Page 1: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 5

01 The shipment of office supplies should early tomorrow before the

presentation begins.

(A) arriving

(B) arrival

(C) arrive

(D) arrived

명사, 형용사, 동사를 나타내는 어미

-ment , -tion, -sion, , -ness, -ity

-ic, -ous, -ful, -tive, -ible

-fy, -en, -ze

빈출 자동사





-al로 끝나는 명사






Page 2: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


02 Shipping charges are determined by distance and the weight of

the package.

(A) large

(B) largest

(C) larger

(D) largely

03 After review of over 50 applications, the committee selected 5 out-

standing applicants to interview on Monday.

(A) careful

(B) cares

(C) cared

(D) carefully

부사의 자리

1) 부사, S + V

2) S + 부사 + V

3) 동사 + 부사 + 동사

4) S + Vt + O + 부사 or S + Vi + 부사

5) 부사 + 형용사

6) 부사 + 부사

혼동하기 쉬운 사람명사와 사물명사

사람 명사 사물 명사

accountant 회계사 account 계산

member 회원 membership 회원자격

donors 기부자 donations 기부금

performer 연기자 performance 공연

Lesson 01

Page 3: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


04 For your convenience, we will reimburse you for any defective merchandise


(A) although

(B) unless

(C) without

(D) instead

05 Caribbean Management provides its customers timely service at

reasonable prices.

(A) with

(B) over

(C) for

(D) onto

with와 함께 사용하는 동사

assist with

compare with

fill with

familiarize with

Page 4: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 6

Questions 01-03 refer to the following advertisement.

Are you planning to move? Do you have a lot of stuff to move and don’t have time to do


We are here for you. We fulfill all your moving needs without any trouble to you.

We a wide range of moving services for busy people like you.

We are the moving company in the field and have branches around the


Call us today at 714-555-0180 or visit to receive free


01 (A) provided

(B) were providing

(C) provide

(D) are provided

02 (A) larger

(B) largest

(C) largely

(D) largeness

03 (A) wages

(B) event

(C) production

(D) estimate

Lesson 01

Page 5: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 7

Questions 01-03 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Front End Staff <front – [email protected]>; management<[email protected]>

From: Walter Baker <[email protected]>

Subject: Farewell Party

Date: March 13

Dear Friends

As you probably know, Scott Thomas is going to retire at the end of spring semester, after a career

as an accomplished geologist and 26 years of loyal service to the Department of Geology and

the University. We are making plans to honor Scott on March 21. The party starting at 5 PM will

be held at Richards Dining Hall and Fridge Lounge. We are planning to do several things that

evening to celebrate of Scott Thomas .

We would like to collect letters for Scott from former students, current students, colleagues and

friends. If you wish to write a letter, please send it to me by this Friday. We will have the collected

letters, bind them and present them to Scott.

We hope that you can attend and help us honor Scott. If you are planning to attend the party,

contact my secretary Ms. Min at 555-8989.

01 What is the purpose of this e-mail?

(A) To thank students for a welcoming party

(B) To question a school dance party

(C) To advertise a job opening

(D) To announce an event

retire honor semester

former career present

accomplished colleagues geologist


Page 6: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


02 What is Scott’s position at school?

(A) Student

(B) Professor

(C) Counselor

(D) Librarian

03 What does the Walter Baker want people who are planning to attend?

(A) Call Walter Baker

(B) Contact Walter Baker’s assistant

(C) Call Scott Thomas’s secretary

(D) Send a letter to Scott Thomas

Lesson 01

Page 7: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Lesson 02 문장형식 / 형용사 / Article토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 5

문장의 구성

S + V

S + V + C

become, remain, stay, seem

S + V + O

S + V + O + O

give, offer, bring, send

S + V + O + O.C

keep, make, find

01 Security guards at KT electronics on rotating shifts to provide 24-

hour security.

(A) work

(B) workers

(C) working

(D) works

02 To open an account at Mutual Bank, customers are required to present two

forms of to verify themselves.

(A) identification

(B) identified

(C) identifiable

(D) identifies

Page 8: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


형용사의 자리

1) 형용사 + 명사

2) be, become, remain, stay, seem + 형용사

3) keep, make, find + 형용사

부사의 자리

1) 부사, S + V

2) S + 부사 + V

3) 동사 + 부사 + 동사

4) S + Vt + O + 부사 or S + Vi + 부사

5) 부사 + 형용사

6) 부사 + 부사

03 Many people show their interest in participating in the concert but still think

that ticket prices are too .

