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Dra za salveteindekor za kuu i batu, inDIY za kuu i batu08/12/2010Moja erka i ja zamislile smo predstojeu prazninu dekoraciju trpeze u stilu mone Ledene Kraljice. Jedan od detalja koji bi trebalo da doprinese ovoj ledenoj scenografiji je i sneni dra za salvete od granica. Fotografije su ispale malo loije, ali, nisam imala vremena da napravim bolje osvetljenje za fotkanje.

Kako biste napravili neto slino potrebne su vam granice, gips, malo debljeg papira, pare aluminijumske folije i akrilne boje. Umesto podloge od gipsa moete da koristite drvenu ploicu. U tom sluaju potrebna vam je builica za pravljenje udubljenja u koja ete postaviti granice.Napravite od debljeg papira, ili tanjeg kartona, pravougaonu posudicu dimenzija 14x5cm dubine 2,5cm. Obloite unutranjost papirnog suda folijom.

Granice isecite na duinu 12-10cm.

U pripremljenu posudu ulijte gips i pazite da je ne prepunite.

Kada gips pone da se stee i da lagano potpuno prelazi u vrsto stanje ponite da postavljate granice. Reajte ih ravnomerno, kao neku ogradicu,na oko 5mm od iviceka unutra... Ostavite celu skalameriju da se prosui sat-dva. Osueni dra odvojite od papira i alu-folije i prefarbajte akrilnom bojom. Pre farbanja gipsano postolje moete dodatno daoblikujete mirglom ili manjim kuhinjskim noem.Mi smo koristile belu akrilnu boju sa sedefom. Ako umesto akrilnih boja upotrebite tempere bie potrebno da ceo rad premaete zatitnimlakom.

Evo jo malo sliica.

Uz svetlost svee.

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Dekorativna korpicaindekor za kuu i batu, inDIY za kuu i batu, insve(t) od papira, inivenje, inivenje - sve za kuu11/03/2011Ukrasne korpice su zbog svoje funkcionalnosti sve omiljeniji element u dekoraciji savremenog enterijera. Uz pomo kartona i tkanine moete napraviti korpe koje e po boji i veliini u potpunosti odgovarati vaim potrebama.

Isecite pomou skalpela od kartona 4 stranice trapezoidnog oblika dimenzija kao na slici dole. Dno korpe ini kvadrat veliine 13 x 13cm.

Pare ire samolepljive trake zalepite po sredini na jednu od stranica budueg dna korpe. Deo trake koji viri preko ivice stranice gurnite na gore, kao da hoete da je postavite pod pravim uglom u odnosu na dno korpe.

Tik uz ivicu dna postavite jednu od bonih strana korpe;prilepiteje za dno pomou uzdignute strane samolepljive trake.

Na isti nain povezati sa dnom i ostale tri strane.

Spoljanje ivice spojeva dna sa stranicama dodatno ojaajte samolepljivom trakom. Stranice povezati jednu sa drugom samolepljivom trakom ija irina sa jedne stranice prelazi preko ivica na drugu stranicu.

Konstrukcija trapezaste korpice je gotova. Na redu je haljinica od tkanine.

Prema dimenziji korpe isecite od dekorativne tkanineetiri puta krojni deo za stranice i jednom krojni deo za dno. Dodatak za avove je 1-1,5cm; uz ivicu otvora ostaviti dodatak 2-2,5cm. Na isti nain isecite i delove od postave. Za postavu upotrebite neku laganiju tkaninu.

Krojni deo za dno postavite licem na lice jedne od iskrojenih stranica. Od uglova dna izmerite na unutra 1cm i oznaite takom (slika dole). Stranicu i dno spojite tepanjem od take do take za irinu dodatka. Krojne delove moete spojiti i kao uOVOMlanku o izradi pravougaone korpice sa poklopcem.

Na isti nainzaiti naspramnu stranicu za dno.

...a zatim i ostale dve stranice.

