
Kursleder Asbjørn Ødegård

Asbjørn Ødegård har vært spesialist i radiologi siden 1995 og har etter dette vært tilknyttet Kar-

Thorax seksjonen ved Klinikk for bildediagnostikk på St. Olavs hospital i Trondheim, siden 2009 som

seksjonsoverlege. Han har jobbet mye med angiografi og karintervensjon, de siste årene også

nevrovaskulær intervensjon. I tillegg har han lang erfaring med CT og til dels MR som diagnostisk

verktøy ved sykdommer i kar og thorax.

Asbjørn har vært involvert i innkjøp av CT-maskiner til sykehuset i hele perioden og har opparbeidet

seg en del nødvendig teknisk kunnskap. Han er spesielt interessert i bearbeiding av bildedata ved

hjelp av ulike 3D-verktøy.

Asbjørn har vært kursleder og foredragsholder ved en rekke kurs for spesialister og

spesialistkandidater, spesielt innenfor karkirurgi, kar- og thoraxradiologi.

Han har vært med på å skrive noen artikler.

Cristy Savage, RT (R) (CT) CIIP

Cristy Savage, RT, (R), (CT), CIIP is the CT Quality Assurance Manager at Massachusetts General

Hospital. She is responsible for working with Division lead radiologists, Operations Managers, and

medical physicists to implement, develop and maintain clinical and research CT protocols for 23

scanners over 7 campuses within Partners Healthcare system. She is currently serving as the Co-Chair

for Radiology Policy and Procedure Committee and is a member of the Dose Monitoring Committee

at Massachusetts General Hospital. Cristy is a Certified Imaging Informatics Professional and an Epic

Radiant Credentialed trainer. She organizes educational lectures and training for over 130 CT


During her 15 years at Massachusetts General Hospital Cristy has moved up the ranks from CT

technologist to Technical Manager of CT to her current position as CT Quality Assurance Manager,

during which time she has been rewarded for her hard work and dedication by receiving three team

Partners in Excellence Awards for her work on the implementation of Epic, the conversion of policy

management system, and Partners CT Dose committee. She has been awarded two individual

Partners in Excellence awards as well as a MGH Patient Safety Star award. Cristy has lectured for

ISCT, SBCTMR, Harvard Medical School and has been a consultant for Hamad Hospital in Doha, Qatar.

Prior to her time at Massachusetts General Hospital, Cristy spent 3 years at Wake Forest Baptist

Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC as a CT Technologist and 4 years as an X-Ray/CT technologist

within the Intermountain Healthcare System at Logan Regional Hospital in Logan, Utah and Dixie

Regional Hospital in St. George Utah. She received an Associates of Science from Dixie College in St.

George, UT and Bachelors of Science in Radiology from Weber State University in Ogden, Ut.

Dr. Christian Kelly-Morland

Dr. Kelly-Morland undertook medical training in London and Bristol prior to completing core radiology training at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital with subsequent clinical and research fellowships in oncology and hybrid imaging at the Royal Marsden hospital and King’s College London. He is now a consultant in oncology imaging at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals and has an active research portfolio with a special interest in novel imaging response assessment methods in oncology.

Mario Silva

Mario Silva graduated in Radiology at the University of Parma and completed a research fellowship in Cardio-Pulmonary Imaging at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts. He obtained his PhD in “Surgical Sciences and Applied Microbiology” in 2017. He is currently a Researcher at the University of Parma and National Cancer Institute in Milan, Italy. Dr Silva is an active researcher in the field of thoracic imaging, including thoracic oncology. His main scientific interests are early diagnosis of lung cancer by screening (active involvement in MILD and bioMILD trials) and the evolving scenario of medical treatment of pulmonary malignancies. He has authored or co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles published in international scientific journals, numerous abstracts at international congresses, and published book chapters on thoracic imaging. He is reviewer for various international scientific journals, he is the “Chest” Section Editor of the European Journal of Radiology and the “Diagnostic Imaging” Section Editor of the Tumori Journal. Affiliations: Mario Silva, MD, PhD 1 Scienze Radiologiche – Department of Medicine and Surgery (DiMeC) University of Parma, Parma, Italy [email protected] 2 Lung Cancer Screenng Trials, National Cancer Institute, Milan, Italy

Anders Persson

Anders Persson (Professor, överläkare) är professor i medicinsk bildvetenskap, överläkare och

föreståndare för Centrum för CMIV vid Linköpings universitet som han varit en av initiativtagarna till.

Ämnesföreträdare för radiologiska vetenskaper inom röntgen och radiofysik Linköpings universitet.

Gästprofessor vid Karolinska institutet, Stockholm.

