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49Integrated Services for the Elderly



tegrated Services for the Elderly



本綜合服務由林植宣博士老人綜合服務中心 (附設綜合家居照顧服務隊 ) ,長期護理綜合服務部,及張慶華慈善基金長亨復康中心組成。

We gear towards the promotion of a caring and respectful community for the elders. We develop delicate and

diversified services that meet the developmental needs of the elderly throughout their ageing process. The process develop elders’ talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders’ rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers’ stress.

The Integrated Services for the Elderly (ISE) comprises of the Dr. Lam Chik Suen District Elderly Community Centre (DECC) cum Integrated Home Care Services Team (IHCST), and the Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit (ILTCU).

Page 2: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

50 51Integrated Services for the Elderly長者綜合服務

服務成效重點 Major Achievements

• 啟發長者潛能,優化生活質素 •

Life Enlightenment, Enjoyment, and Enrichment, and Quality Living EnhancementProactive, innovative and cost-effective projects direct to promote healthy living and active ageing, and to extend social supporting networks for the vulnerable elders. We gear to promote life enlightenment, enjoyment, and enrichment after retirement, and to enhance quality home and community living even when their self-care ability is deteriorating. Inter-collaboration and cooperation networks among social and medical professional, and community or volunteer organizations have been extended to promote caring community atmosphere.

Sparkling with New Era Elderly Talent With the support from various funds, intergeneration projects such as the SG (Senior Generation) Storyteller, Children Self Care Ability Enhancement Program, Green Life Living Style Promotion, Kwai Tsing Elderly Council and Aged Friendly Community Project develop the strength and talent of elders, enhancing their self-esteem, and promoting their social image.

Stroke Rehabilitation: A Life Transformation ProcessThe Flyway: Support Scheme for Stroke Elderly includes localized mutual support networks, volunteer training and mobilizing programs, Ling Hong Exercise and instructor system, Care Workers specialized on Stroke Rehabilitation, Stroke 60 Day: Home Rehabilitation Program, Your Ideal Holiday: A Caring Project for Elderly and their Families, and the Orange Ribbon Action: World Stroke Day community concern campaign. These caring forces from the community contribute to the realization of Holistic Rehabilitation from Stroke, which is a brand-new service delivery model. Flyway awarded the Best Practice Award in Social Welfare that recognized its effort paid on promoting community rehabilitation for stroke elderly.

Ageing in Place and Home Care in-placedMore than 1,424 frail elders with home care and rehabilitation need, including some with intensive nursing need, have been served in this year. Volunteers provided home-sitting service for the frail elders so that carers can have a short break. These home care services facilitated the promotion of the policy of Ageing in Place and enhanced the daily living quality for the frail elders. Echo the challenge of becoming an Ageing SocietyThe Forget Me Not: Dementia Elder Support Scheme has developed a home training package for elders suffering from dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The package is widely used by volunteers monitored by a comprehensive instructor training and coaching system. The Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation Limited – Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre commenced service in June 2015. This new service centre aims as to promote holistic rehabilitation from physical disability. We commit to provide home and day-care based services for those needy people and their families, mainly elderly and adult to recover physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually from sudden stroke or accidental trauma.


• 發展新一代長者潛能獲得不同基金支持,開拓了嶄新的長幼共融和長者社會參與項目,包括故事公公婆婆系列、全家寶跨代生活教育系列、長者環保系列、葵青長者議會及長者友善社區等計劃,協助長者們啟發潛能和肯定自我價值,提昇了長者的社會形象。

• 協助中風長者全面復康中風長者社區復康服務包含了患者家庭分區互助平台、義工服務、靈康操復康運動操及指導員服務、中風60天家居復康、世界中風日 -「橙絲帶」社區關懷行動等項目,有效地提昇中風患者、家人及照顧者、義工和鄰舍等力量,發展社區齊照顧中風長者的能力,實踐了全人復康的社區復康模式。「風中飛揚」計劃獲得卓越實踐在社福獎項,肯定此計劃的工作成果。

• 體弱長者安心地在家療養全年為超過1,424位剛由醫院返家療養或需要被長期照顧的長者及體弱人士,提供全面的家居照顧及社區復康服務,並為部份有需要長者提供短暫住宿照顧,和安排受訓練義工協助護老者暫時看顧長者。此等服務讓體弱長者在家安心休養,紓緩了照顧者的護老壓力,從而提昇了體弱長者的生活質素。

• 創新服務回應社會老齡化挑戰年度內推行的「毋忘我」認知障礙症長者支援計劃,發展家居生活指導員培訓及服務系統。張慶華慈基金長亨復康中心亦在今年六月投入服務,為中風或肢體傷患者和照顧者提供家居及中心為本的身體、心理、社交及心靈全面復康服務。

服務對象 Target Group


The Dr. Lam Chik Suen District Elderly Community Centre serves elders living in Kwai Tsing district who are aged 60 or above, carers of the elders, and those aged 50-59 who prepare to retire.


The Integrated Home Care Services Team and Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit provides services to elders who are aged 60 or above with declining self-care ability but with slim family support, the disabled adults, and those needy families.


The Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation – Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre provides services for people with health care or rehabilitation training need, and also for their caregivers.

長者綜合服務Integrated Services for the Elderly

工作報告 Services Report

林植宣博士老人綜合服務中心 Dr. Lam Chik Suen District Elderly Community Centre

1. 退休人士服務計劃回應政府提出「長者就業」的議題,部門與就業發展綜合服務梨木樹綜合服務中心合作推行「玩轉老友記」計劃,透過連繫推廣「桌上遊戲」的公司,培訓準長者成為桌上遊戲推銷員,期望能借此計劃讓部門探索「長者就業」的方向與定位。

1. Retiree Services ProjectIn response to the agenda of Elder-Friendly Employment proposed by the Government, Lei Muk Shue Integrated Service Centre of Integrated Career Development Service Unit joined hand with us to launch the project of “Joy Games with Joy Seniors”. A company of promoting “Table Games” was lined up to train up those retirees as “Grame Promotors”. It was expected that this project helped us to explore the direction and positioning of developing Elder-Friendly Employment.

2. 長幼共融計劃 2. Intergeneration Cohesion Project Seriesa.「長幼繪本共讀」計劃獲香港公共圖書館邀請參與「閱讀繽紛月」2015活動,在全港十八區公共圖書館主持「公公婆婆講故事」工作坊。

a. “X-Generation Storytelling Project” run by our DECC was being invited as one of the supporting organizations in the “Summer Reading Month 2015” by the Hong Kong Public Libraries, and hosted the workshops - “Storytelling by Elderly” in the Public Libraries in 18 districts.

b. 獲滙豐社區夥伴計劃贊助的「老幼筷樂夥伴」計劃及「長幼情 •一線牽」計劃,豐富了「不再港孩」計劃系列的兒童自理能力訓練教材內容。今年更積極進行社區推廣及入校活動,教授兒童「握筷子」及基本縫紉技巧,計劃深受學校及團體歡迎,獲多間學校和團體邀請合作。

b. The “Joy-sticks, Chopsticks Project” and “X-Generation Sewing Project” sponsored by the HSBC Community Partnership Programme, enriched teaching kits under the “No Longer be Hong Kong Kids Project Series.” These projects were actively promoted in community and schools this year. Elders hosted training sessions in kindergartens and primary schools to train up students on the chopsticks use techniques and basic sewing skills. These projects were very popular among schools and organizations, and was being invited by many organizations for collaboration.

暑假開始,長者們又忙於參與「閱讀繽紛月2015,在全港18區公共圖書館主持公公婆婆講故事」工作坊。When summer holiday was started, our senior storytellers were busy in participating in the Summer Reading Month 2015 to host of Storytelling by the Elderly Workshops in 18 District Public Libraries.

長者努力學習桌上遊戲,學做遊氣推廣者。Elders learn to be a promotor of t ab le games. They put efforts to learn

長者小蜜蜂透過一些互動方法引起小朋友對使用筷子的興趣。Our senior lovey bees tried to arouse the children’s interests of using chopsticks through some of interactive methods.

長者積極地在社區推動環保訊息。Elders were actively promoted the messages of environmental protection in the community.

Page 3: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

50 51Integrated Services for the Elderly長者綜合服務

服務成效重點 Major Achievements

• 啟發長者潛能,優化生活質素 •

Life Enlightenment, Enjoyment, and Enrichment, and Quality Living EnhancementProactive, innovative and cost-effective projects direct to promote healthy living and active ageing, and to extend social supporting networks for the vulnerable elders. We gear to promote life enlightenment, enjoyment, and enrichment after retirement, and to enhance quality home and community living even when their self-care ability is deteriorating. Inter-collaboration and cooperation networks among social and medical professional, and community or volunteer organizations have been extended to promote caring community atmosphere.

Sparkling with New Era Elderly Talent With the support from various funds, intergeneration projects such as the SG (Senior Generation) Storyteller, Children Self Care Ability Enhancement Program, Green Life Living Style Promotion, Kwai Tsing Elderly Council and Aged Friendly Community Project develop the strength and talent of elders, enhancing their self-esteem, and promoting their social image.

Stroke Rehabilitation: A Life Transformation ProcessThe Flyway: Support Scheme for Stroke Elderly includes localized mutual support networks, volunteer training and mobilizing programs, Ling Hong Exercise and instructor system, Care Workers specialized on Stroke Rehabilitation, Stroke 60 Day: Home Rehabilitation Program, Your Ideal Holiday: A Caring Project for Elderly and their Families, and the Orange Ribbon Action: World Stroke Day community concern campaign. These caring forces from the community contribute to the realization of Holistic Rehabilitation from Stroke, which is a brand-new service delivery model. Flyway awarded the Best Practice Award in Social Welfare that recognized its effort paid on promoting community rehabilitation for stroke elderly.

Ageing in Place and Home Care in-placedMore than 1,424 frail elders with home care and rehabilitation need, including some with intensive nursing need, have been served in this year. Volunteers provided home-sitting service for the frail elders so that carers can have a short break. These home care services facilitated the promotion of the policy of Ageing in Place and enhanced the daily living quality for the frail elders. Echo the challenge of becoming an Ageing SocietyThe Forget Me Not: Dementia Elder Support Scheme has developed a home training package for elders suffering from dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The package is widely used by volunteers monitored by a comprehensive instructor training and coaching system. The Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation Limited – Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre commenced service in June 2015. This new service centre aims as to promote holistic rehabilitation from physical disability. We commit to provide home and day-care based services for those needy people and their families, mainly elderly and adult to recover physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually from sudden stroke or accidental trauma.


• 發展新一代長者潛能獲得不同基金支持,開拓了嶄新的長幼共融和長者社會參與項目,包括故事公公婆婆系列、全家寶跨代生活教育系列、長者環保系列、葵青長者議會及長者友善社區等計劃,協助長者們啟發潛能和肯定自我價值,提昇了長者的社會形象。

• 協助中風長者全面復康中風長者社區復康服務包含了患者家庭分區互助平台、義工服務、靈康操復康運動操及指導員服務、中風60天家居復康、世界中風日 -「橙絲帶」社區關懷行動等項目,有效地提昇中風患者、家人及照顧者、義工和鄰舍等力量,發展社區齊照顧中風長者的能力,實踐了全人復康的社區復康模式。「風中飛揚」計劃獲得卓越實踐在社福獎項,肯定此計劃的工作成果。

• 體弱長者安心地在家療養全年為超過1,424位剛由醫院返家療養或需要被長期照顧的長者及體弱人士,提供全面的家居照顧及社區復康服務,並為部份有需要長者提供短暫住宿照顧,和安排受訓練義工協助護老者暫時看顧長者。此等服務讓體弱長者在家安心休養,紓緩了照顧者的護老壓力,從而提昇了體弱長者的生活質素。

• 創新服務回應社會老齡化挑戰年度內推行的「毋忘我」認知障礙症長者支援計劃,發展家居生活指導員培訓及服務系統。張慶華慈基金長亨復康中心亦在今年六月投入服務,為中風或肢體傷患者和照顧者提供家居及中心為本的身體、心理、社交及心靈全面復康服務。

服務對象 Target Group


The Dr. Lam Chik Suen District Elderly Community Centre serves elders living in Kwai Tsing district who are aged 60 or above, carers of the elders, and those aged 50-59 who prepare to retire.


The Integrated Home Care Services Team and Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit provides services to elders who are aged 60 or above with declining self-care ability but with slim family support, the disabled adults, and those needy families.


The Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation – Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre provides services for people with health care or rehabilitation training need, and also for their caregivers.

長者綜合服務Integrated Services for the Elderly

工作報告 Services Report

林植宣博士老人綜合服務中心 Dr. Lam Chik Suen District Elderly Community Centre

1. 退休人士服務計劃回應政府提出「長者就業」的議題,部門與就業發展綜合服務梨木樹綜合服務中心合作推行「玩轉老友記」計劃,透過連繫推廣「桌上遊戲」的公司,培訓準長者成為桌上遊戲推銷員,期望能借此計劃讓部門探索「長者就業」的方向與定位。

1. Retiree Services ProjectIn response to the agenda of Elder-Friendly Employment proposed by the Government, Lei Muk Shue Integrated Service Centre of Integrated Career Development Service Unit joined hand with us to launch the project of “Joy Games with Joy Seniors”. A company of promoting “Table Games” was lined up to train up those retirees as “Grame Promotors”. It was expected that this project helped us to explore the direction and positioning of developing Elder-Friendly Employment.

2. 長幼共融計劃 2. Intergeneration Cohesion Project Seriesa.「長幼繪本共讀」計劃獲香港公共圖書館邀請參與「閱讀繽紛月」2015活動,在全港十八區公共圖書館主持「公公婆婆講故事」工作坊。

a. “X-Generation Storytelling Project” run by our DECC was being invited as one of the supporting organizations in the “Summer Reading Month 2015” by the Hong Kong Public Libraries, and hosted the workshops - “Storytelling by Elderly” in the Public Libraries in 18 districts.

b. 獲滙豐社區夥伴計劃贊助的「老幼筷樂夥伴」計劃及「長幼情 •一線牽」計劃,豐富了「不再港孩」計劃系列的兒童自理能力訓練教材內容。今年更積極進行社區推廣及入校活動,教授兒童「握筷子」及基本縫紉技巧,計劃深受學校及團體歡迎,獲多間學校和團體邀請合作。

b. The “Joy-sticks, Chopsticks Project” and “X-Generation Sewing Project” sponsored by the HSBC Community Partnership Programme, enriched teaching kits under the “No Longer be Hong Kong Kids Project Series.” These projects were actively promoted in community and schools this year. Elders hosted training sessions in kindergartens and primary schools to train up students on the chopsticks use techniques and basic sewing skills. These projects were very popular among schools and organizations, and was being invited by many organizations for collaboration.

