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  • 8/3/2019 kant Singh





    Project report submitted to the Sikkim Manipal


    In partial fulfillment for the award of




    Reg. no: 520954788

    Under the guidance of

    Mr. Kedar Joshi




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    CONTENTS Introduction

    Overview of ICICI Bank Emergence of CRM in ICICI Bank

    CRM at ICICI Bank

    Analyzing rofitability

    CRM Process

    CRM Purpose

    Cross Selling Marketing Effort Gaining new customer

    Customer Retention Relationship Management Conclusion and



    ICICI Bank (BSE: 532174, NYSE: IBN) (formerly Industrial Credit andInvestment Corporation of India) is a major banking and financial servicesorganization in India. It is the 4th largest bank in India and the largest privatesector bank in India by market capitalization. The bank also has a network of1,700+ branches (as on 31 March 2010) and about 4,721 ATMs in India and

    presence in 19 countries, as well as some 24 million customers (at the end ofJuly 2007). ICICI Bank offers a wide range of banking products and financialservices to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery

    channels and specialization subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management.(These data are dynamic.) ICICI Bank is also the largest issuer of credit cardsin India. ICICI Bank's shares are listed on the stock exchanges at Kolkata andVadodara, Mumbai and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited; itsADRs trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).The Bank is expanding in overseas markets and has the largest international

    balance sheet among Indian banks. ICICI Bank now has wholly-ownedsubsidiaries, branches and representatives offices in 19 countries, including anoffshore unit in Mumbai. This includes wholly owned subsidiaries in Canada,

    Russia and the UK (the subsidiary through which the Hi SAVE savings brand


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    is operated), offshore banking units in Bahrain and Singapore, an advisory branch in Dubai, branches in Belgium, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka, andrepresentative offices in Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa,Thailand, the United Arab Emirates and USA. Overseas, the Bank is targeting

    the NRI (Non-Resident Indian) population in particular.ICICI reported a 1.15% rise in net profit to Rs. 1,014.21 crore on a 1.29%increase in total income to Rs. 9,712.31 crore in Q2 September 2008 over Q2September 2007. The bank's CASA ratio increased to 30% in 2008 from 25%in 2007. ICICI Bank is one of the Big Four Banks of India, along with StateBank of India, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank its main competitors.In 1955, The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited(ICICI) was incorporated at the initiative of World Bank, the Government ofIndia and representatives of Indian industry, with the objective of creating adevelopment financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term

    project financing to Indian businesses. In 1994, ICICI established BankingCorporation as a banking subsidiary.

    Overview of ICICI Bank:The bank, headquartered in Mumbai, has a network of about 1,400 branchesand 4,530 ATMs in India and a presence in 18 countries. It offers a wide rangeof banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customersthrough its specialized subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of investment

    banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. The

    bank currently has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Russia and Canada,branches in United States, Singapore, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Qatarand Dubai.

    Channels:ICICI Bank has the following channels through which it offers its products andservices to its customers.



    Internet Banking

    Mobile Banking Phone Banking

    Products and Services:ICICI Bank offers a host of products and services to its clients, which includeDeposits, Loans, Cards, Investments, Insurance, De-mat, NRI Services andOnline Services etc.


    Following deposits are offered:


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    Savings Account

    Advantage Deposit

    Special Savings Account

    Life Plus Senior Citizens Savings Account Fixed Deposits

    Security Deposits

    Recurring Deposits

    Tax-Saver Fixed Deposit

    Young Stars Savings Account

    Child Education Plan

    Bank @ Campus

    Salary Account

    Advantage Woman Savings Account

    EEFC Account

    Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Account

    Privilege Banking

    No Frills Account

    Rural Savings Account

    Loans:ICICI Bank offers following loan facilities:

    Home Loans

    Loan Against Property Personal Loans

    Car Loans

    Two Wheeler Loans

    Commercial Vehicle Loans

    Loans Against Securities

    Loan Against Gold Ornaments

    Pre-approved Loans

    Cards:ICICI Bank is India's largest issuer of credit cards. It also offers other types ofcards. The various cards offered by ICICI bank are as below:

    Consumer Cards

    Credit Cards

    Travel Cards

    Debit Card

    Commercial Cards

    Corporate Cards

    Prepaid Cards


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    Purchase Cards

    Investments:ICICI Bank facilitates a range of investment products including:

    ICICI Bank Tax Saving Bonds

    Mutual Funds

    Government of India Bonds

    Initial Public Offers (IPO) by Corporates

    Foreign Exchange Services

    ICICI Bank Pure Gold

    Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004


    The Customer is King! This credo is more powerful, relevant and true todaythan ever before. In a truly customer driven economy, success depends on acompany's ability to be with the customer on a round the clock basissatisfying all their product and service specific needs. Simply stated, CustomerRelationship Management (CRM) is about finding, getting, and retaining

    customers. Customer Relationship Management is one of the hottest and mosttalked about topics in the industry today and for good reason. Industry analystsrecently reported that CRM expenditures will grow from $2.8 billion in 1999 to$11 billion by 2003. CRM is all about building long term business relationshipswith your customers. It is best described as the blending of internal business

    processes: Sales, Marketing and Customer support with technology. CRMsolutions empower businesses to more efficiently and effectively manage theactivities that affect their relationship with their customers. The ultimate goalof CRM is to meet and exceed customer expectations, create a positivecustomer experience and build customer loyalty. CRM changes all of this and

    represents a continuing evolution in managing front office operations.With CRM, traditional departmental applications for sales, marketing andcustomer service are consolidated into a single unified system capable ofmanaging the entire customer life cycle. This approach allows employeesthroughout an organization to have immediate access to a complete profile ofimportant customer information. Organizations who are implementing CRMsolutions feel confident that providing access to this level of information willassist their sales and support staff in better understanding the needs and buying

    patterns of their customers. CRM (customer relationship management) is aninformation industry term for methodologies, software, and usually Internet

    capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an


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    organized way. CRM is at the core of any customer-focused business strategyand includes the people, processes, and technology questions associated withmarketing, sales, and service. In today's hypercompetitive world, organizationslooking to implement successful CRM strategies need to focus on a common

    view of the customer using integrated information systems and contact centerimplementations that allow the customer to communicate via any desiredcommunication channel. What exactly is the definition of CustomerRelationship Management? Ask a dozen professionals, get a dozen differentdefinitions. Here's a general overview: CRM is used to learn more about yourkey customers needs in order to develop a stronger relationship with them.Customer Relationship Management can be defined as a companies activitiesrelated to increasing the customer base by acquiring new customers andmeeting the needs of the existing customers.CRM is about building partnerships with your customers. It uses internal

    business processes from Sales, Customer Service and Marketing. Thephilosophy of CRM is the recognition that your long-term relationships withyour customers can be one of the most important assets of an organization,

    providing competitive advantage and improved profitability. The mostimportant part of CRM is the "customer-focus". CRM uses technology,strategic planning and personal marketing techniques to build a relationshipthat increases profit margins and productivity. It uses a business strategy that

    puts the customer at the core of a companies processes and practices. It requiresthis customer focused business philosophy to support effective sales,marketing, customer service and order fulfillment.Regardless of company size or industry, businesses have begun to recognizethe value and importance of customer retention and are embracing newtechnology for automating customer service and support. For the newmillennium, it seems that the customer has finally become King!!!


    The CRM initiatives in India s ICICI Bank hold together its compelling story

    of growth. Its growth in customer base, channels, and product and serviceofferings. Since its inception in 1995, the bank has grown to have 15.8 millioncustomers, holding about 17 million accounts. The bank s network has expanded to 610 branches and standalone counters and over 2,000 ATMs.CRM has been envisioned by the bank to support its goals in sales, customerservice, and analytics. Already, about 30.40% of the bank s home loans are cross-sold to existing customers. Similar ratios have also been reported in thesale of insurance policies. Ratios of about 50.60% have been seen out of thecredit cards and personal loans business. The bank s stated intention is to take these ratios to as high as 60.75%. ICICI Bank states that these high levels of