Han har arbetat inom området visuell representation av medicinska radiologiska data och medicinska

tillämpningar i över 25 år. Som röntgenläkare och forskare har han arbetat med forskning samt

införande och validering av nya visualiseringsverktyg i den kliniska miljön. Forskningsfokus på i första

hand datortomografiska hjärtapplikationer, postmortem imaging, fett forskning samt nya

kontrastmedel för dubbel energi.

Flertal styrelse och styrgruppsuppdrag både internationellt och nationellt exempelvis styrelsen for

forskning, utbildning RSNA. Han har varit gästprofessor Mayo Clinic USA, 2009. Har publicerat 200

referee-granskade publikationer och konferensbidrag. Mer än 800inbjudna föredrag och författare

till 11 bokkapitel.

Flera internationella och nationella utmärkelser så som RSNA Cum Lade, Lennart Nilsson Award,

Athena priset, stora kunskapspriset och ” The Royal College Combined Scientific Gold Medal in UK.


20 juni 2017 fikk Professor Anders Persson H.M. KONUNGENS MEDALJ, 12:e storleken i

Serafimerordens band, för betydande insatser inom medicinsk bildvetenskap

Arne Stray-Pedersen

Arne Stray-Pedersen (46) er rettsmedisiner ved Oslo universitetsykehus, avdeling for

rettsmedisinske fag (tidligere Rettsmedisinsk institutt).

Han avla medisinsk embetseksamen ved Universitetet i Bergen i 1999 og har jobbet med

rettsmedisin siden 2003.

Hans doktorgradsarbeid fra 2008 handlet om immunforsvarets betydning ved plutselig


Han har siden 2011 hatt deltidsstilling som forsker og underviser av legestudenter ved Universitetet i

Oslo. Forskningen har sentrert seg om årsaker og mekanismer ved dødsfall, ulykker og vold mot barn

og innenfor bruk av billeddiagnostiske metoder i rettsmedisin.

Han har bred rettsmedisinsk erfaring fra inn- og utland, og har spesielt vært engasjert i undersøkelser

av barn der det er spørsmål om mishandling eller omsorgssvikt.

De siste 15 år er han regelmessig benyttet som rettsmedisinsk sakkyndig i straffesaker. Han har også

utført en del internasjonale oppdrag.

Stray-Pedersen har ledet arbeidet med å innføre CT-skanning som et sentralt arbeidsverktøy for

rettsmedisineren ved undersøkelser av lik.

Håkan Caisander

Utbildad inom radiologi vid Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset i Göteborg. Överläkare inom

barnradiologi och datortomografiansvarig vid Drottning Silvias Barn- och Ungdomssjukhus.

Föreläser om pediatrisk datortomografi vid Göteborgs Universitet och är kursansvarig för den

återkommande ST-kursen i Barnradiologi i Göteborg.

Mark Bernstein, MD

Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology

Trauma & Emergency Radiology

NYU School of Medicine / NYU Langone Health / Bellevue Hospital

New York City

Since arriving at NYU/Bellevue Radiology 15 years ago to establish the Emergency Radiology

section, Dr. Bernstein expanded the focus and diagnosis of trauma. He has complied a series

of trauma protocols for the Bellevue Emergency CT scanner so patients undergo a complete

diagnostic workup in just a single visit. In addition, he established an updated

multidisciplinary cervical spine clearance regimen.

As NYU Medical Center has expanded to NYU Langone Health incorporating two additional

level 1 trauma centers, Dr. Bernstein has led initiative to update comprehensive whole-body

CT protocols at these sites and aided as the trauma radiology liaison for the American

College of Surgeons accreditation proceedings.

He has been extensively involved in resident and medical student teaching, and is an

international speaker. Dr. Bernstein has authored many papers and chapters on topics of

trauma imaging and recently served as President of the American Society of Emergency


Michael H Lev

Michael H Lev, MD, FAHA FACR, is Director of Emergency Radiology & Emergency Neuroradiology at

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston, and a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical


He was born in Brooklyn, New York and received an honors B.S. degree in biophysics in 1982 and an

M.D. degree in 1986, both from Brown University, Providence, RI; from 1982-83 he studied

neuroscience at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel as a Fulbright Scholar. He has been an

attending neuro-radiologist at MGH since 1995 and is board certified in both Internal Medicine

(Boston University Medical Center, 1989) & Radiology (MGH, 1994), with a Certificate of Added

Qualification in Neuroradiology (MGH, 1995).

Dr. Lev was the recipient of a Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Seed Grant Award in

1996, and is an elected Fellow of both the American Heart Association (FAHA, 2008) and the

American College of Radiology (FACR, 2013). He served as Deputy Editor for neuroimaging of the

journal Radiology from August 2007 through March 2009, for which he continues as Senior

Consultant to the Editor, and has been on the editorial board of the American Journal of

Neuroradiology since 2000.