暑假開始,長者們又忙於參與「閱讀繽紛月2015,在全港18區公共圖書館主持公公婆婆講故事」工作坊。When summer holiday was started, our senior storytellers were busy in participating in the Summer Reading Month 2015 to host of Storytelling by the Elderly Workshops in 18 District Public Libraries.

長者努力學習桌上遊戲,學做遊氣推廣者。Elders learn to be a promotor of t ab le games. They put efforts to learn

長者小蜜蜂透過一些互動方法引起小朋友對使用筷子的興趣。Our senior lovey bees tried to arouse the children’s interests of using chopsticks through some of interactive methods.

長者積極地在社區推動環保訊息。Elders were actively promoted the messages of environmental protection in the community.

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c. “Senior Green Project” focused on “Green planting” and “Food Scraps Composing” at a farm and 2 roofs of two mult-stoery buildings. This project collaborated with different schools and environmental concern groups. Elderly became environmental pioneers to share knowledge on environmental protection and food cherishing.

d. 長者義工導師巡迴到全港長者服務中心,教導長者及中風人士使用易學易用的「筆順五碼」中文輸入法。本機構亦繼續與保良局雨川小學合作,由長者教授小學生學習「筆順五碼」中文輸入法,糾正小學生錯誤筆順問題之餘,亦促進長幼共融。而另一項「自由香港楷書」計劃,長者今年已完成4,000字小學生常用字字型,並向大眾分享計劃理念及造字技術,已逐步連結網絡和潛在的合作伙伴,一起攜手解決一個香港三十年來均面對學生字型學習問題。

d. The “Easy Learnt Stroke 5 Chinese Input Method” had been promoted to elders, including stroke elders in most of the elderly service centres. An intergeneration cohesion enhancement pilot project was also launched with Po Leung Kuk River Rain Primary School. Elder volunteers tried to teach primary school students about the correct stroke order in Chinese word writing through learning this Stroke 5 Chinese Input Method. Another project named “Free Hong Kong Kai” was launced to share the project theme and techniques of using fonforge to create characters. Potential parners had already lined up to tackle the dfficulities of Hong Kong students in learning inconsistent characters during the past 30 years. 4, 000 characters were created by elders accourding to the Lexical Lists for Chinese Learning in Hong Kong.

3. 長者議會及長者友善社區推廣計劃連續七年與葵青區議會合辦長者議會和葵青區長者友善推廣計劃,培訓了一批長者成為社區領袖,就葵青區社區事務發聲,反映長者的意見。今年長者友善大使透過不同場合倡議「社區關愛座」概念,獲得不同的政府部門支持與肯定,於2016特首的施政報告中亦予以參考和回應,政府將加設長者優先座以突顯長者友善社區的工作。

3. Elderly Council and Age-Friendly Community Project These two projects have been promoted together with the Kwai Tsing District Council for seven years. Elder leaders were trained up to reflect their opinions concerning community affairs of Kwai Tsing District. This year, the concept of “Caring Seats” was widely advocated by the Age-Friendly Ambassadsors through different platforms that attained positive supports and recognitions from various governmental departments. The concept of “Caring Seats” was addressed in the Policy Address 2016. The government will provide additional priority seats for the elders to facilitate a more age-friendly community.

4. 中風復康支援計劃 4. Stroke Rehabilitation Projecta. 中風社區復康服務發展的工作喜

獲認同與讚賞,「風中飛揚」中風長者社區復康支援服務榮獲2015年度「卓越實踐在社福 勵計劃」效能 ,表揚部門有效支援中風人士的自助互助能力。

a. The service development of Stroke Community Rehabilitation attained assurances and appreciations. “Flyway”: A Community Rehabiltation Support Service for Stroke Elders was awarded the “Effectiveness Award” of 2015 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare in recognition of our effectiveness in supporting the self-help and mutual help abilities of sroke elders.

b. 「世界中風日」橙絲帶行動2015推行關懷中風患者百日倒數活動,內容包括「FAST」中風檢測推廣、社區教育工作坊等。並在10月25日進行的「橙絲帶行動2015風中同行同樂日」及11月1日 (星期日 )舉行風箏齊飛揚活動等,帶領全港各界企業和團體關注中風人士的復康需要。

b. The “Orange Ribbon Action 2015 - Caring the stroke people: Hundred days count down programmes” was launched in the World Stroke Day. The programme contents included “FAST - Stroke Screening Promotion,” and Community Education workshops”, etc. Mobilization Day of the Orange Ribbon Action 2015 on 25th October. And “Flyway” kite activity on 1st Novemeber were carried out to lead different enterprises and organizations to care for the rehabilitation needs of stroke people

5. 長者外展服務計劃本部門聯繫區內不同社團和居民組織,組織義工探訪獨居及體弱長者,為他們舉辦分區聚會、節日活動,戶外旅行和健康講座,並定期為長者提供家居清潔、陪診及代購服務。今年繼續為有準備膳食有困難的長者提供


5. Outreaching Services for the ElderlyCollaborating forces from different neighborhood networks, local stakeholders and volunteers provided social concern activities such as home visits, social gatherings, festival cerebration, outdoor activities, health talks and household cleansing service to vulnerable or socially isolated elderly. Meal-pack, an innovation of solving the serious shortage of meal delivery service, was provided to those elderly with meal preparation difficulties continuously in this year.

6. 護老者支援服務社區投資共享基金「護老紅娘」社區支援網絡三年計劃,將「愛‧鄰‧社」護助同行計劃和護老紅娘的成功經驗,延續至青衣島長亨邨和葵涌蔭邨。今年3月特別舉辦「跨齡義工」嘉許禮暨社區資源分享日,表揚支援計劃的義工及團體繼續發揮地區力量,支援區內體弱長者及護老者。

6. Carer Support ProjectA three year project named “Care Agent” Community Support Network sponsored by the CIIF extended the successuful experiences from “Love Your Neighbor and Community – Carer Companion Project” and “Care Agent” to both the Tsing Yi Isand and On Yam Estate. Inter-generation Appreciation Scheme cum Community Resources Day was specially held in March to appriceate volunteers and organizations in contributing their efforts in supporting frail elders and their carers in the community continuously.

7. 個案輔導服務今年增加支援另一個關愛基金項目 ─「長者牙科資助」計劃,協助區內生活條件有限之長者申請鑲活動假牙,以改善咀嚼情況。

7. Counseling Service Another pi lot scheme on Dental Assistance under the Community Care Fund (CCF) has been implemented to assist those deprived elders to apply for free removable dentures in improving their chewing activity.

8. 認知障礙病患者支援服務 8. Support Service for Demented Eldersa. 由香港公益金贊助的「毋忘我 -腦


「毋忘我 -腦退化症長者支援計劃」專業訓練及體驗工作坊,獲業界高度讚賞。

a. Forget Me Not: Dementia Elderly Support Scheme sponsored by Chest Fund was completed at 30th June. A professioanl training cum experiential workshop was held at Hong Kong Council of Social Services whcih was highly apprieciated in the field.

b. 為延續計劃的成效,部門以收費形式安排家居生活指導員為區內認知障礙症患者提供家居認知訓練服務。並在中心開辦認知障礙症的多元化治療小組,讓平民化、系統化這套成功的認知障礙症的服務手法繼續服務區内長者。

b. To extend the effectiveness of the project, we arranged Home Living Instructors to provide this systemtic and easy-learnt home-based training service packages to demented elders with service charges and also provided multi-funtional theraputic groups for dementia to serve the elderly continuously in the community.

區區要有關愛座。Every community should have “Caring Seats”.

「風中飛揚」中風長者社區復康支援服務榮獲2015年度「卓越實踐在社福 勵計劃」效能。“Flyway”: A Community Re h a b i l t a t i o n S u p p o r t S e r v i c e f o r S t r o k e Elders was awarded the “Effectiveness Award” of 2015 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare.

長者造字中。Elders were using fonforge to create characters.

向公眾推廣造字的理念。 Promoted the mission of using fonforge to create characters to the general public.

護老者聚會很開心。Carers felt happy in the gathering.

義工為長者準備餸菜包。Volunteers were preparing meal packs for the elders.

橙絲帶行動」2015呼籲全港市民以行動支持世界中風日。Orange Ribbon Action 2015 appealed for public concern on the World Stroke Day.

粒粒皆辛苦,長者在天台積植很開心呢!Every single grain is the fruit of hard work. Elders were full of enjoyment at the roof of mult-stoery building!

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c. “Senior Green Project” focused on “Green planting” and “Food Scraps Composing” at a farm and 2 roofs of two mult-stoery buildings. This project collaborated with different schools and environmental concern groups. Elderly became environmental pioneers to share knowledge on environmental protection and food cherishing.

d. 長者義工導師巡迴到全港長者服務中心,教導長者及中風人士使用易學易用的「筆順五碼」中文輸入法。本機構亦繼續與保良局雨川小學合作,由長者教授小學生學習「筆順五碼」中文輸入法,糾正小學生錯誤筆順問題之餘,亦促進長幼共融。而另一項「自由香港楷書」計劃,長者今年已完成4,000字小學生常用字字型,並向大眾分享計劃理念及造字技術,已逐步連結網絡和潛在的合作伙伴,一起攜手解決一個香港三十年來均面對學生字型學習問題。

d. The “Easy Learnt Stroke 5 Chinese Input Method” had been promoted to elders, including stroke elders in most of the elderly service centres. An intergeneration cohesion enhancement pilot project was also launched with Po Leung Kuk River Rain Primary School. Elder volunteers tried to teach primary school students about the correct stroke order in Chinese word writing through learning this Stroke 5 Chinese Input Method. Another project named “Free Hong Kong Kai” was launced to share the project theme and techniques of using fonforge to create characters. Potential parners had already lined up to tackle the dfficulities of Hong Kong students in learning inconsistent characters during the past 30 years. 4, 000 characters were created by elders accourding to the Lexical Lists for Chinese Learning in Hong Kong.

3. 長者議會及長者友善社區推廣計劃連續七年與葵青區議會合辦長者議會和葵青區長者友善推廣計劃,培訓了一批長者成為社區領袖,就葵青區社區事務發聲,反映長者的意見。今年長者友善大使透過不同場合倡議「社區關愛座」概念,獲得不同的政府部門支持與肯定,於2016特首的施政報告中亦予以參考和回應,政府將加設長者優先座以突顯長者友善社區的工作。

3. Elderly Council and Age-Friendly Community Project These two projects have been promoted together with the Kwai Tsing District Council for seven years. Elder leaders were trained up to reflect their opinions concerning community affairs of Kwai Tsing District. This year, the concept of “Caring Seats” was widely advocated by the Age-Friendly Ambassadsors through different platforms that attained positive supports and recognitions from various governmental departments. The concept of “Caring Seats” was addressed in the Policy Address 2016. The government will provide additional priority seats for the elders to facilitate a more age-friendly community.

4. 中風復康支援計劃 4. Stroke Rehabilitation Projecta. 中風社區復康服務發展的工作喜

獲認同與讚賞,「風中飛揚」中風長者社區復康支援服務榮獲2015年度「卓越實踐在社福 勵計劃」效能 ,表揚部門有效支援中風人士的自助互助能力。

a. The service development of Stroke Community Rehabilitation attained assurances and appreciations. “Flyway”: A Community Rehabiltation Support Service for Stroke Elders was awarded the “Effectiveness Award” of 2015 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare in recognition of our effectiveness in supporting the self-help and mutual help abilities of sroke elders.

b. 「世界中風日」橙絲帶行動2015推行關懷中風患者百日倒數活動,內容包括「FAST」中風檢測推廣、社區教育工作坊等。並在10月25日進行的「橙絲帶行動2015風中同行同樂日」及11月1日 (星期日 )舉行風箏齊飛揚活動等,帶領全港各界企業和團體關注中風人士的復康需要。

b. The “Orange Ribbon Action 2015 - Caring the stroke people: Hundred days count down programmes” was launched in the World Stroke Day. The programme contents included “FAST - Stroke Screening Promotion,” and Community Education workshops”, etc. Mobilization Day of the Orange Ribbon Action 2015 on 25th October. And “Flyway” kite activity on 1st Novemeber were carried out to lead different enterprises and organizations to care for the rehabilitation needs of stroke people

5. 長者外展服務計劃本部門聯繫區內不同社團和居民組織,組織義工探訪獨居及體弱長者,為他們舉辦分區聚會、節日活動,戶外旅行和健康講座,並定期為長者提供家居清潔、陪診及代購服務。今年繼續為有準備膳食有困難的長者提供


5. Outreaching Services for the ElderlyCollaborating forces from different neighborhood networks, local stakeholders and volunteers provided social concern activities such as home visits, social gatherings, festival cerebration, outdoor activities, health talks and household cleansing service to vulnerable or socially isolated elderly. Meal-pack, an innovation of solving the serious shortage of meal delivery service, was provided to those elderly with meal preparation difficulties continuously in this year.

6. 護老者支援服務社區投資共享基金「護老紅娘」社區支援網絡三年計劃,將「愛‧鄰‧社」護助同行計劃和護老紅娘的成功經驗,延續至青衣島長亨邨和葵涌蔭邨。今年3月特別舉辦「跨齡義工」嘉許禮暨社區資源分享日,表揚支援計劃的義工及團體繼續發揮地區力量,支援區內體弱長者及護老者。

6. Carer Support ProjectA three year project named “Care Agent” Community Support Network sponsored by the CIIF extended the successuful experiences from “Love Your Neighbor and Community – Carer Companion Project” and “Care Agent” to both the Tsing Yi Isand and On Yam Estate. Inter-generation Appreciation Scheme cum Community Resources Day was specially held in March to appriceate volunteers and organizations in contributing their efforts in supporting frail elders and their carers in the community continuously.

