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01 目錄 Contents

01 編者話 Editor’s Note

02 Land Rover歷史軌跡 / 香港大事 Historical Timeline / What’s happened in Hong Kong

座駕 Our Land Rover

08 一甲子的歷險故事 Land Rover 60週年限量版Defender SVX A story about exploration in 60 years Defender SVX, the limited edition of Land Rover 16 念天地之悠悠 A sip of eternity

24 人生得意須盡歡 Happiness is a virtuous activity of the soul

34 有容乃大 Magnitude comes from encompassment

浮凝 Our planet

14 冒險,永不言倦 Exploration

22 不斷創新 Innovation

48 可持續發展 Sustainability

30 黃沙萬里楚山青 香港Land Rover闖蕩世界 Explored the World Hong Kong Land Rover Owners Club

想望 Our next generations

40 童言無忌──小孩眼中的Land Rover Land Rover in Children’s View

42 解構LRX的迷人特質 The Charming LRX

50 巴黎車展的最新啟示: Stop/Start系統令二氧化碳 排放量再減8% The Freelander II TD4_e Stop/Star at Paris Motor Show: the CO2 emissions are reduced by 8%

於2003年開始接手Land Rover這個英國知名的汽車品牌時,偶爾在街上看到有人駕着它



Land Rover特別之處,不僅是卓越的越野性能,還包括其家族成員各具性格,令許多最初只是想買一輛「試吓開吓」的車主,忍不住將每一個成員都收進自己的車庫裡去。而且,不難發現,喜歡它的人從沒有特定的類型,車主可能性格各異,在不同的專業領域裡發展,但同樣受其無拘無束的特質所吸引──而特刊裡的幾位受訪車主,就是很好的例子。

製作這本特刊,當然是為了紀念60週年這盛事,不過,也為了讓車主或喜歡Land Rover的朋友,可以有一份屬於Land Rover

Hong Kong的紀念品。在裡面,除了可以看到Land Rover的成長史,也可以找到它在香港留下的轍痕。


I remembered the time when I took over Land Rover, this well-known British automotive brand, in 2003. Pleasant and surprise flashed

whenever I saw one passing through me or parking on the road. Nowadays, Land Rover can be found easily on the street in Hong Kong. It proves that our works was treasured! Moreover, many owners become our friends in these years. That’s not easy! I must say frankly that it makes me happy.

Land Rover is not only the out-standing off-roader, but also the characters of each member in its family are different. Even the owners who considered buying only one at first would change their mind at last to collect every one of them. Moreover, it’s not hard to discover that there is no typical type of Land Rover owner. All people would be attracted by its special characteristic – several being interviewed are the very good examples.

This book is certainly to commemorate 60th anniversary of Land Rover, and let the friends who like Land Rover or its owners have a souvenir belonging to Hong Kong. Other than the history of Land Rover, you will also find the way it rides to Hong Kong. In the future, we hope more and more people will realize its excellent off-road performance, and start wandering with it.

Samuel Sun General Operations Manager

編者話Editor’s Note


Land Rover Hong KongG/F, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong KongTel: 2814 7286 [email protected] Produced by:Juicy Concepts Communications [email protected] - Cordelia IpArt direction - Tse Kwok Wing All rights reserved.

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Land Rover: 歷史軌跡 Historical Timeline

自Land Rover誕生以來,各界名流對其都傾心不已,且經常在電視節目和電影中出現。較近期的荷里活影片要數《盜墓者羅拉(Lara Croft)》,而在二戰題材的影片《Ice Cold in Alex》中,亦可以找到其身影。不過,Land Rover是在二戰後才發明的。From the Land Rover’s first days, celebrities have taken the brand to their hearts. It could be found in famous films easily, such as Lara Croft. A Land Rover was featured in the war film Ice Cold in Alex. But, the first vehicle wasn’t invented until after WWII.

香港大事 What’s happened in Hong Kong?

1954著名政治家邱吉爾80歲壽晨,收到一輛86吋軸距的Series I Land Rover作為他的生日禮物Sir Winston Churchill took delivery of his 80th birthday present: an 86 inches Series I Land Rover

1948Land Rover Series I在4月30日以「農場之友」的形象首次登場,配備了2公升四汽缸,加上恆時四輪驅動系統,可提供52匹馬力。Land Rover Series Idebuted on April 30th as the ‘farmer’s friend’, with a 52 horse power 4 cylinder engine and permanent four-wheel drive.

1955在香港李鄭屋村發現東漢時代的古墓,其後在1988年列為法定古蹟,得以永久保存A tomb built in Eastern Han Dynasty was discovered in Lee Chang Hu Village. The tomb was declared as a gazetted monument in 1988 and is preserved permanently thereafter.

1950香港電影業的黃金時代,產量驚人,類型眾多,更出現了陳寶珠、蕭芳芳等青春偶像片熱潮The ‘Golden Ages’ of the film industry inHong Kong. Many films in various styleswere produced. Actresses Connie Chan andFong-fong Siu became the idols.

香港人口由45年的60多萬,激增至230萬,在短短5年增加近三倍The population is increased from 600 thousands (1945) to 2,300 thousands, increased by nearly three times in 5 years only.

19489月 著名歌手許冠傑出生,他自70年代起以通俗廣東歌詞譜下多首樂章,開創香港粵語流行曲的潮流,被稱為「歌神」 Famous Singer Sam Hui was born. He wrote songs in Cantonese since 70s and make this became a trend. People called him ‘the god of songs’.


1949推出軍用版 英國陸軍訂購第一批Land RoverArmy EditionBritish Army ordered its first Land Rover

1953長軸距車款問市Long Wheelbase version was introduced

英女王伊利莎白二世首次全球巡訪,座駕就是改裝過的Land RoverLand Rovers were provided as converted vehicles for Queen Elizabeth II’s first world tour.

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經歷數十載,Land Rover已被認為是各類改裝車型的理想原型,從專業的狩獵旅行車、軍車到緊急援助車輛,Land Rover無所不能!更有車迷將它改裝成農用車、賽車,甚至是水陸兩用車!

Over the years, the Land Rover had been regarded as an ideal frame for conversions of every kind. From rail vehicles to specialist safari cars and military transportation to emergency vehicles, Land Rovers have risen to every demand - even amphibious craft created by enthusiast!

196711月 獅子山隊道正式啟用,當時是單行管道,全長1,430米;至1978年,才完成加設第二條管道的工程並啟用The Lion Rock Tunnel was opened in November, as a 1.43 dual-one single bore tunnel. The second Lion Rock Tunnel was opened to public in 1978.

196310月 香港中文大學成立,由崇基、新亞、聯合三個成員書院組成New Asia College, Chung Chi College and United College combined to become the Chinese University of Hong Kong in October.

1962颶風溫黛襲港,狂風夾帶豪雨,令沙田一帶頓成澤國Typhoon Wanda hit Hong Kong making heavy rains and storm. Shatin area was covered by water.

1966第50萬輛Land Rover出廠500,000th Land Rover was born

1962由Tyneside工程公司Vickers-Armstrong將Series II 109改裝成水陸兩用的氣塾車,但這輛「Hover Rover」太重了,無法有效率地運作,所以沒有繼續研發A Series II 109 Land Rover was made into a hover vehicle by Tyneside engineering company Vickers-Armstrong. Known as the “Hover Rover” it was too hearvy to operate effectively, so was never developed further.


1958Land Rover Series II公開上市Land Rover Series II was unveiled with more refined styling

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1966第50萬輛Land Rover出廠500,000th Land Rover was born

19771月 海洋公園落成,位於香港南區黃竹坑,有數十項遊樂設施,園內並設有登山纜車和全世界第2長的戶外扶手電梯,是全球知名的綜合主題公園The Ocean Park Hong Kong, one of the most famous theme parks in the world, was opened. It offered tens of entertainments, cable cars, and the 2nd longest outdoor escalator in the world.

19728月 耗資3億2千萬元的海底隊道工程完工,並啟用通車,是全港第一條過海行車隊道,是世界上最繁忙的四線行車隊道之一。為跟另外兩條海底隊道區分,又稱為「紅磡海底隊道」The Cross-Harbour Tunnel, the first tunnel in Hong Kong built under water, was opened. It was called Hung Hom Cross-Harbour Tunnel informally, which is one of the most congested roads in the world.

1974廉政專員公署成立The independent commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was established.

1969赤柱2號和3號炮台改建為通訊衛星地面站,並裝有碟狀天線,當時價值4,000萬The No.2 and No. 3 Stanley Battery Gun Emplacement were occupied by parabolic antennae dishes, as becoming the location of Satellite Earth Station complex, which cost 40 millions.

19766月 第100萬輛Land Rover出廠June 1,000,000th Land Rover was born

1972兩輛Range Rover完成橫跨美洲的創舉──由阿拉斯加的Anchorage,走到阿根廷的Tierra del Fungo,中間途經Darian Gap,一個位於巴拿馬南部的危險地帶Two Range Rovers completed the first ever land crossing of the Americas – from Anchorage in Alaska to Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. The real test was crossing the Darien Gap, the dense jungle region in southern Panama.

1971Land Rover Series III 推出Land Rover Series III was launched

1970Range Rover經過多年研究和改良,於6月17日正式面世,是世界上第一款豪華型的四驅車,並且於巴黎羅浮宮展出時,更被譽為「汽車藝術」The Range Rover was unveiled on 17th June. It’s the world’s first luxury 4x4, and went on to be exhibited at the Louvre museum in Paris as an example of iconic design.

從第一輛Land Rover問世至今,車廠跟許多社會組織及慈善機構都曾或一直保持緊密關係,包括英國皇家地理協會、國家地理雜誌、生而自由基金、地球觀察研究所等,因此,參與了許多重要的探險、科研與自然保護等活動。Land Rover has had associations with societies and charities since its first vehicle was created, including the Royal Geographical Society, National Geographic, The Born Free Foundation, Earthwatch institute, Biosphere Expeditions and many more.


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80年代 香港警方亦採用Land Rover作為警備Land Rover was used by the Police in the 80’s.

198010月 香港太空館開幕,佔地8,000平方米,定期舉行各類型的天文展覽及講座。由於擁有一個蛋形外殼,故在早期被戲稱為「菠蘿包」Hong Kong Space Museum was opened. It has a unique egg-shaped dome that covers more than 8,000sq. meters. It was the first local planetarium for the popularization of astronomy and space science.