    relationship maximization are made possible by how its CRM system is able to


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    "know and understand the customer better. which customer is most suitablefor what kind of product and at what point in time." In the area of service, the

    bank receives as many as 150,000 customer requests per day, a challenge notonly to channel capacity but also to how the bank is able to ensure that each

    request is recorded, tracked, and resolved. Last, customer analytics have beenused to support various strategic decisions of the bank. Recent strategicdecisions of note are several anti attrition programs, the intended attrition ofunprofitable customers, the imposition of fees, and various customer segmenttactical initiatives. ICICI Bank s CRM capability is built on a Teradata data warehouse that integrates data from multiple sources, including the Oracledatabase and various flat files. The system provides users with informationabout each customer s checking accounts, fixed deposits, credit cards, and other financial information. The bank has taken on the end-to-end propositionof SAS for enterprise intelligence, which offers a credible integrated approachto analytics, including data detection, data cleansing, data preparation, eventdetection, reporting and business intelligence, and campaign analysis. The bankestimates that it is able to track more than 1,200 parameters concerningdemographics, transactions made, channel usage, and product relationships.Through Behavior Explorer and views, business users develop customer

    profiles and run ad hoc queries. Analysts then use the information to guide product development and marketing campaigns that are intended to addresseach individual s total requirements, instead of just pushing a product. The success of cross-selling to existing customers has also been enabled by the

    bank s growing capabilities in lead management. The home loans business unit, for example, has built a lead management system rolled out to about 700users. The system is able to allocate leads, schedule meetings, provide a recordof all interactions with the customer, and give reminders for customer follow-ups. A lead generation tool has also been developed in house to capture androute Product applications made over mobile phones.


    CRM at ICICI Bank involves increased communication betweenthe bank and its present and prospective customers. Its philosophy focuses oneach and every customer s satisfaction. CRM facilitated coordination of multiple business functions & multiple channel of communication with thecustomers to carry out customer management more efficiently. It alsoautomated the process flow tracking in the product sales process and helpedgenerate customized reports and promote cross-selling. The typical componentsof a CRM strategy at ICICI are as follows:

    Aquire Customer

    Retain Valuable Customer


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    1. Deliver increased value to customer.2. Interact with customers.

    1. Customize by customer segment.2. Develop product , services, channel to meet the customer needs.

    1. Understand customer need.2. Differentiate based on different needs, behavior and characteristics.

    Understand and differentiate:

    Understanding customers is important in order to develop a sound relationshipwith them. Customer profiling is done in order to understand demographics,

    purchase pattern and channel preference. CRM also helped ICICI in valuationof its customers to understand customer profitability and Customer Life TimeValue (CLV).

    Develop and customize: -

    In a customer centric business environment, the products and processes have tobe according to customers needs and preferences. ICICI has always focused on developing channels of service delivery according to customers need and service expectation.

    Interact and Deliver:

    To foster a strong customer relationship ICICI ensured that all areas of the bankhave easy access to relevant, actionable customer information and employeesshould be trained on how to use customer information to tailor interactions

    based on both customer needs and potential customer value.

    Acquire and Retain:

    CRM helped ICICI to figure out valuable customers and made it easy toformulate retention strategies for them. It also helped it cope up with thechange in customer s life cycle and offer services accordingly.

    What is the profitability For you through CRM process:

    Yes we get profitability through crm process. The profitability are as follows :

    Customers usage pattern:


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    ICICI s CRM data warehouse integrates data from multiple sources and enables users to find out about the customers various transactions pertaining tosavings accounts, credit cards, fixed deposits, etc. The warehouse also givesindications regarding the customers channel usage.

    New product development:Analysis at ICICI guide product development and marketing campaignsthrough Behavior Explorer, whereby customer profiling can be undertaken byusing ad hoc queries. The products thus created take into account the customersneeds and desires, enabling the bank to satisfy customers through better

    personalization and customization of services.

