Page 1: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum




Pentru modificarea anexei nr. 1 la Ordinul ministrului cducatici $i ccrceta rii $tiintifice nr. 5088/2015 privind r ecunoa$terea $i echiva larea r ezulta te lor obtinute la examc nc cu recunoa$tere interna tionala pentru certificarea competenteJor lingvis ti ce in limbi straine $i la examene cu recu noa~lerc europea na pentru cer tifkarea competentelor digitale cu probelc d e evalua re a competentelor lingvis lice lntr-o Jimba de circulatie internationala studiata pe parcursul invatamantului licea l, respcctiv de eva!uarc a compctcntclor digitale, din cadrul examenului de bacalaureat

in baza prevederilor art. 77 alin. (5) din Legea educapei nariona lc nr. I /20 I I, cu modificarile ~i completarile ulterioare, ~ i a prevederilor Ordinu lui ministrului educatie i, cercetari i, tincrctulu i ~i sportului nr. 3.753/2011 privind aproba rea unor masuri t1·anzitorii In sisLcmul narional de lnvatamant, cu modificari lc ulterioare, Tn temei ul llotarari i Guvcrn ului nr. 44/2016 privind organizarna ~i func~ionarea M iniste rului Educapei Napo11alc $i Cercctarii $liin~ificc, c:u moclific5ri lc ~ i complcla ril e ulterioare,

ministrul educatie i nationale $i cercetarii $tiiniifkc cmite prezentul ordin:

ART. I - Anexa nr.1 la Ordinul ministru lui educatjei na~ion a l c nr. 5088/2015 privind 1·ccunoa$tcrca $i cchivalarca rezu ltatelor obtinute la cxctmene c..:u n.:cunoa~lere

internationala pentru ce rtificarca competen}elor lingvistice In lirribi straine ~i la examene cu recunoa§tcrc europeana pentru certificarea competenre lor digitale cu probele de eva luare a competen}elor lingvistice lnt1·-o limb8 de circulatic inLemarionala studiata pe parc.:ursu l 'inva~amantu lu i li ceal, respectiv de eva luarc a c.:om p eten~elor cligita le, din cadrul examcnului de bacalaurea l, publicat in Monitorul Of'icial al Romanie i, Partea r, nr. 743 din 5 octombrie 2015, se modifica ~i se ln locuie~te cu anexa care face parte integranta din prczentul ordin. /\RT. JI - Direc~ia generala lnvatamant preun iversitar, Directia pentru lnvatamant In limbi le minoritatilor, inspcctoratele $COlare $i unitatile de tnvaramant due la lndeplinire prevederile rirezentu lui ordin. /\RT. Ill - Prezentul ordin sc publica In Monitorul Oficial a l Romaniei, Pa rtca I.

f3ucu re15i N r. ...) 9 O_t:;' oata -23 . .11. -2 01 G


5lf General Berthelot nr. l8·l0 Sec t11r I. 0 10168. 6ucuri>~ll [<·I: • 402 140567 21. fa~ •4011 113 554 /

Page 2: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

I Nr. crt.






Anexa nr. 1 la OM ENC~ nr. ')905/.2'3 ( 1.1.f/nfru modificorea ordinului ministru/ui educatiei $1 cercetarit $Ciintijice nr. 5088/2015 privind recunoa$terea $i echivafarea rezultatelor obtinute la examene cu recunoa!jtere internationafa pentru cert.ificarea compecentelor lin9vistice In limb1 strame !ji la examene cu recunoa!jtere europeanii pentru certificarea competentelor d1g1tale, cu probe/e de eva/uare a competentei lingvistice lntr-o /1mbci de circulatie internot1onalii studiatci pe porcursul fnvatamantului liceol, respectiv de eva/uore a competentelor di9itale, din cadrul examenului de bacalaureat

LISTA examenelor cu recunoa$tere internationala pentru certificarea competentelor lingvistice in limbi straine, care pot fi

recunoscute ~i echivalate cu proba de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulape internaponala studiata p e parcursul invatamantului liceal, din cadruJ e xamenului de bacalaureat

1. Limba engleza

Denumirea examenului

I Preliminary English Test/PET FOR SCHOOLS First Certificate in English/ First Certificate in English for SCHOOLS Certificate Advanced English