(A) expense

(B) expensive

(C) expensively

(D) expensiveness

04 BakedGoods Bakery guarantees that everything they make is


(A) prompt

(B) promptly

(C) prompting

(D) promptness

Lesson 02

Page 9: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Leeson 02 문장형식 / 형용사 / Article 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


05 To celebrate the grand opening of store, we would like to hold a

cerebration on Friday.

(A) his

(B) he

(C) him

(D) himself

Part 6

Questions 01-03 refer to the following advertisement.

Bestone, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of household appliances,

new vacuum cleaner next month.

The newly vacuum cleaner will allow you to remove the smallest par-

ticles of dust.

James Parker, the company’s CEO, explains, “ there has been increased

demand, now is a good time to present our powerful cleaner.”

01 (A) was launched

(B) launches

(C) launched

(D) will launch

02 (A) was developed

(B) develop

(C) development

(D) developed

03 (A) On

(B) Because

(C) About

(D) Although

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Part 7

Questions 01-03 refer to the following article.

Power up Restaurant Guide

In order to give helpful tips on choosing best diners, we evaluated several restaurants in terms of

tastes, atmospheres and service. According to the Power up Restaurant Guide, Jessica’s Kitchen

and Pilgrim Family Restaurant were the highest ranked in those categories. The following ratings

rank restaurants on how well they scored on our survey. Note that to receive a Recommended (R)

rating, they had to test well with our experts in the field.

A nonprofit organization of Power up Restaurant Guide accepts no corporate support, free

samples or advertising. Since we don’t get free samples to test, we are in need of your financial

help to make this possible. Please mail your check to Power up Restaurant Guide P.O. box

29851, North Arbor, 1A 55401.

01 Of the recommended restaurants, which has the highest test rating?

(A) Jessica’s Kitchen

(B) Red Lobster

(C) Janet’s Fine Food & Sprits

(D) Diamond River

Restaurants Tastes atmospheres Service

Red Lobster Very Good Good Good

Janet’s FineFood & Sprits Excellent Very Good Fair

Jessica’s Kitchen Excellent Excellent Excellent

Diamond River Good Fair Fair

Pilgrim FamilyRestaurant Excellent Very Good Excellent

Lesson 02

in order to experts evaluate

field in terms of fair

tastes nonprofit organization atmospheres

corporate rank in need of


Page 11: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


02 What is true about the Power up Restaurant Guide?

(A) It’s a profit organization

(B) Accepts corporate support and free samples

(C) Accepts financial assistance

(D) It owns restaurants

03 What does the Power up Restaurant Guide want readers to do?

(A) Volunteer as product testers

(B) Write in for free samples

(C) Donate money

(D) Send back the input

Leeson 02 문장형식 / 형용사 / Article 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Page 12: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Lesson 03 명사 / 능동태수동태 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 5

01 To an order on-line, visit our website at bestproduct@global-

(A) placed

(B) placing

(C) placement

(D) place

02 Each department head actively encourages new to participate

in a training program relevant to company policy.

(A) employ

(B) employment

(C) employer

(D) employees

혼동하기 쉬운 사람 명사와 사물명사

사람 명사 사물 명사

employee employment

accountant account

donors donations

performer performance

adviser advice

manager management

Lesson 03

Page 13: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


명사의 자리

1) 관사 + 명사

2) 형용사 + 명사

3) 소유격 + 명사

4) 전치사 + 명사

5) 명사 + V (주어자리)

6) 타동사의 목적어 S + Vt + 명사

7) 보어자리

형용사의 자리

1) 형용사 + 명사

2) be, become, remain, stay, seem + 형용사

3) keep, make, find + 형용사

03 Ms. Mancini’s greatly contributes to the project that we are

going to implement for our new products.

(A) enthuse

(B) enthusiastically

(C) enthusiastic

(D) enthusiasm

04 Albert Co. prolongs the life of the office equipment by conducting


(A) frequency

(B) frequently

(C) frequent

(D) frequencing

Leeson 03 명사 / 능동태수동태 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Page 14: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


문장의 구성

S + V

S + V + C

become, remain, stay, seem

S + V + O

S + V + O + O

give, offer, bring, send

S + V + O + O.C

keep, make, find

05 The CEO had hoped that the reduction of the employees

the corporation’s net profits.

