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KATA PENGANTARAssalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillahi robbil 'alamin. Segala puji hanya milik Allah SWT atas segala nikmat, rahmat dan karunia-Nya yang tak terhingga sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah yang berjudul NEGARA.Makalah ini merupakan salah satu syarat dalam mengikuti pendidikan yang tengah kami laksanakan. Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua pihak terutama ayah dan ibu tercinta yang telah memberikan dukungan baik moril maupun materil sehingga makalah ini berhasil diselesaikan.Tiada gading yang tak retak andaipun retak jadikanlah sebagai ukiran, begitupun dengan makalah ini kami menyadari masih banyak kekurangan ynag masih perlu kami pelajari kembali. Untuk itu melalui kata pengantar ini kami sangat terbuka menerima kritik serta saran yang membangun sehingga secara bertahap penulis dapat memperbaikinya.Namun demikian penulis sangat berharap kiranya makalah ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi semua orang umumnya, khususnya bagi diri kami sendiri.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Bandung, Maret 2014




BAB IPENDAHULUANA. LATAR BELAKANG MASALAHSkimming has been deemed either a rapid reading skill leading to superficial understanding or a demanding cognitive or metacognitive skill. The relevance of skimming at the tertiary level will be explored through first looking at reading issues for tertiary students, defining the concept of skimming, investigating studies related to skimming at tertiary level and concluding with recommendations for the teaching of skimming. Research on skimming at tertiary level can be categorized into these major groups: studies on issues related to skimming as a reading skill and strategy, usage of skimming in reading academic texts and skimming while reading on the Internet. Through the studies, it can be seen that researchers have defined skimming in various ways ranging from skimming as a rapid superficial reading skill which does not lead to deeper processing of text to skimming as a higher order cognitive or metacognitive skill requiring top down processing.Kapanpun kita harus menemukan fakta-fakta spesifik, dalam satu paragraph, kita melihat dengan cepat pada kalimat-kalimat yang menyodorkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Membaca cepat untuk menemukan fakta-fakta tertentu disebut skimming. Kadang-kadang bermanfaat untuk memperoleh kesan umum dari sebuah buku ,artikel, cerita sebelum memutuskan apakah kita akan membaca ;lebih seksama atau tidak. Skimming, atau membaca dengan cepat untuk memperoleh gagasan umum dari wacana, mengharuskan kita untuk mencatat hanya informasi dan clue yang menyodorkan suatu gagasan terhadap tema atau topic sentral dari suatu tulisan.The main interest of the work described in the present paper is to devise a method for automatically skimming an informative text in order to arrive at an estimation of the conceptual focus of the text, i.e.: the semantic context or more informally just the context of the text. I chose the term skimming to describe the process because it implies a superficial approach to the content of the text without actually reading and understanding each and every word or paragraph of the text. Such a skimming method would be very useful both in deciding then relevance of the text with regard to some specific topic for instance in search engines or information mining/extraction applications.

B. RUMUSAN MASALAH1. What definition of Skimming?2. How to Skimming on the text?3. What is useful of skimming in many instances?4. When does skimming become a danger?

BAB IIPEMBAHASANA. DEFINITION OF SKIMMINGSkimming is a method of rapidly moving rapidly moving the eyes over the text with the purpose of getting only the main ideas and a general overview of the content, or skimming is getting the essence from reading material without reading all the words . Skimmingrefers to lookingonlyfor the general or main ideas, and works best with non-fiction (or factual) material. With skimming, your overall understanding is reduced because you dont read everything. You read only what is important to your purpose. Skimming takes place while reading and allows you to look for details in addition to the main ideas.Many people think that skimming is a haphazard process placing the eyes where ever they fall. However, to skim effectively, there has to be a structure but you dont read everything.How to skim.What you read is more important than what you leave out.Lets say you are doing research on a long chapter or a web site. By reading the first few paragraphs in detail, you will get a good idea of what information will be discussed. Once you know where the reading is headed, you can begin toread only the first sentence of each paragraph. Also calledtopic sentences, they give you the main idea of the paragraph. If you do not get the main idea in the topic sentence or if the paragraph greatly interests you, then you may want to skim more.At the end of each topic sentence, your eyes should drop down through the rest of the paragraph, looking for important pieces of information, such as names, dates, or events. Continue to read only topic sentences, dropping down through the rest of the paragraphs, until you are near the end. Since the last few paragraphs may contain a conclusion or summary, you should stop skimming there and read in detail. Remember that your overall comprehension will be lower than if you read in detail. If while skimming, you feel you are grasping the main ideas, then you are skimming correctly. B. SKIMMING IS USEFUL IN MANY INSTANCES 1. When you are pre-viewing, getting ready to read important material seriously.2. When you are doing research. Skimming will tell you whether or not an article will be useful to you. If it looks relevant, take down notes for later! This will make it easier for you to remember what caught your interest.3. When you are rushed. While skimming does not take the place of reading the text, it can refresh your memory before class starts, and you will get an overview of the subject.4. When you are reviewing or studying for a test. Going over the material quickly will recall information to your mind.5. When all you really need is a general idea of the material. If you dont need to know everything about what is written in the text, getting basic ideas can be crucial.C. STEPS IN SKIMMING AN ARTICLE1. Read the title--it is the shortest possible summary of the content.2. Read the introduction or lead-in paragraph.3. Read the first paragraph completely.4. If there are subheadings, read each one, looking for relationships among them.5. Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph.a. The main idea of most paragraphs appears in the first sentence.b. If the author's pattern is to begin with a question or anecdote, you may find the last sentence more valuable.6. Dip into the text looking for:a. Clue words that answer who, what, when, why, howb. Proper nounsc. Unusual words, especially if capitalizedd. Enumerationse. Qualifying adjectives (best, worst, most, etc.)f. Typographical cues--italics, boldface, underlining, asterisks, etc.7. Read the final paragraph completely.