Certificate of Proficiency in English

Business English Certificate · Preliminary ·Vantage - Higher


PET /Preliminary /Preli mi nary for Schools FCE/Fi rst/Fi rst


j CPE/Profic1ency


Notare/ niv el





81 82 Cl

Punctaj/nivel / condipi minime I lnstitutia/organiza! ia pentru recunoa~tere ~i echivalare care elibe reaza

Promovat/ Cambridge English scale: 140-170 Promovat/ Cambridge English scale: 160 - 190 Promovat/ Cambridge English scale: 180 - 210 Promovat/ Cambridge English scale. 200 . 230

Promovat Promovat Promovat

certificatul/ diploma/ administreaza examenul

guag Examinations (Cambridge

I ESOL) -w\ vw .ca mb_rid!?:e~e11Rlt.SJ1&r:g/ University of Cambridge -Cambridge English Language Assessment/former University of Cambridge -English for Speakers of

Othe~ij_~~' Ex~i~ns ( cai:nbridge 7~ ~.

f:t ;I~ - ~,;-.;t-: I = · ~ i}."14'.~f : - - ~ /::: -~ .'1, .:_ •/ ...

-:~.: (s., )" e; ...._, ·:"\ ,I . ~,ft::-;....~, - ,. "·...fs1 r;,, r'''~.,,.



Page 3: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

I ESOL) -WWW.C!lmbridf!E:'C llglish.orgL British Council Romania. 6. International English Language lELTS Punctaj 4 -5 puncte Bl British Co uncil Romania; Testing System 0-9 5,5 - 6,5 puncte 82 Cambridge English

I 7 - 8 pu ncte Cl Language Assessment; 8,5 - 9,0 puncte C2 1 EL TS Australia 7. Test of English as a Foreign TOEFL (iBT) Reading: 57-86 puncteBl Educational Testing Service Language - Internet - based Tests 0 - 30 87- 109 puncte B2 (ETS)

I Listening: 110 - 120 puncte Cl 0 - 30

I Speaking: l I

0 - 30 I

Writing: 0 - 30

I Total - 0 -120

8. Test of English fo r International TOEIC Listening: Listening: I Communicatio n 5 -495 minimum 275 puncte - Bl Reading: minimum 400 puncte - 82 5 - 495 minimum 490 puncte - Cl