7. 個案輔導服務今年增加支援另一個關愛基金項目 ─「長者牙科資助」計劃,協助區內生活條件有限之長者申請鑲活動假牙,以改善咀嚼情況。

7. Counseling Service Another pi lot scheme on Dental Assistance under the Community Care Fund (CCF) has been implemented to assist those deprived elders to apply for free removable dentures in improving their chewing activity.

8. 認知障礙病患者支援服務 8. Support Service for Demented Eldersa. 由香港公益金贊助的「毋忘我 -腦


「毋忘我 -腦退化症長者支援計劃」專業訓練及體驗工作坊,獲業界高度讚賞。

a. Forget Me Not: Dementia Elderly Support Scheme sponsored by Chest Fund was completed at 30th June. A professioanl training cum experiential workshop was held at Hong Kong Council of Social Services whcih was highly apprieciated in the field.

b. 為延續計劃的成效,部門以收費形式安排家居生活指導員為區內認知障礙症患者提供家居認知訓練服務。並在中心開辦認知障礙症的多元化治療小組,讓平民化、系統化這套成功的認知障礙症的服務手法繼續服務區内長者。

b. To extend the effectiveness of the project, we arranged Home Living Instructors to provide this systemtic and easy-learnt home-based training service packages to demented elders with service charges and also provided multi-funtional theraputic groups for dementia to serve the elderly continuously in the community.

區區要有關愛座。Every community should have “Caring Seats”.

「風中飛揚」中風長者社區復康支援服務榮獲2015年度「卓越實踐在社福 勵計劃」效能。“Flyway”: A Community Re h a b i l t a t i o n S u p p o r t S e r v i c e f o r S t r o k e Elders was awarded the “Effectiveness Award” of 2015 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare.

長者造字中。Elders were using fonforge to create characters.

向公眾推廣造字的理念。 Promoted the mission of using fonforge to create characters to the general public.

護老者聚會很開心。Carers felt happy in the gathering.

義工為長者準備餸菜包。Volunteers were preparing meal packs for the elders.

橙絲帶行動」2015呼籲全港市民以行動支持世界中風日。Orange Ribbon Action 2015 appealed for public concern on the World Stroke Day.

粒粒皆辛苦,長者在天台積植很開心呢!Every single grain is the fruit of hard work. Elders were full of enjoyment at the roof of mult-stoery building!

Page 6: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

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於2015年12月8日舉行開幕典禮。The grand opening ceremony was held on 8th December 2015.

於2015年10月 19日舉行啟用及祝褔禮,服務使用者及同事代表送贈心意禮物予聖公會西九龍教區陳謳明主教。Th e b l e s s i n g c e r e m o ny wa s held on 19th October 2015. The representatives of the users and staff gave the handmade artwork to the Bishop of the Diocese of Western Kowloon of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, The Right Revd CHAN Au Ming Andrew.

長者及有需要復康人士使用中心器材進行復康訓練,鍛煉身體機能以應付日常生活。The elders and disable patients in need are using the advanced equipments to enhance their mobility and function for daily life activities.

2. 離院長者綜合支援計劃 2. Integrated Discharge Support Program for Elderly Patients (IDSP)

a. 此計劃與仁濟醫院內科部緊密合作,為荃灣區及部份葵青區剛出院之長者,提供醫院治療後的復康、護理、家居支援服務和過渡性院舍暫宿服務,讓長者安心在家療養,亦讓病患長者和其照顧者掌握家居照顧和護理技巧,妥善安排未來的家居生活,避免不必要的入住醫院或安老院安排。

a. This Program closely collaborates with Department of Medicine of Yan Chai Hospital to provide seamless rehabilitation, nursing, home support services and transitional residential care services (TRCS) to patients just discharged from the hospital. This program equips carers with knowledge and skills on transfer and nursing care through carer skill training. This facilitates just discharged patients to continue living in their familiar home environment, to avoid unnecessary hospitalization and pre-mature institutionalization.

b. 本計劃今年已為超過590名長者及1400名護老者提供服務。當中27名位曾使用「過渡性院舍暫宿服務」者,近四成能返回家中居住。服務隊整理過去4年在復康、過渡院暫宿及入院率資料,以供仁濟醫院進行認證工作。

b. More than 590 elders and 1400 carers had been served this year. Among those, 27 used the transitional residential care services (TRCS) and 40% can go back home after using TRCS. The team tried to collect the service outcome information on rehabilitation, Transitional residential care services and hospital admission data to Yan Chai Hospital for their accreditation program.

綜合家居照顧服務隊 Integrated Home Care Services Team (IHCST)

1. 綜合家居照顧服務隊(普通個案 )

1. Integrated Home Care Services Team (Ordinary Cases)(IHCST-OC)

為體弱長者及傷殘人士提供基本的家居生活照顧,今年嘗試為有需要長者配套非正規支援服務,例如: 餸菜包、代購及家居清潔服務,以紓緩正規服務的壓力。

This team provides basic home support services for frail elders or disable person living in the community. The team also got Community Care Fund (CCF) to provide household cleansing and escort services to those elders who are still waiting for formal services.

2. 綜合家居照顧服務隊 (體弱個案 )

2. Integrated Home Care Services Team (Frail Cases)


The service team continues to serve 20 frai l elders/disable person. Over half of these serving people aged below 60.

張慶華慈善基金長亨復康中心Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre


Cheung Hing Wah Char i t ab le Foundat ion Cheung Hang Rehabi l i tat ion Centre was launched in June 2015. Mult i -disciplinary approach and integrated model was adopted to provide rehabilitation, social services, training and academic research in the centre. For people in need of rehabilitation and their families, immediate and targeted rehabilitation care plans and home support services are provided. Meanwhile, we link up with institutions to conduct academic research, and provide vacancies for graduates.


In October and December 2015, the blessing ceremony and grand opening ceremony was held; the Bishop of Diocese of Western Kowloon, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, The Right Revd CHAN Au Ming, Andrew, and Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. SUI Wai Keung, JP, was invited to be our honorable guests respectively. The Chairman of Cheung Hing Wah Foundation, Mr. CHEUNG Hing Wah, the sponsor of Leung Shek Kong Rehabilitation Fund, Mr. LEUNG Shek Kong, representatives from various services sectors and services users have attended and witnessed the launch ceremony of the centre.

長期護理綜合服務部 Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit

1. 改善家居及社區照顧服務 1. Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (EHCCS)a. 服務採取跨醫護專業照顧團隊的個案管理模式,每月為超過330體弱長者提供全面復康護理及家居支援服務。服務隊在社會福利署質素年度審核中,已連續九年取得滿分評分,可見本服務隊的優質服務獲署方認同。

a. Multi-disciplinary case management approach was adopted in the service team to provide comprehensive nursing, rehabilitation and home support care to over 330 frail elders each month. The team got full marks for over the past 9 years in the annual service audit by the Social Welfare Department. The quality service rendered by the team was highly recognized by the Department.

b. 部門整理過去10年服務隊在服務腦退化症長者在步行能力、認知、情緒健康、舒緩家人照顧壓力的成效。該文章獲香港大學秀圃老年研究中心遴選在「採用非藥物介入認知障礙症患者成效國際會議」中發佈。服務隊另整合了過去12年提供的家居復康運動如何提昇長者自我照顧能力,文章可在「第十三屆國際長者會議」發佈。詳見特別服務計劃。

b. The team complied the service outcomes of self care, mobility, cognition, emotional health and carer’s stress relief for clients with dementia served for the past 10 years. The article submitted was allowed to be published in the “Healthy Mind Healthy Life - Advances in Non Pharmacological Interventions for people with Dementia and Caregivers” organised by the Sau Po Centre on Aging, the University of Hong Kong. Besides, the efforts of how rehabilitation exercise can maintain the self care ability of frail elders in the past 12 years was allowed to present at the “International Federation on Ageing 13th Global Conference”. For details, please refer to the special project.

c. 服務隊採用國際公認的長期護理評估系統 (InterRAI)和香港聖公會福利協會開發的綜合照顧計劃及管理系統電腦程式 (ICPMS-HC),制定服務使用者的個人照顧計劃。是年更成功網絡「香港大學秀圃老年研究中心」中心副總監林一星教授及其團隊提供培訓及共同優化評估工具作服務監察,使服務邁向更優質和專業。

c. The internationally recognized tool for Long Term Care Service assessment and case management – InterRAI, and computerized Inter RAI Home Care System (ICPMS-HC) from HKSKH Welfare Council Limited was adopted in formulating care plans for frail elders. This year, we successfully invited Professor Lum Yat Sang, Terry and his team from the Sau Po Centre on Aging, the University of Hong Kong to provide training and collaborate with our team to enhance the assessment tools (Chinese Version) for service outcome monitoring, which made our services become more professional.

香港大學社會工作及行政學系系主任暨香港大學秀圃老年研究中心副總監林一星教授與本隊同工剖析香港長期護理服務發展走勢。Professor Lum Yat -s i n g , Te r r y, H e a d , Department of Social W o r k a n d S o c i a l Admin is t ra t ion and

Associate Director, Sau Po Centre on Aging, the University of Hong Kong, was invited to exchange his expertise advice on the Long Term Care Service development trends in Hong Kong.

部門介入認知障礙症的服務成效資料獲在香港大學秀圃老年研究中心「採用非藥物介入認知障礙症患者成效之國際會議」中發佈。The effectiveness of our intervention on dementia elders was selected by the Sau Po Centre on Aging, the Un ivers i t y o f Hong Kong for presentation in

the conference - “Healthy Mind Healthy Life - Advances in Non Pharmacological Interventions for people with Dementia and Caregivers”.

Page 7: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

54 55Integrated Services for the Elderly長者綜合服務

於2015年12月8日舉行開幕典禮。The grand opening ceremony was held on 8th December 2015.

於2015年10月 19日舉行啟用及祝褔禮,服務使用者及同事代表送贈心意禮物予聖公會西九龍教區陳謳明主教。Th e b l e s s i n g c e r e m o ny wa s held on 19th October 2015. The representatives of the users and staff gave the handmade artwork to the Bishop of the Diocese of Western Kowloon of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, The Right Revd CHAN Au Ming Andrew.

長者及有需要復康人士使用中心器材進行復康訓練,鍛煉身體機能以應付日常生活。The elders and disable patients in need are using the advanced equipments to enhance their mobility and function for daily life activities.

2. 離院長者綜合支援計劃 2. Integrated Discharge Support Program for Elderly Patients (IDSP)

a. 此計劃與仁濟醫院內科部緊密合作,為荃灣區及部份葵青區剛出院之長者,提供醫院治療後的復康、護理、家居支援服務和過渡性院舍暫宿服務,讓長者安心在家療養,亦讓病患長者和其照顧者掌握家居照顧和護理技巧,妥善安排未來的家居生活,避免不必要的入住醫院或安老院安排。

a. This Program closely collaborates with Department of Medicine of Yan Chai Hospital to provide seamless rehabilitation, nursing, home support services and transitional residential care services (TRCS) to patients just discharged from the hospital. This program equips carers with knowledge and skills on transfer and nursing care through carer skill training. This facilitates just discharged patients to continue living in their familiar home environment, to avoid unnecessary hospitalization and pre-mature institutionalization.

b. 本計劃今年已為超過590名長者及1400名護老者提供服務。當中27名位曾使用「過渡性院舍暫宿服務」者,近四成能返回家中居住。服務隊整理過去4年在復康、過渡院暫宿及入院率資料,以供仁濟醫院進行認證工作。

b. More than 590 elders and 1400 carers had been served this year. Among those, 27 used the transitional residential care services (TRCS) and 40% can go back home after using TRCS. The team tried to collect the service outcome information on rehabilitation, Transitional residential care services and hospital admission data to Yan Chai Hospital for their accreditation program.

綜合家居照顧服務隊 Integrated Home Care Services Team (IHCST)

1. 綜合家居照顧服務隊(普通個案 )

1. Integrated Home Care Services Team (Ordinary Cases)(IHCST-OC)

為體弱長者及傷殘人士提供基本的家居生活照顧,今年嘗試為有需要長者配套非正規支援服務,例如: 餸菜包、代購及家居清潔服務,以紓緩正規服務的壓力。

This team provides basic home support services for frail elders or disable person living in the community. The team also got Community Care Fund (CCF) to provide household cleansing and escort services to those elders who are still waiting for formal services.

2. 綜合家居照顧服務隊 (體弱個案 )

2. Integrated Home Care Services Team (Frail Cases)


The service team continues to serve 20 frai l elders/disable person. Over half of these serving people aged below 60.

張慶華慈善基金長亨復康中心Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre


Cheung Hing Wah Char i t ab le Foundat ion Cheung Hang Rehabi l i tat ion Centre was launched in June 2015. Mult i -disciplinary approach and integrated model was adopted to provide rehabilitation, social services, training and academic research in the centre. For people in need of rehabilitation and their families, immediate and targeted rehabilitation care plans and home support services are provided. Meanwhile, we link up with institutions to conduct academic research, and provide vacancies for graduates.


In October and December 2015, the blessing ceremony and grand opening ceremony was held; the Bishop of Diocese of Western Kowloon, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, The Right Revd CHAN Au Ming, Andrew, and Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. SUI Wai Keung, JP, was invited to be our honorable guests respectively. The Chairman of Cheung Hing Wah Foundation, Mr. CHEUNG Hing Wah, the sponsor of Leung Shek Kong Rehabilitation Fund, Mr. LEUNG Shek Kong, representatives from various services sectors and services users have attended and witnessed the launch ceremony of the centre.