D. HOW TO SKIM A TEXT1. Know what you wantBefore you start skimming, ask yourself what you want to get from the book or article under your nose. Think of two or three terms that describe what you want to know, and as you skim, keep an eye out for those two or three terms. Aimlessly skimming with no particular purpose can cause drowsiness, and eventually, sleep.2. Read vertically as well as horizontallyWhen skimming, you move your eyes vertically as much as you move your eyes horizontally. In other words, you move your eyes down the page as much as you move them from side to side. Skimming is a bit like running down stairs. Yes, you should take one step at a time, and running down stairs is reckless, but you also get there faster by running.3. Think like the authorEvery article, book, and Web page is written to make a point of some kind, and if you can detect the authors strategies for making his point, you can separate the important from the unimportant material in the course of your reading. You can focus on the original, meaningful material and skip over the material that just supports the authors argument without advancing it.Detecting the authors strategies requires you to put yourself in his place. Besides noticing the material on the page, noticehowhe presents the material. See whether you can recognize how the author places background material, secondary arguments, tangential information, and just plain frippery.

4. Preread before you start skimmingExamine an article before you read it. By prereading an article before you skim, you can pinpoint the parts of the article that require your undivided attention and the parts that you can skip.5. Try to detect the main idea in the introductory paragraphsThe introductory paragraphs usually express the main idea, argument, or goal of an article or chapter. Read these paragraphs closely. They tell you what the authors aim is, which can help you decide early on whether the article or chapter is worth reading in detail.6. Read the first sentence in each paragraphThe introductory sentence of each paragraph usually describes what follows in the paragraph. When you skim, read the first sentence in each paragraph and then decide whether the rest of the paragraph deserves a read. If it doesnt, move on.7. Dont necessarily read complete sentencesWhen skimming, you dont even have to read complete sentences. If the start of a sentence holds no promise of the sentence giving you the information you want, skip to the next sentence. Read the start of sentences with an eye to whether they will yield useful information, and read them all the way through only if they appear to be useful at first glance.8. Skip examples and proofsAuthors often present examples to prove a point, but if you believe the point doesnt need proving, you can skip the examples.

E. WHEN DOES SKIMMING BECOME A DANGER?1. When you have a class discussion or exam based on a text you havent read yet.2. When you are reading material containing statistics. The meaning of many numbers clustered together on a page might become blurred if you do not pay great attention to the text.3. When reading fiction. Generally, there are few subheadings and a great deal of dialogue in fiction, which makes it hard to get a good idea of the overall picture.4. When you read poetry. Poetry is meant to be heard, read aloud, and savoured, and often contains symbolic meaning which will be misinterpreted if skimmed.F. HOW IS SKIMMING DIFFERENT TO SCANNING?The term skimming is often confused with scanning.1. You skim a text to obtain the gist - the overall sense - of a piece of writing. This can help you decide whether to read it more slowly and in more detail.2. You scan a text to obtain specific information. For example, to find a particular number in a telephone directory.Sometimes you can use both reading methods. After youve skimmed a piece of text to decide whether its of interest, you might then use scanning techniques to find specific information.

BAB IIIPENUTUPA. KesimpulanSkimming is a method of rapidly moving rapidly moving the eyes over the text with the purpose of getting only the main ideas and a general overview of the content, or skimming is getting the essence from reading material without reading all the words . Skimmingrefers to lookingonlyfor the general or main ideas, and works best with non-fiction (or factual) material. With skimming, your overall understanding is reduced because you dont read everything. You read only what is important to your purpose. Skimming takes place while reading and allows you to look for details in addition to the main ideas. When you use the skimming technique you dont read the whole text word for word. You should use as many clues as possible to give you some background information. There might be pictures or images related to the topic, or an eye-catching title. Let your eyes skim over the surface of the text and look out for key words while thinking about any clues youve found about the subject.1. Read the title, subtitles and subheadings to find out what the text is about.2. Look at the illustrations to give you more information about the topic.3. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph.4. Dont read every word or every sentence. Let your eyes skim over the text and look out for key words.5. Continue to think about the meaning of the text.

DAFTAR PUSTAKAArundel, Anne. Skimminmg and Scanning. 2001 . London: Reading and Study skills, Otong Setawan. Extensive Reading Top-Down Reading. 2008. Bandung: CV.Yrama Widya.1

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