197910月 地下鐵路觀塘至石硤尾段正式通車。當時地鐵只以4卡行走,最低票價為港幣1元。12月,路線修伸延至尖沙咀MTR northern section (Shek Kip Mei to Kwun Tong) was completed and opened. At that time, the trains were with 4 cars only and the lowest price was HK$1. The route extended to Tsim Sha Tsui in December.

1982 教宗約翰.保祿二世乘坐Land Rover為其打造的「教皇座駕」完成他的英國之旅,該輛車現存於拉斯維加斯的皇宮飯店內,作為展品展示Land Rovers were provided as converted vehicles for Pope John Paul II’s tour in England. The “Popemobile” now resides at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas.

四門Range Rover上市Four-door Range Rover was released

1980在這20 年間,每一款Land Rover都曾在「駱駝杯」越野賽中一顯身手Over the next 20 years, every vehicle in the Land Rover range was used in the Camel Trophy off-road competition.

從第一齣廣告片到今天,Land Rover一直堅持不單單向公眾介紹車輛卓越的越野性能,還傳遞大無畏的探險精神。英國皇室成員Zara Phillips更是首位於Land Rover廣告中演出的皇室成員。

From the very first promotional film to current advertising, Land Rover has spoken of the car’s capabilities to drivers with a spirit of adventure. Zara Phillips became the first member of the British royal family to star in an advertising campaign – for Land Rover.


1981 「駱駝杯」越野挑戰賽獨家指定使用Land RoverCamel Trophy off-road competition used Range Rover exclusively.

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19945月 中國銀行開始發行港幣鈔票Bank of China started to issue Hong Kong notes in May.

19977月 香港回歸,董建華出任首屆行政長官。Hong Kong returned to China andTung Chee-hwa was chosen to be the first Chief Executive.

199312月 寶蓮寺天壇大佛開光,旋即成為香港著名景點之一。天壇大佛由中國航天科技部設計和製作,佛像坐在268級石階上,由202塊銅片組,成高26.4米,蓮花座及基座總高約34米,重250公噸,是世界上最大的戶外青銅佛像Tian Tan Buddha was finished and became one of the most popular tourist attractions. The Buddha statue sits on a lotus throne on top of a three-platform altar. It is 34m tall, weighs 250 tones, and was the world’s tallest outdoor bronze seated Buddha prior to 2007.

1989中銀香港的總部中銀大廈落成,並於翌年正式啟用。這座大廈的由美藉華裔建築師貝聿設計,外形為稜柱狀,樓高70層,加頂上兩桿高367.4米,在89至92年間,為香港及全亞洲最高的建築物,後被中環廣場取代Bank of China Tower, the headquarter of Bank of China in Hong Kong was topped in 1989 and occupied in the next year. Designed by I. M. Pei, the building is 305m high with two masts reaching 367.4m high. It was the tallest building in Hong Kong and Asia from 1989 to 1992.

1995 Land Rover各車系每年總產量達到十萬輛Land Rover production topped 100,000 per annum

1993 賣出第150萬輛Defender1.5 millionth Defender was sold

1992 Range Rover (第二代) 採用四輪傳動和車壇首見的氣壓式懸吊裝置2nd Generation Range Rover

1990 Defender 原本的「Landie」改名後重新上市Defender Original “Landie” was re-launched and renamed

1989 Discovery (Land Rover第三款車系)上市,這是一款主流運動型多功能車Discovery (third Land Rover model) was launched, as the mainstream sporty utility vehicle

在索利霍設立首個體驗中心The first Driving Experience Centre was set up in Solihul

Land Rover各個車系自推出以來,由技術至設計都令人讚歎,不斷獲取殊榮。50週年面世的Freelander首配的斜坡緩降控制系統(Hill Descent Control)在2001年就獲得女王企業獎(創新技術),而從1991年獲得英國設計委員會獎至2008年,Discovery已羸得96項殊榮。From the design to the innovation of technology, Land Rover was awarded since the very first day. Discovery has won countless awards; from the British Design Council Award in 1991 to a total of 96 for Discovery III alone as of April 2008. The Freelander was the first Land Rover to feature Hill Descent Control – an innovative technology which won a ‘Queen’s Award for enterprise’ in 2001.


1997 Freelander (Land Rover第四款車系)上市,同年慶祝Land Rover 50週年Freelander (Land Rover’s Fourth model) was launched to celebrate Land Rover’s 50 yrs.

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20069月 昂坪360正式通車Ngong Ping 360 was launched in September.

20088月9日至20日 奧運馬術賽在香港沙田和粉嶺順利舉行,這是香港首次歷史性地舉辦奧運項目Competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, Hong Kong was the host of the equestrian competitions. It was held on 8-20 August. The sites were in Shatin and Fan Ling.

20059月 香港迪士尼樂園正式開幕Hong Kong Disneyland was opened in September.

12月13日至18日 世貿組織第6次部長級會議在香港舉行,香港既要招待一萬多名來賓,還要應付來自各國的反世貿人士The 6th WTO Conference Ministerial was held in Hong Kong from 13 to 18 in December. More than 10,000 were expected to attend, including protesters all over the world.

19987月 香港國際機場正式啟用The Hong Kong International Airport was opened in July.

200311月 南生圍山貝河出現小灣鱷,現居於濕地公園,改名為「貝貝」A crocodile was found in Shan Pui River. It, named Pui Pui by Hong Kong people, was captured and moved permanently to the Hong Kong Wetland Park in 2006.

2007 創下22萬6千輛的銷售紀錄Record sales of 226,000 vehicles

2005 Range Rover Sport 最受歡迎的運動休旅車開始銷售Range Rover SportHugely popular sports tourer went on sale

2004 DISCOVERY III/LR3 最新一代的Discovery發表Discovery III/LR3, the latest generation Discovery was launched.

2002 Range Rover (第三代)上市3rd Generation Range Rover made debut

除了創新科技外,Land Rover還積極展開保護環境的工作,包括參加了碳保償計劃,也積極開發新的能源。此舉除了因為作為負責任的企業外,也希望地球的獨特魅力可以長久留存於人們的視線,令Land Rover的探險旅程永遠都有美麗的風景相伴。In keeping with our long-standing responsibility to preserve and protect our planet, Land Rover began developing environmental initiatives. It’s an extraordinary effort that includes extensive investments in environmental technology and engineering, sustainable manufacturing, CO2 offsetting.


2008 LAND ROVER LRX 其概念闡明Land Rover的未來Land Rover LRX Its concept points to the future of Land Rover.

Defender SVX 為興祝60週年而特別推出The limited edition Defender SVX has been developed to celebrate 60 yrs anniversary.

2006 Land Rover宣布所有英國車款皆展開二氧化碳減量計畫Land Rover announced ground-breaking CO2 offset scheme for all UK models.

位於英國Merseyside且獲獎的Halewood 車廠所生產之Freelander 2/LR2上市Freelander 2/LR2 was launched. Production began at award-winning Halewood plant on Merseyside.

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一甲子的歷險故事Land Rover 60 週年限量版Defender SVX

A story about exploration in 60 years Defender SVX, the limited edition of Land Rover


座駕 Our Land Rover

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1940年代,英國車廠Rover的工程總監Maurice Wilks在Anglesey島上擁有一塊


Wharf Bay的沙子上,畫了一幅心目中理想車輛的設計草圖──這就是Land Rover的由來。

1948年夏天,Land Rover正式在Solihull

生產,原廠車款以1,595cc汽油引擎驅動,配備四輪驅動裝置以及低齒輪比的變速箱以提高越野性能,這也成為Land Rover接下來的註冊商標。

1958年,Land Rover十歲, Land Rover

Series I的產量已超過20萬輛,並發表了Land

Rover Series II。Series II的汽油引擎加大至2.3

公升,略為修飾了車身,增加了車側裙腳,側面鈑件變得更圓潤。後來,推出新款柴油引擎車種,Land Rover再次更名為Series IIA。

1971年,升級版 Land Rover Series III推出市場,外觀的主要特色是全新塑膠製模的車頭水箱護罩和升級的儀錶板,配備了全同步式變速箱。6年後(1977年),第一百萬輛Land Rover(Series III車款)面世。接下來的十多二十年裡, Land Rover逐步增添舒適配備,例如手搖式車窗,還推出了兩款全新不同軸距的90和 110的Land Rover車系。

1990年, Discovery正式推出,Land




紅十字會獲贈001號限量版於英國推出的Defender SVX乃屬限量版,只

有200輛,每一輛都會特別標明其編號。在去年(2007年)年底,於英國紅十字會舉辦的慈善拍賣舞會中,車廠將編號「001」的限量版Defender SVX贈予英國紅十字會,作為慈善拍賣用途。

說到Land Rover與英國紅十字會的合作,可追溯至1954年,Land Rover為英國紅十字會提供車輛作為流動診所,好讓他們可以在杜拜執行人道救援工作。

The No.001 A total of 200 units of SVX vehicles in limited edition

will be made available in the UK, and in UK only - 140 two-seater Defender 90 soft-tops and 60 four-seater 90 station wagons. Each SVX model for the UK will also come fitted with an individually numbered plaque, i.e. 001. The world’s first SVX was donated by Land Rover UK to the British Red Cross to auction at the ball in November 2007.

The relationship between the Red Cross with Land Rover can be traced back to 1957, when Land Rover supplied a vehicle to the British Red Cross for use in Dubai as a mobile dispensary.

時光恁冉,內外俱變作紀念Defender SVX是為了紀念原廠60週年而

打造的特別版本,將同時推出90和110軸距的Station Wagon版本,以及90軸距的軟頂車型。不過,實際情況視乎各地市場狀況而定。


不過,這些都不影響Defender SVX的特質,它仍然予人Land Rover一貫的硬朗樸實的感覺,但車廂除了着重越野乘駕的基本用途外,還加入了不少設計元素(例如特別式樣的合金排擋桿),還加入了現代化的舒適性設計,包括提Recaro代工的座椅、Garmin衛星導航系統,還有重低音喇叭和USB插槽的新式音響系統,而且,還兼容iPod!對喜歡Land Rover的人來說,特別設計的座椅、USB



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Go back to the sketch in the sand

The first Land Rover design sketch was made in the sand on a beach at Red Wharf Bay in

Anglesey by the engineering director of the British motor manufacturer, Rover. Maurice Wilks owned the land on the island and wanted a versatile vehicle that could double as a light tractor and off-roader. It was christened the ‘Land Rover’.

Production properly began in Solihull in the summer of 1948. The original model was powered by a 1,595cc petrol engine that drove a four-wheel drive transmission with low ratio gearing to increase off-road capability – a hallmark of every Land Rover in years to come.

