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Paper presented as partial requirement for the payment of P1, the discipline of English Language Course of Arts, the Institute of Education, Faculty Alfredo Nasser, under the guidance of Professor Ms. Ariane Peixoto.


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One who gave me life and makes me every day a new being, Jesus the author of my faith. To my family the responsibility of making me grow as a man constantly. Friends, without whom my life would have no meaning. In particular, I dedicate this book to my eternal teacher, friend and above all an educator, Vileide dos Santos Cruz Queiroz, who with his extreme professional competence and their ability to form unique and singular people made me get here.

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At age 10, when I was in my 5th year of elementary school in 1995, took this picture to honor my father. It was common at that time that students bring forth out these pictures standardized in all preschools in anniversaries. My father had much appreciation for this picture and when looked at her smile with the corner of her mouth. He said I was photogenic and that this photo was very beautiful.

My father was always very quiet, there was not much talking or giving opinions, but it seems that this photo caught his attention.

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I always liked to participate in school events and record those moments was always a joy. Parade on anniversaries, musical performances, theatrical and dance were things that could not speak. I steadied and strengthened many friendships with such coexistence. Friendships have made me a better person than before.

Each treading a different path, but with all the certainty in the minds and hearts, that our time together will be forever kept as a valuable treasure. These were the students who were part of the only class teaching in Santana-BA in 2008.

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Taking pictures was not to my liking. At the time I was attending high school living taking pictures in the corners of the classroom when times were vague. That's what I did to unwind after the long lessons Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. It was very resistant to the calculations, however, even with so much opposition to the disciplines, always had good relationships with all my teachers. They knew of my difficulties with numbers and never allowed me to stay in studies harmed because of it.

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One of the most important days of my life, no doubt, was the day I finished my studies in high school. For me, it was a matter of honor to reach the end of the course, because since childhood dreamed of practicing the profession of educator. But come the end of the course was very difficult, due to various problems I had to face during the 4 years. The absence of my father and health problems of my mother helped me to feel like giving up halfway.

Although the 4 years of study have been heavy, I can say that my graduation day was extra special. An unforgettable day that marked the lives of many people.

My colleagues and I have been through moments of joy, sadness, doubt, anxiety and fear also, however, the collective learning experiences and day-to-day were superior to all those moments "sad" we passed.

The certainty that a future very beautiful and a successful career in the waiting did not we let that discouragement take care of us. We fought with great vigor in pursuit of our common goal.

Today - each following the path you chose - not out of our hearts is joy, the satisfaction that we had to share moments in our lives.


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Another special moment that left longing for me and many of my colleagues was our Supervised. It was time to consolidate everything we have learned over years of studies. Stage make us have direct contact with students from diverse social realities and that was a big challenge for those who were about to enter the teaching profession.

This photo was taken minutes before we get to the classroom and assume the post of teachers for the first time. The excitement was proportional to the fear and insecurity that many of us felt. All inexperienced and eager to put into practice the theory that we had learned.


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Faced with the need to innovate in the craft of teaching, my colleagues and I set out to do theater performances at school where we were doing our Stage.

Characterized of hillbillies, gave life to the characters Severino Caipira and Ambrosina Capybara. When we tell funny stories rolled laughing children in the schoolyard. The teachers, principals and coordinators also empolgavam and vibrated with tales of Severino, making the lessons fun and cheering the afternoons of those children.

Many of these children were poor, living without families in the school and sought a reason that did keep fighting for better days. See the smile on his face was something small such was priceless and craft of teaching in a way opened possibilities to add something to their lives.

Form many times we encounter situations when making exciting theater performances at school. The children are delighted with the characters and always wanted more.


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Even with the dream of being a teacher since childhood, Vileide Queiroz was and always will be my greatest teacher reference. With her I learned lessons that have made me walk in here. Woman strong personality, always speaks truth and transparency. His embrace of warm friend will always be remembered wherever I go.