長期護理綜合服務部 Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit

1. 改善家居及社區照顧服務 1. Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (EHCCS)a. 服務採取跨醫護專業照顧團隊的個案管理模式,每月為超過330體弱長者提供全面復康護理及家居支援服務。服務隊在社會福利署質素年度審核中,已連續九年取得滿分評分,可見本服務隊的優質服務獲署方認同。

a. Multi-disciplinary case management approach was adopted in the service team to provide comprehensive nursing, rehabilitation and home support care to over 330 frail elders each month. The team got full marks for over the past 9 years in the annual service audit by the Social Welfare Department. The quality service rendered by the team was highly recognized by the Department.

b. 部門整理過去10年服務隊在服務腦退化症長者在步行能力、認知、情緒健康、舒緩家人照顧壓力的成效。該文章獲香港大學秀圃老年研究中心遴選在「採用非藥物介入認知障礙症患者成效國際會議」中發佈。服務隊另整合了過去12年提供的家居復康運動如何提昇長者自我照顧能力,文章可在「第十三屆國際長者會議」發佈。詳見特別服務計劃。

b. The team complied the service outcomes of self care, mobility, cognition, emotional health and carer’s stress relief for clients with dementia served for the past 10 years. The article submitted was allowed to be published in the “Healthy Mind Healthy Life - Advances in Non Pharmacological Interventions for people with Dementia and Caregivers” organised by the Sau Po Centre on Aging, the University of Hong Kong. Besides, the efforts of how rehabilitation exercise can maintain the self care ability of frail elders in the past 12 years was allowed to present at the “International Federation on Ageing 13th Global Conference”. For details, please refer to the special project.

c. 服務隊採用國際公認的長期護理評估系統 (InterRAI)和香港聖公會福利協會開發的綜合照顧計劃及管理系統電腦程式 (ICPMS-HC),制定服務使用者的個人照顧計劃。是年更成功網絡「香港大學秀圃老年研究中心」中心副總監林一星教授及其團隊提供培訓及共同優化評估工具作服務監察,使服務邁向更優質和專業。

c. The internationally recognized tool for Long Term Care Service assessment and case management – InterRAI, and computerized Inter RAI Home Care System (ICPMS-HC) from HKSKH Welfare Council Limited was adopted in formulating care plans for frail elders. This year, we successfully invited Professor Lum Yat Sang, Terry and his team from the Sau Po Centre on Aging, the University of Hong Kong to provide training and collaborate with our team to enhance the assessment tools (Chinese Version) for service outcome monitoring, which made our services become more professional.

香港大學社會工作及行政學系系主任暨香港大學秀圃老年研究中心副總監林一星教授與本隊同工剖析香港長期護理服務發展走勢。Professor Lum Yat -s i n g , Te r r y, H e a d , Department of Social W o r k a n d S o c i a l Admin is t ra t ion and

Associate Director, Sau Po Centre on Aging, the University of Hong Kong, was invited to exchange his expertise advice on the Long Term Care Service development trends in Hong Kong.

部門介入認知障礙症的服務成效資料獲在香港大學秀圃老年研究中心「採用非藥物介入認知障礙症患者成效之國際會議」中發佈。The effectiveness of our intervention on dementia elders was selected by the Sau Po Centre on Aging, the Un ivers i t y o f Hong Kong for presentation in

the conference - “Healthy Mind Healthy Life - Advances in Non Pharmacological Interventions for people with Dementia and Caregivers”.

Page 8: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

56 57Integrated Services for the Elderly長者綜合服務

服務統計資料 (2015-16)Statistics (2015-16)

1. 日間復康中心 1.



Day Rehabilitation CentreProfessional and targeted rehabilitation care plan, medical support and day care services are provided to service users. In the previous year, 90 day care sessions were held, serving 380 attendances of users with direct care, medical support and rehabilitation services. In order to enhance the users in rehabilitation, various types of complex rehabilitative equipment have been acquired, such as Electrical Pain-relieving Device and Gymnastic Equipment. CONPAK CPA Limited has also cooperated with our centre to launch “Power Up” programme, and sponsored us to acquire the Lite-Gait in use with Treadmill Machine to assist frail users conducting walking exercises, in order to enhance active control of their low limbs and improve their walking ability.

Home Assistant Program – Home Rehabilitation Service / Stroke 60 ProgrammeThe programme offers a one-stop home rehabilitation and support services for people in need of rehabilitation. Therapists conduct comprehensive assessments, such as limbs mobility, walking gait and home environment modification. Well-trained rehabilitation assistants carry out a prompt and all-rounded rehabilitation plan designed by therapists, so users can grasp the golden period of rehabilitation to improve their abilities and continue to live in the community. Mr. Leung Shek Kong Rehabilitation Fund supports the programme by subsidizing the users using the services. Focusing on the needs of stroke patients, Stroke 60 Programme provides comprehensive treatment, and subsidizes the stroke patients (60 years of age elderly priority) who have financial difficulties through Mr. Lee Wai Ming Rehabilitation Fund. There were 173 users received the services until March 2015.

CHRC Club Besides caring of physical rehabilitation needs for the users, our center also concerns spiritual and social needs of the users. Therefore, we have liaised with various business enterprises, local organizations and schools, such as Hong Kong Movie Star Sports Association Charities Limited, CONPAK CPA Limited, China Care Fund, S.K.H Ho Chak Wan Primary School, to conduct programmes in promoting community care and enhancing interaction between the volunteers and the frail elders. We have also facilitated 192 users to design and make art crafts using the wool, and showed their products in handmade work market, so that the public could recognize the abilities of the users.


2.「家護通 -家居復康服務」 / 「中風60天計劃」主要為有復康需要人士提供一站式上門復康及家居支援服務。治療師會上門進行全面評估,例如 :肢體活動能力、步行姿勢和家居環境配套等。已接受專業訓練的復康助理會按照治療師指示上門提供即時及全面性的復康治療和自我照顧訓練,盡量把握復康黃金期,以達至最佳的治療效果,使服務使用者可以繼續留於社區生活。此計劃承蒙「梁錫光先生復康基金」支持,津助有經濟困難的復康人士使用服務。另外,針對中風患者的需要,中心亦設有「中風60天 -家居復康計劃」,並透過「李惠明先生基金」資助有經濟困難的中風患者 (60歲以上長者優先 )。而截至2015年3月為止,已為173名人次提供服務。

3. 俱樂部除了關注服務使用者身體上的復康需要,中心亦注重他們的心靈及社交需要。因此中心連結不同商界企業、地區團體及學校,包括: 香港影視明星體育協會慈善基金有限公司、康栢會計師事務所有限公司、培苗行動及聖公會何澤芸小學等,與他們合辦多項大型社區關愛活動,促進義工和長者及復康人士互相交流。中心亦促使192名人次中風、體弱長者及復康人士,一同參與設計及製作毛毛球作品,並帶到手作市集義賣,讓社會大眾了解中風患者的能力。

林植宣博士老人綜合服務中心Dr. Lam Chik Suen District Elderly Community Centre服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics

1. 每月平均會員人數 (全年曾登記會員人數 ) Monthly Average of Registered Membership (Annual total) 1,143.25 (1,217)2. 偶到中心每節平均使用人次 (全年總人次 ) *Average attendance per session (Annual total) 126.40 (68,002)3. 發展性 / 預防性小組及活動Preventive and developmental groups, activities and programmes

• 教育及發展 & 義工招募、訓練及服務Educational and developmental service & Volunteer Recruitment, development and service


• 社交及康樂服務Social and recreational service 1784. 支援性小組及活動Supportive groups, activities and programmes

• 互助服務Mutual support service 131• 護老者支援服務Carer support services 97

5. 治療性服務Remedial services• 輔導個案每月平均數目 (全年總數 ) Monthly Average of Counselling case (Annual total ) 376.50 (817)• 完成輔導協議個案比率 Turnover rate 60.47%• 治療性小組 Therapeutic groups 5• 安老服務統一評估數目No. of MDS-HC Assessment conducted 61

6. 曾接受服務護老者人數 Total no. of carers served 3207. 社區協作及聯繫 Networking with local stakeholders

• 地區支援訓練活動 No. of support and training programmes / activities for NEC and other elderly service unit


8. 長者支援服務隊服務 Support Team for the Elderly• 新接觸的長者人數 Total no. of new contacts made individually with elderly 1,303• 曾接受服務長者人數 Total no. of elderly persons who have received STE support services 658• 義工服務次數 Total no. of volunteer services to STE vulnerable elderly people 3,416• 長者義工人數 Total no. of senior volunteers 329

9. 外展長者服務 Outreaching Elderly Service• 外展長者服務個案每月平均數目 (全年總數 )

Monthly Average of Outreaching Elderly Service case (Annual total ) 40.17 (60)

• 完成個案比率 Turnover rate 26.67%• 社區網絡行動 No. of activities with local stakeholders 21

10. 飯堂服務 Canteen Service 12,407

*2015年12月28日至2016年3月31日因中心大維修工程而暫停部份偶到中心及飯堂服務 Drop-in centre and canteen was partially closed from 28/12/2015 to 31/3/2016 during DECC’s major renovation period.

張慶華慈善基金長亨復康中心 The Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre

服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics1. 會員人數Annual total of Registered Membership (CHRC) 1492. 日間復康中心服務人數Total no. of persons who have received Day Care Centre services 3803. 家居復康及支援服務次數Total no. of persons who have received Home Care and Rehabilitation services 4004. 護老者服務受惠人數Total no. of caregivers served 1245. 俱樂部活動參加人次Total no. of persons participated CHRC Club activities 7976. 義工人數Total no. of volunteers 1577. 義工舉辦活動受惠人次Total no. of persons received services provided by volunteers 108

綜合家居照顧服務隊 Integrated Home Care Services Team服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics

1. 綜合家居照顧服務隊 (普通個案 ) Integrated Home Care Services Team (Ordinary Cases) 1,143.25 (1,217)• 每月平均個案數目 (全年曾服務個案數目 )No. of cases served (Annual total) 269.58 (408)• 服務總加權單位Total no. of weighted units of service delivered 100,682• 護理照顧佔總加權單位 (65,600)百份比

Percentage of total weighted unit (55,600) in providing personal care, simple nursing care service and general physical exercise


2. 綜合家居照顧服務隊 (體弱個案 ) -每月平均個案數目 (全年曾服務個案數目 ) Integrated Home Care Services Team (Frail Cases) - No. of cases served (Annual total)

20 (22)

長期護理綜合服務部 Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics

1. 改善家居及社區照顧服務 -每月平均個案數目 (全年曾服務個案數目 ) Enhanced Home and Community Care Services for the Elderly - No. of cases served per month (Annual total)

332.67 (403)

2. 離院長者綜合支援計劃全年已接受服務個案數目 Integrated Discharge Support Program for Elderly Patients (IDSP) Annual total No. of cases served


治療師及復康助理上門為長者及有需要人士進行評估及復康訓練,改善活動能力。Therapists and well-trained rehabilitation assistants visit the frail elders in need to conduct assessment and training to improve their mobility.

培苗行動義工到訪中心,與長者一起做運動。Volunteers from China Care Fund visit our centre, and do exercises with the elderly.


The elderly design and make art craft with wool, and show their products in handmade work market.

Page 9: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

56 57Integrated Services for the Elderly長者綜合服務

服務統計資料 (2015-16)Statistics (2015-16)

1. 日間復康中心 1.



Day Rehabilitation CentreProfessional and targeted rehabilitation care plan, medical support and day care services are provided to service users. In the previous year, 90 day care sessions were held, serving 380 attendances of users with direct care, medical support and rehabilitation services. In order to enhance the users in rehabilitation, various types of complex rehabilitative equipment have been acquired, such as Electrical Pain-relieving Device and Gymnastic Equipment. CONPAK CPA Limited has also cooperated with our centre to launch “Power Up” programme, and sponsored us to acquire the Lite-Gait in use with Treadmill Machine to assist frail users conducting walking exercises, in order to enhance active control of their low limbs and improve their walking ability.

Home Assistant Program – Home Rehabilitation Service / Stroke 60 ProgrammeThe programme offers a one-stop home rehabilitation and support services for people in need of rehabilitation. Therapists conduct comprehensive assessments, such as limbs mobility, walking gait and home environment modification. Well-trained rehabilitation assistants carry out a prompt and all-rounded rehabilitation plan designed by therapists, so users can grasp the golden period of rehabilitation to improve their abilities and continue to live in the community. Mr. Leung Shek Kong Rehabilitation Fund supports the programme by subsidizing the users using the services. Focusing on the needs of stroke patients, Stroke 60 Programme provides comprehensive treatment, and subsidizes the stroke patients (60 years of age elderly priority) who have financial difficulties through Mr. Lee Wai Ming Rehabilitation Fund. There were 173 users received the services until March 2015.

CHRC Club Besides caring of physical rehabilitation needs for the users, our center also concerns spiritual and social needs of the users. Therefore, we have liaised with various business enterprises, local organizations and schools, such as Hong Kong Movie Star Sports Association Charities Limited, CONPAK CPA Limited, China Care Fund, S.K.H Ho Chak Wan Primary School, to conduct programmes in promoting community care and enhancing interaction between the volunteers and the frail elders. We have also facilitated 192 users to design and make art crafts using the wool, and showed their products in handmade work market, so that the public could recognize the abilities of the users.