I Speaking: Reading I 0 - 200 minimum 275 puncte -Bl

Writing: minimum 385 puncte - B2 0 - 200 minimum 455 puncte - Cl

Speaking minimum 120 puncte -Bl minimum 160 puncte - 82

I minimum 200 puncte - Cl Writing


minimum 120 puncte - Bl I

i minimum 150 puncte - B2 I

~~~R;' , minimum 200 ouncte -Cl I I 9. I TRINITY TRINITY ISE l lSEl-81 I Promovat TRINIT0rge ~onu~ .. , I I lnte~rated Skills in En2lish !SE IJ - 82 , Promovat ~ .t~•,,2 . .. • /f~~,, ~

l· ~ ,s ·~r-1" -- ~y . . ,;: ·~ ·., __ ,y .::.. I

-::;, '(~ . I

... ?tf-:z~~'/ ~~~

Page 4: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

I I ISElll-Cl Promovat ISE IV - CZ Promovat

10. Examenele ECL ECL In dependent Promovat European Consortium for User - Bl the Certificate of Attainment

I Independent Promovat in Modern Languages/ User - 82 Centrul de L1mb1 Strarne al

I Proficient Promovat Universitatii Bucure~ti I User - Cl

111. Basic Communication Certificate in BCCE Bl I Promovat Hellenic American English I University, New

Hampshire/CITE Romania

1 12. Examination for the Certificate of ECCE 82 Promovat Cambridge Michigan Competency in English Language Assessments,

Michigan/CITE Romania

1 13. Advanced Level Certificate in ALCE Cl Promovat Hellenic American English University, New

I , Hampshire/CITE Romania

1 14. Examination fo r the Certificate of ECPE C2 Promovat I Cambridge Michigan Competency in English Language Assessments,


I I I I Michigan/CITE Roma111a 15. Ascentis Anglia ESOL Ascentis Anglia ESOL I Bl - C2 Promovat Anglia Examination

I I Syndicate limited/S.C.

I Eurolink College SRL Romania

16. LRN Entry Level Certificate in ESOL 1- Bl Promovat / Learning Resources International (Entry 3) 40 - 51 puncte , Network - I

1 17. LRN Level 1 Level Certificate in . 82 Promovat / ESOL International 40 - 51 puncte

118. LRN Level 2 Level Certificate in - Cl I Promovat / ESO L International 50 - 64 puncte

i 19. LRN Level 3 Level Certificate 1n 1- C2 I Promovat/ ' I( • • t- \ l :'.)\.<.\ .; •• ··~: . -: ..

ESOL International SO - 64 puncte 7--::v.~. I ~.;' , ... ~::-: ~· ' 20. LRN Entry Level Certificate in ESOL IELCA Bl Promovat / I ~ /~....... _·.,

l International (Entrv 3) I 80 119 puncte I ~ f~ -I I .-- < - r:c-<__. -i~· ~ • •

~¢. \"";_ ~r / .. ~-, -·~"'---...; ' ~ t~1 "'- ,-~,. ,-,,.. ·' ~<"j~-·y ~

- . ~ ............ .. -

Page 5: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

21. 1 LRN Level 1 Level Certificate in I IELCA B2 Promovat I ESOL International 120 - 159 puncte

22. LRN Level 2 Level Certificate in IELCA Cl Promovat / ESOL International 160 -199 puncte

23. LRN Level 3 Level Certificate in IELCA I C2 Promovat I ESOL International 200 puncte

tional All Modes (Entry - I Bl Promovat English Speaking Board 3 1 minimum 55%

25. ESO L International All Modes GCSE B2 Promovat Level 1 82 minimum 55%

26. ESOL lnternatjonal All Modes I GCSE Cl I Promovat _J_ Level2Cl ______ _ 27. ESOL International All Modes

Level 3 C2 I 28. I LanguageCert in International

English for Speakers of Other Languages

29. London Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Qualifications

English Language Skills Assessment

30. London Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Qualifications

Junior English Test, Senior English Test

31. London Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Qualifications

English for Business

GCE A level





- Level4 - Level 5

Level 6

LCCI EfB - Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3


I Bl - C2

Bl 82 Cl

Bl 82 Cl

Bl 82 Cl

minimum 55% Prornovat minimum 55% Promovat

Au fost evaluate toate cele patru cornpeten~e ~i a fost obpnut puncrajul minim, du pa cum urmeaza: Listening, Reading, Writing, Soeaking = minimum 25 ouncte Au fost evaluate toate cele patru competen~e ~i a fost ob~inut