    Central data management:

    The initial implementation of CRM allowed ICICI to analyse its customerdatabase, which includes information from eight separate operations systemsincluding retail banking, bonds, fixed deposits, retail consumer loans, creditcards, custodial services, online share trading and ATM.


    The CRM process is the most influential customer oriented strategy of thedecade. Despite its humble origins it has evolved into a relatively complex

    strategy. The essentials of a CRM program include focus, commitment to CRMgoals and above all a desire to be customer focused. Here's how the CRM

    process actually works in an organization.

    A look at the steps in the CRM process:1. Establishing CRM goals.

    2. Educating other departments.

    3. Assembling customer information.

    4. Designing the data model.

    5. Vendor study .6. Selecting the CRM solution.

    7. Establishing authority & responsibility.

    8. Pilot projects.

    9. Communication with customers through direct mail , electronic mail etc.

    10. Customer surveys.

    11. Customer satisfaction program.

    12. Collection of customer information.

    13. Provision of customer information to employees.

    14. Usage of customer information in the business activities.


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    15. Feedback.

    16. Analyze.

    17. Documenting a new process.

    18. Implementing final methodology.


    The purpose for engaging in customer relationship management could be toincrease marketing efficiency like achieving lower distribution cost,streamlining order processing or it could be to increase marketing effectiveness

    by building customer loyalty and commitment, personalizing the marketofferings etc. effectiveness means completing the job we set out to efficiency

    means using the least amount of resources to do the job. It is very difficult toachieve a balance between the two. Whatever the purpose the organizationmust decide the need and the specific requirement from the customerrelationship management process.


    MOBILE ATMs Facility:

    ATMs are kept in vans and parked at high traffic areas at specified timing

    to facilitate standard services.

    2. Bulk deposit facility through ATMs :

    ICICI bank issues a special card deposit only card to facilitate deposition of large amount at one time though ATMs unlike conventional ATMs whichallows deposition of only 30 notes at one time.

    3. Cash pick up service:It also facilitates cash pick up service for business customers under

    business banking segment.

    4. ATMs for visually challenged:

    ICICI bank has launched special voice- guided systems, which guide a visuallychallenged person to avail ATM services without any help. Headphone can beconnected to ATM jack who gives voice command to the customer to transact


    5. DEMAT A/c Facility:


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    ICICI bank gives an option of opening D-MAT A/c and trading A/csimultaneously with saving A/c through which customer can do share tradingonline.

    6. Other services through ATMs: Prepaid mobile recharge

    Buying and renewing internet packs.

    Making donations for Shri Mata vaishnodevi shrine and Tirupati,nathdwara temple.

    Mutual funds transaction & Bills payments.

    1. Credit card facility through mobile:

    The tools and the processes are as follow Customer application form. Centralized software where the whole data

    is collected. Wide range of offering. Cross selling and Feedback forms.

    Customer application forms: Bank collects all the data from customerapplication form and gets the personalized information to know which

    product to offer to which customer. This process helps in collecting thedata and knowing what the customer wants.

    Centralized software where the whole data is collected: The datacollected through customer application forms is available at one serverand can be accessed anytime, anywhere. So, this helps in the further

    process of customized offerings and cross selling.

    Wide range of offering : After collecting the data from the customer,team decides what product to offer to which customer. In case the bankrecognizes you as a valuable customer then is offers a more customizedservice.


    It refers to offering another product from the service offering of the bank to thecustomer which he has not gone for. For example If customer has savingsaccount with the bank then they offer him a insurance, fixed deposits etc. Thisdepends on the value of the customer to the bank. Cross selling is not offered toevery customer. It depends on how loyal the customer is to the bank. The more

    business he gives us, the more are his chances of being special services offered.


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    Feedback forms:

    The bank distributes feedback forms at all its branches. The customerfeedbacks on the service, technology used, employee behavior and promptnessin solving customers problems, are taken and they are analyzed:


    CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software aids in increasingefficiency, serves to aid the sales department in all of its efforts, manages to

    boost sales, and fundamentally contributes to the overall development of thecompany. It also manages to work towards organizational goals. This isachieved through a concise study of potential customers. Their preferences aretaken into consideration and used to coordinate and implement a customercentric business strategy that focuses primarily on the customer, yields torecording the importance of his ideas and suggestions and results in increasedcustomer retention.