2.「家護通 -家居復康服務」 / 「中風60天計劃」主要為有復康需要人士提供一站式上門復康及家居支援服務。治療師會上門進行全面評估,例如 :肢體活動能力、步行姿勢和家居環境配套等。已接受專業訓練的復康助理會按照治療師指示上門提供即時及全面性的復康治療和自我照顧訓練,盡量把握復康黃金期,以達至最佳的治療效果,使服務使用者可以繼續留於社區生活。此計劃承蒙「梁錫光先生復康基金」支持,津助有經濟困難的復康人士使用服務。另外,針對中風患者的需要,中心亦設有「中風60天 -家居復康計劃」,並透過「李惠明先生基金」資助有經濟困難的中風患者 (60歲以上長者優先 )。而截至2015年3月為止,已為173名人次提供服務。

3. 俱樂部除了關注服務使用者身體上的復康需要,中心亦注重他們的心靈及社交需要。因此中心連結不同商界企業、地區團體及學校,包括: 香港影視明星體育協會慈善基金有限公司、康栢會計師事務所有限公司、培苗行動及聖公會何澤芸小學等,與他們合辦多項大型社區關愛活動,促進義工和長者及復康人士互相交流。中心亦促使192名人次中風、體弱長者及復康人士,一同參與設計及製作毛毛球作品,並帶到手作市集義賣,讓社會大眾了解中風患者的能力。

林植宣博士老人綜合服務中心Dr. Lam Chik Suen District Elderly Community Centre服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics

1. 每月平均會員人數 (全年曾登記會員人數 ) Monthly Average of Registered Membership (Annual total) 1,143.25 (1,217)2. 偶到中心每節平均使用人次 (全年總人次 ) *Average attendance per session (Annual total) 126.40 (68,002)3. 發展性 / 預防性小組及活動Preventive and developmental groups, activities and programmes

• 教育及發展 & 義工招募、訓練及服務Educational and developmental service & Volunteer Recruitment, development and service


• 社交及康樂服務Social and recreational service 1784. 支援性小組及活動Supportive groups, activities and programmes

• 互助服務Mutual support service 131• 護老者支援服務Carer support services 97

5. 治療性服務Remedial services• 輔導個案每月平均數目 (全年總數 ) Monthly Average of Counselling case (Annual total ) 376.50 (817)• 完成輔導協議個案比率 Turnover rate 60.47%• 治療性小組 Therapeutic groups 5• 安老服務統一評估數目No. of MDS-HC Assessment conducted 61

6. 曾接受服務護老者人數 Total no. of carers served 3207. 社區協作及聯繫 Networking with local stakeholders

• 地區支援訓練活動 No. of support and training programmes / activities for NEC and other elderly service unit


8. 長者支援服務隊服務 Support Team for the Elderly• 新接觸的長者人數 Total no. of new contacts made individually with elderly 1,303• 曾接受服務長者人數 Total no. of elderly persons who have received STE support services 658• 義工服務次數 Total no. of volunteer services to STE vulnerable elderly people 3,416• 長者義工人數 Total no. of senior volunteers 329

9. 外展長者服務 Outreaching Elderly Service• 外展長者服務個案每月平均數目 (全年總數 )

Monthly Average of Outreaching Elderly Service case (Annual total ) 40.17 (60)

• 完成個案比率 Turnover rate 26.67%• 社區網絡行動 No. of activities with local stakeholders 21

10. 飯堂服務 Canteen Service 12,407

*2015年12月28日至2016年3月31日因中心大維修工程而暫停部份偶到中心及飯堂服務 Drop-in centre and canteen was partially closed from 28/12/2015 to 31/3/2016 during DECC’s major renovation period.

張慶華慈善基金長亨復康中心 The Cheung Hing Wah Charitable Foundation Cheung Hang Rehabilitation Centre

服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics1. 會員人數Annual total of Registered Membership (CHRC) 1492. 日間復康中心服務人數Total no. of persons who have received Day Care Centre services 3803. 家居復康及支援服務次數Total no. of persons who have received Home Care and Rehabilitation services 4004. 護老者服務受惠人數Total no. of caregivers served 1245. 俱樂部活動參加人次Total no. of persons participated CHRC Club activities 7976. 義工人數Total no. of volunteers 1577. 義工舉辦活動受惠人次Total no. of persons received services provided by volunteers 108

綜合家居照顧服務隊 Integrated Home Care Services Team服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics

1. 綜合家居照顧服務隊 (普通個案 ) Integrated Home Care Services Team (Ordinary Cases) 1,143.25 (1,217)• 每月平均個案數目 (全年曾服務個案數目 )No. of cases served (Annual total) 269.58 (408)• 服務總加權單位Total no. of weighted units of service delivered 100,682• 護理照顧佔總加權單位 (65,600)百份比

Percentage of total weighted unit (55,600) in providing personal care, simple nursing care service and general physical exercise


2. 綜合家居照顧服務隊 (體弱個案 ) -每月平均個案數目 (全年曾服務個案數目 ) Integrated Home Care Services Team (Frail Cases) - No. of cases served (Annual total)

20 (22)

長期護理綜合服務部 Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit服務質量指標Performance Indicator 全年統計Annual Statistics

1. 改善家居及社區照顧服務 -每月平均個案數目 (全年曾服務個案數目 ) Enhanced Home and Community Care Services for the Elderly - No. of cases served per month (Annual total)

332.67 (403)

2. 離院長者綜合支援計劃全年已接受服務個案數目 Integrated Discharge Support Program for Elderly Patients (IDSP) Annual total No. of cases served


治療師及復康助理上門為長者及有需要人士進行評估及復康訓練,改善活動能力。Therapists and well-trained rehabilitation assistants visit the frail elders in need to conduct assessment and training to improve their mobility.

培苗行動義工到訪中心,與長者一起做運動。Volunteers from China Care Fund visit our centre, and do exercises with the elderly.


The elderly design and make art craft with wool, and show their products in handmade work market.

Page 10: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

58 59Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務



grated Community Health Service




I ntegrated Community Health Service promotes good personal health, harmonious family relationship and high quality of

spiritual life in the community by a holistic approach. It includes four aspects which are physical, psychological, social and spiritual.

Integrated Community Health Service comprises Community Health Integrated Services Centre, Community Health Promotion Unit and Gospel Service Unit.

服務成效重點 Major Achievements

社區健康綜合服務Integrated Community Health Service

• 本年度成功申請及開展由關愛基金資助,於九月一日推出「長者牙科服務資助」擴展項目,分階段把項目受惠人擴展至領取「長者生活津貼」的長者,讓更多經濟上有困難但沒有申領綜合社會保障援助的長者接受免費鑲活動假牙和其他相關的牙科診療服務;首階段將涵蓋約十三萬名八十歲或以上領取「長者生活津貼」的長者。成功完成第一年衞生署資助的恆常長者外展牙科服務,服務範圍更擴展至荃葵青區院舍,令「長者牙齒保健」服務延伸至院舍,服務更年長長者。

• Successfully applied and launched the Elderly Dental Assistance Expanded Programme on September 1 supported by the Community Care Fund (CCF) to extend the service to Old Age Living Allowance (OALA) recipients in phases, starting with those aged 80 or above in the first phase involving about 130,000 elders. The Expanded Programme enables more senior citizens who have financial difficulties and do not receive Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to benefit from free removable dentures and other related dental services. Furthermore, we have successfully completed the first year “Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly” of new regular service administered by Department of Health for continuously supporting the elders in residential care homes and day care centres. The new project scope is expanded to the residential care homes of Tsuen Kwai Tsing, all in one developing the comprehensive Elderly Community Dental Care Service extended to the eldest people.

• 本年度成功取得基金贊助建立「視健閣」,協助貧困人士添置合適眼鏡,讓他們不會因經濟困難而無法關注視覺護理,亦透過社區教育活動推動愛護眼睛健康教育計劃,進一步取得基金資助貧困者推廣社區視光服務。

• Successfully applied funding to establish “Vision Corner” to assist the low-income families to have a clear vision from dispensing eyeglasses and support their eye care in the community, reducing the inconvenience caused in daily life. In addition, community education activities were launched to enhance people knowledge on eye care and aroused their awareness towards it. Meanwhile, Eyeglasses Subsidization Sponsorship was granted to operate monthly optometric service of the “Vision Corner”.

• 本年度成功發展「『身‧心‧靈』義工網絡」,培訓一群熱心社區健康義工,為社區中的長期病患及弱勢社群提供全人健康的支援及關顧,提昇他們健康管理的意識及技巧;同時,鼓勵社區人士主動關懷身邊有需要的人士,推動「社區自強、守望相助」的文化。

• Successfully developed a team of volunteers named as “Body, Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network”. It aims to recruit and train a group of volunteers to support the long-term illness and deprived group to give them holistic health care in the community; hence enhancing their self-help health management and related caring techniques. In addition, it helps to promote the culture of “self-reliance in community, give support to neighbourhood” by actively caring the needy ones in the community.

長者外展牙科服務隊到荃葵青區院舍為行動不便的長者提供基礎牙科服務。Outreach Dental Community Project Team continuously support the elderly in residential care homes and day care centres.

學童護眼社區教育活動,針對性講解學童可能出現的情況及眼睛疾病。We raised public awareness about eye care for students and children through community educational activity to explain their potential eye problems and diseases.

「關注我『心』心房顫動社區心電圖檢查計劃」巡迴教育資訊站及免費健康檢查,協助減低心房顫動引起中風的威脅。“AF Community ECG Screening Program” exhibition and free health check-up for reducing the threats of stroke caused by atrial fibrillation.

Page 11: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

58 59Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務



grated Community Health Service




I ntegrated Community Health Service promotes good personal health, harmonious family relationship and high quality of

spiritual life in the community by a holistic approach. It includes four aspects which are physical, psychological, social and spiritual.

Integrated Community Health Service comprises Community Health Integrated Services Centre, Community Health Promotion Unit and Gospel Service Unit.

服務成效重點 Major Achievements

社區健康綜合服務Integrated Community Health Service

• 本年度成功申請及開展由關愛基金資助,於九月一日推出「長者牙科服務資助」擴展項目,分階段把項目受惠人擴展至領取「長者生活津貼」的長者,讓更多經濟上有困難但沒有申領綜合社會保障援助的長者接受免費鑲活動假牙和其他相關的牙科診療服務;首階段將涵蓋約十三萬名八十歲或以上領取「長者生活津貼」的長者。成功完成第一年衞生署資助的恆常長者外展牙科服務,服務範圍更擴展至荃葵青區院舍,令「長者牙齒保健」服務延伸至院舍,服務更年長長者。

• Successfully applied and launched the Elderly Dental Assistance Expanded Programme on September 1 supported by the Community Care Fund (CCF) to extend the service to Old Age Living Allowance (OALA) recipients in phases, starting with those aged 80 or above in the first phase involving about 130,000 elders. The Expanded Programme enables more senior citizens who have financial difficulties and do not receive Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to benefit from free removable dentures and other related dental services. Furthermore, we have successfully completed the first year “Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly” of new regular service administered by Department of Health for continuously supporting the elders in residential care homes and day care centres. The new project scope is expanded to the residential care homes of Tsuen Kwai Tsing, all in one developing the comprehensive Elderly Community Dental Care Service extended to the eldest people.

• 本年度成功取得基金贊助建立「視健閣」,協助貧困人士添置合適眼鏡,讓他們不會因經濟困難而無法關注視覺護理,亦透過社區教育活動推動愛護眼睛健康教育計劃,進一步取得基金資助貧困者推廣社區視光服務。

• Successfully applied funding to establish “Vision Corner” to assist the low-income families to have a clear vision from dispensing eyeglasses and support their eye care in the community, reducing the inconvenience caused in daily life. In addition, community education activities were launched to enhance people knowledge on eye care and aroused their awareness towards it. Meanwhile, Eyeglasses Subsidization Sponsorship was granted to operate monthly optometric service of the “Vision Corner”.

• 本年度成功發展「『身‧心‧靈』義工網絡」,培訓一群熱心社區健康義工,為社區中的長期病患及弱勢社群提供全人健康的支援及關顧,提昇他們健康管理的意識及技巧;同時,鼓勵社區人士主動關懷身邊有需要的人士,推動「社區自強、守望相助」的文化。

• Successfully developed a team of volunteers named as “Body, Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network”. It aims to recruit and train a group of volunteers to support the long-term illness and deprived group to give them holistic health care in the community; hence enhancing their self-help health management and related caring techniques. In addition, it helps to promote the culture of “self-reliance in community, give support to neighbourhood” by actively caring the needy ones in the community.

長者外展牙科服務隊到荃葵青區院舍為行動不便的長者提供基礎牙科服務。Outreach Dental Community Project Team continuously support the elderly in residential care homes and day care centres.

學童護眼社區教育活動,針對性講解學童可能出現的情況及眼睛疾病。We raised public awareness about eye care for students and children through community educational activity to explain their potential eye problems and diseases.

「關注我『心』心房顫動社區心電圖檢查計劃」巡迴教育資訊站及免費健康檢查,協助減低心房顫動引起中風的威脅。“AF Community ECG Screening Program” exhibition and free health check-up for reducing the threats of stroke caused by atrial fibrillation.

Page 12: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated



佳音部除了舉辦各團契及職場關懷事工,亦取得免費播放權舉辦「五個小孩的校長」電影分享會,這個親子攜手踏出社區福音活動,既讓基層家庭走出社區,亦將福音訊息帶給每一位參與者。同時,亦協助「堂、校、社服」合作的「主愛洋溢賀聖誕福音嘉年華」的佳音活動; 並與託管服務合作組織兒童會員參加中環聖誕頌歌節報佳音活動,當中與不同部門協作,讓佳音工作遍及整個機構服務。

• Prosperously developed different drug subsidy schemes with collaboration between the “H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Community Pharmacy” and different medication suppliers. The Pharmacy’s operation is growing on the right track of our mission. Moreover, we successfully completed the AF Community ECG Screening Program this year with the support of hospital medical specialists and the sponsorship of pharmaceutical company. With the provision of health promotion methods such as health information station, free health checkup activities, volunteer training and community educational activities. We toured around various regions so as to teach more people about correct medication, avoiding inappropriate uses to worsen their condition. People benefited from various educational activities and personal medication drug counseling services for preventive measures and early medical follow up. Consequently, a series of community health education activities were delivered, which aimed at health promotion of healthy lifestyle, disease prevention with healthy diet, exercises and vaccination. Successfully completed the Healthy Lifestyle Community Education Project “I’m So Smart Community Programme” with Department of Health and community injection programs.

• Our primary health services such as Chinese medicine, Dental care and health promotion use outreach mode to connect local community network. Outreach spots covered Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan, Shumshuipo, Lok Fu, Wong Tai Sin and services plan to promote community health is majorly directed by the community needs of elders and the underprivileged.

• In addition to the gospel activities for service users and staff, the gospel unit has organized the “Gospel Luncheon Ministry”. Furthermore, the gospel service unit has organized evangelical meetings including the “Divine Love Christmas Carnival” , and “Carol Singing Festival” to promote the evangelical message in the community. Moreover, outreach activities such as “Little Big Master” Movie Sharing Gospel Activity showed our love and concern for the sake of gospel to the deprived group in the community.