(A) would improve

(B) has been improving

(C) will be improved

(D) has been improved

Lesson 03

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Leeson 03 명사 / 능동태수동태 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 6

Questions 01-03 refer to the following announcement.

Millan Properties Ltd. announced that it has purchased the neglected old building in

downtown Norton. This building to undergo significant changes.

The spokesperson, Eun Park stated that “The basic structure itself is quite solid;

our company is planning to renovate the interior, which will

eventually include a wide range of shops, restaurants and offices.”

A developer’s meeting next month to discuss the details on the changes.

01 (A) had expected

(B) will be expecting

(C) is expected

(D) was expecting

02 (A) Thus

(B) When

(C) Likewise

(D) Moreover

03 (A) schedules

(B) will schedules

(C) is scheduled

(D) to schedule

Page 16: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 7

Questions 01-04 refer to the following advertisement.

Digital Express

713 Beach Blvd.

Westminster, CA 94243


GRAND OPENING 50% OFF SALE!!!We are celebrating our grand opening with a storewide sale. Shoppers will be able to find savings

of up to 50% off our regularly competitive prices. The grand opening sale starts on Friday, Sep-

tember 12th and ends on Sunday, September 14th. Featured items for sale include printers, canon

cameras, mouse, monitors and other computer parts and accessories. We also have a limited stock

of speaker sets at drastically reduced prices.

If your purchase exceeds $300, we’ll give you a free refill for your printer ink cartridge while

supplies last. (Sorry, this offer does not apply to previous purchases.) Our store hours are from

9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Check us out often as we will be posting more info on our website,

Lesson 03celebrate reduced prices up to

exceed competitive prices previous

feature purchases drastically

01 What is this event about?

(A) A store’s anniversary sale.

(B) A store’s clearance sale.

(C) A store’s opening sale.

(D) A store’s seasonal sale

Page 17: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


02 On what item the ad promotes a limited offer?

(A) Speaker sets

(B) Mouses

(C) Monitors

(D) Cameras

03 Who will get a free refill ink?

(A) Shoppers with a $300 proof of purchases.

(B) Shoppers with a purchase of $300 or more.

(C) Shoppers who purchase limited items.

(D) Every shopper

04 What are people asked to do if they need more information?

(A) Contact the store in person.

(B) Send an e-mail.

(C) Visit the website.

(D) Give a call

Leeson 03 명사 / 능동태수동태 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Page 18: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Lesson 04 접속사 / 전치사 / 접속부사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 5

01 the lobby warm and cozy, we will repaint it with brightly colored


(A) Make

(B) To make

(C) Will make

(D) Made

02 Customers are asked to write a specific about their defective

product to get a refund.

(A) explain

(B) explanation

(C) explains

(D) explanative

Lesson 04

Page 19: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Leeson 04 접속사 / 전치사 / 접속부사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


등위 접속사






부사절 접속사










03 Delight Company expects to remain at the top position in the service industry

future net profits will likely decreased.

(A) neither

(B) despite

(C) although

(D) nevertheless

Page 20: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


복합 명사

account information

consumer satisfaction

application form

assembly line

production figures

safety precautions

travel arrangement

명사의 자리

1) 관사 + 명사

2) 형용사 + 명사

3) 소유격 + 명사

4) 전치사 + 명사

5) 명사 + V (주어자리)

6) 타동사의 목적어 S + Vt + 명사

7) 보어자리

04 Final research from Anders Lab. indicates that newly released medicine is safe

for consumer .

(A) use

(B) used

(C) being used

(D) usable

05 As the job market is very tight, among new graduates and job

seekers is increasing significantly.

(A) compete

(B) competition

(C) competitively

(D) competitive

Lesson 04

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Leeson 04 접속사 / 전치사 / 접속부사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 6

Questions 01-03 refer to the following article.

Helathy Body Shop Introduces New Products

The Helathy Body Shop, an England-based company, is planning to

its latest product.

“Fresh Smell Laundry has a pleasing scent, and it cleans clothes at both

high and low temperatures,” she claims.