    CRM helps to know the needs and wants of the customer. So, on the basis ofthis company can decide which product to offer to which customer. More over,under CRM, we have identified that cross selling is the best weapon. Itenhances the relationship value with the customer. This satisfies the customerand that is the reason why the customer keeps on coming again and again to thecompany. This helps in retaining the market share. Now, the satisfiedcustomers help in the word- of mouth promotion of the bank, which eventuallyincreases our market share.Does technology helps in practicing CRM? Yes, the whole base for practicingCRM is technology. It helps in collecting the data, processing the data and then

    according to the available information offering different products to thecustomer through emails, call centre, popups during the transaction in theATM.


    It is necessary for banks to identify potential customers for approaching themwith suitable offers. The transactional data that is generated through customer

    interactions and also by taking into account the profile of the customer (such as


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    the lifecycle stage, economic background, family commitments, etc.) needs tobe collated into one database to facilitate its proper analysis. For example, acustomer interacts with the banks for savings accounts, credit cards, homeloans, car loans, demat accounts, etc. the data generated through all these

    services needs to be integrated to enable effective targeting. After theintegration is done, a profitability analysis of the customer needs to beundertaken to acquire an understanding of the profit-worthiness of the customer

    before targeting him with new offers. The last approach of CRM according toICICI bank is that they try to convert the prospective customer into a truecustomer. Right from the moment the inquiry comes, they follow- up thecustomer and then make him to come to the bank occasionally and thenregularly. Everybody knows how difficult it is to get a new customer than toretain a existing one. Wireless companies in US are spending more in findingnew customers but 40% of their customers defect every year this has made

    bussines extremely difficult for them. Not only do they have to replace thedefected 40% but also add more to show some growth. Another example ofexpensive customer service is in the banking industry. Most customers costmore than the returns on their deposits. Banks are figuring out how to servetheir more valuable customers and retain them and cut the cost of serving theless valuable ones. CRM deployment is exorbitant and prohibitive for a smallcompany.

    CUSTOMER RETAINTIONThere are various components of CRM like customer information, sales,Marketing trends and marketing efficacy that acted in tandem to improverelationship between ICICI and its consumers. ICICI captured customer dataand analyzed them while dealing with customers at these very touch points. ACRM solution from Siebel was implemented for the Automation of customerhandling in all key retail products of the Group. The solution allows Customerservice agents to track all customer complaints and requests. It also allowstarget setting and centralized tracking of turnaround times for requestfulfillment. The solution went live in phases during fiscal 2002. The Bank has

    also undertaken a retail data warehouse initiative to achieve customerintegration at the back-office. This central view of the total customerrelationship is being used extensively for identifying opportunities to cross-sellnew products and services to the existing customer base. Its technologystrategy emphasizes enhanced level of customer services through 24x7availability, multi-channel banking and straight through processing, and costefficiency through optimal use of electronic channels, wider and focusedmarket reach and opportunities for cross-selling. The company offers the

    person the customized product. Moreover, they also practice a concept calledcross- selling over here. Cross selling refers to offering another product from

    the service offering of the bank to the customer which he has not gone for.


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    Example if customer has saving account with the bank then we offer him loan,insurance and other investments.


    Know Your Customer:Know Your Customer is about understanding your individual customer's valueand needs. This understanding comes only from collecting information thatcustomers provide in their interactions with your company, and developing a

    360-degree view of customer behavior across all touch points. As you begin adialogue with individual customers, you create a learning relationship withyour customers; each interaction becomes an opportunity to build and extendyour relationship with that customer. The more extensive the learningrelationship, the more invested the customer becomes in the relationship andthe more difficult it will be for the customer to switch to a competitor.The bank collects all the information about the customers for processing. ICICI

    bank has mainly 4 service offerings viz: loan account, saving account, currentaccount and fixed deposits. Moreover, the bank has many customers in eachcategory. So, they collect the data on one server and thus the company gets the

    personalized information on each customer by asking them to fill theinformation in customer application form. After the collection of the

    personalized information on every customer, the department checks out thevalue of the relationship with each and every customer. Later, they decide howto approach the customer for knowing what his needs and wants are? After thisis done, the company offers him the customized product.