Okrenuti rad na nalije i avne dodatke zapeglati ka dnu.

Vodei rauna da se ivice stranica poklapaju, postavite rad kao na slici dole.

Poevi od tepa kojim ste spojili stranice za dnoprotepajte sve etiri stranice celom duinom za irinu dodatka. Na isti nain saiti i postavu za korpicu.

Ubacite korpu od kartona u kouljicu od dekorativnog materijala. Unutranje ivice korpe premazati tankim slojem drvofiksa.

Podvrnite na unutra ivice tkanine i zalepite za karton.

Gornju ivicu postave podvrnuti za irinu dodatka, uzano protepati i drvofiksom zalepiti uz samu ivicu korpe. Nemojte se plaiti bele boje drvofiksa, kada se osui postae providan tako da se nee uopte primeivati.

Gotova korpica.

Ova vrsta korpica kod mene u kui ima jako iroku primenu. Koristim ih u kuhinji za uvanje aromatinih biljaka, brana, itarica, mahunarki(samo to im onda dodam i poklopac, kao uovom lanku), u kupatilu kao dekorativno spremite za kozmetiku i tufere, u dnevnoj sobi za asopise i CD kolekcije... , a omiljene su mi u ulozi ukrasne korpe za velike saksije.

Njlepe od svega je to pravljenjem ovakvih korpi moe da se reciklirakartonska ambalaa i razni ostaci tkanine.

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Cvet od tkanineinmodni detalji, inivenje, inivenje - modni detalji, inivenje sa decom11/06/2010Posebno zadovoljstvo pri izradi ovakvog cveta predstavlja mogunost da na interesantan nain iskoristite razne ostatke tkanine. Zabavan i jednostavan za izradu cveti od tkanine lako e nai svoje mesto kao bro, ukras za tanu ilitraku za kosu, gumicu...; iskoristite ga za dekoraciju jastuka, stolnjaka, draa za salvete.

Isecite od odabrane tkanine 6 krugova prenika 5,5-6cm. Ova veliina kruga je zgodna za latice cveta namenjenog za bro ili zagumicu za kosu. Svaki krug presavijte na pola, a zatim iglom i koncem proijte ivice zaobljene strane proivnim bodom. Povucite konac tako da se proivena ivica nabere. Dobili ste prvu laticu.

Ostalih pet krugova proijte na isti nain kao i prvi,a zatim ihpoveiteu celinu, tako da formiraju oblik cveta.

Sredinu cveta ukrasite perlicama, dugmetom, ilijo-jo rozetom.

Sa nalija cveta prikaite gajtan-lasti i dobili ste interesantnu gumicu za kosu.

Ovo je odlian nain da decu zainteresujete za ivenje i stvaranje kroz tkaninu.

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LIGHT SWITCH COVER FRAME - All Inclusive CollectionMade this one for Kevin's desk at work. :)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-150, 4 x 3.33, 6 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-150, 4 x 3.33, 6 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-150, 4 x 3.33, 6 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-150, 4 x 3.33, 6 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

Download Different Info|Download Autofill(Use WL-125, 4 x 2 label, 10 labels per sheet)

plastic shore

Last week on theshow, I demoed how to make this leather fringed wool scarf.You can find the how-to, but Ithought I would provide a photo how-to of for threading the leather tassels.This rectangular scarf is the width of the fabric (which was 60") by 13 inches. On the 13" sides are about 25 leather tassels that hang 12" long.

The tassels start a quarter of an inch in on each end and are a half inch apart from one another. Line up a ruler a quarter of an inch into the edge of the fabric and punch holes at every half inch. AMartha Stewart Crafts screw punch,fixed with a 1/16" tip,is ideal for making the holes in the fabric.

Cut 50 leather laces (fromThe Leather GuyorLeather Impact) to 24 inches long. Prepare a thin piece of folded wire to use as a needle. Fold a piece of leather so the suede sides face each other and sandwich between the fold of your wire needle. Pull the leather through the top of the fabric until you have a loop on the under side.

