Page 1: Lkkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; ¼fnO;kaxtu l’kfDrdj.k ... · ;kts u kvk@a d k;dZ ez k a dk s / ;ku e a j[ kr s g,q ] tk s H kh e key k g k]s fu/ kk Zj. k c kMs Z dh fl Q k

6186 GI/2018 (1)

jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99


Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (i) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY

la- 759] ubZ fnYyh] eaxyokj] vDrwcj 23] 2018@dkfrZd 1] 1940 No. 759] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018/KARTIKA 1, 1940

Lkkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky;

¼fnO;kaxtu l’kfDrdj.k foHkkx½ अिधसचूनाअिधसचूनाअिधसचूनाअिधसचूना नई �द�ली, 22 अ� तूबर, 2018 सा.सा.सा.सा.काकाकाका....िनिनिनिन.... 1053105310531053((((अअअअ))))....————fn O;kaxrk vf/ kd kj vf/ kfu ;e] 2 0 16 d h / kkjk 10 0 d h mi &/ kkjkv ksa ¼ 1 ½ , oa ¼ 2½ ¼ 20 1 6 d h 4 9½ esa i znR r “kf Dr;k sa d k i z;k s x d jrs g q, d sU nz ljd kj fnO ;kaxt u vf/ kd kj fu;e koy h 2 01 7 d ks l a” kks f/ kr d jus d s fy , , rn~} kj k f uE ufy f[ kr el kS nk fu ;eko y h, b l lss i zH kk fo r g ksus o ky s lH kh laH kkfo r O; f Dr; ksa d h l wp uk d s fy , ] izLrk fo r d jrh gS vkS j , rn~} kjk ;g l wp uk i znku nh t krh g S fd mDr el kS nk ¼ la” kks/ ku ½ fu;ekoy h] ;g vf/ kl wpu k vf/ kd kfjd jkt i = esa i zd kf' kr rkj h[ k l s r hl fn u d h vof/ k d h l ek Ir d s c kn fop kj d h t k, xh A

vki fR r; ka , o a lq> ko ] ;f n d ksb Z g Sa] Jh d s0o h0 , l 0 jko] fu ns” k d ] fnO ;kaxt u l” k fDrd j.k fo H kkx] d ejk la0 5 1 8] 5 o ka ry ] i a0 nhun ;ky vUR;ks n; H ko u] l ht hv ks d kEi y sDl ] y ksnh j ksM ] ub Z fnYy h&1 10 0 03 d ks] lac k sf/ kr fd , t k l d rs g s vF ko k [email protected] b Z esy i j izsf’ kr fd ; s t k l d rs g S A

mi ;qZ Dr fofuf nZ’V l e; vof/ k d h l ekfIr ls i wo Z mDr el kS nk fu;e koy h d s lac a/ k esa] i zkIr g q b Z vki fR r; ksa , o a lq> ko ksa i j d sUnz l jd kj }kjk fop kj fd ;k t k; sx k A

elkSnk fu;ekoyh

1 - y?kq] 'kh"kZ ,oa lhek.—¼ 1½ ;g fu;e fnO; kaxt u vf/ kd k j ¼l a' kks/ ku½ fu ;e] 20 1 8 d g s t k ldr s g Sa A

¼2 ½ ;g fu;e koy h b uds vf/ kd kfjd jkt i = es a i zd k” ku d h fr fF k l s y kxw d h t k, xhA

2 - fnO; kaxt u vf/ kd kj fu; e ] 2 01 7 es]a v/ ;k ; 5 d s Ik”p kr] fuE ufy f[kr v/ ;k; “ kk fe y fd ;k t k, xk] u ke r%

“v/;k; 5 ¼d½

1 4 ¼d½ ¼1½ jkT ; ljd kj@ l a?k jk T; { ks= i z” k kl u og i zkf/ kd kjh vf/ kl w fpr d jsaxs ft l d ks c S ap ekd Z fnO ; kaxr k o ky k O ;fDr vf/ kfu;e d h / kkjk 38 ¼1 ½ d s vuql kj mPp lg k; rk vko”;d rk d s fy , vko snu d j ld rk g S A

