ultra-nationalistguerrillas in Macedonia was uncovered in March 2001 (Hedges 2001). Public opinionin the Balkans then became convinced that the US was behind home-grownterrorism. Although the Albanian diaspora is dispersed across Turkey, Greece, Italy,Austria, Germany, France, the UK and Canada, it is the numerically smallercommunity in the USA that has apparently been able to exert the most influence. 10

    The balance of fortunes amongst ethnic diasporas can shift considerably. Thus, theinfluence of the diasporas amongst Kosovars (Hockenos 2003), Irish (Boyle 2001),Kurds (Wahlbeck 1999), Chechens (Hughes 2007), Ibos/Igbos (Onwubu 1975),Armenians (Aghanian 2007), Crimean Tatars (Williams 2001), Amboneses/Moluc-cans (van Amersfoort 2003) and others has waxed and waned across time. Althoughethnic diasporas often spawn peaceful and pacifist organisations, such as thoseamong Tibetan (Bernstorff and von Welck 2003) and Ogoni (Osha 2007) refugees,the most radical elements tend often to be de-traditionalised , culturally disconnectedfrom the homeland and assimilated into the host country s culture. This triadicrelationship between de-traditionalisation , radicalisation and forms of onlineactivism can be discerned in the two important diasporic examples given below.

    Is the Chinese Exception Exceptional?

    The mushrooming of militant diaspora networks runs counter to erstwhile cliche dassumptions that globalisation heralds a new era of universal and cosmopolitanvalues. In the same year as Srebrenica (July 1995) and one year after the Rwandangenocide (April July1994), a neo-liberal pundit wrote: If there were another event likeTiananmen Square, foreign capital would leave China, new foreign companies wouldnot enter, and those already present would slow down or stop their provision of neededskills and technology (Ohmae 1995: 72). On the other hand, we hear that diasporas are

    incapable of giving a territorial dimension to their national imaginaire . Sikh, Tamil,Haitian, Armenian and other immigrants have been forming true post-nationalorganisations (Appadurai 1996: 165, cited by Dieckhoff and Jaffrelot 2005: 257).

    Optimist statements like the above have been refuted by the expansion of radicaldiasporas and, in the case of China, by the reach of government repression in therural areas, increasing the widespread use of death sentences for petty crime, and thecreation of slave labour reservoirs. Rather than withdrawing, Western companiesbowed to Beijing government pressure in exchange for expanding facilities.Compliance with government directives has affected digital giants like Google,Google China (founded 2005), Microsoft and Yahoo!. 11 With their great shares of themarket and hence control over unparalleled amounts of personal users data, they

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    have been at the centre of various scandals and investigations (Amnesty International2006). According to well-known Wikileaks documents, a secret war was carried outagainst Google by Chinas ruling Politburo. Overtaking Google, the largely government-filtered Baidu has become the most popular search engine in China *

    interestingly founded in 2000 by members of the Chinese diaspora in the West.12

    While International Wikipedia remains off-limits to most Chinese, even the separateChinese Wikipedia has undergone apparent self-censorship (French 2006). 13 In theend, a parallel Chinese-controlled net encyclopaedia, Baidu Baike , whose content iscongruent with Beijing s directives, was invented and rapidly made accessible to mostChinese.

    Ohmae s predictions thus downplayed the possibility that the rapid growth of Chinese industries would eventually condition the Western economy, rather thanChina being dependent on the market s alleged moral imperatives. So powerful is the

    impact of new communication tools, that Internet nationalism can be said to open anew chapter in the history of Chinese nationalism, allowing for a redefinition of Hanexclusiveness and foe-bashing (Gries 2006). Moderate and liberal intellectuals whooppose ethnic chauvinism are routinely cursed as traitors online. Through theInternet, chain reactions of cyber bullying against both perceived enemies andinternal traitors have been instigated, while slurs like little Japs (xiao Riben ) anddevils (guizi ) are pervasive in Chinese Internet chatrooms (Gries 2005: 837).Similarly, Han chauvinists hailed the People s-Army repression of peaceful Uyghurdemonstrators in Xinjiang in 2009, with diaspora nationalists in the chatroominciting further bloodbaths. In contrast, websites run by the Uyghur AmericanAssociation (f. 1998) documented each stage of the mounting repression. 14

    How far can these outbursts of hate speech and patriotic indignation beconsidered spontaneous? Is Chinese extremism over-tolerated or even driven by the Communist Party and state bureaucracy? China s Internet is one of the mostregulated in the world; censorship and the control of individual opinion andbehaviour remain pervasive. News about China s censorship has circulated widely among global public opinion (see Jacobs 2009). Restrictive measures were attemptedin a number of countries after 11 September, but censorship was previously mostly limited to totalitarian regimes like those in Iraq and North Korea, as well as China.

