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翻译实践 001:原文唐代妇女服饰三百年


公园 7-10 世纪的中国唐代是中国封建文化的巅峰时代,也代表着当时世界文明发展的最高水平。唐的疆域辽阔,国力雄厚,文化繁荣,人才辈出,又能广交邻邦,大胆吸收外来文化,因此成就了辉煌的大唐文化。在这样的社会环境下,唐代妇女的生活也呈现出空前绝后的活跃,开放,丰富多彩。当时的妇女,尤其是都城长安的贵族妇女,从容出入街市,大胆显示了自身的美丽。唐代妇女服饰同样是一派生机,其众多的款式,艳丽的色彩,创新的装饰手法,典雅华贵的风格,处处让人感受到当时大胆追求,兼收并蓄,意兴飞扬,崇尚华美的时代精神。唐代妇女的服饰大致经历了三个阶段的发展:初期承汉魏北朝遗俗,小衣长裙,多着深色,少施粉黛,配饰简约;中期则衣裙鲜艳,胡服盛行,簪钗耀眼,丽人簇簇;晚期体丰服艳,广袖博衣,配饰繁缛,华而无趣。

风采照人1956 年西安市东郊王家坟唐墓出土的三彩梳妆女俑端坐在藤编的束腰圆形绣墩上,头梳单刀半翻




谓甚矣,见诸于文献记载的唐代妇女发髻名目繁多,辞义美好。有云髻,半翻髻,双鬟望仙髻,回鹘髻,愁来髻,归顺髻,惊鹄髻,倭堕髻,百合髻,圆鬟髻,双丫髻,双垂髻,椎髻,乌蛮髻,反绾髻,抛家髻,盘桓髻等近百种,其中以各式高髻为主。在传世的唐代绘画,墓室,石窟壁画以及众多出土文物中 ,


翻译实践 001: 译文Women’s Costume During the Tang Dynasty

Shaanxi History Museum

The Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.), at the peak of the Chinese feudal society, represents the highest level of

civilization in the world at that time. It was the vast territory, flourishing culture, a galaxy of talents, friendly

relations with neighboring countries, and open attitude to foreign cultures that contributed to the brilliance of the

Tang culture. They, especially the noble women in Chang’an, the imperial capital (on the site of the modern-day

Xi’an, Shaanxi Province), went out to the streets leisurely, flaunting the beauty in them. Tang women also took

part in a wide range of activities in a male society such as riding horses, viewing lanterns, attending banquets,

hunting, dressing men’s clothes, and playing polo. Female poets, painters, musicians, and dancers emerged in

large number, and there even appeared the only empress in Chinese history, Wu Zetian (625-705 A.D., reigned

690-705 A.D).

Likewise, the Tang women's costume also displayed exuberant vitality.With varied styles, bold colors,

creativity in decoration, and elegant designs, it gave full expression to the time spirit: courage to pursue beauty,

enthusiasm for gorgeousness, openness in learning, and imaginative romanticism. Generally, three trends can be

discerned over the period. First, there was the style inherited from the previous Han (206 B.C.-220 A.D.), Wei

(220-265 A.D. & 386-556 A.D.), and Northern Dynasty (386-581A.D.). Women wore light make-up, brief

adornments, short close-fitting bodices, and long skirts, mostly in dark colors. Later, it was popular to wear

heavy make-up, shining ornaments, and bright-colored clothes.

FineriesA Sitting Woman,the tri-colored glazed pottery figure, unearthed in a tomb of the Tang Dynasty in

Wangjiafen Village in the eastern suburbs of Xi’an in 1956, was in the image of a woman sitting erect on a

decorated cattail hassock with tightened waist. Her hair done in a half-folded bun, she wears inside a reddish

brown low-cut blouse with narrow sleeves, which half exposes her breast, outside a white brocade embroidered

jacket with short sleeves, a long tender green silk skirt with carefully-embroidered kaki calyxes, and a pair of

shoes with cloud-shaped toecap. Secured below her chest is a wide and long skirt naturally touching the floor.

Holding a mirror in her left hand, seeming to have just stuck on her forehead a plum-flower-shaped huadian

(decoration of the forehead, a patch cut out mostly in the

经 世济民孜孜 以求

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