¼2½ LF kk;h fnO ;kaxrk i z ek. k&i = j[ku s o ky s d so y cS ap ekd Z f n O ;kax rk vks a o ky s O;f Dr mPp l g k;r k v ko ”;d rk d s fy , vko sn u d jus d s i k= g ksax s A

Page 2: Lkkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; ¼fnO;kaxtu l’kfDrdj.k ... · ;kts u kvk@a d k;dZ ez k a dk s / ;ku e a j[ kr s g,q ] tk s H kh e key k g k]s fu/ kk Zj. k c kMs Z dh fl Q k


¼3½ jkT; ljd kj sa fuEufy f[kr d ks “ kkfey d jrs g q, c Sap ekd Z fnO ;ka xt uksa d h l a[;k d s v k/ kkj i j ft y k vF ko k [k.M Lr j i j fu/ kkZj .k c ksM Z d k xBu d js ax h % &

¼ d ½ ft y k e q[; fp fd R l k vf/ kd kjh vF ko k fl fo y lt Zu vF ko k fp fd R lk v/ kh{ kd &v/ ;{ k

¼ [k½ ft y k l ekt d Y;k.k vf/ kd kjh &lnL;

¼ x½ i kap i quo kZl fo” ks’ kK ¼ ”k kj hfjd fp fd R l k vkS j i quo kZl vF ko k g M ~Mh fo” ks’ kK] d ku &ukd & xy k fo ”ks’ kK] us = fo” ks’kK ] lkekU ; fpfd R ld ¼;fn i z kF kh Z 1 8 o’ kZ d k g S vF ko k m ll s T; kn k g S ½ vF ko k c ky fp fd R l d ¼;fn i z kF kh Z 1 8 o’ kZ l s d e g S½ ] e uksfp fd R l d & l nL;

¼ ?k½ v‚D ;wi s' kuy F ksjsfi LV vF ko k o k d ~ F ksjsfi LV vF ko k uS nkf ud eukso S Kkfud vF ko k fQ ft ;ksF kS jsfi L V ¼ vko”;d rk uqlk j½ & l nL;

¼ M- ½ d ksb Z vU; fo ”k s’ kK ] ft l s v/ ;{k mi ;qD r l e>s & lnL;

¼4½ mi &fu;e ¼ 1½ esa va fd r vf/ klw fp r i zkf/ kd kj h ew Y; kad u g srq i zR ;sd ekey k ml d k@m ld h mP p l g k;rk vko ”;d r k d s fy , fu/ kkZj. k c ksM Z d ks H kst sxk A

¼5½ fu/ kk Zj.k c ksM Z mPp l g k;r k vk o”;d rk o ky s izkF k hZ d ks e wY; kad u d s fy , vke af= r d jsxk vkS j ;fn vko”;d g ks] rks uS nkfud fu/ kk Zj.k d j l d rk g S A

¼6½ fu/ kk Zj.k c ksMZ Ng eki naMksa d s v k/ kkj i j i zkF khZ d k ewY ;kad u d jsxk vkS j fuEu kafd r 10 0 fc U nq xzs fM M vf/ kH kkj d s vk/ k kj i j vad ksa d k fu/ kk Zj. k d jsxk% &

ekinaM vf/kHkkj

¼ d ½ “ kkjhfjd fnO; kaxr k d h xaH k h jrk ¼ vf/ kd re vf/ kH kkj & 2 5½

¼d ½ 4 0%& 59% ¼[ k½ 6 0% & 7 9% ¼x½ 8 0% & 1 0 0%

15 20 25

¼ [k½ ekufld @fod klkRed fnO;kax rk d h xaH khjr k ¼ t ks fd lh lwfp r fu. kZ ; d s fy , O;fDr d ks i zfrc af/ kr d jr h g S ½ ¼ vf/ kd re vf/ kH kkj & 2 5½

¼d ½ 4 0%& 59% ¼[ k½ 6 0% & 7 9% ¼x½ 8 0% & 1 0 0%

15 20 25

¼ x½ O ;fDr d h nS f ud xfr fof/ k;ksa e sa fd l g n rd c k/ kk vk rh g S ¼ vf/ kd re vf/ kH kkj 35 ½