    On the other hand, Internet-based ethno-political networks cannot be easily constrained by state regulations and boundaries. Attempts to control the web overideological content and ethnic dissent can occur only at the price of curtailingfundamental human rights. In this way, transnational actors and political entrepre-neurs may partly be able to overcome the censorship imposed by authoritarian orsultanistic regimes to veto the political activities of religious minorities and ethnicmovements. Even China s Great Firewall can be circumvented, although theviolators may then find themselves at the mercy of China s draconian laws.

    Thus, a superficial observation may yield the impression that these arespontaneous manifestations of a buoyant and expanding Han nationalism.To what extent instances of apparent spontaneity are tolerated or guided by

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    Chinese officials * for instance by using counterfeit agitators and agents-provocateur * remains an open question. However, many of the most incontrollable exchangeshave occurred in highly Westernised, open diasporic contexts, where the threat of state sanctions cannot apply and anonymity is more likely to remain as such.

    A possible clarification may be found by contrasting China s case with countrieswhich enjoy full democratic rights. India can serve as a particularly helpful counter-balance.

    Yankee Hindutva

    In June 1984, the Indian army s suppression of the Sikh insurgency led by JarnailSingh Bhindranwale in Amritsar s Golden Temple alienated a considerable part of theSikh population, formerly loyal Indian citizens. The ensuing assassination of Indira

    Gandhi by one of her Sikh bodyguards was followed in November 1984 by indiscriminate anti-Sikh pogroms at the hands of youths from the ruling IndianNational Congress Party. These events catalysed the attention, emotions andstrategies of the diaspora (Singh 1999, 2006; Tatla 1999). Radicalisation particularly affected the younger and more assimilated emigrant generations. As a consequence,radical groups grew stronger in the Sikh diaspora in Britain, Canada and the UnitedStates. Radicalisation peaked with the bombing of the Air India Flight 182 jumbo jeton the Toronto Montreal London Delhi Bombay route on 23 June 1985. This wasentirely conceived within the Canadian diaspora, so much that Prime Minister PaulMartin defined it as a wholly Canadian affair and declared the anniversary of thebombing to be Canada s national day of mourning. Many of the victims, includingthe pilot and co-pilot, were Sikhs. This tragedy led to a generalised rethinking andsoul-searching within communities of the khalsa (the collective body of all baptisedSikhs). Over the years, community gatherings increasingly emphasised more-culturaland apolitical endeavours. The boom of Bhangra dance, originally from rural Punjab,was transformed into a pan-Indian diasporic fashion. Political activities became morecultural and civic in various guises and shapes, as with anti-racist and anti-discrimination groups, or by mobilising in defence of the Five Ks (Panj Kakkar ) orsacred symbols of Sikhism, just as the turban was being banned in France. Militant

    initiatives tended to focus on human rights within the diasporas and beyond, ratherthan responding impulsively to homeland callings. As a consequence, the radicalKhalistan movement lost momentum, particularly in Europe (Singh 2006: 95 6). In away, cultural initiatives de-radicalised the diaspora by creating an environmentsuitable for the transmission of more-tolerant Sikh values and culture. In the ensuing years, Internet events like the launch of a Sikh cybermuseum began to engage largerand larger sections of the Sikh population in important historical debates redefiningthe essence of Sikhism as a religion, an identity and a culture (Ballantyne 2006: 2;Chilana 2005). A new journal, Sikh Formations , was launched in 2005 to reconnectthe diaspora with the homeland through scholarly debates to understand Sikhs,Sikhism, and Sikh identity within the context of a new and dynamic setting that

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    embraces globalisation, transnationalism, and other related processes .15 With itsfocus on cultural content, rather than ethnic boundaries, this and similar openinitiatives have probably done a better job than most counter-terrorist measures tode-radicalise the diaspora. However, at the same time, an opposite trend prevailedwithin Hindu communities abroad, particularly in the USA.