When deciding to take the course of teaching, I find the only college town which provided teacher training at the time. The

vacancies had been filled and there was no possibility of forming more classes. After much stress, it was then that Aveliana Coimbra - director of the “Edvaldo Flores College” at the time - got a place for me to study there. Thanks to her I was able to learn much of what I know today. His gesture of understanding will also be remembered by me



In 2007, I was part of the animation team from a party (a carnival out of season) in my

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hometown, Santana-BA. Using clown costume, was the joy of all participants of the party who were inside the block, especially children who jumped, sang and danced to lively music and played by famous artists on the electric trio. It is a traditional festival that has existed for over 20 years. His achievement is made from a partnership between entrepreneurs and city blocks.

By attending this party felt a great satisfaction because people want to play with besides the clown, took enough photographs, and it is very nice to know that I was part of moments of joy that marked the lives of these people.

The following year, not as clown mascot but as a carnival, "PATALEÃO" I used the lion costume to the joy of the people for three consecutive nights.


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One of the best memories I have is the trip I took with some friends to Salvador, Bahia in December 2010. They were

the last days of the year and spend the New Year by the beach with a

spectacular show of Bahian singer Daniela Mercury. My friends Amauri, Cristiano Gleidson and me gave a lot of joy and fun. Together, we know some sights in the capital of our state. We visited neighborhoods such as the famous Pelourinho, where the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, he recorded one of his clips when he came to Brazil. We also know the Ondina district, where singer Ivete Sangalo has some of its properties. And, of course, could not let go of the Farol da Barra beach - a lovely and charming.

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Also in Salvador, Bahia, we recorded special moments that will remain forever in my memory. A Bahian characterized as tradition dictates, gently pulled out, me and my friend Amauri, this picture which we keep as much appreciation.

I met there the famous Lacerda Elevator. I took many photographs legal fill my heart with longing. I shared special moments with friends and enjoyed the delights of Bahian cuisine. No doubt, it was an unforgettable trip.


On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, my friends and I decided to walk around the zoo in Goiânia-GO. It was a very pleasant afternoon we shall never forget.This is my friend Maria do Carmo, an extremely special person with whom I can share moments of happiness, sadness and whatever else is possible in a friendship. His advice and his experiences are life lessons are for me. Besides being a lovely person, can be a blessing of God for the life of any person.

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This is my friend Angelica with whom I share more moments in the day-to-day. Just as Maria do Carmo, I met a year ago. We are more than colleagues, more than brothers, we are friends, close friends. We are always ready to help each other without pretensions, just for the simple fact reciprocate the sincere love that exists in our hearts.


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This person so special is that I love so much - my mother. It is my pillar, my strong arm, my safe haven. She lives in Bahia and came to visit me in Goiania. I spent a few days making company and taking care of me. She called Cleci. An example of character and dignity. A reference to me and to all of my family. Hardworking, full of fiber and does not think twice when it comes to helping anyone. I'll never forget his teachings and his demonstration of unconditional love.

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With its simplicity on the floor, in speech and dress, she always made it clear to everyone that came into the world to give us joy, make us smile, enchant us with her sweet voice. She is and always will be my greatest treasure. I love you, my mother!


This is my sister, Eliane, who have so much love, admiration and affection. In moments of anguish and sadness there is no one better than her wise words to use and soothe a grieving heart. But it is also a sea of humor and joy is always ready to unwind a conversation with his simple way of seeing life.

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Throughout his life he devoted himself to his family and to this day still does. Willing to fight with vigor and courage, you have my eternal admiration for his intelligence and ability to see, always, two sides to every story. Owner of a contagious smile is an example of character and dignity. It was my mother who helped in the creation of his seven children, giving affection, unconditional love and attention at all. I remember the many times they gave up welfare and their will to give us what our financial condition is not in favor. So much love, just even being a second mother. To her I have eternal gratitude.


Luciana is my sister, "leaning." Born a year before me. Because of the similarity of age, have always been close. We did many things together, travel, tours, participate in church events, and always maintained a good

relationship of brothers friends.

Today she is married and lives in Brasilia-DF with her husband. The distance gave rise to nostalgia, but remember to keep the heart of everything we had together. Our parents taught us values on which we signed our friendship and our

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respect for each other, more than anything else. I feel proud to be his brother and do with it part of a story as beautiful as this we live. It's called Sweetie from small to demonstrate a great gentleness, kindness in words and great affection by his family. Being the only brown family, received, lovingly, also nicknamed "Neguinha."