¼1 ½ Luku] e at u] d a?kh d ju k] d i M+s i g uuk A ¼2 ½ “ kkS p ky ; Lo PNrk ¼ ” kkS p ky ; t ku k] Lo ;a g kF k / kksuk] c S d vi vkfn i zk Ir d ju k ½ ¼3 ½ d k;kZRed xfr” khy rk ¼D k;Z d j us d h { ker k] fc Lrj i j y sVuk vkS j mBuk] d ql h Z i j c S Buk vkS j mBuk] fØ ; kd y ki ksa d s nkS jku , d LF kku ls nwlj s LF kku i j t kuk A ¼4 ½ vi us g kFk ls H kkst u d juk ¼[ kku k c ukuk “ kkfey ug ha g S ½





¼ ?k½ laKkukRed {kerk, a t S l s ;krk ;kr] l aH kkj] xS t sVl d s b Lrse ky e sa l q j{ kk mi k ; lEH kafnr lko / kkuh c jruk] xqe u g k sus d h {ke rk A ¼ vf/ kd re vf/ kH kkj & 5 ½



¼ M- ½ o krko j.k c k/ kk, a t S l s Lo kLF ; ns[kH k ky d sUnz vF ko k i quo kZl lg k;rk i z. kk y h vF ko k Lo kLF ; vko ”;d r kv ksa d h i wf rZ rd i g qa p A ¼ vf/ kd re vf/ kH kkj & 5 ½



¼ p½ l ke kft d &v kfF k Zd fLF k fr ¼ vf/ kd re vf/ kH kkj & 5 ½

xjhc h js[ kk l s Åi j xjhc h js[ kk l s u hp s


05 ;ks x 1 00

¼7½ fu/ kk Zj.k c ksM Z mi &fu;e ¼ 6 ½ e sa vafd r a10 0 vad ksa esa l s 6 0 va d i kus o ky s fd lh H kh c S ap ekd Z f nO;ka xt u d ks v f/ kd lg k;r k vko ”;d r k d s fy , flQ kfj”k d j l d rk g S A

Page 3: Lkkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; ¼fnO;kaxtu l’kfDrdj.k ... · ;kts u kvk@a d k;dZ ez k a dk s / ;ku e a j[ kr s g,q ] tk s H kh e key k g k]s fu/ kk Zj. k c kMs Z dh fl Q k

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3

¼8½ fu/ kk Zj.k c ksM Z vf/ kl w fp r i z kf/ kd kjh d ks ew Y; kad u d s fy , d fF kr i zkf/ kd kjh ls i zk Ir vuqj ks/ k d h rkjh[ k ls 90 fnu ksa d h vof/ k e sa vi uh fl Q k fj” k t ek d jsxk A

¼9½ jkT; l jd k j@l a? k j kT; { ks = , sl s c Sap ekd Z f nO;k axt uk sa d k s vf/ kd l g k;r k i zn ku d ju s d s fy , lefi Zr ;kst u k, a fod flr d j ld rs g Sa A

¼10½ mi &fu;e ¼1 ½ esa vafd r fd , vuql kj v f/ klwf p r i zkf/ kd kj h jkT; l jd kj vF ko k la?k jk T; i z” k kl u d h ;kst u kvksa@d k;Zd zek sa d k s / ;ku e sa j[ krs g q, ] t k s H kh e key k g ks] fu/ kk Zj. k c ksMZ d h fl Q k fj” kks a d s vk/ k kj i j vko sn uks a i j mP p lg k;r k d h vko”;d rk d s fy , fo pkj d jsaxsA”

[फा.सं. 16-16/2017-डीडी-III]


(Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities)


New Delhi, the 22nd October, 2018

G.S.R. 1053(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 100 of the Rights

of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016) the Central Government hereby proposes to make the following draft

Rules to amend the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 published for the information of all persons likely to

be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft (amendment) rules shall be taken into consideration

after the expiry of a period of thirty days from the date on which the copies of the Official Gazette in which this

notification is published are made available to the public;

Objections and suggestions, if any, may be addressed to Shri K.V.S. Rao, Director, Department of

Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Room No 518, 5th

Floor, Pandit Deen Dayal Antyodaya

Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110003 or by email at [email protected].