    Among the forms of Internet-led nationalist extremism, pan-Indian Hindutva ,often wrongly referred to as Hindu fundamentalism , has risen as an alarming threatto international stability (Jaffrelot and Therwath 2007). It is part of a largerphenomenon of diaspora politics fostering extremisms that may eventually fitbroader US foreign-policy goals in the subcontinent and elsewhere (Bhatt and Mukta2000; Mathew and Prashad 2000; Mukta 2000; Rajagopal 2000). In India itself, thephenomenon first peaked with the media-hyped demolition of the Babri Masjidmosque in 1992, which involved the participation of high-ranking Hindu nationalist

    MPs (Jaffrelot 2007; Rajagopal 2001) and which began catalysing both diasporaradicals and local fanatics.

    However, despite some setbacks under Indira Gandhi s state of emergency (1975 7) and then under the rule of the extremist Bharatiya Janata Party (1998

    2004), India has maintained liberal institutions since independence, full democraticfunctioning and a plural articulation of power, which Arendt Lijphart identified asthe Indian way to consociational democracy (1996). Despite military rule, similarpluralist and consociational institutions have been broadly preserved in Bangladesh(Baxter 1998) and, to a much lesser extent, Sri Lanka (Wilson 2003) and Pakistanbefore the US-led war on terror (Nasr 2001).

    The trend challenging this tradition of tolerance became particularly pronouncedamong Hindu-Americans. It has therefore been aptly named Yankee Hindutva (Bose2008; Mathew 2000; Mathew and Prashad 2000; Sud 2008). This can be identified as anetwork of US-based Hindu extremists, who attempt to raise acute patrioticawareness amongst Hindu-Americans ( hyphenated Hindus). Radical homelandpolitics are promoted in order to help deracinated youth feel Hindu in the variouscommunity gatherings (Mathew and Prashad 2000: 528). Accordingly:

    The Internet allowed the migrants a safe space to express a jingoistic nationalism

    that is not recommended in the spaces of corporate America. In the isolation of theInternet, scores of technical-professional migrants washed away the stain of theircorporate existence by exercising a jingoistic nationalism . . .. In the isolatedInternet, many Indian Americans found their Indianness . . .many of them adoptedthe frameworks of the energetic pro- Hindutva activists whose electronic messageshave become more prevalent since the destruction of the Babri Masjid (Mathew andPrashad 2000: 528).

    Virtual Hindutva is particularly linked to the proliferation of software engineersfrom India and the intoxication of unfettered communication on the web , where theexpansion of Hindu extremism enables small groups to acquire impressivedimensions in virtual real estate, and to express themselves as forcefully as they

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    might choose (Rajagopal 2000: 484 5). Some Hindu Right leaders have shifted fromlauding Adolph Hitler s achievements to glorifying the valiant struggle of Israel andZionism against Arab-Muslim encirclement (Rajagopal 2000: 485). Islamophobiaand anti-minority hatred became the main glue amongst sectors of the diaspora who

    had lost touch with their homeland s tradition of tolerance. Here the influence of neo-conservative thought displaces the values once championed by world-acclaimedphilosophers, poets and leaders like Radindranath Tagore, Ramakrishna Parama-hamsa and Mahatma Gandhi, who had struggled for a pluralist, tolerant andarticulate vision of India * in fact, Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindutva acolyte.

    Online Mobbing and Digital Outcasts

    Susan Sontag (2003: 344 5) cogently expresses the infelicities of living amongst amobilised diaspora:

    The risk of being punished. The risk of being isolated. The risk of being injured orkilled. The risk of being scorned. We are all conscripts in one sense or another. Forall of us it is hard to break ranks; to incur the disapproval, the censure, the violenceof an offended majority with a different idea of loyalty. . . .To fall out of step withones tribe; to step beyond one s tribe into a world that is much larger mentally, butsmaller numerically * if alienation or dissidence is not your habitual or gratifyingposture, this is a complex and difficult process.

    Sontags words echo effectively the rule of the intimidating mob in the diaspora. Theconcepts of online mobbing or cyber bullying thus become essential in any exploration of the dynamics of radicalisation taking place within the World WideWeb.

    Acting as individuals rather than group members and struggling againstformidable odds, moderate members of ethnic diasporas often try to counter thegrowing ultra-nationalist hegemony prevailing in their midst. Their balancing, yetthreatened, role is taken into account here in connection with our emphasis onradicalisation. Beside the case of dissenting US Jews feeling under constant scrutiny by Zionist organisations, countless mobilised diasporas experience daily the tragedy

    of internal polarisation, particularly if under pressure from an existing nation-state (Safran 1991, 1999).