More than 200,000 Land Rovers Series I had been made when the 10th anniversary was marked in 1958 by the introduction of the Series II model; immediately recognizable by virtue of its restyled body with side skirts and rounded shoulders in the side panels. The petrol engine was enlarged to 2.3 litres while the diesel engine was later completely re-designed around it. With the introduction of the new diesel, Land Rovers were re-designated as Series IIA.

In 1971 the upgraded Land Rover Series III was unveiled. A new molded plastic grille and upgraded fascia were distinctive features while a full synchromesh gearbox was also fitted. In 1976, the millionth Land Rover (a Series III model) was built. In the next 20 years, Land Rovers received certain creature comforts – like wind-up windows! – for the first time with the introduction of two new wheelbase variants, the Land Rover 90 and 110.

The Land Rover was re-named ‘Defender’ in 1990 when the new Discovery model went on sale. Defenders continue to be used and cherished to this day with a major revamp in 2007 introducing such luxuries as a six-speed gearbox and even an MP3 music player connector! Around 25,000 units are sold each year across the world.

It is obvious that Defender is the best choice for building a special edition to celebrate the 60 years anniversary – when you know its history.

Let’s celebrateAs the special version, the Defender SVX will

be available in both 90 soft-top and 90 station wagon versions. The SVX is the most stylish and feature-packed version that Land Rover has ever produced. Distinctive exterior features with metallic black paintwork, tubular side-steps, and the bold surround for the front grille and new, clear-lens headlamps. All vehicles will also feature new, ‘diamond turned’ five-spoke alloy wheels, a reinforced aluminium front under-shield and clear LED rear lights.

To bring the SVX interiors right up-to-date, they are equipped with custom-designed Recaro front seats, distinctive alloy gear knobs, a new audio system (with subwoofer and USB socket), iPod cradle and Garmin satellite navigation.

The soft-top models are especially eye-catching, with a metallic silver tubular cage that supports a tailor-made, removable black fabric hood. This encloses a flat load-space and a spare wheel stowed behind the front seats, reminiscent of the very first open-top Land Rovers.


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程小東: 童夢可圓接受訪問時,程小東身處北京,正籌備下


作為第一批購買60週年紀念版Defender SVX車主,感覺如何?程小東開玩笑地說:「我特意從北京飛回香港取車,你說我多期待?」他坦言,購買紀念版純粹是為了一圓童年夢。「小時候,在香港看到英軍開Land Rover,覺得很有型,一直都很渴望自己可以擁有一輛。剛好出特別版,覺得很有紀念價值,於是就購買了。」

除了最近購買的60週年紀年版Defender SVX外,他還有一輛Discovery II。不過,以駕駛感和舒適性來說,他最喜歡Range Rover Sport,也就是他現時在北京的代步工具,他形容它「好開又舒服」。「在籌備08年奧運開幕和閉幕式時,每天要到『鳥巢』綵排,我就經常駕著它直闖進禁區──當然我是有『禁區紙』的。」他還曾駕著它從北京直走到上海。不辛苦嗎?「不會,才十二個小時。」

說到這輛Range Rover Sport,原來背後還有一段故事。「當時在做北京奧運的project,壓力很大,幸好買了這部Range Rover Sport來抒壓。剛好當時同期要拍攝《江山美人》,黎明(編按:《江》劇的男主角之一)知道我買後也想要,於是幫他弄了一輛。」所以,如果一天大家在北京街頭看到Range Rover,可以留意一下駕駛者是不是黎明。

他形容,當時的心態是:「做得很辛苦,要買些東西來縞賞自已。」情況就如同女孩子工作辛苦 時,會買漂亮衣服一樣。「我從事的行業挑戰性很大,每做一個project都是一個新的挑戰,因為每次都會希望有不同,有突破,何況是奧運會這個大project?試想想,還有甚麼項目,可以做給四十億人看?我實在想不到。我相信,這也是我人生中最大的project。」

至於選Land Rover作為獎賞自己的禮物,原因是:「因為Land Rover代表挑戰,所以好適合我,而且駕駛它的感覺很安全。它的車身比較高,坐在上面好像高人一等般,『睇位』呀,甚麼都比較清楚。」當然,還有任何人都不得不承認的原因:「有型囉。」說到這點,他忍不住大笑。




Nostalgic DrivingIf you just want to be comfortable or relaxed when driving a Defender, it is definitely not suitable for you. Starting from the beginning of the 1940s, Defender has been designed as a simple, reliable and strong off-roader to cope with the toughest roads in the world. It can start to run with the 1st gear even you do not step on the gas pedal because the diesel engine can deliver strong torque at the idling speed. Steering wheel and pedals are heavy because no unnecessary electronics can be found in the Defender. Frankly, driving a Defender is not easy, but full of fun as you will have direct contact and clear control with it. Nowadays in Hong Kong, you can hardly find a car like Defender that is so pure in design and mechanics. After only 50km, I feel so tired but happy because the Defender reminds me what nostalgic driving should be.

A Dream in ChildhoodSiu-Tung Ching was in Beijing preparing for his

next movies while this interview was conducted. After the Summer Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing, everyone should know clearly about his biography, from the movies he took part in his childhood. However, he was not going to discuss his movies or tell us how he got into the film industry. We were going to discuss about cars.

He was one of the first group of owners who purchased the 60th Anniversary edition of Defender SVX. How did he feel? He cracked a joke, said, ‘I flew back from Beijing to Hong Kong just for picking up the car, you see how I anticipate?” He purchased this commemorative edition purely for fulfilling his dream in childhood. “I remembered that I saw the British army used the Land Rover in Hong Kong when I was young. I thought they were so cool! Since then, I always hope that I can have one. So, when this special edition was launched, I simply ordered it.”

Other than this special edition Defender SVX, he got another Land Rover, Discovery II. However, his favorite was the Range Rover Sport, which was in Beijing now, because of the driving pleasure and comfort. He described it as “good for driving, comfortable.” He said, “When I stayed in Beijing for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games 2008, I had to go to the ‘nest’ everyday to rehearsal. I frequently rushed in forbidden area with it – certainly I got the permit.” Besides, he had ever driven it from Beijing to Shanghai, a long journey. “No, it’s not really so long, took about 12 hours only.”

There is an interesting story behind his Range Rover Sport. “I felt really stressful when I handled the Olympic project in Beijing. I bought it in order to release my pressure. Interestingly, when Leon Lai noticed that I got this car, he wanted to buy one too. At that time, I was making my new movie, “An Empress and the Warriors”. And of course, I helped him on this.” (From editor: Leon Lai is one of the main actor in this movie.) Therefore, if anybody sees a Rang Rover in Beijing, please pay attention to the driver to see if he is Leon.

He described Rang Rover Sport as an award for his hard working. It is similar to the girls who buy beautiful clothes after finishing laborious works. “I am engaged in a field with great challenges. Every project is a new challenge, because something new has to be created. A breakthrough is expected each time. The challenge of Olympic project was even greater. Consider how huge it is – a show for 4 billion people around the world! I cannot imagine another project that could be bigger than this. Actually, I believe that it would be the biggest in my life.”

Then, why he chose Land Rover as the gift for himself? “Land Rover represents challenges. It suits me. Moreover, it’s safe. Its body is higher that many cars. Drivers can look further, clearer and feeling safer.” And, one more reason which no one could deny: “It looks cool,” he said with laughs.

Defender is well-known of its out-standing off-road ability. Mr. Ching said Hong Kong is an urban district and it’s hard to find a suitable place with mountain stream or muddy road to test its off-road performance. Actually, most of the roads in Hong Kong are well furnished. On the other hand, when he was making the movies in the place out of Hong Kong, it became a good friend of him. “It especially qualifies my job requirements. I need to travel all over the world, to remote areas and countryside. That’s the special characteristic of my job.”

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Marilyn Monroe sat on a Land Rover as a confident woman quite literally at the wheel in 1957.Exploration


浮凝 Our planet

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From the day the first Land Rover rolled off the production line, those

with a sense of derring-do recognised its ideal qualities as the vehicle of choice for budding explorers.

For the first time, previously unexplored areas of the planet were more accessible to scientists, environmentalists and good old-fashioned thrill-seekers, who used their Land Rovers to access some of the world’s most inhospitable regions.

A British Army team, led by Major John Blashford-Snell, affirmed the all-terrain properties of the original Range Rover when in 1972 they drove two cars from the north of Alaska to the southernmost tip of Argentina, crossing the infamous Darien Gap - a dense forest and swamp that prevents road access between central and South America.

Equipped with everything from rubber boots and tinned custard to full dress uniforms, the vehicles fared better on the gruelling six-month journey than many of the team - thirty of them had to be flown out due to insect and snake bites!

Land Rover’s spirit of adventure hasn’t stopped there. The famous Camel Trophies of the 1980s and 1990s saw Range Rover, Land Rover Series III, Defender, Discovery and Freelander all tackle the so-called “Olympics of 4X4”. From the Amazon to the Far East, Australia, Africa and Siberia, the Camel Trophy evolved from and all-out driving challenge to tests of human endurance, too, including kayaking, mountain biking and water sports.

In 2003, Land Rover threw down a new gauntlet in the guise of the G4 Challenge, in which teams compete in a gruelling, three-week long event. From 2009, the G4 Challenge is being run in support of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies.

Did you Know?Land Rover aims to raise 1 million

pounds for the Red Cross in the next two G4 Challenges.

自第一輛Land Rover駛下生產線的那一天起,其英勇無畏的特質


自此以後,Land Rover即成為人們探索之旅的最可靠夥伴,且不曾停竭。

在1972年,John Blashford-Snell將軍所率領的英國陸軍親自驗證了原廠Range Rover的全地形越野性能。他們從阿拉斯北部走到阿根廷的最南端,甚至穿越了以道路險絕聞名的Darien Gap地區──此地被森林和沼澤覆蓋,是中南美洲之間的屏障。為應付艱險的征途,隊伍的裝備由膠靴、罐裝吉士奶油至全套武裝制服等無一或缺,但車輛的表現仍較許多隊員出色,因為其中30名隊員因為昆蟲和蛇叮咬而退出!


Rover稱霸 「 駱駝杯 」 越野挑戰賽。這項賽事被稱為「四驅界的奧運」,既挑戰駕駛技巧,又測試人體耐力極限,遠征路線不受地理限制,由亞瑪遜走到遠東,亦曾遠征澳洲、非洲、西伯利亞等地。Range Rover、Land Rover Series


都先後取得這項賽事的車輛冠軍。踏入21世紀,Land Rover的冒




您可知道?Land Rover下兩屆G4 Challenge



知名攀岩專家Todd Skinner在Timbuktu附近的le Main de Fatima頂上露宿。Climber Todd Skinner sleeps on a Bivouac on a ledge near the summit le Main de Fatima near Timbuktu.