    Reach Your Customer:Reach Your Customer is about reaching the right customers with the right offerat the right time through the right channel. Based on your knowledge of eachcustomer, you are able to reach specific customers with targeted offers,information, products, and services. You reach each customer with a

    personalized message based on his or her needs, behaviors, and value.

    Grow Your Customer:Grow Your Customer refers to your company's ability to effectively executeMarketing strategies based on your knowledge of customer share and customerlifetime value. You must use scarce investment dollars to target your efforts toyour best, most valuable customers. Increasing the total value of your customer

    base by retaining and growing your best customers, is significantly less


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    expensive than trying to generate the same amount of value by acquiring newcustomers. Focusing on your best customers requires you to re-examine and re-allocate total Marketing and sales investments from less profitable customersand the acquisition of new customers.


    The rules of the game have changed for CRM. Customer demand for increasedvalue, greater convenience, and more control over products and services, alongwith heightened pressure from competitors, have increased customeracquisition costs and decreased customer and brand loyalty. At the same time,advancements in technology have enabled the cost-effective distribution ofhuge amounts of customer data, the delivery of customized products, and theefficient use of interactive channels. These technology developments arecreating major opportunities to collect and use customer information to gain a

    better understanding of customer needs and to strengthen customerrelationships. To take advantage of these opportunities and address theescalating demands of customers, companies are shifting the focus of theirefforts to adopt a customer-centric approach. Product excellence, innovation,and operational efficiency are still important; however, successful companiesare building on these existing business strengths as they shift their attention totheir customers. E-CRM refers to the set of activities that enable a firm to

    utilize the power of the Internet and theelectronic medium to implement CRM. Firms all around the world haverealized the potential of the Internet as a medium for CRM and have beenactively pursuing e-CRM strategies.

    A complete e-CRM architecture would comprise of the following


    1. Sales Force Automation (SFA)2. E-Mail Management System (EMS)

    3. Interactive Voice Response (IVR)4. Knowledge Management (KM)5. Call Centers6. Instant online querying through Chat7. IMPS

    Managing a full range of customer relationship involves two related



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    1. Provide the firm and its customer-dealing personnel, a complete singularview of each and every customer.2. To provide the customer with the same singular uniform level of service inevery interaction with the company through every channel.


    Thus, we see that a focused and customer centric approach helped ICICI Bankbecome # 2 bank in India. ICICI has used CRM not only as a tool but also as astrategy to gain competitive advantage over other new generation private

    banks. It has invested a lot in ICT and spared no pains in giving best to thecustomers. Its multi-pronged approach towards managing customer relationshipis paying dividends constantly and as a result we see millions of happy satisfiedcustomers determined to make it one of the most successful banks in India.Thus after grabbing details of CRM in ICICI bank we can say that ICICI bankis well ahead of other banks as far as Customer Relationship Management isconcern. However at the same time keeping intense completion in to account,ICICI bank should involve technology more in CRM in terms of MobileBanking, Competitive products and Services to all the segments.


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    I, Shashikant Singh, student of MBA(Finance final year), in SikkimManipal, University, hereby declare that I have made this academic

    project titled CRM Project on ICICIBANK as a part of the assessmentfor the subject FINANCE, for academic year 2009-11. The project is

    submitted for the first time and here only and the information submittedtherein is true to the best of my knowledge.

    I sincerely thank Mr. Kedar Joshi for the help extended by him for thesuccessful completion of the project report.

    Countersigned Candidates signature

    (Mr. Kedar Joshi) (Shashikant Singh)


    Kedar Joshi(Manager)

    Icicibank Ltd, Regional Office Hyd

    Mob No:- +91-9849131517


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