    One might compare the radicalisation within diasporas to the sober situation athome. Non-Zionist (not necessarily anti-Zionist ), pacifist, liberal and orthodox Jewsin the diaspora who have shown sympathy for the Palestinian cause face constantmarginalisation and blame as self-hating Jews. According to Findley (1989), theAmerican Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has actively attempted tosuppress free debate in the diaspora. But the debacle has been widely discussed inthe pages of Ha artez and other liberal Israeli media, reflecting a relatively more openattitude about these matters in Israel than within the diaspora in the USA. For Yakov M. Rabkin, Jewish opposition to Israel is reconfigured as a threat from within , with

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    serious consequences for those who do not align themselves to the mainstream(Rabkin 2006). And, from within Israel itself, the late Baruch Kimmerling powerfully denounced how fewer Jews in the diaspora had any moral qualms about deprivingmillions of Palestinian Arabs of all civil rights and most human rights (2003: 18 19).

    It is important to note that pressures to fall in line with the vociferous mainstream(blame, marginalisation and even dismissal from job) are usually more noticeablewithin the US than in Israel itself, where opposition is more tolerated andoccasionally encouraged * insofar as it remains under control . In other words,diasporic individuals face unique forms of ostracism by vociferous radicals, and notinfrequently they are bullied into supporting the patriotic cause.

    Sometimes, as in the case of organised crime and terrorism, the methods of controlling dissent can become very violent: members of the banned InternationalSikh Youth Federation (ISYF) used assassinations and bombings against moderateSikhs who opposed them, their argument being that the Sikh nation was underthreat.

    In general, many chat-room discussions and non-moderated blogs of commen-taries on ethnic issues reveal visible signals of the deteriorating standards of civictolerance, while conditions of anonymity multiply the ostracising effects of hatespeech (Eriksen 2011). This can include forms of anonymous, semi-anonymous andeven open harassment, as with the case of Han and Hindutva ultra-nationalists or theEuropean Far Right. Of course, anonymity is often strictly necessary to guaranteepersonal safety where speech freedom is at stake.


    New communication tools have made available previously inaccessible informationto greater numbers of people, inciting the formation of global, cross-boundary ethno-political networks. But has the Internet also contributed to the erection of new inter-communal barriers? Has it widened pre-existing communication gaps?

    This article has responded affirmatively to both questions by focusing on theonline radicalisation of global ethnic networks. It has explored one of the dark sidesof the Internet: that portion of increasingly vociferous netizens who use digital

    technologies to promote hostility, aggressive patriotism, xenophobia, conflict, ethnicexclusion and, eventually, war.

    Although cyber communities have provided avenues for peace, prosperity andconflict prevention (Brainard and Brinkerhoff 2006; Brinkerhoff 2009), the evidencegathered in this article indicates that unregulated use of the Internet can enable quasi-spontaneous outbursts of hate speech via incitement to conflict by virtual peerpressure, often turning the Internet into a locus of radicalisation. While in 1996 only ahandful of websites advocated hate towards out-groups, ten years later the figure hadrisen to 2,300 (Douglas 2007: 155). These figures may still exclude several cases of cyber-hate otherwise classified as ethnic or nationalist. Most important, the Internethas contributed to the organisation of significant extremist networks pushing both

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    homeland politics and the host country s foreign policy towards confrontation andconflict. In some cases, as in mainland China and India, it played a role in the attacks onethnic minorities, inciting domestic politics to take the path of human-rights abuses.

    Two approaches have been combined here: Anderson s concept of long-distance

    nationalism and my own focus on de-differentiation and radicalisation in thediaspora context. The latter, explored in previous work on ethnic conflict andtheories of nationalism (Conversi 1994, 1995), stresses the specific situation of thediaspora in relation both to the host society and to inter-generational culturalcontinuity. I finally argue that the diaspora s condition of isolation and anonymity encourages an increase in online mobbing against dissidents who, fearing margin-alisation, are asked to fall into line with the us/them and black/white dichotomies of the extremists.