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How-man Wong

職業: 探險家 Occupation: Explorer


A sip of eternity


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座駕 Our Land Rover

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「每個人都可以成為探險家!你看看那些三歲的小孩子,每一個都是探險家。只要能夠保持三歲時的精神,不要mind set,保持好奇心,並且勇於面對挑戰,就可以成為一個出色的探險家。」






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服,Discovery和Range Rover會好些,但對他的工作而言,舒服與否並不重要。因為,要考慮許多因素:車廂空間、耗油量、越野性能、可靠性、是否容易修理等等。「各方面都要取得平衡,舒服反而不是首要考慮。」




知識是永恆的。 著名探險家個個都後繼無人,但他們留下了 著作,留下了知識, 自然就有追隨者。

How-man Wong


黃效文揚言,應在問題真正出現前開始行動。「我們所做的,通常10 years ahead of

the problem(在問題出現十年前已着手處理),放入管理計劃裡,並儘量照顧到所有人。待問題出現時才開始就已經太遲。」







Rover四處探險,最初是自購,後來才成為合作關係,現時學會有約七輛Land Rover,仍在增加當中。之前更在英國購入了兩部Defender

進行改裝,只是因為種種原因未能進入中國,尚在等待。「學會尚有其他車,例如貨車、Pick-up等等,但真正用來探險的,都是Land Rover。」

他對Land Rover──尤其Defender──有很高的評價。他坦言,Land Rover早期美國和中國的支援並不足夠,往往要自已四處購買零件。「但真正喜歡的就不介意,而且它有真正的優點:可靠和容易修理。」


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We’re all explorers

“I’m just being curious of too many things.” How-man Wong says smilingly, “I was originally trained

as a journalist, and it was simply by chance for me to become an explorer.” He was working as a research writer and photographer for National Geographic before joining the Royal Geographical Society. Being the current chairman of the China Exploration & Research Society, How-man has been exploring the wilderness for more than thirty years. In fact, his venture out into the ‘big wild world’ of Mainland China can be traced back to the 1970’s.

“Everyone of us can become an explorer! Just take a look at our children, and you can see that every kid is born as an explorer. As long as you keep it that way, saying no to mindset, nourish your curious mind and embrace your spirit against arduous challenge, you can also become an outstanding explorer.”

He emphasizes that exploration is traditionally different from adventure. “The goal of exploration is to dig out new knowledge and share it with the others.” He added, “If you read the past documents, you’d see that most of the explorers in the past were out-standing scientists.”

InvaluableHow-man doesn’t only become an explorer

by chance, but has also encountered numerous coincidences during his ventures in China, such as the village of Ni Tribe found during an exploration into Hainan Island. “This village is actually the last one of its kind. We just can’t help thinking it is the right thing to protect the village?” So, he took action immediately.

This case doesn’t only exemplify the importance of curiosity, but also reminds us there are priceless values worth protecting. It might be an extinguishing culture, some kind of natural resources or a dying species.

He also claimed that they usually take action before the problem actually surfaces, otherwise, it would be too late.

Knowing the risk can keep you safeAccording to How-man, exploration is not as

arduous as we think. “It is very safe. Kids and elderly can do it too.”

“I can’t tell you how hard it could be. You’ve

just got to put your words into action. You can learn the necessary skills while moving on, but you’ll need passion and interest to fuel your learning. Once it gets started, everything will become easier than you thought. Experience is what we’re talking about here.”

We’re not only talking about the experience in solving various problems during an expedition or how to open your way into the wilderness. It also involves skills in organizing campaign, managing the team and solving problem. How-man said, “Thorough planning is very important, but you should avoid spending time on unnecessary things. This works with everything, including exploration.”

Car is never built for transporting onlyWhen it comes to exploring the unknown,

Land Rover has been the choice of How-man since the 1980’s. The Society now has a fleet made up of seven Land Rovers, and the number is still growing. “The society has other vehicles, but Land Rover is always the first choice for expeditions.”

Land Rover is How-man’s favorite, especially the Defender. He admits that the logistic support of Land Rover in U.S.A. and China was not sufficient in the earlier years. “Well, you won’t mind the fuss if you really like it. They are reliable and easy to repair. Genuine advantage indeed, isn’t it?”

He also admits that the Defender is not a comfortable car, but comfort is not that important for carrying out his mission. Instead, he has to get the balance between various elements such as payload, fuel consumption, off-road capability, reliability and on-site repair.

This is definitely some equation. Years ago when he ventured into the reservation park of Altun Shan, for example, How-man had to stuffed the cars with all the fuel necessary for the entire expedition, because there was no hope to find a gas station in a scarcely populated area like that – just a few thousand people sharing the entire 450,000 square kilometers. “Land Rover is the only competent 4x4 to meet such many requirements. It is the ultimate vehicle for a job like this.”


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Knowledge is everlasting. Most of the greatest adventurers might not have offspring, but there are always followers tracing their footsteps through their written knowledge.

How-man Wong

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浮凝 Our planet

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Rover。自此以後,在Land Rover產品開發過程中,創新精神即成為重要元素之一。後來,他們的姪兒Charles Spencer在Land Rover的發展歷史上,亦扮演了十分重要的角色。

在製造最初始車款的時候,基於成本考量和鋼材短缺等原因,無法採用壓製式底盤。歸功於製造工程師Olaf Poppe,Rover採用了創新方法組裝底盤:他們將鋼條焊接在一起,組合成方盒狀成品,再結合為梯狀車框。這方法不僅能夠節省時間和金錢,也打造出前所未見堅固耐用的底盤,這也成為多年來Land Rover造車工藝的品牌保證。

Land Rover的另一註冊商標是四輪驅動裝置。為了避免出現輪胎滑行,工程師在分動器和前輪傳動軸之間安裝慣性滑行裝置,好讓前輪在有需要時跑得比後輪快:這亦是典型的Rover思考邏輯。舉例來說,同時期的美國Willys Jeep倚靠牙嵌式離合器與四輪驅動裝置囓合,過彎道時會發生嚴重的滑胎現象,但Land Rover就能順利循着道路的弧度行駛。

1971年,Range Rover問市。其時,Land Rover的四輪驅動系統知識足可傲視全球。第一輛Range Rover


隨着電腦微處理器的出現,工程師妙巧地運用先進的電子安全性和循跡系統。在1990年代後期,新款Discovery成為首部採用主動轉彎輔助系統(ACE)的車款,這令它既保有Land Rover著名越野性能,在一般道面時又可迅速作出如汽車般的操控反應。而在1992年採用的主動轉彎輔助系統結合主動氣壓平衡懸掛系統,令駕乘舒適性達至一流境界。

早期的Land Rover是利用低齒輪比傳動裝置控制斜坡的下行速度,到了Freelander,則採用精密的斜坡緩降控制系統,配合ABS系統,讓車輛在險峻斜坡依然能維持安全的下行速度:此系統在2001年更榮獲Queen’s Award企業創新獎。

2008年,Land Rover憑藉地形反應系統(Terrain

Response)再一次獲頒Queen’s Award,肯定了其銳意創新的精神。此系統於2004年在 Range Stormer概念車上首度使用,它讓駕駛者可以根據一般道路或越野路況,扭動旋鈕調整系統設定(包括引擎、懸掛裝置和循跡設定等)。

隨着全球逐漸提高環保意識和對可持續發展的要求,Land Rover會繼續努力開拓和創新,以帶領汽車工藝進一步發展,像LRX油電雙動力引擎概念車這種革命性產品,就是最佳明證。

您可知道?原版Range Rover配備了可潰式軑盤機柱,亦是是


Ever since the Wilks brothers improvised their way to a lightweight, cost-effective Land Rover in tightly retioned

post-War Britain, innovation-with a touch of ingenuity-has played a part in the development of every Land Rover.

During the genesis of the very first model, cost constraints and a short supply of sheet steel ruled out the use of pressed chassis members. The innovative solution that the Rover engineers adopted was to fabricate the chassis by welding together strips of steel ‘cast offs’ into box-shaped members that were then combined into a ladder frame.

Charles Spencer ‘Spen’ King – a nephew of the Wiks brothers and an engineer who would later play a fundamental role in the Range Rover story – credits Rover manufacturing engineer Olaf Poppe with this solution, which not only saved both time and money, it also resulted in a stronger and more durable chassis than anything yet seen, and would remain a Land Rover construction hallmark for many years.

Another Land Rover trademark in the making was a sophisticated four-wheel-drive transmission. In order to avoid wind-up in the transmission – with consequent tyre scrub – the engineers fitted a freewheel device between the transfer bow and the front propeller shaft, thereby allowing the front wheels to overrun the rear ones if required. This was a typically thoughtful touch – the Willys Jeep of the same era, for example, had relied upon a simple dog clutch to engage four-wheel drive, with terrible tyre scrub on bends, which the Land Rover sailed through.

By the advent of the Range Rover in 1971, Land Rover’s understanding of four-wheel drive systems was truly world-beating. The first Range Rover employed a sophisticated locking centre diff to eliminate tyre scrub and also used disc brakes to ensure class-leading stopping power – highly unusual on cars at that time.

The advent of the micro-processor meant engineers could apply serious computing power to advanced electronic safety and traction systems. In the 1990s, the Discovery was the first car of its type to introduce an Active Cornering Enhancement (ACE) system to ensure car-like response on-road while retaining its legendary Land Rover off-road abilities ACE was combined with air-sprung Self-Levelling Suspension (introduced in 1992) to ensure superb ride comfort.

Controlled descents of steep inclines were first governed by low ratio gearing on early Land Rovers, but the Freelander saw the which used the anti-lock braking system to maintain a safe descent speed on the most severs of hills. This system was recognized with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Innovation in 2001.

Our innovation was recognized again in 2008, with a further Queen’s Award for Terrain Response, a system first introduced on the Range Stormer concept in 2004. Terrain Response allows the driver to tune systems (including engine, suspension and traction settings) to on or off-road conditions at the turn of a dial.

Land Rover’s commitment to innovative technology is unceasing. As the world demands greater environmental awareness and sustainability, innovative solutions such as the LRX diesel hybrid concept are indicators of how Land Rover intends to remain at the forefront of exciting yet responsible automotive engineering.

Did you know?The Original Range Rover was one of the first cars to

feature a collapsible steering column for safety.