工作報告 Services Report

普健綜合服務中心 Community Health Integrated Services Centre

1. 社區健康中心中醫診所、牙科診所及保健復康服務結合之社區健康中心,以外展服務連繫到地區網絡或更偏遠服務區域,包括地區服務中心、屋苑、私人會所、教會、長者中心、幼稚園、社區會堂、區議員辦事處、日間護理中心、護老院舍及地區團體,使市民更掌握保健要訣能及早預防疾病的產生和增加復康的能力,本年度新增視健閣及各種視光檢查儀器,亦提供健康檢查自助站及震動治療儀器; 亦設物理治療服務提供痛症治療及運動復康小組,以推動預防骨質疏鬆及預防跌倒; 視光服務方面,更提供配眼鏡服務,以推動眼睛保健; 牙科服務方面,提供牙科治療,以推動牙齒及口腔保健; 中醫及身體檢查服務提供中醫治療及保健小組,以支援預防嚴重疾病及長期病患的個人健康管理,打造一站式保健中心。

1. Community Health CentreChinese Medicine Clinic, Dental Clinic and Health Care Rehabilitation Services integrated in Community Health Centre. Jointed with the outreach services network extended the health services into the district places and remote areas including estates, private club houses, churches, elderly centres, kindergartens, community halls, district council members’ offices, day care centres, residential care homes and local organizations. To empower the residents by educating the knowledge of personal health to prevent illness and promote body rehabilitative ability in caring chronic diseases. This year “Vision Corner” was newly established and relevant optometric equipments were installed. Furthermore, self-help health check station and vibration therapy have built into our health check services to strengthen the osteoporosis and fall prevention. Together with optometric service and optical dispensing for eye care, dental service for dental and oral care, chinese medicine and bodycheck service for personal health management, one stop healthcare centre is developing in situ.

2. 慈惠社區藥房 2. H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Community Pharmacy聯絡醫療機構及藥物供應商,部門於「慈惠社區藥房」提供藥物資助計劃,經過社工轉介,協助貧困人士舒緩因病而需服用自費藥物帶來的經濟困難,促使他們能得到適切的藥物治療,及早控制病情,亦提供個人藥物諮詢及長期病患支援的社區教育,共有11,521人次受惠於藥物諮詢及支援服務,另尚有2,797人次受惠於藥物資助計劃。

With the network and support from different medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies, we were able to continue launching different drug subsidy schemes for the underprivileged and the elders, H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Community Pharmacy continuously helps relieving the financial burden of the poor brought from taking self-financed drugs through social workers’ referral, prompting them to get appropriate medication and early control of the illness. In addition, with the provision of professional drug counseling by our registered pharmacists, 11,521 people personal medication drug counseling services and 2,797 people benefited from our special offer of drugs.

3. 社區及外展牙科服務 3. Community & Outreach Dental Service兩間診所成功開展關愛牙科診所服務,第一階段服務社區內80歲或以上有經濟困難的長者之牙齒保健工作,本年度於半年內共有75名長者受惠於本服務,完成所有牙科檢查及治療包括鑲假牙,令「長者牙齒保健」社區服務完善發展。成功推行衞生署資助推行「長者牙科外展服務計劃」,於深水埗及荃葵青區的長者院舍及日間護理中心提供基礎牙科服務、口腔護理教育服務及資助牙科治療服務,過去一年,共有1,353人次受惠於本計劃。

Both our clinics in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung have successfully applied and started up the Community Care Fund Elderly Dental Assistance Programme through establishing “Community Care Dental Clinic”. The programme will expand progressively to cover all deprived elders who are Old Age Living Allowance recipients, starting with those aged 80 or above in the first phase. In the early half year of the programme, 75 elders have benefited from this service for basic oral check and relevant dental treatment including removable dentures, all in one to develop a comprehensive Elderly Community Dental Care Service. We had successfully delivered the outreach basic dental service to day care centres and residential care homes in Shumshuipo and Tsuen Kwai Tsing through the support of regular “Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly” administered by Department of Health. Within this year, total 1,353 elders have benefited from this service.

60 61Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務

部門參與「『我好叻』社區健康推廣計劃」,得到衞生署之嘉許。We have continuously participated Healthy Lifestyle Community Education Project “I’m So Smart Community Programme” and honoured by Department of Health.

部門有幸獲基金贊助,於總部五樓增添驗眼器材。It was our honour to be funded fo r se tt i ng up Op tomet r i c equipments for new service.

註冊藥劑師為社區人士提供個人藥物諮詢,改善他們藥物管理的情況,以更有效控制病情。Our registered pharmacist provided personal medication counseling in the community in order to improve the situation of drug management and effectively control long term illness.

物理治療服務提供痛症治療及運動復康小組,以推動預防骨質疏鬆及預防跌倒。Combining with pain treatment and exercise rehabilitation group provided by physiotherapy, we promoted prevention of osteoporosis and fall prevention.

中醫藥服務以外展形式定期於長者鄰舍中心提供服務,照顧不同區域長者的健康需要。We outreached to different districts to provide Chinese medicine service for caring of elderly’s health needs.

「主愛洋溢賀聖誕福音嘉年華」在社區上將福音訊息帶給社區人士。“Divine Love Christmas Carnival” was held as usual in the community in Christmas and promoted evangelical message to every participant.

服務對象 Target Group



Comprehensive health screening programme is mainly for individuals aged 18 or aboveDifferent target groups from the community such as the elders, women, middle age people, children and workers etc.Other welfare agencies in the local community

Page 13: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated



佳音部除了舉辦各團契及職場關懷事工,亦取得免費播放權舉辦「五個小孩的校長」電影分享會,這個親子攜手踏出社區福音活動,既讓基層家庭走出社區,亦將福音訊息帶給每一位參與者。同時,亦協助「堂、校、社服」合作的「主愛洋溢賀聖誕福音嘉年華」的佳音活動; 並與託管服務合作組織兒童會員參加中環聖誕頌歌節報佳音活動,當中與不同部門協作,讓佳音工作遍及整個機構服務。

• Prosperously developed different drug subsidy schemes with collaboration between the “H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Community Pharmacy” and different medication suppliers. The Pharmacy’s operation is growing on the right track of our mission. Moreover, we successfully completed the AF Community ECG Screening Program this year with the support of hospital medical specialists and the sponsorship of pharmaceutical company. With the provision of health promotion methods such as health information station, free health checkup activities, volunteer training and community educational activities. We toured around various regions so as to teach more people about correct medication, avoiding inappropriate uses to worsen their condition. People benefited from various educational activities and personal medication drug counseling services for preventive measures and early medical follow up. Consequently, a series of community health education activities were delivered, which aimed at health promotion of healthy lifestyle, disease prevention with healthy diet, exercises and vaccination. Successfully completed the Healthy Lifestyle Community Education Project “I’m So Smart Community Programme” with Department of Health and community injection programs.

• Our primary health services such as Chinese medicine, Dental care and health promotion use outreach mode to connect local community network. Outreach spots covered Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan, Shumshuipo, Lok Fu, Wong Tai Sin and services plan to promote community health is majorly directed by the community needs of elders and the underprivileged.

• In addition to the gospel activities for service users and staff, the gospel unit has organized the “Gospel Luncheon Ministry”. Furthermore, the gospel service unit has organized evangelical meetings including the “Divine Love Christmas Carnival” , and “Carol Singing Festival” to promote the evangelical message in the community. Moreover, outreach activities such as “Little Big Master” Movie Sharing Gospel Activity showed our love and concern for the sake of gospel to the deprived group in the community.

工作報告 Services Report

普健綜合服務中心 Community Health Integrated Services Centre

1. 社區健康中心中醫診所、牙科診所及保健復康服務結合之社區健康中心,以外展服務連繫到地區網絡或更偏遠服務區域,包括地區服務中心、屋苑、私人會所、教會、長者中心、幼稚園、社區會堂、區議員辦事處、日間護理中心、護老院舍及地區團體,使市民更掌握保健要訣能及早預防疾病的產生和增加復康的能力,本年度新增視健閣及各種視光檢查儀器,亦提供健康檢查自助站及震動治療儀器; 亦設物理治療服務提供痛症治療及運動復康小組,以推動預防骨質疏鬆及預防跌倒; 視光服務方面,更提供配眼鏡服務,以推動眼睛保健; 牙科服務方面,提供牙科治療,以推動牙齒及口腔保健; 中醫及身體檢查服務提供中醫治療及保健小組,以支援預防嚴重疾病及長期病患的個人健康管理,打造一站式保健中心。

1. Community Health CentreChinese Medicine Clinic, Dental Clinic and Health Care Rehabilitation Services integrated in Community Health Centre. Jointed with the outreach services network extended the health services into the district places and remote areas including estates, private club houses, churches, elderly centres, kindergartens, community halls, district council members’ offices, day care centres, residential care homes and local organizations. To empower the residents by educating the knowledge of personal health to prevent illness and promote body rehabilitative ability in caring chronic diseases. This year “Vision Corner” was newly established and relevant optometric equipments were installed. Furthermore, self-help health check station and vibration therapy have built into our health check services to strengthen the osteoporosis and fall prevention. Together with optometric service and optical dispensing for eye care, dental service for dental and oral care, chinese medicine and bodycheck service for personal health management, one stop healthcare centre is developing in situ.

2. 慈惠社區藥房 2. H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Community Pharmacy聯絡醫療機構及藥物供應商,部門於「慈惠社區藥房」提供藥物資助計劃,經過社工轉介,協助貧困人士舒緩因病而需服用自費藥物帶來的經濟困難,促使他們能得到適切的藥物治療,及早控制病情,亦提供個人藥物諮詢及長期病患支援的社區教育,共有11,521人次受惠於藥物諮詢及支援服務,另尚有2,797人次受惠於藥物資助計劃。

With the network and support from different medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies, we were able to continue launching different drug subsidy schemes for the underprivileged and the elders, H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Community Pharmacy continuously helps relieving the financial burden of the poor brought from taking self-financed drugs through social workers’ referral, prompting them to get appropriate medication and early control of the illness. In addition, with the provision of professional drug counseling by our registered pharmacists, 11,521 people personal medication drug counseling services and 2,797 people benefited from our special offer of drugs.

3. 社區及外展牙科服務 3. Community & Outreach Dental Service兩間診所成功開展關愛牙科診所服務,第一階段服務社區內80歲或以上有經濟困難的長者之牙齒保健工作,本年度於半年內共有75名長者受惠於本服務,完成所有牙科檢查及治療包括鑲假牙,令「長者牙齒保健」社區服務完善發展。成功推行衞生署資助推行「長者牙科外展服務計劃」,於深水埗及荃葵青區的長者院舍及日間護理中心提供基礎牙科服務、口腔護理教育服務及資助牙科治療服務,過去一年,共有1,353人次受惠於本計劃。

Both our clinics in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung have successfully applied and started up the Community Care Fund Elderly Dental Assistance Programme through establishing “Community Care Dental Clinic”. The programme will expand progressively to cover all deprived elders who are Old Age Living Allowance recipients, starting with those aged 80 or above in the first phase. In the early half year of the programme, 75 elders have benefited from this service for basic oral check and relevant dental treatment including removable dentures, all in one to develop a comprehensive Elderly Community Dental Care Service. We had successfully delivered the outreach basic dental service to day care centres and residential care homes in Shumshuipo and Tsuen Kwai Tsing through the support of regular “Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly” administered by Department of Health. Within this year, total 1,353 elders have benefited from this service.

60 61Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務

部門參與「『我好叻』社區健康推廣計劃」,得到衞生署之嘉許。We have continuously participated Healthy Lifestyle Community Education Project “I’m So Smart Community Programme” and honoured by Department of Health.

部門有幸獲基金贊助,於總部五樓增添驗眼器材。It was our honour to be funded fo r se tt i ng up Op tomet r i c equipments for new service.

註冊藥劑師為社區人士提供個人藥物諮詢,改善他們藥物管理的情況,以更有效控制病情。Our registered pharmacist provided personal medication counseling in the community in order to improve the situation of drug management and effectively control long term illness.

物理治療服務提供痛症治療及運動復康小組,以推動預防骨質疏鬆及預防跌倒。Combining with pain treatment and exercise rehabilitation group provided by physiotherapy, we promoted prevention of osteoporosis and fall prevention.

中醫藥服務以外展形式定期於長者鄰舍中心提供服務,照顧不同區域長者的健康需要。We outreached to different districts to provide Chinese medicine service for caring of elderly’s health needs.

「主愛洋溢賀聖誕福音嘉年華」在社區上將福音訊息帶給社區人士。“Divine Love Christmas Carnival” was held as usual in the community in Christmas and promoted evangelical message to every participant.

服務對象 Target Group



Comprehensive health screening programme is mainly for individuals aged 18 or aboveDifferent target groups from the community such as the elders, women, middle age people, children and workers etc.Other welfare agencies in the local community

Page 14: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

62 63Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務

社區健康促進服務部 Community Health Promotion Unit

1. 長者牙齒健康社區保健計劃本機構繼續為荃灣、葵青及深水埗區居住於長者院舍及正使用日間護理中心的長者提供一站式的外展牙科服務,為長者提供臨床及教育支援;社區服務方面,部門會繼續到訪不同的長者服務單位、長者住屋及日間護理中心,提供口腔健康教育工作,推廣預防性牙齒護理知識,令基層長者得到所需支援。

1. “Elderly Community Dental Care Project”We continuously serve those elders residing in the elderly homes and day care centres in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po through the “Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly”, so as to provide one-stop clinical dental service and educational support to the elders. In view of community services, we continued visiting various elderly service units, housing for Senior Citizens and day care centres, so as to promote the prevention of dental disease and disseminating the dental care education information to the deprived elders.

2.「中醫藥普及健康推廣計劃」 2. “Chinese Medicine Community Health Promotion Project”透過在社區以不同形式、從下而上之發展協調中醫藥事業,發揚中醫藥特色和優勢、保障大眾身體健康。計劃包括透過社區及外展中醫門診、並在醫療、教育、保健、復康等不同界別提高市民對於中醫藥的認識和興趣。

We develop and coordinate Traditional Chinese Medicine Service via different methods in the community. For example, establish the Chinese Medicine outpatient and outreach services, advocate and raise the knowledge and interest of Chinese Medicine in medical, education, health care and rehabilitation. It can enhance the characteristics and vantage of Chinese Medicine and create a healthy community.