    Diaspora politics have often entailed an above-average amount of radicalism, with

    or without the Internet. In these cases, the abdication of responsibility is partly due tothe relatively safe placement abroad of the diaspora s most successful members andelites. Having secured a living in the host society, socially mobile elites no longer facedirect risks and can thus delegate the dirty jobs either to their homeland s policinginstitutions or, in the case of stateless nations, to local radicals who then have to bearthe brunt of the state repression. In fact, stateless and state-linked diasporas can safely confront each other in many host countries, while the blood is spilled in faraway lands.The diasporas vicarious nationalism can be figuratively compared to the corporatede-localisation of industries and labour. Here, multinational industries abdicate allsorts of responsibility about social rights and the environment by delegating repressivefunctions to local apparatchiki , like the Chinese Communist party, or corrupt theirway to power through the import of corporate-friendly legislation.

    However, the causes of radicalisation should not be found in the Internet itself: themedium is not the message, nor the messenger. The Internet remains an ideal locusfor building more dense networks of activism and, indeed, promoting peace andmonitoring human rights (Brinkerhoff 2009). More pressing causes can be found in aconjuncture of mutually reinforcing factors: globalisation s homogenising effects, alack of civic and cultural education, diaspora anomie and uprootedness, failed inter-group communication (mostly predating the advent of the Internet), the absence of

    comprehensive cultural policies and, increasingly, the state promotion of ethnic andpatriotic chauvinism.The worst possible solution for tackling the problem of Internet radicalism would

    be to devise forms of Internet censorship, control and supervision. Recently, severalexperts and leading personalities advanced the possibility of an Orwellian alliancebetween authoritarian regimes, mega-corporations, security forces and the USgovernment to filter dissent and monitor global Internet usage. 16

    Obviously, new communication technologies are not to be confused withglobalisation per se . Globalisation is a larger political, economic and cultural process,which has benefited from technological innovations and advances, but couldeventually function independently from them.

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    [7] In this special issue, Reips and Buffardi derive Facebook users narcissism from theirFacebook pro les. By using an adapted methodology, a new study could possibly be derivedto con rm the narcissism of small differences hypothesis.

    [8] However, when face-to-face is dif cult or impossible, ICTs can enable many diasporicindividuals to reinstall personal relationships with and within families (see Bacigalupe andCamara, this issue).

    [9] In an effort to capitalise on US patriotism in the aftermath of 9/11, Serbian nationalistwebsites circulated news of Bin Ladens Balkan connections and a supposed al Qaedasecret network in Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia (Bock-Luna 2007).

    [10] According to the 2000 US Census Bureau, this amounted to a mere 113,661 individuals(0.04 per cent of the US population), in comparison to the 1,300,000 Albanians living inTurkey, according to the 2007 Turkish census.

    [11] See Censored in China: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and Cisco Systems go along withgovernment bans , (2006) US News and World Report , 140 (7): 29, last accessed 11 April 2010(no longer available online); Google China attack episode: is Microsoft to blame? ,Infosecurity , 7 (1): 6,

    attack-episode-is-microsoft-to-blame /, last accessed 15 May 2012 (Note: many of theoriginal URLs relating to China s Internet policies and US Internet giants may have beenchanged or removed).

    [12] On the Chinese government s priorities for harmonisation , see China: censorshipkeywords, policies and blacklists for leading search engine Baidu , 2006 2009, Wikileaks ,Release date: 2 May 2009, URL: (Note: lastaccessed through Wikileaks mirror site, 15 May 2012; all original Wikileaks URLs anddocuments had been suppressed by December 2010 and their continuous availability on theInternet is in doubt due to the US/corporate nancial blockade; read the importantstatement claiming, among other things, that Mass interception of entire populations is

    not only a reality, it is a secret new industry spanning 25 countries since at least 11September 2001: ); Baidus Internal Monitoring and CensorshipDocument Leaked (1) (Updated) ,, last accessed: 16 September 2010/15 May 2012 (not yet removed at the time of publication).

    [13] See also Is Wikipedia China Really Wikipedia? , CBS News (Public Eye), 30 November 2006,URL: .

    [14] See the Uyghur American Association s main webpage at /.[15] Sikh Formations ,[16] See, for instance, Sergey Brin (interviewed by Ian Katz), Web freedom faces greatest threat

    ever, warns Googles Sergey Brin, The Guardian , Sunday 15 April 2012, http://www. , accessed 20 April2012; Ian Katz, Googles Sergey Brin: state ltering of dissent threatens web freedom , The Guardian , Wednesday 18 April 2012, , accessed 20 April 2012;

    [17] The issue of the causal linkage between online statements and of ine actions is addressed inthis issue by Kathrin Kissau (2012).


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