Remove the needle and flip the top length of leather to be suede side up. Both lengths should be suede side up at this point.

Fold the leather over the edge of the fabric and through the loop. To tighten the loop, pull the leather close to the hole. You should not see the suede side of the leather from this side.

Keep adding tassels until you complete one side.

Repeat process on opposite end of fabric. Done!

Isecite dva srca od filca koja ete nalepiti jedno za drugo kako bi ukras bio postojan i vrst i na tako dobijeno srce pitoljlepkom nalepite ljokice u traci. Na poleini nalepite tipaljke i ukras je gotov!

#2. Mana ukras

- 2kom grosgrain (najlon) trake iroke 3,5cm i duge 15cm- 2kom grosgrain (najlon) trake iroke 2,5cm i duge 15cm- 1kom satenske trake iroke 0,6cm i duge 15cm- Pitolj lepak- tipaljke za minue

Napravite manu od ire trake i zalepite na poleini. Preko nje uradite isti postupak sa uom trakom i spojeve prekrijte satenskom trakom. Zavrite tako to ete zalepiti tipaljke na krajnjem spoju.

#3. Mana srce ukras

- 4kom satenske trake iroke 2.5cm i duge 15cm- Filc u pink boji- Pitolj lepak- tipaljke za minue

Od satenskih traka napravite unakrsne mane, uvrstite ih pitolj lepkom i preko zalepite srce od filca. Na poleinu zalepite tipaljke i ukras je gotov!

DIY | ENVELOPE CELL PHONE CASE8.25.2011This idea was inspired by the diy envelope clutch and a serious need for a cell phone case. Definitely one of those happy accidents... I love its clean lines and minimal look, every fold and stitch is there for necessity. It also has this surprise effect when closed youre not really sure what it holds until it's opened. Turns my cell phone into a ninja who doesn't love that?

Scrapbookingse najjednostavnije moe prevesti kao kreativna umetnost (jer to zaista jeste) u izraivanju, najee, foto-albuma.Scrapna engleskom znai ostatak papira abookknjiga tako da je u pitanju tehnika pravljenja originalnih knjiga/foto-albuma uspomena ukraavanjem raznobojnim papirom, trakama, satenom, ipkom, citatima....svime ime raspolaete i u zavisnosti od tematike.

U poetku,scrapbooking je zahtevao neku lepu svesku sa tvrdim koricama ili foto-album, vetiji su sami pravili blokie i slino.Danas je sve mnogo lake,pojavom digitalnih scrapbook kitova, Photoshop-a i ostalih programa za obradu fotografije.

Scrapbookingje odlian hobi za ispoljavanje svoje kreativnosti; divan nain za pravljenje originalnih poklona dragim nam biima; savrena stvar za jedinstveno uvanje svih nam dragih uspomena i slino.Ono to je fenomenalno kod ovog hobija je to imate ogromnu mogunost kombinovanja razliitih tehnika, materijala, pribora...samo pustite mati na volju i uivajte u stvaranju jedinstvenih remek-dela!

Zbog svega toga ali i injenice da sam poprilini zavisnik oscrapbooking-u, reila sam da o ovom hobiju ee piem i podarim vam obilje primera kako manuelnog, tako i digitalnogscrapbooking-a.

Nadam se da ete mi, u vremenu koje sledi, slati fotke nekih vaih radova i primera, kao to u i ja postavljati fotke svojih.Neka nam je sa sreom!