I punctaj~I minim, du pa cum urmeaza:

I Listening, Reading, Writing. . Soeaking =minimum 25 ouncte

Au fost evaluate toate cele patru competen~e ~'a fost obpnut punctajul minim, du pa cum urrneaza: Listening, Reading, Writing. Sneaking= minimum 25 ouncte

PeopleCert Qualifications Ltd. www.lan

Educational Development International (EDI)

l I


Page 6: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

32. Pearson LCCI Pearson EDI Bl Listening minimum Pearson EDI Qualifications Entry 3 JETSET Level 4 0 - 20 puncte 10 puncte - Bl Jre awarded by Pearson Certificate in ESOL International Read mg minimum Education Limiled (CEFR Bl) I 0 - 40 puncte 20 puncte - B 1

Speaking minimum I 0 - 20 puncte 10 puncte - Bl Writing minimum 0 - 40 puncte 20 puncte - Bl Max. minimum 120 puncte 60 puncte - B 1

33. Pearson LCCI Pearson EDI 82 Listening minimum Level 1 JETSET Level 5 0 - 30 puncte 15 puncte - 62 Certificate in ESOL International

I Reading minimum

I (CEFR 82) 0 - 60 puncte 30 puncte - 82 Speaking minimum 0 - 40 puncte 20 puncte - 82 I Pearson EDI Qualifications Writing minimum are awarded by Pearson 0 - 60 puncte 30 puncte - 82 Education Limited Max. minimum 190 puncte 95 puncte - 82

I 34. Pearson LCCl Pearson EDI I ci Listen mg minimum

Level 2 J ETSET Leve! 6 0 - 30 puncte 1 S puncte - Cl Certificate in ESOL International I Reading minimum (CEFR Cl) 0 - 60 puncte 30 puncte - Cl

Speaking minimum I 0 - 40 puncte 20 puncte - Cl

Wrmng minimum 0 - 60 puncte 30 puncte - C1 Max. minimum 190 uncte 95 uncte - Cl

35. Pearson LCCI Pearson EDI C2 Listening minimum Level3 JETSET Level 7 I 0 - 30 puncte 15 puncte - C2 Certificate in ESOL International Reading minimum CEFR C2)_ ____ I I 0 - 60 QUncte 30 QUncte - C2

~'~~ \. \~.;>.J::?u / . :;.,


Page 7: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

i I Speaking minimum

I 0 - 40 puncte 20 puncte - C2 Writing rrnnimum 0 - 60 puncte 30 puncte - C2

I Max. minimum

I I 190 puncte 95 puncte - C2 I

36. Level 1 Pearson LCCI B1 Listening minimum Pearson LCCI Pearson LCCI IQ English for Business 0 - 30 puncte 15 puncte - Bl

l English for Business Level 1

l Reading minimum and Writing 0 -100 puncte 50 puncte - Bl Speaking minimum

I 0 - 100 puncte 50 puncte - Bl Total Bl minimum

I 115 puncte t

37. Level 2 Pearson LCCI 82 Lrstemng minimum Pearson LCCI IQ English for Business 0 - 30 puncte 18 puncte - 82 English for Business Level 2 I Reading minimum

and Writing 0 - 100 puncte 60 puncte - B2 Speaking minimum

' ' I 0 - 100 puncte 60 puncte - 82 Total 82 minimum

l 138 puncte I

38. Level3 Pearson LCCI Cl Listening minimum Pearson LCCI Pearson LCCJ IQ English for Business 0 - 30 puncte 21 puncte - Cl W\<VW.I English for Business Level 3 I Reading minimum

and Wnting :.,:;1 \ ' .;: ::)

' r ·r· 0 - 100 puncte 70 puncte - Cl ,;_ ,.:. ~ .-. .... .

Speaking minimum ~/ .rir~?~

I 0 - 100 puncte 70 puncte - Cl '2 ..:~ '' f,j.,' v . :... s ~\;.~ ""'"""' - _, :: ~;~~ 1-r \ \ - ~";.-p' I

I Tota l Cl minimum -:::._~ ~,,,, .: : - ""' _,

I . '"' >--- _/ .... l'

·~s,~-'/ ~

Page 8: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum


39. Level4 Pearson LCCI English for Business


40. I Pearson Edexcel Entry




Level Certificate in ESOL International (Entry 3)

Pearson Edexcel Entry Level 1 I Certificate in ESOL International


I Pearson Edexcel Entry Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International

I Pearson LCCI IQ English for Business



Pearson Test of English (PTE) General Level 2

Pearson Test of English (PTE) General Level 3

Pearson Test of English (PTE) General Level4






Listening 0 - 30 puncte Reading and Writing 0 - 100 punctc Speaking 0 - 100 puncte Total C2

Listening 0 - 25 puncte Reading 0 - 25 puncte Speaking 0 - 25 puncte Writing 0 - 25 puncte Total Bl