Ava Murphy has not said exactly when the will be available in Asia.

01 (A) introduction

(B) introduce

(C) Introducing

(D) introduces

02 (A) effective

(B) effectiveness

(C) effectively

(D) effect

03 (A) production

(B) productivity

(C) product

(D) producer

형태가 비슷하여 혼동하기 쉬운 명사

entry 참가, 등록 entrance 입장,입구

permit 허가증 permission 허가

production 생산 product 제품 productivity 생산성

Page 22: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 7

Questions 01-04 refer to the following advertisement.

World Resort Spa

Recently, the number of visitors to World Resort Spa has been increasing rapidly due to the in-

creasing awareness of the importance of well-being and interested in beauty.

World Resort Spa is a wonderful place for relaxation. World Resort Spa offers not only therapeu-

tic baths surrounded only by tropical garden but also healthy cuisine. We also give your children

special memory by providing them unforgettable outdoor activities including golf, horseback

riding and water sports.

Regardless of how long your stay lasts, the World Resort Spa is sure to make you unwind and

relax. Bring this advertisement and receive $50.00 off special treatment massage and the offer is

only good until July 31.

01 What is being advertised?

(A) A hotel

(B) A museum

(C) A restaurant

(D) A spa

02 What feature is NOT mentioned in the advertisement?

(A) Restorative baths

(B) Healthy food

(C) Activities for children

(D) Swimming class

Lesson 04

rapidly surrounded by due to

cuisine awareness regardless of

well-being unwind relaxation

treatment ingredients good


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03 What’s the last date the discount is available?

(A) July 31

(B) April 15

(C) May 1

(D) September 30

04 What is not true about World Resort Spa?

(A) It is growing rapidly.

(B) It is a wonderful place for relaxation.

(C) It provides various activities for children.

(D) It offers special prices this winter.

Leeson 04 접속사 / 전치사 / 접속부사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Page 24: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Lesson 05 재귀대명사 / 수량형용사 / Letter토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 5

01 The protection program helps to accidental transactions to oth-


(A) limit

(B) hurry

(C) achieve

(D) prevent

02 Gentle Apparel will be expanding its branches lucrative

contracts with POP Textile are signed.

(A) as soon as

(B) along with

(C) in spite of

(D) without

등위 접속사






Lesson 05

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03 If your application for the Discovery credit card is accepted, we

a new card in December.

(A) to send

(B) to be sending

(C) will send

(D) has sent

Leeson 05 재귀대명사 / 수량형용사 / Letter 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


부사절 접속사

as soon as












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04 During the meeting, Mr. Jenkins gathered suggestions about

special events.

(A) several

(B) another

(C) often

(D) already

05 Since Ms. Henderson was out sick that day, Mr. Erickson had to fly to Bangkok

to participate in the conference by .

(A) he

(B) his

(C) himself

(D) him


재귀대명사 용법

1) S = O

2) S + V + O + 재귀대명사

3) by oneself

for oneself

단수명사 복수명사 불가산명사 가산·불가산명사

each one of the (a) little, much all

one few (a few) less most

every each of, various a great deal of some, any

another many, several a large amount of a lot of

a variety of other

a(the) number of

Lesson 05

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Leeson 05 재귀대명사 / 수량형용사 / Letter 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 6

Questions 01-03 refer to the following letter.

July 7

7400 Artesia Blvd.

Buena Park, CA 90621

Dear Ms. Fleck

Thank you for applying for the position of research director at University of California.

We are planning to have an interview with you sometime next week. This is a full-time

position and it is closely related to the management of the ongoing research projects.

You will be entitled paid vacations, paid holidays, and premium medical ben-


Your job description and other details will be given during the interview.

Your starting date of working at University of California will be on August 1. If you are in

pursuit of this position, us by this Friday to set up an interview.

If you have questions, please contact me at 714-994-7789.


Welch Frank

01 (A) receive

(B) receiver

(C) to receive

(D) receiving

02 (A) specific

(B) specify

(C) specification

(D) specified

03 (A) appoint

(B) take

(C) notify

(D) revise

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Part 7

Questions 01-04 refer to the following letter.