Braided Leather Wrap BeltPosted onJune 4, 2012by

Here is a tutorial for a DIY braided leather wrap belt that seriously takes less than 30 minutes to make and cost around $3.00. I went to Tandy leather company and a bought a bunch of leather scraps by the pound. It was very inexpensive and the quality was great. In the bin were these strips of leather already cut and they were about 60 long. Perfect for this project.Here what you will need: Good quality Leather/Vinyl 60 in length or longer depending on the size of your waist 24 gauge beading wire in gold tone Brown DMC floss or brown thread Scissors

Measure in about 3 and take a piece of the DMC floss or thread and tie the leather pieces together. Make sure it is secure and tie it a couple of times. Trim the floss/thread.For the braiding of the belt, take a place the leather strips underneath something heavy. I used a leg of a chair. When braiding, always make sure to braid with the finished side of the leather up. Finish the other end of the belt with the floss/thread and repeat the same step as above.Cut a piece of the thin beading wire about 24 long. You can eyeball this and add more or less depending on the look you are going for. Place one end of the wire in the back of the floss/thread and the back of the braid like pictured above. This will hide the end of your wire and prevent it from catching on your clothes. Wrap the wire tightly around the leather. I wire wrapped an area about 1/2 thick. Take the end of your wire and loop it through some of the wire on the back, pull it tight, and trim. Repeat the process for the other end.

Now you have a great looking belt that doesnt break the bank!Start by prepping the surface of the wood cut out. Lightly sand the surface. Wipe clean with a slightly damp paper towel.Flip the wooden cutout over and line the paper up with the cut out.

Flip it back over and apply the mod podge to the surface of the cut out so that it is enough to cover it. Dont over do it. After doing that, apply mod podge to the back side of your paper. Make sure your wood cut out is dry to the touch before applying and adhering the piece of scrapbook paper to the surface.

When applying take and start adhering you paper from one end. I started with the top and worked my way down to the bottom. This will help eliminate any of the wrinkles and bubbles. Use a credit card or brayer to smooth out the piece of paper. Let this sit and dry. Trim the extra paper off with an x-acto knife.

Cut out the wings and repeat the same process listed up above.

Figure out where the placement of the center of the clock should be. Temporarily put the clock hands on the clock to make sure you will have enough clearance all the way around the circumfrence of the shape. Mark the center with a pencil. Drill the hole for the center of clock based on what your clock size is. Mine was 3/8.

Cut out the beak for the owl and mod podge it in place. Let it dry. Mod podge the entire surface of your project with 3 to 5 coats. I only did 3 coats and felt this was sufficient enough. Measure the placement of your button backs and drill holes to insert the buttons into. Secure with hot glue from the back. Attach trim if you wish to go this route. Like I said, you could paint the sides if you opt to cut down on some cost or cant find the right trim. Next, put your clock face on according to the directions on the package. With some clock parts, you dont have to worry about having to attach a hookto the back of your project to hang it from. The battery operated clock piece that I used was designed with one.Now, you have a one of a kind great functional art piece as well as a clock thats like no other. This would make a great gift for any kids room, new house, or any room in general for that fact. Super easy and people will be really impressed!

DIY Paint Swatch Chandelier

A paint-swatch chandelier? I think so :)

{Step 1} Youll need a whole bunch of paint swatches in your desired colours (seriously, emphasis on thewholebunch part). I picked a variety of blush, pink and red hues so I could get a fancy ombre look to my chandelier but I can only imagine how many different looks you could go for with your own chandelier. Using a scalloped paper punch youll need to punch about 40 -60 swatches into little medallions. Keep the medallions divided by colours in little saucers or cups like below.

{Step 2} I bought my lamp shade (my chandelier base) from Lowes for about 5 bucks. Using an Exacto knife and super sharp metal scissors I carefully cut apart the fabric lamp shade, peeling away the pieces until the metal parts were as exposed as possible. When picking out a lamp shade I tried to pick out one where the bottom diameter is much smaller than the top. This will make your layers of paint swatch medallions hang better and thus look much better when the final product is done.

{Step 3} Lay out your paint medallions, coloured side down, in the desired order. Tape down a long piece of coloured thread along the middle of the backs of each medallion. Then using a piece of tape, cut down the center width wise, tape together the edges where one medallion meets the next. Without this final piece of tape, the medallions with rotate on their piece of thread, thus showing the bar codes, text and colour names usually located on the backs of the paint swatches. If that doesnt bother you then this step isnt necessary! Repeat this step until all of your chandelier strands are strung and taped together.