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座駕 Our Land Rover

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Happiness is a virtuous activity of the soul


Andrew Chan

職業: 律師 Occupation: Lawyer

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「我覺得做人應該Work hard and play




喜歡Land Rover「我是馬來西亞人。在馬來西亞,Land


road的車,可以在戶外時用得上。」他平日駕駛的多為Defender,還有Discovery III。「喜歡Defender是因為它的性能,可以越野,空間夠,設備齊,而且安全,速度反而次要。」






Andrew Chan

帶着孩子駕車去旅行, 可以教會他們如何面對和 解決問題,對他們來說是很好的 體驗和學習機會。


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something practical in the outdoor environment.” That’s why his daily commuter is a Defender (he also has a Discovery III). “I’m fond of Defender because of its performance. It is able to venture into the wild, and it is spacious, fully equipped and safe. Speed is a secondary concern to me.”

His preference is quite obvious – practicability and quality. “Take my yacht for an example. It is not an ordinary yacht, but an open sea going vessel. It is not fast, but it is very sturdy, very safe, and fully equipped. I can actually live on-board.” Andrew smilingly said that he’d like to sail across the oceans after retirement, although he’s quite contented with his life at this moment and has no plan to call it a day.

I like to experience lifeThe choice of hobby is usually related to an

individual’s character. Andrew frankly said that he’s fond of outdoor activities and driving around. He is one of the founding members of the Land Rover Owners Club Hong Kong, and he has participated in many activities of the club such as driving adventures in China, Mongolia, Siberia, Liberia, Africa and Malaysia. To him, off-roading is far more than climbing one or two steep slopes. It is a serious test on both the machine and the driver.

“A driving adventure is vastly different from ordinary travels. For example, you’ll have the chance to chat with the local people and eat what they eat. It’s more like an exploration, and far more flexible than traveling by plane. During a trip to Lhasa, Tibet, I got altitude sickness and was treated for several days at the local ICU. I also have my first experience in overturning my car in Liberia.”

“No matter you’re studying or working in Hong Kong, life is so busy that makes family gathering particularly precious. By traveling with your family for three weeks, however, you can do a lot of things with your family members. Well, the kids might not really want to go with you because of the hardship, but parents shouldn’t give their kids too many options. Afterall, yours kids would be proud when other boys and girls come asking about their enviable adventure, thus making the experience more enjoyable.”

Work hard and play hard

“I believe everyone should work hard and play hard. Working is important, and so is playing.”

Andrew and his family just came back from a 3-week visit to Africa before the interview. In fact, he is still enjoying his 4-month long vacation. He likes to hike with his two doggies every morning, and go fishing with his friends from time to time in order to live up to his motto. “It’s usual for me to wake up early in the morning. If I’m free, I’ll go jogging or hiking with my dogs before taking the kids to school and enjoying my breakfast. You should get up early even though it is holiday instead of wasting the precious time on the bed.”

But a four-month vacation is a bit too serious, isn’t it? “The most important thing is: you should never think that you’re dispensable. Take me as an example, there’s always someone to take over my work. Many people find it hard to retire because they are afraid of having too much time and too little to do. They worry, because they don’t have a hobby. We’re living in a big world full of exciting places and interesting things. So how could you find nothing to do in the rest of your life? We don’t live to work.”

Indeed, one has to put down the work in order to enjoy the life. However, many people reject the idea of long vacation NOT because they think they are indispensable. On the contrary, they are frightened to find out that they are actually replaceable. You have to be highly confident of yourself before asking for a long vacation, right? Andrew smiled and preferred not to comment on the matter.

I like Land Rover“I’m a Malaysian. You can find Land Rovers

everywhere in Malaysia, and I guess I like it because it is part of my childhood. Well, I must admit that small car is not my cup of tea. I like off-roaders,

Taking the kids for a road trip can teach them how to face and solve the problems. That’s a great experience and learning.


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00Andrew Chan

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> 根據資料,香港Land Rover車主首次一起去旅行是在1996年,為期四天。不過,當時尚未成立車主會,乃是由香港Land Rover代理發起的。> 香港越野路華車主會(後簡稱「車主會」)成立於1996年,其後,每年都會舉辦駕車旅遊,讓車主駕着自己的Land Rover一嚐四處闖蕩的滋味。> 車主會是第一個前往國內舉辦自駕遊的香港車主會,旅程也是最艱辛的。> 每部參加旅遊的Land Rover最少要有兩位駕駛者,以便輪流駕駛;另最多可載兩名乘客。不管多少人乘坐,該輛Land Rover須同時盛載充足的個人用品、乾糧和食水。> 每輛參加自駕遊的Land Rover在出發前都必須通過檢驗,以確定汽車性能。> 每次旅遊都是以車作單位的,最踴躍的一次多達三十多輛車參加,即接近一百名團員。> 為了應付汽車有可能出現的各種突發情況,每次出發前,車主會都會準備一大堆零件,細分成不同的類別,由不同車主負責運載。> 除了車主會的成員、車主和代理外,還會安排汽車機械工程師隨團出發,以便應付突發情況。不過,事實上,許多車主都略懂修理自己的Land Rover。> 每次的行程都會盡量安排於酒店(或旅店)住宿,也會安排膳食,需要住帳幕的機會不高,而乾糧只是為不時之需。> 每次的行程幾乎都需要長達一年時間規劃和安排,而在出發前,車主會更會將是次行程的詳細資料(即團員手冊)交到參加者手中,包括路線、路況、較艱險的路段、行程安排、入油、意外處理等等。> 不少行程都會特意安排於學校假期舉行,以便車主可以舉家同行,享天倫之樂。不過,於2000年舉辦的西藏之旅,因為旅程可以預見較艱辛,就禁止16歲以下小童參加,以策安全。> 自1998年開始,車主會便與雲南省中旅社合作,由車主會設定目的地和途經景點,由雲南中旅安排路線、食宿和出入境事宜,至今一直保持良好的合作關係。> 車主會舉辦自駕遊初期,每次都會先派員「探路」,也就是試走一次旅遊路線,以確定路況和食宿安排,直至2001

年。這是因為與雲南中旅已建立互信。> 雖然旅程動輒兩三個星期,但由於部份旅程的路線起點距離香港較遠,故會先行將參加是次旅程的Land Rover以火車運至起點,待團員坐飛機抵達後,自駕遊才正式展開。回程有時也採取相同方法,或直接從香港駕車出發,旅程完結時才坐飛機回港,Land Rover則以火車運返本港。> 2000年4月舉辦的西藏之旅是目前為止最驚險的一次旅程:從昆明出發,經滇藏公路,直去拉薩,再上海拔5,300米高的珠穆朗瑪峰的大本營,下來後往北走,到達青海省西寧市,這段路也就是今天青藏鐵路的路基。三個星期走了10,000公里,辛苦之處不足為外人道。> 多年來,唯一一次傷亡亦發生在西藏之旅。旅程開始初段因意外翻車,致三名團員受傷,車隊離開拉薩時又發生嚴重交通意外,有兩名團員因而離開。出發時共有15輛車,旅程完結時,只有9輛可以完整地返回香港。> 在西藏之旅(2000年),適逢當年於澳洲舉行奧運會,車隊遇到四名矢志從英國踏單車到澳洲悉尼的英國人,除了言談甚歡外,還為他們提供了大量補給品。> 在2002年以前,中國內陸許多地方均沒有油站,車主會每次都必須為燃油安排費煞思量。在雲南(1999)、西藏(2000)和新疆(2001)三次旅程,都特意安排2輛運油車為車隊開路,以便車隊可以在需要時補充燃油。每輛運油車由6名國內人士負責,在難以行駛的路段更是一步一驚心,他們的勇氣令隊員甚為佩服。> 在2004年,車隊從大連出發,深入蒙古,經過西伯利亞,再返回中國北京。這次旅程最特別之處,是有來自台灣的車主參加。當時尚未實行「三通」,該名團員的Land Rover經香港運往中國,回程時由天津運至香港,再返回台灣。> 2006年,車隊穿越了塔克拉瑪干沙漠。> 繼2004年,車隊從中國穿過內蒙到達西伯利亞,在2007從雲南走到老撾,再駕車進入泰國清邁,直闖柬埔寨吳哥窟和金邊。車隊在泰國遇到香港旅客,他們對車隊竟可以駕車而不是乘坐飛機到達泰國,感到難以置信!> 在2008年,車主會將會在聖誕節再次深入中甸,14天行程約走4,500公里,有32輛車參加。

黃沙萬里楚山青 香港Land Rover闖蕩世界

浮凝 Our planet

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> According to the information, the first journey that gathered the owners of Land Rover was held in 1996 by the dealer of Land Rover in HK. It’s a 4 days trip. The Land Rover Owners Club Hong Kong (LROCHK) had not yet been established.> Since its establishment in 1996, LROCHK organized driving journey every year to let owners enjoy exploration by Land Rover.> LROCHK is the first car owners club having driving journey in China. Its journeys are among the hardest.> Every car participated in the journey should have 2 drivers, with the aim of driving in turn, and carry not more than 2 passengers. No matter how many people in the car, it must at the same time carry sufficient materials for the drivers and passengers, such as drinking water, food and personal commodities.> Each Land Rover participated in must pass the check up before departure to ensure its performance.> The number of cars is restricted in every driving journey. There used to be more than 30 vehicles with nearly 100 participants.> Big pile of components will be prepared each time just in case of any accident. They will be divided into different categories and different owners will be responsible for carrying different components before departure.> Apart from the participants, automotive mechanical engineer will travel together to deal with sharp-edged situation. However, in fact, many owners are knowledgeable to repair their own cars.> Hotel accommodations and meals are arranged. Participates seldom sleep in tents and the ration is for emergency only.> Most of the journeys are well prepared for nearly one year. And, before departure, owners would receive the handbooks for details about the journey, such as the traveling schedule, road conditions, limited dangerous road sections, fuel refill and so on.> Many journeys would be organized on school vacation in order to cater for the whole family of the owners. However, the hard trip that traveled to Tibet in 2000 forbade child below 16.> Starting from 1998, LROCHK cooperates with the Yunnan China Travel Tours. After confirming the destination, Yunnan will arrange the route, meals, hotels and customs. This good relationship is being maintained till now.> At the very beginning, someone had to “explore” the route of each journey, to determine the road condition and ensure