In July 2012 with the visit of my sisters, who came from Brasilia to spend a weekend with me, went to the center of Goiânia-GO know the historical sites and tourist city.

My sister Luciana and I took this picture in Civic Square - where there is a monument representing the development and growth of the city founded by Pedro Ludovico Teixeira.

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Goiânia is a beautiful

city and full of life. Our tour

through the city center was very cheerful and

relaxed, but we walk so much that it resulted in a famine. When we got home we looked like real lions, all wanting to devour a delicious Bahian fish.

We could not fail to record a special moment like this. After the tour, before lunch, we took a photograph which

marked a special day for us because we have not had much we would gather to talk, laugh and have fun.


In the very first semester of college, I had the opportunity to participate as a speaker, a large event, conducted by the University Alfredo Nasser, the MOCCA. It is a socio-cultural event targeted to the population of Aparecida de Goiânia. In the workshop I taught, along with my colleagues Vanessa and Maria do Carmo, the proposed theme was the New Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement. Professor Ms. Sandra Regina coordinated the work from beginning to end, and fortunately, the result was extremely satisfactory.

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Attend this event undoubtedly was an amazing experience. Share a

little of what I learned with the people who proposed to attend the event bore me enormous satisfaction.


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Whenever there is a college work to do, we try to get together at the home of a group member. The funny thing is that this meeting always results in a real fun. On one such occasion, to finish the job, we decided to try the Angel of wigs. The famous "Couch Hebe" could not stay out and everyone sat on it to record this beautiful photo. We are a very lively group and our work represents a great exchange of experiences for us.


Although I have not finished my degree, I'm working in education as a teacher of Portuguese 5 years. And it's always a great pleasure to teach out classes my students. At least

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twice a year the school where I work promotes a cultural tour, and on these occasions the students are driven to the theater, cultural centers…

If one of the goals of education is to form citizens capable of innovating and not simply reproduce what other generations have done, the teacher who believes that design should open doors for your student please have that opportunity.


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At the beginning of the school year of 2012 I was summoned to conduct an educational workshop at the school where I work today. In a moment reflect on teaching practices, discussed various aspects that present points of improvement in the quality of teaching in schools of education. We share many experiences and suggest starting points for that positive changes begin to occur in our craft. The need to think and plan quality education meant that this event was of great value and bring good results throughout the year for our school. It was an extremely beneficial opportunity that has opened new doors for my work. The recognition and appreciation reached me I had the opportunity to continue exercising my chosen profession. The School of the Future Degrees became my place of learning where the lessons I learned always serve as a basis for my future steps in the profession.


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To receive the year 2013, my friends and I went to Civic Square to watch the fireworks show and the performances of the singers sertanejos Gusthavo Lima and Guilherme and Santiago. It was an amazing night that left good memories.

Without many options, after the turn of the year, we passed a pub around the corner from my house and stayed there for a few moments. The night was pleasant, but we were not out for long. A casual chat at the sound of good music glad our first night in the year 2013. The simplicity of the moment left longing in our hearts, as the company of friends supplied and surpassed any other kind of fun.


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Today, the 29th of March 2013, grateful to God for all the victories already won, I keep in my heart the certainty that many days even better to come. Struggling with claw and facing all the difficulties that life brings, I believe in the power of God's love and teachings that my parents trusted me.

It is true that many things will still happen, and it is also true that the consequences of what the future brings are a reflection of our innate gift choices and actions. Therefore, we must walk with faith, integrity and exude character without losing at any time, humility, because it, rather than superior, makes us worthy and producers of morals, ethics and citizenship.

Today, at age 28, and I want to believe also that it is only the beginning of a long journey. The family, who gave me the basis to get here, continue to be my foundation, God, who alone is worthy of all my worship, has always been with me at all times, and it'll forever my confidence. My friends, who are the best gifts that He has given me, continue writing, along with me, the most beautiful and unpublished chapters of my story.



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