{Step 4} Flip your lamp shade upside down and fasten it somewhere where it can hang freely (I tied mine to the latch that opens and closes our air vent in our ceiling). Start stringing on your strands along the perimeter of the bottom of the chandelier until the entire metal base is covered. Then start stringing strands along the widest top of your chandelier so that the lowest part of your strand hits the mid point of the bottom layer. Continue this all the way around until the entire chandelier is covered. Add a ribbon to the metal pieces (where the light bulb would pop in) and voila! Youre ready to hang this beauty!

DIY Dixie Cup Garland

Cuteness alert coming right at you, but how fun is this little DIY project, guys? I found the original inspiration onPinterest(the lamp shades were covered in Halloween hued paper) but figured Id give it a go usingmyfave hues. Wouldnt this garland be absolutely fabulousfor a bridal shower, an outdoor wedding and or even the most perfect addition to a nursery in lieu of a night light? Check out the awesome step by step photos below shot by the always wonderfulJenna. Craft on, beauties!

{Step 1} Carefully cut apart a Dixie cup and smooth it out so it is as flat as possible. Trace the smoothed out cup carefully onto a piece of paper to make your Dixie cup shade template. I had to try and make my template a few separate times until the template wrapped around the cup perfectly so dont get upset if the first template you trace doesnt fit over your cup perfectly. Make as many shade cut outs from your scrapbook paper as you will need to cover each individual bulb on your light garland.

{Step 2} Using double sided tape, adhere one end of a shade cover to a Dixie cup. Add another piece of double sided tape to the other end of the cut out and carefully wrap the entire piece around the cup. I tried to slide the edge of my cut out against the lip of the Dixie cup to give the shade an as seamless as possible look. Make sure your edges match up and repeat this step until all of your Dixie cups are covered.

Like so!

{Step 3} Using a pencil (or you can just eyeball it) youll make an X on the bottoms of the Dixie cups. Then carefully using anExactoknife youll need to cut an X pattern into your cup. This is where the bulbs will poke through and the X needs to be small enough that the cups wont slip out and fall off. Repeat this step until all of your Dixie cups have slit Xs into the bottoms and then carefully begin popping in each bulb to the bottoms of the cups, stringing along until your garland is covered.

I only made a select number of shades for the purpose of the photos here but you get the idea. And its also important to note, that its a bit risky to use regular holiday lights for this project; they can get very hot and because of how close they would be to the cups and paper may cause the cups to melt or catch fire. The original project article suggests using LED lights which is great if you can find them with white wiring (I had no such luck)! For the purpose of pretty pictures I used regular lights.

And just in case youre wondering how your little cups will look when you plug in your lights, heres a shot for you :)xoxo

How To Make Your Own Spherical TetraLamp Shade ( Part 1 of 2 )Link do video tutorijala

Postupak;1. Odrezati 2 velika, 2 srednja, 2 manja i 2 jo manja cvijeta od papira u boji, od zelenog papira odrezati 12 listova.2. Zarolati vrhove latica pomou olovke ili kara3. Slagati jedan na drugi cvijetove, od najveeg prema najmanjem, uvrstiti pomou vrueg ljepila, zatim ih zguvati u ruci4. Zalijepiti ih na icu koju emo omotati zelenom ljepljivom trakom, dodati manuI za kraj, onaj dui dio stiropora moe posluiti kao zgodan stalak za vau zajedniku fotografiju;

Uradi sam, ormar od recikliranih novina i asopisa06/03/2012odDavor ZeljkoviCategory:Uradi sam tutorijaliEvo ga jedan jako originalantutorijalkako napraviti ormari od starih asopisa ili novina.Sve to vam je potrebno za ovo su stare novine, makaze, lepak i pitolj za lepak, rukavice, ica i neka plastificirana tekstura za zavrno prekrivanje, poeljno neto otporno na vodu.I naravnomnogo dobre voljei slobodnog vremena.