the arrangements, until 2001 when confidence on Yunnan was established.> Cars will usually be delivered by trains to the starting point if it is far away from Hong Kong. Once the participants arrive by plane, they start driving. Sometimes, the arrangement for the return trip will be the same.> The most dangerous journey was the Tibet one in April 2000, which embarked from Kunming, drove along the Dian-Zang Highway and went to Lhasa. After arriving at the headquarter of Mt. Everest which was 5,300km high, participants drove toward north to reach Xining in Qinghai - that part of route was also the roadbed of Qinghai – Tibet railway. They drove 10,000km in three weeks.> Casualties were found only in the Tibet journey so far. At the beginning, cars overturned and three members were injured. When leaving Lhasa, a serious traffic accident occurred and two members were lost. 15 cars joined but only 9 returned safely.> When traveling in Tibet in 2000, the team met 4 British visitors who rode their bicycles from England through Tibet to Australia for the Olympic Games held in Sydney. The team provided many supplies to them.> Before 2002, it’s hard to find gas stations in Mainland China. Fuel became a big issue of each journey. For the journeys of Yunnan in 1999, Tibet in 2000 and Xinjiang in 2001, 2 tank trucks were specially arranged to travel in the front of the motorcade for supplying fuel. 6 domestic people were responsible for each fuel truck. Their courage made the team really admired.> In 2004, the motorcade embarked from Dalian, down to Mongolia, passing through Siberia and then returned to Beijing. A car from Taiwan made this journey a very special one. At that time, “Three Contacts” had not yet been implemented. The Taiwan Land Rover was delivered to China via Hong Kong. When returned, it was transported from Tianjin to Hong Kong, and then to Taiwan.> In 2006, the motorcade passed through the Takla Makan desert.> In 2007, they drove to Thailand, Cambodian and Liao. HK visitors in Thailand met them and hardly believed that the motorcade drove instead of taking the plane!> In 2008, a journey to Zhong Dian will be organized in December. They plan to drive 4,500km in 14 days. 32 cars will join.

Explore the World Land Rover Owners Club Hong Kong

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1996香港 > 從化 > 香港(4日)最短的的旅程之日,只走了約300公里HK > Zhonghua > HK (4 days)One of the shortest journeys, 300km only.

1997香港 > 桂林 > 香港與天祥汽車和廣州省體委合作HK > Kweilin > HKCo-operated with the Sports Development Committees of Guangzhou and Dodwell Motors.

1998香港 > 湖南張家界 > 香港第一次由車主會籌辦的旅程HK > Zhangjiajie in Hu’an > HKThe first trip organized solely by the Owners Club.

1999香港 > 雲南中甸(香格里拉)> 轉乘飛港回港,車坐火車回來(12天)首次與雲南省中旅合作,自此展開長久的合作關係。HK > Zhong Dian in Yunnan (Shangri-La) > flew back to HK, cars transported by trains (12 days)This was the first co-operation with the Yunnan China Travel Tours.

2000香港 > 昆明 > 滇藏公路 >西藏拉薩 > 珠穆朗瑪峰 > 青海省西寧 > 轉港(飛機+火車)(3星期)最艱險的行程之一,是首次也是唯一一次出現傷亡。HK > Kumming > Yunnan-Tibet Highway > Mt. Everest (Base Camp) > Xining in Qinghai > HKOne of the hardest journeys ever; Members were lost accidentally.

2001香港(飛機+火車) > 西寧 >絲路 > 酒泉 > 經嘉裕關入新疆 > 准噶爾盆地 > 喀納絲湖 > 克拉瑪依油田 > 新疆 >回港(飛機+火車)(14日)深入新疆,到達哈塞克和俄國邊境,景色優美。HK > Xining > Road of Silk > Jiuquan > enter Xinkiang through Jiayuguan > Junggar Basin > Kanas Lake > Karamay Oilfield > Xinkiang > HK (14 days)This trip approached the border of Russian.

2002香港 > 廣西 > 貴陽 > 東興> 越南 > 香港(飛機+火車)(7日)當年整體經濟環境受挫,以散心為目的一次旅程。HK > Guangxi > Guiyang> Dongsing > Vietnam > HK (7 days)Since the poor economic situation of Hong Kong, they went for relieving boredom.

2003香港 > 海南島 > 香港(7天)原本計劃深入西伯利亞,惜適逢沙士,被拒入境,改為海南島環島遊。HK > Hainan Island >HK (7 days)Being rejected to enter Russian because of SARS, they eventually traveled to Hainan Island.

2004香港(船) > 大連 > 丹東 > 瀋陽 > 長春 > 哈爾濱 > 內蒙(海拉爾) >西伯利亞 > 赤塔 > 貝加爾湖 >俄國伊爾庫斯克 > 外蒙烏蘭巴托 > 戈壁沙漠 > 內蒙 > 張家口 > 北京 > 香港(3星期)原訂於2003年的旅程終於在2004年展開,亦是首次有台灣的Land Rover車主參加HK > Dalian > Dandong > Shenyang > Changchun > Hong Kong (ship) > Dalian > Dandong > Shenyang > Changchun > Harbin > Inner Mongolia > Hairlar > Siberia > Siberia > Lake Baikal > Russia Il storehouse Si gram > Outer Mongolia Ulan Bator > Gobi Desert > Inner Mongolia > Zhangjiakou > Beijing > Hong Kong (3 weeks).The journey was originally planned for 2003, but finally done in 2004. And, this was the first time to have Taiwan owners participated.

2005年年初香港 > 福建武夷山 > 香港(7日)適合一家大小一起的行程,共有22輛車參加Early 2005HK > Mt. Wuyi in Fujian > HK (7 days)The schedule was suitable for whole family travel; totally 22 cars participated

2005年9月香港 > 貴州 > 重慶 > 洛山> 雅安 > 康山 > 四姑娘山 > 雲川 > 都江堰 > 成都 > 三峽 > 荊州 > 南京 > 湖南 > 長沙 > 香港(2星期)雖然景點多為城市,但兩星期共走了6,100公里。September 2005HK > Guizhou > Chongqing > Luoshan > Ya’an > Kangshan > Mt. Siguniang > Yunchuan > Dujiang Guyan > Chengdu > Sanshia > Jingzhou > Nanjing > Hunan > Changsha > HK (2 weeks)Traveled 6,100 kilometers in only 2 weeks.

2006香港(飛機+火車) > 烏魯木齊 > 庫爾勒 > 塔克拉瑪干沙漠 > 和田 > 喀什 > 紅其拉甫口岸 > 烏魯木齊 > 香港(飛機+火車)(3星期)同樣是6、7千公里,但行程穿越了塔克拉瑪干沙漠,亦途經巴基斯坦與中國接攘的地區。HK > Urumqi > Korla > Takla Makan desert > Hetian > Kashi > Khunjerab Pass > Urumqi > Hong Kong (3 weeks) About 6,000 to 7000 km; passed through the Takla Makan desert and reached the contiguous area of Pakistan and China.

香港Land Rover闖蕩世界Explore the World Land Rover Owners Club Hong Kong


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香港Hong Kong


2007年年初香港 > 溫州 > 天目山 > 黃山(山腳) > 江西景德鎮 > 香港(約10日)全程約4千公里,算是較短的行程之一。Early 2007 HK > Wenzhou > Tianmu Mountain > Mt. Huangshan > Jingdezhen in Jiangxi >HK (10 days)Approximately 4,000km; one of the shortest traveling schedules.

2007香港 > 雲南 > 元陽 >老撾(即寮國) > 拉邦 > 泰北清邁 > 蘇古泰 > 高棉 > 吳哥窟 >金邊 > 泰國曼谷 > 香港(飛機+火車)(3星期)不僅走了7,000公里,還經中國進入了泰國。HK > Yunnan > Yuanyang > Laos >Loang Phra Bang > Chiang Mai in Tailand >Su Gutai > Khmer > Angkor Wat >the Phnom Penh > Bangkok > HK (3 weeks) Not only drove 7,000 kilometers, but also passed through China and entered Thailand.

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有容乃大Magnitude comes from encompassment

Alkie Yung職業: 鏡片製造業管理層 Occupation: Managing officer in the lens manufacturing business


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座駕 Our Land Rover

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如果選擇一部車,在任何天氣、幾乎任何路面都可以 去到目的地,就是它。


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向另一階段,亦加深了他對Land Rover的欣賞。「這幾年因為工作關係,要經常駕車往返國內和去不同的地方,真正可以發揮到這部車的優點,知道即使天氣很壞,自己都無問題。」



Rover。「那時候,Land Rover是典型的英國車,覺得它的設計很實用,沒有多餘的東西。回港後,第一部Land Rover是在93年買的Discovery I。」

另一個教他鍾情Land Rover的原因,是「駱駝杯 」 越野四驅賽。這項賽事雖然已經停辦,但仍教Ankie津津樂道。「太刺激了!那時經常看87至98年期比賽的精華片段,真的很精采。通過比賽,可以看得出這個品牌很可靠,覺得它簡直是一個傳奇。」

Alkie現時有數部Land Rover,除了經常往返國內的Defender G4,還有Range Rover 、Discovery II和一輛英軍版的Series III。駕駛這部軍車版本,Alkie直言聯想到地球暖化和環保問題。「這輛車沒有冷氣,可是,只要心靜不會覺得太熱,當然經過一些交通很繁忘的街道就不行。在28年前,沒冷氣絕對不是問題。但在今時今日,就顯得有點兒辛苦。這讓人聯想到地球暖化的問題,應該保護這個地球。」

Alkie Yung


Alkie的太太(圖左)同樣喜歡Land Rover。Mrs Yung likesLand Rover too.

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Dare to reform despite the burden

“If you use the so-called international yardstick to measure people and things in China, you’d lose

all your appetite before long.”Before ‘sinomania’ and ‘gazing north towards

the divine continent’ became popular sayings, Alkie was assigned by the company to explore the country that was ready to take-off. It was 1995, and Alkie frankly said that the urging need of business development left him no choice but to pack his traveling bags. Fortunately, the outcome of this venture is not bad at all.

“It would be easier for you to give the Mainland employees a bit more allowance and consent by learning their background in the first place.” When it comes to dealing with Mainland Chinese, Alkie’s first advice is to accept the fact that they have their own ways of thinking and behavior, which are quite different from the Hong Kong people due to the different habitats.

After clarifying the situation and the causes, you will then decide what to do. Some of us might take it for granted, while others might give up the idea of working it out. Alkie has found another option, i.e. helping the staff to reform and improve themselves. “You can help them to improve their personalities by showing them other options and points of views, thus resulting in a different judging standard on particular matters.” He calls it “recreating the traditional working manner”, which means the staff has to break the inflexible or stereotyped habit of working and set up a new set of criteria, or even value judgement, under gradual influence and education.