3. “Vision Corner” Philanthropic Optometric Service for Elders and Love & Care Optometric Service


It was our honour to be funded in memory of Mr Lau Ting Wei and Madam Cheng Lo Sai, in such a way that the “Vision Corner” could be set up at 5/F of our Kwai Chung Headquarter. For the sake of assisting the elders, low-income families and CSSA participants to have a clear vision, reducing the inconvenience caused in daily life, Philanthropic Optometric Service for Elders and Love & Care Optometric Service were set up with the support of donations by the participants in the community.

4. 社區保健及防跌計劃 4. Community Health Care and Fall Prevention Scheme部門獲得香港中文大學矯形外科及創傷學系的支援下,於葵涌總部五樓開展社區保健及防跌計劃,為區內高危跌倒的長者提供全面性預防跌倒評估及跟進;包括上門為長者進行家居環境評估、參與由物理治療師指導的運動班及定期借用震動治療平台等,除可減少可能引致長者跌倒危險因素,亦可改善長者骨質疏鬆問題及強化肌肉纖維。

With the support from Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, we had successfully launched the Community Health Care and Fall Prevention Scheme on 5/F of Kwai Chung Headquarter, so as to provide a comprehensive fall-prevention assessment and follow up intervention for elders who have high-risk of falls. These include home assessments, exercise training classes and vibration therapy, so as to reduce the risk factors that may lead to falls as well as enhancing muscle strengths and bone density of elders.

佳音服務部 Gospel Service Unit

1. 關懷職員佳音活動持續關懷職員需要,本年度部門繼續「心靈外賣」職員飯聚,為外圍單位工作的職員送上關懷和問候; 職員詩班今年首次在機構的「周年晚宴」及「職員退修會」上獻詩;除使用傳統的「打開心窗」文字事工及「面書」中「佳音事工促進小組」專頁外,還運用手機應用程式,發佈佳音最新消息,分享愛與正能量,讓職員彼此效力; 另繼續「麥麥禱社區禱告運動」,集合基督徒職員為機構、社區及有需要的同工代禱;透過周年晚宴暨聖誕職員聯歡會及職員退修日等大型活動,將佳音訊息帶給同工。

1. Caring of Staff Gospel ActivitiesFor the ongoing care of our staff and their well-being, “Caring Heart Takeaway” continues to serve different departments at different office sites. Staff Choir had their first ever performance in our Annual Dinner and staff retreat camp. In addition to the traditional Gospel Publication and the “Gospel Service Central Working Group” on Facebook, mobile apps are used for more gospel sharing within our group of staffs. Moreover, “LMC community prayer movement” continues to gather Christian staff to pray for the needs of our colleagues, organization and the community. We also have our big events such as the Annual Dinner and Christmas staff party, and staff retreat camp bringing out the message of gospel to staff.

5. 藥物資助健康推廣計劃及藥物教育活動 5. Drug Subsidy Schemes and Medication Education Activities本年度部門繼續巡迴至荃葵青區不同地點推行「關注我『心』心房顫動社區心電圖檢查計劃」。透過使用流動監察裝置,讓參加者接受簡易心電圖測試以檢測其心律節奏,同時配合其他社區教育活動,包括教育講座、健康資訊展覽、派發健康教育單張及其他健康檢查服務,提高社區人士對心腦血管疾病的認識,及早甄別高危患者並作出適當的醫療跟進,長遠減低心房顫動引起中風的威脅。本計劃已順利於十二月完成,共為超過5,000名社區人士進行檢測,其中成功檢測94位心房顫動患者,並轉介至政府普通科或專科門診跟進。

We continue going to different locations within Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to launch the project named as “ Atrial Fibrillation Community ECG Screening Program (ACEP)” . Participants can conduct simply ECGs by using the mobile monitoring devices. Besides, different forms of community health education programs were launched, like educational talks, health information exhibitions , educational leaflets distribution and other health check-up, so as to enhance the knowledge of general public on cardiovascular disease; at the same time, identify the high-risk patients and make suitable referral for medical follow-up, in turn reducing the threats of stroke caused by atrial fibrillation. The project was completed in December and over 5,000 community residents were served in which 94 participants were referred to governmental healthcare system for follow-up.

6. 義工發展工作 6. Development of Volunteers 隨著本港人口老化和疾病模式的轉變,患有長期病患的長者人數日漸增多,對醫療體系構成龐大壓力。因此,部門於2015年初成立了「『身‧心‧靈』義工網絡」,培訓一群熱心人士成為社區健康義工,為居住於社區的長者及護老者提供身體、心理及靈性健康的支援及關顧,提昇他們健康管理的意識及相關照顧技巧;同時,鼓勵社區人士主動關懷身邊有需要的人士,推動「社區自強、守望相助」的文化。(詳情請參閱特別服務計劃)

In view of the aging population and changing pattern of diseases, residents who are suffered from chronic illness grow rapidly, in turn increasing the needs on the healthcare system. Thus, we set up a team of volunteers named as “Body, Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network” in early 2015. It aims to recruit and train a group of volunteers to support the elders and their caregivers who are residing in the community in physical, psychological and spiritual aspects; hence enhancing their health consciousness and related caring techniques. In addition, it helps to promote the culture of “self-reliance in community, give support to neighbourhood” by actively caring the needy ones in the community.

註冊中醫師以外展形式為外間機構提供教育講座。O u r r e g i s t e r e d C h i n e s e medicine practitioner was outreaching for providing educational talks to other community agencies.

義務視光師定期駐場於視健閣為社區人士進行眼鏡驗配及視力檢查服務。Our obligatory optometrists regularly carried out glasses fitting and optometric service for communities in ‘Vision Corner’.

部門定期舉辦防跌運動班,強化肌肉及訓練協調性,從而減少長者跌倒的機會。W e r e g u l a r l y h e l d f a l l p r e v e n t i o n e x e r c i s e classes aiming at muscle s t r e n g t h e n i n g a n d coordination training, thereby reducing elderly the chance of falls.

有賴義工的付出,使「關注我『心』心房顫動社區心電圖檢查計劃」得以在社區上推行。W i t h t h e e f f o r t s o f t h e volunteers, “AF Community ECG Screening Program” could be successfully implemented in the community.

義工經過培訓後,在活動上替參加者進行簡易心電圖檢測。After rece iv ing t ra in ings, volunteers conducted a simple ECG testing for the participant in the activity.

「『身‧心‧靈』義工網絡」定期集結義工,讓他們彼此分享探訪親身經驗,彼此學習及鼓勵。“Body, Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network” regularly gathered volunteers to share first-handed home visit experience and led to mutual learning and support.

本年度職員退修會「為喜樂的心打打氣」的全體大合照。Staff’s retreat camp “Cheer Up! Joyful Hearts!” group photo.

同事們以喜樂的心彼此連結。Colleagues joint together with good team spirit of joy.

Page 15: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

62 63Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務

社區健康促進服務部 Community Health Promotion Unit

1. 長者牙齒健康社區保健計劃本機構繼續為荃灣、葵青及深水埗區居住於長者院舍及正使用日間護理中心的長者提供一站式的外展牙科服務,為長者提供臨床及教育支援;社區服務方面,部門會繼續到訪不同的長者服務單位、長者住屋及日間護理中心,提供口腔健康教育工作,推廣預防性牙齒護理知識,令基層長者得到所需支援。

1. “Elderly Community Dental Care Project”We continuously serve those elders residing in the elderly homes and day care centres in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po through the “Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly”, so as to provide one-stop clinical dental service and educational support to the elders. In view of community services, we continued visiting various elderly service units, housing for Senior Citizens and day care centres, so as to promote the prevention of dental disease and disseminating the dental care education information to the deprived elders.

2.「中醫藥普及健康推廣計劃」 2. “Chinese Medicine Community Health Promotion Project”透過在社區以不同形式、從下而上之發展協調中醫藥事業,發揚中醫藥特色和優勢、保障大眾身體健康。計劃包括透過社區及外展中醫門診、並在醫療、教育、保健、復康等不同界別提高市民對於中醫藥的認識和興趣。

We develop and coordinate Traditional Chinese Medicine Service via different methods in the community. For example, establish the Chinese Medicine outpatient and outreach services, advocate and raise the knowledge and interest of Chinese Medicine in medical, education, health care and rehabilitation. It can enhance the characteristics and vantage of Chinese Medicine and create a healthy community.


3. “Vision Corner” Philanthropic Optometric Service for Elders and Love & Care Optometric Service


It was our honour to be funded in memory of Mr Lau Ting Wei and Madam Cheng Lo Sai, in such a way that the “Vision Corner” could be set up at 5/F of our Kwai Chung Headquarter. For the sake of assisting the elders, low-income families and CSSA participants to have a clear vision, reducing the inconvenience caused in daily life, Philanthropic Optometric Service for Elders and Love & Care Optometric Service were set up with the support of donations by the participants in the community.

4. 社區保健及防跌計劃 4. Community Health Care and Fall Prevention Scheme部門獲得香港中文大學矯形外科及創傷學系的支援下,於葵涌總部五樓開展社區保健及防跌計劃,為區內高危跌倒的長者提供全面性預防跌倒評估及跟進;包括上門為長者進行家居環境評估、參與由物理治療師指導的運動班及定期借用震動治療平台等,除可減少可能引致長者跌倒危險因素,亦可改善長者骨質疏鬆問題及強化肌肉纖維。

With the support from Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, we had successfully launched the Community Health Care and Fall Prevention Scheme on 5/F of Kwai Chung Headquarter, so as to provide a comprehensive fall-prevention assessment and follow up intervention for elders who have high-risk of falls. These include home assessments, exercise training classes and vibration therapy, so as to reduce the risk factors that may lead to falls as well as enhancing muscle strengths and bone density of elders.

佳音服務部 Gospel Service Unit

1. 關懷職員佳音活動持續關懷職員需要,本年度部門繼續「心靈外賣」職員飯聚,為外圍單位工作的職員送上關懷和問候; 職員詩班今年首次在機構的「周年晚宴」及「職員退修會」上獻詩;除使用傳統的「打開心窗」文字事工及「面書」中「佳音事工促進小組」專頁外,還運用手機應用程式,發佈佳音最新消息,分享愛與正能量,讓職員彼此效力; 另繼續「麥麥禱社區禱告運動」,集合基督徒職員為機構、社區及有需要的同工代禱;透過周年晚宴暨聖誕職員聯歡會及職員退修日等大型活動,將佳音訊息帶給同工。

1. Caring of Staff Gospel ActivitiesFor the ongoing care of our staff and their well-being, “Caring Heart Takeaway” continues to serve different departments at different office sites. Staff Choir had their first ever performance in our Annual Dinner and staff retreat camp. In addition to the traditional Gospel Publication and the “Gospel Service Central Working Group” on Facebook, mobile apps are used for more gospel sharing within our group of staffs. Moreover, “LMC community prayer movement” continues to gather Christian staff to pray for the needs of our colleagues, organization and the community. We also have our big events such as the Annual Dinner and Christmas staff party, and staff retreat camp bringing out the message of gospel to staff.

5. 藥物資助健康推廣計劃及藥物教育活動 5. Drug Subsidy Schemes and Medication Education Activities本年度部門繼續巡迴至荃葵青區不同地點推行「關注我『心』心房顫動社區心電圖檢查計劃」。透過使用流動監察裝置,讓參加者接受簡易心電圖測試以檢測其心律節奏,同時配合其他社區教育活動,包括教育講座、健康資訊展覽、派發健康教育單張及其他健康檢查服務,提高社區人士對心腦血管疾病的認識,及早甄別高危患者並作出適當的醫療跟進,長遠減低心房顫動引起中風的威脅。本計劃已順利於十二月完成,共為超過5,000名社區人士進行檢測,其中成功檢測94位心房顫動患者,並轉介至政府普通科或專科門診跟進。

We continue going to different locations within Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to launch the project named as “ Atrial Fibrillation Community ECG Screening Program (ACEP)” . Participants can conduct simply ECGs by using the mobile monitoring devices. Besides, different forms of community health education programs were launched, like educational talks, health information exhibitions , educational leaflets distribution and other health check-up, so as to enhance the knowledge of general public on cardiovascular disease; at the same time, identify the high-risk patients and make suitable referral for medical follow-up, in turn reducing the threats of stroke caused by atrial fibrillation. The project was completed in December and over 5,000 community residents were served in which 94 participants were referred to governmental healthcare system for follow-up.

6. 義工發展工作 6. Development of Volunteers 隨著本港人口老化和疾病模式的轉變,患有長期病患的長者人數日漸增多,對醫療體系構成龐大壓力。因此,部門於2015年初成立了「『身‧心‧靈』義工網絡」,培訓一群熱心人士成為社區健康義工,為居住於社區的長者及護老者提供身體、心理及靈性健康的支援及關顧,提昇他們健康管理的意識及相關照顧技巧;同時,鼓勵社區人士主動關懷身邊有需要的人士,推動「社區自強、守望相助」的文化。(詳情請參閱特別服務計劃)

In view of the aging population and changing pattern of diseases, residents who are suffered from chronic illness grow rapidly, in turn increasing the needs on the healthcare system. Thus, we set up a team of volunteers named as “Body, Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network” in early 2015. It aims to recruit and train a group of volunteers to support the elders and their caregivers who are residing in the community in physical, psychological and spiritual aspects; hence enhancing their health consciousness and related caring techniques. In addition, it helps to promote the culture of “self-reliance in community, give support to neighbourhood” by actively caring the needy ones in the community.

註冊中醫師以外展形式為外間機構提供教育講座。O u r r e g i s t e r e d C h i n e s e medicine practitioner was outreaching for providing educational talks to other community agencies.

義務視光師定期駐場於視健閣為社區人士進行眼鏡驗配及視力檢查服務。Our obligatory optometrists regularly carried out glasses fitting and optometric service for communities in ‘Vision Corner’.

部門定期舉辦防跌運動班,強化肌肉及訓練協調性,從而減少長者跌倒的機會。W e r e g u l a r l y h e l d f a l l p r e v e n t i o n e x e r c i s e classes aiming at muscle s t r e n g t h e n i n g a n d coordination training, thereby reducing elderly the chance of falls.