Listening 0 - 25 puncte Reading 0 - 25 puncte Speaking 0 - 25 puncte Writing 0 - 25 puncte Total 82

Listening 0 - 25 puncte Read in

161 puncte

minimum 24 puncte - C2 minimum

80 puncte - CZ minimum 80 puncte - C2 minimum

184 puncte

minimum 13 puncte - Bl minimum 13 punctc - Bl minimum 13 puncte - Bl minimum 13 puncte - Bl minimum 52 puncte

minimum 15 puncte - 82 minimum 15 puncte - 82 minimum 15 puncre - 82 minimum 15 puncte - 82 minimum 60 ouncte minimum 17 puncte - Cl minimum


Pearson LCCI www k




I ~·~-· .....

... . . ./

Page 9: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum


I ' I

I '

I . 43. I Pearson Edexcel Entry Pearson Test of English

Level 3 (PTE) General Certificate in ESOL International Levels


I 2. Limba franceza

Nr. 1 Denumirea examenului Abreviere I

er r.

1. 1 Dipl6me d'etudes en langue fran~a 1se DELF

2. I Diplome approfondi de langue franya ise DALF

3. Test de connaissance du Francaise TCF 4. Test d'evaluation du fran~aise TEF

I I s. L'examen ECL ECL


0 - 25 puncte 17 puncte - Cl Speaki ng minimum 0 - 25 puncte 17puncte-Cl Writing minimum 0 - 25 puncte 17 puncte - Cl Total Cl minimum

68 ouncte C2 Listening minimum

0 - 25 puncte 19 puncte - C2 Reading mi nimum 0 - 25 puncte 19 puncte - C2 Speaking minimum 0 - 25 puncte 19 puncte - C2 Writi ng minimum 0 - 25 puncte 19 puncte - C2 Total C2 mini mum

76 ouncte

Notare/ nivel Punctaj/ nivel / conditii minime pentru recunoa~tere ~i echivalare

Bl Promovat B2 Promovat Cl I Promovat C2 Promovat Al - C2 I Bl Al -C2 I Bl

Bl Promovat 82 Promovat Cl Prom oval

Ed ex el www.pear:;onpte.~·om

lnstitu~ia/organizat:ia care elibereaza certificatul / diploma/ administreaza examenul Centre international d'etudes pedagogiques (CIEP) - Ministere de I' Education Nationale www.t; Chambre de Commerce et d'lndustrie de Paris (CCIP)

Europ~c&W? for the Cerf ~ . ..- or f'\ttti:foment in Moc , - -

. ·-·~ ,, I- ~w

\J;/~1'>. , . . ~ ..... ~ . • r;!"f~frf.\\\•·



Page 10: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

I Centrul National de £xaminare ECL: Eurocenter

I I Amoba SRL I I

3. Limba germana

I Nr. Denumirea examenului Abreviere Notare/ nivel Punctaj / nivel/ condipi lnstitupa/ organizaria care


c rt. minime pentru recunoa~tere elibereaza ~i echivalare certificatul/ diploma/

administreaza examenul l. Das Deutsche Sprachdiplom der DSD 2 82-Cl 82 Standige Konferenz der

Kultusministerkonferenz (Zweite Kultusminister der Lander in der I Stufe) Bundesrepublik Deutschland

I 2. Das Deutsche Sprachdiplom der DSD 1 Bl Bl (Kultusministerkonferenz; KMK) Kultusministerkonferenz (Erste Stufe) I

3. Das Osterreichische Sprachdiplom OSD Bundesministeriu m Deutsch Unterricht. Kunst und Kultur

- Zertifikat Deutsch fiir -/ Bl Promovat (BMUKK) )ungedliche

- Zertifikat Deutsch 82 - Mittelstufe Deutsch -ZD 82 Promovar

I - Oberstufe Deutsch -MD Cl Promovat I

I - Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch -/ C2 Promovat I l

4. I Goethe - Zertifikat 81: Zertifikat - Bl I Promovat Goethe - lnstitut I Deutsch ftir )ungedliche pruefungen

5. Goethe - Zertifikat 81: Zertifikat - I Bl I Promovat G th 1 --~'R(·. Deutsch flir Erwachsene I oe e - r ..... - • " ,

6. Goethe - Zertifikat 82 - B2 Promovat www.goW./ P_i;:,.tJefu ngen

I /..: I -. - /,['~ -

~ -. ""'~,,_-~.,, - r ..... -.. "% <-1 - • - • Y.,· / '~ ..-~,~~>- . • 1., ·~ l.; .-' (I' '>,.\ -~~

Page 11: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum


: 7. Goethe - Zertifikat Cl - Cl I 8. Goethe - Zertifikat C2 : GroBes GOS C2

I Deutsch es Sprachdiplom 9. Der Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache Test DaF Bl+ - Cl

10. ECL - Zertifikat ECL Bl BZ Cl


! •

4. Limba italiana

I :_ I Denumirea examenului Abreviere Notare / nivel

1. Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua CILS Straniere