The objections and suggestions which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft rules

before the expiry of the period specified above, will be considered by the Central Government.


1. Short title and extent.—(1) These rules may be called the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules,


(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, after Chapter V, the following Chapter shall be inserted,



14A (1) The State Governments/UT Administrations shall notify the authority to whom a person with benchmark

disability can apply for the high support requirement as per Section 38(1) of the Act.

(2) Only the persons with benchmark disabilities having permanent certificate of disability shall be eligible for applying

for high support requirement.

(3) The State Governments shall constitute assessment board at the District level or Division level based on the number

of persons with benchmark disabilities comprising of the following:-

(a) District Chief Medical Officer or Civil Surgeon or Medical Superintendent........................................


(b) District Social Welfare Officer……………………Member

(c) Five rehabilitation specialists (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation or Orthopaedic specialist, ENT specialist,

Ophthalmologist, General Physician (if the applicant is 18 years or above) or Pediatrician (if the applicant is

less than 18 years), Psychiatrist)…………Members

(d) Occupational therapist or speech therapist or Clinical Psychologist or Physiotherapist (as per


Page 4: Lkkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; ¼fnO;kaxtu l’kfDrdj.k ... · ;kts u kvk@a d k;dZ ez k a dk s / ;ku e a j[ kr s g,q ] tk s H kh e key k g k]s fu/ kk Zj. k c kMs Z dh fl Q k


(e) Any other expert as the Chairperson feels appropriate……….Member

(4) The notified authority mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall refer every case to the Assessment Board for assessment of

his/her high support requirement.

(5) The Assessment Board shall invite the applicant of high support needs for assessment and may, if necessary, seek

clinical assessment.

(6) The Assessment Board shall assess the applicant on the basis of the six parameters and assign scores on the basis of

the 100 point graded weightage indicated below:—

Parameters Weightage

(a) Severity of physical disability

(Max. weightage – 25)

(a) 40% - 59%

(b) 60% - 79%

(c) 80% - 100%




(b) Severity of mental/developmental

disability (which restricts the person

to take any informed decision)

(Max. weightage – 25)

(a) 40% - 59%

(b) 60% - 79%

(c) 80% - 100%




(c) The extent to which daily activities

in a person is hampered

(Max. weightage – 35)

(i) Bathing, Brushing, combing,


(ii) Toilet hygiene (getting to the

toilet, cleaning oneself, getting

backup etc)

(iii) Functional mobility (ability to

work, get in and out of bed, get

in and out of a chair, moving

from place to other while

performing activities)

(iv) Self-feeding (not including






(d) Cognitive Abilities like ability to

take safety measures to use

transport, logistics, gadgets, not to

get lost

(Max. weightage – 5)

- 5

(e) Environmental Barriers like access

to health care or support systems for

rehabilitation or health needs

(Max. weightage – 5)

- 5

(f) Socio-economic status

(Max. weightage – 5)





Total 100

(7) Any person with benchmark disability with a score 60 out of 100 point mentioned in sub-rule (6) may be

recommended by the assessment board for high support needs.

(8) The Assessment Board shall submit its recommendations to the notified authority within a period of 90 days from the

Page 5: Lkkekftd U;k; vkSj vf/kdkfjrk ea=ky; ¼fnO;kaxtu l’kfDrdj.k ... · ;kts u kvk@a d k;dZ ez k a dk s / ;ku e a j[ kr s g,q ] tk s H kh e key k g k]s fu/ kk Zj. k c kMs Z dh fl Q k

¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5

date of receiving request for assessment from the said authority.

(9) The State Government/UTs may develop dedicated schemes to provide high support to such persons with benchmark


(10) The notified authorities as mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall consider the application for high support requirement on

the basis of the recommendations of the assessment board keeping in view the schemes/programmes of the State

Government or UT Administration as the case may be.”

[F.No. 16-16/2017-DD-III]


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