
Lesson 12 Life on a desert island desert ['d z t] n. [d 'z t] vt. dessert [d 'z t] n. the Sahara Desert (North Africa) [s'h :r ] cactus camel oasis mirage desert island barren mountain island n. Anglo-Saxon: English England n. peninsula Millions of years ago England was a peninsula. unrealistic adj. It was unrealistic to think two people could spend a lifetime together and never squabble =quarrel about anything. Becoming a doctor seemed unrealistic, given the expense and time involved in getting an M. Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. To me, I am just an ordinary guy with realistic goals and big dreams. paradise a place where it is extremely beautiful and pleasant parasite n. The parasite lives in the paradise. Hawaii is a paradise for surfers.(surfer n. ) a shoppers paradise the Garden of Eden (In the Bible, where Adam and Eve, the first humans lived, often regarded as a place of happiness and innocence. ) Heaven (the place where god is believed to live and good people are believed to go when they die.) --be in the seventh heaven: to be extremely happy I felt in the seventh heaven when enrolled/admitted by my dream college. A never-never land a imaginary land where everything is perfect) To many people, America is like the Garden of Eden or a never-never land, but to many others, it is hell on the contrary. wretched adj. (miserable) lead a wretched/miserable/terrible/dogs life. starve v. I am starving. starve to death During the war, a large amount of people starved to death. starve for yearn for I starve for your help in such a condition. element 1)n. The periodic table of the elements 2)a small amount of an element of There is an element of truth in the idea that a cat has nine lives. an element of risk There is always an element of risk in investment. an element of surprise; an element of doubt The four elements are earth and water (heavy), and fire and air (light). In terms of qualities, the heavy elements are strong, negative, passive, and female. The light elements are weak, positive, active, heavenly, and male. elementary adj. elementary school Am primary school Br opportunity n. I found it too good an opportunity to miss. at every opportunity (whenever possible) I will try to speak English at every opportunity. chance : possibility stand good chance WTO China as the largest developing country in the world stands good chance after entering WTO. a chance in a million (a chance very unlikely to happen) Peter Peter found it a chance in million to work in China for he has a great interest in Chinese. occasion a moment when something happens I could meet her on certain occasions. coral n. a hard red or white substance formed from bones of very small sea creatures a coral necklace a coral island a coral reef Virgin Islands islands of West Indies virgin adj. The Blessed Virgin Mary a virgin forest a virgin land Miami a city in the southeast of Florida in the U.S., which is popular with tourists. dinghy n. (a small boat for racing) rubber dinghy dingy ['d nd i] adj. (dark and dirty) a dingy room tanker : a ship to carry gas and oil lifeboat liner ferry motorboat canoe submarine destroyer aircraft carrier freighter Noahs ark destroyer submarine freighter aircraft carrier canoe rubber dinghy genuinely adv. If you apologize genuinely I'm sure everything will be forgotten. I thought they were joking at first, but it seemed they were genuinely interested in the talk about glaciers. When you say something genuinely, you're honest. If you're genuinely worried about your friend getting hurt on her motorcycle, you'll beg her to wear a helmet. Caribbean Pirates of the Caribbean spear gun n. spear a weapon consisting of a long pole with a sharp metal point attached to the end. lobster n.

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