Now for some quilting fun! Sew some straight lines (or another design) down the length of your fabric.

Now for the zipper. Don't let this part scare you! It's not as hard as you might think. You don't need a special zipper foot. Just your regular old presser foot will do.

Lay one section of fabric down right side up. Lay the zipper face down and pin down as shown:

Sew with about a 1/4" inseam.

Flip the zipper over and sew a quick top stitch if you like.

Lay this piece right side up

and then lay down the other section of fabric face down and pin as shown:

Stitch with a 1/4 inch inseam and again finish with a top stitch.

Pin the fabric right sides together

and sew straight across the bottom.

Fold the pouch so that the zipper is right on top of the seam you just sewed.

Sew along the short ends of the pouch.

Cut off any extra material.

Turn it right side out and use an iron to help shape it. Add a little charm if you like and you're all done!

A spiffy little pencil pouch to give as a gift or just keep for yourself (;

Throw it in your bag/purse/backpack and be on your way.

Materials:Four 4x4 tiles (from the tile section at hardware stores) Mine cost abank-busting 30 cents a piece.scrapbook paperMod PodgeSponge brushHot glue or fabric glueThick fabric (felt or fleece) for the backing

Let's Get Started!

Begin by cutting four pieces of scrapbook paper to fit your tiles. I made mine slightly smaller than 4" squares so I would have a small border.

Using a foam brush, apply Mod Podge to the back of your paper in a thin layer.

Make sure it's not too thick and is spread smoothly

Apply the paper to the top of the tile, being careful to remove any air bubbles or wrinkles.

Repeat on all tiles. Isn't that pretty already?? Let them dry for a bit.

Cut four pieces of thick fabric to almost cover the bottom of your tiles. This will be to pad them on your table top and keep them from scratching your wood!

Flip the tiles over and apply glue on a few of the ridges.

Place your fabric on the glue and let dry.

Once your paper is completely dry from the first Mod Podge step, apply a thin coat of Mod Podge to the top in an even layer.Make sure you get the edges of the paper because this will be sealing your coasters. Allow to dry and apply more coats as needed until you get the finish you want. I did three coats.

Tie up with a pretty ribbon for a wonderful housewarming gift or keep for yourself!

How cute would these be with Christmas or holiday paper, or with a monogram?? The possibilities are endless, and with a price tag of less than $2 for the whole project, you can make as many as you want!

*I've had no trouble with water affecting my cured Mod Podge, but if you're worried about it getting goey, or plan on using your coasters all. the. may want to seal them with an acrylic sealer*

I have the table all set for breakfast in the morning...

This is the vintage tablecloth and dishes that I bought at an estate sale last Friday...there is a post that shows all of my treasures.

I used a simple bouquet of flowers tied with a burlap bow for the centerpiece.

I made this dried flower wreath last summer from flowers in my garden...

I added a touch of Valentine with this sweet couple...and the pillow behind them says "and they lived happily ever after"

I decided to display some of my pink milk glass...

This is a wrought iron candle holder that I usually have in the yard..but I brought it in for Valentines Day. I am going to fill the mason jars with sand and a candle....then we'll have a romantic dinner in our "new" sun room.


SIMPLE HOME DECORATING IDEAS FRAMED BUTTON ARTYou can hang your framed button art on the wall or you can use apicture standto hold it instead. Since Im not a fan of things that I have to dust around, I chose to hang my framed button art on the wall instead.MaterialsPicture frame with matButtons of different sizes and colors depending on your themeThread & needleLinen or cross stitch fabricDirections Cut a piece of linen or cross stitch fabric to fit your picture frame and mat. Draw or trace a heart lightly in pencil in the center of the linen or cross stitch fabric. Verify that all of the heart will show through the center of your picture frame mat.

Sew on the buttons following the outline of your heart.

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