“The company also pays a lot of attention on interactive management. The subordinates tend to wait or simply keep the bright idea to themselves.” Therefore Alkie’s company has created the “tips note” (upward memo on improvement) and the “improvement note” (downward memo) – a tailor-made interactive system that encourages the Mainland staff to appreciate giving comment as a

good thing, and bright ideas will always be awarded.“You might fail to achieve the goal, but you’re

doomed to fail if you never try.” Alkie said.

That’s what we call Eco-drivingWorking in Mainland China doesn’t only lift

Alkie further ahead in his career, but also strengthens his confidence in Land Rover. “Recently, I have to travel a lot by car inside and outside Mainland China. That gives me a great chance to put the advantage of Land Rover in practice, no matter how bad the weather is.” It was the time when there was dusk, and the sky was darkening fast due to the heavy rain. “I could see that the road was turning into a rapid, and the downward slope in front of me was heavily flooded at the bottom. I turned on all four headlights on my Defender and steered into the flooding section. As my Defender pushing ahead in first gear, the people on both sides started waving their hands and asked ‘is that a boat?’. That was quite a scene, and I really loved it.”

Alkie first showed his favor to Land Rover when he was still studying at college in Britain. “Back then, Land Rovers were typical British cars. I was deeply impressed by their practical design that’s never overdone. So I bought my first Land Rover, a Discovery I, when I came back to Hong Kong in 1993.”

Camel Trophy also sparked off his passion on Land Rover. Although the competition has been stopped for years, it is still a teaser to make Alkie talks. “That was simply exciting! I have watched the footage between 1987 and 1998, and the race was absolutely wonderful. This competition tells you how reliable and durable the car is, and you’d admit that Land Rover is legendary.”

Alkie has several Land Rovers in his fleet. Besides his workhorse, the Defender G4, in Mainland China, he also has a Range Rover, a Discovery II and a Series III UK military version. Alkie admits that driving the Series III always reminds him of the problem of global warming and other environmental issues. “It doesn’t have air conditioning. It’s not that hot if you keep calm, but you’d never want to stay in heavy traffic with it. Twenty-eight years ago, you could live well without air conditioners, but it’s getting harder and harder to live without them nowadays. That gives you a strong reason to keep an eye on global warming and environmental protection.”


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If you need a car to get you to the destination, no matter how bad the weather or driving condition is, this is it.

Alkie Yung

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Clara 15歲鋼琴八級,是樂隊、樂團和合唱團的活躍份子,但無意成為音樂家。希望到外國升學,希望在18歲考車牌兼有一部屬於自己的Defender,但不要黑綠藍,希望自己噴色,最好是變色效果,因為夠特別。

Clara 18 years oldShe has passed the piano grading test (Level 8) already. She is the member of orchestra, band, and chorus in school. However, she does not want to become a musician but would like to attend the university in foreign country. Having a Defender and the driving license are parts of her dreams which can come true easily when she is 18. However, she would prefer a special colour rather than those “typical” black, green or blue ones.

Calvin 10歲不希望像爸爸一樣做律師,因為太忙太辛苦,想做建築師,設計一幢又一幢大廈。最鐘意Discovery III,因為又大又舒服,可以越野又可以過河,可以自由自在地去不同的地方欣賞自然風光和吃地道美食。

Calvin 10 years oldHe doesn’t want to be a lawyer like his father because the job is too busy and laborious. He would like to be an architect to design buildings. He loves Discovery III the most because it is very comfortable and its capacity is large. Moreover, it is able to across the river and the countryside, so that he can go to different places to appreciate the natural scenery and taste the typical good food freely.




童言無忌小孩眼中的Land Rover

Land Rover in Children’s View

六十年韶光彈指過,孩童轉眼悲白髮。一甲子,足已讓Land Rover發展至四個車系,但不管日子如何快速地流逝,它所代表的冒險精神不變,我們對它的熱愛亦會一直延續。Time flies. Child has become an elderly in 60 years time,while Land Rover has developed four models with different characters. No matter how fast the time passes, it represents the spirit of exploration, and we will continue to love it deeply.

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Owen 12歲希望可以像爸爸一樣從事與汽車有關的行業,喜歡軍車款Land Rover,最好是軍綠色的。目標是21歲有一輛屬於自己的Land Rover,希望可以自已開住翻山越嶺,但還未想到目的地。

Owen 12 years oldHis career is “related to automotive industry” and “like his father”. He prefers Land Rover in arm force green and targets to have one when 21. He has not yet decided where to go but should be over the mountain.

Engene 13歲未決定將來做甚麼,最好像爸爸一樣成為經理。幾鐘意Land Rover,尤其黑色的Range Rover。希望可以18歲考車牌,然後駕着自己的Land Rover去遠一些的地方,例如中國四川和東北,不要困在城市的高樓大廈中。

Engene 13 years oldHe has no idea about his own future except that he would like to be the manager in a company, just like his father. He likes Land Rover fairly, especially the Range Rover in black. His dream is to go to places far away from Hong Kong, such as Sichuan, after having the driving license in 18.



Bosun Owen


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Land Rover以LRX概念車作為邁向可持續發展的承諾作品,展現了Land Rover在開創新科技的努力和成果。它怎麼可以一方面承襲了Land Rover的脈絡,一方面又從中超脫?且看Land Rover的設計團隊如何令它煥發出獨特迷人的魅力。The new LRX concept car, packed full of the latest technology, delivers the powerful message that Land Rover is serious about sustainability. It is in every respect a Land Rover, but it’s a very different Land Rover. What makes it so special? Let’s listen to the people who turned the LRX from a dream into reality.

「綜觀LRX,我最喜歡自車廂空間隱然滲出的豪華感。」顏色及物料設計師Joanna Keatley

“The thing I like most about the new LRXis that the cabin oozes luxury.” Says Joanna Keatley, the Color and Materials Designer.






As sustainability is one of the major themes of LRX, the materials used are of the highest quality, yet they are also

highly sustainable.“Take the leather. It’s made with vegetable rather than

chemical dyes, and it’s tanned and chromium-free, so it has fewer byproducts and is better for recycling.” Of course, leather is not the only one. “The carpeting is made from sustainable felt, and the soft-touch and luxurious suede-like materials used in the door trim and heading are recycled from plastic bottles and fibres. Yet it looks fabulous.”

Clever use of aluminium not only enlightens the weight, which helps fuel economy and performance, but also brings the handsome and charming look of this concept vehicle. “The bare aluminium gives the cabin strength and superb finish without the need for artificial cladding. And, it is very good for recycling.” Joanna explains.

She adds, “When it comes to technology, the interior LED ‘mood’ lights in the door panels change colour depending on which Terrain Response programme you’re in: green for economy, blue for general driving and off-road, and red for sports.”

The Charming LRX


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「LRX剛毅的外形令人聯想到Land Rover一貫的強大越野性能;另一方面,它即使走在紐約第五大道

亦揮灑自如,只不過車輪不會沾上泥濘。「作為一款cross-coupe (跨界別多功能轎跑車),

LRX拓展了Land Rover汽車所代表的汽車種類。它完全是Land Rover家族車系的自然伸延:補充了現有車型之餘,更富針對性。

「LRX的整個設計,甚至是技術運用,都融入了環保概念。它比Freelander II短了約5吋,車身重量減輕,車體設計更緊湊,燃油效益比之前任何一款的Land Rover都高,它的耗油量甚至比許多小型掀背車更低,每加侖可以行走60英里(每100公里4.71加侖),二氧化碳排放量為每公里120克。

「這除歸功於它車身輕巧外,最重要的,是它使用了創新的2公升電子式後軸傳動柴電雙動力引擎(ERED diesel-hybrid)。時速32公里或以下時,汽車都會由電力發動,也就是說,在城市裡以低速行走可以『零污染』。不僅如此,即使是以四輪驅動模式運作,在極低速度時也會以電動引擎作為主要動力的輸出媒介。

「LRX概念車承襲了Land Rover的精神,保留了具標誌性的蚌殼式引擎蓋、懸浮車頂,車輪各持一方的外形,卻以全新的方式演繹出來。」

“LRX has a highly desirable identity and the design alludes strongly to its capability, while clearly

underlining our forward-looking philosophy – it’s a Land Rover that would be comfortable on Fifth Avenue, but wouldn’t flinch at getting its wheels dirty.” says Gerry McGovern, Land Rover’s design director.

He describes LRX as a cross-coupe. “It is a natural extension of the Land Rover range, complementing the existing models and helping to define a new segment and dramatically extends the scope of what Land Rover represents.” It’s more compact in size (about 5 inches shorter that the Freelander II), lighter weight and more sustainability-focused technologies and offers the potential of 120g/km CO2 emissions and fuel economy of 60mpg. He adds, “It’s more fuel efficient than any Land Rover before it. Fuel economy is even better than most of the small hatchbacks today.”

“The LRX achieves such spectacular economy because it’s light and because it’s designed to use a very innovative 2K diesel-electric hybrid engine. The electric rear axle drive (ERAD) not only offers electric-only propulsion at speeds of up to 32km/h – so it’s pollution free in town – but also boosts off-road ability by supplementing the normal mechanical 4x4 drive with electric power.”

Many recognizable Land Rover design cues can be found on LRX, including bold new interpretations of the signature clamshell bonnet, the floating roof and the solid “wheel-at-each-corner” stance.

「它既富時尚感,又清晰地表明了Land Rover具前瞻性的理念。」設計總監Gerry McGovern

“The LRX is relevant, engaging and excitingwith a design that underlines our forward-looking philosophy,” says Gerry McGovern, the Design Director of Land Rover.


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「我們利用設計語言重新包裝了Land Rover的經典元素,令LRX保留了Land Rover的風格之餘,

又具有強烈的獨特性。「它的車身線條比現時任何一款Land Rover更加

流暢,也更雕琢。較窄的護柵、較細的車燈和寬大的輪罩等等,都令它的車頭完全迴異於以往的Land Rover車系,是革命性的轉變。LRX的體積或許比Land Rover家族其他成員都細小,但每一個細節都值得仔細欣賞。

「LRX是一部十分獨特的汽車,比起Land Rover其他家族成員,它更注重在一般路面的表現,但不代表它在越野路段的表現會受影響。它具個人化的特質,可以塑造成越野版,也可以運動版。由車身顏色、內飾至配件都可以有多種選擇,因此,出現兩輛完全相同的LRX


“The LRX concept car may be smaller than other Land Rovers, but it is every bit as desirable.” The grille

is narrower, the lights are smaller and the wheel-arches are broader – all these bring an evolution look of the face compare to the existing Land Rover. Moreover, the body panels are also more sculpture and curvature than current models. LRX looks so stylish but is still unmistakably a Land Rover. Jeremy explains that it is because many classic Land Rover cues are repackaged in a way that evolves design language.