July 14

Dear family, friends and colleagues

Charity’s Invitation

We are inviting applications for financial assistance from Timothy’s Charity. Timothy’s Charity

donates money to qualified applicants. The money is used to help the old, sick and disabled.

They also provide funds for educational facilities.

Applicants must live within the areas of Westminister and Jacksonville. The charity’s trustees

will meet in August, 2013, to consider applications for assistance.

Please mail your applications to the address below.

Further details and application forms may be obtained from the Clerk to the Trustees, 214 The

Timothy House, South Road, New Heaven, MS 70321. Completed application forms should be

returned by Friday, July 25, 2013.

Elizabeth Griffin

01 Why was this letter written?

(A) To ask for a financial advice

(B) To ask for assistance from charity

(C) To inform residents of a competition results

(D) To announce a new building project

Lesson 05

applications facilities assistance

benefit charity further

qualified details disable


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Leeson 05 재귀대명사 / 수량형용사 / Letter 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


02 What does the charity do?

(A) It helps old and sick people.

(B) It collects money for the church.

(C) It builds a new restaurant.

(D) It provides free art lessons.

03 When is the trustee meeting?

(A) Next week

(B) Next month

(C) Next year

(D) Tomorrow

04 What does Ms. Griffin want people to do after reading this letter?

(A) Return the application in the mail

(B) Sing up for a volunteer

(C) Attend an event

(D) Request an information packet

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Lesson 06 관계대명사 / 분사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 5


1) 주격

선행사N + + V + O (who, which, that)

2) 목적격

선행사N + + S + Vt

(whom / who, which, that)

3) 소유격

선행사N + + S + V + O (whose)

01 High Power recommends a few ways to conserve energy and use energy

more .

(A) efficiencies

(B) efficiently

(C) efficient

(D) efficiency

02 Employees encounter problems with newly installed programs

are encouraged to contact the technical support department.

(A) what

(B) whose

(C) which

(D) who

Lesson 06

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although의 동의어


even if

even though S + V , S + V



분사+명사의 관용구

leading companies

promising member

surrounding cities

existing laws

missing luggage

opposing party

03 fierce competition from other companies, the best pharma-

ceutical company remains at the top position in this field.

(A) Although

(B) Despite

(C) Neither

(D) Unless

04 All conferences supported by leading companies are on organic

food products.

(A) published

(B) focused

(C) explained

(D) progressed

Leeson 06 관계대명사 / 분사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Page 32: Lesson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / · 008 Leeson 01 부사 / 복합명사 / E-mail 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반



job description

consumer satisfaction

application form

assembly line

registration form

production figures

safety precautions

travel arrangement

05 There are a number of quality that home appliances must

pass before they are released to the public.

(A) inspect

(B) inspections

(C) inspecting

(D) inspects

Lesson 06

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Leeson 06 관계대명사 / 분사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 6

Questions 01-03 refer to the following announcement.

Welcome to the Top botanical garden!!

One of the largest botanical gardens in the country is opening next month.

Come and enjoy the beautiful that came from all around the world.

We a wide range of brightly colored flowers and some of these you can only

see here at our place. You can have a chance to taste herb teas while enjoying nature.

On your way out, there is a gift shop where you will be able souvenirs.

Visit our Web site at for more information.

01 (A) statues

(B) plants

(C) trails

(D) birds

02 (A) look

(B) feature

(C) gain

(D) measure

03 (A) buying

(B) buy

(C) have bought

(D) to buy

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Part 7

Questions 01-03 refer to the following notice.

Bestsell Company

Job Title: Sales Representative

Department: Sales


2-3 years sales experience required

Experience in the home building industry a definite plus

Must possess a high degree of self-motivation, and well developed planning, organization and

time management skills

Have excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skills and the ability to present

both product and service capabilities of the company in response to the unique needs of each


Must be flexible to work days, evenings, weekends and holidays as required

Interested parties should submit resumes to [email protected], fax them to 980-555-6228 or

mail the documents to our address.

Only qualified individuals are contacted by us.

01 Where will the successful applicant work?

(A) In the sales department

(B) In the management department

(C) In the customer service department

(D) In the director’s office

Lesson 06

sales representative excellent communication definite

negotiation plus capabilities

possess in response to degree

unique organization flexible

management skills

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02 What is a not stated requirement for the job?