- Livello Uno Bl - Live•lo Due BZ - Livello Tre Cl - Livello Quatro CZ


12. I. Certificazione della lingua italiana CELI 2 Bl CELI 3 82

I l CELI 4 Cl CELI 5 C2


3. L'esame ECL ECL Bl 82




----· ---B2 Test DaF - lnstitur Promovat European Consortium for the Promovat Certificate of Attai nment in Promovat Modern Languages Centrul National de Examinare ECL: Eurocenter Amoba SRL

Punctaj / nivel/ condipi I Institupa/organizatja care minirne pentru recunoa$tere elibereaza ~i echivalare

Promovat Promovat Promovat Promovat

I Promovat Promovat Promovat

1 Promovat

Promovat Promovat

certificatul/diploma/ administreaza examenul I Universita per_ Stranieri di Siena www.unistras1.1t



Universita per Stranieri di Perugia

European Co Certificate

I:: · 7 .:;;

ff: !<' ~~1l "Z = ~:.

\ ;::. \:!. l =_.~k.~/ , _ ...... ~~_y-


~~r'>-!!0 ~·

:!mW-'-~·' '



Page 12: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum


I j I

5. Limba spaniola

I Nr. Denumirea examenului Abreviere crt.

1. 1 Diploma de Espanol como Lengua DELE Extranjera ·Diploma de Espanol Nivel 81 Bl (Jnicial) · Diploma de Espanol Nivel B2 B2 (lntermedio) - Diploma de Espanol Nivel Cl Cl (1 ntermedio) I · Diploma de Espanol Nivel C2 C2 (Superior)

I - Diploma de Espanol Nivel A2/Bl A2/Bl scolar escolar

I 2. El examen ECL ECL

I I ,. ; - •A -L~~ - ___ _ _ ._ ! _ __ 1 - ,J ... J.... _ _ , __

L _J_ - --!t...-.- . . ~-- .......

Cl Promovat

Notare/ nivel Punctaj/ nivel/ condi!]i minime pentru recunoa~tere ~i echivalare

Bl Promovat

Bl Promovat I

B2 Promovat

Cl Promovac

C2 I Promovat

Bl I Promovat

Bl Promovat B2 Promo vat Cl Promovat

: - n:._ i _ --· -- ... __ ... _, ___ 1:._ .. : ... : - .. .. 1:

Modern Languages WW\V.(.'

Centrul National de Exam1nare ECL: Eurocenter Amoba SRL

lnstitupa/ organizapa care elibereaza certificatul/ diploma/ administreaza examenul Ministerio de Educaci6n -lnstituto Cervantes http:*

European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages Centrul National de Examinare ECL: Eurocenter Amoba SRL www.eurocenter.r~,~_...._, L- - - : - 1" fl"'\r-Vn&->< -"' ,'J

~· -~~ ,.. ,...,. -~' \~~~ ~ ~~0.- /

"<",,..f~ ' · /<c11cq~?.' "'




Page 13: l:L~UCA[I FI · LCCI I ELSA LCCI JETSET -Level4 -Level 5 Level 6 LCCI EfB -Level 1 EfB - Level 2 EfB - Level 3 Cl I Bl -C2 Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl Bl 82 Cl minimum 55% Prornovat minimum

6. Limba portugheza

I Nr. Denumirea examenului Abreviere crt.

I 1. Diploma Elem en tar de Portugues DEPLE Lingua Estrangeira l 2. Diploma Intermedio de Portugues DIPLE Lingua Estrangeira

I 3. Diploma Avan~ado de Portugues DAPLE Lingua Estran~eira

14. Diploma Universitario de DUPLE I Portugues Lingua Estrangeira

7. Limba japoneza

I Nr. Denumirea examenului Abreviere I crt I I i 11. Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT


Notare/nivel Punctaj/nivel /conditii lnstitutia/organizatia care minime pentru recunoa~tere elibereaza certificatul/ diploma/ si echivalare administreaza examenul

Bl Promovat Ministerio da Educa~ao - Centro de Avalia~ao de Portugues Lingua

82 Promovat I Estrangeira (CAPLE) - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Cl I Promovat I

C2 Promovat I

Notare/nivel Punctaj/nivel / condipi Institupa/organizaµa care minime pentru recunoa~tere elibereaza $i echivalare

I N3 - Bl Promovat I N2 - B2 Promovat Nl -Cl 1 Promovat

certificatul / diploma/ administreaza examenul Asocia~ia Profesorilor de Limba Japoneza din Romania

~l\d. ;:l";; _ ·r:;:~ ..... .. , ._"I.· , •• <:,? , J

f 4;;4

~. ~~ ~;,,,1-::!!S,':v ::::. I. <°. "'°•' ~ .. -~ ~,,_;.., • t - - ~-=-· 1~ "' I:: I::- -"'...r., ~v~ , ~ .. ~)',_.. '-' . "'.--.,~ .· .r'rnr[T\.~.\' _,,r ~





l I

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