His research interests include acute stroke imaging with advanced CTA & CTP techniques, Dual

Energy CT applications in neuroimaging, rapid automated CT diagnosis & characterization with Deep

Learning, and ED Process Workflow Analysis. He was Co-Principal Investigator for both the NBIB

funded University of Cincinnati “Point-of-Care” Center Grant and the more recent DOD funded CIMIT

grant (Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology), studying the clinical feasibility

of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for the rapid, portable detection and monitoring of acute

brain injury. Most recently, he has been an imaging co-investigator for the DOD funded “Low-level

light therapy (LLLT) for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)” clinical trial and a co-investigator for the NIH

funded R01 project developing an MRI “Portable Brain Scanner” (PBS).

Anders Magnusson

2014-2019 Professor em. i radiologi vid Uppsala universitet.

2000–2014 Professor i radiologi vid Uppsala universitet.

1984-2014 Överläkare med huvudansvar för uroradiologisk diagnostik och intervention vid Bild och

funktionsmedicinskt centrum, Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala.

Aktuella forskningsområden

CT vägledd intervention. Kontinuerligt arbetat med att utveckla tekniken och konstruera hjälpmedel

för att förbättra och förenkla CT vägledda ingrepp.

Reducering av stråldosen vid CT undersökning av urinvägarna. Kontinuerligt arbete med att reducera

stråldosen utan att diagnostisk värdefull information förloras.

Preoperativ planering av perkutan stenextraktion med 3D-CT. I ett projekt har en teknik utvecklats

för att framställa biomodeller vid fall med komplicerade stenar i njurbäckenet.

Perkutan ablation av njurtumörer.

Han har publiserat många vetenskapeliga artiklar samt bokkapitler.

O. Clark West, MD FACR

Professor of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging

Vice Chair for Clinical Operations & Imaging Informatics Chief of Emergency and Trauma Imaging McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) Houston, Texas, USA Dr. West has devoted his professional career to the imaging of acutely ill and injured patients. He joined the Radiology Department at Memorial Hermann Hospital-Texas Medical Center in 1997 and became Chief of Emergency and Trauma Imaging in 1999. He has shepherded the growth of the Emergency Radiology Section from two full-time faculty in 1999 to 10 faculty members in 2019. Dr. West received his medical degree from Washington University in St. Louis. His Diagnostic Radiology residency was at the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at the same institution. He did a combined fellowship in Trauma Radiology at the University of Maryland Medical System in Baltimore and Musculoskeletal Radiology at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology. Dr. West is actively involved in Radiology Informatics. He currently chairs the Radiology IT Subcommittee, which advises Memorial Hermann on Radiology IT operations. He serves on both the MHH-TMC and the Memorial Hermann System Medical Informatics Committees. Dr. West is an expert in the field of Emergency and Trauma Imaging. He joined the American Society of Emergency Radiology in 1992 and has held multiple committee positions and executive offices, culminating in service as President of ASER from 2006-2008. In 2009, he received the Gold Medal of the ASER, its highest honor. He currently serves as ASER Councilor to the American College of Radiology (ACR), ACR liaison to the American College of Surgery Committee on Trauma (COT) and Co-Chair of the ACR Committee on Emergency Radiology. He is principal author of Suspected Spine Trauma ACR Appropriateness Criteria published in 2018.

Dr. West devotes much of his nonclinical time teaching other radiologists about trauma imaging at meetings within the United States and internationally. He has been actively involved in the Emergency Radiology curriculum at the ASER, RSNA, and ARRS. He is one of the directors of the ACR Education Center course, "Emergency Radiology." Imaging Skeletal Trauma, by LF Rogers and OC West was published in December, 2014.

Jorge A. Soto, MD

Dr. Jorge A. Soto is Professor of Radiology at Boston University School of Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Radiology, Boston Medical Center. Dr. Soto completed his medical training at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud in Medellin, Colombia, and then completed his residency training in Radiology at the same institution. He subsequently completed his fellowship training in abdominal imaging at Boston University School of Medicine. His primary interests are imaging of traumatic and non-traumatic abdominal emergencies and pancreatico-biliary imaging.

Dr. Soto has more than 110 peer-reviewed journal articles, 65 review articles or book chapters, and is the editor of five books. Dr. Soto is Associate Editor of Abdominal Radiology and serves as reviewer for 11 journals. He has been named the Excellence in Educator Award of the Radiological Society of North America fives times and has received numerous additional awards and recognitions, including the Marshak Distinguished Lecturer Award of the Society of Abdominal Radiology. In 2018, he was named Honorary Member of the Sociedad Espanola de Radiologia e Imagenes (SERAM) and is Past President of the New England Roentgen Ray Society. He currently serves as Chairman of the International Outreach Committee of the American Roentgen Ray Society, Second Vice President and Fellow of the American Society of Emergency Radiology, Fellow of the Society of Abdominal Radiology and has served as Visiting Professor and invited speaker in numerous multiple institutions and countries throughout the world.

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