有賴義工的付出,使「關注我『心』心房顫動社區心電圖檢查計劃」得以在社區上推行。W i t h t h e e f f o r t s o f t h e volunteers, “AF Community ECG Screening Program” could be successfully implemented in the community.

義工經過培訓後,在活動上替參加者進行簡易心電圖檢測。After rece iv ing t ra in ings, volunteers conducted a simple ECG testing for the participant in the activity.

「『身‧心‧靈』義工網絡」定期集結義工,讓他們彼此分享探訪親身經驗,彼此學習及鼓勵。“Body, Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network” regularly gathered volunteers to share first-handed home visit experience and led to mutual learning and support.

本年度職員退修會「為喜樂的心打打氣」的全體大合照。Staff’s retreat camp “Cheer Up! Joyful Hearts!” group photo.

同事們以喜樂的心彼此連結。Colleagues joint together with good team spirit of joy.

Page 16: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

服務統計資料 (2015-16)Statistics (2015-16)


Service Nature


No. of Service


No. of Attendance

牙科服務及基礎外展牙科服務Dental Service & Outreach Primary Dental Care Service 9,173 11,799

社區健康中心 (健康檢查及跟進、社區防疫計劃、疫苗注射、基層醫療、復康服務、視光服務 )Community Health Centre(Health Screening and Follow Up Service, Communicable Disease Prevention Program, Vaccination Service and Primary Medical Care Service, Rehabilitation Service, Optometric Service)

5,506 6,360

藥物及保健品支援服務 (個人藥物輔導、藥物工作坊、慈惠社區藥房及健樂坊 )Medication & Health Related Products Support Services(Personal Medication Counselling, Medication Safety Workshop, Pharmacy and Health Online)

14,272 14,272

中醫藥服務Chinese Medicine Service 3,633 4,949

健康教育活動 (健康講座、展覽及刊物出版 )Health Education Activities (Health Talks, Exhibitions & Publication) 79 9,891

社會工作介入服務 (各項健康服務資助計劃、個案評估及轉介服務 )Social Work Intervention Service (Health Service Sponsorship Scheme, Case Assessment & Referral)

1,462 1,462

其他社區健康推廣活動及特別健康活動Other Community Health Promotion Activities & Special Health Activities 414 3,550

職員佳音活動 (職員聖誕聯歡會、職員退修會、獻詩小組、福音刊物等 )Staff Gospel Activities(Staff Christmas Party, Staff Retreat Camp, Choir Group, Gospel Publication, etc.)

42 866

服務使用者佳音活動 (耆樂團契、婦女團契、福音午餐會及小組、福音刊物、佈道會、關懷輔導等 )Service Users’ Gospel Activities(Fellowship for the elderly, Fellowship for the women, Gospel Luncheon Ministry & lunch group, Gospel Publication, Evangelical Meeting, Caring Counseling, etc.)

291 11,175

其他佳音活動Other Gospel Activities 12 124

64 65Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務


In the year of 2015-2106, Orientation program with Lunch-time Fellowship for new staff, Easter Reflection meeting and other staff gospel activities, totally our department organized more than 42 gatherings.

2. 各項團契事工 2. Various Evangelical Activities為向區內不同年齡階層人士傳遞上帝佳音,本年度部門持續推動關顧心靈健康,包括與長者綜合服務舉辦「耆樂團契」;繼續「心靈茶室」聚會,利用喝茶閒談的方式,將福音傳給長者及街坊;此外,繼續回應葵涌區在職人士的身、心、靈健康需要,部門於午飯時間舉辦了「職場有祢」福音午餐會,邀請基督徒藝人及領袖透過音樂和見證,帶給上班族福音正能量和心靈支援。本年度部門共舉辦了6次福音午餐會。

For delivering good news of the God to different age groups in the community, this year’s theme continues to promote caring of holistic health including Christian spirituality. The “Fellowship for Elderly” with Integrated Services for Elderly, keeping “Touching Souls Tearoom” gatherings used tea chat for the care of the elders and neighborhood spiritual needs; in addition, in serving the workforce personnel staff holistic health needs in Kwai Chung, the department organized six “God in the Workplace Gospel Luncheon” activities, inviting Christian artists and leaders to share positive energy and spiritual support to the workforce through music and testimony.

3. 社區福音合作事工 3. Community Evangelism Cooperation Ministry 本年度部門繼續傳承「堂、校、社服」的傳道事工,集合聖公會教堂、學校及社會服務團體三方面,同心舉辦「主愛洋溢賀聖誕福音嘉年華」佳音活動及社區福音活動有「五個小孩的校長」電影分享會(詳情請參閱特別服務計劃);上葵教會網絡合辦的「主恩臨上葵」聯合外展事工,共同探訪基層家庭及為社區禱告; 還有參與了由「愛梨巴慈善基金」舉辦的「開學有禮2015」活動,邀請了來自本機構的學童課餘託管服務部、少數族裔服務部、梨木樹綜合服務中心及團體及社區工作部的基層小朋友參與,為他們送上豐富的開學禮物包及來自上帝的關愛。本年度部門亦於地區福音事工接觸超過2,560名街坊。

The Gospel Service Unit continuously practices the vision and mission of coordination of local churches, schools and social welfare agencies this year, which held “Divine Love Christmas Carnival” promoting the evangelical message as well as “Little Big Master” Movie Sharing Gospel Activity(For details, please refer to Special Project); the “God’s mercy in Sheung Kwai” visiting the underprivileged families and pray for the community with Sheung Kwai Chung Church Network. We have also invited the children from the After School Care Project, Services for Ethnic Minorities Unit, Group & Community Work Unit and Lei Muk Shue Intergrated Service Centre of our organization to take part in “The opening has a gift 2015”, an activity organized by “Love Your Neighbourhood” with the purpose of giving back-to-school presents and most importantly, God’s care and love to the children. These major activities have reached over 2,560 residents.

4. 外展佳音工作 4. Outreach Gospel Activities本著全人關懷理念,部門更以外展形式提供適切關懷、家訪慰問、分享佳音訊息及詩歌,在需要時為居民提供合適的社會服務資源及教會轉介。本年度「『身.心.靈』義工網絡」的基督徒義工繼續帶給社區中有需要長者全人健康的照顧和聽聞福音機會; 而本年度繼續與課餘托管服務部合作,參與「聖誕頌歌節報佳音2015」外展到中西區發放佳音訊息予上班一族。

The Gospel Service Unit focuses on “Care for Whole Person” to launch different outreach gospel activities. They provided tender care, home visits, gospel message and poetry sharing as well as proper social services and church referrals. Through the “Body Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network “, the needy elders are visited to get holistic care and gospel sharing opportunities; On the other hand, we continuously worked with After School Care Project organizing a children carol singing group to spread the message of peace and love to working people in Central and Western District during the celebration of this joyous occasion in “2015 Carol Singing Festival”.

「主愛慶中秋長者午間茶聚」“God’s love – Mid Autumn lunch gathering for elderly”

「主恩臨上葵」聯合外展事工“God’s mercy in Sheung K w a i ” v i s i t i n g t h e underprivileged families and pray for the community.

來自機構不同部門有需要的小朋友參與了「開學有禮」活動Needy Children from various services participated in “The Opening Has a Gift” activitiy.

「聖誕頌歌節報佳音2015」機構兒童詩班外展到中西區發放佳音訊息予上班一族Our children carol singing group outreach to Central and Western District to spread the message of peace and love to working people in “2015 Carol Singing Festival”.

Page 17: k ] ¥ ed vS e r ic s r E · talents, promote cohesive intergeneration relationship, fulfil frail elders rehabilitation and caring need, and release carers stress. The Integrated

服務統計資料 (2015-16)Statistics (2015-16)


Service Nature


No. of Service


No. of Attendance

牙科服務及基礎外展牙科服務Dental Service & Outreach Primary Dental Care Service 9,173 11,799

社區健康中心 (健康檢查及跟進、社區防疫計劃、疫苗注射、基層醫療、復康服務、視光服務 )Community Health Centre(Health Screening and Follow Up Service, Communicable Disease Prevention Program, Vaccination Service and Primary Medical Care Service, Rehabilitation Service, Optometric Service)

5,506 6,360

藥物及保健品支援服務 (個人藥物輔導、藥物工作坊、慈惠社區藥房及健樂坊 )Medication & Health Related Products Support Services(Personal Medication Counselling, Medication Safety Workshop, Pharmacy and Health Online)

14,272 14,272

中醫藥服務Chinese Medicine Service 3,633 4,949

健康教育活動 (健康講座、展覽及刊物出版 )Health Education Activities (Health Talks, Exhibitions & Publication) 79 9,891

社會工作介入服務 (各項健康服務資助計劃、個案評估及轉介服務 )Social Work Intervention Service (Health Service Sponsorship Scheme, Case Assessment & Referral)

1,462 1,462

其他社區健康推廣活動及特別健康活動Other Community Health Promotion Activities & Special Health Activities 414 3,550

職員佳音活動 (職員聖誕聯歡會、職員退修會、獻詩小組、福音刊物等 )Staff Gospel Activities(Staff Christmas Party, Staff Retreat Camp, Choir Group, Gospel Publication, etc.)

42 866

服務使用者佳音活動 (耆樂團契、婦女團契、福音午餐會及小組、福音刊物、佈道會、關懷輔導等 )Service Users’ Gospel Activities(Fellowship for the elderly, Fellowship for the women, Gospel Luncheon Ministry & lunch group, Gospel Publication, Evangelical Meeting, Caring Counseling, etc.)

291 11,175

其他佳音活動Other Gospel Activities 12 124

64 65Integrated Community Health Service社區健康綜合服務


In the year of 2015-2106, Orientation program with Lunch-time Fellowship for new staff, Easter Reflection meeting and other staff gospel activities, totally our department organized more than 42 gatherings.

2. 各項團契事工 2. Various Evangelical Activities為向區內不同年齡階層人士傳遞上帝佳音,本年度部門持續推動關顧心靈健康,包括與長者綜合服務舉辦「耆樂團契」;繼續「心靈茶室」聚會,利用喝茶閒談的方式,將福音傳給長者及街坊;此外,繼續回應葵涌區在職人士的身、心、靈健康需要,部門於午飯時間舉辦了「職場有祢」福音午餐會,邀請基督徒藝人及領袖透過音樂和見證,帶給上班族福音正能量和心靈支援。本年度部門共舉辦了6次福音午餐會。

For delivering good news of the God to different age groups in the community, this year’s theme continues to promote caring of holistic health including Christian spirituality. The “Fellowship for Elderly” with Integrated Services for Elderly, keeping “Touching Souls Tearoom” gatherings used tea chat for the care of the elders and neighborhood spiritual needs; in addition, in serving the workforce personnel staff holistic health needs in Kwai Chung, the department organized six “God in the Workplace Gospel Luncheon” activities, inviting Christian artists and leaders to share positive energy and spiritual support to the workforce through music and testimony.

3. 社區福音合作事工 3. Community Evangelism Cooperation Ministry 本年度部門繼續傳承「堂、校、社服」的傳道事工,集合聖公會教堂、學校及社會服務團體三方面,同心舉辦「主愛洋溢賀聖誕福音嘉年華」佳音活動及社區福音活動有「五個小孩的校長」電影分享會(詳情請參閱特別服務計劃);上葵教會網絡合辦的「主恩臨上葵」聯合外展事工,共同探訪基層家庭及為社區禱告; 還有參與了由「愛梨巴慈善基金」舉辦的「開學有禮2015」活動,邀請了來自本機構的學童課餘託管服務部、少數族裔服務部、梨木樹綜合服務中心及團體及社區工作部的基層小朋友參與,為他們送上豐富的開學禮物包及來自上帝的關愛。本年度部門亦於地區福音事工接觸超過2,560名街坊。

The Gospel Service Unit continuously practices the vision and mission of coordination of local churches, schools and social welfare agencies this year, which held “Divine Love Christmas Carnival” promoting the evangelical message as well as “Little Big Master” Movie Sharing Gospel Activity(For details, please refer to Special Project); the “God’s mercy in Sheung Kwai” visiting the underprivileged families and pray for the community with Sheung Kwai Chung Church Network. We have also invited the children from the After School Care Project, Services for Ethnic Minorities Unit, Group & Community Work Unit and Lei Muk Shue Intergrated Service Centre of our organization to take part in “The opening has a gift 2015”, an activity organized by “Love Your Neighbourhood” with the purpose of giving back-to-school presents and most importantly, God’s care and love to the children. These major activities have reached over 2,560 residents.

4. 外展佳音工作 4. Outreach Gospel Activities本著全人關懷理念,部門更以外展形式提供適切關懷、家訪慰問、分享佳音訊息及詩歌,在需要時為居民提供合適的社會服務資源及教會轉介。本年度「『身.心.靈』義工網絡」的基督徒義工繼續帶給社區中有需要長者全人健康的照顧和聽聞福音機會; 而本年度繼續與課餘托管服務部合作,參與「聖誕頌歌節報佳音2015」外展到中西區發放佳音訊息予上班一族。

The Gospel Service Unit focuses on “Care for Whole Person” to launch different outreach gospel activities. They provided tender care, home visits, gospel message and poetry sharing as well as proper social services and church referrals. Through the “Body Heart and Spirit focused Volunteer Network “, the needy elders are visited to get holistic care and gospel sharing opportunities; On the other hand, we continuously worked with After School Care Project organizing a children carol singing group to spread the message of peace and love to working people in Central and Western District during the celebration of this joyous occasion in “2015 Carol Singing Festival”.

「主愛慶中秋長者午間茶聚」“God’s love – Mid Autumn lunch gathering for elderly”

「主恩臨上葵」聯合外展事工“God’s mercy in Sheung K w a i ” v i s i t i n g t h e underprivileged families and pray for the community.

來自機構不同部門有需要的小朋友參與了「開學有禮」活動Needy Children from various services participated in “The Opening Has a Gift” activitiy.

「聖誕頌歌節報佳音2015」機構兒童詩班外展到中西區發放佳音訊息予上班一族Our children carol singing group outreach to Central and Western District to spread the message of peace and love to working people in “2015 Carol Singing Festival”.

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