“All Land Rovers stand for the greatest breadth of capability in class, and the LRX is no different. It is a more road-biased machine than most current Land Rovers but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be good for off-road.”

It also brings new opportunities to the vehicle. There are various choices of colours, trims and accessories. A more overtly off-road version as well as sports leisure variants can be seen. “It’s possible that no two versions of the LRX would be exactly the same,” Jeremy says. “It’s highly distinctive.”

「設計LRX時,我有一個想法,就是希望如果有人從睹後鏡看到,立即就可以認出它來。」車身設計師Jeremy Waterman

“I wanted to make sure that if anyone saw an LRX in their rear view mirrors, they’d know exactly what sort of car it was,” Says Jeremy Waterman, the Exterior Styling.


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「傳統上,我們不會將Land Rover的『能力範圍』局限於良好的On-road或Off-road表現,而是各種令




According to Mark, the meaning of “breadth of capability” is not only good on- and off-road performance, but also

astonishingly broad functionality. “The classy cabin – full of interesting materials such as top-grade leathers and aluminium – is also designed to carry two mountain bikes in the rear, with back seats folded forward.” The exposed aluminium rear seat frames have special brackets that accept the bikes’ front forks and lock the front bike tyres by dedicated floor slots. Moreover, skis and surfboards can also be accommodated at the rear.

Every interior design detail combines to maximize both actual space and the feel of space. “The exposed metal structures help: they are part of the fabric of the cabin and are not clad in space-destroying materials such as plastic.”

Mark concluded, “It’s both a charming vehicle and a high-tech one.”


鋁合金的杯托,完全是讓人享受一頓傳統Land Rover午餐

的神來之筆!」車廂設計師Mark Butler

“I love the tailgate that has two padded seats and

integral aluminium cup holders, for a twist

on the traditional Land Rover tailgate lunch,”

Says Mark Butler, the Interior Designer.

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The First Cross-Coupe

It is a completely new concept. 149mm shorter and 205mm lower

than the Freelander II, it becomes the smallest in the family. Land Rover has created a Cross Coupe that’s true to its heritage, yet small and sustainable. Futuristic in its dynamic profile, muscular shoulder and rising beltline make it a great difference from other members. It’s a treasure trove of stunning design elements including the visor-like windscreen. Nevertheless, hints of a classic Land Rover design still arise.

Interior PanacheThe ‘spider’ frame provides

reduced weight, greater visibility and light feel. The polycarbonate material – used for the side windows and the roof – is 40% lighter than glass and helps keeping the interior cool. Distinctive seats float on individual plinths. There are iPod docking station, cooler box and bottle chiller as well.

Highly Efficient PowertrainThe 2.0L turbo-diesel hybrid

powertrain is capable of running on bio-diesel in combination with integrated Electric Rear Axle Drive (ERAD). It could reduce fuel consumption by as much as 30% compared with other 4x4s in comparable size and reduce CO2 emission by 20%.

Purer PerformanceThe celebrated drive technologies

of Land Rover, such as Hill Descent Control, have been integrated and enhanced in LRX. Terrain Response is featured too, but with a twist. Sport and Eco modes are introduced at the very first time.

首款Cross-coupe (概念越野跑車)

LRX是全新概念的車種,與Freelander II相比,它的長度和高度分別減少了149mm和205mm,因而成為

Land Rover家族中最小的一款車型。它保留Land Rover

的傳統,又採用了小巧和可續持性的設計,性格明顯與現有的家族成員有別,例如上升的腰線和有力的側翼設計。LRX的設計由Land Rover團隊一力承擔,加入了許多特別的設計元素,例如擋風玻璃的設計意念是來自頭盔。當然,以越野為設計目標這點從沒改變。




電子式後軸傳動柴電雙動力引擎(ERAD diesel-


CO2 的排放。

性能更進一步在它身上,除了可以找到Land Rover知名的驅動



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浮凝 Our planet

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Land Rover一直不遺餘力地推動可持續發展,並已作出兩項重大宣示,以針對減

低產品對環境衝擊。在2007年,宣布投資7億英磅研發改良車輛對環境衝擊的新技術。第一項舉措就是在Freelander II柴油手排款安裝stop-start引擎,目標是提升燃料效率10%。

在2008年,全新款概念車LRX推出。它配備2.0升柴電雙動引擎,預估二氧化碳排放量為每公里120克,是煥然一新的全新車種,亦是Land Rover下一代車輛的指標。不過,車廠仍堅持目前生產的車系應符合可持續發展要求的承諾。所以,在2006年,Land Rover


Land Rover與世界各地的保育及人道團體v關係匪淺,合作的組織包括生而自由基金會、生物探索協會和地球觀察組織等等,活動範圍從協助保育俄羅斯的西伯利亞虎,到贊助高效率烹飪爐予烏干達鄉村地區(二氧化碳減量計畫)等。另外,透過接下來兩屆Land Rover G4 Challenge,預計可為紅十字會和紅新月會國際聯合會籌募一百萬英磅。



您可知道?在2007年,Land Rover宣布將投資7億英


您可知道?Land Rover率先於2006年在英國發表二




Land Rover’s commitment to sustainability has been underlined in recent months by two major

announcements that will ensure we reduce our own impact on the environment. In 2007 we unveiled a 700 million pounds investment in new technologies designed to improve the environmental performance of our cars. The first of these technologies will be the stop-start engine in our diesel manual Freelander II that has a target to improve fuel efficiency by 10%.

In 2008, we took the wraps off our exciting new concept vehicle, the LRX, a thoroughly modern Land Rover that has been conceived as a hybrid 2.0-litre diesel with potential carbon dioxide emissions of 120g/km. LRX is a key pointer to the next generation of Land Rovers, but our commitment to the current range is matched by our enthusiasm for their sustainability. That’s why, in 2006, we launched our pioneering CO2 offset scheme in the UK, which offsets emissions for the first 45,000 miles of all new Land Rovers sold. We were also the first automotive company to fully offset 100% of our manufacturing assembly CO2 emissions and we are also offsetting the emissions of every dealer and Experience Centre in the UK.

Land Rover vehicles are involved with conservation and humanitarian organizations all over the world. Our work with organizations such as the Born Free Foundation, Biosphere and Earthwatch is diverse, ranging from an initiative to help preserve Amur tigers in Russia to a project funded by our CO2 offset scheme which provides efficient cooking stoves to rural parts of Uganda. And through our next two Land Rover G4 Challenges we aim to raise over one million pounds for the international Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

There are many more examples of the progress we are making on our webite. To find out more visit:

Did you know?In 2007 Land Rover announced a plan to invest

700 million pounds in new technologies to improve the environmental performance of our vehicles.

Did you know?Land Rovers pioneering CO2 offset scheme

was launched in the UK in 2006, offsetting new vehicle emissions for the first 45,000 miles. The scheme is being rolled out across further markets in 2008.

Did you know?If the LRX concept became reality, its low-

emission diesel hybrid powertrain would make a production version exempt from the London congestion charge.

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巴黎車展的最新啟示: Stop/Start系統令二氧化碳排放量再減8%過去幾年來,氣候變化與全球暖化已經引發世界各國的重視與關心,早在這個議

題被廣泛討論之前, Land Rover已開始投入研發環境保護科技工程。從2006年推出LSUV新世代創新科技產物LAND_e概念、2007年提出二氧化碳補償計畫,乃至今年倫敦車展所展示的「電子式後軸傳動柴電雙動力」引擎(ERAD diesel-hybrid)科技,在在顯示Land Rover對於節省能源與環境保護所付出的努力與心血。

在今年巴黎車展,Land Rover進一步改良「e_Terrain」科技概念,加入「Stop/

Start」系統,令Freelander II TD4_e的二氣化碳排放量進一步減少約8%。根據車廠的測試,與Freelander II TD4手動版比較,它的燃油效率由37.7mpg提升至41.3mpg。而根據Land Rover工程師的附加測試,如果在極其繁忙的都市街道行駛,更可望節省20%燃油。



同時,為免因為增加「停止─啟動」循環而加速零件的損耗,其他機械部件和系統亦需要相應調整和改動,以確保Freelander II TD4_e的可靠性和越野性能。故此,Land Rover的機械技術團隊特意研製出一個可以應付此項需要的摩打,全新被動齒輪通過增加25%碳含量以提升其硬度。另一方面,磨擦離合器片(即飛輪)、電池等裝置亦屬新設計。

In keeping with long-standing responsibility to protect the planet,

Land Rover is at the forefront of an important globals ustainability initiative. It’s an extraordinary effort that includes extensive investments in environmental technology and engineering, sustainable manufacturing including the LAND_e concept announced in 2006, the CO2 offsetting programme started in 2007 and the ERAD diesel-hybrid engine showed this year in the London Motor Show.

Now, the latest one is the Stop/Start system at the Freelander II showed in Paris Motor Show this year. The CO2 emission of the Freelander II TD4_e is reduced by 8% compared with the outgoing Freelander II with manual gear and diesel engine. In terms of fuel efficiency, consumption is improved from 37.7mpg to 41.3 mpg. In the additional tests, Land Rover’s engineers found out that fuel savings was nearly 20% in the heavy urban traffic condition.

This new Stop/Start system improves fuel efficiency in urban stop-start driving. The vehicle automatically shuts down the engine in appropriate conditions, resulting in zero emissions and saving fuel that would otherwise be used when the engine is idling. When the driver is ready to move off, the engine instantly re-starts.

To reduce the diesel engine’s vibration when stopping, the Freelander II TD4_e features controlled throttle closing and ramps down the fuel in a smooth fashion, while the alternator is also turned off during the shut-down process, reducing load on the engine.

When the engine is shut down by Stop/Start technology in congested traffic, other features and technologies will not be compromised. So, in-car entertainment, climate control, Bluetooth, driver information and other electronic systems will continue to function.

Moreover, a new heavy-duty gear, a new dual mass flywheel friction control plate and an absorption glass mat battery were developed to enhance the durability of the components due to the increased frequency of stop-start cycles.

The Freelander II TD4_e Stop/Start at Paris Motor Show: CO2 emission reduced by 8%


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00 G/F, Shop 1 & 4, Centre Point, 181-185 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong | Tel: 2713 2383 |

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