(A) Time management skills

(B) The ability to present service capabilities

(C) Self-motivation

(D) Overseas experiences

03 What is interested individuals must not do to apply for the position?

(A) Turn in resumes

(B) Fax the documents

(C) Send the documents by mail

(D) Contact the office

Leeson 06 관계대명사 / 분사 / Advertisement 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


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Lesson 07 전치사 / 동명사 / Notice토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 5


1) 주격

선행사N + + V + O (who, which, that)

2) 목적격

선행사N + + S + Vt

(whom / who, which, that)

3) 소유격

선행사N + + S + V + O (whose)

‘무료로’ 토익빈출표현

at no extra charge

for free

free of charge

01 The public relation division is still searching for candidates

qualifications best meet the requirements.

(A) who

(B) whom

(C) whose

(D) which

02 The newly constructed fitness centers are now available employees to

use at no extra charge.

(A) for

(B) of

(C) with

(D) by

Lesson 07

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Leeson 07 전치사 / 동명사 / Notice 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


시간을 나타내는 전치사

1) 기간






2) 시점





before / after

동명사를 목적어로 취하는 동사




03 Due to high level of security, please avoid using recording devices

the presentation.

(A) within

(B) since

(C) during

(D) past

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의미는 같지만 부사 / 전치사로 구분되는 표현

as a result / as a result of

instead / instead of

in addition / in addition to

the number of 복수명사 = 단수동사

a number of 복수명사 = 복수동사

04 of the merger with Kio company, the number of the employees

in each department has been reduced.

(A) Resulting

(B) Resulted

(C) To result

(D) As a result

05 Before becoming known for his leadership, director Yamamoto was

for his outstanding performance in sales.

(A) famous

(B) more famously

(C) fame

(D) famously

Lesson 07

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Leeson 07 전치사 / 동명사 / Notice 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


Part 6

Questions 01-03 refer to the following letter.

Dear Customer:

Thank you for choosing our brand among our competitors. We always try our best to

meet the highest standards for quality and durability. our records,

you have always ordered through our catalogs. We also want you to know that you can

use our website to order products and even a refund.

We understand that you may not always be satisfied with products that you buy from


we offer return or exchange service. Please fill out the enclosed form

with this product.

Thank you for shopping for us.

01 (A) Due to

(B) Prior to

(C) In response to

(D) According to

02 (A) requesting

(B) to request

(C) request

(D) requests

03 (A) However

(B) Nevertheless

(C) Moreover

(D) Therefore

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Part 7

Questions 01-04 refer to the following notice.

Notice to Employees of Max Industry Co.

Because of repeated complaints from our customers on our phone services, our company has

decided to extend our hours of phone services. The complaints are primarily about long waiting

times. According to our survey we conducted last month, they spend approximately 7 minutes

waiting for our service representatives and it was truly inconvenient for them.

Now, our service hours are from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday and 10:00 am to 12:00

pm on Saturday. However, as of July 1, our new hours will start 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday to

Friday. Saturday will remain same. All information about new working hours will be posted on

the company bulletin board on June 20. Please read it for future reference.

Those of you who face problems with the new schedule, consult with your colleagues first wheth-

er they may change the schedule. If you still have unsolved problems, notify your supervisor

about it.

Thank you for your cooperation.

01 What is the purpose of the notice?

(A) To inform employees of the change in schedule.

(B) To announce employees of a change of policy

(C) To gather employee’s opinions about the schedule

(D) To encourage employees to take time–off in July

Lesson 07

notice reference complaints

consult with primarily colleagues

conduct unsolved degree notify

approximately supervisor bulletin board


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Leeson 07 전치사 / 동명사 / Notice 토익단기학교 700완성 문제풀이반


02 What is NOT mentioned in the notice?

(A) The phone service hour on Saturday will not be changed.

(B) Company has had many complaints from their customers on the prices.

(C) Schedule of extended working hours will be provided on the bulletin


(D) Employees are advised to talk to their co-workers to clear up the problems

about the new schedule.

03 When does the new service hour take effect?

(A) 6:00 pm Monday

(B) Friday 10:00 am

(C) On July 1

(D) On June 20

04 What must individuals first do if they have problems?

(A) Inform the supervisor

(B) Check the bulletin board

(C) Read reference

(D) Contact their co-workers

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